SimplyFit 28-Day Challenge by Alyssa Rimmer & Michelle Cady

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S28-Day IMPLY FIT Challenge the 28-day success plan to a vibrant new you

alyssa rimmer + michelle cady



Meet Your Coaches ALYSSA RIMMER holistic nutritionist + healthy recipe developer I love taking long walks in the sunshine, cozying up with a good book and winding down with a cup of

herbal tea. I have a dog named Trevi who is the snuggliest furball ever.

Hi, I’m Alyssa! I’m so excited that you are here; welcome to the SimplyFit team!! This is going to be an

exciting four weeks and I can’t wait to see how much progress we make together.

A little bit about me: I was born and raised in a small

town in Vermont and spent a lot of my childhood outdoors in the woods learning about nature. I grew up with in a household where organic food, homeopathic medicine and natural living was the norm. I was the kid at lunch who had to pick the nuts and seeds out of my bread. I was the kid who could only

have cereal with less than 8g of sugar per serving. I know now that being raised that way has shaped me into the woman I am today, but as a kid, I was the odd man out.

I lost my way when I hit high school. I started eating however I wanted - ice cream, chips, soda, cheese

burgers, all the processed crap that they serve in cafeterias and vending machines - and my waistline responded. I finally realized what was happening when my clothes stopped fitting, but instead of think-

ing about changing the foods I was eating, I just started restricting calories. Every bite of food went into my journal with the calorie count next to it. On top of that I also started going to the gym, so next to the

calories I consumed, I would record the calories I burned. My intake goal was 1,200 calories from food, but most of the days I was burning at least 450 at the gym, so my net ended up being around 700 – 800

per day. I had NO IDEA if this was good or bad, but I figured the lower the amount, the better I was

doing. I even stopped eating home cooked meals for a while in favor of lean cuisines because then I could count exactly what I was eating.

This pattern of unhealthy eating followed me through college where I stopped counting calories, but was still very aware of the foods I was eating, always opting for low-calorie, low-fat and low-sugar options. Coke Zero, Splenda and Yoplait Light were my BFFs and late night binging on cheesy bread and

Domino’s pizza was a regular weekend activity (I lost all self control after spending a night out drinking).



I finally hit a tipping point the year after college when I realized that I had developed a sensitive to gluten and dairy. At first I just replaced my normal diet with the overly processed alternatives, but as

I began to learn more about nutrition, my love for cooking blossomed. I realized how amazing I felt when I was eating whole, real foods. So I stripped the junk from my diet and focused on eating entire-

ly natural, unprocessed foods, as close to their natural form as possible. And the results were almost

instantaneous; within days I felt like an entirely new person. A shroud had been lifted, the lingering stomach aches disappeared and the fog was gone. While it wasn’t really about my weight, the pounds

started melting away and I felt as if my body was finding it’s natural rhythm.

I’ve been living the real food lifestyle for over four

years now and have never once felt deprived or that my was food boring or bland. But even more importantly, I found that eating this way doesn’t have to

be expensive or time consuming (which was a big

fear of mine going in)! Instead I’ve found I’m more in tune with what my body wants, I have more en-

ergy, my digestion is better and my skin has all but cleared up.

This transformation is why we created SimplyFit. We want you to look and feel your absolute best with-

out having to spend tons of money at the grocery,

hours in the kitchen or killing yourself at the gym. We want you to see that even if you’re working full

time and have a crazy busy schedule, you can still make healthy eating (plus fitness AND self-care) fit into that routine with ease. We’re about to have the best 28 days of our lives!




Shopping List PRODUCE FF 1 container (5 oz) baby spinach FF 1 container (5 oz) mixed greens FF 1 bag (3 hearts) romaine hearts

FF 1 package cherry tomatoes FF 1 bunch scallions (optional) FF 1 bunch radishes


PANTRY STAPLES (check to see if you have enough) FF Almond butter: 1 cup FF Gluten-Free Oats: 2 cups FF Quinoa: 3 - 4 cups

FF 1 bunch cilantro

FF 1 small package frozen berries (any variety)

FF 1 bunch parsley

FF 1 small bag frozen corn

FF Nutritional Yeast: 1 cup

FF 3 green apples (or 2 green, 1 red)

FF 1 carton eggs

FF Flaxseed meal: ¼ cup

FF 1 jar kimchi

FF Hemp seeds: ¼ cup + 2 tablespoons


FF Maple syrup: ¼ cup

FF 3 cucumbers FF 2 heads curly kale FF 1 (1 lb) bag carrots FF 2 bunches (2 cups) fresh basil FF 2 packages blueberries FF 2 packages raspberries FF 1 package strawberries FF 3 large crowns broccoli florets

