MCEL Annual Report 2022

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1 Table of contents Celebrating Aalt Willem, Hildegard and Bruno.................................................................2 Management Team..........................................................................................................6 New Members 7 Goodbye..........................................................................................................................8 Visiting Researchers......................................................................................................10 Trainees 11 Activities.........................................................................................................................12 Research seminars 17 Forums 19 Publications by MCEL Members....................................................................................23 Books 23 Edited Books 23 Chapters in Books......................................................................................................25 PhD Theses 30 Articles in Journals .....................................................................................................30 Reports.......................................................................................................................33 Case Notes 34 Reviews......................................................................................................................34 Blogs 35 Speeches ...................................................................................................................36 Master Working Paper Series........................................................................................37

Celebrating Aalt Willem, Hildegard and Bruno

In 2022 we celebrated the career and retirement of three MCEL members: Aalt Willem Heringa, Hildegard Schneider and Bruno De Witte.

On 25 March 2022, Aalt Willem Heringa held his valedictory lecture entitled ‘In Courts We Trust’ (that can still be viewed here and is available in print here). He reflected on the often ignored role of courts as defenders of the rule of law and parliamentary democracy. He presented proposals on how to embed this essential role and function of courts into the Dutch constitutional order.

During his career Aalt Willem has left a unique mark as professor of (comparative) constitutional and administrative law, director of studies and department chair. Aalt Willem was for many years Dean of our faculty

He was director of the Montesquieu Institute Maastricht. He also co-founded the European Law School.

We presented a book to Aalt Willem that contains blogs and essays. The contributions to this book, entitled (L)AW Matters, are rich in variety, reflecting Aalt Willem’s broad research interests. The authors discuss EU and Dutch constitutional law, human rights law and legal education. They give reflections on the past, present and future of these fields of law and also make links to Aalt Willem’s work including personal notes of praise, deep appreciation and gratitude.

Prior to this lecture, we organised a farewell symposium

‘Between the Hague and Brussels: Constitutional law, fundamental rights and the EU’s multi-layered legal order’, where several colleagues reflected on constitutional law from a local to global perspective as well as fundamental rights in the European constitutional space

The farewell interview with Aalt Willem can be found here


On 10 June 2022 Hildegard held her valedictory lecture entitled: ‘Crossing borders: Challenges and Chances’. In her lecture Hildegard reflected on the problems relating to crossing borders and also remembered the history of the Law faculty. During her career Hildegard has been working on topics of migration, recognition of diplomas, law and art and cultural heritage. Importantly, she contributed with her publications to the academic debate and to the shaping of EU law and policies on this matter. She also set up another research institute: Macimide and created ITEM, the Faculty’s expertise Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility. For many years Hildegard was also Dean of our faculty. During her academic career Hildegard has always been well aware of the challenges women experience in academia and of the cost of losing women for academia. As one of the first women professors at the Faculty, she has served as a role model, a mentor and a source of inspiration for generations of students, PhD researchers, young academics, colleagues and peers. As a current member of the Dutch Unesco Commission, Hildegard keeps the dossier ‘women in academia’ in her portfolio and we are confident that she will make an important contribution to improve the position of women in academia.

We presented a Liber Amicorum to Hildegard entitled ‘The Art of Moving Borders’. This title perfectly combines Hildegard’s academic motivations, dedication and major contributions during her long-standing professional career. She has successfully moved, reframed and challenged many traditional conceptions of ‘borders’ and frontiers in European studies and what is more, she has made an art of it. Her motivating energy and enthusiasm together with her openmindedness to cooperate and join forces with colleagues from other disciplines has resulted in many interdisciplinary collaborations and initiatives. The contributors to the book discuss the broad range of topics that Hildegard has studied in her career ranging from migration and citizenship, recognition of diplomas, competition, legal history, art and law ad cultural heritage. They view Hildegard as an artist in European Law and migration studies.

At the farewell symposium we organised for Hildegard under the same name as the Liber Amicorum, various colleagues reflected on the current challenges in EU citizenship and migration law with a particular attention to the situation of Ukrainians. The farewell interview with Hildegard can be found here.


On 7 October 2022 Bruno De Witte held his valedictory lecture that was devoted to the question ‘How much critical distance in the academic study of European law?’ (which can still be viewed here). In this lecture Bruno presented some reflections on what could be called the sociology of the academic discipline of European Union law: what is the proper role of academics who study EU law and how, in particular, should they relate to the work of the practitioners of European law who are active in the institutions of the European Union and the many other EU bodies and agencies? While proximity between legal scholars and legal practitioners exists in many fields of the law, it is particularly marked in the field of European law. Bruno delved into the reasons for that close relationship and on the normative question of how much critical distance EU law scholars should keep towards the EU institutions.

Prior to the valedictory lecture, we organised a more informal farewell symposium on ‘Making Sense of European Union Law’ which is also the title of the Liber Amicarum offered to Bruno.

The title of the symposium and the Liber Amicarum refers to our work as scholars which is, in Bruno’s view, to make sense of things.

Bruno’s own contribution to the study of European law is consistently well-informed, thoroughly researched, razorsharp and elegantly worded. The contributors to the book attempt to ‘make sense of European Union law’ by reflecting and commenting on current issues, in dialogue with Bruno. In essence they look at Bruno’s Europe. They also try to make sense of Bruno De Witte, revealing the many faces of the scholar Bruno: the generalist, the legal pragmatist, the pioneer, the trapeze artist, the polyglot, the fox and the hedgehog, the eagle… as well as the many faces of the person who Bruno is: generous, responsive, inclusive, warm, sharp, engaging, critical, attentive, humorous

The farewell symposium addressed various of these topics, paying tribute to the many faces of Bruno.


We presented another book to Bruno that contained shorter and more personal stories of the many colleagues with whom Bruno has worked in Maastricht and whom he has inspired throughout his career.

Bruno also left a mark specifically on MCEL, since he was its co-founder (together with Ellen Vos) of MCEL in February 2011. We would like to express our gratitude for his invaluable contributions to our Centre and the Faculty in the course of the last three decades.

The farewell interview with Bruno can be found here

Thank you for everything, Aalt Willem, Hildegard and Bruno!

