TV Times 20-26 July 1985 (selected pages)

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20-26 July 1985


Yorkshire and Channel Four



racing to bury the memory of the Los Angeles Olympics ITV, SATURDAY SEE PAGES 10-11



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Aries 21 March-20 April

Libra 24 September-23 October

With the simmering Sun and magnificent Mars in excellent celestial spirits, you're raring to go this week. Your love life will lead you to some romantic meetings, bringing out passions and desires you thought were long dead. A creative urge should be assuaged, so take the initiative and assert your natural talents. A secret may have to be revealed, so be ready to bare your soul to save an emotional rebuff.

A dynamic and decisive approach to your aspirations will push you to the top of the tree. Future ambitions should be taken off the shelf and dusted down, for you have the impetus to make something of yourseE A chap with a track record of being conceited, arrogant and seEish could turn out to be one of the best friends you ever had, when he reveals a much sweeter side to his nature.

Star points for the year ahead. This month, the stellai spotlight falls on the lion.

24 October-22 November A clash of interests or, more accurately, egos and ambitions, will make this week yet another landmark in your life. You can't stand being put in a position where you haven't got your finger on the pulse; you need to be in control in order to feel secure. If you put a foot wrong this week, the trembling, fumbling planets; could cause you to fall into any negative traps around you. So avoid making reckless moves.

21 AprU~21 May

The home and family go to the top of your league of life, but one booby trap could be the overbearing attitude of a man in your midst. Don't be overwhelmed by his tyrannical tirade; instead, stand your ground, but not to the point of total intransigence. To get the best out of your kith and kin this week, you've got to know when to compromise and when it's necessary to stick to your principles. Gemini 22 May-21 June

A terrific time is forecast if you're the sort who likes going off on sprees and giving in to your whims. Your critics may describe you as being inconstant or capricious, but I see it as an unquenchable longing to improve your mind and taste the other side of life. A chance to organise or reveal hidden talents could emerge in your immediate environment or neighbourhood. You're a tower of strength to many. Cancer 22 June-23 July

With a desire to acquire prominence this week, there's no doubt you must concentrate upon material and financial matters. You'll be granted an opportunity to make some money in double-quick time, either with a wonderful windfall, or via a clever investment or a cautious speculation. Whatever your aims, just convince yourself you've acquired the Midas touch and you'll make a profit, however small. 24 July-23 August _ Although the general tone of the sky is very positive, you must eradicate niggling doubts from your world if you're going to stand any chance of getting your house in order. Somehow, you come across as obsessive with a touch of megalomania in your nature and, unless you temper your desire for power, you could bring out the worst in others. Be careful that you don't self-destruct. 24 August-23 September

A build-up of emotional problems can be released over the coming week, with the help of someone who really cares for you and your welfare. You are, at times, much too preoccupied with paranoid qualms that have no basis in reality. It's better, therefore, to leave people or situations that upset you, well alone. Only selfless causes and aims will help you to benefit from this rather complex situation.


You radiate warmth and a generous disposition. FOR MANY Leos it's been a heavy old year, with their dens being turned upside down through Scorpio's unsettling influence. Many of you will have felt restricted by domestic ties which, in turn, have thrown up all sorts of psychological problems. Love There have been a number of interesting meetings, and there may yet be an amour who sets your heart pounding. If you've been in a tizz about being a one-girl guy or a one-guy gal, or flirting around, you may find the decision made for you, as your love life

generally settles down to a comfortable, more manageable pace. You, personally, radiate warmth and a generous disposition. Luck Jupiter gives some very protective rays around your relationships — it's a year of burying the hatchet and building happy times. Loot It's a year for looking after the pennies — and they need looking after as money will be tight. You're going to have to work hard for every shekel, so there's even more reason not to cut corners if you have to employ people to do work for you. Life Clear out the cobwebs from the corners of your life, whether people or situations. Be Leonine and king of your own life — make decisions and don't be influenced by others. The year marks a turning point — probably the most important one in your life. Mary O'Bara, like all Leos, will find that the strong influences of Saturn and Pluto offer the chance of a new direction in life — greater things beckon. See her in 'Mary O'Hara and Friends' on Sunday (ITV).

Sog'tttorJUS 23 NOV-ZI December Being born under the sign of the traveller, you'll greet the sunshine energies of the Sun and Mars with much applause, for you're set to experience growth and expansion in your life. This is the time to be bold, for the more you dare, the more you'll win. Holidays taken now will prove to be an interesting encounter in more ways than one, but use this time for expanding your knowledge, too. 22 December-20 January

A deeply emotional period is prolonged by planetary influences throughout August. It's possible — even probable — you'll cross someone's path who will turn you on sexually, and who could have some kind of inexplicable 'hold' over you. You'll know who they are by their penetrating eyes or pulsating personality; you may even dislike or be fearful of them at your first meeting or later, on reflection. AquariUS 21 January- 19 February When it comes to relating to others, you've never been too keen on getting involved — it restricts your personality or imprisons your individuality. You're very proud of being unique and conserving your originality. It's now, however, that . you must push personal wants and wishes to the background. Your relationships must take precedence before they disintegrate into nothingness. PlSCeS 20 February-20 March

