KAS Selections, October 2011

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Schil Mark nt f Clie o d a He ment e K g a N BA t Man tion KAS Even e c xecu n e a t n s r be Gove d eving ing i n h u c F A es sourc t c u n o e i gh ife Sc s throu LSP L S aim E G e N ad f XCHA l dec E u r f e s N g s tion o A a e a E r n c S g a c A te tiM A su nal in f Mul o i o g s e r r a at ets 10 ye mark l a t i s cap Fond tion e ransi t e v i t es tim v a s Effec nt geme a n a m oney and m on table d n u Ro ’ DPN ation r t s i n i ‘Adm

KAS Selections KAS Selections is a quarterly newsletter from KAS BANK N.V. Although the information in this issue is drawn up with the utmost precision, no rights can be derived from it. Volume 18, Issue 3, October 2011

Editorial Governance, or ‘good management’, is paid a great deal of attention by all the stakeholders who have something to say about it, or think they do: supervisory authorities, institutional investors, fiduciary managers, consultants, the media, politicians and trade unions. As a major governance partner in the Netherlands, we participate fully in

Contents: KAS BANK Governance Event 3 New Clients 5 Personnel notes 5 Laurens Vision 6 LSP Life Sciences Fund 8 A successful decade - 10 years of MultiManager Fonds 11 Effective transition management saves time and money 12 DPN Roundtable on ‘Administration’ 14 Mark Schilstra appointed Head of Client Management 16 Achieving best-execution through outsourcing 18 Global Custody Network News 19 ASEAN EXCHANGES aims at regional integration of capital markets 21

discussions by developing practical solutions concerned with

Comments on this issue, suggestions for future articles and mailing list requests should be addressed to:

more about it later in this edition of KAS Selections.

Netherlands Clearing & Banking Services Associate director: jeroen.duijn@kasbank.com

governance and by bringing people together and sharing knowledge. Because that’s what we want to do for you: be a reliable partner that helps you think through the challenges facing your organisation and works out solutions to them. To broaden the discussion of governance, we organised a major Governance Event on Thursday 15 September, with special guest Kofi Annan. In his talk, Annan emphasised that, as a large international investor, the Dutch pension sector can play a very important role in promoting proper management in countries and companies in which funds are invested. All those present, myself included, were very impressed by what he had to say. I could easily devote this entire foreword to the special event. Fortunately, you can read

In the meantime, life continues as usual. And many other interesting subjects besides governance are being discussed in the financial sector. For example, are pension funds, like companies, subject to VAT or should they be exempted from it? Which management

Fund & Insurance Services Associate director: sicco.plesman@kasbank.com

models are most suitable for pension funds 2.0? What is the significance of MiFID II

Institutional Services Associate director: tamis.stuker@kasbank.com

between seven regional stock exchanges create a major boost for the Asian economy?

Sales & Busines Development (S & BD) Head of S & BD: mark.van.weezenbeek@kasbank.com

intake procedure for a new listed fund, in this case the LSP Life Sciences Fund?

German Branch Managing Director: frank.vogel@kasbank.com KAS Investment Servicing GmbH CEO & Managing director: joerg.sittmann@kasbank.com UK Branch Managing Director: laurens.vis@kasbank.com Institutional Investors Business development manager: stephen.isgar@kasbank.com Translation: Wilkens c.s.

(Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) for the securities industry? Will cooperation What are the benefits of effective transition management? And what is involved in the

That briefly sums up the subjects covered by this edition of KAS Selections. They reflect the emphasis we place on compliance services, risk control and management information. Mark Schilstra, our new head of Client Management, will be committing himself entirely to them. However, these subjects also symbolise the change KAS BANK is experiencing: from a volume-driven securities specialist to a supplier of ‘high value data’ and independent management information. After all, to enable effective decisionmaking, management has to have an insight into the fund’s performance vis-à-vis the social and financial objectives. Analyses of this kind enable management to fulfil the social demand for transparency and accountability in the investments and the investment policy. KAS BANK assists you with this.

Text editor: Matthew Binnington Editor: Carla Boogers KAS BANK N.V. Marketing & Communication P.O. Box 24001, 1000 DB  Amsterdam The Netherlands +31 20 557 5812 carla.boogers@kasbank.com Graphic Design: Ebbenhorst Design, De Meern Print: KAS BANK, Document & Systems Services

Good governance helps restore the trust of citizens in authorities, institutions and companies. That is in everyone’s interest, as Kofi Annan argued. I’d like to express my agreement with that on behalf of KAS BANK. After all, without trust, our sector is like a cavalryman on foot rather than a knight on a horse. Sikko van Katwijk KAS BANK Managing Board

Special guest Kofi Annan speaks on ‘good governance’

KAS BANK Governance Event As a large international investor, the Dutch pension sector can play an active role in promoting good management throughout the world. In the words of Kofi Annan, who addressed KAS BANK’s Governance Event in Amsterdam on Thursday 15 September, “Good governance is global governance”. KAS BANK is an important governance partner in the Netherlands, Germany and UK. We want to develop this role even further in dialogue with our clients and the market. In order to introduce greater depth into the discussions on this subject, a huge Governance Event was held in KAS BANK‘s Amsterdam offices on 15 September. During the morning session, around 45 pension fund managers, bankers and consultants discussed the theme of (pension fund) governance. In the afternoon, they, and many other guests, enjoyed a special governance lunch. During lunch, the special guest, Kofi Annan, spoke about the most important conditions for good governance. Work streams The morning session consisted of three work streams,

Kofi Annan during his speech

during which four statements on governance were discussed. The streams were introduced by three external

During the discussions, three important aspects of

experts: Arnoud Boot, Guus Boender and Willem Noordman.

governance repeatedly cropped up: responsibility, trust and transparency. The majority of the participants agreed that (the recovery of) trust was currently the main focus for

Arnoud Boot is Professor of

pension funds. In this context, one thing that is certainly

Corporate Finance and Financial

desirable is the provision of independent information about

Markets at the University of

the risks and composition of the investment portfolio, for

Amsterdam and director of the

example, via KAS BANK’s Investment Management

Amsterdam Centre for Law &


Economics (ACLE). He is also a member of the Social and

Furthermore, most of the managers agreed that pension

Economic Council of the

funds must bear a certain degree of social responsibility,

Netherlands (SER) and of the

although their primary duty remains safeguarding the

Bank Council of De Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch

interests and pension entitlements of all the stakeholders in

Central Bank).

the fund. “The aim of pension funds is not to save countries,” according to one of the participants, summarising the

KAS Selections • October 2011


viewpoint of the majority of the pension fund managers. However, investment returns and good governance do not

Willem Noordman is a member

need to be in conflict with each another. On the contrary,

of the executive board of FNV

investing in underdeveloped or emerging countries can, in

Bondgenoten and is involved in

fact, make a significant contribution to improving local

ensuring good pensions for

employment conditions, human rights and the environment.

employees and pensioners. Noordman is chairman of

In general, there was a negative reaction to the statement

Stichting Pensioenfonds FNV

that there should be external members on the boards of

(the FNV Pension Fund). He is

pension funds in order to strengthen the level of expertise.

also the employees’ chairman of the Vereniging van

“Expertise should not be confused with good sense,”

Bedrijfstakpensioenfondsen (Dutch Association of

commented one bank executive. By relying solely on

Sector Pension Funds).

experts, the independence of the board would be diminished rather than enhanced. Directors should be generalists; generalists who are supported by experts when necessary.

