2022 Spring 'Play the Game' magazine

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Play the Game SPRING 2022 Scholarship Winners Global Citizenship Group Award Winning Staff Year 5 Camp SPARK Production Music Extravaganza Bandquest Winners Winter Sports Exchanges Skiing Results Walk for Water MSOBA Annual Dinner Building a Legacy

Medbury School Play the Game

From the Headmaster

As the restrictions of COVID are removed, it is with great excitement that we have been able to reintroduce events and welcome our parents and grandparents back onsite.

Events such as Student Led Conferences, House Services, and the Music Extravaganza, were all celebrated in Term 3 for the first time since 2019. For a large majority of our community these have been experiences and opportunities that not just our boys and parents have been denied, but also students and parents across New Zealand and even globally.

In the past Semester, Medbury boys have continued to excel at academic challenges both at a regional and international level, including Cantamaths, Coding, Ethics Olympiad, EPro8 Regional Competitions, the Robocup National Finals, and the International Competition and

Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the following boys who received Scholarships for 2023 at Christ’s College: Robbie Stewart (Executive Principal’s Scholarship), Cole Moffatt (Choral), Hugh Shand (Regional Boarding), Connor MacKenzie (Executive Principal’s Scholarship), and Harry Reekie (General Excellence).

Congratulations also, to Richie Tu who was awarded the Medbury Music Scholarship.

Assessment for Schools (ICAS). Medbury boys have also excelled on the playing fields this Winter, with over 40 Medbury sports teams competing each week. What has become increasingly evident is that Medbury is not just a School of academic and sporting excellence, we are also a School of music excellence. Medbury has a significant number of high achieving students in music. This was witnessed at both the Medbury School Senior Music Competition and Music Extravaganza. Grandparents will have an opportunity to listen to some of our talented students perform at Grandparents’ Day in November.

In the words of Joseph Campbell, “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live life to the fullest. Carpe Diem.”

As we approach the final stretch of 2022, I encourage everyone to make the most of every opportunity that Medbury has to offer.

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Medbury School Play the Game

Image caption medbury.school.nz 109 Clyde Road, Fendalton, Christchurch 03 351 6169 Contents 4 Teaching and Learning 4 Global Citizenship Group 6 Award Winning Medbury Staff 8 Expanding Equity and Opportunities for All 10 Boarding House Leadership Programme 12 Educational Opportunities 16 Year 5 Camp at Living Springs 18 The Arts 18 The Year 8 Production of SPARK 24 Music Extravaganza 28 Bandquest Winners 29 Tuesdays@5 30 Dance Curriculum Parent Concert 31 Art at Medbury 34 Sports 34 Increasing Performance 35 Winter Sports Exchanges 38 Cross Country 39 Cycling Championships 40 Skiing 42 Day boys v Boarders Rugby 43 The Medbury Family 44 Walk for Water 46 From the Boarding House 48 The MSOBA Annual Dinner 50 The Medbury Parents’ Association 54 Building a Legacy 56 North Canterbury Regional Event Editor Rachelle Mathews marketing@medbury.school.nz Spring — 2022 03

Global Citizenship Group

Learning about global perspectives

2022 has seen the formation of the Global Citizenship Group (GCG) at Medbury School.

The GCG meets fortnightly for students to form connections, and to share experiences and knowledge of different cultures and countries. In doing so, students can support each other and learn about global perspectives and how this can positively impact our world.

So far this year students have shared presentations on different cultures and countries, have learned greetings in different languages and have tried different foods from New Zealand. A common theme all of the students in the group have identified is the importance of sharing food together. To build on this, the group made dumplings on Friday 12 August. It was a wonderful

experience for students, parents and staff to come together and share their expertise, learn new skills, have a lot of fun and then finally sit down together to eat the tasty dumplings we had made as a group. Whilst the dumplings were cooking the students reflected on their experiences in the GCG to date:

Ni Hao, or , my name is Newman Hao.

I have lived in China prior to living in New Zealand.

I enjoy sharing food with others because I meet new people and share new foods.

I have enjoyed being a part of the GCG as I have met people I have never met before.

Hai, my name is Samuel Moggie.

I have lived in Malaysia prior to living in New Zealand.

I enjoy sharing food with others because it helps me to give new foods a chance and respect different foods.

I have enjoyed being a part of the GCG as we all have fun and eat yummy food!

Bonjour, my name is Cohen Wildermoth.

I have always lived in New Zealand.

I enjoy sharing food with others because it is a way for me to eat new foods.

I have enjoyed being a part of the GCG as I am learning about other cultures and foods.

Jayne Foster Registrar and Director of International Students Jenelle Hooson Counsellor Play the GameMedbury School

Hello, my name is Soko Selan.

I have lived in Papua New Guinea prior to living in New Zealand.

I enjoy sharing food with others because I enjoy eating!

I have enjoyed everything about being a part of the GCG!

Hi, my name is Carter Paul.

I have always lived in New Zealand.

I enjoy sharing food with others because it is fun.

I have enjoyed being a part of the GCG as I have tried lots of different foods.

Ni Hao, or , my name is James Dou.

I have lived in China prior to living in New Zealand.

I enjoy sharing food with others because I get to be with friends.

I have enjoyed everything about being a part of the GCG!

Hi, my name is Beau.

I have lived in eight different countries, including New Zealand.

I enjoy sharing food with others because I get to learn a lot.

I have enjoyed being a part of the GCG as I enjoyed learning how to fold dumplings.

All students are welcome to join the GCG. We eat lunch together every second Monday in The Foundation Building.

Jenelle Hooson, Counsellor and Jayne Foster, Registrar

Teaching and Learning
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Medbury School Play the Game

Award Winning Medbury Staff

Service to Educational Leadership and Innovation

Congratulations to Scott Johnson, Assistant Principal and Head of Curriculum at Medbury, who was selected as a recipient of a 2022 Independent Schools of New Zealand Honours Award for his service to Educational Leadership and Innovation.

Seven such awards were given out across 46 Independent Schools in New Zealand this year. These Awards were established by ISNZ to honour exceptional staff who demonstrate talent, service and commitment that is truly above and beyond.

Sc ott has been part of Medbury School for the better part of a decade. Joining as an experienced teacher, the boys in his care thrived and today have such great respect and admiration for ‘Mr Johnson’.

One parent wrote “The impact Scott had on my son was immediate. He had lost his love of learning at his previous school but was quickly excited about school again and the opportunities provided in Scott’s class. Our son flourished that year and regained

his love of being at school. Scott is a deeply committed teacher who looks for creative ways to motivate and engage his learners”.

His superb leadership and pedagogical knowledge, sense of humour, and ability to have fun while learning, sets him apart. He is described by his colleagues as approachable, supportive, collaborative and forwardthinking: “the most dynamic and inspiring educator and an absolute pleasure to work with”.

S cott is deeply passionate about catering for each boy’s learning needs and styles, and about the explicit practice of differentiation in the classroom. To unlock the boy’s potential, Scott investigated research based programmes like Philosophy for Children, Future Problem Solving, and Ethics Olympiad, and the best practice internationally.

He i s now described as “a true expert and exemplary leader” in P4C, and is an excellent FPS coach, with a number of National trophies being awarded to teams from Medbury School.

“Scott’s leadership of P4C (Philosophy for Children), FPS (Future Problem Solving), and ACE (Medbury’s Acceleration and Enrichment) has been nothing short of extraordinary.”

Stu dent engagement, curiosity, promoting a love of learning, and creating life-long learners are some of the outcomes that are clearly observed by students who are involved in different facets of the ACE programme at Medbury School. His service to the CAGE organisation is evidence of his commitment to giving back to educational organisations. He has

Scott Johnson

also been instrumental in leading the Aristotle programme (emotional intelligence and well-being); and in introducing the Komodo well-being programme for the boarders.

Fro m a leadership perspective, Scott “has a clear direction where he wants learning and student development to go, and before starting a project, he has a clear direction and understanding of how he plans to reach the intended outcome”.

