Company FAQ

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Make Website Optimization Easier with These 5 Tips

In this age of fast internet, no visitor is going to wait for minutes to see your company FAQ page to load. Many of the website owners these days are getting their websites optimized to give their visitors a premium and faster service by letting them browse through their website easily. While loading speed of your website isn’t usually counted in the major indicators, it is a nice feature that’ll help you retain more customers.

FAQ to Check Before You Optimize

When you’re going to speed up your website, keep in mind that you’ll have to sacrifice some features. One major thing to keep in mind is that what features make the core of your UI, and keep them while minimizing the other useless ones. Here are some strategies that’ll help you enhance the UX of your website by optimizing your website.

1. Optimize for Mobile

Given that the number of people browsing from their mobile devices has grown manifolds lately, you should optimize your website for mobile while coding it. One of the best ways to optimize your website for mobile is coding it for mobile first, and then progressively optimize the experience for desktops and other devices.

2. Use Low Resolution/Small Images

Reducing the image height and size on your website can help a lot in increasing the loading time. Small and relatively lower resolution images can help your users easily read the content with all the images already displayed. Other than changing the quality, you can also change the file type to reduce the image weight considerably.

3. Use CDN

CDN or content delivery network is one of the best ways to optimize your content according to different regions of your visitors. In this method, different dedicated servers are used for specific regions to handle all the relevant traffic and deliver them region specific content.

Using the CDN method would allow you to increase the load time of your website considerably for specific regions that is because the servers would be physically closer to the visitor's location.

4. Use the Cache Technique

Using web caching technique can also help you enhance the user experience of your website. In the cache method, your website stores the previously browsed pages by a visitor, and loads it quickly when the visits the website again. You can save a lot of your server’s time by adopting this effective method.

5. Buy Dedicated Hosting Service

After going through all the above mentioned steps, if your website still loads late, then you should take a look on your hosting plan and see if it is a shared hosting plan or a dedicated one.

In a shared hosting plan, one server is used to host several websites, so, it may get a bit slow at times when there is more traffic on the hosted sites. On the other hand, investing a plan with a dedicated server for your site is your best bet, because this way you’ll never have to worry about your website getting slower at the times of high traffic.


So, optimize your website for mobile, use CDN cache technique, and dedicated hosting to improve your business website. When in doubt, do read the company FAQ to know what are conditions.

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