In his characteristic way, Annan elucidated the need for good governance from three perspectives. On a global level,

Among the reactions to the final statement, one comment

the discussion is still being dominated by the old economies.

was that there was not so much a need for figures but more

This particularly applies to the permanent members of the

a need to have “peak through” information about the sectors

United Nation’s Security Council. The emerging countries

and funds invested in by pension funds.

are still not seeing their changed position sufficiently translated into an equivalent political role on the world stage.

Governance lunch

Consequently, decisions are still being made about them

The work streams discussions were followed by a

rather than by them.

governance lunch in the impressive hall of the KAS BANK

Annan then turned his attention to the current crisis in the

office. The special guest Kofi Annan, winner of the Nobel

European Union which, in his opinion, is primarily a crisis of

Peace Prize and former Secretary-General of the United

trust. Consequently, regaining trust is one of the main

Nations, spoke on behalf of the Kofi Annan Foundation

challenges facing both political leaders and the business

about the enormous importance of good governance

world. Finally, Annan singled out the financial crisis as the

throughout the world.

cause of the decline in the level of trust that ordinary citizens have in their leaders and good governance. Guus Boender is Professor of

In response to a question from one of the guests about the

Asset Liability Management at

relationship between returns and good governance, Annan

the VU University Amsterdam

said that he believed the two could easily go hand-in-hand.

and a co-founder of ORTEC

He then referred to Africa where good returns can be earned

Finance, an authoritative Dutch

while, at the same time, pension funds can help promote

consultancy in the field of Asset

good governance by paying heed to employment conditions,

Liability Management.

human rights and the environment in the countries being invested in; whether the investment is direct or indirect. Referring to the Greek crisis, Annan pointed out the need for government leaders to keep communicating with all the


KAS Selections • October 2011

New Clients parties involved. And he emphasised that, when doing so, these leaders should not only consider economic aspects

Stichting Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds voor het

but also take serious account of the interests of the Greek


citizens. If not, they could lose their legitimacy with

Global Fund Services; Compliance Monitoring; Financial

potentially serious consequences, as the events in North

Accounting; Investment Accounting; FTK-reports;

Africa have shown.

Performance Measurement; IMS-Dashboard


St. Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds Verf- en

Kofi Annan’s speech was warmly received by all those


present, and the meeting had clearly inspired them to place

Compliance Monitoring; Financial Accounting; Investment

governance and pension fund governance more

Accounting; FTK-reports; IRM Monitor; Performance

emphatically on the agenda. KAS BANK would be happy to

Measurement; IMS-Dashboard

offer support in this respect. At Kofi Annan’s request, his good friend Mohammad Yunus was a last minute guest. Yunus is the founder of the

Personnel notes

Grameen Bank. This institution



Steven Polese started 1 September as Relationship

microcredit to the

Manager Institutional Investors at KAS BANK UK.

poorest people in the world so that

Institutional Services

they can become

As of 1 August 2011, Caspar Nijland and Jesper

creditworthy and

Kuyvenhoven started as Account Managers.


Pol de Jaeger was appointed Relationship Manager as of

self-sufficient. In

1 October. Maurits Klaassen started as trainee from

2006, Yunus and

22 August 2011.

the Grameen Bank received the

Funds & Insurers Services

Nobel Peace

As of 1 August 2011, Jaap Piek is appointed Relation­


ship Manager and Sander de Boer as Account Manager. Clearing & Banking Services As of 1 August 2011 Astrid Helms was appointed Relationship Manager.

KAS Selections • October 2011


Laurens Vision As one worldly philosopher said:

post-trade integration. Mission accomplished? Not quite.

“The enjoyment of living is not

Although nearly blinded by the regulatory light, a few dark

where we have been, it is always

omens have been observed.

looking forward to another day, to another event, to another year.”

The benefits of competition – Adam Smith’s invisible hand – have not touched all investors alike. The level playing field

And so it is in our business lives.

between investment firms and venues is at risk due to

For instance, with the last country

technological developments, and the financial crisis has

Laurens Vis, Managing

(Spain) having endorsed the

wreaked havoc amongst those trading in instruments other

Director, KAS BANK UK

Markets in Financial Instruments

than shares.

Directive only recently, we are already hearing the knock on the financial door of MiFID ‘2’

And, as we know, even darker linings have been seen in the

(its façade having changed beyond recognition). And so we

dark clouds gathering above Europe. Monetarily speaking, it

are looking forward to “targeted but ambitious improvements

is not raining on us, it is pouring. But help is at hand. The

of the comprehensive rules of MiFID 1”.

revised MiFID will not only be instrumental but integral to the reforms’ aims for a safer, sounder, more transparent and

Slightly disappointed that the proposal of the European

more responsible financial system working for Europe’s

Parliament and Council was not prematurely leaked, I have

economy and society at large. We have reached page five of

the official 169-page printed version in front of me. Heavy

the document, where we come across a plea to member

stuff to take with you on the train or for bedtime reading.

states to refrain from isolated national intervention resulting

And even more alarming is the lack of an Executive

in regulatory arbitrage and distortion of competition.

Summary (or how to bluff your way in MiFID 2). So without further ado, let the reading commence.

