2017 Waynesville High School Yearbook

Page 1

AV ESVILLE HIG SCHOO 2016 -2017 On t e surface. Waynesville s a s all town w1th ant que shops and a large Sauerkraut ~est val1'1 the tal We ave these thmgs about our t wn b t we wanted to ded1cate th1s boo'< to show all of the beneath the surface our t de ts a c u ny t o gho tt s s oo year Be eath ave have so many U'llque p u e p eces that f t together to a e ours hool t e great place that t 1s


8 Football 10 Cheer

12 The Shield 14 Marching Band 16 Girls Tennis 18 Student Life 20 Cross Country 22 Golf 24 Spirit Week 26 Homecoming Game 27 Homecoming Court 28 Homecoming Dance 3 Volleyball 32 Boys Soccer 34 Girls Soccer 36 Sauerkraut Festivel 38 Fall Play

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42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 61

Unique Sports Wrestling Fashion Girls Basketball Boys Basketball Competition Cheer PEERS Swimming Quiz Team Concert Band Jazz Band

64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 83 84

Boys Tennis Track Spring Musical Art NHS Softball Baseball Prom Choir Student Council Art Show Clubs

106 Seniors Portraits 112 Senior Favorites 114 College Sport 128 Senior Ads

88 Freshman Portraits 92 Sophomore Portraits 96 Junior Portraits 100 Staff

8 Footba 7 7 I 0 WHS Cheer 12 The Shield 14 Marching Band 16 Girls Tennis 18 Student Life


20 Cross Country 22 Golf 24 Spirit Week 26 Homecoming Game


Homecoming Court 28 Homecoming Dance 30 Volleyball 32 Boys Soccer 34 Gi r 7s Soccer


Sauerkraut Festive?


Fa 7 7 Play


+II Love, the Teachers

Grant Johnson bran 1s on o e kindest people who constantly brings his light and positivity to class with a bright smile and enthus1asm to Jearn" "Selfless, courteous and happy always!" "Always willing to help others and very respectful"

Gracie Robbins "Grac1e oooms exhibits optimism and kindness, even when facing challenges or challenging people. She is genuinely, actively caring, going out of her way to brighten other people's days"

Andrew Van Dyke " Gentle giant... he has a heart of gold" "Andrew is positive" "Always has a smile and is always willing to help"



The Spartans rise together as one to overcome advers"+" While the record maY not be the best, the 2016 Waynesville Football team learned the value of overcoming adversitY and working together . This lesson will benefit these young men as they move forward in their lives. - Coach Jordan"

Coaches:N1ck Vrettos, Max Gabbard,Nick Bauer,Robbie Beagley,Scott Jordan,R1chard Hoppe, Ch1p K1ng

"Remember whY you play " Senior # 14 vuu

"It ' s not whether you get knocked down; It's whether you GET BACK UP Senior # 6: g

" Win or lose I am proud of my team" Senior # 53

"I play football because I like to hit people" Senior # 77 ichols

" They can't stop what they can't catch"

# Loga..


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Student Section: a group of student fans that supports its school in athletic events, known for being the most visible and rambunctious part of the crowd. To us, it1S more than that. lt1S the feeling of the Friday night lights, the cold air, and the rush of excitement you get as your team scores. "One of my favorite things about high school is going to all of the sporting events and supporting my friends." (Sydni Stanley) To us, it111 always be more than just the far right section of the bleachers, and it's more than athletics; it's family.

"0-H" -Sydni Stanley ''1-0" -Lynzie Hartshorn

"My favorite part about the student section is dressing up for all the themes and supporting my friends" -Rachel Murray

"I just really like to go bananas- go go bananas. If you know what I mean .. "

-Kayci Felumlee

Sport most looked forward to: Soccer 52%

Football Volleyball Basketball

10% 19%

.marcb 1Jnto Jjattlt

" This year we entertained audiences with our gladiator performance. We had one of our best years winning first or second in 3 out of the 4 contests we participated in and best percussion in 3 of the contests " -Mrs. Schleman


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Waynesville Marching Band 2016-17

~en tors " The best part of Band was the Band Camp where know one knew what was gonna happen." 路 Connor Johnson

"The best part of Marching Band was the last performance. It was ... freeing." - Max Austin

"Are you not entertained" -2016 Marching Band 13

Top row: Ro lynn Papett1, Taylor Gwin, Anna Parry, Carly Connor, Morgan Achard, Hannah elk. and Jade Buckland Bottom Row: Katelyn Abne) and atalie Weigandt ot pictured: Cf) tal Green


It's been a challenging sea on. For mo t of them it was their first time picking up a racket, but now they are playing very well.

-Coach Gary

Word hard and try your be t, but mo t importantly have fun.

-Taylor Gwin, 12

Girls Tennis The tenni team i

uper upportive and fun to play with.

-Anna Parry, 9 We're like a family and there' never any when playing tenni .

-Jade Buckland, 9 While learning about tenni I al o learned about

m} elf. I would definitely recommend playing.

-Roslynn Papetti, 11 You hould join tenni ; it' really fun.

- atalie Weigandt, 11 I love getting clo er to the new member of our team and I am very proud of how far they have come. I am really looking forward to next eason.

-Morgan Achard, 11


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'tuQI~nt Lif~

The Wayne ville Cro Country team did amazing, like alway . The girl cro country are now are 6 time league champ , the boy cro country got third at league . Through out the ea on the team improved one by one. Mo t of them broke per onal record . Tara Todd SR with a time of20:47, Cian Mcguire 21:32, Emily O'Conner 20: 2, Katie Feldmann i 21:50, and Grace Aldrich 21:45. The Senior cia have "Supportive, creative, and i a family too me. "-Megan Handle. o matter what, thi team tick together through up and down ! You guy and gal have made the impo ible look po ible.




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"This season was the first time I had ever golfed it was a huge learning experience," Sydni Stanley, 11.








This year the girls golf team went 11-7 on the season and the boys were 2-4 in the league bringing home fifth place from their league match. at the end of the season Kate Von Handorf, 11 had the lowest average of 47 on the girls side and drake stiles, 1o, with 45 on the boys side. In the league Drake made second team all league and Jackson Beachler, 10. honorable mention.

WftKl UP IrS ...

·1 liKe SnlnG (VlRY0 nt PftRliCIPftll ftnD s~ow Off T~tiR SCN00l SPIRIT.. ·one 0 f ftY fftV0 RITt PftRTS ftD0 UT rtftRD00KIS w~en we~ ______. coN T0GtT~tR DURinG SPIRIT weeK ftnD DRess up T0 TftKl PIOURtS Of TNt STftff ftS ft W~ 0 lt Wt ftlWftYS ~ftVt T~t DtS' TIN D0 lnG TNIS..


