Laurens Vision May 2012

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Laurens Vision People are living longer. A man

In the United States, a 401 (k) retirement savings account

aged 65 today expects to live until

takes its name from subsection 410 (k) of the Internal

he is 86 and a woman until she is

Revenue Code. 50 million American employees make their

89. And, as a result of this and low

regular contributions (which can be matched dollar for dollar

fertility rates, in 2010 there were

by their employers) into these accounts. Withdrawal of funds

3 supporting workers for every

is only permitted without penalties after the age of 59.5

pensioner and in 2050 there will


only be 2 workers for every pensioner.

Laurens Vis,

starting to be drawn upon with 60 percent of American

Managing Director, KAS BANK UK

Having been introduced in the 1980s, 401k plans are now

The outlook is a happy one for the

households (in 2011). The outlook for them is dire. The plans

individual, but collectively not so

appear to fall short in general and account for less than

positive. Of the Defined Benefit Plans, 80 percent are now

one-quarter of what is needed in that account to maintain

revealing longevity-related funding voids. And in the UK, the

the standard of living in retirement. The reason for this?

end is predicted for Final Salary schemes. A DB plan does not require the employee to do anything (but Time to change track. The happy individual is kindly asked to

given the opportunity to attend the General Membership

leave the DB waiting room. 58 percent of UK’s DB Schemes

Meeting and keep an eye on Membership Notifications in the

are now entirely closed to new members. 34 percent are

ad-interim). The employee is taken care of by the nature of

closed to further accruals and 18 percent are winding up

the collective arrangement and solidarity between the

completely. The move to DC is picking up speed from


8 percent in 2001 to 39 percent in 2011. Goodbye Collectivism, Solidarity and Participation. Welcome

But with a DC arrangement, the ball is firmly in the

Individualisation. And individualisation comes at a price.

employee’s court and he/she has to decide what portion of

Because ‘if a 1.5 percent fee is charged every year, both

the income goes towards retirement. With a reduction of

during the period of saving and during the period of pension

taxable income as an incentive, no tax levies over earned

payment, around 40 percent of the potential savings pot will

interest, a choice of mutual funds to invest in, an option to

end up in fees’.

buy company’ stock and the freedom to alternate investment allocations at any time are visible and tempting

A DB plan does not require the employee to do anything

incentives. But there appears to be a snag in the system, as employers can only help their employees to save for their old age. Or

It seems that the Individual or Defined Contribution

adapt the allocation of their savings relative to their changing

arrangement has landed (from the United States) in the UK

lifestyle as they grow older. Or to changing economic

first, before making its way across the English Channel.

circumstances for that matter. But they cannot force them to

Where, for example, only a mere 7 percent of Dutch Pension

make good use of the savings system.

savings have turned the DB corner.


KAS Selections • May 2012

Recent retirement research has revealed that the adjustment

A fusion of the best parts of DB liability-driven structures and

of asset allocation stalled completely over the crisis period.

DC life style arrangements? Because the good of the

The default for many investors was already to withdraw from

individual is best achieved in what is good for the collective

the market entirely in adverse circumstances, but most

as a whole?

‘401k’ers’ have done nothing at all. With over 40 percent already allocated to equity specific funds, the result has

The pension debate continues. Terms and conditions apply.

been a further ‘near’ paralysed drift into US Stocks.

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With a DC arrangement, the ball is firmly in the employee’s court However a silver lining is appearing, as the US Labor department is stepping up its efforts to force administrators and investment companies to disclose the cost of the 401k plans. A wave of fee reductions and new investment choices is expected. Under existing rules, fees are typically not disclosed in the annual investor statements. And, as has been stated above, a small fee change can make a big investment return in the long run. Employers are already changing their investment funds line-up to lower fee funds. The majority of which have resulted in a further increase in the proportion of passive equity funds on the 401k account holder’s menu. Because for some time to come, it seems they can ‘check out any time they like, but they can never leave’. This is quite unlike the prospects given to current DB pension savers, when they are kindly asked to seek the risks and returns of investments themselves. As happened 30 years ago in the land of the brave and the free. Hence the quest for a ‘hybrid’ form, where there is a balance between individual shoulders bearing the investment risk of otherwise collectively-driven investments. Guided by professionals on a transparent and competitive fee basis.

KAS Selections • May 2012


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