A Visitors Guide To...

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about THE GUIDE This guide is your handy essential guide to your time on Earth. Whether you want a tourist guie to sightseeing around our lovely little planet, or you need a little help enslaving the human race and destroying the third planet from the sun, this is the guide for you! So sit back, relax, and put all four of your feet up whilst you learn a little bit about planet Earth before you make your next move.




Ce est la planète Terre.

Este es el planeta Tierra.

Dies ist dem Planeten Erde.

Cette planète a de nombreux habitants, qui parlent une variété de langues et dialectes, certains les plus populaires sont le français, espagnol, allemand et anglais, mais tout le monde ne peut comprendre ces langues, et même certains de ceux qui prétendent parler anglais ne peut pas parler correctement l’anglais t.

Este planeta tiene muchos habitantes, que hablan una variedad de idiomas y dialectos, algunos de los más populares son el francés, español, alemán e Inglés, sin embargo no todo el mundo puede entender idiomas, e incluso algunos de los que dicen hablar Inglés no puede hablar Inglés correctamente.

Dieser Planet hat viele Einwohner, die eine Vielzahl von Sprachen und Dialekten, einige der beliebtesten sind Französisch, Spanisch, Deutsch und Englisch, kann aber nicht alle diese Sprachen zu verstehen, und sogar einige von denen, die Englisch sprechen, behaupten kann nicht sprechen t sprechen Englisch richtig.

Pour votre information, le reste de ce guide est écrit en anglais.

Para su referencia, el resto de esta guía está escrita en Inglés.

Zu Ihrer Information wird der Rest dieser Anleitung in englischer Sprache verfasst.

This is planet Earth.This planet has many inhabitants, who speak a variety of languages and dialects, some of the most popular ones are French, Spanish, German and English, however not everyone can understand these languages, and even some of those who claim to speak English, can’t speak English properly. For reference, the rest of this guide is written in English.

A LittlE bit about Earth... So now you’re here you might as well learn a few things before you go down and mingle with the locals, who knows - you might impress a few of them with your new found knowledge.

‘The Blue Marble’ © NASA / The Crew of Apollo 17

‘Planets2013’ © WP

As you may have noticed Earth is the third planet from the sun and the only planet - we know of - in our solar system that can support life (ie us humans, plants, and animals etc.). Something else you may have noticed is that the surface of the planet is dominantly blue with bits of green and white stuff. The blue stuff is water, and 71% of the surface of the earth is covered by this, and together makes up the worlds oceans. The other 29% is land and is covered by a variety of things such as buildings, roads, fields, deserts, rainforests, mountains or snow and ice. The fact that the water is in a liquid form is what makes Earth so great, as its the only planet with liquid water, and therefore the only planet that can support human life - so it would be a shame, if someone were, to blow it up, and destroy the only place that meets all the needs of human life, as well as many of the diverse, and sometimes majestic species on Earth. Another thing about life on Earth is that its a bit complex. All life is carbon based, but is reliant on the gas oxygen to survive, but having both too much of the two together (carbon dioxide) in the body can kill humans too. Humans breathe in oxygen and then breathe out carbon dioxide through a process known as aerobic respiration. Having oxygen in the blood keeps us alive, but having too much carbon dioxide in the body can prevent any oxygen getting into the blood, and that makes humans go blue and a bit dead. But this doesn’t happen a lot because the earth has enough oxygen producing organisms like plants, and trees, to stop this happening. Plants use a process known as photosynthesis to take in carbon dioxide and sunlight to create oxygen. Pretty hand stuff for us humans. Despite all this, the most naturally abundant chemical element in the earths atmosphere is in fact nitrogen, which makes up 78% of the planets atmosphere. Oxygen is the next most abundant element with 21%, other elements and compounds all feature but at much smaller concentrations of less than 1%. These other compounds in the atmosphere serve to protect that Earth from Ultraviolet radiation from the sun as well as warming the planet by the greenhouse effect. Without the greenhouse effect, the planet would be too cold and life would probably not exist.

