Signature | Summer 2021

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CREATIVIT Y LEADS TO ICONIC FACILIT Y Michael Baker’s imaginative approach brings a breathtaking multimodal transportation hub to life



A message from our Chairman, Thomas J. Campbell, and our CEO, Brian A. Lutes

04 Thought Leadership

04 Trends and Technology in Planning

Niek Veraart, AICP, ASLA, ENV SP, Senior Vice President and National Practice Lead, Planning

08 Transportation Hubs

An illustrated look at transportation and mobility

10 Impact

10 Creativity Leads to Iconic Facility

Michael Baker’s imaginative approach brings a breathtaking multimodal transportation hub to life

18 Industry Insights on Rail and Transit

A conversation with Michael Baker International’s Ed La Guardia, P.E., Specialty Practice Lead – Passenger Rail and Transit and Kirsten Bowen, P.E., Specialty Practice Lead – Freight Rail

22 Quicker, Smoother, Safer

Michael Baker designs lead the way to I-15 upgrades

28 Federal Focus

28 Making Virtual, Reality

Michael Baker harnesses the expertise of several offices to deliver the Air Force Virtual Warfare Operations Center Facility

32 Across the Continuum

32 Advancing Talent and Driving Growth

New hires and promotions reaffirm Michael Baker’s commitment to investing in top talent

46 Michael Baker Earns 25 Regional ACEC Awards

Firm also honored by Roads & Bridges, ENR and WTS International

Signature is published by the Corporate Communications department of Michael Baker International to showcase our full continuum of people, places, projects, innovations ­— and how We Make a Difference in the communities we serve.

Chief Communications & Marketing Officer: Leanna Anderson Vice President, Corporate Communications: Brian Peiritsch Art Director: Brent Patrick Contributors: Lauren Boeh, Claire Carrell, Julia Covelli, Gemma Eberle, Greg Faist, Rob Loveless, Evan Pattak, Celeste Rothstein, Dianne Stetzer, Adam Stout SPRING 2021 EDITION © 2021 Michael Baker International. All rights reserved.

Cover photo: The Jacksonville Regional Transportation Center at LaVilla is a crescent-shaped transportation hub that seamlessly brings together light rail, taxis, rental cars, bicycles, ride-hailing services and pedestrians, as well as spaces for community events, gatherings and retail.

Chairman & CEO Note

CREATING TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCIES IS AT OUR CORE A MESSAGE FROM OUR CHAIRMAN, THOMAS J. CAMPBELL AND OUR CEO, BRIAN A. LUTES When Henry Ford pioneered the assembly line for production of the Model T, he kept costs low and made the vehicle affordable and accessible to more people, revolutionizing transportation. In the century that followed, the automobile created a more efficient mode of transportation beyond the horse and buggy, changing and influencing nearly every aspect of daily life. Efficient public and personal transportation, and the infrastructure that carries it, connected the country and world to vital resources. People could more easily reach doctors and hospitals, education and employment opportunities, new markets for their businesses and cultural enrichment through travel, whether across town or across the country. Today, a key component of the work Michael Baker International does on behalf of clients across the transportation spectrum is focused on creating new and lasting efficiencies that enhance transportation infrastructure. Addressing infrastructure efficiency needs spurs innovation and challenges the status quo on how best to ensure people and products get from Point A to Point B in a safe and seamless way.

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This issue of Signature continues our focus on Transportation and the vital role it plays in our society, and how the work we do on behalf of our clients strengthens and improves our nation’s infrastructure.

Leveraging Technology to Create Efficiencies in Planning and Preparedness Projects Planning is essential to every project. In this issue, we take a holistic view of how a project can integrate into a community and complement existing infrastructure. It is an important consideration, and Niek Veraart, our National Practice Lead for Planning, offers his expert perspective on a number of approaches to planning, including incorporating sustainable elements tied to stormwater flood impacts, leveraging technology to be more efficient and providing the best solutions for our clients, among other concepts. This includes working at the cutting edge of smart streets initiatives, where the latest communications technologies are used to better understand and manage traffic, parking and infrastructure.

Chairman & CEO Note

Delivering a Multimodal Work of Art in Jacksonville To realize its vision for a state-of-the-art regional multimodal transportation center, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) turned to a JV team led by Michael Baker. The team leveraged the expertise of colleagues from across the country to provide comprehensive services for the Jacksonville Regional Transportation Center at LaVilla and accomplished JTA’s goal of creating a contemporary transit hub. The facility’s improved traffic flow and integration of public and personal transit options provide visitors and residents with a seamless transit hub that can grow and evolve, and the award-winning project’s elegant design has made it one of the architectural jewels of the community.

Easing Congestion and Improving Traffic Flow on a Key Utah Roadway Alleviating traffic congestion and reducing delays were essential requirements for a stretch of I-15 in Salt Lake City, where the Utah Department of Transportation invested in a $161.4 million designbuild project to improve the travel experience for nearly 259,000 daily vehicles. Among the design challenges of the highly complex project was the rehabilitation, widening or narrowing of 13 bridges, the design and construction of roughly 30 retaining walls and maintaining traffic flow during the project. Michael Baker provided design and engineering services to add a southbound

lane that would reduce traffic delays by 10 minutes, improve movements from eastbound to westbound and introduce advanced traffic management system updates to promote safety through enhanced signage and signaling.

Designing a Virtual Training Center Delivers Real Safety Benefits for the Air Force The U.S. Air Force’s commitment to training and preparation is what makes its pilots the best in the world. However, the high risks and expense of live training exercises led the Air Force to engage Michael Baker to address a unique training challenge — designing the Virtual Warfare Operations Center Facility at Nellis Air Force Base, a first-of-its-kind center for live-virtual-constructive training environments. For this $29 million designbuild project, Michael Baker team members from across the country worked remotely during COVID-19 to provide architectural design, civil, structural and fire protection engineering for a facility that now hosts a full array of Air Force fighter simulators and a tactical command and control simulator. We are proud of the efficiencies and safety enhancements that we bring to transportation infrastructure through the work our clients entrust to us, and we continue to be inspired by work that connects communities.

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Thought Leadership / Transportation

TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY IN PLANNING Niek Veraart, AICP, ASLA, ENV SP, Senior Vice President and National Practice Lead, Planning

As the transportation needs of our communities and our country continue to evolve, the Planning industry plays a leading role in helping clients prepare for the future. Niek Veraart shares his insights.

What is “active transportation” and how is it impacting urban planning? Active transportation is any self-propelled, human-powered, non-motorized mode of transportation, such as walking or bicycling. It has become an important part of urban planning and can reduce demand for road infrastructure, improve multimodal network performance, enhance safety, improve community health, and reduce the construction and maintenance costs of traditional vehicle-oriented roads. It can also support the development of vibrant cities and increase mobility for groups such as children and the elderly. The challenge of these solutions is that they often need to be retrofitted into existing built and natural environments. They also need a certain amount of geographical coverage or “network” to be effective as alternative means of transportation. This is where Michael Baker’s design services, such as those of the Urban Design Studio, our planners, landscape architects, architects, urban designers, engineers and historic preservation specialists across the company, play a critical role as they design ecosystems that also serve as active transportation routes and enable integration of bicycle and pedestrian routes in the transportation network.

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While this retrofitting is a challenge, our need to make changes to our environment represents a great opportunity to transform our communities and improve the quality of life for all.

How are planners approaching Green Infrastructure initiatives? While originally conceived as a more sustainable way to address stormwater flood impacts and improve water quality, Michael Baker’s planners have been approaching it from a “whole street” perspective, where we not only address flooding but create green open spaces, bicycle and pedestrian paths, and overall improvements to health and access within a community. We’ve done that on a citywide scale for New York City’s Green Infrastructure program and on a local scale with the Bow Creek Stormwater Park in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and the Northwest Resiliency Park in Hoboken, New Jersey. On a larger scale, Michael Baker is developing Resilient Design Guidelines for Coastal Highways for the California Department of Transportation, focusing on natural and nature-based solutions to address sea level rise and erosion in coastal areas that can impact the transportation network. The trend toward more sustainable planning is reflected in our “Green and Sustainable” project portfolio, which has increased by more than 50 percent, as reported by Engineering News-Record.

Transportation / Thought Leadership

How is the Complete Streets movement influencing how we design transportation infrastructure? Something we’ve focused on for years that is becoming even more prevalent, is the notion of Complete Streets, the idea that communities want to improve quality of life by creating a better, more comprehensive transportation infrastructure. Complete Streets stresses the importance of improved safety, health, economic and environmental outcomes. Beyond aesthetics, Complete Streets emphasizes greater mobility choice, balancing the interests of pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and all transit users — and I believe Complete Streets will continue to grow in popularity. There is an interesting link between Complete Streets and the economic vitality and quality of life in a community. Accelerated by the “residential retreat” of the pandemic, existing residential areas are recognizing the benefits of having services and retail within walking and biking distance from home — the so-called 15-minute neighborhood. Complete Streets incorporates neighborhood services and economic activity within it’s street profile and is a natural solution to this new demand. Our economists and urban designers are aware of this and have also started to revitalize communities by introducing sidewalk dining and new bike and pedestrian connectivity.

Another item to address is Smart Streets, which is where optic fibers, sensors and wireless communication technologies can be used to better understand and manage traffic, parking and infrastructure and improve safety for all users. This isn’t as mainstream yet, but we’re seeing communities preparing their streets for that in the future.

