Global Connections Fall Newsletter 2014

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Fall 2014

GLOBAL CONNECTIONS Rethink ing Humani t ar ian Aid

Brian – one of the newest boys - welcome to your new home at the LCC! Brian is the only boy needing a Godparent! Geoffrey is so happy with a new jacket, new shoes, new soccer ball to play with and a new Godmother, Mary Elizabeth.

The little girls are no longer little! They enjoy an afternoon away from the campus as we have fun and discuss life as a teenager. Claire and Beatrice

In This Issue 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11

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Global Connections Update Viewpoint Celebrations More Joy!!! Special Programs Godparent Program My Trip to the U.S. Wish List Gift of Hope



s you will see from Patrick’s letter, he had the opportunity to visit the U.S. for the first time this past April. It was an incredible experience for him and a wonderful treat for us to have him visit. After so many years of visiting his home, it was great to have him visit ours. I want to thank all of you who made his trip and his experience possible. As you will also see in the newsletter, there are over 250 kids cared for by the LCC and there are many more children who need the help of the LCC. Thanks also to all of you who support the LCC financially, volunteering here in the U.S., and particularly to those of you who go to Kenya and share your time and love with the LCC staff and children. In every newsletter you will see stories like Caroline Clark’s, Mary Holland’s and Sheila Creekmore’s who visited Kenya for the first time. If you are at all interested in going, we

encourage you to contact us. For many, going to Kenya seems unimaginable and financially impossible. Many visitors who have gone before you have felt the same way. If you feel called to go and encourage our family in Kenya, we urge you to contact us and let us help you in the endeavor. Many articles have also been written about the Godparent program in previous newsletters. We are constantly trying to convey the value of this program. The financial support provided through the Godparent program allows us to provide care and education, but even more valuable is the relationship Godparents are able to develop with their Godchild. As Katie McCrary mentions in her article, we encourage you to consider becoming a Godparent, and once again, we want to thank all of you who currently participate and particularly thank Linda Mitch-





A.B. Puckett


121 14 53 66 254 74 12 LCC BOARDERS



p2 | Fall 2014

ell and others whose administration makes the program possible. Finally, I want to thank everyone who participates in Global Connections and the LCC. There are volunteers who organize our Facebook page, website and this newsletter. There are the administrators and volunteers who organize countless operations of Global Connections. There are anonymous donors, family foundations, Godparents and businesses who contribute financially. Without the help of each of you, we would not be able to provide the love, support and education to those in Kenya. Thank you for all each of you do!



LATEST UPDATE: 2 children at LCC do not have a Godparent AND 7 cribs are available for the Adopt-A-Cot program for babies. Contact Anna Puckett for more information at

VIEWPOINT He Provides…

Going to Africa and taking a break from your everyday life is a huge leap of faith. At least it was for me. Putting my everyday responsibilities and commission-paying job on hold was not easy. I like to think that God began packing my bags many years before I physically did so myself. If I look back on the last ten years, I would say that there are significant moments where He paved my way. Honestly, God put everything together so I could not come up with a reason not to go to Kenya. I think I love that most about this whole experience. He provides! To sum up my experience I would have to say that the first initial ‘yes’ brought great peace because it occurred in His perfect timing for me. Not long after arriving to Kenya I knew that our team was perfectly selected by our Creator, as well. We were a mighty team of gals willing to jump in and do anything. Between our bus rides to and from, evening recaps of the day, peanut butter sandwich making, and morning devotionals, I quickly realized that we created our own little family. These women are truly all so amazing and have many talents! To sit back and learn the ways that God paved their ways to Kenya was just a reminder of how great our God is each and every day. He provides! Insert from my journal: “Africa has forever changed me. I leave here with more than I brought. I never expected to pack so many precious moments for my return home. Africa has shown me intense poverty and at the same time displayed its marvelous beauty. I have seen great spiritual wealth among its people. Africa took my breath away many times. I saw it in children’s eyes, the elderly singing at Pat’s feeding program, playing soccer at LCC, building ‘birthday cakes’ in the sandpit after the birthday party, engaging with the LCC moms and cuddling nursery babies. Africa shared its beauty in its sunsets and landscapes. Even more so, in an LCC classroom

