Review - McPherson College Magazine, Spring 2022

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Melanie and Richard Lundquist’s $25 million gift puts McPherson College on a new

trajectory. supporting the vision M c PHERSON COLLEGE MAGAZINE SPRING 2022

In his final ceremony, which completed a nearly 40-year career at McPherson College, Dr. Bruce Clary, vice president for academic affairs, gave the homily for the 134th Commencement Ceremony.

Dr. Bruce Clary

affairs The Review welcomes and reports the news of our diverse alumni and friends. Their activities may represent a variety of viewpoints which may or may not be endorsed by the college. McPherson College does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or physical or emotional disability. © 2022 McPherson College You can also read the Review magazine online at The online version allows for a full-screen option and page enlargement for easy reading. Community by Design STRATEGIC PLAN 2.0

16 EMERGING THEMES MC’s culture is integrated into four strategic initiatives: an academic program growth mindset, East McPherson, wellness and inclusion, and a $1 billion endowment. 14 STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE As we prepare for the next phase of planning, we looking back at the progress made over the past five years. 2 NEWS 10 FACULTY & STAFF 12 FALL ATHLETICS 22 ALUMNI NEWS 28 ALUMNI NOTES Spring 2022 | Vol. 111, No. 1 McPherson College 1600 E. Euclid PO Box McPherson,1402KS 67460 (620) 242-0400 (800) 365-7402 www. The Review McPherson College Magazine is published twice a year by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations for the alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the college. Editor - Tina Goodwin director of public relations Design - Brian Lundberg director of marketing Contributing Staff Monica Rice director of alumni and constituent relations Kendra Flory ‘00 advancement assistant Spencer Williams asst athletic director for marketing and promotions

College Administration

Chandler Short ‘15 director of athletics

Michael P. Schneider ‘96 president Abbey Archer-Rierson ‘16 chief of staff Bruce Clary ’77 vp for academic affairs Amanda Gutierrez executive vp and provost Christi Hopkins vp for admissions

Marty Sigwing ’16 executive director of operations


Brenda Stocklin-Smith ‘16 director of human resources Rick Tuxhorn ’16 vp for finance Erik Vogel ‘98 vp for advancement Shana Warkentine Meyer vp for student

McPherson College conferred bachelor of arts and bachelor of science degrees to 130 students at the 134th Commencement Ceremony on Sunday, May 22, 2022, at McPherson Stadium.

“At McPherson College, you learned how to think outside the building, not just the box – keep at it,” said Lundquist, in her address to the students. “At times, it will not be easy. Please, persevere. If someone tells you it cannot be done, you tell them to go sit in the corner and watch you do it.”


In his final ceremony, which completed a nearly 40-year career at McPherson College, Dr. Bruce Clary, vice president for academic a airs, gave the homily. Dr. Clary has held the position of VPAA since 2014; howev er, during his career at McPherson College, he has worked in development and alumni a airs, as Spectator advisor, faculty chair, and professor of English. He is a 1977 graduate of McPher son College and earned a master’s degree in English from Wichita State Univer sity and a Ph.D. in English from Kansas State Univer sity. Dr. Clary retired in July after 39 years of service to the college. In his homily, he praised students for persisting unpredictablethroughobstacles caused by the pandemic during the past two years.


“You have learned things that will serve you well the rest of your life,” said Dr. Clary. “The most lasting impact of education is the profound recognition that the world, life and other human beings are infinitely complex. The truly educated presume they know very little.”The ceremony included the presentation and hooding of honorary doctorate recipients, Richard and Melanie Lundquist, who are among California’s most significant philanthropists. The faculty and Board of Trustees voted unanimously to bestow the Doctor of Humane Letters upon the Lundquists in 2020; however, disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic delayed the ceremonial hooding until this year’s commence ment. During her commencement address, Melanie Lundquist surprised the college with the announce ment of a $25 million gift. It is the largest gift ever received by a private liberal arts college in Kansas and among the largest of any Kansas college or university.

Names of the graduating class of 2022, the Com mencement video, and photos of the day can be found at:

The 1972 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 is one of the last models manufac tured by Ferrari before company founder and namesake Enzo Ferrari sold the company to Fiat. The two-seat grand tourer, designed by Pininfarina and built by Carrozzeria Scaglietti, was ranked No. 2 in Motor Trend’s “Greatest Ferraris of All Time.”

After the unveiling, students were able to examine the car up close and talk with Lundquist about the vehicle’s story and journey to McPherson College.

“This car is old-school,” said Ed Barr, professor of technology. “It’s largely handmade at a time when this just wasn’t done, and with its engine in the front, the 365 GTB/4 ran counter to the latest trend of putting the engine behind the driver. Enzo Ferra ri’s willingness to disregard the latest fad and to embrace crafts manship in pursuit of excellence are sentiments our students will appreciate. The hands-on study of this car will allow our students to retrace the steps and learn the methods of the craftspeople who built it the first time.”

Michael P. Schneider President, McPherson College

In a surprise ceremony during the annual car show weekend, McPherson College received and unveiled a classic 1972 Ferra ri 365 GTB/4 Daytona, a two-seat grand tourer, a gift from Dr. Richard Lundquist. A longtime supporter of the college’s auto restoration program, Lundquist’s gift marks the first Ferrari the college has ever received.

Prized Enzo-era Ferrari Arrives at McPherson College

While students in the program have worked on many unique and storied vehicles, the Ferrari stands alone in its prestige and “Thehistory.magnitude of this gift is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for not only our automotive restoration students but also the entire McPherson community,” said President Michael Schnei der. “This is one of the most impactful educational tools and gifts that McPherson College has ever received. We cannot thank Richard enough for this gift and his continued friendship and support of the college.”

Dear Family,Friends,CollegeMcPhersonAlumni,and I enjoy working through a process to reach a goal, and I especially like a process Severaltheworkingincludesthatotherstowardsameresult.yearsago, McPherson College worked through a process that brought the entire campus together to create our first Community by Design strategic plan. Encouraged by what we accomplished through Community by Design 2021, we are implementing the same process for our next strategic plan – Commu nity by Design 2.0. Our planning starts with many conversa tions that grow into concepts. From our last strategic plan, we learned that it is OK to give ourselves the time and space to experiment and work through our concepts, even if they ended up looking completely di erent from where we started. For example, in Community by Design 2021 we started with the concept of creating a new net tuition revenue model for the college. The concept eventually developed into the Student Debt Project, which incentivizes students to work and contribute to their student accounts. Today nearly 40% of our students participate in the program, giving them the tools and resources to graduate debt-free. As ideas and concepts begin to develop for the next Community by Design plan, it’s exciting to imagine where McPherson College will be 10 years from now. One of the concepts that is interesting to many in our community centers around wellness and inclusion. We have had many meaningful conservations about the holistic wellness of our community, what that means to McPherson College, and the impact employee wellness initiatives can have on our students and the future of the college. While some ideas in the next strategic plan are new, others, like building a $1 billion endowment, are long-term initiatives that will continue.Inthis issue of the Review, we are celebrat ing the successes of Community by Design 2021 and looking toward the future as we develop our next strategic plan. Alumni and friends are an important part of the McPherson College community, and I invite you to join us as we make plans for the future.

“It gave me a broad smile to see the students engaging with the car up close in a way that could never happen if it was cordoned off in a museum,” Lundquist said.

“I’m pleased to hand over the keys to one of my most prized possessions to the wonderful students and faculty at McPher son College,” Lundquist said. “It’s my hope that the car provides enhanced learning opportunities and can be restored by the students and eventually compete in prestigious events.”

3SPRING 2022


by Michael Schneider, President Working part time while taking a full-time course load is a reality for many college students. For some, it’s a financial necessity, but many parents and students still struggle with one major concern: How many hours can a student really work without a ecting their grades or disrupting the college experience?

The fact is full-time college students who hold down part-time jobs see many benefits during and after college.

According to their father, Kevin Sa er, “the flexibility in the Student Debt Project is outstanding because it speaks to both sides of business. The kids have part-time jobs while they’re in school, giving them an understanding of working as an employee. And, the project encourages their e orts as entrepreneurs. The Student Debt Project lets them see the business world from both sides.”

Full-time College StudentsWho Work Part-time Reap Better Grades andGraduate with Less Debt

Nathan Sa er is a junior majoring in biochemistry. Sister Kendyl Sa er is a freshman in health science. They grew up on a ranch in Arriba, CO, and both began raising their own cattle as youngsters, saving the profits for college. Both are now paying for college with those ranching profits, plus scholarships and the Student Debt Project. They have part-time jobs during the school year and work their herd during summers and school breaks. Using their cattle money to apply to each semester’s student debt, Nathan has been debt free each year. Kendyl is also planning to graduate debt free.


In addition, there is one bonus—data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that students who work 10 to 15 hours per week while taking a full class load have stronger grades than those who don’t work at all. Students who have jobs are forced to develop better self-discipline and life skills. This evidence holds true for the 270 McPherson College students in our Student Debt Project who work an average of 15 hours per week and carry a 3.3 GPA compared to the 3.1 GPA of the rest of our student body.

Students in the Debt Project have already proven that holding down a college job is far more than a means to reducing their student debt. It’s also an invaluable way to enhance their intellectual capital by enriching their human capital – allowing them to acquire skills and social networks that will set them apart from peers with only academic credentials on their resumes.

Having the grit to navigate life while juggling personal finances, family commitments and work is a rite of passage from youthful dependence to adult independence. Ultimately, once students embrace the balancing act through the Student Debt Project at McPherson College, they’ve opened the door to financial freedom and unlimited possibilities for the rest of their lives.

McPherson College’s Student Debt Project provides students an opportunity to balance college with work through mentoring, job and paid internship placement, financial literacy training like budgeting and time management as well as incentives for paying down debt.

Student Debt Project participants Kendyl Saffer and Nathan Saffer.

