Miami Gazette August 27, 1974 - January 13, 1975

Page 1


Tu!'sday, August 27 ,


Se.:oad class POlllge paid II Wl)'nen1lIw.OIriu Price 10 cents

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Warren County Sheriffs Deputy Is Top Three HN'O!(OItlon of OhIo 's thr('p lop ('nfOrt'eml'nt offiner, wllh pn'· 5!'nl<llion scholarshIp awards WIll hI' fea lurpd this y,'ar W('dnpsday, Aug 2l! at th,' 19.4 Stat.. Family A,Falr Announc,'· menl of th., 12th annual ('\'pol was mad" by '~' rederick A Vlerow , acling dlrl'ctor of the Ohio Departn1l'nl of HIghway Safpty Inl'rt'a""d monplary awards , from $01:1:1 :I~ III $500 , plus sUl lahl" plactlll' I'Italloo" w ill h<' pr"'l'ol .. d b\ Ihl' (.hlo 1' .. lrllll'lIm C'olln('11 ('f'HlJ:wra t IIti:! .... p()n~or ,Hl('f' I hj' Itll'f ' pflon of Iht · pffu.!r~ lfll For Ih,'


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Ih!' !lhlo Associa tioo of Chiefs of 1'0111"' , IS Palrolman Edward F , I..('w" of Ih!' lily of Bay Village, Th.. Huck!'y!' Stale Sheriffs' '1'll't'tlon IS Oeputy Sheriff Charles HohNt Dimmitt 0( the Warren County, Sheriff's Deilartmenl. SUit!' Highway "Pa trolman of the Yl'ar, " suhmittl'd by Col. Robert ~, Chiaramonte , superintendent, IS Sgl LPiancl C Predmore of the IJdlanc(' Post l'oriPr Ih" program, the winning offl('p r st' I(,,'t, a cours(' of training and Ihl' Inslltullon offering it. His Jllfi , dll'ltrlnal organization conlilliII" hI> salary during Ihat Itt'f l od

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Til" pn''' 'III"tl'''l program will Iw tlro.llk.I:-1 lin tht · Huh Braun TV :"11 11 1\.. q\ ('r \\" l. \If Tf·le\'lsion :-la t\lln~ \0 Columbus. CinCInnati, i 1;1\ 1'"1 Hnrllorllanapolis: and on W I . \\ H,HlIfl

School Op"ns

Photo Pa,l!"s

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Tuesday, August 27, 1974



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'~~~/r~';~1i'~?S;'-: ' . The MIAMI GAZETTE Published Weekly at 55 South Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Second ctass postage pa,d at Waynesv,IIe. Oh ,o

THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.o . BOI 325. Waynesville· Phone 897·5921


' 1.



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Lila McClure Editor & Publisher Sandee Blazer Contributing Editor Donna Huffman Staff Artist Karen Gasaway Advertising Sales Subscription - $3.00 Per Year

Mr . and Mrs . Lee Boerstler entertained Mr . and !llrs . Herbert Fairchild from Wilmington for Sunday dinner Former

Waynesville resident ~Irs . Lest'~r H Gordon 7401 Eastmoreland Road·Box 306. An· mandale Vi r. 22003 celebrates her birthday Friday. Cubs pack 40 picnicked Stoney brook Saturday .


Waynesville Historical Society had a big roaring time at Fort Ancient.

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Ferry Church 01 Christ


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First Church of Christ


United Methodist Church


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Pentecostal Holiness Churd!

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Sf, A..gastine (bud!

Dayton Power and Light Company officials today testified tha t equipment to remove sulfur dioxide (S02) from the Company's electric generating station stacks is not needed and would raise consumer electric ra tes by 20 to 30 percent. The cost of these facilities would be at least $165 million . The testimony. submitted to the Montgomer'Y County Combined General Health District Board in Dayton. deals with emission variances the Company has requested for the Tait Generating Station on particulates. sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide . DP&L Em'ironmental Management Vice· Prsident Howard R. Palmer said the Company will comply with particulate emission regulations for units 4 and 5 with the completion of SI.8 million elec· trostatic plrecipitators next year . Four smaller units at Tait will be modified this year to burn fuel oil when available. When burning oil these units will also conform to government regulations . DP&L respects the environment and has spent millions of dollars on pollution control de\'ices where needed . However. with the cost of electricity already rising. there is no reason to further burden the consumer with .another substantial rate increase for sulfur dioxide removal f;3cilities that are not needed . DP&L atl:orney Peter H. Forster and Palml~r said the Company minimizes sulfur emissions by burning t .2 percent sulfur contenl coal. only three-tenths of one per cent greater than the .9 percent limitation . Forster said this is substantial compliance with the regula tion . DP&L has told the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency that present S02 removal equip· ment is not pro\·en. and if installed. ..... ould create a great em;ronmen· tal problem in the disposal of thousands of tons of sludge each \'ear . . DP&L testified that the Federal Em'ironmental Protection Agency has no ni trous oxide emission limitations for this region.

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Friends Meetino

S02 Hemoval Costs


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First Baptist Church 1,. . . . . "






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St, Mary's EPiscopal Chmll

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"A WORD ABOllT SATAN ." God's holy word describes satan power is great but he is still under as the greatest enemy of God and the control of God . Only through man. It is so easy to under· God can we hope to ward off his estimate the power and deception earthly temptations . His malicious of stan. In the Book of John ~we designs can only be pursued with are told from part of this 'Qii'se the permission of God . God that, "He was a murderer from the furthers His divine plan by beginningand abode not in the allowing satan to carry out his evil truth, because there is no truth in plots. as in the case of job as him. When he speaketh a lie. he recorded in the book of Job speaketh of his own ; for he is a liar. I: 12·2:5.6 Our only hope lies in and the father of it." According to God . if we are Christians with the book of Luke chapter 10 : 18 we God's Holy Spirit guiding us and are told that satan tell from we daily study God 's holy word we heaven. He is the ruler of a have His promise that. "He will kingdom . having principalities. never leave us nor forsake us." poers ~nd demons under him even unto the end of the world . Heb according to the books of Ma tlhew 13 :';. Shall we remember that sin 12:24·26 Luke II : 18 and Re\'elation usually overtakes us slowly . If we 12:7. He entered into the heart of allow satan to get his foot in the Judas to cause him to betray Jesus door . he stands a good chance of (Johll 13 :27J. He caused Peter's entering into our lives and heart to fall (Luke 22 :31) He is so plausible abide there . As Christians may we th'lt he seems to be an angel of support each other as we continue light ' lI Corinthians 11 : H . A our battle against this formidable messe~ger was sent from Him to enemy . Remember the Christian 's buffet ' the apostle Paul II armor is only effective in a frontal Corinthians 12 :7. Adam and E\'e altack . Meet satan head on. using fell to IUs temptation. The list could the word of God as ammunition . go on and on . The main point that I May God Richly would like to convey is that His Bless you Ohio Ernie Smith

United _ Church_ of Christ _a

Mr . and Mrs . Jan Greer entertained Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mary and family Sunday from Mt. Sterling and Mrs . Marie Clay of Columbus .


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Friendship Baptist Church




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The Full Gospel Tabernacle

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Jonahs Run Baptist Church


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Tuesday . Augusl 27 . 1974

Page 3

THE PRESCRIPTION WAS READY AND WAITING Th ... ar~ pres~riptiOl. medicines that are prt:'pared by us way in ad,'ance of receiviD& a rail tor tht"m This Ui partiC'ularly true 01 some multi ~ lngr('dir"nt prrS(' riptions that are wrilten by dermatologists, Because a derrnalo10~ist wUl prrs("rib~ the sarnt' basic medication prescription quite oflt'n. we will compound a suffirienl supply to last for a normal ""riod of time . . Frequently. Ihe~ prescriptions take a lon~ time to makt' and in this way our cust.omer will not ha\'~ 10 wait for it 10 be made up from snatrh . We try to work clo""ly with all phySi<ians to brlne you a professional pbar-

macy service. l · Ot· on l'oen DOCTOR C".-\S "\lOSE l OS \\heu you netd a dt'lh'rry . \\'r \\ill dt' lin'r promptly without extra C'han:,(" . :\ .:rr:l t many "t'CJJlI~' rrl .\ till U!'I rur thrir ht'alth "("('lis. \\'e \\ .,I(,(UIlI' 1"t·~u,· ... I, Cur cJr!an·r .\' ... rn i(' r ami (·har.:.e


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Doris Van Horn Glenn Kuras Bill Purkey Susan Campbell Dale Dakin

ResideaUal . FaMIU • c--daJ

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U Know US LONG INSURANCE AGENCY 105 E Mulberry Street. Lebanon







Tuesday . August 'n. 1974




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Waynesville Body Shop

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264 N. Main ( At JONES GARAGE)





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Air Conditioned For Your Comfort

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Sun . 11·6

• 15 Yr. Experience


• Proud of Our lead Worll

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• Insurance Worll Welcome


278 South Main St reet


• Free Estimates


PHONE 897-3521 Open Till 8 p.m. During August Saturdays 9 - 4


Tuesday, August '1:1, 1974

Page 5

In Their Memories Buford "Walks Tall" b~

What do you think the Communi · ty Action Comm itte<.> should be doing ~ The county CAC is a nxIOUS for your input. Thl' s laff ha s planned fin- community meetmgs So, you can lell us whalthis counly ne<.>ds in its anti·poverly efforts The ml'etings a r l' sc heduled as follows : August 22 . Franklin City Building ; August 26 South Lebanon Municipal Building , August 28 ' Ha rveysburg Full Gospel Church : Septl'mber 3 ' Lebanon City Council Room , September 5 ' ;\!orrow Polic .. Department All meetings a re sched ull'd for 7 ;30 p.m . Be s ure to bring your friends , Refreshml'nt s will be sen·l'd .




,} 1-Pllilll1biIIa ..... ·•Sea ~ . . ... .m MIl



Nursery School Registration

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August 27-28


. Baak Bedi. ......: .... aM hlJ'....... ::............: ~ &lid! SWp NIIea .

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C_. Bid


885 ·7402


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fa Senice

9:30 to 11:30

SoClat Row Road , Waynesville

885 ,7716

UNCLAIMED ., s,i -:. ,;, . - .




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This Coupon Worth SOC Chicken in a Basket


21 pIeces, 18 pieces or 15 pieces


1.:: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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9 P.M .


Sandl'l' Rlall'r

Wh, ch wa s blggl'r - Buford Pu<ser I h e man . or Buford Puss,' r 's Il'gend" If you ask e Ither of two Wa rren ("aunt y m en who have just spent two "f the st rangest weeks of thler Ille , you WIll undoubtedly be told Ihat t he le gend could never really m easure up tn thl' man's whost' ,'haract t' r matched hl~ 6'1i " Iraml" 'tOd th"lI . "ent furth t' r Ill'puty ..\rn nld Sm Ith . ch Ief citspatchN for th ,' Warr l'll t 'uullty Shenff's Deparl m l'lIt . alld Rob Ja y , a slX'c lal dt'pul y. Werl' 111 ..\dams\'ilil' , Tl'nm'ss{'{' WI th theIr Wl\'es on August 9 and 10 Vlsltl n~ ,qth 11ll' fa mous " Walkln~ Tall " Shl'rt ff and hiS fa' mtly Tht' 11ll'nwrtt's were sl lll frt'Sh In th"lr m Ind . wh"11 th,'y hea rd th., sad lIt'W, · Bufored wa s klllPd The IWO nH'n agalll le fl fnr TennesSl'I' . thiS Ilm .'ln attend a funl'ral. along WIth hundreds of famous pl'Opll' , In · dudlng actnrs l;l'Orge J onl's and J,H.' Dnn Rak t' r Bakt'r portrayed l'ussl'r m the Walking Tall m O\'Il' Two w{'{' ks bl'fort' , the SmIths and .Jays )('arned that I'usser hImself would s ta r 111 a seq ue l to th e mo\'I!' " h"' h was t o he entItled . " Bufnrd " It IS a t('sllmnny to the formpr shl'r lff's pleasa nt personahty tha t most who ml't him ca lled h,m by hi S first nam e, e\'en though hp IS well kno ..... n throughout the world By April, the movIe about hIS lifl' had grossed more than $60 million , When Buford was in Warren County In Janua ry, to talk about law I'nforcement on behalf of Sheriff Roy Wallace, hE' had l'X' tended an mVl tat ion to the depu ties and thl'ir fam ihl'S to visit hIm m Tennessee As h,s fam e mcreased . It is lIkely that he sel'mPd more and marl' beyond th e reach of thl' ordmary m a n , bu t the SmIths and thl' Ja ys not only found that the PUSSl'r doo r was np<> nt'd wldl' for thl'm , but that Bufor .. d . hlm sl' lf , arranged ItIS s('hl'dul,' so Ihat hI' could spend ' ''rill' t 1111 ., WI th th e m Wh.'n th('y ar rl\'l'd 3t the I'uss,'r howl' IiI Adarn s\ 11I l' nn Aug ust Y. they WPr<' m l't at t hl' door by f'usspr 's Inot h l' r . Ht' lpJl ""hom Srn llh d,'!'('rlbl's a s " a larg£' down -I II part h

wa r

I11 heartt-d and a ll s miles " "Sh.. '" a,s" proud "f Buford thaI ' hI' ,toppt.'d f,Xing , upp<>r 10 pull out th .. a lbum s ." Sm Ith rl'lated Buford 's ,on , "llk,' . now t9 years old . and ,n college , '" a s ntfJwl ng thl' ~rass at t hl' I'usser family hume ....'hl'n Dawan a . now a tecnagl'r , arnved hum e, she was told by hl'r grandmother tha t she should help " mow the grass " . SmIth relatt'S that the young lady replied , " if Daddy told me to , I 110'11\ " Smith said that the daughter 's admIration for he r Dad was \'ery ob\'lous . Hl' describes thl' yo ung lady as "a bIg bundll' of joy " Thl' \'o ld-a WIfe for Bufordstilll'xisted and Smith rl'lates that con\'l' r s at lon nl'\'er t run ed to qUl'Stl ons abo ut Buford 's intentIOns abo ut r e marr y ln~ S mith wa s espl'Clall~ c arl'ful not tl' broach thl' s ubj,"<-' I -I "':" t h<'lr \1SII Ihe r p "'if, 'SCI nea r thl.: f lflH' (I: :\u~u:--' '.,,: h·' :l \1 r:-: Pu ~..;,('!" \ 1. a' k ~ l l .. d .If)pan ·;l:l:

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abo ut what was apparently . his fav ont e subjC<'t - needed reform in thf' JudI cial system , A man of at·t Ion . h,' showed an impatience as hI' lalk ed of "gt'lling out the men who do nnth,ng and bringing in one who WIll wor k for needed ehangl"" ~:xact l y what pull c tal office, the form.'r Sh e nf( plan~ to sl'l'k in ,b ys to 1'''011' wasn ' t dear . but he did ,nd,cat l' It would be a " high 1,'\'l'If" "mCI' li e recently sup' portl'<i Hay Rlanton . a Democrat Ihal run s ucc('ss fully for GO\,l'rnor p( TPIHll.'SSl'I' In the Primary . His persona l politIcal Intentions came 10 Itl(hl whIle he was being in, 1,'r\' II'wro In Wa rren County last .J il lluary a nd made headlines in his hum(' sta l e

What abo ut the area he " cleaned up " whIle She r iff ; the arl'a known a, the s tr ip which is a small area at Ihe MI SSISSIppi, Alabama and Tennl'Ssee border' According to SmIth, when he a nd Jay asked if it would lx' oka y to go into that area III1W , Pusser rl'plted , " It wouldn't be wise to go th ere, even in the daytIm e " I'usse r told them that b(,t w{'{'n iOO and 800 prople would t'ro wd Ihe ni ght spots that night. a Fnday f'usser told Sm ith that he felt that hIS mvolvement with the production of the movie about his life cost hi me his re~leclion as Sheriff. Clifford Coleman. who defeated h im in 1970. was bimseU defeated just recently . Whatl'ver bitterness Pusser may ha \'l' had about losing the election , wa s minImi zed by his Knowledte Ihat the mov ie has brought r enpwed interest in improving the cri mIn a l justice system , The s('q ul'l e nt Itled "Burford" , was set for production this Fall . This film was to continue from the point whl' r~ hI' le ft the hospital and would show Buford working with c hildren nf thE' count y and with the \'a rll' Us CI\'II' gr oups , such as ,Ja ycN:'s To further sa fe ty , Buford a rranged fllr a private "drag _I rlp " to kN:'p the youth from s pl'l'dlnK o n th e roadways . .-\t'l''' rdl n~ tn SmI th . he s howed no I'~ot Ism abollt becoming the star of .. hlog r aphlCal mU\'Ie and Smith was wllltng til bet that after product ItIn of thl' film , Buford \lnu ld ha\'l' s tili been welcoming " Id frl~nds and making no-eharge appearances on behalf of law "n fur el' m!'nt But opl'n as he hiS, and even with hi S magnIficent ability to survive when they arnved at the one motel In tuwn and told the owner about their plans 10 visit Buford, the " wner , a longtime friend of Pusser 's , tried to discourage them from " bothering Buford" , The Smiths and Jays realized that the man was simply being a good fr iend and dIdn't realize that they had been In vited there . And at least one other-Deputy Arnold Smith who knows the mand behind the legend and knows he is only capable of promoting life-the ~ lIod lIfe TIwn' will be those who take up gu~ .. rd ·s splf appointed task of t. r: ~H! l n1!

j u stll'(' tnlo lhe ... ~· ~t('m <.t nd t h ereby. 1:-";" , ' hl' 'l.!f( ' ctt (::-. f Inh ut (~ to the ' r :..t' I d : . ;,·t.· . . 1 'II i llS great " , d'l ' ;1\

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Page 6




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Tuesday. August '1:1. 1974


School 'Days In Rl10desia Means Using tlI"s. Raymah Grover Writes ;Sand As A Blackboard Of Mission School Work I had looked at my calendar- in the morning so I knew what day. month and year it was . August 7, 1974. The drive ) had just completed over the rough bush roads kept me aware of the ·country in whleh I was-R,h oedesia:-and in a part of it over 200 miles from the modern capital city, Salisbury. But for a moment. I wondered if perhaps I was living in another era in the land of my birth. the United States . This thought came after a young boy pupil at Munyaradzi School ran from the building to the tree from which hung a broken plowshare. hitting it loudly with an irol1 spike to tell the others at the school one study period had ended and another was to begin. As I watched [rom my car. saw first grade pupils come from a room. accompanied by their teacher who was carrying a stick . -They didn 't scatter for play )UI all went to the south side of lnother room where there was a =Ieared sandy strip. Each child squalled on the ground and began to brush the sand making a level space before him . This done . the children looked JP at Ihe teacher and around to heir classmates. also silently Naiting . "Ready," the teacher lueried . Twenty-five black laired heads nodded. "yes ." "Write the word ·eat .. ·. she ;aid. and each child bent to the ask. With finger stiff. he wrote n the sandy soil. The lady leacher . warm in ler heavy sweater. walked lInong the thinly·dad children :hecking their writing . Her stick servf.>d as a pointer nstrucling tht' pupils as shl' "lloved from nne to the other . Jne boy. inlenl on his writing lesson did not look up Ihough the ilick moved nea r him . so she gently tapped his shoulder. to inform him he had crossed the letter too low and his word was incorrect. The child carefully swept the sandy letter away and after ;moothing his writing pad made 1 new letter. this one receiving Ihe teacher'S approval. Other words were called by the teacher and as before, the children wrote them in the sand. Maize, dog , cattle. water, pot. mother. father . grandmother. aunt , uncle. and other words that had meaning in their lives were written . The lesson finished . the children were dismissed to run to the concrete pail set within a nower bed, enclosed by stones. to wash their hands in the common basin. . Shaking their hands of water and to dry them in the morning sunlight, the children filed back into the classroom for another lesson in their day at school. Was it thus in my own land !n

William Harsha 6th Congressional District

Easy To Eras'e 1Is early years. I asked myself. ('hildren learning with

pray . I watched the children al Munyaradzi writing in the sa nd . As they waved their arms . ~haking the murky water from their hands . letting the sun dry their fingers . running back 10 their chill)' classroom. I rem('mbered our Lord also wrole words in the sandy soil of Jerusalem . And In the contrite woman heside hilT! . said : "Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more ." \I i ~ His command to teach olhers whilch has brought me 10 Dewure Mission in Rhodesiaan oasis in a Iquite often ) dry land

minimum equipment--and I knew it is the desire 10 know, tht' yearning to widen one 's world. Ihe searching into the beyond that neables children and their teachers to conquer improbabilities and to make Iheir lomorrows better than their todays . The children of Rhodesia have glimpsed a better world . have heard of lands of plenty and opportunities. and thuugh it he sa nd in which 10 write . rather than paper tablets and pencils which their parents cannot afford to purchase. they are going to learn . And somewhen' in the schools of Ihis country. leaders are devetoping day by day . These futur(' leaders w£'11 Hagemeyer Heads coutd be in Ihe Bible classes I leach al Chl's\'ingo St'hool or at Smith Campaign Munyaradzi . where I do not Ip;'l'il hullakt' a ~e\'enteen vear hid Afril'an girl. Susan l;~'or!!!' C. Smilh. Republican Kancngnni . and wait while -,he candit;lall' for Ohio AltOrtlE'Y leache~ Ihl' children in their Gt'n(·ral . allllOum' ~d loday Ihal IIwn languag£' about J£'sus and ~Ir;; _ 5tl'lI" Hagf.>nwyer. of 10744 Ifi~ teachings . Wilming lOli Road. Clarkes\·ille. The children of both of these \\'ill ~e rv (' as eha ir\\'oman of schools a re lold Ihe color Smilh 's ca mpaign in Warrcn pencils. Ihe BIble s tory pic· Counly . tures . th£' rubber balls I bring to G('orgc Smith . 39. Prosecuting I hem have been gi\,en by Allorney for Franklin County won Christian men and women . boys tht' Republican nomination for and girls at'ross Ihe seas in the Oh io Altorney General in the May Unitl'd States of America . primary . Sent to them by people who Smith is presently serving his attend Christian church worfour.lh year as Prosecuting Attorship services and Sunday School ney for .Franklin County . His classes and who have learned experiencE' includes 15 years in Ihe joys of giving and sharing in state. local. and counly public law the Master's name . practice . Together we bow our heads to Smilh said he was hghly pleased say a prayer of gratitude and that a pers on with Mrs . Hagethanksgiving and of petition for meyer's ability and experience will friends whase names they do serve as chairwoman . not know but who are our Mrs . Hagemeyer has been a brothers and sisters in Christ. county chairwoman for threee Rhodesia is a place where years and is Past President of the Christianity is welcomed by the Warren County GOP Women . gove rnm ent, classes in She is Tr'easurer and. Sunday Scripturf.> are held daily ; School teacher of the Methodist "released lime" is given to the Church. Grand Deputy - Rainbow pupils to attend a Bible Class for (District 17) and a member of the a half -hour once a week by an Garden Club. outside teacher from a church. She and her husband, Maynard, Here we are permitted-more have four children, Mel, Fred, than that, we are encouraged to . Della and Ted.

In some respects. it appears our energy nisis has "hibernated" for the summer. Gone are the long lines at the stations and the gasless Sundays. The embargo is over and. in general, consumers have had the fuel supplies needed for personal and business use . The high cost for'OiI ' and gas. however. is not so seasonal : we still have those exorbitant prices. those high energy prices have greatly exacerbated our problems with inflation. as many of you well know . They have also been a great source of aggravation for the American consumer who, in paying double and triple what he used to (or petroleum products , has witnessed phenomenal oil company profits at the same lime. Last month , [or example. Standard Oil of Indiana revealed that its after-tax earnings for April through June of this year were an astounding 131 percent over those for the same period last year. Phillips Petroleum's revenues leapt a wholloping 166 percent ' and Occidental Petroleum experIenced an incredible profit jump of 292 percent. Most of the olher major oil companies did not get such windfall percentages , but I am sure they are satisfied with their increases ranging from 18 to 99 percent. I can assure you I am not' Supposedly, the oil companies claim that the chief reason for this sharp rise is tl\at crude-oil prices on domestic and foriegn marke.(s were so hihg. Be that as it may. those high prices were also the reason a lot of energy dependent businesses went into the red. independent dealers vanished . farmers throughout the country paid three times as much for non-existant propane and consumers everywhere paid higher and higher prices for food and other necessities in an already inflated economy. I think it is only fair to ask -- as I have done since the onset of the presumed fuel shortage -- just what the oil companies were doing to help alleviate the burden of our financial worries during the energy crisis . We have our answer in those statislics : they made a lot of money and we are still paying for il. If anything. they worked against any efforts to keep their profits at a reasonable level and succeeded several times in lobbying againsl measures in Congress which would bring them in line_ They might nol h(' so lucky this year . Just this week . Treasury Secretary Simon and Energy Chief Sawhill gave the word tha t the Ford dministration suppo'rts an excess profits tax on oil companies. They oullined a plan b('fore the Senate Small Business Subcomillee which would place an 85 p('rcent tax on profits per barrel of oil above a certain 11'\'1'1. As constructed. this plan would not , however . interfere with needed oil product ion . There had better be some provisions along that line for Ihe Amerit'an consumers' protection . I can \'ery easily visualize the oil companies ' culling production to avoid the tax and the loss of their millions of dollars in excess profits . We woul be back at the inevitable shorlag!' poinl again then. unless we pul some muscle inlo our energy -profit relaled laws_ I will believe the six to se\'en cenl drop in gasoline prices these 1'1'0 "ffidals atso predicled when I se(' il. The c UI depends on three Ihings : a t'olltinu('d s urplus producl fo n of oil. no mor(' Arah hoyt'OIIS and no arbitrarily raised markel prit'es . ')\one of those conditions art' particularly gUarante('d faclor s. We ha\'(' all thost· eondition;; righl no\\' and h,,\'t' for some months . bul Ih~ oil companies musl be 100 busy l'oullling their money to consider. heaven forbid . a price cuI. If Presid('nl Ford means what he says aboul fighting inflalion .. - a nd I am slIrt' he docs -.. Ihe federal gO\'ernmenl make takE' action \\'he re the oil companies don ·1. Besides IhE' possibilily of a windfall profil tax . it is quite li ke ty that some of the oil company bonanzas s uch as th(' depl('tion allowance \\'ill be cuI. Th(' facl of Ihe mailer is Ihe energy crisis is not o\'er. e\'en though condilions have been much better in some areas in the past mnths . The energy crisis Won ·t be over until Ihe circumstances which brought it ab'ul are dealt with . That includes the oil companies and their ridiculous profil margins. their sudden production and availability of "scarce" supplies after the embargo and the bilking of the American consumer.

Grand Opening Emma's U·Need·lt Boutique 4220 N. Dixie Dr. MeXlco Handbags. Bowl1ng Bags. Briefcase ; L,ngerle. assorted styles . Spencer DeSlgners Cloth'ng. A very nice home party plan 10 earn free lash Ions. Cuslom Fliled tJoy Bra) made by Com mand PerlormancelHJy two at regular price and get the 3rd one at half price. Coupon good for one S1.00 on SIO.OO purchase or more.

Good Sept. 3 thru Sept 11 Your BankAmericard Welcome Here

...... "._.

Tuesday. August 2:1. 1974

Page 7


A __ .................... ...........•............•. Help 1'Nanted CLASSIFIED ADs: Personals' ~

DREAMS higgerthan your paycheck? Want to establish that secllDd incom'e ? U you ha~e E~ hours per week, I'll show you how. ~ll_ 897-3425. WANTED Rl'movahle 1197 ,5411.


c ar gara~l'



'1.Z5 minimum charge over Lose weight with Z5 words 5 cents extra per Shape. Tablets and Hydrex word. Water Pills at Loveless TIlANK YOU & Pharmacy MEMORIUM: . '1.Z5 minimum c:barge-over W.-\:\TED ZS words 2 c:euts extra per Remo\"ahl ~ I c ar garage , Call word. ' R9, ,;>-l11

Lothschuetz Promoted ,1"llIl ~1 l.olhsehuelz , "ice pn ', I(\t 'nl , S('l'r~'lary and legal ,'!lun, ..) for Ih .. L' nll .. d Tt'!ephone

( ~(I ' ll P ~ IIl ~

of f Huo , has h('('n t'lecled

"n'" denl " 'HIIlS,'1 fllr

a nd Washington l'1lI !ed Tele·

" 1'1 '

('OIllf11 UI1U'.lt w us , In (' . Umted of

pan'nl ..:nmpet ny Th,' ,l lIIlIlunn' mt'nl was made IIMI;o , It,' Il'arrl'lI E, Baker. t' ~ " c u l l\ t: \ ' In' pn'sldcnt and ~I " lI'r . Ji ,'" un",'! for L' nited Tele· hill "



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l.olh'l' hu~l ',

a nd his family, prI ',, 'nll v \\arr , fwld rps i denL~ , wi'll !Il\ ' ,l ' !" ,hi ' \\ ';I'.. hlfl~lon , {) C· area In

ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLIO'IT All leading brands-free estimates. Bank financing available. Waynesville 8977851. BEAUTY SALON MIAMI SQUARE BEAUTY Salon, 140 S. Main St. Waynesville, Ohio 897-3876. Hours Mon. 9-12; Tues. 9-12; Wed. 9-5; Thurs. 9-8; Fri. 8-6; Sat. 8-2. Full service Beauty Salon and Boutique. Men styling by appointment omy . CAR DEALERS FRED KIBBEY CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE, "customer consideration, tt 201 S. Broadway for new cars and 725 Columbus Ave ' for used cars, Lebanon. 9325015.

