Empresario Wire

Page 1



Editor’s Letter

How social responsibility is a great expectation for entrepreneurs.


Como la responsibilidad social es una expectativa para los empresarios.

6 7

Wage and Hour Law


Marketing Tips for Micro-enterprises


Estrategias de Mercadeo para Micro-empresas

How employers must pay accordingly or risk serious penalties.

Ley de Salarios

Como los empleadores deben pagar de acuerdo a la ley o sufrir serias penalidades.

Simple tips for entrepreneurs about how to increase sales and maintain consumer loyalty.

5 suggestions for debt collection practices that will protect your business from further financial loss or loss of clients.


Buenas Tácticas para la Colección de Deudas 5 consejos para las prácticas de cobro de deudas que protegerán su negocio de una mayor pérdida financiera o la pérdida de clientes.



FEATURES Peter Sandroni, La Merenda Restaurant owner tells us about his road to success.

Debt 10 Good Collection Practices


Reports on the succesful launch of the “Green Builds Business” Bootcamp.

14 Interview

Consejos para los empresarios sobre cómo aumentar las ventas y mantener la lealtad del consumidor


Dispatch from Milwaukee:

16 Trending

How home-based businesses are a financial safeguard for many.




The Latino Entrepreneurial Network is helping entrepreneurs with a Youth Camp and Green Builds Business USHCC green initiative.

Tips of the Month

Implementing Green Strategies in your business.


Cover Story OF



your yearly

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Peter Sandroni, Chef and owner of la Merenda Restaurant, is a succesful entrepreneur that shows us ways to be creative and open to new ideas and resources.

MARKETPLACE 2011 OCTOBER 12&13, 2011 Governor’s Conference on Minority Buisnesss Development

THIS YEAR'S EVENT IS ONE YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS! You will learn firsthand on how the newly formed WEDC (July 2011) is working in partnership with state agencies, business chambers, associations, and private industries on certification, assistance and capacity building programs. Come find out how WEDC and the state are organizing the programs previously managed by the former Wisconsin Department of Commerce!

Celebrating 30 years of excellence Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, Green Bay Wisconsin Roundy's Supermarket, Inc.

TO REGISTER CALL: Seyoum Mengesha at 414-302-2830







Social Responsibility and the Green Movement


owadays businesses are pressured more than ever to be socially responsible.

Social responsibility spans from recycling, to energy efficiency, fair trade, business disclosures, local procurement, water conservation, community citizenship, financial transparency and the list goes on. Whatever your context is there are more consumer and society expectations from us as entrepreneurs. Some argue that this ethical trend of forcing for profit enterprises to benefit the society as a whole diverts from a business primary concern. Others claim that embracing a “corporate responsibility strategy” is a must for a business in the 21st century.



Certainly to develop a social responsibility strategy can be a crucial element for business differentiation. “Going green” is an example of one of those strategies that not only would provide a business with a distinction from others but also would allow the realization of cost savings while improving their marketplace image.


Many businesses are using the “going green” strategy to also attract employees. “Going green” has a broad definition for business. Enterprise Green initiatives include: recycling and waste management, water reclamation, and energy efficiency. The care of our environment is a responsibility of all yet business bear the blunt of perception.


oy más que nunca los negocios están presionados a tener una visión de “responsabilidad social”. Responsabilidad social incluye muchas cosas: reciclar, intercambio comercial justo, usar/comprar productos localmente, conservar agua, mantener una relación con la comunidad, transparencia financiera y la lista sigue. Sin importar en que contexto usted maneja su empresa, la sociedad espera más de nosotros como emprendedores empresariales. Algunos argumentan que ésta tendencia está forzando a negocios a beneficiar a la sociedad en vez de enfocarse en su utilidad (ganancias). Otros alegan que tener una estrategia de responsabilidad corporativa debe ser mandatoria para todos los negocios en el siglo 21. Ciertamente, desarrollar una estrategia de responsabilidad empresarial puede ser un elemento crucial de diferenciación para una empresa. Un ejemplo podría ser implementar una iniciativa verde (reciclaje). Ésta no solo brinda al negocio con una oportunidad de distinción única en frente de sus clientes pero también con un beneficio de ahorro. También le ayuda al negocio a tener una imagen distinta en el mercado. Por ejemplo algunos negocios están usando el reclamo de “compañía verde” para atraer empleados. Debemos de entender que las estrategias verdes no esta bien definidas y significan distintas cosas para distintas personas como: reciclaje, conservación de agua, y/o comprar productos orgánicos. -Nelson Soler

All rights reserved. Design, photography, and art used and contained in this publication is the exclusive property of MEI, Inc. Content and photography provided by client’s property. Some articles are the property of the writers and sources who provided the information. MEI is nos responsible for the offerings of the advertisers.

EDITORIAL Nelson Soler CONTRIBUTORS Nelson Soler Dawn L. Drellos-Thompson Christopher M. Castillo Marina Croft Gerardo Canales ART Natalia De Los Rios Pedro Rivera PRODUCTION Nelson Soler Natalia De Los Rios Pedro Rivera PUBLISHING MEI ACCOUNT MANAGER Pedro Rivera CONTACT US Empresario Wire 612 W. National Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53204 Tel: 414-383-4633 soler@multiculturalinstitute.com

Empresariowire is published quarterly by MEI, Inc. MEI accepts freelance contributions; however, there is no guarantee that manuscripts or photos will be returned. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited.

LEGAL Dawn L. Drellos-Thompson



Wage and Hour Law

Employers Must Pay Accordingly or Risk Serious Penalties


Federal Judge ordered two Illinois based restaurant owners to pay a total of $1,149,702.50 in back wages to 64 employees who worked as servers and kitchen staff. The court found that the owners had “willfully and repeatedly violated federal labor standards …” by “institut[ing] a pay practice in which servers endorsed their paychecks [back] to the restaurant,” thereby only receiving tips as payment for their work.



