B2 Grammar Conversations Book

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Quiz 1) Until what time is food served? a) 11 b) 12 2) What is not cancelled? a) The game b) The concert 3) Is the report done?

Lesson B2-01 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Simple Passive Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Yes, it is done. b) No, it is not finished. 4) What is broken? a) One chair b) Two chairs

Conversation 1 Man: How is the new Thai restaurant? Woman: It’s great. All the food ________ with organic ingredients. Man: That sounds great. How late is it open? Woman: Well, food is served until 11, but the bar ________ until ________. Man: I will have to ________ it out. Woman: You should. It’s worth the visit.

Conversation 2 Man: Are you still ________ basketball tonight? Woman: No, the game is ________. Man: Oh no, why is that? Woman: The rec hall is ________ for something. Man: That’s too bad. Woman: Yeah, some band is ________ to play there tonight.

Conversation 3 Man: Is the report done yet? Woman: It is almost ________. Man: When will it be ________. Woman: It should be done very soon. Man: Well, as ________ as it is finished, please get it to me. Woman: I ________. The minute it’s finished, you’ll get it.

Conversation 4 Man: This chair is ________. Woman: Who broke it? Man: I don’t know. It was broken when I ________ here. Woman: Should I ________ it out? Man: No, I’ll see if maintenance can fix it. Woman: Don’t bother. It is more trouble than it’s ________. Man: You may be right.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4





is open








is cooked




Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Why is the room so hot? 2) What should I do if my computer is broken? 3) Where are the application forms? 4) What time are we having dinner? 5) Who does the shopping in your family? ( _ ) The forms are kept at the front desk. ( _ ) The shopping is usually done by my mother. ( _ ) It is hot because the air-con is broken. ( _ ) We can eat after the movie is finished. ( _ ) If your computer is broken, take it to the repair shop. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) The subway was ______ recently. a) built b) closed c) remodeled 2) What happened to the stadium? a) It was sold. b) It was torn down. c) It was remodeled.

Lesson B2-02 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Past Passive Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: When was this subway built? Woman: It was _______ about 30 years ago. Man: It still _______ pretty new. Woman: Yes, it was _______ last year. Man: Well, they did a _______ job. Woman: I’ll say.

Conversation 2 Man: What happened to the old stadium? Woman: It was _______ down last year. Man: Why did they tear it _______? Woman: It was _______ by the hurricane three years ago. Man: Oh, I remember that. Woman: Yeah, a lot of damage was _______ that night.

Conversation 3 Man: Do you still go to that hotel by the lake? Woman: No, it was _______ last year. Man: Oh, was it _______? Woman: No, it was closed and hasn’t been _______. Man: Oh, that’s too bad. Woman: Yeah, summer at the lake hasn’t _______ the same since.

Conversation 4 Man: Do you still play golf? Woman: No, the course was ___________ last year. Man: Oh, that was such a beautiful course. What _______ to it? Woman: It was _______ to a park. Man: Well, at least it was put to _______ use. Woman: Yeah, my kids love to go there now.

3) What happened to the hotel? a) It was closed. b) It was reopened. c) It was remodeled. 4) What happened to the golf course? a) It was sold. b) It was shut down. c) It was reopened.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4








shut down









Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) When was the report submitted? 2) Do you still have lessons on Sundays? 3) When were you born? 4) Who tidied up the living room? 5) Can I borrow your truck? ( _ ) The children were asked to tidy up the living room. ( _ ) The report was submitted last evening. ( _ ) No, the lessons were rescheduled to Tuesdays. ( _ ) Sorry, that truck was sold months ago. ( _ ) I was born on February 19th, 1994. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) Was the woman able to answer all the questions? a) Yes, she was. b) No, she was not. 2) Where will they have the wedding? a) The lake b) The countryside 3) What was the man not able to do?

Lesson B2-03 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Was able to Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: How did you do on the test? Man: Not great. I wasn’t able to ________ all the questions. I ran out of time. Woman: Same here. Some of the questions were really hard. Man: Were you able to ________ the essay section? Woman: Yeah, I was able to do that, at least. Man: Me too, although I wasn’t able to ________ 300 words. Woman: Me ________! How many words did you write? Man: I was only able to write about 200 words. Woman: Same here! Well, fingers crossed we get a good grade. Man: Yes, fingers crossed!

Conversation 2 Man: So, how is the wedding planning coming along? Woman: Good, we have ________ most of the arrangements. Man: Are you still having the wedding at the lake? Woman: No, we weren’t able to ________ the place we wanted. Man: Oh, then where are you having it then? Woman: We are having it at a ________ in the countryside. Man: Well, it sounds nice. Woman: Yeah, in the end, it worked out well. We were able to get a really good ________ on the caterer too. Man: Oh, that’s great! I am glad to hear it.

a) Attend the party b) Call the babysitter 4) What did the woman visit? a) The Statue of Liberty b) The Empire State Building

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4








go to



make it






Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Were you late for the meeting? 2) Could you carry all the boxes? 3) Did you watch the football game last night? 4) Are we eating at the new French restaurant tonight? 5) Can you still run 5 kilometers in 20 minutes? ( _ ) Yes, I was able to watch the second half of the game. ( _ ) No, I was only able to carry two boxes. ( _ ) I was able to until I was 30, now it’s too difficult! ( _ ) Sorry, I wasn’t able to get a reservation. ( _ ) No, I was able to get to the meeting on time. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: I am sorry I wasn’t able to ________ your birthday party on Saturday. Woman: Yeah, what happened? We were ________ you. Man: Well, my babysitter cancelled and I wasn’t able to ________ a replacement. Woman: Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe next time. Man: Well, I really wanted to go. I’m sorry I couldn’t ________. Woman: No worries. Some other people couldn’t make it also. Man: Oh, good. I am glad I was not the only one.

Conversation 4 Woman: Before I forget, how was your trip to New York? Man: It was fun. We saw a lot. Woman: Did you see the Statue of Liberty? Man: No, we weren’t able to get ________ for the ferry. Woman: What about the Empire State Building? I hope you

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were able to ________ that. Man: We were able to go there, but we weren’t able to ________ the top. Woman: Oh no, why not? Man: It was closed for maintenance or something. Woman: Oh that’s too ________. Man: Well, I am sure I’ll go back someday!

Quiz 1) What was the man going to do? a) Call a Mexican resturant b) Buy some food for lunch 2) What was the man going to do? a) Sell his car. b) Offer her a ride 3) What was the man just going to do?

Lesson B2-04 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Was going to Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Go outdoors b) Give the woman a call 4) What was Bob going to do? a) Cancel the game b) Take people to the game

Conversation 1 Man: How was your lunch? Woman: Good. I ______ at the new taco truck. Man: Really? I was going to go there, but I got ______. How is it? Woman: Good, but it is a bit ______. Man: Oh, really? Woman: Yeah, I was gonna _________ tacos but at 7 bucks apiece, I just had one. Man: Wow, that is pricey!

Conversation 2 Man: Hey, check out my new car! Woman: Oh, this is the one that was for ______? Man: Yeah, the guy sold it to us ______. Woman: Really? Is there something wrong with it? Man: No, it is just old. I wasn’t going to ______ it at first, but after driving it, I love it. Woman: Well, as long as it runs. So, can I get a ride home? Man: I was just going to ______ you one.

Conversation 3 Woman: Hey, what a surprise! I was just going to ______ you. Man: Oh, yeah? What’s up? Woman: I was going to ______ if you are still coming to the party. Man: Yes, of course. I am really looking forward to it. Woman: That’s great. I am so glad you can make it. Man: Are you still planning on having it ______? Woman: We were going to, but it looks like it is going to rain. Man: No worries. I ______ indoor parties anyway.

Conversation 4 Woman: Hey, why are you here? I thought you were going to ______ futsal. Man: I was, but we had to ______. Woman: Oh, yeah? What happened? Man: Bob was going to ______ us, but he got called in to work. Woman: Oh, he was your only ride? Man: Sadly, yes. Woman: Well, now you get to hang out with me! Man: I was just going to ______ that!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

have two
















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What are your plans for the evening? 2) How are you getting to the airport? 3) When are you moving to your new apartment? 4) Are you inviting your neighbours to the party? 5) Have you finished work for the day? ( _ ) I was going to move in next week, but it isn't ready yet. ( _ ) Almost done! I was just going to send my last email. ( _ ) I was going to take a taxi to the airport. ( _ ) I was going to watch a movie, but I have to work late. ( _ ) We were going to invite them, but they are on holiday. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) Where is the woman tentatively going next? a) Paris b) Spain 2) What will the man most likely do? a) Meet the woman b) Not meet anyone 3) What should the woman definitely do?

Lesson B2-05 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Adverb Placement Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Pay by check b) Eat a pasta dish 4) What is the woman anxiously waiting for? a) Taking a test b) Getting the results

Conversation 1 Man: Have you have been to Europe? Woman: I haven’t _________ been there, but I had a layover in Paris. Man: That doesn’t _________ count does it? Woman: No, but I'm _________ going next year. Man: Oh, yeah? Where are you planning on going? Woman: I’m _________ planning on going to Spain. Man: Oh, Spain is definitely worth the visit.

Conversation 2 Man: What are you doing this weekend? Woman: I will _________ stay home. What about you? Man: I’m most _________ going to stay home too. Woman: Oh, yeah? Do you want to do _________? Man: No, I'm really _________ forward to just relaxing at home. Woman: Suit yourself.

Conversation 3 Man: Have you tried the new Italian restaurant? Woman: No, is it _________ good? Man: Yes, you should _________ check it out. Woman: What do you recommend? Man: Well, I _________ recommend the ravioli. It is mouthwatering good. Woman: Thanks, I'lll _________ give it a look.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What should I do if I lose my passport? 2) Have you ever tried eating hotpot? 3) Where will you be in 5 years? 4) Will lunch be served after the conference? 5) When will the results be announced? ( _ ) They will hopefully be announced today. ( _ ) You should definitely report the loss to the police. ( _ ) I certainly hope so, I’m starving! ( _ ) Not yet, but I’m eagerly waiting to try it. ( _ ) In 5 years, I’ll most likely have moved to another city. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 4 Man: So, did you get the results of your test score? Woman: No, but I've been _________ awaiting the results. Man: I'm sure you did fine. Woman: I’m not so sure. This test was definitely _________ than the last one. Man: I wouldn’t worry about it. I hear all the students _________ pass the class anyway. Woman: That’s not true. You’re _________ mistaken.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) Where is the woman supposed to be? a) There b) At home c) At the office 2) What do they say about eating and drinking? a) Eating is OK b) Drinking is OK c) Both are not OK

Lesson B2-06 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) Who was supposed to work last night?

Supposed to

a) He was. b) She was. c) A friend was.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

4) What was the woman not supposed to do?

Conversation 1 Man: What are you doing ________? Woman: What do you mean? Man: You’re supposed to be at the ________. Woman: I thought I was ________ to be here. Man: No, they need you in the office. Woman: OK, got it. I’m ________.

Conversation 2 Man: Hey, you’re not supposed to eat on the ________. Woman: Oh, really? Since when? Man: Since forever. Woman: Oops. What about ________? Man: You’re not supposed to do that ________, but people do it anyway. Woman: OK, that’s ________ to know.

a) Attend a meeting b) Launch a product c) Tell the man a secret

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4



make it










on my way




Speaking Challenge

Conversation 3 Man: What ________ to you last night? Woman: I got called in to work. Man: Oh, last ________ meeting? Woman: No, my friend was supposed to ________, but he got sick. Man: Well, I hope you can ________ next week. Woman: I hope so too.

Conversation 4 Man: What did the boss say at the meeting? Woman: It’s a secret. I'm not supposed to ________ anyone. Man: Come on! You can tell me. Woman: OK, but it's a ________. We won't be launching our new product this year. Man: What? We were supposed to ________ it this fall. Woman: I know. Plans change. They ________ to scrap it.

Match the answers with the questions. 1) What time does the event start? 2) When are we supposed to submit the assignment? 3) What do we do with this paper? 4) Did you get the package you ordered? 5) Can I see the doctor now, please? ( _ ) Not yet, It was supposed to be delivered yesterday. ( _ ) It was supposed to start 15 minutes ago. ( _ ) We’re supposed to draw a picture on the paper. ( _ ) We’re supposed to hand the assignment in tonight. ( _ ) You’re supposed to wait until your name is called. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) Does the woman think she will get used to the commute? a) Yes, she does. b) No, she does not. c) She does not say. 2) What is the woman having trouble getting used to?

Lesson B2-07 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Get used to

a) The small keys. b) The different keyboard. c) The screen size. 3) What was hard getting used to in Japan?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Eating b) Reading c) Nothing

Conversation 1

4) What is the woman getting used to?

Man: How's the new job? Woman: Good, but I’m still not used to the long ________. Man: Really? How long is it? Woman: It’s three hours ________. Man: ________ it time. You’ll get used to it. Woman: I’m not ________ about that.

Conversation 2 Man: How is the new computer? Woman: OK, but it’s ________ getting used to the new operating system. Man: Yeah, but it should be ________, right? Woman: Wrong. I’m used to my old keyboard shortcuts. These ones are ________. Man: Yeah, but you’ll get used to it in ________. Woman: I guess. But for now, it’s frustrating.

Conversation 3 Man: Have you ever worked ________? Woman: Yeah, I worked in Japan for two years. Man: Oh, really? How was it? Woman: Great, but it took awhile getting used to ________ there. Man: Really? What was hard getting used to? Woman: Well, using chopsticks for one. Also, ________ how to interact with people. Man: Wow, that does sound difficult. Woman: It was hard ________, but I got used to it eventually.

Conversation 4 Man: How's the new baby? Woman: Great! Life couldn’t be ________. Man: How are you doing on sleep? Woman: Good. I only sleep a few hours a night, but I'm ________ used to it. Man: I could ________ get used to that. Woman: People say that, but once you ________, it’s not that bad. Man: Says you!

a) Sleeping less b) Speaking to a baby c) Cooking for a baby

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4









each way

no time


deal with it



at first


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Are you feeling confident about your driving? 2) How do you feel about wearing a tie to work? 3) Do you mind working in a noisy office? 4) Why don’t you like your new phone? 5) What’s the hardest part of living in this city? ( _ ) Yes, but I hope I’ll get used to the noise eventually. ( _ ) No, I’m still getting used to driving. ( _ ) It took a long time for me to get used to the subway. ( _ ) I was uncomfortable at first, but I got used to it. ( _ ) I was getting used to it, but the OS updated again! What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) She says the new job is not as _____ as his last job. a) fun b) easy c) stressful 2) Se says her new place is not as ____.