We are very happy that Hildegard and Bruno will stay on as an emeritus professors and will remain members of MCEL


Management Team

Ellen Vos MCEL co-director Bruno De Witte MCEL co-director Annalisa Volpato MCEL seminars coordinator Matteo Bonelli MCEL website coordinator Elin Börjedal MCEL forums coordinator Merijn Chamon MCEL reports coordinator Valentina Golunova MCEL website coordinator

New Members

Eleonora di Franco holds an LL.B. in Law from the University of York (UK) and an LL.M. in European Public Law and Governance (cum laude) from Maastricht University. She works in a combined position as a lecturer and PhD researcher at the Department of International and European Law. Her PhD project examines the role of SLAPPs as a specific legal form of obstruction of public participation and legal measures to counter the shrinking of civic space within the EU legal order. Her research interests lie primarily in EU constitutional law, the protection of the Rule of Law, and European judicial dialogue on human rights.

Martina Coli holds a Master’s Degree in European Studies from the University of Florence and an LL.M. in EU Law from the College of Europe. Martina is currently a double PhD candidate at the Department of International and European Law of Maastricht University and at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Florence. Her research focuses on the justiciability of the European founding values under Article 2 TEU. Martina’s research interests primarily concern EU Law, in particular the enforcement of EU values, the protection of fundamental rights and the competences of the Union.


In 2022 we said goodbye to our dear colleague Sabrina Röttger Wirtz, who decided to leave academia and take up a management position at the research Centre Jülich in Aachen. Sabrina graduated from the LLB European law School programme and two master programmes European Law School and Globalisation and Law of Maastricht University. She joined MCEL to write her PhD that she defended in 2017. Her book The Interplay of Global Standards and EU Pharmaceutical Regulation: The International Council for Harmonisation was published by Hart Publishing. She became assistant professor in EU law in 2017. She organised and chaired MCEL’s seminars for many years. She was also member of the MCEL management team for many years.

We would like to thank Sabrina very much for her invaluable contributions to the activities of MCEL and the Faculty and the numerous publications she produced. We wish her all the best in her current job!

On 28 June Mathias Müller successfully defended his PhD thesis on ‘Transparent Enforcement Access to Information related to the Monitoring of EU Environmental Law: The Case of the EU Emissions Trading System’. We wish him all the best in his future career!


On 29 September Eva van Ooij defended her PhD Thesis entitled ‘Highly Mobile Workers and the Coordination of Social Security in the EU: Opening and Closing Pandora’s Box’. We wish her a brilliant future career!

Michał Krajewski joined MCEL as an Assistant Professor in EU Law in August. In November he joined the European Ombudsman. We wish him a lot of success and look forward to collaborating in the future.


Visiting Researchers

In 2022 MCEL hosted several visiting scholars. Amongst them were: Elsa Fernando Gonzalo (PhD researcher at Salamanca University), Robin Gadbled (Research Coordinator at the Institute for European Law at KU Leuven, and a Re:constitution post-doctoral fellow), Ylenia Maria Citino (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Political Sciences (DISP) in Luiss Guido Carli University and Research Member of the Center of Parliamentary Studies (CESP) in Rome), Andrea Conzutti (PhD candidate in Constitutional Law at the Universities of Trieste and Udine), Francesco Liguori (PhD candidate at the Sapienza University of Rome), Maria Kalogirou (PhD Candidate at the University Paris Nanterre) and Lisette Mustert (PhD candidate at the University of Luxembourg).



In the academic years 2021-2022; 2022-2023, MCEL was supported by the following trainees:

Eliza Wójcik is a student of the LL B European Law School programme at Maastricht University (traineeship Sept 2021 –Jan. 2023)

Margot Robins is a student of the LL.B. European Law School programme at Maastricht University (traineeship Sept. 2021 –Sept. 2022).

Natália Racková is a student of the LL.B. European Law School at Maastricht University (traineeship Sept. 2021 – Sept. 2022).



In January, Annalisa Volpato, Mariolina Eliantonio, Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz and Kathryn Wright organised an online conference ‘Transparency and Participation in the Face of Scientific Discovery’. It addressed the role of transparency and participation of civil society in situations characterised by wicked problems of risk regulation as a way to strengthen the effectiveness of open EU decision-making. Annalisa presented ‘Public Participation in the Greening of the Farm-to-Fork policy: the Case of Pesticides’ , Mariolina discussed ‘Soft Law Behind the Scenes: Transparency, Participation, and the EU Soft Law Making Process’ and Sabrina presented sectoralised transparency in EU risk regulation – the visibility of science in the EU agencies. The keynote speech was given by the European Ombudsman, Ms. Emily O’Reilly.

In February, Sarah Schoenmaekers organised the Symposium on ‘The EU Culturally Corrected Market Economy’ at the Open University in Heerlen. MCEL member Bruno De Witte, also gave a presentation. During the symposium, speakers and participants exchanged views on the interaction between culture, language and the economy and more specifically about the extent to which there is room for national and regional cultural and linguistic policies within the internal market. The concept of national identity was discussed as national identity concerns are very much related to culture and language and are currently often invoked by the Member States to deviate from European policy goals. The symposium was concluded by the inaugural lecture of Sarah Schoenmaekers who was inaugurated as Endowed Professor of European Law, more specifically in the area of the ‘culturally corrected market economy’ at the Open University. Ellen Vos organised with her partners of the Horizon2020 project REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders the online European Policy Workshop ‘Precaution for responsible innovation’ on 22-23 February.

In March, Marjan Peeters was the keynote speaker at the Inaugural Conference ‘European Climate of Change – REACT’. She presented on the topic ‘Towards climate neutrality in the EU: the role of law’. The speech can be viewed here. Marjan also gave a presentation entitled ‘Climate litigation regarding EU regulatory approaches: Lessons and prospects’ at the Annual Conference on EU Environmental Law 2022 in Trier, Germany ***


In April, Lisa Waddington participated in the Workshop ‘Tribute to the Work of Professor Bernadette McSherry’ and presented on ‘The Right to Participate in Juries of Persons with Sensory Disabilities’ .


