2005 Waynesville High School Yearbook

Page 1

~enior f:avorite~ Class Colors: Silver


Class Song: HI G Back"

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t'<nontc high school

mc~ory ''as ''hen the hcdlcadcr \\COt to Flonda for auonals and Gabbard c,tllcd us to tell us that \\eddie mooned the crO\\ d at a horne basketball ·



"My fa\orite htgh school memory wa~ \\hen I beat Brook\ illc \ first singles player for tcnnb at League Tournament to tic for league champion."

\: •,. CS\illc llio "I would have to ·ay that my fa\orite high school memory was when \\·e went 20-0 my freshman year in ba ketball."

"Ore ing up for the Goldmember lip -ync my ophomore year is my favorite High chool memo

"My favorite high chool memory wa having the ub titute teacher, Mr. Riley, for pani h."

Bridget Baker Bnnan> Baker Zachary Ballard Jared Bell nanne Bentley Carly Bowman

Rebecca Bradley Katy Branson Jared Brooks Lmcoln Bryant \1allory Bunnell Charles Caudell

Bradley Iifton Bnan Coffman Amy Cole Cas. tdy Cook \\'hllney ouch Jesstca ra'' ford

Manhe\\ fa\\ ford Brad Crit7 nne Currin Aaron Dodge Grant Doepcl Adam Dolle

Heather Dorgan 1ary Dunkm Brandon Eckman Caleb Ewald R:ran Fielden R}an Frasher


Da\ld Furnas Fmlly Gabbard Be,erlc ,corge Jc. sica ,illc) !:lien ,reel) Ja. on Hale

Jo,hua Hamilton Ashlc)' Hanna Cassidy Ha\\kins Tra\ b Higgins Bnttncc Hollan hama Hudgcl

Jcss1ca Hupman tephanie I aacs Justin Jones Kelly Jone amantha Ke e Edward K1mball

Holh KISer M1chael Klan Victona Klem Casey Lakes Kathenne Lewis Hannah Lmdauer

Katie \llacKO\\ay Jo h 1alicote Renee McCloud Jo hua \llcKeever Enc \lleador Tahtha M1llcr

Jeremy \lloeller Rachel \llontgomery arah 1\el on Kathryn Orr Cor) Patton Anthon:y Pa:y1on

Carrie Pennington \llatthew Peter on dam Petticrcw Aaron Pitzer amantha Plamondon John Pollock


.fun io rs

Arron Presley C.and1cc Raab /achary R1chmond Just n Roe,cr l ucas chcct7 ( hnstophcr chcrcr

E:h.rabcth ·hank Robert izemore Brittany ummers Cory Tard1tf Brad True,dale Lmdsay Trusty

Casey Turner Dougla. Turner Kaitlyn Tv.ecl fly..,e Velte V1ctona \\alter Jacob Weddle

M1chael Whaley hannon \1 hitton Rebecca Wical I leather Williams Knstm Withrow Adam Wright



Jt t " Having fun!"

aes h- h scJtaal "lligh school means sports, fnends, and having the time of my life."


aJt ta

"I love playing sports and hanging out wtth friends!"


"Memories, drama, havmg fun, getting to know other

"Greate t ttme of my ltfe, hangmg out with friend , and being in prison without doing

Travis Sharp

Armatashia Abrantes Jay Alexander Laci Asher Brandon Bacca John Barnett Adam Brshop

Laura Bly Katre BO\\Cr., Amy Bncker Mtchael Brook Tere a Brown ondra Bunnell

Enc Burgmeier Kathleen Campbell Rachel Carter Knstr Chenoweth Taylor Cloud amuel Coffe:r

Annamane Cole can Collms We ley Couch Amanda Crane Khn ta Crutchfield Lila Cummms

Bnan Damels \\'illram Da\ rdson Tabrtha Da) Angela Dermer Anderson De\\ine Da\ rd Durbin


Rebecca Emmon~ Bnttame Et1enne J}ler E\\ing Britt,m)' Ference \toll} Fiupatrick ,\ndre\\ Foged Bnttan} Fo-.

Lmdsey Frederick Holl) Fugate Jan:d Galyon Llh Gilbert Dustm Good !leather Gorski Destmy Greene

bb} Hall Ke\ in Hamilton Jordan Hammermeister Ra:ymond Hatfield Holly Henderson Kara Hender. on 1cole llemandez

¡\ndrea Hipsher amuel Hoium Lmdse} Hungerford Courtney Hurley Kel 1 Hurley \ltartm Hurley Heather James

Danielle Johnson Jeremy Johnson ameron Jones Rachael Jones Robert Keegan Le le) Knn pencer Kimball

Michael P- My interception at the Massie game. Becca E- All the good times I've had with Taylor and Brittany. Cameron J- My touchdown in the


"Adventures at Allison's and her falling off the fence. I can't forget the lemonade, either. "

'tacJ Kinney Jo eph Lamb Lev1 Lamb Jasmine Lee ~ark Le\\is \<1atthew Lilly Kylm Maloney

Daniel Mark! Rachel Martin tuart Me ollum arah ~cHenry Allison Measel Clifford Mellott Jay Meyer

Randy \<1iller Audra \<1inton Jamie Mitchell Jame M:ycrs Elyse . 'el on Candace O'Kelly Lucas Omdorf

Alecia Payne Cas. andra Pennington Deena Plamondon Eric Potter Michael Pov.ell Chri topher PO\\Cr Elizabeth Rasper

Chnstopher upcr J illian utton Margaret Lnger helsea Van Horn Kyle \ 10lette Tawny Viox Isaac \'oehnnger

Tiffany \ochnnger Laura \\cmcr Eh \\est ha} \\tlle:r Garet \\iseman Jamie \\ithrO\\ Aaron Young


"I really liked being on the high school football team. I loved playing sports!"