What is asset management of traffic structures, and how can technology play a role? Michael Baker is actively involved in taking inventory of traffic structures, including traffic lights, poles, and pavement. Integrating the effective flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic across the same roads, intersections and pathways is an ever-evolving challenge. We’re doing an asset management inventory for the Texas Department of Transportation, and projects such as these could potentially use Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), i.e., “drones” and other technologies, to perform rapid inventories of their traffic structures and recommend an approach to most efficiently address any issues. Drones and associated intelligent data can help maximize the value of existing transportation assets. By proactively searching out and monitoring developing issues, potential patterns of issues or processes can be identified before they become larger problems that necessitate costly repairs and replacements, asset downtime and exposure to safety risks.

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Key in this is not only the data collection, but the creation of actionable intelligence out of that data through machine learning and other computational tools that enable predictive maintenance. Smart data can help us repurpose existing transportation infrastructure and make it more adaptive to varying needs, thereby getting more out of investments already made and reducing capital cost, an issue especially relevant in times when transportation agencies are under increased monetary pressure. Those are examples of how we leverage technology to be more efficient and provide the best solutions for our clients.

What role does transportation play in planning for resilience and sustainability?

themselves with greater efficiencies post-disaster, while leveraging new technologies that improve access, service and safety and reduce costs longterm. Understanding the vulnerability of our transportation systems and how they interact with local and regional economies, communities and the environment is key to developing robust, sustainable and inclusive solutions. Michael Baker is at the forefront of that, from both a research and a practical perspective. Examples of our work include the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Extreme Weather Vulnerability Study, Transportation Electric Vehicle Readiness Study for the Virginia Office of Transportation Research and Innovation, and Action Plan for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority.

Transportation planning is one of the most important drivers for sustainability and resilience. Consider the impact of extreme weather and climate risk on our transportation systems, as well as other risks such as pandemics and terrorism. Consider also the role of transportation in our carbon footprint. Transportation has an important equity dimension, as access to resilient and sustainable transportation means access to jobs, culture, education and open space. We’re finding that what resilience and sustainability have in common is the role that system diversity plays in adaptability. Areas that have diverse transportation systems with a mix of mobility options are less vulnerable and can bounce back more quickly and reinvent

Scenario Planning is a key tool that our planners use to project future transportation needs and develop data-driven and risk-based solutions, especially when conditions are uncertain and can change rapidly. Transportation planning is a key aspect of our national security, as the resilience of our defense installations depends not only on what happens inside the fence line but also what happens outside the fence line, as Department of Defense supply chains are increasingly dependent on the civilian market and transportation infrastructure. Our federal, transportation and urban planners are already working to ensure that our transportation systems become more resilient, sustainable and efficient.

Michael Baker developed specific strategies and models for Complete Streets implementation and prioritization, public outreach and conceptual rendering support for the U.S. Route 1 Multimodal Corridor Study in Palm Beach County, Florida. Michael Baker also provided transit funding solutions and implementation options for developing a new bus rapid transit concept.

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Transportation / Thought Leadership

About Niek Veraart Niek Veraart, AICP, ASLA, ENV SP, is Senior Vice President and National Practice Lead – Planning for Michael Baker International. He is responsible for engaging across our client base, including federal, state and local clients, communities and private sector clients. He also collaborates with Planning staff throughout the company to deliver integrated and innovative solutions that are sustainable, resilient and inclusive. Veraart brings to Michael Baker more than 30 years of industry experience, including a wealth of knowledge in planning and national regulatory practices. Before joining Michael Baker in 2019, he was Vice President of WSP. His career also includes time with Weston as Director of Environmental Planning and with HOK as a Landscape Architect. Veraart earned a Master of Science degree and a Bachelor of Science degree — both in Engineering, Planning and Landscape Architecture — from Wageningen University in Wageningen, Netherlands. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, American Society of Landscape Architects, National Association of Environmental Professionals, a certified Envision Sustainability Professional and an affiliate member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Niek Veraart, AICP, ASLA, ENV SP, Senior Vice President and National Practice Lead – Planning

Contact Niek:

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Thought Leadership / Transportation


Transportation agencies and communities across the country are reshaping public transit and mobility systems to be more connected, sustainable and accessible, integrating multiple modes of transportation into one safe, seamless experience for travelers. Take a closer look at the key features and benefits that comprise an interconnected hub. 1. Real-time arrival/departure schedules

5. Ridesharing services and shuttles

2. Digital payment stations

6. Carshare services

3. Pedestrian walkways

7. Electric vehicle charging stations

4. Bike/scooter access

8. Safe, easy transfers between bus and rail services

Sources • American Public Transportation Association, Who Rides Public Transportation, January 2017; 2020 Public Transportation Fact Book, 71st Edition, March 2020; Economic Impact of Public Transportation Investment, April 2020 • Pew Research Center 8 / S I G N AT U R E – S U M M E R 2 0 2 1 • National Association of City Transportation Officials: Bike Share and Shared Micromobility Initiative

Transportation / Thought Leadership

Key Data • 11.7 billion more public transit passenger miles traveled between 1998 and 2018, a 26% increase • Nearly 70% of transit users walk to their stop or public transit station • 87% of trips on public transit directly benefit the local economy • Investment in public transit can yield 50,000 jobs per $1 billion invested and offers a 5 to 1

economic return

• 4.16 billion gallons of gas are saved each year by using public transportation • 36% of Americans reported using ride-hailing services such as Uber or Lyft in 2018 (up from 15% in 2015) • 343 million trips have been taken on bike share and scooter share systems in the U.S. since 2010

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Impact / Transportation

CREATIVITY LEADS TO ICONIC FACILITY Michael Baker’s imaginative approach brings a breathtaking multimodal transportation hub to life The Jacksonville Regional Transportation Center at LaVilla (JRTC) is a marvel. With its unique crescent shape and signature glass curtain wall, it serves as a beacon for local travelers as well as tourists, offering efficient, smooth journeys to and from downtown Jacksonville and to nearby interstate highways. It also serves as an economic generator for Jacksonville’s LaVilla neighborhood, which now is linked to JRTC through exciting new connections. And it all began in the most unusual way . . . with a design competition.

An Opportunity for Something Cool The Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) envisioned the new transit hub happening in two phases. First would be development of a bus terminal offering a wide array of traveler amenities; Michael Baker International provided design services for that successful first phase. But for the all-important $60 million second stage, JTA imagined something quite different. “We wanted to build a sustainable facility that was modern, yet familiar in its design and functionality,” says JTA Chief Executive Officer Nathaniel P. Ford, Sr. “Inside, we wanted a lot of natural light, an open office concept and to emphasize that important sense of place for our employees. I believe the design competition inspired another level of ingenuity that was not possible before.” It was a bold, unconventional, even risky approach, but it was an opportunity to create something meaningful for the client and community that intrigued Michael Baker’s designers and engineers.

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Those who ultimately would lead the project team — Michael Baker’s Brian Russell, P.E., Office Executive in the Jacksonville office, and David Tudryn, R.A., AIA, Specialty Practice Leader for Architecture — had never participated in a design competition during their time at Michael Baker. “At Michael Baker, we always challenge each other to take risks and go after rewarding projects,” Russell says. “This gave us an opportunity to do something bigger than what we can achieve alone as one office — and have fun doing it.”

Today, the JRTC serves as a catalyst for economic development, a hub for culture and innovation and the convergence of mass transportation in our city. — Nathaniel P. Ford, Sr. Chief Executive Officer, JTA The company decided to participate in the competition — there were two other contestants — forming a joint venture with construction firm Pond & Company and tapping the expertise and resources of 10 different Michael Baker offices to work on the submission. “We went all-in for the project,” Tudryn confirms. “We recognized its importance and the legacy we could build.” The far-flung group even convened what in architecture grad school they call a “charette,” a freewheeling creative session where participants brainstorm and throw ideas against the wall to see which will stick. Most of them, Tudryn says, did.

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The Jacksonville Regional Transportation Center at LaVilla serves as a beacon for travelers as well as tourists, Welocal Make a Difference offering efficient, smooth journeys to and from downtown Jacksonville and to nearby interstate highways.

Impact / Transportation The facility is as stunning as it is efficient, inviting travelers with its unique crescent shape and signature glass curtainwall.

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Transportation / Impact

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The Jacksonville Transportation Authority set out to create a sustainable facility that was modern, yet familiar in its design and functionality.

“What you see in those initial concept sketches was maintained throughout the project,” he says.

