2009 Waynesville High School Yearbook

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Lucas Hammonds

Shelby Hancock

Joseph Hernandez

Sydney Hogan

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12 13 14 15 20 22 23 24 25

Keeton, Caleb Hu C),Jon Hu e), Matt hllar, eth Potter, R)an Deter , Brad) Young, Col") chrock, T) ler Jone, tck Good, Tyler Mollenkamp, Tucker PO\\Crs, Caleb Gtanatta io, Cha e Lc\\1 ' haun John on, T:yler Burton, Devon 8 atty, Ryan Patrick. 1att

27 29 30 32 33 41 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 60 61 63 64 65

an Hom, Brandon Keegan, Kyle houp, Pete , eman, Jeff Walton, Cod) Lechuga, Marco Elton, Cameron Elton, Jake Tarkan), 1ike · hmtdt, Hunter PoY.ell, Jo h Gabbard, 1ax bram, J.B. Hammond , Luca • 'C\\, Au tin brams, Gade Begley, nthony Ba)e, Travi

Land, T. J. Wil on, Jeremy Wil on, Josh Hammond , I aac Duncan, Ryan Wilkerson, Mike Hanauer, Mike 77 Duncan, Kyle 1)ers, Cod) 7 79 Batre, Aaron 80 Felumlee, Ben prauer, Tom 81 2 Hernandez, Joe 3 Caplinger, Tyler 84 ForY.ard,. 'athan 85 Tracy, Tyler 87 Back, Jacob 9 Lind ey, :\Iatt


70 71 72 73 74 75






WI lila

Oar Senior _ Cheerleaders{

Back row: Coach Poland, Justin Taylor, Caleb Morgan Joe Feldman, Coach Coleman Front Row: Cade Lowing, Brittany Patterson, Molli Muterspaw, Bobbi Wilson, Evan Parish Not Pictured: Katya Summers

The men's cross country team became the first in school history to qualify for regional competition. Waynesville finished in third place. Leading the way for the men were First Team AII-SWBL seniors Caleb Morgan and Justin Taylor. Freshman Evan Parish, also a First Team AII-SWBL runner, was the next Spartan to cross the finish line in 27th followed by fellow freshmen and Second Team All-League runners Joe Feldmann in 30th and Cade Lowing in 37th. On the Women's side, Molli Muterspaw became only the third women in school history to qualify for regionals by finishing 8th overall.

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tephame Bellar Kattlin Berger Jon Boland Je tea Bower 1\/athanial Buchanan

Devon Burton Kyle ampbell Elizabeth ardona

amuel Davtd on arah Dtck \1atthe\.\ Dtlle Michael Dima cia Dylan I bernd be Farley Tyler Farley

Ktmberly Fee Benjamin Felumlee Enca Foged amuel Gate \1organ Gib on Fatth Glover

Kayla Pate Jeremy Payne Landon Perdue riel Phtpp Matthew Pierson

Jordan Summers Dakota Tuck Matthew Unger atalie Van tta tephanie Van Hoo e Amanda Viox Je e Wi ecup Logan Woolf Ashley Wright tephen York

Zachary Reynold teven Rice Brittney R1chard on Courtney Richard on J Rickey Zach R1ckey

McKenna Warfel ly a Whealey Taylor Wheelen Grace William Jo hua W1l on Caleb Wingate


AS Back: Kirk Walford 24, Joe Feldman 44 Victor Bogg 5, Jake Elton 22, Trent Fruhwirth 14, Tra" i Baye 42, Coach 0 borne: Middle: Matt Hu ey 4, \1ax Ram ey 34, Mack Walford 40, Keith Long treath l 0, Brandon Dray 30, Caleb Keeton 20: Front: Mitch Chamberlain 12, Tyler Ledford 3.


Front: Morgan Felger, atalie Dowe Michael Fisher, Jena Parish, Ciera Philpot Middle: Samantha Dains, Leighannc Dyer, Alivia May, Elizabeth Evans, Melissa Fisher, Hannah Warfel, Rachel Johnson, Grace Williams, Jessica Sexton. Back: 1 sst. Coach Theresa Staffan, Cod. Tuck, Michael u tin, Trent ruhwirth, Andy Hocwcler, Kyle Petersen, Jacob Kramb, McKenna Kyle Poland.

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Pictured at Left Top: Reed Farley, Ma on Wi ecup, arah John on*, Rachel John on. Tawny Jewell, Janelle DuFre ne Bottom: Faith Glover, Kay Hood, Heather John on, Rene chmitz. Katie Stephen , Erin Bertolini. Michelle Bailey Pictured Below Director: Mr. Ja on Hamen ot Pictured: manda Comb

