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Tell me how it was in your time, Grandfather Comenius Project 2012-2014

6th Theme Booklet

Communication and technology

Bulgaria / Bulgaria / България / Βουλγαρία / Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária

Технологии и комуникации Писмо Ролята на писмата се е променила съществено от 19 век насам. В миналото те са били смятани за единствения надежден начин за комуникация между нашите баби и дядовци.

Телеграф Един от начините за комуникация са били телеграмите. Чрез тях бабите и дядовците са осъществявали контакт със своите близки, поздравявайки ги за празници или са им предавали някаква информация. Устройство за предаване и получаване на съобщения на големи разстояния е бил телеграфът.

Телефон Малко по-късно в домовете на нашите баби и дядовци се появява и телефонът, който предава и получава звук, най-често човешки глас, на големи разстояния. Това е била истинска революция в комуникациите между хората .

Факс Едни от съвременните начини за връзка е факсът,който се използва за пренасяне на информация (документи) на разстояние с помощта на телефонна линия. Хардуерното устройство обикновено се състои от сканиращо устройство, модем и принтер,което за нашите баби и дядовци непознато.

Интернет Ако преди 20 години някой е казал на нашите баби и дядовци, че ще могат да използват наред с книгите и телефона за получаване на информация и Интернет, те със сигурност биха го сметнали за невероятно чудо.

Bulgaria / Bulgaria / България / Βουλγαρία / Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária

Крум Пахов - ІІб клас Моята баба ми разказа за времето на нейната младост.Това било някъде преди 45-50 години. Живя-ла тя във времето, когато да имаш телевизор вкъщи, било лукс. На пръсти се броили къщите в селото, които могли да си го позволят.Телевизорите били много тежки и дебели, с малки екрани, поставени в дървени кутии. Имало само един телевизионен канал, пускан за няколко часа. Тъй като новите изобретения, телевизорите, били много скъпи, обикновените хора слушали новините от страната и света по радиоточки /малки черни кутии/.Те били поставени и по уличните стълбове и когато имало важно съобщение за населението, всички го чували. По бабино време е имало и друго нещо, което било много хубаво, но днес го няма.Във всяко село е имало салони, в които са прожектирали филми.Така нареченият "кинаджия" е обслужвал две села, а филми се прожектирали веднъж на две седмици. Пренасянето на лентите за прожекциите, ставало не с автомобили, а с магарета. Така "кинаджията"се движел от село на село. Аз питам: "Бабо, защо с магаре са пренасяли лентите?, а тя ми отговаря, че както телевизорите били скъпи, така и автомобилите били скъпи. Въпреки това, баба с носталгия си спомня за детството си!

Марина Грънчарова – ІІ б клас Дядо ми разказа, че когато е бил дете, не е имало компютри и лаптопи, думи, като интернет, не били познати. Телевизори имало, но не били цветни, а чернобели. Музика слушали на грамофони, а песните се записвали на грамофонни, не на касети или дискове, а на грамофонни плочи.Не е имало и флашки, с които да се пренася информация. През времето на дядовото детство не са били познати безжичните телефони, както и смартфоните, които да изпълняват много функции.Дядо ми каза, че по онова време, въобще не са предполагали, че технологиите ще заемат такова важно място в живота на хората.И тогава е имало телефони, но с жици, които много често са се повреждали и връзката не била много качествена. Думата електронна поща също не била позната.Писмата се пишели на хартия, слагали са ги в плик, залепвали са марка, пускали са ги в пощенски кутии, след което с превози са ги носили по направление.Ето защо писмата са пътували с дни и седмици. Колко интересни неща ми разказа дядо, а на мен все още не ми се вярва, че и той е бил дете!

Божидара Георгиева – ІІІ б клас Моят дядо ми разказа, че по негово време са общували с писма.Изпращали са ги по пощата и са се поздравявали за рождени дни, за празници или просто, за да поддържат връзка с близките си. Дядо не е имал компютър и не знае какво е интернет. Научавал е всичко от книгите. В свободното си време и през ваканциите децата са помагали вкъщи на по - възрастните си родители. Дядо и баба не са имали мобилни телефони, но пък са живели по- спокойно, отколкото сега и всички деца в селото били задружни. И днес моят дядо няма компютър и мобилен телефон и предпочита да живее без новите технологии.

Bulgaria / Bulgaria / България / Βουλγαρία / Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária

Comunication and Tehnology Letter The role of letters has changed significantly since the 19th century. In the past they were considered the only reliable means of communication between our grandparents.