Sc ott is certainly not averse to trying new things. The constant reviewing of best education practice is one of Scott’s defining leadership traits.

Af ter his leadership at a workshop, an outside observer wrote “He exemplified the skills of an effective leader, with his inclusive approach, his openness to teacher dialogue and debate, and his self-effacing, but also very clear, demonstration of, and sharing of, his own considerable skills and knowledge”.

A colleague wrote “He is proactive and solutions-focussed. His strong

se nse of collegiality, and his professionalism, can always be depended on.”

Scott is also actively involved in leading the First XI Football Team at Medbury. His passion for football is contagious.

The respect he shows to his students and the encouragement

h e gives to all his team are exemplary. Scott is an asset, not only to Medbury School, but to Education.

C ongratulations, Mr Johnson.

Teaching and Learning The Award was presented by the Minister of Education, Chris Hipkins Chrissie Badger Rosemary Black Kerri Fitzgerald Lesley Bath 2021 Service to Music 2021 Service to Boarding 2019 Service to Drama 2019 Service to Learning Support Other recent recipients of ISNZ Honours Awards at Medbury School:
Spring — 2022 07

Expanding equity and opportunities for all

Embracing the challenge

As New Zealand / Aotearoa surges forward to a new understanding of our history (propelled by a new Social Sciences curriculum), akonga (students) and pouako (teachers) have wholeheartedly embraced the wero (challenge) of Matauranga me akoranga Maori (Maori Rhetoric and Education).

Q uoted from part of the Voices from Kia Eke Panuku series: “ Matauranga Maori in our mahi is not just creating a space for Maori ways of being and knowing, but valuing the richness that these whakaaro (ideas) bring to our kaupapa (agenda). It is understanding that there is no ‘one’ way to ‘know’ something. It is also understanding that

the strength in our mahi (work) comes from multiple world views and the acknowledgement that Matauranga Maori can deepen and enhance other theories (e.g. critical theories)”.

During 2021, our Pouako Maori (Maori Teacher) Maaka Kahukuranui led a series of compelling and invigorating workshops for teachers. 2022 is a year of change in a number of aspects. At the start of the year, staff were encouraged to participate in a Mihi Whakatau (welcome ceremony) which brought the Manuhiri (new staff and students) onto the school grounds. A series of karanga (calls) echoed around the Avenue and Kapa Haka performed an epic haka powhiri (welcome haka) as the manuhiri entered.

Years 7 and 8 students have benefited from Kaumatua Maaka’s Te Reo lessons and the continued impact of tikanga Maori (Maori culture) is visible in the Kapa Haka training running for all the different year groups. The boys’ strong voices rise above the Avenue; their commitment and discipline is evident in their stance and their passionate performances. Two Year 6 students reflected:

“Kapa Haka is fun, interesting and you learn a lot about culture”.

A nother boy reported:

“It feels very empowering; you feel happy because you are being energised by the surroundings.”

Kerri Fitzgerald Head of Drama and Languages Play
the GameMedbury School 08

Te achers constantly observe how tikanga Maori is being honoured and valued increasingly within the School. This year, the Maori flag was raised for the first time to commemorate the Wiki o te Reo Maori (Maori Language Week) and 87% of teachers agree or strongly agree that they have gained confidence in their personal mihi (introduction).

Presently, teachers are working on using a larger repertoire of nga kupu whakatinana (commands) for the National Language wiki (week). A special focus on New Zealand place names is being planned for Term 4, with the prefects organising a school-wide quiz.

In the last weekend of the school holidays (23 to 24 July), 60

Medbury boys and 40 Selwyn House girls came together for a two day intense Kapa Haka workshop. Poi workshops for the girls and Mau Rakau (Maori Martial Arts) for the boys were held. The participants also learnt two waiata to the tune from Disney’s Aladdin: ‘Make way for Prince Ali’ as well as the Lion King’s: ‘I just can’t wait to be King’. Maaka reported: “Whanau, let me tell you, these kids can SANG!

T he new NCEA change programme has an added emphasis; there will be equal status for matauranga Maori. Our boys will enter higher education and the workplace well equipped to stand proudly in their knowledge and understanding.

“Education has the power to expand equity and opportunities for all.” (Armstrong D, 2019, p194).
Nau te rourou Naku te rourou Ka ora Te Reo Maori I te kura o Medbury
W ith your knowledge/experiences Combined with mine Te Reo Maori at Medbury will flourish
Kerri Fitzgerald Head of Drama and Languages
Teaching and Learning
Spring — 2022 09

A truly unique learning experience

Leadership Programme

Medbury is the only Boys Preparatory School in the South Island and one of only a handful of Preparatory Boarding Schools for boys in New Zealand.

W ith this unique point of difference in mind, the question was how can we use these facilities to give Medbury boys a truly unique learning experience?

In 2 023, Year 6 boys in groups of approximately 10, will spend one week boarding. During this week in the Boarding House, the boys will take part in a Character and Leadership programme where a core focus will be on introducing them to the Medbury Community Service programme and developing leadership skills.

Acc ording to Volunteering New Zealand’s State of Volunteering Report, a steady decline in volunteerism has been recorded since 2010 (interestingly, well before the pandemic) and cites an ageing volunteer force, volunteer availability and burnout as contributing factors.

Warren Durant Acting Headmaster Play the GameMedbury School

Expected outcomes

Mahatma Ghandi said, “The best way to discover yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

M edbury boys are privileged to be experiencing a Medbury education. Creating an awareness and empathy for others and identifying opportunities for our boys to serve in the community, will be central to this boarding and learning experience.

D uring their week in the Boarding House, the boys will be exposed to the daily routines of boarding life, while having no contact with home. The boys will have a series of evening workshops focusing on the following pillars of building character, namely: identifying and building on character strengths, goal setting, community service, and leadership.

Ye ars 6 and 7 Boarders will take it in turns to join the Year 6 group and be part of this programme.

This will allow Boarders and Day boys to connect on a social level, while at the same time acting as a good starting point for the Years 7 and 8 Boarders’ leadership programme.

O ther outcomes expected from the Character and Leadership programme will be to build character and develop leadership whilst being immersed in the culture of Medbury School. There will also be associated social and emotional benefits that Day boys will be exposed to while spending a week away from home, including developing resilience.

L iving away from home in a dormitory setting provides invaluable opportunities for personal growth. The boarding experience will also lead to a stronger sense of community between Day boys and Boarders. When you share life together outside of the constraints of

a school day or setting, you build a sense of belonging and community that is unparallelednot to mention, much more fun!

Th e Year 6 boys of 2023 will be the first to experience this exciting and unique opportunity as part of their learning journey. Year 5 parents will be provided with more details in the coming weeks.

Teaching and Learning
“The best way to discover yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”
Spring — 2022 11

Educational Opportunities

Ethics Olympiad

The Ethics Olympiad is a type of debating which is a combination of philosophy and debating. Participants are given an ethical case to discuss and present an argument on. The opposing team can then disagree or further build on the other team’s arguments. Unlike regular debating, participants are also given points for respect and manners. This year one of our teams came third in a competition for schools across Australasia.

Scenario Writing

Scenario writing is a competition in which you write a piece on a topic that you get to choose from a series of different choices. The pieces of writing are similar to creative writing and have a maximum word count of one thousand, five hundred words. The scenario writing stories need to be set fifty or more years in the future. This lets you use technology that doesn’t exist yet. My topic this year was on neurotechnology. I chose this because I was interested in writing a story around mind control.

Robocup Nationals 2022

On Saturday 10 September we travelled to Dunedin for the Robocup Nationals 2022. Medbury’s cute tour mascot, Marcus, came along with my family and I. Our team, Lego Corporation, competed in the Premier (Years 9 to 13) ‘Rescue Circuit’ and came third! Robocup is a fun and challenging activity which involves lots of creative thinking, decision-making, programming skills and helps to develop a never-give-up attitude. There is always a way to solve the problem only if you keep trying, keep failing, keep thinking and keep doing. I would highly recommend Ev3 to other boys.