WARREN COUNTY CHRYSLER, "Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W. Main St., Lebanon, 932-5951. '

MUENNICH MOTORS, "Btrer Idea Cars From Ford," "Quality Coh.mhJS



Care." 749

Ave., Lebanon,

CARPETS BI-RITE CARPET & TILE, 140 S. Main St., Carpet, floors, ceramic, ceilings, 897-5511 Waynesville 2225608, Dayton , CEMENT WORK & ROOF REPAIRS HUBERT SMITH & SON U you have cistern problems have it cleaned and repaired now. We also do cement work all kinds. Block laying and roof remU!:."r.hone ~. COLLISION REPAIR SPRING VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REPAIR: "Expert Body & Paint Work" : Experienced work, All work guaranteed 862-4487. Located on US 42 1 mile south of Spring Valley and 5 miles north of WaYnesville, ' COSMETICS You are invited for a free complimentary complexion care lesson designed just for you. Call for an appointment. 932-7672 Merle Nonnan Cosmetic Studio. 726 E Main St. Lebanoo,



PAINT & WALLPAPER DON'S PAINT &: WALLWASHINGTON SQUARE LAUNDROMAT AND DRY PAPER 100 E . Mulberry St. CLEANERS,88 S. Main ~l Lebanon, Ohio 932-%930. Waynesvill:e , 897-5961. FLORIST PHARMACIES LOVELESS PHARMACY CEDAR CITY FLORISI', Professiooal Prescriptian Finest Flowers &: Gifts, 123 service 33 S, Main Street. E. Mulberry St, Lebanon, Waynesville 8V1-7fTl6 Ohio 932-2916. . - ' - GROCERIES PLUMBING & HEATING SHER~O()DS MARKET, W. W. COVEY Plumbing "featuring meats cut to and H tinn Filth . ea--e 171 St., order , " dlelivery servtce. W ynesvill 897~1 747 CinciIlrnati Ave. Leba- a e .

JIl, ·

Ilt 'oI l'


LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cahall PI. Waynesville; 1-885-5453 or 897-6055 ; Camfield Com-, pany Inc. 433-9912 or 897-6055. SUPER MARKETS ' EU.IS SUPER VALU quality and low prices open tiD nine, 7 days a week, phone 897-5001. '


69 S. Main St. 89'7,*" Meat Speci.ali.sts .


non, Obio,9D-1.944.


INSURANCE THE NATIONAL LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. (Grand ole Opry people) Fred Nap 'l er agent

shop, Everything for you SERVI~I ZeDitb, rI N. and your borse. Jim Ever- 1iroadway, Lebanon, 93Zsole, Owner. 46 N. Broad- 3a1S. way, Lebanon, Ohio 45036. WATER SERVICE Phone 932-043.


lIolt's Hauling and watel

LOAN & SA VINGS CO. service. cistern anc PEOPLES BUILDING cleaned . Box 1893 42 !'II REMODEL YOUR OLD LOAN & SAVINGS CO., Genntown . 932-111;6. jewelry-remounting gold "Start saving tomorrow." sizing, refinishing jewelry Come to 11 S. Broadway, repair. Stone setting. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 932Davidsons Jewelers, Leba- 3876. Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZETTE non 932-39:36, REAL ESTATE Only $3,00 A Year K.S.A. REALTY,88 S. Main St., Waynesville, 897-3501. JEWELERS

Page 8

Tuesday, August n , 1974





t The Lllie Red Shed :~~ ~~~~



\\~ ;~





RAPE PREVENTATIVE TECHNIQUES In the near future , you will have an opportunity to see a most unusual film on TV, "To Be or Not To Be Raped" . We had an op· portunity to get a preview showing at the International Platform Convention in Washington, D.C., as a kind of tr ial audience. Believe it or not, the movie is hilarious, mostly because of the wit of the lecturer. Frederick Storaska who has traveled throughout the U,S. talking with rape victi·ms and the few who managed to prevent the rape. Perhaps you feel thaI the humor aspecl is not well placed, but ' there i:s another thought. The movie holds your interest and makes an impact it probably wouldn't make if it were dry and uninteresting as most such films are . Sotraska has testimony that seeing his film helped prevent a number of rapes . Following the film, Storaska appeared on the platform with Congresswoman Yvonne B. Burke, author of a congressional bill on rape. Con!~resswoman Burke is hopjng for a National Center for Prevention oC Rape and she, too , believes thllt it is time to bring the subject oul into the open and follow a preventative plan, although she treats the subject in a much dif· ferent manl1er than does Storaska. Congresswoman Burke had some interesting statistics-rape convictions in New York City amount to only 3.9 per cent of those reported : 90 per cent of group rapes are planned in advance : and 511 per cen t of those rapes com · mitted by one person are planned in advance . It sort of lakes the starch OUI of those ideas about rapes being spur of the moment ideas of maladjusted individuals. The Co ngresswoman is especially interested in the new approach in rape cases undertaken by the Los Angeles Police Department. She is especially for a new approach with the rape victim who oCt en goes a great deal of needless humLiatibn if she reports the crime. Logically, a number of rapes are not reported for this reason and the rapist goes on to other victimes . It would seem that the addition_of women on most law enforcement departments will also be a big help toward prosecution

Kitchen Korner ~.p~~~~~

and compiling statistices that will be helpful in the future . Storaska's film makes a lot of sense. He begins his lectures by pointing out all the warnings young people get; some oC them ludicrous. For instance, he com· ments, "remember how your parents tell you, when you're very young, don't go near strangers!" and then, "Who do you know when you're four?" He is trying to emphasize that not only is such an approach wrong, from the standpoint of getting to the root of the problem, but that such ideas promote the type of isolation so prevalent in our country because of needless fears one has. Not everybody is a rapist! Storaska gets right down to the nitty-gritty and points out what many of you ladies might already know-there's nothing like a Gouge to the Eyes or a Kick to the Broin to keep away the would·be rapist. But he also points out that it has to be a "life and death .. matter and you have to be sure that you have the guts to go through with it. And before it comes to this point, you should also consider all the other pointers he had for you ; which I'll teave for the movie-Storaska does il far better than L \\'HAT'SIN A WORD? Another lecturer at the IPA Convention was pointing out that we have so many emotions at· tached to words and what words we use and how we use them makes a lot of difference. Believe it ? Take for instance the word "mother". What a lo.vely sounding word it is I But how about adding Iwo little words to it and changing it to "mother·in·law"? Some of you may still get that peaceful, lovable image. but I wonder how many? And what about the word "in· come"? What happens whe you add tax and have "income tax?"

t;eneral Line - Dealers Wdcom{ ~" MON. BY CHANCE ::; :;:: TUES THRU SAT. 10·5:00 ::::


Tofopllone: 513897-6552 Shop 513298-20n R""denc<

r.:~:~:---! t . t .... .-;-----------_ ...... _-------. '3 .& ......... 51. . -........ ~ 4J)QI • ~-,



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: annual subscription I


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Tl!EMIAMIGAZETI'E ~ BOX 325 WaJBMYflle. 0Id0 45088


.,AJ)DBESS'--------------'0' . ~

I arY




1 ______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



-. . -

At Fair The Ohio Electric Utility Ins· titute will present exhibits and features to promote the wise use of electricity in the Electric Building at the Ohio Stale Fair, August 22 through September 2. Utility Home Economists will also perform " Cooking Magic" by showing energy saving tips for housewives when using the range , refrigerator and freezer. as well as the electric skillet, turbo-oven . blender and crock pot. The Ins litute is comprised of the eight inves tor-owned utilities : The Daylon Power and Light Company. The Cinc innati Gas and Eleclric Company , Cleveland Electric II · luminaling Company, Columbus and Southern Ohio Elec tric Com · pany. !\Ionongehela Power Com· pa ny _Ohio Edison Company . Ohio Power Company. and Toi .. do Edison Company .


STORE JIlL . . . . .

...-"-,............ ."_.~"'0W0

1(513l~51ii )

........ ..... ....,c.-, 1IaW,.



So •• 8-12



Electric Exhibits

......,.c.;a ., q......

HOURS, Mon .. Wed" & F d. 1-6 Q! By Appoinl,.m.!!l1


Sounds much different, doesn't it? And then, there's the word "land". And "lord" to make " landlord" and it's a whole dif· ferent ball of wax, eh? The list is endless.' Try com paring America to South America and see how different the images are. What's in a word? Plenty!

PRO_CESS Phone ' 897 · 3563 76 F irs t Street . Reor , Oh io 45068

- _.



HISLE'S BUGGl'fHEEL ANTIQUES Furnihlre (; MisceUcmeollS ltellls

.....,... . . .... .............. ,..,.c.. __ T-..;IA.II..

_.lLa ..

. . . . KCOND Si't&KT


..... PItt ·

iMts??sJt~ ~~~~ ~~.~~ S~~ WJJ..





Tuesday . September 3. 1974


lAnJ.t.:L ~~~~ ~IJ,


5e;oPd class posta&e paid

Price 10 cenls


. d6(_~~~M ~ I~ ~ Ir- ~ ' __ .J



~ 0../11


dJ. ~

~..A--~ ~.~ Spartan F oothall Friday Sept. 6


Farm Bureau To Meet At 1776 Inn

Community Education Seeks Course Ideas

l ' lImmurlily f:ducallfln 10· urdlnalo r Andrew Churko saId Tuesday thai area resrdenls who wanl n ('w courses (or the fall term III ('ommunlly EducallOn should suggesl Ih£'m now " Arls and ('rafts IS a new course (or Comm unlly EducatIon Ihis Y('ar and WP wanl 10 ha\'£' Firsl Ald . \l pns Tarlonng . and Chair I ·a lllng ." he saId 1' \\.'(, wa nt 10 ha\'(' thl' Com rnunltl(,~\

Ideas for n('w courses .

now . whrlp Wt' an' In thp prrx'ess of programmIng Ihl~ I"rm ." hI' ad · ded . "l'l'rsnns wllh su~estlOns ... ,ulrl ('all Itl(' schonl .


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The Warren County Farm It-ea u Inc will hold ils Annual ~Ieellng on Salurday . September :!9. IY;-4 . al the " 1776 Inn " on 5t Ht 42 In Waynes,·ille . Dinner will "egln a l ;- 00 p .m . followed by the hustness ml'eting and a speaker. llpm s o( business are : to elect lrlL'U:'('S 10 the Farm Bureau board. to ac l upon proposed policy resolutIOns for the fis cal year of 1975 . 10 report on the year's program of activities . a youth reporl on youth schools. and to Iran.,act such olher business as :nay propl.·rly come before the Int'f'llng GIl' nn Pi rUe. Director of Fil'ld Serv in's for Ohio Farm Hure au F(' deratron. wIll give an 1n1l'n'~ ling and educational pre· " 'ntatlon to the members at the An yo ne Interested in obtaining Ilck .. ls for thIS dinner meeting may rlu so by c alling the Warren County F:rrr:l Bureau o((jc" al B:lHJ972. Tt,, · ('osl o( II". dinner IS $2 .50 per

.... Waynesville Variety show planning meeting will be held Sept. 17th 7:30 p.m. at the high school music rooms.Everyone is welcome. Talent is not necessary .

I' W.yneMU., Olnu

'Sc.;:t:t" ~ "'~, ..::.-.r "S'l-. ...____


~~ .




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J )u rll1j:;! !h.' ~ )t' rlltd o f :\ugu,' IR through :\ tJ~u:-.1 .!4 . I ~f; ~ ,h(' follo",.,I)! fHod ... t'rq .... l· opt'ralHms "(On.. rt.·portt·d .., <tl l s (:.tcf.,r~ on

Frllz Pl ll.: 1



It ;,nd .\1 Ilnnul I Wd ~ ncs\"I1I4" Shirl,,! ~ \\' a~ nt lilt" . ( "ft'anl D(' · . " ;lyn,.",·"II · ' T;r rna r;r ('k

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:\CJ food . ., t·n l('t· 'H' fJrallon ~ \A,Prt· rfllor t"d tH1S~lrl s f 'H.: tur y on rf" mspt't: ll ll f! l a~ 1 v.t,t'k

The Humane Association of Warren County is seeking donations of used books or records for a sale Saturday, Oct. 5. at The Patio at the rear of the Village Ice Cream Parlor, S. Broadway in downtown Lebanon. If you have any books or records to donate, the association requests you bring them to the animal shelter. 211 Markey Rd., wet>t of Lebanon. or call the shelter. 932-4940. Mrs . Elaine Young. 932-3601, or Mrs . Judy Sena , 932-7938, and items will be picked up.

Don't K ill A Kid

Sarety-eoncerned Martin Milner. CIHlar of TV's ADAM 12 series . Kid". ,chool saft)' campaign I center), launches the 19H "Don't Kill i\ with Fred Pickens II . trust .... · .. l.. ct of th" Ohio Association of Insurance Agents. originators of the campaign . Fro left : Offic .. r R ..\. Spi .. rt . Columbus Police department: Kenle~' \';spi o( th .. 1973campaign : Andrew and Stuart, Milner's sons : Sgl. Richard HooHr and Offirer Da\'id :\1 . Douglass of the Columbus Polic .. Departm .. nl.

Thl' In s I.e .. a I Indqwndl'nl ..\gen" As,oc hil S (1~)\'O('d i1 publIC S(,CI'Il'" ca mpaign In puhlrclZP Sl'pll'mlwr '" . Uon 'l Kill A KId Monlh " In I lhll ' \\.rllll \Idnl·r . co ·stdr ,)f T\"s AIJ ·\.\1 , 2. a long " IIh t.l ·y(·a r old K"a l(': \ ·"pl . parllclpaled In IhlS ~lal,·v."j(· ,"fl-Iy e"mpalgn klck ·orr helrl f(' n ntl y In ('olumhus A m(JssJ\ (. \' oJunl(l ('r campaJgn has h,~ n l;r une hed · hy Ih(' Ohio Ass o,' lallOn o( Insurance Agenls 10 H,du('f ' sc hoo l are a aecld (' n L~ rn coopt·rilii on wllh Ihe [)eparlmenl of High"" , Sa(pl\ . IhI.' r-l hio IJeparl fl1(' nl o( F.>iucallon . Ihe gO\ ernnr-' Tr a ffiC Safl'ly ('om · mlll (· .. . Ih(' ~Ial l' Hlghwa ,' Patrol. Iht' u h " A ... !-, (IClallon f, f f' hwf . . ()f Police. a nd Ih,· Ruckl'\(' Sl a ~I' Sh(' nfb "\ "';o. (W l itll' ,fj

The mosl a CC ident -prone school· ager, arC' krndNgarlen sludents, wh o;,(· rill e IS Iwice that of all pupd , \\'Ilh school bells ringing ;I!!a lll . molorlsL, a re cautioned to ~>e partr c ula rly careful near .<l·h,x)l, and pla yg rounds. especial · :y In Ihl' I'arl: pre-<:iaylight hours . Inr1e m f' nl w('alher not only crt'dles a d,lItional rtri\'ing hazards (or Ih,· molorists. bul may encourage yo uths to skip normal , a(ely pr£'cautlons . The IJ hio Association of In · ,U r an('l' Age nls . who originated the l'amp'"gn . ha s made available publw se r vice radio announce· m~r.I' wllh ~Iilner and Kenl \l rCorn of Ihe Adam 12 series. un.!J!1.l! th(· (JhJlI r1rJ\' er to

(~ xercise

" xlr<'rne ca ullOn dUring Septem· I~ · r . " I)nn ' , KI ll A Kid :'>lonth ." and ,,' all 1"11("

Tuesday , September 3, 1974


'Veterans Roundup" Held

For OHIO BONUS "'. -

, "

A "VETERANS ROUNDUP" is in the making by the ohio Vietnam Veterans Bonus Commission, Director John W. Bush announced today . "A special and intensive drive is being launched all over the United States and around the world," he said, "to reach Ohioans who are eligible for the Ohio Vietnam Veterans Bonus and haven 'l (ilea their claims." Bush said that he intends to write personal leiters to commanding officers at military installations around the world asking their help. This would supplement the assistance he hopes to get from all elements of the news media, plus veterans organizations in this all-out errort. "We know that in spite of all our publicity", he continued. "there are still veterans who think they msut have actually served in Vietnam to qualify for the Ohio bonus." Busb emphasized that every bona fide Ohio resident who serviced served on active duty in the United States. in Vietnam, in any other part of the world. or in any combination of locations during the compensable period of the 'bonus August 5, 1964 to July 1, 1973, is eligible to apply . nyone who served in Vietnam only, between the dates of February 28. 1961 and August 5. 1964 is also eligible. "Although original estimates indicated nearly 500,000 veterans were eligible", Bush said, "just over half this figure have applied and nearly 80,000 of those ifled in the first days after applications were available." Bush pointed out that veterans who file for the educational assistance bonus have the option to change ot a cash bonus, or vice versa , any time prior to actually using educational entitlement or cashing a bonus check. "We hope", he added, "this drive will reach every Ohio veteran who is . eligible to apply while he have a full staff operating." Director Bush anticipates full cooperation from all sectors in publicizing this drive to encourage eligible Ohio Vietnam Era veterans to send in applicatioilS.

Little Miami, Inc Moves To Amherley Village At its regular monthly meeting on August 14th. the Executive Board of Little Miami, Inc. approved moving the LMI office to the French House in Amberley V~ge, a suburb of Cincinnati. The new offices will be located in French Park. owned by the CinciDDati Park Board. the Nature conservancy has recently established an office in the building Don Hopkins, President of Little Miami, Inc., said although the Lebanon potential for volunteer support, reduce office expenses, and develop closer working relationships with other environmental organizations in the lower River area , At the same time, the Board agreed to pursue the idea of establishing aD upper River office to monitor that portion of the River, and to strengthen the Middle Council (Warren County ) to continue to support the implementation of the preservation program for this ~ection of the River. In a report by the Planning.

Committee, chaired by Board member Glenn Thompson, a guide was approved which includes re-affll'IIla tion of the purpose, goals aDd objectives, and structure of LMI. The preservation of the total 1115 miles of the little Miami as part of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System remains the major goal of LMI. Sections of the River in Clark Co. and in Hamilton-Clermont Co. 's have not yet been included into the National System, although they are part of the Ohio Scenic River system . The Board also reviewed a proposal to fund LMI for the next three years and recommended that a fund raising committee should be estaPlished to begin this projecl ;IS soon as possible. Monthly meetings will continue to be held in the Lebanon area . In addition , as recommended in Ihe Planning Report. each Council will assume a greater responsibilitity in the effort to preserve the River , based upon greater parlicipa lion by the membership as volunteers.

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United _ Church_ of Christ _a


Sept. 23rd 7:30 p.m., 1st PTO meeting will be at the hgh Sehool Gym membership drive is Sept. 15th thru Oct. 15. Anyone neighbors friend , grandparents may join. " All of Waynesville is wlecome to craft Night Sept. 23, young and old and in between. Many displays, lots olr interest, learn something new to fill your leisure time," said Mrs. Carl Booher president of the PTO. Girl Scout Troop 1142 (Juniors) will start Iroop meetings on Sept. 10. 1974. Our troop will have meetings each Tuesday afternoon , Sixlh grade girls come at 2 :30 and stay tillS :()() p.m . Fourth and Fifth grade girls come at 3:30 and stay till 5 :()() p .m . All 4th, 5th and 6th grade girls are welcome. . Our Irooop meetings are held in the baslement of St. Mary 's Episcopal church. the gray church at the corner of Miami and Jrd Street. Helen Gross- Leader, Wanda Cherryholmes , co-leader.

....., J. -.IoItt. _




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Published Weekly at 55 South Main Sl Waynesville, Ohit, 45068

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First Church of Christ

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Sf. Mlry's fpiscopiIl aim

Gertrude W. Donahey. Treasw'er of the State of Ohio, today released additions to the list of banking institutions which have been ~Ipproved in your county area as official participating banks for the State Lottery. Warren County Waynesville National Bank P.O. Box 345 Waynesville, Ohio 45068 ; First National Bank of Warren County 541 West Pike, Morrow, Ohio 45152.

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Fall Gospel Church

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Second class postage paid at Waynesv ille. OhIO

THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.O. Box 325, WaynesYill~ - Phone 897-5921

lila McClure Editor & Publisher .. . _. Contributing Editor Sandee Blazer Donna Huffman ..... . Staff Artist Karen Gasaway Advertising Sales Subscription - $3.00 Per Year

... ,,1U."' 1~0IIll 1 ~ 1''1lii0:i' , ..... WXJISDI . . . . . . . . ~ ... JUIQ J


1!it Baptist Church Church 51.. WayneSVille

Sept 8

7 : 30 p.m.




Tuesday, September 3, 1974


Party For Kolb A Get Acquainted Dinner for supporters in behalf of Stanley E . Kolb. candidate for State Represent,ltive for the 73rd . District . will be held at the 1-75 and 122 Holiday Inn on Wednesday , September the 11th at 7:00 P .M . The fund r aiser dinner will be a kickoff for the Kolb campaign . T ickets for the dinner will be $25 .00 per person . Herbert Swiger , Franklin City Councilman and Kolb 's campaign coordinator . stated " the informal gathering will be for local supporters to get acquainted and to discuss the campaign with Kolb . "We will naturally have other rallies which will be for the pur pose of drawing crowds , but our

campaign financing is based on local financial support, and thus we are asking local supporters to finance the campaign . " Swiger stressed . Swiger also announced. " Kolb will have a press conference at 6 :30 I' .M prior to the dinneL Kolb will have press confe' ences regularly during the balance of the cam· paign Kolb feels a candidate must he WIlling to d iscuss campaign ISsues during house·to·house ca mpaigning. but also must an· swer questIons that may be widely publicized ... ReservatIo ns for the dinner may h., made by contacting Herb Swiger at 746-is60 or Dale Deardoff at 932-1720 .

Welfare Distribufed Sate Auditor Joseph T . rt'rgu son's offic e announced toda y the dis tribution of 53 .39-1 .393 74 in welfare ass :istance mone yto O hlO '~ 88 counll t'S Just over half of the distirbution . or $1.855.008 15. went to all of the counties 10 help cover the gent'ral relief and administration cosL~ of their welfare operations , [)eput y State Auditllr Thomas E , rerguson said . The general relief subSIdy IS derived sole ly from sta te r('\'enu(' Ferguson sa id the remainder of the distribution , SI.538 .48559. went to 66 counti es for their admlOlstration a nd purchase of fami ly and children services .Such r('\'('nue comes from both federal a nd s tate funds . The s hanes of the lotal distnou lion ranged from S108 .12 to Auglaize County to 5758 ,486 05 to Hamilton Counly . Distri but ions of welfart' as · s lslance money to other countl('S included : Adams. SHI .4n n. ,\l ien . 516 .295.37 . AshJand . 51.llAA Sr. . As hta bu la, 57 .55 1 69 . Alhens . SR . 807 03 : Belmont . S2.917 94 . Brown . $.';.526 .37. Butler . $1 99 074 O~ . Ca r roll. 52.H6 -H . ChampaIgn . $9 .0711 30 . Cla rk . 5:12 .:10 1 86 , Clt'r monl . $47 .351.90. Cllnl on. $0 .201 n5. Columbia na.. Stll .03726. Cos hoc · Ion . S5 ,465 66 , Crawford . S6.:l7R .81 . Cuya hoga . 5310.56975 . iJarkp . Defiance . 51.37005 . 54.434 98 . [)(>Iaware . S4.161Ao . Ene . S6 .B6R . 83 : ralrf ield . 54 .2H IR . Fayett.,. $3 .726 .8.'; . Franklin . 5224.73704 . F ulton . $5.368 . t 7. Galha. S28.972.11 Gea uga . $20 .680.57 . Gree ne . S28 .:1Il017 . Guernsey, 55.570 ,08 . Hancokc. 510.368 _72 : Ha rdin . S2 .66I.9-I . Harrison , 52.8,'3.41 : He nry . 5920 22. SI l.300 75 . fjlX'k lng . Highl and. 51O .55Y 12 . Holmes . 54 ,05502 . Huron. $16.17592

Jacksun . SI R.R2Y 42 , Jell!'rs()n . S2:! .YS; 87 . Knox . s n.r. 14 02 . Lakl' ,";r; :lY .

Lawn'ncf' ,

Sl~ . ·riR

Prt'bl(' . S6.692 YR. Putnam . 57.376 RI c hl and . 55 .9-12 3~ . Ross . $ll ,69-11\.1 . Sa nd us ky . SB .8823Y. SCIotO. $52 .R93 6.1 . Sen.'ca . S7 .155 -



She lhy. S1.08 1 4R , Stark. S36 .147 -

Womens Club Meets The Women 's Club of the Home Builders Association of Metropol itan Dayton will have a special "Founders Day" program at their September meeting _ It is the 25th anniversary of the club and all past -presidents will be honored . Attending will be Mrs. rrank E . Stratton of Hermitage, Tenn .. who is the Nationa: President of the National Associat io n of Home Builders Women's Auxiliary, and Mrs _Allen Paul of Cincinnati, Ohio, area VicePresident . The meeting will be held September 12 at the Miami Valley GoU Club . Social hour will begin at 11 : 15, with luncheon served at 12 :00. A special program will follow All past members and guests are welcome to atlend .

96 . Summit. SI66 .6% 10 . Trumbull . S~U02

Ot . Tusca r a was. S21.1~ 21 . \ ' 3n WNt . l ·nlon . $8 .000 65 . 5 1.~IY 26 . \·Inton . $.1.903 IR. War SIY .HZi 37 . WashlOgton. r!'n . S3 .HO:l BY , Waynt'. 51.Y7R 10 . WII liam~ . 54 .56195 . Wo()(j . S:I.66I174 . Warndot . S2 .211925


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Guy Elder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ifi7-!41S11


RiLl Elder Doris Van Horn GIeI1ll Kun· Bill Purkey Suaan CampbeU Dale Dakin


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provided on the application is Wayne Local Sch()ol District confidential and will be used only today announced its policy for free fr the purpose of determining meals and free milk and for eligibility . Applications may be reduced price meals for children submitted at any time during the unable to pay the fuJI price of year. meals and milk served under the IN ceria in cases foster children National School Lunch a nd Special are also eligible for these benefits . Milk Programs . If a family has foster children Local school officials have living with them and wishes to adopted the following family size apply for such meals and milk for and income criteria for deterthem , it should conlact the school. mining eligibility : IN the operation of child feeding programs, no child will be C B A discriminated against because of Required Optional Income Scale Family Size: race, sex , color or national origin . Income Scale For Parents, Under the provision of the policy For Free Meals l EDUCED PRICE MEALS Children & each building principal will review and Free Milk Others applications and determine eligibi$4,080 1 $2,910 lity . If a parent is dissatisfied with 5,360 2 3,830 the ruling of the official he may 6,640 3 4,740 make a request either orally or in 7,900 4 5,640 writing to Paul Schwam berger , 9,070 6,480 5 Supt., Box 306, Waynesville, Ohio 10,240 7,310 6 45068, phone 897-6971 , for a hearing 11.290 7 8.060 to appeal the decision . The policy 12.240 8 8,810 contains an outline of the hearing 13.320 9 9,510 procedure. 14.270 10 10,190 Each school and the board of 15.210 11 10,860 educa tion administrative office 16.160 12 11,530 has a copy of the complete policy 940 Each Additional 670 which may be reviewed by any Family Member interested party . Eligibili ty determanatlons ae made on a family basis, that is , all the childre n in the same family attending schools under the jurisdiction of the same school food authority are to receive the same benefits , Free Meals and Free ilk or Reduced Price Lunches. Hallmark Cards Children from families whose Party Supplies income is at or below the levels Gift Wrap shown are eligible for free lunches Wildman's Spices and fee milk or for reduced price Penny Candy lunches. In addition, families not meeting these criteria but with other unusual expenses due to unusually high medical expenses , Stop by and see our big shelter costs in excess of 30 percent selection of big and little of income, special educa tion unusual gifts. expenses due to the menial or physical condition f a child, and disaster Clr casualty losses are Open Tues.-Sat .. t 1-5 urged to apply . Sun .. 2·5 Application forms ha ve bl'en sent to all homes in a letter to Just a fl'w minules down lhl' parents . Addit iona] copies are hill on Rl. ~ ~ in Three ('l'nava ilable a t the principal's office turil's Park . in each school. The information




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Chicken in a Basket


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Tuesday , September 3, 1974

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JV\.I~~J' J HI.., \'U1I1I1I6 "'C'c:I;)UIJ WHIlt: wt: (ire WllflOUl roonree, SO (0 speak . we plan to meet in one town in Greene County a month . The Board oITruslees will be working out the details . This will gel us inlo all the different localities , and perhaps gh'e the opportunity 10 members in a particular section to altend a meeting in his or her own home town , The Bl'lIbrook meeting is being arranged by David Luttrell with the President: Mrs . Berryhill , Our last membership meeting was held in the auditorium of Christ Episcopal Church. President Thomas turned the meeting over to Arthur Curlett and his Planning Committee, and as the members spoke of their hopes, either for rebuilding on our property at Detroil. Church and King Streets . or moving further out to allow better parking . etc " the PlannIng Committee will be considering every angle and every wish of the members. and look into all the sites suggested . As it stands now . it is our underst.. "Jing that Ihe various sites will be put to a vote . by ballot. of the membership . Ballots will be mailed out , you will recei,·l' notice and all the data the Planning Commission has. so Ihat vour \'011' can be intelligently cast. Please remember that this will be the only time and the only way in which you will have a voice as 10 the reestabl ishment of the SOCiety . The Meeting on Monday night. June 24th , was your ~hanc(' 10 be heard . Your \'ote will be your las t chance. We wish to aga ;n thank Chris I Episcopal <:'hurch and Its Rector . J a mes Hart , for the use of their faciliti es . Mrs . Walter Lavne and daughter Barbara , again hostessed the refreshment tim e , wiih :'>I a r v Smith helping to serve . Gra pes . strawberies. crackers . cheese a nd coffee were the order of the evening and as a lways a lot of sti mulating conversation took place . At last! • ! a roof over our administrative heads ! The Executive Board voted 10 accept the very kind offer of Mr . Walla('h and the Greene County District Libraries . of an office. rent-free ! And now we are nice lv installed al 220 East Church Street. Have a large. roomy office. good light and fresh air, and all of our equipment is in working order with theexception of the two typewriters . The electric typewri ter is still at \ 'a nZant's being worked on . Betsy Huber . bless her , has loanl'd us he r typewriter until ours is working . Our deep thanks to :'>Ir . Wall ach and the GCDL, and Betsy Huber . Our phone number is our sa me old one · 372-1606 . Come and see us when you can. We are closed on :'>Iondays . open the four remaining week days from 9 to 12 and I to 3 : 30 These are summer hours . They may be changl'd laler on . And now, for those who missed our Sidewalk Feslival .. - Ie l us say . you rea lly missed a fine show . And we ha ve Joan . Leonard . Sharon . Linda and Mark Baxter to thank for it . This was a one-family show with Joan as Chairman, and did she ever work' , ! She buill the Sidewalk Festival from nothing into a real Fiesta . All the relurns are not in yet. but she made something like $550.00 for the Society. And remember . this was not supposed to be a moneymaking affa ir , but simply our way of saying " Hello , World , we are still li ving and going great. here in Xenia ." Joa n added considerably to our list of Crafters : she had a calliope : a concession stand. which gave us 20 percent of its take. and sa\'ed us all tha t work of cooking and serving food on our own : she had two streets roped off thanks to our Mayor and our Police epartment : the new ('overage which she attended to on her own wasmarve lous : and Lang Chevrolet gave us the posters for dis tribution throughout the County It kept the Society before the people , it brought people into Xenia ' from as far away as Australia! ) And one of the real money-makers of the da y were the tiles from the Courthouse roof. donated by our County Commissioners and bricks from the west wall of the Glossinger Center The Heirloom Shop under such capable hands as Joey Thomas. J oa nne and Barbara La yne . Leslie Thomas. !'rlary Sm ith . Linda Baxter and Be tsy Huber was most successful. :\lr . and !\Irs Clyde Brickl'r contributed their hand ywork in 100'ely wooden pieces With beautiful til es , which were perfec tly lovely . :llany people sent in articles for sa lp . but we are ashamed 10 say we don 't have all the names . We hope wp ca n get thl' lis t later on and let you know . We offer our deep gratitude 10 a U \\'ho helped in making this a s uccess. :\Iembe rs who participated in thl' Craftni g were : Leonard and :',/a rk Baxter. the 14th Virginia Reg imen t. Judy and Dick Franklin worked the forge and am·t! . made and sold horseshoe nail rings : Carolyn McCabe wove and spun on her beautiful loom and wheel I next year she hopes to have a sheep to share" ' : Lizabeth Richards. with s trong support from da\'e. Susanna and \,irginia , had her breath -taking arrangements of dried nowers : Margaret Snively had her bees-wax candles which she made : Christel Loll made lye soap , and Dollie Limbach and Julie Overton sold Old Chillicothes , and Atlases . Our Ambassadors of Goodwill were captivating - Nearly all of the members of our Board were on hadn to welcome people . We can 't name them because we didn 't get to see everyone . But our profoundest thanks to you all. And the News Media was superb. Members and crafters were on TV and the Radio and in all the area newspapers for two weeks . It is this pUblicity that has helped us so very much through the years and we are truly grateful to each and all of you . Yes. XENIA LIVES !