Telegram One way of communication were the telegrams. The grandparents are making contact with their relatives through these, they are congratulating them for their holidays or have some information. An apparatus for transmitting and receiving messages over long distances was the telegraph.

Phone A little later in the homes of our grandparents appears and the phone that transmits and receives sound, most commonly the human voice over long distances. This was a revolution in communications between people.

Fax One of the modern ways of the fax connection is used to transfer information (documents) at a distance using a phone line. Hardware device usually consists of a scanning device, modem and printer, which our grandparents unknown.

Internet If 20 years ago someone told our grandparents that they could use along with books and phone to receive information and the Internet, they surely would have thought it was an amazing miracle.

Bulgaria / Bulgaria / България / Βουλγαρία / Bulgaristan / Bulgaria / Bulgária

Krum Pahov - class IIb My grandmother told me about her youth. 45-50 years ago, having a TV at home was a luxury. TV sets were very heavy with a small screen. TV sets were very expensive and the people who couldn’t afford bying one listened to the news on the radio. The films were stored on tapes and shown in special hall. The tapes were transported by the so called "filmmakers" from village to village not by cars but on donkeys back. I asked my granny, " Why a donkey was carrying the straps?. And she replied that both TVs and cars were expensive. However, the grandmother remembers her childhood with nostalgia!

Marina Gruncharova - class IIb My grandfather told me that when he was a child, there were no computers and laptops. The films were black white. The music heard on turntables, and the songs were recorded on LPs. There was no flash drives to store information. In the days of my grandfather childhood there weren’t wireless phones and smartphones. And then there were phones easy to be damaged. The word e-mail also was not known. The letters were written on paper, placed in an envelope with a stamp on it, put in mailboxes and then taken to the receiver. That is why letters traveled days and weeks. How interesting things my grandfather told me! I still do not believe that he was a child!

Bojidara Georgieva – IIIb My grandfather told me that in the past they communicated with letters. They sent them by mail and greed friends and relatives on birthdays, holidays or just kept in touch with loved ones. My grandfather didn’t have a computer and didn’t know what the internet means. They learnt everything from books. In his spare time during the holidays, children helped their parents with the housework. My grandparents did not have mobile phones but they lived calmly than now and all the children of the village were united. Today my grandfather hasn’t got a computer and a mobile phone and prefers to live without new technologies.

Deutschland/ Германия / Γερµανια / Germania/ Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

Unsere Großeltern kommen aus ganz verschiedenen Ländern, sogar aus unterschiedlichen Kontinenten. Die Sache mit dem Telefon war für sie als Kinder aber überall gleich: eigentlich durften sie kein Telefon benutzen. Es war nämlich zu teuer. Bei uns ist das heute anders. Wir haben alle Telefone, auch Handys. Fragen müssen wir aber auch noch alle. Keiner von uns darf einfach so telefonieren. Übrigens: ohne Telefon und Internet, das kannten unsere Großeltern noch gar nicht, wollen wir alle nicht mehr sein. Wir hätten dann nie skypen können. Hier schreiben wir auf, wie das mit dem Telefonieren bei den Großeltern von Kiwan, Omar, Norah, Youbin und Lina aus der Klasse 3 b war. Meine Großeltern kommen aus Syrien. Sie hatten kein Telefon im Haus. Die Freunde wohnten ja in der Nähe, sie haben sich immer gerufen, wenn sie spielen wollten. Auch wenn die Freunde weiter weg wohnten, hatten die Eltern keine Sorge, sie konnten einfach dahin gehen. Mein Opa ist auch schon 58 Jahre alt und hat jetzt ein Telefon. Handy hat er keins. Ich hab auch noch kein Handy, aber meine Eltern. Ich darf auch nicht einfach telefonieren, ich muss schon fragen, wenn ich mich verabreden will. Eine Welt ohne Telefon und Handy wäre wie Afrika. Wir wären arm und meine Eltern könnten nicht arbeiten.


Meine Oma hat seit 1992 ein Telefon, davor konnte sie nicht telefonieren. Als Kind musste sie sich immer in der Schule verabreden. Wir haben natürlich ein Telefon. Ich darf aber nicht einfach telefonieren, ich muss fragen. Ein Handy habe ich noch nicht, weil ich noch zu klein bin. Eine Welt ohne Internet kann ich mir gar nicht vorstellen. Ich kann gar nicht denken, was dann alles passieren würde.