filled with pre-k students and new tennis shoes. I have met so many special people during my stay in Kenya. I can say that I gained ‘soul sisters for life’ status with several teammates and teenage girls from LCC. I leave feeling thankful that God sought out such a special team and planned for us to experience this together. Also, Africa has given me the identity of something that I have yet to experience in my 25 years of life... Africa made me a mother. God chose the exact kids for LCC, too. I think it is precious that they just know that the MS team will be at LCC every single year. The faces may change but a team will be there and bring Godparent’s love. I think of Rachel’s story of listening to God’s calling and beginning His work with LCC. He planted the seed in her, and God transplanted it into her son, Patrick. On Saturday, LCC celebrated their 10th Anniversary. We’ve witnessed the first LCC child going off to college. That says a lot about the work taking place at LCC. The doors stay open, and people come as God sends them to do work in Kenya. Like myself, many fall in love with the kiddos and take their special stories back to their own homes. Over time seeds are planted in others about the good work at LCC; the cycle continues. God provides! I came here to serve. I leave here feeling so inspired to do even more with my life. I know that God built in me a restless heart for the children at LCC. My prayer is that more seeds are planted. I am forever thankful for this experience. God is faithful. He provides!”

Caroline Clark

Mary in ‘car’ made of tires with kids

There are no Words… There are not words that can fully describe my experience in Africa and all it has taught me. I came to Africa on a whim with no real expectations, only an open heart and lots of excitement. All I knew is that I was coming to give to others, but I was also coming to receive. Many times our lives leave us empty and searching: searching for a purpose, searching for answers, searching for love or acceptance. I came to Africa searching, not knowing what I would find or if I would find anything at all. I believe that when we open our hearts in that way, God uses the opportunity to reveal himself in a very unique way. I think Margaret Anne Schmitt said it best when she said, “When I come I am empty, and when I leave I am full.” I came to give to the children and to show them love, but for all that I have given, I have received more. For all that I have loved, I have more so been loved. For all that I have encouraged, I have received even more encouragement. For all that I have trusted God, I have been blessed beyond belief. My experience in Africa has left me not only full, but overflowing. I have learned to trust God, and in return my life has forever been changed. Kenya can be so wonderful and so horrible at the same time. It is so wonderful to feel as if you have a purpose. To wake up in the morning and know you can make a difference in someone’s life. My perception of ‘everyday life’ is constantly shattered as I realize just how blessed I am. My greatest fear is to forget this world that is so different from the world that I have always known, and in returning to that world, become comfortable once again with the way things always have been.

Mary Holland p3 | Fall 2014

CELEBRATIONS 10th Anniversary Celebration at Limuru Children’s Centre


LCC’s 10-year celebration began with many of the children performing an African Tribal dance and then a tae kwon do exhibition for the Mississippi Team, all the children and many guests. We then had a Feast with goat, lamb and all the trimmings. Thank you Patrick for keeping your Mother’s dream alive and providing a home for so many vulnerable children.

We had our annual BIRTHDAY PARTY for ALL children – as many do not know when their birthday is! Thank you to Nash McCrary! He asked for no gifts at his own birthday party this year – instead he wanted donations for LCC’s birthday party. His wish was granted! Nash paid for a birthday cake large enough to feed 80, juice and party supplies.

What a way to celebrate 10 years – Caroline left for Z-Tech University on celebration day to study media/journalism as we all watched with tears and joy (including Mom Jane1). She loved her new outfit from America, as did every child! Having lived at LCC for seven years, she has always been a leader, great role model, and a hard worker at the centre and in school. Congratulations Caroline and all LCC staff members!

Thank you and Happy Belated Birthday to Nash too!