This case may be an extreme example of an employer’s intentional failure to lawfully pay wages to employees; however, all employers must know and abide by both state and federal wage and hour laws even when the pay at issue is considered small. These laws, include, but are not limited to, the following:


• Proper categorization of hourly employees vs. that of salary employees • Accurate recording of employee work time • Maintenance of employment records as prescribed by state and federal law • Timely payment of wages to employees • Proper displaying and posting of wage and hour law notices

• Proper withholding and payment of payroll taxes Under federal law, tipped employees must also receive an hourly wage from their employer in the amount of $2.13 per hour, or the amount set by the state in which the employee works, whichever is greater. Wisconsin has a slightly higher wage rate for tipped employees 20 years of age and older of $2.33 per hour. Tipped employees 19 years of age or younger may be paid at the same federal hourly rate of $2.13. However, all other hourly employees must be paid at least the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, plus time and one half their regular hourly rate of pay for hours worked beyond 40 per week. Wisconsin has adopted the federal hourly rate of $7.25 per hour.

Neither the Federal government nor Wisconsin recognize “volunteer” time by employees, and even 10 minutes of work time by an employee may require compensation. Employees who use Blackberries, laptops, or other mobile office devices away from the office for the benefit of their employers must be compensated for their time even if that time is considered small or de minimis. An employer may disregard insignificant amounts of time such as a few seconds or a few minutes; however, de minimis time of 10 minutes of work may require compensation. The Obama administration, through the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), has taken a serious position on wage and hour violations. DOL has hired 250 wage and hour law investigators

to determine whether employers are properly compensating their employees for their work. This is especially important to the federal government, which believes that it is losing millions of dollars a year in unpaid payroll taxes because employees’ work time is not being properly recognized or compensated. To further assist in its investigations to collect more payroll taxes, DOL has launched a phone application (app) to assist employees in tracking their own hours and to determine the wages that they are owed. The app is free and available in both English and Spanish versions. The information from the employee’s wage tracking app may also be used as discovery against the employer for wage and hour law violations.



Wisconsin enforces its wage and hour laws through the Equal Rights Division of the Department of Workforce Development. Like the federal government, Wisconsin is also concerned about receiving its fair share of payroll taxes and holds accountable employers who do not properly compensate their employees.


Wage and hour law is not a simple area of the law, for it is driven by the particular facts of each employment situation. Therefore, when in doubt, it is wise to consult an employment attorney who can advise employers as to both federal and state wage and hour laws. Attorney Dawn L. DrellosThompson is a Partner with Pellmann, Drellos & Associates, S.C.

Leyes de Salarios Los empleadores deben pagar de acuerdo a la ley o podrian enfrentar serias penalidades


n juez federal ordenó a dos restaurantes en Illinois a pagar un total de $1,149,702.50 en salarios a 64 empleados que habían trabajado como meseros y cocineros. La corte encontró que éstos empresarios habían violado repetida y concienzudamente los estándares de labor federal, al instituir un sistema de pago en el cual el empleado le giraba devuelta el cheque al restaurante y solo recibían las propinas como paga. Esto quizás representa un caso extremo de la falla intencional de un patrón de pagarle legalmente a sus empleados. Otras violaciones comunes son: • Clasificación propia de empleados pagados por hora y por salario. • Registro incorrecto de las horas de trabajo. • Falla de mantener archivos para cada empleado. • El pago a tiempo de los empleados. • Desplegar las pancartas y volantes de las leyes patronales. Bajo la ley federal a todo empleado que recibe propinas

también se debe pagarle $2.13 por hora. En Wisconsin se requiere el pago mínimo de $2.33 por hora (más que el federal) Todos los empleados que trabajan por hora deben recibir un salario mínimo de $7.25 más tiempo y medio por las horas que trabaja en exceso de 40. Ni Wisconsin, ni el gobierno federal reconoce el concepto de trabajo voluntario por un empleado. Todo tiempo que sobrepasa 10 minutos debe ser pagado. La administración del Presidente Obama a contratado mas de 250 agentes bajo el Departamento de Labor para auditar a los empleadores. Para ayudar más en sus investigaciones para recolectar más impuestos de nómina, el Departamento de Labor ha lanzado una aplicación de teléfono (app) para ayudar a los empleados en el seguimiento de su propio horario y para determinar los salarios que se adeudan. La aplicación es gratuita y está disponible tanto en inglés como en español. La abogada Dawn L. DrellosThompson est socia de Pellmann, Drellos & Associates, S.C.

MARKETING Christopher M. Castillo


Aeutus Marketing

Marketing Tips and Strategies for Micro-Enterprises


any micro business owners struggle with the task of how to use their limited budget to effectively market their business.



As an entrepreneur you first need to identify what your goals are with your Marketing. Are you trying to attract new customers, retain your current customers or expand your business with your current customers? Most likely, you would prefer to do all three tactics, but as a Micro-enterprise, your budget may limit your options. Instead of focusing on all three areas with minimal results, you may consider focusing on one segment at a time.


Typically, retaining your current customers is more cost-effective than trying to attract new ones. Therefore, you should identify who your most profitable customers are and make sure they stay loyal. If this is your focus, you should use marketing tactics that add value to their purchase or make them feel special. Such tactics may include loyalty programs, such as points, that can be accrued and used toward a credit or gift, newsletters sent directly to their home or email, or premium offers such as gift certificates.

It may be beneficial to expand your business with your current customers. Since you have already established a relationship with them, it should be easier to sell them other products or services that your business offers. Up selling will change your focus to selling them more of what they already purchase. Offering multiple quantity purchase discounts will offer your customers a lower price per product if they order a higher quantity. Cross selling is another tactic that you can use by offering your existing customers other products or services at a discount or by providing free samples. This is a great way to get your existing customers to try other products. Finally, most business’s primary goal is to attract more customers. After you have identified your most profitable customers, you should try to find other customers that have similar characteristics and try to get them to make a purchase. You can also offer rebates, cash back promotions or trial offers to get them to initially try your product or service.

