2018 Waynesville High School Yearbook

Page 1

nnss oF 2020

ClRSS OF 2019

ClRSS OF 2018








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06 The Sh1eld 08 Football 1 0 Football Cheer 12 22 Strong 13 Girls Tennis 14 March1ng Band 16 Student L1fe 18 Cross Country 20 Boys Golf 22 G1rts Golf 24 Sp1nt Week 26 Homecom1ng Football Game 28 Homecom1ng Dance 30 Volleyball 3 2 Boys Soccer 34 G1r1s Soccer 36 SauP.rkraut Fest1val 38 Fal Play 40 Veterans Day Ceremony

42 W1nter Sports Table of Contents 44 Umque Sports 46 Wrestling 48 Fash1on SO G1rls Basketball 52 Boys Basketball 54 Comp Cheer 56 Peers 58 Sw1mm1ng 60 Community Serv1ce 62 QUiz Team 64 Jazz Band

94 Underclassmen Table of Contents 96 Freshman Portra1ts 1 00 Sophomore Portra1ts 1 04 Jun1or Portra1ts 108 Staff

66 Spnng Table of Contents 68 Trar.k and F1eld 72 MUSICal 74 Art 76 NH'" 78 Sl"lftball 80 B; <~ball 82 Prom 84 Boys Tenn1s 86 Bahamas Tnp 88 Clubs 90 End of Year Awards 92 Yearbook Staff 94 Underclassmen Sect1on & Portraits 1 08 SAn1or Sect1on & Portra1ts 122 Graduation 124 SAn1or Ads 134 Staff

Anthony Curry, Grade 10

Gracie Cooper, Grade 12

Sarah Hartman, 11

·Anthony JS one of the most respectful. polite. Independently dnven and hardworking students · • M1ss Gebhardt

"She Js always on task dunng class JOb 1n class.· Mrs Applegate & Mr Arlinghaus

· she works wen w1th everyone, has a pos1t1ve outlook, and Js consistently k1nd I've seen her go out of her way to help others.· • Mrs PoiZJnettJ

Breanna Maher. 10

Eli St P1erre, 9

Hunter Wiseman. 9

·rve been very impressed w1th Bre Maher - she's qu1et. but works really hard She has also been a Silent leader 1n my room· - Mrs. Philpot

"Eli JS a very hard worker 1n my class and JS the first to help another student 1f he not1ces that they are struggling·· • M1ss Gebhardt

"He IS selfless. pat1ent. and responsible· -Ms. Joe

Mano Navarro-Romero. 11

Morgan Miller, 11

Kenna Harvey, 11

"He Js a dedicated and pat1ent Supportive Peer, he JS a hard worker 1n class. and he always has a pos1t1ve attitude· • Mrs. PoiZJnetti & Mrs. Pardon

"Morgan JS Involved in Student Council, the Blood Drive. NHS she Js a silent leader who leads by her act1ons· - Ms. Vogel

"She is kind to every s1ng1e person she encounters. She will make sure that everyone has a fnend at school and Will make 1t her personal miSSIOn.· - Miss Gebhardt


C..-'Js-1,.f G.-u .. 1...1, Eo"'/'J .. <;c.L.-,,&(,., 12.




By: LynLie Hartshorn

"~ fav<XR part about ~ shieold is ~ on AVf'n:l Colins." - [than 1\ichardson, I 0

Theme Ni~hts


Top Row Alyson Goldsbeny, Josh Danoels. Emoly Wells. Brooke Rentz. Aubrey Gobbs. Megan Wonrerborham. Olovoa Burd. Sodney Lauffer, Abby Johnson. Madoson Lowe Avery Moore, and Lexoe Shaffer Moddle Row Harley Lmcoln. Emma Pholpor, Ashley Jenkins, Baoley Blevons. Ashley Beach Gracoe Van SchaJk. Meredoth Moms. Nadoa Whorley. Kyle Rodnguez, and Rachael Dale Bonorn Row Loren Foley Sarah Montgomery. Madoson Doetz. Avery Gobbs. ian Bauer, Kom Jeffn . Macy Burchfield. and Kaue Ooren-Mes r


I·P·A·I·T·A•N•I '


Page Designed By: Hunter \1ahomt:)


The 22 Strong Philosophy was created to build an uAbove the Line" culture at Wayne Local Schools. Each indivJduai extracurricular group has a duty to contribute decision making skills and chmces that are ''Above the Line" of expectation. Our intention, purpose, and will are to work harder, learn faster, and produce exceptional outcomes across all of our extracurricular groups to contmue building a better culture

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9.JwiM. Gill IO. RadJM~

II . RoSlja Papt111, 12. A~ Ral«l

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-----· ---

from Left

Emery Siders 10, Jade Buckland 10, Roslynn Papetti 12 Coach Garafalo Morgan Achard 12, Hannah elk 10, Katelyn Abney 10 Not Pictured: Korryn Bradley 10 These Girls Were Downright "SMASH! G"! Roslynn Papetti says," We had a good year and we all met personal goals. It wtll be btttenweet ~~hen the sea.1on ends, but! enjoyed the tune we had."League Tournament Results: the Varsity Girls Tennis Team represented Waynesville very well, on and off the court. Each and every one of these girls .\howed great pride in themselves and our school as they played through the incredible heat on Tuesday. Each girl played 3 heartfelt matches, revealing their desire to win individually as well as collaboratively within the doubles matches


Korryn Bradley· Do to InJUry, wa\ unable to play, but .1upported her teammate\ all day and modeled great team 1pmt a\ 1he eagerly helped and motivated each and every penon Rmlvnn Papl'ltz - lznt Stnl(le\. won 2 011t of the 3 matehe.\ for the day, plactnl( 5th 1n the leaf?Ut' Katelyn A/me) · Second StnRII'I, won 2 out of 3 matches for the day, placing 4th in the league., Morgan Achard 1/annah Selk· First Doubles Partnen · won I out of3 matches, placmg 6th zn the league Jade Buckland Emery Szden· Second Double\ Partner · won 2 0111 of3 rrwtchelfor the da..-. placm~ 5th 1n the lea~ue The gzrl1 go mto ectwnaltournament plav Thursday, October 5th , at the ATP Lmder Tennis Courts

The team members ha~·e been prepared two new park benche5 that have been anonymously donated by a community member.



Morgan Ac hard

Roslynn Papetti



f¡) spexrrtan


M arc 5and~

The Soundtrack to Spartan Pride

The Tackling Illiteracy program mcludes readmg to 2nd grader~ in cia srooms all over the country and providing each of those children with a



Aaron Fromer, 12

"My favorite part of high chool i being a part of the PEERS program." -Makayla Couch "Once we had a dodgeball game with a hacky ack in Stubb ' class." -Ryan el on on hi favorite high ¡chool memory "Ju t hangin' with my friend " -Kimberly Jeffrie ' favorite high school memory

By Madelyn Burton

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By: Lynzie Hart hom

Top Row: Casey Briggs. Ste1an Muterspaw. Joe Bensman. C1an McGu1re. Derek Phillips. Bottom Row: Gavin Pnce. Denver Johnson. Cohn Amato. Kaden Harvey, Joey Phillips.

