Hutchins Hapgood- Essay

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T h e s p i r i t o f t h e n e w B y H u t c h i n s H a p g o o d

We are undergoing a revolution in our society. As I once said, “There can… be no revolution without a revolution of the spirit”. This means that in order to change any aspect of our society, we must first bring about a new spirit in ourselves. We as citizens, especially the Bohemians, must recognize our potential in making true and positive change in the world. Then we must organize and

Evelyn Nesbit, 1913

present our ideals to a group who will listen. For this reason, we

Therefore, I propose the New Mar-

take care of the children. Men can

come to Polly’s and mingle with

riage, where both parties can enjoy

choose not to do jobs that require

people of similar interests to fulfill

the same luxuries and freedoms.

hard labor like construction or fac-

our own personal missions of bet-

These luxuries include but are not

tory work. In an ideal society, this

tering society. I propose that we

limited to, freedom to have extra-

would be done with ease, unfortu-

must also focus on asserting the

marital affairs, freedom to separate

nately nothing is perfect and we

ideas of the New Marriage, the

ownership of property, equal share

must work at making this a possi-

New Man, the New Woman, and

of household duties, and freedom

bility in the future. Roles that were

the New Culture.

to work and earn money.

previously seen as “manly” things

Marriage is never perfect,

In order for this New Mar-

would no longer be specified for a

and it is something that even I

riage to work, we must also

specific gender. While relieving

struggle with. The definition of

change the roles of men and wom-

the pressures put on men, this

marriage varies from person to

en, which brings me to my next

would in turn, give women more

person. Some define marriage as a

topic, The New Man. The New

options for potential roles in socie-

union between a man and a wom-

Man no longer has to follow the


an where they become one. This

rigid frame of what is seen as

“one” is usually the husband

“manly.” As gender roles become

the New Man are to succeed, we

whose wife becomes his property

more fluid, men can now choose

must introduce the New Woman.

along with her possessions (18).

whether to be breadwinners or not.

The New Woman is any woman

This is unacceptable and unfair.

Men can choose to stay home and

who chooses how she lives her

If the New Marriage and

life. The New Woman is any

no taking advantage of the immi-

woman who decides to break the

grants and African Americans in

dations of marriage and what it

mold of the “traditional female.”

the workforce or forgetting them

means to be a woman or a man,

The New Woman is each and eve-

in the fight for suffrage. Under

we are relieving people of the so-

ry woman we see every day,

this New Culture, we could all be

cial constructs society puts on us.

whether she is a writer, business

more accepting of each other’s

Only then can we make a lasting

owner, a lawyer, or even a home-

differences and work together as

change to how generations from

maker. These are all the embodi-

one to achieve our common goals.

now will live in the future. Will

ment of the New Woman. By giv-

In each faction there is division,

our future be stuck in the same

ing women the authority to make

but if we could all gather the sup-

old, rigid frames of marriage and

their own decisions and choose

port of everyone and work as one

gender roles we have now? Will it

which roles they want to fulfill,

people by putting our efforts to-

be forever changed by allowing

they are able to find themselves

gether, the targets would be

fluidity in the definitions of mar-

and become independent.

reached for all parties involved.

riage? The power lies in our hands

All of these factors feed

I hope that each faction

By rejuvenating the foun-

and the choice is ours, we must

into the idea of feminism, which

takes into consideration the prin-

make the right choice so that our

is a fairly new subject in our soci-

ciples I have put forth. I believe

children may live in a world better

ety. Feminism is seen as the em-

that by adding these Bohemian

than ours.

powerment of women because it

ideals, either faction can branch

works toward giving women the

out to the Bohemians in our midst

same rights and societal privileges

to win the much-needed votes.

as men. Times are changing. Fem-

The suffragists can benefit from

inism is a way to unify women to

the New Woman as it gives wom-

help them achieve a voice in our

en more freedom and independ-

government structure.

ence. The labor faction can bene-

The New Culture, as I like

fit by putting men and women on

to call it, would be a society

an even playing field both at work

where no matter your race or

and at home. Both factions can

background, you are seen as hu-

benefit from the New Culture by

man. There would be no differen-

uniting with all women or all la-

tiation between immigrants and

borers in order to reach their ob-

natives, or blacks and whites. We

jectives. Overall, we can put into

would all be one community, one

practice what we want to see in

people. Therefore, there would be

society in our private lives.


“Old Life” cartoon by Charles Dana Gibson

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