Lesson B2-08 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

As -- As Comparatives

a) bright b) clean c) convenient 3) He says he is not as _____ as his friend.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) tall b) thin c) handsome

Conversation 1

4) The new cafe is not as ____ as the last cafe.

Man: How is your new job? Woman: Okay, but it is not as _______ as my last job. Man: Oh, really? Why? Woman: Well, there _______ as many social events and it is not as chill as my last job. Man: Oh, no, that's too bad. What about pay and benefits? Woman: I earn about as _______ as before, but I had better benefits. Man: Well, so it's not all _______.

Conversation 2 Man: I hear you got a new house. Woman: I did. We just _______ in last week. Man: How is it? Woman: Good. It is not as _______ as my last place, but it is cheaper. Man: How is the _________? Woman: It is not as _________ as my last place, but I like it.

Conversation 3 Man: Can you pick up my friend at the airport? I have to work tonight. Woman: _______, I can do that. What does he look like? Man: Well, he's about as _______ as me, and he has blonde _______. It's the same color as mine. Woman: Wow, he sounds like your twin. Man: No, I am not _______ as handsome as he is. You'll see. Woman: I'll be the judge of that.

Conversation 4 Man: How's the new cafe? Woman: Not good. It's not as _______ as the last one. Man: How are the prices? Woman: About the same, but the coffee is not as good as _______. Man: Oh, no! I'm bummed to hear that. Woman: There is one good thing, though. Man: Oh, yeah? What's that? Woman: Well, because the quality has dropped off, it's not nearly as _______ as before, so it's easy to find a _______. Man: Well, at least that's good.

a) big b) bad c) crowded

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4






neighborhood nearly






are not




Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Are your new shoes comfortable? 2) How do you like your new neighbourhood? 3) What do you think about the new teacher? 4) Do you want the first or the second combo meal? 5) Did you like the remake of the movie? ( _ ) I think he’s as friendly as the previous teacher. ( _ ) It’s great! It’s not as loud as my old neighbourhood. ( _ ) Yeah, the actors are as good as the last ones. ( _ ) Not really. They’re not as comfortable as my old ones. ( _ ) I can’t choose, the first combo looks as good as the second! What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What does the man want to borrow? a) A car b) A bike c) Both 2) Why does the man want to leave early? a) He is sick. b) He has an appointment. c) He wants to beat the traffic.

Lesson B2-09 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) What does the woman worry about?

As - As Phrases

a) Insects b) Sunburn c) Bad weather

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

4) What does the woman offer to do?

Conversation 1 Man: Can I use your bicycle? My car is in the shop. Woman: Sure, come and get it _________ you want. Man: Can I use it for a week? Woman: Of course, use it as _________ as you like. Man: Great. As _________ as my car is fixed, I'll return it. Woman: No rush. Like I said, keep it as long as you like. I _________ use it.

Conversation 2 Man: Boss, can I leave early today? I want to leave because I want to beat the traffic. Woman: I suppose, as long as your work is _________. Man: It is, _________ you have more work for me to do. Woman: As _________ as I know, that is all we have to do today. Man: Great, then I can leave now? Woman: I don't see why not. Have a good _________. Man: Thanks, you too.

Conversation 3 Man: This weather is so nice. Woman: I know. This is as _________ as it gets. Man: Wow, will the weather be like this _________? Woman: As far as I know. Man: I could stay here all night. Woman: I could too, as long as there aren't too many bugs. Man: Actually, there are some at dusk. They come out as _________ as the sun starts to set. Woman: Well, as long as there are not _________, I'm happy.

Conversation 4 Man: This pasta is so good. Can I have some more? Woman: Yes, have as _________ as you like. Man: Thank you. I rarely get home cooked food like this. Woman: Well, to be honest, I don't invite people over as _________ as I should. Man: Well, regardless, I _________ you having me over. Woman: Thanks. In the future, I'll try to have you _________ as much as I can. Man: Thanks. I'd appreciate that.

a) Make more pasta b) Invite him to dinner c) Drive the man home

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4



all week








too many






Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Could I have another cookie? 2) Should I get a medium or a small bag of popcorn? 3) When would you like me to finish the presentation? 4) Can you come pick me up from school? 5) Can you walk a bit faster? We’re going to be late. ( _ ) Sure, I’m leaving as soon as I can. ( _ ) Doesn’t matter, as long as we can share the popcorn! ( _ ) I’m walking as fast as I can! ( _ ) Please finish it as soon as possible. ( _ ) Sure! Have as many cookies as you like. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) Who is the woman sitting next to Joe? a) A client b) New staff c) No one knows 2) What happened to the cookies sitting there? a) She ate them. b) She gave them away. c) She hid them.

Lesson B2-10 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Present Participle Clause

3) What do they say about the movie playing downtown?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) They saw it. b) It has good reviews. c) It has poor reviews.

Conversation 1

4) Where will there be booths selling food?

Man: Who is the woman ________ next to Joe? Woman: Oh, that’s Beth. She’s the new project ________. Man: Oh, really? Huh! I didn’t know anything about her. Woman: Yeah, there’ll be a meeting tomorrow ________ her new role. Man: Well, she seems like a nice person. Woman: Yeah, from what I hear, she’s a lot of fun to ______________.

a) The mall b) A chinese parade c) A festival

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

Conversation 2





Man: There were some cookies ________ here. What happened? Woman: Uh, sorry. I ate them. Man: What? You ate them. Why? Woman: Well, I know they ________ mine, but … I saw the box sitting there, and they just looked so good. Man: Well, next time could you not eat ________ of them? Woman: Yes, next time I’ll try to keep my appetite ________ control.








going on

work with



all over

Conversation 3 Man: There’s a new movie ________ downtown. Woman: Oh, yeah. What’s it about? Man: It’s about a woman ________ with racism throughout her career. Woman: Oh, yeah. I heard some people ________ about that. I hear it’s really good. Man: Yeah, I hear it’s great. Do you want to ________ me? Woman: Yeah, I’d love to go.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Who is the man talking to Sue? 2) What’s the name of the lady working at reception? 3) When can I find the person managing this event? 4) Would you like to meet any members of the band? 5) Where can I get something to eat? ( _ ) The lady working at reception is Katie. ( _ ) There are some shops selling snacks outside. ( _ ) The man talking to Sue is her new boyfriend. ( _ ) Oh I’d love to speak to the person playing the drums! ( _ ) The person managing the event is sitting by the desk. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 4 Man: There’s a festival ________ this week. You wanna come? Woman: Yeah, I’d like to. I heard there’s going to be lots of booths ________ international food. Man: Yeah, supposedly. They’re gonna have food from ________ the world. Woman: That’s awesome. I’d love to go. Are they going to have Chinese food? Man: ________ what I hear. Let’s go! Woman: I’m in. Let’s do it.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What did he notice about the car? a) The engine is running. b) The man is sitting on it. 2) What is the bike made of? a) Natural materials b) Artificial materials 3) Who left the boxes?

Lesson B2-11 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Past Participle Clause Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) They are not sure. b) Some people who moved. 4) What does the woman say about the movie? a) It has subtitiles. b) It was filmed by children.

Conversation 1 Man: There’s a car _________ across the street that looks a little suspicious. Woman: Oh, yeah? Why do you say that? Man: Well, it’s been sitting there for awhile with its engine _________ and lights turned on. Woman: Oh, it’s probably nothing. Some guys probably just _________ over to check a map or something. Man: I don’t know. The person seated inside _________ a bit sketchy. Woman: OK, that’s it. No more crime drama shows for you.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Conversation 2 Man: Have you heard about Bob’s new _________? Woman: No. What has he been up to lately? Man: He’s built a bike _________ entirely of bamboo. Woman: What? He made a bike made of bamboo? Man: Yeah, and all the bamboo used on the bike he made _________. Woman: You got to _________ it to him. That man’s got talent.

Conversation 3 Man: What’s in the boxes _________ outside? Woman: Just some junk _________ from that last tenant. Man: Who’s gonna move them? Woman: I'm not sure. They said we could _________ them out. Man: Then why don’t you? Woman: To be honest, I want to see what’s _________ first. Man: Me too. Let’s go have a look.

Conversation 4 Man: What movie did you see last night? Woman: We saw that new French war movie _________ in black and white. Man: I heard about that. Is it any good? Woman: It’s really good. It’s a war story _________ through the eyes of children. Man: That sounds really interesting. Woman: I think you would like it. It’s French though, so it’s _________. Man: I’ll _________ then. I hate movies subtitled in English. I’ll wait till it’s on Netflix.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Does the restaurant serve vegan food? 2) Which one is your car? 3) What is the bake sale for? 4) What do you do with the leftovers? 5) Is the gift shop any good? ( _ ) The profits from the cakes sold will be given to charity. ( _ ) All the food served at the restaurant is vegan. ( _ ) Yes, the items sold in the gift shop are high quality. ( _ ) The food left after the event is donated to a food bank. ( _ ) The blue car parked by the gate is mine. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What does the woman say about the food? a) It was low quality. b) It was high quality. 2) What does the woman say about the candidates? a) She likes them. b) She does not like them. 3) What will the police most likely do to the teens?

Lesson B2-12 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Relative Clause with Quantifiers Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: How was the lunch buffet? Woman: It was alright, but it consisted mostly of snack dishes, ________ of which were fried and greasy. Man: Hmm. Did they have any fruits or vegetables? Woman: Yes, there were some fruits and some salads, none of which looked fresh ________. Man: It doesn’t sound like a good place to eat. Woman: No, it’s not. I ________ be going there tomorrow. Man: Well, there are lots of restaurants near the hotel, ________ of which look very nice. Woman: Yes, I look forward to trying one tomorrow.

Conversation 2 Man: How is the hiring process going? Woman: Great. We’ve received many good candidates, most of ________ are very qualified. Man: How are things looking for the IT department? We really need some good software developers. Woman: Things are looking good. We have several applicants, ________ whom have excellent programming skills. Man: Great. When does the second round of interviews begin? Woman: We have several scheduled next week, all of ________ will be held online. Man: Great. Please keep me in the ________. Woman: I will.

Conversation 3 Woman: Hello, I heard that you wanted to report a crime. Man: Yes, some teens came in my store and ________ some food and beverages. Woman: OK, how many of them were there? Man: There were four teenagers, all of whom I had ________ before. I think they live in the neighborhood. Woman: OK, what did you see them take? Man: They took some candy from over there and some sodas in the back, ________ of which they paid for. Woman: OK, I can take a report, but if the crime is less than a 100 dollars, we can’t do anything. Man: Well, that’s unfortunate. If this happens again, I might take the law into my own hands. Woman: I wouldn’t do that. I recommend you install security cameras, most of which are very ________ and do a good job of deterring crime. Man: OK, officer. I’ll consider that. Thanks for your help and

a) Arrest them b) Not talk to them 4) What does the woman say about the old theories? a) They still hold up. b) They do not hold up.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4


all of















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Did you like any clothes in that store? 2) Did you interview any people for the position? 3) What’s so special about the new pizza place? 4) How many people were involved in the accident? 5) Are you attending the 3-day conference? ( _ ) Their menu has some exotic options, most of which seem delicious. ( _ ) There were 4 people in the car, none of whom were hurt. ( _ ) I liked a few dresses, all of which were too expensive. ( _ ) I interviewed 3 candidates, all of whom were good. ( _ ) Maybe. They have several sessions, some of which are interesting. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

have a nice day. Woman: Thanks. You, too.

Conversation 4 Man: What did you think of the lecture? Woman: It was pretty boring. It was all classical theories, most of which I already ________. Man: I agree, although he did make some good points about modern economics. Woman: Yes, but his ideas are based on the views of ancient economists, most of ________ never lived in the digital era. Man: So, you don’t think classical economic theory applies to modern times? Woman: No, I don’t. I think a lot of those older economic theories, ________ of which are over 100 years old, do not hold up today. Man: Well, maybe you can write one ________. Woman: Funny you should mention that. I am.

Quiz 1) Why does she no longer talk to Jill? a) They are no longer friends. b) Jill no longer works there. c) She does not say why. 2) Who no longer plays golf? a) The woman no longer plays. b) The man no longer plays. c) They both stll play.

Lesson B2-13 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) What is true about Joe?

No Longer

a) He still works with the woman. b) He still lives in town. c) He no longer works with her.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Do you still work with Jill? Woman: No, I don't work with her ________. Man: Oh, really, why? Woman: She no ________ works in my department. Man: Oh, that's too bad. I know you really liked ________ with her. Woman: Yeah, work's not longer the ________ now that she's gone.

4) What do they say about the dance studio? a) It is still there. b) It is no longer there. c) He can no longer afford it.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

Conversation 2









Man: Do you still have that set of golf clubs? Woman: No, ________ anymore. I sold them. Man: What? You sold them? Why? Woman: Well, I don't play anymore, so I no longer ________ them. Man: Oh, bummer! I need some clubs for ________. Woman: Well, I'm sure you can ________ some at the club.









Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: Do you still hang out with Joe? Woman: No, not that ________ anymore. He moved. Man: Oh really? I didn't know that. Why did he move? Woman: His company ________ longer needed him. Man: Oh! I'm really sorry to hear that. Is he OK? Woman: Yeah, he's OK. He got back on his ________. He got another job, but just in another town. Man: Well, that's good to ________.

Conversation 4 Woman: Do you and your wife ________ do salsa dancing? Man: No, not anymore. We just don't have time. Woman: Oh, really? That's too bad. I know you ________ liked it. Man: Yeah, plus the studio is no longer ________. It moved across town. It's actually by where you live now. Woman: Oh, really? I should check it out. Man: Yeah, if you go, I ________ even drive across town to join you. Woman: I'd like that.

1) Do you still go to those dance classes? 2) Could I have the squid ink pasta, please? 3) Shall we grab lunch at the cafe outside school? 4) Do you know if our history professor still teaches? 5) Are Jenny and Ron no longer dating? ( _ ) Didn’t you hear? The cafe isn’t open anymore. ( _ ) Sorry, that pasta is no longer on our menu. ( _ ) I no longer attend the classes, I don’t have enough time! ( _ ) Not anymore, they broke up years ago. ( _ ) I heard that he doesn’t teach history anymore. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What is unlikely? a) They will cancel the party. b) They will work from home. c) They do not say. 2) The man is sorry that ____. a) he lost the game b) he has to quit the team c) he will miss the next game

Lesson B2-14 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) They are jealous that _____.

Adjectives + That Clauses (1)

a) she gets to work from home b) they cannot quit c) she will not be around anymore

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: Oh no! Did you get the ________ company email? Man: No, I didn’t. What does it say? Woman: The boss wrote the following: due to the recent health crisis, I am ________ that the company holiday party is canceled. Man: I am not ________ that he did that. The writing was on the wall. Woman: Do you think they will close the offices? Man: It is ________ that would happen, but you never know.