Top Row: Megan Handle. Kenna Harvey, Megan Z1daroff. Teagan Cass1dy, Hannah Gill. Bottom Row: Lauren Slattery, Kat1e Feldmann. Tara Todd.



The Boys Golf Team celebrates winning league in the 2017 season.

1. Logan Coffey 9, walking to his shot 2. Jackson Beachler 11, eying the playing field 3. Joseph Hobbs 10, walking to his next hole 4. Drake Stiles 11, watching his attempt 5. Jackson Beachler 11, moving to his next shot


The g1rls golf team had a rebUI d1ng sea5on ~'liS year T'ley a e row four t1me league c.ba'l1ps Kate Vo'l Hardorf shot her personal best th1s season of a 39 also committed to Mount Vernor for golf W1th the 3 sen1ors lead rg tile team and the add1t1on of rew members the g1rls had a fun and AVAntf I VElrH


By: Lynzie Hartshorn


stands in front of the school making a deal that he will wax his armpits if the team is up at halftime.

• •

Th1s year was all about bnng1ng back old trad1t1ons1 Students part1c1pated 1n decorating the hallways 1n a compet1t1on aga1nst the classes. as you can see over to the right As well as bnng1ng back the bonf1re the n1ght before the Homecom1ng game. Students gather w1th the cheerleaders, band and football team to get exc1ted for Fnday mght's game aga1n D1x1e!


Ashton Rice, 1 2 says, " Going all of out for spirit week is when people have the most fun!" "Spirit Week is the week where kids show their inner rowdy mode and the wild kids deck out in their best outfits. It' s a time where people can be carefree," said Jennifer Slyby, 1 1.

• Leah Buttcrhaugh. 9, went all out for 'pint week. To the right )OU can see her ~uited and read) to go in her OSL foothall gear. 'I am going to be the fir t girl linehacker.'' 'he ays.


What is your favorite part about Spirit Week?

Anna LipinSki,


Em1ly Wells.

Kenzie Purkey, 1 0 says, " I love everything about the week of homecoming. You get to dress up all week and then have fun with your friends at the dance!"

Gehng Habermehl 12

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Des1gned B): Sydni

"Cheering at the football game! Go Spartans!"


Sara Napier, 11 says, " Team day is the perfect day for rep Big Blue Nation." •

"Dressing up for spirit week and having fun with my friends at the dance. "

Lynz1e Hartshorn 11

"Going to the football game and standing in the student section." ''/love Friday! You get decked out in orange and black. "


Homecoming Game 2017

Homecoming King & Queen 201 7







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Emma Sizer & Zane Blaisdell

Dora Vrettos & Ian Bauer

Alyson Goldsberry & Josh Daniels

Kelsey Stamm & Joseph Hobbs

Sydni Stanley & Logan Bloom

Leianna Flowers & Anthony Carmichael

Katherine Feldmann & Paul Habermehl

Madelyn Burton & Ian Bauer

The Homecoming Football game is a community gathering where we can show our school spirit under the lights. Although we were defeated to the Dixie Bulldogs 20-14, our boys were all in and showed sportsmanship to the other team! Before a tough loss that night, we crowned Ian Bauer and Dora Vrettos as Homecoming King and Queen with a rowdy student section decked out in white for support.

Avery Gibbs

Dora Vrettos



Joshua Dick

Benjamin Muth


Page Deigned By: 7~-<- ~.ttu



This feam knows all about- winnin3. They went t.mdefealed in lfte /ea3ue and won lfte 2011 SN.BL Championship. These 3irls know how fo work as a feattt fo set sfu(f done. They c.elebrafe roselfter, lftey build eac.J, oHrer up. and if H!ey lost, lftey would dealwiH! HJe loss fo3elfter. Watc.JVn3 lftese 3irls play was suc.J, an experience. You couldn't look away! These up c.omin3 seniors have h.i3e shoes fo f'/1. Con3rafulafions on winnin3 Lea3ue Champions ladies!

Ashton Ric.e .Dora VreHvs bt,JttQ Seirlensc.Mriclt Corinne Lez.of+e Kenna Harvey Kay/a &ldc.er Me3an Zebell Sarah Harhltan Reo3on l31onfon Leianna RDW'ers Mor3an M71er

Kenzie Purkey Lydia VreHvs Anno Hapner .Devin PM/ips Kierslyn Williall!s Jenna Turner E1t11110 'w'illio111s Gabby Pric.e Peyton Sn/es Fallon &ori(orrl Luc.y Krultli!oltz

.Devin Phillips, Kierslyn Wil/ia111s, Jenna Turner, E~t~lltQ Willioltls, Gabby Pric.e, Peyton Sh"les, Anna Hapner, Fallon &arl(ord, Luc.y Krulllhaltz Junior Vorsify Hearl Cooc.h Kelley Purkey Varsily Hearl Coach Liso Harvey Varsity ASSJsfanf Coach Kelfy Arl/es/,

Row: Head Coach Scott Pinto, Mac Greely, Daniel Papanek, Evan Greer C, Ma on Bone, Gehrig Habermehl C, Jacob Ra ey, Ryan Papanek, Nikola Ball, Ryan Bulcher and A sistant Coach David Walker. Front Row: Gavin Thomson, Daniel Driscoll , Jared Greer, Aaron McNee ley, James Schneider, Cha e Thomp on, Joshua Dick and Danie l Beavers.


Back Row: Head Coach Scott Pinto, Eli Click, Trevor Camp, Tyler Williams, Dylan Seal, Nathan George, Thomas Foster, Cad en Rasey, Cooper Koch, Justin Vaughn and A si tant Coach David Walker. Front Row: Caleb Walton, Au tin Vaughn, Dominic Riviello, David Muth, Mario Navarro-Romero, Ryan Metzler, Cole Walton and Connor Choate. Designed by; Chase Thompson

aptain Starting Var ity Goalie Gehng Habermehl

a pta in Starting Var ity Forward Evan Greer

The Lad) Spa.1ans finished the ea~on with an outstanding record of 15-2-2, cline/zing tlze league record three )'ears in a row "'ith 10¡ < -0 \1cgan Ostcrhage, 12,"Thank you to ever) one on the team for making my senior year the grcatc t! Good luck to everyone next year and beyond!". These girls showed so much heart throughout the ~cason especially in the district finals game against the number one team in the state. "This is more than a team, this is a family."" Marcella Siter,ll, who led the team in scoring this year with 34 goals. Liana Wehb, 12," It felt :-o good to get hack on the tiel d. It wa one of the best cason yet! And yes. I am going tomb it."' This team did such nn incredible job at maintaining a friendship on and off the field. Thi team worked so well together nnd wa~ not afraid to push each other in order to make the team ucce sful.