As you can see they loved the cake! To all Godparents – please know that your child was so anxious to get your letter and photos! They love their birthday gifts, but they really love your words of love, encouragement and wisdom! YOU truly are special to your child!!

Caroline and Mom Jane 1 “Smiles for all” says Mary Elizabeth who later adopts Geoffrey as her Godchild!

Rachel loves her baby doll!

What a day at LCC! A Big Thank You to Itawamba Community College (ICC) for giving each child a soccer jersey, shorts, socks and balls for several schools, LCC and ‘The Team Ball for 2014 Match’. A Big Thanks to The Loft in Tupelo for donating cleats and a ball for every boy! A Big Thank You to Annunciation Catholic School in Columbus for sending T-shirts for every child – every girl wore them for the big game day festivities! Many children in Kenya do not own a good pair of shoes – when these precious guys received a ‘football outfit’ and a pair of cleats – they had no words. They could only smile in utter disbelief – Never have you seen a child so truly happy!!! p4 | Fall 2014

Patrick and LCC girls in their new t-shirts enjoying the soccer match and the boys!!

MORE JOY!!! I miss everyone at the LCC Limuru Children’s Centre is one of the most special places I have ever had the pleasure of visiting and volunteering. From each of the staff members to each of the children, love and smiles fill their hearts and faces. Whether it was Belinda’s guilty giggle or Geoffrey’s spontaneous cry, you only see and hear people of all ages loving on each other and caring for each other as one big family. Mom Julia, Mom Jane, Mom Jennifer, and the other moms come to work each day to take on the responsibility of being mothers to over 50 children, and they do it with such ease and grace in circumstances that most would find quite strenuous and stressful. And Patrick is the perfect combination of love and discipline, which makes him a great Godly and fatherly mentor. These relationships were incredibly touching to watch and to be a part of throughout my month spent at the centre. The love shown by these children and all the staff has touched my life in ways I could never imagine. I have so much love in my heart for each child and each person at LCC and I miss them every day!

Claire Kennedy

Our LCC Staff

WELCOME TO THE NEW LCC STAFF The LCC has two new social workers, Lillian and Agnes who have joined the LCC staff recently. We had the privilege of working with these awesome ladies and were truly blessed. What a true asset! Lillian and Agnes



GLOBAL CONNECTION’S SHOELESS IN KENYA PROGRAM Social Media and Shoeless in Kenya provided these new shoes! Children running to make sure their new shoes could run fast!! What joy watching such happy children! Yes — something we all take for granted! Thank you to everyone that donated to the Shoeless in Kenya project! The team was able to purchase approximately 115 pair of shoes. Many firsts for the children such as rain boots, school shoes, tennis shoes and Sunday shoes — they received what they needed the most.

Nurse Susan and Hannah

Another LCC success story! Hannah has completed seamstress school as top student. Because of her achievements, she has a new job as a sewing teacher at a Catholic School near Nairobi. You can see her excellent work in the outfit that Susan is wearing – as she has made each female staff member at LCC 2 new uniforms which was purchased by Team 2014. Thank you to Jessica and Dan Alan for always supporting and encouraging Hannah. Another job well done to Patrick and the LCC staff! p5 | Fall 2014

SPECIAL PROGRAMS BABY HOME Not knowing what to expect and certainly traveling on faith and assurance from a quote on the side of my refrigerator, I boarded a plane with my 15 year old daughter Kenly and a group of women I barely knew to travel across the world to a country that seemed to be full of turmoil and poverty and disease. It had to be a God thing. Blessings were abundant in Africa, and I received many; howKenley and the babies ever, the Baby Home was where my enjoying a sunny day. heart resided. To see these precious gifts from God and to hear their innocent stories, I knew that God had saved them and trusted LCC Baby Home to raise them until they are placed into their forever family. I quickly realized that these babies are the fortunate ones because they are loved and cared for and prayed for daily. They have Susan to nurse them through sickness and play with them, the Moms to feed them and nurture them, and Tesni who cares for each baby as if he/she were her own. I could feel the sense of family at the Baby Home, which is so important for the upbringing of these children. It didn’t take me long to fall in love with the family and babies at LCC, and I miss them daily. I miss my fist bumps from Ethan, big smiles from Holly and Leah, Kelvin with his hands in the air, and all of the sweet faces of the babies from LCC. Prayers are sent up daily from this Mississippi girl.