Conversation 2 Man: Hey, before I forget. I’m afraid ________ I can’t play next week. Woman: That’s too bad. What happened? You never miss our games. Man: Yeah, this will be a ________ for me, but I have to work late next week. Woman: Well, I ________ that you can come back in two weeks. We would hate to miss you two weeks in a row. Man: I should be back. I’m ________ that I won’t be able to make it. Woman: No worries. See you in two weeks.

Conversation 3 Woman: Hey, did you ________ about Jill? She quit this morning. Man: Yeah, I hear she got a new job. Woman: Yeah, she gets to work from home, and she will get paid a lot more. Man: I’m so ________ that she gets to work from home. Woman: Me, too. And I’m ________ that she won’t be around the office anymore. Man: Yes, it won’t be the same ________ her.

Conversation 4 Woman: I was talking to Susan today, and she ________ that her daughter got into college. Man: Oh, that’s great. She must be very excited. Woman: Yes, she’s ________ that she got into a good college, but she’s a bit ________ too. Man: What is she so worried about? Woman: Typical mom stuff. She’s worried she’ll be alright living alone.

4) Susan is worried that her daughter _____ . a) will not come home b) will not get into college c) will be alright living alone

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Why is Kate so happy? 2) Where can I apply for the salesman job? 3) What are the protests about? 4) When do you think the construction will finish? 5) How do you like your new car? ( _ ) The protestors are unhappy that taxes have increased. ( _ ) Katie is happy that she got an A+ on her assignment. ( _ ) I’m disappointed that it isn’t as fast as I had hoped. ( _ ) I’m afraid that the job isn’t available anymore. ( _ ) I hope that construction will be finished by August. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Man: Her daughter will be fine! It’s all a part of growing up. Woman: Yeah, I think she ________ that. I think that she’s also sad that her daughter will be far from home. Man: Yeah, that’s tough for any parent.

Quiz 1) It is important for her that ____. a) he is on time b) his clothes are comfortable c) he wears a suit 2) It is weird that _____. a) no one saw the crime b) the car is not registered c) no one was hurt

Lesson B2-15 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) It is important that _____.

Adjectives + That Clauses (2)

a) he gets lots of rest b) he eats some food c) he goes home soon

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: Roger, I want to talk to you about the company dress policy. Man: Sure, is there a _________ with how I dress? I do my best to look professional. Woman: Well, you look nice. It's _________ that you don't wear a suit. Man: I know, but it's _________ to be productive in a suit, and it is very unlikely that I see any clients. Woman: I know, but it is _________ that all employees follow the same policy. Man: OK, I will start wearing a suit from tomorrow onward. Woman: Great, and be sure to wear nice dress shoes, too.

4) He is jealous that ______. a) she got a promotion b) she will get paid more c) she can work from home

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4








get to




highly likely





Conversation 2 Woman: This accident is very strange. Man: Yeah, it's _________ that no one saw the accident. Woman: And it's odd _________ both drivers fled the scene. Man: Maybe both had a criminal record and were afraid of going to jail. Woman: Maybe that is the case. Regardless, it is _________ that we will find whoever did this. Man: I think you may be _________ about that.

Conversation 3 Woman: How is your dinner? Man: I can't eat it. I'm not hungry. Woman: What? You have to eat. The doctor said that it's _________ that you eat every meal. Man: I would if I could, but, I'm just not hungry. Woman: Well, it is important that you try _________. Man: Well, it would help if the food actually tasted good. Woman: I'm sorry about that. I'll try to bring you a homemade meal tomorrow. Man: Thanks. I appreciate that. But it's _________ that they would allow it. Woman: Well, it doesn't _________ to ask.

Conversation 4 Man: So, how is life since you quit your job? Woman: Good! It's _________ that I get to work from home now. Man: Yeah, I would think so. It's awesome that you _________ set your own hours and be your own boss.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Did you hear about the job layoffs? 2) Why do you celebrate this festival? 3) Do you think the lockdown will be lifted soon? 4) What do you think of the coffee machine? ( _ ) It’s doubtful that the government will lift it soon. ( _ ) Yes, it’s unfair that so many people are losing their jobs. ( _ ) It’s awesome that I can get a good espresso on demand. ( _ ) It’s important that we preserve our traditions. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Woman: Yeah, that is good, but I miss the security of my old job. Man: Still, it's _________ that more people don't get to work that way. Woman: True, but it's _________ that more people will get the chance in the future. Man: I hope so. And include me on that list.

Quiz 1) What does the man suggest? a) She watch a video. b) She learn yoga herself. 2) How does the apartment pay for itself? a) She can save on electricity. b) She can save on transportation. 3) What does the woman say about the cookies?

Lesson B2-16 | High Intermediate | CEFR B2

Reflexive Pronouns Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) She outdid herself. b) She made them herself. 4) What can the watch do? a) Pay for itself b) Recharge itself

Conversation 1 Man: What are you doing? Woman: I’m ________ to learn yoga. Man: Well, be careful. Don’t hurt ________. Woman: I won’t. I’m taking it slow. Man: Why don’t you take a class or watch a video? Woman: No, I’d rather teach ________. I like learning things on my own. Man: ________ yourself.

Conversation 2 Man: So, where are you living these days? Woman: I live near the ________. Man: Oh, rent is so expensive there. Do you have a roommate? Woman: No, I live by ________. Man: Wow! That must be so nice to live by the beach. Woman: It is. When I saw the apartment vacancy, I ________ myself I had to get it, no matter the cost. Man: That must cost a lot. Woman: Not really, because it is near the beach and my work, I no longer need a car, so I save a lot of money on transportation. Man: Wow, that must be nice. Woman: Yeah, in a way, the apartment pays for ________.

Conversation 3 Man: Can I have another cookie? Woman: By all means. Help ________. Man: These are so good. Did you buy them? Woman: Oh, heaven’s no! I ________ them myself. Man: Wow, well, you ________ yourself. These are delicious. Woman: Well, I’m ________ you like them.

Conversation 4 Woman: What did you buy at the store? Man: I ________ myself a new watch. Woman: Oh, cool. What can it do? Man: Well, it can monitor my sleep, and it ________ needs batteries. Woman: It doesn’t need batteries! How does it do that? Man: It recharges ________ you using solar power. Woman: Wow, I need to get a watch like that. Man: You should. Sometimes we need to treat ________ to something nice. Woman: I like how you think.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Is there someone who can help me make copies? 2) Will they call you when the results are announced? 3) Where did you get the bread? 4) Could I have one of these sandwiches? 5) Do I need to turn the lights off when I leave? ( _ ) The lights will turn themselves off after an hour. ( _ ) Sure, please help yourself. ( _ ) I made the bread myself. ( _ ) No, I have to call and ask for the results myself. ( _ ) No, there isn’t. You have to make copies yourself. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) A new computer pays for itself because ____ . a) it is on sale b) it increases productivity 2) The woman should not be hard on ______ . a) her boss b) herself

Lesson B2-17 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Emphatic Pronouns Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Wow, big box. What did you buy? Woman: I bought __________ a new computer. Man: Nice! What kind? Woman: I got a new Mac. Man: Oh, cool. That must've been __________. Woman: A little, but I needed a new one. Man: Yeah. I've been thinking of __________ a new one myself. Woman: You should. I find a new computer pays for __________ because it makes you much more productive. Man: True. Can't argue with that.

3) Why does the woman mean when she says the kids can not help themselves? a) They eat all the cookies. b) They can not have any cookies. 4) What does the woman suggest? a) He makes it himself. b) They do it themselves.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4
















my own

Conversation 2 Man: Why are you so down? Woman: I did not get a __________ from the boss. Man: Oh, I'm __________ to hear that. Woman: I don't think he __________ me. Man: Oh, I'm sure he likes you. Don't be so hard on __________. Woman: Yeah, you're right.

Conversation 3 Man: Man, these cookies smell so good. Woman: Please try __________. Man: Oh, they look so good. Woman: You __________ eat some before the kids get home. Man: Why? Will they eat them all? Woman: Yeah, they can't help __________. Man: Well, I can see why. Your cookies are so good. Can I have two? Woman: __________ yourself.

Conversation 4 Man: I like your shirt. Woman: Thanks. I made it __________. Man: Really? I didn't know you sew. Woman: I do. I make a lot of __________ clothes. Man: That is so cool. Woman: It's easy. You should try it __________. Man: I would if you could teach me. Woman: Oh, you don't need me. You can learn how to do it __________ by watching videos online. Man: Okay. I'll think about it. Thanks.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How did you hear about your promotion? 2) Did the doorman tell you about the burglary? 3) Were you expecting to win the competition? 4) Did everyone attend the work party last night? 5) Who told you about Joe’s big news? ( _ ) Yeah, even the boss himself attended the party. ( _ ) Yes, my manager herself told me I had been promoted. ( _ ) No, he himself had no idea the burglary had happened! ( _ ) No way! I myself wasn’t expecting to be the winner. ( _ ) You yourself told me after you heard it last week! What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) The student can write a good paper ______. a) by using spell check b) by doing research c) by reading the rubric 2) Cows hurt the environment ______. a) by burping b) by releasing methane c) by eating trees

Lesson B2-18 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

By + Gerund Clauses Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Student: Ms. Wilson, how can I get a good grade on this paper? Teacher: First, you need to write a good outline. Student: OK, I think I can do that. Teacher: By __________ that, you will give the paper structure. Student: OK, what else? Teacher: You should support your ideas by __________ supporting data. Student: How do I do that? Teacher: You can do that by __________ for related articles online. Student: OK, that should be easy enough. Teacher: Also, read the rubric. By __________ yourself with the details, you will know what to do. Student: OK, thanks for your help.

Conversation 2 Man: Hey, what are you reading? Woman: I'm reading how cows contribute to climate change. Man: Cows! How do they do that? Woman: By __________ methane gas into the environment. Man: But, they're cows! I don't see how they can do that. Woman: They release gas by burping. It says cows burp a lot. Man: By burping? How strange. Woman: It also says that farmers cause damage by __________ down trees to make farmland. Man: Yeah, I've heard about that. Cutting down trees does damage by reducing how much trees can absorb CO2. Woman: Yes, and deforestation is also a problem by __________ soil erosion. Man: So, what can we do about it? Woman: I suppose that we could help by eating less beef. Man: Yeah, or we could help by __________ meat from local organic farms. Woman: Sounds good. Time to put our best foot forward. Man: Yes, and to put our money where our mouth is, literally.

Conversation 3 Man: So, what are you doing? Woman: I'm studying Japanese by __________ videos on Netflix. Man: That's interesting, but it must be difficult. Woman: It is, but I can follow along by __________ the captions.

3) How is she learning a language? a) By using vocab apps b) By watching movies c) By reading captions 4) She says he can benefit from vegetarianism by ______ . a) cooking at home b) opening himself up to new ideas c) eating protien rich foods

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




doing so







not asking






Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How did you lose all that weight? 2) How did you get an extension on your deadline? 3) What can I do to help? 4) Is there an easy way to improve my speaking? 5) Why do you ride a bike to work? ( _ ) I got an extension by asking the professor nicely. ( _ ) I lost 10 kilos by eating only vegetables and protein. ( _ ) By doing that, I get some exercise and fresh air. ( _ ) You can help by setting the table for dinner. ( _ ) The best way to is by talking as much as you can. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Man: Oh, do you mean the English subtitles? Woman: No, the captions. I hear it and read the Japanese text simultaneously. By doing so, I can catch a lot. Man: That sounds like a good strategy. I should try that to learn French. Woman: Oh, are you learning French? Man: Yes, but just by __________ some vocabulary apps on my phone. Woman: Well, you might learn more by checking out some video online. There's lots on Youtube. Man: Or by using your Netflix account. Woman: Not a chance. Nice try though. Man: Well, no one ever got anything by __________. Woman: True. I'll give you that. Conversation 4 Woman: How do you like your food? Man: It's good, but I'm not used to eating vegetarian food. Woman: You should become vegetarian. There are many health benefits by __________. Man: Yes, that's true, but I love eating meat. It tastes so good. Woman: I understand, but by __________ your diet, you can explore lots of new dishes. Man: Yeah, I know, but I work out a lot, and I am afraid that by giving up meat, I'll lose lots of key nutrients. Woman: I assume you are referring to protein. Well, just by __________ beans and nuts you can get all the protein you need. Man: Perhaps, but I also worry about missing out at social gatherings, like barbecues, picnics and parties. Woman: Yes, I see your point, but by __________ a vegetarian, you open yourself to new social situations. Man: Yeah, I guess you're right. I will give it some thought. Woman: Take your time. Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say.

Quiz 1) The documents need to be _____. a) copied b) formatted c) read 2) The walls need to be _____ . a) installed b) replaced c) painted

Lesson B2-19 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) The towels will need to be _____.

Passive Modals of Obligation

a) dried b) wiped off c) taken out of the washer

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: So, what needs to be done? Woman: Lots needs to be ________. Man: OK, such as? Woman: First, all the documents need to be ________. Then they need to be formatted. Man: OK, I can do that. Do these ________ translated? Woman: No, you can ________ that for me. Man: OK, great. I'll get right on it.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3






wiped off




need to be



Conversation 2 Woman: Is your new house finished yet? Man: No, lots still needs to be done. Woman: Yeah, such as? Man: Well, the walls still need to be ________, and the wiring ________ needs to be done. Woman: Well, at least you're getting ________ to the end. Man: True, but ________ then, no rest.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) When will my package be shipped? 2) Why are we having a meeting today? 3) Do you have any clean cups? 4) Why does your neck hurt? 5) Is it a bad sign that my car creaks when it turns?

Conversation 3 Man: What needs to be done for the party? Woman: Lots. Let's see. First, the tables need to be ________, and the chairs need to be ________ down from upstairs. Man: OK, I can do that. Woman: Great, but the chairs might be dusty. They may need to be ________ first. Man: OK, no problem. Do you have any towels? Woman: I do. But they're in the washer. They might need to be ________ first. Man: Actually, you know what, they might work better if they're damp. Woman: Good point. The washer is over there.

( _ ) The employees need to be informed of the new policy. ( _ ) Not sure, you might need to wash one. ( _ ) You may need to have your car checked. ( _ ) The payment needs to be confirmed before shipping. ( _ ) I may need to buy a new pillow. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) Did she do the slide presentation? a) Yes, she did it b) She is doing it now. c) She will do it soon. 2) Who will pay the bill? a) She will do it. b) He will do it. c) No one will do it.

Lesson B2-20 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) Who runs twice a week?

Do as a Replacement Verb

a) Only she does. b) Only does. c) They both do.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

4) What does she say about emptying the litter box?