3SUN rd

from the



most lifE is

carbon BASED


is rEquirED to


78% nitrogEn

thE LAND ON EaRTH The word Earth is an English translation from the Greek ‘γῆ’ and Latin ‘terra’ meaning; dry land, the soil, or the ground, so it can be used as another word for land. Humans inhabit the land and as such the land contains most of the interesting bits about Earth, and the land would be useful if you decided to enslave the inhabitants of Earth. ‘Amargosa Desert’ © Wikicommons user: Finetooth

‘Forest Light’ © FreeBigPictures.com

If you crash land on Earth chances are you are gonna land in the sea, as this covers most of the Earths surface - but pretty soon you’ll want to make your way to some land in order to do something interesting and exciting, whether that be sightseeing, making peace with the some of the planets intelligent life (supposedly us humans, even though there is some conflicting evidence with this), or enslave humanity for your own ends, because humans tend to not live in the sea. Instead, we live in 205 different sovereign states, or 59 dependant territories, spread across 6 continents - there’s one more continent but nobody lives on it. Each of these states and continents has slightly different features that make it unique. Increasingly the Earth is becoming more and more urbanised - meaning that the Earth is increasingly being covered by cities. The Earth is split up in a couple of different ways. It is split along the equator to give the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, as well as along the line of 0° longitude to give the Western and Eastern hemispheres. Earth has a mixture of environments, so it might be good to prepare yourselves for the change in environments. Most countries will have at least one city densely packed with sky scrappers and people, but within a few miles the city transitions into a much more ‘natural’ landscape, becoming much more sparsely populated with a slightly different approach to life. As you adventure around the planet you will discover sprawling cities, giant mountains, great plains, vast deserts and maybe the odd tree or two, even though 40% of the land on Earth is being used to grow crops or for animals to feed on. Under the surface of the Earth there is 7 tectonic plates that stop the land we walk on, and the sea we swim in, from slipping down towards the centre of the earth and into a molten ball of certain death. These plates are what carry the continents. Where these plates meet is often where large scale natural events such as earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, and deep sea trenches occur.

humans live on the



sovErEIGN statEs

6 7

Inhabited Continents

TECTONIC PLATES under the Surface



PLACES TO visit... Throughout the world there is many things both, natural and made by human, that, to us humans, are stunningly beautiful, seen as we are the only known sentient beings within our universe these will be truly one of kind. If you see these you might change your mind on enslaving the human race and destroying our planet.

GREAT WALL OF CHInA northErn china 40.6769째N, 117.2319째E

The Great Wall of China was originally built as a barrier (as most walls are) to stop droves of enemies attacking the Chinese empire from the north. Some estimates put the length of the wall at 13,171 miles long (21,196 kilometres).

The earliest parts of the wall were built in the 7th Century BC but building started seriously around 200 BC, and had significant sections added to it at later dates.

Great Wall of China Š Jakub HaĹ‚un

Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil image source:sociales.yucatan.com.mx

Christ the redeemer rio dE JAneiro, BRAZIL


22.9519°S 43.2105°W

The ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue overlooks the city of Rio de Janeiro and is a symbol of the dominant religion in the city, as well as the country, which is Catholic Christianity. The statue has also become an icon of the whole nation, having being built over a nine year period between 1922 and 1931.

Standing at an impressive 38 metres tall, it is constructed of an iron frame with a concrete and soapstone body. The statue is often pictured ‘holding’ the sun or moon with its open arms - a symbol of welcoming and peace. The views that the statue offers are truly unforgettable, if you time it just right. 11

Paris, FrancE

The Eiffel Tower in the French capital Paris, is a real feat of engineering - or it was, when it was built in 1889. Standing at 1,063 feet (or 324 metres - the same as an 81 storey building) the tower was the tallest man made structure in the world when it was completed. The view from the top gives great views of the rest of the ‘city of love’, and the tower is viewed as one of the most romantic places in the world, often being seen as one of the most romantic spots to propose marriage. But don’t expect it to be quiet when you arrive, the tower is the most visited paid attraction in the world, with an average of 25,000 people paying to climb to the top of the tower everyday.


48.8582°N 02.2945°E


The Eiffel Tower, Paris, France © Benh LIEU SONG

stonEhEngE wiltshire, england

51.1788°N 01.8261°W

Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England © Alamy

Stonehenge is an ancient monument within the English county of Wiltshire, and comprises of a ring of stones that have been stood up, or laid across the top of the upright stones, all this set within some land which has been altered by man. The earthwork around the site has been dated as early as 3000 BC whilst the stones were added up to 1000

years later, but the site has gone through many different phrases through its existence. Throughout the years there has also been a number of theories as to the origins and purpose of the site, as well as its construction. Some suggested that humans around at the time of the sites creation could not have got the stones into position, so the only other ‘logical’ suggestion was that there was some

extra-terrestial involvement - if you can shed any light on this, let us know. The most plausible purpose of the site was that it was a site of religious importance to the locals at the time. The site has a lot of interesting historical and religious content, and is definitely worth a visit, if you’ve not been before.