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Christchurch Technology Challenge Winners

On Wednesday 31 August our RoboProgers Year 7 Scratch Team entered the Great Christchurch Technology Challenge. In this challenge we were given the opportunity to download files and code them into a functional game, according to the video we watched and the criteria we were given. The winning team would be the one who coded all elements and functionality perfectly and were first to upload their file. The competition brief was released at 3.45pm and we were away coding! Our first attempt was quick but missed the mark in a few areas. At 4.57pm, we won the competition and received a trophy and prizes.

Cohen Wildermoth, 7C; Benjamin Cuddihy, 7C; and Andy Li, 7B

Future Problem Solving

This year, selected boys in Years 5 to 7 have been participating in Future Problem Solving. In FPS, you are given a scene that is based in the future and you have to work through six steps. These include identifying challenges, choosing one to solve, creating solutions, generating criteria, evaluating solutions, and writing an action plan. Altogether FPS is a very enjoyable but challenging and intense activity which gives valuable life skills.


EPro8 is a nationwide inter-school science and engineering competition. At school on a Tuesday lunch time over Terms 2 and 3 we worked through EPro8 challenges to help us prepare for the 3 hour competitions. This year Medbury entered a Years 5 and 6 team who placed 6th in the first round of the competition. Our Years 7 and 8 team progressed through two rounds to qualify for the Canterbury finals, gaining third place. I would highly recommend giving EPro8 a go, it is lots of fun!

Teaching and Learning Flynn Moss and Ollie Gordon 7Z
Noah Madgwick, 8S
There is so much happening at Medbury School that it is hard to fit it into one magazine! Here are just a few of the many activities taking place...
Spring — 2022 13

Trips and visits

Year 5 visit to Ferrymead Heritage Park

In Term 2, Year 5 we nt on a day trip to Ferrymead Heritage Park where we learned what it was like in the 1800s when the settlers had just arrived in New Zealand. We did chores in a V-hut and learned about the experience of ‘George’ who was one of the immigrants who came to New Zealand (he was just acting though). Also we went to ‘school’ and had some lessons on handwriting, reading and arithmetic. In our opinion, it was a very interesting and fun day!

Lower Middle School Gymnastics

This term, the Lower Middle School went to gymnastics lessons at the Christchurch School of Gymnastics. We used a lot of apparatus, including trampolines, beams, bars, the sprung floor, ropes and rings. My favourite part was jumping into the foam pit because it was soft and bouncy and I wasn’t afraid of hurting myself. I hope we go again next year.

Year 4 Trip to the Canterbury Museum

To enrich our ‘Ancient Egypt’ topic for Term 3, we went to the Canterbury Museum. The instructor, Anthony gave us a challenge. We had to find an object that was a replica of something that was discovered in Egypt. It was the Rosetta Stone. We learnt that it was a stone with Egyptian writing on it. After this we talked about the process of being mummified, the afterlife and hieroglyphics. We wrote our names in hieroglyphics using special stamps and looked at the Museum’s Mummy, Tash Pen Konshu. The Mummy was as realistic as old bones! We really enjoyed our visit.

Jason Gong, 4B

Kiran Keswani and William Valentine, 5O Harry Petrie, 3S Medbury
School Play the Game 14

House of Bricks

O n Tuesday 2 August we had an amazing day with House of Bricks. As soon as we walked inside we saw thousands of pieces of Lego. We also noticed some rules. The main rule was to build a bridge that was two feet long. My group had four people and we started instantly. Eventually we had to put a weight on our bridge to see if it could hold the weight. The bridge did not fall, but it wobbled a lot. We made some supports on the bottom and at the end we got to look at everyone’s bridges. This was a fun learning experience.

Year 6 to the Airforce Museum

Thi s term, as part of the World Wars Inquiry, the Year 6’s went to the Air Force Museum. We were divided into two groups for activities. The first thing our group did was a scavenger hunt, which consisted of questions that we had to complete. Our favourite part was looking at the planes in the hanger, with our pick of planes being a massive cargo plane. We also enjoyed the virtual plane game. The second half of our visit involved learning about life in a German POW camp. Chris, our instructor, told us about the escapes they made and shared interesting facts. Our favourite part was when he told us about what they did with the dog tags!

Junior School Trip to Airforce Museum

O n a sunny Thursday morning in Week 7, the whole Junior School went to the Air Force Museum. We were excited to be going on the long bendy bus. It was fun when the bus went around corners. At the Museum we got to work with Chris. He showed us simple machines. We were also allowed to explore the Museum. We went to the classroom and we got to go on a plane. It was an old plane and we had to look after it. We were allowed to jump out of the plane. We liked jumping out onto a big blue mat.

Teaching and Learning
Eli Coles and Zavier Armstrong, 6P
Enriching class trips add depth and value to our learning programmes. Here are just a few of our recent trips and visits...
Spring — 2022 15

Medbury School Play the Game


Year 5 Camp

Some of the Year 5 boys wrote about their ‘moment in time’ experiences at Living Springs in Week 9 of Term 3:

The second I got off the bus I could smell the fresh air and hear the birds chirping up in the trees. We weren’t even at camp yet but I was already having the time of my life. At the farm we fed the sheep, goats and a deer. After a long walk up the hill, we went to the indoor bouldering wall and played games such as ‘around the world’. The next activity was shooting the air rifles and we had five shots each. The last activity was archery and I hit the blue part of the target!

My favourite activity by far was the Monorail. Zooming around on a small sled on a metal track was exciting, especially the corners, as it felt like you were going to slide off the seat! We also went on a tractor ride on the farm and I was sure the trailer was going to flip.

One of my favourites was the Archery Tag. This is where you got tagged with bows and arrows! Don’t worry, the ends of the arrows had nice soft rubber bits. We had to learn a variety of skills and then at the end we had team battles. Other cool activities were trampolining, zip lining and teamwork challenges. Lastly we slept in sleeping bags and it was super fun to sleep in a bunkroom with my friends.

Teaching and Learning
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Medbury School Play the Game


Spark 2022 was everything it was supposed to be; entertaining, funny, colourful, and, as Ms. Fitz warned us, VERY HARD work.

Twelve ‘Time Travellers’ led by Alex Foulds build a TARDIS and head out on a mythical adventure requiring a spark in every place they land. They encounter Prometheus in the Greek fire myth, grab fire off some fire trolls of the Karuk Indian tribe, enter Mafui’e’s volcano in Samoa, and finally get mixed up in the Maori fire myth. I played the role of the Deputy Head leader of the mission and I particularly enjoyed vapourising Louis Sharr. I interviewed five boys to get a picture of what the experience was like for others.

“I n the show I played the role of the Coyote. My role was the character that stole the flame from the infamous fire beings; I was wily and crafty and not at all vain. My favourite part of the show was singing and dancing as well as watching the other classes. Preparing for the show was very hard as I had to memorise many lines. Overall I really enjoyed the 2022 Spark production; it was an awesome experience.”

Henry Donaldson - 8L

“D uring Spark I played the roles of Prometheus, a caveman and a god. I even did some Greek dancing too. As the role of Prometheus I had to get fire for the humans. I thoroughly enjoyed the dancing in the Caveman scene; I loved how I got to beat my chest like a gorilla. Memorising all of the lines I had was a really big struggle as I had a very big role. It was a good time to have fun with friends!”

Arlo McCrystal - 8E

“In the show I did not act but instead did the technical parts of the show. I helped with the sound effects and helped with microphones during the practices. I learnt a lot about how to use a mic board and learnt

lots about sound effects. My favourite part was doing the sound effects for 8L. I enjoyed 8E’s part about the cavemen the most. SPARK was a great opportunity to learn about productions and tech and I overall really enjoyed the experience.”

Fred Fastier 8L - Techie

“I n Spark I had a lot of fun. It was quite a large effort as I was a main character, missing out on Options and other fun stuff just so that we could practise. It was a huge sacrifice but it was eventually all worth it. As the head of Drama I had to do heaps of organising and learning of my lines. This has been one of my favourite experiences I have ever had and I can’t wait for the next show I participate in, whether at high school or anywhere else.”