Conversation 1 Man: Did you finish the __________ yet? Woman: Yes, I did it __________. Man: What about the slide presentation? Woman: I have __________ that yet. I will try to do it today. Man: Okay, but please do it __________. We need it. Woman: I'm on it.

Conversation 2 Man: Have you paid the electricity bill? Woman: No, I thought you were __________ do it. Man: No, you said you were going to do it. Woman: All right, I will do it __________. Man: Never mind, __________ do it. Woman: Listen, I __________ I will do it, all right?

Conversation 3 Man: What do you do on the weekend? Woman: I usually go to the gym. Man: Oh! What do you do for a __________? Woman: I usually lift weights. Man: I do too. Woman: What __________ for cardio? Man: I run twice a week. Woman: I do too! We have __________ workout routines. We should work out together. Man: Sounds good. __________ do it.

Conversation 4 Man: Have you walked the dog? Woman: Yes, I did it this __________. Man: Did you empty the cat litter box? Woman: No, I haven't done that __________. Should I do it now? Man: No, it's okay. I __________ do it. Woman: Thanks. It slipped my mind. Man: No worries. I just __________ do it soon, so the cats don't get angry.

a) She did it already. b) She thought he was doing it. c) She didn't do it.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

not done


do you do











going to



Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Was it Sally who painted the picture? 2) How do I book an appointment with the doctor? 3) Did you do the laundry? 4) Did you manage to fix your car? 5) How do you feel after running the marathon? ( _ ) The clinic’s front-desk can do it for you. ( _ ) I left it at the mechanic to fix, but he said he can’t do it. ( _ ) Sally didn’t paint the picture, Sarah did. ( _ ) I haven’t done the laundry yet, I’ll do it now. ( _ ) I’m happy that I finished, but I’m never doing it again. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What does the man say about the medicine? a) He supports it. b) He can not approve it yet. c) He does not say. 2) Why does the man decide to get the washing machine?

Lesson B2-21 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Although / While / Though

a) Cheap price b) Good reviews c) Free installation 3) What does the man think will happen next quarter?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Sales can go up. b) Sales will go down. c) The economy will be good,

Conversation 1

4) What job will the woman most likely work?

Woman: What do you think of the new cold medicine that the medical journal recommends? Man: I'm a little skeptical. ________ some tests were done in clinical trials, I still think more research needs to be done with it. Woman: I agree with that, ________ it was tested with a trusted laboratory. Man: True, but I'd like to see more data on it, ________ giving it my seal of approval. Woman: So, I guess we're not going to give it to customers just yet. Man: No, not yet. Let's hold off a little longer ________ we have more information about it. Woman: Sounds prudent. I think that's the right decision for now.

a) A bank b) A startup c) A hospital

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4












pass up





Conversation 2 Man: Hello, can I ask you some questions about this washing machine? Woman: Sure, I don't know too much about it, ________ I can try. Man: Well, my main concern is that it is worth the price. Woman: Yes, it is a bit pricey, ________ it does come with a three-year warranty. Man: Yeah, still, I think I want to shop around. I think I can find it cheaper elsewhere. Woman: That's understandable. ________, while other stores might have cheaper prices, they ________ won't have free delivery, and free installation. Man: OK, you've changed my mind. I'll take it. Woman: Great! Please follow me to the register.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Why don’t you like white wine? 2) What do you like about your new apartment? 3) What’s the best part of working here? 4) Why don’t you take the bus to school? 5) Did you enjoy the movie? ( _ ) I enjoyed it. It was too long, though. ( _ ) Though the rent is high, the views are stunning! ( _ ) While the bus is faster, it’s a pleasant walk to school. ( _ ) Although the hours are long, the work is rewarding. ( _ ) While I like the taste of white wine, it gives me a headache. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Woman: Thanks for meeting me during your lunch break. Man: My pleasure. I usually eat at my desk ________. Woman: Well, while I don't usually hold meetings this way, I find casual meetings often are the most productive. Man: Agreed. So, what would you like to talk about? Woman: I would like to talk about sales projections for next financial quarter. Man: Well, ________ the economic forecast does not look great, I ________ think we can increase sales next quarter. Woman: I like your positive attitude, ________ I think we should keep modest expectations. Man: That's understandable. Let me pull up my data and show

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you what I've got.

Conversation 4 Man: So, how is the job hunting going? Woman: Good. I have a few offers. One from a big bank. Man: That's great. I hear they pay high salaries. Woman: Yes, ________ while the pay is great, the hours are very long and the job is stressful. Man: Yeah, that's expected. What ________ the other job? Woman: The other job is from a small startup in the health industry. Man: Oh, that sounds interesting. How is the pay? Woman: Well, while the pay's not great, the work seems interesting and I could be helping others. Man: Well, it ________ like you made up your mind. Woman: Yes, but it's hard to ________ all that money.

Quiz 1) Why does the man need the money? a) He has not been paid. b) He has not been promoted. c) His refund has been spent. 2) What still has not been done? a) The speakers have not been chosen. b) The room has not been booked. c) The menu has not been decided on.

Lesson B2-22 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) Why is no one there?

Present Perfect Passive

a) The meeting has been cancelled. b) The meeting room has been changed. c) The meeting has been delayed.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

4) What has happened at the company?

Conversation 1 Man: So, do you think our tax refunds have been __________? Woman: I hope so. I heard it was sent on the 15th. Man: Yeah, I still haven't been __________ for my last job, so I really need it. Woman: Why haven't you been paid? Man: The project I was working on has not been __________ yet. No one gets paid until it's finished. Woman: I am sorry to hear that. That must be frustrating. Man: Yeah, it's really frustrating because all of my work has been completed, but I need for the others to __________ before I get paid. Woman: Well, in the meantime, let's hope our tax refund is there.

a) Staff has been laid off. b) Maria has been promoted. c) Bob has been fired.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




let go













Conversation 2 Man: How is everything looking with the conference? Woman: Good, the hotel has been __________, and the invitations have been __________ out. Man: Have the speakers been confirmed yet? Woman: Yes, all but one has confirmed. Man: What about the caterer? Food is very important at an event like this. Woman: A contract has been __________ by a local restaurant to provide food, but the menu has not been __________ on yet. Man: Well, if I have my say, I recommend a buffet. Everyone loves that. Woman: Noted sir. I will look into it. Man: Great. Thanks for keeping me posted.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How can I help you set up camp? 2) What does the announcement say? 3) Why won’t your car start? 4) What action did the police take? 5) Did they change something in the building? ( _ ) It says that the timetables have been changed. ( _ ) The tents have been put up, so just start a fire. ( _ ) Yes, the building elevators have been replaced. ( _ ) Because it hasn’t been driven in weeks. ( _ ) The suspects have been questioned by the police. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Woman: Hey, where is everyone? I thought the meeting was at one. Man: It is. The room has been __________. It is now in conference room 5. Woman: I see. Has everyone been __________? I didn't get a message. Man: No, it was changed at the last minute. I've been __________ to stay here and tell people as they come in. Woman: OK, will I see you up there? Man: Yes, I will be up __________. Woman: OK, see you soon.

Conversation 4

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Man: Maria, welcome back. It's so nice to see you again. Woman: Thanks. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I would stop by and say hello to everyone. Man: Well, sadly some of the people you used to work with have been __________. Woman: Oh, that is too bad. I see that Katie is still here though. That is good to see. Man: Yes, she's been __________ to HR. Woman: Oh, that's good. What about Bob over there? Man: Oh, Bob? Yeah, he's done alright for himself. He's been __________ to VP of sales. Woman: Well, it's good to see that some things have been for the better. Man: Yes, we've been __________ a bit, but we're still going strong.

Quiz 1) Who has been married for longer? a) The man b) The woman c) They do not say. 2) When will the man do the errands? a) Before lending the car b) While lending the car c) After lending the car

Lesson B2-23 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Future Perfect

3) For how long will the woman eventually work there?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Less than 20 years b) Less than 40 years c) More than 40 years

Conversation 1

4) What will happen by Sunday?

Man: So, how long have you been _________? Woman: This October, it _________ have been 20 years. Man: Nice. You got me beat by a few years. Woman: Really? How _________ have you been married? Man: Let's see. I'll have been married 18 years _________. Woman: Oh, that's coming up. Happy anniversary.

Conversation 2 Woman: Can I use your car tomorrow? Man: Sure. What time do you need it? Woman: Around 6:00 in the _________. Man: Okay. I need to run errands in the afternoon, but I _________ have finished by then. Woman: Are you sure that's _________ time? Man: Yeah. Plenty of time. I need to run errands in the afternoon, but I'll have _________ by then.

Conversation 3 Man: How long have you been _________ here? Woman: I'll have been working here 20 years this _________ May. Man: Really? 20 years. Woman: Yeah. Time flies. Man: So, you think you'll be here _________ 20 years? Woman: Not a chance. I'll have _________ by then.

Conversation 4 Woman: When do you get paid next? Man: I get paid next Tuesday, and it _________ not come soon enough. Woman: Really? Are you running _________ on cash? Man: Yeah. I'm _________ to my last 100 bucks. Woman: Oh, that should last you. Man: Are you kidding? I'll have _________ that by Sunday for sure.

a) He will have been paid. b) He will have spent his money. c) He will have saves some money.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4













next week




Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Shall I pick you up from work at 8? 2) Will the house be ready to move in by December? 3) How long have you been living in this city? 4) Should we leave for the airport at 6? 5) Is it worth going to the party now? ( _ ) This March, I will have been living here for 3 years. ( _ ) No, I won’t have finished work by then. ( _ ) The food will have finished by the time we arrive. ( _ ) Yeah, Dan’s plane will have landed by then. ( _ ) Yes, the house will have been remodeled by then. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Who will have left by now? a) Just Sue b) Just David c) Both of them 2) Why do they decide not to eat pizza? a) It will have gotten cold. b) It will have been eaten. c) The restaurant will have been closed.

Lesson B2-24 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) Why should the man call Susan?

Future Perfect in the Past

a) The movie will have started. b) The movie will have ended. c) The movie will have sold out.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: Oh no, I forgot my handouts! Man: Should I call Sue at the office to _________ them? Woman: No, she'll have _________ by now. Man: What about David? Woman: No, he'll have already _________ out too. Man: Oh no. So what should we do? Woman: We'll have to do _________ them, I guess.

Conversation 2 Woman: Want to go get some pizza? Man: I think it's too _________. Woman: No, I think City Pizza is _________ open. Man: No, it will have _________ by now. Woman: Are you sure? Man: Yeah, I am _________ they close at 10.

Conversation 3 Man: Where is Susan? Woman: She _________ to the movies. Man: Oh, bummer. I wanted to _________ her. Woman: Well, the movie started at five, so it will have _________ by now. Man: Yeah, I guess. I really need to _________ her something. Woman: Yeah! Give her a call.

Conversation 4 Woman: Where's Joe? Man: He went to the _________ to work out. Woman: Oh, maybe I can go _________ with him. Man: You know, I think he'll have _________ by now. Woman: Yeah, probably. Man: Maybe _________.

4) Why does the woman decide not to work out with Joe? a) He will have finished by then. b) The gym will have closed by then. c) He will have started already.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




work out




next time









Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Can we try the cake yet? 2) Shall we go out for ice cream? 3) Is the mall still closed for renovations? 4) Is it too early to go to the museum? 5) Do you think I could take another piece of cake? ( _ ) I don’t think they will have opened by now. It’s only 7 a.m. ( _ ) Hopefully they will have finished renovations by now. ( _ ) I think the ice cream parlour will have closed by now. ( _ ) Sure, everyone will have had a piece by now. ( _ ) Yes, the cake will have cooled down by now. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What will likely happen? a) There will be big crowds. b) The games will be cancelled. c) The games will be held. 2) What will likely happen eventually? a) The companies will not merge. b) People will lose their jobs. c) People will work from home.

Lesson B2-25 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) What does the professor say is unlikely?

Possibility and Likelihood

a) The campus will open. b) Things will never go back to normal. c) He will only teach from home.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

4) Who will likely attend the party?

Conversation 1 Man: So, have you heard any news about the Tokyo Olympics? Woman: Yes, now it seems highly ________ that it will take place. Man: Will tourists be allowed in the country? Woman: That is unlikely, but some people might get access. Man: Where will the athletes stay? Woman: Well, there is a slight possibility there will be an Olympic village. Man: Oh, what is the ________ of that? Woman: It's highly unlikely, but the organizers are leaving the possibility open. Man: I see. ________ likely is it that local residents can attend the games? Woman: There is a ________ possibility that can happen, but protocols must be met. Man: Well, it's a given that the games will be on TV. So at least we have that. Woman: Yes, fingers crossed it all goes well.

Conversation 2 Man: So, did you hear the news? Woman: No, what did you hear? Man: The company is going to merge with our biggest competitor. Woman: What does that mean for the company? How will that affect us? Man: Well, it is ________ that anyone will lose their job, but it is very likely we will move offices. Woman: Oh, no. I quite like it here. Man: Well, I hear there is a ________ possibility that some people will be able to work from home. Woman: How likely is that? I would love to work from home. Man: Well, it's ________ likely but don't quote me on it. Woman: What is the likelihood that we change the company name? Man: It is a slight ________ but I don't see that happening ... yet. Woman: It would be foolish to do that. We have a well-known brand name and a catchy logo. Man: I agree. Anyway, it is highly unlikely there will be any changes anytime soon. Woman: Change is good, I guess. That's what they say. Man: Yes, only time will tell.

Conversation 3

a) Susan and her family b) Tom and his family c) Their other coworkers

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4







for sure








in the air


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How long will it take you to complete the project? 2) How likely is it that I failed the course? 3) Will you be late for the appointment? 4) Do you think it will rain today? 5) What are the chances that tickets are still available? ( _ ) I think it’s highly unlikely that you’ll get tickets. ( _ ) The weather report said it will very likely rain today. ( _ ) The project will most likely take a week to complete. ( _ ) It’s fairly likely that I will be late. ( _ ) I would say it’s highly unlikely that you failed. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Woman: So professor, when do you think we will have face-toface classes again? Man: I'm not sure, but it seems ________ likely things will be back to normal in the fall semester. Woman: What about next semester? Man: Well, anything is possible, but it ________ unlikely that we will go back to being face-to-face. Woman: And what about the campus? What is the likelihood that the campus is open once again? Man: Again, I don't know ________, but I think there is a strong possibility that it will be open. Woman: And what about you, professor? Will you be teaching on campus or at home? Man: Again, I just don't know. Everything is still up ________. Woman: OK, professor. Thanks for answering my questions.

Conversation 4 Man: So, who is going to be at the party tonight? Woman: Well, it's ________ that most people will be there. Man: Are we ________ any no-shows? Woman: Well, it's unlikely that Susan and her family will be there. Man: What about Tom and his family? Can they make it? Woman: Well, they have a new baby, but they said there is a slight ________ they will come. It all depends on the baby. Man: In other words, it is highly unlikely. Woman: Yes, that's ________ true.