"My friends are my favorite thing about high school."

"The classes are interesting and fun . Some are hard but very rewarding."

"Playing sports and meeting different people is my favorite part about high school."

"My favorite thing about is being with my friends . Oh, and cute boys!"

Kat lmwalle

James Agnew BenJamin Aiken Kelsey Alford Danelle Arnold Austin Beam Mark Becker

Andrew Beckett Knstina Beckett Enc Berger ndre\\ Ble\ ms Dustin Bro\\n Ally on Bulpin

Mtchael Bunnell Ktmberly Burgmeier David Burke Chnstopher Cald\\Cll lison Carsten Jesstca Cason

Kayla Casstdy Courtney lark Angela Cotlinan Whttney Cole Courtney oh in Chnstie Comb'

Zacha!J Cook Kellt Cooke Jordan Da\ ts ydney Dtlle .\nthony Dtmascto lexander DO\\nard


aron Dull Ashley Durham I"m1oth} l· luroth \ustin England Ktrstin Felumlec Jacktc Ferguson 7achary Ferguson

Justin hcldcn \1egan Folcj Chelsey Foster Ashlej f rj Counne} Frye I mil} Go•"ard I d\\,ml (,reem\U}

Dustin Gris,am Garrett Hahn Chelsea Hamlct James Hanauer Janna Hapner Lukas Hartman Anna Hastell

Laurcn llenderson Dustin Hogan Jame Hooscr ory llop\\OOd Jm.hua HO\\Cil Katherine lm\\alle Joshua Isaac

'J'ammi baacs \lltchele Je,\ett l·lt.rabeth Jones Joseph Kapper Ryan KtldO\\ mber Ktrchner Christopher Klem

Kyle Kneppcr Adam Konen (arlee Lakes arah Lau amuel Le\\is BenJamin Ltles Alexander Lmton

amantha \1artin Brand} McGeehan :"\icholas \1cGilltuay \1atthC\\ \1cKec\er Zackery \1cKm7ie ( helsea \1ercatante Justin \1cycr

ybtl Miller I nc \1mton Tt!lany '\tcoll ( latre '\orton Katte Patton Kyle Patton Jonathon Pauley


rra\ I~ Pauley Bntam P11/er Jord<tn Poole Tyler Proffitt Brandal:ynn Reynolds Katherine R1chard I lise Robert~ h Rockhold BenJamin Roeser Cuthenne Ryczek ndrca ~ackctt ( hel ca ~chaaf arah ct ull/ ath;.n Search arah ~h nkle Knstma m1th Chnstophcr pradhng Cr:ystal laC)' Joshua taey John Andre\\ tephens manda te\enson llannah tewart Le1gha tump Hoi!:,. Tmne:,. r-;atasha Tipton shley T1rey Fa1th Tnbble Le1gha Tnbblc '\1eholas Tuck Augustus Unverferth \\ hllne:y Violette arah Weber Josh \\haley Knstm \\1lson Jeffrc:,. \\ mkler

Justin \\ !Secup l:leanor \\oolf Tyler Wnght

Not Prctured: Michael Bennett, Quentin Dotter, Karlie Wheelen


~pirit 1f:eÂŁ.200f JVC,naay Hip Hop Day Winners: Cory Patton, Adam Wright, Ryan Fielden, Matt Peterson

Jue~cfay Teacher Day Winner: Travis Higgins

1f"ecfne.s-cfay Pirate Day Winners: John Coffman , Katherine Lewis

The 2004-2005 sp1rit week wa full of fun and excitement. tudent had a great time dre ing up in different co tume for each theme day. tudents especially had fun dre ing up a their favorite teacher on Tuesday. We just hope the teachers had a much fun eeing their tudent twin ! Spirit week wa capped off by an incredible pep a embly on Friday. The lip ync competition wa great, and the enior won a clo e conte t. till, all the grade howed great pirit. Thi v.a one of the be t pirit week ever. enior howed exceptional pirit thi year and captured the pirit week victory!

Jhuucfay Camouflage Day Winner: Nathan Vonderahe

f'.ricfay Orange & Black Day Winner: Everyone!


The original Homecoming Game wa cheduled for September 17. During this time, 3 different tropical torm hit the east coast. Their effects were devastating, even to southern and central Ohio. The Midwe t received heavy rain and major flooding in certain areas. The school we were supposed to play, McDermott-Northwest, issued an early dismissal from school on that Friday due to flooding in the area. The game was cancelled, but the festivities continued. Homecoming Court was announced at the October 8 Dixie game. We defeated Dixie 32 to 22. Homecoming had its flaws, but it was something that the class of 2005 will always remember.