In May, Lisa Waddington was part of the Disability Rights Working Group Conference on ‘Inclusive Post-Secondary Education and Persons with Disabilities’, taking place online on 6 May and organised by Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality & AntiDiscrimination Law. She presented a key-note lecture on ‘Dutch Disability Discrimination Law and Further and Higher Education: A Case Study’. Moreover, Lisa took part in the Digital Equality Workshop also organised by this Center on 17 May and presented there on ‘Digitalisation and Digital Transformation in Europe: Implications for Persons with Disabilities – reflections on EU and National Strategies and Plans’ Lisa co-organised a Final training event and conference of Disability Advocacy Research in Europe (DARE), together with EDF, between 9 and 13 May. On 11 May Ellen Vos and her partners of the Horizon2020 project REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders (RECIPES) organised the final dissemination conference ‘Precaution for Responsible Innovation: New Options to Move Forward’, in Brussels. Merijn Chamon also gave a lecture and case study in an EJTN-ERA seminar for court staff devoted to the rule of law crisis in the EU on 18 and 19 May in Vienna. ***

In June, Lisa Waddington presented ‘Disability in Times of Emergency: Exponential Inequalities and the Role of Reasonable Accommodation Duties’ at the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) Annual Seminar, Beyond Crises: The Future of Equality Law, Pembroke College, Oxford.

Annalisa Volpato and Mariolina Eliantonio, together with Herwig Hoffman and Andreas Orator, organised a Conference entitled ‘EU Agencies before the Court of Justice’ that took place on 2 and 3 June at the University of Luxembourg and brought together EU law scholars and practitioners to reflect on the particular issues raised by the judicial review of EU agencies’ activities by the Court of Justice of the EU. At this conference, Ellen Vos and Mariolina acted as chairs of the panels, while Annalisa gave a presentation on ‘Judicial review of decisions of agencies’ Boards of Appeal’. At the same conference, Merijn Chamon gave a presentation on ‘A silent revolution: EU agencies’ right to intervene in direct actions’. At the margin of this conference, Merijn, Annalisa and Mariolina also hosted the book launch of their edited volume on ‘Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies: Towards Judicialization of Administrative Review?’. The launch consisted of a


presentation of the main findings by Merijn and a lively discussion between Paul Nihoul, Judge at the General Court, and Carsten Zatschler, Member of the Joint Board of Appeal of the ESAs. The book, published by Oxford University Press, is the first in English to zoom in on the peculiar nature and functioning of the Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies. The different chapters draw from presentations given in the workshop organised by GLawNet and supported by the TARN Network at the Maastricht University Campus in Brussels in September 2020.

On 10 June, Merijn Chamon presented ‘The Joint Board of Appeal as an Accountability Mechanism for the ESAs’ at a conference on ‘Legal Accountability in EU Markets for Financial Instruments’, organised by Uppsala University and the EUI.

Franco Peirone, Matteo Bonelli and Mariolina took part in a Seminar ‘Constitutionalism and Populism: a book discussion’ organised by GLawNet and Montesquieu Institute of UM on 14 June. Matteo and Mariolina provided a brief introduction after which Franco Peirone, together with Monica Claes and André Nunes Chaib, led the discussion.

On 16-17 June Bruno De Witte, together with Mark Dawson and Elise Muir, organised a conference entitled ‘Revisiting Judicial Politics in the European Union’ at the EUI Bruno presented a paper on ‘Judicial Control of the Politics of Differentiated Integration’ Luca Knuth and Ellen Vos presented a paper on the review of science-based decisions by the European Courts.

Furthermore, several MCEL members participated in the event ‘State of affairs, challenges and opportunities in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’ that took place on 23 June. Matteo together with Mateus Carvalho presented on ‘Mutual trust and judicial independence in the EAW system’ in a session chaired by Mariolina. Franco presented on ‘The significance of Anti-Corruption for the EU Rule of Law’.

On 27 June, Vigjilenca Abazi, Merijn and Matteo organised a workshop dedicated to ‘The Conditionality Regulation: Bottom-Up Monitoring of the Rule of Law’ in the Campus Brussels of Maastricht University.

Mathias Müller defended his PhD thesis entitled ‘Transparent Enforcement Access to Information related to the Monitoring of EU Environmental Law: The Case of the EU Emissions Trading System’ on 28 June.


The academic year 2022/2023 was inaugurated with the Opening Event – ‘The Conference for the Future of Europe: Legal Perspectives on the Way ahead’ on 20 September.

During the conference, Federico FabbriniProfessor of EU Law at Dublin City University and fellow in Law at Princeton University - and Ivo Belet - expert at the cabinet of European Commission Vice-President Dubravka Šuica - presented their insights on the way forward for the ambitious project of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

The speakers focused on the process and prospects raised by the Conference and on the possible future actions to be undertaken. The discussion was led with a dialogue format by Merijn Chamon and Pauline Melin. The opening and closing speech were respectively made by EllenVos and Annalisa Volpato.

On 29 September Eva van Ooij defended her PhD Thesis entitled ‘Highly Mobile Workers and the Coordination of Social Security in the EU: Opening and Closing Pandora’s Box’

In October, the first MCEL seminar of the academic year gave MCEL members an occasion to share their current research activities and plans for the coming year, including book publications, the organisation of workshops and research projects.

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In November, MCEL organised a Visiting PhD Forum. In this special event, four visiting PhDs - Francesco Liguori, La Sapienza University, Lisette Mustert, University of Luxembourg, Nicola Bergamaschi, University of Bologna and Maria Kalogirou, Paris Nanterre University - presented insights on their respective research. Francesco gave his presentation on ‘Judicial review and EU Soft law’. Lisette presented ‘The European Data Protection Board as a watchdog of correct and consistent GDPR enforcement’ In the second part of the event, Nicola gave his presentation on ‘The normative content of the principle of autonomy of EU law’. Maria’s presentation was entitled ‘A Study on Surrogacy Arrangements in the Light of the Principle of Freedom of Movement Enshrined in EU Law’. The presentations were followed by questions and the event was followed by drinks. ***

In December, a study on legal migration and attracting talent to the EU was co-authored by MCEL member Lilian Tsourdi for the European Parliament. On the 1st December, Lilian presented the study together with Tesseltje De Lange from Radboud University, before the European Parliament’s LIBE Committee where the findings were debated by the rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs of the relevant legislative files.


Research seminars

The MCEL research seminars are monthly research events for which distinguished scholars are invited to talk about current legal developments in EU law. The following research seminars took place in 2022:

In January, Nicolas Rennuy (York University) delivered a presentation on ‘Posted workers, judges and smokescreens: narrowing the gap in judicial control’. The presentation expanded on the issue of lack of jurisdiction for posted workers wanting to challenge the decision on which social security law applies to them. It also proposed a fundamental rethinking of this adjudicative jurisdiction, premised on the idea that no administrative decision is to be unchallengeable in practice. Pauline Melin acted as discussant during the meeting.