Quiz 1) Until what time is food served? a) 11 b) 12 2) What is not cancelled? a) The game b) The concert 3) Is the report done?

Lesson B2-01 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Simple Passive Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Yes, it is done. b) No, it is not finished. 4) What is broken? a) One chair b) Two chairs

Conversation 1 Man: How is the new Thai restaurant? Woman: It’s great. All the food is cooked with organic ingredients. Man: That sounds great. How late is it open? Woman: Well, food is served until 11, but the bar is open until midnight. Man: I will have to check it out. Woman: You should. It’s worth the visit.

Conversation 2 Man: Are you still playing basketball tonight? Woman: No, the game is canceled. Man: Oh no, why is that? Woman: The rec hall is reserved for something. Man: That’s too bad. Woman: Yeah, some band is scheduled to play there tonight.

Conversation 3 Man: Is the report done yet? Woman: It is almost done. Man: When will it be finished? Woman: It should be done very soon. Man: Well, as soon as it is finished, please get it to me. Woman: I will. The minute it’s finished, you’ll get it.

Conversation 4 Man: This chair is broken. Woman: Who broke it? Man: I don’t know. It was broken when I got here. Woman: Should I throw it out? Man: No, I’ll see if maintenance can fix it. Woman: Don’t bother. It is more trouble than it’s worth. Man: You may be right.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4





is open








is cooked




Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Why is the room so hot? 2) What should I do if my computer is broken? 3) Where are the application forms? 4) What time are we having dinner? 5) Who does the shopping in your family? ( 3 ) The forms are kept at the front desk. ( 5 ) The shopping is usually done by my mother. ( 1 ) It is hot because the air-con is broken. ( 4 ) We can eat after the movie is finished. ( 2 ) If your computer is broken, take it to the repair shop. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) The subway was ______ recently. a) built b) closed c) remodeled 2) What happened to the stadium? a) It was sold. b) It was torn down. c) It was remodeled.

Lesson B2-02 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Past Passive Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: When was this subway built? Woman: It was built about 30 years ago. Man: It still looks pretty new. Woman: Yes, it was remodeled last year. Man: Well, they did a nice job. Woman: I’ll say.

Conversation 2 Man: What happened to the old stadium? Woman: It was torn down last year. Man: Why did they tear it down? Woman: It was damaged by the hurricane three years ago. Man: Oh, I remember that. Woman: Yeah, a lot of damage was done that night.

Conversation 3 Man: Do you still go to that hotel by the lake? Woman: No, it was sold last year. Man: Oh, was it replaced? Woman: No, it was closed and hasn’t been reopened. Man: Oh, that’s too bad. Woman: Yeah, summer at the lake hasn’t been the same since.

Conversation 4 Man: Do you still play golf? Woman: No, the course was shut down last year. Man: Oh, that was such a beautiful course. What happened to it? Woman: It was converted to a park. Man: Well, at least it was put to good use. Woman: Yeah, my kids love to go there now.

3) What happened to the hotel? a) It was closed. b) It was reopened. c) It was remodeled. 4) What happened to the golf course? a) It was sold. b) It was shut down. c) It was reopened.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4








shut down









Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) When was the report submitted? 2) Do you still have lessons on Sundays? 3) When were you born? 4) Who tidied up the living room? 5) Can I borrow your truck? ( 4 ) The children were asked to tidy up the living room. ( 1 ) The report was submitted last evening. ( 2 ) No, the lessons were rescheduled to Tuesdays. ( 5 ) Sorry, that truck was sold months ago. ( 3 ) I was born on February 19th, 1994. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Was the woman able to answer all the questions? a) Yes, she was. b) No, she was not. 2) Where will they have the wedding? a) The lake b) The countryside 3) What was the man not able to do?

Lesson B2-03 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Was able to Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: How did you do on the test? Man: Not great. I wasn’t able to answer all the questions. I ran out of time. Woman: Same here. Some of the questions were really hard. Man: Were you able to finish the essay section? Woman: Yeah, I was able to do that, at least. Man: Me too, although I wasn’t able to write 300 words. Woman: Me neither! How many words did you write? Man: I was only able to write about 200 words. Woman: Same here! Well, fingers crossed we get a good grade. Man: Yes, fingers crossed!

Conversation 2

a) Attend the party b) Call the babysitter 4) What did the woman visit? a) The Statue of Liberty b) The Empire State Building

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4








go to



make it






Speaking Challenge

Man: So, how is the wedding planning coming along? Woman: Good, we have finalized most of the arrangements. Man: Are you still having the wedding at the lake? Woman: No, we weren’t able to get the place we wanted. Man: Oh, then where are you having it then? Woman: We are having it at a hotel in the countryside. Man: Well, it sounds nice. Woman: Yeah, in the end, it worked out well. We were able to get a really good deal on the caterer too. Man: Oh, that’s great! I am glad to hear it.

Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3

What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Man: I am sorry I wasn’t able to attend your birthday party on Saturday. Woman: Yeah, what happened? We were expecting you. Man: Well, my babysitter cancelled and I wasn’t able to find a replacement. Woman: Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe next time. Man: Well, I really wanted to go. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. Woman: No worries. Some other people couldn’t make it also. Man: Oh, good. I am glad I was not the only one.

Conversation 4 Woman: Before I forget, how was your trip to New York? Man: It was fun. We saw a lot. Woman: Did you see the Statue of Liberty? Man: No, we weren’t able to get tickets for the ferry. Woman: What about the Empire State Building? I hope you were able to see that.

1) Were you late for the meeting? 2) Could you carry all the boxes? 3) Did you watch the football game last night? 4) Are we eating at the new French restaurant tonight? 5) Can you still run 5 kilometers in 20 minutes? ( 3 ) Yes, I was able to watch the second half of the game. ( 2 ) No, I was only able to carry two boxes. ( 5 ) I was able to until I was 30, now it’s too difficult! ( 4 ) Sorry, I wasn’t able to get a reservation. ( 1 ) No, I was able to get to the meeting on time.

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Man: We were able to go there, but we weren’t able to go to the top. Woman: Oh no, why not? Man: It was closed for maintenance or something. Woman: Oh that’s too bad. Man: Well, I am sure I’ll go back someday!

Quiz 1) What was the man going to do? a) Call a Mexican resturant b) Buy some food for lunch 2) What was the man going to do? a) Sell his car. b) Offer her a ride 3) What was the man just going to do?

Lesson B2-04 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Was going to Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Go outdoors b) Give the woman a call 4) What was Bob going to do? a) Cancel the game b) Take people to the game

Conversation 1 Man: How was your lunch? Woman: Good. I ate at the new taco truck. Man: Really? I was going to go there, but I got busy. How is it? Woman: Good, but it is a bit pricey. Man: Oh, really? Woman: Yeah, I was gonna have two tacos but at 7 bucks apiece, I just had one. Man: Wow, that is pricey!

Conversation 2 Man: Hey, check out my new car! Woman: Oh, this is the one that was for sale? Man: Yeah, the guy sold it to us cheap. Woman: Really? Is there something wrong with it? Man: No, it is just old. I wasn’t going to buy it at first, but after driving it, I love it. Woman: Well, as long as it runs. So, can I get a ride home? Man: I was just going to offer you one.

Conversation 3 Woman: Hey, what a surprise! I was just going to call you. Man: Oh, yeah? What’s up? Woman: I was going to ask if you are still coming to the party. Man: Yes, of course. I am really looking forward to it. Woman: That’s great. I am so glad you can make it. Man: Are you still planning on having it outside? Woman: We were going to, but it looks like it is going to rain. Man: No worries. I prefer indoor parties anyway.

Conversation 4 Woman: Hey, why are you here? I thought you were going to play futsal. Man: I was, but we had to cancel. Woman: Oh, yeah? What happened? Man: Bob was going to drive us, but he got called in to work. Woman: Oh, he was your only ride? Man: Sadly, yes. Woman: Well, now you get to hang out with me! Man: I was just going to say that!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

have two
















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What are your plans for the evening? 2) How are you getting to the airport? 3) When are you moving to your new apartment? 4) Are you inviting your neighbours to the party? 5) Have you finished work for the day? ( 3 ) I was going to move in next week, but it isn't ready yet. ( 5 ) Almost done! I was just going to send my last email. ( 2 ) I was going to take a taxi to the airport. ( 1 ) I was going to watch a movie, but I have to work late. ( 4 ) We were going to invite them, but they are on holiday. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Where is the woman tentatively going next? a) Paris b) Spain 2) What will the man most likely do? a) Meet the woman b) Not meet anyone 3) What should the woman definitely do?

Lesson B2-05 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Adverb Placement Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Pay by check b) Eat a pasta dish 4) What is the woman anxiously waiting for? a) Taking a test b) Getting the results

Conversation 1 Man: Have you have been to Europe? Woman: I haven’t technically been there, but I had a layover in Paris. Man: That doesn’t really count does it? Woman: No, but I'm hopefully going next year. Man: Oh, yeah? Where are you planning on going? Woman: I’m tentatively planning on going to Spain. Man: Oh, Spain is definitely worth the visit.

Conversation 2 Man: What are you doing this weekend? Woman: I will probably stay home. What about you? Man: I’m most likely going to stay home too. Woman: Oh, yeah? Do you want to do something? Man: No, I'm really looking forward to just relaxing at home. Woman: Suit yourself.

Conversation 3 Man: Have you tried the new Italian restaurant? Woman: No, is it any good? Man: Yes, you should definitely check it out. Woman: What do you recommend? Man: Well, I especially recommend the ravioli. It is mouthwatering good. Woman: Thanks, I'lll surely give it a look.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What should I do if I lose my passport? 2) Have you ever tried eating hotpot? 3) Where will you be in 5 years? 4) Will lunch be served after the conference? 5) When will the results be announced? ( 5 ) They will hopefully be announced today. ( 1 ) You should definitely report the loss to the police. ( 4 ) I certainly hope so, I’m starving! ( 2 ) Not yet, but I’m eagerly waiting to try it. ( 3 ) In 5 years, I’ll most likely have moved to another city. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 4 Man: So, did you get the results of your test score? Woman: No, but I've been anxiously awaiting the results. Man: I'm sure you did fine. Woman: I’m not so sure. This test was definitely harder than the last one. Man: I wouldn’t worry about it. I hear all the students eventually pass the class anyway. Woman: That’s not true. You’re sadly mistaken.

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Quiz 1) Where is the woman supposed to be? a) There b) At home c) At the office 2) What do they say about eating and drinking? a) Eating is OK b) Drinking is OK c) Both are not OK

Lesson B2-06 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) Who was supposed to work last night?

Supposed to

a) He was. b) She was. c) A friend was.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

4) What was the woman not supposed to do?

Conversation 1 Man: What are you doing here? Woman: What do you mean? Man: You’re supposed to be at the office. Woman: I thought I was supposed to be here. Man: No, they need you in the office. Woman: OK, got it. I’m on my way.

Conversation 2 Man: Hey, you’re not supposed to eat on the train. Woman: Oh, really? Since when? Man: Since forever. Woman: Oops. What about drinking? Man: You’re not supposed to do that either, but people do it anyway. Woman: OK, that’s good to know.

a) Attend a meeting b) Launch a product c) Tell the man a secret

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4



make it










on my way




Speaking Challenge

Conversation 3 Man: What happened to you last night? Woman: I got called in to work. Man: Oh, last minute meeting? Woman: No, my friend was supposed to work, but he got sick. Man: Well, I hope you can make it next week. Woman: I hope so too.

Conversation 4 Man: What did the boss say at the meeting? Woman: It’s a secret. I'm not supposed to tell anyone. Man: Come on! You can tell me. Woman: OK, but it's a secret. We won't be launching our new product this year. Man: What? We were supposed to launch it this fall. Woman: I know. Plans change. They decided to scrap it.

Match the answers with the questions. 1) What time does the event start? 2) When are we supposed to submit the assignment? 3) What do we do with this paper? 4) Did you get the package you ordered? 5) Can I see the doctor now, please? ( 4 ) Not yet, It was supposed to be delivered yesterday. ( 1 ) It was supposed to start 15 minutes ago. ( 3 ) We’re supposed to draw a picture on the paper. ( 2 ) We’re supposed to hand the assignment in tonight. ( 5 ) You’re supposed to wait until your name is called. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) Does the woman think she will get used to the commute? a) Yes, she does. b) No, she does not. c) She does not say. 2) What is the woman having trouble getting used to?

Lesson B2-07 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Get used to

a) The small keys. b) The different keyboard. c) The screen size. 3) What was hard getting used to in Japan?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Eating b) Reading c) Nothing

Conversation 1

4) What is the woman getting used to?

Man: How's the new job? Woman: Good, but I’m still not used to the long commute. Man: Really? How long is it? Woman: It’s three hours each way. Man: Give it time. You’ll get used to it. Woman: I’m not sure about that.

Conversation 2 Man: How is the new computer? Woman: OK, but it’s hard getting used to the new operating system. Man: Yeah, but it should be faster, right? Woman: Wrong. I’m used to my old keyboard shortcuts. These ones are different. Man: Yeah, but you’ll get used to it in no time. Woman: I guess. But for now, it’s frustrating.

Conversation 3 Man: Have you ever worked overseas? Woman: Yeah, I worked in Japan for two years. Man: Oh, really? How was it? Woman: Great, but it took awhile getting used to living there. Man: Really? What was hard getting used to? Woman: Well, using chopsticks for one. Also, knowing how to interact with people. Man: Wow, that does sound difficult. Woman: It was hard at first, but I got used to it eventually.

Conversation 4 Man: How's the new baby? Woman: Great! Life couldn’t be better. Man: How are you doing on sleep? Woman: Good. I only sleep a few hours a night, but I'm getting used to it. Man: I could never get used to that. Woman: People say that, but once you deal with it, it’s not that bad. Man: Says you!

a) Sleeping less b) Speaking to a baby c) Cooking for a baby

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4









each way

no time


deal with it



at first


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Are you feeling confident about your driving? 2) How do you feel about wearing a tie to work? 3) Do you mind working in a noisy office? 4) Why don’t you like your new phone? 5) What’s the hardest part of living in this city? ( 3 ) Yes, but I hope I’ll get used to the noise eventually. ( 1 ) No, I’m still getting used to driving. ( 5 ) It took a long time for me to get used to the subway. ( 2 ) I was uncomfortable at first, but I got used to wearing one. ( 4 ) I was just getting used to it but the software updated again! What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) She says the new job is not as _____ as his last job. a) fun b) easy c) stressful 2) Se says her new place is not as ____.