27.9881°N 86.9253°E

Mount Everest © Flickr user shrimpo1967


ThE Himalaya mountains, nepal-China Border Mount Everest sits at the top of the world, as the highest peak on the Earth’s surface at a sky-scrapping 29,029ft (or 8,848km), with the summit sitting exactly on the border between Nepal and China on the Asian continent. The first to reach the top of the world was Edmund Hillary with his guide Tenzing Norgay, in 1953.


The peak is so high that many who take on the challenge to climb the mountain require additional oxygen to help breath at the higher altitudes, which also brings severe weather such as extreme cold, blizzards and avalanches. Before modern technology, attempting to climb Everest was only undertook by the skilled and the brave,

as there are people today who attempt to climb the mountain but don’t return, due to the extreme weather or terrain. Everest is not to be underestimated. The challenge of climbing Everest may be huge but the sense of accomplishment when completed must be even bigger.

Image source: Huffington Post

11.3733°N 142.5916°E the Mariana Trench western pacific ocean, near Guam and the Philippines The Mariana Trench is the single deepest part of the world’s ocean, kinda like the opposite of Everest. At the deepest part of the trench, called Challenger Deep, the depth has been recorded as deep as 6.85 miles (11.03km), more or less, straight down. This means the Mariana trench is deeper than Mount Everest is tall.

The trench so deep that the pressure of the water at the bottom is 1,086 bars - over a 1,000 times what it is at the surface. And as such there has only ever been 4 successful recorded descents that have reached the bottom of the abyss.

And because of the depth, lack of sunlight, and high pressures, it was intially thought that there would be no life at the bottom, however this later proved to be wrong when man started to succesfully explore the depths. That, or the organisms at the bottom got bored of winning at hide and seek.


1) Northern China The Great Wall Of China 2) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Christ the Redeemer Statue 3) Paris, France The Eiffel Tower


4) Wiltshire, England Stonehenge








14 4 16

12 9


5) Nepal-China Border Mount Everest

9) 10 Downing Street, The Prime Minister of the UK

13) CalTech, USA, Stephen Hawking

6) Western Pacific Ocean Mariana Trench

10) The Reichstag, Berlin Chancellor of Germany

14) Birmingham, England, Malala Yousafzai

7) UN HQ, New York City, USA, Head of the United Nations.

11) The Kremlin, Moscow, President of Russia

15) Microsoft HQ, Redmund, USA, Bill Gates

8) 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue The President of the USA

12) Cambridge, England, Stephen Hawking

16) Nou Camp, Barcelona, Spain, Lionel Messi

11 10 1 5


Map data Š 2015 Google INEGI


...PEoplE TO sEE The most unique thing about Earth compared to the rest of our solar system is the variety of life on our planet, but the dominant life-form on our planet is the human race (or homosapiens), so it might be of interest to you to talk to a few of the leading figures in our race, even if some of what they say might not.


BAN KI-MOON Secretary-general Of the Un

Ban Ki-Moon is the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations. From the Asian country of South Korea, he is the head, and public face, of the United Nations - which is better known as just the UN. Mr Ban has been in the top job at the UN since 2007, and has sought that members of the world’s largest intergovernmental and international organisation tackle issues such as climate change and equal rights for women and those of the LGBT community. He has tried to achieve this by working with the largest and members of the UN such as the United States, who share similar views.

Ban Ki-Moon © United Nations Archive United Nations Headquarters, New York City, USA © United Nations

40.7494°N 73.9680°W

The main missions of the United Nations include seeking an increase international co-operation, promoting human rights, preventing wars between its members, imposing sanctions on those deemed to be breaking international law, sending and co-ordinating aid in the event of a humanitarian crisis, and, if necessary, intervening in armed conflicts using UN Peacekeepers - an armed force whose aim is to enforce and create conditions for long lasting peace within combat zones and conflicts. As the head of the United Nations you will probably most likely find him at the organisations headquarters, in New York City, which is in the north-eastern corner of the United States of America. If you want to takeover the planet he might be the best person to talk to about doing it peacefully. 19

Barack Obama Image source: theamericanpresidents.org


President of the USA Barack Obama is the current President of the United States of America, and is the first African-American to be elected to this office. As President of the United States he is the leader of the largest economy and the military in the world (so you might want to try to be friends with him and his army). Because of this the President of the United States is often referred to as the most powerful person in the world, a role which often weighs heavy on the shoulders of any President for there is pressure

for the US to be seen as being at the forefront of democracy across the globe. America has sometimes been called the world police due to its active involvement in resolving issues in a variety of locations in all corners of the world using a selection of different means, whether this be by political, economical or military means, or by other methods.

many conservative and archaic laws whilst introducing many much more liberal policies into a country that claims to be at the forefront of world democracy. He has overcome some sticky obstacles in his life, whilst breaking down barriers for many everyday Americans. Oh, and he’s also won the Nobel Peace Prize for trying to increase international diplomacy and cooperation.