Deutschland/ Германия / Γερµανια / Germania/ Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

Meine Großeltern leben in Gizeh. Früher gab es nur ein Telefon in der Stadt. Es gehörte dem Bürgermeister. Erst 1992 hatte meine Oma ein Telefon im Haus. Es war sehr teuer, ein Telefon zu haben. Auch der Minutenpreis beim Telefonieren war sehr teuer. Deshalb rief sie ihren Sohn, der an die Uni in Kairo ging, nur einmal pro Woche an. Und das dauerte höchstens 3 oder 5 Minuten. Wenn meine Oma sich als Kind mit Freunden verabreden wollte, besuchte sie sie. Heute hat sie natürlich ein Telefon zu Hause, sie darf einfach ohne zu fragen telefonieren, weil es nicht so viel kostet. Seit 10 Jahren hat sie ein eigenes Handy. Jetzt verabredet sie sich mit ihren Freunden gerne mit dem Handy. Für sie ist das Internet sehr wichtig. Sie telefoniert über Viber mit uns, aber leider schreibt sie keine Mails. Es wäre schwierig, wenn die Welt ohne Telefon und Internet wäre. Das Telefon verkürzt die Distanz und das Internet macht die Welt zu einem kleinen Dorf.


Meine Großeltern leben in Südkorea. Sie haben seit 1981 ein Telefon. Sie

durften nicht einfach so telefonieren, weil es so teuer war. Sie haben sich

mündlich verabredet. Sie hatten auch Verwandte, die weit entfernt wohnten,

aber sie blieben mit Briefen in Kontakt. Wir haben Festnetztelefon und Handy, aber ich darf nicht einfach

telefonieren. Ich habe kein eigenes Handy, aber bald krieg ich eins. Meine

Eltern brauchen das Internet für die Arbeit und ich für Computerspiele und

für Skype. Eine Welt ohne Internet ist schlimm, alle Supermärkte wären leer.

Youbin Seit 1999 haben meine Großeltern ein Telefon. Sie durften das aber nicht einfach so benutzen. Früher gab es in Palästina ein National-Telefonzentrum, aber da kostete das Telefonieren auch viel Geld. Mit Freunden blieb man in Kontakt, indem man Briefe schrieb. Wir haben ein Telefon zu Hause. Ich darf aber nicht telefonieren, wenn ich nicht gefragt habe. Es könnte ja sein, dass ich aus Versehen die falsche Nummer eingebe. Wäre die Welt ohne Internet, könnten ich und meine Mutter den Google-Übersetzer nicht benutzen.


Deutschland/ Германия / Γερµανια / Germania/ Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

Our grandparents come from very different countries, even from different continents. But the telephone matter was for them just the same when they

were children: practically, they weren’t allowed to use the telephone. Because it was much too expensive. With us, it is different today. All of us have

telephones, also mobiles. But still, we are obliged to ask first before using it. None of us is allowed to call somebody without permission. By the way: We just

wouldn’t want to be without telephones or the internet (the latter was

completely unknown to our grandparents). We wouldn’t be able to use Skype,

then. In this place we write down how the grandparents of Kiwan, Omar, Norah, Youbin and Lina of class 3b used the telephone when they were


My grandparents come from Syria. They didn’t have a telephone in their house.

Their friends used to live near them anyway, they always called out for them loudly when they wanted to play. Also, when their friends lived farther away

the parents weren’t worried, the children just went out. My grandpa is 58 years already, and now he has a telephone. But no mobile.

I for my part, I don’t have a mobile but my parents do. I’m not allowed just to use the telephone, I have to ask first before I arrange a meeting. A world withut telephone and mobile would be like Africa. We#d be poor and my

parents wouldn’t have a job.


Since 1992, my grandma had a telephone, before she couldn’t phone. When she

was a child she had to arrange her meetings at school. Of course, we have a telephone at home. But I am not allowed just to call somebody, I have to ask. I don’t have a mobile yet, because I’m still to young.

I cannot imagine a world without the internet. I just can’t think of what would

happen then.


Deutschland/ Германия / Γερµανια / Germania/ Alemanya/ Alemanha/ Németország

My grandparents live in Gizeh. In the past, there was only one telephone in town. was owned by the mayor. Only from 1992 on, my grandma had a telephone in her It

house. It was very expensive to have a telephone. The price per minute was

expensive, as well. That’s why she called her son, who was studying in Cairo that

time, only once a week. And these calls lasted only 3 or 5 minutes. When my grandma wanted to arrange a meeting with her friends, she went and saw them at

home. Nowadays, she owns a telephone. She is allowed to phone people without

asking because it isn’t so expensive anymore. Since 10 years she’s been having her

own mobile. Now she likes to arrange dates by mobile. The internet is very important to her. She makes phone calls via Viber but she doesn’t write any

emails. It would be difficult if the world would be without any telephones or the

internet. The telephone diminishes the distance and the internet makes the whole

world a village.