Alex Foulds 8S - Head Of Drama

“D uring the show I managed the props for the show; I also participated in the show, acting as The Silly Indian, Frog and a Huckleberry Sister. I loved saying “Ewww - you have got snot dripping out of your nose!” My favourite part of the show was my class’s play because it had cool props and our class performed it well. The hardest part was organising the rocks because we had to paper mache them, which took quite some time. Overall, it was very good fun!”

William Fridd 8L - Props Manager

It really was a miracle how the show came together, as practising in masks made it very difficult. The SPARK journey into four fire myths turned out to be a trip like no other. Thanks to all of the teachers, parents and the student crew that made this dream come true.

The Arts Spring — 2022 19

Medbury School Play the Game

8E - Prometheus, The Greek Fire Myth


— 2022

8L - A North American Indian (Karok) Fire Myth

Medbury School Play the Game

8S- Samoan Fire Myth


Spring — 2022

8D - Maui Steals Fire



Medbury School

2022 Music Extravaganza

On Wednesday 13 September we held the Music Extravaganza in The Medbury Centre. We had the honour of having Mr McGirr as our Adjudicator. We had so many talented boys and speakers for the Music Extravaganza.

Be fore the show, the Medbury Orchestra played. They performed all the songs they had been practising throughout the year. Then we had the wonderful Kapa Haka Group, who performed He Honore, which tied into the Medbury School Haka. It was an absolutely wonderful performance. Next up we had ‘The People’ (The Year 8 Rock Band). They performed the song ‘Don’t Let Me Down’ by The Beatles. It was such an amazing performance with the harmonies of the backing vocals.

So on afterwards, we had Clyde House, performing ‘I Ain’t Worried’ by One Republic from the movie ‘Top Gun: Maverick’, with Louis Hiatt conducting. Then we had ‘Proud Of Your Boy’ by Alan Menken, which I performed. I was glad to see that everyone really enjoyed it. Following that we had Creyke House, singing ‘I Just Can’t Wait To Be King’ By Elton John from the hit movie ‘The Lion King’. It was such a great performance. Then we had the amazing Andy Li playing ‘Suite Antique’ on his flute. The playing was just angelic. Then we would have had Seb Double playing ‘Sweet Child ‘O Mine’ by Guns N’ Roses, but, sadly, he fell ill.

N ext we had Hamilton House singing ‘You’ve Got A Friend In Me’ by Randy Newman from the awesome movie ‘Toy Story’. Hamilton House did extremely well and they should be very proud. Next we had, yet again, Andy Li. He serenaded us with ‘Chopin Etude Opus 10. Number 12 in C Major’ on the piano. Then we had Louis Hiatt and I singing ‘Pie Jesu’ by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Louis gave such an amazing performance and I was proud to sing with him.

the Game

To finish the Houses off we had the incredible Ilam House singing ‘Slice Of Heaven’ by Sir Dave Dobbyn. Such an incredible performance and a win that was definitely deserved.

To fi nish the night off we had the entire School sing ‘This Is Me’ from the awesome movie ‘The Greatest Showman’. I was of proud of the whole School for participating in this competition and everyone had a wonderful time.


Vocal Solo: Cole Moffatt

Vocal Group: Cole Moffatt and Louis Hiatt

Piano Solo: Andy Li Strings: Kourosh Langley

Brass/Woodwind: Andy Li

Percussion: Seb Double

Instrumental Group: Year 8 Rock Band — Cole Moffatt, Matthew Burton-Lyall, Matthew Rawstron, Kourosh Langley and Tom Eyre-Walker

RJM Buchanan Trophy:

Best Overall Vocal Performance: Cole Moffatt and Louis Hiatt

Mrs FE Norman Cup:

Best Overall Instrumental Performance: Kourosh Langley

Piano Solo Trophy:

Winner of Piano Section: Andy Li

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Medbury School Play the Game

The Arts Spring — 2022 27

Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival

Medbury showcased their incredible musicianship and talents at the Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival auditions. We asked one of the boys who was selected to sing in the Senior Choir to tell us about his experience so far: It wa s truly a joy practising every Saturday with our conductor, Mr Josh McGirr who also judged our 2022 Medbury Music Extravaganza. It was magnificent meeting talented individuals from different schools all over Christchurch, and it was great making lots of new friends. I would love to thank Miss Holland for her effort in training the Choristers and Chorus to sound great in the massed choirs. I would also love to thank our very own talented Medbury singers and instrumentalists. It is truly impressive seeing how diverse medbury is in music. I am excited to perform with my two good friends in the representatives, Samuel and Eli. I look forward to representing Medbury School at the Christchurch Town Hall.

Christopher Ko, 8S

Congratulations to the boys who were selected for these Representative Groups: Junior Choir: Bruno Ash, Eli Coles, Timmy Shen and Joseph Manenge. Senior Choir: Chris Ko. Orchestra: Zilong Chen (Oboe), Alexander Dy (Violin), Siyun Kim (Cello), Andy Li (Violin), Justin Liu (Violin), Samuel Tao (Violin), Richie Tu (Cello), Sichong Wang (Cello) and Siyuan Wang (Violin). Concert Band: Charlie Chung (Flute).

Bandquest Winners!

The Year 7 and Year 8 Rock Bands competed in the 2022 Rockshop Bandquest. The Year 8 band, ‘The People’, came away with the first place prize and Matthew BurtonLyall won the ‘Killer Guitarist Award’. Cole Moffatt then went on to jointly receive the best vocalist award at the National Bandquest finals. We asked Matthew about his experience in the Regionals:

Ba ndquest in all was a great and enjoyable experience that the band members and I had the pleasure of attending. The Year 8 Rock Band is made up of Matthew Burton-Lyall, Kourosh Langley, Cole Moffatt, Matthew Rawstron, and Tom Eyre-Walker. The whole vibe of the experience of fun and very nerve racking and the adrenaline of playing on stage is something to remember for the rest of your life.

Fro m the moment we went on stage, to the moment we won, the whole night was a great time. The prize giving was one of the more nerve racking parts as we knew that there was great competition and that getting any form of prize would be tough, but we managed to pull through and secure first place giving us a pathway to compete in the nationals.

Matthew Burton-Lyall, 8S

Being selected for a Representative Group in the Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival is the musical equivalent to being selected for a Canterbury sports team.
School Play the Game 28

Tuesdays at Five are an opportunity for the boys to express their musical talent to their parents.

As a music student at Medbury, you have the chance to show the pride you have in your work and demonstrate what you have

achieved throughout the term. Every time you perform, your confidence and pride increase.

As a school, we are fortunate to have gifted tutors who teach and share their talents with us. The boys are lucky that their parents sign them up and pay for lessons.

The advantage of learning an instrument is that it makes you a well-rounded student, helps your rhythm and makes you use your brain. Through Tuesdays at Five, parents can get to know some teachers and tutors.

Tuesdays@5 The Arts
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Dance Curriculum Parent Concert

In Weeks 4 and 5 of Term 3 the Years 1 to 4 boys were lucky enough to have dance lessons for two fun filled weeks with Mark from the Dance Curriculum Company. Mark showed us a lot, including the robot, cartwheels and walking on his hands. We learnt hip hop,

a partner dance and a disco dance. At the end of each lesson we did a game called ‘Copy Cat’ where we had to mime each other doing actions and dance moves. Mark’s choice of music really got us into the groove. It was lots of fun and even the teachers

joined in. On the final day we entertained our parents in the gym with a special performance which included inviting our parents up to dance with us. Everyone had a great time and it was interesting to see everyone’s cool dance moves. Henry Graham, 4P

Medbury School Play the Game

Art at Medbury

Years 1 to 4 Art

Quinn Gilmore, NE — Fabric and fibre weaving with ribbon.

Cameron Duder, 1M — Owl mosaic with stars.