Levi Stone, 10, Eli Morris, 12




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Student Q.uotes: "Team Toga was the only reason the student section was hype this year. #togalife #teamtoga" - Thomas Foster ''I had a fantastic time and cant wait to go to more in the many years to - Mac Greely


Mason \,;aJJtamm & Sierra Kindred

Terry James & Taylor Ciwin


Q,uote: "I don't know... It was a fantastic experience and I want to thank everyone who voted for me. I am glad I could be your king!" Mason Callahan

Timothy Abney & Gracie Van Schaick

Anthony Carmichael & Marcella Sizer

Austin Couch & Sydni Stanley

"It' a great time to pend with friend and li ten to mu ic."

Ma on Bone 10

r lo 26

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We \NtX-1 I~ fov' StiAbb'.s 1()()t), IMH i~-t w:S lo.st cSeo.cSoH CMdi~. I COIAI&<r1't t.o.ve o..sk.e.IA fov' 0. betmf..!JfWf of~.s w lMI-1 ~. It'.s bee.l-1 O...!Jfeo."t fotAY' ~eo.Y'.S'

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The Lady Spartan had an out tanding 2016 sea on fini hing with an overall record of 15-2-2 and clinching the league title with a league record of 10-0-0. This ea on being the econd year in a row the Lady Spartan come out on top in the league. Kourtney Rentz, 11, ay "It' awe orne knowing that we are 2 time league champs. We accompli hed what we wanted and o much more." The girls had a tandout sea on. going to district in thl tate tournament and howed what playing like a team really looks like. Alexa Neely, 12, led the team in coring thi year with 19 goal and Reagan Metzler, 12, led a i t with 11. On the defen ive end Rhianna Powell, 12, ended with 10 hutouts. During the ea on the girl were ranked 8th in the state for division three. Rhianna Powell, 12, tated" We had a great run playing well again t very good team , proving on a tate level ju t how good we are."

15--2--2 "The team i a big family from June to October. We are con tantly together. We all have a common goal and work for it." said Liana Webb, 11.


"Soccer i definitely the best part about high chool. I am extremely proud to be apart of uch an amazing team that can work together o well." Megan 0 terhage, 11.

Jennifer Slyby, 10, said, "There is a vibe I get when I'm with my team. A feeling of po itive mind and motivated heart , ready to give our all for obstacle we face."

"The amount of talent this team ha wa only exceeded by the amount of comradery." aid Jessica Gill, 11.


Andrew Wilker on 9, Kolten Ma on Lukens 9




The 2016 fall play wa an enormou ucce . Through sweat and tear , the ca t and crew of Rapunzel Uncut worked hard to make the stage come to life. Even with the change of a brand new director (Mr . Jamito), everyone came together to put on a great how. "Theca t and crew worked hard and tayed motivated through the rehear al ," ay Jamito, 'Tm very proud of the how that they put on, I couldn't have done it without them." The crew put forward their best effort to run the lights, the oundboard, and make the characters come to life with their hair and makeup. The ca t worked day in and day out to make ure they knew their line and had made the tory come to life. The show wa a great success and a great way to tart the theater thi year.

Josh Sf<.,phcns

Cole Durharn

36 Rhiamla Powell

¡arric \\'ieland

Jirnrny Tober

Ezra llarpcr

Dora ~1or~an

Jcsst. Reeves

"It wa the fir t play I had been involved with. Rehear al was the one thing that I looked forward to and even when it got crazy I till enjoyed it and all of the people"

"The play wa hort and sweet, but we had a lot of fun being in it. It' weird thinking that it was my very Ia t play in high school." h Step.


Behi11d The Curtains

11, 12

42 Unique Sports 44 46

Wrestling Fashion 4~ Girls Basketball 50 Boys Basketball 52 Competition Cheer 54 Peers 56 Swimming 5~ Quiz Team 60 Concert Band



record high temps for the winter this year!

Favo'U~ tlwtg tiJ tk ov~ w~

Nadia Whitley, 9


"My favorite thing to do during winter break is playing with my dog in the snow."

Ryan Fowler, 10 "My favorite thing to do over winter break is to travel." Holen Wick, 11

"My favorite thing to do during winter break is looking at the lights in town."



As the last leaf drops and the memories of Sauerkraut fade, Wmter sets ln. The season of winter in Waynesville is a sight to be seen. Every house has christmas lights, there are candles that line the street and everyone goes to the home basketball games. The major festivity to do in the winter time is christmas in the village. The adults use this time as a t1me to socialize while th children play with all the activities Including seeing Santa. Winter in Waynesville is a great time and w/11/ive In peoples memories for ever.

Reagan Metzler

Crystal Green ..,, ysral is extremely selfless, she devotes a lot of her personal time to helping others and volunteering her time to charities, Including Project Christmas Child and Be a Hero" "Always has a smile on her face and a positive attitude towards her peers, teachers and a lgnments"

Ryan Fowler

"Awesome worker and has done amazing as a peer"

"R~ , ..,Nier IS an excellent role model for the sophomores"

"Responsible, polite, empathetic"

"He is always helpful and has a positive attitude"

"Friendly with all students, very helpful and respectful"

"Constant hard work In class and always gives 100%"



I tarted doing thi because I wa looking for omething to do. I heard ofthi andthoughtit ounded intere ting.

Bra don Kirnec, 11

Four-wheeler Racing I do it for the adrenaline. I have been doing thi for 8 year .



ichol&, 12

Fi hing Aubry Rains, 10

Barrel Racing


My favorite part i the thrill of pulling a fish into the boat.

z:tlexis Wyn n. 9

Gymna tic

F:miJ:I Bo esenbe13, 12 Eventing I feel a really clo e bond with Artillery. I am alway tnvmg to get better and I feel like I pu h him and he pu he me.

Gr acie Cooptr , II 4-H 4H ha had a huge impact on my life by bowing me re pon ibility and per everance. It al o give me omething to do in the ummer! i

Ka Ia HHtishorn, 11

4-H I how 2 Market hog . My favorite part i when I place high and when I get to how my pig .

These are sports that we do not have here at school but students still participate in. As you can see thefe is a wide range of diffefent things students do. We have things from archery to horseback riding and aU these things are done very well by them. We like to recognize each of these students and it helps us learn things about each other that we may not have known before.


"I wake up in the morning, light some incense. and meditate while listening to Bob Marley when preparing for a match ..._Thomas Foster. 10.

"Hardest part of bemg awrestler is easily cutting we1ght. Especially when everyone else is eating."- Travis Foster 12.