In February, the fifth MCEL Research Seminar of the academic year 2021/2022 took place and featured Ioanna Hadjiyianni, a Lecturer in Public Law at the University of Cyprus. Her presentation covered ‘New Frontiers of EU Funding: The Emergence of Environmentally Purposeful Revenue and Green Conditionality in Expenditure’. She explored different mechanisms for aligning EU funding with green policy priorities and analyzed the levy on non-recyclable plastic, the introduction of new own resources based on the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), and the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and new mechanisms. Annalisa Volpato acted as discussant.

In March MCEL hosted Harm Schepel (University of Kent) Harm Schepel’s presentation was entitled ‘EULaw as Investment Protection Law’. It reflected on different judgments of the ECJ finding Article 17 of the EU Charter applicable on the grounds that legislation that is capable of restricting the free movement of capital should be considered as ‘implementing’ EU law.


In April, the Seventh Research Seminar of the academic year 2021/2022 took place. At this meeting Paul Dermine (référendaire at the Court of Justice) gave a presentation entitled ‘The Economic and Monetary Union after COVID-19’. The presentation expanded on the main challenge of the Economic and Monetary Union after the COVID-19 outbreak. Marijn van der Sluis acted as discussant.

In May, MCEL’s Research Seminar featured Andrej Auersperger Matić, a Legal Adviser in the Legal Department of the European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels. He offered a presentation about his book ‘Just Words: The Effectiveness of Civil Justice in European Human Rights Jurisprudence’ published in July 2020 by Cambridge University Press. This piece discusses the development of effective civil justice through European Human Right Law.

In June, MCEL’s last Research Seminar of the academic year 2021/2022 was a joint event with GLawNet. The meeting featured Elaine Fahey (Institute for the Study of European Law (ISEL), the City Law School, University of London). She gave a presentation on ‘The EU as a Global Digital Actor: Institutionalising Global Data Protection, Trade, and Cybersecurity’ . Marjan Peeters acted as discussant during the meeting.

In November, we hosted Cecilia Rizcallah (Université Saint-Louis, Brussels) She gave a presentation entitled ‘Articulating EU Fundamental Rights. How to organise unity in diversity in the fragmented landscape of fundamental freedoms in Europe?’. Monica Claes acted as discussant.


In December, MCEL held another joint MCEL and GLawNet event and had the pleasure to host Vanessa Franssen (University of Leuven) Vanessa delivered a presentation entitled ‘EPPO, E-evidence and cooperation duties of service providers in criminal investigations’


MCEL also organises forums where MCEL members - PhD scholars as well as more senior scholars - present their current research or discuss current developments in the law.

In January, Phedon Nicolaides gave a presentation on ‘The latest case law on Covid-19 state aid and the principle of nondiscrimination’. He discussed the Commission decisions authorising state aid in individual measures or schemes, against which Ryanair brought proceedings before the EU Courts, highlighting a problematic tension between the decisions and the principle of nondiscrimination in Article 18 TFEU.

In February, Nuno Albuquerque Matos, MCEL visiting researcher, presented his PhD research entitled ‘Balancing European Union Economic Integration’. His presentation was followed by MCEL member Matteo Bonelli presenting on judicial independence before the Court of Justice.


In March, Karolina Podstawa presented a casebook that she, together with other colleagues in the TRIIAL project, completed. The casebook focuses on the pragmatic use of judicial independence by legal professionals and presents an overview of the case law from different Member States echoing the European level of discussions.

In April, Vigjilenca Abazi gave a presentation on ‘Bottomup transparency in times of Covid-19: Whistleblowing as a remedy to misinformation and censorship’. She discussed the relevant cases in China, USA, and Europe of censorship and (work) retaliation against those speaking up and seeking to provide transparency, after many governments and companies intentionally did not disclose information or failed to do so on time, misled the public or promoted false beliefs, in the Covid-19 pandemic.

In May, Susanne Sivonen presented her studies on cross- border ambulance care and public procurement in times of COVID-19 crisis, in the context of the Pandemric project conducted by the ITEM research project, with Sarah Schoenmaekers as the work package leader. The presentation, as usual, was followed by questions from the audience and a discussion round.


In June, MCEL members discussed how one determines the quality of research and what publication strategies one can develop. In the second part, Elsa Fernando Gonzalo, a visiting researcher and PhD candidate at the University of Salamanca (JCyL grantee), presented the EU’s informalization of readmission policy. Her presentation aimed to give a general overview of a trend in EU migration policy based on the conclusion of informal readmission agreements. This meeting concluded the Forums of the academic year 2021/2022.

In October, MCEL’s Research Forum hosted Ylenia Maria Citino and Michał Krajewski who presented the outcomes of their research projects. Ylenia presented her fellowship re:constitution project with the title ‘Curbing the Excess Power of Very Large Online Platforms in the European Public Sphere: What Room for a Constitutional Scrutiny?’. Michał presented his paper entitled ‘Judicial Deference and Scientific Uncertainty: Expanding the Boundaries of the EU Rule of Law’. Both presentations were followed by questions and a discussion round.

In November, MCEL Research Forum hosted Martina Coli, PhD candidate in EU law at the Universities of Florence and Maastricht, and MCEL members Alex Soroiu and Mateus Correia de Carvalho. Martina presented her research project entitled ‘The Operationalization of EU Values in the Practice of the Institutions: the Rule of Law as a Case Study’, while Alex and Mateus presented their case note on ‘Lawtify Premium: Public.Resource.Org (T-185/19), a Judicial Take on Standardisation and Public Access to Law’ published in the Review of European Administrative Law.


In MCEL’s Research Forum of December, Merijn Chamon discussed the Court of Justice’s ruling in Case C-24/20. In his presentation, Merijn focused on the general institutional implications of the Court's judgment and how the Court’s arguable strengthening of the Community Method relates to the institutional balance between Commission, Council and Parliament.


Publications by MCEL Members


Merijn Chamon, The European Parliament and Delegated Legislation, London: Hart Publishing, 2022, 232 p.

Šejla Imamović, The Architecture of Fundamental Rights in the European Union, London: Hart Publishing, 2022, 256 p.

Annalisa Volpato, Delegation of Powers in the EU Legal System, Oxon/New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2022, 308 p.

Edited Books

Matteo Bonelli & Anne Pieter van der Mei, Working with Bruno. Contributions in honour of Bruno De Witte, De Bilt: ProefschriftMaken, 2022, 134 p.


Merijn Chamon, Annalisa Volpato & Mariolina Eliantonio (eds), Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies: Towards Judicialization of Administrative Review?, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. 368 p.