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junior Varsity:


Bottom Ro'>": Kailcc Webb. Rowan Hartsock. Teagan Cassidy. Vlorgan Baker. Emily Bassett. Alexis Henry. Cheyenne Smtth. Katie Todd. Olyvta Blythe, Mary Baker Top Ro'>" Coach Bricker. Emma tzer, Brielle Mahoney, Grace 1oore. Jaiden By:ram, Lydta nderson. Jcnna Foley. Rylee Click. Leah Butterbaugh, Hannah Gill. Coach Falcowski. Coach Bunn

Bottom Row: Megan Handle. Josephine Miller, Megan Osterhage, Jessica Giii.Katherine Feldmann.Jennifer Iyby, Liana Webb. Kelsey tamm Top Row: Coach Brid..cr, Kourtney Rentz, Jcnna Senetra,Hannah Bulcher. Marcella Stzer, Anna Miller. Sara apter,Riley R1ce. Coach Falcowskt, Coach Bunn

"The Fall Play opened my eyes to the amount of talent and support we have here at Waynesville High school. These students show great potential for their futures for whatever they choose to do with their lives" -Mr. Minnery


Waynesville's Annual Veteran's Day Assembly



Hockey • I staned playmg hockey when I was lO, but d1dn't JOIO a team unul I was 11. I like how fast 1t 1s and how qu•ckly you have to think when you rc skat10g. •

" I really enjoyed my time leammg J•u 11tsu because 1t's a wonderfu: way to stay 10 shape. I th10k It's mterestmg to learn d1fferent techruq~.> s m marttal arts"

• 1lus Will be my second season of racmg and I don't thmk I ve ever fallen 10 love With anything a qu•ckly as I d d With autocross rac10g When you're out there, your hean IS rac.10g and 1t's the most exhilaratmg feehng to race. I'm so glad ! gave 1t a l:hance because now I'll never stop. My hfe w1ll FOREVER 10clude racmg"

Page By: Alex Baldwm


Cons1sttng of a team of 5 people (Ryan Bulcher, C.Chng Habermehl, Adam Dav1s Damel Dnscoll Austm Wlham and E Hartman) These 5 play League of Legends and cons1der themselves to be very good • Yeah we really pracuced a lot to be the best We fm1shed very well m League and I hope we do even better next year• Ryan Bulcher 12 The r team f1mshed w1th a record of 8-2 and they look to do even better next year

Dance • When I dance, I can express myself m a way that words can notn

Motorcross Racing

Juhanah was the W1nner of WaynesviJe Idol this year wtth her mcred1ble dance performance to a song by Sw.

Horseback R1dmg/ Barrel Rac1ng •1 ndc because 1ts JUSt an mcred1ble cxpenence You have a connecuon wtth th1s gwnt am mal that allows you to do awesome thmgs It s so much fun and exhilaraung and I ve JUSt loved 1t my whole hfe"

F1shing In 1t s second season, the club grew from about 15 kids up to almost 35 Darue Papanek wtll be pass~ng leadership on to Lauren Foley next year Daruel was Oh1o's Nauonal Ouahfier last year for Ski Cross and went to Copper Mountam Colorado as Ohio's number one racer

Hunter upon wtnrung the Costa FLW tournament on Lake Barkley ul sttll can't behev the fmal turnout. I can't thank everyone enough for the good luck texts and wtshes. We d1d ul"







BOWTIE TUE)D~Y Our lOth grade English teacher. Mr. Cleaver. started B0\\1ie Tuesday in order to pread positivity throughout the school and promote chivalry & acts of kindness from our young men by wearing bowties every tuesday to school to show their unity in this movement amongst our student body.



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R, 11










"The Lady Spartans had 23 players this season. We were led by 4 Sen1ors Aubrey Rains. Kourtney Rentz. Taylor Ritter and Liana Webb. The Vars1ty fin1shed the1r season w1th a 24-2 record and a :Srcl straight

WBL Chaftlplon hlp

going t2-o In the league. The team won a District Championship and ended the season w1th a Reg1onal Runner- up trophy The JV team ended w1th a record of 18-2 and went undefeated in league play The Freshmen team went 4-3 and finished 3rd in the Centerville tourney Rachel and Aubrey jo1ned the 1000 point club. All SWBL 1st team: Rachel Murrayplayer of the year, Marcella Sizer. Aubrey Rains. Honorable Mention SWBL: Taylor Ritter and Lynzie Hartshorn. District 15 underclass team: Rachel Murray- Player of the Year. Marcella Sizer Distnct 15 Seniors: Aubrey Ra1ns- Player of the year and Taylor R1tter. AP Southwest District: Rachel Murray- 1st team. Honorable Mention: Aubrey Rains and Marcella S1zer All State 2nd team Rachel Murray. Set record With most w1ns 1n a Season w1th 24.

Designed by: Kara Jenkm

"I am so tl'ankful t end my basketball career on such a h1gh note I enJoyed thiS season more than anvth1ng Its easy to rave a good t1me when you have great teammates We re not done yet'"

"It wa ~o end my ;en1or season w1th a bang by w1nn1ng league champs for the th1rd consecutive year and be1ng regional f1nal runner ups' Th1s season was so much fun and I'm so grateful to be apart of th1s team!"

Be 1nvolv• •d w1tt your teammates 1ns1de and outs1de of the sport you play By the end of the season you•·n come out as family"

·This season w:, b'. far my favonte. MISSing iast year only made my sen1or that rruch more spec1al I'm so proud of what th1s team accomplished and I'm go1ng to m1ss 1t so mud,.













SENIORS '18 .. c

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lflyson Go/dsberry-

.BGSU Cheer

Josl! .Daniels-


.BGSU Cheer

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We believe that pursuing excellence is a constant, individual and team process. We believe that success means doing our best, being our best, and feeling proud ofour efforts and accomplishments. We believe that each of us have special talents and the talents ofeach of us help all of us. We believe in ourselves, in each other, and in this squad GO SPARTANS!






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Co-Ed Stunting Routine =i5 . -..;;;;::: First school in Ohio to ever bnng a ~ Co-Ed stunting routine to Nationals... ~ Placed 14th out of 41 Cb


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PEERS Ka a Jenkm Hannah D I e Mak y Couch nd Je 1ca G1 att d Daylight Prom together .JOd have a blast i:fdn ng With PEERS from II ov r W Cou ty A Day to R emb r f~r ur

"I loved m~etilzg 11ew people!" -Jessie Hoelzer

The w1m team had an amazmg eru-on lead by our ix fabulou emor . Four boy and four g•rl went to Canton. hio forth tate me t. ophomorc Owen ConiC) won tate ChampiOn m b th 200 IM nd 5 Free. Conley al o got th tate record m the '>00 IM K•erstyn Ca id) al o competed mdt\Jdually. he placed 7th an the 200 free and 5th m the 500 re On th boy 1de th ) I o t ok t"Wo relay that con ted ofT nner Shmkle, WJiham Kelle). ate I· hler, and Owen onley an the 200 and 400 free relay The 400 frc rei a) m de 1t to final and got 16th mthe tate. On th g•rl 1de they l<;o took t\ o relay that cons• t d of Kyl krcdllh. Kierstyn Ca tdy,l md ey Worthmgton, and amantha Park who ~ompet d m the 200 and 400 free relay All on wa gre t had om amazmg w1m . Ovemll th C\Cf)On ot n ., pc nal be 1 • Go p rtan '


State Qualifiers • 2018 mar

Designed by: Kylee Meredith


"A person's most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen, and a hand willing to help others."

CommunitY Servi c e

The Football team unloads communitY service during the Sauerkraut Festival. Waynesville Girl ' s Basketball Team creates Valentine's Day cards for Quaker Heights Residents and deliver them in person to wish them a happY holidaY

Waynesville Girl's Volleyball Team host a free clinic for their youth program.