The feeling of winning amatch is like when you wake up and realize it1S the weekend."Brandon Bohman. 12.

on the ma 106 lb weight class- Casey St Pierre


120 lb weight class-Travis Foster 132 lb weight class-Ethan Richardson


1381b weight class-Tayler Steele 1451b weight class-Thomas Foster

"The fact that wrestling runs in my family 1s my biggest motivation"- Avery Collins. 11.

152 lb weight class-Drandon Dohman 160 lb weight class-Kyle Rodriguez 170 lb weight class- Avery Collins 285 lb weight class- Andrew Vandyke



"The kids that opted to challenge themselves with the most demanding sport offered worked hard and made great stndes. Even moreso it reflected in the great young men they have become."Coach Cummings.


PI IT T WI IT You've got six minutes. Six minutes broken up into three rounds to defeat your opponent. Within these six minutes your mind is racing. You've prepared all season for this moment. How badly do you want it? And that is only the beginning. WHS wrestling was a force to be reckoned with this season. To end the year on apositive note. four of the boys made it all the way to Districts (Casey St. Pierre. Avery Collins. Travis Foster. and Brandon Bohman). "The whole summation of the effort and work poured mto the sport comes out at the moment you secure your spot in the distriCt tournament. No other sport has the same demand of heart and dedication placed directly upon the shoulders of an individual wrestler"- Travis Foster. 12. Not only were they determined and successful on the mat. but the boys have a bond like no other. This bond has allowed them to push one another to the max so that they come out on top. "A team that wrestles together. parties together"-Brandon Bohman. 12. And they do just that; they make every day the most fun it can be. The boys deserve immense recognitiOn for the amount of preparation that they put into bemg the best they can be. "Wrestling is preparation for life. and this year's team faced some real life adversity yet continued to be the best student athletes they could be in the light of 1t. I'm very proud of them"- Coach Kessler. This sport 1s one that will stick with these boys beyond the six minutes; it will stick with them through life.


Ankle boots, aenim, leather jackets, flannels, tshirt aresses, j oggers, ana N1ke shoes are jUst some of the few aifferent 1tems that are in style for 2.016 ana 2011-. It has been a great year 1n fashion with styles coming back from atfferent aecaaes. The Fash1on club is something new th1s year. The club was startea by AI- a Qi er, 12 ana Mrss Gebhara They are ao1ng several a1fferent projeCts ana haVe speakers come 1n ana talk to them about careers rn fash1on & aes1gn.

Fash1on Club Top R1ght: Desrgners creatrng npped jeans Left: Desrgners creatrng rnnovatrve shoe desrgns

Alexa R=~er- 'My favorite places to shop are Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, ana Pac Sun. I woula say that the f1ft1es, s1 xt1es, ana ninet1es are my favorite era of cloth,ng. Han ah Bone- 'Rose of Remington in Lebanon ana my favorite era is the Twent1es' enties.'


Taylor Ritter . I I -Step up to the line -Dnbble -Dribble -Dribble -Shoot

Aubrey Rams. I I -Step up to the lme -Dnbble -Dnbble -Shoot

Brianna Barton. Kerstyn Purkey. Sydn1 Stanley. Aubrey Rains. Kourtney Rentz. Taylor R1tter. Liana Webb. Evelyn Schroeder, Lynz1e Hartshorn. Rachel Murray, and Marcella Sizer

22-2 The Waynesville Girls' basketball team had a season to be remembered. From breaking records to being ranked seventh in the state. They were the talk of the town. They were able to bring home the SWBL title for the second year in a row. As well as being the team with the most wins for a regular season record of 21-1. The ladies clinched first place at both the Tip-off tournament and hol1day classic that they played in this year. A standout moment for the team this season was going on a 16-0 run taking them to being names Channel 2's team of the week. The same week Rachel Murray. I 0. received Channel 7's athlete of the week. Over the season this team grew closer not only on the court but off as well. They became a family.

"This team has become my family and I look forward to coming to practice with them. Whenever I am in a bad mood. they always cheer me up and they have my ac ! 10.

"As we get deeper 1nto the season, we keep improving because we are getting closer as a team." says Kerstyn Purkey, 12.

"I think that we will have a successful season. because almost all of our players are returning and we have good cohesion." said Brianna Barton. 12.

"The team is doing great. They have really learned how to play as a team and 1t shows. I mean they went 22-2. They are fun to watch and I can not wa1t to be back!" Liana Webb. II.

Earn it. The Waynesville Boys Basketball team had a rebuilding season with 4 seniors, Cory Clark, Noah Price, Micah Schenking, Micah Spille and lots of underclassmen. The boys finished 3rd in the league with a 6-6 record. Their overall record ended as 7-16 with a senior night win against Dixie with a buzzer beater by Cory Clark. " This was probably the most exhilarating moment of my life. The whole game was crazy. We were losing in the 4th quarter and Noah hit that HUGE 3 pointer to send us into OT. Then I ended up banking in a floater that almo t fell off the rim, but thankfully instead it went through the hoop and we won it by 1. It was absolutely insane because it has never happened on senior night and I was able to make it in front of my family and friends. It was a dream come true." says Cory Clark, 12.

Svvish or miss?

oah Price PTS-17 3P% - 33 % FT% - 65 % A T- 5

TL- 3

Matthew Warren PT -6 3P% - 31 % FT% -75% FG %- 45 % RB- 4

" pectacular group of guys, gave it all they had 100% of the time, glad to be apart of the family. O.A.O out." -Johnny Cole,10

Seniors "I wi h I could've played all 4 year ." -Micah pille

"Let' get it." - oah Price

" It wa a really fun eason. I felt like, us enior , lead the team well." - or. lark

" pproach every game like it your Ia t b/c when it i , you'll have no regret ." -Micah chenking



())~;lie_ cP~'ifPM- c~ I AM A CHAMPION The Waynesville Competitive Cheer team had an extremely successful season this year winning multiple State Titles! These girls put in so much work behind the scenes. Long practices throughout the entire year every day of the week, summer bootcamps and supporting all of Waynesville's sports teams on top of that. We are so proud of all our competition cheer team's accomplishments this year! The girls continue to add complexity and diversity to their routines.