By now, requirements have been carefully calibrated, investor protection and market efficiency finely balanced and

To support you in your own MiFID explorations, I have made

the public interest and cost-efficiency of the measures have

the following notes to accompany the next instalment of the

been taken into due consideration. And, last but not least,

gripping story of Europe’s Financial Instruments Directive.

the European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA) is waiting in the wings to claim centre stage in the

As we know, even darker linings have been seen in the dark clouds gathering above Europe

implementation of the new EU-wide framework. Here we go. Soon the reader finds himself wading through an avalanche of initiatives. For instance, the term ‘MiFID

Since Europe is convinced that the strength of its financial

compliant services’ is introduced, offering uniform protection

fabric can only be enhanced through free-roaming

to all investors in the European market no matter the location

competition between member states, trading venues and

of the service provider. Under MiFID 2 all investors are equal,

service providers, the explanatory memorandum is jubilant

with the exception of the unfortunate collective investment

on just this point. Greater competition has resulted in

undertakings and pension funds, who must fend for

increased investor choice in financial instruments, set

themselves outside the regulatory fortifications.

against lower transaction costs and enhanced pre- and


KAS Selections • October 2011

And the market itself receives a fresh set of definitions

avoided and for this purpose boards are well advised to be

encompassing all modes of organised trading and not

sufficiently diverse with regards to age, gender, provenance,

restricted to equities alone. In addition, a brand new

education and professional background in order to ensure a

category is introduced: the organised trading facility (OTF),

range of views and experience. It is true: men and

which encompasses all forms of organised execution and

testosterone have created many a financial crisis. And it is at

trading “now and in the future”! This new category allows the

this point that MiFID 2 makes a clear break from its

operator to decide how a transaction will be executed but,

predecessor by asserting that the “gender balance of the management board” is of particular importance to ensure

A brand new category is introduced: the organised trading facility (OTF)

the adequate representation of demographic reality. If and when realised, sound and prudent management will be the reward and the market will be a better place for traders and investors alike.

unlike his colleagues in the regulated markets and multilateral trading platforms, never against his own

Before I leave you with the decision to have a go at the

proprietary capital. He will, however, be able to decide who

proposal yourselves, a quick glance at the provisions

can join and who is refused at the door. Let the battle

regarding central counterparties, clearing and settlement

between rule- and contract-based trading venues

systems and the right to “designate settlement systems”.

commence! The articles in question require that members or participants And then we enter the next phase of the document: the new

of regulated markets, MTFs and OTFs are not unduly

and amended articles of the proposal itself, covering page

restricted in their choice of systems and service providers,

after page after page. Just as fatigue sets in and the eyes

but are free to make their decisions based on non-

start to burn, we read to our delight that there is agreement

discriminatory, transparent and objective criteria. If such

among regulatory bodies at international level that

choice ensures the efficient and cost-effective settlement of

weaknesses in corporate governance in “a number of

the transactions in question and, in general, supports the

financial institutions” – including the absence of effective

smooth and orderly functioning of the EU Market, then who

internal checks and balances – have been a contributory

would argue. But I for one expected nothing less!

factor to the financial crisis. It is duly noted that excessive risk taking may lead to the failure of financial institutions and even cause problems in member states and beyond. How about that! Minimum standards are called for that must take into account the nature, scale and complexity of ... investment firms! Limits will be imposed on transferring the title of clients’ financial collateral to cover a firm’s own obligations. And the management body of these firms should have sufficient knowledge, experience, skills and time to understand their own businesses. Groupthink must be

KAS Selections • October 2011


Listed investments in biotechnology

LSP Life Sciences Fund Investing in specialist biotech companies and affiliated sectors is still relatively new territory in the Netherlands.

Mark Wegter, an economist, has

Investments are mainly made via private equity and

been working for LSP since

venture capital. An important player in this market is the

1998 and became a General

investment firm Life Sciences Partners (LSP), which has

Partner in 2001. Together with

registered offices in Amsterdam, Munich and Boston. In

Joachim Rothe, he set up LSP’s

April 2011, LSP was the first Dutch company to launch

Munich office at the end of 2001,

a listed life sciences investment fund. The LSP Life

since when the company has

Sciences Fund, listed on the NYSE Euronext Amsterdam,

continued to establish a

focuses on investments in small and midcaps, primarily

reputation in Germany and Switzerland. After his return

European biotechnology companies with a stock market

to the Netherlands in 2007, Wegter initiated the LSP

listing. As a listed fund was something new for LSP,

activities related to investments in listed companies and

it approached KAS BANK for support in this process.

has since continued to expand these activities.

Mark Wegter (General Partner) and Merijn Klaassen (Chief Financial Officer) were pleasantly surprised by the way in which KAS BANK managed the entire intake

sector. That fund also developed very successfully and a

process. “From our first contact, KAS BANK actively

second fund was launched in 2001. From the start this fund

helped us think about specific issues related to our fund.

was somewhat larger and we have since continued to

This enabled us to reach a number of unique solutions

expand and are now a specialised investor with three


offices, 25 employees and invested capital in excess of EUR 600 million.”

LSP is principally known for its private equity activities. Can you tell us a bit more about the company’s background? Wegter: “LSP was established in 1998 as a spin-off from

Almost exclusively institutional investors invest in this kind of venture capital fund

Euroventures, a pan-European investment firm primarily funded by the pension funds of multinationals. Euroventures had capitalised on the growing demand for venture capital

Klaassen: “Investing in biotechnology or life sciences is

which it felt was an important motor behind economic

almost always a question of perseverance. Investors in these

growth and economic success. However, the scope of

types of companies are not looking for short-term profits.

Euroventures turned out to be too broad. Consequently,

It is, therefore, almost exclusively institutional investors who

Euroventures Benelux turned its focus on investments in

invest in this kind of venture capital fund. In particular, we

high-tech IT and life sciences. The life science portfolio

offer them our expertise. All our employees are highly

developed particularly well in the period ‘88-’98, prompting

qualified, having 10 PhDs between them. They have a

the Dutch partners of Euroventures Benelux to set up their

strong academic background in subject areas of relevance

own investment fund (LSP) focusing on life sciences in 1998.

to the sector – molecular biology, biochemistry, medical

The start-up capital – a modest EUR 25 million – came,

biology – as well as considerable experience of the business

once again, from institutional investors who also recognised

world and the financial sector. As a team, we are well

the potential of venture investments in the life sciences

qualified to assess the products and working methods of


KAS Selections • October 2011

start-up firms within the context of potential long-term investments.” In April 2008 you entered into a strategic

Together with the intake team, solutions were worked out which were fairly unique in the market

alliance with APG. How did that come about? Wegter: “Our private equity activities were doing very well.

doesn’t apply. In fact – besides our private equity activities

Nevertheless, there was a sense that we were missing an

– we have added a second activity and, consequently, a

opportunity as we felt there were numerous ways we could

second branch to our company. Because other investors

use our expertise in the field of public equity. Consequently,

were increasingly asking us to help them gain access to this

in 2007, we started talking to potential investors about

complex segment, after three years we decided to establish

setting up a fund which would focus exclusively on the

a listed investment fund, the LSP Life Sciences Fund. As the

stock-exchange listed segment of the life sciences sector.

fund is freely marketable, it provides the necessary liquidity

We also started discussions with APG about a partnership

– a pre-requisite for a number of investors. Moreover, new

which was eventually announced in April 2008. To date,

investors wishing to build up exposure in the life sciences

both parties are entirely satisfied with this collaboration; and

sector – via LSP as a specialist fund manager – are free to

it goes without saying that the results are also satisfactory.”

join the fund.”