.US Anny Recruiting "Free w.., Ie aColllp~"

F........... eaam-7198

zo wMIIIbary 8t

Tuesday. September 3. 1974


. . . . . . Old.

Home E(' Tt'a('hers Attend Conft'ren('t' A ugu!'t :10 . 1~74 Ba rha ra Adan" . a nd Sa ra Conley tl'ach.'rs a t Wa ynl'sn ll,' Hi gh SI: hool . Waynt':; · vil le. a ttended thl' \ "K' atlonal Hom e Eeonomlcs T,'achers' ('on ferl'nce at the Sheralon 1I0t,'1 'n Colum bus Augus t 20 · 2~ Th e conf£'rence IS h,' ld annuall\ for th~ purposp of pro\, ldln g current ,"rormatlOn Tn tr>aeh(' r s


a ll major areas of \'o<:atlOna l Hom e Eco nomic s .. child develop. me nt : foods and nu trlllOn clothing and texliles. famil y 11\lng . con · sum er l'ducatlOn . a nd hOUS in g and home iurm s hmgs Th(' co nfer!'n cr has ga in ed a r£'put atlOn for lis outstanding program s ral' h year ThiS year the maJur pm phasl s of th(' ~onference was on up ·gradlng nutritIOn ('ducatlOn " You Ca n" set the theme for the three da y s('sslOn ExperL~ In the area of n~trit l o!1 education Wl're fea tu fI·<1 on thr progra m IJr HI)", ard .-\ ppl .. dorf . ..b" s lan t Prof('ssor l 'nl\erSlt, of FlOri da spok(' un Ih,· " Relevancy of ;\utnlllJn Edu · ca tion" :'>lrs Emma Kn'g('no", Dlrt'c tur of Food SI' r'> I C~ . B" r pa Cll y Sc hnub p! '5('nl(,(j hpr 1<1"a, on " ;\utntlOn Edu"1tUIO Tvd;n ' Dr Sar(J h H Shor! ...\:-' :"/ 'I"IJ t(> Proif '~ ;0;:- !"'ac- u.:'l ( "n!'. t·r~ l ­ t, spoke lu " You T .. , I'all t! .\ ;\U lntlOn Innu\ a l.'" and \1 1>-

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Lt·" Ebrf) , As~ !s!;ln: Pro((~... !"or SI'hnol of ,'I ll ed ~kd ll ' , ·ll· . 11111 " St" 1(' l ' nl\·t>rs, ty p ~ " ,ented t h(· " Aes thet iC \'a lu(' 01 Food . Also featun"Cl on lh(' pro ~r" m werl' Uc Jess Lair . author a nd t"Ci ul'ator. l'nl\'er<lt y of 'Iontana . " Wh y Old I Feel So Alone' " and Dr Sidne, Simon. author and educator . India na L'nl\,ers ll Y. " Value Clarification ." Additiona l highlights of the conf .. rence was the IOtroductJon of the new OHIO DL'i\ L ROLE \'O CATIO~AL HOME CL' RRICL' LD'I ECOI-iO:\lICS GUIDE : the shOWing of the multi ·media presentatIOn featu · ring the Ohio De pa rtm ent of Education . " ~I a rg i n of Excel· len('l' '' , and a pr .. ,ww of anI' .... "soap ope ra " tele" ls ion sC'rl es . Two- Way St r e~t. .,(·h,-tlu lc·t.I If, I,,· on public uc' (,I >C' r

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Page 7


Page 6



Tuesday, September 3, 1974



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Ferguson Shouts "Foul" Deputy State Audi· tor Thomas E . Ferguson renewed his charges Monday , Sept. 2, that money contributions to his Novem· ber election opponent were laun· dered through various campaign committees . Ferguson said he turned over his information to the secretary of state's office for investigation. " One committee apparently was created only for the purpose of buying radio ad\'ertising time since it reported only one contribution and one expenditure, both on the same day. " Ferguson said. " Apparently my opponent wanted to create the impression that he had many volunteers working in his campaign." Ferguson said his opponent 's campaign receipts and ex pen· ditures report to the secretary of state 's office showed eight trans· fers of funds from the Tracy for State Auditor Committee, inc· luding the one mentioned abo\'e to the "olunteer Workers for Tracy Committee. The Democratic candidate for elec tion to Auditor of State said "1\1y opponent pledged to comply

Ohio Lieutenant governor John W, Brown is pictured as he presents Countr~' :\lusic Superstar Johnny Cash with an Honorary Lieutenant Go,'ernor's Commission in recognition of the sing!'r's contribution toward the preservation of th .. American imagp throughout the world. During the cer .. monies, which took palce at the Ohio Stat.. Fair in Columhus in the midst of a performanc ... of thP JohnllY Cash Show, Lieutenant Governor Brown said , " it is through the man and his music that the people of the world have come to 10'"" ohnny Cash and have learned to love Americans that much mar .... Johnny Cash has nobly carried on in the American tradition ,"

full y with Ohio 's new campaign finance law which prohibits more than one ca m paign committee . Yet at times he operated through as many as n\'E~ committees ." Ferguson also noted that while on(> registere d lobbyist contributed S50 10 his campaign . over 13 per cent of the campaign contributions to my opponent. himself a regis tered lobbyist. came from fellow lobbyists .

Motor Vehicle

" I believe a registered lobbyist Money Distributed who has received substantial support from fellow lobbyists cannot represent all the people of The Ohio Bureau of otor Vehicles Ohio adequa tely in any public today released 537.8 million in 1974 office, " Ferguson said. lice nse plate revenues to help the Ferguson cited and questioned state's 1.054 local tax districts pa y usch other irregularities and for needed road improvements. details in his opponent's campaign It was the second of four such report as : advances made by the Bureau + A missing Montgomery Tracy ea ch year : and brought total 1974 for Auditor Committee statement disbursements near the 5100 showinf $1.024.80 in contributions . . million mark with an estimated S50 + Failure to itemize separately million in state-eollected fees still personal expenditures. as required to be distributed . by Section 3517.10 (J) of the hio Assistant State Registar James REvised Code. Garry explained that 97 cents of + listing of proceeds of $3,239.21 each dollar an Ohio motorist pays as having been received on April for license plates is subsequentl y 11. 1974 when the fund raising returned by the state to his or her events were held on April 11 and 14 . home taxing district-where it is Further, his report showed he had used to maintain the streets and collected only $1,100 by April 11 for roads _ Garry said every Ohio the events. county, city and township receives " I believe my opponent should a shae of total license plate first read up on the campaign revenues commensurate with its finanCing law before tossing number of registered vehicles . around accusdations against other 18-16-74 ) persons. Ferguson added . .- _______________________ •






annual sub. ~tion






P9 BOX 325 Wa}'lleSVille, Ohio 45068

I N A M E - - - - - - - - - - - -_________ I II :ADDRESSS------------_______ I CITY STATE:---------_ _ I I1_______________________ DATE PBONE:--------___ _

Tuesday. September 3. 1974

Obituary Steve Smith

Page 7



Steve Smith age 51 of 555 W. High st. Waynesville, O. passed away Thursday Aug. 22 at Kettering Memorial Hospital after a short illness. He was born February 22, 1923 in Knox County Kentucky to Archie and Anna Jane Smith who preceeded him in death, He was at the present employed at Frigidaire Div. of G. M. in Dayton. A member of the Waynesville First Church of God, and a veteran of WWIl. He is survived by his wife Ada, 3 daughters, Mrs. Pauletta McCarren of Oregonia, Mrs. Claudette Reedy of Waynesville, and miss lisa Gail Smith at home. 3 sons Michael Kent Smith of Dayton Glenn Smith of with bacon. warm apple crisp. Dayton and Daniel Smith at P.T.O. Schedule of events Home. 5 sisters Mrs. Dellia for 1974-75: Vanbelt, Mrs. Mollie Mills, Mrs. Gracie Ownes all of Sept. 23 Craft Night-P.T.O. MemKentucky, Mrs. Daisy Rabership Drive. cicot of Mason and Mrs. Oct. 28 Open House-aU schools-dinLelia Jaworek of cincinner nati, 7 brothers Reuban Nov . 25 Waynesville Follies Smith of Rhode Island, Joseph Smith, Archie Jr. Jan. Tl Music-all schools (nominaSmith, Oliver Smith all of ting committee appointe) Kentucky, Boone Smith of Feb. 24 Election of officers-plans Greenville, Fred Smith of for spring festival Michigan. 5 grandchildren Mar. 17 Fashion show and band and several nieces nad installation of officlers nephews. Funeral services Apr. 26 Spring Festival

CARPETS ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLiOTT All leading brands-free estimates. Bank financing , available. Waynesville 8977851. BEAUTY SALON

BI-RITE CARPET & TILE, 140 S. Main St., Carpet, floors, ceramic, ceilings, 897-5511 Waynesville 2225608, Dayton. CEMENT WORK & ROOF REPAIRS

MIAMI SQUARE BEAUTY HUBERT SMITH & SON If Salon, 140 S. Main St.' you have cistern problems Waynesville, Ohio 897-3876. have it cleaned and reHours Mon. 9-12 ; Tues. 9-12; paired now. We also do Wed. 9-5; Thurs. 9-8 ; Fri. cement work all kinds. 8-6; Sat. 8-2. Full service Block laying and roof Beauty Salon and Boutique. Pbon~~. Men styling by appointment COLLISION REPAIR SPRING VALLEY AUTOonly. CAR DEALERS FRED KIBBEY CHEVRO- MOTIVE COLLISION RELET OLDsMOBILE, "cus- PAIR: " Expert Body & tomer consideration," 201 Paint Work" : Experienced S. Broadway for new cars work. All work guaranteed and 125 Columbus Ave ' for 8624487. Located on US 42 1 mile south of Spring Valley used cars, Lebanon. m. and 5 miles north of 5015. WARREN COUNTY CHR- WaYnesville, COsMETICS YSLER, "Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth." $18 W. MaiD You are invited for a free complimentary complexion Sl, Lebanon, 932-5951. care lesson designed just MUENNlCH MOTORS, uS- for you. CaD for an trer Idea Cars From Ford," appointmenl 93Z-'1&'12 Me"Quality care." 749 rle Norman Cosmetic StuColumbus Ave., Lebanon, dio. 726 E Main Sl Lebanm, Obio. 9SZ-1010.



.&A • • • " • • •

were held Monday Aug. 26 at the Stubbs-Corner fune- •••••• o ••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ral home in Waynesville CLASSIFIED ADS: with Rev. Gerald Vaught I want to express my $1.%5 minimum charge over Lose weight with New officiating. Burial followed at Miami Cemetery in sincere thanks to my ZS words 5 cents extra per Shape Tablets aod Hyctre:. friends for their prayers. word. Water Pills at Lovetesa Corwin. visits , cards and flowers 'nIANK YOU cSt Pbarma MEMORIUM: ' cy. during my stay in the School Menu hospital. They meant so $1.25 miDlmum cbarge-over Help Wcinteci ' " pinl of cho<: . or white milk with much to me . Ruth Edwards ZS words Z cents extra per DREAMS biggertban your word. each cl ass A lunch . paycheck'? Want to estab~Ionday . Labor Dav . lish that second income? If Sep t. 3. Tuesday : 'Onion steak WA:-.'T ED you hav.e 6-8 hours per sandwich . pickles. potato chips. R~ m o\'a bl ~ 1 ca r ga ra g~ Ca ll TRY-OUTS week, I'll show you boW cup of orange juice. homemade 897 -:>4 11 Call . Bellbrook Eaglettes Jr. 897:-3425. butter fruit cookie. Sept. 4. Wednesday : hot dog and sr. Drum and Baton sandwich. buttered mashed pota - Corps. OhilO State ChamWaynesville P .T ,O. Oftoes. choice of sauerkraut or apple pions. Openings for twirficers 1974-75 : Pres .-Paula lers, drummers. rifles and sauce. cookie. Booher ; 1st V.P . - Barbara Sept. 5. Thursday : meat loaf silks. Tuesday, Sept. 10 at Hofacker ; 2ns V.P , - Paul manhatten sandwich . buttered 6:30 p.m. Bellbrook High Schwamberger ; 3rd V.P.pea s. sliced tomatoes . vanilla School Gymansium . For Sally Lander ; Sec. - Gladys wafers. more information contact K1eski ; Treas.-Carrie Sept. 6. Friday : half a nd half Vicki Cochran 294-6905 Bayes ; Advisors-Billie sandiwch. peanut butter or chicken home, 433-0024- studio. Jones and Carol Hatton . salad sandwiches. green beans




LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cabal PI. Waynesville; 1-885-545 or 897-6055 ; Camfield Com pany Inc. 433-9912 0 897-6055. SUPER MARKETS ' LOVELESS PHARMACY ELLIS SUPER VALU qua CEDAR CITY FLORISI', Professional Prescriptioo Iity and low prices open til Finest Flowers cSt Gifts, 1.23 service 33 S Main Street, nine, 7 days a week, pboo 897-5001. E . Mulberry Sl, Lebanon, Waynesville '897-7076 Ohio 932-2916. . WAYNESVll.LE MARKE' GROCERIES SHERWOODS MARKET, PLUMBING .. REA TIN.G 69 S. Main St. 897-5941 Mea "f ....... ts t to W. W. COVEY Plumbmg Specialists. ea .... u!lg!llea cu. and Heating ITT Fifth St order," delivery s e r v l c e . · ., 747 Cindnnati. Ave. Leba- Waynesville 897~1. TV SALES II SERVICES


noo, ObilO, tD-1M4.

INSURANCE TIlE NA.TlONAL LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. (Grand ole Opry People) Fred Napier agent 897-3111 JEWELERS

REMODEL YOUR OLD jewelry-remounting gold sizing, reflDishing jewelry repair. Stone setting. Davidsons Jewelers, Lebanon 932-3936.



. ..

AND BUGGY BEAtTY'S TV SALES • HORSE shop, Everything for you SERVICES, Zeaith, 'Z1 N and your horse. Jim Ever- AroaJway-, Lebanm, a2 sole, Owner. 46 N. Broad- 3075. J way, Lebanon, Ohio 45036. WATER SERVICE Pbooe 932-6343. Holt·s Hauling and wat.

LOAN cSt SAVINGS CO. service. cistern an PEOPLES BUILDING cleaned . Box 1893 42 r LOAN cSt SAVINGS CO. , Genntown. 932-1166. "Start saving tomorrow." Come to 11 S. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio, Pbone 9323876. Subscribe To The REAL ESTATE K.S.A. REALTY ,88 S. Main St. , Waynesville, 897-3501.

MIAMI GAZETTE Only 53 .00 A Year


Page 8

Tuesday, September 3, 1974


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Kitclaen Korner ~ . ': -'..4;


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Back To School For 'John, Ann And Jane'


"Here is John. And there are Ann aDd Jane. ADn has got a new Book. It is the First Book. Ann must keep it nice and clean. John must Dot tear the book . But he may see how fast he can learn ." This nrst lesson from McGuffey's First Reader. wrillen in Oxford in 1836. appear:; above the reading children in the Ernest Bruce Hasw.,l1 sculpt~re which has been newly noodlighted on the west cour(yard of McGuffey Hall on the Miami University campus. The McGuffey statue. which also includes a bust of the famed nineteenth century educator. was dedicated in \!141. fourteen years aft,.r the National Federation of McGuffey Societies became a reality. largely due to the local leadership of Dean Harvey C. Minnich and Dr. W. E . Smith. Governor John W. Bricker was the guest speaker on that summer pre·Pearl Harbor day . and music included a McGuffey School Chorus directed by Catherine Adams . At the Saturday evening dinner. the speakers included St. Louis baseball VP Branch Rickey. and music was provided by a trio which included Eric Erickson. Mrs. H. A. Moore and the late Mrs. H. F . Vallance. U's been 33 years since the bronze Iparners took their pla.:e in the shadow of McGuffey. but each fall. as schools go into session across the nation . many one-room schoolhouses. frequently abandoned or turned to other uses. still pay silent tribute to the McGuffey Readers and the Lessons which they taught. - Sta If Photo .


PEOPLE WILL BE PEOPLE Human behavior is always in· leresting and especially so, I suppose, when you are considering those persons living under unusual circumstances . There are a number of stories about behavior of inmates at in · stitutions and one of my favorites is concerned with a man and wife and those kinds of photos you don'l use for albums . One day. a wife visiting her husband decided to give him six photos of her-in the nude . The officials of the institution knew nothing about it and it is a practice not allowed for several reasons. Well . the officials found oul about it in an odd way. They found that the inmate had been loaning Ihe photos out to fellow inmates. The borrowers "paid" a pack of cigarettes or two packs. according to the time they wanted to keep the photos . When discovered. the inmate was non·plussed. The Associate Superintendent asked him what he sould do with the photos. and the IIlman replied. "Oh . my mother and sister will be visiting soon. Just give them to them ." The Associate Superintendent chose another way of returning Ihl'm There are a lot of problems in






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. Houn - 5aturdoy·Sunday 12·5:30 Other TIme" by Appointment or O1.nce 513897·6552 Shop Telephone · 513 298-20n Resldence




£ ........ 51.

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~i~iThe Lttle Red Shed :i~i


~.ral Line -


Doalcn Welcom~:

~ MON. BY CHANCE ::~ :::: TUES. THRU SAT. 10-5:00 :;:;






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Fine Antique Sho,s


'J~ W.ynesYllllf'~her


HOURS : Mon., Wed., & Fri. 1-6 O[ By Appointm~nt


H,AY'S FURNITURE STRIPPING AMITY PROCESS 'Phone: 897· 3563 MAX & JUAN EIT A HA'y 76 Firsl Slreel. Rear Corwin, Ohio ~S068 Owner" . .. . . .





correctional institutions concerned whith photos. books and magazines Ihat Ihey are allowed to have and rules about putting pictures on walls . Inmates are not allowed to put pict ures on walls of their cells for the simple reason that it makes it difficult for guards to check the cells to be sure no one is hiding anything behind the pictures. But even other things cause problems. Inmates are not allowed to have cash in their cells for many reasons- it could cause fights. robberies . etc . and the inmates who work around the institution jusl might bribe somebody-for instance. a delivery man. The inmates are allowed to have photograph albums . Well, one day an Associate Superintendent was looking through an album belonging to an inmate and he found money stashed away behind several photos . Inmates are allowed visits and mail from only those persons on a list at the institution . They are also allowed to send mail to only these persons . For this practice. too . there are many reasons . One Christmas . officials decided to "lift .. the restrictions and in· mates were allowed to mail as many cards as they like to as many people as they liked . This proved 10 be a problems in many ways . Irate fathers were calling the institution to ask why a prisoner was allowed to contact his daughter . And the worst case of all involved a lady who didn't even know Ihe inmate that contacted her. II seems that one inmate picked a woman out of the SOCiety page of a local paper and sent her a mushy letter. The husband happened to get a hold of the letter and demanded to know what was going on . The woman had somewhat of a difficult time explaining that she didn 'l even know the man who wrote her and that she didn't know how he got her address . A shaky marriage could have gotten a lot shakier in such a situation I One institution in the west tried to plan that they wish they hadn 't initiated . Instead of allowing in· mates to have money, they allowed Ihem 10 exchange money for tokens that could ' be used only in Ihe institution . Officials are finding thai they still have robberies and beatings and arguments as the result of allowing men to have something or value .


STORE IIrL . . . ..

HISLE'S BUGGYi'KEEL ANTIQUES Fumihlre (, MisceUGlleollS lulllS . . SECOND S~.ET


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USl3l~S1ii I


WHS Football Team Looses Opener

With Greenon

Se.:uad class posta.e paid at WayMSVllh, Otrio I'RIC E 15 Cents

Self Places First

Farm Bureau :\1eets T h., Wdr r l'n ("u unl y F a r m Run'a u Inc "..,11 huld II~ Annual ~l p,>t lng on Sat urday . Sept <>mber 2lI . t!I"'4 . a l Ihe " 1,,6 Inn " nn SI Ht 4:! III \\"a :- n t':-.\ 111 ,· Umnt' r Will hl>J(ln at i 1J(j P m follu"..Nl hy thp bUSIIH'sS m c'Pt lil t( a nd a speaker Il f'lTl~ flf husin f'ss an' In '-(eet IrU Sf('t>:-> I II the Farm Bur ea u hllCi r rf . 10 .1('1 Ilpon pr oposr-d po lu'y r (':-;., I LJ l lIlll ~ fqf 1~7 ;,

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I.I7.a bet h 5<'! r. member of the Sho ..... boat F erry Gals 4-H clubs , placpd first III Decorana at the I lh lO Sta ll' Fair Her decorating w n]l'Ct conSisted of the noor plan . pdnp ltn l!. . dr a pl's . cei ling sile .. filJO rln !( . furnttur p arra ngement for a I" ..... er level lamily room "J. lch a l ~ \1 incl udes a freezer kll ch(' 1I aJl n Sl'VolII g area ThiS ..... as III IIIIIII ('d " " a kll e h('n l"<J bine l door hille l un's IIf Ihl' r oom The 4-H


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,f,am l t -lI"·" "'l y . Ox ford . Ilth" r Sta ll' F air part ic ipal)ts from Ih .. d ub wp r e Rosemary Kf~· t hl (' r _ lal l(lrln g. ri nd y Kier. li n ·ads . a l ~o Li za beth 5<'1f in ,-) ol h,n J( l'o l1l pl"m e nt s Club ad-,' Iso rs ~lr s ~: rn ps l Anderson , 'Irs Wm Kl>llhl e r, Mrs . John 5<'1f. Thp Oh iO StatE' Associ ation of Tuw nsh lp Trust ees and Clerks pr!'Sentl'd he r a n electric clock . mIJun ll'd III a wainul hase) .

Last week a juvenile was found to be in a non Alcoholic state 0 f intoxication _at Waynesville High School. He was removed to Kettering hospital by Waynesville LifeSquad. Paul Schwam berger Supt. of Schools said that two students had been suspended during prelimenary investigation of the inc ident.

Friday .' ight

WHS Cross Country

Wins Opening Meet

4)1-1 5 ~ ~ ~~?....r ~ -n;~ ;2 7- 30.

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Wednesday. Sept. 11, 1974


R.yan Attend Meeting

Placing Events in Proper Sequence. In teaching and preaching the word of God, I believe we should remember to always keep important events in order especially when they contain the ones about Christ and His ministry. We teach of repentance (something we feel sorry about that has happened in our lives) as a very necessary part of coming to Christ, and rightfully so. One must realize he or she has done wrong and openly admit their wrong doing and ask God to forgive them as the first step toward salvation. We speak of Baptism and righlJulIy so. The watery grave of immersion, to be buried with Him, to arise and walk in newness of life after Him. Roman's 6:4, 5, says ''Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism unto death; . that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." 5For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection : We also speak of dedication to the work that lies a head of us in helping to build God's kingdom, and rightfully so. This becomes part of our obligation once we accept Christ and follow Him in baptism . The most important event should now and always be jllaced first and foremost in this chain of events, this is the death, burial and resurrection of our Savi?ur Jesus Christ.


All our hope for an eternal life hinges upon His death and resurrection . I for one would like to hear more teaching on this most important event. We can never over emphasize the importance of His great sacrafice. In all our teaching and preaching even our every day conversation we should always remember to tell others of Jesus and His great love for all of us and how He proved it by offering His own life as the propitiation for our sins. In Romans 3:25 we read "Whom God Hath set forth to be a propritiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;" One of the old church songs that we sing sums it all up for me, it is called nothing but the blood of Jesus. One of the verses asks, what can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus - what can make me whole again -nothing but the blood of Jesus . I try to believe that all our hope lies in the one word "Blood" the precious blood of Jesus . As we work together as a body of believers in Christ may we be daily reminded of . His shed blood. May God Richly Bless You In His Service Ohio Ernie Smith Question For The Week: 1. What is said of those who read and study the Book of Revelation~ Answer and Next Question next week .

Jim Ryan of the Waynesville Lumber Co .. Waynesville, is serving on the Political Action Committ,ee of the Ohio Lumber and Building Product Dealers Assn . and attended a meeting in Columbus Wednesday. August 28 to formulate plans for futur'e legislative action 10 support longrange plan'ning for forestry managemenl and olher industryrelaled legislation . The Ohio lum_bermen strongly supported the recently-passed Humphrey ·Rarick sponsored Forest alnd Rangeland Environmental Management Act which includes funding for reforestation of certain Federal lands; salvaging dead and dying timber; acceleration of access road construction to reduce cost of mainlenance and hauling; maximizing the multiple use of timber; providing assistance to State and private land owners; projecting a five-year Forest Service budget to allow advance planning, and impleme,nting the recommendatiolns of the 1969 report of the Forest SE,rvice to the Cabinet Task Force regarding future wood product needs . Problem areas of legislation to be considered by the Committee in the future include such subject as: t he monitoring 0'£ log exports to protect domestic timber supply; housing; emergency mortgage credit; railroad reorganization; freight rail car shortages ; National Environmental Policy Act; hind u~e legislation ; mechanic ' s lein law; pension reform; industry conversion to metric system ; occupational safety and health ; state and local building codes; personal property lax ; unemployment and workmen's compensation .

. "Fussless-"-CO(iking .iiI Your Future? What woman wouldn't appreciate a "fussless, " practically foil proof method of producing a perfect roast every time ~ According to local Army representative SFC Jalckie L . Smith, Army researclhers are experimenting with a method of cooking by computer which . when fully developed . will enable cooks to consistently serve roasts that are more appetizing and more nourishing . "The process involves inserting instruction cards into a specially developed omnioven. equipped to cook by infrared <ind microwave energy. which can be programmed 10 cook meats automatically ."





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Published Weekly at 55 South Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Second class postage paid al WayneSVille. Oh,o

THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.O. BOI 325, Waynesville - Phone 1197-5921

i .. ..


