Empresario wire issue 3. (Health and Wellness)

Page 1





Editor’s Letter



The Health and Wellness Industry


La Industria de la Salud


EDITORIAL Nelson Soler Araceli Santoyo Emmanuel Villagomez

Legal Things to know when Starting a Business.


¡Planear su Empresa Antes de Abrir es Imprescindible!

7 8 LifeStyle LifeStyle 9


Web Presence can be a Business Opportunity and a Headache

Cover Story

Adding Physical Activity to your Life

Ana Docta from KasAna Good To Go, LLC talks about the challenges she has faced to

Dancing! The Fun Alternative to Exercise

become a successful Organic Gourmet Company in Wisconsin.

0 FEATURES 12 Interview

¡Bailar! El Secreto Alternativo De Ejercicio



¡Nuestro Puntaje de Crédito Nos Define!

Kasana Good to Go LLC, una Compañia Exitosa.



Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

The Importance of a Good Business Presentation


ART José Cubias Natalia De los Ríos PRODUCTION Nelson Soler José Cubias PUBLISHING MEI

Kasana Good-to-Go, LLC a Thriving Concierge Gourmet.

13 Entrevista

CONTRIBUTORS Nelson Soler Dawn L. Drellos-Thompson Marina Croft Phillip Martinez Roman A. Smith Luis Hernández Rocio Juaréz

Our Credit Score Define Us!


Business Directory Directorio de Negocio





your yearly

Subscription Today !! GO TO www.multiculturalinstitute.com

SALES Nelson Soler CONTACT US Empresario Wire 612 W. National Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53204 Tel: 414-383-4633 soler@multiculturalinstitute.com www.empresariowisconsin.com Empresariowire is published quarterly by MEI, Inc. MEI accepts freelance contributions; however, there is no guarantee that manuscripts or photos will be returned. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited. All rights reserved. Design, photography, and art used and contained in this publication is the exclusive property of MEI, Inc. Content and photography provided by client’s property. Some articles are the property of the writers and sources who provided the information. MEI is nos responsible for the offerings of the advertisers.


Certainly, you can no longer escape that diet commercial or that magic exercise tool that reduces inches from your waist. Despite how comical these advertisements can be, we must seriously evaluate what we do and what we eat. Heart disease, diabetes, and pneumonia are among the top 10 causes of death in the US (Center for Disease Control). Heart Disease has been linked to smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure and diabetes. 26 million Americans have diabetes which is also linked to obesity, sedentary lifestyle and high consumption of certain processed foods. At the end, there are a lot of interrelations between conditions, and strong linkages to our diets and sedentary lifestyles. There is no doubt that individuals have and will continue to become aware of health and wellness issues. This new “Healthiness” knowledge is leading to personal accountability; and thus, creating opportunities for entrepreneurs to grow in the areas of local food, organic foods, nutrition consultation, gyms, allergen-free food production, wellness centers, among other new ventures. Our issue explores entrepreneurial opportunities in this space while aiming to raise awareness about health and wellness issues.



a industria de la salud ha crecido mucho en los últimos diez años. La venta de comidas saludables excede 500 billones de dólares anualmente con gigantes como McDonald’s y WalMart vendiendo éstos productos. Esto no incluye las ventas de la industria de los productos dietéticos la cual es $157 billones según se estimó en el 2007. El crecimiento de estas industrias se debe a dos factores: el aumento en nuestro conocimiento de enfermedades y la educación acerca de las condiciones que las causan. Ciertamente no nos podemos escapar de esos comerciales televisivos que nos prometen dietas mágicas o equipo de ejercicio que maravillosamente reduce pulgadas de la cintura. A pesar de lo cómico que estos comerciales pueden ser, es indiscutible que nosotros debemos de tomar seriamente lo que hacemos y lo que comemos. Enfermedades del corazón, la diabetes y la neumonía se encuentran entre las primeras 10 causas de muerte en nuestro país. Estas enfermedades han sido vinculadas a condiciones que podemos evitar. Por ejemplo, las enfermedades del corazón se vinculan con obesidad, fumar, presión alta, estilo de vida sedentario y diabetes. A la vez 26 millones de personas en los EE.UU. padecen de diabetes, enfermedad que se vincula con obesidad y consumo de alimentos inadecuados. Al fin, casi todas las enfermedades que se pueden prevenir se entrelazan en dos condiciones que podemos controlar: balanceado consumo de alimentos y un estilo de vida inactivo. No hay duda que nosotros continuaremos aprendiendo más de las razones que causan estas enfermedades y de cómo se pueden evitar. Esta nueva sed de conocimientos acerca de la salud nos está forzando a ser más responsables con nuestros cuerpos generando una serie de oportunidades para empresarios en las áreas de comida local, comida orgánica, comida para los que tienen alergias, gimnasios, consultorías de salud entre otras áreas. Esta edición la dedicamos a discutir algunas de estas oportunidades y también a incrementar nuestros conocimientos acerca de nuestra salud física y mental.


Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

he Health and Wellness industry has boomed in the last ten years. The healthy foods retail industry is a 500 USD billion industry ( The Wellness Report by Paul Zana). Giants such as McDonalds and Walmart have embraced and profited from this growing segment. This does not account for the 156 billion in sales for weight loss products in 2007. Both gross sales numbers are impressive. This upward trend can be attributed to two basic reasons: increased knowledge of medical and psychological diseases and increased deaths for controllable and avoidable conditions.




Editor’s Letter

Nelson Soler




Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012


LEGAL Dawn L. Drellos-Thompson



Things to Know

When Starting a Business

What differentiates your business from others? Does your business offer a needed product or service that is not currently being offered within your geographical location?

2) Analysis of your market. Who is your potential customer? What are their needs? What is the correct price for your product or service? Who are your competitors? This information can help determine market need and revenue growth potential. Your local Chamber of Commerce Association may be able to provide this information or direct you to other resources.