No idea is so complex that it can’t be explained simply.” - Albert Einstein

It may be beneficial to expand your business with your current customers. Since you have already established a relationship with them, it should be easier to sell them other products or services that your business offers.”

Estrategias de Mercadeo para Micro-empresas


uchos propietarios de microempresas confrontan dificultades para tratar de usar un presupuesto limitado para promover su negocio. Como empresario usted primero tiene que identificar cuáles son los objetivos de su plan de publicidad. ¿Está tratando de atraer nuevos clientes, retener clientes existentes o expandir sus clientes? Lo más probable es que prefiera hacer las tres tácticas, pero como micro-empresa, su presupuesto puede limitar sus opciones. En lugar de centrarse en las tres áreas con resultados mínimos, puede considerar en enfocarse en un segmento a la vez.



Por lo general, la retención de sus clientes actuales es más económica que tratar de atraer a otros nuevos. Por lo tanto, es necesario identificar quiénes son sus clientes más rentables y mantener su lealtad.


Si este es su objetivo, debe utilizar las tácticas que añaden valor a la compra o hacer que se sientan especiales. Estas tácticas pueden incluir programas de fidelidad, como puntos que pueden ser acumulados y utilizados para un crédito o un regalo, boletines informativos enviados directamente a su domicilio o correo electrónico, u ofertas especiales como certificados de regalo.

Green Pulse Gerardo Canales, The Business Right Hand

Puede ser beneficioso ampliar su negocio con sus clientes actuales; puesto que usted ha establecido ya una relación con ellos, debería ser más fácil venderles otros productos o servicios que ofrezca su empresa. “Up selling” va a cambiar su enfoque de venta de de lo que sus clientes ya compran. Esto se puede hacer ofreciéndoles múltiples descuentos de compra por cantidad, permitiendo a sus clientes obtener un precio más bajo por producto si piden una cantidad superior. Venta de otros servicios/ productos, es otra táctica que puede utilizar, ofreciendo a sus clientes ya existentes, otros productos o servicios con descuento o proporcionándoles muestras gratuitas. Esta es una gran manera de lograr que sus clientes existentes traten otros productos. Por último, el principal objetivo de la mayoría de las empresas es atraer más clientes. Después de haber identificado a sus clientes más rentables, usted debe tratar de encontrar otros clientes que tengan características similares y tratar de que hagan una compra. También puede ofrecer descuentos, promociones u ofertas de prueba para hacer que traten su producto o servicio por primera vez.

1. Why is it important for a small business to embrace a green strategy? “Because green means staying ahead by using the new technologies when the ROI (Return of Investment) is higher than other projects. Higher ROI in the long run helps the P&L (Profit and Loss).” 2. How has the lean economy affected your business? “Lean economy affected my business because some business owners did not want to invest their money on external resources even when there was a high value proposition. They tried to keep more functions in house.”

FINANCIAL Marina Croft



The following are five suggestions for debt collection practices 1. Issue a simple reminder to give your client the benefit of the doubt. Do not automatically assume that there is a problem when a bill goes unpaid. Oftentimes the client may not have received your invoice, or received it and forgot about it, lost it, or thought that it was paid. Thus, the first step is to simply resend a copy of the original invoice with no more than a quick note indicating that the payment is overdue and that it needs to be promptly paid.

Good Debt Collection Practices One of the most difficult tasks for a business owner is to decide if, when and how to collect an outstanding debt. On the one hand, you do not want to be overly aggressive and ruin a business relationship with your client or the client is a potential business source. On the other you must protect your business’ financial health – not to mention your own.



2. Find out why your client has not paid.


If more than 30 days have passed since you issued a reminder (60 days from the date of the original invoice) and there is still no payment in sight, you need to find out why the client has not paid. A good collection practice is to send a brief letter to the client stating that you appreciate their business but that there is an amount in arrears that needs to be paid immediately. You should also enclose a copy of the original invoice and a statement suggesting that you are willing to discuss any concerns that they may have. If you do have a longstanding relationship with the client, a telephone call may also be

appropriate at this time. It is possible that the client chose not to pay you because he/she is not satisfied with your products or services or a problem has emerged with your products and services and your client is unsure about what to do next. If there is a problem, you need to find out what the complaint is and consider if you are willing to make adjustments. Even if you do not believe that their claim is rightful, it may be easier for you to make a concession depending upon your business relationship with the client. It is also possible that client has not paid an outstanding debt

because he/she cannot afford it. Some people find it excruciating to admit that they are in financial distress. However, by reaching out and suggesting that you are willing to make arrangements if the payment cannot be made in full, you are opening the door to discussion, which may save you a lot of time, effort and money.

3. Hire a third party to collect the debt. If all else fails, it may be time to seek a third party – an attorney or collection firm – to pursue recovery on your behalf. Hiring a third party

has the obvious advantage of taking the pressure off, and the natural confrontation that arises from collecting a debt yourself. However, the disadvantage is that you are entrusting your business’ reputation to a third party. It is extremely important that you ask and understand the tactics and methods that the attorney or collection firm uses to collect a debt, the extent of their involvement in the process, and how they will be compensated in the event that your client finally comes around and decides to pay you directly.

4. Know your limits. To decide when to abandon a claim is a very difficult decision to make. The amount of debt and the damage that not collecting the debt causes to you and to your business are the main considerations to keep in mind. Generally, you do not want to pay $10,000 to pursue collection of a $100 debt – it is simply not worth it, not even for the principle of the matter. However, you may want chose to do so if it will prevent other clients from refusing to pay.