A Model of Efficiency, Aesthetics, Community Service The Michael Baker-Pond joint venture prevailed, and they were determined to design a scintillating Jacksonville landmark that would become a model of transportation efficiency, signature aesthetics and community-serving features. First and foremost, the JRTC is a nexus of efficient intra-city transportation. The facility forms a crescent-shaped terminus to the Skyway line and locates pick-up and drop-off points for ground transportation, as well as intercity lines such as Greyhound, with accommodations for taxis, rental cars, bicycles and ride-hailing services. With an eye to the future, the JRTC also allocates space that can be converted for use by autonomous vehicles. For all these conveyances, traffic flow is seamless, as the Michael Baker design features traffic moving on a series of dedicated loops. In this way, congestion and delays are minimized, shortening trips for travelers. Above the transit center circulation, Michael Baker-Pond designed and

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constructed a 67,000-square-foot headquarters for JTA that has enabled the Authority to centralize its functions on site and enjoy a bird’seye view of what’s happening at the center at any given moment. The JRTC also has improved safety for bus riders, who formerly had to trek across heavily trafficked bus lanes to transfer. That’s all changed now, as Tudryn notes: “A passenger transferring from one bus to another has only to cross down the center island. That makes it much safer.” “The safety and well-being of our customers and employees is paramount in all that we do,” adds Ford. “The Michael Baker-Pond team understood that from the start and integrated safety and security in the fabric of this facility.” The facility is as stunning as it is efficient, inviting travelers with a unique glass curtainwall with a captivating abstract motif that presented a design challenge: how to create the dozens of glass panels that would form the curtainwall. To meet that challenge, the joint venture worked with a local glazing manufacturer to create a striking interlocking design of triangular shapes digitally printed on the glass with two

Transportation / Impact

alternating colors. Then, the panels were assembled in a factory and inserted like puzzle pieces on the façade in a manner that forms a pattern — both during the day and at night — which appears to accelerate as it approaches the Skyway boarding area. “We wanted something that would advocate for activity, movement and transportation,” Tudryn says, “so we looked for a graphic that could express that.” Inside the building, that same pattern is expressed with alternating solid components to properly insulate the walls and meet the energy code. This gives JTA staff strategic views of the Jacksonville skyline and the transit operations below, while not overpowering the interior with the Florida sun.

for African-American culture and commerce, LaVilla in recent years has seen its economic activity decline. The commitment by JTA to bring the intermodal center to LaVilla greatly improves community access to the greater Jacksonville area for jobs while offering it as a convenient destination for future arts and entertainment venues, as well as the adjacent convention center. In addition, the JRTC includes spaces for community events and gatherings — an unusual amenity for a transit complex, but one that’s perfect for use by LaVilla residents and organizations — as well as murals that celebrate LaVilla’s rich history. The center also offers space for retail businesses that will offer community-serving products and services for LaVilla.

Connections and an Economic Boost for LaVilla

Tudryn observes that all this may help invigorate LaVilla’s economy.

Among the most important and lasting benefits of the JRTC has been its impact on its host community. Long regarded as an important center

“We anticipate it’ll become a catalyst to reinvigorate this once-multicultural district that dates as far back as the late 19th century,” he says.

The JRTC includes spaces for community events and gatherings as well as murals that celebrate LaVilla’s rich history.

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“Other adjacent and underutilized parcels in the neighborhood can be developed for mixed use and civic use.” To further improve safe access to transit, Michael Baker-Pond designed and constructed an inviting pedestrian bridge that links JRTC to the Intercity Bus Terminal and unifies the campus. The bridge, which spans 280 feet over LaVilla’s Stuart Street and West Forsyth Street, features a canopy with a design that extends the language of the triangulated curtainwall. The bridge serves as a new gateway to downtown Jacksonville for passenger cars exiting I-95.

We’ve created something iconic. It puts Jacksonville and the transit agency on the map along with Grand Central Station and other iconic transportation centers. I’m really proud to be part of that. — David Tudryn, Department Manager – Architecture, Michael Baker

An Iconic Transportation Center Today, the JRTC is bustling, serving about 18,500 people per day. With its acceleration-themed curtainwall, inviting pedestrian bridge and efficient traffic flow, it’s a wonder — and a major convenience — to all who see and use it. Tudryn doesn’t hesitate to include it among the country’s signature transit hubs. “We’ve created something iconic,” he says. “It puts Jacksonville and the transit agency on the map along with Grand Central Station and other iconic transportation centers. I’m really proud to be part of that.” Russell echoes that thought: “For me, the most important outcome was delivering a facility that the city is proud of. This site has been thoroughly scrutinized, and it’s generated nothing but positive feedback.”

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Prominent among those glowing reviews is recognition by the professional community. The American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (ACEC-FL) honored JRTC and Michael Baker-Pond with the prestigious Grand Award in its Engineering Excellence Award competition, which recognizes innovative applications and elaborate projects. In addition, the initiative won the Engineering News-Record (ENR) Southeast Regional Best Projects 2020 Merit Award, while Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Florida First Coast Chapter named it Project of the Year. “Today, the JRTC serves as a catalyst for economic development, a hub for culture and innovation and the convergence of mass transportation in our city,” says Ford. “It’s built for the future and will serve customers for generations to come, as our services expand and demand grows for the vital public transportation services we provide.” And it began as a design competition? Sounds like efficiency, beauty and community impact are a winning combination.

Transportation / Impact

The project has earned prestigious recognition from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida, Engineering News-Record and the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Florida First Coast Chapter.

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Thought Leadership / Transportation

INDUSTRY INSIGHTS ON RAIL AND TRANSIT Whether moving people or freight, rail and transit solutions are integral to our country’s economic vitality. Commuter rail, especially electric-powered rail, is both energy efficient and safe. As America’s economy grows, the need to move more freight will grow too. The Federal Highway Administration forecasts that total U.S. freight shipments will rise from 18.6 billion tons in 2018 to 24.1 billion tons in 2040 — a 30% increase. To learn more about where the field is going, we caught up with Michael Baker International’s Rail and Transit Specialty Practice Leads, Ed La Guardia P.E. (Passenger Rail and Transit) and Kirsten Bowen P.E. (Freight Rail).

What impact do you see investments in a new generation of transportation systems having on our cities and suburbs? La Guardia: I think Transit Oriented Development (TOD) — which are pedestrian-oriented, mixeduse communities centered around high-quality transit systems — will be increasingly important. A significant example is the CTfastrak system in Connecticut from New Britain to Hartford. CTfastrak is the state’s first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system that uses a dedicated bus-only roadway to connect riders with major regional employment and transportation, retail and healthcare destinations — so the bus is essentially a rubber tire train. TOD has all sorts of benefits, from making cities more livable and enhancing access to job opportunities, to reducing highway congestion, lowering our carbon footprint and improving connectivity and time savings. Also, multimodal integration — for example, the Jacksonville Regional Transportation Center — ­ creates a more seamless connectivity between multiple transportation modes and will have a positive impact in our communities. Performing

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network analysis for multimodal integration, including heavy rail, light rail, BRTs and shared mobility services like bike- and ride-sharing (Uber, Lyft), will help provide first- and last-mile connectivity. It’s all about how to make a twoseat ride more connected and user friendly by using the existing infrastructure to analyze the scheduling integration of the different modes.

What can transit agencies do to attract new riders as the country emerges from the pandemic? La Guardia: I think Millennials can be credited for a lot of the growth in ridership that had taken place before the pandemic, as many have opted away from suburban life in favor of urban neighborhoods where they can easily take a train or bus to get around. That demographic has a big influence on shaping transportation considerations and how we look at transit usage. They generally have a “less is more” approach, value public transit over personal auto ownership, and prefer to live near work where they can bike, walk and use ride-sharing services. In addition to multimodal integration, transit agencies need to think about information integration and take advantage of smartphone technology that can provide real-time information to riders about their connectivity options, routes, schedules and fares. In addition, “bus network redesigns” — the process of looking at and reworking a public transit service area in its entirety — is a significant need in terms of better serving existing riders and attracting new riders. Bus network redesigns have occurred across the country and allowed transit authorities to maintain or even regain ground in what was a declining market share in the industry.

Transportation / Thought Leadership

Given the rise of e-commerce, how do you see transportation and logistics providers evolving? Bowen: E-commerce continues to grow each year and accelerated with the pandemic. While it’s a major convenience for consumers, it means more responsibility for logistics and supply chains. I’ll be the first to admit that Amazon has a big influence on my expectations — that when I place an order, a package will show up the next day and I know exactly where it is and how many stops are remaining. I think this technology is going to catch up with the transportation and logistics providers, where there will be an online GPS-based system to track all customer, loading and product data in real time — just like with Amazon. A big challenge with this is that not all railroads use the same technology. So, if you are shipping goods from California to Florida, they will transfer between multiple carriers, and the interface between the carriers will be different, so a customer will have to log into multiple websites to find information. It is a challenge that the industry will have to overcome.

What other trends do you believe will transform freight transportation in the near and long term? Bowen: I think the COVID-19 pandemic exposed vulnerabilities of the supply chain, particularly suppliers relying on specific products overseas. One positive that may come out of the pandemic is that companies will reassess manufacturing for critical items and there is potential for an increase in manufacturing in the United States. Additionally, to accommodate potential changes in manufacturing and consumer demands, freight railroads will continue to invest in technology, streamlining operations and modernizing their networks and services.

What are some of the most exciting projects you and your team are currently working on?

