Art 360 First Draft Script

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INT. SYNERGY INCORPORATED WORKPLACE -DAY 1 Trevor Smith, Lawrence Jamal Walker,and Sylvia Valdez ,Marc Johnson are at their respective cubicles typing their latest assignments. Their Boss John Coffey Kane walks out of his office, and sits at the central table and signals for an announcement. MR. KANE "Lady and Gentlemen its that time again." Trevor, Lawrence, and Sylvia go the table where their Boss is sitting at. MR. KANE "Alright everyone, its that time again." CLOSE UP: Trevor smiles with anticipation of the announcement MR. KANE "Well as you all have noticed the first star of the month of 2016 is coming up which means one thing. (sarcasticly)A huge bonus is coming." DEXTER "About $100." MR. KANE "Right. Whoever has more than 1,000 successful sales by the end of the month gets the bonus, plus their may be a promotion in store for you guys". (Camera shows Trevor and then Larry) Several cups are placed on the table, Mr. Kane pours a drink in each cup, and hands it to each employee. Mr. Kane, as with everyone else raises their cup, as if to do a toast. CLOSE UP: MR. KANE "A toast to the beginning of another short weekend." Everyone takes a drink.

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