"One of the greate t gifts you can give i your time"


Page De igned By: J/~ Mah~ and/~ /0'1:tu

EmptY Bowls

"Love in acti is service"

EmptY Bowls is a charitY event hosted by our art department to raise money for the Food to Go Program in our district. Students build handmade ceramic bowls that are sold for purchase and filled with one meal for the customer with the idea that they are filling their belly as well as a student in need who maY depend on these extra meals given to them discretely at school. One bowl = Two Meals

"We rise . ... by lifting others"


"To move forward, you have to give back"

Multiple sports teams created ceramic bowls this year including Softball, Girls & Boys Basketball. NHS & NAHS students volunteered their time selling and filling bowls during home basketball games.Many teachers donated homemade food to the event making this a whole school effort.

Random Acts of Operation Christmas Child Individuals, families, churches and groups fill emptY shoeboxes with a "wow" item like a doll or soccer ball and other fun toys, school supplies, hygiene items, and notes of encouragement that will be given to those in need during the holidaY season.

WHS filled 151 boxes this year!

Our Guidanc e Counselor , CathY Joefreda exhibits a strong displaY of servi c e everydaY with her p rograms and positive influenc e to always

I ' ve learned that people will forget what you said , people will forget what you did , but people will never forget how you made them feel .

be kind. RAK is a designat ed week at WHS that has bec ome part of our daily life as we work to c ontinue to be always show




1 2


l{ate Von llandcn·f Jo:z1·a lla11le1· Seth St.tu·gill

~~ .Jessie lteetres


l'T atalie HTeigandt


C!an1e1·on .i\dants

7 8

Zelr:e HTessenda11l ~Iason


C!oach .J. l,llilpot


I'll Buzz Ya Later \\II.' Quiz T1•am finish1•d strong thi. . ra. on, ha~ing a winnin., rl'rord of 6:!. partans Quiz

t1•am had a fun . 1•ason, PH'n stretching \\ith a 6 ganw \\in strPak. ThP} al. o fint. lu·d ~Prond in th1•ir annual tournamPnt. \\ hrn ~ked about hrr ((•am' ra on, Kate Von llandorf. 12 rrpli1·d ) rah it w~ a lot of fun. It\ bittmwrct that it wa mJ Ia t )l'ar, but I l'njO)I'd it and p1•nt qual in time with friend ". We hope that the partan quiz team ran <·ontinue th<•ir ml'nt k


I<illin' It!


Junior Varsity! 1 2

Cameron Adams Mason Bone


Morgan Miller


Chaz Stump


Mikayla Duncan


6 Jade Buckland

By: Alex Baldwin


friends attend the event for a with good food, beautiful pnzes. Students assist in night from serving

to raffling prizes

to playing solos

Our music department is blessed.

68 Choir 70 Track and Field 72 Musical 74 Art 76 NHS

78 Softball SO Baseball 82 Prom

84 Boys Tennis 86 Bahamas Trip

BB Clubs 90 End of Year Awards 92 Yearbook Staff

2017 - 2018 Choir Members: Jamie Ripperger, Samantha Miltenberger, Anna Lipinski, Chloe Plummer, Isaiah Blythe, Ian Bauer, Bryce Stone, Jesse Reeves, Sabrina Ball, Patricia Meece, Kiersten Williams, Emily Wells, Daniel Denier. Brandon Blair, Mario Navarra-Romero, Reanna Duncan, Olyvia Blythe, Zoe Bees, Brooke Hardin, Caroline Wieland, Jennefer Kennard Owen Bledsoe, Gracie Hinkle, Makenna Baker, Sa'Vonna Barber


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A RECORD BREAKING YEAR The track team had quite the eventful year. The boys 4xl team, which consisted of Jake Arnburgy, Jake Hardin, Domimc RlVlello and Anthony Curry, broke the the league record with a new record of 44.5 seconds and they also qualified for districts and then were State Finalists. Jessica Gill qualified as a State Finalist in High Jump. Halen W1ck competed in the 400 as a State Finalist.




:J..()Sil'ICT Tlli\C!I[ ()!-• 'Tii\IJJt: 1

Kat1e Feldmann, Samantha Dale, Rachael Dale, Grace Aldnch, Taylor Ritter, Madiso · tz, Tara Todd, Lauren Sla ery, an essica Gill

Des1gned by· Chase Thompson


Jla Jla Jla Jla snap: snap:...

ThÂŁ b-ddams Familg

!it Ensemb.le James Tober Chaz Stump Josefine Parada Teagan Cassidy Kiersten Williams Owen Conley Oara Morgan Jesse Reeves Olivia Reeder

Jlance liDaptains Katelyn Abney Zoe Bees Melynn Duff Carly Conner

Keith Minnery


John Baker

Dave Johnson

l n the kooky. ups1de-down world of the Addams Fam1ly, to be sad 1s to be happy, to feel pam 1s to feel JOY. and death and suffenng are the stuff of their dreams Nonetheless. th1s qu1rky fam1ly st1ll has to deal with many of the same challenges faced by any other . fflmlly. and the spook1est nightmare faced by every fam1ly creates the focus Lippa. Bnckman. and Elice's mus1cal: the Addams k1ds are growmg up. The Addamses have hved by their un1que values for hundreds of years and Gomez and Mort1c1a. the patriarch and matnarch of the clan. would be only too happy to contmue hv1ng that way. Their dark. macabre. beloved daughter Wednesday, however. IS now an eighteen year old young woman who IS ready for a l1fe of her - -- - - - - - - , own. She has fallen m love with Lucas Beineke. a sweet. smart boy from a normal. respectable Oh1o fam1ly. The most un-Addams sound1ng person one could be! And to make matters worse. she has 1nv1ted the Bemekes to the1r home for d1nner. In one fateful. hllanous n1ght. secrets are disclosed. relat1onsh1ps are tested. and the Addams family must face up to the one hornble thing they've managed to avo1d for generations chanlfe.



2 !narticia - Brooke Hardin 3. Fester - lan Bauer 4. ~ ednesda!J - Kayleigh Gleason 5. Lucas - Brandon Blair 6. Grandma - Carrie W ieland 7 l .ugsl!J - Jam1e Ripperger 8. &-lice - Jenne Kennard 9. ffial -Alex Hines 10. Lurch - Cameron Adams "\~at

cnuld a £at hald Jlersnn n£ nn SJleci£ic sexualitlJ knnu; ab.nut lnue." - Fester

"l...ilfhten up Lucas Jlarents dn it." - lice h nnthing. lust a little se•~r e t"


mez haz tumJl "Ugggghhhh OOE)t>t:;-Gaa


Wayne Local Schools District Annual Art Show The Waynesville Art show.. presented on April 19th. was filled w1th amazmg p1eces of art created by the students of Waynesville. All of the artwork was vaned among photography, to 3-D. to 2-D. and to whatever the students could creatively put together. From much preparation. the Art Show was successfully pra1sed from the peers of the students as well as the parents and faculty. This show represented our art program w ith honor by filling our gymnas1um with talented p1 eces of art and awards.