La Guardia: In Philadelphia, we recently won a contract with the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) on its bus network redesign program. Michael Baker, along with a specialty transportation planning firm, will evaluate SEPTA’s entire bus system relative to the way the lines were established as legacy lines, overlay how the regentrification of Philadelphia has occurred and how that has impacted the lines, and then recommend how to change them to fit the way Philadelphia looks today. Over the next two years, our assignment is to assess the entire network and determine how to make SEPTA’s 1,400-bus fleet work more efficiently for the population density in the city now — which is a fascinating project to undertake. We’re also providing program management support for SEPTA’s $2 billion King of Prussia rail line extension project that will extend the existing Norristown High Speed Line (NHSL) four miles into King of Prussia, providing a highspeed, “one-seat” ride from any station along the NHSL. Additionally, we recently conducted the preliminary study for the addition of two tracks crossing the Potomac at Long Bridge — a series of bridges connecting Washington, D.C., to Arlington, Virginia, over the Potomac River. In fact, it’s the only rail route across the Potomac into Washington, D.C., for freight and passenger service. It’s currently a two-track railroad that carries overwhelming train traffic, including Amtrak, Virginia Railway Express, CSX and Norfolk Southern. Bowen: Our freight rail team is currently working on several bridge rehabilitation projects. These projects typically include inspection and load rating, emergency and planned replacements and vertical clearance projects. One recently completed project was the result of an emergency flooding incident where we mobilized to the site, installed a monitoring system to maintain safe operations, and designed a replacement structure for the bridge to be replaced within a year of the incident.

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We are also currently servicing Norfolk Southern and CSX through general engineering contracts. I enjoy working with these two clients because their projects are fast-paced and far-reaching. Often, the schedule is dictated by a funding source or a potential customer, and our team might only have a few months to complete the design phase, which is exciting because these projects get under construction quickly and we’re able to see how our design is getting implemented. Also, their infrastructure covers the eastern half of the country, which enables us to workshare within our various offices, leveraging our local expertise with our rail expertise.

Kirsten, you were previously named the WTS International Member of the Year for your commitment to advancing women in the transportation industry. How do you see women continuing to evolve their roles and prominence in the transportation industry? Bowen: For more than 40 years, WTS International has been dedicated to building the future of transportation with the global advancement of women through mentoring and networking opportunities. I believe organizations like WTS will continue to be instrumental as we all emerge from these unprecedented times. The pandemic has challenged everyone, but particularly women in the workforce due to balancing childcare, home schooling and careers. Some studies say four times as many women as men dropped out of the labor force last year as a result of the pandemic. I think there will be a greater emphasis placed on attracting and retaining women in transportation beyond the pandemic to ensure the sector has a truly diverse workforce. It’s critical that we all support other women and to give and seize opportunities to advance their careers — that will truly be the way the transportation industry will become more gender-inclusive.

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Kirsten Bowen, P.E. Specialty Practice Lead – Freight Rail

Ed La Guardia, P.E. Specialty Practice Lead – Passenger Rail and Transit

Transportation / Thought Leadership

About Kirsten Bowen Kirsten Bowen, P.E., is Specialty Practice Lead – Freight Rail for Michael Baker International. She is responsible for positioning the practice for growth and leading a team of experts to deliver innovative solutions that modernize the country’s freight rail infrastructure. Bowen has been an integral part of Michael Baker for 20 years. She has extensive experience in the design and project management of transportation projects, including railyards, rail and highway infrastructure and multimodal facilities.

Bowen earned a master’s degree in Urban Planning, Design and Development from Cleveland State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. She currently serves as the Vice Chair of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-ofWay Association’s (AREMA) Committee 14 — Yards and Terminals and is an active member of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS International) and the American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE). Contact Kirsten:

About Ed La Guardia Ed La Guardia, P.E., is Michael Baker International’s Specialty Practice Lead – Passenger Rail and Transit. He is responsible for facilitating the company’s ongoing growth and expertise in Passenger Rail and Transit. La Guardia has more than 35 years of industry experience, including 13 as SEPTA’s Chief Engineer before joining Michael Baker in 2014. He is widely recognized as an expert in the Rail and Transit field, both locally and nationally, with extensive knowledge in operations, engineering, design, program management and construction management.

La Guardia earned his Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology degree in Civil/Structural Engineering from Temple University. Nationally, he is active in AREMA Committee 11 (Commuter & Intercity Rail Systems), the American Public Transportation Association Rail Transit Committee and is currently the Chair of the Elevator/Escalator Technical Forum. Contact Ed:

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Impact / Transportation

QUICKER, SMOOTHER, SAFER Michael Baker designs lead the way to I-15 upgrades

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Baker International provided design and engineering services for S I G N AT U R E – S U M M E R 2 0 2Michael 1 a new southbound lane on I-15, stretching for approximately 13 miles.

Transportation / Impact

Interstate 15 is one of Utah’s most important highways, carrying more than 250,000 vehicles each day. That heavy volume includes both passenger traffic and trucks shipping goods across the United States and western Canada, making I-15 a vital commercial corridor. To keep pace with the state’s burgeoning population, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has undertaken multiple initiatives to upgrade I-15, with Michael Baker International providing design services for a number of those projects. But in 2018, UDOT faced perhaps its biggest I-15 challenge yet. Near the cities of South Salt Lake, Murray, Midvale, Sandy and Draper, traffic was backing up on a southbound stretch of the highway that no longer could effectively handle the load. The subsequent logjams were causing related problems along access/exit ramps and feeder highways. Not only were motorists and cargo shipments slowed by as much as 50 minutes, according to UDOT, but the ensuing emissions from snarled traffic were adversely affecting air quality.

The solution: design and construct another southbound lane on I-15 as the centerpiece of a $161.4 million development that would incorporate all associated upgrades into the merges with local highways. UDOT engaged Michael Baker to provide design and engineering services and Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Co. (RLW) as the primary contractor in a design-build approach.

Enormously Significant, Enormously Complex The project was enormously significant — and equally complex. The new lane would stretch for approximately 13 miles, presenting a challenge in itself. Project goals also included improving movements from eastbound and westbound I-215 to southbound I-15 and expanding 7200 South to the west of the freeway to improve traffic flow. In addition, the far-reaching initiative required design and implementation of drainage extensions, detention pond modifications and lighting updates.

The project required innovation and a high degree of collaboration between Michael Baker and the contractor, Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Co.

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The numbers were positively daunting. The Michael Baker-RLW team needed to rehabilitate, widen or narrow 13 bridges, including several that traverse beneath or above active railroad tracks; design and construct roughly 30 retaining walls that, in most cases, would be located 12 to 15 feet behind existing retaining walls; and accomplish all of this while maintaining traffic flow throughout the project. Jon Ogden, Resident Engineer for UDOT’s Region 2 and Manager of the I-15 upgrade, calls it “one of the more difficult projects I’ve seen.”

“When you’re adding a lane to the highway, you’re adding a lane to the existing structures as well. On top of that, adjacent property reached nearly to the highway, restricting our access,” Ogden says. Meeting the many interrelated challenges required innovation and a high degree of collaboration between Michael Baker and the contractor, RLW. To that end, the two companies and UDOT co-located in a project-site office in Murray to guarantee the swiftest and most comprehensive information sharing. In addition, the design-build partners reached out to designers, engineers and executives in more than a dozen Michael Baker offices to tap their wide-ranging expertise. With that diverse, multitalented support group in place, the team went to work.

The Michael Baker-RLW team needed to rehabilitate, widen or narrow 13 bridges, including several that traverse beneath or above active railroad tracks; design and construct roughly 30 retaining walls that, in most cases, would be located 12 to 15 feet behind existing retaining walls; and accomplish all of this while maintaining traffic flow throughout the project. First and Foremost: Keep Traffic Moving Safely Keeping traffic flowing smoothly throughout the project was one of UDOT’s most important priorities, as Ogden notes: “One of the main goals was to keep traffic moving safely. We wanted everything done in a safe manner — first and foremost. That definitely was an area of focus.” To that end, the team used off-peak hours to install signage, including 17 overhead cantilever signs, seven overhead median butterfly signs, three VMS bridges and eight sign bridges.

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An especially sensitive, intricate aspect of the project was bridge redesign and rehabilitation where sections of highway or ramps spanned active rail lines.

“We were allowed some disruptions during those hours,” says Dayle Coburn, P.E., Design-Build Manager in Michael Baker’s Salt Lake City office. “We did shut down a lane for those operations. We installed a couple overhead signs overnight and on weekends.” During peak hours, though, the team relied on barriers to keep traffic flowing. Says Darren Burton, P.E., Project Manager – Highway, also in Michael Baker’s Salt Lake City office: “We had temporary barriers separating the work zone from traffic pretty much the entire 13 miles of the project zone.” Retaining walls posed yet another challenge. New walls, encompassing more than 125,000 square feet, would be tall, soaring to 30 feet or more, yet their design and construction were complicated by their proximity to existing retaining walls that could not be removed or modified. One particularly cramped point allowed only three feet between the old and new walls. The team stepped up to this challenge in an unusual way.

“We ended up using cellular concrete for the new retaining walls,” Coburn says. “We don’t use a lot of it on roadway projects, but it’s not as heavy as standard concrete and it fills the entire gap between the old and new walls.” The deployment of lightweight concrete limited roadway settlement and reduced irregularities in the driving surface as well as impact on adjacent facilities both inside and outside the UDOT rightof-way — important benefits, all.

Enter the Gantry Cranes Perhaps the most sensitive, intricate aspect of the project was its extensive bridge redesign and rehabilitation. This was especially true where sections of highway or ramps span active rail lines of the Union Pacific Railroad and the Utah Transit Authority. Rolling out heavy equipment to handle bridge modification at those key sites would have disrupted railroad traffic, an unacceptable approach.

