What is the Pre-Employment Medical Test And Why is This Important?

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What is the Pre-Employment Medical Test And Why is This Importa

Pre-Employment Medical Test is Necessary The world has become more competitive and the urge of increasing productivity is growing day by day. That is why all the company officials these days are looking for not only talented employees but one who is also healthy and in very good shape as they can produce more than the unhealthy employees or the ones who get sick very often. It’s not only about productivity, but a healthy workforce stays more motivated and brings a positive energy to the office space, which can influence the creativity as well. An unhealthy workforce will not only pull down the production rate with frequent sick leaves, but will also downgrade the quality. Even the healthiest person can get sick as the human body is built like that. But, if an employee is taking sick leaves frequently, the pressure will pile up on the other employees and this will not only hamper your productivity but will make the employees furious. The pre-employment medical examination is needed to ensure that the company has hired the right candidate to set some examples about taking corporate responsibilities.

If you own a company you must organize regular health screening at your office to keep the efficiency level up. And if you are just seeking a placement in a top-notch- organization, you must get your preemployment medical examination Singapore done from a reliable health clinic.

Pre-Employment Medical Tests Pre-employment medical checkup doesn’t only focus on the physical health of the candidate, but the mental state as well. When you walk into a corporate sector, you are going to get some huge responsibilities, where some of them will be much harder than the previous one and the company would like to know if you can handle such pressure or not. That is why the pre-employment test will include • The drug tests to see if you have a history or current records with drugs or not • Alcohol test to check if you are a regular drinker or not

• Psychological test to see if you are mentally fit to do the job The number of tests will depend on the managerial department of the organization as they may add several other tests to the list as well, while the 3 above are just the most common ones.

Here are some of the tests that the company may ask you to go through, Hemoglobin test To check the energy level of the employ hemoglobin test may be added to the list as the employees with low hemoglobin may suffer from fatigue, dizziness, breathing problems, which may lower their performance for the organization. Blood sugar test Blood sugar level should be normal as both, low blood sugar and high blood sugar is may cause several issues, like • • • • •

lack of concentration lack of energy headaches muscle spasm blurred vision etc

PEFR test This test is added to see how fast a person can exhale and this will help the company to know if you any difficulties in breathing that can lead to anxiety or sudden panic attacks.

Pregnancy test Yes, you have guessed it right as several companies want to confirm that the employee is not pregnant during the time of hiring. The company wants its employees to work straight for at least a year without any leaves or lesser leaves. X-ray test You can get an X-ray test from an X-ray clinic Singapore as the company may want to see if your lungs or heart is in proper condition. Several other tests are, • • • •

Liver test Audiometry test Spirometry test Renal function test

Source URL: https://mediwaymedical.blogspot.com/2020/04/what-is-pre-employment-medical-test-and.html

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