Jayden Gong, 1H — Autumn tree with painting effects.

Flynn Stratford-Bevins, 2G — Viking watercolour and felt drawing.

Tommy Harvey, 2R — Crayon drawing with paper maché and paint effects.

Luobby Luo, 3E — Fox collage with mixed painting styles.

Ming Zhang, 3S — Eric Carle style mixed media painted mosaic.

Charlie Lutton, 4B — Native pukekos with mixed media of dye and crayon.

Henry Graham 4P — Mixed media sailboats using collage and paint effects.

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Years 5 to 8 Art

Year 5 Under the Sea

The Year 5 boys had to create an artwork called ‘Under the Sea’. It was a fun piece of artwork to do…. we painted sea creatures, shipwrecks and seaweed. We used dye for the sea and then we painted with water colour.

Year 6 — Cats

I drew my cat in black and white and then I coloured it. It took me a long time to get the shapes right but I was happy with the result.

Year 7 Owls and Canopic Jars

Year 7 were looking at art from the past and in particular, ‘The Little Owl’ by Albrect Durer, 1506. We sketched the owls first and then painted them in water colour.

We also made Canopic Jars out of clay. The Ancient Egyptians used these jars to store the organs of the body after death.

Year 8 Landscapes

Landscape painting was our theme for Term 3. We studied some New Zealand landscape painters and then we got to do our own. Some boys painted from photos but I wasn’t sure so I painted from my imagination. I really enjoyed designing my landscape.

The Arts
Spring — 2022 33

A different answer for cool downs

Increasing performance in the future

Children’s bodies are different to that of adults. They are constantly under stress with growth and development. This can cause muscle tightness, limited flexibility, and possibly injuries. Warming up and cooling down properly can help mitigate some of the factors above.

Warming up properly helps to raise our core temperature and increase the blood flow around the body.

W ith this, your son may have greater range of motion and

better performance, as well as decreasing his chance of injury.

M ost boys will be able to tell you that they warm up before every sports match. Ask them if they cool down, and I am sure you would get a different answer.

C ooling down is just as important and should be a gradual decline in temperature and heart rate back to baseline activity.

S tatic stretching of the muscles that have been predominately used should be included in a cool down.

T his helps to flush out the lactic acid and reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, which can help with performance in the future.

I challenge you to have a chat to your son and come up with a cool down routine for their favourite sport.

Brad Gilbert Director of Sport Brad Gilbert Director of Sport Play the GameMedbury School

This year Medbury School held the annual inter-school sports exchange against St Andrew’s College Preparatory School.

M edbury’s 1st XV rugby team played St Andrew’s College 1st XV here at Medbury. Medbury won the toss and chose to kick off, and

off we went. In the first half we were starting to get some points on the board, and in the second half everyone was enjoying the game and having a good time.

By the end of the game, Medbury came out on top with an exceptional win of 82 - 7.

Medbury’s Football 1st Xl played at Ilam Park against St Andrew’s 1st XI. It was a very close game, ending with a 3 - 3 draw.

M edbury’s Football 1st Xl captain said that it was a very even game and both sides definitely took a lot out of it, with lots of opportunities

Winter Sports Exchange with StAC Preparatory School
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Medbury School

the Game

for both teams.

M edbury’s First Xl Hockey team played at Nunweek Park against St Andrew’s College. Right at the start of the first quarter, Medbury scored the first goal, and Louis Sharr got a goal disallowed right near the start. In the second half of the game Medbury scored one more goal and that was it, with Medbury winning the game 3 - 0.

St Andrew’s held the Basketball at St Andrew’s Gym and it was a close game. Medbury scored the first points of the game in the first few minutes with Arthur Croy putting on some great offensive skills. Throughout the game, it was back and forth between the teams but unfortunately, St Andrew’s pulled away in the last few minutes, winning by 4 points, with a final score of 19 - 23 to St Andrew’s College.

Winter Sports Exchange with Waihi School

On the 1st of June the Medbury 1st Football, Rugby and Hockey teams departed for Waihi School nice and early at 6:45 am.

Besides the Football team who had played many matches before, this would be the first time the Rugby 1st XV and Hockey 1st X1 had taken to the field as a team together.

After the bus trip, we arrived at Timaru to watch the hockey, which started off with an early goal from

Waihi, and stayed like that despite good chances from both sides.

Arriving back to Waihi we were ready to power through the rugby and football.

Strong physicality from Waihi came at the Medbury Football 1st X1 first and they scored, but the boys adapted, equalizing the score to 2-2. Unfortunately, Waihi scored late in the game.

The Medbury Rugby 1st XV had only practiced once together

O verall it was a very fun and competitive exchange and I hope every one had a good day out.

before the Waihi exchange and was a bit under the gun to Waihi’s ferocious aggression. Medbury still put in a few chances and tries and the final score was 45-10 to Waihi. Hugo Grigg and Hugh Shand both scored good tries. All the Medbury boys took a lot out of it and I would like to thank Waihi School for their hospitality.


Winter Sports Exchange with Huntley School

On Sunday 28 August Huntley School flew into Christchurch for the Winter Sports Exchange. H ockey was the first match of the exchange and the Medbury 1st XI had a convincing 7-0 win, with both sides playing very well. The Huntley students went home with their billets and a fun evening was had by all.

The next day was blue sky and sunshine, perfect conditions for football and rugby. Football was the first match of the day and again Medbury 1st XI had a convincing 6-0 win. Rugby was a tough match for Medbury 1st XV against some big Huntley boys. Medbury never gave up and showed great determination but

lost 45-19. All teams played fairly and with great sportsmanship. The Huntley Exchange was a great success and everyone really enjoyed themselves. Having billets was an awesome experience for all the boys, so thank you very much to everyone who made this happen, especially to Mr Gilbert.

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Medbury School

ISSA Zone Cross Country

The ISSA Zone Cross Country was held on Wednesday 8 June at Roto Kohatu, with teams from Years 5 to 8 representing Medbury School.

Th e event was a lot of fun. We arrived a couple of hours before the race, so we were able to watch the younger boys’ races and have a look around the track. As the

older Medbury boys had been to the track in previous years, they took the opportunity to show the younger Medbury boys around the track so they could see the best ways to go and what edge to run on. We told them the rules and where to stand at the start line.

After the racing, we were able to do some stretching to cool down,

CPS Cross Country

The CPS Cross country was held at Nga Puna Wai on Wednesday 22 June, with teams from Years 5 to 8 representing Medbury School.

It was a cold and windy day. None of our year groups had raced at Nga Puna Wai before, so a guide took us around the whole track. There were different tracks for the Years 5 and 6 boys (who were running 2 kms) and the Years 7 and 8 boys (who were running 3 kms).

We waited for an hour and a half before the races actually

the Game

started. The younger year groups raced first, with the Year 8 boys watching seven races before theirs, while trying to stay warm in their tracksuit pants! We had gone to get the numbers to put on our sports tops, but had put on the wrong numbers, so by the time we had walked around the whole track to get the right numbers, our socks were wet before we had even started racing. Our hands were freezing and it was insanely windy.

M edbury had several boys finishing in the top 10, including

and attend the Prize Giving, where first, second and third places were awarded.

Me dbury did well in all age groups, with the Year 5 boys taking out 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. In the Years 6, 7 and 8 races, Medbury boys also triumphed in 1st and 3rd places respectively.

George Wood who won the Year 7 race in an impressive time of 11.51 minutes which was the same time as the Year 8 winner. A tremendous effort by all.

We all enjoyed our races and listening to the Olympic runner who came to speak at the Prize Giving. The top twenty boys were invited to run for the Canterbury Running Club. It was extremely busy exiting the venue and we were all pleased with our performance.

Year 5 boys at ISSA Zones, and Year 8 boys at CPS Zones

ŠKODA South Island School Road Championships

On 9 and 10 July 2022, the Medbury cycling team of George Bishop, George Clark, Cooper Godfrey, Noah Madgwick, Thomas Mortlock, Harrison Tapper, Riley Crampton, George Hegan, Louis Hiatt and Louis Sharr headed off to Ruapuna Motorsport Park.