5. Take sures.




The best way to avoid a problem is to prevent it – or at least to create enough safety nets to minimize your risk. Depending on your business, you may ask for a deposit, in advance, or a retainer upfront to at least cover your expenses and minimize your loss. However, if this option is not available or practical to you, the best approach is to have a business contract that imposes penalties on your client and that delineates the remedies available to you in the event of a payment default.

Buenas Prácticas para la Colección de Deudas


na de las tareas más difíciles para un empresario pequeño es decidir, cuando y como colectar deudas. Por un lado no queremos ser muy agresivos y arruinar una relación de negocios con nuestro cliente, y por el otro tenemos que proteger el bienestar de nuestra empresa. Cinco sugerencias para mejorar sus prácticas de colección de deudas: 1. Envíe un recordatorio a su cliente. No asuma que porque alguien no le haya pagado inmediatamente existe un problema. Muchas veces al cliente se le olvida que recibió su factura o la traspapeló. Por lo tanto, el primer paso es enviar nuevamente la factura. Considere añadir una nota indicando que el pago está atrasado. 2. Envíe una carta formal, seguida de una llamada. Si más de 30 días pasan después del recordatorio y usted todavía no recibe un pago, considere escribir una carta breve en su membrete. En la carta agradezca al cliente por su patrocinio e indique que la factura está atrasada y pago es requerido. También considere añadir una nota motivando al cliente a llamarle con relación a la factura. Dependiendo de su relación con el cliente también considere una llamada para verificar si la carta ha sido recibida. A veces un cliente no paga por qué no está satisfecho con el producto o servicio recibido, cualquiera que sea la razón e independientemente

si usted está de acuerdo o no debe de enterarse. Quizás ésto le ayude a determinar si con una concesión o descuento puede obtener un pago parcial y evitarse costos adicionales o enojos innecesarios. 3. Contrate a un abogado o a una firma de colección. Si todo falla este es su último paso. Antes de contratar a cualquier firma asegúrese de que usted entiende como esta firma le va a cobrar, cuáles son sus prácticas de colección. A pesar de que usted desea un pago no quiere crearse una mala reputación o dañar una relación con un cliente. 4. Olvídese del reclamo. Esta es una decisión difícil. Usted no quiere ser muy agresivo pero está corriendo un negocio. A veces la cantidad de gastos que incurrimos en contratar a un tercero excede el monto de la deuda. Usted no quiere pagar $10,000.00 para colectar una deuda de solo $100.00. 5. Tome medidas preventivas. La mejor manera de evitar un problema es prevenirlo o crear procesos que reduzcan su riesgo. Quizás usted quiere implementar una política de pedir depósito o abonos por adelantado antes de ofrecer servicios. Tener facturas y políticas de cliente bien definidas con sus términos de venta también es necesario.


Dispatch From Milwaukee: Successful Launch of “Green Builds Business” Entrepreneur Bootcamp by Bill Roth





he American dream is being realized in Milwaukee. Local Hispanic business owners are designing and implementing green projects that will accelerate the restoration of local jobs, their economy and our environment over the next 120 days. Milwaukee was the launch city the week of June 6, 2011 for the Green Builds Business program created by the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation and funded by Walmart. As the implementing coach, I was personally touched by the good and hard working business owners attending this

event that were so dedicated to growing businesses that will make money and a difference. I coached these business owners on what I call The Secret Green Sauce of best practices that I have harvested over the years working with CEOs, CFOs, CMOs and entrepreneurs who are succeeding in growing their companies’ financial performance by going green. Green Builds Business is focused on helping attending business owners use these best practice to start a project that is both green, profitable and that can be implemented within 120 days.

If the results achieved in Milwaukee can be duplicated in the other targeted cities, then by years-end, America will benefit from several hundred projects achieving real results measured by financial performance and social/environmental benefits. Here are a few of my favorite Milwaukee examples: An e-waste start-up company that needed a path to market. By the end of their day participating in this program they had made three sales connections that will dramatically accelerate their growth.

Green Facts

A reverend for 12 churches with a vision for rejuvenating his city’s numerous vacant lots by turning them into fields growing organic foods to feed local citizens. The project will expand the availability of local, healthy food for the community. By day’s end we had located a community based organic farm that will supply their best practices including material specifications/building instructions for a green house that is sturdy and inexpensive to build.



A general contractor, struggling like most in this construction industry depression, was inspired by technical insights and best practices to start a lighting re-lamping company selling LED and CFL lighting systems with lower operating costs and emissions.


The list could go on-and-on of talented, and caring, business people enabled to implement a project that will make a difference for themselves, their work associates and community. I was also inspired by Nelson Soler, Chief Solutions Officer for Multicultural Entrepreneurial Institute (which hosted the

event). Nelson reports he has helped over 600 Milwaukee business owners and entrepreneurs grow businesses and jobs. Peter Sandroni is one such business owner. Peter owns the La Merenda restaurant that serves wonderfully creative organic food tapas located in a renovated woodworking shop. Nelson helped Peter develop the La Merenda business plan and gain start-up financing. Peter is also a Green Builds Business participant. His project is a living roof that will harvest vegetables and spices for ingredients in his tapas. (Readers please post a comment to this article if you have expertise that could be helpful to Peter’s living roof project) The next city on the Green Builds Business tour is Las Vegas! Look for my next report on how Vegas and Green Builds Business are working together to restore our country’s jobs, economy and environment. Bill Roth is the founder of Earth 2017, a company that connects businesses with customers seeking smart, healthy and green solutions.

• Social Responsibility spending represents 1 out of every 9 dollars spent in management in the US (Law Report Risk and Compliance, Vol 1 No. 8, Bloomberg 2008). • A recent survey found that chief executives “intend to increase spending over the next three years by an average of 25% in order to satisfy customers concerned with social issues.” (Law Report Risk and Compliance, Vol 1 No. 8, Bloomberg 2008) • Global executives feel that the top most important social issue affecting businesses is the Environment (MacKenzie Report 2008).