Lesson B2-08 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

As -- As Comparatives

a) bright b) clean c) convenient 3) He says he is not as _____ as his friend.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) tall b) thin c) handsome

Conversation 1

4) The new cafe is not as ____ as the last cafe.

Man: How is your new job? Woman: Okay, but it is not as fun as my last job. Man: Oh, really? Why? Woman: Well, there are not as many social events and it is not as chill as my last job. Man: Oh, no, that's too bad. What about pay and benefits? Woman: I earn about as much as before, but I had better benefits. Man: Well, so it's not all bad.

Conversation 2 Man: I hear you got a new house. Woman: I did. We just moved in last week. Man: How is it? Woman: Good. It is not as big as my last place, but it is cheaper. Man: How is the neighborhood? Woman: It is not as convenient as my last place, but I like it.

Conversation 3 Man: Can you pick up my friend at the airport? I have to work tonight. Woman: Sure, I can do that. What does he look like? Man: Well, he's about as tall as me, and he has blonde hair. It's the same color as mine. Woman: Wow, he sounds like your twin. Man: No, I am not nearly as handsome as he is. You'll see. Woman: I'll be the judge of that.

Conversation 4 Man: How's the new cafe? Woman: Not good. It's not as good as the last one. Man: How are the prices? Woman: About the same, but the coffee is not as good as before. Man: Oh, no! I'm bummed to hear that. Woman: There is one good thing, though. Man: Oh, yeah? What's that? Woman: Well, because the quality has dropped off, it's not nearly as crowded as before, so it's easy to find a seat. Man: Well, at least that's good.

a) big b) bad c) crowded

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4






neighborhood nearly






are not




Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Are your new shoes comfortable? 2) How do you like your new neighbourhood? 3) What do you think about the new teacher? 4) Do you want the first or the second combo meal? 5) Did you like the remake of the movie? ( 3 ) I think he’s as friendly as the previous teacher. ( 2 ) It’s great! It’s not as loud as my old neighbourhood. ( 5 ) Yeah, the actors are as good as the last ones. ( 1 ) Not really. They’re not as comfortable as my old ones. ( 4 ) I can’t choose, the first combo looks as good as the second! What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What does the man want to borrow? a) A car b) A bike c) Both 2) Why does the man want to leave early? a) He is sick. b) He has an appointment. c) He wants to beat the traffic.

Lesson B2-09 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) What does the woman worry about?

As - As Phrases

a) Insects b) Sunburn c) Bad weather

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

4) What does the woman offer to do?

Conversation 1 Man: Can I use your bicycle? My car is in the shop. Woman: Sure, come and get it whenever you want. Man: Can I use it for a week? Woman: Of course, use it as long as you like. Man: Great. As soon as my car is fixed, I'll return it. Woman: No rush. Like I said, keep it as long as you like. I never use it.

Conversation 2 Man: Boss, can I leave early today? I want to leave because I want to beat the traffic. Woman: I suppose, as long as your work is done. Man: It is, unless you have more work for me to do. Woman: As far as I know, that is all we have to do today. Man: Great, then I can leave now? Woman: I don't see why not. Have a good weekend. Man: Thanks, you too.

Conversation 3 Man: This weather is so nice. Woman: I know. This is as good as it gets. Man: Wow, will the weather be like this all week? Woman: As far as I know. Man: I could stay here all night. Woman: I could too, as long as there aren't too many bugs. Man: Actually, there are some at dusk. They come out as soon as the sun starts to set. Woman: Well, as long as there are not too many, I'm happy.

a) Make more pasta b) Invite him to dinner c) Drive the man home

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4



all week








too many






Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Could I have another cookie? 2) Should I get a medium or a small bag of popcorn? 3) When would you like me to finish the presentation? 4) Can you come pick me up from school? 5) Can you walk a bit faster? We’re going to be late. ( 4 ) Sure, I’m leaving as soon as I can. ( 2 ) Doesn’t matter, as long as we can share the popcorn! ( 5 ) I’m walking as fast as I can! ( 3 ) Please finish it as soon as possible. ( 1 ) Sure! Have as many cookies as you like. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 4 Man: This pasta is so good. Can I have some more? Woman: Yes, have as much as you like. Man: Thank you. I rarely get home cooked food like this. Woman: Well, to be honest, I don't invite people over as often as I should. Man: Well, regardless, I appreciate you having me over. Woman: Thanks. In the future, I'll try to have you over as much as I can. Man: Thanks. I'd appreciate that.

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Quiz 1) Who is the woman sitting next to Joe? a) A client b) New staff c) No one knows 2) What happened to the cookies sitting there? a) She ate them. b) She gave them away. c) She hid them.

Lesson B2-10 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Present Participle Clause

3) What do they say about the movie playing downtown?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) They saw it. b) It has good reviews. c) It has poor reviews.

Conversation 1

4) Where will there be booths selling food?

Man: Who is the woman sitting next to Joe? Woman: Oh, that’s Beth. She’s the new project manager. Man: Oh, really? Huh! I didn’t know anything about her. Woman: Yeah, there’ll be a meeting tomorrow explaining her new role. Man: Well, she seems like a nice person. Woman: Yeah, from what I hear, she’s a lot of fun to work with.

Conversation 2 Man: There were some cookies sitting here. What happened? Woman: Uh, sorry. I ate them. Man: What? You ate them. Why? Woman: Well, I know they weren't mine, but … I saw the box sitting there, and they just looked so good. Man: Well, next time could you not eat all of them? Woman: Yes, next time I’ll try to keep my appetite under control.

Conversation 3 Man: There’s a new movie playing downtown. Woman: Oh, yeah. What’s it about? Man: It’s about a woman dealing with racism throughout her career. Woman: Oh, yeah. I heard some people talking about that. I hear it’s really good. Man: Yeah, I hear it’s great. Do you want to join me? Woman: Yeah, I’d love to go.

Conversation 4 Man: There’s a festival going on this week. You wanna come? Woman: Yeah, I’d like to. I heard there’s going to be lots of booths selling international food. Man: Yeah, supposedly. They’re gonna have food from all over the world. Woman: That’s awesome. I’d love to go. Are they going to have Chinese food? Man: From what I hear. Let’s go! Woman: I’m in. Let’s do it.

a) The mall b) A chinese parade c) A festival

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4












going on

work with



all over

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Who is the man talking to Sue? 2) What’s the name of the lady working at reception? 3) When can I find the person managing this event? 4) Would you like to meet any members of the band? 5) Where can I get something to eat? ( 2 ) The lady working at reception is Katie. ( 5 ) There are some shops selling snacks outside. ( 1 ) The man talking to Sue is her new boyfriend. ( 4 ) Oh I’d love to speak to the person playing the drums! ( 3 ) The person managing the event is sitting by the desk. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What did he notice about the car? a) The engine is running. b) The man is sitting on it. 2) What is the bike made of? a) Natural materials b) Artificial materials 3) Who left the boxes?

Lesson B2-11 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Past Participle Clause Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) They are not sure. b) Some people who moved. 4) What does the woman say about the movie? a) It has subtitiles. b) It was filmed by children.

Conversation 1 Man: There’s a car parked across the street that looks a little suspicious. Woman: Oh, yeah? Why do you say that? Man: Well, it’s been sitting there for awhile with its engine running and lights turned on. Woman: Oh, it’s probably nothing. Some guys probably just pulled over to check a map or something. Man: I don’t know. The person seated inside looks a bit sketchy. Woman: OK, that’s it. No more crime drama shows for you.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Conversation 2 Man: Have you heard about Bob’s new project? Woman: No. What has he been up to lately? Man: He’s built a bike made entirely of bamboo. Woman: What? He made a bike made of bamboo? Man: Yeah, and all the bamboo used on the bike he made himself. Woman: You got to give it to him. That man’s got talent.

Conversation 3 Man: What’s in the boxes located outside? Woman: Just some junk left from that last tenant. Man: Who’s gonna move them? Woman: I'm not sure. They said we could toss them out. Man: Then why don’t you? Woman: To be honest, I want to see what’s inside first. Man: Me too. Let’s go have a look.

Conversation 4 Man: What movie did you see last night? Woman: We saw that new French war movie filmed in black and white. Man: I heard about that. Is it any good? Woman: It’s really good. It’s a war story told through the eyes of children. Man: That sounds really interesting. Woman: I think you would like it. It’s French though, so it’s subtitled. Man: I’ll pass then. I hate movies subtitled in English. I’ll wait till it’s on Netflix.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Does the restaurant serve vegan food? 2) Which one is your car? 3) What is the bake sale for? 4) What do you do with the leftovers? 5) Is the gift shop any good? ( 3 ) The profits from the cakes sold will be given to charity. ( 1 ) All the food served at the restaurant is vegan. ( 5 ) Yes, the items sold in the gift shop are high quality. ( 4 ) The food left after the event is donated to a food bank. ( 2 ) The blue car parked by the gate is mine. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What does the woman say about the food? a) It was low quality. b) It was high quality. 2) What does the woman say about the candidates? a) She likes them. b) She does not like them. 3) What will the police most likely do to the teens?

Lesson B2-12 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Relative Clause with Quantifiers Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: How was the lunch buffet? Woman: It was alright, but it consisted mostly of snack dishes, most of which were fried and greasy. Man: Hmm. Did they have any fruits or vegetables? Woman: Yes, there were some fruits and some salads, none of which looked fresh however. Man: It doesn’t sound like a good place to eat. Woman: No, it’s not. I won't be going there tomorrow. Man: Well, there are lots of restaurants near the hotel, some of which look very nice. Woman: Yes, I look forward to trying one tomorrow.

Conversation 2 Man: How is the hiring process going? Woman: Great. We’ve received many good candidates, most of whom are very qualified. Man: How are things looking for the IT department? We really need some good software developers. Woman: Things are looking good. We have several applicants, all of whom have excellent programming skills. Man: Great. When does the second round of interviews begin? Woman: We have several scheduled next week, all of which will be held online. Man: Great. Please keep me in the loop. Woman: I will.

Conversation 3 Woman: Hello, I heard that you wanted to report a crime. Man: Yes, some teens came in my store and stole some food and beverages. Woman: OK, how many of them were there? Man: There were four teenagers, all of whom I had seen before. I think they live in the neighborhood. Woman: OK, what did you see them take? Man: They took some candy from over there and some sodas in the back, none of which they paid for. Woman: OK, I can take a report, but if the crime is less than a 100 dollars, we can’t do anything. Man: Well, that’s unfortunate. If this happens again, I might take the law into my own hands. Woman: I wouldn’t do that. I recommend you install security cameras, most of which are very affordable and do a good job of deterring crime. Man: OK, officer. I’ll consider that. Thanks for your help and

a) Arrest them b) Not talk to them 4) What does the woman say about the old theories? a) They still hold up. b) They do not hold up.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4


all of















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Did you like any clothes in that store? 2) Did you interview any people for the position? 3) What’s so special about the new pizza place? 4) How many people were involved in the accident? 5) Are you attending the 3-day conference? ( 3 ) Their menu has some exotic options, most of which seem delicious. ( 4 ) There were 4 people in the car, none of whom were hurt. ( 1 ) I liked a few dresses, all of which were too expensive. ( 2 ) I interviewed 3 candidates, all of whom were good. ( 5 ) Maybe. They have several sessions, some of which are interesting. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

have a nice day. Woman: Thanks. You, too.

Conversation 4 Man: What did you think of the lecture? Woman: It was pretty boring. It was all classical theories, most of which I already knew. Man: I agree, although he did make some good points about modern economics. Woman: Yes, but his ideas are based on the views of ancient economists, most of whom never lived in the digital era. Man: So, you don’t think classical economic theory applies to modern times? Woman: No, I don’t. I think a lot of those older economic theories, many of which are over 100 years old, do not hold up today. Man: Well, maybe you can write one yourself. Woman: Funny you should mention that. I am.

Quiz 1) Why does she no longer talk to Jill? a) They are no longer friends. b) Jill no longer works there. c) She does not say why. 2) Who no longer plays golf? a) The woman no longer plays. b) The man no longer plays. c) They both stll play.

Lesson B2-13 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) What is true about Joe?

No Longer

a) He still works with the woman. b) He still lives in town. c) He no longer works with her.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Do you still work with Jill? Woman: No, I don't work with her anymore. Man: Oh, really, why? Woman: She no longer works in my department. Man: Oh, that's too bad. I know you really liked working with her. Woman: Yeah, work's not longer the same now that she's gone.

4) What do they say about the dance studio? a) It is still there. b) It is no longer there. c) He can no longer afford it.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

Conversation 2









Man: Do you still have that set of golf clubs? Woman: No, not anymore. I sold them. Man: What? You sold them? Why? Woman: Well, I don't play anymore, so I no longer needed them. Man: Oh, bummer! I need some clubs for tomorrow. Woman: Well, I'm sure you can rent some at the club.









Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: Do you still hang out with Joe? Woman: No, not that much anymore. He moved. Man: Oh really? I didn't know that. Why did he move? Woman: His company no longer needed him. Man: Oh! I'm really sorry to hear that. Is he OK? Woman: Yeah, he's OK. He got back on his feet. He got another job, but just in another town. Man: Well, that's good to hear.

Conversation 4 Woman: Do you and your wife still do salsa dancing? Man: No, not anymore. We just don't have time. Woman: Oh, really? That's too bad. I know you really liked it. Man: Yeah, plus the studio is no longer there. It moved across town. It's actually by where you live now. Woman: Oh, really? I should check it out. Man: Yeah, if you go, I might even drive across town to join you. Woman: I'd like that.

1) Do you still go to those dance classes? 2) Could I have the squid ink pasta, please? 3) Shall we grab lunch at the cafe outside school? 4) Do you know if our history professor still teaches? 5) Are Jenny and Ron no longer dating? ( 3 ) Didn’t you hear? The cafe isn’t open anymore. ( 2 ) Sorry, that pasta is no longer on our menu. ( 1 ) I no longer attend the classes, I don’t have enough time! ( 5 ) Not anymore, they broke up years ago. ( 4 ) I heard that he doesn’t teach history anymore. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What is unlikely? a) They will cancel the party. b) They will work from home. c) They do not say. 2) The man is sorry that ____. a) he lost the game b) he has to quit the team c) he will miss the next game

Lesson B2-14 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) They are jealous that _____.

Adjectives + That Clauses (1)

a) she gets to work from home b) they cannot quit c) she will not be around anymore

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: Oh no! Did you get the latest company email? Man: No, I didn’t. What does it say? Woman: The boss wrote the following: due to the recent health crisis, I am afraid that the company holiday party is canceled. Man: I am not surprised that he did that. The writing was on the wall. Woman: Do you think they will close the offices? Man: It is doubtful that would happen, but you never know.

