Agni- Bruce Lyon

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forms but the indwelling soul light within those forms. The soul then naturally seeks to bring the soul light and personality forms together. A partly soul-infused human will naturally try and ‘transform’ his world by bringing the outer forms into alignment with the inner vision that he ‘senses’ as a soul. A non-soul-infused being will merely accept the world for what it is and seek to manipulate it for his own purposes. A fully soul-infused being will no longer seek to transform the world because his own transformation will already be complete. He will then see the world of form and the world of soul as two aspects of one reality, dual only in the time and space necessary to complete their fusion. He is seeing in the light which the Angel radiates, the dark light of Purpose that lies behind all manifestation whether in consciousness or form. He begins to see the world as evolving perfection, because of course our purpose is perfection, and this perfection is ever present beyond the time and space of ‘perfecting’ and lies at the core of all existence. It is the blueprint that we are evolving into, already present at the beginning. We cannot become that which we are not already. 5. Then, having sensed the Presence—not theoretically but in vibrating response to its Existence—there next comes the stage of the ascertaining of the Purpose. Hope of identification with the purpose lies too far ahead even for the average initiate, under the status of Master. With that unattainable stage (for us) we are not concerned. But we are concerned with the effort to achieve an understanding of that which through the medium of form is seeking to embody the high purpose at any particular point in the evolutionary cycle. This is possible and has been achieved down the ages by those who have rightly approached and duly reflected upon the Way of the Higher Evolution. This Way is revealed to the disciple, e’en though it may not concern the intuitive message which he may bring back from his high adventure.


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