In the Student Debt Project, McPherson College matches 25 cents for every dollar a student earns and applies toward their student debt. For the 2021-2022 academic year, our matching contributions are expected to exceed $250,000. The impact of the Student Debt Project is remarkable as participants have 50% less debt than the national average. Nearly 85% of McPherson College students are working a job or paid internship – that’s twice the national average among college students and about 30% higher than Kansas college students overall according to the National Center for Education Statistics. We have more than 500 jobs and internships available on our campus and hundreds more o campus in the local community during the school year and across the country during the summer months. We’ve found that this additional, interactive engagement with faculty, sta and employers – whether within their academic field or not – gives our students more opportunity to apply classroom concepts to real world situations, and students in the Debt Project are using dollars earned to graduate with little to no debt.

“At any given time, you can find students from across college disciplines making use of the renovated space,” said Kristie Sojka, library director. “It is brighter, allowing materials to be more accessible and easier to find, and the new furniture provides a variety of comfortable ways for users to spend time researching. The space helps the library move forward in achieving our goal of creating a welcoming atmosphere while offering both academic and social spaces where students, faculty, and staff are able to connect with information and each other.”

Until she visited McPherson College, Rebekah Ballast, a 2022 graduate of Oskaloosa High School in Kansas, was ready to see another part of the world and thought she would attend college out of state. But then, Ballast competed in one of the five Presidential Scholarship days at the college and was selected to receive a full-tuition scholarship.

“I was apprehensive at first because it was not what I had in mind,” she said about the college. “After I visited campus, I could actually see myself there, and I was able to meet faculty and sit in on a class and was very

Ballast will major in theatre and plans to participate in the choir when she joins the campus this fall. She was selected from a field of 107 high school seniors to receive the four-year renewable, full-tuition scholarship awarded to one student each year. Students who apply to McPherson College and qualify academically are eligible to compete in the Presidential Scholarship program. Award packages, combined with Merit Scholarships, range from $12,000-$22,000 per year for first-time freshmen based on their high school aca demic record, round table discussion, personal interview, and cognitive ability test.

Even before receiving the scholarship, Ballast said McPherson College was among her top choices. She applied to 13 schools in five states and was accepted to nine schools. After visiting two out of state, she determined they would not be affordable.

news 5SPRING 2022

Full-Tuition ScholarshipPresidentialfromMC

New Research Center Dedicated In Honor Of Paul Russell And Company

“We are thrilled to be celebrating the dedication of this facility on our campus,” said Amanda Gutierrez, vice president for automotive restoration. “We are grateful to Melanie and Richard for choosing to honor Paul Russell and Company in a way that so directly impacts our students and faculty during the learning process.”

Kansas Student Receives

Rebekah Ballast (seated) with Meghan Iglehart, MC admissions counselor; her parents David and Michelle Ballast, and Michael Davis, admissions counselor.

With a crowd of campus community members and industry partners in atten dance, McPherson College dedicated the Paul Russell and Company Center for Automotive Research at a ceremony on May 6, 2022, in MillerTheLibrary.research center, made possible through a generous gift from Richard and Melanie Lundquist, LHD, encompasses the entire south wing of the library’s upper floor in a newly remodeled area. The new space is named for Paul Russell and Company, the renowned classic car restoration company with top awards from the world’s most prestigious concours events, including Pebble Beach Concours d’ Elegance and Ville d’Este. Paul Russell has been a part of the McPherson College Auto Restoration National Advisory Board for 20 years and is currently chair of the board. Throughout his time on the board, he has hired numerous interns and staff from McPherson College.

“I hope that the students will take opportunities to find out what is in this collection to encourage ‘time travel’ and that it becomes a place to browse and discover even when they are not required to be there,” Russell said about the new library. “Auto motive history is interwoven with our human history and reflects and has influenced every aspect of 20th-century life. Its study only enhances the hands-on aspect of restoration work by bringing understanding to the life and times of the people who designed and built the cars when new.”

The automotive restoration collection contains approximately 25,000 materials, including sales brochures from almost 100 different manufacturers dating from 1908 to the present and original Duesenberg blueprints. Other types of materials held in this collection include classic auto repair manuals, periodicals, and books on a variety of automotive subjects. The new space allows considerably more room for student research within the library. Resources in the open section are available for check out from the library while items in the special collection section remain in the library with access granted by library staff.

“The Presidential Scholarship day was a great experience and reinforced my decision to attend McPherson College. It was really cool to meet the staff and visit with current students to hear about their college experiences,” Ballast said. “It was unbelievable when I found out I had gotten the scholarship. I was still a little away from comfortably affording college but would have made it work, so the scholarship takes that pressure off of me and my family.”


Amanda Gutierrez has been named executive vice president and provost of McPherson College. She has worked at McPherson College for more than 16 years. Her most recent role has been vice president for automotive restoration, a position she has held since 2012. Gutierrez began her career with the college in 1995 when she served as director of annual giving. After a brief hiatus to start a family, she served on the Board of Trustees from 2006 to 2009. She returned to campus to lead the advancement team and quickly set herself apart as a fundraiser connecting with key automotive industry partners.

The position aligns with goals set in the college’s Community by Design strategic plan that calls for nurturing entrepreneurial faculty and developing attractive academic programs modeled after recent successes in automotive restoration.

“With initiatives like the Student Debt Project and new academic programs like health sciences, McPherson College is poised for significant growth in the next several years, and I am happy to bring what I have learned from the automotive restoration program to facilitate growth across campus,” Gutierrez said. “I value the culture and community of our faculty and campus community and look forward to our

The choir performed on Saturday, March 19. Originally, the choir was invited to perform in May; however, the performance date was advanced nearly two months due to scheduling adjustments. The accelerated timeline was challenging both for rehearsing and for fundraising to cover trip expenses, according to Dr. Vogel. “Preparing two 15-minute works, each with their own complexities, in only 17 rehearsals required us to bring out our best in organization, concentration, and diligence,” Dr. Vogel said.

Choir Performs

The vice president for automotive restoration position was created based on the potential she identified for student opportunities and industry support in the field.

As executive vice president and provost, Gutierrez will shipadministrativeprovideleaderforacademics,the registrar’s office, compliance and institutional research, and academic support services. She will supervise the health science and automotive restoration programs. While transitioning into her new role, Gutierrez is also directing the search for a new vice president of academic affairs. The new VPAA will replace Dr. Bruce Clary, who retired after 39 years with the college at end of the academic year.

MC At Carnegie

“I have been working closely with Bruce Clary for more than a year and have learned a great deal from him,” Gutierrez said. “He has been an inspiring leader for the faculty for many years, and our academic programs have flourished under his leadership. Our work moving forward honors his Gutierrezlegacy.”willcontinue to spend a portion of her time working with the automotive restoration program to ensure a smooth transition to new leadership sometime in the next year. Performing at Carnegie Hall has been the pinnacle for musicians since it opened in 1891. In March, the McPherson College Choir traveled to New York City to perform in the iconic venue, along with the Mississippi State University Choir and accompanied by the New England Symphonic Ensemble, all under the baton of Dr. Bradley Vogel, director of choral activities at McPherson College.

Hall 6

“Under Amanda’s leadership, the automotive restoration program has become a center of excellence in the industry with record enrollment, substantial fundraising increases, and a bold vision to elevate the academic experience,” President Michael Schneider said. “She will bring consider able experience and thoughtful insight to her new role and help lead growth initiatives for the entire campus.”

Gutierrez Named Executive Vice President And Provost At McPherson College work together as we set a course for the future of the college.”

15 Years

Rick Tuxhorn, vice president for finance

Student Raises Awareness Of Global Coffee Production MC Honors Faculty, Staff, Trustees For Years Of Service

Robert Mowat, building technician

“Since I was little, I have always wanted to find ways to help others,” Khoroshevskaya said. “The environmental science class really opened my eyes to the issues surround ing global coffee production and trade.”

Tina Goodwin, director of public relations

Christi Hopkins, vice president for admissions

Khoroshevskaya, who graduated in May with a degree in business administration: finance and accounting, was surprised when she learned that despite coffee’s rank as the second most traded commodity after oil, most of its produc ers struggle to make a living for their families and farming practices put in place to keep up with demand are destroy ing critical ecosystems.

20 Years Steve Anderson, custodian Sara Brubaker, director of admissions operations & data analyst

David Penalva, custodian

10 Years

Chandler Short, athletic director

Luke Chennell, associate professor of technology

Dave JonathanChristiansenKlinger

“The outstanding achievements and accomplishments by the honorees in the classroom, within individual departments, and in the McPherson community propel the college beyond being a great college to work for,” President Michael Schneider said. “These honorees facilitate world-class experiences for our students and it is in this deep sense of campus community where our students excel to be leaders of the future.”

Herb Smith, professor of religion and philosophy

Five Years April Counts, assistant professor of education

Lindsey Godfrey, assistant professor of business

Julia Largent, assistant professor of communication

Board of Trustees

40 Years

Brenda Stocklin-Smith, director of human resources

Michaela Valli Groeblacher, associate professor of art

news 7SPRING 2022

McPherson College community gathered to celebrate 22 employees and trustees for their years of service to the college with a reception, dinner, and awards program at the McPherson Community Building on March 4. The annual night of recognition celebrated the work of faculty, staff, and Board of Trustee members who have served the college from five to 40 years.

An environmental science class inspired McPherson College student Polina Khoroshevskaya to make a global issue relatable to other students and the campus communi ty. Along with the McPherson College International Student Association (ISA), she hosted a global coffee tasting event to raise awareness about the global impacts of coffee produc tion and to raise funds for both local and global charities.

Coffees from Ethiopia, Mexico, Columbia, Ecuador, and Congo, as well as tea from South Africa, were served. ISA members were also on hand to give their opinions on the coffee and talk about their home countries.

Kendra Flory, assistant of advancement/alumni relations

Ami Martinez, associate professor of English

Jill Hemenway, administrative assistant in education

“It was important to us that we used trusted companies that support coffee growers and support how the coffee is produced,” Khoroshevskaya said. “We did a lot of research to find the best places to purchase the coffee we served.”

“Polina is an ideal McPherson College student,” said Dustin Wilgers, associate professor of biology. “Her leader ship skills were on display as she organized and developed the event very independently. It was fun seeing a student be inspired enough by a classroom activity enough to share the ideas with others on campus.”