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-14 out of the 35 total Peers are returning Peers (26%)

-68% of Supportive Peers are female, 32% are males

Pe'e r5


The Waynesville swimmers had an amazmg season. The mens team started the season w1nnmg for the f~rst tJme our own Sw1mv1tat1onal meet. The men continued a strong show1ng all through the season end1ng w1th a state qualifying 'tOO Free team (Max Austin . Tanner Shmkle. W1ll Kelley. Owen ConleyL The womens team came together when 1t counted most. the SWI3L Champ1onsh1p meet. plac1ng 3rd overall The Spartans qualified the most 1nd1v1dual swimmers ever to the D1stnct Champ1onsh1p meet w1th 11 swimmers part1opat1ng. The team then qualified 5 swimmers to the State Champ1onsh1p meet 1n Canton Oh1o. K1erstyn Cass1dy (8th 1n the 200 Free , 8th In the 500 Freel and Owen Conley (2nd 1n the 2001M , ¡ 3rd In the 500 Freel brought home the hardware for the Spartans endmg the season w1th some 1ncred1ble swimS! Max AlBtin.. 12

The 1ncred1bly supporlive coCJches CJnd leCJmmCJies mCJde 11 CJ greCJI first yeCJr sw1mm1ng CJnd 11 wCJs CJ reCJIIy fun CJnd exe~ling expenence'" MegCJn HCJndle


Thts season has been very dtfferenl from any tn the past. Our team has grown so much and I have mel a lot of new people Thts season was challenging but after hard praclices and pushtng myself. 1 was able to drop lime on most of my events Its a btllersweel moment knowmg that lh1s was my last season. but through the past four years I have Improved and learned a lot and made some fnends on the way Sen1or iNey Gabbard




Daniel Papanek, 11

Hannah Reeder, 12

Mason Bone, 10

Lyndsay Magoto, 12

Tara Todd, 11

Adyson Camp, 12, & Seth Sturgill, 11

Cameron Adams, 10, and Natalie Weigandt, 11

Trenton Mackey, 12, and Mikayla Duncan, 11

Waynesville lf!uiz Team Spartan Quiz T earn improved this year tremendously after a great season last year. They won third in league out of eight other teams. With a 6-2 record, they only lost to Oakwood and Valley View. Quiz T earn coach Mrs. Philpot shares about the season, "Not only did this year's quiz team prove to be very successful, but they had fun together! We will miss our seniors: Trenton Mackey. Kaitlin Krumnauer. Hannah Reeder, Hannah Bone, Adyson Camp. Lyndsay Magoto, and Jake Van Atta! luck to you next year!" This years Quiz T earn did really well.

Favnrite meet: Kate Von Handorf explains her favorite meet, "The home meet. people came to support us."

Favnrite lf!uestinn: Ka1tlin Krumnauer explains her favorite question asked at a meet, "We just did the unit m ap Bio over the top1c of plants"

64 Boys Tennis 66 Track 68 Sp r i ng Mus i c a 7 10 Art 72 NHS 14 Softba 7 7 16 Baseba 7 7 18 Prom 80 Choir 82 Student 83 Art Show 84 Clubs *A/1 photos on this season content pages were taken by Photo 1 & 2 students


N I 0

"Hanging out with the team plus Cory Stillwell made the tennis team a great experience"·M. Good


s "Performing the ritual of the Com Husker's Prayer"·Ryan Teeters


The Spartans Boys Tennis team broke new ground this year withnewhead coach Jeremiah Stillwell. They had a successful season with twoseniors Michael Good and Ryan Teeters leading the pack.




A netAt season, and a netAt year lo se,L records for lhe years lo come. 'Thai IS exaclfy wha,t lhe 5parlans 'Track and Field leam did ,this year: 'They sfarled lhe season !Aii,Lh a netAt coachinq shlf and a httnqer lo 6e 6e#er lhan ,they had eYer 6em 6efore.

I ;l.r Dakrn , 9

l•wrtn Kttlry 10


Jul~s ~fad~nnan ,


Teachers: Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Bolin, and Miss Gebhardt Classes: Intro to Art, 2D, 3D, Advanced, AP, Graphic Design, and Photography

0/nw B!Jth~ 9


Kenzie Go


SkJiar Stiles

Mikarla Schmidt

Sarah Jones

Mariah Shaffer

Shrann Bowman

Allison Savage


The 2017 Wayne ville Vari ty Ba eball team fini hed it "'ea on with a 23-7 record, winning the chool' 4th ever Di tri t Title b fore lo ing in the outhwe t Regional Semifinal to eventual State Runner-Cp Chaminade Julienne High School. The Spartan Bat w n their 5th traight SWBL Title and had many record etting performance from vera! of the 9 enior on the team.

~--~------------------------------------------------- 75

Join the Club

Kayci Felumlee, Rh1anna Powell, Ma on Callahan, Dora Vrettos. Sydni tanley, Le1anna Flowers, Jen Slyby Em1ly Ba ett, Rachel Murray, Gavin Linkou , Lind ey Worthington, Megan Zebell

am, Gracie Hinkle, Kylee Whitaker, Jenna enetra, Lindsey Worthington, Sarah Hartman. Daniel Bi hop, Hannah Bulcher, Alexi Allen, Emily O'Connor, Jacob Van Alta. Riley Gabbard, Hannah Reeder, Kerstyn Purkey, Hannah Bone, Alexa eely, avannah Godfrey, Rhianna Powell

Danny Bi hop. Reanna Duncan, Hannah Reeder, Rh1anna Powell, Riley Gabbard, Jules Maclennan, Morgan Baker, Sara apier, Hazelyn Almeter, Joey Parada, Hannah Bone. Jenna Senetra, Hannah Bulcher, Jes ica Gill, Ma. on Bone, Cameron Adams

Ian Bauer, Hannah Reeder, Zane Koehler Jacob Van Atta, Mikayla Duncan, Kate Von Handorf, Tara Todd, Lauren lattery, Ian Parry, Halen Wick, Sami Dale, Kayleigh Gleason


enior : Pre ident- Connor John on, Vice Pre ident- Gavin Linkous, Trea urer- Ma on Callahan ecretary- Kaitlin Krumnuar, Katie Zebell, Kyle Boggeln, Mattie Hubbell Junior : President- Dora Vretto . Vice President- Katie Feldmann, Treasurer- Taylor Ritter Secretary- Tara Todd, S}dm Stanle}, Logan Bloom, Maris a Derrick ophomore : President- Johnny Cole, Vice Pre ident- Jenna Senetra, Treasurer- Megan Zebell Secretary- Morgan Miller, Mason Bone, Cameron Adams, Hannah Bulcher Fre hmen: Pre 1dent- Alexis Wynn, Vice Pre ident- Kailee Webb, Trea urer- adia Whitley Secretary- Anna PaiT} , Mary Baker, Emma Philpot - - - - - - -



Aubrey Rains, tardust Barnhorst, Candice ockerham, Dora Vrettos. Grace Aldrich, Hope Daniels, Jacob Rasey, Jennefer Kennard, Jessica Gill, Kathenne Feldmann, Kicrstyn Cassidy, Kourtney Rentz, Kylee Meredith, Liana v ebb. Sydm Stanley. Taylor Ritter, Ryan Bulcher

