Make a bequest. Build a legacy.

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Make a bequest. Build a legacy.

We2 believe that a strong school is built on a strong foundation. It is with a sense of pride in our history, a strong belief in the Medbury Way and confidence in our future that we seek to ensure ongoing financial contributions so that Medbury School remains a leading preparatory school for the next generation of boys. I invite you to consider including Medbury in your Will and to become a member of the Ripsford Society. Leaving a gift to Medbury is a powerful and lasting way to ensure the School’s legacy lives on. Thank you for your interest in leaving a bequest to Medbury School. A gift in your Will is a lasting legacy towards the continued fulfilment of our School’s vision to unlock the potential of every boy.

George Forbes Chairman, Medbury School Foundation

Make a bequest. Build a legacy.

Your bequest can be directed to an area of your choice including: General purpose (unrestricted) General Foundation fund

A school is built on a strong foundation.

Every bequest makes an enduring and meaningful difference, supporting the School’s vision. School fees and government grants cover only the essential running costs of the School.

you. We

A Will provides you with an important opportunity to determine how your estate will provide for those people, organisations and causes that are nearest and dearest to recommend seeking independent legal and financial advice when preparing or updating your Will and ensure share your intentions with your family.



Make a bequest. Build a legacy. 4 Planning your Bequest

Medbury School welcomes your bequest, of any size.

It is simple to add a provision for a bequest in your Will. You may choose to define your bequest as: A percentage of your estate A percentage of the residue of your estate A nominated fixed sum Specified assets

Philanthropic contributions, through donations and bequests, are therefore very important. These gifts help to fund a range of projects and programs that otherwise would not be possible, including scholarships and bursaries and major capital projects.


in good hands


The Medbury School Foundation was established in 1983 to create an independent financial base for Medbury’s long term growth. When you entrust us with your bequest, you can rest assured it will be a lasting legacy. A bequest shows your willingness to invest in future generations of Medbury students, empowering them to change the world for the better. Your bequest is

Peace of

Make a bequest. Build a legacy. 6 Preparing the wording in your Will “I GIVE free of all duties and taxes (insert the appropriate statement from the options below): When leaving a bequest, it is important to use the appropriate wording to ensure your wishes are followed. Please ask your solicitor to insert the appropriate clause from the wording below: a b c d e f the whole of my estate % of my estate the residue of my estate the sum of $ <insert number> of my <insert name of shares> shares % of the residue of my estate …to the Medbury School Foundation for its general purposes. I declare the receipt of the Medbury School Foundation will be sufficient discharge for my Trustees.” *Please note, the information presented here is not legal advice, however, your solicitor may find it useful to refer to the suggested wording when completing your Will. Always seek advice from a solicitor when creating or modifying your Will.


Make a bequest. Build a legacy. 8

Recognising your bequest

The Society is a tribute to our founding fathers and their vision and leadership and is also a fitting way to recognise the special contribution of those who have decided to leave a legacy in their Will for future generations of Medbury boys. Old Boys and Friends of the School are invited to join The Ripsford Society after providing written confirmation of their intention to make a bequest to the School. The Ripsford Society strengthens the connections between those who seek to make a lasting contribution to the future of the School through complimentary

We greatly value the commitment of Old Boys and Friends of Medbury who have named the School as a beneficiary in their Will and we recognise these supporters as members of The Ripsford Society.

The Ripsford Society

The Ripsford Society is named after the original site that Medbury was built on. Ripsford was a property of two hectares and a large family home, that was purchased by the Chennells family in 1923.

9 invitations to a range of special events throughout the year, as well as opportunities to meet with the Headmaster and prominent Old Boys. To become a member of The Ripsford Society, simply fill out the form on the next page to indicate that you have named the Medbury School Foundation in your Will, or you intend to make a planned gift, bequest or living Trust to the Medbury School Foundation. For more information please contact the Manager of Advancement +64 3 351 Ballantyne House

The Gatling’s jammed and the Colonel dead, And the regiment blind with dust and smoke. The river of death has brimmed his banks, And England’s far, and Honour a name, But the voice of a schoolboy rallies the ranks: ‘Play up! play up! and play the game!’

This is the word that year by year, While in her place the School is set, Every one of her sons must hear, And none that hears it dare forget. This they all with a joyful mind Bear through life like a torch in flame, And falling fling to the host behind — ‘Play up! play up! and play the game!’

Vitaï Lampada

There’s a breathless hush in the Close tonight — Ten to make and the match to win —

10Make a bequest. Build a legacy.

Sir Henry Newbolt (They Pass On The Torch Of Life)

The sand of the desert is sodden red, — Red with the wreck of a square that broke; —

A bumping pitch and a blinding light, An hour to play and the last man in. And it’s not for the sake of a ribboned coat, Or the selfish hope of a season’s fame, But his Captain’s hand on his shoulder smote — ‘Play up! play up! and play the game!’

As a member of The Ripsford Society, you will be kept informed about important new developments and projects at Medbury and provide you with opportunities to attend a range of special events and activities.

If you are still considering your options, we would be happy to assist with more information. Simply select the appropriate option on the form below and we will be in touch.

I am considering the inclusion of Medbury School as a beneficiary in my Will. Please contact me to discuss further.

I intend to leave a bequest to Medbury School the next time I write or update my Will.

I have already included a bequest to Medbury School in my Will. I am willing to be contacted in the future to confirm my gift. I would like to have the following name(s) listed in The Ripsford Society register and in acknowledgements.

Please return this form to Manager of Advancement, Medbury School, PO Box 29006, Riccarton, Christchurch 8440.

TelephonePostcode:Address:Name: (home): Telephone (mob.):

OldEmail:Boy: House: Years Attended: Parent: Son(s): Years Attended:

Leave a Bequest

Please use the form below to advise us of your decision to leave a bequest and become a member of The Ripsford Society. Alternatively, you can ask your solicitor to advise us of your bequest on your behalf.

Thank you for leaving a bequest to the Medbury School Foundation. We are extremely grateful for your commitment to our future success.

I prefer no public acknowledgment of my bequest. In all matters concerning bequests, your personal information is treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality.

Please note, this form is not a legal document. It is simply an indication of your intentions at this time.


Thank you for considering a contribution to the ongoing legacy of Medbury School. For further information about leaving a bequest to Medbury School, please contact the Manager of Advancement on 03 351 6169 or email Disclaimer: The contents of this brochure should not be construed as legal advice. It is for general informational purposes only and does not take into account your personal circumstances. We recommend you seek professional advice for your estate planning needs.

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