REACH Summer Camp 2022

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2022 REACH Work-Based Summer Camp

July 14, 2022 School SchoolJulyLearnStudentstoEarn14,2022StudentsLearntoEarn

Aaron ArtJournalismTarverAwardContestWinner- 2nd Place High School Freshman

Our Mission is to help alleviate poverty for all Chattanooga Citizens and help create economic stability through literacy training and educational activities.

LITERACYLITERACY LaToria Battle Art Contest Winner- 2nd Place High School Freshman

REACH Camper

“My camper, loved camp. She enjoyed learning about the special projects, such as logistics. I personally, believe the Lexia was a huge success and I am excited to see how this will help her this year at school as this is a subject we struggle with.”

REACH Parent “During these 6 weeks we have learned a lot, not just about reading, but about life. We have had great speakers come to share their knowledge and pour into us, and we have had a phenomenal staff teach us and help us everyday.”

J’vyon Bonds Gold Medal- Exemplary Positive Attitude High School Freshman Sierra Crawford Gold Medal- Exemplary Positive Attitude High School Sophomore

Robin Christ.citizensandTheofworththeircitizenshipstudentsDistrict,26thforRepresentativeformerSmith,Tennessee’sStateHousespoketoaboutandtremendousascitizensChattanooga,UnitedStatesaseternalthroughAward-winning WTVC NewsChannel 9 personality Greg Funderburg met with Camp REACH teens to share the importance of getting an education, setting goals and remaining optimistic. “Think about going to college, and being able to come back into the city to do things. Because God can dream a bigger dream than what you could ever dream yourself.” JOURNALISM & PUBLIC PUBLICJOURNALISMSPEAKING&SPEAKING

PUBLISHINGPUBLISHING 6 REACH Students- with more in the wings- had articles published in the Chattanooga Chronicle both on their print and digital editions. The quality of the articles is excellent and well presented. JaMichael Brown reports: Free Healt h Screenings Available at 21st Annu al Minority Health Fair Pierre Kelly reports: Finance Compa ny Owner Tells Black Youth How to Obtain Wealth

Graphs on the opposite page show student growth for 38 REACH Summer Camp students during four and ½ weeks of summer 2022. Students accelerated their reading skills in the areas of: phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, structural analysis, fluency, and Core5comprehension.providesall students—from at-risk to on-level and advanced—a systematic and structured approach to the six areas of reading. 91% of students have measured growth in literacy skills. Most students advanced more than a grade level, showing growth in word study, grammar and comprehension skills.

Camp REACH Skill Status Report Grammar Comprehension Overall: 91% of students have measured growth in literacy skills.

Interior Painting

Students completed classroom improvement project at Hope City Church. These renovations included replacing ceiling tiles and painting walls. Students practiced beginning, working through and completing a project in order to achieve shared goals.

Painting with a Twist Students loved the chance to take real art classes and learn several techniques for creating one of a kind pieces of art. Giving students the opportunity to explore their creative side helps build their confidence and gives them healthy outlets to express themselves as they grow. Board member Nea Logan, an artist and entrepreneur, organized this artistic exploration with the young people.

Mentoring and Leadership Development Leaders are thinkers Strategy games played at camp help students learn: ● How to think strategically ● Good decision making ● Learn about consequences to action and non-action ● Multiple critical thinking skills

Students learned, practiced and planned chess games. Considering the importance of thinking before you act and using strategy for success. Classes and Tournaments Chess

Christian Leaders The Mary Walker Foundation values the relationships between faith leaders and their disciples. With both male and female role models, REACH is intentionally creating safe relationships with young people and adults working to share the love of Christ with them. Making sure each student has individual opportunities to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Prayer Daily prayer in the sanctuary was a blessing for staff and students, many of our students do not have church homes and never experience being inside the walls of a sanctuary. We were so grateful that we could hold daily worship times with the youth.