Karen Stephens

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Holly becomes Queen of the Campus. Holly lives at the Baby Home but will soon be moving to the LCC dorms. How great to have the babies on the same campus as the older children love to play with them and children like Holly feel quite at home with the older kids at LCC. Holly has become the Queen of the Campus – here she is showing off her new outfit from America – 3 ½ going on 13! She will definitely benefit from the merging of the two homes as it makes the adjustments so much easier - really fun for all!

PAT’S FEEDING PROGRAM Pat Dixson at the age of 82 is continuing to accomplish what most of us could not and her plans are to continue the job of feeding the needy until she is at least 90! She is raising funds and still feeding 400 elderly and HIV+ single mothers every two weeks. She amazes everyone! And what a blessing she is to each of these recipients. We were able to supply approximately 200 of her clients with reading glasses and they were so very delighted! Thank you to all that donated glasses (something we take for granted but most of these elderly have never had!). Also, thank you to everyone that helps Global Connections be able to send a monthly check for food for those that walk for miles for a small bag of groceries.

Pat saved money on an eye chart — a cereal box did the job quite nicely!

How God Touched My Life in Africa

GODPARENT PROGRAM Godparenting from the Attitude of True Responsibility I’ve recently been studying Ecclesiastes 5. Several points in these verses have truly shaped my Godparent experience. The recent news stories of Israel and Iraq truly bring me to my knees in prayer. I see those women holding tight to their children in a war torn chaos where areas of genocide are occurring. I pray for them and I ask why not me? Why was I born to a two parent family in the US where I’ve never had to worry about my next meal and my education was the forefront of my parents concerns? Why them and not me? Ecclesiastes 5:9-17 talks a lot about the responsibility of the wealthy. Let’s really define that term ‘wealthy’ for us. We live in this point if we have a home, 3 meals a day, a job, a car and a freezer full of dinnertime choices...we are wealthy. Before and certainly after our visit to Kenya, wealth burdened me. I truly worried over it. Why did we have it and the children we saw hungry in Kenya did not. Then I studied these verses: my view changed. My husband Lu and I have worked hard, really hard at times. God has blessed us, plain and simple. But He blesses those He sees fit because He sees your path before you do. He expects great things from those He blesses. What he gives you is just’s HIS. So when He blesses you He really gave you a responsibily name is Margaret Wangechi. I am 16 ity. The blessings He bestows years old. I became a beneficiary of the upon us are to enjoy as long as Limuru Children Centre feeding program 10 years ago and now am a beneficiary of they do not go against His will the Limuru Children Centre scholarship for us. But they are also given program. Limuru Children Centre has seen to us with the responsibility to me through preschool, primary school and care for others who have less. now I am in second year of high school. I am After I realized God blessed now confident and believe that my dream of becoming a brain us because He saw in us the surgeon will one day come true. Because of the support, love ability to really help others... and care I have received from Limuru Children Centre and its it all made sense. Our wealth supporters I have wings to fly and I am forever grateful. was no longer a burden to — Margaret Wangechi – Godchild of Katie and Lu McCrary me. I saw how He envisioned us blessing others. I saw the responsibility we held as a child of God. That is when the Godparent program became really real to me. It was our responsibility to help change a child’s life, it wasn’t optional. Then I saw His plan full circle. I saw a Father watch His children grow as children of God. He watched us follow His will (not so perfectly all the time), work hard, and then He blessed us. He then watched as we realized our responsibility to care for others who had less. As a parent I can only hope He might smile every now and then. When you see your kids succeed it’s a pride like no other. It doesn’t happen often, but that is what keeps you parenting. Now we have the opportunity to parent not only our two wonderful boys, but a child on another continent. We have the responsibility to help change a life with the blessings our Father has given to us. We can watch the future of Margaret, our Godchild, come full circle. I often pray we can then watch her change the life of another. That’s what it’s about folks, continuing the cycle. When you take on the responsibility to become involved in these kids lives, you are taking on the bigger picture. In order for this thing to work, these kids have to grow up and change the lives of others in Limuru. That is the way that this generation can further the next. So whether you invest in the LCC, the non-profit of your choice or the family standing on the street corner, I truly believe it is your responsibility. God has blessed every single one of us reading this letter beyond our wildest dreams. He expects you to use it for those with less. After all, it wasn’t yours to begin with, it is HIS. If you’d like more information on becoming a Godparent, please contact me personally. I’d love to speak to you about the program.