Lila McClure . .. Editor & Publisher Contributing Editor Sandee Blazer Donna Huffman Staff Artist Karen Gasaway AdvertiSing Sales Subscription - $3.00 Per Year

Army Has Openings

Genntown United _a ..Church _ ~f Christ

....., ..... -.....----.Np ..... 100» _ -......, CIu<h

-.... _..... __ ... --.... ----_ ... .... -- _ ---,--... ---....,.----....., --' .... --.... ...... .... -............. _~-......,T

The Army has openings for radar crewmen, tank .mechanics and many other technical specialists in Ihe Armor, Artillery and Infantry , according to local Army Representative SFC Jackie L. Sinith . Young !men interested in joining any of ~hese branches for four years are eligible for a $2,500 cash bonus upon successful completion of their training period. In many cases, enlistees can select the 'job of their choice and the location of assignment.

Ferry Church 01 Christ -.-.

lc.oD . . - . . . , - . . . .

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Friendship Baptist Church ............ ~-"""'I"" ..... ....,...--..,


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For Mechanics







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Wednesday. Sept. 11. 1974

Page 3





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With • PenonaJ Toueb-


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U Know US LONG INSURANCE AGENCY 105 E Mulberry Street. Lebanon


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"'f."" 8 "'An A<"S ... r:. ... ; 'i " LA r TERS


HOURS Mon ·Sat 7 00 A.M ·9 ' 00 P.M . Sun 11 00 AM ·8 00 PM .

The Council on Aging of Warren County. Inc .• now has three tollfree enterprise numbers connecting Lebanon with all parts of Warren County . Residents of Maineville.

OHIO FARM FACTS The Ohio Farm Bureau Federat!<ln is an organization of 61.000 rural fam.ilies interested in imprOving Ohio agriculture. ir:crl'asir.g· farm income and ?e.tlt'ring rural lite .

Butlerville. and the Franklin area can now use the services of the Council on Aging. which are just a phone call away . The primary purpose of the Council on Aging is 10 acl as an information-referral service to aid Warren Countians. age 60 and above in any way necessary . Residents of Maineville and Butlerville may contact the Council on Aging office by asking the operator for Enterprise 6301. Franklin area residents may reach the Council on Aging office by asking the operator for Enterprise 6302.

Party Room A" ada ble The United Methodist 897 ·7801 Women of the Waynesville Methodist Church will hold 'l 'Ia\t'l l n gt Ofl S~~re Sno PPlng C enter a sidewalk sale from ten Wd,re~lI l1e OhiO a .m . to four p.m . on Saturday the 21st of September on the Church yard . Bargains will be available for everyone. Pie and coffee II annual Uiaiption NEWU RENEWAl II . will be served. Faith Circle is in charge I THE HIAMI GA.ZI.TI'E I P9BOX3z5W.,....m..OW'45G18 I of tables and change. llhe I Love Circle will pick /up I NAME I I articles from those who I cannot get them to the I .ADDRESS I ~ church and will also price I items. Charity circle is in I c r r Y - - - - - - S T A T E r - - - - - - - - - • I I __________________ m _ _ _ _ ~~ charge of the pie and coffee I I DATE:-------PBONE:------------ I and the hope circle is in charge of publicity.

:1------------------------'3D' : U


. Page 4


Redskins Win Opener



Biking is Safer



·1 C' C' )temllera.of MI.~I·I 1974 footba!1 team Include

(first row. from Slackbous~,. Max Angelo. MIke Rhodes. Tim Drumm. Rob ~");~ve..Sanna. Ed Beale. Jay Fry. Bob Cale. Chuck Miller. Pat Carpenter. Mike Domenico. Mike Felton. Mike Wagner. Donald

:'«ret; Mike Biehle. Chuck Varner. John Roudabush. Brad Miller. Brad Coullno and Mark GenUle. (Second row) Chuck BenJamin. .~Im F~cbt. Dave Drandt. DaD Welch. Jack Schulle. Earl Harbin. ..IelIn ~Vay. Mike Chrlstl.lUlen. Joe Spicer. Larry Harper. Ron Zook. Randy Walker and Bill Wiggins. (Third row) Chuck Istler. carl Wlntzer. Ralph Schneider. Jerry Dean. Ken Hauck. Ricky traylor. JerrKelly •.Sberman Smith. Steve Kramer. Bob Lydon. Mel Edwards •. Gary Qulsno. Chris Breuleux and Randy Gunlock. I.F ourth row) Don Miller. · Pete Liane. Tom Hetrick. Steve

Wednesday Sept. 11, 1974

Blalock. Chris Miller. Drew Nieman. and Norm Trowbridge. (Fifth row) Dave Smith. Ken Woltert. Terry Martin. Jim Himebaugh. Mark McCormick. Rob Schoenhoft. Mike Watson. Joe Hasenohrl. Alvin Parker. Brian Shepard. Tom Gunlock. Craig Anderson. Ron Ribarlc and Bob Purcell. (Sixth row) Doak Markley. John Matsko. John Rouse. Jim Tressler. Ernie Homing. Denny Marcin. Coach Dick Crum. Tom Stillwagon. Larry Kirksey. Ron Schlater: Joe Novak. Guy Hinkson and Phil Canna to.

ArllIlY Has Construction Jobs

Bicycle sales-bave tripfed during the last decade. Deaths and ac· cidents on bikes have dOUbled . Biking is a way to travel. It can also_be fun, healthy. and cheap. But our auto-addicted society has built very few bikeways so far . Cyclists have to straddle car traffic _ Bike riders are supposed to observe most of the regulations and signals meant for cars. Bul too many don·t. A recent study of accidents involving bicycles and cars in Santa Barbara. California . showed that bikers had violated the traffic laws in almost 70 percent of the cases . The most common violation was not obeying stop signs . Another report by the Oregon Stale Highway Division also showed Ihat bikers made far more errors than drivers did_ Most accidents happened because bikers didn't yeild the right of way. used Ihe rong arm signals or none at all when they turned , rode on the wrong side. and ignored stoplights. And last year a study of 600 bicycle accidents. conducted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. showed that two·thirds of the accidents resulted from riding double on bikes designed for one, performing stunts,losing control of braking, and hitting bumps and ruts _ Safer cycling is possible. Observing regulations helps a lot. Seeing and being seen - by cars, pedestrians. other bikers - is absolutely· essential. Bright bike banners on tall flagstaffs are coming into style. And so is reflective tape that is fluroescent day and night. Keeping bikes in good condition is important too; 20 percent of accidents are caused by mechanical and structural failures . Better biking is one way to cut car exhaust and fight air pollution . And promoting the good health of our lungs by improving the quality of the air we breathe is one of the top priorities of the Miami Valley Lung Association . your Christmas Seal agency. Join their fight and contact them at 222-8391 in Dayton about olher ways to help curb pollution . II"s a mailer of life-and breath .

The Army has openings available for young men interested . in constructio work, said local Army representative SFC Jackie L. Smith. Construction workers have an advantllge over most other bluecollar workers because they can usually fmd high paying jobs almost ianywhere in the country, he exphiinled. Society Schedules Meetings Army' combat engineers perform many of the same tasks that Green County Historical constru'ction workers do. Although their lirst job is to provide Each month until the Springs; Monday, Nov. 11 engineering support such as bridge Jamestown; Monday, Dec. Greene County Historical and road construction for combat Society will again be under 9 Cedarville; Monday. Jan. troops. they are also trained to do its own roof, the mem- 13 Spring Valley; Monday. other types of work such as bership meetings . will be Feb. 10 Beavercreek; Mon- reconnaissance and intelligence. Some jobs require a combat held in a different city in the day. Mar. 10 Xenia; Monday. Apr. 14 Fairborn; engineer to transport. store and County, as follows: r,:J \lITe A F.W F'S(OFE 5$IO"'L Monday. Oct. 14 Yellow Monday. May 12 Bowers- fire both land and underwater '-V.,outJG """Me"" A~E ville. explosi~·es . For this they receive eS"TABL.ISWlijG 1••riERf.~TlNG,A.lJD .sucu !>S'UL CAIZ~EIZS IU THe special training to enable them to "rz. .. v. WOM~" I*TWEEU 1W".a.~ OF 20 .. ,," 3~ . WHO HA~e. A determine the proper charge to use fl,ACl'eLD£S 01Z "'AS~~S DE""EE (or the desired effect. "uP "., L.EA.':;T ,e MO,,"H$ 'IC~tCl~ E(f"'UZJe",Ce-, CAIJ QUALIFY TO 9ECO .. e They are taught how to use basic Of'FICEIZ$ ,.. T~e AIi!.IIN U,,'flZ 1liE engineering equipment and hand DIRIGT CD,.... I~ ~ lools and some are also taught how to prepare intelligence maps . Since much o( their time is spent in Ihe field . combal engineers must be able to construct roads . bridges and shelters from only the raw materials available in the surrounding terrain . Com·erting Irees into bridges and valleys into roadways requires Like everyone else we're a high degree of skill and SORRY! We have had to ingenuity. The Army conducts an raise our prices to 15 eight-w4~ek training course for cents a paper when we go combat engineers at Fort Leonard 12 pages and 5 cents a Wood in Missouri. column · inch on display Kahn's .w ill buy your hogs DIRECT at the After their training. combat advertizing. Subscriptions engineers can select to serve in former location of the Cincinnati Union and Classified. Church and Europe , Hawaii . Alaska or almost Stockyard; Hog Division, 3163 Spring Grove Business Directory will in the world. any Army installation Avenue. (Easy access from all expressways) stay the same for a They can also have their choice while _ There will be NO CHARGES of any kind! of a two. three or four year enlistmel,t . If they select a four All proceeds will be NET to you! Lila McClure year enli:stment. they ar eligible to We welcome your hogs and your inquiries. Publisher receive 1I $25000 cash bonus upon successful completion of their After Sept. 12 - Call : ~ training. Area Code (513) 541-0852 lIal1 l1 '5 SFC Smith may be contacted at .Emergency Number " Area Code (513) 541-4014 • 932-7690 for further information on Dave Spaeth, Jim Parks, Cliff Dougherty combat engineers and over 400 other job opportunities in the A CONSQUOATED FOODS COWN<Y Army.



YOUR MOST CONVENIENT HOG MARKET Effective Thursday, Sept. 12, 1974






DP & L Asks Tempory Rate Increase

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A shortage of capital has forced Dayton Power and Light Company to rl'quesl The Public lllililil'S Commission of Ohio 10 granl a lemporary eleclric rate incrcasl' If approved the lem p<lrary mcrease would provide 10 Ihl' Com pany approximately $24 .7 million p<'r year in additional r('venue for 1975 Th(' request is as kinf( for a portl'ln of the applicalHln for an e lectric raIl' in (Tl'aS(' flied m May which wHld . if approved . g('nerate $30 millin per year add,tIOnal revenue based on 1971 sa les The money is required 10 h('lp fmanl'e construction of ~I'nl'ral"," and Iransmission fanlill('s 10 ('nabl(' DP&L 10 me('1 cons um l'r demands for morl' 1'I('clrrc ll y Innall on . C('cord h l~h ml('resl Th~


ral('s . and

costly £"o \'lronm('nta l h avl' caused en'dt ron(,(' r n <.Jhuut the Com · p' lI1 ~ ':-. ahlllt~ II~ finance' Its con · ... 1r llr ll on prqgram Thprl'fo re . proJl~{"t~


DP&L must as kthe pueo to act as soon as possible on this temporary rate increase, If this requ~t is granled , il will enhance the ability of the Company to provide an adequate supply of electric energy in future years . If the funds are not a"ailable the demand for -electricity of DP&L customers may not be met This could r~u1t in a freeze on any new electric connections o( addit ional electric usage by existing consumers. This would cause significant harm to the economy of West Central 9hio. Including a 1055 of jobs . The May rate application is only Ihe second increase in electric rales soughl by the Company in its hlslory . The first rate increase. granted last November. two years after II was requested , was based nn 1971 coslS . 1lI'&L has undertak'!n a vigorous cusl reducti on campaign in recent Y('a rs which has increased the Com pany's efficiency .

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Your Ohio Laws by

~~l ~.c.?.r \.

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Attorney General William J. Brown \h~'J1llftln~ In ()hlll " .1

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Page 6

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Wpdn csda y . Sept. II. 1974 , . _ _ 4rI ---

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Located at ree Centuries St. Rt . . 42, Waynesville, Ohio Hh)O a.m. to 9:30 p.m.


Page 7

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~~;~~~.S,::~g~.:)~~t.~;:.~ Mrs , Dorothea Rve. R ,!'i" of Waynesville. has been appointed director of the Department of ~ursing Sen'ice at :\Iiami Vallev Hospita l. The announcement was made bv Luther W (;oe hr ing. has'pital dirpctor In her nt'\\" position . \Irs f{ \ 'l ' ',\' ill dirf'c t LI staf f of Ill(,n' th,lTl 1 . 111111 pl'r ~ 'H b ".\ hq ~'rl' \ · ld(· nur . . l r1 e ... f·r '. i j



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Tu Senice



Air Conditioned for Your Comlort


Sun 11 ·6

Mon .·Thurs. 12 ·5

ffl. . Sat. 12·9

278 South Main Street



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\111('['1( ' "n :\urses As,I)('i,tti(,n , the Oh io. :\urses lla~ bpl'll , ,~sl s tant dlrt'dor .\s~ociLl tion. the A:\lerican of );urslng Se f\ 'ice Slncl' Associa tion of Critical Care J a nu ary . 1!l,2 Prior to :\urses . the Ohio Combeing named ass istant mission on :\ursing. the County health director . s he served as a Warre n supe rvi sor. c lini ca l ins· oard . the Warren County tructor of a d\'a nced sur· registered ='iurses Council gical nursing a nd as clinical and the Wa vnesville United :\Ie thodist Church . ,\

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instructor of communicable disease at Miami Valley Hospital. She previously has been employed at Pottstown :\lemorial Medical Center and at Ri ve rside Hospital a nd C niversity Hospital in Co lumbus . 0 She has ';('f\'cd as the sc hool nurse III the \\'ay ne Local School IJ I~tfl(,t. \\·aynesvi lle. and <l~ < : Xl'Cutl\"(' s('c re tan' of :11,' \\',irrl'n Count y Hea rt


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I{ \ t'

US Army Recruiting ..,..... Way &e. {'AIIap~"

, . iIdw ..... Call . ..,.. 2G W JbIIeny!it ~ 0W0

Located at hree Centuries St. Rt . . 42,

Waynesville, Ohio

Hh~O a.m. to 9:30 p.m .








Wednesday . Sept. 11. 1974

-~: ---


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Mrs . Dorothea Rve. R .!'i. instructor of communicable of Waynesville . has been disease at Miami Valley appointed director of the HospitaL She previously has been Department of :--;ursing Sen'ice at :".Iiami Vallev employed at Pottstown Hospital The announce- :".lemorial Medical Center me nt was made bv Luther and at Riverside Hospital W (;oehring . hos-pital di - and Cniversity Hospital in Co lu mbus_ O. She has n'l'tor In hN nl'w position . :".lrs sl'rH'd as the school nurse I{\l' 'XIII din'ct a st aff of III the Wayne Local School Illl,n' th;ln t .111111 Jll'rs'Hb IJhtnet . \\·aynes\·i lle. and \\ h" l,r"\'lrlt' nur ~ l n l.! ,, 'r · <I~ ('X('cutin' secretarv of :11" Warrl'n County Heart '. It "'" : 1 ) : : . r Ir'" 11'1;:: ' ~ .lIt! 111'1 : ~.;I : : · : j'r ~ ''''

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**** *** * * * iC BELLFAIR





Air Conditioned For Your Comfort


Sun 11·6

Mon .-Thurs. 12 -5

Fro .. Sat. 12 -9

278 South Main Street




If --If

Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1974







To Senice



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T h.· nl"\\ dl'partmr- nt til :"" ,t"r I, a member of the \ lIH' rl<"dn :\urses ..... s.\ 11" 1: .. , , 01 IL,r l,· \ · \;l I,· 1',·I1I ;,\ l\dl1 l<1 . \1 .. , /{ \ ,. ""· I;JtirlD. the Ohio. :\urses .\s ~ ocia tion. the' A:".lerican ililS bpl'n ;,ssi s tant director of );urslng Sen'lel' sinc'(' Association of Critical Care January . 1972 . Prior to :\urses . the Ohio Combeing named assistant mission on :\ursing, the County health director. she serve'd as a Warren supervisor , clinical Ins- oard. the Warren County tructor of advanced sur- registered :\urses Council gical nursing and as clinical and the Waynesville United :\Iethodist Church . :! : : :


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US Army Recruiting ..,..... Way '--. c.a.p~. ,_ iIdw ..... Call m-78I

2G w......-r-, 8t









fOrwAro 'ASS


Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1974





Real Estate Service

TOM FLORENCE REAL TV 31 S. MAIN WAYNESVILLE 897·5000 228·4671 ASSOCIATES: Eric Florence 897·3666 Brian Florence 848·4140

NEED LISTINGS FARMS -Residential Call Today WAYNESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY SCHEDULE 1974 Sept 9 Clinton Massie Away 11 Cedarville & Kings Home 14 Mason Invitational Mason 15 Carlisle Away 19 Little Miami, Mason & Springboro Away 26 East Clinton, Kings Home 28 Brookville Invitational At Mason Oct At Brookville 3 FAVA No. 1 Cedar's Lake· Morrow 8 East Clinton & Middletown 10 FAVA No. 2 Fenwick Home Ceder's Lake 14 Clinton Massie Home 17 FAV.C. NO.3 Cedar's Lake 19 Sectional 26 District

All meets are scheduled to beg in at 4 : 00 P.M. Greg Scott AI Scott Larry Smith David Stubbs

Tom Hillman Berry Ha rtsock Chuck Irons

Coach Guy R. Dykes Jr. Manager Brent Henderson

Shown In front of tbe res tared Quakertown Gener'a l Stare, a focal point In ' the Treaty Line Museum restoration, are three postal officials wbo aided In dedication of the general store Treaty Line Museum Post Office Sundaj'. They are, left ta right. WOllam Watson, of Ft. Wayne,

District Postal Service Supervisor; Mrs. Phyllis Howard. Treaty Line Museum. Inc .. Executive Director who will serve as postmistress. and Karl Hammerle. Liberty , Ind " Postm~ster wbo aided in setting up the unique museum postal autbority. - Staff Phota


Wednesday. Sept. 11. 1974

Open Treaty Line Museum At Dun laps ville The Treaty LiDe Museum aDd Pioaeer Village Is moWD ,a bove .. seeD from the west side of the DuaJapsvUle Causeway a,crou the Brookville '!leservolr. A fifth eablll. ~ On'"' Ar-"-l . .. 'Deated Ie

the left. out of


Is bebiDd the


raDlle ; the tw .... tory lIeDeral.tore bolldia, rlpt of ~eDlH. - man Pboto




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99r 'hn 7St for

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GENU I NE NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS ~ : ' • ., .. , . oj 11,' , I ~' . : :r :., ~. ,,, b .. , & "' ... " ;l"'t) I !l\ , SELECTION OF PROOFS , .; p"." " th,,,, .., ~ FOR ALL AGES lh!: · ' ~ ~'l 1::f! !I u!t. lI s. G' ",,:n

Lived In Logan Log Cabin Mrs. EvelYD Grimes BraDdeDburg. of Uberty. Is &bowD above Ia front of the tw_tory ~abla Ia which abe Uved .. a &irl. Ballt by WlU1am LollaD. of CaroUaa. Ia 11J84. It ..... loc:ated toward the east side of the Falrfleld CaDle...ay. aDd at the

time that the Grimes famU~r Uved thue was oWDed by Lydia LogaD. Oue otber ~ablD from the origlaal Falrfleld CaroUaa ~OIODY baa also heeD moved to the DunlapsvlUe museum grocmda. -


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maff Photo

WED. SEPT. 18, 10 to 12, 1 to 6

· Page 10

Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1974


Perk Speaks .



ODe of only a dazeD womeD aerobatlc pilOts ill the UDlled Slates, Mrs. Jealllle MUDDals shOWD with her Pitts So2A biplane which she will Oy In lIIe MODtgomery Coualy Air Sbow OD Sept. 15 at the

Report of the September Term


of The Warren County


" :.'




~ "

Montgomery 'County Airport. Named Munns Merry Cal, the haad crafted plane has become a familiar sight over Oxford since Mrs. Munns purch:.sed it in 19;2. - Staff Photo

woa~~rn ~ill~~TI ~ill~~

Unico Weatheramic White Paint is the "whitest" with unusual hiding power. It is easy to apply with brush or spray and gives long-lasting appearance for a longer time between painting.

BIG 20% OFF FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER on Unico 20 1,251, 271 oil base AGRI-URBAN.INC . Corwin Rd. Waynesville



Everyone CJn'

The Grand Jurors for the Court of Common Pleas. in and for Warren County, Ohio. the September 1974 1erm, do hereby report 10 the Court that it has been in session for two days . Morris J . Turkelson. having been in at· tendance. does. herewith . by the Foreman , Hobert C. Steinbuch. present to the Court the indict ments found by the Grand Jury.

Grand Jury

Isaac~ . breaking- and entering, 2 counts. ')0239 ; 6. John Sarchet. aggravated murder. 10240; 7. John R. Hillard, breaking and entering, 2 counts. 10241 ; Richard Kinney , breaking and entering. 2 counts. 10242: 9. Douglas Mackey . rape, I024~ ; 10. Secret.

The September term of the 1974 Warren County Grand Jury visited and examined the Warren County Jail at Lebanon. Ohio, pursuant to the requirements of Section 2939.20 of the Ohio Revised Code. We have examined its condition and inquired into the discipline and treatment of prisoners and accommodations . The general consensus of opinion among 'the Grand Jurors was that the conditions of the jail leave much to be desired . However, despite the faulty ventilation , and poor living conditions , the general circumstances of life in this prison facility were not intolera ble , inasmuch as it is a temporary condition and the new badly needed structure is presently under construction.

U.S. Senate candidate Ralph Perk, appearing before the Youngstown Rotary Club, an nounced he would exercise a strong voice in federal economic poliCies to curb spending and inflation. According to Perk, inflation has hit local governments just as hard, if not harder than private individuals . "Municipal budgets have been devastated by the skyrocketing costs of fue\. building materials , basic utilities and salaries . Reliable estimates show that inflation in the public sector is often 50 percent higher than the inflation measured by the consumer index ," Perk stated . The extreme rate of inflation is not within the realm of a local official's power, added Perk . But he promised to exercise "a strong voice in federal economic policy to curb spending and inflation ." Hevenue sharing is one way .said Perk, that local governments may be saved from being forced to raise taxes or face bankruptcy . Speaking strongly in favor of revenue sharing, Perk noted lhat the federal programs of categorical grants were ineffective and wasteful. "Our cities had to forego their most urgent needs in order to Iry to conform to what Washington bureaucrats had sat down and decided were everybody's same needs . Perk said. The Cleveland mayor lauded the $11.9 billion Housing and Community Development Act signed into law on August 22 by President Ford . "This bill is a great step forward in Revenue Sharing for community de\·elopment . When you return funds and decision making to the local communities, you return power to the people ," Perk concluded .

During our session . we diligently Republican nominee for U.S. examinE'd all malleI'S presented to Senate. Ralph Perk, charged the us and brought to our attention . We Gilligan administration with have considered for indictments wasting state funds by buying eighteen (J1l) offenses involving "welfare votes". thirteen (3) different defendants . In a statement released by his During our sessions, we examined campaign headquarters, Ralph approximately twenty-three (23) Perk said Gilligan had increased witnesses. and as a result of welfare expenditures far beyond a examining said witnesses, we responsible amount. hereby present ten (10) in"Gilligan just couldn 't resist dictments. The ten (0) persons buying more welfare votes ," Perk indicted represent fifteen (15) said. different offenses. Perk attributed "welfare waste" Two (2) cases presented to the to overpayments, payments to Grand Jury for examination were ineligible recipients and "sloppy ignored, and one (I) case was administration" . continued to the October session of "If Governor Gilligan wants to the Septembler 1974 Grand Jury . As give money to those who do not a result of our investigation, we have found Ino indictments in the Genis Ray McGuire, 813 Dayton legitimately need it, he had better make sure it isn't the taxpayers' following calses : Oxford Road, Franklin, Ohio. 1. Verlin Haynes, receiving Michael Durden. Y.M.C.A. 1105 money he's so free with," Perk said. stolen property, 10226; 2. Leonard Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ashley, receiving stolen property Billy Rose Wilder, 1169 Manila 10227. Road. Goshen, Ohio. U.S. Senate candidate Ralph The following case was conMillard Allen, 1138 Mason Perk was unanimously endorsed tinued to the October session of the Morrow Road, South Lebanon, by the Association of Polish September, 1974, Grand Jury: Ohio. Women, the organization 's Emma CoIlins, voluntary manClyde Isaacs, 57 South Broad- newspaper announced today. slaughter 10231. way, South Lebanon, Ohio. The women's association noted After due consideration, we John Sarchet, 5216 South Dixie, Perk had succeeded in saving returned ten (10) indictments in Franklin, Ohio. millions of taxpayers' dollars each the following cases : Johnny R . Hillard, 2725 year .during his three terms as 1. Genis McGuire, weapons Plymouth Ave., Middletown, Ohio. Cuyahoga County Auditor. Noted under disabillity, aggravated arson Richard O. Kinney, 2725 also were Perk's many ac10232 ; '2. Michael Durden, theft Plymouth Ave., Middletown, Ohio. complishments in fighting crime, (auto) 10235 ; 3. Billy R. Wilder, Douglas Mackey, 1000 Dubois pioneering local and federal anforgery (personal check) 10236; 4. Road, carlisle, Ohio. tipollution legislation and making Millard Allen, breaking and enSherry Ante, Box 48, Route I, public his tax returns as early as 1963. tering, 2 counts, 10238; 5. Clyde Lebanon, Ohio_

Wednesday . Sept. 11 . 1974

Page 11


A ••

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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •• $ •••••••••••••••

PersoJl.lJls ·

CIASSIFIED ADS : Murel E . Lewis age 55 of St. Rt. 73 in Harveysburg passed away Sunday at Clinton Memorial . Hospital in Wilmington he is survivied by his wife Melissa, 4 daughters Mrs . Nancy Sue Newton, Mrs. Judith Reeder, Mrs. Martha Brewer all of Wilmington, Miss Helen Lewis at home. 4 sons Roger Lewis Waynesville., Charles ~wis of Dayton, James Lewis of Clarksville, and Andy Lewis at home. 1 sister Mrs. Mary Maxfield of Midland 2 brothers Wilbur Lewis of Harveysburg and Raymond Lewis of Waynesville and 14 grandchildren. Funeral service were held Sept. 11 at the Full Gospel Church in Harveysburg John Lamb officiated. Interment followed at Jonahs Run Cemtery. Stubbs-Conner funeral home in Waynnesville officiated the services.

Alma T. Skinner 76 of 7839 Old Stage Rd. Waynesville passed away Saturday at Grandview Hospital in Dayton. She was a member of the Waynesville United Methodist Church, The Waynesville Garden Club, The Miami Chapter O. E. S. No. 107 in Waynesville, The Wayne Twp. Am. Legion Worn ens Auxiliary and was a former employee of NCR. She is survived by one daughter Mrs. Betty Peterson Drago of Bronx, N. Y. one son George Peterson of Florida and 9 grandchildren. Funeral service

Sept. 23 Oct. 28 Nov . 25

Feb. 24 Mar . 17 Apr. 26

DALELLIOTI' All leading brands-free estimates. Bank flnancing avai~ble. Waynesville 8977851.


word. THANK YOU" MEMORIUM: ,1.%5 minimum charge-over %5 words % cents extra per


JM rJc...u.-J.L

Craft Night-P.T .O. Mem- J;, /I-Wt-~ bership Drive. Open House-all schools-din- ~ ~ ~ ner ~ ,.;t Waynesville Follies

d.,-1l- -

Music-all schools (nominating committee appointe ) Election of officers-plans for' spring festival Fashion show and band installation of officers Spring Festival


BI-RITE CARPET & TILE, 140 S. Main St., Carpet, floors, ceramic, ceilings, 897-5511 Waynesville 222-


Lose weight with New Shape Tablets and Hydres Water Pills at Loveless Pharmacy. .

'1.%5 minImum charge over %5 words 5 cents extra per

Squirrel hunting season in Ohio will be open from Sept. 6 through Nov. 9. 1974, on pri vate land and from Sept. 6 through Dec. 21. 1974. on public hunting areas. Hunting will be permitted from daylight to dark . . with a daily bag limit of four and a possession limit of eight after the first day . according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

P .T.O. Schedule of events for 1974-75 :

Jan . 27


wer held Wednesday Sept. 11 at The Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home in Waynesville. Rev . L . L. Young officiated. interment followed a t Sugart Grove Cemtery in Wilmington .









PAINT" WAlLPAPER SQUARE DON'S PAINT " WALLLAUNDROMAT AND DRY PAPER 107 E. Mulberry St. CLEANERS,IIS S. Main ~t. Lebanon, Ohio 932-2930. Waynesville, 897-5961. PHARMACIES


Ohio 932-2916. - -GROCERIES SHER'~OODS MARKET, "featuring meats cut to order," delivery senice. 747 CiJocinDati Ave. Lebanon. Obio m-1ioH. lIN;URANCE THE NATIONAL LIFE & ACCIDE NT INSURANCE CO. <Grand ole Opry People) Fred Napier agent


REMODEL YOUR OLD jewelry-remounting gold "Start saving tomorrow." sizing, refmisbing jewelry Come to 11 S. Broadway, repair. Stone setting. Lebanon, Ohio, Phone ~ Davidsons Jewelers, leba- 3876. non 93:z..3936. REAL ESTATE K.S.A. REALTY,IIS S. Main St., Waynesville, 897-3501.