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Gantry cranes were instrumental in allowing the team to remove and erect girders weighing more than 1,000 lbs. per foot and standing over 10 feet tall — without affecting rail traffic.

Instead, the team devised an ingenious solution — build giant gantry cranes on site to facilitate bridge widening and narrowing, then disassemble the cranes and remove them once the work was completed. The gantry cranes were instrumental in allowing the team to remove and erect girders weighing more than 1,000 lbs. per foot and standing over 10 feet tall — without affecting rail traffic. It was a remarkable feat, a sight that caused even veteran engineers to marvel. “The gantry cranes have one set of tires on one roadway, and the other set on another roadway, so the cranes span the gap between the highways. I’d never seen that before. It was really fascinating to see,” Burton says.

Pretty Close to Perfect The I-15 upgrade was substantially completed in 2020, and it has brought several important benefits to motorists and residents of all the cities along the interstate. UDOT estimates that travel time through the former construction zone was reduced by an estimated 25 minutes — a preCOVID-19 measurement. Once the pandemic reduced highway travel generally, I-15 logjams virtually disappeared. And while I-15 traffic will

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reach normal levels eventually, the upgrade has significantly shortened trips for motorists and truckers, while bridge and ramp rehabilitation has improved safety on I-15 connectors. On the environmental front, air quality is improved due to reduced emissions from backed-up traffic.

UDOT estimates that travel time through the former construction zone was reduced by an estimated 25 minutes — a pre-COVID-19 measurement. Once the pandemic reduced highway travel generally, I-15 logjams virtually disappeared. “Some of the ramps had immediate merges with I-15, which presented some real safety issues,” Burton says. “We designed acceleration lanes to fix that.” The elegant solutions that the Michael BakerRLW team designed and implemented made this I-15 upgrade a success across the board. There was even an aesthetically pleasing outcome. For more than 67,000 square feet of newly erected noise walls, the team used five different

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panel patterns that match the mountain scenes displayed on existing noise walls on both sides of the I-15 corridor. “The design for the entire project was done with attention to detail and quality,” Ogden says. “There were no substantial misses in the plan. I don’t know if you’ll ever get a perfect plan, but Michael Baker came pretty close to that.” The project has earned other important recognition as well. It won the 2020 Keep Utah Moving award from UDOT — the agency’s top project award each year — a Grand Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Utah, the Utah Construction & Design Magazine 2020 Most Outstanding Project Award in the design-build category, and the Highway Project of the Year (15+ Million) from the Associate General Contractors of Utah. For Coburn, completion of the project brought special satisfaction. For the last quarter century, he has played a critical role on multiple I-15 upgrades. In fact, the first was designed to prepare the highway for the influx of traffic expected for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. That $1.3 billion initiative was considered the nation’s largest design-build project at that time.

“I-15 is 400 miles long, but I’ve probably worked on over 100 miles of it,” he says. “It’s good that we keep having to add lanes and repair old pavement. It means we’re growing.” Coburn, though, downplays his role in that phenomenal growth. “I don’t talk about it much. If I do, people just turn up the car radio,” he jokes.

The design for the entire project was done with attention to detail and quality. There were no substantial misses in the plan. I don’t know if you’ll ever get a perfect plan, but Michael Baker came pretty close to that. — Jon Ogden, Resident Engineer, Utah Department of Transportation Thanks in part to Coburn’s longtime and consistent leadership, as well as the contributions of the entire Michael Baker team, the ride along those miles is quicker, smoother and safer.

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Michael Baker harnesses the expertise of several offices to deliver the Air Force Virtual Warfare Operations Center Facility

The training of United States Air Force pilots is vital to the security of America, yet it can be a dangerous, costly undertaking. If pilots in training are asked to practice unfamiliar exercises in the air, the chance for mishaps, injuries and even loss of life may be unacceptably large. To eliminate those risks, the Air Force presented Michael Baker International with an exciting yet enormously important challenge in 2018: Design a $29 million state-of-the-art simulation center at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB) near Las Vegas that would allow young pilots to learn the necessary flight skills as well as other critical abilities — such as the intricacies of providing air cover for other service branches — without leaving the ground. The Air Force required a simulator integration facility at Nellis AFB to enable fifth-generation F-35/F-22 advanced training and tactics development. This facility would be the hub for connecting, controlling and integrating multiple simulator types co-located at Nellis AFB, as well as geographically separated simulators. It would allow warfighters to train in an unprecedented state-of-the-art environment while maximizing levels of realism unavailable or limited in live flying, and facilitate a face-to-face planning, briefing, execution and debriefing capability. With those marching orders, Michael Baker designed the Virtual Warfare Operations Center Facility (VWOCF), a unique jewel in the desert that features four flight simulators, each encased in a 12-foot-high dome, that can replicate conditions for many of the aircraft in the Air Force fleet. The simulators are complemented by an auditorium for large group meetings, seven mission-briefing

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offices, more than 3,000 square feet of “white space” server rooms and office support space. Another distinctive component: raised floors for data cabling to be easily reconfigured for any additions or changes. To further facilitate potential expansion, the selected site includes space just south of the VWOCF for an entire new building. Says Pawel Paszczuk, R.A., Project Manager and Architect for Michael Baker: “The beauty of this technology is that you have the capacity, over the Internet and secure, to train with anybody else who sits in a simulator elsewhere. And it’s all happening in real time.” “Pilots take a lot of risks in missions and in training. Simulators are a safer way for pilots to train. They also provide the capability to train with others without having to expend fuel or time on aircraft maintenance.” The project was a collaboration among three key Michael Baker team leaders — Paszczuk (Phoenix); John Coffey, P.E., Technical Manager – Structures (Salt Lake City); and Ryan Thurmes, P.E., Project Manager – Land Development (San Diego). Moreover, members of the Pittsburgh office (Alfonso Doblado Lara, P.E., Fire Protection Engineer, and Christina Hohman, R.A., Sustainability Coordinator) would be called on to provide support for fire protection engineering and sustainability management. Would team members be able to use cuttingedge communications technology to collaborate remotely, thereby minimizing the need for inperson gatherings, and still achieve project goals?

Federal Focus

Michael Baker International designed a state-of-the-art simulation center for pilots to learn the necessary flight skills as well as other critical abilities — such as the intricacies of providing air cover for other service branches — without leaving the ground.

Betting on the Bays As they answered that question, the team faced a number of challenges. One was the demanding design/construction schedule developed by the Air Force and its contracting representative, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District. The tight schedule called for design of the VWOCF in only eight months. To allow the primary contractor, Korte Construction Co., to begin construction as soon as possible, the team split the design into two packages. The first covered civil engineering, landscaping, architecture and structural engineering for the foundation and shell, while the second focused on interior design and electrical and mechanical features. “Once we had the first package issued, the contractor was able to start excavating and doing utility work,” Paszczuk says.

Adds Thurmes: “It was challenging because you’re trying to design a structure where you can’t coordinate all the elements — some haven’t been designed yet.” Perhaps a bigger challenge was selecting just the right bay doors to allow access for the simulator domes. Not only did the doors have to swing high and wide enough for the domes, but the materials with which the doors were constructed also had to be able to withstand the harsh heat and sunlight of the Nevada desert. Those specs eliminated any possibility of conventionally available bay doors. “In that dry, hot climate, wood or metal would warp when they’re exposed to the sun, and they would start peeling away from the acoustic seal,” Paszczuk says.

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Federal Focus

For Michael Baker, completion of the VWOCF in 2020, on time and within budget, validated a multi-office approach that brings the entire range of the company’s expertise and experience to clients — no matter where a project might be located.

Instead, Michael Baker designed custom 14x14 double-bay doors constructed as vault-type steel doors creatively rigged with canopies as heat shields. Thus, while providing comfortable clearance for the simulator domes, the bay doors help insulate the interior from heat and noise.

Security & Sustainability The location of the VWOCF — on an active military base in a desert climate — meant the facility’s design would need to address security and sustainability. To meet security concerns, Michael Baker designed, in effect, a secure envelope to protect the entire building. That envelope includes an intrusion-detection system, security cameras and 24/7 access control.

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On the sustainability front, the team tapped innovative insulated concrete form (ICF) technology for outer walls. Although ICF walls are not commonly used for cast-in-place architecture in the United States, ICF technology has many benefits. Its inner and outer layers of rigid insulation provide superior protection against weather, lowering heating and cooling costs. The rigid form layers are easily stacked and connected to one another, and unlike other concrete construction, ICF requires no formwork, allowing for faster construction. Additionally, ICF supplies significant load-bearing strength and substantial soundproofing. All these properties made it the perfect choice for the VWOCF.

Federal Focus

To further protect against extreme weather, Michael Baker designed a series of perforated metal screens to reduce heat gain from the glazing facing west. The screens are aesthetic as well as functional, giving the VWOCF a distinctly modern look that is enhanced by its desert tones and glazed curtainwall at the entrance. The center includes yet another sustainabilityenhancing element: building materials designed to reduce noise. Walls and doors — including the custom bay doors — feature sound transmission class (STC) ratings of 50, meaning that outside noise from the bustling base is limited to acceptable levels. The sustainability profile of the VWOCF is so strong that the facility meets the High Performance Sustainable Building requirements with 49 percent energy efficiency achieved below the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90.1 Standard, and is currently in progress for a Third Party Certification under Guiding Principles Compliance, a U.S. Green Building Council certification.