My grandparents live in South Korea. Since 1981, they have a telephone. They weren’t just allowed to use it because it was so expensive. They arranged meetings by word of mouth. They also had relatives living far away. But they kept contact by writing letters. We have a landline telephone and a mobile but I’m not allowed to simply use it. I don#t have a mobile of my own but soon I will get one. My parents need the internet for their jobs and I for computer games and for Skype. A world without the internet would be weird and all the supermarkets would be empty.

Youbin Since 1999, my granparents have a telephone. But they were not allowed to simply

use it. In the past, in Paletine there was a national telephone centre but there it

also was very expensive to make phone calls. They kept contact with their friends by writing letters. We have a telephone at home. I’m not allowed to phone if I do not ask before. It could occur that I’d accidentally dial a wrong number. If the world would be without the internet my mother and me couldn’t use the Google translator.


Ελλάδα / Greece (Hellas) / Гърция Grecia / Griechenland / Grécia Gӧrӧgorszάg Συνεντεύξεις από παππούδες και γιαγιάδες των μαθητών «Την εποχή που εγώ ήμουν μαθητής η επικοινωνία δεν ήταν τόσο ανεπτυγμένη όσο σήμερα. Φυσικά υπήρχε τηλεφωνία, αλλά περιορισμένη και σε έκταση (δίκτυα) και σε δυνατότητες. Οι αστικές κλήσεις ήταν εύκολες αλλά οι υπεραστικές και οι διεθνείς γίνονταν ως επί το πλείστον με την μεσολάβηση των τηλεφωνικών κέντρων του ΟΤΕ. Στον τομέα της ναυσιπλοΐας και αεροπλοΐας, οι επικοινωνίες γίνονταν με ασύρματες συσκευές και χρήση του κώδικα ΜORS, δηλαδή εκπομπή ήχων, μακρών ή διακεκομμένων, που αντιπροσώπευαν γράμματα. Ούτε internet, φυσικά, ούτε ηλεκτρονικοί υπολογιστές, ούτε δορυφόροι. Αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που τότε τα Ταχυδρομεία είχαν «δουλειές με φούντες». Οι άνθρωποι επικοινωνούσαν με επιστολές. Ως προς την τεχνολογία εκείνης της εποχής, έχω να πω ότι σε σύγκριση με την σημερινή μοιάζει εντελώς πρωτόγονη. Τότε τα τραίνα έκαιγαν κάρβουνο και η διαδρομή Αθήνα-Θεσσαλονίκη ήταν αληθινή Οδύσσεια.Τότε μια απλή ακτινογραφία θώρακος ήταν ένα θαύμα. Τότε οι ανταποκρίσεις των δημοσιογράφων στέλνονταν τηλεγραφικά και έφταναν (αν έφταναν) κουτσουρεμένες ή και ακατανόητες. Τότε οι πόλεμοι γίνονταν με όπλα μικρής ισχύος και γράφονταν ακόμη σελίδες προσωπικού ηρωισμού. Τότε πρωτοεμφανίσθηκε η τηλεόραση, μαυρόασπρη μεν, ποιοτικότερη από σήμερα δε». Ο παππούς της Βίκυς, κ. Αλέξανδρος

«Η επικοινωνία τα παλιά τα χρόνια γινόταν με το τηλέφωνο και με τις συναντήσεις των ανθρώπων. Επίσης η επικοινωνία γινόταν και με τα γράμματα που έστελναν οι άνθρωποι μεταξύ τους. Παρότι με τον τρόπο αυτό η επικοινωνία ήταν σύντομη ήταν όμως ευχάριστη και διατηρούσε τους ανθρώπους σε διαρκή επαφή. Έδειχνε επίσης ενδιαφέρον μεταξύ των ανθρώπων γενικά, αλλά ειδικότερα την αγάπη των μεγάλων προς τα παιδιά και τον σεβασμό των παιδιών προς τους γονείς και τους παππούδες. Η τεχνολογία την παλιά εποχή ήταν ή ανύπαρκτη ή περιορισμένη. Όλες τις εργασίες τις έκαναν οι άνθρωποι με τα χέρια τους. Ένας τρόπος δύσκολος που κούραζε πολύ τους ανθρώπους αλλά όλοι είχαν συνηθίσει σε αυτόν τον τρόπο ζωής. Υπήρχαν διάφορα μέσα τα οποία χρησιμοποιούσαν οι άνθρωποι στις εργασίες τους, όπως η γραφομηχανή για τις εργασίες του γραφείου ή τα αγροτικά εργαλεία, το ξινάρι, το αλέτρι, το τσεκούρι, η ξάλα. Τα μέσα της τεχνολογίας άρχισαν να εμφανίζονται