Plymouth." $18 W. MaiD St.,



MUENNICH MOTORS "Birer'Idea Cars From F~" "Quality Care. " 749


Cnillmbus Ave., Lebanon, m-l010.

COSME11C8 You are invited for a free complimentary complaioo care lessoo designed just for you. Call for an appointment. 932-7672 Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio. 7216 E Main St. Lebanoo,



FLORIST LOVELESS PHARMACY ELLIS SUPER VALU qw CEDAR CITY. FLORIST, Prolessiooal Prescriptiou lity and low prices opeo ti Finest Flowers Ir Gifts, 123 service 33 S. Main Street, nine, 7 daya,~ week. pbaI! 897-5001 . . E. Mulberry St., Lebanoo. Waynesville 8VT-7f118

Salon, 140 S. Main St. you have cistern problems Waynesville, Ohio ·897-3876. have it cleaned and reHours Mon. 9-12; Tues: 9-12 ; paired now. We also do Wed. 9-5 ; Tburs. 9-8; Fri. cement work all kinds. 8-6 ; Sat. 8-2. Full service Block laying and roof Beauty Salon and Boutique. repair. Pbooe.m-t665. Men styling by appointment COLLISION REPAIR only. CAR DEALERS SPRING VALLEY AUTOFRED KIBBEY CHEVRO- MOTIVE COLLISION RELET OLDSMOBILE, "cus- PAIR : " Expert Body & tomer coosidera tion, " 201 Paint Work" : Experienced S. Broadway for new cars work. All work guaranteed and 725 cc:ilumbus Ave' for 862-4487. Located on US 42 1 used cars, Lebanon. 932- mile south of Spring Valley and 5 miles north of 5015. .


LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cabs PI. Waynesville; 1-885-54f or 897~; Camfield Con pany lnc. 433-9912 c



. PLUMBING. HEAnNG W. w. COVEY P'uznNng and HeatiDg 1TT Fiftb St. Waynesville 8VT~ , . SADDLERY HORSE BUGGY shop, Everything. for you and your horse. JIm Ever=e, Owner. 46 N: Broady, Lebanoo, Ohio ~. Pbooe mou.


WAYNESVILLE MARKE 69 S. Main St. 8870SU ~ Specialiab! . TV 8ALE8. SERVI('E8 ' . " '.

~ ~~ ! ' - 'LebII~ IS





Holt ·s Hauling and wat LOAN & SAVING!!! CO. ser\'i..e . cistern a PEOPLES BUILDING cleaned . Box 1893 42 LOAN " SAVINGS CO., Genntown. 932-1166. t/:

Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZETIE Only S3.00 A Year

Obio. -=




Page 12


Wednesday . Sept. 11.


Kitchen Korner

~~ Hallmark Cards Party Supplies Girt Wrap Wildman's Spices P enny Candy

She Sorts Maif in Restored Office





He believes that those whO A NATION 'S WEALTH propose should also propose plans You might be tired of hearing for paying for same but don 't about Watergate, but I believe because they are afraid they would some of the words of Senator Stop by and see our big lose votes that way , Lowell Weiker. spoken at the selectiom of big and little Referring to "titled" people, the International Platform Association unusual gifts . Convention that I attended in July , Senator commented. ''The highest title held in this country is the title are well worth repeating . of American; and those of us who Weiker began his talk with what hold this title should be concernee (lP N I Tues.-Sat .. 11-5 might have seemed a "bunch of about Ihe least of those in Sun ., 2-5 bull " to many at the time, "We sit Watergate as well as those in high on the broadest. firmest foundation position ." Just a lew minut ..s down the that we have ever had in America He quoted the Cuban who was hill on R I. ~2 in Three Centoday ." involved in Watergate who said, "I turi .. s P a rk . " The foundation," Weiker said. crossed the waters 300 times and "was built not on the few , but on then , I do it once, on the orders of the many ." the government, and look where I Weiker explained that America am ." (This was pending his trial has never been number one in for involvement in Watergate). population , land mass or natural My feelings about the Cuban 's resources . plight and the situation itself which "Why then, is it the greatest existed during these times of nation in the world~" he asked., Watergate is like that of a saying looming back the answer, General Line - Deal... Welcom~~ that "man is H.e only animal that "Because of our spirit. The state of ~ MON. BY CHANCE f.: laughs and cries. because he is the !:~TUES. THRU SAT. lO.S:OO :::; our spirit determines the state of only one struck with the difference :::: OPEN SUNDAY I-S P.M. . :::: the Union ." between what lliings are, and the Weiker said he believed the real :~:I ViSIt Wly"~svllle's Other :~;~ way they ought to be." story of Watergate was the story of The problem is. lliere was so the apathetic people of the 70's. He much more reason to cry than to predicted that they won ' t be laugh during these times! apathetic when it comes time to I A LITTLE E .S.P . vote this Fall. David Hoy . who is referred to as In discussing Congress. Senator radio 's psychic answer man. was Weicker said that many at the convention to explain a little Congressmen put amendments on about extrasensory perception bills that they know won't pass. which he said comes in three just so that they may go to their All New Merchandise varieties : telepathy-transfer of home districts and say, "I did lliis 2-Piece living Room 588 thoughts to another; precognition or that " . He described the Stereo·Console 579 - knowing events before they Democrats as people who "give Mattresses 518 happen ; and psycho-kinesis something for nothing " and the Recliners 548 power to control behavior of Bunk Beds Republicans as those who "give S48 9 '112' Rugs physical items. S5 nothing for something ". He Cocktail and 2 Step TAbles He said he believed that commented on the ' many ob(set of 8) $18 " psychics" should do three things jections to " bUSing" and concluded when making their predictions : that Congress is really to blame make them in public . be specific rather than the courts because about them . and tell the time span they "should legislate so that involved . matters don 't go into court". He Then , Hoy said that Nixon would said we just can't tell the courts finish his term in office and visit that they can't do so and so Cuba (one week before he because they can . resigned) ; that neither Gerald 48 E, Mulberry Sl In reference to those who don't Lebanon 932 -2246 Ford or Ted Kennedy would be want to spend for proposals . Monday ·Friday . 10·9 p.m. representing their party (one week Senator Weicker said. "I don 't see Saturday 10·6 p.m . before Ford became President) : how you can have a land of op12 noon -5 p.m. Sunday and that there will be four minor portunity willi your wallets and earthquakes in California this prejudices in tact." yEoar . HOURS , Mon .. Wed., & Fri. 1 6 . So •• 8-12 Now, I believe in E.S.P ., I really Or By Appointment do . I've experienced it, so I know it Hj~y'S FURNITURE STRIPPING is true . But one wonders if some of these AMITY PROCESS Phone , 897. 3563 famous psychics don't let llieir MAX & JUANEITA HAY 76 Firs. S.ree.-Rear Owners Corwin , Ohio 45068 personal feelings about people and situations interfere willi the lines of communication. At the same convention, Jeane Dixon also predicted Nixon would be exonerated. Now, about those earlliquakes , who knows~

. . . . . . . ... ... . "-.-..-.-. . .-'... .



r The little ReJ SheJ i ~J Ar'nIOUES



wA:~:~~~~~:i~IO i~!

i;;; ; :;:;:; ; :;~:~;;.;~;~:~:.;.~~;~~:; ; : ; ; ; :; :!


Mn. PbyUb Howard 15 shown sorting mail at the old-fashioned Treaty UDe Museum Post Offlce, located in the 'restored Quakertown GeDeral Store, at Dunlppsvllle. - Sutr Photo

Ford's History Of Hamilton Henry A. Ford's History of Hamillon County, originally published in 1881, is being reprinted and offered for distribution this fall . The reprint wwll contain the complete original text, photographs, and maps. plus the added feature of a new everyname index . Sponsoring the project is the Hamilton County

Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, from whom books may be ordered until October 1st for $16.00 COhio residents add 72cents tax) . and after October 1st for $18.00 COhio residents add 81 cent tax>. Send orders to the chapter at PO Box 15185, Cincinnati , Oh 45215. Proceeds from the sale wwll benefit local genealogical and historical collections .


Tell!Ih<>re ' 513897-6552 Shop 513298-20n R.,.dena>



!B 8< Y3 Antiques ae

S .



WAVNE5VIL..1.E . OH'O 45068





STORE JIlL . . . . .

TUI: • • · SUN, 12 TO ~ MON •

BY CH .... Nce


(513) 932·5739

1ricr-.. . ... II' ~51 Ii )




. 11'_

HISlE'S BUGGYt'HEEL ANTIQUES Fumihlre & Miscellaneous ltellls CORWIN . OHIO

OTHER CONVENTION TIDBITS There was the bank robber, holding people hostage (a true story), who consented to talk to the reporter on the phone in the bank. who ansl'lered by saying, "Yes, this is the ALLEGED bank robber ", and the little child, who said one day , " the idea that one color of people is better than another is a PIGMENT of the imagination ."

W ..dnesday St'pt. 1M. 19H

5e:oDd class postalC paid.I WI)'MI'ftIh, Ohio ..:

\ ',,1 6


PRICE 15 Cenls


: Wavnesville Area Chamber Of Commerce To Finalize Saup.rkraut Fp.stival Plans -


Waynesville Wins Softball Tourney Wa~· n"s\· ilJ..



takes 1st in tournamf'nt sponsor,-d last wt't'k .. nd b~' L .. banon Bank ","omf'ns llPam. Front ro~ If"rt to

right·[)on .. a lIuHman . 'lar~ ('ar· t.. r I ~I.\' . P . ' . Jan .. t \\\all. Karl'n Train... . B.. tt~· Oakin . S .. cond row·Doug Palmrr , 1st has p coach I . ~ancy Palm .. r . .\Iarium (; .. rog... Sharon Fish .. r. 'Iargie Paxton .





has.. coach I . Trud~ lIodd, \ managen . Becky Barney . [)on W., ·all . thi,'d ro,,·l.ou Wh .... I.. r and Bill lIodds 'sponsor' .

HOW SWEET IT IS! ! Left. Mary ('arter I short stop 1 took mos t valuabl .. player in L.. banon Tourne,·. Betty Dakin I middle) Autographs ball that won the gamt' for wayne~ville. janet Wyatt (pitcher) right autographs anoth .. r ball.

Waynesville Music Assoc . Barn will be auctioned again this y .. ar at the Sauerkraut Ft'stival in Waynes,·iIIe . Ohio. Oct. 12 & 13. 197 i . Op .. n bids will be taken on these da~' s with th .. high bidd .. r on Oct. 1:S . 6 : 1141 p . m . the winner . Procet'ds will be used in the Wa~· n .. s\'iII .. Schoo l 'Iusic Program for band and chorus . our thanks to Wa~· n"S\· ill .. Lumbt' r Yard for donating materials and tim .. for this project. Frt'd Granau of lh .. Waynt'Sville Lumber Compan~' stands by th .. barn door.

~.-~--- .

~. .





' - .-.-.----- •.

-. ~


The Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce will meet Thursday evening at the 1776 Inn to fmalize plans for the 1974 Sauerkraut Festival-Oct. 12 and 13th. The co-chairman Bill Stubbz and Ron Kronenberger of the Festival announced that over 96 boothes as well as concession stands will serve the public . Wavnes\'iIIe's Citizen of the year, Mrs. Mary Current and h-er husband George will be in charge of ceremonies and Royalty elected from the eight grade in the annual Princess contest. The meeting at the 1776 Inn is open to the Sauerkraut Committee members at the invitation of Dr. Dan Becker president or the C or c.

Board Sets ~ew VolinI!' Rules For Senior Citiz'ens Due to a recent change in the Ohio absentee voter law , those age 62 and above are now eligible to vote absentee . The new law also changes the requirement that a notary public must notarize the absentee The absentee voter now must sign a statement under penalty of perjury which is similar to that on tax forms. A stateinent made under oath is no longer required . The Council on Aging of Warren County is currently working with the Warren County Board of Elections in an attempt to make those eligible under the new law aware of the ease in voting an absentee ballot. If you are age 62 or over and unable to go to the polls

:-'rom time to time people wish to wri te to their Congressmen expressing their viewpoints regarding pending legislation. For your informa tion , here is a list of the Congressmen that serve our areas : Con: gressman Waiter C. Powell , 1532 Longworth. House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515; Senator Howard Metzenbaum , Senate Office Building, Washington. D. C. 20515 ; Congressman William H. Harsha . 2457 Rayburn Buyilding. Washington, D.C. 20515 : Sef'ator Robert Taft . Jr .. 3331 New Senate Office Bldg ., Washington , D.C. 20515 : The President, The White House. Washington . D .C


on November 5 for the General Election, contact the Warren County Board of Elections at 932-4040 (Franklin 423-5739) to request an application for an absentee ballot. Those with questions may also contact the Council on Aging at 932-i)301 . Residents of the Franklin area may call the Council on Aging office toll free number, Enterprise 6302 . Butlerville, Maineville, and Loveland residents may call toll free by requesting Enterprise 6301, from the Operator. The application for an absentee ballot must be returned to the Board of Elections no later than 4 O. m . on O~tober 31, 1974. Regular regIStranon ends on October 7, 1974.

WHS Prays Little Miami

~AW.Y 11'AVC Game Friday Night The used book and record sale sponsored by the Humane Association of Warren County ' has been changed from Oct. 5 to Sept. 28. The dale will be held on the patio behind the Village Ice Cream Parlor in downtown Lebanon from 10 :30 a .m . to 5 :30 p.m . All proceeds will benefit . the Humane Association.

Wednesday. Sept. 18, 1974




John ·Evers


~9k ~ .!£~ook (JJuUw£J~

'iJ?': The MIAMI GAZETTE Publishl!d Weekly at ~5 South Milin St. WaYAesville, Ohio 45068 Second class postage paid at W.aynesvllle, OhIO

THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.O. 801325, Waynesville -Phone 897·5921

Lila McClure . Editor & Publisher .. . Contributing Editor Sandee Blazer Donna Huffman Staff Artist Karen Gasaway Advertising Sales Subscription - $3.00 Per Year

Health Dept. Inspects Food Service During the period of August 25 through September 8, 1974, the following food service operations were reported satisfactory onroutine inspections: VFW No. 75196 (Franklin), Kings Island Munchen Cafe <Deerfield Township); Kings Island Lion Country Safari <Deerfield ownship); Cozydale Camp (Hamilton Township) , . One food service operation was found satisfactory at the time of the first reinspection: fiC!liQay, Inn <Franklin Township) . .

_----- - -- -


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--,.....,.,............. Ferry

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ferry Churd! of Grist -....._&IacW_ ...


ChrishaOlty. We would not be seeing such filth as the por· nographic magal-ines that are finding their way into the hands of our young people. We would not be having the sex filled movies that are being shown across our nation today . Where were you Christian when these were introduced into Joseph W. Valentine, Executive your living area 7 I truly worry Director of Community Chest and about my own little daughter and Council of the Cincinnati Area, your young children when I think of Inc ., and United Appeal, will be the the world that they will someday speaker (or the kick-off dinner for iriherit from us. What about you, Warren County United Appeal to will you be able to look back and be held at 7 p.m., Thursday, say to your children that you did Septemb,er 19. at King's Island Inn . your best in their behalf7 As I Valenhne, who has a B.S. from heard a young man say once, we Springfield College. Springfield. have talked a good talk but we Massachusetts. and a .S.W. from haven't walked a good walk . In II Boston College. served four years Peter 3 : 18 we are told, "But grow as Execu tive Director of United in grace, and in the knowledge of Way in Bridgeport, onnecticut , and our Lord and Saviour Jesus three years of Director of Christ." I believe we are not only to Development for boston College . study His word daily but we are to He wa !; Associate Executive put this new found knowledge to Dirl:Ctor • of United Way in New use for His kingdom . My humble Ha\'en, Conneticut for four years prayer is that we may all grow in and divi s ion l\1anagpr of Unitpd grace and in strength as we serve Wa v In Boston. Massachusetts for the risen Saviour. fi\'~ years . He also sprved as Youth At Peace through Him Dir~tor for the YMCAs in Winsted Ohio Ernie Smith and Waterbury . Connecticut . for eight years and as Executive Director of the Waterbury Area Questi!)n for the Week . Heart Association for two years . "1. When Were all the Prophecies The spc!aker has long been active in the Book of Daniel to be un · in work for the Junior Chamber of derstood? Commerce and on the Alumni Answer for last weeks question . Fund Committee for Springfield Revelation 1:3 College, serving as chairman for two vears. In 1973. he served on the Mayor's Commission on Health Services in Bridgeport, as chair· man . He has been a member of the Na tiona I Associa tion of Social Workers, Academy of Certified Social Workers since 1963. In 1973, he received the "Boss of the Year" award . The co·-chairmen for the Warren County United Appeal campaign this yea r. Eli LaDuke and Jon Rockhold, will be announcing the Division Chairmen and this year 's goal dul'ing the dinner·meeting Thursday . More than 50 invitations to the dinner have been sent to campaIgn leaders and members of the Board of Directors for United AppeaL -

-_-... ...... &_-_--_. . ............ . _1... ..... ---_--' ...--,..., _- ...... --,......, _............... ...... --' .................... ....... .... .... -_ . ... -_ ...... ---...._-.-_.. ............. --....., ...... -_ ... _.-. . . 51.--,-.....,- -_-_ ....... ..... -.-:.._........... - _s , -,-_1_... ....,........... -...... ..... -,.,...........,._1_ -_---....,-... _-_ ..... ..... ... Uaited _ Churd!_ ~f _41


A Word About Pride From the Book of Proverbs 6 : 1~ 19 we are told, '"n1ese six things doth the Lord hate : yea, seven are an abomination unto Him ; 17· A proud 'Iook, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18An .heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19- A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among Brethem." Believe me this is a powerful sermon taken from the Old Testament but just as reJavent today. I hope and pray that each person who reads this will take time to meditate upon these words and if possible, commi~ them to memory for future reference . The time has come for all who claim Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour to stand together as one body in Christ ready to serve not relax, to be obedient to His com· mands, not disobedient and shame the very n"me we are called by, to stir people to do good works not pacify or appease . It is time for the Christian community to be heard instead of . unheard, to be seen taring the initiative, to speak out against the things that are taking place before our very eyes and sad as it :ma~ seem we are casting our vote in favor by being silent. Praise God, for those who aren't afraid to step out on faith and tell it like it is making no apologies for their actions in taking a stand for

A sidewalk sale will be held on the Waynesville Methodist Church yard, Saturdlay September 21st beginning at 10 a.m. Items of all kinds will be sold. Pie and Coffee will be served. The sale is sponsored by the United Methodist Women.



Methodist Women To Hold Sidewalk Sale

"15 _ .... IchoaI liii015_ · -..,......,liii015_ · .....,.,...... .....,

.....First Baptist Church



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United Methodist Church

First Church of Christ

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...... Friends Meetina.....






Pentecostal Holiness Churd!

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St. AuQastiIe. Church


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United Methodist Church

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HiPeysburo Friendship Baptist Church



Church .



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First Church of God

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Jonahs Run Baptist Church

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The Fu" Gospel Tabernacle


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SPONSC 'i.n> BY-



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En C.1IILLEIl&8ON 8OBIOSEBVICE 81188 IIaiD at. W~ !S'7 __



W"dnesday. Sept. 18. 1974


Waynesvillian Receives Wright State


High Honors

Caesar's Creek Pioneer Village Holds 2nd Annual Pioneer Days Sunday Caesar's Creek Pioneer begin at 10 a .m . and Village will take visitors continue till 5 p.m . Food back to the time of the early and light refreshments will 1800's on Sunday, Sep- be offered throughout the tember 22 with their Second day . Caesar's Creek Pioneer Annual Pioneer Days. The site of the future Village is located near the pioneer village located near intersection of Clarksville Harveysburg . , Ohio will be and Oregonia Roads approsprinkled with 35 or 40 ximately four miles South crafts and demonstrations. of Harveysburg. Signs will Working demonstrations direct visitors from Ohio St. will include butter Rt. 73 through Harveysburg churning, dutch oven and on out into the country . A small car load donation baking over an open fire, hominey making, spinning, will be accepted. All weaving and Quilting. Two proceeds of the day will be craftsmen will demonstrate used to save and preserve chair weaving, and seat the log cabin heritage of the weaving. An area artisan Caesar Creek valley. will demonstrate the ancient art of corn husk dolls. arrow Broom making, United Telephone Company of making, arrow making, Ohio officials annoWlced that hand weaving, yarn dying, the Public Utilities Commission candle making, shake of Ohio has authorized an in· shingle making and pottery crease in local service rates. making will be highlighted The rate adjustment will not throughout the day. The affect long distance charges. R. H. Snedaker, President of finer arts of rug hooking, the firm. said that increased tatting~ hem stitching and china and porcelain apin- cosl of doing business had left ting will be contrasted by the company no alternative to increasing rates . He cited in· lye soap making. flation. skyrocketing interest A wagon ride pulled by a rates on borrowed money, in· team of horses plus pony creased customer usage and rides will highlight the growth , and a desire on the entertainment fair for the company 's part to meet existing young and young at heart. customers' requests for higher The grea t-grea t grandson of grades of service as the the builder of the 1807 Levi primary reasons for the rate Lukens'- Elizabeth Cleaver increase. Snedaker pledged that log house will be on hand the company will continue its offering his sun flower seed efforts to provide improved and efficient service to its owl plaQuekits. Other customers. The company hawkers will offer herbs serves approximateJy 542,000 and spices, handmade telephones throughout the sta te. crafts and hoemade baked The increased rates will goods. On hand for the day result in approximateJy $17 will be one or two con- million in additional revenues. tingents of muzzle loaders Snedaker said this amount with roving includes an emergency rate along musIcians. Other att- increase of $3.9 milliog granted ractions will include a in August, 1973. The increase produces a 7.82 percent rate of Warren CoUnty indian ar- return on a Commission . tifact display, soil con- determined rate base for the servation display, edible test year 1972. paInts display and antique The Public Utilities Com· wagons and buggy. stantial service improvements. Activities for the day Yiill . 'TIIe application for increased

Wright State University's summer Quarter honors list singles out 319 men and women who achieved distinction in their current academic work . Honros designates those persons taking nine or more credit hours and receiving a 3.4 to 3.499 average for the Quarter; High Honors designates a 3.5 to 3.999 average; and highest honor denotes a 4.0 or straight A average. The following are the names of area residents on the current honors list : James D. Edwards 82 N. 3rd . O. Box 89 Waynesville Sr. High Honors.






$1 .19

lb .



'1 .19



8g e



Leonard C Paul Jr. 2079 E C'vlle Sta rd Centerville Fr. High hon .: Chris A Hem melgarn 76 Carmel Ct. Centen/ille So. highest hon . ; Terry C. Kerwin 637 W Alex-Bell road centerville, So. Highest hon .; Phil L. Linton, 6116 O. Sapnish Trl. Dayton, Fr. Highest Hon.; Moya M. Nickell 133 W. Franklin st. Centerville, Un High hon .; Paul D. Race 2119 Southlea Dr. Dayton, so. Highest hon . ; Janette G. RoUe 17 Westerfield Dr. Centerville Fr. hon.; Winifred C Wirth 7260 Bigger Centerville so. High hon .

lb . 89 Price Includes Processing





HOURS : ".n.·5,.,1 7 :00 AMAI :OO P.1l Sun 11 : 00 AM.-8 : 00 PM.

Party Room Ava,table 897 · 7801

United Tel. Rate Hike




Whole or Half

mission noted in its order that the company has shown subrates was filed with the Com· mission in December , 1972. Company officials stressed that the increase covers local ser· vice only and does not affect long distance charges . Specific rates COlr customers in each United f:xchange area must be filed and approved by the Commission and will be available in the near future . Two approximatiOns oC local service increases were given . In Exchange areas that serve between 24,000 and 48,000 lelephones, such as Lima, Mansfield and Warren , one· party residence charges will increase approximately $2.80 monthly: four·party and multi · party f4~idence service charges will increase apprOXimately $1.20 : ;and one-party business serViCE! will increase about


Square Shepp,,. <Anter

Waynesv~le .

1IJde -.






-rile Bu8iDes


~=TY : TOIldI-

11 ..... &

W.»-• •

Guy Elder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fIIIT-3J1J7

Rit.a Elder


Doris VanHorn GlelUl Kun o


fIIIT.a.& Bill PurII:~ fIIIT-7_ SURD CampbeD 887418 Dale D a k i D f I I I T - m l R I' tW - f __ - OC_ _'ld.....

U Know US LONG INSURANCE AGENCY 105 L Mulberry Street. Lebanon

$7 .00.

In smaller Exchanges serving 2.000 to 4,000 telephones , such as

Swanton, Blurrton , and McConnelsville. the increase will amount to approximateJy $2 Cor one-party residence service, $UO for four-party and multi· party residence , and ap· proximlllely $4 .40 for one-party busine515 service. The last permanent rate increa54! granted United oC Ohio was in 1!!70.





. 932·6801




"01. :






415 Super Red Bam & House Paint has excellent hiding power. It contains an iron oxide pigment which provides durable, long-lasting protection. It holds its color and dries with a gloss finish. 315 Super Red Acrylic Latex Bam & House Paint has good color retention, dries to touch in 30 minutes, is recoatable in an hour, can be applied over a damp surface. Thin with water, wash your brushes and rollers with soap and water.





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Facts In br'.I... The American Nur.;ing Home As· sociation is a DOn-profit organization representing both proprietary and non-proprietary nursing homes . Dedicaled to improving hraJth care of the convalescent and chronically ill of all ages . it is a member of. and supports the Long Term Care Coun · cil of the Joint CommisSion on Ac· crcditation of Hospitals . .


The average age of nursing home: patients is 79 years according to the American Nur.;ing Home AsSOCIation. Seventy percent of the patients

are women .

Armost 60 percent of nursing bome employees in the United States are registered nurses. li~ensecj prac· tical nurses or nurse' s aides accord· ing to the Alllerican Nursing Home Association .

While nine percent of the national adult population has never married, 32 percent of people in nursing hOIDQ have never married according to the American Nursing Home Association .

Some 20 million Americans would be eligible for benefits under C1lronicare according to the Ameri · can ~u"ing Home ASSOCIation . is a national health insur· ance program whIch would cover people of all ages wben they develop chronic long· term disabihties . Se,· eral Chronicare bills are current! y under conSIderation by the L . S . Congress .

Today there are more than one m.lhon mdlviduaJs m long term care facilities . The Amencan Sursing Home Association e\pe.:ts thIS fig ure to double by the year ~OOO ,

Nur.;ing home costs are generally one-fourth that of a hospital per day The nursing home patient profile according to the American Nursing is changing according to the AmeriHome Association. Hospitals treat can Nursing Home Assocation . acute conditions. The cost of hand)· Today nursing homes are adrrtitting iog conditions or illnesses which de· more disabled patients and stro~e mand urgent attention must. of victims . Nur.;ing hOlllG also are re.necessity br bigher than. Wl.vjdil)g ... ceiviDg llIO{e post-bospital Cl'lnlfales- . nursing care. cents .

Wedrasday. SepL 18. 1974

wednesday, Sept. 18, 1914

She rwo od And erso n Bor n eight years ago , SherWood Anderson, Camden' s' noted author was born in the modest little cottage still standing at 142 South Lafayette Street in the village. Today Camdeni tes passing this cottage are reminded of the heritage of his birthplac e by a glacial rock bearing a bronze plaque inscribed : Birthplac e of Author , Sher· wood Anderson, Septemb er 13, Ninety


Motorists entering the village discover highway signs with this information. Sherwood Anderson's place in the history of American Literatur e is now establish ed , His writings renect the human interest side of mid ·America at the turn of the century and mark the transition to a new realism in writing by a story teller with humble approach and deep understan ding . Ander· son could write about the turn in the road. the field beyond and the existencl' of the people who traveled that road . HI' promp· ted thl' farmer 's remarks. "Say that 's my field you wrote about. J never realized it was beautiful until J read your piece ," Let us pause to commem oratl' the birthdate of this author whose mid-American stories simply styled establish ed a nl'W

Page. s


98 Yea rs Ago

literary form for writers of the future , The Eleanor I. Jones ar · chi,'es of Camden has many IOter('sting r('cords about An· derson , It is hoped tha t morl' can be added in the years ahead , His books are available thorugh the Cmaden Branch Library , Camdenites may be interested in reading A Story Teller 's Story. a kind of which in autobiography Camden plays a part. Wines burn Ohio is one of Anderson's best known books ,

(Article written b,' Dorothy Coombs WittE'~'

~Irs .

Shrn,.,.,d ..\ndrrson homp as it looks loda~', -

I'hoto h~' Archi .. Armstron g

,Yodeling Contest Is Feature of Swiss Festival A yodeling l'ontest open to all en· professio nal except tertainers . will again be a SWISS Ohio year's this of feature Festival at Sugarcre ek . Friday and Saturday : Sept 27 and 28, The contest will be held Saturday morning at 11 :30 and the winner will receive a cash prize of $15.00 : second prize will be $10.00 and third prize is S5.00 , The Festival hopes in this way to encourag e more people to learn yodeling . which is fast ' becoming a lost art More people are entering the contest each vear and some excellen t tai'ent has been ~lisCovered.

Area Art Show Open s Sept . 15 In, Midd letow n

The service people (all 320 6 of us) are wha t mak e it work.

Middletown Fine Arts Center's annual Area Art Show opens Sept. IS with a public reception from 3 to 5 p.m , The exhibit will run through Sept.