AP 5ho~AJ-Case ----·

Mtamtsottrq An'- CompeMon


This season was filled with lots of memories and for the future . We had one returning starter, Haley Schrock , and upperclassmen who stepped up to the plate . Jaden Lawrenz and Haley Schrock lead the team with over .500 batting averages . Haley Schrock made Second Team SWBL and lettered for the 4th year in a row. Jaden Lawrenz and AshtYn Stiles both won Honorable Mention in the league .


Coach Blevins, Bailey Blevins, Ashtyn Stiles, Jaden Lawrenz, Lexie Shaffer, Coach Gebhardt, Korryn Bradley, Kenna Harvey, Jodi Mckenzie, Bobbie McCoy, Nadia Whitley, Mary Baker, Haley Schrock, Madelyn Burton, Gracie Cooper


Brielle Mahoney, Skyler Morgan, Brittany HardYman, Anna Lipinski, Ashley Beach, Sammie Burnett, Haley Deremer, Joey Bowman, Emily Coffman, Lorelei Neu



artan Bat Trust the Process Spartan Bats started the season off strong with a win over Lebanon. They continued to combat the ramy weather all season long. As the season lead on the Spartans Bats expenenced Wins and Loses. Coach Ryan Hill celebrated his 500th win as a head coach this season. The Spartans came out on top in the end winning Sectional Champs to secure a shot at the battle for District Champs. The Spartans were District Runner-Ups.

• We have a broken belt that we keep for good luck. We t1e 1t up to a post for good luck before all of our games: - Adam Dav1s.


Coaches: Clay Cleaver and Jeremiah Iwell Top Row: Kolton Frankenberg. William Kelley, Isaiah Blythe, Zane Blaisdell. Ryan Drew. Bryce tone Bottom Row: aleb Lamb, Bryce umbow. Landon Beachler, Lucas Osborn, Payton Layne. EliJah t. Pierre, John Byep,

Coaches: Clay Cleaver, Jeremiah ullwell. Ryan Hill. Hunter chmidt, Jordan \1 Iseman Top Row: Blade Roscoe, Adam Davis, Lane Johnson. Jared Weaver. Ryan Lay. Tanner Fannin. Alex Hurley . Ryan Papanet... Bottom Row: Jackson Beachler, Drat...e tile . Jona Bogg . . Cameron nder on, Tyler Wells, Brady tone

Junior Girl·: 1arcella 6izer Jen 61yby Olivia l)urd


u E





Junior Boy Anlhnoy Carmtchael Jack on Ikachler J hnn !...._____ _ _--. Qiley [)lanken"'hip Jona Bo&g!i 6enior Girl· . Nyron Cold~berry Dora Verltos Tevlor QiUer t:mma iden~hmidl Crace Aldrich 6enior Boy·: J h Daniels Qyan Butcher Lo8an !)loom J h Dick 6elh 6Lur&ll .I

TH£ 8R£RT8


lillie p rt n v r hJrt nobod


e igned By:1~-<- ~itu.


Lead b)' six enior and Coach Gal) Hardman. the boy' tennis team had a ver)' successful sea on in 2018. The team placed second ovc 111 in the league tournament. The fir t double team of Daniel Papanek and Seth Sturgill and econd doubles team of Luca Pollack and Ma on Bone each brought home fir t place fini he re pectively. With five members of the var ity team graduating there will be a lot of new face next year, but there i till great confidence moving forward.

Designed By: Seth Sturgill



Every two years, Mr. Hardin and the WHS cology club take a week long tr~p to Andros Island, Bahamaw . To pr pare, th student~ partake in four w ek nd clawsev and 1 arn to snorkel . Th1s years tr~p conta1ned a lot of unexp ct d obstacles . A last m~nute cancellat1on of th fl~ghts trand d the group in the a~rport . M~raculously, they were bl o f1nd som comb~nat~on of flights that got th m to Andros 30 hours later than ~ntended . D spite th1s setback, th stud nts w re abl exper1ence the trip of a l1fet1me and le rn a lot along the way . D1 knucks for Bahamas and we'll cya Andros .

In the picture below everyone is walking down the street from Forfar to get ice cream before class .

Students got to see a baby sea turtle (pictured to the left) on their first snorkel in the Bahamas .

"My favor~te part of the tr~p was g t~ng to know mY fellow students and bu~ld~ng bonds w~th eac h person who part~ c ~pated ~n th~s in c red~ble exper~en c . I loved uee~ng everyone let loose . • says Jul~an MacLennan , 12 .



1ac Greely, Da,id Muth. Daniel Bunerbaugh. Jackson Beachler. Anthony Carmichael, Cameron Ander.on, R1ley Blankenship, Ka1lce Webb. Kennedy Deters. Gabby Price. Ryan Drew, Tanner Fannin. Jonas Boggs. Parker Struewmg. L}dia Vn:nos. Devin Phillips. Kendra 1\eely. Grant Johnson, Jessica Gill. Jcnna enetm. Mason Bone, Anna Parry. \.1cgan Handle, Alexis Wynn. Reagan Blanton. Morgan Miller. Macy Burchfield, Megan .lehell, Josie Miller, Rowan llaNod., Ryan Meulcr. Gavin Price, Logan Coffe}. Katelyn Abney, oah Greer, Madison Fry. Tara Todd. Katherine Feldmann. Loren l¡oley, Anna Miller. Jenmfer Slyby. MariS\a Derrick. Taylor Rlller

Matthew Warren, Mac Greely, Davtd Muth, Ryan Papenek, ydm tanley. Jennifer lyby, Tara Todd


By Madelyn Burton

Joey Parada, Jaclyn ooper, Alama pencer, ara O'Connor. Gracie Hinkle, Kylee WhitaJ...er, Grant Henry, Sara apter, Kel ey tamm, Megan Handle, Jenna enetra, Hannah Bulcher

Marcella Suer, l.md y Worthmgton, 1a on Bone, Uimcron Adams, Jackson Beachler. Ohvta Burel. L)nzte Haru hom. Letanna !-lowers, Reagan Blanton, Megan Zebell, Rile} Blanken htp, Cameron AndcN>n, nthony Carmichael , Hannah Bukher, Jenna S nctra. oah Greer, M ) Burchfi ld, \1organ \1tll r. Loren !·ole), Anna Mtller, Jcnntfer Sly b)

\1r Cantu, \lakayla ('ouch, Ka)lall.trt hom, Kennalfarve), Ahta;atl Au"'"· Bnttnt Young, \1adclyn Bunnn, I a) lor Rtaer, Jenne Kennan!, J ••• Go II, adoa Whttle) , \1ary Baker, S)dm S1a11ley. \1 nhew \\arrcn. Jcnrufc:r Sl)by , \1<>rgan Bakcr,l:mol) Ba <et, C'<)stal Grcc:n, Chaz Stump K 1:1 II uri<) , Katte Ooten, \1Jdo 'n I n,l '"" (;rccr,l.eXJ Hen'), \lano avarro Romero \ndrcvo \an D)ke, l nuna Scoden hmtdt, K)lec: \1 redoth, Damtlle l'teoffc:r,llope LRruel, >.bogaollhghley, Sarah Hartman, tan Bauc:r, \1adoson Dotll , Kourtncy Rent1, ~!arcella S ozer