Completion of t he VWOCF represents the accomplishment of a critical mission. Pilot training has become safer and more comprehensive, a key advance in the country’s defense capability. Missions Accomplished For Michael Baker, completion of the VWOCF in 2020, on time and within budget, validated a multi-office approach that brings the entire range of the company’s expertise and experience to clients — no matter where a project might be located. The full VWOCF team, including owner, designer and contractor, assembled on site only three or four times throughout the project, according to Paszczuk.

This ability of team leaders to deploy technology in place of in-person meetings proved decisive during the COVID-19 pandemic, which spread just as the VWOCF was being completed. Despite widespread business shutdowns during virus surges, Michael Baker’s teams worked and collaborated largely from home, and their projects didn’t miss a beat. Notes Thurmes: “We’ve been working virtually for years, but we’re learning to use the tools even more. Even when we no longer have to worry about COVID-19, I don’t need to be on site to work on a project.” Adds Paszczuk: “These days, I work with engineers all over the country. We have it down to a science.” Completion of the VWOCF represents the accomplishment of a critical mission. Pilot training has become safer and more comprehensive, a key advance in the country’s defense capability. According to Mark J. Porterfield, Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, designing and building this facility at Nellis AFB has provided the best option and synergies to fully execute this advanced training — not just for those at Nellis AFB, but also for the Air Force as a whole. Paszczuk calls the project “a win on many fronts,” while Coffey’s sentiments are even stronger. “I’m grateful we live in a country where we can provide this type of capability for our safety — and the safety of the whole world,” says Coffey. “The pilots can practice over and over again. When they’re in the air, they’ll better perform the tasks required of them.”

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Across the Continuum

ADVANCING TALENT AND DRIVING GROWTH New hires and promotions reaffirm Michael Baker’s commitment to investing in top talent

Mohamed Bagha, P.E., PMP, CFM VP and Regional Practice Lead – Water Houston, Texas

Sue Barker, P.E. VP and Office Executive Madison, Wisconsin

Mohamed Bagha was promoted to Vice President and Regional Practice Lead – Water in the Gulf Coast Region. Bagha will build on his 15 years with the firm and facilitate the ongoing growth of the firm’s Water practice through extensive client outreach and close collaboration with staff across the company.

Sue Barker has been promoted to Vice President and Office Executive in Madison, Wisconsin. She has more than 30 years of experience managing large-scale transportation projects and her expertise includes transportation planning, rural and urban roadway design, construction management and public involvement. Sue has a comprehensive understanding of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) facilities development process and has successfully managed roadway design projects on local roadway systems, as well as state and U.S. highways.

Bagha has more than two decades of experience in water resources engineering, including advanced 1-D, 2-D and unsteady model development for hydrology and hydraulics, stormwater management and watershed planning. He manages a diverse array of water resources projects for federal, state and municipal clients, and has been vital to FEMA’s national and regional flood risk mapping initiatives.

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In her prior role as Office Manager, she successfully directed and led the Madison office in support of several high-profile WisDOT projects throughout the state. She also previously served as a Project Manager.

Across the Continuum

Tanya Bilezikjian, P.E., ENV SP, QSD/QSP VP and Office Executive Ontario, California

Gil Bosque, P.E. VP and Office Executive Hamilton, New Jersey

Tanya Bilezikjian has been promoted to Vice President and Office Executive for Michael Baker’s Ontario, Temecula and Palm Desert offices. She joined our firm 16 years ago and has extensive experience leading growth, while building a strong reputation as an effective collaborator and trusted advisor with many of our clients.

Gil Bosque has been promoted to Vice President and Office Executive in Hamilton, New Jersey. Bosque brings more than 20 years of transportation engineering experience to his new role, which will be key to our continued growth in the Northeast Region.

Earlier in her career with us, Bilezikjian was a Department Manager – Water, where she successfully managed large programs, planned and executed multimillion-dollar contracts and task orders, and identified solutions and improvements to both site-specific and programlevel challenges.

Bosque joined our firm 15 years ago and most recently oversaw the Traffic, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Structures/Geotech and Aviation departments within our New Jersey operations. He has managed transportation projects of all sizes for clients, including the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, South Jersey Transportation Authority and the New Jersey Department of Transportation.

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Across the Continuum

Stephen Browning, P.E. SVP – Federal Markets Denver, Colorado

Ali Detar, CPSM VP of Marketing Communications Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Joining Michael Baker as Senior Vice President for Federal Markets, Stephen Browning will provide leadership to develop and execute our work with U.S. Federal Civilian Agencies and our U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Civil Works portfolio, while growing our entire Federal portfolio.

Ali Detar will work across our organization to plan and execute programs that elevate the Michael Baker brand, distinguish our firm among industry competitors and provide deliverables that aid colleagues in cultivating client relationships.

Browning previously served at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Legacy Management Program at Navarro Research and Engineering, CH2M Hill (now Jacobs), Weston Solutions and MWH Global (now Stantec). Before joining the private sector, Browning served in the USACE and as a member of the Senior Executive Service, with assignments across the U.S., Korea, Germany, Kuwait and Iraq. He also deployed to New York City immediately following the September 11, 2001, attacks to lead the USACE emergency response activities.

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Detar joined Michael Baker from Gannett Fleming, Inc., where she was responsible for strategic marketing for the infrastructure firm since 2005, most recently as Director of Marketing Communications. Throughout her tenure at Gannett Fleming, she served as the marketing representative for the firm’s urban air mobility, smart cities and automated/ connected vehicle initiatives, Power business line and Northeast Region. Earlier in her career, she served in various communications roles for Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

Across the Continuum

Malcolm Dougherty, P.E. SVP and National Practice Executive Santa Ana, California

Steve Gravlin, P.E., P.S. VP and Office Executive Detroit, Michigan

Malcolm Dougherty has been promoted to Senior Vice President and National Practice Executive, where he is expanding his role and overseeing all National Practices.

Steve Gravlin was named Vice President and Office Executive in Detroit, Michigan, and will lead efforts to expand client relationships and drive growth. Gravlin is a seasoned transportation infrastructure professional with more than 30 years of experience providing superior client service, project/program management, staff development, strategic planning and innovative contracting.

Dougherty has more than 28 years of industry experience and joined Michael Baker in 2018 as the National Practice Leader for Transportation, where he drove the strategic direction, growth and performance of the practice and led an integrated team of regional transportation and management professionals in all aspects of transportation, including: Highways, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Smart Transportation. Before joining Michael Baker, he served as the Director of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

In leading Michael Baker’s first Michigan office, he has successfully partnered with team members from across the region to grow the office’s service offerings and drive business in the Detroit Metro area and across the state. His expertise includes both design-build and P3 contracting and spans from bridge design and Complete Streets/urban arterial design to green infrastructure, hydraulics and climate change mitigation.

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Across the Continuum

George Guszcza, C.C.M. SVP and National Federal Director Alexandria, Virginia

Magdy Hagag, P.E. SVP and Northeast Regional Director Hamilton, New Jersey

George Guszcza has been promoted to Senior Vice President and National Federal Director. He will be responsible for the day-to-day operations, systems and processes of our Federal group across the enterprise, as well as for expanding the breadth and depth of our Federal talent, and providing oversight for Federal programs and processes.

With 35 years of industry experience, including 21 years with Michael Baker, Magdy Hagag has been promoted to Senior Vice President and Regional Director for the Northeast Region.

Guszcza joined Michael Baker in 2018 and most recently served as Office Executive for the Washington D.C. Metro Area. He has more than two decades of experience leading operations, finance, major programs, complex capital investment portfolios and IT initiatives. Prior to joining our company, George was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Adams and Associates, Inc., a federal contractor operating across the U.S.

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Hagag previously led our firm’s New Jersey Operations and has been instrumental in leading innovative portfolio diversification strategies, deepening client relationships and providing critical project management and oversight. He also previously served as Senior Vice President and Office Executive for the Hamilton and Newark, New Jersey, offices as well as Director of Project and Quality Management for the New Jersey/New York metropolitan area.

Across the Continuum

Linell Homentosky, C.M. Regional Practice Lead – Aviation New York, New York

William Hoose, AICP AVP and Office Manager Long Beach, California

Linell Homentosky has been promoted to Regional Practice Lead – Aviation and will focus on sustaining and expanding our firm’s aviation services in the Northeast Region. She is a skilled aviation project manager with more than 15 years of experience who has contributed to projects for commercial and general aviation airports throughout the country.

William Hoose has joined Michael Baker as Associate Vice President and Office Manager of our Long Beach, California, location and will be instrumental to our continued growth and success in Southern California, as well as the expansion of our firm’s Planning practice.

Homentosky has executed projects at Michael Baker client airports, including the Philadelphia International Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport and Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, among many others. She previously spent eight years at AECOM as a Senior Airport Planner and Aviation Project Manager and worked for the City of Philadelphia’s Division of Aviation.

Hoose joins Michael Baker after serving as AECOM’s Associate Vice President of Operations and Impact Assessment and Permitting (IAP) Department Manager for the Los Angeles Metro Plus Region. Earlier in his career, he served as Program Manager, California Planning & Environmental Services, at Golder Associates, and in various senior Project Manager and Planning positions for PBS&J/Atkins, URS Corporation and A.A. Webb Associates., as well as operating his own planning and consulting firm for several years.