Klaassen: “What is particularly satisfying is that the

You then selected KAS BANK to act as the

confidence APG displayed in us has enabled us to build up

Fund Agent guiding LSP through the steps to

our own track record in the listed segment. We used to hear

the market. What were your considerations in

from other institutional investors that investing in public

this matter?

equity required an entirely different expertise than that

Wegter: “We had an awful lot of questions but not everyone

required for private equity. We have now demonstrated that

provided answers to our RFPs. KAS BANK not only

– in this sector and with our investment strategy – this

provided answers but, right from the start, helped us think about how our fund should be established. LSP Life Sciences Fund is exceptional because it is a listed fund

Merijn Klaassen, an economist,

investing exclusively in listed biotech companies which are

is LSP’s Chief Financial Officer.

lagging behind the rest of their sector. Amongst other things,

Prior to joining LSP at the

this has consequences for the prospectus, the listing and

beginning of 2008, he worked

delisting and the redemption mechanism. Together with the

for Amgen, an important human

intake team, solutions were worked out which were fairly

therapeutics company in the

unique in the market – something I gradually realised during

biotech industry, and as Finance

the process. What is also exceptional is that the flotation

Manager for Amgen Europe.

occurred without any advisors or distributors. Nor did we

At LSP, Klaassen is responsible for all financial and

embark on extensive marketing. Instead we focused on

administrative matters related to the investment

raising money for the flotation and, in so doing, received the

companies’ investments and divestments, including

one hundred percent support of KAS BANK. While others

financial due diligence and other fund-related business.

were telling us it wouldn’t work, KAS BANK was saying it would help us find a solution.”

KAS Selections • October 2011


At KAS BANK, new clients are allocated an intake team. What was your experience of the intake process? Klaassen: “Very professional and down to earth. Naturally, KAS BANK is a highly respected name in the Netherlands and that is certainly an important consideration for institutional investors when deciding whether or not to do business with LSP. As far as we were concerned, your

On 31 July 2011, the five BMW MultiManager Fonds administered by KAS BANK Germany celebrated their

Performance is key when convincing future investors

10 year anniversary. We met the two fund managers from BMW Bank: Dr Holger Bachmann and Markus Baumgartner to get their thoughts and impressions on the past 10 years.

broad range of products was also important. LSP’s added value is primarily its ability to take the correct investment

Could you begin by giving us some background

decisions, and we are happy to use the knowledge and

on how the funds came about?

infrastructure of specialist service providers for the support

Bachman: “Certainly. BMW Bank began the securities

processes. We therefore purchase quite a number of

business 10 years ago with the launch of the MultiManager

products from KAS BANK and believe it’s much easier to do

Fonds 1-5 on 31 July 2001 with Delta Lloyd Investment

business with just one contact person. At the same time,

Managers GmbH as Master KAG which was subsequently

however, I’m aware that there’s a whole team of specialists

taken over in 2008 by KAS Investment Servicing GmbH.”*

behind this individual contact person. We also find KAS BANK’s enthusiasm infectious; because ultimately we

Have you both always managed the assets of

think that attention and expertise are more important than

the funds yourselves?

the lowest price.”

Baumgartner: “In order to offer an exclusive concept for securities investing, we initially enlisted Frank Russell as

The EUR 40 million flotation of LSP Life

Asset Manager. The funds were then taken over by Eckhart

Sciences Fund was extremely successful. Are there any new flotations in the pipeline? Wegter: “In Europe there are about 230 small to mediumsized biotech companies with a total market value of between 30 and 35 million Euros. That’s the segment we are currently focusing on. However, the total sector – take the US alone – is several times larger. We believe there are opportunities there too. So yes, we definitely feel that there are more investment opportunities than the assets we currently have. However, first we want to make a success of this fund and build up a good track record. Performance is key when convincing future investors. In this context, KAS BANK’s performance reports and other tools form a valuable instrument.” Fund managers Dr Holger Bachmann and Markus Baumgartner from BMW Bank


KAS Selections • October 2011

Words from Wiesbaden

A successful decade - 10 years of MultiManager Fonds Sauren in 2004 and were eventually taken over by ourselves

during 2002 and 2005 or parties who had exposure to Bear

in 2008, which was also when KAS Investment Servicing

Stearns or Lehman Brothers during 2007/2008 would

took over from Delta Lloyd.”

almost definitely have lost all of their investment. However, in the fund industry, through the diversification of holdings and

You mention five different funds: MultiManager

therefore risk, a total loss of value was generally avoided. In

Fonds 1, 2 and so on. Could you explain the

terms of operations, having a separate Master KAG and

differences between the five funds? What are

advisor helps too, as each partner can concentrate on their

your roles?

own particular area of expertise, so the fund (and investor)

Baumgartner: “The MultiManager Fonds range from 1 to 5

receives the best results from each partner.”

representing the level of risk within each fund. MultiManager Fonds 1 is a defensive fund and with each fund the inherent

Since you took over the funds, I believe you’ve

risk increases up to MultiManager Fonds 5 which employs

received some awards?

an aggressive strategy. Since 1 December 2008, Dr Holger

Bachman: “Yes, in 2010 we came second in the ‘Deutschen

Bachmann and 1 have acted as the asset managers/

Fondspreis’ in the category of ‘Dachfonds Anleihen Global’

investment advisors for the five balanced funds.”

(Global mutual bond fund) with MMF 1 and third in the category of ‘Dachfonds Globale Aktien’ (Global equities fund)

The funds must have seen many highs and

with MMF5. Furthermore, in September 2010 Standard &

lows due to the turbulent markets over the

Poor’s rated the funds 1 and 3 with an A rating for manager

past 10 years?

quality and MMF 1, 4 and 5 received the €uro fund mark

Bachman: “Yes, we’ve had many difficult periods, for

of 2.”

example after the stock markets crashed in 2001 following 9/11, the geo-political crisis in the Gulf in 2003 or most

Congratulations! And finally, how would you

recently the nuclear catastrophe in Japan. However, what

summarise the past 10 years?

we must remember is that the markets always bounce back

Baumgartner: “The development of the markets in the past

eventually. Even after two massive crashes – the dot.com

decade has contradicted everything we were previously

crash and the financial crisis which culminated in the

taught: that after 5-7 years, equities will/can only generate

bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, four out of five of our funds

profit. This has proved not to be the case. It is important to

still achieved an out-performance. The Multimanager Fonds

take particular care with regard to the structure and direction

1 and 2 enjoyed most success, however, while 3, 4 and 5

of the portfolio, not simply to invest in stocks and sit back

still achieved acceptable performance figures.”