BIBLICAL VALUESBIBLICAL VALUES - Learning to Earn R E A C H Respect for Reading - Achieving Goals - Citizenship - Hard Work My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge HOSEA 4:6

Financial Literacy classes were popular with parents and students. We were happy to offer two personalized sessions to families with the dynamic Frenise Mann, MBA, MSF, BFA and financial advisor aka “The Mentor.” FINANCIAL LITERACYFINANCIAL LITERACY “I would love for them to learn more about financial literacy, this is something each family works and struggles with on a daily basis. You can never know too much about this.” -Parent feedback Our work on financial literacy includes the whole family and provides ongoing support.

“My other favorite was the guest speaker’s. The guest speaker’s were good people, some were, Lawyers, ex governors, one was a newly elected judge, one I knew, and a musician who’s in the hall of fame. Most of them came and talked to us about citizenship, respect, earning, and hardwork.”

Aaron Tarver

One thing I love about this camp, it doesn’t make you feel guarded or sunk down to your thoughts, but instead of being forced to be untouchable they let me find something better to do. In that decision, I ended up winning the Camp REACH spelling competition.”

- Ariel Kelly Brie McGlone Gold Medal- Exemplary School Freshman

Positive Attitude High

Jamison Malone

John L. Edwards III- Citizenship Award High School Freshman

“At Camp REACH I not only learned about how to work on my finances or how to read an excerpt, but I also learned about opportunity. I often struggle with the idea of trying to find out what I want to do in the future, but with Camp REACH they explained that there are so many opportunities and privileges given to young teens like me.

Willie Kitchens, former lead singer of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame group, The Impressions, brought his skills and talent to Camp REACH this summer.



“Jesus really touched students and teachers' hearts. It was a great learning experience for everyone and I am so blessed to have been a part of Camp REACH.” “The growth of students’ reading skills was phenomenal!”

Upon witnessing the rewarding and promising results achieved with our programs this summer, I am even more enthusiastic about the Mary Walker Foundation’s direction and its Asfuture.Iassume the position of Executive Director, my focus is to continue building on our successes and strengthening the organization’s bandwidth to steadily increase its impact in our city. A Message from the Board Chair

A Message from the Executive Director



Walker Received A Number Of Medals And Accolades For Her Endurance And Determination, Including The Key To Chattanooga. She Was Also Designated Chattanooga’s Ambassador Of Goodwill Twice And Was Certified As The Nation’s Oldest Student By The US Department Of Health, Education, And Welfare. In Addition, She Was Honoured By Two US Presidents, Dignitaries From Around The Country And Canada, And Even An Aircraft Flight In 1966. Following Her Death In 1969, The City Of Chattanooga Renamed Her Retirement Home And Built A Memorial To Honor Her Life. Lurone Jennings, Sr.- President Darrell Walsh, Ph.D Nea Paris- Secretary Bruce Morgan Nancy Cogar, Esq.- Vice President Regina Enochs John L. Edwards, III- Ex-Officio Kemberly Edwards, Ph.D

Mary Walker Was Born In 1848 In Union Springs, Alabama. She Was Enslaved Until She Was 15 Years Old When The Emancipation Proclamation Was Signed In 1863. She Was Married And Had Her First Child By The Age Of 20. She Worked A Variety Of Occupations By The Time She Was 68, Including Cooking, Cleaning, Babysitting, And Selling Sandwiches To Earn Funds For Her Church. Walker And Her Family Then Relocated To Chattanooga, Tennessee, In 1917. By The Age Of 114, She Had Lost All Three Of Her Children As Well As Her Husband. She Enlisted In The Chattanooga Area Literacy Movement (CALM) In 1963, Where She Was Taught By Helen Kelly, A Volunteer Teacher. She Learned To Read, Write, Add, And Subtract In A One-Hour Lesson Two Times A Week For More Than A Year, According To WRCB-TV.


Who is Mary Walker?

Michelle Smith Hair Stylist

Frenise MSF,

Mann, MBA,



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