3) Marketing Plan. How do you promote your business to potential customers? What is your marketing budget? Which strategies will you use? For instance, will you use direct mailing or internet

4) Management Plan. How will your business be managed (e.g. member-managed LLC or a Chief Operating Officer)? Who will make up your business team and the chain of command for day to day business operations or large acquisitions? How many employees will you need and what will be their employment classification? How much will you pay yourself and your employees?

5) Financing your Business. Capitalization is probably one of the most important and underestimated aspects of starting a business. How much money will be needed for your initial capital contribution? Will your business have access to a line of credit or cash until the business generates its own reliable revenue stream? Starting a business with 100% commercial financing is impossible. Let’s expand on proper capitalization, as it cannot be emphasized enough. Without an adequate initial capital investment and access to a cash fund, a potentially good business may find itself in serious financial trouble before it even sees its first customer. Inadequate capitalization may lead to bad credit issues such as the calling-in of loans or the cutoff of vital lines of credit.

Having limited capital may also lead to the co-mingling of funds or fraudulent money practices causing the loss of corporate liability protection, otherwise known as piercing the corporate veil. As an example, during the 2008 economic downturn some construction contractors were accused of theft by contractor when they used money from a later project to pay the costs of an earlier project, and then failed to complete the later project, or converted the money for personal use. Theft by contractor carries both civil and criminal penalties that may pierce the corporate veil, bringing personal liability upon the business owner. After the business owner has drafted a business plan and has established the initial amount and sources of capital needed to start and operate the business, the next decision is choosing the proper business entity. We will cover that topic in our next issue. Note: Most attorneys offer free initial consultations to discuss your business plans or, in some cases, will meet and charge a nominal fee to meet. It is worth your time to consult with a business attorney, even for a nominal fee, which may save you a considerable amount of time and stress in the long run.

Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

1) Description of your company and its features.




ell before selecting a business entity or soliciting business customers, all potential business owners need to ask themselves some basic and important questions. These questions are the base for a business plan. This plan should be a realistic snapshot of the business that includes the following elements:


¡Planear su Empresa Antes de Abrir es Imprescindible!


ntes de seleccionar la entidad legal de un negocio o empezar a buscar clientes todo empresario potencial tiene que hacerse unas preguntas básicas e importantes. Estas preguntas son la base para un plan de negocios. Este plan debe de ser un resúmen realista de su idea empresarial y debe de incluir los elementos enlistados a continuación:

1) Descripción de su empresa y sus productos. ¿Qué diferencia a su negocio de los demás? ¿Ofrece un producto o servicio que nadie más ofrece en su área geográfica?

2) Análisis de Mercado. ¿Quíen es su cliente? ¿Cuáles son sus necesidades? ¿Cuál es el precio correcto para su producto o servicio? ¿Quíenes son sus competidores? ¿Qué productos y servicios ofrecen?

3) Plan de Mercadeo.


Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

¿Cómo va a promocionar su negocio? ¿Cuál es su presupuesto? ¿Qué estrategias de promoción usará? Por ejemplo, se promocionará por correo o por el internet.


4) Plan Gerencial. ¿Quíen manejará su empresa? ¿La manejará ústed como dueño o tendrá un director ejecutivo? ¿Quién estará en su equipo de trabajo? ¿Quién tomará las decisiones diarias o decisiones de compra? ¿Cuántos empleados necesita y como los

clasificará? ¿Cuánto se pagará usted y a sus empleados?

5) Plan Financiero. Capitalizar un negocio es algo subestimado por muchos empresarios. Necesitamos tener el suficiente dinero no solo para empezar pero también para correr el negocio. La pregunta básica es: ¿cómo mantendremos el negocio en lo que obtenemos suficientes ventas? Extendámonos en este tema de capitalización, ya que de este tema se puede hablar mucho. Si no tenemos los suficientes fondos en efectivo (cash) para invertir en un negocio, ya empezamos mal. Nos podemos encontrar en problemas por falta de dinero antes de recibir al primer cliente. También el no tener suficiente capital para la inversión y mantenimiento de un negocio nos puede llevar a enfrentar problemas de crédito. El tener capital inadecuado nos puede llevar a situaciones difíciles como la de usar el dinero del negocio para gastos personales causando problemas legales. Si usamos los fondos del negocio para pagar nuestra hipotéca personal o la colegiatura de nuestros hijos vamos a perder todas las protecciones legales de tener una empresa. Algunos le dicen a esta acción la ruptura del velo corporativo. Básicamente si nos demandan como negocio no importa si tenemos compañía o LLC somos personalmente responsables y nuestra propiedad personal también está en juego. Por ejemplo,

en el 2008 un subcontratista fue contratado para varios proyectos por otro contratista grande. El subcontratista no tenía dinero para cubrir los gastos de operación de su negocio y usó un adelanto que le habían dado para esto. Después se quedó sin fondos para completar el proyecto para cual le habían adelantado el dinero por lo que fue demandado por robo. ¡Esta demanda causó penalidades civiles y criminales para el dueño del negocio y para su compañía! Después que un empresario ha desarrollado su plan de negocios y planeado sus necesidades de capital (dinero), el siguiente paso es elegir que estructura legal va a usar para su negocio. Este tema será discutido en la próxima edición. Recuerde que hay abogados que le pueden ayudar con la planeación de su negocio. Muchos tienen consultas gratis. Asegúrense de evaluar y preguntar todos los costos por adelantado. A veces es mejor invertir un poco, que perderlo todo.