ndrea me Michael u tin Ely ¡ha Sacca Jacob Back

rin Bertolini Je ica Blair Deidre Bogg Lauren Boland

Lauren Brandon

Jonathan Burgmeier ole Burton

dam a id) idne) lark Taylor Clark

Maleigha Dodge Margaret Dowe Janelle Dufre ne Kyle Duncan Je ica Eckman

K)lie Eckman Elizabeth El on Michael Ewing athan Faul

Michael Forward le'\ander Frank Chandler G1anatta 10

ha e Gianatta io Je ica Gib on

Le lie Gold berry Brandon Gordon Molly Go ard Thoma Griffith Michael Hanauer

Phillip Hoo er Tanner Hopwood Kel ey Hubbell hel ie Hull

Trent Jone Eric Kelly Jared Kelly Tyler Kilby

Greg Kilpatrick icole Le\ i athan McGillivray Brian Mea c

Zach Mohmc Hannah Morgan bbey . orthern li ha Parker Michael Per en

Kyle Petersen iera Philpott Ryan Potter Jo hua Powell

Hilary Rain Jennifer Real Je ica Real

I; a Ritchie Victoria chaaf Victoria chroeder

mber Simp on teven Spear Cor; pitzer

Katherine tephen od; Taylor Kayla Thomp on Harley Tru ty ndrew aliquette

Travi Wampler ean Wareing Ta ha Wheeland

Kylic Wi ecup Ma on Wi ecup Luke W;lie Lind ey Young


Coach Stupp, Amber BelLKatelyn Danner,Jessica Bowser,Nicole Lewis,Erica Foged.Kayla Farra,Beth Cardona. Coach Goekey.

Middle: Brooke Camery,Hannah Morgan.Megan Fitzpatrick.Morganne Felger


Hilary Lindauer,Erica Danner,Shelby Newland.Kaitlin Morgan.Heather Sharpe,Kelly Dermer.

BACK ROW L TOR: Taylor Bayes, Andy oddick, Andy Homoweller, Matt Unger, Paul Hudson, Bret Tardiff, Coach Dale o men FRONT ROW L TOR: Spencer Zat , en Chamberlain, Arick Downard, Jacob Hudgel, Max Gabbard, Mitch Cha rlain

Arick Downard

Max Gabbard

Back Row: Eric Kelly, Zach Search, Tom Sprauer, Andrew Valiquette, Jon Hussey, Jake .Elton, Travis' Bayes, ack Mdhme, Ben")Felumlce, Jeff Me~ingcr, Kevin Cornett 3rd Row: Abby Tuck-, Alyssa Painter, Autumn Adams, Kclscy.Minor~ Hannah \Viu~fe.l 1 Limreil Harman~ Brittany Patterson, Jerusha Crossgrove, Molli Muterspaw, Leighannepyer. Kaylee Welsh 2nd Row: Tyler Johnson, Matt Hussey, Tyler Caplinger, Michael Forward, Nathan .F-9rward, Justin Taylor,'!Seth Millar, Michael Dimascio,· Mack Walford, Peter Shoup Front Row: McKenna,~Warfel, Jessica Dahnke, Shelby Cook, Chandler G1anattasio, Farr~n Ei-de, Bobbi Wilson, Natalie Dowe, Maggie Dowe, Alyssa Ritchie, Calli Dahnke I




Jacob Ble\ m Ka1tl}n Boggs 1ctor Bogg bigayle Bowman Jacob Bow er Brooke amery ampbell John hamberlain Timothy lark

Jamie rane Donald rawford Jr

Katel}n Danner Keri Oa\ id on A.b1ga1l Da} Brandon Ora} Le1ghanne Dyer Jacob Elton bigail mmick Emily England Elizabeth \an Jo eph Feldmann Jame F1 h \.1eh a F1 her ¡a than orward Trent Fruhwirth Blade Gabbard Ta]lor Gallagher R}an Garrett

Kacey Gla coe Kelly Good A.le:\andna Gray I aac Hammond Lacey Hancock Lauren Harman


Jcsstca Harter Ta) lor Hatfield Faith I lawk \ltchclk Hod.:.tcma

Kcl C) \1 mor Chcl C) \1ocllcr Tucker \1ollcnJ...amp MtJ...ayla Moore Chc)cnnc \1orningstar Jacob \1orn , Dante lie

.\lc'l.andcr Pan h mbcr Parson Brittan) Patterson

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chrock chrocdcr Zacher)




\1adtson Tuck arol)n Van '\tta Mclamc Van Hoo ·c can Vaughn Brittan~ Walford

Emily Hurley Ylatthew Hu ey Rachel John on

Matthew Lind e} Emma Linton Keith Long treath Cadc Lowing Alivia May early Ylctz

Tori Peter ¡ eth Pic inger Kane Powell

Lydia izcmorc Tera keen Cody teiner A hlcy tockton Katya ummcr Michael Tarkany Kirk Walford Mackenzie Walford Mariah Walters Hannah Warfel

Awards Assembly 1s an eagerly awa1ted and anticipated event. Some might even consider it THE EVENT of the year! It's where students get recognized for all their hard work, and awards are given

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These students recieved special awards


These are our class presidents. They all gave fine speeches at the assembly .------~~---

3J.ssac ;Qammonhs jfrebsman

~Upssal\itcbit ~opbomore

.fflorgan ~tbson 3Junior

ÂŽoob !A>enior


Salutatorian Jena Parish

C!Class of 2009 ~rabuation

Salutatorian Kathryn Chaney



Mee Mce, You made it! Congratulations! Even after all of the hard time you have had, you still manage graduate, you still manage to keep that bright personality, and you still manage to make your own "happy" happen . We are so proud of you & your accomplishments. Your mother would also be vary proud. We love you.

