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Vol. 38, No. 40 | Richmond Suburban News | May 25, 2022
Joel Klein for The Local
Cassis, Sutkus lead AHS as valedictorian, salutatorian
The engines were clean enough to eat off of at the 2022 Kiwanis Club of Ashland Kar-Wanis Car Show May 15 at the Ashland Junction Shopping Center.
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
ophia Cassis and Jonathan Sutkus lead the Class of 2022 at Atlee High School as valedictorian and salutatorian, with grade point averages of 4.557 and 4.556, respectively. Cassis is the daughter of Teresa Owens and Brett Cassis. She has been involved in a number of student organizations throughout her time at Atlee. She has participated in the SODA club, which trains Atlee students to serve as positive role models for fourth graders; the National Honor Society; Key Club, which provides services to the school and community, and the Math Team. In addition, she actively volunteers at Hanover Animal Control and works as a ken-
nel assistant at a veterinary hospital. Cassis plans to attend the University of Virginia and pursue a major in biology. Looking back on her overall high school experience with graduation fast approaching, she said she is thankful for Atlee’s environment that has ultimately offered her an opportunity for growth. “My teachers, friends and
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Jonathan Sutkus SALUTATORIAN
family have all pushed me to do my best, and each of them have taught me skills and knowledge that I will use in the future,” Cassis said. Cassis also expressed her gratitude for being named as the Class of 2022 valedictorian. “I feel grateful to be at the top of a class of incredible people and look forward to seeing what we all achieve,” see ATLEE, pg. 2
Kar-Wanis Car Show a first-time success By Christina Amano Dolan Editor A crowd of spectators flocked to the Ashland Junction Shopping Center this month to witness an impressive display of vintage and new cars for the first Kar-Wanis Car Show. The show was initially scheduled for Saturday, May 14 but was postponed to the following day due to inclement weather. Despite the delay, the show proved to be a great see KIWANIS, pg. 20
These are the
Good Old Days
Citizens oppose landfill expansion By Christina Amano Dolan Editor A proposal to amend a conditional use permit in regard to an existing construction debris landfill and borrow pit faced pushback from residents during last week’s Hanover County Planning Commission meeting. A public hearing was held for the proposed amendment on behalf of Ashcake Road Landfill, Inc. Nick Moore, owner of the landfill and applicant, filed a request to allow for the closure of the existing landfill, which is located on the north line of Ashcake Road at its intersection with Johnson Town Road. The current area will reach its permitted limits in the next few years. In addition, the proposed amendment would allow for the conversion of the site’s borrow see LANDFILL, pg. 19
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