Imagine This April Edition

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What can I say about the amazing book that took me on a journey with three amazing ladies. The roads they were on to start with and coming into their own. I totally connected with a part of each of them. There was at least one thing about them that I could relate to. Miranda with her work work work, obsessive habit when it comes to an idea or goal. Grace with her care free spirit, because I do try not to let things get to me and just go with the flow. Louise with her wanting to be loved and yet it seems so far away. I can't help but see a bit of myself in all three of these ladies. There were times when I would laugh out loud and other times when I wanted to strangle the man for being such a crazy lunatic. There were times when I couldn't help but smile because I would have loved what had happened in the story to have happened to myself as well. These ladies take on a journey that every woman goes down. The story starts out with Miranda and as the story continues you get to know Grace and Louise as Miranda brings them together and their lives cross paths. They bond with each other and get to know each other, becoming close friends. They tend to look out for each other as well as the story continues, bonding even more. The men in their lives is one thing but the woman trying to destroy everything, Sally, is such a pain in the bottom. I tell you if women could just avoid drama that comes with High School in their adult life then life would be so much easier. Though it is Miranda that Sally is out to get, she uses Grace and Louise to get to Miranda. She is jealous of everything Miranda has and wants to destroy her throughout the entire story. Miranda dodges most of the hits as Sally throws curve balls her way. I was surprised at the way the story ends with such a lovely HEA that I wanted to throw my hands up and say, “HA that's what you get!!!” Pfft... Read Julia’s interview with Entice Me main characters here:

‘Kids, write your own stories’ which hosts 26 Creative Writing Activities for ages 8 +. Let your child create a story where anything can happen. This e-book is purely to inspire and excite children to take a step out of the technicalities and rules of writing. As they write freely letting their imagination guide them. Kids, write your own stories can be purchased from Smashwords here ‘Annabelle’s Angels’ is a sweet story about a young girl who can see angels. A great story that will show your child how magical a world can be, when one believes in the power of angels. Annabelle's Angels can be purchased from Smashwords here ‘Activities for Babies’ is another classic example of Melanie’s creativity in the home. With a young son of her own, Melanie created an e-book for babies aged 6 months +. The activities include items from around the home that will surely give your baby a giggle and a new platform for exploration and learning. Available from Melanie’s next big novel release is Destiny Lane, a fantasy novel that will take readers on a journey of living in a world where the mind creates what you want at the moment you want it. Let your imagination fly. It is anticipated Destiny Lane will be released in mid-2013.

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