Monica Claes & Ellen Vos (eds), Making Sense of European Union Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2022, 116 p.

Jurgen de Poorter; Gerhard Van der Schyff; Maarten Stremler, et al. (eds), European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2021: Constitutional Advice, The Hague: TMC Asser Press, 2022, 276 p..

Sascha Hardt, Mariolina Eliantonio & Anne Pieter van der Mei (eds), (L)AW MATTERS : Blogs and Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Aalt Willem Heringa, De Bilt :, 2022, 274 p.


Pauline Melin, Sarah Schoenmaekers, Sergio Carrera, et al. (eds),The Art of Moving Borders : Liber Amicorum Hildegard Schneider, The Hague: Eleven Publishers, 2022, 536 p.

Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi & Philippe De Bruycker (eds), Research Handbook on EU Migration and Asylum Law, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, 542 p.

Chapters in Books

Matteo Bonelli, 'Article 47 of the Charter, Effective Judicial Protection and the (Procedural) Autonomy of the Member States', in M. Bonelli, M. Eliantonio and G. Gentile (eds), Article 47 of the EU Charter and Effective Judicial Protection, Hart Publishing, 2022, pp. 81-98.

Maja Brkan, 'Privacy, Data Protection and the Role of Courts', in G. Gonzalez Fuster, R. van Brakel and P. De Hert (eds), Research Handbook on Privacy and Data Protection Law: Values, Norms and Global Politics, Cheltenham/Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 274-302.

Andrea Broderick, ‘Disability Anti-discrimination Law’, in Jan Smits, Jakko Husa, Catherine Valcke and Madalena Narcisco (eds) Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.

Andrea Broderick and Delia Ferri, Delia, ‘Global ICT Accessibility Standards in the EU Legal Order: ‘Europeanization’ through Indirect Incorporation’ in Mariolina Eliantonio, Annalisa Volpato and Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz (eds), Global Standards and EU Law: Challenges for EU Administrative Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.


Sergio Carrera, Katharina Eisele, Pauline Melin and Vankova Zvezda, 'Towards a Fair EU Labour Migration Policy – From Tampere to Lisbon – From Lisbon to the Pact, and Back to Maastricht', in P. Melin, S. Schoenmaekers, S. Carrera and Y. Michielsen (eds), The Art of Moving Borders, Eleven, 2022, pp. 59-86.

Merijn Chamon, 'Lowering the Threshold for Finding Implied Powers: Opinion 1/03 (Lugano Convention)', in G. Butler and R. Wessel (eds), EU External Relations Law: The Cases in Context, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2022, pp. 489-500.

Merijn Chamon and Marise Cremona, 'The Representation of the EU and its Member States in Multilateral Fora', in N. Levrat, Y. Kaspiarovich, C. Kaddous and R. Wessel (eds), The AMP Antarctique Effect, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2022, pp. 97114.

Merijn Chamon and D. Fromage, 'Between Added Value and Untapped Potential: The Boards of Appeal in the Field of EU Financial Regulation', in M. Chamon, A. Volpato and M. Eliantonio (eds), Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies - Towards Judicialization of Administrative Review?, New York, Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. 8-33.

Merijn Chamon, Annalisa Volpato and Mariolina Eliantonio, 'Conclusion', in M. Chamon, A. Volpato and M. Eliantonio (eds), Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies: Towards Judicialization of Administrative Review?, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. 321-333.

Merijn Chamon, Annalisa Volpato and Mariolina Eliantonio, 'Introduction', in M. Chamon, A. Volpato and M. Eliantonio (eds), Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies: Towards Judicialization of Administrative Review?, New York, Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. 1-7.

Monica Claes, 'The Netherlands', in M. Claes, S. Griller, L. Papadopoulou, S. Griller, L. Papadopoulos and R. Puff (eds), National Constitutions and EU Integration, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2022, pp. 533-552.

Monica Claes, 'The equality of the Member States', in K. Ziegler, P. Neuvonen and V. Moreno-Lax (eds), Research Handbook on General Principles of EU Law, Cheltenham/Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 99-117.

Sjoerd Claessens, 'The Impact on Professional Requirements on the Academic nature of a Law Curriculum', in A. W. Heringa, S. Hardt, R. Salman and R. Ristawati (eds),


Legal Education in the 21st Century, The Hague, Eleven, 2022, pp. 47-59.

Sjoerd Claessens, 'Mentoring at a Distance', in M. Bonelli, A. P. van der Mei and F. Maes (eds), Working with Bruno, ProefschriftMaken, 2022, pp. 32-33.

Sjoerd Claessens, 'Moot Court Competitions in Legal Curricula - Lessons from Archaeology?', in P. Melin, S. Schoenmaekers, S. Carrera and Y. Michielsen (eds), The Art of Moving Borders, The Hague, Eleven, 2022, pp. 361-367.

Sjoerd Claessens, 'To Boldly Go where No One has Gone Before: Modern Legal Curriculum Building', in S. Hardt, M. Eliantonio and A. P. van der Mei (eds), (L)AW Matters, De Bilt,, 2022, pp. 235-238.

Gerard-René de Groot and Sjoerd Claessens, 'Legal Education and the Legal Profession', in L. van den Herik, E. Hondius and W. Voermans (eds), Introduction to Dutch Law, Deventer, Wolters Kluwer, 2022, pp. 59-67.

Gerard-René de Groot and Hildegard Schneider, 'Kid Schwarz en de banden tussen Nederland en Nederlands-Indië', in M. Faure, J. Hamers, M. Olaerts and M. Verbrugh (eds), Eindeloos getob, Deventer, Wolters Kluwer, 2022, pp. 467-476.

Jurgen de Poorter, Gerhard Van der Schyff, Maarten Stremler and Maartje de Visser, 'Introduction: Mapping the Emerging Field of Constitutional Advice', in J. de Poorter, G. van der Schyff, M. Stremler and M. De Visser (eds), European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2021: Constitutional Advice, The Hague, TMC Asser Press, 2022, pp. 1-11.

Kristel de Smedt and Ellen Vos, 'The application of the precautionary principle in the EU', in H. A. Mieg (ed.), The Responsibility of Science, Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022, pp. 163-186.

Bruno De Witte and Flore Vanackère, 'EMU Mixity - Overlap between EU and Member States Action in Economic Governance', in N. Levrat, Y. Kaspiarovich, C. Kaddous and R. Wessel (eds), The EU and its Member States' Joint Participation in International Agreements, London, Hart Publishing, 2022, pp. 117-130.