and wait. However, we do believe that the market still has opportunities, as proved by the performance of

Sounds like a success story! What do you think

Multimanager Fonds 1, for example.”

was the secret of your success? Baumgartner: “That was definitely down to diversification

* KAS BANK took over the entire Master KAG business of

within the funds. Investors who invested in individual stocks

Delta Lloyd Investment Managers GmbH in 2008 and

and bonds suffered most. For example, those investors who

re-named the entity KAS Investment Servicing GmbH.

invested in companies like Parmalat, Worldcom or Enron

KAS Selections • October 2011


Effective transition management saves time and money These are turbulent times for pension funds. Regulators

Furthermore, asset managers are regularly replaced on

continue to issue requirements for improving the funding

account of their poor performance, for example. Finally, cash

ratio. Investments are being closely scrutinised. As a

transfers to and from the portfolio are sometimes so large

result, many changes are taking place in the composition

that they are best treated as transitions.

of the pension fund investments. Transition management is increasingly being employed to ensure that these

Transitions can have a significant impact on the pension

changes are implemented efficiently. KAS BANK offers

fund. A transition process is quite complex. Besides having

a unique service in this field.

a good transition plan, coordination is required between the many different parties involved in the process. Not just the

Transitions are common in pension fund portfolios, for

fund managers, but also the administrator, risk manager,

example when the strategic and/or tactical asset allocation is

overlay managers, fiduciary manager, custodians and

modified. But also when existing investments are adjusted in

brokers all have to be informed of which steps need to be

line with the strategic and/or tactical asset allocation.

taken when and in what manner.

Managing transitions Risk management

Cost reduction

Operational efficiency


Risk reduction due to extensive analysis and knowledge

Minimisation of all transition costs

Reduction and transfer of execution risk

Accountability through insight and reporting

Project management

Pension fund remains ‘in control’

Market risk Sector Execution risk

Explicit costs • Transaction expenses • Dealing costs • Taxes

Implicit costs • Bid-offer spread • Market impact • Opportunity risk

Trade management • Source and target portfolio • In-kind deliveries • Cash management • Hedging

Settlements • Shares, foreign exchange and cash


KAS Selections • October 2011

Comprehensive reports as per T charter Full insight into all actions No hidden costs

A pension fund that fails to properly control the transition

different types of activity. (See the diagram opposite for a

process is exposed to unnecessary costs and risks. Say, for

summary of the main elements in the transition process.)

example, that you want to replace one of your asset KAS BANK has a unique approach to transitions. We

The timing of the sale by the former manager will not dovetail with that of the purchase by the new manager

analyse what expertise is required for each transition. Different specialists are then assigned to a project team, including a representative from the pension fund. We thus ensure that all the necessary know-how and expertise is present in the team. As the details of your mandates are

managers. Both employ the same investment strategy.

already known in our systems, lines of communication are

There is then a strong likelihood that the desired portfolio of

short. You will be assigned a single point of contact from

the new fund manager will include positions that also feature

within the project team.

in the portfolio of the former fund manager. In the case of a traditional transition process – the former fund manager sells all his/her positions and hands over the cash to the new manager – positions are bought and sold unnecessarily. This entails high transaction costs. Additionally, the timing of the sale by the former manager will not dovetail with that of the purchase by the new manager. As a result, the pension fund will temporarily take a cash position. This means that

Besides expertise in the field of crossing, netting and trading algorithms, knowledge is also required of custody, coordination, settlements, corporate actions, risk management, monitoring and legal affairs

the return on the assets can show a stronger deviation from the benchmark, since the return of the cash position may

Our transition services also highlight the independence of

deviate significantly from that of the benchmark.

KAS BANK. During more complex execution phases, we use our extensive network of brokers, all of whom have been

So, the operational risk in the case of a transition is quite

selected on the basis of high quality criteria. For example,

considerable. One error in communication can lead to an

they must offer ‘best of class’ trading facilities, provide

incorrect buy or sell decision. Even a failure to correctly

customised services and preferably act solely as an agency

coordinate corporate actions might mean that the new fund


manager is burdened with unwanted positions from the corporate action. This, too, inevitably entails costs.

During and after the transition, you will be provided with transparent reports in accordance with the T charter. You

In summary, a transition consists only partly of buying and

will also receive regular updates and there will be regular

selling activities. Besides expertise in the field of crossing,

feedback and coordination. This ensures that you constantly

netting and trading algorithms, knowledge is also particularly

remain ‘in control’.

required with regard to custody, coordination, settlements, corporate actions, risk management, monitoring and legal affairs. In order to introduce structure into this process, it can be divided into different phases. Each phase involves

KAS Selections • October 2011


DPN Roundtable on ‘Administration’ Recently, the German trade journal DPN organised a roundtable session on the theme of Administration, during which seven experts discussed recent trends in the German market.* Jörg Sittmann, Managing Director of KAS BANK Germany represented KAS Investment Servicing GmbH in these discussions. KAS Selections summarises his contribution to this lively discussion, which was a follow-up to the DPN roundtable discussion held in June 2010. One of the first questions put to the participants was whether or not they expected further consolidation in the German market and what role foreign providers could offer in this context. This question was prompted by the increasing number of regulatory measures confronting the administrators of funds, such as KAS Investment Servicing, in Germany. Sittmann: “As far as the smaller players in the market are concerned, the challenge is to ensure further growth, of course. Consolidations will carry on unabated as the German market is not growing sufficiently for all the competitors to have a healthy business model. This is

Jörg Sittmann, CEO and Managing Director,

already predictable. In the case of smaller KAGs (capital

KAS Investment Servicing

investment funds) which have insufficient assets under administration, the costs will not outweigh the benefits.”

changed and tightened up. Furthermore, we will have to define our position in relation to the Luxembourg market

Do the impending changes in the supervision

within the framework of Ucits IV and Ucits V. In Asia, it’s

and regulatory measures pose any problems?

simpler to trade a Luxembourg fund than a German fund.

“The transition is difficult for us too. However, as a relatively

No-one knows why this is, but many foreign managers

small organisation with only about 30 employees, we can

would obviously rather go to Luxembourg than Germany.”

manage a transition more easily than a large Master-KAG which has between 200 and 300 employees. We have

A consolidation process is underway in the

greater flexibility to adapt our processes.”

German market and foreign providers are also entering the market. Are you considering an

What will have most impact on administrative

acquisition in the next few years?

work in the next three years?