Those honored included:

“I’m a big coffee person,” she said. “So I started working with my professor (Dustin Wilgers) on an idea for an interna tional coffee tasting event on campus that would engage our students and the community.” She served as president of the McPherson College ISA and thought utilizing the organization and its members to host the event would be a good fit. It was also important to her and the members to purchase the coffee directly from farmers or organizations that give the highest percentage of profits to farmers.

8 review MCPHERSON COLLEGE MAGAZINE Family Establishes Permanent Fund To Award Scholarships To Auto Restoration Students

A family’s life-long passion for cars has made it possible to establish an endowed scholarship at McPherson College with an initial gift of $400,000 in the name of Col. Daryl and Ann Hemken. The permanent fund will award scholarships annually to students in the automotive restoration program.

“The Hemken family’s love of cars is extraordinary and their desire to support the next generation of automotive leaders assures that their family’s passion will continue well into the future,” President Michael Schneider said. “The impact of their gift will be far-reaching, not only on the lives of our students but also on the automotive restoration industry that will benefit from our graduates.”

“These scholarships acknowledge the Hemkens’ strong love of the automotive experience and belief in the value of education,” said Amanda Gutierrez, vice president for automotive restoration. “In honoring Colonel and Mrs. Hemken with this gift, the family also honors the automotive experience that they all enjoyed together. And, they support a generation of students pursuing a career that carries on that love of the automobile.”

One of the country’s premier chamber music ensembles, the American Brass Quintet, performed at McPherson College as part of the Fern Lingenfelter Artist Series on February 7 in Brown Auditorium.

Daryl Hemken began his military career in 1948 and spent 34 years in the Army Reserve, retiring in 1982. He earned a degree in agriculture from Iowa State University and moved to Williams in 1962 where he farmed until retiring in 1994. Ann Hemken graduated from Cornell College and was a teacher for 24 years. Their love for collecting cars began with a 1914 Model T Ford Roadster purchased in 1960. Over the years, they acquired well over 150 automobiles and a wide assortment of parts. The core of their collection included cars from every manufacturer in the United States made in 1947 and 1948. They opened The Hemken Collection Museum in 2000.

American Brass Quintet Comes To MC

The late Col. Daryl and Ann Hemken started buying and collecting cars shortly after they were married in 1954. What started as a hobby turned into a passion that involved their entire family and eventually led to the founding of The Hemken Collection Museum in Williams, Iowa, where they lived. The collection was sold at auction in September 2021.

Hailed by Newsweek as “the high priests of brass,” the American Brass Quintet is internationally recognized as one of the era’s premier chamber music ensembles. “The most distinguished” of brass quintets (American Record Guide), the group has earned its stellar reputation through its celebrated performances, genre defining commissioned works, and ongoing commitment to the education of generations of musicians. Committed to the development of brass chamber music through higher education, the American Brass Quintet has served as Ensemble-in-Resi dence at The Juilliard School since 1987 and at the Aspen Music Festival sinceAdmission1970. to Lingenfelter concerts is free thanks to a generous commitment to McPherson College honoring Fern Lingenfelter. Her son, Steve Clark, chairman of Clark Investment Group of Wichita, established the fund that supports two annual music performance events with special emphasis on piano. Lingenfelter, an alumna of McPherson College, taught piano in McPherson for many years to both college students on campus and younger students at her studio downtown.

Ann continued her love of education there by giving tours to guests as well as researching, cataloging, and creating displays for the museum. Her commitment to education was a factor when the museum’s board of directors considered places to receive the proceeds from the auction.

In addition to the generous gift, the museum also hosted two McPherson College student interns for a summer to help prepare the collection for the auction.

Fern Lingenfelter Artist Series


You can support our students by giving to the McPherson College Fund online at:

In May 2020, I made the decision to attend McPherson College. Before coming on my visit, I had the opportunity to talk to coach Angelina Froese, and we talked for almost three hours. It was an enjoyable conversation where I gained insight into the college as well as the women’s basketball program. After coming on my visit in March, I knew that McPherson was where I wanted to be. Everyone that I encountered from the moment I stepped foot on campus was just as exceptional as I hoped. McPherson College then became my home away from home, and with the debt project it was also affordable. The debt project and the opportunity to possibly graduate debt free, the basketball program, and the chance to major in health science all solidified my decision to Myattend.decision to major in health science was easy for me. After acquiring my associate’s degree in health science, I wanted to continue that path. I have always dreamed about being a doctor. The college and the health science department provide both insight and resources that are beneficial in helping me pursue that career path. They help to provide great opportunities to get job experience or opportunities just as close to what you would like to do in the future while still getting an education in the process.

(Editor’s Note: Lasheicka is a recipient of the Carolyn Beach Endowed Scholarship for health science students and had the opportunity to meet some of Carolyn’s family when they attended homecoming last fall. In a note to the family she wrote: “I had the great opportunity of meeting some of the family and it was a lovely experience. They talked about Carolyn, who she was, and why she wanted to give to me and others. The Carolyn Beach Endowed Scholarship has helped me tremendously. It gives me the chance to come back and be great again!”)

Or contact the Advancement office at (800) 365-7402. Joseph Senior, Health Science

9SPRING 2022

Dr. Herb Smith

Dr. Laura Eells Dr. Laura Eells’ contributions to the life and work of the college during her 26-year career at McPherson College are many. Most important has been her extraordinary commitment to the success of hundreds of students, whom she has nudged, prodded, and encouraged—gently or firmly, as the situation required—until they leave McPherson College, diplomas in hand. Dr. Eells served multiple terms as chair of the department of behavioral sciences and the division of the social sciences, and served capably as provost and dean of the faculty during seven of the college’s most challenging years. One of Dr. Eells’ most lasting marks on the department of behavioral sciences will be the revision of the program’s research curriculum, which instituted additional coursework in research methods and scientific writing.

Dr. Bruce Clary


Dr. Herb Smith, professor of philosophy and religion, came to McPherson College in 1982 as half-time campus pastor and half-time professor of philosophy and religion. Dr. Smith’s dynamic teaching style, which incorporates techniques such as drama, pantomime, guided imagery, and ritual re-enactments of Chris tian catacomb worship and Japanese tea ceremonies, quickly established him as one of the college’s exceptional scholars and teachers, eventually leading to his twice being named Who’s Who Professor of the Year as well as a recipient of the Tenured Faculty Teaching Award. The impact upon students of his 40 years in the classroom can hardly be overstated; nevertheless, it is matched or perhaps surpassed by the life-changing impact of the dozens of international travel courses and experiences that he and his wife Jeanne led to destinations such as Egypt, Germany, Thailand and Cambodia, China, and Ethiopia. Having lived and taught in Japan for a year and being regularly invited to teach courses in India, Dr. Smith has modeled and taught what it means to be a global citizen, taking students to the world and bringing the world to the college.

10 review MCPHERSON COLLEGE MAGAZINE At the end of the 2021-2022 academic year, three careersanddistinguishedretiredcampusMcPhersonlong-timeCollegemembersafterteachingadministrativeatthecollege. RETIRED

Over Dr. Bruce Clary’s nearly 40-year career at McPherson College, he has become one of the college’s most esteemed and relied upon campus leaders. Since 2014, he has held the position of vice president for academic a airs. Under his leadership, Dr. Clary encouraged quality and excellence in teaching at McPherson College. A 1977 graduate of McPherson College, Dr. Clary earned a master’s degree in English from Wichita State University and a Ph.D. in English from Kansas State University. After teaching English in public schools for five years, he returned to his alma mater in 1983, working half time as an English professor and half time in the alumni and advancement o ce. He began his full-time teaching career in 1993 as a professor of English and communica tion. During his career at McPherson College, Dr. Clary was selected Professor of the Year in 1999-2000 and again in 2009-2010. Few people have worn as many hats at the college as has Dr. Clary. He worked in development, alumni a airs, as Spectator advisor, faculty chair, professor of English, and then as vice president for academic a airs. Throughout his career, Dr. Clary has worked quietly, humbly, creatively, and thoughtfully to ensure McPherson College faculty and students reach their educational goals. A faculty member said, “He has set an example for us that embodies compassion and dignity, and his legacy at this college will continue long after he steps out of this role.”

Rod Gieselman, professor of business, wrote three business case studies for the capstone business course strategy and policy while on recent sabbatical. The case studies are business scenarios used in the class that students are asked to resolve. One case study was based on his personal business experiences while the other two were collaborations with alumni. Chet Buchman ’02, managing partner of Swindoll, Janzen, Hawk, and Lloyd, assisted in development of a case study about small retail business; Jerry Rogers ‘92, CFO for ERC Management, helped with one about starting a business from scratch versus buying a franchise.

• Tenure and promote Dr. Karrie Rathbone to professor of biology

Drs. Herb Smith and Jeanne Smith will have a building in Jos, Nigeria, named for them after donating the funds for the structure. A groundbreaking event was held for the CCEPI Agape School, which is an eight-building institute conceived by Dr. Rebecca Dali, who won the United Nations Humanitarian Award for risking her life working with the girls victimized by Boko Haram. The institute will provide psychiatric care and educational opportunities for those who were kidnapped. The central administrative building will be named for the Smiths.

news 11SPRING 2022

Jean Kennedy, adjunct guitar instructor, hosted a concert at the McPherson Opera House featuring her guitar students. Additionally, she debuted her own composition with a guitar ensemble of over 30 players.

• Promote Professor Ed Barr to professor of technology

• Promote Dr. Kerry Dobbins to professor of history Promote Dr. Manjula Koralegedara to professor of chemistry

Dr. Shane Kirchner ’92, professor of education, has ended his two-year term as president of the Kansas Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. For the next two years, he will continue to provide advice as immediate past-president. McPherson College’s teacher education program, under the direction of Dr. Shane Kirchner ’92, along with Dr. Vicki Schmidt, and Prof. April Counts, M.A.Ed, M.A., received word from the Council for Accreditation for Educator Preparation (CAEP) that the program has met the standards and is nationally accredited through fall 2028. The program also received Kansas State Board of Education accreditation status through June 30, 2029.