MARKETING Nelson Soler



Web Presence Can be a Business Opportunity and a Headache

If you decided that a web presence is imperative for your business as part of your overall marketing strategy, at minimum, please consider the following:

1. Register the domain yourself. There are several popular well established services that allow you to do so, such: as 1&1.com, godaddy. com and register.com. Their prices, terms and conditions vary

2. Don’t sign any contracts with any web developer until a lawyer, or a trusted third party has read it. Remember that all contracts are negotiable. Look for: • Early terminations fees • Your rights to the access the content • Time the developer will take to

complete the site • Determine if the developer will assign, or subcontract, another organization to complete the work • Ask for a disclosure of ALL fees • Read carefully all copyright clauses When dealing with an out-of-state developer, ensure you get, and verify, their name, address, phone number and that they are a legally registered enterprises. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Please ensure you do your due diligence before hiring any professional service for your business, don’t just let price, or

cheap talks, drive your decisions. Always consult your advisory business team, check references and read every single line of contracts given to you. Why should a business consider having a Web site? • Customers are asking for it • Helps your business sales grow • Provides your business with extended office hours • Provides you a tool to communicate with customers • Enhances your ability to market your services to a world wide audience • Provides your potential customers information when they are researching your company to ensure you are a legitimate business When you decide to create a Web site, consider the following: • Ensuring that the Web site image is congruent with your brand • It is part of your overall business strategy, and makes sense to your type of business • What is the use of the Web site? Communications? Commerce? • Ensure you have a plan to update it regularly, otherwise the value of it will diminish over time

Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

Every day, we hear horror stories of business owners who have their brand trapped in a domain by a third party, others who were sold websites for which they have no access for update, or others who have been forced to pay outrageous fees to gain access to their own content. The worst part is that all you can do is sue these individuals, and by the time the courts handle your issue, you have lost sales oportunities, money and wasted your time.

considerably so make sure you do read the fine print and understand your rights. Never transfer the website to a website developer!



ith over 77% of the U.S. population using the Internet, and 25,599 billion dollars going into ecommerce sales in 2010 (Census Bureau), many small business owners are jumping to the opportunities that a web presence can provide them with. Unfortunately, many business owners are being taken advantage of by unscrupulous “selfproclaimed” web experts and/or developers.



Adding Physical Activity to Your Life There are a lot of ways to get the physical activity you need! If you’re thinking, “How can I meet the guidelines each week?” don’t worry’!. You’ll be surprised by the variety of activities you have to choose from. To meet the guidelines for aerobic activity, basically anything counts, as long as it’s done at a moderate or vigorous-intensity for at least 10 minutes at a time. Stick With It! By picking physical activities you enjoy and that match your abilities, it will help ensure that you stick with them. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some examples.

Example 3: Mix of Moderate & Vigorous Intensity Activity and Muscle Strengthening Activity Sunday: 30 minute brisk walk Monday: 15 minute jog Tuesday: Weight training Wednesday: 30 minute brisk walk Thursday: Weight training Friday: 15 minute jog Saturday: 30 minute brisk walk Total: The equivalent of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity + 2 days muscle-strengthening activity When to Check With Your Doctor!

Example 1: Moderate Intensity Activity and Muscle Strengthening Activity Sunday: 30 minute brisk walk Monday: 30 minute brisk walk Tuesday: 30 minute brisk walk Wednesday: Weight training Thursday: 30 minute brisk walk Friday: 30 minute brisk walk Saturday: Weight training Total: 150 minutes moderate-intensity aerobic activity + 2 days muscle-strengthening activity


Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

Example 2: Vigorous Intensity Activity and Muscle Strengthening Activity


Sunday: No activity Monday: 25 minute jog Tuesday: No activity Wednesday: 25 minute jog and weight training Thursday: No activity Friday: Weight training Saturday: 25 minute jog Total: 75 minutes vigorous-intensity aerobic activity + 2 days muscle-strengthening activity

doing activity that requires moderate effort is safe for most people. But if you have a chronic health condition such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, or other symptoms

be sure to talk with your doctor about

the types and amounts of physical activity that are right for you.

lifestyle Marina Croft



Dancing! The Fun Alternative to Exercise

Marina Garza Croft is a lawyer advising small businesses and works as an Administrative Law Judge for the State of Wisconsin. She is also the owner and Executive Director of the Dance Academy of Mexico. The Academy teaches Mexican folkloric dances and Aztec dances for everyone and it is located at the corner of 9th and Mitchell. For more information call 414-559-2005 or email academiamexico@hotmail.com


itness and self-image issues are probably one of the hardest things to deal with when it comes to children. As a mother of a 9-yearold boy, I never imagined he would have any self-image concerns at such a young age. But the media bombards us with stereotypes that can make anyone feel bad about themselves, let alone a child. You do not want to lie to your child, encourage his concerns with negative remarks, or worse, ignore them altogether and sweep them under the rug because the issue is simply not going to go away. It is easy to say children should eat healthy and exercise regularly but that may be a difficult task to accomplish with busy schedules and climate issues that make it difficult to perform the same activity all year round. Organized activities and sports are available choices, but dancing may be a fun alternative for your child. There is such a wide variety of dance styles and types of music available that you are certain to find one that would engage your child. Mexican folkloric dances, for example, allow for a great cardio workout that incorporates it all in one activity; you work on your legs, arms, and core muscles all at once! Additional benefits of this type of dancing are:

• Stamina –you perform at a fast pace and with heavy costumes for additional workout benefits; • Socialization –interacting with children of different ages and backgrounds helps with their social skills, essential for a balanced formation; • Exposure –there are many experiences that money can buy, but nothing will ever compare to sharing incredible dance experiences and memories with 30 of your peers.