D uring the weekend the boys had a variety of races which included an individual time trial, team time trial and a road race.

All of these races boosted the boys’ skills, racing with more competitive people, especially the Year 7s. In the individual time trial (ITT), 11 boys competed, six

in the Under 13 boys grade and five in the Under 14 boys grade which all the boys did awesome in! The Under 13 Medbury boys did amazing - taking the podium with George Clark getting 1st place, Harrison Tapper 2nd and Noah Madgwick 3rd. After this the Under 14 boys took the podium with Riley Crampton gaining 1st place. Later in the day was the team time trial (TTT), with Medbury having three teams competing, and again, Medbury took the podium. The results were as follows, Medbury A 1st place and then Medbury C in 2nd place.

T he day was filled with rain and then the road race was in the cold

sunshine. The Under 13s did three laps, which is 10.5km, with the Under 14s doing the same. George Clark came out on top, with Harrison Tapper just behind him.

The Under 14s saw Riley Crampton in 1st place and Louis Hiatt very close in 4th place.

Al l of the boys did well and had lots of fun. I am very happy for all of the boys and their performance. It was a great learning curve for the Year 7 boys as it was their first time warming up and doing real races.

Ri ley Crampton, 8L

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P&I Schools Ski/Slide Race at Mt Cheeseman

On Sunday 14 August, a group of keen Medbury skiers went to Mt Cheeseman for the annual Primary and Intermediate Schools’ Ski/Slide Race competition.

It was a bluebird day, with most of the powder having been tracked out, but we were there to race and so we wanted the snow to be hard and fast. The road was sketchy and many cars were delayed but that didn’t stop us. The parents attached our numbers and Louis Hiatt distributed the Medbury stickers. We were ready to race.

G etting up the T bar was quite a challenge for snowboarders and it took me two attempts! The course was tight and the ruts got deeper as the day went on. There were quite a few lumps of ice on the course that made it a bit tricky. Riley missed a gate, Louis crashed and burnt, Peter Williams placed 8th and only Freddy Gorman rose to the medal stand. Everyone else raced well and we had an awesome day. The highlight for many was the lolly scramble at the end.

B ig thanks to parent David Hiatt who acted as the teacher in charge, and to Mt Cheeseman for organising the event.

Th e ski race went from 9:30am through to 2:45pm for prize giving. 9:30am was the start of the Years 3 and 4 races, 11:45am was the Years 5 and 6, 12:30 was Years 7 and 8, and lastly, the snowboarders were at 1:00pm.

Years 1 and 2

Leon Tian #8

Years 3 and 4

Louis Tian #20

Ryan Che #24

Ivan Che #25

Years 5 and 6

Ted Jones #14

Richie Tu #34

Angus Letton #16

Siyun Kim #40

Jack McMillan #DNS

Edward Park #DQ

Danny Cleave #10

Edgar Dormer #29

Freddy Gorman #1

Years 7 and 8

Sam Coles #21

Zac Nicholl #28

Peter Williams #8

Louis Hiatt #DQ

Riley Crampton #DQ

Samuel Tao #DQ

the Game

C ongratulations to all boys who participated in the P&I Ski/Slide Race.

Samuel Tao, 8D

40 Play

ISSA Ski Champs at Porter Heights

On 30 August, a group of 19 boys headed away to Porter Heights for the annual ISSA event and some amazing weather.

T he mountains beckoned but the snow was variable; icy on the race track and slushy on the main trails. Peter Williams said “The track was quite icy and hard to get an edge on my fat powder skis”.

Nevertheless, everyone involved had a fantastic day out, with stunning weather.

Th e Medbury Red team; Ollie Brown, Riley Crampton, Freddy Gorman and Oscar Abbott, placed first in the boys’ category and Danny Cleave was the fastest boy in the Years 1 to 6 category.

Medbury Old Boy Ollie Connolly got fastest boy overall. Everyone skied really well and enjoyed having some fun on the mountain.

After a morning of racing, the boys had a fun time in the afternoon making video clips and having some free skiing. Using various weird and wild categories (some of which Ms Fitz probably made up on the day!) the boys made some funny video clips.

Th e ‘Powder Eights’ were amazing for their lack of making proper figure 8s, the ‘Synchronised Skiing’ pairs were strangely not synchronised at all, and the category of the ‘Most Unco Skier’ was incredibly funny, with boys taking tumbles and doing some

really bad skiing (nobody was hurt luckily). Whilst attempting to demonstrate the synchronised pairs, Ms Fitz instructed us to watch her. She took a tumble and slid most of the way down. Only Freddy Gorman replicated this hilarious stunt and he fell exactly as Ms Fitz had done. Overall we all had a great day and the tremendous amounts of oreos were great for the car ride back to school. We wish the boys in 2023 all the best for a great season.

Fred Fastier, 8L and Peter Williams, 8L


Medbury School Play the Game


Annual Day boys v Boarders Rugby Match Community at Medbury

On Friday 2 September the annual Boarders Vs Day boys rugby game took place on The Medbury Green.

At lunchtime, all of the Boarders came running out for the game and started cheering on the team. Both teams had a big warm-up, getting pumped for the game. It was a 12-a-side match, with the captains being Hugh Shand (Boarders) and Thomas Watson (Day Boys). The Boarders won the toss and decided to kick off to the Day boys.

N ot long after the kick-off, the Boarders got a turnover and Floyd Yock scored the first try and then also got the conversion. At that stage, Boarders were up by 7. Soon after, Day Boys scored 2 more tries so they were up by one try. The Boarders then kicked off to the Day boys and then got a turnover again, the Boarders gaining some good ground. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, hoping that this would be a victory for the Boarders. Then the Boarders scored another try to make it even and then Jacob Carr got the conversion to make the Boarders two points up. The half time score was 19-10 to the Boarders and they were pumped, ready to start strong in the second half.

Bo arders came out firing in the second half. The Day boys fought hard but couldn’t quite keep up with the Boarders. Two tries were scored by each side in the second half, but the chase from the Day boys was a little too late to upset the Boarders, who eventually won the match 33-22. This means the Boarders have had back to back wins for the Forbes Brothers Family Cup.

Eco Action Nursery Trust

This year Medbury School has been involved in the Eco Action Nursery Trust.

This is an organisation where schools around Christchurch will be potting 12,000 native New Zealand plants to plant around four Christchurch locations, and an extra 7,000 plants that the Christchurch City Council will be planting around red zones. There are four events where volunteers from schools and the public come together and plant the natives at QEII and Chimera Crescent site. Planting plants helps improve water and soil quality, flood protection and erosion control. We are planting suitable natives for New Zealand birds to live in.

At Medbury, Environment Monitors and Garden Club members have been spending their Tuesday lunchtimes potting the 20 different native plant species and working as a team. Every Wednesday during Period 3, Mr Taylor has been taking five Year 8 boys to help plant. This has been fun because we get to spend time outdoors getting our hands dirty and learn new words like ‘flabbergasting’ and ‘discombobulated’. We all work together in different positions, such as watering, filling pots, and taking out plants. It is a very good opportunity because you get your hands dirty and learn how to plant things, which is a life skill. I have enjoyed planting on Tuesdays and Wednesdays because it is a great, fun new opportunity.

The Medbury Family
Spring — 2022 43

Walk for Water, 1 July 2022

It was a frosty morning. We knew we were in for a big day. From the get go, Prefects and House Leaders were dotted out around the 500 metre course.

I n parts of Africa kids have to walk up to 6km to get water that sometimes isn’t clean.

T he course started next to the Year 5 classes and went out through the Creyke Road Car park, right around the outside of the School, coming back into the grounds through the Clyde Road gate.

Th e whole school were carrying buckets of water of all different sizes. They were full to start but by the end they were pretty much empty. This was the ‘Walk for Water’, the main Medbury School fundraiser for the 40 hour Famine.