Katie McCrary

I traveled this summer to Kenya, Africa with a team of fifteen through Global Connections. We served at Limuru Childrens Centre (LCC). It is amazing how God touched my life through the children of LCC and through the group who became my family. God used each person in a very special way. What an amazing team. I have NEVER seen such poverty. No words to describe! Yet I have never seen such grateful, loving, and thoughtful children at the orphanage. I feel like my role was just to show the love of Jesus to the children. I read bible stories, made crafts, jumped rope, blew bubbles, wrote with chalk, played in the sand pile, played soccer, sang together, worshipped together and just held and rocked babies. We had a big birthday. We celebrated the 10 year anniversary of LCC, thanks to Global Connections. And we sent off our first young lady, Caroline off to college. The impact that Global Connections has is remarkable. Before I left on my mission trip my son, Matthew (who has been) said you will want to bring all those children home with you and you can’t. But just remember you can make a difference in the life of one. I took what he said with me and came home as a Godparent to Stephen. He had no sponsor. Now I know he will have plenty to eat, shoes to wear and money for his education. Each child at LCC that has a sponsor has a chance to get an education and make a difference. God is truly at work through Patrick, the LCC director and his staff. The Mississippi Team goes back at least twice a year. What an amazing ministry. I went wanting to give and serve and came home receiving a blessing from those dear little ones and God. I will never be the same. Praise God for Global Connections and the difference it is making one child at a time. K-Branch is a pre-school branch on the other side of town. It is presently educating 50 preschoolers and continues to feed and assist those going on to primary school. One room is also used as a boys hostel for the older boys in polytechnic schools that are too old to remain in the dorms of LCC.

�Sheila Creekmore James 1:27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God is taking care of orphans.

The LCC presently has two children needing a good parent (ages 4—10) — for information call Global Connections Office at 662-257-4676 or email

p7 | Fall 2014

MY TRIP TO THE U.S. I was engrossed with the wonders of flying during my flight to the USA in April of this year. The trip was awfully long and I was thrilled to see the rest of the world not on a map but right below me with my own eyes! It was thrilling to say but the least! My arrival in Chicago was an blessed event! Stepping foot on American soil for the first time in my life!!! It’s a distant memory now but one I will not forget in a hurry! Sometimes I think it was all a dream….I think of Al Puckett as a brother to me. Never mind our age difference! He’s the older brother I’ve always missed in my life. Al and Anna P picked me from the airport at Memphis and there and then, I felt like I was at home, like I have been there before. I was not a stranger in a new world - I simply cannot forget the atmosphere. They made me feel welcome and at home and it was like that all the way to my last days with them. They shared with me their ‘sanctuary’ and I was uplifted in soul and spirit just by this new experience in my lifetime! My first real joy of being in America, peace and quiet and nature! My trip was just awesome from that point on. To see Mississippi and feel Mississippi — The Mississippi Team home ground was truly a rewarding gift. My visit and lunch with Judy Coleman and her family was a splendid way to enjoy ‘Easter’! Incredible history and a joy to listen to ‘old folk’ and their stories! Bo Jeffares gave me a ‘Patrick in the House’ welcome at my first Sunday service at Hope Community Church. America opened up more! From this point on, it is a history of histories I will never forget... •I