Interview Peter Sandroni


Peter Sandroni owner of La Merenda, a successful restaurant that came out with the idea of a menu of small portions and styles from all over the world. He made it possible in Wisconsin through experience, education, planning and financial advise. His restaurant continues to thrive with over 2000 loyal clients that are willing to travel up to 100 miles to enjoy his food, and his recently launched, gluten free menu. In 2012, he plans to implement a green roof for his restaurant. He received a $6,000 green coaching grant from USHCC Foundation.



Q Where did the idea of “La Merenda” come from? A “I lived and worked in Chicago and Atlanta, where I had the opportunity to work in multiple restaurants including two Asian, two French, and two Italian; I learned a bit of each style. Then, I thought that I could start a restaurant with a menu of small portions so people could enjoy and try different ethnic foods under one roof.”


Q What was the most difficult part of implementing the small portion dishes? A “Wisconsin is a meat and potatoes state where people are used to eat big portions. I felt comfortable with my experience and education and I wasn’t 100% that I was going to be able to convince people in Wisconsin to eat small portions, but I thought that if I educated the customer it would work. Every dish is half a portion, thus, with various dishes a customer can be satisfied.”


Q How planning and partnering with a lender and understanding permits and licensing is important? A “I knew (that) I needed a business plan and I couldn’t write it by myself. I looked for assistance and went to Nelson Soler who helped me to write a consistent business plan that opened the doors for lenders. I chose Community and Trust Bank because they liked our business idea and made us feel like family.” Q Could you advise those who want to start a Restaurant? A “First, (you need to) work in the industry. I have 12 years of experience and only then I felt ready to start a business. You also need passion for what you do. Second, (you) need to plan and get as much knowledge as possible. Our business plan is like a testament to my wife. We had to stick to it and obtained financing. In four years, the (financial) numbers are very accurate to the ones we forecast(ed). Now, we are planning to open a second restaurant. We are growing the way we wanted to grow!.”

Entrevistacon Peter Sandroni



P ¿De dónde surgió la idea de “La Merenda”? R “Habiendo trabajado y vivido en Chicago y en Atlanta, trabajé en dos restaurantes asiáticos, 2 franceses, 2 italianos y otros en general. De ellos aprendí de todo un poco. Luego se me ocurrió que podría empezar un restaurante con un menú de platillos de pequeñas porciones y disfrutar de comidas de diferentes partes del mundo bajo un mismo techo.”


P ¿Qué fué lo más dificil de implementar esta idea de platos en pequeñas porciones? R “Wisconsin es un estado donde la gente acostumbra comer “carne y papas” y están acostumbrados a porciones grandes. Pero por mi experiencia y educación tuve la confianza de seguir con mi idea. Pensé que lo único que necesitaba hacer era educar a la gente a comer porciones pequeñas. Y así lo hize. Cada plato que ofrecemos es la mitad de una porción. Entonces para uno quedar satisfecho lo hace comiendo varios platos.”

P ¿Cómo piensas que la planeación y el asociarse con un prestamista, conocer de permisos y licencias es importante? R “Es lo mas importante. Yo traté de escribir mi plan de negocios por mi mismo pero no fui capaz, asi que busqué ayuda con Nelson Soler, y gracias a él logré escribir un plan de negocios consistente, el cual me abrió las puertas con varios prestamistas. Yo elegí Community Trust Bank por que a ellos les encantó mi proyecto y me trataron como si fuera de la familia.” P ¿Qué aconsejas a quienes quieren empezar un restaurante? R “Yo he trabajado en la industria por 12 años y apenas me sentí listo para comenzar un negocio. Tener pasión por lo que haces. Planear cuidadosamente. Nuestro plan de negocios es como un testamento para mi esposa. Lo escribimos estimando el crecimiento para 5 años, ya llevamos 4 y los números están muy cerca de los que pronosticamos. Ya pensamos en abrir un segundo restaurante y estamos viendo el crecimiento de la manera que esperabamos.”

TRENDING Nelson Soler



Home Based Business We must ensure that we have a dedicated space to work, that home flexibility does not interfere with our ability to provide a professional service or business image. We also faced limitations imposed by local governments in the form of zoning restrictions, insurance coverage and perceptual issues that we must overcome.





hether it is the lean economy, need for independence or the aspiration of a better life, home based businesses continues to be a viable choice to explore entrepreneurship. US Labor Statistic Bureau estimate that there are over 18.3 million home based businesses. Over 12% of Americans have a part-time or full-time home based business. A recent study published in Newsweek Magazine estimates that during the last three years, home-based enterprises have increased 80% with an average annual median income of $63,648. Tom Broeker, VP and Founder of CASBRO, Cell Phone Recycling is a primary example of an individual who was forced by unemployment to find a creative way to secure a revenue stream.

“What better business than to recycle, we are responsible to the environment after 15 years, help our communities and create a second source of income for our family” said Tom Broeker. As Tom many others have resorted to the creation of home based enterprises with low overhead and in demand. Home based businesses are an excellent source of supplementary income, yet we must realize we are not becoming millionaires over night. Many of the grand names today started from a home. Although we realize excellent benefits such as tax deductions, the flexibility of working from home, and low cost; we must understand that running a home based businesses does not come without challenges.

Interesting Facts •

70% of home based businesses survive beyond the third year as opposed to 29% of all other businesses (Home Based Business Magazine).

Latino selfemployment and small business formation more than doubled from 2000 (5.6%) to 2008 (10.2%) (SBA Office of Advocacy 2010 Report).

• The top three home based businesses are: home improvements, pet care and cleaning services (About.com, 2010).


Negocios Basados en Casa





om Broeker, fundador y vicepresidente de CASBRO Cell Phone Recycling, es un ejemplo de individuos que han sido forzados por la economía a comenzar un negocio en su casa. Después de ser desempleado de su compañía donde trabajó por 15 años, tuvo que buscar una alternativa de ingreso y así nació la idea de su empresa. “ Que mejor plan que reciclar, somos responsables al medioambiente, ayudamos a nuestras comunidades mientras creamos una fuente de ingresos para nuestra familia”, afirma Tom Broeker.

anual promedio de $64,648.00.