Regi st cón ro GRAT este I anun S cio

Clases de Danzas Azteca - Danza Folklórica Mexicana - Latin Cardio

Aprende – Baila - Diviértete AUDICIONES ABIERTAS Sábados @ 10am Edades 18+ BECAS disponibles NO experiencia necesaria

Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

• Self-confidence –essential for every child’s formation, you perform in front of a live audience which does wonders for your selfconfidence;

1663 S. 9th Street Esquina de 9 & Mitchell Frente al estacionamiento Tel. 414-559-2005 danceacademyofmexico.com


• Concentration –you learn complicated footwork and choreographies to keep your mind sharp;



¡Bailar! El Secreto Alternativo de Ejercicio Por la Abogada Marina Garza Croft


uestiones de mantenerse en forma y de apariencia física son probablemente algunas de los temas mas difíciles de discutir cuando se trata de niños. Como madre de un niño de 9 años, nunca me imaginé que tuviera que lidiar con situaciones de apariencia física siendo el tan chico. Pero los medios de comunicación estan llenos de estereotipos que pueden hacer sentir mal a cualquiera; con mayor razón a un niño. Es fácil decir que los niños deben comer saludablemente y ejercitarse regularmente pero esto puede ser muy difícil de lograr con los horarios ocupados y situaciones del clima que hacen difícil que se realise la misma actividad todo el año. Actividades organizadas y los deportes son opciones disponibles, pero el bailar quizás sea una alternativa divertida para tu hijo. Hay tantos estilos de baile y de música disponibles que seguro encuentras uno que le guste a tu hijo.


Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

Los bailes foklóricos mexicanos, por ejemplo, proporcionan un programa de ejercicio que lo incorpora todo en una sola actividad; trabajas las piernas, los brazos, y el torso al mismo tiempo. Algunos beneficios adicionales de este tipo de baile incluyen:


• Concentración –aprendes pasos complicados y coreografías que mantienen tu mente alerta; • Auto-estima –esencial para la formacion de todo niño, el presentarse frente una audiencia en vivo hace maravillas para su auto-estima;

• Resistencia y Vigor –las presentaciones son rápidas y utilizas trajes pesados para mayores beneficios; • Socialización –el interactuar con otros niños de diferentes edades y orígenes les ayuda con su habilidad social, esencial para una formación balanceada; • Experiencias inolvidables –hay muchas experiencias que el dinero puede comprar, pero nada se compara con el compartir increíbles memorias de baile con 30 de tus amigos.

Fun Facts

The retail price for the iPad would be $1,140 if it were built by American workers instead of Chinese.


The Gmail logo was designed the night before it was launched.

3. 4.

Amazon sells more e-books than printed books.



Dell’s first advertisement was made on the back of a pizza box.


Dell Computers was started by a 19 year old with only $1,000.


The founder of McDonald’s has a Bachelor Degree in Hamburgerology.

All 3 founders of Apple worked at Atari before forming Apple.


Yahoo! was originally called ‘Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web’.

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft was a college drop out.

first owner of the Marl10.Theboro Company died of lung cancer.


Sounds and Movements of Mexico

Where the past and the present come alive! Mexico Indigena Indigenous Mexico

a del Danz

Sonidos y Movimientos de México

do Vena

Danza de los Quetzales

Presented by: Ballet Folklórico Poctli Yancuic & Ballet Folklórico México Hnos. Ávila

Ceremonia Azteca

Latino Veterans Exhibit

Our Pride... Our Heroes Featuring: • Latino Medal of Honor recipients display • Milwaukee’s Mexican-American Silver Star Medal recipients display • Escuadrón 201 Photographic Exhibition / History /Video - Presented by Historian Bill Luna • Military Uniform Exhibit : WW II to the Present

Aztec Ceremony

Presented by: Ballet Folklórico México Hnos. Ávila

Mariachi World Heritage Presented by: Mariachi México Vive; Ballet Folklórico Poctli Yancuic; Escuela de Danza Clásica de la Secretaría de Cultura de Jalisco

Stacked logo with gold drop and slight gradation on red

Horizontal logo with gold drop and slight gradation on red


Pok-Ta-Pok Ballgame of the Ancient Maya Presented by: Ballet Folklórico México Hnos. Ávila

Lucha Libre Wrestling

North of Cultural Pavilion


For more information: Tel: 414.383.7066 • E-mail: info@mexicanfiesta.org • www.mexicanfiesta.org

• Cultural Pavilion • Procession & Mass • National & International Entertainment • Science Expo • Car & Motorcycle Show • Fiesta Rock Stage • Pan de Feria • Contest And Much More!! Scan code for more information.

Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012


• Heart disease: 599,413 • Cancer: 567,628 • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 137,353 • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,842 • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 118,021 • Alzheimer’s disease: 79,003 • Diabetes: 68,705 • Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,692 • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,935 • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 36,909


10 Business Facts

Number of deaths for leading causes of death





Ana Docta

Q How did you become interested in starting a

business in the culinary arts?

A “Well, I have extensive experience working in the Hospi-

tality and Entertainment Industry in South America and Europe for many years. I also had own my restaurant in Brazil before coming to the U.S.A. over a decade ago. Thus, my passion for the culinary arts has always being part of me. Cooking is not just a pleasurable thing but also a philosophy of life because I literally believe that “We Are What we eat!”

These Good-to-Go Vending machine items are KasAna’s attempt to provide Healthier, Natural and Nutritional food options that are fast, convenient, affordable, and ready-togo for the consumer.”

Q What services and products do Kasana (your business) offers?

A “KasAna offers four in distinct services: **KasAna Concierge Gourmet **KasAna Good-To-Go **KasAna Salud **KasAna Conferencing/Menu and Kitchen Designs” Excellent.

Q My interest today is in learning more about


Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

your newly created venture: Kasana Good-toGO”. Can you tell me more about that service?


A **KasAna Good-To-Go is a line of organic / healthy / gourmet / high end food items for vending machines and small on the go setting type venues. “The menu items include foods and drinks made with fresh ingredients which are Organic, Green, Responsibly Grown, and as much as possible, Locally Grown. The items are perishable (no preservatives added) and have a short shelf life, so they are delivered and collected regularly on scheduled expiration days.