Take a good look at your working environment and see where improvements can be made. Perhaps you're not treating your colleagues as equals, or they're not responding to you as well as you might have hoped. Whatever it is, a new, more positive, assertiveness and energy must be injected into your job or position. Medical matters will be eased thanks to vital, healing, lifegiving rays. 20-26 July 1985 TVTIMES

SUNDAY 4.30 Pretenders

10.00 Tales of the Unexpected




Yorkshire 1.30 The Smurfs KINGSMURF Directing the Smurfs to finish repairing the dam, Papa Smurf takes off on a herbhunting expedition. While he is gone, Brainy causes havoc when he declares himself king. Papa Smurf returns just in time to save the dam from bursting.


The Champions — super agents for the Nemesis Organisation — are called in when Von Splitz, a Nazi war criminal released by the Russians after 25 years captivity, goes missing. He alone knows the whereabouts of an atom bomb developed by the Germans near the end of the war. $ Craig Stirling Stuart Damon Sharron Macready Alexandra Bastedo Richard Barrett William Gaunt Von SpJitz Alan MacNaughtan Anna Hannah Gordon Eisen Basil Henson DIRECTOR JOHN GILLING PRODUCER MONTY BERMAN

2.45 Sunday Cinema CLIFF ROBERTSON JACK HAWKINS MASQUERADE Relations between Britain and the Arab oil state of Ramaut are strained. Fortunately, the heir to the throne, Prince Jamil, is proBritish and will become king on his 14th birthday in two weeks' time — but the Foreign Office fear that the Regent, Ahmed Ben Fa'id, may attempt to do away with him before then. See page 27 David Frazer Cliff Robertson Co] Drexel Jack HawkinsSophie Marisa Mell Prince Jamil Christopher Witty Dunwoody Bill Fraser Sarrassin Michel Piccoli Paviot Tutte Lemkow Gustave Keith Pyott El Mono Jose Burgos Benson Charles Gray Sir Robert John le Mesurier Ahmed Ben Fa'id Roger Delgado Brindte Jerold Wells HenricJcson Felix Aylmer King Ahmed Dems Bernard Minister Ernest Clark SCREENPLAY MICHAEL RELPH, WILLIAM GOLDMAN DIRECTOR BASIL DEARDEN


Young Elam's claim to royal blood seems to be recognised when he is greeted as a prince on the road to Glastonbury. But it is only by a scheming merchant who plans to use the lad to gam favour with the rebel Monmouth. $ Oracle subtitles page 888 Joachim Frederick Jaeger Elam Curtis Arden Perfect Elizabeth Robillard Mr Morton Jonathan Newth Mr Betterbndge Hedley Goodall Mistress Betterbridge Constance Chapman Hopes Geoffrey Matthews Caution Maurice Good Dick Pyicer John Bardon Josiah Bragg Godfrey James Soft John Juan Moreno Anthony Boyse David Spenser Monmouth Jonathan Newth Sentries j Christopher Ashley 1 Daniel Baber Woman claimant Moira Hamilton OJd Elam James Cossins FILM EDITOR DAVID WILLIAMS DESIGNER KEN JONES DIRECTOR FRED BURNLEY PRODUCERS PATRICK DROMGOOLE, LEONARD WHITE HTV Production

5.00 The Zodiac Game TOM O'CONNOR RUSSELL GRANT Faith Brown (Gemini), Barry Howard (Cancer), Roy Kinnear (Capricorn) and Sue Nichols (Sagittarius) in another hysterical glimpse at the way today's stars react to commonplace and awkward situations. Tom O'Connor asks the questions while TVTimes astrologer Russell Grant helps the lucky winner to a star prize. WRITER DICK HILLS RESEARCH GLORIA COOPER DESIGNER SPENCER CHAPMAN DIRECTOR/PRODUCER HUGH DAVIES Angiia Television Production

5.30 Cartoon Time 5.45 fust Amazing! BARRY SHEENE KENNY LYNCH JAN RAVENS Series showing how the daring perform the amazing, presented by Barry Sheene, Kenny Lynch and Jan Ravens. Stuntman Steve Lewis specialises in jumping over sports cars speeding towards him at 70 mph. But when he tries to clear two cars bearing down on him at 100 mph, the result is extremely chilling. Plus, spectacular skydiving two miles above Oxfordshire, a prison break with a difference, and a musician


The owner of a lonely garage has bad news for weary travellers Marcie and Newt: their car needs expensive repairs. He suggests they take a break in the cafe next door while he gets to work. The couple suspect they are being taken for a ride. Oracle subtitles page 888 Newt Bud Cort Marcie Harry Ruby