Giulia Gentile, 'Article 47 Charter in the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU: between EU constitutional essentialism and the enhancement of justice in the Member States', in C. Mak and B. Kas (eds), Civil Courts and the European Polity: The constitutional role of private law adjudication in Europe, Hart Publihsing, 2022.


Valentina Golunova, 'In Tech we Trust? Fixing the Evolutionary Interpretation by the Court of Justice of the Prohibition of General Monitoring in the Era of Automated Content Moderation', in E. Psychogiopoulou and S. de la Sierra (eds), Digital Media Governance and Supranational Courts, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 53-71.

Valentina Golunova and Eline Labey, 'Judges of Online Legality', in P. Czech, L. Heschl, K. Lukas, M. Nowak and G. Oberleitner (eds), Towards Effective User Redress in the Digital Environment, Cambridge/Antwerp/Chicago, Intersentia, 2022, pp. 105136.

Tamara K. Hervey and Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz, 'The European Union: Legal Response to Covid-19', in J. King and O. Ferraz (eds), The Oxford Compendium of National Legal Responses to Covid-19, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022.

Elizabeth Mavropoulou and Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi, 'Solidarity as Normative Rationale for Differential Treatment: Common but Differentiated Responsibilities from International Environmental to EU Asylum Law?', in M. In den Heijer and H. van der Wilt (eds), Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2020, The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2022, pp. 311-342.

Andrea Ott, 'No general treaty-making power of the Commission to conclude international administrative agreements: France v. Commission', in G. Butler and R. Wessel (eds), EU External Relations Law: The Cases in Context, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2022.

Andrea Ott and Eva Kassoti, 'Sustainable Europe and its global reach: Introduction', in, Sustainable Europe and its global reach, 2022.

Andrea Ott and Benedikt Pirker, 'The EU's norm diffusion to Switzerland - A la carte and in pieces?', in D. Fromage (ed.), (Re) defining membership: Differentiation in and outside of the European Union, Oxford University Press, 2022.

Marjan Peeters, 'Een halve eeuw na 'Stockholm’: over het luiden van de noodklok met de VMR als veilige haven', in N. Teesing (ed.), Milieurecht in transitie, jubileumbundel 40 jaar VMR, Den Haag, Boom Juridisch, 2022, pp. 35-42.

Marjan Peeters and Delphine Misonne, 'The European Union and its rule-creating force on the European continent for moving to climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest', in L. Reins and J. Verschuuren (eds), Research handbook on climate mitigation law,


Cheltenham / Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 58-101.

Karolina Podstawa and Jarosław Gwizdak, 'Judicial independence – the EU’s prescription in the making to the Polish (and other) maladies', in F. Casarosa and M. Moraru (eds), The Practice of Judicial Interaction in the Field of Fundamental Rights, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 113-136.

Hildegard Schneider and G. R. de Groot, 'Beschouwingen over literatuur, recht en vertalen', in R. Tinnevelt (ed.), Literatuur en recht. Liber amicorum voor prof. dr. T.J.M. Mertens, Deventer, Wolters Kluwer, 2022, pp. 57-68.

Sarah Schoenmaekers, 'Netherlands', in S. de La Rosa and P. Valcárel Fernández (eds), Les principes des contrats publics en Europe - Principles of public contracts in Europe, Brussels, Bruylant, 2022, pp. 345-368.

Sarah Schoenmaekers, 'The Use of Languages in Public Procurement Procedures - A Hidden Non-Tariff Barrier to Free Movements?', in P. Melin, S. Schoenmaekers, S. Carrera and Y. Michielsen (eds), The Art of Moving Borders, The Hague, Eleven, 2022, pp. 323-340.

Sarah Schoenmaekers and Kristof Uytterhoeven, 'Het wettelijk kader van de beroepsuitoefening van de architect', in K. Deketelaere, M. Schoups and A.-L. Verbeke (eds), Handboek Bouwrecht, Antwerpen/Gent/Cambridge, Intersentia, 2022, pp. 1671-1692.

Maarten Stremler, 'Barsten in de democratische rechtsorde: Coalitieakkoord en constitutioneel onderhoud', in J. Schinkelshoek and A. W. Heringa (eds), ‘Lang, heel lang’: Kabinetsformatie 2021, Den Haag, Montesquieu Instituut, 2022, pp. 5969.

Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi, 'Asylum Reception Conditions Directive 2013/33/EU', in D. Thym and K. Hailbronner (eds), EU Immigration and Asylum Law: Article-by-Article Commentary, Hart Publishing, 2022, pp. 1540-1638.

Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi, 'The New Pact and EU Agencies: A Tale of Two Tracks ofAdministrative Integration and Unsatisfactory Embedding', in D. Thym (ed.), Reforming the Common European Asylum System: Opportunities, Pitfalls, and Downsides of the Commission Proposals for a New Pact on Migration and Asylum, Nomos Verlag, 2022, pp. 113-128.


Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi and Philippe De Bruycker, 'The evolving EU asylum and migration law', in E. Tsourdi and P. De Bruycker (eds), Research Handbook on EU Migration and Asylum Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 1-57.

Anne Pieter van der Mei and Lisa Waddington, 'COVID-19 and the Quest for a Stronger European Health Union', in P. Melin, S. Schoenmaekers, S. Carrera and Y. Michielsen (eds), The Art of Moving Borders, The Hague, Eleven Publishing, 2022, pp. 59-86.

Annalisa Volpato, 'Novel Foods in the EU Integrated Administrative Space: An Institutional Perspective', in L. Scaffardi and G. Fornici (eds), Novel Foods and Edible Insects in the European Union, Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022, pp. 15-36.

Annalisa Volpato and Eléonore Mullier, 'The Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency at a Crossroads', in M. Chamon, A. Volpato and M. Eliantonio (eds), Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies Towards Judicialization of Administrative Review?, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. 85-104.

Clara Weinhardt, Karsten Mau and Jens Hillebrand Pohl, 'The EU as a Geoeconomic Actor? A Review of Recent European Trade and Investment Policies', in M. Babić, A. D. Dixon and I. T. Liu (eds), The Political Economy of Geoeconomics: Europe in a Changing World, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp. 107-136.

PhD Theses

Mathias Nikolaus Müller, Transparent Enforcement : Access to Information related to the Monitoring of EU Environmental Law: The Case of the EU Emissions Trading System, Maastricht: Maastricht University, 2022.

