Under One Roof 2015

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Food for the Body, Food for the Soul • Sukkot 2015
45 Sukkah panels created and contributed by the community. Poster 1 of 4. CinCinnati Human Relations Commission isaaC m. Wise temple JCC eaRly CHildHood sCHool JeWisH FedeRation oF CinCinnationWaRd isRael CinCinnati museum CenteR CinCinnati Community mikvaH tHe JeWisH Hospital meRCy HealtH temple sHolom Halom House CedaR village ataRa giRls HigH sCHool CongRegation BetH adam
Food for the Body, Food for the Soul • Sukkot 2015
ROOF 45 Sukkah panels created and contributed by the community. Poster 2 of 4. national undeRgRound RailRoad FReedom CenteR Camp at tHe J CinCinnati HeBReW day sCHool elementz CongRegation ziCHRon eliezeR Hillel at miami univeRsity and assoCiation oF JeWisH students adatH isRael CongRegation Jvs CaReeR seR viCes HeBReW union College-JeWisH institute oF Religion CaReeRs CinCinnati HuC aRCHives
Food for the Body, Food for the Soul • Sukkot 2015
45 Sukkah panels created and contributed by the community. Poster 3 of 4. etz CHaim JCC aFteR CReW CinCinnati Hillel
CaReeRs CinCinnati CongRegation sHaaRei toRaH CinCinnati Community kollel inteRFaitH Hospitality net WoRk oF gReateR CinCinnati JCC senioR CenteR RoCk WeRn aCademy noRtHeRn Hills synagogue Halom House easteR seals


Food for the Body, Food for the Soul • Sukkot 2015

45 Sukkah panels created and contributed by the community. Poster 4 of 4.
Camp livingston CinCinnati JeWisH ReCoveRy – Jeep (JeWisH eduCation FoR eveRy peRson) gReateR neW ligHt Baptist CHuRCH tHe CenteR FoR HoloCaust and Humanity eduCation a JC CinCinnati CenteR FoR HoloCaust suR vivoRs, JeWisH Family seR viCe RoCkdale temple CHaBad JeWisH CenteR Blue asH CinCinnati sympHony oRCHestRa and melodiC ConneC tions CinCinnati Ballet JCC Fitness and FRiends

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