Q I learned that KasAna Good-to-Go has a philanthropic mission. Can you tell more about what that mission is? A “Our business model is based on a philanthropic and social concept. Food manufacturing and preparation takes place at the Ascension Lutheran Church. We also provide job and training opportunities for Milwaukee Excel High School students to learn about culinary arts while to motivating them to develop other soft skills.”

Q What is your business philosophy?

“Part of our philosophy is to use organic produce grown in urban gardens, local farmers and aquaponics local facilities. We also promote the use of composting material to be utilized in urban gardens; use recyclable, biodegradable and/or compostable packaging; and last but not least, we have employee profits sharing. “We are for profit and for the growth of the community”.


Entrevista con Ana Docta

P ¿Cómo se interesó en empezar un negocio en el

Kasana intenta proveer opciones saludables, naturales y nutritivas para los consumidores.”

R “Bueno, yo tengo una experiencia extensiva en ésta área ya que trabajé en la industria de hospitalidad y de entretenimiento en Sudamérica y Europa por mucho tiempo. También tuve la oportunidad de tener mi propio restaurante una década atrás en Brasil antes de relocalizarme en los Estados Unidos. Por lo tanto, mi pasión por el arte culinario no es nueva, siempre ha existido. Cocinar para mí no es solamente una actividad placentera pero una filosofía de vida. Yo creo firmemente que: ¡Somos lo que Comemos!”

P Entiendo que KasAna Good-to-Go tiene una mis-


R “Nuestro modelo de negocio está basado en un concepto filantrópico y social. La preparación de comida se realiza en la iglesia Luterana Ascención. También brindamos oportunidades de trabajo a jóvenes de la escuela Milwaukee Excel para que aprendan más acerca de las artes culinarias mientras los motivamos a desarrollar otras destrezas.”

su empresa KasAna ofrece?

P ¿Cual es tu filosofía de negocios?

“KasAna ofrece cuatro servicios distintos: **KasAna Concierge Gourmet **KasAna Good-To-Go **KasAna Salud **KasAna Conferencing/Menu and Kitchen Designs”

R “Parte de la filosofía nuestra incluye usar productos cultivados en jardines urbanos, usar agricultores locales y facilidades acuapónias. También promovemos el uso de abono natural con desperdicios de la cocina, el uso de empaque reciclable, biodegradable o que se pueda usar como abono para plantas. Finalmente creemos en compartir las ganancias de la compañía con los empleados. Estamos para ganar dinero y crecimiento de la comunidad.” .

P Excelente. Mi interés hoy es aprender más de tu nueva aventura empresarial: Kasana-Good-ToGo. ¿Me hablas un poco más de éste servicio?

R “KasAna Good-To-Go es una línea de comidas para máquinas de venta que es orgánica, saludable, y fina. El menú incluye comidas y bebidas hechas con ingredientes frescos que son orgánicos, verdes, cultivados responsablemente y hasta donde es posible cultivados localmente. Los alimentos no son durables ya que no se les añaden preservativos. Por lo tanto, estos tienen corta vida y son entregados y colectados frecuentemente. Con estos alimentos provistos para la venta en máquinas que son rápidos, accesibles, convenientes y listos para llevar;

Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

P ¿Cuáles son los servicios y productos que

ión filantrópica. ¿Me puedes hablar un poco de esa misión?


arte culinario?


Young Adult Corner

Teenagers and Sex Perspective Young Adult Corner by Roman A. Smith There is nothing you can really tell a teenager to make us listen or follow your rules. You can only share your knowledge and hope that we take your advice and use it. When we are out of the house we may be a different person than the one you know. Remember, that we, as teenagers, are just beginning to find ourselves. It is not easy for a us to grow up responsibly when we have so many distractions and expectations in our society. Having to worry about what other people think of us, trying to satisfy you (parents), trying to fit with our friends and others; makes our lives difficult. Thus, all these pressures can cloud our judgement.

Once you realize this and understand that you cannot be around us all the time; you must get involved in our preparation for the world. You need to prepare us specially when it comes to the topic of sex. You need discuss with us safe and responsible sex. We know it is not going to be an easy and comfortable discussion yet it is necessary. Not talking to us is not going to prevent us for engaging in sex. Yet it can help ensure we are responsible and safe. I can tell you that my friends are not the best source of sexual education. As I continue to learn about their mistakes. Some of them have been

infected with venerial deseases, others have gotten their girlfriends pregnat. I am unsure if I am ready to be a parent and I am sure I want to go to college, get a job and have a bright future. Finally, I challenge you to support sexual education in schools. This help us supplement the street knowlegde we get from our friends. Of course, school health courses could never replace your wisdom and parental guidance. Talk to us! Be unafraid! by: Roman A. Smith

My Perspective On Teenagers & Health Issues Young Adult Corner by Luis Hernández


oo many teenagers think of the moment and not enough about their future. When I found out that one in four teenage girls have a sexually transmitted infection, it made me stop and think. I asked myself, should I be monogamous? Or should I follow my friend’s advice and be a player?


Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

I believe that the STI rate in Wisconsin, is out of control, among youth because most people who are sexually infected range between the ages fourteen and twenty-four. About 50% of people in Wisconsin that have a sexually transmitted infection live in the county of Milwaukee. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that there are 253,500 new cases of sexually transmitted infections in Wisconsin each year. Most of us in Milwaukee are of Hispanic or African-American descent. I know for sure I don’t want to take the risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection. It was even scarier to discover that most infections do not present symptoms right away.