Lexi Henry. Mario 'avarro-Romero. Teagan Casstd), Gabby Price. Kennedy Deter~. Kendra eely, Devin Phillips. 1ac Greely. David Muth. ~1ason Bone. R)an Fowler. Katelyn bney. KieNen Wtlltams. Drake Reynold . Je e Reeves, Jessica Gill, Megan Handle, Anna Parry. Lind~ey Worthington, Brooke Perry. Bnttni Young. Bailey Wilson, Hope Daniel . Owen Bled oe, Chaz Stump. Jo ie Miller, Jenmfer Sl)by, Cian \1cGuire. Grant Johnson. Jonas Bogg,, Morgan Miller

!\.1atthew Warren, ydni tanley, Jes ica Gtll, Riley Blanken hip, Anthony Carrntchael, Cameron Ander<.,on, Brady tone, Jonas Boggs, eth Sturgill, Grace Aldrich, Loren Foley, Jenn1fer Slyby, Manssa Derrick, Taylor Ritter, Madi on Dietz


l) Student Council 2) Poetry Club 3) Quiz Team 4)PAC 5) Art Club

Abigail Highle}. Morgan Achard. Cha e Thomp on. Mr . Polzinetti, Madi on Fry. Katherine Feldmann, Tara Todd, Kate Von Handorf

6) Peers 7) Prom Committee 8) Foreign Language 9) Student Athletic Leadership Council l 0) Writing Center


END OF YEAR AWARDS The End of Year Awards are a ume to reflect on all of the hard work. good deeds and moments that have happened throughout the year Academ1c excellence as well as commun1ty serv1ce are two of the key attnbutes that are recogmzed at thiS ceremony It also marks the last school event for the graduating class


WALK THROUGH THE HALLS After the End of Year Awards th graduat1ng class walks through the halls of the elementary school and m1ddle school to be congratulated by the younger students and all o! the teachers who were a part of th01r JOurney at WayneSVlle Sen1ors have the chance to remm see together one last t1me as a dass


Dora Vrettos addresses the schoo with words of w1sdof"'' and leads the End of Year Awards Sarat> Hartmar> w1ns Student of the Year

\0 N

Sydni Stanley

Seth Sturgill

Jaymes Avella

Ryan Nelson

Chase Thompson

Ta~or Ritter


"' ciQ" ::l






= c:;





Kim Jeffries

Lynzie Hartshorn

Kara Jenkins



Hannah Dille

Gracie Cooper

Miss Gebhardt




Th" "~'"""" Mil" - Vidgria Wh""lanQI, 18 ~mgh"'l anQI tM BanQiit- LanQIQn ~~hl('r,



Kin"1man: Th" ~~r"t ~"rvi~" Parh"r ~truewin" , 18 F~vQrlt

Br ngl


Ea"l" - Rilt>tf Blanh('nlhi~, I I Nihe - jghnn'l ~le, I I ~ Whit" - Jar'-"11 "r""r, I 8 Nihe - lbhf_,n Uil 1, I 8






- Halt>tf ~('rm r, ¥ Ka.,ahin" - ~gnrjgl Muth, 18 filhin" - a,..,~" ~·Qn(', ¥ ~wimmin" - j('nna fglt>tf, ¥ W'fin" 8ut - Mar~"lla ~i•"r, I I


Designed by. Chase Thompson

Ea"le - Emma



[V'-'I'IIf llf(>QII' th'-' WH~

~tulll'-'nt ~Qun~>il

hQsh a ~IQQQI Qlriv'-' fQr dulll'-'nh anlll daff rn'-'rnkwn tQ hav'-' th'-' Q~~Qrlunitllf tQ QIQnat ~IQQQI fQr thQJ(> in n~

~nununihf rn(>rnkwn, duQI(>nh anQI dQdf "ath'-'r(>Qi QII'Qunlll fla"~QI'-'' in th'-' QII'(>QI IQ ~I'QIIIf fQr QUI' ll>hQQI Qlidnd Qll W'-'11 as Qlr(>QI law (>nfQriO(>rn nt.


Maka) Ia ,\hre\ a) a l.c\i Alkn Colin Amato Brant Amhurg} Darren Amhurg)

l.)dia And~r on Booker tkin' \1akenna Baker [van Baldwin Kameron Bauer

Landon Beachler Zoe Bees Zane Blaisdell Jack\on Blanton OY.en Bledsoe

cth Bloom Isaiah Bl)the Lucas Borgen Don Bowling Fallon Bradford


Briggs Dane Brown Levi Bulach knnifer Burch am tntha Burnett

Leah Butterbaugh Jacob B)crly TrCHlr Camp Teagan Ca\stdy C'<mnor Choate

2 96

Rylee Click William Click Log;m Cofley Emily offman Em1lyCool..

Jaclyn Cooper Jonathan Coppock Dylan Cord ro Anna Crafton Daniel Denier

Haley Deremer Braydcn D1et7 Paul Dot on \1elynn Duff Gabriel Faulkner

Quinten Flower' Jenna Folc) Kaylei Ford·. ebon llaylee Gibson Hannah Gill

Elama Gray on Riley Hardin Reagan Hardyman Taylor Harkenndcr Liam Harper

Rowan Hart ocl.. Kaden Harvey \-1adl\on Hudson Gabnel Hut~:h.:r on Abigail John on


Denver Johnson TanncrJohn,on Adrian Jordan Cooper Koch Luc} Krumholtz

Catch Lamb 1dnc) Lauffer Jaden Lav. rcn7 \1adison Law on Payton La) ne

Anna Lipinski 1adi on Lowe Brielle 1ahone) John .\1etzler amantha Miltenberger

Grace foore Gage Mullenix R1chard Muterspaw hislim 1\a\arro Romero Austm eace

lex, ¡elson Lucas Osborn amantha Parks ranner Perry Gavin Price

Olivia Reeder Zola Reeves Brooke Rentz Jamie Ripperger Katherine Rohrer


Catden Roo Daniel Rou c Alexander Salmon Jacqueline Shaffer Wyatt Shinkle

Emma Sizer laina pen cr Emtly Spencer Elijah St. Pterre L<>gan Starcher

Peyton Sttle Bryce tone Landen tncker Haile) Tatum Ernest Ta)lor

KatteTodd Kohl Todd Jenna Turner f:lisabcth Wages Isaac Walker

Cole\ alton Samud Warren Emil) Welb Emma Williams Kicr ten Williams

!'v1egan Winterbotham Hunter Wi~cman T) ler Yout C) Luke Zebell Megan Zidarofl

Freshmen N ot Pictured: "vforgan Bowman. Sean Fnedlu~f]: Tanner Ledfrod. Tristan Lowe, Avery Moore. Cole Pennington, Joev Phtlltps, Christopher Pooler. oah Tackett. !< amen Walker. Austin William.\, Malthew York