Dr. Herb Smith, professor of philosophy and religion, is in the process of writing a book titled “Angels and Demons,” which is part of the Covenant Bible series. He is also scheduled for several presentations this summer including Pennsylvania Chautauqua Society – “Epilepsy, Blindness, and Ecstatic Experiences”; Pennsylvania United Methodist Bible Conference – “Christianity in the Horn of Africa” and “Christianity in India”; Mount Gretna Tabernacle Association – “ABCDEFGHIJKLOVE”; Harrisburg Area Lutheran Ministers – “Global Christianity”; and Gettysburg Seminary – “Asian Christianity.”

Jd. Bowman ‘97, professor of theatre, attended DragCon in Los Angeles in May. DragCon is the world’s largest celebration of drag culture. The three-day event includes discussion panels on the intersection of the performative and political nature of drag. He also attended TEDxBroadway in May. The TED conference seeks to bring together experts from a wide range of fields to create, share, and stimulate dialogue about making Broadway the best it can be. This was the 10th anniversary of the event, and the second time Professor Bowman attended as a theater educator representing the Midwest.

The Board of Trustees approved recommendations from the Faculty Review Committee and President Schneider for tenure and promotion of the following faculty.

Dr. Kirk MacGregor, associate professor of philosophy and religion, published the chapter Foreknowledge and Predestination in “The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Philosophy and Religion,” a book for which he served on the editorial advisory board. He also published the chapter Waldshut and South German Reforms in the “T&T Clark Handbook of Anabaptism.”

• Tenure and promote Professor Chris Clark to associate professor of technology

Tenure & Promotion

A portion of the McPherson College Concert Band performance clinic at the annual Kansas Music Educators Association annual convention in February 2022 is now being viewed by a national audience on the Claude T. Smith and RWS Music Publishing websites. Because of copyright restrictions, recordings of the full songs have been edited. The entire clinic portion featuring the band playing and demonstrating is included along with a link to the KMEA program promoting McPherson College.

The Bulldog competitive cheer and dance teams, under the direction of first-year head coach Tyler Bronzell, opened their seasons at the Kansas Wesleyan University Invite on January 28. They competed in three regular-season competitions before wrapping up the season at the KCAC Championships where the cheer team set a new program record with a score of 72.76 for a third-place finish, the team’s highest finish in the conference championships in program history.

Women‘s Basketball

Roberts was named to the All-KCAC First Team and to the All-KCAC Defensive Team. And for the third season in a row, Roberts was named to the NAIA All-American Team, this year as an honorable mention selection.

Men‘s Basketball


Baseball It was another historic season for the Bulldog baseball team. The Bulldogs set a new program best for wins and set numerous individual records. They finished the year at 40-14 overall and were 27-6 in the KCAC. They were ranked as high as No. 18 in the NAIA Top 25 Coaches’ Poll and finished as the runner-up in the KCAC regular season. They struggled in the KCAC tournament going 1-2, but their body of work throughout the season was good enough to land them a No. 2 seed at the NAIA Opening Round in Miami Gardens, Fla. The Bulldogs ended their season at the opening round, one game shy of the championship series.

The Bulldog women’s basketball team wrapped up the 2021-22 season with an overall record of 17 wins and 15 losses and went 13-15 in KCAC play. The Bulldogs had a three-game winning streak to start non-conference play, and then late in the season, won four in a row before losing the last two games of the season. They went into the KCAC tournament as the No. 8 seed, knocking off Bethel College at home in the opening round before falling in the quarterfinal to regular-season champion Sterling Individually,College.Brittany

The Bulldog men wrapped up the 2021-22 season with an 18-14 overall record. Head Coach TJ Eskildsen entered his third season at the helm of the program. The Bulldogs opened the season going 4-1 in non-con ference games. KCAC play began on November 17 with a win against the University of St. Mary. The Bulldogs continued to battle during KCAC regular season play finishing with a record of 12-12 in conference games. At the KCAC conference tournament, the Bulldogs defeat ed York College in their first game of the tournament. The men’s basketball team then lost a heartbreaker in their next game of the tournament with a final score of 68-65 to conclude their season.

Trevor Johnson, who set a new career home run record in 2022, was a unanimous All-KCAC First Team selection, along with Brett Maddock, and Caleb Feuerstake, who set the Bulldogs’ single-sea son stolen base record. James Canar, Jake Pearson, Justin Lockey, and Gage Ninness were named to the All-KCAC Second Team, and Kevinn Castillo was an honorable mention selection.

For post season awards, Owen Braxmeyer (Fr. Manhat tan, Kansas) was named to the All-KCAC Freshman Team, while Josh Rivers (Sr. Midwest City, Oklahoma) and Ja’Quan Chestnut (Sr. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) were awarded All-KCAC Honorable Mention honors.

Cheer and Dance

Men’s Tennis

The Bulldog women’s tennis team completed a successful spring season with an overall record of 11-5 and 7-2 in the KCAC. The Bulldogs were the conference regular-season runner-up and went into the KCAC tournament as the No. 2 seed. They defeated Ottawa in the tournament semi-finals but lost a close match to Southwestern College in the finals.

Templeman added two more All-American plaques to his trophy case with a fourth-place finish in the discus and a Softball

The Bulldog men finished the year at 14-2 and were a perfect 9-0 in KCAC play. They were the top seed in the KCAC tournament and ran through the tournament without losing a match. Their 4-0 win over Southwestern College in the tournament finals secured their trip to Mobile, Ala., for the NAIA National Tennis Championships for the seventh straight year. Their season came to an end with a loss to Union College (Ky.) in the opening round of the national championships. Michael Beltran was named to the All-KCAC First Team, Martin Millos was a second-team selection, and Daniel Marcano was selected for honorable mention. The Bulldog men were ranked No. 22 in the final NAIA Top 25 Coaches’ Poll.

Brandy Trengove, Mackenzie Egan, Sierra Cortez, and Raegan Kleppe were honored as All-KCAC First Team selections; Jordyn Johnson was selected to the second team; and Lacy Weaver was an honorable mention selec tion. Trengove was also honored with a Gold Glove for her work at first base.

The Bulldog softball team had a tough non-conference slate to start the season before heading into KCAC play in mid-March. The Bulldogs were 8-11 in their first 19 games but got on a roll in the conference to finish the year 26-22 overall, and 16-8 in the KCAC. They finished fourth in the KCAC standings and were the No. 4 seed in the conference tournament. They got hot in the tournament and made it to the championship series but were defeated in back-to-back games by Friends University to finish as the tournament runner-up.

Shortly after indoor nationals, the outdoor season got underway. The Bulldogs took part in seven meets, finishing the season at the KCAC Outdoor Championships hosted by Southwestern College. Once again the Bulldog women were in 10th place after the two-day meet while the men moved up one spot to fourth. This time eight men qualified for the NAIA National meet in Gulf Shores, Ala. Templeman in the shot, discus, and hammer; Oden in the shot; Taylor in the 200m; and Washington, Taylor, Rock Hardison, Philip Swank, and Owen Sutherland in the 4x100m relay.

news 13SPRING 2022 competed in six indoor meets beginning in January and culminating in late February with the KCAC Indoor Champi onships hosted at Wichita State University. The Bulldog women finished 10th at the KCAC meet while the men finished fifth. Four Bulldog men went on to qualify for the NAIA Indoor National Meet, including Dylan Templeman, Brett Oden, Xavier Taylor, and Quashad Washington.

Polina Khoroshevskaya was named to the All-KCAC First

Women’s Tennis

Templeman came home with All-American plaques in both the shot and the weight throw and was runner-up in the shot.


Community by Design was outlined in the winter 2017 Review. 1 432 Areas of progress within the Community by Design plan:


Community by Design 2.0

In 2017, after a year-long process that called on the entire McPherson College community for guidance and direction, a strategic plan for the college emerged. Community by Design 2021 was the result. The plan set a new trajectory for the college by focusing on the missioncollege’sandvision for the future, and on building sustainingandits culture. As the college brings the conclusionstrategiccommunity-drivenplantoaandbegins preparing for the next phase of planning, we are looking back at the progress made over the past five years.

McPherson College has experienced significant enrollment gains — 10% ahead of goals. Last fall, the college welcomed to campus the largest group of new students in school history, and the freshman class was 35% larger than the previous year’s class.

Additionally, the creation of a new Healthcare Initiative and updated health science degree, modeling the success of the automotive restoration program, added new academic options for students. Four big ideas provided the foundation of the Community by Design 2021 strategic plan: Grow through nurturing entrepreneurial faculty who model the success of the automotive restoration program; Design and articulate the McPherson College community; Plan and build facilities that nurture, welcome, and sustain a growing community; Engage the MC community to make plans to build a $1 billion endowment. These four principles have set the course for the initiatives and ultimate successes within the Community by Design 2021 framework.

“One of the remarkable characteristics of Community by Design is that it provided the campus a space to work on some of our greatest long-term opportunities while ensuring our operation served students,” President Michael Schneider said. “Despite challenges we could have never predicted five years ago, resilience and commit ment to our work have brought about significant progress.”

Heading into its fourth year, the Student Debt Project is engaging nearly 40% of all McPherson College students and driving a new net tuition revenue model that replaces the institutional discounting strategy by incentivizing students to work and contribute to their student accounts and reduce the amount of college debt before graduating. Over the last three years, students in the program have reduced their projected debt at graduation by nearly $12,000 while maintaining a 3.3 average GPA. At the end of the 2021-22 academic year, nearly 30% of the students in the debt project reported zero debt and nearly another 30% reported less than $2,000 in debt. The college anticipates 400 students will apply to the program for the fall semester. Moreover, the college is seeing greater retention (93%) of the students who participate in the debt program.

EXPERIENCE ENGAGE XE P LORE Participation in professional opportunities and relevant positions to improve skills toward understanding of the workplace and graduateLearningschoolthroughreflectionofparticipationandobservationPersonal developmentprofessionalandthroughexploration

The MC Student Experience Framework was created with a focus on events, initiatives, and programs for students that are concentrated on inclusion, career, and community building. A mentoring network aimed at impacting student reten tion is the newest addition.

A comprehensive career and experiential learning model is engaging more students and continuing a tradition of high pre/post-graduation career placement rates.

