1988 Waynesville High School Yearbook

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A Time


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Time For Tradition .. . \ Time I or J...eeping ld \\'a)~ .. . \ Time I or :\1aJ...ing e\\ Begmning~ .. . Our chool Da''· \Time for the Tried The ntried .. . \ Tm1c To Be Real. Time To Be Prc-,~urcd. A Time To !\:no'' Gro\\, Time to f"ollow · To Lcad ..• A Time for Tradition. A Ttmc for hange ... Tradition~ ha'e Cl me and one at \\ H The en or' are the la~t cla-.s to remember 'lave Da\, 'J...tp Da). the da~, before f re,hman ricntation las-,, the ume \\hen )OU onl) needed I credib tal ot th ' changes arne about \\hen the\ \\ere Frc-.hmen) orne tradition~ have ept on -.trong: pmt \\ eeJ... tm nus a lot of the -.ptrit 1). cmor t ' tn th pr ng. \\ nning football .. "I 0.000 paper. n \1r. 1\.ing' (.a""· a ~trong , lumni sociation · Banquet!




A Tradition of Friendship and Fun! The Kis - -Pig Conte t began, we hope a new Tradition at W H . With creams of POLLY! POLLY! (refering to Mrs. Polly,. the favorite of the money-raising FH project), Mr. Wetrauch actually gave the porker its due.



chool lunche , Powder Puff, Dances, Romances & Pep rallies remain favorites/least favorite among traditions (you pick which ones!)



Sleeping in class ... a tradition? Greg Freeman is the Class leeping King; The homecoming court going out for lunch i a long- tanding tradition. Others include: the trip to France & now the Bahama , gos ip, cockroache , movies in Mr. Webb' clas es, water buckets in the halls, rushing to meet yearbook deadline , 20 problems a day in Mrs. Polly' algebra class, Mr . Wolfe getting after the Senior , no Pepsi in the Pepsi machine: Tradition !



' Tradition ? I Can't Think Of Any" • • • • ane a air

Tradition-Filled Season

The ar tty olleyball team came in 4th in KT . The Varsity record this year wa 7-13, and the Re erve record wa 7-11. At the Fall Awards Banquet, herry Rockhold received most valuable player; ngie 'i ood the pirit award; and hawna Meador scored 310 potnt all-together thi }Car. ar tl} team left to nght: Jesst Russell, Geneva I aac , Shawna Meador, Jenny Elton, Shannon Coffman, and ngie Higgin . Captains: herry Rockhold and ngte \l ood Re erve team left to right: Bethany Elliott, Carman Fields, Tara Williams, Kirstie Stencel, Tammy Manning, Robyn Hodge; front, ry tal Meador, Candi Pummill, Jeanne Jamey on. Brenda Vincent, Coache are Rod Wetrauch and tephanie Paul (the Kettenng Hillbilly) known for not weanng her shoes to practice.



above: seniors herry Rockhold and Angie Woods end their volleyball tradition this year. below: Sherry Rockhold anxiou ly wait for the volleyball.

The Golf team had a very succe sful eason thi year. The1r team record wa 52-29. They won the KTC tournament a well as D1strict a well a e tablishing eleven cormg records. Members of the team are (1-r) Chad Corwin, am Bailey, Rob Phillip , Mark Ander on, David Oakes, Dale Campbell, Don eeley, and oach Dave Liffick. MVP was David Oakes. He was a KTC medalist and he had the best KTC average. He et six individual coring record . MIP wa Don eeley. All KTC David Oake , Mark Ander on, and Dale Campbell. The two eniors on the team this year were Mark Anderson, and am Bailey. Mark's career average ranks 9th at W H . . He i a 4 yrs. letterman. am wa a 3 yr . letterman and hot the deciding score in the KTC tournament. The enior will be greatly missed next year.


SPARTANS START A NEW TRADITION Tht )Car the \\-a)nc:svtllc "partan tartcd a nc"' tradttton b) addtng SOCCER a an official school port Even though the team ended the ca"'n wtth a 4·6 record, for a fir.t )Car team tht proved to be an out>tandtng cason Accordtng to Ryan Lamb, "The team's goal in whtch "'< \tn>cd to achtcvc tht pa t cason .. ere to learn the fundamental> or the game, also to learn to play together a a team" Goals in which any team should shoot for. The nell couple or t.ca n urcl) ,.ill be butldong )Car But \Otth thm panan pndc, ~oil . and thcor dctcrmtnatoon. one can tell the Soccer team is


on thc:ar -.-.a)

Listed arc the pla)cr or the 1987-88 Wayne ville Soccer team; Bouom row l·r Doug Campbell, Kcvon Fenner. Rob "tile • tcvc Clark, Jcrr ·c"lar, Second ro"' Jason hmorc Chn Chcrncsk), Thornburg. Davtd R)an Lamb. "a ron "'-right. Joe Carter, Jom Shuler, Davod Clark, Standong Cooch Larr) Draper, tcvc Bnuongham. Collin Crammer, \1au John<on, Ryan Ra), Mike lien, Ltnn \1u cltn, Tom '1.1oltcnbergcr, Kcvon \i<Cann, A-.ostant Cooch Doug Campbell Sr


KTC Co-Champs Again! The \\ aynesville High chool Pootball team had a powerful season after a omewhat \\eak start fter narrO\\ los es to '1.1ason and Ltttle \lliami. the partans got their first -win 25·7 over the fa t·starting T-win aile} outh team, beginmng a tring of 6 straight victones' In the fir t game of the ea on at '1.1a on, the partans dominated offen ively in the early going. Robert Manning made a thrilling 67-yard Touchdown run to put us ahead 7·0. Mason, hO\\Cver. tied the score just before halftime and with their bigger 17C, -went on to dominated the econd half, \\inmng 14·7 The econd game at Little '1.1iami -was a eesa\\ battle. \\<ith 3 minutes to go, the partans -were intercepted on the 2 yard line and lost 15·20. Game no. 3 again t undefeated Twin Valley outh wa one of control ball playing. Tim Williams tunned the TV quad -with a 43-yard field goal and the partan dominated the game from that point on. The fourth game against Madison Pla10s -was an important league victory for the partan . In the pre· cason, many thought l\1adi on Plain and Wayne ville \\Ould be the 2 dominant teams in the league. Rob Kallage' 50 yard T D . play helped bring the partan to a 20·14 w10! The Homecom10g Game, aga10 t linton·Ma 1e -wa dedicated to the memory of James Holman. a partan football player who had been killed in an auto accident. The team wa do-wn 10 the first half and led only 7·0. But 10 the second half the fired-up partans crushed the Falcons and -went on to win, 31·0. Game 6, a yawner, found the Greenevie-w Rams ver} out-matched . and Waynesville -went on to beat the ram , 21·0. The Ea t linton tro were the partan · nel(t victim, 31· . Mo t of the scoring came 10 the second half as the team seemed to keep its habit of lo-w fir t half starts. The Yello-w prings Bulldog weren't caught lying do-wn and provided more of a challenge than expected. \' ayne VIlle did hold on to beat the 'Dogs 14·7. Parents' l'nght the follow10g week wa n't as happy an event as it could have been. The proud parent e corted their children aero the field before the game but the game 1tself proved to be the toughest challenge of the football season. The TroJans ended up the victor . 31· 32. The Ia t game of the ea ·on aga1nst Cedarville \\as the most thrilling and important game of the year The league title was on the line and there wa a lot of emotion 1n the a1r The game -wa clo e -with the partans -winning 10·7. The game -was aved by Rob Kallage -when, with 20 econd rema1010g and an Indian receiver on the 5 yard hne, he tackled the receiver and killed Cedarville' chance for a victory. Thi wa the thrill10g end to a cason which brought another championship to \' aynesville. Coach Gabbard felt this et the tage for a strong season next year because of how we fought and played against a good Cedarville team LL LE G E: Robert Manmng. teve Taylor, Rodne} King, Craig '1.1innick, Rob Kallage. HO . ME'\iTIO . LL·LEAG E: Dav1d Prewitt, Dirk Coyan. LL· AREA teve Taylor, Tim William . cott Campbell, John Cole, Rodney K10g, Rob Kallage. Cra1g M10mck. Hon. '1.1ent Robert '1.1anmng, Jack \'vhite tine, David Prewitt outhwe t Dist. I t team. teve Taylor; pee. '1.1enuon, R '1.1anning, C. M1nmck; Hon . '1.1ention. Rodney Kmg. Journal Herald II· tar : teve Taylor, Tim William . pecial Award OUT TA DI'\G OFF. Ll"'EM : teve Taylor & BACK, Rob Kallage; 0 T. D F. Ll E. C. Minmck & B K , D. Prew1tt, . ampbell; Most Improved: Jeff Harner. Brad t1les; PHD. Robert '1.1ann10g: Outstand10g Player: Rob Kallage: Mo t Decorated Helmet, Craig Minmck