Como Tom, muchos individuos han decidido tomar la ruta empresarial lanzando un negocio desde su hogar. Ya sea por la economía pobre, el deseo de independencia o la aspiración a una vida mejor; los negocios pequeños basados en nuestra casa continúan siendo una alternativa viable para aquellos que quieren lanzar una empresa.

Tendremos limitaciones de espacio, ya que éste debe de ser utilizado exclusivamente para el negocio si queremos deducirlos de nuestros impuestos. También existen reglamentos en algunas ciudades que impiden el despliegue de anuncios y el aumento de tráfico comercial si nuestra casa está zoneada como residencial.

El Departamento de Labor Estadounidense estima que existen sobre 18.3 millones de negocios en hogares. Más de 12% de los estadounidenses tienen una oficina a tiempo parcial o completo en su casa. Aun más, un estudio reciente de la revista Newsweek, indicó que en los últimos tres años el número de negocios basados en casa ha crecido un 80%, con un ingreso

Los negocios basados en casa son una fuente excelente de ingreso suplementario pero debemos de entender que no nos volveremos millonarios de un día para otro. A pesar de que realizamos unos beneficios excelentes teniendo un negocio en casa, como deducciones de nuestros impuestos, flexibilidad de horario y costos de operación bajos; también tenemos que entender los retos y las limitaciones que éstos presentan.

Finalmente, tendremos que enfrentar el reto de percepción del cliente. ¿Si estamos basados en casa nos verán los clientes como un negocio serio? El tomar la decisión de abrir un negocio en casa tiene que ser evaluada cuidadosamente.

Green Pulse Peter Sandroni, La Merenda 1. Why is it important for a small business to embrace a green strategy? “In our situation, we are committed to buying as much as we can locally. That usually means in the form of food sourced locally from small, family farms (usually organic, but always sustainable). In addition, we also source many of our equipment, smallwares, tables and chairs locally. With that said, we are members of a number of locally buying groups and there has been a recent push to move our businesses towards a more sustainable model. If we are going to support buying local (for all the reasons, and one major one is sustainability), why not have our businesses reflect the people we buy from? Meaning, running, growing our business in a very sustainable model. And for our restaurant that includes recycling, composting, buying locally, conscientious of our water use, using more efficient lighting and equipment. The list goes on and on....In one of the groups that we buy locally from, we tend to work together on the who, what, where and how we buy from. That helps us be more efficient, keep costs down and enables us to do things that many restaurants either do not know how or cannot afford.”

2. How have the lean economy affected your business? “The lean economy has had very little affect on our business. Since 2007 we have seen our business grow at a rate of 11.25% annually. We saw a spike in 2010 when the economy really took a dip and more people became more conscious of buying locally. In that year alone, we saw sales increase by 18% over the previous year.


100 Entrepreneurs Said


100 Entrepreneurs Said is focused on providing you information about the entrepreneurs in our community. In every issue of this magazine you will be provided with an inside look at the lives of Milwaukee Entrepreneurs. The survey presented in this report is focused on Entrepreneurs access to Credit as well as Phone Technology. Here are the results. Do you believe you have access to good credit?

Credit Do you have a credit card? Yes: 60% No: 40% Has your credit card interest increased? Yes: 20%

No: 48%

Do not have a credit card: 32% Have you received any credit card offers via mail? Yes: 78%

No: 22%



Have you gone the bank or credit union to accept any credit card offer?


Less than 30 days ago: 2% More than 60 days ago: 0% More than 90 days ago: 7% Have not gone: 91% Where you successful in receiving a credit card? Yes: 14% No: 7% Have not applied: 79%

Yes: 44% No: 25% Don’t know Credit Score: 31%

Phone Do you have a cell-phone? Yes: 98%

Business: 52% Personal Use: 42% Employees: 5% Other: 1% Is your phone on a 3G or 4G network? 3G: 44% 4G: 7% Don’t know: 33% Other: 16%

No: 2%

What cell phone company do you have? AT&T: 33% T-mobile: 24% Sprint: 11% US Cellular: 7% Verizon Wireless: 4% Cricket: 4% Other: 17% How much do you pay monthly? $0 - $200: 64% $200 - $300: 29% $300+: 7% What do you use your cell phone for?

Gender Male: 52% Female: 48% What is category does you business fall under, ? Construction: 34% Convenience: 34% Professional Services: 32%


Empresario Lifestyle

Basic Principles of a Healthy Diet Symbols, such as a food pyramid, illustrate how the pieces of a healthy diet fit together. The base of the pyramid is typically made up of foods that should be the bulk of your healthy diet. In contrast, foods you should eat in smaller amounts, or less frequently, are shown in the smaller sections of the pyramid.



Most healthy-diet plans emphasize the following:


Eat more plant foods, including fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Choose lean protein from a variety of sources.

Limit sweets and salt.

Control portion sizes.

Be physically active.

Problemas de Plomería: ¿Reemplazar ó Reparar? Si usted tiene un baño de de alto consumo y éste empieza a necesitar reparaciones, considere reemplazarlo por completo. En lugar de gastar dinero en lo que probablemente será una cadena continua de reparaciones, es mejor invertir de forma inteligente y obtener un aparato fiable que le ahorrará dinero a largo plazo. Esto también es válido para los grifos y duchas. Cada vez que estos necesitan atención, considere reemplazarlas con nuevas unidades de ahorro de agua. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por favor póngase en contacto con: Hugo Uribe Aztec Plumbing 414.870.2070 www.aztecplumbingllc.com

Boost your Small Business Website 1. Control the clutter. Bigger companies can afford to fill their websites with ads, widgets and other banners. But for small businesses, it’s best to make websites as easy to navigate as possible. Use your website to communicate a product or service with an image or simple slogan. 2. Feature products above the fold. Put the most eye-catching and photogenic photos at the top of your page to draw viewers in and promote your business. 3. Attach a feature image to your homepage. When people share links to your website on Facebook and Google+, there should be a thumbnail image alongside of it to draw people to your site. This can be a logo, image or an avatar.