Emily Boesenbcrg. avannah Godfrey, Hannah Bone, Taylor Ritter, Lynzie Hartshorn, Sara ap1er, Marcella Sizer, Kourtney Rentz, ydni Stanley, Abigail Baldwin, Alexa Ritter, Reagan Metzler, Mary Baker, Kenna Harvey, Lcxi, Henry, Jennefer Kennard, Makayla Couch, President: Alexa Ritter

[1 JIJNI:I ljlij




James Tober, Alexa Ritter, Jesse Reeve. , Dara Morgan, Barbara 1ccoy, Connor Johnson, oah Little, Kayle1gh Glea on. Candice Cockerham. Lyd1a Burton. Ian Bauer. Caroline Wieland, • ¡atahe Weigandt, idney Thomson, Jennefer Kennard, Kanhn Krumnauer. Olivia Jones, Riley Gabbard, Brooke Hardm, Cole Durham, Samantha Dale, Pa1ge Wilm . Karle1 Wilm , Jacob Van Atta, Grant Turner, Jo hua tephen , Ronni mith, Hannah Reeder, Haley Price, Kevin Howard

Haley Price, Courtney Titu , Hannah Bone, Taylor Gwin, Bethany Barnhor. t, avannah Godfrey, Zane Kohler, Kathenne Feldmann, lexa eely, Pa1ge \! Ilms, Richard Crafton, Morgan Achard, Abigail Highley. Lydia Burton. Jo eph Ben man, Kaitlyn Zebell. Gracie Robbins

Andrew Suchomel, Mason Callahan, Jes e Reeve , Savannah Godfrey, Loren Foley, Jacob Rasey, Da\id Muth, Lydia Vrettos, Dora Vretto . Brooke Perry, Je s1ca Gill, Morgan Miller. Ryan Bulcher, Hannah Bulcher, Tyler Weigandt, Chaz Stump. Jona Boggs, Katie Feldmann, Marissa Derrick, Candice Cockerham, Kenna Harvey, Carly onner, Madd1 Beltza. Morgan Baker, Alicia Cooper. Brian Blair, Jcnna enetra, eth turgill, K1er tyn Cassidy, Kayla Bakker, Travis Bakker, Reagan Blanton, Grant John. on, Hannah Reeder, Patnck tone, Grant John on, Sidney Thorn on, Gavm Thorn on, asey t. Pierre, ! lope Daniel . Emily O'Connor, Drake Reynolds, David Muth. Kir ten ~e1er, Lc1anna Flowers, Megan Zebell. Ca. ie Titu .. Jake Van tta Ka1tlin Krumnauer. Makayla ouch. le hia Findley. Mac Greely. Bnttni Young


Wayne Local School District Staff Michael Arlinghaus Chnstina Baker Jamie Barton Beach Peggy Becker Sharon Beckell Chamelle Bees He1di Berardims Katie Blankensh1p Holly Boggs Karen Boggs Carlee Bollm Danielle Bradley Kelley Bricker Hazel Brown Holly Bulach Cady Bunn Glen Burchfield Amy Burd Kristy Bums Laura Byrnes Jeannie Camery Jared Cantu Lauren Clark Angela Comer Karen Conte L1sa Cook Todd Cook Jennifer Cornett Cummins Lisa Cummins Jill Curlis Michelle Dotson Pat Dubbs Jan Durham Jamce Dworetsky Chris Dyer Amanda Elton Melissa Ferguson Christine Franz Anna Garafolo Janelle Gaver Kristen Gebhardt Randy Gebhardt Stephanie Ghantous Holly Giles Marsha Gober Amanda Graf Julian Grasso Julie Gray Ja on Hale Rebecca Hanauer Patrick Hardin Patrick Hardin Molly Hartley Ryan Hill Timothy Hines M1chelle Holland Karen Horvath Judy Hupe Jenae James Molh Janusik Joe freda Theresa Johnson


Cassandra Jones 1cholas Jones cott Jordan Staq Keeton Heather Kerns Kristen Key helly Kindred Ch1p Kmg tephanie Krumholtz Je ica Lacon Amy Lipinski Jim Lucas Lind ey Meyer Kelly Miller Jemfer Montgomery Krista Muterspaw Je sica eef Elizabeth Pardon L1sa Parn h Pam Patton Beth Pendergraff Lisa Pennington Bethany Perry Karyn Phillip Angela Polzineui Tracey Poole Kelley Purkey Marybeth Quill Cindy Raab Sherria Ra ey Vane a Reagan Tracy Reeves Jennifer Rice Cheryl Richards Jennifer Royalty Lora Schafer Mili i Scherer Leslie Schleman Hunter chmidt Sarah Scott Sehleman Kelly Servis Connie Shaffer Jaime Shaffer Shinkle Amy Smith Lindsay Smith atalie Snell Steve Stanley Scott Stile Andrea Stubbs Daniel Stupp Ashten Swank Maria Syvertsen Diane Thompson Jenny Todd Deborah Tracy Christy Turner Melissa Turner Joellen Ulliman Mindy Van chaik Douglas Vixie Darcey Voelker Sharon Vogel Helen Voiles ick Vrettos Pamela Wical Deanna Wilms Cheryl Winter Steve York David Young


Getting to Know Our Staff What is something students would be surprised to find out about you?

Do you have any embarrassing teaching moments you're willing to share?

1crea ed a spread sheet ror Netfux senes wh1ch is organized by the amount of trme and effort needed for each show." -Mr. Stubbs

"Other than falling off of a stool m the m1ddle of class ... none." Mrs. Montgomery

• 1 took

classes to become a ninja ... two years worth . " -Mr. Cantu

What is one of your hidden talents?

One t1me I taught a whole class wrth my fly down That was awkward Mr. Ha e

What current song are you embarra ed to admit you know all of the lyrics to?

Mrs Brown

What current trends are baffling you?

" I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone ... "Mr.Stupp



Mr Gebhardt


What sort of morning routine do you have to get jazzed for first period? ~tarbucKs

... ven[l - Miss Gebnarm

" Dnnk a lot of coffee"- Mrs. Horvath

teacher at WHS If you could pass on any wisdom to students, what would you share with them? "Never take life too seriously. or you will never make it out alive" - Mr. Stubbs "Enjoy your time in high school . and one day you will apprec1ate what you have here at Waynesville." - Mr. Stupp "Don't sweat the next step so much. enjoy the moment for what it is. and everything will play out. " - M1ss Gebhardt

"High school is not the best t1me of your life. there's so much more to come." - Mrs. Brown


UliOK~LASSfdKli TA8LKOlf GOfl fKfiTS f~K.Sit~

88-91 SOP!tO~ES

94-97 Ju.tiC.S


fA~ITE. fdOVIE Star Wars- Tyler Wells I 0 Lilo and Stitch- Evan Greer II Facing the Giants- Kenna Harvey I 0 Ride Along- Mario Romerro I 0 Finding Dory- Micah Hellwig 9 The Lucky One- Katie Ooten I 0 Napoleon DynamiteMadelyn Burton I I

Future- Noah Neeley 10 Logic- Lynzie Hartshorn I 0 Young Thug- Timothy Abney 9 Twenty One Pilots- Eli Hartman 1I

fA~ITE fdUSIG A~TlST Blake Shelton- Kenzie Purkey 9 Brantley Gilbert- Gracie Cooper 11 Luke Bryan- Bobbie McCoy IO 2I Savage- Grant Henry 9

Anthony Curry


Tyler Dakin

Bryce Damel



Mark Duncan




T eet T eet I follow _ __

because ...