Eva Catharina van Ooij, Highly Mobile Workers and the Coordination of Social Security in the EU: Opening and Closing Pandora’s Box, Eleven, 2022.

Articles in Journals

Stanislas Adam, Célia Challet, Merijn Chamon, Zuzanna Gulczynska and Peter Van Elsuwege, 'Chronique de jurisprudence de l'Union - Les relations extérieures (1er janvier 2020 - 31 décembre 2021)', (2022) Cahiers de droit européen 1, pp. 313370.


Antonia Baraggia and Matteo Bonelli, 'Linking Money to Values: the new Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation and its constitutional challenges', (2022) 23 German Law Journal 2, pp. 131-156.

Matteo Bonelli, 'Infringement Actions 2.0: How to Protect EU Values before the Court of Justice', (2022) 18 European Constitutional Law Review 1, pp. 30-58.

Matteo Bonelli, 'Usual and Unusual Suspects: New Actors, Roles and Mechanisms to Protect EU Values', (2022) 7 European Papers: a journal on law and integration 2, pp. 641-650.

Merijn Chamon, 'De conditionaliteitsverordening: een (beperkte) uitbreiding van het rechtsstaatarsenaal van de EU', (2022) 70 SEW: Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht 7-8, pp. 337-350.

Merijn Chamon, 'The Sui Generis Framework for Implementing the Law of EMU: A Constitutional Assessment', (2022) 6 European Papers: a journal on law and integration 3, pp. 1463-1484.

Sjoerd Claessens, 'The Impact of a Global Pandemic on the Uneasy Relation between PBL and Lectures in a Law Curriculum', (2022) 3 European Journal of Legal Education 1, pp. 3-22.

Audrey Danthinne, Mariolina Eliantonio and Marjan Peeters, 'Justifying a presumed standing for environmental NGOs: A legal assessment of Article 9(3) of the Aarhus Convention', (2022) Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, pp. 1-10.

Bruno De Witte, 'Guest Editorial', (2022) 59 Common Market Law Review 1, pp. 3-17.

Bruno De Witte, 'Guest Editorial - EU Emergency Law and its Impact on the EU Legal Order', (2022) 59 Common Market Law Review 1, pp. 3-18.

Bruno De Witte, 'How Much Critical Distance In The Academic Study Of European Law?', (2022) 18 Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy, pp. VII-XIII.

Bruno De Witte, 'Legal Methods for the Study of EU Institutional Practice', (2022) 18 European Constitutional Law Review 4, pp. 637-656.

Diane Fromage, Mariolina Eliantonio and Kathryn Wright, 'Soft law and multilevel


cooperation as sources of (new) constitutional challenges in EU economic and monetary integration', (2022) 23 Introduction to the special issue 1, pp. 1-6.

Lucía Martínez Lorenzo, 'Language requirements in public construction projects: vriend of vijand?', (2022) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, pp.

Lucía Martínez Lorenzo, 'The recognition of construction economic operators under Belgian public procurement law and its compatibility with EU legislation', (2022) European Public Law, pp.

Pauline Melin and Susanne Sivonen, 'Overview of recent cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union (January-march 2022)', (2022) 24 European Journal of Social Security 2, pp. 136-147.

Pauline Melin and Susanne Sivonen, 'Overview of Recent Cases Before the Court of Justice of the European Union (March -September 2022)', (2022) 24 European Journal of Social Security 4, pp. 361-375.

Pauline Melin and Susanne Sivonen, 'Overview of recent cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union (September 2021-December 2021)', (2022) 24 European Journal of Social Security 1, pp. 58-67.

Phedon Nicolaides, 'Can the Borrowing for the 'Next Generation EU' Lead to Infringement of Article 125 TFEU?', (2022) 47 European Law Review 5, pp. 710-719.

Phedon Nicolaides, 'State aid after the Banking Union: serious disturbance and public interest', (2022) 23 Journal of Banking Regulation 1, pp. 79-90.

Felix Peerboom, 'Protecting Borders or Individual Rights? A Comparative Due Process Rights Analysis of EU and Member State Responses to ‘Weaponised’ Migration', (2022) 7 European Papers: a journal on law and integration 2, pp. 583-600.

Marjan Peeters, 'Waar bent U tegen?', (2022) 49 Milieu & Recht 2, pp. 75-76.

Sarah Schoenmaekers, 'Het arrest Cilevičs', (2022) 28 Taaleisen ter bescherming van de nationale identiteit: dubieuze gevolgen voor de onderwijstoegankelijkheid? 9/10, pp. 195-202.

Sarah Schoenmaekers, 'Samenwerking tussen aanbestedende diensten als uitvlucht op de (Europese) overheidsopdrachtenroute: verlies het noorden niet!', (2022) 20


Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht en onroerend goed 4, pp. 223-227.

Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi, 'European Union Agency on Asylum: An Agency 'Reborn'?', (2022) EULawLive 98, pp. 2-11.

Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi, Andrea Ott and Zvezda Vankova, 'The EU's shifting borders reconsidered: Externalisation, constitutionalisation, and administrative integration', (2022) 7 European Papers : a journal on law and integration 1, pp. 87-108.

Martin Unfried, Pim Mertens, Nina Büttgen and Hildegard Schneider, 'Cross-Border Impact Assessment for the EU’s border regions', (2022) European Journal of Law Reform 1, pp. 47-67.

Anne Pieter van der Mei and Eva Catharina van Ooij, 'The judicial fine-tuning of the EU rules determining the applicable social security legislation', (2022) 29 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 1, pp. 132-155.

Marijn van der Sluis, 'National central banks in EMU: time for revision?', (2022) 23 Journal of Banking Regulation 1, pp. 19-30.

Lisa Waddington, 'Reading a Duty to Provide Accessible Pre-Contractual Information for Consumers with Disabilities into EU Consumer Protection Law', (2022) 45 Journal of Consumer Policy 2, pp. 307-329.

Lisa Waddington, 'Eu Criminal Lawand Persons With Disabilities: Reflections On "Vulnerability" And The Influence Of The Crpd', (2022) 116 AJIL Unbound, pp. 8489.


Hildegard Schneider and Ruben Tans, Integration of Beneficiaries of International Protection in the Netherlands: Third Set of Results from the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM), Maastricht: Maastricht University, 2022. 24 p.