visited the famous the Brick Yard (heartbeat of everything I do in Kenya!) and it was a thrill just to see Al at work and the amount of energy around this company that I have been so much affiliated with but never seen before! I saw the LCC logo on the sides of all the bricks that were ready for loading and transported to different parts of the USA! This was too much to behold and I still imagine the people behind all this. • My first ever ‘public’ speech at the Columbus

Rotary Club was another thing altogether. Allegra and Bill really made me feel ‘important’ p8 | Fall 2014

standing in front of all those people and me and my ‘kings English’! I will never forget …. • My tour with Zach Rowland (my big brother!)

around the Mississippi State University was nothing I ever imagined I could have done and to see all the incredible work being there was just out of this world! A tour of his property and a ride on his 4 wheel scooter through the mud... I was getting younger at this point for the way I was feeling! • A visit with Lu and Katie to Nash’s’ school (Im-

manuel Christian School) was just so good. I enjoyed every moment with the little kids with all their innocent questions about where I came from and questions like ‘do your children have pencils and books and desks and a teacher’ all made my day. Then to their house for lunch with Nash and Rigg was also splendid. I was beginning to have a feel of real American food with plenty of ‘meat’ of whatever kind that still amazes me even today… Thanks Lu and Katie. The trip to one of Lu’s sites where his rig was doing some ‘concrete pouring’! I have no words. Brought me so much memories of the trucking business I used to do but this was some industry! When Lu and Katie took me to the baseball game at the University, I was not prepared for what they had planned for me! Standing right there on the pitch with those glorious MS Bull Dogs ... I was walking on a cloud! I will never forget the reception at Annunciation School with Karen Overstreet and Molly Stafford. God has been wonderful to have such people in our lives. The kids were just great and I was dumbfounded... Thanks Miss Molly and your wonderful team at the school... •

• A visit with great people who support our chil-

dren’s program at Al and Anna’s house was an eye-opener for me. To be touched by such faithful and supportive people. I am always at a loss for words with these kinds of situations, but God is good He speaks for us in various ways that we all understand one another… • My

visit to Palmer Orphanage was a blessed chance for me to feel how it works in an American society. I was not prepared to see and understand how much we have in common in

our visions and ministry for our children. Mr. Drake was a person I felt I could relate with and this made me feel humbled in ways I cannot express. I was ever so happy to meet some of the kids and ‘House parents’ and I am forever grateful. I cannot express myself enough about the day I met several Mississippi Team Members all at one place! The Farm was just so beautiful and meeting Kelly Burham and her family was great. My mother asks every so often about Kellie and she still remembers her those early days when the program was still very new... I enjoyed ‘shooting guns’ and a taste of Kenyan beer brought all the way from Florida by Reagan and his family!!

A great afternoon with Allegra at her church (First Baptist Church) was also great. Meeting and talking to the members was great. My 2nd Sunday service at Evangel Church with Rachel Thomas and her husband Billy and the kids was beautiful. It was something new to me to see the setup of this church with all its programmes and I was amazed totally...Then a lunch where ‘eat all you can’ was the order! It was incredible...

A memorable day with Jeffery Moody and a visit with Jason and Meg and a Lumber Company! A weather pattern was reported on ‘mobile phones’ and Jeffrey was in anticipation so we drove quickly to his house in Alabama and then things all changed. Actually I truly thought Jeffrey was adding drama to this event but little did I know that what was passing by was a ‘Tornado’ of such violence I only see these in movies! He even made me sit in a closet and put on a helmet and it was a real thriller from me. It turned out a sad day for Jeffrey as his brother’s house had been destroyed and what I saw made me realize just how close we came to danger and for me trying to enjoy my American visit! This was something new and really dramatic I will remember it for the rest of my life...