FF Brown Rice: 1 - 2 cups

FF 1 quart vegetable broth

FF Bananas (4)

FF 1 jar pitted kalamata olives

FF Avocados: 2

FF 2 cans chickpeas

FF Dates: 15 - 20

FF 1 can black beans

FF Figs: 4 - 8

FF 1 large can diced tomatoes

FF Almonds: 1 cup

FF 1 cans full-fat coconut milk


FF 1 cans lite coconut milk

FF 1 large, 1 medium sweet potato

FF 1 small jar artichoke hearts (in water)

FF 1 onion

FF 1 jar salsa

FF 1 large tomato

FF 1 cup walnuts/pecans

FF 1 packaged fresh chives FF 1” piece fresh ginger


FF Carrot cake cookies FF Pesto - freeze FF Energy bites - freeze (will last all challenge) FF Cooked Quinoa - 2 cups uncooked FF Cooked Brown Rice - 1 cup uncooked







Dark Chocolate Smoothie Bowl

3 Carrot Cake Cookies + Light Green Smoothie

PB + Greens Protein Smoothie

3 Carrot Cake Cookies + Light Green Smoothie

Dark Chocolate Smoothie Bowl

3 Banana Pancakes + 1 T syrup + 1 T nut butter

Savory Quinoa Breakfast Bowls

Apple + 2 T nut butter

1 cup fresh berries

1 Breakfast Cookie

2 dried figs/ dates + ¼ c almonds

2 dried figs/ dates + ¼ c almonds

Light Green Smoothie

1 cup fresh berries

Coconut Curry with 1 C cooked brown rice + Side Salad

Pesto Pizza

Simple Green Salad

Quinoa Chopped Salad

Broccoli Quinoa Mac + small salad

Quinoa Chopped Salad

Pesto Zucchini Noodles + ½ C chickpeas

1 C carrots + ¼ C hummus

2 dried figs/ dates + ¼ C almonds

1 cup carrots +¼C hummus

½ avocado sprinkled with sea salt + lime juice

1 C carrots + ¼ C hummus

2 dried figs/ dates + ¼ C almonds

1 banana pancake + 1 T nut butter

Broccoli Quinoa Mac + 4 oz protein

Coconut Curry with 1 C cooked brown rice + Side Salad

Coconut Curry with 1 C cooked brown rice + Side Salad

Kimchi Grain Bowls

Pesto Pizza

Sweet Potato Nachos

Kimchi Grain Bowls

1 energy bite

½ oz dark chocolate

½ C fresh berries + cinnamon

1 energy bite

½ C fresh berries + cinnamon

1 energy bite

½ oz dark chocolate

Active Rest

LowIntensity Cardio

Active Rest









Meal Plan

WORKOUT Strength #1

Stretch + Muscle Extension

Strength #2

HighIntensity Cardio

self-love Look yourself in the mirror each day and tell yourself: “You’re beautiful. I love you. You deserve the best. Always. I will fight for you. I love you.” Say it out loud. I know, I know, it may sound crazy and a bit uncomfortable at first. But guess what, it works. We do it!



Staple Recipes LIGHT GREEN SMOOTHIE | serves: 2 • 1 cup spinach

• 1 cup romaine • ¼ cup cilantro • ¼ cup parsley

• ½ cup cucumber • Juice of 1 lemon • 1 green apple

• ¼ cup frozen berries • ½ teaspoon cinnamon • ¼ teaspoon turmeric (optional)

• 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or water/coconut water) • Ice as needed

Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Serve immediately or store extras in a sealed container (like a mason jar) for up to one day.

change it up! Since we’ll be seeing a lot of this smoothie throughout the plan, here are a few ideas to change it up: • change your your greens - any type of green is 100% accepted • Change your citrus - use lime, lemon or grapefruit!

• Substitute another low glycemic fruit for the berries - think peaches, cherries, kiwis, etc. • Spice it up! Use any spice your heart desires - we love cardamom, vanilla and sometimes a dash of cayenne

SIDE SALAD | serves: 1 • 1 ½ cups greens of choice • 1 small carrot, chopped

• 2 radishes, chopped

• ¼ cup broccoli, chopped

• ¼ cup cherry tomatoes, halved

• 1 tablespoon olive oil/tahini (optional)

• 1 tablespoon vinegar/lemon juice

Toss all ingredients together and enjoy!



QUINOA CRISPIES | serves: 4-6 • 1 cup cooked quinoa Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Transfer quinoa to a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes so as not to burn it. Once crispy, allow the quinoa to cool completely then transfer to a glass container and store on the counter for up to 1 week. Enjoy on top of smoothie bowls, stirred into your yogurt or even just a quick snack. So good!