emor , I tor 'cott Campbell. John Cole, D1rk Coyan, Joe Howard, Rod King, Robert Manning, Cra1g Minnick, Steve Taylor Top r Football Coaches: top middle, emor Capta10s. 14


The Mighty Orange Crush!!

Row I, I. to r. Captains teve Taylor, cott Campbell, Robert Manning, Rodney King; Row 2, Craig Minnick, John Cole, Shane Siders, Jaso1 VanHoose, Joe Howard, Dirk Coyan, James Holman; Row 3, Bret Jameyson, David Prewitt, Jack White tine, Dallas Hollan, Tim Williams, Chac Reeves, Jeff Harner, Tim Bogg , Bryan Wilson; Row 4, Don Booher, Jamie andlin, Vlattt Van Hoose, Jason St. Pierre, Joe Anderson, Rob Kallage Rex Kuriger, Perry Stile , Phillip Lamb, Matt Carnes; Row 5, Chris Hice, Travis Siders, Sean Jordan, Josh Miller, Jeff Brown, Brad Stiles, Cur Pemberton, Sam Hoffer, Kyle Dooley, Mike Shaffer; Row 6, Trainer Bonnie Hoffer, Coach Jim Philpot, Coach Bill Woosley, Head Coach Tirr Gabbard, Trainerf"iur e Cindy Gabbard, Coach Mark ell, Trainer Lisa Graham.

Dirk wa injured in the Mason Game. Above, Craig looking on.

Above, trying to rai e (%#*!) school spirit. Below, Cindy Gabbard, Head Trainer.


Ma on Little Miami Twin Valley outh Madi on Plains Clinton Mas ie Greenview East Clinton Yellow Springs Southea tern Cedarville

We 7

15 25 20 31 21 31 14 21 10


14 20 7

14 0 0 8 7

31 7



The 1988 WH Marching Band/Rine/Flag Corp ; Row I: Chri ockrell, David Henry, Kevin Fenner, Charlotte Campbell, Amy Prewitt, April Drake, Melanie Maybury, John Este , John Butt, Jeff chieman. Row 2: Dawna Edwards, Holly Head, Lisa Graham, Heather \1aloney, teve Clark. Chns Jones, Jenny \\ entworth. Ryan Lamb, Lee James, Lee Litherland, Tony mnh, helley mith, Matt \1cCann, andra Hart. ock, Betty Fmt. Row 3: Heather Miltenberger, Heather Head, Clay Dmn. Lori mburgy, Chris Engel, Jim huler, Jenni Cessna, Tara Williams, ane sa a1r, nne O'Connor, Kenn hellenbarger, Jack1e R1chardson, Rob Parker, hannane \1iller, Row 4 Rhonda Whipkey, David A hmore, Carmen Field , Jeff Bradley, aron Wnght, teve Stewart, Kevin Me ann, David Clark, Robyn Morrow, Cra1g Dinn, Greg Linton, Angela Behnken. Row 5: \1ary Ann Miars, Kri tenne Robin on, Andy Lawrence, Lea Watson, Ryan Ray, Rob tile , Rob Phillips, Collins Cranmer. Larry James, Kn tJ Bruton, Edd1e Bucholt7, Robin Little. The 19 7 partan \1arching Band had a very uccessful season as they were led on to the field by field commander my Prewitt. nder the direction of Mrs. Bob Bilbry and band received first place 1n Class C in the three 0\1 EA conte t that they participated in. They al o received first place trophies in Music, Plags, Percussion, and General ffort. Because of their out tanding performances, the band' trophies will be filling the helves of our newly built trophy case. The Flag Corps along with the maJOrettes also had a ,¡ery succes ful ea on. They received two uperior ratings at OMEA contest w:ith the aid of their advi or Mrs. Jud1 Phillips. Mrs. Ph1lhps made many contribution to their ucce . he wa responsible for all of the corps' unique and out tanding props which added that extra something to the band' overall performance.

The Marching Band continues their annual Halloween tradition, as \1elanie Maybury "enforces" the beat.


Eddie Bucholtz is recognized for his outstanding ability a a mu ician.

Mr. Bilbrey commend the band on their excellent performances.

Practice, Practice, and more Practice, can only make WH

Below: partans bring home their own gold in this Olympic year.

Marching Band Perfect.

Spartan Flag Corp Kicks p Their Heels


Spirit Week Old and New Traditions

Senior-Frosh vs Junior-Sophs 1st row: M1 sy Brumfield, hannon K1kta, helley Lamb, my Thornburg, Rita andy, Debbie Bunch, Bonnie Hoffer, Missy Boggs, Pam Prickett, 2nd row: Kri ta Jones, Yvette Jones, Julie Michener, Cathy Myers, Aimee Jone , Erin Ray, Laura Furnas, Donna Carter, Kristy Wilson, Rachel Riley, Lea Watson. 3rd row: Christina Dakin, Michelle Isaacs, Vane sa Yair, Angel Cole, M1ssy Bailey, Debbie mith, usan David on, Li a Graham, Misty Frank , and last but not least emorFrosh coach, Troy Patton.

I t ro"' oach David Gerspaucher, Captains. K1m Klesk1, Lynn Hou enght, ngela Prewitt, Laura Morgan. 2nd row: Kelly McKenzie, Deloris Hafner, Missy Gradel, Tricia Elliott, Kelly Lamb, Tesi McBain, Rhenee mith. 3rd row : Lee James, Jamie VanWinkle, Kathy Gibson, M1 sy pencer, Renee Gate , hannon Fergu on. 4th row: M1 y VanHorn, Knsty Ray, Theresa Boggs, Rebecca Hartman, and usan Gre paucher.

pirit Week of 19 7 "as filled with it usual activitie , "'ith the en1or and Juniors dominating over the underclassmen. bo1sterou~

The annual Po"'derpuff game between the girl was held following the Spirit games. The enior-Frosh team beat the Junior- oph team 2214. This year the "Cheerleaders" once again showed us their "great abilitie ?"

As you can see the highlight of pirit Week was eeing the Principal Keith Harring hovmg hi face in a plate full of whipped cream.

Laura Morgan runs for a Junior touchdown.

Kyle Dooley shows u his "better ide"


Homecoming 1988

Above: enior attendants left to right are Yvette Jones and Robet Manning, Mis y Bailey and Rodney King, Donna Carter, and John Cole, Bonnie Hoffer and Steve Taylor, Amy Thornburg and Craig Minnick.

When You Wish Upon A Star!