4) Susan is worried that her daughter _____ . a) will not come home b) will not get into college c) will be alright living alone

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

Conversation 2









Man: Hey, before I forget. I’m afraid that I can’t play next week. Woman: That’s too bad. What happened? You never miss our games. Man: Yeah, this will be a first for me, but I have to work late next week. Woman: Well, I hope that you can come back in two weeks. We would hate to miss you two weeks in a row. Man: I should be back. I’m sorry that I won’t be able to make it. Woman: No worries. See you in two weeks.









Conversation 3 Woman: Hey, did you hear about Jill? She quit this morning. Man: Yeah, I hear she got a new job. Woman: Yeah, she gets to work from home, and she will get paid a lot more. Man: I’m so jealous that she gets to work from home. Woman: Me, too. And I’m sad that she won’t be around the office anymore. Man: Yes, it won’t be the same without her.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Why is Kate so happy? 2) Where can I apply for the salesman job? 3) What are the protests about? 4) When do you think the construction will finish? 5) How do you like your new car? ( 3 ) The protestors are unhappy that taxes have increased. ( 1 ) Katie is happy that she got an A+ on her assignment. ( 5 ) I’m disappointed that it isn’t as fast as I had hoped. ( 2 ) I’m afraid that the job isn’t available anymore. ( 4 ) I hope that construction will be finished by August. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 4 Woman: I was talking to Susan today, and she said that her daughter got into college. Man: Oh, that’s great. She must be very excited. Woman: Yes, she’s thrilled that she got into a good college, but she’s a bit worried too. Man: What is she so worried about? Woman: Typical mom stuff. She’s worried she’ll be alright living alone. Man: Her daughter will be fine! It’s all a part of growing up. Woman: Yeah, I think she knows that. I think that she’s also sad that her daughter will be far from home. Man: Yeah, that’s tough for any parent.

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Quiz 1) It is important for her that ____. a) he is on time b) his clothes are comfortable c) he wears a suit 2) It is weird that _____. a) no one saw the crime b) the car is not registered c) no one was hurt

Lesson B2-15 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) It is important that _____.

Adjectives + That Clauses (2)

a) he gets lots of rest b) he eats some food c) he goes home soon

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: Roger, I want to talk to you about the company dress policy. Man: Sure, is there a problem with how I dress? I do my best to look professional. Woman: Well, you look nice. It's just that you don't wear a suit. Man: I know, but it's hard to be productive in a suit, and it is very unlikely that I see any clients. Woman: I know, but it is important that all employees follow the same policy. Man: OK, I will start wearing a suit from tomorrow onward. Woman: Great, and be sure to wear nice dress shoes, too.

Conversation 2 Woman: This accident is very strange. Man: Yeah, it's weird that no one saw the accident. Woman: And it's odd that both drivers fled the scene. Man: Maybe both had a criminal record and were afraid of going to jail. Woman: Maybe that is the case. Regardless, it is doubtful that we will find whoever did this. Man: I think you may be wrong about that.

4) He is jealous that ______. a) she got a promotion b) she will get paid more c) she can work from home

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4








get to




highly likely





Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Did you hear about the job layoffs? 2) Why do you celebrate this festival? 3) Do you think the lockdown will be lifted soon? 4) What do you think of the coffee machine?

Conversation 3 Woman: How is your dinner? Man: I can't eat it. I'm not hungry. Woman: What? You have to eat. The doctor said that it's vital that you eat every meal. Man: I would if I could, but, I'm just not hungry. Woman: Well, it is important that you try harder. Man: Well, it would help if the food actually tasted good. Woman: I'm sorry about that. I'll try to bring you a homemade meal tomorrow. Man: Thanks. I appreciate that. But it's unlikely that they would allow it. Woman: Well, it doesn't hurt to ask.

Conversation 4 Man: So, how is life since you quit your job? Woman: Good! It's nice that I get to work from home now. Man: Yeah, I would think so. It's awesome that you get to set your own hours and be your own boss. Woman: Yeah, that is good, but I miss the security of my old job.

( 3 ) It’s doubtful that the government will lift it soon. ( 1 ) Yes, it’s unfair that so people are losing their jobs. ( 4 ) It’s awesome that I can get a good espresso on demand. ( 2 ) It’s important that we preserve our traditions. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Man: Still, it's sad that more people don't get to work that way. Woman: True, but it's highly likely that more people will get the chance in the future. Man: I hope so. And include me on that list.

Quiz 1) What does the man suggest? a) She watch a video. b) She learn yoga herself. 2) How does the apartment pay for itself? a) She can save on electricity. b) She can save on transportation. 3) What does the woman say about the cookies?

Lesson B2-16 | High Intermediate | CEFR B2

Reflexive Pronouns Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) She outdid herself. b) She made them herself. 4) What can the watch do? a) Pay for itself b) Recharge itself

Conversation 1 Man: What are you doing? Woman: I’m trying to learn yoga. Man: Well, be careful. Don’t hurt yourself. Woman: I won’t. I’m taking it slow. Man: Why don’t you take a class or watch a video? Woman: No, I’d rather teach myself. I like learning things on my own. Man: Suit yourself.

Conversation 2 Man: So, where are you living these days? Woman: I live near the beach. Man: Oh, rent is so expensive there. Do you have a roommate? Woman: No, I live by myself. Man: Wow! That must be so nice to live by the beach. Woman: It is. When I saw the apartment vacancy, I told myself I had to get it, no matter the cost. Man: That must cost a lot. Woman: Not really, because it is near the beach and my work, I no longer need a car, so I save a lot of money on transportation. Man: Wow, that must be nice. Woman: Yeah, in a way, the apartment pays for itself.

Conversation 3 Man: Can I have another cookie? Woman: By all means. Help yourself. Man: These are so good. Did you buy them? Woman: Oh, heaven’s no! I made them myself. Man: Wow, well, you outdid yourself. These are delicious. Woman: Well, I’m glad you like them.

Conversation 4 Woman: What did you buy at the store? Man: I bought myself a new watch. Woman: Oh, cool. What can it do? Man: Well, it can monitor my sleep, and it never needs batteries. Woman: It doesn’t need batteries! How does it do that? Man: It recharges itself you using solar power. Woman: Wow, I need to get a watch like that. Man: You should. Sometimes we need to treat ourselves to something nice. Woman: I like how you think.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Is there someone who can help me make copies? 2) Will they call you when the results are announced? 3) Where did you get the bread? 4) Could I have one of these sandwiches? 5) Do I need to turn the lights off when I leave? ( 5 ) The lights will turn themselves off after an hour. ( 4 ) Sure, please help yourself. ( 3 ) I made the bread myself. ( 2 ) No, I have to call and ask for the results myself. ( 1 ) No, there isn’t. You have to make copies yourself. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) A new computer pays for itself because ____ . a) it is on sale b) it increases productivity 2) The woman should not be hard on ______ . a) her boss b) herself

Lesson B2-17 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Emphatic Pronouns Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Wow, big box. What did you buy? Woman: I bought myself a new computer. Man: Nice! What kind? Woman: I got a new Mac. Man: Oh, cool. That must've been expensive. Woman: A little, but I needed a new one. Man: Yeah. I've been thinking of getting a new one myself. Woman: You should. I find a new computer pays for itself because it makes you much more productive. Man: True. Can't argue with that.

3) Why does the woman mean when she says the kids can not help themselves? a) They eat all the cookies. b) They can not have any cookies. 4) What does the woman suggest? a) He makes it himself. b) They do it themselves.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4
















my own

Conversation 2 Man: Why are you so down? Woman: I did not get a promotion from the boss. Man: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Woman: I don't think he likes me. Man: Oh, I'm sure he likes you. Don't be so hard on yourself. Woman: Yeah, you're right.

Conversation 3 Man: Man, these cookies smell so good. Woman: Please try some. Man: Oh, they look so good. Woman: You better eat some before the kids get home. Man: Why? Will they eat them all? Woman: Yeah, they can't help themselves. Man: Well, I can see why. Your cookies are so good. Can I have two? Woman: Help yourself.

Conversation 4 Man: I like your shirt. Woman: Thanks. I made it myself. Man: Really? I didn't know you sew. Woman: I do. I make a lot of my own clothes. Man: That is so cool. Woman: It's easy. You should try it sometime. Man: I would if you could teach me. Woman: Oh, you don't need me. You can learn how to do it yourself by watching videos online. Man: Okay. I'll think about it. Thanks.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How did you hear about your promotion? 2) Did the doorman tell you about the burglary? 3) Were you expecting to win the competition? 4) Did everyone attend the work party last night? 5) Who told you about Joe’s big news? ( 4 ) Yeah, even the boss himself attended the party. ( 1 ) Yes, my manager herself told me I had been promoted. ( 2 ) No, he himself had no idea the burglary had happened! ( 3 ) No way! I myself wasn’t expecting to be the winner. ( 5 ) You yourself told me after you heard it last week! What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) The student can write a good paper ______. a) by using spell check b) by doing research c) by reading the rubric 2) Cows hurt the environment ______. a) by burping b) by releasing methane c) by eating trees

Lesson B2-18 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

By + Gerund Clauses Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Student: Ms. Wilson, how can I get a good grade on this paper? Teacher: First, you need to write a good outline. Student: OK, I think I can do that. Teacher: By doing that, you will give the paper structure. Student: OK, what else? Teacher: You should support your ideas by adding supporting data. Student: How do I do that? Teacher: You can do that by searching for related articles online. Student: OK, that should be easy enough. Teacher: Also, read the rubric. By familiarizing yourself with the details, you will know what to do. Student: OK, thanks for your help.

Conversation 2 Man: Hey, what are you reading? Woman: I'm reading how cows contribute to climate change. Man: Cows! How do they do that? Woman: By releasing methane gas into the environment. Man: But, they're cows! I don't see how they can do that. Woman: They release gas by burping. It says cows burp a lot. Man: By burping? How strange. Woman: It also says that farmers cause damage by cutting down trees to make farmland. Man: Yeah, I've heard about that. Cutting down trees does damage by reducing how much trees can absorb CO2. Woman: Yes, and deforestation is also a problem by causing soil erosion. Man: So, what can we do about it? Woman: I suppose that we could help by eating less beef. Man: Yeah, or we could help by buying meat from local organic farms. Woman: Sounds good. Time to put our best foot forward. Man: Yes, and to put our money where our mouth is, literally.

Conversation 3 Man: So, what are you doing? Woman: I'm studying Japanese by watching videos on Netflix. Man: That's interesting, but it must be difficult. Woman: It is, but I can follow along by reading the captions. Man: Oh, do you mean the English subtitles? Woman: No, the captions. I hear it and read the Japanese text

3) How is she learning a language? a) By using vocab apps b) By watching movies c) By reading captions 4) She says he can benefit from vegetarianism by ______ . a) cooking at home b) opening himself up to new ideas c) eating protien rich foods

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




doing so







not asking






Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How did you lose all that weight? 2) How did you get an extension on your deadline? 3) What can I do to help? 4) Is there an easy way to improve my speaking? 5) Why do you ride a bike to work? ( 2 ) I got an extension by asking the professor nicely. ( 1 ) I lost 10 kilos by eating only vegetables and protein. ( 5 ) By doing that, I get some exercise and fresh air. ( 3 ) You can help by setting the table for dinner. ( 4 ) The best way to is by talking as much as you can. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

simultaneously. By doing so, I can catch a lot. Man: That sounds like a good strategy. I should try that to learn French. Woman: Oh, are you learning French? Man: Yes, but just by reading some vocabulary apps on my phone. Woman: Well, you might learn more by checking out some video online. There's lots on Youtube. Man: Or by using your Netflix account. Woman: Not a chance. Nice try though. Man: Well, no one ever got anything by not asking. Woman: True. I'll give you that. Conversation 4 Woman: How do you like your food? Man: It's good, but I'm not used to eating vegetarian food. Woman: You should become vegetarian. There are many health benefits by doing so. Man: Yes, that's true, but I love eating meat. It tastes so good. Woman: I understand, but by changing your diet, you can explore lots of new dishes. Man: Yeah, I know, but I work out a lot, and I am afraid that by giving up meat, I'll lose lots of key nutrients. Woman: I assume you are referring to protein. Well, just by eating beans and nuts you can get all the protein you need. Man: Perhaps, but I also worry about missing out at social gatherings, like barbecues, picnics and parties. Woman: Yes, I see your point, but by being a vegetarian, you open yourself to new social situations. Man: Yeah, I guess you're right. I will give it some thought. Woman: Take your time. Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say.

Quiz 1) The documents need to be _____. a) copied b) formatted c) read 2) The walls need to be _____ . a) installed b) replaced c) painted

Lesson B2-19 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) The towels will need to be _____.

Passive Modals of Obligation

a) dried b) wiped off c) taken out of the washer

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: So, what needs to be done? Woman: Lots needs to be done. Man: OK, such as? Woman: First, all the documents need to be proofread. Then they need to be formatted. Man: OK, I can do that. Do these need to be translated? Woman: No, you can leave that for me. Man: OK, great. I'll get right on it.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3






wiped off




need to be



Conversation 2 Woman: Is your new house finished yet? Man: No, lots still needs to be done. Woman: Yeah, such as? Man: Well, the walls still need to be painted, and the wiring still needs to be done. Woman: Well, at least you're getting close to the end. Man: True, but until then, no rest.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) When will my package be shipped? 2) Why are we having a meeting today? 3) Do you have any clean cups? 4) Why does your neck hurt? 5) Is it a bad sign that my car creaks when it turns?

Conversation 3 Man: What needs to be done for the party? Woman: Lots. Let's see. First, the tables need to be set, and the chairs need to be brought down from upstairs. Man: OK, I can do that. Woman: Great, but the chairs might be dusty. They may need to be wiped off first. Man: OK, no problem. Do you have any towels? Woman: I do. But they're in the washer. They might need to be dried first. Man: Actually, you know what, they might work better if they're damp. Woman: Good point. The washer is over there.

( 2 ) The employees need to be informed of the new policy. ( 3 ) Not sure, you might need to wash one. ( 5 ) You may need to have your car checked. ( 1 ) The payment needs to be confirmed before shipping. ( 4 ) I may need to buy a new pillow. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Did she do the slide presentation? a) Yes, she did it b) She is doing it now. c) She will do it soon. 2) Who will pay the bill? a) She will do it. b) He will do it. c) No one will do it.

Lesson B2-20 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) Who runs twice a week?

Do as a Replacement Verb

a) Only she does. b) Only does. c) They both do.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

4) What does she say about emptying the litter box?

Conversation 1 Man: Did you finish the report yet? Woman: Yes, I did it yesterday. Man: What about the slide presentation? Woman: I have not done that yet. I will try to do it today. Man: Okay, but please do it soon. We need it. Woman: I'm on it.