Mr. Obama is an inspiring character because of many of his ground breaking accomplishments. Not only was he the first Afro-American president, he also repealed

Not only is Obama a cool guy, he also lives, and works in a pretty cool house/office, with you want to play some basketball with the big man head to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC. 38.8977°N, 77.0365°W South Face of the White House © Cezary Piwowarski


David Cameron © The Columnist UK


Prime minister of the UK David Cameron is the current Prime Minister for the European country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland usually known as just ‘the UK’. Mr. Cameron was born in his country’s capital, London. The UK, and therefore its Prime minister as head of its government, has long been seen as one of the leading figures in international politics and on world affairs, and this is because of its history both domestically and internationally.

The UK was one of the first democracies of the modern age, and set the model for democratic involvement in politics, and is usually amongst the first to act when something goes wrong whether this be with aid in the event of a natural disaster, or with an armed intervention when another state does something the rest of the world doesn’t particularly like.

minister he is responsible for implementing policies that he said he would put into law if he was elected. Since been elected in 2010, some of the policies he’s put in place haven’t been very popular in certain parts of the country and as such, he isn’t always well liked, but he thinks he’s doing what needs to be done to make his country better.

But David Cameron is also an interesting character because of the relationship he has with the people within his own country. In his role as Prime

As part of his job he gets to live in a house in a decent part of London. Pop by for a biscuit and a cup of tea with the PM. Britain is well known for its consumption of tea. 51.5033°N, 00.1276°W 10 Downing Street, London, England © Sgt Tom Robinson RLC/MOD



Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel is the German equivalent of David Cameron, and effectively runs the largest economy in Europe and is probably the most powerful woman in world politics today. Often referred to as the decider in European and International politics she is the unofficial leader of the European Union.

Angela Merkel © Bundesregierung / Kugler

Merkel has a background in science having a doctorate in physical chemistry and is also an avid football fan, but she is most well known for her handling of financial matters within Germany and the

European Union. She is the first woman to hold the office of Chancellor in Germany but isn’t without her controversies. Her views on multi-culturalism within Germany aren’t agreed on by every German citizen.

52.5186°N 13.3763°E 22

If you would like a chat with probably the most important woman in the world, drop by the Reichstag Building in Berlin, and maybe she’ll take you to see a game in the German Bundesliga. Reichstag Building © Jürgen Matern

VLADIMIR PUTIN President of Russia

Vladimir Putin is possibly one of the most controversial figures in world politics. As president of Russia he is the head of state of the worlds largest country in terms of land area, and the ninth biggest population. Before entering politics Putin was a spy/recruiter for the Soviet Union’s security agency.

Vladimir Putin © Kremlin.ru

Putin is contraversial in the way he conducts his business, there is widespread claims that he has rigged the elections for all 3 of the elections which has seen him win a term as president. The Moscow Kremlin © Wikipedia user Julmin

Despite him improving the economic situation of his country, Putin remains unpopular not only within his own borders but internationally because of his undemocratic approach.

Putin has a bit of a machoman image within the media due to his love of hunting and judo. Go and visit him at the Kremlin, in Russia’s capital Moscow, and he might show you a few things.

55.7516°N 37.6177°E 23


Will Smith is a highly well thought of American actor and has received many awards for his performances in some of the worlds favourite films. Known for playing a variety of roles in a selection of films, he is perhaps most well known for his roles where he is combatting an alien force which is invading the Earth, whether this be in the 1996 film ‘Independence day’ or the ‘Men In Black’ trilogy of films which was first released in 1997. All of these flms are works of science fiction (as far as we know they are), so Will doesn’t have any real experience of killing aliens so don’t feel as if he is going to kill you. When he’s not portrayed as the saviour of man kind, his work has seen him fight off corrupt politicians (Enemy of the state), take down criminals (Bad Boys I & II), or be the worlds worst super hero (Hancock).

