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Matthew Mako

San Francisco, United States

Outside his career, Matthew Mako leads a well-rounded life. He appreciates the rejuvenating power of fitness activities and their positive impact on mental health. Golf is another passion of his, a sport he has loved since his father introduced him to it, providing moments of calm and friendly competition. Matthew also enjoys traveling, which allows him to discover different cultures and cuisines, often inspiring his culinary creations. Though not formally involved with charitable organizations, Matthew's philanthropic spirit shines through his actions. He prepares meals for the less fortunate and donates clothing, activities driven by a genuine desire to uplift others. His acts of kindness, fueled by compassion and empathy, underscore his humble and selfless personality. As a dedicated, growth-oriented individual, Matthew has carved a significant place in San Francisco's culinary domain. His contributions to Anomaly and the broader restaurant scene demonstrate his deep commitment to crafting unforgettable dining experiences. His expertise in restaurant design, relentless pursuit of excellence, and love for the culinary arts position him as a potential trendsetter in the hospitality industry.