VEGAN KALE PESTO | serves: 4 • 2 cups fresh basil • 1 cup chopped kale • 1 garlic clove

• ¼ cup nutritional yeast

• ¼ cup hemp seeds

• Juice of 1 lemon • 2 tablespoons Olive oil

• 2 tablespoons water + more as needed

• Salt + pepper to taste

Add all the pesto ingredients to a food processor and process until almost smooth. Transfer to a sealed container and keep in the fridge for 5 days or freeze for up to 3 months.

ROASTED CHICKPEAS | serves: 4 • 1 (15 oz) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed

• 1 tablespoon coconut oil

• ¼ - ½ spices of choice (optional)

• Salt + pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Toss the chickpeas with coconut oil and spices, then transfer to a baking sheet. Bake for 45 - 60 minutes until chickpeas are golden brown and crispy, stirring around a few times throughout the cooking. Let cool completely (can do this in the oven with the door propped open and store in an airtight container.



Breakfast Recipes DARK CHOCOLATE SMOOTHIE BOWL | serves: 1 • 2 cups greens of choice

• ½ frozen banana • ½ cup frozen berries (any variety)

• 1 tablespoon flaxseed meal • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

• ½ teaspoon ground turmeric (optional) • 2 tablespoons raw cacao powder • ½ cup water • 2 tablespoons hemp hearts

Toppings: • 1 tablespoon cacao nibs

• 1 tablespoon quinoa crispies

• 1 tablespoon dried goji berries/ mulberries (optional)

Add all ingredients to a high-powered blender, in the order listed. Blend on high until smooth and creamy. Pour into a bowl, top with desired toppings and enjoy!

CARROT CAKE BREAKFAST COOKIES | serves: 14 • 1 flax egg (1 tablespoon flaxseed meal + 3 tablespoons water) • ½ cup almond butter (or nut/ seed butter of choice)

• ¼ cup pure maple syrup • 1 medium banana, mashed • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • ½ cup rolled oats • ½ cup quinoa flakes (or quick cooking oats)

• 1 teaspoon baking powder • 1 teaspoon cinnamon • ½ teaspoon nutmeg • ¼ teaspoon salt • ¾ cup shredded carrots

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Whisk together the flaxseed meal and water, and set aside. Beat together almond butter, syrup, banana and vanilla in a large bowl. Add flax egg and mix to combine. Pour in oats, quinoa flakes, baking powder, spices and salt to the bowl and stir together. Fold in shredded carrots. Drop 2 tablespoons of dough onto the baking sheet and repeat until no dough remains. Bake cookies on center rack for 15 - 18 minutes until edges are golden brown. Remove and let cool on the pan for 5 minutes then transfer to a wire rack and cool completely.



Strength Training Workout #1





15 Air Squats

10 Incline Push-Ups

40 Skip Drives


30 Walking Lunges

10 Tricep Dips

40 Mountain Climbers


10 Step-ups (L/R)

10 Renegade Rows (L/R)

40 Jumping Jacks

At the very end, we’ve included a super fun metabolic finish. Which is another way of saying, MOVE

your body and increase your heart rate for one minute. This is YOUR choice. Here’s some ideas for

your Metabolic Finish: Our favorite, a Dance Party (!), sprinting in place, high knees + butt kicks, jumping jacks, jumping rope (you don't need a rope, just pretend!, sprinting across a field or track, or repeat any of the 3 Metabolic Moves. HAVE FUN WITH THIS! One minute, GO!



Circuit One repeat x3 If you are in a gym and want to add weights to your strength workout, go for it! It’s not required. You’ll get a great workout with bodyweight in a park, playground or in your living room.

WARM-UP: 5 Minutes of cardio or dynamic movement stretching or foam rolling.

15 AIR SQUATS butt, leg and abs. need i say more? Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes point out at a 20% angle. As you squat, get your butt back, your weight back on your heels. Never let your knees bop in front of your toes. When

you stand back up, SQUEEZE your butt!





10 TRICEP DIPS these are not easy, think: sexy arms! Get your hands comfortable, shimmy your shoulders back so your chest is proud. Fold your arms

back, keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible. Adjust the length of your legs to suit

your ability - bring your legs in closer to ease up, further out to increase difficulty. If your form slips, shake it out, reset and resume.



40 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS strong back, sexy shoulders, abs and cardio! Position your arms straight out from under your shoulders. Your back should be strong and stable. Alternating legs, quickly drive each knee up to your chest. Fast. Strong. Don’t let your butt creep up to the sky. Maintain a strong upward plank.



Circuit Three repeat x3

10 STEP-UPS another of my absolute faves! lifts your butt and strengthens your legs. Position your opposite foot and hand on a stable step. Drive up and stand up proud and squeeze your butt at the top. Do one side it its entirety, then switch to your other side. 10 on each side.





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