The East McPherson concept is gradually transforming McPher son College from a traditional residential campus to a vibrant community — offering amenities of a modern campus — starting with the new Campus Commons. A bold vision of what the future of campus could look like will begin with the Campus Commons. A multi-level, 45,000-square-foot landmark structure will be located at the entry to campus on Kansas Avenue (Highway 56). The Commons will contain new dining services; a coffee shop and campus store; and student club, activities and lounge spaces. The upper levels will contain student affairs, career services, enrollment, and administration as well as an event and gathering space. The new facility will provide an interdisciplin ary learning commons to engage a larger, more diverse student body. Groundbreaking for the new facility is expected before the end of the year. Development of new campus facilities began in 2018 with the construction of a dedicated building for the campus health clinic on Gordon Street.

McPherson College students are working a job or paid internshipthat is twice the national average among college students and approximately 30% higher than Kansas college students overall, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. The career and experiential learning office coordi nates some 500 campus jobs and hundreds more career opportunities in the community and across the country. Online tools such as Handshake, an employment platform for students, and the Bulldog Network, a mentorship platform that fosters networking among current students and alumni, give students a variety of employment options. For the past three years, two-thirds of graduates have placements in career, further education, or military service before they receive their diploma, and 96% are employed or accepted into graduate school within six months of graduating.

The Great Colleges to Work For recognition is further proof that the college is headed in a positive direction. For the past seven years, McPherson College has received recognition on the list with honor roll designation for six years. The employee survey is one of the largest and most respected workplace recognition programs and is published annually in the Chroni cle of Higher Education. This year, the college was recognized in all survey categories including, for the first time, the diversity, equity, and inclusion category. McPherson College was the only Kansas school earning recognition on the list. The results are based on a survey of 196 colleges and universities. In all, just 70 of the 196 institutions achieve recognition for specific best practices and policies, and only 42 are included on the honor roll.

15SPRING 2022

McPherson College continues to goal of . In May, the college received a $25 million gift, the largest gift in history to a private higher education institution in Kansas and among the largest to any college or university in the state. However, reaching this goal is not a short-term campaign, but rather a long-term planned-giving initiative their estate plans. Certainly, a bold goal when it was launched five years initiative is connecting with donors looking beyond the here and now to assure a strong future for the college.

Leaning achievecommunityintotoourgoals


Melanie and Richard Lundquist announced a $25 million gift during the ceremonyCommencement2022inMay.

Community is central to McPherson College’s identity. The goals of Community by Design 2.0 will be accomplished through the support of a wide community of McPherson College partners who understand the importance of the college’s vision as one of America’s great small colleges.

Community by Design 2.0

A $25 million gift from Melanie and Richard Lund quist, announced during the 2022 Commencement ceremony in May, confirms the college’s vision is shared by others.TheLundquists are among the top philanthropists in California and signatories of the Giving Pledge, an initiative supported by wealthly individuals and couples committed to giving more than half their wealth away. Their gift is the largest gift ever to a private liberal arts college in Kansas and among one of the largest to any college in Kansas. The previous largest gift to McPher son College was $10 million.

Elmer O. Dalke, a long-time McPher son resident who passed away in 2002, gifted $2.6 million through his charita ble foundation to expand career-fo cused CareerDalkestudents.McPhersonopportunitieslearningforCollegeTheElmerCenterforandExperiential Learning will be a prominent part of the future Campus Commons building planned for construction. Additionally, the Dalke Endowment for Career and Experiential Learning will be created to ensure students are career-ready when they graduate.


In a recent op-ed, Melanie Lundquist further explained why she and her husband decided to support McPherson College. “We are hopeful that our gift will help shine a light on the value of a small college educa tion and how meaningful philanthropy can help solidify a small college’s future.”

The Lundquists’ relationship with McPherson College began in 2012 when Melanie donated tool sets to the school’s automotive restoration program in honor of Richard’s birthday. Since then, the Lundquists have become regular supporters of the college. In 2019, during a McPherson College event at their home in Pebble Beach, the Lundquists announced the first-ever $1 million gift to the college’s automotive restoration program. During this year’s car show weekend, Richard donated his prized Enzo Ferrari 1972 365GTB/4 Daytona, marking the first Ferrari in the automotive restoration program’s 45-year history.

“McPherson College is a special place that embraces the love of humanity,” said Melanie Lundquist, while announcing her and her husband’s first major philan thropic gift outside of California. “After a decade of knowing McPherson College, your president, and your provost, we know our $25 million is the right big bet.”

“Elmer’s legacy has supported hundreds of students finding and navigating their pathway through college and into the workforce. This gift will permanently enhance the career-oriented student experience at McPherson College,” President Schneider said. Dalke had a tremendous impact on McPherson College students who worked alongside him through out his career. He was a mentor to many McPherson College students employed at the McPherson Dillons grocery store, where he served as the store manager for 40 years. He not only provided part-time jobs for students to fund their tuition, but he also helped them develop important career skills they could use after graduation.Overthe years, the Dalke Charitable Foundation has provided thousands of dollars to support McPher son College students on their pathway to careers and graduate school. These gifts have fueled a transforma tion at McPherson College by providing funding for numerous internship programs in the areas of service-learning, entrepreneurship, and career preparation activities at various businesses and organizations in the McPherson area. His most recent gift will continue to support programs that encourage increases in graduation rates and job placement rates at McPherson College.

Others have also come forward recently to make an impact with gifts that support Community by Design initiatives.

$2.6 million to support career and experiential learning

“We are deeply grateful to Richard and Melanie for their incredible generosity to McPherson College,” said President Michael Schneider. “This gift will help put our Community by Design strategic plan on a new trajecto ry, ensuring the new campus commons is built and strengthening the college’s academic programs as well as supporting the student debt project, which enables students to graduate debt-free. The impact of the Lundquists’ gift and friendship is truly immeasurable.”

Craig and Karen Holman made McPherson College history when they announced the first-ever seven-fig ure gift to Bulldog Athletics. Their gift, which totals more than $1 million, will support the Sport Center expansion project. The Sport Center project will include the addition of 5,000 square feet of new space to expand the weight room and training room capacity and to add locker rooms and team spaces. It will also include a remodeling project for current spaces to better meet the needs of student-athletes. Construction will begin this summer.

A vast majority of strategic plans fail. In fact, accord ing to Inc. Magazine, 67% of organizational strategic plans are created and not implemented or fail to align with overall organizational goals and are never over whelmingly embraced. McPherson College, led by its Board of Trustees and President Michael Schneider, was not interested in creating a plan that would sit on a shelf. That is why in 2016 the campus was introduced to a new way of planning for the future. The idea was to approach strategic planning by getting everyone involved – from facilities personnel to cabinet-level administrators – by providing ideas, feedback, and critique. The college set out to create a plan developed by the campus community, not by an appointed com mittee.“The

Craig ‘79 along with both of the couple’s children (Alyson ’08 and Michael ’11) are McPherson College graduates. While at McPherson College, Craig was an outstanding tennis player. He won conference singles and was District 10 singles champion three times, and was selected for the all-conference team all four years. He serves the McPherson community as a financial advisor, owning an Ameriprise Financial practice. Craig is a member of the McPherson College Board of Trust ees and serves as a volunteer assistant coach for the Bulldog tennis teams. Karen has served the community as a registered nurse and helped instruct those seeking to become licensed practical nurses. She is a volunteer at Lincoln Elementary.

Developing a strategic plan through wide community engagement is not a quick or easy process. It takes hours of listening and discussing a vision for the college that is conceived by many di erent people.

“My years as a Bulldog athlete were a meaningful chapter in my life, and Bulldog athletics have continued to enrich our lives ever since,” Craig Holman, said. “Karen and I want to help ensure that today’s Bulldog athletes, coaches, and sta have first-rate facilities and programs focused on continued competitive excellence while developing lifetime relationships. We are hopeful that our gift will encourage other Bulldogs out there to share in the enthusiasm and a ection we have for McPherson College student-athletes.”

Over $1 million to support the Sport Center expansion

success behind Community by Design is largely due to the focus on the many di erent stakeholders who all believe in the success of McPherson College,” said Jonathan Klinger, chair of the Strategic Planning Committee for the McPherson College Board of Trust ees. “Community by Design is a powerful tool to help create a vibrant future for McPherson College. The Board of Trustees is responsible for monitoring the progress and execution of the plan, but the active involvement from the entire campus and larger commu nity has refined the plan and brought it to life.”

“The biggest di erence between our process and others I have experienced is that the surprises come earlier in the process when there is time to process and have input rather than at the end when the plan is announced,” said Sandra Hiebert, director of institu tional assessment and academic compliance. “All employees have opportunity to feed into every step of the process and follow its evolution so that the end plan is not a surprise. As director of assessment, I always want strategic plans that have clear goals that are easy to measure for progress and success.” Whether realizing it or not, the campus community is equipped for this kind of strategic planning because of the training it receives through the Kansas Leadership Center. The training gives the faculty and sta a Community by Design 2.0


Planning by community not committee

“It may not be the easiest process for creating a strategic plan, but with the collaboration and input from across campus, I am certain that it is right for McPherson College’s future,” President Schneider said. Since 2014, the MC community has participated in leadership training and all-campus meetings facilitated by the KLC.

While the KLC training has equipped the campus to take on the challenge of creating a strategic plan designed by the community, this type of planning had been an idea of President Schneider’s for a long time. It formulated as he got to know Dr. Rebecca Chopp and watched her implement a community strategic plan at the University of Denver in 2014. Dr. Chopp, original ly from Salina, Kan., was the first female chancellor appointed to the University of Denver. Prior to that, she was president at Swarthmore College and Colgate University. She is a well-known expert in higher educa tion, leadership, and organizational transformation. She has coached and mentored dozens of university and college presidents, including President Schneider. Her research is focused on changing structures and cultures of higher education and the role of liberal arts in a democratic society. She is the author or editor of six books, including “Remaking College: Innovation and the Liberal Arts.”

19SPRING 2022 common language and framework to discuss some of the most important issues facing the college.