When he’s not working as one of the most loved and respected members of the acting community Will likes to spend time with his family, both of his younger children have gone into show business with Jaden becoming an actor (him and his father have both featured alongside each other in a couple of films), whilst Will’s daughter Willow has had some success with a music career. Willow has also appeared in one of her fathers film, playing the daughter of her fathers character in the post apocalyptic film ‘I am legend’.

If you wanna catch up with Will Smith, and why wouldn’t you - he’s a really cool dude, you’ll probably find him on shooting on location for his next film or at the premiere of his latest blockbuster - exactly where is something you’d have to find out for yourself, when you get here.

Some of Will’s skills including the ability to solve a Rubik’s cube (a puzzle toy which requires a certain degree of skill and practice to solve) in under a minute - a very, very good time. He is also a keen Chess enthusiast, again another game which requires a great degree of tactical and strategic thinking in order to be good at. Will Smith © Chris Pizzello / Invision / AP



Inventor and philanthropist Bill Gates, is a well known American inventor, computer developer, and philanthropist. He is seen as one of the key figures in the rise of computers and technology in the 1980’s and 90’s that has become so widespread in the modern day.

with an algorithm that solved it quicker than anyone had seen in 30 years. But university wasn’t what Gates wanted to do so he soon left to start a business, some class dropping out of university as a failure and a sign you wont accomplish much in your life..

His interest in computers started at an early age and his ability to use them was present almost straightaway, writing software for programmes whilst still in school. He and other students were banned from using a particular computer when they exploited bugs in the computers system to obtain free time on the computer. The ban was lifted when the 4 students agreed to find these bugs and write fixes to them.

He and his business partner Paul Allen, set up Microsoft, in the mid 1970’s. Within his company Gates took up the business management roles but still found time to review code and rewrite it if necessary.

When he left school, he went to a prestigious American university where he quickly became known as one of the best in his class - solving a historically tough problem,

Gates first rose to prominence when Microsoft made the operating system for IBM’s personal computer (PC) in the early 80’s, with many identifying it as Gates work. Under his management Microsoft became a household name, and a leader in the technology sector, mainly due to most households having a Windows PC - which is made by Microsoft.

As time passed Bill became less and less involved with the day to day running of his company, and instead began to focus more on his charitable foundation which he set up with his wife in 2000. The aim of the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates foundation’ is to tackle world problems that are ignored by world government and political organisations, such as enhancing healthcare, reducing poverty, expanding educational opportunities, as well as increasing access to information technology. If you want have a chat with Bill he’s probably at home in Medina, or at the Microsoft offices in Redmond, both of which are in Washington state, in the Northwestern USA. Or he’ll be doing some charitable work somewhere in the world - what a nice guy.

Bill Gates © Microsoft


Stephen Hawking is a British scientist, cosmologist, noted theorist and is regared by some as the most intelligent living person on this planet. Although not initially successful academically, Hawking began to show an excellent aptitude with more scientific subjects, and decided to go into mathematics, physics or chemistry at university. Initially Hawking found the work to be unchallenging and struggled with the more social aspects of student life, but this soon changed and Hawking graduated with a first class degree - with examiners noting that he was far cleverer than themselves.

During his post-graduate studies of Cosmology at Oxford, he was diagnosed with Motor Nerurone disease - an illness which is slowly and progressively hampering his ability to walk and communicate with the outside world, because the disease kills the neurones that control muscle activity. Hawking was given two years to live by doctors in 1963. Those two years soon came and went and Hawking was still alive, and the rate in which his condition was deteriorating had slowed. Hawking soon returned to his studies and entered the discussion as to the origins of the universe.

Hawking has spent much of his career coming up with new interpretations and new theories in the field of general relativity and quantum mechanics, sometimes publicly challenging opposing theories of other scientists. Hawking came to the public eye by campaigning for better rights and access for disabled people. Hawking is an inspirational human being because of the adversity he has faced and continues to face, hasn’t stopped him from reaching the forefront of his chosen field, and bringing science into the public consciousness. Find him at the University of Cambridge, England or the California Institute of technology, USA.