Teacher Student

"I follow fltness_motivation babes for fitness motivation· Skyla: Staley 12

I fol ow Common Wh.te Gnl because Its sadly relatable things or Cute ::)ogs because ~t says It In the name CUTE DOGS ·- 'l'aylor Enckson : 1

·r follow Because I'm A Guy or Mennist. because they dnectly relate • - Brayden Knnec 11

"My favonte IS deflmte.y Sports Center so : can get al. of :he sporting news nght away If I miss a must see highllght. I can always go back and watch 1t therel" .;ake Oakes. 12 @XX:. because they keep you mformed about "JP and com1ng artists. and I heavily enJOY mc.sic • - Darren Dotson 11 "I follow @BROTIPS because It speaks !he tru!h ·-Jacob :<asey. 11

"Will it make me cuter? I m1ght try 1t out this weekend:- Mr. Cantu

"Twitter is fine. I don't like be1ng limited to what I can say:- Mr. Hale

"I share cute PICtures of my k1ds. because my grandma isn't on lnstagram:- Mrs. Horvath

"I WISh It WOUld evaporate from this Earth."- Mrs. Phillips

"I like it. I enJOY looking at everyone's pictures·- Manssa Dernck. 11

"It's funny because of all of the Tw1tter fights·- Shyann Bowman. 12

"It's like for small bus1nesses:Tanner Shinkle.

11 .

"Everyone knows what everyone else 1s do1ng- It's a great way to share your life:- Anna Miller.


"They're all overused. and we share too much of ourselves online. I'm still on MySpace: - Mr. Stupp


2,561 Average of Tweets



w x ·h ryd lY


#UNPLUGGED As the times have changed and we have grown, socia: med:a has become a crucial part of life ior mos~ students From the time you wake up to the time that you go to bed, you are checking to see what everyone else is doing and saying. A way to communicate With people who you do not see on a day to day basis or :ust to share what you are passionate about social media is defining our generation. What you see and who you follow influences who you are. How does your social media define who you are in real life?

genre of ffiUSlC


38°/o said


R&B/Hip-hop "Well I didn't know people thought I was halfway funnyMeredith Morns

feN nte emo)l

34°o picked

59°/o : refer Twitter ve-r 41 °/o a prefer


·1 :ook better :n person, don't worry·- Marce:la Sizer

"ThlS lS gomg on Snapchat: Madison Dietz


484827473 THINGDTODO BUT IM S':'ILL TWERTIN"Rhianna Powell

·1 pu my social med1aworkm dunng c1ass ·-Dylan Duncan

Half of me :s cry1ng tears of JOY Half is ;'-1st cry1ng • - C1an McGuue

Tm gomg to tweet about this.· LeVI Stone

·I just want to thank God, my thumbs, and the 1,000 people tha! follow me I wouldn't be here If It wasn't for you·- Hunt:::) p~l



Grace Jordan

Hannah Kaan

Lauren Keeley

Luke Kmdred

McKenna Lamont¡ Roger


Jesse Reeves




Kyle Rodnguez

Anthony Roscoe

Dalton Runyon

Kamryn Woodward

Lindse} Worthington

Megan Zebell



Rice, 9 & htyn Stile , 9




Benjamin Muth



!Afpev'c.J 0.66 wtevt! ACT co l~e pvep pVoVVl Brittni Young

ovt~ OV1e wtOV'e ~e.A~


Tracy Micah



c IJ A



Why Do You Like Yearbook? "It bring fun memorie that will be nice to look back at" - Kaycee Woodward, 12. "I get to contribute to different pread and I enjoy adding my own de ign ." - Abigail Highly, 11.

The Yearbook 102

"It' a chance to be creative and have a ay in the book that everyone ......,........, will ee! It al o give me the chance to meet new people that I don't Bunch ee throughout the day." - Gracie Cooper, 11. "Do I? (laugh ) ... I love getting the fini h product. When the books come in, that is when all the hard work pay off." - Ms Gebhardt.

• .. Franklin B. Walter Scholarship: Award. Kaitlln Ktumnau~'t and AfaCfcvrJl~ Mw, 6otJ.. won tit.~ 7'tanl:lln /J. Wdt~t -fdaola-ulr.ip 1/wat.



Girls Basketball SWBL Champs llr~ t;lt; ~ JJttli:~t6df t~tim. tl..iJ r~at

won ..SWJJ.£ t?luunpion.Jup. Wfrvr ttli:.d what mad~ tit.~ Utim. ~ 9ood tJ..iJ r~at, _£ln~r 1/atuhO'tn Mid, '"-t"

. -I J•tim.wovc,

National Merit ScholarFinalist 1:1tlan /Jlalt waJ on~ oo tit.~ 7'lndiJu ~ tit.• Alatt'ond &u't -fdaolat,


Owen Conley Owvr t?onl~r won 2nd and 3td ln 200Af.!l . ".!l 9lv• ,·t m'f all •v~tr tim~ .!J ~wim. Ptactlc~ ~i9frt tim~

a w~~i. abo 1r~~ too. "


••••• Alan'! J.;~l.!;r!." a•• "'«"• thtttu.yhttu.t thfl ~flat, ~tttm lttmmy gJiacJ and Patfcflt Btttlny yflttlny thilit /JJJttciatfl.1 dtlytflfl, ttt ~hfltin.ti

11r~ t?omp~tltlon ~~tlt ~ad won 1~t ln At,untlntj, 2nd ln

awatdJ ~ttt accttmpfiJh.mfln.tJ ln Jpo-ttlny flVfln.U, ttt a AlatittiUEf &tit .s'ch.ttfa.t 7'lnafiJt. fh(lJ(l h.i9h.Li9 h.u atfl h.u.yfl accttmpfiJh.mflntJ madfl 6y th(lJ(l (Jiltt(Jffl and will {,il tflmflm{,flttld

#t'p 1/op.

and stir. ln (/tound6ound.


yflttlny t~ yttVfltn.tYU awatd 7'-cttm


Competition Cheer State Champs





Scholastic Art Award 1/l•xa A!tZ~lr C 1/t:UUtalr ~~~d~t won • a t:Jo!d K~r ln tit.~ Oa1 ton 't~flon OO't • p/rototjtaplry. ".!Jt wa.Jn 't ~m~tlt.ln9 .!J ~xp~ct~d 6ut d~olnlt~lr ~m~tl..lnt .!l tim ptoud oo ''..fll~a Al~~lr, 12.

