Journey To Shamballa Land- Bruce Lyon

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why it is held in reserve until the demand from humanity for the revelation of synthesis is strong enough. When the soul is freed from the mind and returns to its monadic source, it immediately recognises its universal nature and an energetic quality becomes active in the soul itself via the jewel. This quality, simply because it is universal and simultaneously present in all souls, recognises itself everywhere—and more specifically recognises through resonance when it is consciously active. Put another way, souls that have been home or are in conscious touch with the monad, automatically through spiritual resonance recognise this same quality in others. Historically these souls, while in touch with each other in an ashramic sense, have remained isolated as points of centralising influence in their different groups and centres of consciousness around the world. Now as the Shamballic centre is emerging and under the Law of Assembly, these souls are being drawn together into more conscious contact and forming a centre within humanity able to stand and withstand the Shamballic force. They come from all spiritual traditions and disciplines and their consciously recognised work is to collectively hold this energy as a reservoir and a seed of the Will. As Pluto moves through Capricorn and the power structures of the planet come under irresistible pressure to transform, this seed will flower within the human centre as an expression of spiritual governance based on the revelation of universal principles. After the ‘teaching’ we entered a period of profound silence and energetic recharging that gave a new meaning to the phrase ‘rest in peace’. In that peace was sound however—a sound that I had recognised in 2000 at the start of my transmission work and written about in this way:


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