Work Experience of Matthew Mako

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Matthew Mako's proficiency extends across several dimensions of the restaurant business. His aesthetic insight and understanding of the atmosphere make him adept in the science of restaurant design. He fuses space, lighting, and decorative aspects to craft enticing and unforgettable dining spaces.

Outside his professional sphere, Matthew leads a balanced life. He turns to fitness for restoration, acknowledging its positive effects on mental health. His enthusiasm for golf, instilled by his father, brings him moments of peace and friendly rivalry. Travels also form part of his personal life, as he relishes exploring diverse cultures and foods, inspiring his work.

Despite not being formally involved in charity organizations, Matthew is devoted to giving back uniquely. He cooks for people in need and gives away clothes, powered by a sincere intent to impact lives positively. His charitable deeds, driven by empathy and compassion, reflect his humility and selflessness.

Mako has significantly influenced San Francisco's culinary landscape with his dedication, commitment to perfection, and continuous professional growth. As he contributes to Anomaly and

7/19/23, 10:56 AM Matthew Mako:: Work Experience

the broader restaurant industry, his investment in crafting exceptional dining experiences endures. His restaurant design skills, steadfast dedication to excellence, and enthusiasm for gastronomy position Mako as a transformative figure in the hospitality sector.

WORK EXPERIENCE Anomaly Business Partner
San Francisco, California, United States
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