“We made an acquisition two years ago. It may not have

“Without doubt, the area of regulation will continue to be

been a huge acquisition, but it did involve assets worth Euro


KAS Selections • October 2011

1.3 billion. Within the year, we had completely absorbed these funds into our administration. Consequently, I believe that acquisitions can be profitable. The question is whether

An acquisition is certainly not something which earns money within one or two years

you acquire someone who uses the same system or whether you have to choose between two different systems.

the event of any infringements, even obtain risk

For the latter variant, there are providers in the market who

assessments. This is primarily interesting for new asset

offer a high degree of computerisation when transferring one

managers as they wouldn’t need to maintain their own infrastructure but could use an Application Server Provider

New asset managers wouldn’t need to maintain their own infrastructure

(ASP) solution for a Master-KAG instead.” What are your clients’ most important issues? “Insurers are particularly concerned with Solvency II, even

of the two systems via well thought out interfaces. However,

though the exact requirements, which become applicable in

an acquisition is certainly not something which earns money

2013, have not yet been determined. We are increasingly

within one or two years. You have to view acquisitions in the

being asked how we can help insurers fulfil these

longer term.”

requirements or manage investments in a way that ties up their capital for the shortest possible time.”

Do you see export opportunities for the German Fund administration model?

What’s the situation regarding securities

“Eastern European countries, such as Poland, Slovakia and

lending as a supplementary service? Can this

Romania, certainly offer opportunities. The volumes are not

succeed in the current market?

large enough yet, but they will be eventually. Without the

“We use our parent company in Amsterdam for this. In the

financial crisis of 2008, we would already have made greater

Netherlands, we are seeing a gradual recovery in the

strides in this respect. However, I think it would be difficult to

confidence of market participants after the enormous blow

export the administrative model of a German fund to Italy or

of 2008. These days, however, counterparty risks play a far

Spain, for example. Our domestic market is not growing as

greater role than they did in 2006 and 2007.”

fast as we would all like. Large mandates are always being reissued, but they are currently too large for us or they are

What innovation plans do you have for the next

only issued to test the inner workings of the market as far as

twelve months?

price is concerned. These sorts of market movements

“KAS BANK has developed an app for the iPad which

continue to be very normal. In any case, we would like to

enables Dutch pension fund directors to directly access their

continue to grow both organically as well as inorganically.

fund’s performance data and risks. We would like to adapt

This would enable us to spread the system costs over a

this app for the German market within the next months.”

larger volume of assets and, consequently, be more profitable. I definitely see opportunities in services with a

* The entire article can be read online by going to:

front end tool for smaller asset managers, as well as in a

www.dpn-online.com/news, then clicking ‘Roundtables’

system whereby they can import transactions and,

in the left-hand menu.

simultaneously, have compliance checks carried out and, in

KAS Selections • October 2011


Mark Schilstra appointed Head of Client Management On 1 August 2011, Mark Schilstra was appointed Head of Client Management for KAS BANK. His new job seems a bit like a homecoming. “At KAS BANK, I am once again aware of the advantages of a relatively small and specialised organisation: no unnecessary ballast, solutionoriented, intensive contact with clients, all making it possible to act quickly.” For the past few years, Schilstra worked for Fortis Bank (NL) and ABN AMRO as Director of Central Risk Management, a position in which he was responsible for the bank’s operational risk policy. Prior to that, he was employed by Fortis Bank as a risk manager in the merchant bank, where he acquired knowledge of the clearing and custody processes as well as the associated risks. These are subjects he will be involved with again at KAS BANK. He views his experience as a risk manager as particularly relevant to his new commercial function. “From a risk

Mark Schilstra, Head of Client Management, KAS BANK

perspective, it’s also in our clients’ interests to raise the alarm internally if necessary.”

Mees Pierson. His return to a relatively small organisation was a conscious choice. “Precisely due to this specialisation

“In my view, my banking experience as a risk manager has

and the fact that the bank was a niche player, the

several aspects in common with my new job as Head of

employees were extremely committed and it virtually went

Client Management. Due to tighter regulatory measures and

without saying that the client was central. After only three

requirements related to ‘being in control’, risk management

months at KAS BANK, I have the same feeling as I had

has become one of the most important topics for banks,

15 years ago; the only difference being that I now also have

pension funds and insurers. But even in the traditional

experience of large financial organisations. That’s an

transaction and asset servicing sector, we are witnessing a

important difference given the fact that, as Head of Client

more rapid launch of new risk monitoring tools. At KAS

Management, I will be far more involved in giving direction to

BANK, we attach great value to having further discussions

the bank’s policy. From my perspective, this will also enrich

with our clients, prospective clients and consultants about

me as I’ve primarily been operating in risk-related bodies in

their requirements and wishes in this field. This enables us to

recent years.”

collectively achieve solutions which benefit the client and allow KAS BANK to distinguish itself from its competitors. In

Despite having worked in the financial sector for 15 years,

this way, substance will be given to an active partnership.”

KAS BANK remained, to some extent, the ‘great unknown’ as far as Schilstra was concerned; a fact he acknowledged

Schilstra started his banking career in the mid 1990s as an

with a slightly embarrassed chuckle. Although familiar with

Account Manager for Derivatives and Structured Products at

the bank’s custody and clearing services, he had no idea of


KAS Selections • October 2011

the numerous other services provided by KAS BANK which

subjects. Here I can adopt a far broader view. The point of

add value. “Here, traditional service provision in a beautiful

departure of everyone here is substance. What does the

old building goes hand-in-hand with state-of-the-art service

client want? How can we offer our clients solutions to their

provision in the area of risk and management reporting.

problems? Naturally, money has to be earned but not to the

However, it’s vital for us to draw even more attention to our

exclusion of everything else. A long-term relationship is

specialism and our specialised products. Moreover, we

literally worth a fortune. By offering a central contact point

mustn’t just sell them by smooth talking but, together with

for all available (banking) products and services, including

our clients, seek solutions that fulfil their wishes and

financing and related risk management reports, I hope to

requirements. In that respect, market trends are on our side.

raise the quality level of both our products and services even

Banks, insurers and pension funds are currently being faced

further. Neither the market nor our clients should be

with ever more stringent regulatory measures imposed by

surprised about what we can actually do. In fact, it should be quite the opposite. They should all be saying: you should

“From a risk perspective, it’s also in our clients’ interests to raise the alarm internally if necessary.”

go to KAS BANK for that. Together with my team, I’m really looking forward to meeting this challenge.”

the regulators. In addition, general standards are increasingly

CV Mark Schilstra

insisting that pension fund managers can demonstrate that

In 1994, Mark Schilstra (1971) obtained his master’s

they are ‘in control’ of the risks of their investment policy.

degree in business economics. In 1997, he graduated

Earlier this year, the DNB also announced four themes

with a distinction in econometrics from the University of

relating to pension fund regulation on which it intends to

Amsterdam. In 2003, he completed his post-doctoral

focus in the coming year. In particular, these focal points are

programme in Financial and Investment Analysis (RBA,

governance and the so-called ‘countervailing power’.