Kristin Raab and Andrew Barton

Justin Fielden 'and Crvstal Stacy

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: .~, -~ ' Tyler Ewing and Heather James


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Jason Hale and Cand1ce Raab


#8 Robert Montgomery


#24 Shawn Gentry

#53 Kyle McKinzie

Coaches(left to right)Wes Childs,Aaron Clark,Nick Vrettos,Rod Weirauch ,Gien Burchfield ,Brandon Philpot, Scott Stiles BACK ROW Chris Super,Tyler Proffitt,Zack McKinzie,Ben Aiken ,Chris Caldweii ,Garrett Hahn,Justin Meyer,Dustin Hogan,Augustus Unverferth ROW 4 C.J . Mellott,Ryan Kildow,Jay Meyer,Jeremy Johnson,Matt McKeever,Josh Stacy,Justin Fielden,Jimmi Hanauer,Nick McGilvrey ROW 3 John Barnett,Brian Hatfield,Joe Lamb,Jordan Hammermeister,levi Lamb,Robert Keegan,Mike Poweii,Cameron Jones,Daniel Schultz ROW 2 Josh McKeever,Ben Kroehle,Zack Richmond ,Michael Klan,Adam Dolle,Anthony Payton ,Travis Higgins,Ryan Frasher FRONT ROW Robert Montgomery,Shawn Gentry,Kyle McKinzie,James Ryan,Travis Childs,Joe Smith

Date 8/27 9/3 9/10 9/18 9/23 10/1 10/8 10/15 0122

Opponent East Clinton Clinton Massie Lemon Monroe McDennitt NW(Homecoming) Oakwood Northridge DIXIe Mad1son Carhsle(Senior Night)

Result L28-12 W29-20 L33-41 L24-33 L62-7 W34-13 W32-22 W12-6 1.34-0

Final Record 4-6



Donna Snyder

Top Left to Right: (1st Row) Coach Dick Miller, Courtney Hurley, Molly Fitzpatrick, Molly Howeller, Vicki Walters , Lesley Kim , Jessica Hupman. (2nd Row) Katie Richards, Emily Benton, Ashten Hurley, Hollie Gallagher, Leigha Kim, Ellen Greely, (Front Row) Captains: Abigail Nelson, Kelley Bricker, and Jessica Ewing

Assistant Coach Laura Green 40

Head Coach Dick Miller




Top row: Josh Green , Travis Hazen , Matt Peterson, Ryan Fielden, Trevor Parsons, Corey Hay, Josh Patterson Bottom Row: Tim Wylie, Tyler Ewing, Andrew Foged, Zach Richmond , Ben Liles, Ben Stagge Coach: Scott Luti JO TREVOR



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8 28 Monroe 2-0 8 31 Little Miami 0-4 97 Ridgeville 9-0 9 I 1 Franklin 1-1 9 14 Madi on 1-1 9/ 16 Brookville 1-2 9/21 Carli le 5-0 9/30 Madison 3-3 10 5 Brookville 5-5 10 7 Carlisle 5-0 10 14 Fenwick 0-5 5 wins, 3 losses, 3 ties






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Team Record

The girl ' tenni team had their be t ea on ever thi year; they went completely undefeated in the SWBL with no one lo ing a match and ea ily walking away with the title"' WBL Champions." The team placed 2nd in the Greater Cincinnati oache Tournament. The lady Spartan did exceptionally well in the ectional tournament, fini hing off a ucce ful ea on. At the end of the ea on, five girl were recognized by the coache of the Miami Valley for their out tanding performance. The award were: 2nd Team: Stephanie I aac ; 3rd team: Carly Bowman and Megan Aiken; Honorable Mention: Beth 0 bourne and Tammi I aac .


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Coach Dave Liffick 48

Season Record SWBL Ryder Cup Milton Union Brookville Invitational Dixie Monroe/ Northridge Madison Edgewood Brookville Cedarville Carlisle Eaton Clinton Massie ValleyView East Clinton Oakwood Bellbrook

2nd L 4th W W W W W W W W W W W L L

SWBL Tournament 2nd Sectional Tournament 2nd District Tournament 11th

The Spartan Golf team had a great season this year. They had a winning record and captured the SWBL title.


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v Aleshia and Casey t.l u ~

0 L L E y B A

FRONT: Aleshia Bars, Casey Beach MIDDLE: Megan Foley, Kelsey Alford, Whitney Cole, Ali Rockhold, Cassi Hawkins, Amy Bricker, Whitney Violette, Leigha Stump BACK: Coach Camfield, Casey Turner, Jana Hapner, Whitney Couch, Annie Currin, Chelsea VanHorn, Nikki Hernandez, Kat lmwalle, Coach Harvey

L L 0 4 51

W1lm1ngton Clinton Massie Oakwood Franklin UttleMiam1 Brookville Northndge


loss loss loss loss loss loss Win

Dlloe Mad1son Valley V1ew Middletown Carl1sle Northndge Goshen

loss loss loss loss Win Win


orne inspira for the race ...

Top Row (Left to Right): Coach Veronica, Taylor Cloud, Allison \.1ea el, Rachel Montgomery, Sarah Ryan. Bnan Daniel ·, John Kramb, Michael ~yan, Roo ooke Middle Row: Sonia Shoup, Kel li Cooke, Ton Klein, Kelly Jones, Jessica Daniels. Lauren Otck Kri tin Raab Front Row: Candice Raab, Leah Tribble, Amanda Stevenson, Jess1ca Hupman, Jasmine Lee, Emily Benton 6

"Divide your race into 3 segments...

