Between Myth and Utopia: A Perspective Atlas for the Former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia

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Moment / Memor y Tamara Marović

“The distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however persistent.” -Albert Einstein To live now - is to experience the thickness of the present moment with all senses, and within the complexity of the material and immaterial world and with a precise distinction from past or future. According to Lao Tzu, living in the present is being in peace.

Between Myth & Utopia

What is certain is that a moment is inevitably short, but transformable – it is immortal. It is the time following the moment that makes that moment a valuable memory, and that is when it starts influencing actions or behavior. In moments of transformation, it consists of hopes, fears, satisfaction, intentions… possibly becoming surreal. Memory, in that way, becomes a continuance of a phenomenon that is impossible to grasp. Nevertheless, considering that memory is based on a subjective experience of a real or abstract situation and/or place, there should not be intention to categorize it, or separate it from its creator – only to critique certain consequences created by the experience of memory. However, actions or behavior based on a memory are a pure reflection of human character and the ways that reality is being transformed and anticipated.


Being on a five week course through 4 countries and 15 cities, means having countless memories yet to be processed. However, at this point, the final product is a collective of those memories, forced into a real time scale, filtered dozens of times in order to create an ‘objectively intuitive’ Atlas od Balkan. Still, this is only a first step of the transformation and processing of experience, as being in a place makes it difficult to embrace objectiveness and step away from the impression of perfection of a place - an ideology, that creates both visual and abstract conditions. This journey has been all about being in space and experiencing place. An environment layered by history, political changes, natural and cultural diversity, social and spatial contrasts. Seeing through the lenses of outsiders, as Jean Baudrillard would emphasize - created the basis for investigation and critique. Having experienced everything named, as if it wasn’t challenging enough, the most important part of the journey has been living with diverse personalities, learning to put the needs of the collective in front of our individual ones, working surrounded by stunning sceneries which take one away into the deepness of

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