P1ctured left to nght arc Frc hman attendants Jeanne and Curt Pack, · phomorc attendant Tamm} \1anmng and Rob Kallagc. Jun1or attendant Ang1c Prewitt and Todd Cook Splflt Week 1987 ,.a brought to a ··,rna h1ng" end ,.,th the m•ght} ' partan "'" o>cr Clinton \1a 1c the final '<.'Ore bemg 31-0. Obv1ou ly C. \1' Pee Wee team "a pr.,cnt, the question .-a . ''Whcre's the h1gh <chool team•" nothcr question bewng to be a ked "" . "Whcres the k1ng~" as "ell a 6 other members of the court. '-" a)nc ville\ homecoming kmg IS commended for his dediCation to the game and not the fame that omctlmc. folio" u. li:mg Craig \1mmck rc"c"ed pia) after pia) '"a \\Cat~ , mell} , but somet1m~ warm locker room. Y..h1le Queen m) Thornburg and attendant Bonnie Hoffer h"cred on the field in thclf late>t finer) . Jamc~"'n

Drama Class Continues Tradition

• • •

Mr. Leist and the Drama class pre ented three one act plays. "Games," "Everybody' ecret," and "Hidden Meamngs"


Spoon River The Drama Class's econd production was "Spoon River Anthology" and their final performance was " s and Them."


Halloween The school and area bu ine men contributed to a non-traditional tradttional Halloween thts year. Trick or Treat was held at the school with students passing out treats.





Kneeling: Apnl Drake, Amy Pre~ itt, Charlotte Campbell, tanding: Rob1n Little, ng•e Behnken, Mar:r nn Miars, Rhonda \v h1pkey. and Heather Miltenberger. Mrs. Phillips \\as the advi or.




Staff Mrs. Stiles Retires! Left, Fred Lamb, Maintenance. We regret that the other picture of the Maintenance Staff are mi 1ng1 Middle left, H . cooks relax between 2 lunch e sion . Belo>w, I. to r. are the bus dnvers Paul Bernard, '\ancy Duerr, \\ illadean Carter. Barbara Bruson, ~ary Kinsel, Barb Campbell, R1ta Lmebaugh, Renee Andrews. Terri Kronenberger, Lynn Tovh, Benny Purkey (Head).

ur hats go off to Mr.. ttles a· he takes her retirement after 27 years f dedication and service to our schools 'V e >wi h her >well & wi h she could have made more gravy for u !!

ch• I Cook . left to nght Cfr•>nt) ~fr O'Banion. ~1r . tile . \frs . \1iar . ~1rs. eeley, Mrs. Powell, ~fr . H •>ward: Back: ~fr . H pk n . \1r . \1ellott, .\.1r John on, \fr . Bauer. ~fr Robin on. 0




A tradtt onal t me of InSide work' The Xmas dance ts becommg a tradtllon (the Yearbook Staff does It rtght') Drama clas painted thetr lace while the Ba k tbaU Team created a lot of e cttement with a wmning season! We got e -we I deserved now Days' And wa n't tt fun to ee Edd e Bucbolt wer n ISS n school suspen ton) Shelly Lamb and Steve Taylor were Snow Flakes (th t IS, Snow Flake Princess and Prm ) Heather Young preferred home nd the office to cJ Sweatshirts were made m Mr C nley class & Dennts ponders poverty!

WINTE "Gimme Snow Days!"

Spartans Bring Back Winning Tradition The boys varsit} basketball team brought back a wmmng twdttion thi~ cason with an overall record of 13- and 9-5 in the conference for a . ccond place fini h. The boys had only nine practices before their first game against outhcastern, which by the "'ay "'as the be. t game of the sea on \~ith a 42 point VIctory over the TroJan~. It took the new coach \1 r Bunnell and the basketball team a "'hlic to get to know each other but they obviously worked well together. Their 13 win· thi ·cason is the be t record incc 1961 The partans were led through the victorious season b:r cnior captain Mark ndcrson who was named MVP, lsttcam all conference, l t team all district, \ c tern tar player of the :rear, and to top tt off he was the I t boy from \ aynesville to be asked to play in the Ohio-Indiana II tar Game. nder on was the high corer of the season \\tlh an average of 17.3. The emors were abo led b:r emor co-captain Robert Manning. Mr. Bunnell was ver:r pleased with the way the boys pla:red this sea on When asked ho"' he felt about returning to his alma mater he replied that at first it \\as scar} but he felt that he wanted to pay back the teachers and coaches at \\laynesville for their support During the 1st game his classmates from high chool came back to cheer him on. He believed this helped the whole season. Mr Bunnell \\as named all area \\estern tar coach of the :rear He was also asked to be as 1stant coach in the All tar game 10 D• tnct 15. The player "'ho made I t team all conference this season bes1des Anderson wa Junior Todd Cook Cook also received best offensive pla~cr Chad Reeves wa mo t improved. The arsit) team situng left to right Todd Cook, Perry ulcs. \1ark '\nderson, Chad Reeves, \1ike lien, \1att Vanhoose. tanding: Lisa Graham manager, Dave L1ffick asst coach Robert '\1anning, Tim \\ illiams, Joe nderson, Head oach Denms Bunnell and reserve coach Jim Philpot.



Team Picture: Back Row (L to R): Re erve Coach Rod Weirach, Becky Hartman (R), ngel Cole (V), Kn ta Jones (V), Vane a Yair (V}, Kristie tencel (R}, Jennifer Winters (V), Tara Williams (V}, Mi ty Frank (R), Jeannie Jameyson (V}, Head Coach Tim Gabbard. Front Row: Cry tal Meador (R), Candi Pummil (V), hannon offman (V), Bonnie Hoffer (V), herry Rockhold (V), Shawna Meador (V), Diana Farler (V , Regina Cross (R), Missy Creech (R). The Waynesville partans Girls Basketball Team finished I in 20 thi ea on due to lack of experienced player . There were only two eniors on the Varsity team: Sherry Rockhold and Bonnie Hoffer (below left & right}. Bonnie has lettered 3 year , and herry for 4 year herry al o wa named to the Di trict 15 II- tar, All- League, and 11-Area. CongratulatiOns!




The tradition of having a fabulou Chri tma a embl} wa aved thi year by Mr. Lei t. At the Ia t minute he tepped in and created a memorable 19 7 a emblj . The choir tarted off by inging many traditional Chri tma carol and then the "Bag Brother " came in to entertain us with their numerou bad joke . The cheerleader did their ver ion of the twelve day of Christma . Erin Ray followed the cheerleader with a dance, and finally to top it off, the Student Council did a kit of "T'wa the ight Before Christma .".




Christmas Concert The traditional hn tma Concert wa held on Dec. 16, 19 7 with an excellent performance given by WHS Concert Choir and Band. Bringing in the ounds of the ea on were oloist Mi y Van Horn, Te 1 McBain, hn Engel, Heather Miltenberger, & Joe arter in the collection of carols I LOVE CHRI TMA . enior soloist Shelley Lamb ang Higgins' carol BE OT FR 10. The Band added to the fe tivitie with Jmo Jano, Rudloph' Chnstma Overture, A Carol for Everyman & A Merry Chrismta . Wonderful Job Mr. Leist & Mr. Bilbrey!

• 44

. . . A Musical Tradition


Christmas Tradition Rings On! hell} Lamb and teve Ta}lor reigned at the "becommg" traditiOnal no\\flake Dance spon orcd b:r the }earbook staff. The taff \\ith the help of ~1 r Garve) \\Or ked dthgentl} to prepare for \\hat \\Ould prove to be the mo t succe sful dance of the :rear.


Reserve team. kneeling Lisa Graham manager, Dennts Bunnell head coach, Jim Philpot reserve coach, Dave Liffick varsit) assistant. tanding: Phillip Lamb, Travis Hatnaker, Matt Yanhoo,e, ha\~n Linse), Perr) tiles, and Ja) Osborn

Freshmen team. kneeling Dav1d Zimmer, cott Shemtt, Dav1d white, John Reed. Standmg. Rob tiles, Brad tiles, 'vfatt John on, Jamie ervis, Chad Corwin, Curt Pack, and Josh Miller. oach Dave Barton.