" \l y names Rod. and I hke 10 part) I"

"h' ktnd of fun to do the \\all l)"ne)

•mro Sible"

·G,l Stlme¥~oatcr 1 "' Coach Gebhardt

HI mgs keep falling m my lap" Chance the Rapper

bigail Baldwin ·· 11appmc 1 not a goaL. u' a b) ·product of a hfe "ell ll\cd."- Eleanor

"II' tcanng up



¥.henl"m'4tth)oU ..


Hannah Bone

Brandon Bohman

..And no m.lttcr how long you "The pcuple who are lTd/) enough to lhmk that tbe) can try to be gc.'K.)(i, )OU can't k~p matters mo t tn \our hfe as the a bad gtrl down." one tanng ~<k fror- the change the world an: lhe one• that do." gla,," Peter Dale

Alexis Borgert

Parker Boring

Christopher Bradley •·p~c

''When )OU find who )OU are, )OU find what )OU need." \lama Odie, The Prince and the I rog

don't tttl my mom."

Lydia Burton

Ady\on Camp

"'I wt"'h there wa, a v.:ay to

.. Ltfc 1 n't wonh hvmg unttl

lno"' when ) ou ·rc 10 the good old da) before ) ou 'e actually left !hem."- \ndy

""rth dymg for .. - \1artin


ha\C lound >methmg Luther ""ing Jr.



..Alv.a_r remember to bnng an c:\tra patr ot 10c~.. and )OUr craty C)C • JU'lt m case" \Irs. Potato Bead

"Ltfc: h hle a pantry, ...omcttmc~ )VU get a um.. r u'iage and other ttmcs there JUSt a tuna

can " .. Gordon


Brandon Dal..m tay mgle and don' have k«b



Tra' is f'oster

Cody Fouts

Brandon f'owlcr

"It "" .tlwa) a ruoflop ~tnd of c..la}"

Tony Gessman

Li'ia Gillum

Rtlc) Gabbard ll Cf) m

Kenzie Gompf

\tr. .,tupp

< ere laughm and n •"" e at the stze of the moon"

Michael Good

I 1\ho L"'' Go'"


Surfm ', Couphtn , Slcrpon "

Tell) James "Don"t pn,m1 v.hcn )OU re hopp). don't re pond wh n )OU re angl). and don t.k<·td< "hen )OU re sad"


1..:\Cr lt. itll\ODe

" \h

"I heard more than you thought I dtd "

,.,sh tsto dtc "tth a

mtll;on memon tn~lc

and not



treal \OU

hkc a )cuuow ;tarbun,t )Ou·ro

a ponl tarbu t "




Th """ hmg about htgh ~ . a. t~ Dcmcnt<m. lnc' "Cr lh tng all OVer the pla<:C and the) were :at) and thC). d come down and the) 'd uck the soul out of )OUr bod) 11 hun•··

Gavm Linkous

Ryan Lipinskt

lbc f• .,. am·t v..hat It u~ to bt Yogi Berra

"Don'ttalk, thtnl . That ts a good rule of thumb tor hfe."·

Rick (,rim

Owe n


M organ Lo wing

T renton Macke:,-

Bet\\et'n C\t') two pme there 1 a dt.Jt,rw&)' to a nev..

"The "orld 1 gonna roll me" Sma;hmouth

world - John \1uin

L)ndsay Magoto 'Change

"'II not come 1f ...

wall ror orne other pct'500 or

snme oth r ume" 8 arack Obama

Reagan Mett ler ") , I am aware there IS more to htc than sc.x:t:cr and ffi) cat, II' JU I the n:s!IS

" \li e are "hat "'c repeatedly do. Greatnc.s then, 1 not an act, hut a hal>1t " • \ ri\lolle


goud. or 10 O\ocn...-ome )OUr ev1l nature through great etlc.lrt?•· Paarthurna'

Alexandra Pennington

Coltm Perry

Ashley Powe ll "It' fine,t"ef)thmg' fine"

' I onl) "'orl m our group proJC...1.

ynu'rt .__,"t:lcome for that \ ..


l1l.e four of

~ou ."

Rhianna Powell I here 1 'alue tn ta mg the long "ay around "

lma) !Upid

"!"~. but I'm not Spencer Sha)

Hale} Price "And llnew c\a<"tl) v<bal to do But m a much more n::tl sotSe, I had no 1dca what to do."


Joshua tcphcn~ "\\ e ha-. walked ~tKI nulc and IH ,.,)) -.all~()(} mo~·· llo" I \let Your \I other, The Proclaimer~


thank you . 6eMIO

, ~) 'Â¥/_(

SENIOR Dagan Stile , & Ker tyn Purkey

Terry Jame & Rhianna Powell

Alexander William & Ca ie Titu

Jacob VanAtta & Abigail Struewing

Hunter Doepel & Sierra Kindred

Brian Blair & Kaitlin Krumnauer

Btggest Hall Roamers Jame Plummer & Kayci Felumlee


Ryan Lipin ki & Ronni Smith

Kevin Howard & Paige Wilm

Mason Callahan & Alexa Ritter

Grant Turner & Alii on Savage

Trenton Mackey & Kailee Wood

Most AnstJc Tayler Steele & Alexi Allen

Btggest Rebels Clayton Minor & Kenzie Gompf

Connor John on & Max Au tin

Courtney Titu & Ca ie Titu


Hunt en



<D 0

u +c

<D <D ~


"Playing college baseball has alwaYs been a dream of mine, and now that I will be playing, I can't begin to thank the people I need to. It's truly a blessing." -Hunt



<D <D ...c




Emily O'Connor


c <D

E E E 0 u


a quote the student, the familY or a teacher has to say about the student and their decision

<D ...c



0 ......_ en ~





<D <D ...c en


0 0

+en +-




c 0

u 112

Cory Clark

"I am very excited to continue plaYing baseball in college. This is something I've wanted to do ever since I was a little kid and it's kind of surreal to think it's actually happening. I'm blessed to have this opportunitY and I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me get to this point." -Cory

"It has always been mY dream to play c ollege football and now I finally get to make that dream a reality . " -Jonathan

,,.,....;:- ~ ~ •'""'''!IlL' - '

,:r........, ..


