Collected Writings Volume XIII (1890-1891)

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York, September 12, 1888. Educated privately, then at King’s college, London, aud at St. John’s college, Cambridge. Read for the bar, but turned to astronomy aud writing. After a technical work, Saturn aud His System (1865), which proved a financial failure, he cultivated a more popular style. Founded 1881, a popular magazine called Knowledge wherein he wrote on a great many subjects. His most ambitious work, Old aud New Astronomy, was completed after his death. He had settled in New York around 1881. In addition to articles on astronomy contributed by him for the 9th ed. of the Encyclopedia Britannica (1875), he Wrote several other works, among which was one entitled Our Place Among Infinities (London, 1875; New York, 1876) which H.P.B. referred to aud quoted from many times, mainly because of his favorable views on astrology.

QUATREFAGES DE BREAU, JEAN-LOUIS ARMAND DE (1810-1892). The Human Species, Appleton Co., N.Y.C., 1879, 1881, 1884, etc. Vide BCW Vol. VIII, p. 472 for biographical sketch.

RAGON, JEAN-BAPTISTE-MARIE (1781-1862) . Maconnenic Occulte, et de L’iriitiatiou Hermetique. Paris, 1926. Biographical sketch in BCW Vol. XI, p. 587.

RENAN, JOSEPH ERNST (1823-1892). Vie de Jesus. Paris, 1863. Six editions in the first year. English translation by Charles E. Wilbour, Carleton, N.Y.C., 1864.

ROUGE, OLIVER CHARLES EMMANUEL, VICOMPTE DE. Born at Paris, April 11, 1818. Educated at the college of Saint Acheul, aud was pine-paining for the state council, then turned to the study of Arabic aud Hebrew at Paris. He discovered Champollion’s Egyptian grammain~



aud began to decipher hieroglyphics, refuting Lepsius aud Bunsen in: Examen de l’ouvnagc du chevalier de Bunsen, la Place de l’hgypte dans l’histoire du monde. (Annales de Philosophic chretienuc, Paris 1846.47). This was followed by many similar treatises in French journals, aud in 1849 he was made Conservator of the Egyptian section at the Louvre. He was instrumental in gaining antiquities for London, Turin, Berlin, aud Leiden museums while continuing to study history aud philology, aud contributing widely to the study of Egyptology in many journals. In 1860 he replaced Lenormant for the Chair of Egyptology at the College of France, aud visited Egypt twice, (1862.63, aud 1870-71) while continuing his prolific writing. Chrestomathic egyptienue, 4 Vols. 1867.76; h~tudcs sun le Rituel funeraire, iu,—Revuc ancheologique, Vol. I, Paris 1860; Recherehes sun le monuments qu’on peut attnibuer aux six premieres dynasties de Manethon, Paris 1864-65. He died of a lung infection 27 December 1872.

ROUGEMONT, FREDERIC DE (1808-1876) . Le Peuple pnimitif, sa religion, son histoire et sa civilisation. 3 Vols, Geneva, 1855.57. [British Museum catalogues show 20 titles by this author.]

ROW, T. SUBBA (1856-1890). Vide, BCW Vol. V, pp. 267-72 for biographical sketch. SCHLEIERMACHER, FRIEDRICH DANIEL ERNST (1768-1834). l7bcr de Religion. Reden an die gebildeten unter ibren Venacbteru. Berlin, 1799. Translated by J. Oman as: On Religion. Speeches to its cultured despisers, London, Kegan Paul & Co., 1893, lxiii, 287 pp. Schlcier-macher’s works coven 4 pages in the British Museum catalog. SCHMIDT, CARL (1868-1938) . Gelehrtc Auzeigen, Geittingen, ur. xvil~ pp. 640-675, Gottingen, 1891. A negative review of Amelineau’s 1890 translation of the Bruce Codex.

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