Occult Cosmology

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Monadic Duality human awareness, however and this is the non-evolving ‘absolute’ self. The evolving self lives imbedded in the world of becoming—within the manifest universe. The absolute self is neither confined to the manifest universe nor excluded from it. It neither evolves nor realises itself. It is beyond all definition and all duality. It is what the Ageless Wisdom calls the One Boundless Immutable Principle. It is the ever becoming, though the never manifesting.1 Monadic duality refers then to the simultaneous realisation that begins to occur in the human soul once it has penetrated into the centralised identity that we refer to as the ‘monad’. One aspect of this realisation is a sense of self expanded into a larger sphere of time and space identification. The human being begins to realise itself as a participant in the Purpose and Life aspect (and not only the consciousness) of the planetary and solar life in which it lives. The other aspect is the gradual ‘breaking through’ into awareness of the absolute self so that it is realised that not only is the evolving self participating in ‘Life’, it IS that Life—and not only the one universal LIFE but the very Principle in which that Life LIVES. And always has been and never was or was not. This cannot be said and yet, instead of moving along to the next idea which the consciousness can grasp, it is worth pausing to let the infinite reveal itself through the finite. Let us pause here and sound the Gayatri. If you, the reader, pause and do likewise—perhaps this reality, via our triangulation of intent, will embrace us all through the gentle illusory folds of time and space: om bhūr bhuvah svah tát savitúr várenyam bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó nah pracodáyāt om 1  Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2, p.449.


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