:\Iukin~ n Spin~ h .... *Girl's Team took 2nd m \ \ B L *The 6 man Boy · Team t ~ok 4th in WBL District Qualifier : Knstin Raab. Sarah Ryan. Candice Raab, Kelly Jone~, Kristi n tubbs. John Kramb, Jasmine Lee State Qualifier Candice Raab made a 2nd appearance in the


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Left to Right: Elyse Velte, Eric Potter, Nick Smith , Stuart McCollum, Lauren Durbin. Not Pictured: Tori Klein

Season Meets Milton Union Miamisburg Bellbrook Eaton Brookville Franklin Kettering Centerville


Coach Dan Stupp

Stuart McCollum

Personal Times: Post-Season League: District: Regional: State:

Elyse 18:34(1 st) 19:01 (1st) 20:04(4th) 19:30(8th)

Stuart 19:54 20:21

Nick 23:48

Eric 22:30 22:52

Tori 24:08 25:36

Lauren 28:15 27:27

Congratulations to Elyse Velte for placing 1st in League, 1st in District, 4th at Regionals and 8th at State!




ros 55

Top Row: Coach Violette, Coach Cook, Cory Patton, Kurtis Servis, Nick Smith , Scott Spires, Jason Hale, Adam Wright, Brad Clifton, Matthew Jones, Coach Murphy, Coach Terrill Bottom Row: Jared Bell, Kyle Violette, Alex Foltz, Michael Brooks, Travis Higg1ns

Ale Foltz

Nick Smith Coaches: Cook, Doc Murphy, Violette

Terrill, Cherry, Broughton

Kurtis Servis 56

Scott Spires

Names from left to right: Servis, Higgins, Hale

Higgins# 14 Hale# 44

Above Pictured : Smith# 42, Higgins# 14, Jones# 5

Above Pictured: Left to Right: Spires# 34, Jones # 5, Foltz # 3, Smith # 42 57

c 0

Abigail Nelson

Alethla Bort



Cab bard

Athten Hurlep

Bacb Row: Coach Yorb, Heather James, Nicole Hernandez, Elizabeth Shanb, Annie Currin, Chelsea Vanhorn, Amy Bricber, Coach Gabbard Front Row: Kelley Bricber, Ashten Hurley, Meegan Aiben, Aleshia Bors, Abigail Nelson

a Th1s was an amazing year for the Lady Spartans Junior Varsity team. They fmished with a 19-1 record and won the league championship. These ladies demonstrated great character and leadership this season, promising success in the future.

Front Row L-R: Lindsey Hungerford, Heather James, Elyse Nelson, Courtney Hurley, Amy Bricker. Back Row L-R: Nicole Hernandez, Kelsi Hurley, Anne Currin, Chelsea Van Horn, Coach York


Spa a Freshman Girls

Season Recap The freshman girls finished off their exciting season with a 12-2 record. The season highlight was capturing the Mid-Miami League championship title by beating four teams, including Dayton Carol in the championship game. These ladies worked hard together to have a terrific season. Every single player showed signs of a promising basketball career at Waynesville High School.

#30 Michele Jewett

#24 Chelsea Hamlet

#34 Katherine lmwalle


Top Left to Right: Coach Steiner, Zach Whaley, Zack Young, Chris Klein, C.J. Mellott, Coach Franz; Bottom Left to Right: Travis Sharp, Robert Keegan, Nick Steiner, Nate Bowers, Josh Whaley


Nate Bowers


Nick Steiner

Zack Young

Season Highlights: Nick Steiner won league, placed 2nd at districts, and placed 6th at state. Nate Bowers came back after a broken collar bone and placed 6th at districts.

The Waynesville Spartan baseball team started the season very inexperienced. As the season wore on, they gained hard-earned experience and maturity and that translated into more victories. Coach Cook believes next year will be off to a strong start with a much stronger team.



2005 SWBL Champions Waynesville 10 BrookvilleO

op h Stupp, Elizabeth Shank, Casey Turner, Bridget Baker, Chelsea VanHorn , Coach Philpot; Middle Row: Jayme Mitchell , Amy Bricker, Rachel Stevenson; Bottom Row: Mollie Stock, Kelley Bricker, Meagan Aiken



Back Row: Spencer Kimball , Mike Powell, Travis Higgins, Adam Wright, Brian Coffman, Eric Potter Middle Row: Matt McKeever, Gus Unverferth, James Hanauer, Wesley Couch, Justin Fielden Front Row: Anthony Dimascio, Matt Wright, Nathan Search NOT PICTURED: Nick Smith, Cameron Jones, Josh McKeever, Ben Kroehle

Coach Cherry

Senior Nick Smith



Top: Kayla Cassidy, Katie Richards, Whitney Violette, Michele Jewett, Angie Coffman, Kristina Becket, Anna Hastel, Katie Patton, Ms. Kearns; Row 2: Natasha Tipton, Chelsea Schaaf, Crystal Stacy, Megan Foley; Row 1: Katie Campbell, Heather James, Carol Shulte-Krumpen, Kristin Stubbs, Betsy Rasper; Bottom: Elyse Velte, Elle Greely, Whitney Couch; Not Pictured: Annie Currin

Season Recap Elyse Velte broke the school record for the mile with 5:16.43, the 800m with a 2:24.3 and the 3200 run with a 11 :53. Regional Qualifiers: 4x800 relay (Elyse Velte, Annie Currin, Heather James, and Michele Jewett); 800m & 1600m (Elyse Velte); I OOm hurdles (Whitney Violette) We had many personal bests and teams bests at Districts, unfortunately just missing regionals by seconds in the 4 x 200, open 400m run and the 4 x 400.