“For more than five years, it has been 'all-in' in spread ing the ideas up and down and throughout the entire collegiate system. Its institutional culture embodies the core principles at KLC that leadership is an activity available to anyone, regardless of authority or position, including faculty, sta , students, alumni, donors and community stakeholders. By adopting a shared vocabu lary and mindset, they have developed incredible capacity to seize opportunities and adapt to make progress on their biggest challenges. As far as I am concerned, McPherson has earned an A+ from the Kansas Leadership Center.”

The KLC is a non-profit organization committed to fostering leadership for stronger, healthier, and more prosperous Kansas communities and organizations. Its principles focus on leadership as an activity, not a position, and the idea that anyone can lead, anytime, anywhere.“Thebenefit of the KLC training is that we think about the whole campus as a community, which does help when thinking through the best ways to serve the entire community in years to come,” said Mike Dudley, associate professor of technology. “I really look forward to what McPherson College will look like in 10 or 20 McPherson College was introduced to the KLC’s leadership principles in 2014 when it decided to imple ment its adaptive framework to address student retention. Since then, the entire MC community has had opportunities to participate in KLC leadership training, and the KLC has assisted with retreats for the Board of Trustees. Some of the most important work accom plished by the campus through the KLC leadership framework happens during all-campus meetings held twice each year. The all-campus meetings began focusing on increas ing fall-to-fall freshmen retention with encouraging results. After the first full academic year of giving the work of retention to the entire campus, the college increased retention from 56% to 70%. Today, the all-campus meetings focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion issues. Recent KLC-facilitated meetings have resulted in the creation of a DEI work group that meets to keep track of goals and initiatives, a DEI President’s Council of students who meet regularly with President Schneider for deep conversations about inclusion, and a mentorship program originating in the athletics department that focuses on pairing minority students with"Amongmentors.our more than 300 partner organizations in Kansas and beyond, McPherson College stands out in my mind for embracing the teaching and sharing of the KLC framework like few others,” said Ed O’Malley, president and CEO of the Kansas Leadership Center.

As the McPherson College community gathers in the fall, it will focus again on Community by Design 2.0 and the initiatives in the plan that will move the campus forward on the path to being one of the great small colleges in the country.

ACADEMIC PROGRAM GROWTH MINDSET Community by Design 2.0 will ask campus to think differently to attract and retain students serious about their education, life, and career through quality employees, programs, and spaces. It will be accom plished through a variety of new initiatives as well as ones continued and expanded upon from Community by Design 2021

• Student Financial Freedom – Provide every student financial freedom to guarantee 100% of financial need is met as well as the opportunity to graduate with no student loan debt through the Student Debt Project.

“Planning through community is not an easy process,” President Michael Schneider said. “It is a lot of work, but it is rewarding to see how themes start to develop. You never know where the next great idea will come from.”

• Growth modeled after automotive restoration success – Identify characteristics that will create centers of excellence in key disciplines, align resourc es, and integrate key success factors across depart ments.

Making strategic planning the work of the community rather than a committee creates a strong sense of ownership. In dozens of listening sessions over the past academic year, faculty and sta had the opportunity to discuss what commu nity means to McPherson College and how the next Community by Design 2.0 strategic plan can ensure campus success while uplifting the college community. Themes for the next 10-year strategic plan are beginning to emerge.


Community by Design 2.0

• an academic program growth mindset, • East McPherson, • wellness and inclusion, • and a $1 billion endowment.



EMERGING from the planning process

McPherson College’s culture is integrated into four strategic initiatives in the Community by Design 2.0 plan. They include:

As the campus prepares to finalize the plan, President Schneider will host several more sessions to get feedback on the initial draft, giving the McPherson College community more oppor tunities to share ideas and revise the plan’s framework.

• Team You – Devel op the “Team You” concept, which is focused on advis ing, mentoring, and developing the MC Student Framework.Experience

• General education – Provide context and excellent learning opportunities for students in a general education program focused on innovative approach es to the liberal arts and effective pedagogical methods.

• Growth Mindset – An expanded approach to growth beyond enrollment expectations to include academic leadership that focuses on individual growth, quality programs, and innovation in teaching and learning.

• #BulldogPride - Drive engagement both in person and online as well as through signature mentoring programs through the Student Debt Project, career, and minority mentoring programs utilizing the virtual Bulldog Network platform.

the Campus Commons

• Athletic spaces - Create a plan for current facilities and Bulldog Park.

• McPherson Technology Center - Expanded automo tive restoration space with consideration for engi neering program development, automotive collection center, test track, and automotive- and transporta tion-related business development.

• Euclid Street corridor - Develop first- and secondyear community housing; third- and fourth-year housing; affinity housing; neighborhood with retail and cultural elements and activities for millennials.


Enterprising MC Student Model – Continue integrating this model, which tracks student career development through entrepreneurship and service opportunities, and international perspective.


Kansas Leadership Center Small Town Inclusion Project - McPherson College partners with local businesses and industry to create a national small-town inclusion model.

21SPRING 2022

• Whole Person Program - Introduce physical, mental, spiritual, financial, cultural, and vocational opportunities for campus community employee engagement.


• Building Community Campaign 2.0 - Complete the Building Community Campaign and launch Building Community 2.0 with a $100 million goal.

• National awareness campaign – Expand the current awareness campaign to include national messaging and promotions focused on key prospective student markets within driving distance, including Wichita, Kansas City, Denver, Omaha, and Oklahoma City.

Messaging will focus on value, student debt reduc tion guarantee, and the “Team You” approach.

• Employee space - Reimagine space for employees to work, live, and enjoy life in McPherson to attract and retain the best talent

Continue the progress of transitioning from a traditional residential campus to a modern living/learning commu nity meeting students’ needs inside and outside of the classroom through a variety of initiatives.

• Wellness scorecard - Develop a comprehensive scorecard to better understand the comprehensive health of the campus, students, employees, and constituents.

Continue the work on securing McPherson College’s future with the resources and support needed to live out the mission and vision and to execute the Com munity by Design 2.0 plan.

• Heritage Roll of Honor - Continue to drive planned gift endowment commitments.

• Education hubs - Remodeled and expanded campus facilities including the new Campus Commons; Boiler House Event Center and Market; Learning Commons in Miller Library; Mohler academic space; Student Wellness Center in Hoffman Student Union.

Focus on initiatives to design an inclusive community where institutional and individual holistic wellness is •valued.

• East McPherson campus master plan - Continue developing a comprehensive plan for facility and land use including new, reused, and expanded spaces.

The college honored this year’s award recipients at a dinner on April 22 at the Cedars Conference Center in McPherson. Citation of Merit awards went to Annette Van Blaricum ’68, Roger Trimmell ’73, and Jeff Bach ’79.

The characteristics of service, scholarship, and partici pation outlined in the McPherson College mission are a common theme throughout the life and career of Annette Van Blaricum of Wichita. At nine years old, after visiting her sister at the college, she knew where she wanted to attend college and through her participation as a student in activities like theatre and choir, she laid a foundation that allowed her to sing with her church choir for many years and meet her husband, Ken ‘67. She taught kindergarten and Title 1 for more than 30 years in Tonganoxie, Wichita, and Pratt, retiring in 2006. She has been an active volunteer in her church and the communities where she has lived with her family. In Pratt, she taught pre-school Sunday School for more than 10 years. She served as president of the Pratt United Method ist Women and served as vice president for the Wichita West District UMW. She organized a young women’s Rebekah Guild, and tutored international students from Africa and India. She also volunteered within her profes sion as president of Delta Kappa Gamma teachers group, publishing its newsletter for several years and was president of the Retired Teachers organization. Other volunteer activities include filling many o ces within PEO chapters, serving as president of the Prairie Pilot Club, and serving as state president of the American Association of University Women.

Citation of Merit Award RecipientsHonored


Annette Van Blaricum

Annette stays connected with McPherson College by serving as class agent for the Class of 1968 and helping coordinate their successful 50th reunion in 2018. She is a past member of the Alumni Board. She also shares her talents with her communities. After learning to quilt, she organized a sewing club that donated several baby quilts to the Pratt Regional Medical Center over the years. She enjoys reading and hiking along the Arkansas River and is an avid cook and baker. Since 2015, she has been selling jams, jellies, salsa, and baked goods at the Pratt Farmers Market and currently at the Wichita Flea Market.

Roger Trimmell Roger Trimmell served as head coach for the McPher son College men’s basketball team for 27 seasons from 1982 to 2008 and was an assistant professor in the health and physical education program. His impact on the lives of hundreds of students and colleagues is immeasurable. During his time as head coach for the Bulldogs, 61 players were named to All-Conference teams, including three who were named KCAC Player of the Year, and three who received NAIA All-American honors. Additionally, the graduation rate for all his senior players was 100 percent. He is a ectionately known to McPherson College as the Father of Dogball. His teams qualified for the NAIA District 10 playo s six times and his overall conference record, 221-211, gives him the most victories in KCAC men’s basketball history. He was named KCAC Coach of

alumni news


Dear MC alumni and friends, As Community by Design 2.0 emerges, it becomes the roadmap for MC’s future. The goals captured in this strategic plan are shaped not by ty.butcommittee,bycommuniThroughoutthe many conversations across campus and constituencies, ideas have been shared with passion and integri ty. That passion is evident in the priorities outlined in the plan. And still, the document only has value if the community brings this vision to Recently,life.Ihave been working with a group of retired faculty and staff to re-energize gatherings that bring together these legendary leaders of MC. Included in the gatherings will be coffee, conversation, and — I am confident — ways to continue supporting MC’s mission. While their official duties to the college are complete, their ongoing investment in the college remains strong. The investment that generations past have made in the future of McPherson College is inspiring. That inspiration leads me to ask what investment we as current alumni, faculty, staff, and friends are we making in a successful future for the students who will be attracted to the vision of Community by Design. How will you get involved in making this vision a reality? Join the Bulldog Network? Mentor through the Student Debt Project? Engage in MC programming that promotes holistic wellness? I am hoping you answer yes to all of these ideas as we all shape MC’s future together as a community!