There's more to this utility business than wires and pipes and machine ry. It takes people to make the system work, and keep it working . It takes a lot of different peopte doing a lot of different jobs-en gineers , linemen , servicemen, typists, acc:ount ants, meter readers, custome r service represen tatives , and many,


Artists within a fifty -mile radius have been invited to participa te in the categorie s of oil and acrylic : ceramics and and graphics SCUlpture . pastels : watercol or; drawing ; and crafts of jewelry, batik, weaving, enamel on copper and macrame . The exhibit will be on display at 116 S. Main St. , Middletown, Monday through Wednesday 9 a.m . to 3 p.m. and 6 to 8 p .m .; Thursday hours are 9 a .m. to 3



Detro it


' /"


many more . Tra ined , compete nt people who - c are about their jobs. It's a big responSI bility , supplyin g the utitity service you need , 24 hours a day every day in the year. All of us at DP&L are aware of. that responsibility. And we take it very seriously _



372·35211 The Service People





Quamr back Ted BorgerdiDg uses quamrback sneak play to sel up touchdown for the Waynesville Spartans, against Cedarville. Photo by Paul Brower Waynesville High School Instructor.

fa SInkt


l' C..... £d


Doesn't pollute. . Easy to start. Needs no anti-freeze. No repair·bills. .Incredible miJleage. Steer.; cl~ of traffic.

Collision-proof. No speed limit. Saves gas.

All New Merchandise 2·Piece living Room $88 Stereo·Console $79 Mattresses $18 Recliners $48 Bunk Beds $48 9'112' Rugs $5 Cocktail and 2 Step TAbles (setol8) $18

Phone. Instead of going. 4B E. P!'ulberry Sl Lebanon 932·2246 Monday·Friday 10·9 p.m . 10·6 p.m. Saturday 12 noon·5 pm . Sunday



Wednl'sday, Sl'pt, IR, 19H

Pag .. 7


Real Estate Service

TOM FLORENCE REALTY 31 S. MAIN WAYNESVillE 897·5000 228·4671 ASSOCIATES: Eric Florence 897·3666 Brian Florence 848·4140

NEED LISTINGS FARMS· Residential Call Today

Like everyone else we're SORRY' We have had to raise our prices to 15 cents a paper when we go 12 pages and 5 cents a colum n Inch on display adverJlZlng Subscriptions

... ".r.~ ~



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10:'lO a.m. to 9:30' p.m.






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US Army Recruiting




and Cl assified, Church and G~S lness Directory will stay the same for a while

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ZO W Mlliberry 8t



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CHEVROLET SPECIALS Nova 2795 00 Impala 2 Dr HT 1695 00 Impala .1 Dr HT 1695 00 Vega 2 u' GT 1495 00






Wednesday. Sept. 18. 1974


Miami's Leading Scorer Back

Gilligan Allocates 49 Million In Welfare

Senior placek:lcker Dave Draudt is !he'top returning scorer from last year's t,mdefeate'd Miami footbalHeam . hI' accounted lor 62 . points as 111' converted 20 of 21 extra-poInt attempts and made 14 lipId goal.s. His 5Z-yard field goal in the championship game against Kent· state tied a Miami and mid-American ('onference record. New C'!Deh ' Di~k Crum gr~eted 85 candidates as the Redskins opened fall drills Monday in preparation for thl' season opener against Eastern Michigan. Sept. 7. at Miami Field .





m!Giol un 0' "AHDS


Miami Holding Longest Win Streak In Country By Dave Young start 10 prepare for Purdue." OWners of the longest winning Coach Crum will be in West streak in major-eollege football , Lafayette this Saturday to scout Miami does nol put its 13-game Purdue in its season opener victory string on the line until against Wisconsin. "We are Sept. 21 against Purdue at West going to play probably as good a Lafayette, Ind . footbail team as we'll play all The Redskins opened their year in Purdue." stated Crum . season last Saturday with a 39-0 "We should get a pretty good whitewash of Eastern Michigan indication of whal to expect at Miami Field. the margin of from Purdue as they are going victory was the biggest for to have to go all out and hold Miami in a season opener since nothing back when they open Ara Parseghian coached the their Big 10 season against Redskins to a 470{) win over Wisconsin ." &wiing Green in 19:>3. Last year Miami iought from Miami has an open date in the behind to defeat the Boilerschedule on Sept. 14. "We would makers , 24-19. Trailing 19-10 in like to be playing this Satur· the final $even minutes of lhe day," remarked new head coach Dick CrU"m . "We were • game . Miami's middle guard Brad Cousino blocked a Pur<!ue scheduled to play Xavier, but punt attempt to help set up a the Musketeers dropped foot· score. Quarterback Steve Sanna ball at the end of last season . So went to [he air to lead the we will go back to two-a-day Redskins to the winning touchpractiCes this week and wo~k on down in the final minutes . Both Cundamentals. Sunday we will Cousino and Sanna arc seniors this year . Speaking before the Oxford Tomahawk Club last Monday , Coach Crum had praise Cor both the offense that scored 39 points and Lie defcnse that blanked Eastern Michigan and held the Hurons to a total of just 104 yards . Last year Miami ranked tops in the nation in both total defense and rushing defense, allowing just In.4 yards per

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Gov . John J . Gilligan and State Welfare IDirector Charles W. Bates today announced the allocation of $49 million in state and federal funds to county welfare departments to hire welfare recipients to work. Gilligan said Warren county had avallablE~ for its use in hiring Aid to Dependent Children (ADC ) heads of families $255.820 to assist people in need. such as the aged, blind, disabled and children . Gilligan said the allocations to each of Ohio 's 88 counties for Fiscal Year 1975 was being made to expand the Ohio Department of Public Welfare's Employment Opportwlities in Social Services (EOSS) Program . Bates explained that the EOSS program was an expansion of the department 's successful pilot pUbliC . services employment project in Butler and Montgomery CountieS . That project was launched 'in October 1971. Bates said that under the expansion' of that concept , four counties have EOSS projects . He said they were Portage. Lorain. Franklin and Wood counties. He said 42 rormer welfare recipients were now working and 137 people had be,en removed from the welfare rolls. Bates :said he hoped Ohio's other 84 counties would follow suit and launch EOSS projects so that needed public social services to the disadva ntaged could be provided and so jobs for welfare recipients cOllld be crea ted. "People need jobs to get off welfarE' a nd people need services." said Bates. " That 's thE' beautiful thing about this program . It combines these desirable goals." Bates said county welfare departments were advised April 30 on how to prepare EOSS plans . He said counties in the process of wor king out details included ; Clark., Cuyahoga , 1:Iamilton. Hancock , Jefferson , Lawrence , Lucas , Mahoning , Marion , Summit and Trumbull . The director said that the EOSS program . although the allocation was being made to county welfare departments , could be operated at the local level by county children services boards or other local units such as community action agencies . Bates said that , under EOSS, partic ipating county weltare departments would be able to use state funds now going 10 ADC and General Relief (GR) benefits, to pay the salaries of former recipien,ts hired to provide services . The director said services EOSS employees would be paid for providing would include : day care. transp o rtation , homemaker assistancl' , chore services, and adult pr'otective services. Bates said Ihe number of recipients employed through the program would depend on how fast agencies developed county programs to hire recipients . He said the state department estimated that 2,500 to 5,000 People could be hired by the end of Fiscal Year 19:75 and an estimated 5,000 to 10,000 people removed froll) the rolls . Adams 199,615 ; Allen 443,586;

~,~~l ~'~i, ~\I~~~a, ~,~; .. (0 .-


'_1.... ,

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Athens 227,443 ; AugJaize 58,547 ; Belmont 241,355 ; Brown 151,674 ; Butler 946,137 ; Carroll 51 ,522; Champaign 106,763 ; Clark m.522; Clermont 307,204 ; Clinton 144 .373 ; Columbiana 312,579 ; Cos hoctcn 89,131; Crawford 131 ,422; Cuyahoga 11,886 ,488 ; Darke 109,933 ; Defiance 57,858. Delaware 87,891 ; Erie 180,528 ; Fa irfield 176,057 ; Fayette 117,095; Franklin 5,428,846; Fulton 23,558; Galia 133,491 ; Geauga 104,423 ; Greene 402,260 ; Guernsey 140.238; Hamilton 4,872,711 ; Hancock 98.637; Hardin 68,743 ; Harrison 48,491 ; Henry 28,793 ; Highland 142,168 ; Hocking 107,178 ; Holmes 67,364 ; Huron 122,880; Jackson 287,641 ; Jefferson 506,543 ; Knox 145,338; Lake 412,452; Lawrence 463,287; Licking 326,905; Logan 81 ,415; Lorain 966,525; Lucas 2,619,646 ; Madison 113,929 ; Mahoning 1,489,185; Marion 240,806 ; Medina 118,199 ; Meigs 93,262 ; Mercer 41 ,880; Miami 153,329 ; Monroe 71 ,084; Montgomery 2,886,899 ; M'o rgan 87.616; Morrow 44,360 ; Muskingum 340.682 ;

Noble 55.102; Ottawa 98,773 ; Paulding 33,064; Perry 132,112; Pickaway 105,248; Pike 211 ,460; Portage 241.080; Preble 56.067 ; Putnam 45.600; Richland 401,020 ; Ross 334.342; Sandusky 130,382 ; Scioto 695,276; Seneca 111,449; Shelby 63,643; Stark 1,254 ,996 ; Summit 2.525,140; Trumbull 714.149 ; Tuscarawas 229,508 ; Union 63,783 ; Van Wert 48,077; Vinton 56,618; Warren 255,820 ; Washington In,847 ; Wayne 161 ,040 ; WilJiams 42,845; Wood 124,535; Wyandot 55,102;

Charlton .Field fOregonia Rd at Hen Peck) Men And Womens Softball


Massie Twp. Fire Dept. Tourney This Weekend

Legislators Address Mental Health Five Ohio le~slators will be counties having a population of at among those addressing repre- least 50,000 by passage of Hous~ sen~li~es of ~ounty mental health Bill 648 in 1967. These boards have and mental retardation (648) betw~n 9 anl1't5 iiiipaiCfmembers boarc\s throughout Ohio at their who appoint an executive director annual Joint Board-Staff Associa- and evaluate his 'Work by the use of lion meeting September 18-20. established standards and pro· State Senators Harry Meshel, cedures Those attending the 0·33, and Max ' Dennis, R-IO, and meeting are primarily executive state representatives William G. directors and staff members of the Batchelder, R-93, and Myrl Shoe- boards. maker, D-as, will discuss the A complete list of presenters and legislative process as it relates to panel members at the meeting 648 boards at the ' meeting at follows Preparation, planning and Mohican State Lodge in Perrys- allocation of per capita reville on September 19. Repre- imbursements : Rep. Robert W. sentative Robert W. Jaskulski, JaskulSki, 0-11 ; Paul. McAvoy , 0 -11, will speak September 18, D.S.w., deputy commISSIoner, discussing per capita re- Division oC Mental Health, Ohio imbursements at the community Department oC Mental Health and board level. Mental. Retardation ; Thomas Gro"This kind of meeting is gan, District,l !J)anager, Division essential to bring awareness for of Mental Heal!h (including BuUer. the needs in the areas of mental Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton and health and mental retardation. Warre"! counties) ; Kent Slough , These are areas which have been board member, BuUer County 648 shutned aside in the past," Meshel board ; H. Bernard Smith, exesaid. "Now there is a strong effort cutive director, Cuyahoga County to build and continue programs in 648 board. these areas , indicating their Proposed changes in the 648 act : importance and high priority." Mrs. Eleanor Carrick, board. All 648 boards will be repre- member, Muskingum County joint sented at the meeting, where other 648 board ; Dave Cox , executive topics to be discussed include director. Summit County 648 proposed changes in the 648 act and board ; Paul McAvoy , D.S.W.. acth'ities to pass a 648 levy . deputy commissioner. Division of Other presenters and panel Mentla Health, Ohio Department members in sessions at the of Mental Health and mental meeting, include Paul McAvoy , Retardation ; Cy Ransopher. exeD.S .W.. deputy commissioner of cutive director, Licking-Knox the Division of Mental Health and county 648 board. of the Ohio Department of Mental Preparation, planning and acHealth and Mental Retardation ; tivities required to pass a 648 levy : Dolph Maslar, executive. director Robert DeForest, executive of the Ohio County Commissioners' Director, Clark County 648 board ; Association; and Nancy Jeffrey, Mrs. G. A. Foster. board. member', member of the Franklin County 848 Coshocton, Guernsey, Morgan. board and chairperson of the Muskingum, Noble, Perry joint 648 department's Advisory Council. board; Nancy Jeffrey, member, Mental health and mental Franklin Coutny 648 board ; Dolph retardation boards were created in Maslar, executive director, Ohio each ,e~untY.' or . '.eClmbinatiQA , ·~r, '~CountyCptDlJ1issi11ner Association.







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''I've never had car.cer. But I'd be crazy to ignore ,t. You'd have to go abng wit~ :nct. The fact is, many cancers can oe cured 11 d ec:ec!'?ci ec;.,r!'I. Do you know that I'/' miil ion America ns na'ie Cl !,ecc'l. been cured? But you've go: :0 kne w Ihe wanIng 5 ,g~.']. ~ :

Change in bowel or bladder habits. A sore that does not heal, Unusual bleeding or discharge. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. Obvious change in wart or mole. Nagging cough or hoarseness. Those are the signals. If one of them appears see your doctor nght away. The odds are you don't have cancer. But only your doctor can tell you that for sure."

American Cancer Society





~"i ~

r- " , ' ..

Go Fly A Kite On Sunday , September 22. all Ohioans will be invited to take part in what will probably be the biggest kite -flying contest ever held in the world . It will be held simultaneously at Ohio 's 24 mental health and mental retardation institutions and will be sponsored by the Ohio Jaycees . the Ohio Association (or Retarded Citizens. the Ohio Association (or Mental Health , and the Ohio Department o( Mental Health and Mental Retardation . On the (ollowing Sunday, final "fly-o((s" of the local winners will be held in the Columbus area at Orient State Institute . Presiding over the judges will be Buzz Aldrin . the National Chairman o( Association (or Mental Health . and the second man to walk on the moon . Called the " Great Humanization Kite-Flying Contest." the event is being held to help eliminate the stigma o( mental disabilities. to give the community a chance to visit the institutions and set! their services, to provide prizes and glory (or the contestants , and to have (un beating the present record held by Boston when they put 1,000 kites in the air last spring . To do this the sponsors ha VI" provided 5.'000 kites (or use by residents oC the institutions and Cor sale to the' visiting community members . But it is expected that many oC th,e kites wiu be home made . Members oC kite-flying associations and students oC aerodynamiCS will be flying their own creations . State-wide notification has been sent to aD troops oC the Boy Scouts of

America by the i r regional headquarters Prizes are being donated by local ('ommunitv bUSinesses and by national 'and internatIOnal in · dustries . In general only nbbons wll' be won by contestants. but prizes will be donated In the winners name to the institutIOns . There is a dona lion o( 25 cents to be a spectator and an additional 15 cents to enter the contest as a participant . All proceeds will be given to the parent·volunteer associat ions oC the institutions to buy needed Items (or activity therapy There wli' be six c ontest categories . and In each category Ihere Will be first . second and third ribbon awa rds for entnes The ea tegories are I I GraphiCS and decoration . for best use of color and graphic design to express more aspects of the them e of Humanization . 2) Most original or unusual use of aerodynamics I kite construction shape) : J) Largest kites . 4.> Smallest kites . 51 Highest kites . mt'asured In length of stnng . not ('levation . 6 1 Longest flying kites I)n grounds of an institut ion by the end of the contest Letter attesting the date and time when kite was first put Into fl ight and attesting that the kite had stayed in flight must accompany entry . It must also be signed by a member of the clergy . Institutional staff or volunt~r .

Mr William Dav is. acting director of the Department , has urged Ohioans to be more aware oC the need to improve ~onditions at state institutions . 'The rationale

for the kite,flying event is simple. For decades innocent people have bft>n warehoused with Ii lUI" more than custodial care at Ohio's state mental Institutions . Lately , through efforts oC dedicated people . many of whom have relatives In these institutions, the care and training provided have begun to improve . We are trying to call attention to the improvements tha t ha ve taken place and those which must yet take place if our institutions are going to help people This effort to call public attention to the fact that the mentally ill and mentally retarded need a more normalized environment we call "Humanization ." II is Cor this ultimat e purpose that we are in\'I ting you to join in the kite-fJy," he said All group-sponsored entries will be Invited to display and fly their kites at the final fly-oCCs with Buzz Aldrin on Septem ber 29 at Orient, whether they are ribbon winners or not Further participation information is available Crom the Inst itutions or the Office oC CommUni cations . 2929 Kenny Road, Columbus , Ohio 4322....:..1._ _ _ __

I · .r.,-

Page 10

Glenn Proposes Plans

I ~

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~:... .



.. ' . ~





John Glenn. candidate for U.S, Senate from Ohio, poses with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kolb al a cocklail party held in Frank,lin this month. Kolb is candidate for Slale Representative from the 7Jrd District.



Warren County United Appeal Chairman Announce Chairmen For Soliciting Govt. Employees


.,1 ,

Area Democrats Attend Confab




Wedensday. Sepl.. 18.


The problems of economy ana the energy crisis were the main topics of a speech given by John Glenn, candidate for U. S. Senate from Ohio, during a cocktail party ht!ld in Franklin at the Elmoe Crouch residence September 6. Glenn said, "n is tragic that a year after the energy crisis, there is still no energy policy for this country." The former astronaut declared . that we must have energy substitutes and said we haven't "really gotten into alternate energy sources such as solar and nuclear energy". He Called the President and Congress to takt! the lead in directing research in this area. Glenn said he was " distressed" about . the President putting off actions to improve the economy until 1975 and disclosed that he (Glenn) has a seven point program designed to control the economy. "The 1969 dollar buys only 75

cents worth today. " Glenn stated. "Projecting. that means in 1975. the same dollar will buy only 44 cent worth." he added . He said that the main trad~dy was the fact that those on a fixed income cannot adapt te such a situation, calling that " tragic" . " We are also the last major nalion without a national health ·plan." he said. Glenn said that It is ironic that those in small business operations plan ahead while in national affairs. "we wait for a crisis before acting" . He said he believes we must go into the future with a plan, particularly in connection with economy, environment and education . Seventy five persons attended the cocktail party which was clrhosted by Mr. and Mrs. Crouch and Jim Ruppert, candidate foi' Congressman from the Eighth District in 1970 and 1972.

Chairmen who will be soliciting Evendale for seven years . He and Cecil Linkous. Tom Buf· fenbarger. Saodee Blazer and John government employees for Warren his wife, Josephine, reside at 1208 Moore represented Warren County County United Appeal have been South 42, Lebanon. They have at the Ohi·o Democratic Convention announced by Eli laDuke and three children-two sons, Richard held at the Neil House in Columbus Jon Rockhold, general co--chair- and Byron Jr., and a daughter. Saturday. Linkous. chairman of men for the local United Appeal Mrs. Janet Weaver. Wyatt, who is serving on the Warren County Executive campaign. Edward L. Schwaberow, Ad- Lebanon's Bi-Centennial ComCommittee; Buffenbarger. vice chairman oi the Central Com· ministrative Assistant for the City mittee, is a member of the mittee; and Blazer. secretary of of Lebanon , will be chairman for American Legion and the Elks Government Employees Club. He and his wife, Phyllis; have both committees. were delegates the to the convention . Moore. an Division for villages , cities and the a son. Michael, and a daughter. alternate. attended in the absence county . Frank Wyatt. Personnel Krista. and reside at 313 Summit of Dan Moore. Stan Kolb, and Otis Officer at Lebanon Correctional St., in Lebanon. Schwaberow. who wa~ chairmen Cook. the other three delegates Institution, will be in charge of selected to attend the convention. solicitation of LeCI employees and for United Appeal [or city The keynote address was Byron C. Kennard Sr., whf;l is in employees of Lebanon last year , is delivered by Richard F . Celeste. charge of Labor Relations at a member of Lebanon Kiwanis and candidate for Lieutenant Governor Division 8 of the State Highway the Lebanon Bicentennial Com· who was introduced by Governor Department, has been appointed mittee. He and. his wife; Lynne, have two sons. Chad and Samie . .John J. Gilligan. Other candidates chairman for Division 8. Kennard . who served as Sheriff They reside at 908 Hartz Dr., introduced included: Gertrude. W. Donahey. candidate !incumbent) of Warren County for eight years. Lebanon. All three men have expressed a for State Treasurer ; Tony Hall. was president of the Southwestern candidate for Secretary of State ; Ohio Police and 'Sheriff's As- desire to help those in need by William J . Brown. candidate sociation and is a member and a giving everyone in their areas of (incumbent) for Attorney General ; past Master of Masonic Lodge responsibility an opportunity to Thomas E . Ferguson. candidate No.26 of Lebanon. He was a give "their fair share" to the for Sta te Auditor ; and three supervisor a t Electric Auto Co. in United Appeal of Warren County . judicial candidates - Frank J . Celebrezze, Clifford F . Brown and Joseph E . O·Neill . John Glenn. candidate for U.S. Senate from Ohio. also attended the morning P.T.O. Schedule of eventssession . for 1974-75: Delegatt!s voted on amendments Sept. 23 Craft Night-P.T.O. Memto the Democratic State Con· stitution and on the 1974 Party bership Drive. Platform and selected 14 at-large Oct. 28 Open House-all schools-dindelegates and 19 alternates to the ner Democr,ltic National Convention . Nov. 25 Waynesville Follies The c'onvention preceded the state fund raising dinner , which Jan. 'l:l Music-all schools (nominacentered around the theme ''Ticket ting committee appointe) To Tomorrow". and was held that Feb. 24 Election of officers-plans evening at 7 p.m . at the Lausche for spring festival Building, Ohio Expositions Center. Mar_ 17 Fashion show and band Governor Gilligan was the keynote speaker for the dinner . installation of officers

Apr. 26

The fourth annual Preble County Pork Festival, higbligbt of !be autumn fann scene in west-celltral Ohio, will be held Sept. 21-22 at the fairgrounds on Ohio 122 South in Eatoo.


We are looking forward to working with you this year as you help your child grow alld learn. Your child is learning about himself, about his family and his playmates, and about many everyday thiogs. The child who asks questions is eager to learn, so try to answer him. He may ask the same question over and over. A child often does this because he needs to practice using the language as well .as to get information. He woots to .use words ood sentence patterns which he has learned. Therefore, he repeats bimself, asking a question again and again or repeating a word or group of words until you wonder if he ever will stop. By talking with your child you

will help him develop the ability to ' say what .Ie wants to say, and you will also help him develop the feeling that he is an important persons. The child who feels worthWhile is more likely to learn easily ' than is the child who feels that nobody cares what he says or thinks. Have you ever taken your child for a walk in your neighborhood? Children like to explore. Take time to look at the insect, plant, or stone that he may see along the way. You may see things that you've never noticed before . Discover your neighborhood with your child. Perhaps you can tell him how neighbors help one another (or maybe he will tell you) . Praise your child when be is helpful. We all like praise.

Spring Festival

It is important lor your child to handle objects. He will discover many things - for instance, a ball rolls, a block does not ; he can make a louder noise with a metal pan Ulall with a paper plate; a small measuring cup will fit inside a larger one; some materials feel smooth, while others are rough to the touch . The young child learns from many pE!Ople, but you, his parents, are his most important teachers. Just think of all your child learned even before he was three years old!

So, to you and your child, a happy and helpful year, working with us as we work with you. For more information regarding Headstart, call 932-5986.

The Council on Aging of Warren County is attempting ·to locate those Warren Countians who are eligible for. the new federal program, Supplemental Security Income, but have not yet applied. One reason for the failure to apply may be that many people do not realize that SSI can be paid in addition to Social Security benefits. Sup~ lemental Security Income is available to law-income persons age 65 and over who have a total monthly income, including Social Security, ofless than $166_00 for an individual living alone, or less than $239.00 for a married couple living in their own home or apartment. Individuals may also have a limited income from employment, own their own home if valued below $25,000, own a car . valued .. • . . .at ' below . I· .· $1200.00 ". · · . ,

or awn a msurance policy with a face value of no more than $1500_00. Blind and disabled persons, regardless of age, may also qualify for SSI. H you Urink you are eligible, or you know of someone hwo is eligible, call the Council on Aging in

Lebanon at 932-6301 or the Social Security Administration collect in Middletown at 423-5371. Hamilton service are a residents may call Hamilton collect at 869-8850. Lebanon area residents can also see a representative of the Social Security Administration every Tuesday at the Court House from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. to make appli.9l?c;m for SSI..

. , . . . ., .i ~

Wednesday. Sept. 17. 1974


Warren County Certified Ambulatory Health Car~ Center Benton Wahl, Health Commissioner of the Warren County Health Department, is pleased to announce that Donald W. Cashman, M.D., Director of Health of the State of Ohio, has certified the Warren County Health Department as being an Ambulatory Health Care Center. In order to participa te as an Ambulatory Health Care Center the Warren County Health Department met the following general definitions : 1. Provides preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, or palliative items or services furnished to an outpatient (ambulatory patient) by or under the direction of a physician or dentist in a facility which is not a part of a hospital but which is organized and operated to provide medical care to outpa tients ; 2. Has health and medical care policies which are developed with the advice of (and with the provision of review of such policies) an advisory committee of prof essional personnel including one or more physicians, one or more dentists (if dental care is provided) , and one or more registered nurses;

ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DALELLIOTI All leading brands-free estimates. Bank financing available. Waynesville 8977851. BEAUTY SALON MIAMI SQUARE BEAUTY Salon, 140 S. Main St. , Waynesville, Ohio 897-3876. Hours Mon. 9-12; Tues; 9-12; Wed. 9-5 ; Thurs. 9-8; Fri. 8-6 ; Sat. 8-2. Full service Beauty Salon and Boutique. Men styling by appointment only. CAR DEALERS FRED KIBBEY CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE, "customer consideration," 201 S. Broadway for new cars and 72S Columbus Ave 'for used cars, Lebanon. 9325015.


YSLER, "Chrysler, Do4ge, Plymouth." ~18 W. MafDSt., Lebanon, 932-5951.

MUENNICH MOTORS "8trer Idea Cars From Fcri," "Quality Columbus 932-1010.

ear care. "


Ave:, 'Lebanon,


• •....................................•••.•• '• • • • • • • • A • • ~

3. Has a medical director , a dental director (if dental care is provided) , and a director renursing sponsible for the execution of such policies and has physicians, dentists, nursing and ancillary staff appropriate to the scope of services provided; 4. Has a requirement that the health care and medical care of -every patient be under the supervision of a physician, provides for medical care in a case of emergency, has in effect a written'agreement with one or more hospitals and other centers or clinics and has an established patient referral system to other resources and a utilization review plan and program ; 5. Maintains clinical records on all patients ; 6. Provides nursing services nad other therapeutic services in accordance with program and policies, with such services supervised by a registered professional nurse, and has a registered professional nurse on duty at all times of clinical operations. 7. Provides approved methods and procedures for the dispensing and adminis· tration of drugs and biologicals ; 8. Has estalbished an

accounting and record keeping system acceptable to the Ohio Department of Health a nd the Ohio Department IOf Public Welfare to determine reasonable and allowable costs of operations , and in accor dance with standards con· .tained in HIM-15 ; and 9. Meets all other conditions necessary for the protection of the health and safety of the individuals who provide services in such a center as well as the patients who come for service, Mr , Wahl was espec ially anxious to obtain the certificatil[)n for the Warren County Health Department because it enables the Department to bill the State Medicaid Program for ser· vices which it renders to medicaid we.Ifare patients , This billing is anticipated to enable the Warren Coun ty Health Department to develop mor e needed medical services for the county,



BI-RITE CARPET &: TILE, 140 S. Main St., Carpet, floors, ceramic, ceilings, 897-5511 Waynesville 2225608, DaytQn. CEMENT WORK & ROOF REPAIRS HUBERT SMITH &: SON If you have cistern problems have it cleaned and repaired DOW. We also do cement work all kinds. Block laying and roof repair~hone 932--f665. COLLISION REP AIR SPRING VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REP AIR: "Expert Body &: Paint Work" : Experienced work. All work guaranteed 862-M87. Located on US 42 1 mile south of Spring Valley and 5 miles north of Waynesville. C08ME11CS 'You are invited for a free complimentary complexioo care lesson desigDed just for you. Call for an appoinbnent. 932-7672 Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio. 726 E Main St. Lebanon, Obio,

Pagr \I

Waynesville-Unfurnished ranch style one bedroom apt. Electric electric stove refrigerator, air con~ ditioner, garbage disposal, wall to wall carpet. Adults only. Ava ilable Oct. 1st. Call 897~t831 or Dayton 1-275-5877.

D i~ , , rertlOIUl~ . :. " .