MFA, C(E)FA). Currently, he is following a post-doctoral

Through the services offered by KAS BANK, we will be able

programme in Risk Management for Financial

to help our clients with the details of these points of

Institutions at the VU University in Amsterdam. In

attention. Our expertise is in the area of performance, risk

addition, Schilstra has written a number of academic

and compliance. We know how to translate this expertise

(and semi-academic) publications.

into innovative products, such as the Pension Fund Monitor app for the iPad. Regarding brokers, we can concentrate on


= Registered Investment Analyst

intraday risk monitoring, which we can do without any


= Master in Financial Analyses

conflict of interest arising between us and our clients. As

C(E)FA = Chartered (Effas) Financial Analyst

a former risk manager, KAS BANK’s ‘pure play’ strategy


appeals to me very much.”

= the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies

Schilstra is greatly looking forward to working with the more than 50 specialists in his Client Management team. This cooperation will also broaden his personal horizon. “As a risk manager, my primary concern was with risk-related

KAS Selections • October 2011


Achieving best-execution through outsourcing MiFID opened the door for competition in the marketplace

the number of central counterparties and securities

by recognizing two new types of trading destination

depositories: just one in the US (the Depository Trust &

beyond the incumbent regulated markets: multi-lateral

Clearing Corporation, or DTCC) but no fewer than 23 in

trading facilities and systematic internalisers. MiFID’s aim


was to pursue best execution through competition. But from the start the definition of best execution was broader

This scenario has clear implications for the long-term ability

than merely obtaining the ‘best price’ during trading,

of the European markets to attract global investment. In

demanding as it did an unprecedented level of pre- and

many quarters the DTCC, as the exclusive depository

post-trade transparency. In reality, though, the envisaged

gateway in the US, claims the credit for attracting the

outcome has been much harder to realise.

investment capital that fuels the US economy, by means of an efficient, low cost and centralised infrastructure. In

Introducing competition among trading venues has had two

comparison, Europe continues to limp along with an

major effects: trading fees have fallen significantly, but there

infrastructure that remains completely fragmented along

has also been a corresponding fragmentation of liquidity,

national lines.

increasing the costs of finding it. Trades are now executed in much smaller fills, with clear implications for the post-trade

Post-trade consolidation

environment, which has become increasingly complex.

This is partly due to the European Commission’s unwillingness to make up its mind on how best to tackle the

Meanwhile, in the US a very different and much more

substantial challenges of achieving cross-border post-trade

efficient picture emerges. It is striking to note not only that

consolidation. The inescapable question is how to divide this

the US produces roughly the same gross domestic product

project between the private and the public sectors. To date,

(GDP) with 200m fewer people, but also that the companies

the Commission has opted for a bottom-up approach,

representing that GDP are quoted on four systemically

relying on competition among market participants to drive

important trading venues, compared with approximately 28

efficiency. But, as we have seen, this has resulted in a

venues in Europe. The most notable difference, however, is

negative correlation between the respective efficiency of the front and back offices. The process of competition, while driving down the cost of trading itself, has increased complexity and with it overall costs. There is no doubt that competition has an integral part to play in lowering costs and driving innovation, but for this to work there must be a level playing field to facilitate the corresponding post-trade efficiencies. Unfortunately, voluntary interoperability between central counterparties across Europe remains a distant prospect. As a consequence the European markets neither enjoy the benefits of an efficient monopoly (as in the US) nor operate in a landscape that allows genuine competition.


KAS Selections • October 2011

Global Custody Network News Europe A single, pan-European central counterparty to clear trades per asset class, for example, would allow European brokers

Europe – EMCF says yes to CCP interoperability

to benefit from post-trade costs on a par with those enjoyed

European Multilateral Clearing Facility (EMCF) has

in the United States. But for this vision to be realised, there

announced that it will interoperate with competitors servicing

is a clear requirement for vision and leadership from the

European MTFs and exchanges. EMCF has informed the

European Commission.

trading venues Chi-X Europe, BATS Europe and NASDAQ OMX of its intention to enter into interoperability agreements,

Decreasing costs

the timing and progression of which will be determined in

Until Europe achieves a genuinely unified market – a process that took the United States nearly 25 years to complete – it is certain that the scenario outlined above will continue to affect the overall cost of trading across national boundaries. Therefore traders will find capital efficiency increasingly difficult to attain. In other words, due to widespread uncertainty as to how these many issues and developments will pan out, the likely market structure in three years – let alone five or ten – remains clouded. Market participants, faced with almost daily upheaval and a constant drip-feed of communication from a variety of sources, are hard pressed to define strategies over timescales of longer than 12 months.

coordination with the platforms and interoperating CCPs in the coming weeks. EMCF aims to conclude the


interoperability arrangements by 1 January 2012, subject to

And while the broker community in Europe is facing upward

regulatory approval. When EMCF becomes interoperable

pressure on both their internal and external costs, end-

with LCH.Clearnet Ltd, SIS x-clear and EuroCCP, clearing

investors are becoming increasingly aware of the need to

members will benefit from a broader range of interoperating

mitigate counterparty risk on the execution side. In the short

CCPs. A single CCP could be selected to clear the

term, the post-trade landscape as outlined is forcing brokers

transactions executed on platforms that offer their trade feed

to address another very real challenge: how to link the

to the interoperating CCPs.

back-office to the front-office in order to reduce this inherent complexity, risk and cost.

KAS BANK trading member clients already benefit from many of the advantages interoperability would offer.

KAS BANK offers brokers an effective tool to meet this

KAS BANK’s single platform, uniform reporting and

challenge. Our Transaction Management Services combine

integrated credit model (encompassing cross

clearing and settlement across all the major European

collateralisation and innovative margin financing) enable us

markets with an integrated back-office solution.

to provide a single account structure, communication protocol and clearing agreement across all the major European markets.

KAS Selections • October 2011


ESES/France – Denomination of French debt

Outside Europe

instruments will change from units into nominal amount As from 24 October 2011, the denomination used for the

Brazil – Short term tax reinstatement on some corporate

listing and trading of French debt instruments on the NYSE


Euronext regulated bond markets will be harmonised from units (UNT) to nominal amount (FMT), bringing the French marketplace in line with international standards. The change comes in the context of French market reforms to simplify the process of listing and trading French bonds. Bonds with the following characteristics will not be included in the scope of the change in denomination to FMT: • Bonds with a decimalised (other than 0.10 and 0.25) or atypical nominal • Bonds with a decreasing nominal.