Back Row: Andrea Sackett, Courtney Minix, Kristina Smith, Kayla Cassidy, Elizabeth Jones Front Row: Candace O'Kelly, Kristi Chenoweth, Crystal Stacy, Nikki McGeehan, Natasha Tipton

Samantha Curt1s


Kathryn Measel

Janelle D1mbath

Ellen Greely

Brittany Summers

Courtney M1nix

Bnttany Baker

Back Row: Brittanie Etienne, Brittany Summers, Janelle Dimbath, Ashley Hanna, Jamie Withrow; Front Row: Brittany Baker, Lindsay Tracy, Kathryn Measel, Samantha Curtis, Ellen G

Competitions & Placings Carlisle 2nd UCA Regionals 2nd ..... UCA @ Easton 5th Miamisburg To State! League 3rd State_ _ _ _ _ _ _Sth_ _ _ ____,

Heather Williams

Brittanie Etienne

Jamie Withrow

Natasha Tipton

Andrea Sackett

Crystal Stacy

Ashley Hanna


suanan JV Softball Season Recap Tht: l ady partans fini hcd the sea. on ¡trong con. idering they ''ere \cry young cllld inexperienced. Jamie \\ ithrO\\ handled the pitching dutic and did an out tanding job. The highlight of the year i coming from behind to beat Bellbrook 27 to 23. The ladies worked hard during the sea ¡on and by the end v. c were competing v. ith C\ cry team '' e played.

Top left to nght: Alison Carsten, Kat1e Bowers, Wh1tney Cole, Coach K1ng, Annamane Cole, Knsten Stubbs, and Sybil Miller. Bottom left to nght: Sarah Mchenry, Amanda Stevenson, Jam1e Withrow, and Karla Staley.







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tans hinu On!

Top Row¡ Amber Kirchner Deena Plamondon Carolin Schulte-Krumpen, Chari Smith, Tiffany Voehringer Middle Row Mandl Gregg, Magg1e Unger, Samantha Cornett, Catherine Ryczek; F1rst Row: Angela Dermer, Rebecca Roberts (Captain), Brittnee Hollan



National Honor Society,_..

Current Members of the Waynesville Chapter ~>.my Bncker, amuel Coffey, Brian Damels. Brittanie htienne, Andre\\ ~oged, Dll'.tin ,ood, Courtney Hurley, Kcl i llurlcy, Heather James, Rachael Jone~. Le ... le) Kim, Jasmine Lee, arah M Henry. Elyse elson. Cassandra Pennington, \1ichael Powell, 1ichael Ryan, Karla talc). Kristm Stubbs, ~largaret nger, Chel ea VanHorn Ttffany \oehringer. Jamie \\ ithro''· Bnttany Baker. Carl) Bo,,man, Bradley Chfton, assidy Cook. Anne Currin. Grant Doepel. Ryan Fielden. Da• id

Furnas, Emil) Gabbard Ellen Greely, Jason Hale, Joshua Hamilton. shley IIanna, l eann Hartman, tephanie baacs, Kelly Jones. Hannah Lindauer. Katie :\1acko\\a). Joshua Mckee\er. Adam PettJcrc\\. Candice Raab. Guadalupe Reynolds, Zachary Richmond. Elizabeth hank, Robert izemore. Brittany Summers, Douglas Turner, Kalil) n 1\,cel, Victona \\'alters. Rebecca\\ ical. Heather Williams, Meagan Aiken. ndre'' Barton. Fmily Benton. :\.1el:yssa Booth, andra Bouman, Kelle_ Bricker. Tra\ 1s Cook,

Samantha urtis, Jessica Dan1els. Lauren Dick, Kara l~lkins. Jessica E" ing. !I ollie (iallagher, Joshua Green, shten Hurley, !·mil) Johnson. Ed\\ ard Kimball. Thoma Le\\ is. Kathryn "v1e, sel, Kristin Raab. Rebecca Roberts, · rah R) a11. c olas tathes, \1olli~.; tock. Jessica u m, Katherine \\'est, ~1tchael \\ cc ;J ltmothy \\)lie



Andrew Barton, Zach Ballard, Adam Boesenberg, Aaron Bowman, Allyson Bulpin, Kim Burgmeier, Rachel Carter, Courtney Clark, Angie Coffman, Brian Coffman, Travis Cook, Sam Cornett, Caleb Crossgrove, Angela Dermer, Lauren Dick, Mary Dunkin, Kara Elkins, Brittanie Etienne, Ashley Fry, Destiny Greene, Leann Hartman, Andrea Hipsher, Emily Johnson, Samantha Kesse, Staci Kinney, Savannah Meeks, Talitha Miller, Tiffany Nicoll, Mark Norvell, Ben Osborne, Alecia Payne, Britani Pitzer, Michael Powell, Lupita Reynolds, Zach Richmond, Becki Roberts, Chelsea Schaaf, Travis Sharp, Chari Smith, Scott Spires, Tess Stiver, Leigha Stump, Jessica Sutton, Jill Sutton, Holly Tinney, Kaitlyn Tweel, Sarah Weber, Eli West, Michael Wisecup, Rya Zeh