Ελλάδα / Greece (Hellas) / Гърция Grecia / Griechenland / Grécia Gӧrӧgorszάg

σιγά σιγά με την διάδοση της ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας. Εφοδιάστηκαν τα σπίτια των ανθρώπων με τις γνωστές ηλεκτρικές συσκευές όπως το ψυγείο για να διατηρούνται τα τρόφιμα, η ηλεκτρική σκούπα και το πλυντήριο των ρούχων που απάλλαξε τις γυναίκες από το μαρτύριο να πλένουν με τα χέρια τόσα ρούχα. Τα όπλα τέλος ήταν ένα ακόμη προϊόν της τεχνολογίας αλλά δεν είχαν μεγάλες δυνατότητες, ήταν μικρής ισχύος και τα λειτουργούσαν πάντοτε με τα χέρια τους». Ο παππούς του Πάνου, κ .Δημήτρης

«Στην εποχή μου η τεχνολογία και η επικοινωνία δεν ήταν καθόλου αναπτυγμένες. Δεν υπήρχαν πολλά τηλέφωνα για να επικοινωνούμε με γρήγορο τρόπο, ο μόνος τρόπος επικοινωνίας ήταν με γράμματα. Επίσης δεν υπήρχαν τα αεροπλάνα για να μεταφέρουν γρήγορα κάποια πράγματα από τον ένα τόπο στον άλλο. Οπότε η ζωή στα παλιά χρόνια δεν είχε τέτοια άνεση όπως τώρα. Η τεχνολογία και η επικοινωνία έχουν μεγάλη σημασία στη ζωή μας σήμερα». Η γιαγιά της Αναστασίας, κ. Αναστασία

« Η τεχνολογία και η επικοινωνία στη σημερινή εποχή βρίσκονται σε μεγάλη ανάπτυξη. Όμως από την εποχή του Β΄ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου και μετά, άρχισαν να φαίνονται τα πρώτα σημάδια της ανάπτυξης αυτής. Οι καλλιέργειες άρχισαν να γίνονται με γεωργικά μηχανήματα. Τα αυτοκίνητα μπαίνουν πια στην καθημερινή ζωή. Ακόμα τα αεροπλάνα, κυρίως τα στρατιωτικά, χρησιμοποιούνται συχνά και αποτελεσματικά .Στην καθημερινότητα του σπιτιού τα ραδιόφωνα και οι πρώτες οικιακές συσκευές, έκαναν πιο εύκολη τη ζωή. Οι άνθρωποι επικοινωνούσαν μεταξύ τους πλέον όχι μόνο με τα γράμματα αλλά και με τα τηλέφωνα. Λίγοι όμως είχαν πρόσβαση σε αυτά. Άλλα μέσα επικοινωνίας ήταν ο ασύρματος και ο τηλέγραφος». Η γιαγιά της Ελεάννας, κ. Ρίτα (Ελευθερία).

Ελλάδα / Greece (Hellas) / Гърция Grecia / Griechenland / Grécia Gӧrӧgorszάg Interviews from grandparents of the pupils

“At the time when I was a student communication was not as developed as today. Of course there were telephones, but limited in scope (networks) and capabilities. Urban calls were easy but the distance and international ones were mostly mediated by the call centers of OTE. In the field of maritime and aviation communications were done by wireless devices and the use of the code MORS, i.e. sound emission, long or discontinuous, which represented letters. Neither internet , certainly not computers or satellites. That is why the Post Offices then were very busy. People communicated with letters. As to the technology of that time, I have to say that compared to the current it looks quite primitive. Then, the trains burned charcoal and the route Athens-Thessaloniki was a true Odyssey. Then, a simple chest X-ray was a miracle. Then, the responses of reporters were sent by telegraph and arrived (if arrived) truncated and incomprehensible. Then, wars were with weapons of light power and pages of personal heroism were still written. Then, television appeared for the first time, although black and white, it was of higher quality than today”. Vicky’s grandfather, Mr. Alexandros

