Newsletter Winter 2016

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Newsletter winter 2016

Let’s keep in touch...

For the last 14 years we have been spreading our passion for materials innovation and lots of our ideas came to full bloom. Sometimes in unexpected ways, like the invitation for Greenbuild in the US. We look forward to discovering any opportunities in 2016 which will allow us to propagate our vision on materials.

Material Sense

Greenbuild International Conference, Washington It is no surprise that clean materials have a positive effect on physical health and wellbeing. But our material surroundings are also quite influential on the immaterial aspects of our health. To feel com- fortable, and to be able to enjoy pleasant acoustics are some examples. The main focus of the Greenbuild Conference was on how buildings can support a healthy habitat in the broadest sense of the word. As an expert on materials, Simone de Waart opened the plenary session of the ‘Materials and Human Health Summit’ with an interactive session. read more>

Material Sense (2002) is an inde- pendent organization for materials innovation. They make the world of materials visible and tangible. e.g. through travelling themed exhibitions, lectures, workshops and through self- developed methods directed at experiencing the value of materials. Material Sense advise and designs for those looking for new materials and technologies, or for the sensorial qualities to develop future products with an optimal experience.

Material Sense LAB

Future Footprints made an impression The exposition Future Footprints during the Dutch Design Week made quite an impression: many visitors began to reflect on the use and aging of their own products. Especially reflecting on the connection they feel to or with those products. These new conversations deserve a stage of their own: Future Footprints will travel to new locations! Stay in tuned via the agenda.

Announcement of a new publication Are there ways to use people’s devotion to and ageing of products for circular design? Material Sense, together with partner Radboud University, are developing a unique publication based on the exhibition Future Footprints. This

In Material Sense LAB, Material Sense fulfils a catalysing and connecting role based on their materials expertise and design thinking. Working with a selected group of designers, scientists and innovative companies, Material Sense develops and experiments with the materiality of products for the circular economy. In this way, materials are involved in an early stage in the designs of future products. New co-operations and business models are created, and Material Sense supports successful market introductions of new products developed.

reference work will give insights on how aging can enahnce our attachment to products. Let us know when you are interested!

Agenda Lecture Biobased Materials 10 | BKKC 31 March 2016 Rodenburg, Oosterhout Workshop Materials Sensitivity 12, 19 and 26 May DIY textile school, Amsterdam

We shed new light on the ways you can use your materials As a supplier of materials: do you recognize this situation? For some time now you cherish an innovative circular idea or material. The thought is tempting: it is too good to dismiss, but you have not succeeded in bringing the idea any closer to market. We from Material Sense LAB, would like to join you in your quest and shed new light on the possibilities of your materials and ideas. Maybe with our help you can move forward to surprising new markets!

For your diary Workshop Materials Sensitivity Interested to work with thermochromic, heat sensitive materialse? DIY Textile School in Amsterdam organises this 3 days workshop guided by us. For registration or information read more.

Lectures Biobased Materials, Materials 10 | BKKC Session about the current status of biobased polymers. 3 speakers at host location Rodenburg Biopolymers will spark the discussion about biomaterials, on March 31. more information and registration

Material Inspiration: Temporary building, temporary material For the first half of 2016 The Netherlands chair the European Union. This temporary role is underscored by an impressive, mobile building in Amsterdam designed by DUS Architects. The facade is largely made from 3D printed bioplastic (Henkel) and therefore completely recyclable after use.

Material Sense would like to thank the partners and clients with whom we worked last year. It was a pleasure working with you all and we look forward to continue these collaborations in 2016! Beddinghouse (NL), Desso (NL), European Textile Network (EU), Gerrit Rietveld Academie (NL), Gemeente Bergen op Zoom (NL), Glasmuseum Leerdam NL), IF – International Forum (DE), Modint (NL), NCKU National Cheng Kung University (TW), Poppodium Gebouw T (NL), St Joost Academie (NL), St Lucas , TU/e Industrial Design (NL), US Green Building Council (US)

Contact Material Sense Gen. Bothastraat 5k 5642 NJ Eindhoven The Netherlands +31 (0)40 281 2000

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