Helping entrepreneurs to reach their dreams

During this economic downturn, established businesses continue to struggle to stay afloat. Small business owners often battle limited access to capital and coaching”

- Juan Alcaraz



The Latino Entrepreneurial Network of Southeastern Wisconsin, Incorporated (LEN) was recently awarded the 2010 Best Small Chamber in the United States and the 2008 and 2009 Best Small Chamber of the Midwest by the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) located in Washington DC.

La misión de la Red Empresarial latina es el conectar individuos, emprendedores y microempresas con recursos a través de alianzas, actividades de conexión y prácticas financieras sólidas. Todos los miembros toman el juramento de mantener los valores de la organización mientras mantienen: alta integridad, comparten conocimientos, invierten en nuestra comunidad y promueven profesionalismo.



EN’s mission is to bridge individuals, entrepreneurs and microenterprises with resources through strategic alliance formation, networking and sharing of business and financial practices. All members take a pledge to uphold the organization’s values of acting with integrity, maintaining high ethics, sharing knowledge, investing in our community and fostering professionalism.


Ayudando a los empresarios a alcanzar sus sueños El año pasado la Red Empresarial Latina de Sureste de Wisconsin (LEN) fué reconocida como la cámara de comercio pequeña del los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica por la organización nacional llamada la Cámara Hispana Estadounidense o “United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce” localizada en Washington, DC. Para más información visite, www.lenwi.org


Este programa entrena a jóvenes a como empezar un negocio exitosamente. Estos jóvenes tienen la oportunidad de aprender conceptos que le toman a adultos años por aprender.”

We selected Milwaukee as our kick-off city because of the opportunity to partner with LEN of SE Wisconsin, our 2010 Small Business Chamber of the Year, and the Multicultural Entrepreneurial Institute”

Nelson Soler, Fundador LEN, Inc

Javier Palomarez, President and CEO of the USHCC



LEN, Inc




he Latino Entrepreneurial Network (LEN) recently completed the sixth annual summer camp to assist local young adults in starting their own business. This Bilingual Entrepreneurship Summer Training (BEST) Youth Camp was conducted from June 21 to the 25 and brought young talent together to participate in an advanced business training experience.


Additionally, over 15 professional entrepreneurs served as speakers, mentors and judges. All participants enjoyed educational and learning opportunities presented by MEI, State Farm, American Family, Murdelak Design, Financial Medical Management, US Bank, and Castillo Consulting Services.

The projects for Golden Wisdom Company and La Merenda are focused on urban gardening, which is a growing green mega-trend being adopted by food businesses and land-developers as a path for growing... ”



nited States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) Foundation selected Milwaukee as the launch-city for its national Green Builds Business Program which entailed a full day of coaching on the best green practices adopted by companies like Walmart in an effort to lower operating costs, increase revenues, and motivate workers while enhancing the health of people and the planet. Thirty two businesses participated in this unique Green initiative, receiving a full day of training valued at over $1500. This training was led by Bill Roth, Founder of Earth 2017.

Bill Roth, Founder of Earth 2017



harles Vang of Golden Wisdom Company and Peter Sandroni of La Merenda have been selected as the Green Builds Business Milwaukee winners for one-onone green coaching from Bill Roth, founder of Earth 2017,to formulate a green business plan or implement a green project that holds the potential of creating jobs, growing profits and reducing emissions this year. Vang’s project is focused upon enabling urban gardens offering senior citizens healthier diets plus exercise. Sandroni has an innovative concept for placing an herb garden on the roof of his La Merenda restaurant building with the produce being used as menu ingredients.

Do you want to have more control over the finances of your business?

ACCOUNTING for SMALL BUSINESSES This short course focuses in providing you with a solid base of practical accounting principles and processes that a small business should set in place


for success. Participants are also introduced to the

Wednesdays November 9 -

program Quickbooks™.

December 7, 2011

Time: This course covers:

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

• Bookkeeping requirements


• Understanding taxes and payroll

612 W National Ave.

• Understanding financial statements



• Developing a good basic record keeping system


•Quick Books™ Lab and more...

Register Today!


Milwaukee, WI 53204

Investment: $199- Early Bird $179

Together We Can Reach Success!

Add us to your Myspace www.myspace.com/multiculturalinstitute

Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/mei2006

Look for us on Facebook Multiculcultural Entrepreneurial Institute

Suscribe to our channel www.youtube.com/meitraining


Payment Plans available

TIPS THIS MONTH Christopher M. Castillo


Aeutus Marketing


any businesses today want to “Go Green” with their Marketing Efforts but they just don’t have a good understanding on ways to accomplish Marketing Green. This is in part driven by business owners who understand the importance of “Going Green” but businesses today are becoming more and more scrutinized by their customers for their environmental footprint.

7 Tips for business to implement Green Marketing Strategies

By broadcasting your businesses’ “eco-friendly” status to customers, it conveys a message that you are forward thinking and have the ability to adapt with the times. Here is a list of Green Marketing tips for your business:





Switch from print advertising such as Newspapers, Magazines, Postcards to advertising online, the radio or television. This includes things such as advertising by using such things as Social Media sites, Mobile & Text messaging, Digital Billboards and other types of Dynamic Media.


If you still need to utilize print advertising, do so on recycled paper or on materials that can be recycled. Here is an interested statistic: “Recycled paper, instead of making it from new material, generates 74% less air pollution and uses 50% less water” EPA 2008





If you use “give-aways” consider purchasing items that can be reused and branded with your companies information such as reusable grocery bags, umbrellas or water bottles. If you sell products, consider changing your packaging to use more recycled materials or less materials in the overall packaging design. Also, consider modifying your production process to use less energy, have less waste and lower air pollution.