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Across the Continuum

Tim Little, P.E. VP and Regional Practice Lead – Transportation

Cary, North Carolina Tim Little has joined Michael Baker as Vice President and Regional Practice Lead – Transportation and will deliver quality transportation projects and focus on extensive client outreach to develop and secure business opportunities in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Prior to joining Michael Baker, Little spent more than 30 years as an engineer with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), where he leveraged his diverse experience and knowledge in all aspects of transportation operations, project development processes and entire transportation networks. He most recently served as Chief Engineer for NCDOT, overseeing the design, construction and maintenance of 80,000 miles of roadway in the state’s 14 divisions.

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Carlo Morgano Chief Information Officer Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Carlo Morgano has joined Michael Baker as Chief Information Officer and will direct the firm’s technology and data strategy on a global basis, as well manage the day-to-day operations of governance, innovation, cybersecurity, applications, data and user support functions. He will help drive our digital transformation and business growth, while leading, coordinating and maximizing the efficiency of our industry leading technologies to better serve our clients and communities. Morgano brings more than 25 years of experience leading the strategic planning, management and stewardship of Information Technology resources. He previously served as Chief Information Officer at American Textile Company and EQT Corporation.

Across the Continuum

Angela Nocera, P.E. AVP and Regional Practice Lead – Federal Mobile, Alabama

Darren Riegler, P.E. SVP and Area Executive Santa Ana, California

In the Southeast Region, Angela Nocera has been promoted to Associate Vice President and Regional Practice Lead – Federal and will focus on deepening partnerships within our Federal practice to provide even greater support to our military and federal clients.

Darren Riegler, SVP and Area Executive, is taking on an expanded role overseeing offices in Santa Ana, Long Beach, Camarillo and Los Angeles. This follows his nearly 18-year track record of significant contributions at Michael Baker, including time as Office Executive in the firm’s Hamilton, New Jersey, office and as Area Executive for San Diego, Carlsbad, Ontario, Temecula and Palm Desert.

She brings nearly 15 years of experience providing environmental and civil engineering consulting services to federal, state and municipal agencies and has managed individual projects, as well as multimillion-dollar programs under U.S. Army indefinite delivery contracts. Nocera has managed Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) projects under the Military Munitions Response Program and Installation Restoration Program for the U.S. Army Environmental Command and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Riegler began his career at Michael Baker as a Project Manager and Highway Engineer, delivering numerous complex multidisciplinary transportation infrastructure projects in New York and New Jersey. He also served as Director of Transportation for Michael Baker’s New Jersey operation and Director of Business Development for the entire New Jersey business development program.

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Across the Continuum

Shane Silsby, P.E. SVP for Client Management, West Region – Santa Ana, California

Chris Tagert, P.E. VP and Regional Practice Lead – Water Denver, Colorado

Shane Silsby has joined Michael Baker as Senior Vice President for Client Engagement for the West Region and will plan and implement strategies to accelerate business growth and improve operational effectiveness and efficiency.

Leading efforts to grow Michael Baker’s Water practice and deliver project excellence for our clients, Chris Tagert was named Vice President and Regional Practice Lead – Water for the Mountain Region. This new role builds on his successful 16-year career with Michael Baker managing municipal, state and federal contracts, and tailoring project coordination and delivery to meet the needs of his clients.

Silsby joins our firm after helping transform organizations through creative initiatives, identifying and correcting inefficiencies and building motivated teams across all business sectors. Most recently, he served as Chief Operating Officer at AECOM – DCS Americas West Region, where he led multiple business units across 30 offices in its West Region. Prior to that, he served as the Director of the Orange County Public Works Department and also served several roles with the City of Phoenix, including as Deputy Director/Deputy City Engineer.

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Tagert has significant experience in surface water planning and design, master planning, stream restoration, natural disaster response, resiliency planning, development of customized GIS and technology solutions and the communication and outreach that is integral to these projects.

Across the Continuum

Daniel Thornhill, P.E. AVP and Office Manager Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Reneé Tison, P.E. VP and Office Executive Columbia, South Carolina

In the Gulf Coast Region, Daniel Thornhill has been promoted to Office Manager for our Baton Rouge, Louisiana, office, where he will drive client engagement, strategic business development, team leadership and project execution.

Reneé Tison has been promoted to Vice President and Office Executive for South Carolina, overseeing the company’s offices in Greenville, Charleston and Columbia – where she was most recently Office Manager.

Thornhill previously served as Department Manager – Transportation, a continuation of his 24-year career delivering numerous transportation projects in Louisiana and surrounding regions. His consulting experience includes roadway design, corridor/traffic operation concept analysis, bridge design, hydraulics design, subsurface drainage design and sidewalk beautification projects. His clients included the East Baton Rouge Department of Transportation and Development (EBR DOTD), Louisiana DOTD, Lafayette Consolidated Government and St. Tammany Parish Department of Public Works.

Since joining Michael Baker in 2003, she has negotiated and executed multimillion-dollar contracts and managed large highway projects including the $180 million I-85 Design-Build widening and the $75 million Nexton Parkway Interchange north of Charleston. Tison’s nearly two decades of engineering experience include serving as lead design engineer responsible for all aspects of design, such as roadway, bridge, hydrology, traffic and environmental activities. She has built a strong reputation as a trusted advisor with many of our clients throughout South Carolina.

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Across the Continuum

Derek Vogelsang VP of Engineering Technology Denver, Colorado

John Walsh, P.E. SVP and Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Columbia, South Carolina

Derek Vogelsang has joined Michael Baker as Vice President of Engineering Technology. He will establish common processes and efficiencies for how our technologies are used to acquire, manage and analyze data, creating more value for our clients and the communities we serve.

John Walsh been promoted to Senior Vice President and Regional Director for the MidAtlantic Region. He most recently served as Office Executive for the Carolinas. Walsh has more than 30 years of experience in Infrastructure Programs and Project Management, as well as management and leadership of multidisciplined, large-scale organizations.

He previously served as Director of DMV Advisory Services, providing operational improvement services to clients in the water and wastewater, mining and natural resources sectors. He also served as Regional Leader – Business Transformation for MWH Global (now Stantec), managing the business transformation consulting practice in the Asia Pacific region.

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Walsh has been an integral catalyst for many of our project wins in South Carolina, including bridge inspection, bridge load rating, design-build (highways), water/sewer, and the reintroduction of utility coordination and railroad coordination services to our clients in South Carolina. Before joining our firm, Walsh spent nearly 25 years with the South Carolina Department of Transportation.

Across the Continuum

New Executive Leadership Team Members

Jake Watson, P.E., S.E. SVP of Federal Operations Salt Lake City, Utah

Mike Brescia, P.E. EVP and Chief Operating Officer Hamilton, New Jersey

As Senior Vice President of Federal Operations, Jake Watson will focus on Operational Excellence, lending oversight and coordination to meet and exceed the expectations of our Federal clients. He brings 23 years of industry experience to this role, including 14 years with Michael Baker.

Mike Brescia has been named Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. He is responsible for Michael Baker’s overall Operations, serving as an advocate for the firm’s engineers, planners, architects and other specialists, leading client engagement, partnering with our company’s thought leaders to drive growth and advancing our standard of excellence in every aspect of Operations.

Before stepping into a Federal role, Watson served as Regional Practice Lead – Building Design in our Salt Lake City office. His career includes more than two decades of successfully delivering a variety of projects throughout the world for clients including the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Naval Facilities Engineering Command, among others.

Prior to his new role, Brescia led Michael Baker’s Northeast Region since 2011, leveraging more than 35 years of industry experience. His expansive leadership experience within the company and in running large, complex projects gives him unique insights to lead Operations and the continuous improvement of our firm’s programs and processes.

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Across the Continuum

New Executive Leadership Team Members (continued)

Amy Davis, C.P.A. EVP and Chief Financial Officer Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Jim Koch, Ph.D., P.E. EVP and Federal Executive Alexandria, Virginia

Amy Davis has been named Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, overseeing all financial operations. She has a proven record of leading high-functioning finance and treasury organizations by emphasizing best-in-class financial policies and procedures, technology deployment and enhanced shared service centers.

James Koch has assumed an expanded role leading Michael Baker’s Federal team. As Executive Vice President and Federal Executive, Koch will accelerate growth in Federal markets while bringing better alignment and closer collaboration among our Federal team, our Federal Centers of Excellence and our overall Operations. He also joins Michael Baker’s Executive Leadership Team.

Davis most recently served as Michael Baker’s Chief Accounting Officer, Corporate Controller and Treasurer, where she oversaw the firm’s accounting, financial planning and analysis, tax and treasury. She previously served as Vice President, Global Corporate Controller and Treasurer for GNC. She also previously served in several executive-level finance roles, including Vice President of Corporate Finance for Eldorado Resorts, Inc. and Global Corporate Controller for DynaVox Inc., and spent six years at Ernst & Young LLP as an Audit Manager.

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He has more than 40 years of military and engineering firm experience, including spending the first half of his career with the U.S. Army, progressing through various positions in all aspects of engineering operations before serving as a Battalion and Joint Task Force Commander in Central America. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.

