Ida Rauh- Essay

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D e a r

L a b o r

a n d S u f f r a g e B y I d a R a u h

m o v e m e n t

Dear Labor and Suffrage move-

individual transformation allows

Women and Economics, Char-


for personal change. Personal

lotte Gilman describes how soci-

change allows for people, no

ety has accomplished this. She

am sure that you are both famil-

matter their circumstance, a

states, “Women are generally

iar with me. Polly’s has become

chance to better themselves emo-

considered, and consider them-

your stage for pushing forth your

tionally, mentally, and/or finan-

selves, mere fractions of families,

ideas, and because I am a fre-

cially. And yet, our society

and incapable of any wholesome

quent visitor at Polly’s, I am your

wrongly limits people’s ability to

life of their own” (196). Gilman

audience. Over the last couple of

seek out personal change.

expertly highlights how society

My name is Ida Rauh. I

weeks, I have patiently listened

has stripped women of their indi-

to your passionate and intriguing

viduality. Instead, women are

arguments. I have become famil-

merely seen as wives and moth-

iar with the issues each of you

ers. These limiting roles stuff

hold dear. Suffrage movement,

women into boxes without room

you are pushing for women to

for personal change. There is no

gain the right to vote. Labor fac-

room for individuality, and there

tion, you are fighting for the

is no room for change. A woman

rights of industrialized workers. I

cannot better herself by getting a

believe that these issues are of

job, getting an education, or in

great importance, and I am glad

any other way because she must

that you have spread awareness

devote herself to becoming the

about your ideas at Polly’s. How-

perfect wife and mother. Women

ever, I think it is time that I

are not just mothers and wives,

brought awareness to the issues

and if given the chance to pursue

that I care about. I often find my-

personal change, women could

self thinking about individual transformation and its ef-

Copy of Women and Economics, Charlotte Perkins Gilman

fects. Will individual transformation help better our society, or

not only better themselves, but society as well. Look at the women at Polly’s. Look at how

Women represent a large

Mabel’s and Polly’s businesses

will lead to a world full of selfish

group of people who have been

have flourished. Look at how

people? I am not yet sure what

prevented by society from seek-

Crystal Eastman became a law-

the answer is, but I know that

ing personal change. In her text,

yer and Henriette a teacher. Look

at how Maud is giving public

through personal change they

not have the right to stop them

speeches on topics she cares

will rise from the dirt they start-

from climbing the social ladder.

about. Look at how Elizabeth

ed in. However, their employers

You may wonder why I

has effectively led the IWW.

make it so that personal change

care so deeply about equal ac-

Look at how I have been able to

remains a dream. Employers

cess to achieve personal change.

pursue a variety of my passions

work these workers for long

I care because I know what it is

that lie outside of service to Max

hours for low wages. Again, so-

like to have the world tell you

or motherhood. Somehow, the

ciety has made it impossible for

no. I am known as a woman who

other women at Polly’s and my-

a select group of people to

wants it all. I want a happy and

self have been fortunate enough

loving marriage, I want a suc-

to break the oppressive chains

cessful career, and I want to

society places on us. We have

pursue all the things that make

decided to pursue personal

me happy, but people, including

change, and we have decided to

my husband, have told me that

find something better for our-

my aspirations are too much.

selves. Every woman deserves

Society tells me, other women,

that chance, but not every wom-

and laborers that we cannot

an gets it. The chance for wom-

push for a personal change and

en to pursue personal change is

achieve our dreams. But society

an opportunity I deeply care

is wrong. We can all achieve


personal change, and therefore Not only do I want wom-

Photograph of Ida Rauh

en to have the opportunity to

better ourselves and those around us. We only need the

pursue personal change, but I

achieve personal change. These

chance. So, suffrage and labor

also want laborers to have the

workers no longer have time to

factions, I have listened to your

same opportunity. Workers, es-

even hope to better their lives.

words, and I hope that you have

pecially immigrants, start jobs

Instead, they are preoccupied

listened to mine. Because if ei-

with a dream in mind. They of-

with trying to make enough

ther of you want my support, I

ten come from unfortunate back-

money so that they and their

need to know that you too find

grounds, and they see these fac-

families can survive. I want this

my issues important.

tory jobs as a way to better their

to change. Everyone in America

themselves and their circum-

deserves the chance at personal

stances. This is their dream:

change, and these employers do


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