.US miDlmlllD charge over Lose weight wid! ' New ZS words 5 eeuta extra per Shape T~ebJ and ~ word. TIIANK YOU" Water Pilla at ~ '



'1.25 miDlmlllD cbarge-over ZS words Z. eeuta extra Del'


Pennsylvania Dutch Festival At Goodwill

T he lRlh Ann ual P e nns yl · \'a m3 Dutc h F f.'s tl\'a I w ill be hl'ld Oc lobl' r 4· 5 a t the OhIO Vallt,y (;oodw lll Ind us trl l's HI" ha hll, ta tlOn ('e nte r , t0600 Spring fIe ld P ,k(' , Wood la wn , CI nCin na tI Th,' fes ll\'al ,s tra dli lO na ll y a n [,X(" lt ing

rn D,: l ur(' of

t' X() tI C

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a nd (' Hxls F r.)m ~ :10 a m to R p m Ih.· hal.1a r , r r owdt-d With u n u ~ual boo lhs s uc h a s the (;",nl Fh'" ~l " rk l'l. lI uff' n ' Pu ff (il.a :-.:--h lowlnt! . Tr a!\ h &: T r Pit :--.un ..... . ;11111( I ut' ~ . a nd hOrTlt'madt ' h andll'riJit~ . I!'O olw nl'rl (o r (" on

noisse ur a nd ba r g a in hunting hrowsers or buye rs ,' Th, s yea r , a n a ll da y s nack ba r wi ll a ll ow "I s lt ors 10 sa mple Es,~ l c h BOI . Se hta al Buun S<- la wdt. a nd Hay mgmacht Suupe O\' lne !!a r pie , mI xed bean ~ a l a rl , and home m ade SOUps) amo ng ot h('r Penns ylv a n ia lI utch Ir!'ats T h,· 19;, P e nnsy lva nia l>ulc h r es tl\'" l IS s ponsor ed by the ( ;00(1\..,11 Wom!'n's s.-rvi ce I!lII ld Profi t, fro m thE' he nefit ,,111 111' WH'" to s u p port a \'aril' ty n'h "hllll a t" ," p r ogram s a l !h,' :l~ l' n ("y


P AlNT Ir WALLPAPER LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cahall SQUARE DON'S PAINT 6: WALL- PI. Waynesville; 1-185-5453 LAUNDllOMAT AND DRY PAPER 107 E . Mulberry St. or 897-6055; Camfield Com. pany Inc. 433-991% or CLEANE.'RS,88 S. Main ~l Lebanon, Ohio 932-2930. 897-6055. Waynesville, 897-5961.



FLORIST LO~~cy EU.IS SUPER VALU quaCEDAR CITY FLORIST, Professional Prescriptloo lity and low prices opeD tiD Finest Flowers 6: Gifts, 123 service 33 S. Main Street, nine, 7 days a week, gbcme E. Mulberry St., Lebanoo, Waynesville 8V1-7f116 897-5001 . . Ohio 932--2916. . WAYNESVILLE MARKET GROCERIES PLUMBING. REA TlNG SHERWOODS MARKET, W. W. COVEY P'umbing 69 S. Main St. 897-5!H1 Meat "fea~ !Deats cut . to and Heating ITT Fifth St., Sp«ialiata. order, delivery servIce. Waynesville 897~1 747 Cincinnati Ave. Leba. TV8ALE8.8ERViCES nan,Oblo a2-1ioW. S.-\DDI.EHY . ' .. , HORSE AND BUGGY BEA'ITY'S TV SALES • INSURANCE h E thing r SERVICES Zellith, rr N THE NATIONAL LIFE &: sop, very . or you ' .. 'Lebanoa . : ACCIDENT INSURANCE and your horse. Jim Ever- =ciway , , CO. (Grand ole Opry sole, Owner. 4.6 N: Broad. People) l~ Napier agent ;a~ Ohio 4S036. WATER SERVICE 897-3111 . Hoil 'S Hanling and water



LOAN & SAVINGS CO. service. cistern and PEOPLES BUILDING cleaned, Box 1893 42 N. LOAN &: SAVINGS CO., Genntown . 932-1166. "Start saving tomorrow," Come to 11 S. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone ~

REMODEL YOUR OLD jewelry-remounting gold sizing, refinishing jewelry repair. Stone setting. DavidsollS Jewelers, Leba- 3876. non 932-i~. REAL ESTATE K.S.A. REALTY,IIS S. Main St. , Waynesville, 897-3501.

Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZETTE Only S3 .00 A Year




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Hear yet ! Hear yet ! The fifth annual Ohio Sauerkraut Festival will be held Saturday and Sunday, October 12th and 13th in Waynesville, Ohio. Waynesville, already famous throughout Ohio for its many antique stores, honors the Noble Kraut at it~s yearly festival. The people of Waynesville invite you to came and help them celebrate. The agenda of events for the two days will give you a hint as to the fun to be had and the things to be seen.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th 10:00 A.M. :' -,

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Opening Ceremonies. Opening of Craft Show & Flea Market. 11 :00 A.M. Sauerkraut Dinner & Fish Fry begin. Antique Car Show and judging for Peoples Choice begins. 11 : 30 A.M. Welcoming Ceremonies & Royalty Presentation. 12 Noon Springfield Polka Band . 1:00 P.M. Contests and Games. '1 : 30 P.M. " Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 2:30 P.M. Miami Valley Folk Dancers. 3: 15 P.M. "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 3 : 30 P.M. Bicycle Parade & Judging. 4 :00 P.M. Parade of Antique Car Show win· ners. ,4 : 45 P.M .. , "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 5 :00 P.M. Finals of Checker Tournament. 7 :00 P.M. Fiddlers Contest and Country Music.


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12 : 30 12 : 30 12 : 30 1 :00

P.M. Opening Ceremonies . P.M . Craft Show and Flea Market begins. P.M. Art Show. P.M . "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater 1 : 30 P.M. Wienerschenitzel Band. 2:30 P.M. "Riding Hood" • Waynesville Puppet Theater. 3 :00 P.M. Czech Dancers Polka Club of Meta· mora, Ohio . . 4 :00 P,M.. . " Riding Hood " . Waynesville Puppet Theater. . 4 :30 P.M. .h4dging for the Best Homemade Sauerkraut and Largest Head of Cabbage.

There are many delicacies to savor Sauerkraut Cookies and Cake, Cabbage Rolls and Candied Apples, Brautwurst and Candies of all kinds. Craftsmen from all over Ohio come to show their Early American Trades. There is a large Flea Market with items of every description. A checker tournament played with corn cob checkers and music, music, music. Come and join in the fun October 12th and 13th in the Sauerkraut Capitol of the world, WayneSVille, Ohio.

Wednesday. Sept.


Page 12 "

NURSING HOMES F'ROANDCON One of the more interesting debates at the International Platform Association Convention was Ihe one between Mary Adelaide Mendelson, author of ''Tender Loving Greed," a book about the nursing home business, and Dr, Thomas Bell, Executive Vice President of the American Nursing Homes Association , I do not · profess to know much about the nursing home business, but like most peo'ple, I have heard a lot for ~helU and a lot against them , Penlonal experience seems 10 direct everyone's feelings. Miss Melodelson asked, "is it not incarceratiion of the old?" to begin the deba U!. She sta ted tha t her studies and surveys indicated that frequently . there is no registered nurse available at a home and the accredited plan for feeding the re-;idents is seldom foUowed . She said she found that orten, residents were fed on the basis of spending 78 cents per day, per resident and that in many places, managers of homes were saying that they didn 't have enough funds to buy toilet paper whille records indicated the staff was well paid . She deplored the "power of attorney" given to the homes , saying that residents lost not only their property, but their monthly checks as well . She said that a sUrYey taken by the Social Security Department showed that 85 percent of monthly checks were endorsed only with a "x" -Which she indicated meant that there is little assurance that the recipient cashed his or her own check. The nurs,ing home business is not well manalged , according 10 Miss Mendelson who said that the cost of care is -so high because many limes, second and third mortgages are so costly that doUars are not used for operating the home itself. Miss Mendelson deplored the condition of many homes. noting


1M. 197 ~

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Kitchen Korner LlJat government standards are not enforced. She pointed out that in Ohio, there have been no changes in the laws· governing operation of nursing homes since 1964. Despite the fact that the fire safety law was adopted nationally in . 1969, she added. there are 12,000 homes not meeting the requirements. Bell countered tha t there are two SIdes ·to the stories, noting that many times, relatives of residents pick up their social security checks and cash them . He explained that there ' are 40 employees of the American Nursing Home Association with a major aim of improving educational services. He , of course. denied that the majority of nursing homes are mis· managed. When the session was opened for questions and answers, it was obvious that there are many more people who believe that homes are poorly managed . than those that feel the ' nursing home people are doing a good job. One irate lady said that her mother was in a nursing home, which cost her $12,000 a year and that Ihe home didn 't even provide toilet paper. In order to see that her mother was properly fed , she said, she has to go to feed her herself three times a day . As I thought about those homes with· administrators who tried to feed each resident on less than 80 cents a day , i couldn 't help but to think about the Warren County Jail and Lebanon Correctional

Institution which allow a doUar or more per person, per day . And I wondered, is it possible that many of our nursing homes reaUy are "places of incarceration for the old? "ALPHAS AND OMEGAS "Twice to Die" I did not know that this heart had twice to iiie - that I 'would sit and wonder why . I did not plan to love again. Bul a heart immune to taking heed , follows wherever passion may lead .

IHi·1lE1 ~ Hallmark Cards Party Supplies Gift Wrap Wildman 's Spices Penny Candy

Stop by and see our big selection of big and little unusual gifts.

Open Tues .·Sat .. 11 · 5 Sun .. 2·5 Just a few minutes down the hill on Rt . ~2 in Three Cen· turies Park. BILL 8t BARBARA




1 1 ;Th~~~;~~dE;hed ~I :~:1 ~:~






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General Line - 0""1 .... WeJcom~: \ MON. BY CHANCE :::: TUES. THRU SAT. 10-S:OO ;::: ~~~~ OPEN SUNDAY )·5 PM. . {



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Sot. 8-12

Or By AppCii'i16iieiif


PROCESS /Phono: 897-3563' 76 F;,s t St,eet·Rea, Corw in , Oh io .4.5068



HISLE'S BUGGYt'HEEL ANTIQUES FumiCilre & WisceUGlleollS lulU . ACCESSOR I ES eO ....... OH.O

~ . .:=~. Houn - Sotunloy·Sundav 12·5 :30 Other Times by AppoIntment or ~

Tel"""",,: 51 31191-6552 Shop 513 298-20n Resodence

I / '. ~ ~ ( '- , ,(-

LEBA.,I\;ON OHIO 45036

SG;nDd .lass P01tase paid al W8}'nemu.. Olriu '"I h

W..dn .. sda~· . Srl'!. 25 .



PRI('F. 15 Crnls


l.i G ~ T IJATuRltL ~ 1.., ""Teo The Dayton Power and Light Company announced today that its natural gas deliveries for the 1974·75 heating season will be curtailed 14 percent by its suppliers . This compares with a 2 percent cur· tailment last winter The heating season is the five month period between bet· ween October 20 and March 20 . Part of this deficiency will be made up with synthetic gas DP&L is recei\'ing from a reforming plant at Green Springs , Ohio . With this level of curtailment DP&L expects some difficulty in meeting the gas needs of all customers this winteL The shortage during this five month period will require curtailment of natural gass during certain periods to large industrial and com · mercial consumers . Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc .. DP&L's supplier, has indica ted tha t this level of curtailment is subject to change, depending upon the gas supply situation .

UNITeD flPPEf}LCHit IRMDJ A!.JtYl~ Additional division chairmen for Ihe 1974 Warren County Uniled Appeal campaign have been an · nounced by Jon Rockhold and Eli LaDuke .. co·chairmen for the campaign. Mrs . William Corson. Kent Parsons. and John Riley are c hairmen for the commerciat divisions for the Lebanon . Mason and Franklin areas respectively Doris Corson. vice president and secretary or Corson Buiek.Pontiac Inc ., served in Ihe same post for United Appeal last year. She is president '. of Ihe Lebanon Beautification League, station chairman for the Lebanon Council of Garden Clubs and a member of


wvrk . He is a member of the Mason Kiwanis Club, the Chamber of Commerce and works with the Boy Scouts Explorer Post . He is also a member of the national and state Independenl Insurance Associations . He and his WIfe . Judith . reside at 224 W Main St , Mason .

the Cedar City Garden Club , the Lebanon Literary Club and the Lebanon Bi-eentennial Committee . She and her husband, "Bill," and ihree sons. Gary, Dan and Billy. reside at 929 McBurney Dr .. in Lebanon .



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Norma Tinney the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Tinney left for the :\a,'y Friday the 13th. She will take basic training at Orlando. Fla .

Mr . and Mrs. Patrick Davidson and girls and Mr. and Mrs . Murray Davidson Alice Brock were guests Saturday night of James Mack Middletown, Ohio.

III' and hI' ..... ,r ...

:\laurf"f'f1 . h.l\p ~ I ..;,un . Juhn . and 1\01.41 naughl/·r . . SU!o'an and Kalhy Ttll'~ r'·~ldt· III " ldd lf ·!t l\A,r) at 2602

EI I'as" ~h rf ' ffl"r '..\' t!41 \A,il~ n diVISion r hap'f1l illl la ~1 y t·;tr an o has t~{'n a IJII'TJlhf'r Ilf ! Ill' hudgf" ('(lmmlflP~, 1:-. d l rl'('!Hr 'If 'hI' ITia nufa(' tunng "Ia l ln's :.- dl\'lSHHI al SIl'arn!\ and

RtI .. y IS owne r or BenJamln 's In Frank.!in Square Shopp,ng Center Heading the ondustrlal diVISIOns ror Franklin. Ma so n and Lebanon . respecllvely . will be E H. Bondley and J ohn Miller and Jack Shrefner and Br ad Knapp :'>1 IlIer . general manager of Stone ContalnN in Franklin. IS a nlemoer or th .. Frankton Chamber

Parsons. owner of Walker Insurance Agency in mason. is new to the campaign but not to civic

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FoSlf'r C'" ,n MaSlin III' and his "'[{' . 1I .. 1('n. havE' a son. Michael , and f(·sod,. at IM68 Ci nderella Dr " In 'll1tllgomery

Knapp . District Manager of t 'rlltpd Tell'phone of Ohio , was a sma ll business campaign worker ror Cnlted Appeal on Mansrie.!d last year III' IS a member of the
















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Ohio Selective Service Director Paul A. Corey reminds all 18-yearold men that the law requires them to register for the draft during the period :30 days before or 30 days after t h,eir t8th birthday . Although there are no longer any inductions into the armed forces , registration is part of the law. Do not forget to register - the witnessing trouble in the Church? The Body of Christ responsibility lies with you! IiI l-Corinthians 12: 12 we read, May we all earnestly pray as we It takes only a few minutes. You "For as the body is one, and hath work together that we may never may register at Waynesville High many members, and all the become a stumbling block to our School by seeing Dave Cessna members of that one body, being brothers and sisters. In sbort, no personally in the guidance office many are one body : so also is matter how big or. how small the betweell the hours of 8:00 a .m . and Christ." As bom again Christians, service [0 Him may . be, may we 2:20 p.m . rilled with the Holy Spirit we are first of 'all seek ·. His love and. 'If you have any questions, call or truly concerned about our brothers guidance. May God richly bless write th,e Selective Service office in and sisters, even to the point of each ' of yOIl al> you study His word being spiritually and physically and mae the earliest attempt to the Federal Building, 550 Main Street, Cincinnati 45202; telephone hurt when they are. Many times I apply it to his or her every day life. have been deeply hurt through the May we all ask God to help us al3-Q!4·'1531. loss of a brother or sister whom I become the type of Christian He have learned to I!lve and respect as would have us be, one who can "Fellow Christians ." In 1- . truly share with others whether it .Corinthians 12:26 we read be a great blessing or heartache. During the period of September 9 "Whether one member suffer, all Above all may we work together in through September IS, 1974. the the members suffer with it." Are unity, in brotherly love and in following food service operatiOns you grieved when a brother in complete obedience to His holy were I'eported satisfactory on Christ is in trouble? Does it bother word. routim! inspections : Ridgeville you when a believer "stumbles" Obediently His Ta vern (Clearcreek Township) ; and "falls" and is brought under Ohio Ernie Smith White Nursing flome (Wayne the chastening hand of the Lord? Township) ; Holy Hills Golf Course Do you experience sorrow when (Wayne Township) ; Friends one is passing through affliction Question For The Week : Boarding Home (Waynesville) : at I) Among the captives taken 'and trial? As a leader· of your Carlisl'~ Care Center (Franklin particular New Testame!1t Church, Jerusalem and carried off to Township) ; Quaker Heights Nursing Home (Waynesville) ; do you seek the . " lost"? Do you BAbylon, who were the most Franklin Smokery tFranklin) ; leave the 90 and 9 and go in search prominent? Answer for Last Week : " of the one thaLjs . lost? Does it Kentucky Fried Ch icken Timothy 3:16 (Franklin) ; EI Toro Restaurant grie~e you to see the new Christian (Lebanon) ; Olive Branch ~~~, ~ Methodist Church - Antique Show Let~ pcJ6H IHE PV$f.{c/Z ewT OF wllyjl)t!"S I/lUe . 111:(Lebanon) . I~ Nt> Hef«J. t.€75 f~J) HIMCRkJ(£te".:> 1fAJ{) J..e7 Hlft( /lJH1~TI£ One food service operation was II [)1F'Fete€/UT TlJAl6" - £t.5£/IJI/~'U' .,t:iU ~~~ found satisfactory at the tim e of re'in s pection : Townsquare YO()R J.!e:f7Tf 10<0 Restaurant (Waynesville>. In addition . all 14 food service operat ions at the annual Honey the home owner. Some filters can It's that time of year to check Festival were found to be in be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner ~ome heating systems to avoid satisfact ory compliance wilh the or be replaced at very little cos!. winter breakdowns and other more requirements for temporary and F furnace checkup by a qualified ieriou3 problems, according to mobile food service operations. heating contractor should include Robert Kyvik, Xenia District oiling of motors and fans . in· Manager for the Dayton Power and specting safety controls to make Light Company . certain they are operating A faulty heating system could Frank D. Ray . Director of the properly , checking fuel pipes for result in fires, carbon monoxide rust and other deteriorations. and Columbus District Office of the U. poisoning, or contribute to higher inspecting chimneys to make S. Small Business Administration fuel bills. Also, when the heating certain that there are no blockages (SBA) t ~day announced that small equipment is in good condition. and that they are drawing firms hurt by energy and energythere is a saving on fuel bills. properly . A gas furnace should related material shortages may be Kyvik pointed out that a person can save on fuel bills im - have a thorough inspection by a eligible for an emergency energy heating expert at least every two shortage loan from SBA . measurably by keeping furnace "Emergency energy shortage or three years . filters clean. This can be done by loans are now available to assist eligible small business concerns seriousl~' and adversely affected by a shortage of fuel . electrical e nergy . or energ y·producing resources. or by a shortage of raw III' processed materials resulting from sueh shortages ." Ray said . " President Ford has concurred with Congressional action to help our na li:on 's small independent bu sin ess men who are hav ing Published Weekly at serious problems in this current 55 South Main Sl period of shortages " . Ray noted . Waynesville, Ohio 45068 "To qualify for an EES loan" . Second class postage pa id at Waynesville. OhiO Hay explained . " applicants must THE MIAMI GAZETTE demonstrate substantial economic P.O. BOl 325, Waynesville · Phone 897.5921 injury attributable to the energy shortage . Firms must be small by Lila McClure Editor & Publisher SBA size standards and must show Contributing Editor Sandee Blazer that the ir business has been Donna Huffman Staff Artist operated successfully for the Karen Gasaway Advertising Sales precedin g three years ". EEA loans Subscription - 53.00 Per Year may b used for working capital. to pa y financial obligations . to refinance debts . and to convert operations til a different fuel SHurce .




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EliocU .. Septomber 13. lir.

RESIDENCE 1Exchanges in Rate Schedule Party 1 59 .95 10.30 2 10.65 3 11 .05 4 11 .35 5 11 .70 6 12.00 7 12.35 8 12.75 9 14.50 10

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For service re-establishea at a residence location with telephone facilities in place. subscriber will incur a'charge 01 520.00 . A restoral charge 01 510 .00 will apply lor re-establlshment of service suspended for nonpayment of telephone charges .



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415 Super Red Bam & House Paint has excellent hiding power. It contains an iron oxide pigment. which provides durable, long. lasting protection. It holds its color and dries with a gloss finish. .315 Super Red Acrylic Latell Barn & House Paint has good color retention, dries to touch in 30 minutes, is recoatable in an hour, can be applied over a damp surface. Thin with water, wash your brushes and rollers with soap and water.


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Page 4 ~::::~::X~::::::::~:::::::~::~:~:::'o)o;;;::x:::::'~::::;::::~THE MIAMI GAZETTE

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country is in " such an globe. We are heaiffiig- lm:oa:iiOTher economic stale, we simply cannot hard winter energy·wise and could arrord giving out a million dollars certainly use every excess nickel here or a billion dollars there . Our and dime to alleviale the problem. national debt is over $505 billion We don't have enough power plants and the payment on inlerest alone of our own and we 'Ve all had on this debt is an astonishing enough of increasing energy costs, $50,000 a minute. Innation is at 12 but we can 't seem to give enough to percent and growing and a large other countries which will evenpart of the reason we have such a tually be used to alleviate similar horrendous cost of living is we problems in those lands. It. is borrow huge~ amounts of money senseless. just to give it away to other countries .. Furthermore. I take particular exception to the fact that this is an increase in our spending com don't think there is a borrower mitment to the Asian Development in this country who could tell you Bank, a boost which approaches wha t a "soft" loan is, let alone nearly half a billion dollars over obtain one. Yet , while interest three years. And . I fear it will be rates in the U.S, exceed 10 percent, one of many for this progra.:n since the ADB wants to use our money the projects involved invariably for easy loans to member countries will require additional funds in the at an incredible three percent. The future to .keep them going. It is hard ones, mind you, go for a mere unfair and economically unWise to 7',. percent. It would be the height cut our domestic spending proof absurdity to spend money on grams as we have because of credit in other countries when our innation and then turn around and own taxpayers can't get it just to increase our allocations for foreign put a roof over their heads . aid and relaled programs. As for the projects funded by the Consequently, I will vote against bank, there is more than enough the Asian Development Bank need right here in the United States Fund. In fact, the only "ADS " for many of the very same things . Congress should ever consider A few short weeks ago, Congress supporting would be and American cut its original mass transit development band fund . I refuse, authorization in half on the basis it and will con tinue to refuse , to would be highly innationary , but invest American money in, an now it wants to spend millions for overseas stock with such obvious ly transportation . industry and ener- risky dividends -- more inn a tio~ gy loans on the other side of the here at thome.


As every economist knows. one and community development of the bellwethers of a healthy projects . 7303-32 For the nation 's elderly. there is economy is a healthy housing in· YOU CAN BUY LANDMARK PRODUCTS - (v~,yone C.,n' dustry . And as every mortgage a special $800 million in holder or indi vidual attempting to authorizations for direct federal IIblain home financing today loa ns to developers of hOUSing for knows . the housing industry ce r· Ihe elderly and the handicapped. U Know US The need for adequate housing la inly isn 't in the best of shape . LONG .'NSUItA.NCE AGENCY Right b<efore the Congressional within the range of the fixed in105 E. Mulberry Street. Lebanon recess in August. President Ford comes many of theSe Americans sfgned a new housing bi ll into law, must live on was a point stressed however , which should prove to be by the White House Conference on of some assistance in reviving this Ihe Aging he re in Washington three imporlant se gment of the years ago . and I am encouraged by Am erican eco nom y . The new the added emphasis this housing and Community . bill places on this very important Housing Development Act of 1974 is a need . Many changes have also been massivel y complex $11.8 billion authorization and the first. major made in the existing laws for rural piece of housing legislation in over hOUSing. a matter of special in· 16 years . Although it promises to terest to the Sixth District. One aid homeowners of all income prov'ision allows the Farmers "levels , it has special significance Home Administration to refinance for low income families and the debts which are at least five years LlFE' - HOME - CAR - BUSINESS elderly -Iwo groups particularly old. A second permits the use of 932·6801 hard hit by both innation and its funds from farm housing programs for the purchase of mobile homes effects on the housing shortage . and mobile home sites . Assistance P.T.O_ Schedule of events Over the next three years , this to rural families developing their for 1974-75: housing money will be spent on own "self·help" housing was some existing programs and others doubled from $5 million to $10 Oct. 28 Open House-all schools-din· newly created by the law. The million for each of the next three largest chunk of the money , $8.4 fiscal years . ner bill ion. wiU go to a new single block Nov. 25 Waynesville Follies grant approach replacing nine old Assistance for both buyer and categorical grant programs in- builder has also been augmented. Jan. Tl Music-all schools (nominavolving urban renewal . neigh- The present mortgage limit on ting committee appointe) borhood faciliti~ . water and sewer FHA insured loans. for example. Feb. 24 Election of officers-plans grants and model cities. As wit/) has been raised from $33,000 to for spring festival other revenue sharing approaches, $45,000 and the maximum loan a Mar. 17 Fashion show and band Ihis type of funding offers local savings and loan association could installation of officers communit ies additional nex.ibility make has been upped from $45,000 Apr. 26 Spring Festival in determ ining how best to spend to $55,000. With these and other significant _ _'"_ ~ '_ " __ '." ' " the money for their own housing -

Wednesday .


One of Ithe classic examples 01 the Congress' myopic vision in dealing with innation is the pending vole on the Asian Development Bank Fund. Essentially, this proposal increases the U.S. share purchases by some $362 million over three years and authorizes another $50 million in funds for the ADB 's soft-loan window . The money involved in all of this would go towards credit for various projects in the under· developed countries of Asia , Proponents of the funding increase a rgue in favor of the bill on several accounts. they say there are not defaulted loans. so the bank is operating efficiently . They say that the United States will reap billions of dollars in greater trade with many of the countries having valuable natural resources. Furthermore, they argue tha t because of innation, the American voting pos ition and share holdings have dropped from 16 percent to seven percent. The projects approved for loans, also, appear to be for the public good. ranging from industry and trans porta tion needs to a gricultural projects and power plants. Now . fOIr a foreign aid project of sorts. which this must be considered, this might not appear to be such a bad investment . but I am strongly opposed to it as I ha ve been for other projects of this type for one very convincing and overriding lactor : the American taxpayer. REP WM H HARSHA


-- ~


changes . the new housing legislation offers some relief. but it is by no means the final answer to lIur seri ous housing problems . One study ind ica tes that 20 percent of all families in America . some 13 million in all , cannot get dece nt housing at a price which they can afford . Meanwhile; housing star ts have dropped considerably , down to 1.33 million in July from 2.06 million in '73 and 2 . ~ milli on in '72. Nearly half a million construction workers were jobless as of this past Augusl a nd the unemployment rate in the construction trades is 1L1 percent which is more than twice what it is in the labor force as a whole . In addition to Ihi s ser ious con · struction and employment lag , mortgage money isn 't even available in some parts of the country and when it is. the going rate is at least 10 percent or more . Finally . one of the most frustrating statistics in the whole housing problem is that there are about 120.000 new housing units standing vacant because people cannot get the needed mortgage financing . Even with the new housing bill then . the picture is not very rosy for hQusing and its important effec1 on the economy . What will be done next will depend heavily on the outcome of the economic summit which President Ford has called for later litis month . As an economic indicator, the housing industry is sending out dangerous distress signals and we must make everyerrort to ease the problem as soon as possible.

- - ------


E lIl8S'8!'1Si3l88Sm~~I888il88Si8R8I8!iI:8_888I!1888i18!l Pagr 5 Wednesd ay, Sept. 25, 1974 m!888_ _~~~ THE MIAMI GAZETT


Miami- Jacobs was most fortuna te in being able to move into modern facilitie s for express ly designe d busines s educati on. and singled out Rev . Joseph Zimerle . St. Joseph parish pastor, for praise in "expediting hundred s of details to enable us ot make our move without losing one class day for our student s," B~ginning its long history in 1860 at a location on East third Street. Miami- Jacobs moved to the Cooper BuildIng at ~econd and Main in 1895. The school. moved into its present location in 1922.

For the past fifty years. Miami- Jacobs has been a landma rk at the corner of Second and Ludlow . The Courtho use Plaza project , the forced however. school's adminis tration to look for new quarter s. " We never looked outside the downtown area ." Harbottle reveale d. "Miami Jacobs is part of downtown , and has been for more than a century . We feel that we can best serve the entire Greater Dayton commu nity by being downtown--and we'll be he re for a long time ." that said Harbott le

,u,.. '''''' (. exl . _on 1•• , o..rn


'41t IlLEGAli T rOVCHfD


IN(;O"'''(1r 'AU '(NAI T'f OKlINfD


.~ ~ !f! rt'ook (}Ju,Jk £'6~

Public Auction

. Localed al Ihe WaynesVi lle NallOnal Bank parking 101 Wayn~sYllle.

co rner o f Main 5t (old 42) and North St ..

OhiO, on

SUNDAY . SEPT. 29 at 12 : 00 NOON HOUSEHO LD GOODS & MISCELLA NEOUS chairs . daven oc(a~ lo n al t ': ""( 'dn~e .pl, .ge Td lor

Inrow rug~. floor

"'and rTldde ':. !o'a v,e -:: t'1e~t

., 'anO,>

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COO "lng utenSils . ' ". ,n bNl '> £OfT l Oie le ~O,]~ l e r rnl .. er Hobart· mixer . radiO . ')(fTle h a nd too! ~ ', ! ·... e''"'dre ' ... ...... .... r: '~f; ' ',Pl al: !eff1\ f ' f)f I.o;.t ed : , - ' : : n t' & .n (:r '. " '· I1~ ....



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Occasion ally the cUlling through partitions and unco"erin g process brought surprises . In the Pea bod)' Hall entrance. for example. the remo"al of carpeting and padding rf" 'ealed the

handsom e tile mosaic de,;ign shown above. The tile has he .. n <leaned and will no" add to the b .. aut) or the I.. aded glass .. ntranc .. doors .