1UrifiYJ_J Center 7utors 2.004-2.005

The WrifirJ_J Center

Jl.(f'EYJ_Jffsh Cfasses



1e~r(ess .Ce~Jers

Mrs. 1Jeman

Mrs. Pofzinefti

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'Erin 1fouYJ_J

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7he WrifiYJ_J Center waJ' cfeJ'!JneC!toJive J'tulentJ' a (Jface to have 'Katie West their im(Jortant EYJ_!JfiJ'h flar:erJ' reviJ'ecfancficfitel to im(Jrove their {inafcfra(t ancffurther their wrifiYJ_!J J'hf6. Each tutors he0 waJ' 3reat& a(J(Jreciatecfancfvery he0fu{ Meยงssa 'Booth


San'J 'Bouman

Top: S8llb'l Bllllel, Blcblel )ones, )essiCII-, Dn!aa

Brln, 1111e Pill• lll1811: IaMie ..-, Slrlll NdleDrJ, I.IQIItl lleJII sa.at111 lesse, 1111111

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CAST: Travis Sharp, Sa

ndrew Barton, ~...~~cup, Leigha Kim, Hazen, Mlc man, Melyssa , Kim Burgmeler,

Guadalupe Reynolds, Sam Coffey, Jillia Booth, Travi hmond, Zach Faul, Sarah R I, Aaron Bowman, Lesley

RachaeiJones, Zach Faul, Nathan Vonderahe Kat1e Mackoway, Sam Cornett Elli Gilbert, Hannah Stewart, =;:;-------:;:=::::::;::~==:;::::::=::;-::;::=::::::;-:::=::;:;;;;;;=;;;;;;;:;::::;:===~ Danny Markl , Katie Patton, Jennifer Smith , Sandy Bouman, Amanda Crane, Olivia lnderneden Abby Hall

Mr. David Coffey Piano: Mr. Stephen Estep Keyboard: Grant Doepel Flute: Ms. Leslie Schleman Clarinet: Ms Jocelyn Wolfe Saxaphone: Mr. Shawn Lenney Trombone: Mr. Jerry Perdue umpet: Mr. Jesse Catanzaro Tuba: Olivia lnderrieden Percussion: Jeremy Shoup, Scott Spires


International Festival

Dear John, Becau e of you, joy fill our heart. God will ble ¡ you, thi i ju t the tart.


a The class of 2005!





Sandra Bouman Valedictorian

Kelley Bricker Salutatorian

Andrew Barton Class President






Gabbard Hamblin




Kearns Lewis














Kristin Leigh Raab

Kyle Duley

Dear Kri tin,

Dear Kyle,

We are so proud of you! May God bles all you do. Good luck at U.K.!

Wi hing you success in all your dream . We are o proud of you. Always keep God first place in your life. We love you!

Love, Mom, Dad, tephanie, and andice

Aaron Bowman

Love, Dad, Mom, and Brandon

Amanda Lamb

Dear Aaron,

Dear Amanda,

We're proud of your accompli hment . You've come a long way, and have a long way to go. God i n 't finished with you yet.

We are proud of you, our baby. We love you; keep your head up and alway walk with God. Congratulation Pooh! Love, Dad, Mom, and Heather

Dad, Mom, Andrea, and hane

Dear Emily,


We are so proud of you! Follow your dream and never give up. Be happy and enjoy life.

Good luck as you graduate from High School. We are very proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad, Michael, Ru ty, and Mary


Heather Wallace Dear llcathcr.

Dear Emily,

We want you to knO\\ that C\ cry\\ here you JOurney m h fc, you \\Ill go \\ith our IO\C b) your side. Forc\cr 11 \\Ill be with you You ha\c brought lmc and joy mto our li\cs. You arc the source of dearest mcmoncs and )OU arc the sweetest present hfc could C\Cr gi\c to anyone. 1ay God bless you and guide you Pro\ crbs 3 : 1-2 l 0\ c. Dad, \1om, and

Emily Johnson You have chosen the right path to foliO\\. May that path have nothing but happiness and ucccss along the way. You arc a true ble smg in our lives. We love you! Dad, Mom, and Jeremy


Andrew Barton You are not only a gift to our family, you are a gift to thi. planet. Your legacy will forever be your genera ity and unconditional regard for all mankind. You arc loved beyond mea ure.

Kelley Bricker The ·e thing we warmly wi h for you: Good health, good luck, and happincs for today and every day. Love, Mom and Dad

Mom, Dad, and Jamie

Leigha Kim

Abigail Nelson

Dear Leigha,

Dear AbigaiL

We arc so proud of you! Remember to alway work hard and never cttlc for econd be t. We love you!

Keep miling v.ith those big, bright eye , and be happy. Thanks for all of the fanta tic memories with the family and in tho c fabulou athletic conte ·t . We love you!

Dad, Mom, and Le. Icy

Dad, Mom, Ryan, Andrea, Tyler, and Ely·e


Chelsea Combs

Nicl< Smith

Dear Chel<,ea,

Dear lck,

We're o proud of you and excited about v. hat the future holds in ¡tore for you! Alway remember Philipptans 4: 13.

You have filled our lives with joy and pride. et your goals high, pur ¡ue life to the fullest, and always keep miling!