Katel)n bne) llazcly n Almctcr Jay me~ A\ ella Tandcn Baile) 1ar) Baker

'ikola Ball a vonna Barbl!r shley Bea~:h Carohnc Bcn~man Brandon Blair

Re,el Bledsoe Bailey Ble\ ins Oly via Blythe Odie Bo"'man Koll) n Bradley

teolus Brill arli Brown Ryan Brush Jade Buckland Jaiden Byram

Hunter Case Owen Conley Bryce Cumbo"' Anthony Cull) Tyler Dakin

Bryce Daniel Kennedy Deters Ryan Drew Dylan Duncan Reanna Dun~:an


Alexander Dyer Mile Emerson • 'athan I· hler Tanner f·annin Hunter Fillmore

dam hank Kolton Frankenberg R}an Gabbard Jordan Gibb Kier ten Gober

McKinley Greely Jared Greer Dominic Hammett Brandy Hamric Megan Handle

Hallie Harris Juhanah Harter Grant Henry Alexander Hines

Joseph Hobb~ Garrett Hudgel Kevin Hutcherson A hie) Jenkins Kara Jenkins

'i ilham Kelle)

Damellc Kosslcr 'athan Kraft Gabriel Kronenberger Blake Leach

10 1


Lincoln 1ason Lukens Brcanna :\1ahcr Braxton 1aiolo John tcCoy

Patrkia \1cc.:cc Derek M11lcr Jo. ephine ~iller \1att "' Moore 1.. \ ler :\1organ

.:\krcdith Morris Da\ 1d !\.1uth Michael 'auroth Kendra , eel) Bryce • 'olbcrtowicz

am O'Connor Ryan Papanek Wilhelmina Pardon Anna Parry Malik Pear.on

Devin Phillip Jacob Prewitt Gabrielle Price Kcnnc Purkey Cadcn Rasey

Drake Reynold Ethan Richardson Dominic Riviello Ma on Schoephocr ter Hannah Selk


Em ry Sider Kelsey Stamm 1akala Steinbrugge A htyn Stile Parker Struewing


Jo ph Thoma 'athan Treece Gracie Van Scha1k u tin Vaughn Lyd1a Vretto

Caleb Walton Kailee Webb Brendan Wergow ke Ezekiel Wes endarp Victoria Wheeland

Kylee V.'hitaker Nadia Whitley Jacoh Wieland Adam Wilkerson Brandon Williams

Kourtncy Wolf Worthington Alexi \ )nn ~tichael

Sophomores Not Pictured: Cate/yn Cadwallader, Aubrey Gibb,<,, Hawk \fahorney, Dale \feeh, Emma Philpot, R1/ey Rice Justin Todd, Justin Vaughn, Taylor Well


Cameron Adam\ Cameron Ander,on bigail w.tin ~1organ Baler Kay Ia Balker

John Bamthou~e Emily Ba'' tt Jaclson Beachler Charla Bee' Riley Blanlen\hip

Reagan Blanton Jonas Boggs ~1a. on Bone Jocelyn Bouchair Gracie Bryant

Hannah Bulcher Macy Burchfield Olivia Burd Daniel Butterbaugh John Byer'

AnthOn) Carmichael 'i illiam Carter Cha e Cart\\ right Tanner Clark Hunter Clements

John Cole Carly Conner Cody Cooper Scott Coppock Bailey Dermer


Lllliana D1a.r Hannah D11le Taylor hnel Alcsh1a f¡indlcy Leianna Rov.ers

Thomas h)stcr Ryan Fowler Cooper Fravel

Brittany Hardyman

Ezra Harper Sarah Hanman Lyn.tie Hanshom Kenna Harvey Alexi Henry

Jessica Hocher Aaron Howard Emily Hov.ard Alex Hurley Kaela Hurley

Dane Jackson Hannah Kaan Lauren Keeley


Luke Kmdred tcK.enna Lamont·Rogen. , ·oah Little Alex Lon • Benjamin Lyons

Joshua Mar hall Bobbie Me oy Cian '\tcGu1re Jodi kKentie Jacob 1cMahon

aron 1c "celcy Kir~ten Meier Anna :-.tiller Morgan :'>1illcr Rachel Murray

Sara ap1cr avarro-Romero oah eeley Kathryn Ooten Me1er Joscfinc Parada


Derek Phillips Chloe Plummer Luca Pollack Ryan Potter Annaliese Price

Jesse Reeves Kyle Rodriguez AnthOn) Roscoe D)lan Seal Jenna Senetra

5 106

Jo hua Sherod \llarcella SLter Jennifc Sh by Cheycn1 ,e Smith l:than Speer

Ca,ey St P1erre Brad)' Stone D 1 I Stone Chv tump ndre Suchomel

Robert Thomson Tober David Todd Hannah To""n~end Adam Van D}ke


Andrew Van Dyke Jarod Weaver Tyler Wells Wynston West Tyler Williams

Baile} Wilson KamT}n Woodward Lmd e> Worthington Megan Zebell

'ot Pictured: Aayleis:h Gleason Casey Lambert. Hunter \fahornev. Jacob McMullen Derek Pyburn Dalton Runyon, Con\tacia Ryane. John Shaffer, Drake ttle.\, Katie Wtlwn

10 7

Miss Farley - P.M. Kindergarten

..----. _....,_

Mrs. Durham - P.M. Kindergarten


-"'"" ..,.._


""""'"'........,...._ -. ~­ -W!cl<

Miss Farley- A.M. Kindergarten



-----_ ...... a.--


Mrs. Durham - A.M. Kindergarten

_ ---....,..,__, ...

----_ ....



Sophie .Brown & Kay/a -Hartshorn

Sami J)a}e, Gehri[j Habermehl & Mikayla J)unc.an

Favorite Elemenfary Memory •Goin3

the middle school for lypin3 c.Jass because there was air ClJndifioninl •Mrs. Harhttan hired G Forc.e fo play for us" •GeHin3 fo have 5/1, 3rade in our 0\oln hallway" •Goin3 fo COS/ in 5/1, 3rade" 'When we 3of pic.l<ed fo do the pled~ in the 1tt0rnin3 we 3of fo be on the tv" •silly &ndz, &fuisl1ies, 'NebKinz" fo

•s1101o1 & Tell, Me Skw &c.l<et •Mrs. &nn doin3 the Hippo J)anc.e"

Haley Sdlroc.k, Aubrey Rains, J)aniel &avers & J)arren J)ofson

'"Field frip fo Hle Cinc.innali Reds sradium" •Findin3 our you didn r have Mrs. Rasey for homeroom and c.ryinl 1

Takin811 Trip JJown Memory Lane... 2005-2006




®JElmn®rn WAVJI&®

~® ~ ~nooiiD~rn@~rn1f~oo~rn~


Aaron Fromer, Ab1gall H1ghley, Alyson Goldsberry, Aubrey Rains, Austm Couch, AUs1tn Williams, Ben Muth, Brayden kirnec, lara Todd


~ Taylor Ritter, Brooke Hardm, Brooke Perry, caroline Wieland, Taylor Er1ckson, Cohen koch,

RoW ;: Daniel Dnscoll, Dan1el Papanek, Darren Dotson, EaW1n Neace, Thomas carter, Gehng Habermehl, George Petkervich ~~IlL=~~· Gracie

Cooper, Halen Wick, Trey Gober, Jacob Rasey, Jessica Hunter, Joseph Bensman

enne kennard, Jess1ca Gill,

RoW 5: kate Von Handorf, kahe Burton, kahe Feldmann, kayla Hartshorn, kierstyn cass1dy, kourtney Rentz, t.::auren Slattery, Len21e Adams Linie Wyatt, Logan Bloom, Madelyn Burton, Mad1son Dietz, Makayla Couch, Malia Hall, Manssa Demck, Megan Sharp


M1kayla Duncan, Morgan Achard, N1cholas St. Cla1r, Olivia Paxson, Peyton Stacy, R.achael Dale, Roslynn Papetn, Ryan Lay ===44~====



Ryan Nelson, Sami Dale, Sarah Montgomery, Sarah Van Hoose, Seth Sturgill, Sophie Brown, Tanner Patterson, Tanner Sh1nkle

Most W¡ely to Never Leave Waynesville


Gracie Cooper & Logan Bloom

lJrama Kfnq & Qtteen Chctse 'Thompson & Sctonnct Bet!!