SENIORS 1988 Class Colors: Royal Blue & Silver Class Flower: White Rose Class Song: Here I Go Again Class Motto: WE did our work \\- e played our games Schools all over But memories still rematn

Mark Anderson Melissa Bailey

Sam Bailey

Brad Beckett

Sheryl Bowles Melissa Boggs

Louie Bowser

Peter Brown Denms Brown

Demse Brown


Seniors - Hold On


Seniors - Let Loose


Ed Bucholtz

Jason Buckle Debbie Bunch

"vteh a Brumfield

Favorite Food . . Fru. en Gladje, Sp· ghetuo . Pina Hut Pan Pin.a, Strawbeme . yogurt. Lasagna, Chine e Food, Tripe(?)

cott Campbell

F&\"Onte Hangout. p wa). Friend'- hou. e Od~ ~ e) , Dmglebcrry ' , The mall. College C mpu es .•- hool (ha·ha).

J.P. Carne) Eddie Bucholtz &:

\' ·t Creative l>er} I Bov.les

D nna C rter Ru:ty Clar ·

John Cole

Dan Dav1s

Dawna Edwards

Dirk Coyan

Randy Freeman

Favonte Clas es: Art, Latin II, Adv P.r , Sociology, Band, Fam1ly LivJng, H r Lc., TypJng, / -ology, Ch01r

Laura Furna.

Favorite .\fusic Groups: REM, White nake, Heart, Prince, Journey, Beatles, Jets, Talking Head , John Cougar Mellancamp.

Beverly Garrett Most Athletic Robert Mannmg & Sherry Rockhold

Joe Howard Scott Groom

Bonnie Hoffer


Shane, We want to wish you Good Luck a you enter a new pha e of your life. Love Mom & Dad

Donna, Good luck and all the happines in the world! Love Mom & Dad

Heather, Be Happy! We Love You, Mom, Dad, Mike

Harrill Scott Campbell Our Best For You Always Mom & Dad

We Love you Samba! Love Mom & Dad

To Erin Ray From a beachhead to the top of a ladder We love you, Mom & Dad

From this to this- You've come a long way baby! Love Mom & Dad Berry, Wishing you and all the Senior lots of luck, succe and happiness in whatever path you choo e to follow. Love, Mom, Dad, Holly & Gene

All the best to the Best daughter! We love you! Mom & Dad

Brian, We're proud of you Love, Mom & Dad

When you were 2 we would watch you play outside, off came your clothes & we would call you Flying Nun. We've watched you play ball, work in art and march in All American Drill team in Florida. We love you more than you know. Mom & Dad

The best of luck Love Mom & Dad

May God Ble s your life as richly as you've ble ed ours. Love Mom & Dad

The joy of our lives Nana & Pap

The secret to success, lying around? Mom, Dad, & am

Best Wishes, Sis! Love Mom, Mike, Gran, Pop, And Dean

Mike Isaac

Aimme Jones

\.1ike Hubbell

Yvette Jones Most Embarrassing Moments: Getting Caught parking, Falling down the bleachers, Missmg the Prom Boat, Homecommg!

Kell} Kidd Favonte Songs: Here I Go Again, Wild Thmg, Mony Mony, HELP. Cottonfields, Pump Up The Volume, Catch Me I'm Falling.

Shannon K1kta Most Likely To Succeed¡ Dan Davis & Bonme Hoffer

Tara Lamb Crystal Lamb Stackman


Shelley Lamb

Brian Lewis

Jeff Lipovsky Cassie Loxley

Tonia Lamb

Pet Peeves Srr.oking, Nuclear Weapons, Exams, Gossip, Cracking Knuckles, Homework, Snobs, Lies, the UNDERGROU~D Review

Stan Lynch Favorite Expressions: "What's Up?", "Oh. Yeah!", "That's Funny?", "Bad!", Yea .. "Buddy. You ain't THAT Strong!"

Robert \1anning Be t Personality: Shelley Lamb & Joey Howard

Robyn Morrow Juhe Michener

Craig Mmnick


Mimi, May God Ble s you always! Love, MOM


Congratulations Mike! Thanks For the Memories! Love, Mom & Dad


Best of Luck in the future. Love, Mom, Dad, & Mi y

\~ From Diapers to Diplomas


Cathy Myers Berry Ratliff

Stac) \Jiurrill

F-avonte Ammals: Cats, Cocker Spamels, Horses. Panthers, Llamas. Pirahna, Hippo, 3-Toed Sloth, Rabbits, lggy Pop.

Erin Ray Favonte Shows: Letterman, Growing Patns, Co~by Show Moonlighting, "'ight Court MTY The Morning f-arm Report (Hmm

Sherry Rockhold

... ) Best Looking. Cra1g Minnick & Amy Thornburg

Chns Sessler

Russell Rogers Rita Sandy


Steve Schmidt

Steve Taylor

Amy Thornburg

Debbie Smith

Jennifer Vanover Best Memories: Parties, Softball, Football Initiation, Powder Puff, Prom. The ' Last' Football Game, FRIE"'DS'

Melanie Waddell Favonte Books: Heart of Darkness, Tale of Two Ctttes, Ordinary People, The Hobbtt, Your Pet Snake & You

Mike Weidlich Best Dressed: Missy Bailey & Aaron Wright

Kristi Wilson

Heather Young Jeff Winkler

Aaron Wright


p A R






Prettiest Fyes . Rand:. f·reeman , Da\\ona Edwards Class f.lirts: Don· na Carter. Dirk Coy an

Best Legs. Steve Talyor. Debb1e Bunch Class Clowns: Rita Sandy, Enc Williamson

Dizziest: Berry Ratliff. Laura Furnas Brown Nosers: Chris Eng e, Jen· nifer Vanover

Mark Adams

Li a gee Mike Allen

Joe Anderson Dav1d Ashmore 'v1arty Bogg

Tim Boggs Krist• Brunton Dale Campbell Ryan Campbell

David Carman Ken Carroll Joe Carter David Cates Jenny Ce sna

Tricia Chn ty David Clark huck Cockrell Jamie Coffman hannon Coffman Todd Cook

Tonya Cornett Tracy Damels Sheila Dyer Tricia Elliott edra Ellinger Karen Earnhart



bove: The Juniors how the1r pirit during the exciting pirit game held on Thur day Oct. 3 httle faster Kim! Left: Tim Boggs shows Jeff Harner how he tackled the BIG 0 E!

Jenny Elton Heather Fergu on Jeannie Fields 1m Fox Greg Freeman u an Ger pacher

Doug G1b on Missy Gradel Ken Gnsmer Chns Gutter} Deloris Hafner Jeff Harner

M1ke Hayes Rob Heiden ng1e Higgin K1m H1sle Dalla Hollan Lynn Houseright


Robert Huston Geneva I aac Bret Jamey on Jerry Johnson Kim Kleski Kell) Lamb

Kim Lamb tephame Lamb \\ endell Lamb 'vtary Lander Mike Lnherland Robm Little

Te 1 McBam Kevin McCann Connie 'vtcCloud Brian McKeehan Kelly 'v1cKenz1e teve 'v1c. utt

Heather ~alone)' Melanie Maybury hawna 'v1eador Heather 'vtiltenberger Laura Morgan Kevin '\ichol

nne O'Connor Julie Petitt Amy Prewitt ngela Prewitt David Prewitt Perry Purkey


Above¡ Tim Boggs shows us exactly how big hi mouth really i Left: Tc 1 McBam trie. to Improve on mother nature.

had Reeves Jessie Russell Tcrr} alyer Y1>1an ander~ Jeff chieman John haffer

Jim humaker Renee m1th J a on t. Pierre Chamwut Tangjiraslip Paul Trimble Matt YanHoo e