We love you! Dad, Mom, hristis, and Charity

Corey Hay

Love, Mother and Tom, Mammaw Aunt Becky

Josh Green

Dear Corey,

Dear o and o,

Our live ha\e been enriched and full of joy v.atching you grow up. Remember that each day i a gift, and be thankful. Our heart are filled with o much pride a we celebrate )'our graduation and your life! Love and Ble sing , Mom and Dad

You are truly a gift from od Keep reaching for the tar ~e are o proud of you!

Chris Damm

Love, Dad, Mom, Mike, and Laura

Meagan Ail<en

DearChri ,

Dear Meagan,

ongratulation on a job well done! We are o proud of you. May all your dream come true. Be Happy! Vie! GlUck!

We 'I! love) ou forever, v.:e 'Ill ike you for alway . A long a we're living, our baby you'll be! We are o proud of you Meagan!

Love, Mom, Dad, Dannie, and family

Love, Dad, Mom, and Ben

fyo~ ~M.IIf.r'$ ~

e.niur, r~it.~ 114


Ashten Hurley

Tim Wylie

Dear A hten,

Dear Tim,

We are so proud of you. You've been a true ble ing to u . Your opportunitic ¡ are endle ¡ .

" ugar Pie Honey Bunch you that we love )OU! Can't help our elve " ...

Love, Mom, Dad, and ourtney

Nate Bowers

James Ryan

Dear ate,

Dear Jame,

We love you and appreciate the man you are becoming. You're awe orne and truly a gift.

May you have a much happine a you have given u . We are o proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, and a than

Love, Mom and Pop Prov. 3:5-7

Alicia Ritter

Samantha Curtis

Dear Alicia,

Dear amantha,

Through the year watching you grow, we could not imagine the wonderful per on you have become. You have made u o proud. We love you!

We are o proud. Thi part of your life ha been an incredible journey for u . Wonderful thing lay ahead for someone a lO\ in g. creative, and wonderful a you!

Mom, hanc, Dad and


Love, Mom and Dad

VISIT OL..{R. W6'B$1TC! 'WIIoiW .eaesarseruRphotograpn H .S~&.<-9~&.<.9 -c.D~



Kara Elkins

Kathryn Measel


Dear weat Pea,

We're extreme!} proud of you and praying a God directs your future steps. You are the an v.:er to a prayer long ago prayed. We love you.

You've grown up to be such a wonderful person. I'm so proud of you! Love, Mom

Dad and Mom Jeremiah 29: II

Scott Spires ongratulation


We are o proud of you! What a jo} it ha been to watch you grov. up! Remember we are alway here for you. We love you! Mom, Alan, Jack, Mamaw, and Papaw

Sarah Ryan

Dear Lauren, ongratulation Lauren-Dear! You've made us proud and we hope you find much happmess while you pursue your dream ! Love, Mom, and Mtkc

Aleshia Bors

Dear arah,

Dear Ale hta,

A you move on to the next pha e in your life, remember we love you and are proud of the woman you have become.

We are o proud of you. Congratulations on all your accompli hment in your port career. Good Luck m ur mg chool. Ltve life to the fulle t.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Michael


Lauren Durbin

Love You, Dad, Mom, and Rob

Lindsay Tracy

Robert Montgomery

Dear Lind ay.

Dear Robert,

We are so proud of you. God blessed our live when he gave us you. Alv.ays remember to put God first in all you do. May all your dreams come

Congratulations! We love you and are o proud of you. May God bles you in everything you do.

Mom, Kev m, Rachel, and Alex

Dear Kyle,

Dear Trevor,

Congratulations Kyle, your family love you and i very proud of the man you have became.

You've achieved o much, and we wL h you all life' be tin the future. We are very proud of the young man you''ve become! ongrat .

\\e love youDad, Mom and Zack

Love ya! Mom, Dad Tyler, Matt, eley, Kathy, and athan

Lauren Dicl< Dear Lauren,


You have given u the be t moment of our live . May life gi\.e you a much and more. We love you. Mom, Dad and arah


TR Proverbs 3:5-6

\\ \ E \ ILLE BOD\ HOP 137 N. U.S. HWY 42 513-897-3383; 937-438-3383 11 7





DAVID E. ERNSf. ESQ. II South Broadway 2nd Floor Lebanon. OH 45036

(513) 932-2214 1-800-933-6558

AB Electrical, Heating and A/C ew construction & Remodeing Residential & Commercial Installation & Repairs Bonded & Insured Tom Brooks (513) 897 -7336 Specializing in Team Equipment Uniforms and Splrltwear

Cowens Team Sports a Division of Delaney Enterprises 33 E. Main St. Xenia, Ohio 45385 Phone:937~2-6475

Greg Delaney

Fax: 937-372-7615

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FAX: 1!1131 897路 1&78 PAGI!It : 15131 933路3851



Mary L. Cook Library

381 Old Stage Road Waynesville, 0 路o 45068 (513) 897-4826

aynesvil' Phartnacy Waynesville Pharmacy/ Creekwood Motel 415 S. Main St PO Box 636 Waynesville, OH 45068 513-897-7076



We congratulate the class of 2005


726 E. Main Lebanon In Colony Square


Estate Planning/ Probate , Personal Injury, Living Trusts, Domestic Relations, Real Estate, Zoning

P.O . Box 429 258 Miami street (across from post office) Waynesville Oh 45068 Office(513)897-1 080 Fax (513)897 -1949

8107 tate Route 48 Wayneville, OH 45068

Bet of uck 120

Class o "DretAVtA.S. TVtetj tAre free. No OV\-e CIA V\- ttA ~e tV\eVIA. lAW lA tj fro VIA. tj OU. so go lit Vi etA o! ... DretA VIA.." Congratulations to: Josh Patterson, Katie West, Danielle McCurry, Clay Measel Compliments of: The Village Family Restaurant 144 South Main Street Proud supporters of the Waynesville Spartans!