Across the Continuum

Mike Sidani, P.E., PMP EVP and Chief Project Delivery Officer Hamilton, New Jersey

John Tedder EVP, Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Mike Sidani has been named Executive Vice President and Chief Project Delivery Officer. Sidani will oversee Michael Baker’s overall project delivery process and prioritize our firm’s corporate and project risk management programs, particularly around large-scale, complex designbuild pursuits and execution. He brings together Quality Management, Project Oversight and Risk Management under one coordinated entity.

John Tedder has been named Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel and will serve as an important advisor responsible for guiding Michael Baker’s legal, contracting, insurance and compliance activities.

For nearly 28 years at Michael Baker, Sidani has been instrumental in developing a consistent approach to project delivery excellence throughout our firm in both Quality and Project Oversight programs. Additionally, he has been responsible for managing and executing large-scale projects, managing office operations, and pursuing and winning new work.

Tedder joined Michael Baker in 2019, after nearly 25 years working on project development, procurement and complex design and construction disputes. His experience includes work surrounding power plant capital projects, commercial development, highway/bridge construction, energy and natural resources. Before joining Michael Baker, Tedder served as Shareholder at Sherrard, German & Kelly, P.C., Partner at Duane Morris, LLP and Reed Smith, LLP, and an Associate at Babst, Calland, Clements & Zomnir, P.C.

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Across the Continuum

MICHAEL BAKER EARNS 25 REGIONAL ACEC AWARDS Firm also honored by Roads & Bridges, ENR and WTS International

Michael Baker International was honored with 25 regional Engineering Excellence Awards (EEAs) from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) for the 2020-2021 season. The annual awards competition recognizes engineering firms for projects that demonstrate a high degree of achievement, value and ingenuity, and that provide future value to the engineering profession. Michael Baker earned 14 project awards from ACEC California, along with other statewide recognition from ACEC Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Utah.

Michael Baker received the following honors:


Vista Village Trunk Sewer Project (Honor Award)

Laguna Beach Village Entrance (Merit Award)

Meredith International Centre (Merit Award)

Santa Clara River Levee 3 Rehabilitation (Merit Award)

Cow Camp Road Bridge Over Gobernadora Canyon Project (Merit Award)

Date Palm Drive Bridge Over Whitewater River Project (Merit Award)

Interstate 880 Northbound Safety and Operational Improvements at 23rd and 29th Avenues Project (Merit Award)

Telegraph Avenue Paving and Lane Conversion Project (Merit Award)

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Across the Continuum

California (cont.)

Moffett Drive Bridge Project (Merit Award)

Soka University Expansion Project (Commendation Award)

Imperial Beach Boulevard Enhancement Project (Merit Award)

Rancho Santa Margarita Hazard Mitigation Plan Project (Commendation Award)


Peachtree Parkway Pedestrian Bridge (Honor Award)

Jacksonville Regional Transit Center (Honor Award)

Rancho Mission Viejo PA-3 and PA-4 ROMP Project (Commendation Award)

NCHRP Research Report 918 (Commendation Award)



Jacksonville Regional Transit Center (EEA Award)

Jacksonville Regional Transit Center (Grand Award)



Jacksonville Regional Transit Center (Bronze Award)

Scioto River Pedestrian Bridge (Outstanding Achievement Award)


Vrooman Road Bridge (Outstanding Achievement Award)

SR 29 Bridge Retrofit for the Schuylkill River Trail (EEA Award)


Pennsylvania Mobility Partnerships (EEA Award)

I-15 Southbound DesignBuild Project (Grand Award)

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Across the Continuum

TWO MICHAEL BAKER BRIDGES LAND ON ROADS & BRIDGES TOP 10 LIST Michael Baker International proudly contributed design and construction management services to two of Roads & Bridges’ Top 10 Bridges of 2020. The annual list recognizes the top bridge projects in North America and is determined by project challenges, impact to region and scope of work.

Scioto River Pedestrian Bridge (#2) Michael Baker provided construction management services to help the City of Dublin, Ohio, connect a new multiuse district to the historic center of the city with the Scioto River Pedestrian Bridge. The 760-foot pedestrian bridge, commonly referred to as the Dublin Link, holds the distinction of being the world’s largest single-tower S-shaped suspension bridge. Michael Baker, selected by the City of Dublin for the firm’s expertise in cable stayed bridge erection and deep knowledge of Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) project delivery, served as the Construction Manager (owner’s representative) and provided inspection services. The firm worked with the City of Dublin, designer T.Y. Lin and contractor Kokosing Construction to successfully deliver the complex project.

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Across the Continuum

Vrooman Road Bridge (#7) Vrooman Road is a county road that provides critical connection in Lake County, Ohio, with dedicated exit and entrance ramps to Interstate 90. The previous Vrooman Road Bridge over the Grand River was a replacement built in 1952 and rehabilitated in 1980, but by 2002, the bridge had been deemed structurally deficient and functionally obsolete. Michael Baker provided final roadway design, final structure design and environmental investigations for the new crossing, which is now much safer than its previous iteration, greatly benefiting the traveling public. The Vrooman Road Bridge project replaced the aging bridge, enhanced public safety with better intersection geometry, provided better alignments for travel in snowy and icy conditions and eliminated flood hazards.

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Across the Continuum

TWO MICHAEL BAKER PROJECTS LISTED AMONG ENR’S BEST REGIONAL PROJECTS Two Michael Baker projects received Engineering News-Record (ENR) Regional Best Project awards for the 2020 awards season. Each year, ENR presents awards from independent juries of industry leaders in design and construction from each of the publication’s 10 regional editions using five criteria, including safety, innovation and teamwork.

ENR Southeast The Jacksonville Regional Transportation Center (JRTC) at LaVilla in Jacksonville, Florida, received a Regional Best Projects 2020 Merit Award in the Airport/Transit category. The Michael Baker International|Pond JV team utilized transit-oriented development (TOD) strategies to improve transportation, reduce traffic and spur economic activity in the region through the JRTC. The state-of-the-art facility was designed to be timeless and modern, effective and innovative. The JRTC brings the city’s formerly dispersed transit services under one roof, enabling riders to easily transfer between modes of transportation, increasing the effectiveness of public transportation and enticing new users. It provides the area’s first facility to connect regional transportation services, fostering opportunities for growth.

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Across the Continuum

ENR California The Interstate 880 Northbound Safety and Operational Improvements at 23rd and 29th Avenues Project was named the Best Highway Bridge (Northern California). I-880 is a major corridor in California’s Bay Area region, connecting the Port of Oakland with Silicon Valley. High traffic volumes, nonstandard geometry, nonstandard interchange spacing and short weaving all contributed to the deficient flow of traffic and high accident rates in the vicinity of the 23rd Avenue and 29th Avenue interchanges. The finished project includes ramp and intersection modifications and reconstruction, overcrossing structure replacements and construction of a new soundwall and redirects regional traffic out of the neighborhood. Notably, this project included the first roundabout at an on-ramp in the Bay Area, which has opened new possibilities and proven that the roundabout option is viable. Future projects will draw upon these key learnings and continue to provide value to the engineering profession.

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Across the Continuum

MICHAEL BAKER EMPLOYEES HONORED BY WTS INTERNATIONAL WTS International is dedicated to creating a more diverse, inclusive and equitable transportation industry through the global advancement of women. Michael Baker International is a strong supporter of WTS at the national and local levels and encourages its employees to host and attend WTS events that add value to the transportation industry. The firm was previously named WTS International’s 2020 Employer of the Year. WTS recently honored three Michael Baker employees for their involvement in their local WTS Chapters and for advancing the organization’s mission.

Michelle Hoysick, P.E. Design-Build Business Development Lead Denver, Colorado Michelle received the Member of the Year award from WTS International’s Colorado Chapter. The award recognizes Michelle for her commitment to the goals and growth of WTS and her dedication to the advancement of women and minorities in the transportation industry.

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Jennifer Riddle, CP APMP Proposal Manager Virginia Beach, Virginia

Steve Huff, P.E. Regional Practice Lead Santa Ana, California

Jennifer received the Service Award from WTS International’s Hampton Roads Chapter (HRC). Through her work with WTS HRC, Riddle raises funds for the scholarship program and promotes STEM outreach activities while advancing the mission of creating a more diverse, inclusive and equitable transportation industry.

Steve received the Honorable Ray LaHood Man of the Year Award from WTS International’s Orange County Chapter. The award recognizes men who have been key to WTS International’s efforts to attract, retain and advance women in the transportation industry.

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Our Commitment to Excellence


EXCELLENCE TO OUR CLIENTS… Thank you for the opportunity to help you achieve your vision. We care and believe in building strong, long-term relationships that put your needs and aspirations first. We will leverage our full continuum of expertise, experience and innovation — with respect and integrity — to help you solve your most complex problems. We will serve as your change agents and trusted advisers, partnering with you and your communities to enact transformational change.


TO OUR WOLF PACK… We cultivate a Culture of Excellence that fosters collaboration, career development, diversity, creativity, differentiating innovation and an impassioned entrepreneurial spirit. We will invest in your education and training. We will seek opportunities for you to develop your careers. We will reward innovation, teamwork and leadership.


TO OUR COMMUNITIES… We care deeply about the communities we serve. We will give you alternatives and solutions as we deliver improved quality of life, peace of mind and a more prosperous future. We also are dedicated to giving back around the world with our time, talents and financial support to lift up those in need. You represent our families, neighbors and friends.


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We Make a Difference

MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 500 Grant Street | Suite 5400 Pittsburgh, PA 15219

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