Jack Whitestine Tim Williams Brian Wilson Julie Winter Courtney Zimmer


Ena nder on Paul Bled oe There a Bogg Don Booher Greg Bow er hie} Boyd

\! endy Boyer

Jeff Brown Brad Burton cot ampbell ~1att Carne \btt Carter

Renee Cate Chri Cherne ky 1rg1l Clark Bill Collard Collin Cranmer Cra1g Dakin

Conme Davi Kyle Dooley D1ana Farler \1i. y Farley Kevm Fenner hannon Fergu on


Carmen Field M1chelle Frye Kathy Gib<bn Reg1na Gr Travi Hatmaker Rebecca Hartman

Dav1d Henry Robyn Hodge Ja n Hodson Sam Hoffer Lee Jame Kathy Jone

Robbie Kallage Ph1hp Lamb hawn Lind ey Tom Linebaugh Dawn McKeehan Tammy Manning

Thorn Michener Justin Miller Shananne \1iller Tim Miltenberger Kevin Mote Linn Mu elin

Duane ·apier Donald ·eeley Dav1d Oake Ja} 0 born Robbie Parker Pam Parks

Curt Pemberton Brian Phillip:. Robbie Phillip Chri Phipp:. There a Poole Kri ty Ray

Ryan Ray Nathan Robinson Jam1e andhn Michelle So tt Jeff e lar M1ke haffer


Jim huler Billy mith Li a pargur Mt sy pencer Perry tiles Julie utherland

Jean wartz Joe Taulbee tcole Thomas Mt y VanHorn Jamie VanWinkle


Diane Alvarado Alisha Arrasm1th Angela Behnken Bill Boggeln Jeff Bradley Steve Brittingham

Charlotte Campbell Doug Campbell Eric Campbell Bnan Caplinger Jason Carter Steve Clark

Angel Cole Danielle Copeland Chri ty Cornett Chad Corwin Missy Creech Chri tina Dakin

David Dankin u an Davidson Mike Dilworth Kim Drake Mike Duncan Bethany Elliott

Jennifer Este cott Favorite Mi I) Frank Joe Gaffin Lisa Graham Brett Groom


Roger Hall Tri ha Hall Rodney Hamm Bnan Hardyman Chn Htce manda Hymer

Michelle I aacs Wendy Jackson Jeanne Jamey on Ja on Johnson Matt John on Jeff Johnson

Kri ta Jones ean Jordan Michelle Kibler Dan Lamb Ryan Lamb Brian Lamb

Greg Little Margie l\.1cDonald Cry tal Meador Mary Ann Miars Jason Miller John Miller

Jo h Miller Curt Pack Jill Parks Jason Praeter Pam Prickett Candi Pummill

Claire Pummill John Reed Rachel Riley Jamie Servi Scot herrin Travis Siders

Trevor Siders Dawn Skaggs Tony Smith Robert tackman Kirstie Stencel Steve Stewart


Vanessa is always saying "Brenda thi is the way you do it."

Brad Stiles Rob Stiles Julie Tucker Vane sa Yair Brenda Vincent Shelley Wardlow

Lea Watson Rhonda \l htpkey Tara William Jennifer Winter Amanda Wolfe Dand Zimmer


MENU Mou e d' vocats aux Crevette ( vocado '\1ou e "'ith hnmp)

9th Annual Diner de Gala

oupe au Pistou (French eg. oup v Vermicelli) aumon a 1'0 e1lle (Fre h almon w. orrel) Orange Givree (Frozen orange w .


Fai an au in Rouge (Phea ant w. Red

ine, Mushroom )

B1bb Vmaigrette (Bibb Lettuce, vainaigrette) Brie Francais (French Bne Chee e) Le Reve du Chocolatier (Chocolate Marzepan ring w. choco. 'vfous e & wh1pped cream) Friandi es, Cafe, The glace (fancy cookies, tarte , coffee, iced tea)

The 9th Annual Waynesville High School French Club Gourmet Dmner was held on March S, 1988 10 the H.S . Cafeteria. Live mu ic, candlelight & fresh nower compliment thi evening of fine dining. Mr. Dillon & the tudents from the French cia ses plan, prepare and serve this 9 cour e meal, a money-raising event for the tnp to France. All of the food is fresh & prepared from cratch. Although omewhat expensive ($40), there are no complaint about quahty or quantity (whew!). Clockw1 e, thi page: The almon was fre hly fileted ("It's gro s" said the tudents); Mr . O'Banion & Mr . Mellott helping in the kitchen; "vfr. Dillon w. onion soup at the Sauerkraut Fe tival; Diner at the Diner de Gala. P. 83 top: Floral arrangement; Jeff & Kri t1 at work; middle, the cafeteria "transformed".


Far left, Mr . Pack can't believe all of the work that STILL ha to be done! Left, Fred Rieu wasn't around for the dinner. He did visit our chool for 2 weeks in September. t. Tropez i his home. He found things pretty different in Waynesville but he liked it!

Waynesville High School Music Department presents

"A Spring Concert" Thursday, May 19, 1988

Concert Choir • Gloria in Excelsis Deo

Concert Band Vivaldi

• The Clouds


• Rise, Shme . . . . . . . .

. .. ...

. . . ... .•

Stand by Me ..

Arr Ehret . King

Nothmg's Gonna Change My Love for You

..... Goff1n

March for Freedom


March · Seventeen Come Sunday Vaughan Williams The first movement of "Folk Song Suite ·by British Compo.~er Ralph Vaughan Williams. considered to be among the classic pieces of Concert Band Literature.

• ..... . Arr. Lojesk1 Somewhere Out There . Soprano Solo1st. Delons Hafner

Of Pride and Celebration . • . . . . . .. .. Sweanngen Guest Conductor: James Morgan

• indicates contest selections

Lights! Camera! Act1on! • • . . . . . . . . . . . Arr. Higg1ns A musical tribute to Hollywood and some of tls at/lime favorite movies.

Directed by David L eist A ccompanied by Lois Gradel

Sounds of Sousa . • . . . Arr. Ployhar A slimng medley of three favonte marches of John Phillip Sousa Directed by Bob Bilbrey


New tradition-Baseball catches KTC

This year' baseball team under Mr. ell continued it winning tradition. The team completed its league cason 12-2 and became KTC champ . This is the I t KTC title held by the baseball team ever. Kneeling, I to r: Mgr 'vfike" Ir' Dilworth, Jeff e ler, shley Boyd, hane ider . Robert Manmng (all- Lg), Tim \\'illiam ; tandmg: Coach ell, 11P-Mike Hubbell, Bst off PL.-Rob Kallage (.43 b.a, ali-Lg), ra1g Minnick, Bst. def. PL.-Mark A.nder on (.990 fielding, ali-Lg), Joe nder on (aliLg., 'vf P-Todd ook (7-4 pitching record, .400 b.a ), D1rk Co)an (ali-Lg). The PHD award \~ent to catcher, Joe nder on (.340 b.a.), who Coach !\.ell called, "The backbone of the team." The team b.a. \~as .345.


r.l : Dirk

oyan: r. 2: Mike Hubbell

The fir t reserve team pictured at right. KneelingPaul Tnmble, Jamie andlin, Travi Hatmaker, Rob tile , Ryan Campbell, Don Booher, Brian Hardyman. Row 2: oach Bunnell, Tim Miltenberger, Matt Johnson, Perry Purkey , hawn Lindsey, Curt Pack, Jeff Brown, and Travi iders. This year' re erve team showed good potential. There was a good nucleu of players. They fini hed the season with a ( 4-8) record. They played many big schools in which everyone played. Constant improvement was made throughout the year. The team had a .337 b.a. The leading hitter was Perry Purkey with a .469 b.a. Rob tiles had a (2-4) pitch1ng record. Below: Coach Bunnell and Coach . ell

Mr. '\Jell argumg.


Lady Spartans Have A Tough season! The Lady partans had a tough season th1 year with only one win which was over Cedarville Tho e pla}ers who received awards were hannon Kikta for Best Battmg verage, Jenmfer Winter for \1o t Improved Player and l\lleh a Baile} rece1ved the Pnde, Hu tie, and Des1re award. The team kneeling: Holly Haye , hannon Kikta, Debb1e Bunch, '\.1iSS} Bailey, and Crystal \1eador. standing: hawna Meador, Lee James, ngie Higgms, hannon Coffman, Jennifer \vmter, Lea \vat on, Tricia Chn ty, and mber Hurst.


