Lisbon International Contemporary Exhibition 2015 - Catalog

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Welcome to Lisbon! mee#NG art gallery is proud to host the second edi.on of Lisbon Interna.onal Contemporary Exhibi.on, the interna.onal exhibi.on that will provide a wide range of ar.sts from all around the world to show their work here in Lisbon.


list of parRcipaRng arRsts 04-­‐05 | Alberto Valle Souto| SPAIN 06-­‐07 | Andrea Cola| ITALY 08-­‐09 | Ilsa E. Garcia Gonzalez| USA 10-­‐11 | Chalice Bartsch-­‐Bailley| USA 12-­‐13 | Laura Lomiento| URUGUAY 14-­‐15 | MarRne Bossuyt| BELGIUM 16-­‐17 | Natalia Gromicho| PORTUGAL 18-­‐19 | Samah El Hage| SWEDEN 20-­‐21 | Uili Lousi| USA


LICE 2015


Alberto Valle Souto| SPAIN

It begins in the 90s his ar.s.c training taking courses in drawing and at the Academy Peña de Madrid (95/96) before joining the University Sanfernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid where he studied un.l 2002 (specializing in drawing ) ring for final exhibi.on of photography career of the faculty of fine arts. It is formed as a set designer, engineer and u.llero in the CTE, Madrid (Entertainment Technology Center). In 2004 he studied Art Photography at art school Mestre Mateo (San.ago), receives the scholarship Leonardo Da Vinci, done internships in Ireland as a photographer. Since 2005 has been developing projects and work as a photographer, designer and painter for various museums and ins.tu.ons in the world of culture (CGAC, PEDAGOXICO GALICIA MUSEUM, MUSEUM MASSÓ, USC ..). Since the 90s held exhibi.ons, both individual and mainly in the regions of Galicia and Madrid. Currently in 2015 has been selected for The Miami Art Expo with the Gallery The Nina Torres Fine Art (Miami), Great Summer Exhibi.on 2015 Gallery EKA & MOOR Madrid Selected for LICE 2015 (Lisbon Contemporary Exhibi.on) with METTING ART GALLERY ( Lisbon), selected to The Interna.onal Biennial of Contemporary Art in Florence 2015 (Italy).

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Alberto Valle Souto| SPAIN

Sofa Spirit| Mixed Technique on Canvas| 92x73cm 5

LICE 2015

LISBON INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY EXHIBITION Andrea Cola | Italy I was born in Bellano (CO) on Lake Como, Italy, currently live in Lugano, start entering the world of art thanks to an of Lierna, a village overlooking the Lecco branch of Lake Como, by the name Guido Stropeni that will be my teacher for about three years.The results of these teachings are the approach to the basics of drawing. I restarted in 2011 to make visible my mind, the result are works executed with mixed techniques but always dedicated to mold the material rather than the tradi.onal I am an, what I do the first I do it for myself, then if is pleasing to other people so much the beber

w – www.andrea-­‐ e –

Andrea Cola | Italy

Fantasma | Mixed Technique | 70x50cm 7

LICE 2015


Ilsa E. Garcia Gonzalez | USA My name is Ilsa E. Garcia Gonzalez born in Aibinito, P.R. called The city of Flowers and the Suiza of P.R. I have studies in Healthcare but also in Paint. Im a #1 fan of Arts and Poetry I relate them both in my artwork!

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Ilsa E. Garcia Gonzalez | USA

Lovers| Mixed Technique on Canvas| 40x31cm 9

LICE 2015


Chalice Bartsch-­‐Bailley | USA

Chalice Bartsch-­‐Bailley (Florida, b.1990) received a BFA in painRng, winter 2015 from the Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA. She has exhibited her work in juried exhibiRons at the deFine Art: Student Show Case at Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA, Sensory Showcase in Miami, FL at the LMNT Gallery, the 2 Lible Exhibi.on at the Richard App Gallery in Grand Rapids, MI, as well as the 3rd annual LICE exhibi.on at the meetING Art Gallery in Lisbon. Bartsch-­‐Bailley has also been involved in several group exhibiRons in Savannah, GA including Gesso & Steel at Sulfur Studios Gallery, as well as Design for Hope where 50% of the proceedings from the exhibiRon went to the organizaRon Design for Hope to build schools in Ethiopia. Her abstract painRngs are an exploraRon of mixed media chemical reacRons with enamel and acrylic paint combined with hot and cold water. Her current projects explore abstract microscopic views of human skin with broken blood vessels. In early June of 2015 Bartsch-­‐Bailley will be teaching with 21st Century art summer program, grades 2nd through 5th. She will also be a\ending a residency at the Molzberger Academy of Fine Arts in Hilmsen, Germany in the summer of 2016. She currently work and resides in Charlo\e, NC.