“Communication in the old days was done by telephone and the meetings of people. Also it was done with the letters that people sent to each other. Although, this way, communication was brief, it was pleasant and kept the people in constant contact. It also showed interest among people in general, but especially the affection of the elderly towards children and the respect of the children for their parents and grandparents. Technology in the old days was limited. People did almost all of the work with their own hands. A tiring and difficult way but everybody was accustomed to this lifestyle. There were various things that people used for their work, such as the typewriter for office work or the agricultural tools like the mattock, the plow, the ax, the xala. The means of technology began to appear gradually with the uptake of electricity. They supplied the people’s homes with the known electrical

Ελλάδα / Greece (Hellas) / Гърция Grecia / Griechenland / Grécia Gӧrӧgorszάg

appliances such as the refrigerator, the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine which relieved women by the martyrdom of washing so many clothes with their hands. New weapons were another product of technology but they had no great potential, were underpowered and always worked with hands.” Panos’ grandfather, Mr. Dimitris

“In my time technology and communication were not developed. There were not many telephones to communicate in a fast way like today; the usual way of communication was with letters. Also travelling with planes was not so common and you could not transfer quickly some things from one place to another. So life in the old days was not as comfortable as now. Technology and communication are of great importance in our lives today”. Anastassia’s grandmother, Mrs. Anastassia

“Technology and communication are rapidly expanding in today's era. But the first signs of growth began to show after the Second World War. Cultivation of the fields started to be done with agricultural machines. Cars entered everyday life. Also airplanes were frequently used. In everyday house life the radio and the first household appliances made life easier. People now communicated with each other not only with letters but also with the telephones. But few had still access to them. Other means of communication were the radio and the telegraph”. Eleanna’s grandmother, Mrs. Rita (Eleftheria)

Italia / Italia

Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italien / Olaszország

COMUNICARE significa scambiare informazioni, conoscenze, bisogni, emozioni, … . I NOSTRI NONNI comunicavano “di persona”, arricchendo le comunicazioni verbali con il linguaggio non verbale - mimico-gestuale (caratteristica propria dei siciliani! ) Poi è stato inventato il TELEFONO che, però, non era in tutte le case e veniva usato per telefonate brevi e significative.

Le notizie arrivavano sempre tramite le persone finchè non è stata inventata e diffusa la TELEVISIONE che ha portato il “mondo nelle case”. Ciò ha favorito un grande incremento culturale portando l’uso della lingua nazionale nelle case di tutti gli italiani che, per la maggior parte, parlavano e capivano soltanto il dialetto locale. L’ANALFABETISMO era molto elevato e molte persone non sapevano né leggere né scrivere. I NOSTRI NONNI comunicavano attraverso LETTERE anche a brevi distanze e c’era suspance nell’ attesa del loro arrivo... Le PAROLE erano importanti ( chi non sapeva scrivere trovava sempre qualcuno istruito che lo faceva per lui) Le lettere e le CARTOLINE illustrate, arrivate da Paesi vicini e lontani, venivano conservate come cimeli. Molti collezionavano FRANCOBOLLI

Anche il POSTINO e le CASSETTE DELLA POSTA avevano la loro importanza

La grande diffusione dei mass media nella società contemporanea segna l’inizio di una nuova era della civiltà umana. Si ha un grande incremento culturale, ….

Negli anni Novanta, il COMPUTER e INTERNET erano usati da poche persone perché erano troppo costosi.

Italia / Italia

Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italien / Olaszország

OGGI La comunicazione di oggi è molto diversa da quella di ieri: basta pensare che I-PHONE, ANDROID, TABLET … possiedono le stesse funzioni del computer: collegamento ad internet e diverse applicazioni.

hanno contribuito molto all’arricchimento della comunicazione, creando molte opportunità. ANCHE IL PAPA USA TWITTER!

Nel terzo millennio l’opinione diffusa è che “chi non è iscritto a Facebook è fuori dal mondo perché incapace di comunicare con l’esterno”.

I NOSTRI NONNI hanno detto che l’uso delle TIC ha il suo lato positivo perché Internet, i social network sono una finestra aperta sul mondo che permette di ROMPERE LA SOLITUDINE di confrontarsi, avere contatti immediati, di vedersi, sorridersi con amici,figli, nipoti, che si trovano dall’altra parte del monitor, anche a migliaia di chilometri.