We are so proud of you. Love, Mom &Dad and Amber

Love, Papaw a] ay and DeLayne & Aunt Patty

Congratulations Shelby! We love you and are o proud of you! Dad and Grandma Mimi Mom and Doug Lind ey and ick Tyler Cracker and Daisy

It ha been amazing to watch you develop into a man with o much character! May your life always be full of adventure!

Make good deci ion Love Always, Mom and Dad To him much i given , from him much will be required. Luke 12:48

Dear Sarah, We are o proud of your accompli hment . s you go out into the world, give the be t. Remember Proverb 16: 3 and I God lead you each day!

We Love You, Pops, Momma, & Rachel

1I 7

Dear Quentin, You're our "MightyQuin." We love you. Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, Zach, Kori, Kelly, Kry tal. Dani, hawn, and Ru ell.

We alway knew you were special, but who would have ever gue ed hou re!J' pecial you are!

We couldn't be more proud ofyou. Love, Mom & Dad

Dear lien,

Dear Ryan,

ongratulation on making it o far. We know you are de tined to do great thing m life.

Thank you for your mile, en e of humor, and kind heart. Go out into the world and make a difTerence! We will be watching. Love, Mom, Dad, Pat, and Kyle

Dear Ellie, We are o proud of you and look forward to watching you achieve all of your dream . We lo e you very much and want only the be t in life for you! Love, .\1om , Dad, Abbey, & Mollie

Dear Dale, we've watched you grow, we couldn't be prouder of the young man you've become. We knov. you will continue to do great things throughout your life. Congratulation ! We love you, Mom & Dad

Dear Malloric,


We arc o proud of you. You arc uch a trong per on and we know you can do anything you ct your mind to.

You made u o proud. Thank for all the memorie , laughter, and the tear of joy.

We love you, Mom, Dad, & Michelle

It has been nonstop excitement l\atching you gnm up from a curious toddler to a mature young woman. \Ve wouldn't change a minute of it.

\\e are ve11 proud of you, punkie, and \\ i h you all the happiness in the world. Remember the best is yet to comeWe lole you bunches! Mom, Dad, and Jeff

Dear Jessica, ongratulation ugarplum! Be t wi he for your future. :vtay all your plan and dream come true. We lole youGramma & Pop-pop You're a beautiful intelligent, young " oman full of punk. Pic ¡ dream and foliO\\ it! You hale our lol'e & upport.



~~ze Dear Justin. We arc so proud of :ou and can't wait to cc where you go with your arti tic talent. II Our Love. Mom, Dad. TifTan:. Zach , and Lucas

afw;~?nea Dear Bron""yn, We arc o proud of you and all you have accompli hcd. Do your be t at everything you do in life and remember we alway love you . Love, rvtom, Dad , Trent, and li ia

You \\ill nc\cr knO\\ how proud we are of you. ou have alwa} been like a breath of fre h mr to us. ov.- we ha"c to let you begin a new chapter fyour ltfc. ou have been like a butterfly. \ou landed as a little girl in our hearts and now you take ofT and arc

n. love you and will alway c here for you. \ou have made u proud to be ~our grandparent .


Dear Tyler, We arc o proud of you. The year have gone too fa t! Good luck at Ohio and believe in :our dream ... you have uch ~~~~~~""'¡¡ an excting future ahead of you. We Love You, Dad, Mom, Du ty, Kelly , and Michael

Britter, Go confident!) in the direction of your dream , live the life :ou've imagined. lway our daughter, nO\\ our friend. We wi h )OU well. ur Love lwa: , ad , Mom, Cr: taL &


Erica, Time ha flown incc you were our beautiful baby girl to our beautiful young lady. We are o proud of you and your accompli hment and wi h all your future dreams come true. We are honored that God cho e us to be your parent . We love you and thank you for all the memorie . ove, Dad, Mom, and Katelyn

We are o proud of the young man you have become and all of your accomplishment . "If you believe it, the mind can achieve it." Coach K ove Alway om, Dad and eather

Trea ure e ery moment of thi journey. Break big, baby. Your future i bright! Be true to your elf and let God lead your path to ucce !


Time ha gone by so quickly. Thank you for becoming the man we ee today. We look forward to celebrating all your life accomplishments. Love, Mom and Dad

You are the be t Chri tma Package ever. We have watched your unwrapping to become an amazing young woman. The be t in life i yet to come.



Kelly, We are o proud of you. Good luck in your future. Keep roiling!

Love, Mom and Dad April, Kenny, Angela, and helby

Zac, We're o proud of you. ow you're off onto a new adventure. ever undere timate what you can accompli h in life. Whatever you choo e, we're always here to upport you! ove, \1om, Dad, & Mamaw

Congratulations to Brady Deters, Brianna Rice, Jessica Seman, Nolan Bell and the entire Class of 2010

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Seniors Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your way acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

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Congratulations to the Class of



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