I have always protected myself with condom for the fear of getting infected and the fact that I have limited access to insurance. I learned about sexual disease transmission and prevention through friends that worked at Planned Parenthood. I also had the chance to take a health class in school that discussed these issues; unfortunately not all schools use that curriculum. As young adults we must try and keep ourselves safe and plan for the future because nobody will plan it for us. by: Luis Hernández


uchos jóvenes piensan solo en el momento y no lo suficiente en el futuro. Cuando yo descubrí que una de cada cuatro mujeres jóvenes tiene una infección transmitida sexualmente, me hizo detenerme y pensar. Me pregunté a mi mismo: ¿debo de ser monógamo? ó ¿debo de seguir los consejos de mis amigos y ser un mujeriego? Lo que si se es que no quiero tomar el riesgo de que se me pegue una infección venérea. Aun me asuste más cuando me enteré que la mayoría de las infecciones venéreas no presentan síntomas. Yo creo que la incidencia de enfermedades venéras está fuera de control en Wisconsin entre los jóvenes. La mayoría de las personas infectadas tiene entre 14 y 24 años de edad. Cerca del 50% de estas personas viven en el condado de Milwaukee donde la mayoría de los infectados son hispanos y afroamericanos. Yo siempre me he protegido usando un condón por el miedo de ser infectado y el hecho de que no tengo buen seguro médico. Yo aprendí de estas enfermedades y de cómo prevenirlas a través de amigos que trabajaban en la Prevención Familiar. También tuve la oportunidad de tomar una clase de salud en mi escuela donde se discutió también el tema. Desafortunamente, no todas las escuelas tienen ese currículo. Como jóvenes todo lo que podemos hacer es el cuidarnos y mantenernos seguros, si no planeamos nuestro futuro, nadie lo planeará por nosotros. por: Luis Hernández

Self improvement by

Phillip Martinez

Life Coach / Counselor

The Importance of a Good Business Presentation... Two great local resources to make your business presentation a successful one!

One of my favorite TV series is called “Shark Tank” where a panel of entrepreneurs and business executives called, “Sharks” consider offers from other entrepreneurs seeking investments for their business or product. The Sharks will hear pitches of the best business and product ideas from some of America’s brightest entrepreneurs, ranging from start-ups from stay-athome moms and dads. The goal of Shark Tank business executives is to give potential

My biggest take away from the show is that many of the presenters had great business ideas but had poor presentations. On the other hand some presenters didn’t have good

First of all, “The facts” is similar to having all the necessary ingredients required for baking a loaf of bread! Ingredients such as, a good clear business plan or “the roadmap”, containing a solid mission, vision and proper objectives, along with market analysis, strategies, implementations and a solid financial plan with the details that will prove that you have the ability to make the business profitable and successful.

Resource #1

An excellent way of acquiring these ingredients (especially if you aren’t confident presenting this area of your business) is by becoming a student of the Multicultural Entrepreneurial Institute Business Training Class (for info visit: www. multiculturalinstitute. com) as a former student, I highly recommend it! business ideas and delivered great presentations. Amazingly enough those with the great presentations, suceeded in making business deals with the Sharks!”! delivery.” So if “Presentation IS everything” what does the recipe for a good presentation look like? Plain and simple, there are two major areas that are vital for a good business presentation: “The facts” and “The proper delivery.”

Secondly, “ The proper delivery” this is similar to not just baking the fresh loaf of bread but making sure that it is alluring and appetizing to the customer. In other words, what will it take to make it noticeable to the point of buying it? For example, when it comes to the loaf of bread, can you smell the fresh baked aroma of the bread? Is it perfectly sliced with a bit of melted butter on the side? Inside of a decorated bread basket? Get the point?

Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

Many entrepreneurs and businesses struggle with the initial launching. Many have a difficult time communicating and presenting their business idea, articulating their uniqueness or explaining their products or services. Communication and articulation of your ideas are crucial for entrepreneurial sucess. Let’s talk about building a good business presentation to an audience.

entrepreneurs the chance to make their dreams come true, and possibly make a business deal that will make them a millionaire. But if the presentation is poor, the Sharks will tear into the ill-prepared presenters and pass on the idea with a simple “I’m out!”


“Having the business knowhow is important, but it is even more important to have the ability to communicate, present and persuade others. Are you professional when communicating information about your product or service idea?


Self improvement

The Importance of a Good Business Presentation. Continued... Consejos antes de contratar The “Proper Delivery” is presenting yourself with authority, confidence, credibility, great body language, and an assertive demeanor that will cause your customers, clients and investors to “WANT TO” invest in you. These traits ,however, come from within you, so if you don’t feel confident and secure, or you lack self-worth or selfrespect then you will have a difficult time delivering your presentation. If you aren’t confident in yourself why should your customer, client or investor be confident in doing business with you? Believe me they will see right through you! Let’s face it, presenting and public speaking aren’t easy, yet they are vital to the growth of your business! In fact, studies have shown that the fear of presentations and public speaking ranks next to the fear of death! There is no wonder why many of us suffer when articulating our business uniqueness and during sales presentations.

their communication, public speaking and leadership skills. Fortunately, Milwaukee has its very own “Professionals Bilingües Toastmasters club”. This club is open to native Spanish speakers with advanced English knowledge, looking to improve communication skills in English or native English speakers with advanced Spanish knowledge, looking to improve communication skills in Spanish. As a club member, I am constantly being challenged when it comes to developing my speaking and presentation skills. I highly recommend it!

Good luck! Phil M.

Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

A great resource for becoming a better speaker and presenter is Toastmasters International Clubs. Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of helping members improve



Registre el dominio usted mismo. Hay varios servicios populares y establecidos que le permiten hacerlo, tales como: 1and1.com, godaddy.com y register.com. Sus precios, términos y condiciones varían considerablemente así que asegúrese de leer la bien el contrato y de entender sus derechos. Nunca transfiera el sitio web a un desarrollador web!