Most Likely to be La M . te to Graduallon

anssa Derrick & D,..... D (j) ... ,en otson f<,..

1 13

Alex Bald\\.in "II "'lud" I am toba'e ~tlung th;,t mal.es .a~tng goodb\e so hard".\\ mme the Pooh

If m rc of u 'alue cheer and song abm-e hoarded gold, tt "ould he 1 ~er world."·J RR Toll.ten

"lla fmall) heen rclca~ alter stn.1ng a 4 )ear sent nee"

"School a lht na11on ba<: I. bone " Oun Br:ldy

" llopefull} b) no,. 1 can do 1 backOtp"

"I gu

these arc the ""rd that w11I h"e fore\cr"

Sophie Brown "In order to be wt

und old you

have to be )Oung and tuptd fi"t

Madelyn Burton "Is there an) le el.e h<,re? rm lr)tng to earn lll(>OC) for college"


K1erstyn Cassidy

Avery Collins

Gracie Cooper

Makayla Couch

•·Great mmd lhtnl. al.-"

" I atn't here for 1 long 11m I'm here for 1 good 11~ " Geor~e Stratght

becau..e one day )OU wtll lool. back and real11e the) "'ere the btg

'' Ln~•Y

the httle thin


tn hfc.

SIICCCS 15 no OCCident; II

I hard v.ork, pcrse>~rance,Jcammg. studymg, sacrifice and Jovmg

l'"JO> the bnle tlung "

•·smncwner there as a grease fire m my thought box" HIKI

"hatyoudo." P

"The flow~r that bloom m a<h erslly 15 tbcl roost rare and

" I d•llicult to follow your dream.

bc:auttful of all " \!ulan


.. !'o. )OU can't talk )Ct. Man sa·, not do~ tak mg ber tc t"

Darren Dotson

Daniel Driscoll

... '-1nl1(') dt.


not bnng

, hut w thmg 11 hu) un: can"

to not." (briwan

L1f~ 1 all about the brcal " pnn Breal " "Bre mg Record '"'Break mg llelln>'

Cole Durham "Be a Fru11 L..-•'1' 1n a world of Cht-enos"

" I only hm•cd up to tum m lh15 quote"

l lno"' all about ll\e t<xl tum out I' m W GOA r

Mtkayla Duncan

tis a tragcd~

Taylor Erickson " It> bttn mag• al. but I'm " Khloe 1\:aradasluan


" Keep 11 nx>l lor Oaday Cool "


Alyson Goldsberry

Paul Habennehl

Malia Hall

Brooke Hardin

"Spend a httle ""'"'tune IJ')Iong to make '<>methmg of )OU~If and a lottie le umelJ')I ong to

Joshua Harter '"I don't tuUcr, I JU't "'pellt the l>egmnongs of word "

1mpre s people"- The Breakfut Club

Kayla Hartshorn "Ju t go "'lth the now"

Cohen Koch

Abigail Highley "WI>encver I'm about to do "'methmg, I !honk, would an 1d1ol do that? And 1f they would, I don' t do that thong."-Dw1ght Schrute

Ryan Lay

Ktmberly Jeffries he doesn "teven go he"'" -Everyone

Morgan Lowe "If you·.., not nght. I"ll leave you left"

"Take ~ of the lillie thongs and b1g thong w1ll Ulke care ol themselves.". Tammy Burchf~eld


" 1y career goah change With the day"

Jennefer Kennard "So for now I ""Y goodbye to th1 chapter of my hfe and llool. fof"'ard to what comes next"

Julian MacLennan .. 'tnp bemg \0 \en JUve"

Braydon Kimec " I the JUI< worth th •


Kylee Meredith " I JUH wanted to lilly that you·.., all wonncrs. And that I could not be happ1er that tlu ·hool year 1 endmg " Mean G1rls

• .and <vcrytlung w1ll he alnght "Oadd) Cool"

"I dor,.t know what my future hold$, but llnow who hold 1t"'



the he t of


the worM olume,. .

time~ .

and 1t

''I'm JU't gomg to wmg 11"

\10VIV ()~ "

"'Ju,t ill ·a~.- \ou re tra h doesn t mean)~ c.:an"t do great thing , 1 <ailed a trash CA~

not a tra'h C A VT"

"The future belong' to those who hchcve m the beauty ol the&r dream " I leanor Roo"'velt

"lll.. .. " po;opk I meet, the mon:: I lovr 01) dog"



pc •pie live to be happ) If

)OU 01.1Uall) thinlat>out happliiC , II' nothmg mu,h When )OU get to eat

Ramen after feelmg real!) real!) hun!!l) othaf happme~ '"


1 the lc) h) our future

don't bchc\c 10 )tlU ·n!' holdmg C\Cr)OilC rJ ha<~" IJriJ \C 1d




'1lu wa not lrlc llrgh S.:hool Mu real at all''


"I am JU"t hen: \4.) I dun '1 get lined"

Sarah Van Hoose

Kate Von Handorf ·~o o • c.m utake ) ou feel mfcnor wuhout )OUr cnn nt "-

(· k.anor Rc."kl'ie\Cit

"I'm a P"OCII rn Lhe hand of god."· 'lother Teresa

11 8

Dora Vrettos ' o .. not the explorer..

"An)thrngL'P< rhlc rf)uu·,e gN enough ncr.e" 1 K R<>.. hng

Logan Walker

Matthew Warren '' Lr~ewatcronadu.:k ha<~.ju



fall ufl'


Emily Wilson

Jordan Wiseman

Elizabeth Wyatt

Brittni Young

ot Pictured: Bethany Bamhorst Dean Brubaker Thomas Carter A hton Caudill Austm Couch Evan Greer Sophie Hailey Delaney Harmon Je ica Hunter Brianna Mar~hall Gracie Robbins Tyler Weigandt



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Graduation Say goodbye to the class of 2018! Whatever you choose, however many roads you traveL we hope that you choose to never g1ve up. We hope you will find some way to break the rules and chase your purpose instead of happiness. We hope you've had 18 years of excellence. When you find your purpose happiness will find you.





Love always \1om Dad Ryan Adam and Sa!Tl





fve~ "Stu~ent ol t~e Mont~¡ t~is

year can ~e seen on ~a~e 3 We can't t~an~ t~e Waynesville l1ons Club enou~~ lor t~eir en~less su~~on ol t~e stu~ents in our ~istrict

13 1






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