Stephen Hawking Š Business Insider

Malala Yousafzai, known as just Malala, is a political activist from Pakistan, who has become well known for her advocacy of equal rights for women in a country that isn’t as liberal with women’s rights as those in ‘the west’, due to the dominant religion in Pakistan being Islam. She is best known for promoting education for girls. In 2008 she began writing a blog unanimously about how a group of militants known as the Taliban were taking over the region of Pakistan she lived in and documented how this effected the lives of people. The Taliban had closed all girls schools in the region, and boys schools also closed their doors in solidarity with the girls schools. But

this ban was soon lifted for schools where boys and girls were educated together. The New York times newspaper began filming a documentary following Malala as the Pakistani army took back the region Malala lived in. After this she began to do more public interviews, not only in Pakistan but internationally. With this she began to use this as a platform for advocating women and educational rights. She was nominated for an international youth peace prize in 2011, as well as national peace prizes in Pakistan, all this rose her profile and that of her cause. But doing this also increased the dangers she faced of reprisals, and she began to recieve death threats.

Leaders of the Taliban voted that she had to be killed and in October of 2012, she was shot in thie face whilst on her way home from taking an exam. The bullet that struck her, hit her in the head, before moving down through her neck and ending up in her shoulder. Doctors were able to remove the bullet and she soon moved to England to continue her treatment and rehabilitation. Her shooting caused international outcry, and saw a petition gain enough support to pass a bill of educational rights into Pakistani law. Malala’s story is truley inspirational and she now lives in Birmingham, England, where she continues her education.


Malala Yousafzai © Getty


Lionel Messi Š Getty

LIONEL MESSI footballer / potential alien


Lionel Messi, sometimes referred to as Leo Messi or just Messi is a football player who represents FC Bareclona of Spain and captains the national team of Argentina. Many people say he is the best footballer on the planet (some argue that no human can be as talented at football as he is so is in fact from

another planet), and some say he is perhaps the greatest footballer of all time. He has claimed so much attention because of the talent he posses has allowed him to break so many records, combined with the skills and style he has, means he is an immense pleasure to watch when he is in flow and enjoying his natural game.

He is one of the most decorated footballers in the history of the worlds most popular sport, having been voted the worlds best player 4 years in a row. He is one of the best ever, so take the chance to see him play at the Camp Nou, Barcelona, Spain, you won’t regret it. 29


So there you have it, a short guide on some of the best bits of Planet Earth. It barely scratches the surface of all good stuff that happens on our little blue marble, but hopefully its enough to interest you about life on our planet, and perhaps you’d like to learn more about it. If you do then, what are you waiting for? Come on down, and take a look around, experience life on Earth first hand. We’ve got some people on Earth that are very exctied to meet you.


However, if this little guide hasn’t changed your mind and you would still like to take over the planet, enslave the human, or yanno, just plain old blow it up, go right ahead and do it, but let us know beforehand, so we can say our goodbyes. If you want to takeover the planet, and your technology is much more advanced, most of us on Earth would like to avoid a war, so here are some targets you may want to take out first in order to make enslaving the human race as easy as possible and avoiding as much bloodshed as possible:

THE KENNEDY THE PENTAGON Headquarters of the US & JOHNSON Department of Defense, likey SPACE CENTRES centre to co-ordinate any Most likely to be the most active places on Earth should the human race realise that an alien force is nearby. The Kennedy Space centre is the most advanced site on Earth for the launch of space craft. Destroying this will seriously hamper efforts to launch a retliartory strike. The Johnson space centre is the centre used to co-ordinate between those on the ground and the those on their way into space and has been used as the control/command centre for man’s trips into space since the 1960’s.

American effort against any hostile force.

Arlington, Virginia, USA 38.8709ºN 77.0559ºW

NATO Hq Headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, large military alliance, likely to want to help in any measures to protect the Earth from an invading force.

Brussels, Belgium 50.8762ºN 04.4220ºE


Headquarters of the Kennedy Space Centre, intelligence gathering agencies Merritt Island, Florida, USA of the United States and the 28.5240ºN 80.6508ºE UK. Likely to have intelligence

Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, USA 29.5630ºN, 95.0910ºW

‘AREA 51’ Top Secret air force base in the Nevada desert, which is rumoured to be used for experimentation on extraterrestrial life and space craft of life forms not from this planet. May have technology and weaponry of a similar status as yours, or higher, that could be used against you.

Homey Airport, Southern Nevada, USA 37.2350ºN 115.8111ºW

that could help defend the Earth from any threat.

CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia, USA 38.9517ºN 77.1467ºE Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Cheltenham, UK 51.8995ºN, 02.1243ºW It may also be worth your while to remove places such as the United Nations Headquarters as that is used by the security council, a group that contains 5 of strongest military forces in the world. The White House as that has an operations centre built-in, and the Kremlin can also be used to coordinate military efforts by the Russians. 31

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