Fantasising with Clérambault, Pitt Rivers, Superman and I, 2016, by Mathilda Oosthuizen

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episode thirteen) when layers of time become interwoven. Linear has taken our attention, a journey that goes on and on in one direction. With layers things get a little tricky. Not all is ever revealed: you are not given the name but rather you ask a friend, who asks a friend, who asks a friend. Discoveries and revelations, bizarre connections ensued. An 18th century collector, a 17th century psychiatrist, a comic book hero all joined stories, facts and rumours, rubbed alongside each other to open up the rift of fantasy. Along the way as my own relation to dreams, dreaming and reality shifted and swayed so did the subjects I wrote about. Throughout the book the validity of dreams and dreaming is questioned. Imagination and creativity put to the test- why do we do these things? What is their purpose?


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