Caesar Creek Animal Clinic 207

t. Rt. 42 \·~ra) nesville, OH 45068 Phone: 897-6544 1 ..

E. John Raab, DVM

Richard M.Cronley D.D.S. & Associates

~· ~~J'~

P.O.Box 675 1043 Franklin Rd Waynesville, OH 45068 ·( 513-897-2001 Office hours by appointment


Good Luck Seniors from the Isaacs family.

Shirley Cas sidy Manager Mary Jo & John Purdum Owner 121 S. Main St Waynesville, OH 45068 513-897-2333

Stephanie and Tammi Isaacs Div. II Quarterfinalists, 2nd Team All State

Stubbs-Cooner Funeral Home Waynesville, Ohio 513-897-5966

Best Wishes to the Class of 2005 122



Wtr1Jnes"ille Antil{ue Mall CoMf'\..K'R IIAMS • C~N,. ftl:nH..HING SIE..VICI: H S . MAIN STREET ~.O. IIOXH7


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Steve blSelle Ownf!r

Phone: (937) 435-1111 I 008 Miamisburg-Centerville Rd. Dayton. Ohio 45459

H2s!.!:! Mon - Fri 11-8 Sat 11-6 Sun 1-5




H~e 1n ~d·erson T~U irf

Farms 2969 Beal Road Franklin, Ohio 45005 (937)433-7631

D livery Hours Monday-Saturday 4:00.1 0:00

YO UI (s13r&97.368s 2028 E. St. Rt. 73 (1/4 mi. east of Rt. 48) Wayn sville

• Pizza • Calzones ,~,,..,..

• Chips • Pop • Sandwiches • Or anything • Side Orders in the store 123


Congratulations Seniors!

770 Columbus Avenue P.O Box # 118 Lebanon, Ohio 45036 Phone(513)932-1010 Fax # (513) 932-0632 \HV\\.charliewat onford.com


917 Columbus Avenue • Lebanon, OH 45036 513-932-3000 800-686-3322


billdelord.com Email bd@btlldelord.com

11 South Broadway Lebanon, Ohio 45036 513-932-3876

1101 Columbus Avenue Lebanon, Ohio 45036 513-934-9901

Chernesky, Heyman & Kress P.L.L. Attorneys at Law

Congratulations Seniors!

Suite 1100 10 Courthou e Plaza SW Dayton OH 45402 (937) 449-2800

vvww. chklaw. com


Be t wi he for mooth ailing on life' Congratulations, Cia s of 2005!

ea !

ental Health Recovery Services of Warren & Clinton Counties

ANN A. BOCKRATH, D.D.S. 4353 E. State Rt. 73. P 0 . Box 758 Waynesville. OH 45068

Crisi · I Iodine: (800) 932-336() web itc: W W \\'. mhr onlinc.org

Telephone: (513) 897-0248

Electrical Services e I I

Office (513) 897-6545 Mobile (937) 604-2226 Fax (513) 897-7005 Toll Free (877) 435-6545 LONG ELECTRIC R. G. LONG AND ASSOC., INC. DBA ROBERT G. LONG PRESIDENT & CEO 125

DENISE'S ANIMAL HOUSE Pet Training and Pet Sitting Pet Boarding and Pet Grooming

4753 E. Lower Springboro Rd. P.O. Box 907 Waynesville, Ohio 45068 1-800-233-5413 President, Ace Phillips Vice Presiden Phil Baker

*Offering Dog & Cat Grooming *Cats and Dogs borded Separately

Companion Boarding for Dogs Every Pet Has Their Own Den But Integrated For Play Groups

*DOGS Certification Purdue University *Member ABKA & APDT

~-=~( 1) _ !50 93 291 92

Located on Old 122 Rd. 2 Miles East of Warren County Career Center 513 932-9427

513 312-3134

Davidson Meat 6490 Corin Avenue Waynesville, OH 45068 Congratulations to the Class of 2005! 126

Hartsock Village Florist

141 orth treet P.O. Box 316 Waynesville, OH 4501 1-513-897-4026 1-800-821-5928

The Little

d Shed Antiques

85 . Main strret P.O.BOX 514 Waynesville, OHIO PHO E (513)897-6326 General line - Dealer Welcome Monday - aturday 11:00- 5:00 open Sunday 1:00- 5:00 Vi it Wayne ville's other fine hop Please remember u when you have an antique to ell

Salfl S~nith & Son Inc. MEverythlng In Glass"


Monday - Thursday 9-5 Wednesday 9-1 Saturday 9-1 Sundays Closed r----------------~

•Waynesville Lumber & Supply Co. 39 Maple Street Waynesville, OH 4506 (513) 897-6020 Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Monday -Friday)

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Saturday) ~----------------~

705 Deerfield Road Lebanon, OR Residential and Commercial




11 l~

Wishing You the BEsT


~f inihatYo~ e




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