• A tour with Al and Anna P to visit Mr. Milton’s

farm was totally awesome. Yes, awesome work that gentleman is doing! If I were to live in America, that’s the kind of place I’d love.

• I was not prepared for the trip to Tennessee to visit

with the Mitchells! Ware and Linda are a marvel to say the least. A look around, I could see how totally different this environment was and to even top it all, they took me immediately on a hike that will remain in my mind forever! Besides their welcoming with lots of their friends and the Kinser family (Mark, Lindy and Stephen!). I was overwhelmed by this event. The 6.5 mile hike up Mt LeConte in the Smokey Mountains with a group of 13 adults! And a night in a paraffin lit cabin house was the icing on the cake! I almost feel like I am reciting a song by Dolly Parton when it all comes to me. It was the most exhilarating experience yet again I have ever had. Next to so many things around Ware and Linda and of course Bryan and Meredith. I had a chance to spend some very special time with Bryan and Meredith in their apartment in North Carolina and there I was to meet up with Sarah and Paul Mitchell, Ben Meade and Ashley Kinser our heroes of Climbing for the Kids, Biking for the Kids and Paddling for the Kids etc it was really special... My 3rd Sunday service was at Munsey United Methodist Church. What an event to talk to all those adults at the bible study. My joy was to share and see the interest in their questions and true fellowship. Dr. Paul and Betty Brown were there to support me and it was just great! To top all this, it was a blessing to see Linda doing so well and enjoying life! No words were needed and all I saw was a wonderful couple and family going on with their lives and I loved it and felt their joy… God is great!

The lake house on Watauga Lake was almost a dream in real time! I do think you Americans complain a lot about what you don’t have, but please, you have everything to enjoy because I have seen the hard work you all do and hard work has its payments and payments are there to be enjoyed I should think! Ware and Linda should be extremely happy to have what they have. I’m forever grateful they shared all this with me...

It is kind of hard for me to make a conclusion to my trip to the USA without appreciating so many of these wonderful friends who made it possible. My family shares in this gratitude. It took so much time and planning and the fellowship was awesome. I would not mind doing it again sooner than anyone can say ‘hold on’!

Thank you Linda Holden for your meticulous planning and leadership. You are our most beloved mother!

• Thank you Al and Anna P for your hospitality and

love. Thank you for true friendship. Thank you for good guidance to all around you even at the factory where I witnessed wonderful fellowship! Thank you for allowing me to enjoy your sanctuary. It has a healing feeling I cannot explain how… It was beautiful... • Thank

you A.B. for taking your time to show me your country and favorite sport... Fishing! I’m thinking of trying fishing at Tigoni dam now that I learned so much from an expert... I think I’m a good shooter too! • Thank

you Miss Allegra for your leadership and support. You are a wonderful person.

• Thank

you Lu and Katie for showing true friendship and love. I enjoyed every moment with you and wish we could do this more!

Thank you Robert and Stephanie. The prayer group was a blessing for me and God knows, you are a wonderful group and keep up the good spirit! So many people need it….! •

• Thank you Kate Brown for sharing and letting me

see your work at the MUW! I loved your company so much. • Thank you Louise and Fletcher, Marimac and Ja-

cob, Jason, Bill and Lucy Walker, Rachel Thomas and Billy, Jeffrey Moody, Grace, Hunter. Many many thanks to Nicole Little and her parents...

• Jimmy and Pam Galloway all the folk at the plant

especially Japa for teaching me to move those crazy machines! • Ed Thebaud and Kimberly at the plant. • All the Godparents who visited...

This has brought in memories that I can’t sleep thinking of all you great and wonderful people out there. Please see it as best you can on my behalf to thank everyone who has made this journey for the LCC and all its beneficiaries possible... God bless them all!!!!