Offer your customers a discount, or incentive, to receive bills or invoices electronically.

Offer to email your customers a receipt instead of printing one for them. The Apple® stores do this and its a great way to capture your client’s email addresses for future communications and promotions.

Simple things around your office can also improve your businesses’ environmental footprint, such as turning off the lights in rooms not in use, using energy efficient light bulbs, using email instead of hard copy memos, and having a recycling bin are easy things that can be done at most businesses.

¿Quiere tener control sobre las finanzas de su negocio?

CONTABILIDAD para PEQUEÑOS NEGOCIOS Este breve curso se centra en proporcionarle a usted una base sólida de los principios de contabilidad y procesos prácticos que un pequeño


negocio debe poner en marcha para

los miércoles comenzando

tener éxito. A los participantes también se

el 9 de noviembre al 7 de

les introduce al programa Quickbooks ™.

diciembre del 2011

Este curso cubre:

Hora: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

• Requisitos de registro • Entendimiento de impuestos y nómina


• Comprensión de los estados

612 W National Ave.


Milwaukee, WI 53204

• Desarrollo de un buen sistema de

Inversión: $199*

registro • Laboratorio de Quickbooks™ y más ...

¡Regístrate Ya!


*Madrugador $179

¡Juntos Podemos Lograr el Éxito!

Añadenos a tu Myspace www.myspace.com/multiculturalinstitute

SÍguenos en Twitter www.twitter.com/mei2006

Buscanos en Facebook Multiculcultural Entrepreneurial Institute

Suscríbete a nuestro canal www.youtube.com/meitraining


Plan de pagos disponible



6th Exito Awards Dec 2 • Oak Creek, WI

Oak Creek Community Center 8580 S. Howell Ave. Oak Creek, WI 53154 Time: 6:00 pm-9:00 pm

Empowering Young Adults and Entrepreneurs! To register go to: www.lenwi.org


Hispanic Awards Banquet

Help Us Recognize Our Éxito Award Recipients:

Reasons To Attend:

• Short Program Seyoum Mengesha, WEDC, • Excellent Public Sector Champion 2011 Entertainment Dani Yegge, Sams Club, • Structured Corporate Champion 2011 Networking Hugo Uribe, Aztec Plumbing, Opportunity Ivan Campuzano, Casa Tequila, • Support our Bilingual Entrepreneurs of 2011 Youth Education Ivan Gamboa, TCF, Scholarship & Community Volunteer of 2011 Programs

Latino Family Expo

Banquete UMOS Sabado, 15 de octubre - 5:00pm El Banquete UMOS es un evento anual para honrar las contribuciones de los hispanos en Wisconsin a sus comunidades.



Saturday, October 15th, 2011 Time: 5:00 p.m. Place: Italian Conference Center


Center The UMOS Hispanic Awards Banquet is an annual event honoring the contributions of Wisconsin Hispanics to their communities. The following awards are presented each year in October: Hispanic Man of the Year, Hispanic Woman of the Year, Hispanic Youth of the Year, and Hispanic Family of the Year.

October 28 & 29, 2011 State Fair Park Wisconsin The Latino Family Expo is an event that has been long overdue in this community. The event, which is open to and welcomes all Wisconsin’s communities, will provide a multitude of information and services to its attendees. What makes the Latino Family Expo so unique is its holistic approach in addressing the needs of the entire family and community under one-roof.

Se premian al hombre hispano, la mujer hispana, la juventud hispana y a la familia hispana del año.

Exposición de la Familia Latina 28 y 29 de octubre del 2011 WI State Fair El evento, que está abierto a todas las comunidades de Wisconsin y proporcionará una gran cantidad de información y servicios a sus asistentes.

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www.aztecplumbingllc.com Hugo Uribe • Owner Free Estimates

Se habla EspaĂąol

Domenico (Dom) Santilli President

2349 S. 13th St. Milwaukee, WI 53215

Ph: 414.688.6196 • Fax: 414.672.3074 e: solar@powercontrolllc.com

Offering Mexican Gourmet Cakes for Special Occasions

Your Style by Alex

Nayeli Flores Owner 2400 S. 6th St. Milwaukee, WI 53215 Ph: 414.643.1570 Cell: 414.793.8357 e: nayeli@zicarugourmet.com w: www.zicarugourmet.com

1822 W Lincoln Ave Milwaukee, WI 53215 Ph: 414.384.8614 Cell: 414.628.5398 Find us: yourstylebyalex

Let Us



• WebSites and Content Management Systems at Affordable Prices coupled with web maintenance training to empower owner. • Branding and Graphic Design Services. • Social Space Integration –Website + Facebook+ Twitter and/or Linkedin, Blogg, YouTube and Foursquare. • Surveys and Marketing Research. • Marketing and Business Plans.

BUSINESS TRAINING TRAINING • General Business. • Strategic Marketing Seminars. • Seminars in Negotiation and Arbitration Strategies for Entrepreneurs. • Full Training Program for Small Contractors. • Self Serve Training for Restaurant Managers and Employees. • Accounting and Finance for Contractors, Restaurateurs and Professional Services. • Leadership and Diversity Customized Training.

BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Quickbooks ProAdvisor Designation

Bookkeeping • Quickbooks Set Up and Conversions. • Financial Analysis. • Business Growth Strategies and Recommendations. • Accounts Receivables and Payable Management.

Staff: Over 25 years of combined business experience. We added four new instructors, a bookkeeping specialist and a web developer to our team. MEI is an MBE National Supplier Council, MBE, EBE and DBE Certified firm. Call us today at 414-383-4633 or visit www.multiculturalinstitute.com, to learn more about our expanded services.


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