Girls Track

The G1rl Track team had a ver; successful season, conclusively, thw 400, 00. and 1600m. relay team competed m regwnal competition Donna Carter and Jeanne Jame; on al o competed in regional competition in individual event . Laura \1organ 'Was named the Out tanding Performer and led the team in point . Jeanne Jameyson and Tara Williams received 'VIo t Improved awards. The1r ucce can be linked to their long and hard practice and their 'Wonderful coache , tephanie Paul and T1m Gabbard.

tanding: Bonnie Hoffer. Vane a Yair, Tara \ illiams, Kirstie tencil, Heather Ferguson, Knsta Jones. Kneeling: Jeanne Jameyson, L1. a Graham, Laura l\llorgan, Donna Carter, Kathy Jone .

emor: Donna


enior: Bonnie Hoffer

Boys Track

tanding: Make llaycs, John Mailer, Matt Van Hoose, Brct Jamc;.on, Ja; Osborn, hn Hicc. Kneeling: John Whitsel, cott Campbell, Dale Campbell, Collins Cranmer, can Jordan, Kyle Doole;


The Boys Track team worked hard throughout the . cason, and put forth a genuine effort. Although, their ca on was not that successful, members of the team had goals and dream which the; . tnved for, and in . orne ca e , the e goals were reached . Matt Van Hoo e wa the only member of the team to compete an regional competltaon an the 400 m dash enaor, colt Campbell received the Outstanding Performer award, John "faller \\a named "fo t Improved, and Collins Cranmer received the Pride, Hustle, and Desarc award The boy. -were pu hed throughout the ea on by their coach Bill Woosley.

cott Campbell


Tennis Anyone? The Tenm team had an uneven ea on this year with 2 wtns and 4 los e . Dav1d Oakes wa named \fYP. Ryan Ray was named Most Improved, and a ron \\right and Tom Bonham received Honorable Mention. Team pic. kn. nne 0' onnor. aron Wnght, Kevtn Me ann. Ja on t. Pierre. Back: David Oake • Jeff ch1eman. Ryan Ray, hanwut Tanru1ra hp. Tom Bonham, and Coach Dave Barton. emor below are: aron \i nght, Tom Bonham. and Bryan Coy.



French Trip

Top nght: Holly oland (Franklin H. >). Travi Hatmaker, Anne O'Connor, Kn ll Brunton, Rob Heiden, Heather \1aloney. Jennie Ce sna, Edd1e Bucholtz, Kevm \1cCann . Top left, "Hanging out" at the Pont du Gard 1n southern France. Above, the "world travelers" explore the taircase of the Chateau de Chambord. Right, Rob & Travis. having tired of the topic s beaches, catch orne rays on the deck of the ofitel Hotel in Canne P 95, lower left, The group, with the1r French ho ts in front of the Chateau de Chambord: front, Anne O'Connor, Heather Malone)' , Jenm Cessna, Fredefique Baraton. Lucie Baraton (standing); Back, I. to r Holl; oland, Kristi Brunton, TraVJ Hatmaker, Rob Heiden, Xavier Baraton, Mons1eur Baraton, Kevin McCann, Madame Baraton & Eddie Bucholtz. The Baraton fa mil; ho ted all I 0 of u m the1r countr; home near Tours. It wa a fun experience living with a French family!


Left. the group perched on the y.aJI of the hateau de 'ache; middle left, feasting on ~andY.1che au Jarnbon and frite in front of the Arena of '\unes; middle right, the group at (areas. onne and bouom nght. the hateau de Cenonceaux. The rrench lub agam sponsored the (9th) annual trip to f ranee, March 25- pril II. Included on the trip th1s year were stays in Pans. Cannes. Carcas onne. '\ imes & Tour . orne of the group particularl:r enjoyed the D'Or a:r Museum \~hlle others liked the double walled fortress of (areas onne. hopping was enjoyed b:r LL. The Easter D1nner at the Moulin de !'v!oug1ns, a 3-star restaurant near Canne , mcluded Quail Y.ith Fo1e Gra , Lob ter w. l\llorel mushrooms, Lamb chops w mall stuffed vegetable & incredible de sert followed b:r a visit to the kitchen & wine cellar. It \\as a Y.Onderful opportunity. brought about b} a lot of Y..ork and dedication {the Club earned enough to pay the night). Bravo!

Quick Recall/War of Wits

Thi year' Quiz Team participated in 2 programs: War of Wits and the KTC League's Quick Recall. This year's team, p1ctured left mcluded (front): Matt Carter, Rob Stile , Chri Engel, Eddie Bucholtz, Melanie Maybury, David Clark; (back) Ryan Ray, Brad Beckett, Kevin McCann, Joe Carter. Several member are not pictured Chris Engel wa selected AllLeague in Quick Recall. Mr. Ce na adv1 ed.

Ryan Lamb is Freshman of the Year! Ryan Lamb was selected Fre hman of the Year for hi excellent scholarship (4.0), character, activitie . He is pictured left receiving the individual award; permanent plaque ha been inscribed with his name also! Below, Ryan w1th h1 proud family: front, Mr . ue Lamb, Hall:, Lamb, Amanda Garrett; back, Mr. Everett Lamb, Mr . Ea ter Garrett (grandmother) & Ryan. Congratulations!


Academic Awards



The Academic Award Banquet was held "vtay 17th in the gym. wards, certificate & plaques were given; a reception with cookies and punch followed in the cafeteria. Mrs. Clark and the ational Honor ociety pon ored the well-attended event. Pictures clockwise, p. 98 from the upper left: Mo t Improved 1n French Award . Amber Hur t. French Ill ward . Jennifer Vanover; Juniors, 3.5 or above: David Clark, Kevin McCann; Senior Leadership Award : Chris Ses lar, Denise Brown, Mi sy Bailey, Shannon Kikta ; Top 5 French I¡ Mi y Creech, Charlotte Campbell, "vtike Litherland (Best tudent), Tara Williams, Michelle I aacs; Senior with 3.5 or better average for this school year: Tara Lamb, Chri Se slar, Robert Manning, Bonnie Hoffer, Dennis Brown, Mike Hubbell, Julie ~ichener, Jennifer Vanover; ophomores, 3.5 or above: (front) Ena Ander on, Kathy Jones, (back) KnstJ Ray, Lon Mendenhall, Ryan Ray, J1mmy Shuler; French Awards: David Clark (belated), French II : Kevin McCann, Jimmy huler, Joe Carter (French Club); Fre hmen with a 3.5 or above average: ( front) Charlotte Campbell, teve Clark, Doug Campbell, Jeff Bradley, (back) Tara Williams, Ryan Lamb, Rob tile , Matt John on. Clockwise, this page: (from upper left), C.A.P. (Child Assault Prevention) Students of the Month: Tammy ~anning, Diana Farler, Connie McCloud, Joe Carter, Robert Manning, Aimee Jones, helley Lamb, Bonnie Hoffer; American Legion Te t Award : )eff Bradley, Rob Stile , icole Thomas, Ryan Ray, Chri Engel, Shelley Lamb; tudents of the Month¡ Chris Se lar, Diana Farler, Shelley Lamb, Charlotte Campbell; Vocational Highest Academic average: Tara Lamb; Seniors, 3.5 or above all four year , Robert Manning, Bonnie Hoffer, Chris esslar; Senior Cia room Awards: (front) Shannon

... Kikta, Mi y Bailey, Yvette Jones, Jenmfer Vanover, Bonnie Ho ffer, (back) Eddie Bucholtz, Juhe Michener, Beverly Garrett, Scott Campbell, Robert Manning, Chris esslar. Several tudents are not pictured throughout thi layout.