w – h\p://www.chalicebartsch-­‐ e –

Chalice Bartsch-­‐Bailley | USA

Wet Web 3| Photograph| 92x73cm 11

LICE 2015


Laura Lomiento| URUGUAY This series was inspired by the most important ar.s.c reference in my opinion of my country, the teacher Joaquín Torres Garcia, using my technique and my innate own imprint to the composi.on, in addi.on to the use of obsolete materials recycle them

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Laura Lomiento| URUGUAY

series| Mixed Technique | 37x45cm 13

LICE 2015


MarRne Bossuyt | BELGIUM Bossuyt played in her sculptures and pain.ngs, the quiet strength of contempla.on and introspec.on, the slow, deliberate movements of the soul, past the busy current affairs and urgent order of the day, looks and sees and reads. That silence, however, is not a blank silence, no obliga.on waive communica.on. Rather, her images express the most subtle emo.ons, their story is a finely tuned conversa.on with the spectator is invited to descend in turn into his own silence.

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MarRne Bossuyt | BELGIUM

meditaRon| Bronze| 32x30cm 15

LICE 2015


A giked painter, in the purest sense, Natália has skillfully created a body of work that is simultaneously lyrical and mysterious, jubilant yet poe.c. Employing these paradoxes, she skillfully applies her raw talent into different mediums and styles a sense of flux, depth and dominance. Natália’s work takes elemental images, from nature and the landscape to culture and individuals she encounters on her travels, and transforms using drama.c ploys such as contrasts in scale, shiks in focus, irrored reflec.ons, staccato images, and mul.ple or layered surfaces. Sensory percep.on for Natália is a spiritual ac.vity, one that leads to a heightened awareness of both nature and culture—this thought process points to a new kind of realism—one that is engaged with the actual processes of life. Yet, it also references the avant-­‐ garde concep.ons of deconstruc.on emerging during Modernism.

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Natália Gromicho| PORTUGAL

Solar Spectrum| Oil on Canvas| 116x89cm 17

LICE 2015


Samah El Hage| SWEDEN

My life as an began at an early age although I didn't always know I'd be an I liked to draw and paint, but I spent more .me priori.zing my educa.on. In the end, color turned out to be my passion. I see myself as an explorer therefore I like to use a variety of materials and techniques in my work. My work is a constant search for the best way to interpret the ideas that I have about my experience in life and the travels I have made. I do not limit myself to one style or concept. Inspira.on and ideas change like everything else. Even knowledge change. Each piece I create is simultaneously an extension from the past, where I’ve come from and what I’ve learned, as well as a preview of the future and where I’m going. If a viewer stops for just a moment to view and reflect on an artwork I have created, then I have succeeded in my work.

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Samah El Hage| SWEDEN

Beyond Earth| Acrylic on Canvas| 80x100cm 19

LICE 2015


Uili Lousi| Kingdom Of Tonga Uili weaves all of his experiences into his ar.s.c prac.ce to create a vibrancy in his work that is described as ENERGY. His work depicts the s.llness of FATA-­‐O-­‐TU’I-­‐TONGA (TONGAN ROYAL MOTIFS), in Mo.on and Non-­‐Mo.on. The mo.fs create a visual matrix and present a process of transi.on from tradi.onal to contemporary and representa.on to abstrac.on. He expresses that it is like a fire that has no smoke and does not burn. It is just an inner flame that only illuminates and is at peace with the soul. He takes the art of FATA-­‐O-­‐ TU’ITONGA into new realms that emanate, permeate and emit LIGHT and ENERGY.

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Uili Lousi| Kingdom Of Tonga

221| 3D Cut Glass| 120x120cm 21

general informaRon

Curator | Gonçalo Madeira DuraRon of the Show | October 5th – 10th 2015 LocaRon | meeRNG art gallery Rua Nova da Trindade, 5G Piso S/L 1200-­‐301 Lisboa -­‐ PORTUGAL ExhibiRon Hours | Mon-­‐Sat from 2 -­‐ 6pm Private View | October 3th, 2016, 5pm Vernissage Schedule | October 3th, from 5pm -­‐ 8pm Website | h\p:// Email Address |

Apoio: apoio à divulgação

All arRsts informaRon on this catalog was given by them, all vericy and responsabilty is from each one.


Thank you!

On Behalf of all the organiza.on I thank you all for par.cipa.on in this edi.on of LICE. See you all next year!


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