The Brazilian government has published a new decree reinstating the short-term IOF tax on some Brazilian corporate bonds, purchased from 25 May, 2011 onwards. From this date, corporate bonds are subject to IOF on capital gains whenever the investment is held for less than 30 days. The publication reinstated the short-term IOF tax for all corporate bonds except for those below: • Debentures; • Corporate Financial Bills (Letras Financeiras de Empresas Privadas); As a consequence, these bonds will no longer be cleared by LCH.Clearnet SA, and will be removed from the regulated

• Real State Receivable Certificates (CRI – Certificados de Recebíveis Imobiliários)

markets trading engine. In addition, for those bonds whose expressions of quantity are migrating to FMT, two additional

Kenya – Change of settlement cycle

trading groups, 4Y and 4Z, have been added to the list of

As of 4 July 2011, the

new trading groups.

Nairobi Stock Exchange and Central

The change will also have an impact on the settlement

Depository have

processing on the ESES markets. French bonds that will

changed the

change of denomination will settle in FMT on all ESES

settlement cycle for

markets as of 24 October 2011. French bonds that do not

equity trades from T+4

change of denomination will no longer be guaranteed by

to T+3.

NYSE Euronext and will settle in UNT as a non-guaranteed instrument.


KAS Selections • October 2011

ASEAN EXCHANGES aims at regional integration of capital markets ASEAN Exchanges is a collaboration of seven exchanges*

capacity and risk management to promote national and

from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand

regional growth. The second is to cooperate to reduce

and Vietnam to promote the growth of the ASEAN capital

vulnerabilities to external shocks and market volatility, a

market by bringing more ASEAN investment opportunities

point that became clearer after the Asian Crisis of 1997 and

to more people. This will be accomplished by driving

is underscored by the present global financial crisis. In this

cross-border collaboration, streaming access to ASEAN,

context, regional integration can facilitate both domestic

creating ASEAN centric products and implementing

capital market development and global integration by

targeted promotional initiatives. The ASEAN countries all signed the ‘ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint

We envision an ASEAN which is competitive, inclusive, equitable, sustainable and resilient

2015’ back in 2007 committing themselves to creating a single market by 2015. ASEAN Stars ASEAN Exchanges will provide an easily identifiable

providing the liquidity, scale and capacity to compete

reference for investors in the form of the ‘ASEAN Stars’.

globally. Moreover, integration will contribute to financial

ASEAN Stars will comprise 210 ASEAN blue-chip stocks

stability by expanding the market which can be accessed by

representing the most exciting 30 companies of each

regional players, hence facilitating diversification and

member exchange as ranked by investability in terms of

reducing domestic volatility resulting from global shocks.

market capitalisation and liquidity. To build the interest and momentum of these large and


liquid stocks, partnerships with providers will be established

Progress toward the regional integration of capital markets

to create investment platforms and integrated data feeds. In

has been constrained by the great differences in the levels of

order to coordinate information regarding the formation of

development and in the observance of regulatory standards,

the ASEAN Stars services, a website has been launched:

capital controls, fragmented infrastructure and insufficient


coordination and monitoring mechanisms. The key challenge is therefore to set up a well sequenced programme of

Regional integration

regional integration initiatives supported by embedding

According to ASEAN Exchanges, there are two main

regional considerations into domestic capital market

reasons for supporting regional financial cooperation and

development programmes and reinforcing the above

integration. The first is to strengthen financial intermediation,

through a well designed ASEAN-level monitoring and

* ASEAN exchanges include the following:


Indonesia Stock Exchange


The Stock Exchange of Thailand


Bursa Malaysia


Hanoi Stock Exchange


The Philippine Stock Exchange Inc


Hochiminh Stock Exchange


Singapore Exchange

KAS Selections • October 2011


coordination mechanism. The two-way interaction between strengthening domestic capital markets and fostering integration requires proper sequencing and coordination of domestic capital market reforms and measures to enhance

A well sequenced programme of regional integration initiatives will be supported by embedding regional considerations

greater cross-border access, based on: - Common international standards,

“This year’s ASEAN Economic Ministerial meeting takes

- Judicious use of mutual recognition in finance and

place at a critical juncture when there is so much uncertainty


about the global economy given the fiscal situation in the

- Further liberalisation of capital controls and exchange restrictions,

United States and members of the European Union. From Indonesia’s perspective, it is imperative that ASEAN

- Further strengthening of prudential safeguards and risk

implements the AEC Blueprint 2015 on time as this will

management capabilities to help manage volatility and

benefit all its members and allow ASEAN to grow together

compete effectively.

with our dialogue partners,” said Indonesian Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu.

The discussion is expected to end the competitor relationship between the three exchanges

She also said that member countries need to strengthen ASEAN’s connectivity with the rest of Asia Pacific to ensure ASEAN is well integrated into the global supply chain. “What we envision is an ASEAN which is competitive, inclusive,

AEM Meeting

equitable, sustainable and resilient,” said Pangestu.

At the 43rd ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) Meeting hosted in Manado, Indonesia, from 9 – 13 August, the

Besides ASEAN ministers, economic ministers from

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was urged

ASEAN’s dialogue partners were also present for

to implement the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

consultations with the AEM. These ministers from Australia,

Blueprint 2015 in good time.

China, India, Japan, Korea and New Zealand joined senior trade representatives from the United States and Russia.



KAS Selections • October 2011



These countries represent more than 43% of the total global

include, but are not limited to, the development of index and

trade in 2010.

other equity derivative products, and the compilation of new indexes.

Joint venture with Chinese Stock Exchanges

The discussion is expected to end the competitor

The Board of Directors of HKEx agreed in principle to enter

relationship between the three exchanges. Joint

into detailed discussions with the Shanghai Stock Exchange

development projects could facilitate cross-border listings or

and Shenzhen Stock Exchange with a view to establishing a

cross-border trading.

joint venture company to be incorporated in Hong Kong. The possible areas of business operation of the company




Ho Chi Minh City

KAS Selections • October 2011





KAS BANK AMSTERDAM P.O. Box 24001 1000 DB Amsterdam The Netherlands Spuistraat 172 1012 VT Amsterdam The Netherlands T: +31 20 557 59 11


KAS BANK LONDON 5th Floor 10 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1AA United Kingdom T: +44 20 7153 36 00

KAS BANK WIESBADEN Biebricher Allee 2 65187 Wiesbaden Germany T: +49 611 1865 3800


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