Jeff Bach The foundation for Je Bach’s life-long love of learning was set at McPherson College and led him to a career of scholarship and service within the Church of the Brethren. He graduated from McPherson College with a double major in elementary education and German language and taught German at area high schools after graduating for a brief time. He was called to the ministry earning a master’s of divinity degree at Bethany Theological Seminary and later complet ing a doctoral program in the department of religion at Duke University publishing a dissertation about the religious views of the Ephrata Community in Ephrata, PA. He served as pastor to churches in Iowa and later taught history and Brethren studies and served as director of Peace Studies at Bethany Theological Seminary. In 2007, he was named director of the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown College and served as associate professor of religious studies. As director, he oversaw three major fund-raising e orts that resulted in the addition of an archive and special collection to the library, an addition to the Center’s facility, and $1 million endowed program support. He supervised acquisitions of several rare materials and books and developed content for the Bowers Interpretive Gallery at the Young Center, a museum-quality multi-media exhibit of artifacts, graphics, and text to inter pret the Anabaptist and Pietist movements. He retired in 2020 and was recently named director emeritus. He served on the Church of the Brethren 300th Anniver sary committee and was chair of the committee from 2005-2008. Currently, he serves as convener for the planning committee for the Church of the Brethren World Assembly in 2023. He is also the liaison between the Breth ren Encyclopedia Board and the Alexander Mack Museum in Schwarzenau, Germany and participates in research for two projects transcribing and analyzing German text. He and his wife, Ann ’79, also serve as part-time ministers at Stevens Hill Church of the Brethren in Elizabethtown, PA.

Monica Rice director of alumni & constituent relations alumni news the Year twice, and was inducted into the Kansas Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame twice – once as a coach and once as a member of the 1968 Wamego, Kan., undefeated state basketball championship team. While at McPherson College, he organized annual team collections for the local food bank and reading programs with elementary schools. He also coordinated student groups to support Operation Christmas Child. He devoted summers to the college basketball camps as well as youth leagues and was director of the McPherson College Boys and Girls All-Star Basketball Games. Along with his successful teaching and coaching career, he also devoted much of his time and talent to McPherson community organizations and his church. He was the director of Heartland Basketball Camps for nine years as well as for Focus on Family Basketball Camps, also for nine years. He served as a board member for the McPherson YMCA and volunteers with Brush Up Mac. He is a member of Countryside Covenant Church where is a Christian Formation teacher for junior high youth as well as a leader for the Adult Life group, and past member and chair of the Diaconate Board.

23SPRING 2022

McPherson College’s Power Day 2022 surpassed all goals and set new records on March 10 during the day of online giving that annually supports students and programs across campus. More than 400 alumni and friends of the college gave $314,383, exceeding last year’s total by more than $120,000. In the eight years since its start, Power Day has raised more than $1 million.



“Power Day is not just a day of giving but a time for us all to celebrate and remember what McPherson College means to us,” Barrett said.

Although the focus of Power Day is online giving, Barrett said it is also a day to engage with alumni and friends from across the country and communicate why it is important to support the next generation of students by investing in their success. WITH DAVE BARRETT AT:

“The response to this year’s Power Day exceeded all of my expectations,” said Dave Barrett ’90, advancement officer and director of Power “WhenDay.westarted eight years ago, we wanted Power Day to connect with many groups within the MC family. It’s really a day about celebrating McPherson College.” Gifts from alumni and friends of the college helped unlock matching challenges that totaled $95,000. The challenge gifts included:

• $10,000 match from a current McPherson College Board of Trustee member for gifts made by fellow board members.

Alumni were encouraged to share their stories about the MC community leading up to Power Day, and donors left comments that were shared on the college website.

• $10,000 match from the Van Goethem family for gifts made by young alumni;

• $10,000 match from Jeff Slagle for gifts made to the automotive restoration program;

Thefriends.”college’s social media channels and website featured live and pre-recorded video messages throughout the one-day giving blitz.

• $10,000 match from the Van Goethem family for gifts made to athletics;

• $50,000 match from the Paul family for gifts made to the MC Fund and academic programs;

In her online comment, Chrystal Banz ’07 said, “So grateful for my time at MC! From being a part of the first year of the graphic design program, bringing back women’s soccer, playing in the MC band, and on through the phone-a-thon. The memories and friendships will last a lifetime.”

25SPRING 2022

• $5,000 match from the Van Goethem family for gifts made to the choir;


“This is the place where many of us were allowed to grow and learn life lessons both in and out of the classroom and to meet life-long


Building Community in Dallas!

Texas showed the Bulldogs plenty of love on February 12! Over 70 attendees turned out for the Building Community gathering at Pappas Delta Blues Smokehouse in Plano, TX. Pappas manager and MC alum Brian Hooks '07, along with Tony Segovia '00, the McPherson College Softball Team, our alumni and friends made it an evening to remember.

“It's humbling to look back from this vantage point in life and see how small decisions or conversations changed or set the course of life's next steps,” Kathy said. “The personal attention of a small college meant that professors found a way to create a third computer science course in 1979; I was able to participate in a team sport and in that learn such important life lessons and skills; I was given the opportunity to tutor and lead recitation sections, experiences that pointed me to a teaching career. A few years after graduation when Norma Tucker called to offer me a teaching position, former professors became supportive colleagues, and I had a new $1,000 $500 $200 $100 Other $ 1600 E. Euclid St. PO Box 1402 McPherson, KS 67460

To receive estate planning information, sign-up for the bi-weekly

Kathy Howell ’80 sees her estate commit ment to McPherson College as a way to prepare future generations to make a positive impact on the world. Kathy’s family has a long history with McPherson College. Her great-grandfather, J.J. Yoder, spent 70 years in numerous capacities with the college, beginning as a student the first year the college opened, then as a professor, business manager, treasurer, and trustee. Her mother, Mary Ellen Howell ’54, set an example to pursue studies in fields traditionally under represented by women. She was a botany major with an endorsement to teach science and mathematics. Kathy was a math and natural science and later, computer science major who spent years teaching in those fields. She taught computer science at McPherson College from 1983 to 1987 and retired from Oregon State University in 2014 where she was director of computing in the College of Forestry.

The Dayton and Hazel Yoder Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund at McPherson College, named in honor of Kathy’s grandpar ents, supports MC science and math students, particularly those with rural backgrounds like Kathy who grew up on the family’s Century Farm in McPherson County.

way to be a part of McPherson College as my great grandfather was for 70+ years. McPherson College is going to keep changing and shaping lives in profound ways. With gratitude for the priceless impacts of McPherson College in my life, my estate gift is a small way to give back.”

Designation: MC Fund Student Debt Project Scholarships Other Special Instructions Name Phone Email CityAddress State Zip BY MAIL: McPherson College Advancement Office

giveIwhy ONLINE: support our students Amount:

Gift Planning e-newsletter at

Kathy Howell ’80 MC

27SPRING 2022

Cathy Davis Coulter ’83, Wakita, Okla., retired this spring as a third grade teacher at Anthony Elementary School in Anthony, Kan. Glen Snell ’84, McPherson, was named to the 2022 Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Advisor list. Glen is an Ameriprise private wealth advisor and franchise owner.

Julia Doerksen ’91, Hutchinson, Kan., was promoted to senior vice president and manager of Loan Operations at First National Bank of Hutchinson. She joined the bank in 2017. Tim Cossaart ’92, Hays, Kan., received the RE/MAX Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievement Award for his work in real estate as well as the Platinum Club Award for annual sales in 2021. Dana Monson ’92, Augusta, Kan., recently retired as library media specialist at Haysville Middle School. Dana has been a Kansas public school educator for 30 years. Stephanie Hill Miller ’93, Newton, Kan., is the new controller at Aero Space Controls Corporation.

Marty Ward ’78, Moundridge, Kan., was honored by the Intercollegiate Tennis Association as one of the top 12 all-time winningest coaches in NAIA Women’s Tennis. Marty was recognized for his career as head coach at Bethel College from 1985-1999, where his win percentage was 79.1% and W-L record was 140-37.


Bruce Lolling ’95, El Dorado, Kan., has been named high school principal at Valley Center High School starting next school year. Bruce has been principal at El Dorado High School since 2019.

Noel Grove ’59, Paris, Va., longtime National Geographic magazine writer and McPherson College Mohler Lecture series speaker, died January 8. In 1969, he joined the National Geographic staff—first as a legend writer, rising to the position of Africa area specialist and ultimately head of the environment department, a division created for him by then editor Wilbur Garrett. At the time, Grove said, “I was an outdoorsman long before I was a writer. It’s almost unbelievable that my personal concerns and professional responsibilities have merged.”

Ann Mason Bach ’79, Mount Joy, Pa., retired this winter from her work as a hospice nurse.


Eleanor Draper Hubbard ’62, Boulder, Colo., has published a book of poetry, “Emerging from the Flames: Poetic and Artistic Musings on Life, Spirituality and the Coronavirus,” which was named a finalist in the creative nonfiction category of the 2022 International Book Awards.

Phyllis Miller Weaver ’72, Hesston, Kan., retired in December from Hesston College where she worked as a development officer for over 20 years.

Justyn Shaw ’05, Bartlesville, Okla., is head coach for girls basketball at Bartlesville High School. Justyn moved into this role last summer after working in the Bartlesville boys basketball program since 2018.

Penny Lane Stoss ’86, Hutchinson, Kan., has been hired by Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System to plan and direct its in-house daycare and learning center to begin operation in 2023. Penny was most recently assistant superintendent and curriculum director of USD 309 Nickerson/South Hutchinson.

Catharine Hamm Skolnik ’76, Glendale, Calif., has been chosen as the president of the SATW (Society of American Travel Writers) Foundation, which sponsors the annual Lowell Thomas Awards, the premier prizes for travel journalism. The foundation awards more than $22,000 each year to winners chosen from about 1,300 entries judged by the journalism school at the University of Missouri.

Ben Proctor ’00, Hesston, Kan., will become the deputy commissioner of the Kansas State Department of Education starting in July. Over the last decade Ben has worked as a principal and then as superintendent for Hesston USD 460. Emily Tyler ’03, Carpentersville, Ill., has joined the Association of Professional Chaplains as membership and communications specialist. In February, Emily completed almost 10 years of service for the Church of the Brethren, most recently as director of Brethren Volunteer Service.