Patrick p9 | Fall 2014 p9 | Fall 2014

WISH LIST DENTAL WORK is needed for several children at the LCC and they all need their teeth cleaned (many have rust looking spots on their teeth and try to hide when smiling!). If you know of a Dentist in your area that might be interested, please contact Global Connections office. Remind your Dentist that the trip is tax deductible and Global will be happy to make arrangements.

Global Connections Needs: • Funds

for scholarships (education) – as the children have grown we are faced with the high cost of high school and college for so many of the children at LCC and other children that were day scholars.

• Godparents for LCC children and Baby Home babies. • Funds for the Feeding Program for the elderly and HIV+ single moms. • Funds to support the LCC Baby Home.



Kelvin was found on the streets of the village – he has no family and was turned over to LCC in July!

Many of you have churches, schools and friends that like to help each year – the items needed for the January team and next summer’s team:



• GOOD BACKPACKS – because of the living conditions and the school conditions backpacks wear out quickly but are needed as many of the children walk several miles to school each day(slightly used is great). • LEGGINGS

FOR THE GIRLS (need the ones that will last – the thin hosiery type tear quickly in Kenya)

• MONEY FOR SHOELESS in Kenya Program • MONEY FOR AN LCC FIELD TRIP for 60 children

If you are able to obtain any of the above items, please call the Global Connections office at 662-257-4676 or email and we will keep up with items spoken for. Thank you for your assistance and know that anything you donate is tax deductible and 100% of all funds always goes to designated projects. p10 | Fall 2014

5 1 Help Pat feeding the elderly walking for miles for a bag of groceries. 2 Help us to educate those wanting an education as we get them ready to support themselves! Christine wants to own her own sewing shop. Help us give them all the Gift of Hope! 3 Children at Hope School sponsored by Pat Dixson. 4 Ladies sitting outside the feeding program hall. A few smiling for the camera – but most are quite worried they possibly will not even get any of the leftovers! 5 Hope School classroom is always needing salary funds for the 3 teachers who are educating 75 pre-school children from lower income families of Misri Village with no money to purchase books or even school supplies.

Gifts that change the future $ 25

donation – gives a gift of feeding an elderly person or single mother with HIV/AIDS for two weeks through Pat’s Feeding Program

Help us give them the Gift of Hope! This is a gift that will fill your hearts with JOY and the best gift ever...HOPE!

$ 50

donation – gives a gift to the Tigoni Scholarship Program for educating at risk children of Kenya

When I was in Africa, I thought a lot about my perspective of the world having grown up in America. I thought about what I thought it meant to be ‘rich’ or ‘poor’ or somewhere in between, about what it takes to be happy or content or grateful— perhaps a good family, a stable job, a nice house. Then the Lord not only changed my perspective but also blew my mind. When I walked into a small tin shack and was given hugs and smiles and thanks, when people who had no food for themselves offered me something to eat or drink, when the sweet children with such horrible pasts laughed and played like they hadn’t a care in the world - my mind was blown. It helped me to better understand what Jesus meant when he explained how it is so much harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. I think that is because money is just an illusion of happiness, and that’s what everyone really wants, just to be happy. Money makes things look pretty, and it makes problems seem to disappear. But if you were to hand a child at LCC a candy bar, you would see that the real happiness does not come from sitting alone to savor the sweetness, but from sharing it with others. In the same way, I believe the Lord has blessed us so that we may bless others. Perhaps it could even be a test. We are given blessings and then the Lord waits to see what we will do with them. So here we are, and it’s our turn to decide. Will we sit alone to savor the sweetness, or will we receive the true joy of sharing it with others?


donation – gives the gift of sponsoring a primary school day student (lunch included) for one year


Mary Holland


donation – gives the gift of sponsoring a cot at the LCC Baby Home for one month (food, clothing and providing medical expenses)

$ 200

donation – sponsors a class 6,7,8 (middle school) student (lunch included) for one year

$750 donation – gives the gift of sponsoring a high school

student (lunch included) for one year $1,200 donation – gives the gift of sponsoring an orphan

for one year (food, clothing, shelter and education) Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:23-24

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