No firme ningún contrato con cualquier desarrollador web hasta que un abogado o una persona de confianza lo hayga leído. Recuerde que todos los contratos son negociables. Busque lo siguiente:

(For info visit: http://milwaukeebilingual. toastmastersclubs.org)

Resource #2


a un servicio de creación de “websites”

Car + Home = BIG SAVINGS Carro + Casa = GRAN AHORRO

See me for car and home insurance and save Venga a verme para sus necesidades financieras o de seguro y ahorre Joan Fernandez, Agent 4885 South 27th Street Greenfield, WI 53221 Bus: 414-325-9440 jon.fernandez.qsuj@statefarm.com LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE COMO UN BUEN VECINO, STATE FARM ESTA PENDIENTE

• Derechos de las terminaciones tempranas • Sus derechos de acceso al contenido •

Tiempo que el desarrollador necesita para completar el sitio web

• Determinar si el promotor cederá, o subcontratar otra organización para completar el trabajo • Pida una divulgación de todos los cargos • Lea con cuidado todas las cláusulas Para más información acerca del tema, llamenos a MEI al 414-383-4633

SURVEY What is the first thing someone should do when they decide to start a company?

Entrepreneurs Said

Get the right training first. Once you got the right training and you have decided what kind of business you’re going in, it’s all about location. I can’t run a business at my house if the phone is ringing and children are crying all day. It’s not even safe to bring anybody to the house. I need an office I can afford, and I need to choose the right area. You can have a nice, big building but if you’re running a Child Care Center and most people in the area are 50 years old and up, there is no sense in running a business in that location. Mamadou Guisse Guisse Child Care Consulting LLC.

Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

They need to first decide what kind of business they want to be in. Then, research on that specific industry to see if it really is the right business for them. You can go to a public library and surf the web to check out information. You will have to find out if a license is needed, how much money you would have to invest in the business, and what kinds of requirements are expected, such as an occupancy or zoning permit. Carla Y. Cross Cross Management Services Inc.


You have to be aware of all the financing. How you manage your money is very important. You also have to plan and set goals, longterm and short-term. Ask yourself “Where do I want to be in a week? In two years? In five years? -Maria Hernandez



Cross Word Puzzle Game

Oral Care 1




1. _________ daily to reach spots and crevices your toothbrush can’t.


2. Gum Disease is one of the main


causes of tooth loss for adults and also been linked to heart ________ and __(1 up)__

6 2


3. Brush/Scrape your _______ to prevent bad breath and remove bacteria. 7

4. Bad ______ could be an early sign of a deeper problem in your mouth.

2 3

5. People with _________ are at higher risk for developing infections in the mouth. 6. Mild form of gum disease which causes the gums to become red, swollen, and bleed easily.___________


3 8


7. If using a manual toothbrush, you should change it out after about every _______ months

8. Plaque that’s not removed, can become hardened and form _________

9. The suffix, “___” derives from the Greek language and means a disease associated with inflammation.





Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

1. When brushing your teeth, you should always brush __(6Down)__ instead of _______


2. When brushing, you are only supposed to brush for at least ____ minute(s) 3. _____________ - serious and advanced stage of gum disease. It’s inflammation around the tooth, and the gums pull away from the teeth forming spaces (pockets) that become infected. If not treated eventually the bone, gums, and tissue that support the teeth will be destroyed.

4. ____ ________ is good for your heart, and according to researchers from Quebec City’s Laval University. Which they presented findings from a study that showed a component of ____ ______ and how it helps to prevent and even reverse periodontitis.

5. Hole in the tooth that occurs by decay.___________ 6. Teeth in the back that come in typically have to be taken out when grown in._________ teeth. 7. ________ your teeth at least 2ce a day to keep your mouth in an orderly, plaque free-enviorment.


Learn Some Quick Facts Aprenda Hechos Rápidos

2. Excessive cleanliness is bad for your health. A little bit of germs helps your body’s immune system. 3. The risk of getting a heart attack is higher on Mondays and during three days after your doctor diagnoses you with the flu or another respiratory disease. 4. Cursing could be good for your health because it is cathartic. 5. Washing your nose with salt water can help you avoid a lot of allergy symptoms. 6. People who enter their home through the back door by the kitchen eat 15% more than those who enter through the front door. 7. A lack of animal protein is bad for your brain.

10. People who eat at least 5 walnuts a week live on average 7 years longer because walnuts ability to prevent heart disease. 11. Almonds, avocado and rucola stimulate sexual desire and increase fertility. 12. A sneeze can travel up to 100 mph. 13. Each person has about 4 pounds of bacteria living inside of his/her body. 14. Overweight people spend an average of $485 more to clothing, $828 more for additional seating in an airplane and to $36 more on gasoline, than skinny people. 15. Fingernails grow 4 times faster than toenails. 16. Deep breathing gives you similar benefits as aerobics.

1. Los perros pueden sentir cáncer y bajo nivel de azúcar en la sangre. 2. La limpieza excesiva es malo para su salud. Un poco de gérmenes ayuda al sistema inmunológico del cuerpo. 3. El riesgo de sufrir un atáque cardiaco es más alto en lunes y durante los 3 días después de que su doctor le diagnóstico con gripe o alguna otra enfermedad respiratoria. 4. Maldecir puede ser bueno para su salud porque esto es catártico. 5. Lavar su nariz con agua salada puede ayudarlo a evitar muchos síntomas alérgicos. 6. Las personas que entran a sus casas a través de la puerta de atrás de la cocina come 15% más que aquellos quienes entran a través de la puerta del frente. 7. La falta de proteína animal es malo para su cerebro. 8. Comunicarse a través de Redes Sociales (facebook) es bueno para su memoria.