Bu t this wasn’t all, the House Leaders and Head of Community Service had thought of another

great way to raise money: ‘Chuck a Bucket’. Students could donate a set amount, either $108 for a teacher, or $32 for a student, then they choose one of the House Leaders, Prefects, the Head of Community Service or a House Leader to dump a bucket of cold water on. It was a cold day and we were not looking forward to it!

A ll of the leaders were nominated and many teachers too, including Mr Durant (Acting Headmaster). There was lots of laughter in the crowd as the whole school watched during lunchtime, and hundreds more dollars were raised for the great cause.

We would like to thank everyone who set themselves a challenge and raised money for World Vision. All the boys showed responsibility by getting family members and friends to donate. Medbury School smashed our goal of $10,000, raising $11,199, thanks

to everyone’s hard work and generosity.

World Vision presented Medbury School and Tom Eyre-Walker (Head of Community Service) the ‘South Island Auahatanga, Most Creative Fundraising Award’ in recognition of the ‘Teacher and Leader Water Bucket Dumping Challenge’ and ‘Walk for Water Campaign’. In addition to this award, Medbury School received World Vision’s Platinum Award for being in the top 2% of fundraisers based on the average amount raised per student.

G eorge Hegan 8E, and Oliver Innes, 8E

Bucket Soak Challenge!
Medbury School Play the Game 44
The Medbury Family Walk for Water
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Medbury School Play the Game

Boarders’ Ski Day

From the Boarding House

Icing on the cake

Term 3 was another busy, action packed term in the Boarding House. It’s been great to have a number of new permanent casual boarders become part of the family.

At the end of Week 1, staff and boys enjoyed a ‘Friday Night In’ together. Boys and staff always enjoy kicking off the night at the Riccarton Mall food court. The boys quickly put into practice their maths skills and sharp eye for a bargain. I’m always astonished just how far they can make their $15 stretch! I’m sure we have some future accountants amongst them. From there we went to Zone 67 where we were split into teams for an exciting game of airsoft. Many of our rural boys were able to demonstrate their marksmanship as they picked off the opposition (and staff!) at will. It was a great night and I know many of the boys have been back since for another game.

On Tuesday Week 5 the day dawned cloudless and still for the highly anticipated Boarders’ ski day. A huge thanks to the number of parents who volunteered their time to help transport boys to and from Mt Hutt. All boys received a two hour lesson in the morning before heading up the slopes in the afternoon to enjoy free skiing with their mates, staff, and parents. Despite a fractured wrist, damaged ribs

and a trip back to town in the Westpac chopper for myself and an unlucky student, the day was definitely a success. I look forward to pencilling in a date for 2023.

Th e other big occasion of the Term was the annual Boarders v Day Boys rugby match in Week 6. The Boarders carried extra pressure into the match as the trophy holders from 2021 and it was great to be back on the front field in front of a packed house. The game was played in good spirit and I was particularly pleased to see the boys who hadn’t dusted off the boots for a number of seasons out there competing. Winning the match was the icing on the cake for the team.

Te rm 4 no doubt will be just as busy. We look forward to getting back in the pool, getting the cricket whites back out, and for our Year 8s, enjoying the company of their mates for a final term before heading off on their next adventures.

John Ogston The Medbury Family
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Medbury School Play the Game

MSOBA Annual Dinner 26 August 2022

The Medbury School Old Boys’ Association

Annual Dinner Highlights

With the Centenary year fast approaching, we were delighted to be able to finally host another annual dinner after having to cancel the two previous years.

T his year, we decided to also invite past and current teachers along to the evening and it certainly did add to the occasion.

W ith many familiar faces in attendance, including past Headmasters, David Brooke and Peter Kay, it was a great evening reconnecting many Old Boys with one another and with the ones that taught them during their Medbury experience.

Th e attendees also had the pleasure of listening to three young talented musicians perform who absolutely brought the house down: Richie Tu (Cello and Piano), Alexander Dy (Violin) and Cole Moffatt (Piano and Singing).

Warren Durant then shared some insights of the current school environment after the pandemic and it was great to see the School in such good heart, thanks to the current leadership of Warren and his staff.

T he evening was topped off by hearing the School poem (as is the tradition), recited by none other than Alan Winnicott, who was quick to remind me that he

had done so for the last 15 years.

We look forward to carrying the momentum from the success of the evening into the Medbury Centenary celebrations, where we are expecting a strong presence from the Old Boys.

Like us on Facebook and connect on LinkedIn.

Save the date

Five Years On Function Thursday, 20 October

Cl asses of 2016 and 2017, it’s time to get together for your 5 years on reunion!

Come and catch up with your old classmates and teachers over some nibbles, followed by a tour of the School with the Acting Headmaster. Hosted in The Foundation Building from 5.00pm to 6.00pm.

The Medbury Family Andrew Yee
Spring — 2022 49

Medbury School Play the Game

MPA Hoedown 3
September 2022

The Medbury Parents’ Association

Re-connecting with our community

Medbury Parents’ Association events have been impacted by Covid over the past couple of years, with inevitable postponements occurring. The MPA has enjoyed re-connecting with our community through our events over the last few months, and look forward to the remainder of the year.

After a postponement, our ever-popular event ‘Breakfast with the Boys’ took place on Friday 5 August (photos overleaf). This year’s speaker was Cody Everson, who, after being paralysed at the age of 15 and having his dream of becoming an All Black shattered, captained the Wheel Blacks in the Tokyo Olympics 2020. Cody has overcome many challenges and it was great for the boys and parents who attended the breakfast to hear Cody’s positive spirit shining through in his message.

Our main fundraising event ‘The Ultimate Hoedown’ took place on Saturday 3 September and wow - was it a fun night! Larcomb Vineyard was the venue for the twice postponed Hoedown, and it did not disappoint.

Lots of fun, laughter and line dancing was had by all. Some amazing work went into the outfits so congratulations to our best dressed winners Fraeona Heller and Alby Orchard.

Thank you to all the families and businesses that donated to our raffle and auctions. Some amazing prizes and packages were donated, with some very

lucky winners. Also, thank you to the MPA committee members who worked tirelessly to put this event together. This event raised funds to purchase a new trophy cabinet which will be placed in The Medbury Centre, a great way to display the achievements of the students.

We have some more exciting fundraising initiatives taking place before the year is out, so keep an eye out for these as they pop up in the next few months. We are looking forward to 2023, with some fantastic events being planned to engage with the School community during the Centenary year.

The MPA is always open to engaging with our parent community on any ideas or initiatives you would like to see implemented. Please feel free to get in touch with any of the Committee Members who are listed on the Medbury website, together with their contact details.

The Medbury Family
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MPA Breakfast with the Boys 5 August 2022

From the Trust Board

Delivering a School and education for the future

As the excitement builds ahead of the Centenary next year, the Trust Board and Foundation have been working through the Master Plan to ensure we are delivering a school and education for the future.

T his process enables our vision for Medbury to be recognised by parents and educators as one of Australasia’s leading preparatory schools for boys.

Our Master Plan provides an opportunity to think strategically and align the School’s vision, goals and objectives over the long term. Through this planning process, the Trust Board examines every aspect of a School’s physical and educational environment –past, present and future.

Our Master Plan has focussed on three main goals:

1. To provide teachers and students with contemporary learning environments that will allow the School to utilise modern learning techniques.

2. To strengthen existing buildings and integrate new, contemporary buildings within the School fabric.

3. To provide a timeless and cohesive built appearance for the School.

Our current project is the restoration and renovation of Ballantyne House, our oldest building on the school’s campus. Ballantyne House is currently been given the attention it deserves, bringing it to the standard of excellence expected of facilities at Medbury. This wonderful heritage building is on track to be restored in time for our Centenary in 2023.

T hank you to Nicholas Tyler and Jonathan Laird for leading this program alongside our architects, Sheppard & Rout; and development partners, Higgs Construction. We are certainly looking forward to the opening on 9 February 2023.