Jennifer Holmes Warren Dates Bettye Ackerman


Is a garage owner (Warren Dates) taking two young travellers (Jennifer Holmes and Bud Cort) for a bumpy ride? 10.00. who plays the kitchen sink. $ WRITER RICK VANES FILM DIRECTOR IAN McFARLANE STUDIO DIRECTOR IAN BOLT PRODUCER JOHN FANSHAWE Yorkshire Television Production

6.30 ITN News 6.40 Mary O'Hara dc Friends

7.45 Murder, She Wrote ANGELA LANSBURY CAPITOL OFFENCE Crime-writer turned sleuth Jessica Fletcher takes over the empty seat left by a deceased congressman and finds a great deal of political intrigue in Washington DC. Oracle subtitles page 888 Jessica Fletcher Angela Lansbury Dan Jfeppner Stephen Macht Harry Parmel Nicholas Pryor

MARY O'HARA VIC DAMONE Mary is joined by Vic Damone, the City of London Sinfoma with leader Andrew Watkinson and soloist Quentin Poole and singers Arhlene Allan, Sue Bickley, Steve Davies, Carol Duffy, Graham Godfrey, Philip Blake-Jones, Yvonne Lea and David Skewes. Music director is Matthew Freeman.

Ray Dixon Mitchel Ryan Marta Craig Owen Humble Wendell Joyner Frank Aletter Harold De Witt Colby Chester Joe Blinn Gary Sandy Diana Simms Lmda Kelsey Det Avery Mendelsohn Herschel Bernard! Thor Danzmger Mark Shera Kaye Sheppaid Edie Adams


9.00 Connie


Winner Takes All JIMMY TARBUCK Geoffrey Wheeler Four new contestants pit their wits in this quiz under the watchful eye of host Jimmy Tarbuck. One of them could end up £1000 richer and could even go on to win more big money in next week's show. Question master is Geoffrey Wheeler, Debbie Browning and Boo Treadwell are the resident hostesses. Questions set by Deborah Sutherland. Additional material by Wally Malston. CONTESTANT RESEARCH LIZZIE HARRIS DESIGNER GORDON LIVESEY PRODUCERS TERRY HENEBERY, GRAHAM WETHERELL Yorkshire Television Production


STEPHANIE BEACHAM BRENDA BRUCE PAUL ROGERS RICHARD MORANT PAM FERRIS with RONALD LACEY Babs, Arnie's girlfriend, is the little mystery' Arnie first met when she hitched a lift. Babs is talking about taking off again and Arnie seeks advice from Nesta... Connie Bea Hector Jamieson Nesta Amie Babs Dev Lisa Borridge Jardner Crawder

Stephanie Beacham Brenda Bruce Paul Rogers Richard Morant Pam Ferris George Costigan Claire Parker Peter Straker Georgia Allen Philip Locke Anton Philips Ronald Lacey


10.30 The limmy Young Television Programme How urgent is the need to control embryo experiments? Despite strong public and parliamentary support for the Enoch Powell bill to stop experiments on human embryos, the bill failed to become law. As yet, the Government has not set a date for introducing its own controls, but can we continue to allow the scientists a free hand? Norman St John-Stevas, MP, Dame Mary Warnock and test-tube pioneer Dr Robert Edwards answer the questions that matter from Jimmy Young and his audience. DIRECTOR PETER JONES PRODUCER PETRINA RANGE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER CHRIS JELLEY Yorkshire Television Production

Programmes as Yorkshire except: CENTRAL 9.25 Kitzel; 9.30 Better Life; 11.00 Link; 11.30 Gardening; 1.00 Capt Scarlet; 1.30 Adventurer; 2.00 Film — The Most Dangerous Man in the World. Scientific fantasy starring Gregory Peck; 3.45 Just Amazing; 5.00 Now You See It; 5.30 A Team; 11.15 Country Music. ANGLIA 9.30 At Home With. . .; 11.00 Link; 1.00 Mr Smith; 1.30 Farming; 2.00 Film — The Most Dangerous Man in the World. Drama, with Gregory Peck; 3.45 Just Amazing; 5.00 Now You See It; 5.30 Bygones; 6.00 For Valour; 11.15 T J Hooker. GRANADA 9.25 Miniature Chess; 9.30 Human Face of the Pacific; 11.30 Your Right; 1.00 Galactica; 2.00 Survival; 2.30 Movies Go to War; 4.25 Bugs Bunny; 5.00 Cartoon; 5.15 Just Amazing; 6.00 Zodiac Game; 11.15 Film — Night Terror. Valerie Hooper as a woman stalked by killer. TYNE TEES 11.30 Captain Scarlet; 1.00 Farming; 1.30 Celebration; 2.00 Film — The World of Suzie Wong. William Holden in romantic drama set in Hong Kong; 5.00 Now You See It; 5.30 Magnum; 11.15 Hillbillies.

20-26 July 1985 TVTIMES

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