Ellen Vos e.a.: Guidance on the application of the precautionary principle, May 2022,


Case Notes

Matteo Bonelli, 'Constitutional Language and Constitutional Limits: The Court of Justice Dismisses the Challenges to the Budgetary Conditionality Regulation', (2022) 7 European Papers : a journal on law and integration 2, pp. 507-525.

Matteo Bonelli, 'Evoluzione, non rivoluzione: l’obbligo di rinvio pregiudiziale e le sue eccezioni dopo Consorzio Italian Management', (2022) Quaderni Costituzionali 1, pp. 176-180.

Merijn Chamon and Nathan de Arriba-Sellier, 'FBF: On the Justiciability of Soft Law and Broadening the Discretion of EU Agencies ECJ (Grand Chamber) 15 July 2021, Case C-911/19, Federation Bancaire Francaise (FBF) v Autorite de Controle Prudentiel et de Resolution, ECLI:EU:C:2021:599', (2022) 18 European Constitutional Law Review 2, pp. 286-314.

Alex Soroiu and Mateus Frazao Correia Magalhaes De Carvalho, 'Lawtify Premium', (2022) 15 Public.Resource.Org (T-185/19), a Judicial Take on Standardisation and Public Access to Law 2, pp. 57-76.

Anne Pieter van der Mei, 'De Europese sociale partners versus de Europese Commissie: Wie heeft het initiatiefrecht voor de totstandkoming van EU-regelgeving op sociaal terrein?', (2022) Tijdschrift Recht en Arbeid 2, pp. 22.

Anne Pieter van der Mei, 'Nogmaals: de tijdelijkheid van uitzendwerk', (2022) Tijdschrift Recht en Arbeid 6/7, pp. 39-40.

Lisa Waddington, 'Komisia za zashtita ot diskriminatsia (HvJ EU, C-824/19) – No blanket exclusion of blind person from being employed as a juror', (2022) European Human Rights Cases Updates 2, pp.


Merijn Chamon, 'Review of: Diane Fromage & Anna Herranz-Surrallés (Eds.), Executivelegislative (Im)balance in the European Union, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2021 (360 p.)', (2022) 59 Common Market Law Review 3, pp. 933-938.

Mariolina Eliantonio, 'Review of: Matthias Ruffert, Law of Administrative Organization of the EU: A Comparative Approach, Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2020 (264 p.)', (2022) 47 European Law Review 1, pp. 147-149.


Valetina Golunova, 'Review of: Federico Fabbrini, Edoardo Celeste & John Quinn (Eds.), Data Protection Beyond Borders: Transatlantic Perspectives on Extraterritoriality and Sovereignty, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2021 (275 p.)', (2022) 59 Common Market Law Review 4, pp. 1253-1255. Blogs

Guido Bellenghi, 'A New Episode in the Romanian Saga: The Primacy of EU Law Over National Constitutional Jurisprudence', (2022) EU Law Live.

Matteo Bonelli, ‘Has the Court of Justice embraced the language of constitutional identity?’ (2022) Diriti Comparati

Merijn Chamon, 'Transitions can take a long time: the Court of Justice on qualified majority voting rules for legislative acts under Protocol No 36 (Commission v Poland, C207/21)', (2022) EU Law Live

Merijn Chamon, ‘Why Banning Russian Tourists from Schengen Might not Be Unlawful’ , (2022) Verfassungsblog.

Merijn Chamon, ‘AG Szpunar’s Opinion in Commission v Council on the Member States’ accession to the Geneva Act (C-24/20)’, (2022) EU Law Live.

Mariolina Eliantonio; Marina Serrat, ‘Judicial Control of Administrative Cooperation in Tax Matters, Taxpayers’ Rights and the Notion of “Foreseeable Relevance” in light of the CJEU’s case law: Concluding Remarks’, (2022) Realaw Blog.

Valentina Golunova, ‘Digital Constitutionalism Reversed? Instrumentalising Big Tech for Democratic Change’, (2022) The Digital Constitutionalist.

Valentina Golunova, ‘Manannikov v. Russia: The Final Nail in the Coffin of Political Dissent?’ (2022) Strasbourg Observers

Valentina Golunova, ‘No Rainbow without Rain? How the Crackdown on the Exiled Russian TV Channel ‘TV Rain’ in Latvia Exposes Weaknesses of EU Media and Internet Law’, (2022) Verfassungsblog

Valentina Golunova, ‘The Obscure Content Filtering Obligations of the Council Regulation Imposing Sanctions on Russia: A Step Too Far?’ (2022) EU Law Live


Lavinia Kortese; Susanne Sivonen, ‘Organising intensive care transport in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine: Examining differences and identifying solutions’, (2022) Realaw Blog.

Pauline Melin, ‘Financial assistance for family members of migrant workers to study abroad (C-638/20)’, (2022) EU Law Live.

Pauline Melin, ‘Op-Ed: National measures on limiting the increase of high pensions once more under scrutiny: EB v BVAEB (C-405/20)’, (2022) EU Law Live.

Marjan Peeters, ‘Providing a voice to the upcoming generation facing the challenges of environmental law’, (2022) Maastricht University

Justine Richelle, ‘Environmental procedural rights before European courts: still searching for a common script or multiplying avenues of protection?’ (2022) Realaw Blog

Sarah Schoenmaekers, ‘The substitution of the insolvent winning contractor: Should the successor take it all?’ (2022) EU Law Live

Maarten Stremler, ‘Inhouden EU-subsidies is geen wondermiddel voor Hongaarse rechtsstaat’, (2022) Europa Nu.

Annalisa Volpato, ‘Analysis: Fishing for a hierarchy of sources in EU executive rulemaking: Case C-259/21, European Parliament v Council of the EU’, (2022) EU Law Live.

Annalisa Volpato, ‘Transparency and Legal Certainty of the References to International Standards in EU Law: Smoke Signals from Luxembourg?: Stichting Rookpreventie Jeugd and Others (C-160/20)’, (2022) EU Law Live.


Bruno De Witte, How much critical distance in the academic study of European law?, Maastricht University, 2022.

Sarah Schoenmaekers, De positie van cultuur in het recht van de Europese interne markt: Van correctie naar affectie tot essentie?, Open Universiteit, 2022. 25 p.


Master Working Paper Series

The MCEL Master Working Paper series gives excellent Master (and Bachelor) students the opportunity to publish their EU-Law related thesis and to make their work accessible to a wide audience. The following theses were published in 2022:

Guido Bellenghi,116 Ways to Get Rid of Unanimity: Exploring the Potential of the Market Distortion Legal Basis, Maastricht University, 2022.

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