I t hank you all for your support as we navigate the way ahead. He waka eke noa – We are all in this together.

Nick Harvey Chair Medbury School Trust Board

Nick Harvey, Chair The Medbury Family
Spring — 2022 53

Building a Legacy

Progress throughout 100 years

Medbury has benefited from the generosity of numerous donors over the past 100 years. We would like to thank them for the wonderful facilities we have to date.

From 1923 when ‘Ripsford’, 109 Clyde Road, was purchased by Mr and Mrs Eric Chennells (and Medbury School opened on 9 February 1923), right through to 2019 when the bridge linking the staff car park to the School grounds was completed, and The Medbury School Foundation Building was opened, we have had a long history of giving.

From the construction of the swimming pool in 1935 through to the construction of the main classroom block in 1969 (with new facilities for boarders), and the opening of Chennells Hall in 1975, we have celebrated the advancement of the School together.

Four properties adjacent to Medbury were purchased in 1990, allowing for further development, and in 2002, two properties were purchased for the development of the sports area and the construction of the new sports, cultural, and recreation centre.

Th e 75th Jubilee Appeal in 1994 allowed for the construction of the Senior Teaching Centre and Music School, and in 2003 The Medbury Centre, with a new hall and associated facilities, was completed. Many of you will remember the opening of The Medbury School Old Boys’ Building in 2016.

1968 The Henderson’s property was purchased, and the house became the School dining room and kitchen facilities.

Advancement is about finding common cause, building a sense of community around that cause, then determining how that cause can be advanced to yield tangible, sustainable progress.

I look forward to working together with the wider Medbury community to continue building a legacy as we look towards the next 100 years.

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The Medbury School Foundation

The Medbury Centennial Fund

If ever there was a point in our School’s history to take stock and look forward, this is it. Medbury will mark 100 years in 2023. Over the past century, we have grown and changed, but our mission has remained the same.

The Medbury School Foundation was established in 1983 to create an independent financial base for Medbury’s long-term growth.

Our passion at Medbury is to unlock the potential of every boy. It is why we exist - to understand each boy’s opportunities and challenges, then personalise an education that helps him become the very best he can be - ready for the next stage of his education and life, with a strong compass and values to support him through life’s journey.

Today, private and independent institutions are dealing with many demands. Not the least of these demands is the necessity to modernise and develop an institution’s physical facilities. The imperative is to be forwardlooking and flexible enough to meet the ever-changing future of education.

The Medbury Centennial Fund has been established as a capital campaign under the umbrella of the Medbury School Foundation. This campaign is a multiyear initiative aimed to achieve extraordinary results and help position the School for the future. Money donated will either go to the current Master Plan or for the general purposes of the Foundation, at the discretion of the donor.

The aim is to raise funds for the advancement of education, including key building initiatives in line with the Master Plan. The current project is the refurbishment of the historic Ballantyne House, with a goal of completion in time for our Centenary in February 2023.

The Medbury School Foundation looks forward to working with our community of alumni and friends to continue building on Medbury’s rich legacy.

The Medbury Family George Forbes
Spring — 2022 55

North Canterbury Regional Event

Black Estate Wines in Waipara was the venue for our recent North Canterbury community event.

This was an evening where past parents, Old Boys of Medbury, current and prospective families were able to come together, connect, reflect and share their inspiring Medbury stories.

With the Centenary imminent, this community event provoked a lot of nostalgia and conversations about the events planned for 2023. The evening was characterised by superb company and conversation and outstanding food and wine in a stunning location.

Thank you to Penn Naish and Nicholas Brown for hosting this event.

Medbury School Play the Game

Upcoming Regional Events

We enjoyed our time at AgFest on the weekend of Saturday 15 October at the Greymouth Aerodrome, connecting with past, present and future Medbury families. Here are our upcoming Regional Events:

Ashburton A&P Show Come and see us at the Show!

Friday 28 October and Saturday 29 October

Ashburton Showgrounds, Netherby, Hakatere 7700.

Nelson regional visit

Monday 31 October 5.00pm to 7.00pm

The Vic Public House, 281 Trafalgar Street, Nelson 7010

In conjunction with Christ’s College and St Margaret’s College.

Blenheim regional visit

Tuesday 1 November 6.00pm to 8.00pm Raupo Café, Restaurant & Traiteur, 6 Symons Street, Blenheim 7201

In conjunction with Christ’s College and St Margaret’s College.

The New Zealand Agricultural Show Come and see us at the Show!

Wednesday 9 to Friday 11 November

Canterbury Agricultural Park, Curletts Road, Christchurch.

Wanaka A&P Show Come and see us at the Show!

Friday 10 March and Saturday 11 March

Wanaka A&P Show, Showgrounds, Wanaka.

South Island Agricultural Field Days Come and see us at the Show!

Wednesday 29 March to Friday 31 March 1191 Courtenay Road, Kirwee.


“When first sitting down with John we noted he was extremely thorough on explaining the process and how he would leverage his skills to achieve our desired result. Throughout the entirety on the campaign we were 100% informed of all buyers and their intentions. When auction day came John read the situation and was a consumate professional in his negotiations which resulted in an excellent result. We look forward to working with John again in the future and would highly recommend him to anyone considering selling their property.” - Slade H


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Medbury School Play the Game

An International Baccalaureate School SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, YEARS 1–8. 122 MERIVALE LANE, CHRISTCHURCH. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST TO ATTEND A PERSONALISED TOUR, PHONE: (03) 355 7299 OR EMAIL: OFFICE @ SELHOUSE.SCHOOL.NZ WWW.SELWYNHOUSE.SCHOOL. NZ Pre-school SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL A co-educational pre-school for ages 2.5 to 5 Every day is an open day. Call us now on (03) 355 7248 to arrange a visit. Boarding options and personal tours available Spring — 2022 61


Medbury School will mark 100 years on 9 February 2023. All past students, staff and friends of Medbury are invited to celebrate the Medbury Centenary.

For further details and to purchase tickets, please visit: community.medbury.school.nz/ centenary Centenary Founders

Day Service

Thursday 9 February 2023

9:00am - 11:00am

Medbury is proud to invite current and past families, staff and friends of Medbury to celebrate our Centenary Founders Day. The event will be held in a marquee on The Medbury Green, followed by a morning tea. Opening of Ballantyne House

Thursday 9 February 2023

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Be part of the official opening of the historic Ballantyne House. This event is a pre-function to our Gala Dinner, however tickets can be purchased just for this cocktail event.

Centenary Gala Dinner

Thursday 9 February 2023

7:00pm - 10:30pm

An event not to be missed! Be part of Medbury’s history and celebrate the Centenary in style. Our Gala Dinner will be held in a stunning Marquee on The Medbury Green. A black tie event with three course dinner and entertainment.

1940’s Decade Reunion

1950’s Decade Reunion

Friday 10 February 2023

Please join us for an evening of laughter, friendship and nostalgia. Your reunion year is the year of graduation. Chapel Service and School Tours

Saturday 11 February 2023

9:30am - 11:30am

Join us for a service

at St Barnabas followed by morning tea and personal tours through the School and grounds. Other events to be held throughout the year: D ecades reunions: 1960’s Thursday 6 April 1970’s Thursday 18 May 1980’s Thursday 15 June 1990’s Thursday 27 July 2000’s Thursday 24 August 2010’s Thursday 21 September Summer Centenary Sports Matches March 2023 TBC Twilight Old Boys’ Cricket Match March 2023 TBC Centenary Art Auction Wednesday 5 April 2023 Chess Tournament Thursday 8 June 2023 Play Up - School Production July 2023 TBC Winter Sports Exchange Competitions August 2023 TBC Past and Present Boarders Dinner Thursday 11 August 2023 Music Extravaganza Monday 11 September 2023 MSOBA Golf Tournament October 2023 TBC Five Years On Class of 2018 Friday 20 October 2023 Twilight Christmas Market Friday 3 November 2023 Tickets on sale now: community.medbury.school.nz/centenary

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