10. Gente que come al menos 5 nueces (walnuts) a la semana vive un promedio de 7 años más, porque las nueces (walnuts) tienen la habilidad de prevenir enfermedades del corazón. 11. Almendras, aguacate y rucola estimulan el apetito sexual e incrementan la fertilidad. 12. Un estornudo puede viajar hasta 100 millas por hora. 13. Cada persona tiene alrededor de 4 libras de bacterias viviendo dentro de su cuerpo. 14. Gente con sobre-peso gasta un promedio de $485.00 más de ropa, $828.00 más por asiento adicional en un avión y $36.00 más en gasolina que la gente delgada. 15. Las uñas de las manos crecen 4 veces más rápido que las uñas de los pies. 16. Respiración profunda da beneficios similares como los aérobicos.

Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

1. Dogs can sense cancer and low blood sugar.

9. The newest and most expensive drugs are not necessarily the healthiest.

¿ Sabía Ústed?

9. La más nueva y más cara medicina no es necesariamente la más saludable.


Did You Know?

8. Social Networking (facebook) is good for your memory.



¡Nuestro Puntaje de Crédito L

Nos Define!

o queramos o no el puntaje de crédito es un número que define nuestro carácter en los Estados Unidos. El tener un puntaje bajo nos puede impedir comprar nuestro auto 0 casa soñada, rentar un buen apartamento, empezar un negocio, obtener seguro (aseguranza), conseguir buen interés en prestamos y hasta el conseguir ciertos trabajos. Prestamistas, agentes de seguro, renteros y hasta empleadores los usan como criterio de evaluación.

• No obtenga mas crédito del que puede pagar • No solicite muchas tarjetas de crédito o prestamos a la vez • Regatee sus interéses en tarjetas de crédito • Evite tener muchas tarjetas de crédito general como las Visa o MasterCard.

Este puntaje se le llama el “FICO score” y esta entre los rangos de 300 a 850 puntas. Existen tres agencias en los Estados Unidos que colectan información nuestra basada en nuestro seguro social: Equifax, TransUnion y Experidian. Estas son consultadas regularmente por instituciones, compañías y agencias que nos extienden crédito.

Verifíque su reporte de crédito anualmente. Este servicio es gratis para residentes de Wisconsin www.annualcreditreport.com. No pague por obtener su puntaje. Solo verifique que el historial de cuentas es correcto, que no existen colecciones y que nadie a usado su identidad para solicitar por crédito.

Típicamente los evaluadores de su crédito miran los reportes de las tres agencias y calculan un promedio antes de tomar decisiones.

El puntaje de crédito nuestro define nuestro carácter y habilidad financiera. Este hay que tomarse en serio y manejarse cautelosamente.

¿Que se evalúa en el puntaje de crédito? Esto siempre ha sido un punto controversial y difícil de entender. EI puntaje de crédito es basado en varios elementos: • Nuestra historia de pago - es 35% del puntaje

En los Estados Unidos el puntaje FICO

promedio de la población es 723

• Número de cuentas de crédito abiertas y el crédito extendido - es 30% del puntaje. • Crédito nuevo recibido – es 10% del puntaje. • Tipo de crédito usado - 10% del puntaje


Wire • ISSUE MARCH 2012

• Tiempo de historial de crédito - 15%


**Hay otras cosas que afectan su crédito como colecciones y el número de requisiciones de su crédito recientes.

¿Cómo mantener un buen puntaje? • Pague a tiempo y por lo menos el pago mínimo en cada cuenta • Si no puede pagar a tiempo alguna cuenta lláme de inmediato al acreedor indíquele que no puede pagar y pida un plan de pago. • Haga planes de pago cuando recibe una factura alta de un doctor, de Ia compañía eléctrica, gas, cable o agua. Siempre haga estos planes por escrito, mientras ústed haga arreglos lo más probable es que no le pongan en colección.

One person with a bad credit score stands apart from many others with good scores

Finance’s Nelson Soler



Our Credit Score W

Define Us!

heather we like it or not our credit score defines our character in the United States. Having a low score may prevent us from buying our dream car or house, renting a good apartment, starting a business, obtaining some types of insurances and in some instances, obtaining a job. Lenders, insurance agents, renters and even employers look at credit scores as an evaluation criterion. Our credit score is called a “FICO score” and it is a number between the ranges of 300–850. There are three credit reporting agencies in the United States: Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. These agencies are consulted when your credit is being evaluated. In the United States, the average FICO score is 723. Typically, credit evaluators look at the three reporting agencies credit reports and average their scores. Rarely do the three rating agencies provide the exact same scoring number.

• Avoid having multiple general cards such as Visa or MasterCard Verify your credit report annually. This service is free once a year to Wisconsin residents via website www.annualcreditreport.com. If you also want your FICO score you may be charged. Don’t concentrate on the FICO score rather on the accuracy of the information contained in the report. Our credit score defines our character and our financial capabilities. We must take this score seriously and manage wisely.

What is evaluated to determine your FICO score? This has always been a point of contention among users. Generally the score according to www.myfico.com is created as follows: • • • • •

Payment history - 35% Amount you owed, highest extended credit - 30% The length of your credit history - 15 % New credit obtained - 10% Types of credit used (revolving, credit cards vs. installments, loans) - 10%

**Beware that the different reporting agencies also add and consider other criteria such as collection records and number of recent inquiries on your credit report.

How can you maintain a good score? • Pay on time and at least the minimum required amount • If you cannot pay on time, call the creditor immediately and notify them and try to make alternate payment arrangements

• Don’t apply for a lot of credit cards or loans at the same time • Negotiate your interest rates with credit cards

414-763-0739 Milwaukee, WI.


• Don’t obtain more credit that you can handle

Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012

• Request payment plans when you receive large medical or utilities bills. Never just let the bill sit. When you request a payment plan, be sure to ask for a written confirmation. Typically when you make payment plans in writing, you will not be placed in collection so long as you continue to make your payments as agreed upon




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Wire • ISSUE JULY 2012








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