Drama Awards \ tr l c1q , nd h1' Dr,\ma and ~tusical studc'lh had,\ \Cr\ uccc sful ~car. Onl) \\ith the help of thc'c talented indiYiduals \\Ould h1' pia) be .1' grc .. t as the) are C\Cr) )Car. Th1s \C,Ir'' ,\\\,ud \\inner \\ere: hris Engel \\llh Br' t \ ·tor. \ \1 c \ lien \\llh Bet 'u!'lp0rt ng \ ·tor. \ m) Pre\\ 1tt \\ nh Be t \ ·tre '· :1> ·1lr\ l, mb nd \ ti") Gradel \\lth B ·, t ~ upp0rt ng \ ctre , c, In ~tr. Lei 1 Dr,\m,\ ,\" k 1m Jo.. Je, i "a the \\ 1nncr of the B ''I \ ·t e ' \\ ,\0\ p.:cial than ' \\ ent ~)ut to \l r. B1lbrr\ for hi' ) car'' of dedication 1n th Pit r h 'tr . \ l to \l r Gr del for of piano pia) ing.

Band Awards \1r. B1lbre} and the \\ H Band are I ing three \ery hard \\Orking and talented people. The) are a ron \\ nght, Eddie Bucholtz, and Chri Engel Th" )ear a\\ard v.inner ere¡ a ron \\right 1th the Loui rm trong av.ard and Eddie Bucholtz v.ith the John Philh v.J .1 av.ard . nother a ard \\ent to the IT' t ou• tandmg Fre hman v.ho wa KeVJn Fenner. \\ e De that in the }ear to come that our H1g. chool Band ill be a good and a hard r ng a it wa this )ear and in the :-ear pa t .


ational Honor oc. eniors (right), front, heryl Bowie , Yvette Jones, Scott Campbell, Robert Manning, Jennifer Vanover; back, Eddie Bucholtz, Tanya Dee, Mark nder on, Julie Michener, Bonnie Hoffer, Chri Ses ler. Middle right, new inductee : front, Ena Ander on, Kristy Ray, Tammy Manning, Rex Kuriger, Ryan Campbell, hananne Miller; back, Kathy Jane , Ryan Ray, Bryan Wilson, Jim Shuler, Heather Miltenberger. Middle left, Mark Ander on (v. Pre .), heryl Bowie ( ec'y.), Jennifer Vanover (Trea .), Robert Manning (Pre ident). Bottom left, Yvette Jones & Mrs. Clark preparing the reception after the .H.S. Induction. Bottom right, .H.S. party time. Page 103, clockwi e from upper left: hananne \1iller i not a pyromaniac; she' a new inductee! Ena getting pinned while the Campbell , Jane & Mr. Harring look on. The Kuriger & the Manning . Parent after the ceremony. Ryan & Mr. Ray. The Miltenberger and the Rays.


National Honor Society


Class Officers

Above, SE lOR Cia s officers: Pres. Tom Bonham, Y. Pres. Aaron Wright, Sec'y. helley Lamb, Treas. Eddie Bucholtz, Bus. Mgr. Jennifer lOR Clas Officers: bottom, Sec'y. Angie Vanover; Above right: J Prewitt, Pres. Connie McCloud, top, Y. Pres Lynn House right, Treas. Kim Kleski, Bus. Mgr. Angie Higgins, Rest of page, Clockwise from middle: David Oakes (Soph. Sec'y); Julie Sutherland (Soph. Treas.), Kri ty Ray ( oph. Y.P.); Freshmen Class Officers: front, Vanessa Yair (Y.P.), Charlotte Campbell (Pres.), Jason Praeter (Bus. Mgr.), Top, Kim Drake (Sec'y); Chad Corwin (Frosh Treas.) is pictured below; Bottom left, Jeff Se star (Soph. Pres.). Jamie VanWinkle (Soph. Bus. Mgr) is not pictured. Lo t picture account for this jumble!

Student Council

The 1987-88 WHS Student Council (p1c. left). Row I, teve Taylor, Robert Manning, Shelley Lamb, A1mee Jone , Bonnie Hoffer, Aaron Wright, Jennifer Vanover; Row 2, Angela Prewitt, Karin Earnhart, Bret Jamey on, Tesi McBain, Laura Morgan; Row 3, Crystal Meador, Tammy Manning, Diana Farler, David Oake , Theresa Boggs, Kn ta Jone , Jeanne Jameyson, Brenda Vincent. Mr. Ces na (not pic) advised. Below, tudent Council Officer Trea . Bonnie Hoffer, ec'y, Laura Morgan, Vice Pres. Jennifer Vanover, Pres. Aimee Jones.


By Request . .. few more candid Glimp e of the 1987 1988 chool Year!!!


Fun Time at WH ! ollins, How do you do that? chool population explode in the pnng when our friends the cockroaches arrive ( ee portrait!)!


The Mu e Machine i an organization which trie to meet the cultural need of young people in the Dayton area. It pon or education program and performance in the member chools and an Out-Of- chool Program in co-operation wnh the Dayton Opera, Ballet, Contemporary Dance Companie , & the Victory Theatre & Dayton rt In tttute. Mrs. King, M . Tackett & Mr . Perry are the mam faculty pon or . lockwi e from the middle right. Mu e Machine Captains (those pre ent at the ward Banquet): Jenmfer anover (co-Ballet), aron Wright & Ryan Ray (coPhilharmonic), Melanie Maybury (Theatre), Aimee Jones (Opera), Michele I aacs (DCD ), helley Lamb ( ew ), Eddie Bucholtz ( pecial Capt.) . Bottom right, cene from "Class Reunion".

Below, Mi y Brumfield (Ballet Capt.) at an in-school performance for '"vfu e Mach. member . Bottom, Mt y & Erin Ray at the arne meeting. Some of the members worked hard to make the program a ucce . Other didn't do "one bloomin' thing". mong out-of- chool program were: "The _ ight Before Xma ", Falstaff, Dayton Art Institute vi it, The pring Gala. In-School performance included CARME, & "Cia

I 10

Muse Machine

Best Wishes Seniors


POST #615 120

. 4th


W aynesville, Ohio 45068




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FHA Serves This year's F.H.A ./ Hero Club was one of out tandmg serv1ce. The pictures on this page (clockw1se from upper nght) show everal of the tub's projects: Bev Garrett presides at the Induction eremony; t the tate onvention in Columbus are I. to r., Kathy Jones, Julie Tucker, Margie rvtcDonald, Mrs. ara Conley ( dvisor), Bev Garrett (Pre ident), Angie Prewitt and Connie McCloud . Bottom right, F.H.A. ponsored an ids ~areness Booth at the Health Fair. Mr. Weirauch had to "Kis a Pig" at a pep a sembly. This moneyrai ing project, along with the pring & Fall Cleaning of apartments in the Rotary enior Citizen Housing Complex, raised a total of $900.00 which -was given to the Children's Hospital Trauma Program. Th1s amount was the 7th highest amount donated in the state and hows the care and concern generated by Mrs. Conley, Mr . Watson and the club member .


Boy's & Girl's State

Above, left to right, Boy's tate Rep. Bryan Wil on with his Mom Terri, Girl' tate Rep. Angie Higgins; Girl's tate Rep. Connie McCloud; Left, Boy's tate Rep. Joe Carter. The e four young people were selected to attend Boy's tate (At Bowlmg Green t. U ) & Girl's tate (at shland College) tn the summer. The merican Legion sponsors the event which ets up mock governments and introduce tho e who attend to political proce es. It i al o an excellent to meet other tudents from all over the State of

I 13

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Comp'•'• L•nt ol Pa.:l!.ag•ng S..,pgt ••

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Contact: Lucy reech or Judy Cruthfield Writi ng ddre : P.O. Box 447 Wayne ville, Ohio 4506 Bu iness Addre : 9000 Kenrick Rd. Centerville, Ohio 513-885-3365


COUNTY WIDE WATER SERVICE 223 N. Meln St., P.O. Box 504 Weyneav/1/e , Ohio 45063 Ow neff Edwerd L. Lemb Verdi• R. Pelrlclc

Phone 897-9590 932-532 1

513- 987-0614

Amy Schweer Boland ttorney At Law


~ 45 West Franklin Street Bellbrook, Ohio 45306 (513) 848-6711


9160 North State Route 48 • CenteMIIe, Ohoo <45459


This years mock weddtng was a mashing ucce s due to a few major change and the co-operation of everyone involved. nlike in years pa~t. thi~ annual ceremony was held in the evemng, allowtng the parents of the "brides" and "grooms" to become really involved. Thi added a great deal of enthusiasm. especially on the part of the parent The ceremony went off without a hitch even the candle whtch \\ere oh- o-expertly lit by raig and Robert burned faithfull) to the end. t the recepuon that followed everyone \\ltnes ed the expected "take the cake and smear it on the 'new(y\\eds' face" routine, except for poor helley. who had achtng hand . Many thank go to Joe & Test, Bob Jone . Mr . \Vat on & Mr. Conley.