.· ...... ~ .. -




' \;~.-




··-··· ... -




orthern University

Gavin Linkous "Committing was such a long process, trying to find the right fit for me, but I found that right fit in Marietta. It is a great academic fit and an excellent athletic fit. I am very excited to be a part of #pionation"


Marietta College

Tayler Steele "To be successful, you need self worth and dedication." -Tayler



Boesen er There 1s only one success To be able to live your life in your own way. We love you.

xoxoxo Mom & Dad

Your contemplative w1sdom and uncomprom1smg v1s1on for what matters will take you places many will never even 1mag1ne. You make us proud beyond words. Carpe d1em Love. Dad. Mom & Holly

-Never gwe up trymg to butld the world you can see. even tf others can't see tt. Ltsten to your drum and your drum only. It's the one that makes the sweetest sound.-- Stmon Smek


ers Hannah. From pigtails to bows. pony rides to your first car. your f1rst school p1cture to your last school picture. you have been such a blessing to our lives. You have such a lov1ng and g1ving spmt and we could not be prouder of the young lady you have become. We are so excited to see the plans God has for you and pray you continue to lean on H1m at all times. God will make your paths straight and your burden light. Love always. Mom & Dad


Alexa. We are so proud of you . You are truly a beaut1ful soul. Your passion. desire and motivation inspire us all. Love you Mom. Dad & Taylor


We cherish the boy you were. are proud of the man you are becoming. and most of all, we love you always.


a ry

Love. Mom. Dad and Anna

Flfst day of Kmdergarten 2004



Words put together on a page couldn't express how proud we are as parents. Your heart for God. Family. and your fnends are beyond your years. Watchtng you mature mto the woman you have become has blessed our family and made people you know better for knowing you. We hope you not only follow your heart's desire but God's plan for your life Contmue to move forward in life and we are so exctted to see your next steps. Isaiah 41.1 0 fear not for I am wtth you: be not dismayed. for I am your God: I wtll strengthen you. I wtll help you. I wtll uphold you wtth my nghteous nghthand.




So proud of you Hannah! You have touched our hearts s1nce the very first moment We are in awe of the young woman you have become Each day is exc1t1ng JUSt watch1ng you f1gure out who you are and what life means to you We love you so very much'



18 years ago you entered our ltves and made our fam1ly complete. You entertam us w1th your mag1c. keep us laughing. you have gotten us to travel to some amazmg countries and you brought Bruno mto our ltves. I w1sh we could turn the clock back and do it all over agam. We are so proud of you and so exc1ted for your future! Good luck at Oh1o State- another Buckeye m the fam1ly! Follow your dreams... We love you. Mom Dad, Dusty & Tricia. Tyler & Ashtyn. Kelly & Jake


Good Rh1anna. You have grown from a prec1ous !tttle girl to an impresstve and wonderful young woman. We are excited to see where you w1ll go and how the world will be a better place because of you Love you. Mom&Dad


ow II 118

Abbey. We are so proud of you andw1sh you the best of luck at M1am1! Love. Mom & Dad

Congratulations Alexl We are extremely proud of you and w1sh you good luck and success m all that you dol All our love. Mom. Dad and Tyler.

Ashley. It IS hard to bel1eve how quickly t1me has gone by since we f1rst held out baby g1rl in our arms. We are so very proud of you! We love you. Dad and Mom




To say we are so proud of the young woman you are becommg ts an unders ta temen t. Be proud keep pursumg your dreams and always remember to truly lwe not ;ust extst! Love, Mom Dad Kamt and Kenzte

Grant. You are such a blessing and bnng such ;oy to our famtly You have always been so mdependent and you know God has a plan for your future. We love and admire you. "G ¡: Love. Mom. Dad Thomas & Jenna

-ae fearless m the purswt of what sets your soul on ftre-


ey Jonathan. We are so proud of the outstandmg young man you have become. Congratulattons and we can't watt to see what the future has in store for you! Love, Dad Mom, Conner, & Elizabeth



1c ols

We have been so lucky and blessed to have you m our lwes and couldn't be more exc1ted to see what /tfe has m store for you. We are so proud of the amazmg person that you have become. May your Journey through life be f1lled w1th peace love and happmess. Always follow your dreams and know that you w1/l always have our support and love. We Love You! Mother. Father and Gavm

Chnstopher. I have loved you smce the ftrst ttme I held you. lin proud of the Godly man you have become! Follow your dreams! We love you to the moon & back. Love. Mom &Alyssa

ley To our ftrst born son Patnck. We are so proud of you! We pray for nothmg but the best for you and can't watt to see what the future holds for you! We love you!

It has been our pleasure to watch you grow from that little boy into the young man that you are today. We are very proud of the person that you have become and look forward to what the future will bring. Reach for the stars!

Love. Dad Mom Dame!, Joseph and Nicholas

Love. Mom. Dad and Kelsey



Patrick 12 1



Shoot for the Stars I

"X" never marks the spot. embrace the adventure

Love- Dad. Mom and M1chael

Love - Dad. Mom and Liam

To our sons: Look up and not down. look forward and not back. look out and not in. Lend a hand. -Edward Everett Hale




Reach for the sky! To infinity and beyond!

With great power comes great responsibility ..

Love- Dad. Mom. Denver. Parker and Riley

Love. Mom & Anna



You are a bnght star m our lives. We wish you a wonderful life journey where your dreams come true. Your family w1ll always be there cheering you on. Make a plan to fan your spark mto a flame! Love. Mom. Dad. Kat1e & Ben


Hunt Congratulations. Kayct! Your dad and I are so proud of you Can't believe you're graduattng already, my how ttme flies' It seems ltke yesterday you were starttng ktndergarten. You have become a beauttful young woman tnstde and out. You have a tender heart for God and people Continue to keep God first in all you do. and you will to do great things. We love you' Proverbs 1 6·3

Hunt. Thanks for the ndet Can't watt to be along for the next season of your life. Love. Dad. Mama. Grant. Kyla. Bella, Grams. and Grandma

Love. Mom & Dad



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Congratulations to the Class of 2017

Proud Sponsors of the Waynesville Spartans


Members: Kourtney Mains Chloe Plummer Ian Bauer Josh Stevens Grant Turner Sabrina Ball Jocelyn Bouchair Jessie Reeves Kailey Gleeson Carrie Wieland Someone Dara Morgan Noah Little Someone Carly Bailey Wilson Bobby McCoy Cameron Woodward Jenne Kennard Erin Elis Trenton Macky Young Blaire Someone Heaven Williams Marry Baker Someone Someone Joey Cockerham Someone Katie Wilson Kara Jenkins Ronnie Smith


RAISE YOUR VOCE 2017 Choir Waynesville HighSchool /had a great time with choir -Sabrina Ball

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Music is life! That is why our hearts have beats.

The one thing about singing is you should try to sing your best unless your best isn't good then sing better -IAN BAUER



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