A SCUOLA le TIC sono usate da studenti e docenti per le attività didattiche, permettono di seguire corsi di aggiornamento/formazione a distanza e di avere contatti con studenti e docenti di scuole di ogni nazione. Il “pen-friend” ovvero l’antica corrispondenza epistolare fra studenti oggi è sostituita dalla corrispondenza elettronica, Skype, etc…

Recentemente nella nostra scuola, in collaborazione con Poste Italiane, ha avuto luogo la seconda GIORNATA DELLA FILATELIA finalizzata al ripristino e alla valorizzazione del francobollo e della corrispondenza epistolare


Italia / Italia

Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italien / Olaszország

COMMUNICATE means exchanging informations knowledges, needs, emotions, …, OUR GRANPARENTS communicated “personally”, enriching their verbal communications with a non-verbal, gestural and mimic language (that’s a typical Sicilian feature!).

Then, THE TELEPHONE was invented , even if this means was not in every house and it was used just for short and very important phone calls.

News always arrived through persons until the TELEVISION invention. Its widespread use brought “the world at home”. Thanks to it there was a great cultural increase and the National language was used by most of the Italians who previously spoke only the local dialect.. the index of ILLITERACY was very high: many people were not able to read and write.

OUR GRANDFATHER communicated through LETTERS for short distances too and there was suspance while waiting for their arrival … WORDS were important (people who were able neither write nor read asked someone to do it for them). LETTERS AND ILLUSTRATED POSTCARDS arriving from far and near Countries were kept like heirloom.

Many people collected STAMPS.

Both POSTMEN and MAIL BOXES were important

The widespread use of the media in the modern society marks the beginning of a new period of the civility

In the nineties, the COMPUTER and INTERNET were used by few people because they were too expensive.

Italia / Italia

Itàlia / Италия / Ιταλία / Italien / Olaszország

TODAY Nowadays communication is different from the past:: it’s enough to think that I-PHONE, ANDROID, TABLET … have got the same functions of the computer: internet connection and other different applications.

have contributed to the enrichment of the communication, giving lots of opportunities.


In the third millennium the widespread opinion is “the one who is not registered in Facebook is out of the world because he/she is not able to communicate with the outside world ”. OUR GRANDPARENTS Say: “TIC ARE GOOD because Internet and social network open a window into the world and let them to break the loneliness, compare with the others, have direct contacts, see and smile to friends, sons

and daughters, grandchildren… who are in the other side of the monitor near or thousands of kilometers far”.

AT SCHOOL TIC are used by students and teachers for didactic activities; they let them to follow on line training courses and contact students and teachers from schools of every nation. The “ancient pen-friend” is now replaced by the e-mail, Skype, etc…

Recently, in our school, in cooperation with Poste Italiane, it took place the second PHILATELY DAY aimed at the reevaluation and reactivation of correspondence by letters and stamps.


Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία / Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

No tempo dos avós Comunicação pessoal As pessoas comunicavam umas com as outras através de cartas e postais. Nessa altura, era muito comum o envio de postais ilustrados, sobretudo, como forma de felicitar familiares e amigos, por ocasião do seu aniversário, ou para dar a conhecer a terra para onde se tivesse viajado. Para comunicar notícias urgentes, como, por exemplo, o falecimento de um familiar, era muito usado o telegrama. Os militares que estavam em serviço no Ultramar utilizavam um formato especial de carta, a que se chamava aerograma e era grátis. Poucas pessoas tinham telefone em casa, por isso, este meio de comunicação só era usado quando era necessário transmitir ou receber uma notícia urgente. As pessoas recorriam, maioritariamente, a telefones públicos, que existiam na rua e em estabelecimentos comerciais. Comunicação Social Dadas as dificuldades económicas que existiam na altura, eram poucas as pessoas que compravam livros e revistas. Apesar disso, toda a gente tinha acesso à leitura, porque havia uma, bem montada, rede de bibliotecas itinerantes. Nos anos sessenta, eram muito lidas as fotonovelas, revistas em que as novelas eram escritas como se tratasse de uma banda desenhada, mas com fotografias das personagens. A rádio era, nesse tempo, o grande meio de comunicação social, embora nem todas as pessoas tivessem a possibilidade de ter um aparelho em casa. Era vulgar as famílias reunirem-se à volta de um rádio para ouvirem o noticiário ou relatos de futebol ou hóquei em patins (modalidade muito popular na altura). A televisão em Portugal surgiu em 1957 e era a preto e branco. Era habitual as pessoas juntarem-se, sobretudo, à noite, em cafés, clubes e associações, sempre que a (único canal existente) exibia os programas mais apreciados, como “Noite de teatro”, “Melodias de sempre”, “Noite de cinema” ou o “Festival da Canção”.


Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία / Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

As Tecnologias de Hoje Hoje em dia, quando precisamos de saber o significado de alguma palavra já não é preciso irmos a um dicionário de folhas porque temos a internet que nos permite saber muitas mais coisas. A internet também nos permite ler notícias da atualidade sem gastarmos dinheiro. A internet ajuda muitas pessoas a saber mais coisas sobre o Mundo inteiro e aconhecerem-se através dos chats. Também a televisão de hoje tem mais canais e de vários países do mundo.

Nos dias de hoje, as pessoas têm uma nova maneira de tirar fotografias, usando a máquina fotográfica digital que é muito usada. As pessoas usam-na para quando tirarem fotografias com ela conseguirem mandar as fotografias a amigos ou a familiares através das redes sociais e da internet. Hoje, falar ao telefone é muito mais simples porque cada pessoa tem um telefone que anda sempre com ela e serve para fazer mais coisas do que só para falar. Faz fotografia e filmes, grava os números de telefone e manda mensagens para os amigos. Por isso, atualmente a sociedade está muito mais desenvolvida.

Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία / Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

On our grandparents time Personal communication People communicate with each other through letters and postcards. At that time, it was very common to send postcards, mainly as a way to congratulate family and friends on the occasion of a birthday, or to show them the places to which one had traveled. To communicate urgent news, such as the death of a relative, the telegram was widely used. The soldiers who were serving in overseas used a special format of letter, the aerogram as was called and was for free. Few people had a telephone at home, so this medium was used only when it was necessary to transmit or receive urgent news. People went, mostly to public telephones that existed on the street and in shops.

Social communication Given the economic difficulties that existed at the time, there were few people who bought books and magazines. Nevertheless, everyone had access to reading, because there was a well assembled network of mobile libraries. In the sixties, the “fotonovelas” were much read. They were magazines in which the novels were written as if it were a comic book, but using photographs instead. The radio was, the big media outlet, although not all people had the possibility of having one at home. It was common for families to get together around a radio to hear the news or reports of football or hockey (very popular sport at the time). Television in Portugal started in 1957 and was on black and white. Usually, people join, especially at night, in cafes, clubs and associations, where the RTP (the only existing channel) displayed the most popular programs such as "Night of Theatre", "Melodies of always", " Cinema evening "or" the Eurovision song contest festival".

Portugal / Portogallo / Португалия / Πορτογαλία / Portugália / Portugalia / Portekiz

Today’s communication and technology Nowadays, when we need to know the meaning of a word is no longer necessary to go to a book dictionary because we have the internet that lets us know many more things. The internet also allows us to read the daily news without spend money. The internet helps many people to know more about the whole World and talk and see eachother on chats. As well as the television of today has many more national channels and also from several other countries around the world.

Nowadays, people have a new way to take pictures using the digital camera that is used a lot. People use it to take pictures and send them directly to friends or family through social networks and the internet. Today, talking on the phone is much simpler because each person has a phone that always carries and serves to do more things than just to talk. It can take photographs and make films, writes phone numbers on an agenda and send messages to friends. Therefore, we think that currently the society is much more developed.

România Roménia Румъния România / Roménia / Румъния / Ρουμανία /Rumänien

În vremea bunicilor noștri oamenii comunicau prin scrisori, prin telefon ( care acum ni se pare foarte vechi) sau comunicau față în față.

În zilele noatre oamenii folosesc computerele , telefoanele sau alte dispozitive. Tehnologia face comunicarea mai rapidă și mai ușoară.

România Roménia Румъния România / Roménia / Румъния / Ρουμανία /Rumänien

Bunicii noștri ne învață să mergem afară și să ne jucăm. Deasemenea, ei ne spun că nu este sănătos să petrecem prea mult timp la televizor sau cu jocurile pe computer sau la telefon.

România Roménia Румъния România / Roménia / Румъния / Ρουμανία /Rumänien

In our grandparents time people used to communicate through letters, old phones (we think those were very old) or face to face.

Nowadays everybody use computers, phones and other technical devices. Technology makes communication faster and much easier.

România Roménia Румъния România / Roménia / Румъния / Ρουμανία /Rumänien

Our grandparents teach us to go out and play. They also say it’s not healthy to spend plenty of time watching TV, playing computer games or speaking on the phones.

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