Friends'? I'm not so sure!



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ThiS :rear's production or Oliver showed the talent, dedication and proress10nali m which have become a tradition at ~ a:rnesville High chool. Mr Leist began the 3-times-a-week practices on Feb. 2. long \\llh long hour or practice, the actors were required to take singing and acung le~sons '\ choreographer, make-up artist, hve orche tra, dediCated parent and rriends . . . all added tO make a top-notch perrormance. "\llr. Leist would stop the whole how to work out any detail. He is dedicated, prore ional, talented and always on time. He makes you \\ant to learn because he makes it run!", sa1d helley Lamb. 0, hats orr to ~1r. Leist and hiS crew ror another JOb well-done!

A Continuing Tradition of Excellence!



Principal role~ in Oliver ~ere pla}ed b) : Chris Engel (Fagan), m} Pre\\ttt (1\ancy). \1ikc >\lien (Bill ikes). Wtlham ctgnst (Ohvcr), l\.1bs} Gradel (\\rtdow 'Jrney). Jeff chteman ( \1 r. Bumble), Joe II011ard (Mr Brownlow), Joe arter & helle) Lamb ( \fr. & \1r>. 011crberr} ). Melanic

'i illtam etgnst (right) did an excellent JOb in his role as Ohver!

\1a:tbury (\1rs Bed~in), Matt Carter (Dr Gnmwig) . Thts mustcal rcqutred man} child actors & much work!

"Jew this }Car were scene changes made while the curtain was open On friday mght, the picture of bigail wa madvertentl}' left on the wall during a street scene. Matt Carter wasn't very kind to Widow Corney's vase eitherl On aturday, Chris Engel's hat fell off and hi. w1g came off with it! Chris. an excellent actor, took it all in stride! The backdrop, a very expen ive rented piece, got lost and arnved late, nearl} driving Mr. Leist made! Mr. Leist' profe sionali m, dedication & attention to detail brought this play to great success!


One Hundred Sixteenth



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A 116-Year Tradition

• • •


With a couple of minor naws (Yvette · sleepy foot. Tom Introducing the D1rector of the Tabernacle" hoir", and the graduates Yo· Yomg up and down at the beginning of the ceremony). graduation went moot hi} and quickly thi year in 95 degree weather. The Gym was "packed". fter speeches, awards & diplomas were presented by the chool Board.


\1cdal \\ards. 19 Engh,h, Math, cicncc. Yalcdictonan-Bonnic Hoffer; Yearbook Ed .. \CllVllleS, iti7cnshiphcllc} Lamb; FrcnchJenmfer Vanover; rt. ou. a 1\ \\ard- Eddie Bucholt1; ocial tudiesDcnnis BrO\\n, Bu ine shannon Kikta; Ouhtanding JV tudcntDan Davis. JV Point Avg.am Bailey; alutatorianRobert \1anning. Director's \\ard- hns Engle. LatinMike Hubbell; rmstrong ''ard-1\aron Wright; tate Dept. of Ed . !\wardsTom Bonham. heryl Bo"lcs. Tonya Dec. Bonme Hoffer, imcc Jones, hns e star, Julie \11chcncr. Mike Weidlich; Oh10 Bd. of Regent.: Edd1c Bucholtz. Julie Michener. Chn es lcr.


Farewell Class

Of '88

AthleticfScholarhsip Awards: Robert l\1anning, Rayman Hatfield ward; Bonnie Hoffer, Mary L. Hart ock Award; Presidential Academic Fitne s Award: B. Hoffer, R. Manmng, C. es ler, E . Bucholtz, J. Michener, M. Ander on, 1\1. Brumfield, J. Vanover; Who's Who in Amer. choolsBonme Hoffer; Perfect Attendance, 4 yr . of High chooi-Missy Bailey; Vars1ty Cheerleader, Wnght State-Donna Carter; Governor's Youth Art Award-Kn ti \! il on. CHOL RSHIP : Rotary Club of Waynesville-Julie Michener, Chris e lar, Bonnie Hoffer, Robert \fanning, Ohio Acad cholar hip-Bonnie Hoffer; J. Brent Crane Memorial- helle) Lamb; Robert L Bernardhns Engel; James Holman l\1emorial-Julie Michener; at'l Honor ociety-Tonya Dee & Yvette Jones; Academic Boosters-Robert \fanning; Waynesville Liane -Chris e slar; Wayne ville Lion -Eddie Bucholt7 & Julie Michener; CCL- Bonnie Hoffer; Warren Co. Bd. of Ed.-Eddie Bucholtz; Waynesville Optimist-Bonnie Hoffer & Chris esslar; Amer. oc. of M1l Comptrollers, W . . Dist. Co. Comm. & Eng. Assoc., Charle Illes Memonal, Am . Busine s Women's oc.-all to Julie Michener; W Coli. of cience & 'vfath.-Chri e lar; Eastern Ky. .-Robert Manning. Even with these numerous awards, graduation went quickly this year. The Band' program included the process1onal of "Pomp and Circumstance," "March for Freedom," "The lma \1ater," "The Orange and the Black," and the Reces ional, "Coronation March from • tar War '."The Choir sang, "I Know We'll .\!feet gain." enior left the tage to join the Band & hoir. The Benediction was given by Rev. herman Cook. Bonnie, Robert and Danny gave mterestmg speeche telling the audience to "follow their dreams," "be thankful to your family & friend ,"and "set goals for yourself." Outside the gym robes were hed, the heat abated, and many were read:r to party, then face the future.


Yearbook, Whodunit? V ho did It, indeed? V ho carried out hi her responsibility? everal did. Other did not. Clockwise from the upper right: The Yearbook Clas : front , Jennifer anover, helley Lamb (ed), Laura Morgan, Bev Garrett; back, Lisa gee, Greg Freeman, Lynn Houseright, Kim Kleski , Tricia Elliot, Brad Beckett, heryl Bowles. everal of the Yearbook taff member working on the ad campaign. Mr. D11lon, thanks to Mrs. Boggs' ugge tion, receive a plaque (a fir t! after nearly 2,000 page of yearbook and 20,000 pictures taken!) . Bottom left, a typical view of yearbook tudents contemplating a theme? visualizing layouts? resting before the bell (tardy or end-of-period?). The Yearbook did several good thmg thi year: they organized the Xmas Dance in Mr. Dillon's ab ence. They got a number of lay-out done before school was out. The:y ate pizza well. When the ch1ps were down in the summer, only a few bothered to help and live up to their re ponsibihty¡ Li a Agee, Lynn Hou eright, Laura Morgan, her:yl Bowie , Mr. Dillon, Tricia Elliot. Without them, the book wouldn't have been fini hed. We thank: John wartzel for everal pies we used: Kipp Stewart, for a GREAT job a Herff-Jones rep . .. he always goes the extra mile for us!; Mr . lien for pies; Mr. Harring, ~r . Wit on, Mrs. Clark for various form of encouragement! In pite of abotage, theft of pictures & materials & an irresponsible attitude by several people, we have produced another edition of THE PARTA ! Thank to those who worked hard!!






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