Mark Krogh ’69, Randolph, Va., owns an historic 18th century restored Georgian home called Woodlawn Plantation, which was recently added to the National Registry of Historic Homes. The home is also registered with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources and Virginia Landmark Register. Research has uncovered information indicating that Thomas Jefferson was once a guest at Woodlawn meeting with a former owner of the property.

Cherri Jestmore ’75, Mission, Kan., has been installed as deacon of Caring Ministry at Atonement Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Overland Park, Kan.

Miranda Clark ’16 to David Selby Nevada, Mo., May 1, 2021. Maggie Heithaus to Adan Ghaffarian ‘08 Irving, Texas, May 14, 2022.

Colby Patton ’15, Oxford, Kan., has been named New Teacher of the Year by the Kansas Association of Teachers of Family & Consumer Sciences. Colby teaches FACS and Spanish at Oxford USD 358.

Emilee Reinert ’13, Wichita, Kan., has been promoted to sales manager at Subaru of Wichita.

Gabriel Padilla ’17, Wichita, Kan., received the KAKE News Golden Apple Award, which honors teachers who are making a positive difference in area schools. Gabe teaches math at Wichita West High School.

Amanda Pangburn McGinnis ’10, Kemmerer, Wyo., was named a 2021 Heart of Agriculture recipient by the University of Wyoming Extension. The award recognizes outstanding women agricultural producers active in the industry and engagement in their communities. Amanda and her husband own and operate a family cattle ranch in southwest Wyoming.

alumni notes 29SPRING 2022

Mason Adams ’10, Garland, Texas, recently released a new album “Old Red River” with his band Mason Adams Project.

Kento Aizawa ’20, McPherson, graduated this spring from Wichita State University with a Master of Science in Mathematical Foundations of Data Analysis.

Melisa Leiter-Grandison ’12, Holyoke, Mass., has started a new position as director of instruction at Teach Western Mass Residency, an organization that helps teachers earn their certification.

Amy Huxtable ’11, Overland Park, Kan., published “A Graphic Guide to Art Therapy,” a graphic novel-style textbook about art therapy, in September 2021. Amy is an art therapist at The University of Kansas Health System.

Elizabeth Thornton ’20, St. Joseph, Mo., graduated in December from Purdue University with a Master of Science in Higher Education: Student Affairs.

Brent Masters ’20, Independence, Mo., graduated this spring with a Master of Divinity from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Erikka Viehman Nielsen ’09, Anchorage, Alaska, a microbiologist at the Alaska State Public Health Laboratory, has worked the last two years on the Laboratory COVID Response Team performing method validation/verification and diagnostic testing.

Glenn Herman ’12, Goessel, Kan., has started his own business, Resurrection Restorations, specializing in the restoration of classic automobiles.

Josh Hall ’17, Wichita, Kan., recently graduated with a Master of Education Degree from Fort Hays State University.

Dale Schwartz ’11, Easley, S.C., has started a business called Pro Touring, an online store that specializes in performance parts for muscle cars and trucks.

Rea Samuels ‘16 to Andrew Lindstrom ‘16 Princeton, Mass., October 10, 2021.

Alisha Gridley ’08, Wichita, Kan., is the new executive director at CityArts. She served as CityArts’ education director since 2018.

Eric Wenzel ’06, Bloomingdale, Ga., is the new southeast regional business manager for Takeuchi – U.S.

Theodore to Shannon Paulk and Giles Benett to Brandi and Tolan Lichty ’09 Fort Bragg, N.C., December 11, 2021.

Sean Sohrab to Nicky Damania and Tom Vialpando ’89 Bakersfield, Calif., November 29, 2021.


Waylon James to John ’10 and Destri Sievers Brown ‘11 Easton Robert to Janelle and Curt Compagnone ’12 Manhattan, Kan., May 15, 2022. Mikyla Soul to Ben Leiter and Melisa Leiter-Grandison ’12 Holyoke, Mass., March 6, 2022. Kai Lee to Antowine ‘12 and Phoebe Barton Lamb ‘15 Goddard, Kan., May 2, 2022. Quinn Evelyn to Matthew and Royce Allen to Josh ’14 and Stephanie ’13 Dunback Derby, Kan., May 24, 2022. Santiago to James Earl to Garrett and Cami Engelbert Taylor ‘15 Wichita, Kan., May 3, 2022. Brinkley Katherine to Kellie and Chris Rakowski ’16 Olympia, Wash., January 26, 2022. Ivy Elizabeth to Sarah and Ethan Winter ’17 Colwich, Kan. May 26, 2022. Alexis to Austin ‘18 and Samantha Cotell Dowler ’18 Higganum, Conn., March 30, 2022.

Eula Mae Murrey Goodfellow ’56, Lyons, Kan., February 10, 2022.

Jeanette Slaughter Stump ’59, McPherson, May 4, 2022.

Dallas W. Wine ’64, Imperial, Neb., March 12, 2022.

Gladys Shank Naylor ‘39, McPherson, May 16, 2022.

Isaac A. Grillo ’55, Ibadan, Nigeria, April 4, 2022.

Nolan G. Howell ’64, McPherson, March 1, 2022.

Edward M. Allgood ‘67, Iowa City, Iowa, February 6, 2022. Judy Harris Carey ’67, Charlevoix, Mich., February 13, 2022. Walter B. Steward, Jr. ’67, Mason, Mich., May 22, 2021. Janet Knackstedt Crago ’68, Colorado Springs, Colo., February 3, 2022.

Ila Crumpacker McNabb ’43, Hemet, Calif., September 15, 2021.

Genevieve Wyckoff Lounsbury ’43, Susanville, Calif., March 4, 2022.

Carolyn to Elizabeth and Lane Allison ‘12 McPherson, February 2, 2022.

Dale Shenefelt ’57, Ames, Iowa, May 20, 2022. Melvin Behnke ’58, McPherson, February 22, 2022.

Adelphia Borgstrom Lobban ’49, Salina, Kan., August 10, 2021.

Fernando Alaniz ’96, Wasco, Calif., February 7, 2022.

Pauline Hess Knight ’53, Flora, Ind., February 15, 2022.

31SPRING 2022 alumni notes

Noel R. Grove ’59, Paris, Va., January 8, 2022.

60 YEARS Dennis ’64 and Cathryn Rodeffer ’64 Moyer Harleysville, Pa., December 23, 2021.


Roberta Mohler Reed ’48, McPherson, February 15, 2022. Alice Bailey Stern ’48, Whidbey Island, Wash., April 16, 2022.

O. Darius Miller ’57, Westcliffe, Colo., March 4, 2022.

Wilma Staats Dell Thiele ’50, Colby, Kan., May 5, 2021.

Njidda M. Gadzama ’64, Borno State, Nigeria, April 10, 2022.

Gary P. Schuster ’69, Dacula, Ga., November 1, 2021.

Gary L. Clifton ’70, Geneseo, Kan., January 22, 2022.

Diane Merrifield Stauffer ’70, Elkhorn, Neb., May 15, 2022. Marilyn Dyson Thompson ’70, Red Bud, Ill., February 2, 2021. Larry M. Moorman ’72, St. Augustine, Fla., December 7, 2021. Mary Ann Peterson Olund ’72, Venice, Fla., April 8, 2022.

Thomas D. Taylor ’55, Dodge City, Kan., December 24, 2021.

Peter Jeffrey to Sabrina Coomber and Pete Fisher ’13 Chatham, Ontario, Canada, May 30, 2022. Raymond Allen to Christopher ’13 and Catherine Bettles Moyer ’13 Goessel, Kan., August 3, 2021.

Nancy Dayton Brooks ’57, Topeka, Kan., December 29, 2021.

65 YEARS Lyle ’57 and Marlene Moats ’56 Neher Grundy Center, Iowa, December 26, 2021.

Walker Evan to Ryan and Allison Hartley Swigert ’12 Emporia, Kan. June 15, 2021

Thea Roxanne to Luke and Brittany Childs Mann ’19 Brielle “Brie” to Michel and Joyce Muhizi Ngoga ’19 Flowery Branch, Ga., February 1, 2022. Jalen Amilio to Jazmin Hernandez and Jordan Windholz ’18 Dumas, Texas, June 7, 2022. Hudson Charles to Clay Haggard ’00 Davidsonville, Md., February 28, 2022.

Wilma Smith Shank ’52, Abilene, Kan., May 12, 2022. Keith Allison ’53, Marion, Kan., March 3, 2022.

C. Albert Guyer ’51, Martinsburg, Pa., February 28, 2022.

Alberta Ebbert Grosbach ’55, McPherson, May 18, 2022.

50 YEARS Paul ’70 and Alice Jane Smith ’72 Tice Thomasville, Pa., July 10, 2021.


Dean McKellip ’57, Boise, Idaho, June 13, 2022.

then 32 review MCPHERSON COLLEGE MAGAZINE Digitized issues of the Spectator and other McPherson College publications can be found at: 1922 Teacher Education Graduates

Kaden Tichenor - Kindergarten, McPherson, KS

Jocelyn Mabery - grad school applicant for Educational Leadership in TX

Katherine Saul - Social Studies, Garden City, KS

Alyssa Wilson - Science, Leavenworth, KS Ellis Woodruff - grad school applicant for Sports Administration in TX

Peyton Morris - 1st grade, Hutchinson, KS

& now 33SPRING 2022

Tori Maples - Science, Hutchinson, KS

Colton Chamberlain - English, Trenton, TX

Senior capstone project list for the class of ‘22 can be found at:

Ahren Turner - PE and Health, coaching, Nashville, AR

2022 Teacher Education Graduates Teaching positions and grad school pursuits:

Ryan Bosque - Resource Specialist, Fremont, CA

Hannah Wedel - Deaf/Blind Education Masters program at UN—Lincoln

Alexandra Gipson - SPED teacher 1-2 grades, Harrison, AR

McPherson College 1600 East Euclid PO Box McPherson,1402KS 67460 Non-Profit PermitOrganizationU.S.PostagePAID#1148Wichita,KS A portion of the publication cost for the Review comes from Docuplex in Wichita, Kan. - Come see the big changes happening at McPherson College! HOMECOMING 22 OCTOBER 14-16, 2022 McPherson College Campus Join us for a ‘Coming Soon’ campus tour as part of

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