December Off Campus Student Newsletter

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Yo u r HOME Live On Campus Spring applications are now open! Make your life easier and live on campus in the Spring. If you do, you’ll be better able to secure on campus housing for next year. Living on campus keeps you more connected to the UMW community, and you only have to pay one bill instead of many. Contact us today for more information!

Office of Residence Life & Commuter Student Services

For more information, go to:

Stress Free Zone December 12 ‐ 14th 12 ‐ 3 PM STUDENT ACTIVITIES & ENGAGEMENT

Massages (2nd Floor UC) Snacks (2nd Floor UC) Therapy Dogs (2nd Floor UC) Video Game Lounge (Talon) Balloon Room (Chandler Ballroom, WED ONLY)


Coloring (2nd Floor UC) Punching Bags (2nd Floor UC)

JAMES FARMER MULTICULTURAL CENTER Greeting Card Making (JFMC Office) Beading/Macrame (JFMC Office)


Stress Socks (2nd Floor UC) Prize Wheel (2nd Floor UC) Commuter Students Hot Chocolate & Tea (Res Life Table)


Zen Spaces (Colonnade Room) Bubbles (Outside HCC)


Streaming a Stress Free Playlist for all your study needs

Off-Campus Student Event Calendar GA Jess* 10am-3pm

Stress Free Zone 12-3 See page 2

Coffee Hours 11am-1pm

GA Jess* 10am-3pm

Coffee Hours 9:30am-11:30am

Stress Free Zone 12-3 See page 2

Stress Free Zone 12-3 See page 2

F i n a l s

W e e k

Winter Break Unless otherwise noted, all events are held in the Commuter Lounge (University Center room 114). *The Graduate Assistant for Commuter Student Services, Jess DeMers, will be in the Commuter Lounge to answer questions, address concerns, or just chat!

UMW Commuter Student Services


5 Finals Week Tips That Will Save Your Grade

1. Block all of those pesky sites that keep you from studying

Don’t waste any more time binge watching your favorite Netflix show when you should be hitting the books! Extensions such as StayFocused or Cold Turkey will temporarily block those distracting sites so you can focus on what is really important, acing your finals. Direct links for these extensions will be posted on the Commuter Student Services Facebook page.

2. Don't procrastinate

Start crafting those study playlists now; you don't want to give yourself any reason to put off studying. Make a list of all your exams and create study guides ahead of time so you aren't spending valuable time preparing to study instead of actually studying.

3.Study in groups

This method of studying is also valuable for time management. Instead of spending time re-reading a chapter of your textbook or trying to reteach yourself material, have a friend explain it to you. This helps to solifidy the information for them, while they teach it to you.

4. Ask for help

Don't be afraid to ask your professor any lingering questions you may have. If you have papers or presentations that will take place of final examinations, utilize free services such as the writing and speaking center sooner rather than later.

5.Take breaks & Get lots of rest

Avoid all nighters and binge coffee drinking as these methods will only leave you feeling groggy and disoriented during your tests.

Good luck!

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