A Guide to Mold Prevention

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How to Prevent Mold in RV During Storage?

Mold is one of the challenging problems that plague RV owners. No matter where you live or camp, mold and mildew can damage your RV. Mold grows in moist places and can be found indoors and outdoors. Mold exposure can cause health effects, especially for those having allergies. Mold and mildew are persistent if you don’t address the problem. When you store your RV for different reasons, it’s critical to exercise precautions to prevent mold growth. Consulting with an expert in trailer repair in Sacramento can help you prevent structural damage.

Here Are the Tips to Prevent Mold in the RV.

1. RV Inspection

It is essential to conduct a comprehensive inspection before storing the camper. Check the roofing, doors, window seals, and vent fan for broken seams, dry caulking, tears or holes. Moreover, look for signs of mold or moisture in the RV's plumbing, near the sinks, toilets, restrooms, and showers. When an issue has been found, try to fix it because delaying can help

it spread to other parts. Consulting with experts in RV repair in Sacramento can help you employ the best solution.

2. Use a Dehumidifier

Mold thrives in moist environments, so to prevent mold you have to keep the air in your RV dry. Run a small dehumidifier if you have electricity to keep the air dry. This is a fantastic solution for full-timers. A desiccant dehumidifier can work as an alternative that can operate without energy. All you have to do is insert the crystals and leave them to work. When all the crystals dissolve, you replenish them because they absorb moisture from the air.

3. Ventilation

Mold and mildew growth can thrive in condensation that doesn't get a chance to dry out. If your RV needs airflow, open the windows and vents, especially after cooking or a shower. Make sure to dry out your RV. Open windows and a vent to let air circulate through your vehicle. Ventilation prevents mold growth in RV.

4. Safely Store your RV

Camping equipment kept outside is more susceptible to changing humidity and temperature levels. Find a cover for your RV to protect it during the off-season. The cover will keep your RV dry by releasing moisture. Although they can be a bit pricey, specialised RV tarps are best for preventing mold and mildew in your vehicle. Moreover, the cover will shield your RV from snow, insects, and dirt while controlling moisture levels.

However, if you suspect mold growth, hiring a professional for early detection can protect you from expensive repairs. You can consult an expert in motorhome repair in Sacramento for better guidance.


Mildew cannot take hold in your RV if you follow these recommendations for keeping it dry and well-ventilated. Mold is a health hazard for those suffering from allergies and respiratory problems, such as asthma. Leaving it unchecked can cause structural damage to your trailer, leading to expensive repairs.

When cleaning, you should exercise caution by putting on protective gear such as a mask, gloves, and an apron because mold and cleaning chemicals can be harmful. Preventing mold from developing is the best thing you can do for your safety.

Article Sourcehttps://www.storeboard.com/blogs/business/how-to-prevent-mold-in-rv-during-storage/5560833

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