Conversation 2 Man: Have you paid the electricity bill? Woman: No, I thought you were going to do it. Man: No, you said you were going to do it. Woman: All right, I will do it tomorrow. Man: Never mind, I'll do it. Woman: Listen, I said I will do it, all right?

Conversation 3 Man: What do you do on the weekend? Woman: I usually go to the gym. Man: Oh! What do you do for a workout? Woman: I usually lift weights. Man: I do too. Woman: What do you do for cardio? Man: I run twice a week. Woman: I do too! We have similar workout routines. We should work out together. Man: Sounds good. Let's do it.

Conversation 4 Man: Have you walked the dog? Woman: Yes, I did it this morning. Man: Did you empty the cat litter box? Woman: No, I haven't done that yet. Should I do it now? Man: No, it's okay. I can do it. Woman: Thanks. It slipped my mind. Man: No worries. I just better do it soon, so the cats don't get angry.

a) She did it already. b) She thought he was doing it. c) She didn't do it.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

not done


do you do











going to



Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Was it Sally who painted the picture? 2) How do I book an appointment with the doctor? 3) Did you do the laundry? 4) Did you manage to fix your car? 5) How do you feel after running the marathon? ( 2 ) The clinic’s front-desk can do it for you. ( 4 ) I left it at the mechanic to fix, but he said he can’t do it. ( 1 ) Sally didn’t paint the picture, Sarah did. ( 3 ) I haven’t done the laundry yet, I’ll do it now. ( 5 ) I’m happy that I finished, but I’m never doing it again. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What does the man say about the medicine? a) He supports it. b) He can not approve it yet. c) He does not say. 2) Why does the man decide to get the washing machine?

Lesson B2-21 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Although / While / Though

a) Cheap price b) Good reviews c) Free installation 3) What does the man think will happen next quarter?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Sales can go up. b) Sales will go down. c) The economy will be good,

Conversation 1

4) What job will the woman most likely work?

Woman: What do you think of the new cold medicine that the medical journal recommends? Man: I'm a little skeptical. While some tests were done in clinical trials, I still think more research needs to be done with it. Woman: I agree with that, though it was tested with a trusted laboratory. Man: True, but I'd like to see more data on it, before giving it my seal of approval. Woman: So, I guess we're not going to give it to customers just yet. Man: No, not yet. Let's hold off a little longer until we have more information about it. Woman: Sounds prudent. I think that's the right decision for now.

a) A bank b) A startup c) A hospital

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4












pass up





Conversation 2 Man: Hello, can I ask you some questions about this washing machine? Woman: Sure, I don't know too much about it, but I can try. Man: Well, my main concern is that it is worth the price. Woman: Yes, it is a bit pricey, although it does come with a three-year warranty. Man: Yeah, still, I think I want to shop around. I think I can find it cheaper elsewhere. Woman: That's understandable. However, while other stores might have cheaper prices, they likely won't have free delivery, and free installation. Man: OK, you've changed my mind. I'll take it. Woman: Great! Please follow me to the register.

Conversation 3 Woman: Thanks for meeting me during your lunch break. Man: My pleasure. I usually eat at my desk anyway. Woman: Well, while I don't usually hold meetings this way, I find casual meetings often are the most productive. Man: Agreed. So, what would you like to talk about? Woman: I would like to talk about sales projections for next financial quarter. Man: Well, while the economic forecast does not look great, I still think we can increase sales next quarter. Woman: I like your positive attitude, although I think we should keep modest expectations. Man: That's understandable. Let me pull up my data and show you what I've got.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Why don’t you like white wine? 2) What do you like about your new apartment? 3) What’s the best part of working here? 4) Why don’t you take the bus to school? 5) Did you enjoy the movie? ( 5 ) I enjoyed it. It was too long, though. ( 2 ) Though the rent is high, the views are stunning! ( 4 ) While the bus is faster, it’s a pleasant walk to school. ( 3 ) Although the hours are long, the work is rewarding. ( 1 ) While I like the taste of white wine, it gives me a headache. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Conversation 4 Man: So, how is the job hunting going? Woman: Good. I have a few offers. One from a big bank. Man: That's great. I hear they pay high salaries. Woman: Yes, but while the pay is great, the hours are very long and the job is stressful. Man: Yeah, that's expected. What about the other job? Woman: The other job is from a small startup in the health industry. Man: Oh, that sounds interesting. How is the pay? Woman: Well, while the pay's not great, the work seems interesting and I could be helping others. Man: Well, it sounds like you made up your mind. Woman: Yes, but it's hard to pass up all that money.

Quiz 1) Why does the man need the money? a) He has not been paid. b) He has not been promoted. c) His refund has been spent. 2) What still has not been done? a) The speakers have not been chosen. b) The room has not been booked. c) The menu has not been decided on.

Lesson B2-22 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) Why is no one there?

Present Perfect Passive

a) The meeting has been cancelled. b) The meeting room has been changed. c) The meeting has been delayed.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

4) What has happened at the company?

Conversation 1 Man: So, do you think our tax refunds have been deposited? Woman: I hope so. I heard it was sent on the 15th. Man: Yeah, I still haven't been paid for my last job, so I really need it. Woman: Why haven't you been paid? Man: The project I was working on has not been completed yet. No one gets paid until it's finished. Woman: I am sorry to hear that. That must be frustrating. Man: Yeah, it's really frustrating because all of my work has been completed, but I need for the others to finish before I get paid. Woman: Well, in the meantime, let's hope our tax refund is there.

a) Staff has been laid off. b) Maria has been promoted. c) Bob has been fired.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




let go













Conversation 2 Man: How is everything looking with the conference? Woman: Good, the hotel has been booked, and the invitations have been sent out. Man: Have the speakers been confirmed yet? Woman: Yes, all but one has confirmed. Man: What about the caterer? Food is very important at an event like this. Woman: A contract has been signed by a local restaurant to provide food, but the menu has not been decided on yet. Man: Well, if I have my say, I recommend a buffet. Everyone loves that. Woman: Noted sir. I will look into it. Man: Great. Thanks for keeping me posted.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How can I help you set up camp? 2) What does the announcement say? 3) Why won’t your car start? 4) What action did the police take? 5) Did they change something in the building? ( 2 ) It says that the timetables have been changed. ( 1 ) The tents have been put up, so just start a fire. ( 5 ) Yes, the building elevators have been replaced. ( 3 ) Because it hasn’t been driven in weeks. ( 4 ) The suspects have been questioned by the police. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Woman: Hey, where is everyone? I thought the meeting was at one. Man: It is. The room has been changed. It is now in conference room 5. Woman: I see. Has everyone been notified? I didn't get a message. Man: No, it was changed at the last minute. I've been told to stay here and tell people as they come in. Woman: OK, will I see you up there? Man: Yes, I will be up shortly. Woman: OK, see you soon.

Conversation 4

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Man: Maria, welcome back. It's so nice to see you again. Woman: Thanks. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I would stop by and say hello to everyone. Man: Well, sadly some of the people you used to work with have been let go. Woman: Oh, that is too bad. I see that Katie is still here though. That is good to see. Man: Yes, she's been transferred to HR. Woman: Oh, that's good. What about Bob over there? Man: Oh, Bob? Yeah, he's done alright for himself. He's been promoted to VP of sales. Woman: Well, it's good to see that some things have been for the better. Man: Yes, we've been downsized a bit, but we're still going strong.

Quiz 1) Who has been married for longer? a) The man b) The woman c) They do not say. 2) When will the man do the errands? a) Before lending the car b) While lending the car c) After lending the car

Lesson B2-23 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

Future Perfect

3) For how long will the woman eventually work there?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Less than 20 years b) Less than 40 years c) More than 40 years

Conversation 1

4) What will happen by Sunday?

Man: So, how long have you been married? Woman: This October, it will have been 20 years. Man: Nice. You got me beat by a few years. Woman: Really? How long have you been married? Man: Let's see. I'll have been married 18 years next week. Woman: Oh, that's coming up. Happy anniversary.

Conversation 2 Woman: Can I use your car tomorrow? Man: Sure. What time do you need it? Woman: Around 6:00 in the evening. Man: Okay. I need to run errands in the afternoon, but I should have finished by then. Woman: Are you sure that's enough time? Man: Yeah. Plenty of time. I need to run errands in the afternoon, but I'll have finished by then.

Conversation 3 Man: How long have you been working here? Woman: I'll have been working here 20 years this coming May. Man: Really? 20 years. Woman: Yeah. Time flies. Man: So, you think you'll be here another 20 years? Woman: Not a chance. I'll have retired by then.

Conversation 4 Woman: When do you get paid next? Man: I get paid next Tuesday, and it could not come soon enough. Woman: Really? Are you running low on cash? Man: Yeah. I'm down to my last 100 bucks. Woman: Oh, that should last you. Man: Are you kidding? I'll have spent that by Sunday for sure.

a) He will have been paid. b) He will have spent his money. c) He will have saves some money.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4













next week




Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Shall I pick you up from work at 8? 2) Will the house be ready to move in by December? 3) How long have you been living in this city? 4) Should we leave for the airport at 6? 5) Is it worth going to the party now? ( 3 ) This March, I will have been living here for 3 years. ( 1 ) No, I won’t have finished work by then. ( 5 ) The food will have finished by the time we arrive. ( 4 ) Yeah, Dan’s plane will have landed by then. ( 2 ) Yes, the house will have been remodeled by then. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Who will have left by now? a) Just Sue b) Just David c) Both of them 2) Why do they decide not to eat pizza? a) It will have gotten cold. b) It will have been eaten. c) The restaurant will have been closed.

Lesson B2-24 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) Why should the man call Susan?

Future Perfect in the Past

a) The movie will have started. b) The movie will have ended. c) The movie will have sold out.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: Oh no, I forgot my handouts! Man: Should I call Sue at the office to bring them? Woman: No, she'll have left by now. Man: What about David? Woman: No, he'll have already clocked out too. Man: Oh no. So what should we do? Woman: We'll have to do without them, I guess.

Conversation 2 Woman: Want to go get some pizza? Man: I think it's too late. Woman: No, I think City Pizza is still open. Man: No, it will have closed by now. Woman: Are you sure? Man: Yeah, I am positive they close at 10.

Conversation 3 Man: Where is Susan? Woman: She went to the movies. Man: Oh, bummer. I wanted to call her. Woman: Well, the movie started at five, so it will have finished by now. Man: Yeah, I guess. I really need to ask her something. Woman: Yeah! Give her a call.

Conversation 4 Woman: Where's Joe? Man: He went to the gym to work out. Woman: Oh, maybe I can go work out with him. Man: You know, I think he'll have finished by now. Woman: Yeah, probably. Man: Maybe next time.

4) Why does the woman decide not to work out with Joe? a) He will have finished by then. b) The gym will have closed by then. c) He will have started already.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




work out




next time









Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Can we try the cake yet? 2) Shall we go out for ice cream? 3) Is the mall still closed for renovations? 4) Is it too early to go to the museum? 5) Do you think I could take another piece of cake? ( 4 ) I don’t think they will have opened by now. It’s only 7 a.m. ( 3 ) Hopefully they will have finished renovations by now. ( 2 ) I think the ice cream parlour will have closed by now. ( 5 ) Sure, everyone will have had a piece by now. ( 1 ) Yes, the cake will have cooled down by now. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What will likely happen? a) There will be big crowds. b) The games will be cancelled. c) The games will be held. 2) What will likely happen eventually? a) The companies will not merge. b) People will lose their jobs. c) People will work from home.

Lesson B2-25 | High Intermediate | CEFR B1

3) What does the professor say is unlikely?

Possibility and Likelihood

a) The campus will open. b) Things will never go back to normal. c) He will only teach from home.

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

4) Who will likely attend the party?

Conversation 1 Man: So, have you heard any news about the Tokyo Olympics? Woman: Yes, now it seems highly likely that it will take place. Man: Will tourists be allowed in the country? Woman: That is unlikely, but some people might get access. Man: Where will the athletes stay? Woman: Well, there is a slight possibility there will be an Olympic village. Man: Oh, what is the likelihood of that? Woman: It's highly unlikely, but the organizers are leaving the possibility open. Man: I see. How likely is it that local residents can attend the games? Woman: There is a strong possibility that can happen, but protocols must be met. Man: Well, it's a given that the games will be on TV. So at least we have that. Woman: Yes, fingers crossed it all goes well.

Conversation 2 Man: So, did you hear the news? Woman: No, what did you hear? Man: The company is going to merge with our biggest competitor. Woman: What does that mean for the company? How will that affect us? Man: Well, it is unlikely that anyone will lose their job, but it is very likely we will move offices. Woman: Oh, no. I quite like it here. Man: Well, I hear there is a slight possibility that some people will be able to work from home. Woman: How likely is that? I would love to work from home. Man: Well, it's fairly likely but don't quote me on it. Woman: What is the likelihood that we change the company name? Man: It is a slight possibility but I don't see that happening ... yet. Woman: It would be foolish to do that. We have a well-known brand name and a catchy logo. Man: I agree. Anyway, it is highly unlikely there will be any changes anytime soon. Woman: Change is good, I guess. That's what they say. Man: Yes, only time will tell.

Conversation 3

a) Susan and her family b) Tom and his family c) Their other coworkers

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4







for sure








in the air


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How long will it take you to complete the project? 2) How likely is it that I failed the course? 3) Will you be late for the appointment? 4) Do you think it will rain today? 5) What are the chances that tickets are still available? ( 5 ) I think it’s highly unlikely that you’ll get tickets. ( 4 ) The weather report said it will very likely rain today. ( 1 ) The project will most likely take a week to complete. ( 3 ) It’s fairly likely that I will be late. ( 2 ) I would say it’s highly unlikely that you failed. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Woman: So professor, when do you think we will have face-toface classes again? Man: I'm not sure, but it seems very likely things will be back to normal in the fall semester. Woman: What about next semester? Man: Well, anything is possible, but it seems unlikely that we will go back to being face-to-face. Woman: And what about the campus? What is the likelihood that the campus is open once again? Man: Again, I don't know for sure, but I think there is a strong possibility that it will be open. Woman: And what about you, professor? Will you be teaching on campus or at home? Man: Again, I just don't know. Everything is still up in the air. Woman: OK, professor. Thanks for answering my questions.

Conversation 4 Man: So, who is going to be at the party tonight? Woman: Well, it's likely that most people will be there. Man: Are we expecting any no-shows? Woman: Well, it's unlikely that Susan and her family will be there. Man: What about Tom and his family? Can they make it? Woman: Well, they have a new baby, but they said there is a slight chance they will come. It all depends on the baby. Man: In other words, it is highly unlikely. Woman: Yes, that's probably true.

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