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Like everyone else we're SORRY! We have had to raise our prices to 15 cents a paper when we go 12 pages and 5 cents a column inch on display advertizing. Subscriptions and Classified, Church and Business Directory will stay the same - for a while. Lila McClure Publisher

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~ FAVe Game Frida y Night

The Ohio Task Force on the Impleme ntation of the Equal Rights Amendm ent today announced that its first meeting will be held in Columbus on October 4. Task Force members will be hearing testimony on the topic of whether Ohio should have a Commiss ion on the Status of Women or some other permane nt vehicle which would work to insure equality for women . Among those lestifying will be : . Gilmore , Marguer ite Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor ; - Emily Leedy , Director of Women's Services Division , Ohio Bureau of Employm ent Services ; Marigen e Honorab le \' aliquette , State Sena tor ; - Audrey Matesich , Presiden t of Ohio Commission on the Status of Women, Inc . ; - Richard Rettig, Associate Public of Professo r Administ ration, O.S.U.. Director of Public Policy program , Mershon l'enter , O.S.U. ; -Lucile Cooks , President , Board IIf Trustees , Miami Universit y ; - Patricia Selia , Executiv e Director , Michigan Women 's Commission ; - Michele Zak , Chief, Women 's Affairs , State EEO; Jane Davis, Executiv e Director, Governor 's Task Force lin Credit For Women ; - Mariwyn Heath, Business and Professional Women . Selting up a permane nt commission t(l insure ongoing com pliance with the Equal Rights Amendment is one part of the Task Force 's overall objecti ve of reViewing and revising Ohio 's laws and state regulatio ns to end harm ful . discrimi natory practi ces without waiting for the Equal Rights Amendm ent to become part of the federal Constitution . Created by Governor Gilligan with support from Attorney General William Brown and comprise d of homemak ers , and represent atives of business, labor , and governm ent , industry . women's organizat ions, the Task Force will make its recom mendatio ns to the Governor in May, 1975. Topics it will be ex ploring in the upcoming meetings will include protectiv e legislation ; criminal law, including the topiC of rape; employm ent, hiring praclices and equal pay ; insurance , pensions, taxation ; and marriage and the family . The meeting, which will be open 10 the public, will be held at the Academy for Contemp orary Problems , 1S01 Neil Avenue in Columbus beginning at 9:00 a .m .

Lebanon Chamber of Commerc e Jack Reynolds , vice president and on the Board of Directors , a and general manager of the Golden meDlber of Lebanon Kiwanis Club Lamb Inn , is regional division and on the Warren Counl v Area chairman th is year . He was co· Progress Council. He resid~ at 201 chairman for the campaign last ~iIIer Rd ., -~b~on . year . and is a member of the board Bindley is vice president of IIf direclors for Warren County Cheney Pulp and Paper Co , in United (\ppeal. He and his wife , Franklin . Sandra , have two sons , Jack III Ben Jackson , loan officer at and Brad , and reside on McBurney Lebanon Citizen's Bank, has been Drive in Lebanon . named chairman for the financial Mrs. Mary Kaufman , chairman division . He and his wife, Ginny , for the special gifts division , has . Lebanon St" Silver reside at 429 been active with the CSO Area Russell D. Spaulding, superin- Artists Series and is a member of tendent of Mason Schools, is th e Warren County Historica l educational division chairman . He Society and the Cedar City Garden is on the board of directors for the Club . She and her husband . Mason Kiwanis, vice-ehai rman of William H. Kaufman , a Lebanon " the Mason -Deerfie ld Disaster allorney, have a son . "Robbie. St , Mound 116 at reside and the of member a and e, Committe Masohic Lodge and Presbyte rian Lebanon . Church . He and his wife , Gretta , This year 's publicity director IS have a son, Scolt, and a daughter . Sondra " Sandee" Blazer , a 3011 Gretla Gay . They reside at Franklin ar'e a free lance writer Ash Ct. , Mason , She is also a part -time employee at Ronald L. Foulk, pastor of Ihe Warren County Sheriff 's Lebanon United Methodist Church , Departme nt and a member of Ihe is a member of the United Appeal Warren County Board of Elections is committ ee and budget She IS sec'retary of three local professional division chairman this IIrgamzations and chairman of Ihe year . ' He is 32nd degree Mason , a Warren County 648 Board IIr member of the Valley of Columbus Mental Health and Retardall on Scottish Rite ; president of the and a mem ber of the Cilizen's Warren County Committe e of the Adv isory Commilt ee al Lebanon Ohio Easter Seal Society for the Correctio nal Institution .' In 1972, Crippled ; and a member of she was a ppointed to Governor Lebanon Kiwanis , the Lebanon Gilligan 's Traffic Safety Com Chambe r of Commer ce , the mittee . She and her husband. Humane Charles, and three children reside County Warren Associati on , and the Lebanon Bi· al 3730 Beatrice Dr , in Hunter centennia l Committ ee. He and his wife , Virginia, reside at 3651 Crestview Ave ., Lebanon ,

Town Square Restaurant


and Coffee Shop

Invites you to attend the 5th Annual Ohio Sauerkr aut Festival , Oct. 12 & 13. Besides our usual varied menu of sandwic hes, platters & dinners we will feature the followin g:

Sun., Oct. 13

Sat. 1 OCt. 12

P o '" & Sa u e: '!II. ra ul Wi th (. erma n Pot at o Salad

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Spe C' d l ( dOOd g e Roll Sdlad Ba r w ill leat ure Saue rkrau t s..ldO

for dessert we will feature Chocola te Sauerkr aut Cake & Pum pkm Bavaria Cream Pie






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NEED LISTINGS FARM S· Resid ential Call Today

on at Miami s~cer team opens its season at home against Wilmingt Jplf 3:30 p.m . W~nesday. Sept. 25, Pictur~ abo\'l* are Coach 'lark Burtch I kneeling ) and c<>-<aptains DaH Wag" ... r I left I and ... ~ will Smith . The Redskins ha\'e six hom ... matches this ypar and th bpllo,", all be played on the new soccer fi"ld on Bonha m Road just 'lillett Hall.



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PagE' 8 a:asa:fI&Il!~JfI&Il!lI:>!l85S!311:!l8asa:m!~iCfI&Il!:~::!l8:8!ill3l!&&<m. THE MIAMI GAZETTE !Il.~"f/SISIj~:!Il'~'!Ill:!Ill:l'i!i88S1I:!l818 Wedn~day, Sept. 25, 1914

Students Conduct Tour For Miami Trustees

Charlton Field ~Oregonia Rd

Big 'Disney On Parade' Show For Dayton's Hara Arena Oct. 23-27

at Hen Peck) Men And Womens Softhall

IfGU~~~ This Weekend

Pupils conducted the tour as members of Miami University 's board ortrustees visited McGuffey Laboratory School on Miami's Oxford Campus in connection with their recent meeting there. Pupils Sheryl Spitler and Mark Ritter here explain projection equipment to trustees Carl Morgenstern, Hamilton , and Mary Lord, Middletown. - Photo by Miami University Audio-Visual Service

ij~ 1tr -

BIG LIVE SHOW - All the fa '/orite Disney characlers open the all·new "Disney On Parade" Fourth Edition proclaiming "How De Do." "II's Whacha Do With Whacha Got." The 2'h-hour live extravaganza appears at Dayton's Hara Arena, Oct. 23-27. Tickets are S3.50, $4.50 and $5.50 with children 12 and under $1.00 oft on all performances except Oct. 23, Scout Night, with all tickets $2.00.

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"The spirit of giving and helping still guides the conscience of the people of the United States," Joseph Valentine, executive director of the Community Chest alld Council of the Cincinnati Area, Inc., United Appeal , told those associated with the Warren County United Appeal campaign during a kick-of( dinner at Kings Island Inn Thursday . Valentine said he thought that despite the difficulties that might be created this year because of the poor econom ical situ a tion, the spirit of "neighbor helping neigh· bor Ihat this country was founded 011 would continue today - because .. f a commitment to volunteerism thai has always existed ." Co,<,hairmen Eli LaDuke and Jon Rockhold reported that a new agency. the Warren County Council on Aging had been added to Ihe list (If agencies served by United Appeal in the County. making the total now 17. LaDuke showed a diagram of the time schedule for Ihis year's campaign saying il " would be kept tight. lasting only a month ." Rockhold explained the award system for "achievers and superachievers", which includes a new plaque this year for businesses and companies ;"hich excel in obtaining com· mitlments to United Appeal. In announcing this year's goal of $120,000, Rockhold commented, "The goal has been agreed upon by people who feel it can happen and by people involved in the campaign

because Ihey want to be." He exhibited a char't showing a tree full of leaves which he said in· dicated green for growth and green for mllney. and added, "it only happens because it needs to be done ." Valentine reported that United Appeal got its start in the Midwest and that now , there are 19 million U.A. volunteers in the U.S. and 2200 organizations of United Appeal (many ca lied Unit-ed Way) . Valentine described U.A. efforts as "wllrk to restore and give people confidence ," adding , "U. A. stands as Ihe core of Democracy itself." He l'mphasized that United Appeal involves local partiCipation with local control and responsibility. Mllre than $975 million was raised by U.A . in the United States last year . G('rald Russell. president of the local board of directors , em · phasiz('d that United Appeal is "p!'ople helping people." Thl' dinn er for board members and division cha irm en and their guests was sponsored by the Bennett Drugs , following : Springboru : Cedar Valley Plastics . Lebanon ; Cheney Pulp and Paper ('II .. Franklin ; Cincinnati Milacron ; Ellis Su'per Valu , Waynesville; Golden Lamb Inn: International Paper Co., Mason ; Kings Island and Kings Island Inn , Mason ; Lebanon Citizens Bank; Franklin Moore Inc ., Lebanon; Mound St~1 Co., Springboro; and Stearns and Foster, Mason .

Wrcinesday, Sept. %5,1974 ::m




Pagt' 9



VOTE. ':> ~~A I}.1GT "4D B" Claiming the only "ADB" he would ever support would be an American Development Bank, Ohio Congressman William H. Harsha voted against the multi-million dollar authorization for the Asian Development Bank Fund today. "We are in such an economic state," Harsha said, "we cannot afford giving out a million dollars here or a billion dollars there . 1 take particular exception to the fact that this is an expansion of our spending committment overseas when we are trying to cut every excess dime possible out of our own domestic programs ." The Asian Development Bank proposal would increase U.S. share purchases by some $361.9 million over three years and authorize another $50 million in funds for the ADB's soft-loan window . "I don't think there is a borrower in this country who could tell you wha t a 'soft' loan is ." the Ohio lawmaker pointed out. "Yet, while interest rates in the U.S. exceed ]0 percent, the ADS wants to use our money for easy loans to member countries at an incredible three percent. The hard ones , mind you , go for a mere 7 1 2 percent. It is simply absurd to spend money on credit in other count~ies when our own taxpayers can't get it just to put a roof oy er their heads ,"



GJI1S.eI2..V~ Tto,u



Mrs. Christine Carlson of Yellow Springs, environmental quality chairman for the League of Women Voters of Ohio, will be one of five Ohioans to receive the 1974 Conservation Achievement Award on Saturday , Sept , 28 . Names of thE' award recipients as well as those of six Ohioans to be Inducted into the Ohio Con servation Hall of Fame were an· nounced today by Natural Rl'SOurces Director William B. ;'>;ye The 11 will be honored Jlt a banquet Saturday night at Mohican State Park Lodge during the fall ('onSE'r\'atlOn workshop sponsored by thl' Dt-part ment of Natural H,'Sources ThosI' to be mductPd into the I)hlll ('onservatlOn Hall of Fame art' () A Alderman of Wooster, stat£' lort'St('r from 19Ji· I965 ; the lal,' LJr Edmund Secrest of W.. )st('r , past director of the Ohio Agrlt'ultural Experiment Station and ohlo 's Iirst statE' forester ; Harry L Armstrong of Logan , s tatp senator and chairman of the Agrlculturl' , (,onservation and E",'lronm('nt Committee of the Ohm Senat(', Samuel J , Glines of ( ·o lumbus . sportsman-<:onserv , at IOnist aod past chairman of wildllf(' management for the Southeast Conservation Club in I'otumhus , a nd Drs Milton and ~Iary Trautman of Columbus , a husband and Wife team of research S('Il'ntlsts and thE' authors of numl'rOUS research papers about dlffer('nt aspects of the natural Illstory and !'c ology of fish!'s , birds ilno IIlhf'r animals ~Ir ' ('arlson was at'tl\'(' m the 1I1''''I'llwnl III ha\'e the Llltll' Miami Hl"l'r t1!'S lgnat!'d a scenic river ,n ul was Instrum ental in r l" Ilahzmg the League of Women \ 'oll'r< Little r.llaml study and

,u: t Ion );!roup

lin" of :'>Irs Ca rlson 's major 11I11' CO 'sls IS Ihe establishment of ~lIIdl'llIlI" f'lr l'Itlzen partiCipatIOn Ifl j'fl\' lrllllmt'ntal dpcislOns She h;I' lI a ndh'd a n E'\'l'r ·mcreasmg 111 .Hi " f f'f\ \' lro nnH'nlal duties (or , hi'

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Vot ers .


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: '300 ': '. I


I I NEW RENEWAL annual subscription I I THE MIAMI GAZETTE PO BOX 325 Waynesville, Ohio 45068 I I I ADDRESSi-------------------------- I I CITV'---------STATE;--------- I I DATE:-------PBONE:--------- I I



:NAME:-----------------------------I I I I I

Harsha also questioned the expenditure for the ADS merely because the funds are spent on electric power projects , industry and transportation , " We had to cut our own mass transportation authorization in half due to inflation and we have energy costs and shortages of our own that won't quit. yet some people think we have all the money in the world to give away , " 1 refuse to vote for what amoutns to investing American money in an overseas stock with such boviously risky dividents-more inflation at home ," he concluded..

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Sltl' S.'I ('c IHln for Power I'la nt s a nd Transmission Lines , Sill' alsll IS a nI,·mlX'r of the Ohio Hi\ .. r \ ' "II " y Sanitation Com oll" I"n , CI/{S A;'>;CO I Ttlf' f'"lr olhl'r perSllns to receive

( 'fIIlS f ' f \' aIIO fl


Av. ;,rds a n " ~Irs Just 10(' Magsig "I \\',.,d\'!1I!" publiCity chairman of ' hI' Sugar (' r l'ek Protection SO"I"I\' , Dr DaVid H Stansbery of ( '"Iumhus , director Ilf the Ohio Siall' L' nl\'Prslty Museum of Zoology , Arnold W Fritz of \I ass illoo , associate professor of hlillogy at :'>Ialon{' rollege and pr es ldenl "f the Stark Wilderness ('('oter , a nd Robt'rt r Terwillegar , sC lenc £' coordmat or and director of ~o outdoor !'ducatlOn center in the (·IOCInnall ·area school system of Ind ian 1111 1


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.s'tItdDf+RCIJ 71J ~VI$CD

Stan Kol.b rece.i ves a new pair of shoes from his campaign manager, Herb Swiger. Kolb has worn out his shoes campaigning door-to-door.


The Ohio Board of Building Stiandards has undertaken the massive task of revising the state's entire building code - something that hasn't been done in more than 50 years , according to Hershel D. Davidson, executive secretary of Ih,~ board. 'The ll-member board conducted open hearings here this week, obtaining comments for the proposed revision from the general public. building code enforcement officials and the technical community. "'The revised Ohio Building Code will have a complete new format, and indexing .for easier use," explained Davidson. ''This is a Sberiff John Borgia, left, president of the Buckeye State Sheriffs' m:ajor objective of the board and AnoclatJon has announced the presentation of the Association'S we've been working on it for more Legislative Recognition Award Plaque to Senator Donald E, th:an a year." Lukens of Middletown. Sheriff Borgia stated, "This award is being The Ohio Building Code is a made to legislators whose efforts In behalf of law enforcenlenl mandatory state-wide minimum during the \loth General Assembly were of the highest magnitude. standard for all buildings, except He further stated that the recipients of this year's awards were those conventionally built one-, either sponsors of key bills or worked for the passage of key law two- or three·family dwellings and enforcement. legislation." Lukens stated, " II is indeed a very agricultural buildings. all/nlricant and menalngful award, and I am deeply honored that The Ohio General AsSembly first the Sheriffs of ohio see fit to give me this award." President Borgia adlopted building standards in 1911. said that It was the desire of the Buckeye State Sheriffs' Davidson said it would take Association to make such awards an annual event in order to show a nlother year of hearings and work the appreciation of Ohio's Sheriffs and Deputies to the lawmakers by the board to complete the final wbo exhibit· concern for the needs of Oio's Sheriffs' Departments draft of the revised building code. and law enforcement In general. Borgia indicated key bills tliose He said there would be a fmal bonored slIpported dealt with fee bills, drug legislation, liability public hearing before it is filed insurauce, mlDlmum salary for deputies, and pension reform . wit/! the Secretary of State, as • Although not all of these measures were enacted into law ; required by law . nevertheless we want to recognize the effOrts these officials put forth with ••ch de4ication.

Lukens Gets Plaque

Stan Kolb, candidate for State Representative from the 73rd District, took the opportunity to publicly address his opponent during a dinner sponsored by the Citizens For Kolb held at the Holiday· Inn near Franklin Sep· tember 11. Kolb asked, "Is it not time for you, Mr. Nixon, to resign your position as manager of the Warren County Fair Board? Is it not time for you to resign as manager of the Lebanon Trotiing Club, Inc.? Is it not time for you, Mr. Nixon, to resign as manager of the Hamilton Racing Association, Inc.?" Kolb contends there is a conflict of interest wwth Nixon as State Representative serving as 8 manager of a board that controls public property, also acting as manager of the group that is leasing public property . He alss contends that Nixon has an interest in the group that is subleasing public property . His ccmments were directed at operations of the racetrack. Kolb said that, if elected, he would introduce legislation that "wili treat the act of promising money, a public or private job, or position, to a person for the pur· pose of attempting to have people

withdraw from a political race to be a felony." In other ccmments, Kolb .. .. deplored the amount spent for those on welfare whom "the government provides no incentive for work" ; .. pointed out the need for in· dustrial growth to keep people off unemployment lists; .. called for an increase in work· men's compensation benefits, in line with the cost of living; .. spoke for increasing state aid to education, with reduction of property taxes; .. and called for an examination of the welfare problems, to decrease the numbers on welfare. Kolb said that he believes that politics is "asimple game 0{ simply doing what is right." Herb Swiger, Kolb's camflaign manager, presented him with a new pair of shoes to replace those worn from door·to-door cam· paigning. Kolb was introduced by Judge Paul Herdman. Ralph Wade served as master of ceremonies and Sandee Blazer gave the invocation and read a letter from Governor Gilligan, commending Kolb .





="""====""""'_.._ ._ 1

+=OPZ:O Ralph J. Perk last Thursday met personally with President Ford at the White House to discuss his Ohio Senate race. President Ford pledged his support to Perk and the entire Ohio Republican ticket. He reaffirmed his promise to make a campaign visit to . Ohio . The President's purpose is to unite Republicans and make substantial inroads into the Democratic vote. Ralph Perk and Senator Robert Taft, <ft. Ohio), Perk's Honorary Campaign Manager, also met with Senator Brock, Chairman of the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, who will be campaigning for Perk in Ohio. The Co.mmittee is solid in their support of Perk and made an initial contribution of $10,000 to his campaign with more to come. The Committee sees Glenn's early lead, gained by his automatic .name identification as an astronaut and a hard·fought primary, evaporating as the real race begins. The polls show Glenn

has dropped from a high of 70 percent right after the primary to 55 percent. Perk also paid a visit to Mary Louise Smith, the new Republican National Chairwoman , to congratulate her on her ap-· pointment. She was extremely pleased with the progress the Perk campaign has been making, and stated that the National Committee would also throw their full support behind Ralph Perk in his race for the U.S. Senate. In a meeting later Thursday with Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott, (R. Pa.), Scott said a man of Perk's background and ability is badly needed ill the U.S. Senate. Scott sta ted that the Senate lacks members like Perk with 22 years of experiem;e and knowledge of ur· ban affairs . Moreover, Perk, through his political and personal experience, haS a real un derstanding of the needs of the working man. Senator Scott will campaign for

Per k in Ohio later on this fall . Flepublican candidate for U.S. Senate, Ralph Perk, placed blame for fiscal problems on CongresS. Speaking to the Akron LiCe Underwriters, Perk noted that Congress had created more fin:ancial problems than it had solved. "For decades, a trend of government involvement in business has grown apparent. It's methods are hidden behind the rhetoric of social reform," Perk said. Citing New Deal programs and contemporary programs such as National Health Insurance, the

poverty program and public housing, Perk said government programs had met with little success while draining dollars that could be more wisely used . These problems, he said, could be seen in consumer affairs also . "'Every time the government imposes new regulations on the consumer, the consumer has fewer and fewer choices." The Cleveland mayor continued, "'more and more he turns to the government to receive benefits that could be better and more economically supplied by private industry." Perk noted that erosion of the free enterprize system had

resulted from the business community's lack of interest in political candidate. "'Like Labor has done," Perk said, "'business must seek out those candidates who believe in the same thing they do ." U.S. Senate candidate Ralph Perk called for a policy that would reserve the "'favored nation" status for countries permitting free exchange of ideas and the basic human rights . Speaking to the Republican Nationality Heritage Council in Boston , Perk said the United States should use its power to aid op-

Wednesday . s.:pt. 25 .




GAZETTEl$l$'~!IIR!l_8I8!_!88IIi_ _ :m:m_Page


...................... ........................... ••• .. The nationally-known Bar-Kays instrumental group all present a concert in Wilmington College's Boyd Auditoirum at 8:30 p.m. Frid.ay, September '1:1 . Admission is $2.00 Cor adults; $1.00 for students (Wilmington College students free) . Pfl,ES, DeAlr Fate./)

~~IIRr; 7Je~C4N C!T~ ~",.

Frank D. Ray, Director of the (,olumbus District O£fice of the U. S. Small Business Administration ISBA) today announced tbat small independent gasoline retailers and lIil jobbers distributors are eligible for financial assistance from the SBA 10 help them comply with unleaded gasoline regulations. Luans can be made under the economic injury provisions of the Small Business Act, Ray stated. Proceeds may be used to install rquipment and effect changes in methods of operation in order to meet requirements established by t he Environmental Protection Agency . Eligibility for assistance is limited to independently owned and operated small gasline retailers and also to small oil jobbers or distributors who own bulk plant facilities and who alss market. own and-or operate retail lIutlets , provided established SBA size standards are met . Gasoline service stations owned bv s mall oil jobbers and dist ributors as marketing outlets are eligible . Stalions owned.solely fur invest ment purposes , however. are nllt eligible.

ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLlO'IT All leading brands-free estimates. Bank fmancing available. Waynesville 897-

pressed peoples of foreign nations. "The United States should use its economic influence to see that the many small countries lost behind the Iron Curtain are given the right of self~eterm ination," Perk said. Perk, a founder of the Heritage Council. was honored for his dedication to the nationalities movement . Speaking about the work of the council, Perk said it had been designed to maintain unity among American ethnic groups . "If we remain united , we cannot fail. It is our enemies who wish to create division among us , and we cannot let them, " Perk told the council. The G.O.P . nominee for U.S. Senate. Ralph Perk, challenged American women to seek local . state . and federal offices. "Not enough women are in· volved in politics:' Perk told the Mahoning County Republican Women 's Club .


CLASSIFIED Persoll/JIs . fUS mlDlmam charJe oyer Lose welgbt with' .~: Z5 wont. 5 eesUa extra per Shape. TabIetI aDd 1IydN!I; word. Water Pilla at LOVetMI·

Pbarmacy. MEMORlUM: h.zs mlDlmam c:barge...ver Z5 warda t c:eata edna per wont . -:DOC.TOftS AIJD lJ"e.S~ r-NfT£D

The CI,eveland mayor noted there wel'e no women governors , large city mayors , Supn!me Court Justices or cabinet members . " Both [srael and India have had very successful and outstanding women Prime Ministers." Perk continued . "we are lagging behind the communist countries in ef· fectively using our women-power ." Perk has two women executive assistants and three women commissioners . " I have the first woman press secretar y for Cleveland or probably any other city our size ." said Per~:. His campaign staff also has women in executive positions " My field director , Evelyn Schrenk . holds the highest position of any woman in a statewide campa ign. " added Perk . Perk believes the result of not using " women·power ·· could seriously weaken the nation

Young , R.N .., Resean:h Nurse. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of internal Medicine at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. The registration fee of $5.00 includes luncheon . Reservations shoUld be made by Sept. 'r7 to the Miami Valley Lung Association , PO . Box 902 , Dayton , 45401, telephone 222-8391. Among the points of in~erest for physicians and nurses will be the discussion of isoniazid IINH), one of the drugs used against TB, and special problems encountered in trealing the disease . A morning session on the. The program will feature guest financial advantages of out-patient speakers Robert F Johnston. therapy will be directed MD. Professor of Medicine and specifically at county com· Dlrpctor of the Division of missioners. health commissioners, Pulmonary Diseases at and hospital administrators . Hahnemann Medical College in The program is acceptable for Ph iladelphia . Pa . Peter B fivp 15 prpscribed) hours by the Bartow. MD . ASSistant Professor Am er ican Academy of Family of MediCin e . ( asp·Wes tern Ph YSICians has endorsed for Rl'Ser ve College of Medicine , and (" ME h~ e ,51 hours by the Os t e opa t h ic ASS is tan t Chi e f of Pulm onar y A m ~ r I can Suc tI on B. Veterans ASSOCiation . and is pending en· Admlnl s tr a tl1) n Ho s p i tal . dors.. ment for . ~ C.E . units. OhiQ l·\pv .. \and . a nd Elizab eth (' :--;ursf'S Association .


DRY CLEANERS WASIUNGTON SQUARE Profesaiooal Prescriptioa LAUNDROMAT AND DRY service SS S. Main Street, CLEANERS,88 S. Main ~t Waynesville 1I!J7-7Wl.

WARREN COUNTY CHRYSLER, "Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W. Main St. , Lebanon, 932-5951 . Always a good deal.


FLORIST FLORISI' CITY AR CED , Finest Flowers It: Gifts, 1.Z3 E . Mulberry St, Lebanon, Ohio 9!2-2916.

HUBERT SMITH &t: SON U you have cistern problems have it cleaned and repaired now. We also do cement work all kinds. CiROCERIES Block laying and roof MUENNICH MOTORS, repair. Phone 932-t665. MARKET, SHERW'OODS " Better Idea Cars From "featuring meats cut to Ford, " " Quality Car Care." order," delivery service. 749 Columbus Ave., 747 CiDll:iDDati Ave. LebaPAINT" WALLPAPER Lebanon , 932-1010. OON'S PAINT &t: WAUr non, Ohio, QS2.lMl. PAPER 1m E. Mulberry st. Lebanon, Ohio 932-2930. COLLISION REPAIR INSURANCE KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE THE NATIONAL LIFE &: COLLISION REPAIR : JEWELERS ACCIDENT INSURANCE "Expert Body and Paint Work" : Experienced work. REMODEL YOUR OLD CO. (Grand ole Opry People) Fred Napier agent All work guaranteed jewelry-remounting gold 862-4487. Loca ted on US 42 1 sizing reftnishing jewelry 897-3111 mile south of Spring Valley repak. Stone setting. and 5 miles north of DavidsoDS Jewelers, LebaWaynesville. non 932-3936.

LYNN FIELDS, '7956 Cahall







Camfield ComInc. 433-9812 or




EILIS SUPER VALU quality and low prices opeD tiD

Waynesville, 897-5961.



Warren County physicians. nurses and comm issioners have been invited to attend a medical seminar on "Tuberculosis · 1974" to be sponsored by the Tuber· culosis Study Committee of the Miami Valley Lung Association on Wednesday . October 2, at Sinclair Community College in Dayton . Announcement is being made by Donald S Burns. D.O. . of Springboro Dr Bums . a member of the board of directors of the Lung Association (formerly the Warren County TB and Health Association I . also serves on the TuberculosIS Study Committee .


CARPETS BI-RITE CARPET &: TILE, 140 S. Main St., Carpet, floors, ceramic, ceilings, 897.5511 Waynesville 222· 5608, Dayton.


PLUMBING II HEAnNG W. W. COVEY Pbunbing and Heating 1'71 Fifth St., Waynesvi.Ue 1I!J7~.

nine, 7 days ~ 8W7-5OOl • .



WAYNESVILLE Mi\RDT 69 S. Main St. 897-5Ml Meat Spedaliats.


HORSE AND BUGGY shop, Everything for you and your horse. Jim Eversole, Owner. 46 N. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio 45036. Phone 93US43. LOAN" SAVINGS CO. PEOPLES BUILDING LOAN &I SAVINGS CO., "Start saving tomorrow." Come to 11 S. Broadwa'y, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 9323876.

REAL ESTATE K.S.A . REALTY,88 S. Main St , Waynesville, 897-3501.

TV SALES II SERVICES BEATI'Y'S TV SALES' ". SERVICES, Zenith; 27 N. 6 - _ .L..._' -DnJIIIaway ,

,anon ,



WATER SERVICE Holt's Hauling and water sen'ice, cistern and cleaned, Box 1893 42 N. Genntown . 932-1166. Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZETTE Only $3.00 A Year






~ •






Hear yet ! Hear yet ! The fifth annual Ohio Sauerkraut Festival will be held Saturday ~nd Sunday, October 12th and 13th in WayneSVille, Ohio. Waynesville, already famous throughout Ohio for its many antique stores, honors the Noble Kraut at it's yearly festival. The people of Waynesville invite you to come and help them celebrate. The agenda of events for the two days will give you a hint as to the fun to be had and the things. to be seen.


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Kitchen Korner ~ • • P~~---=--

:e~~:~~:;ring:;~~~: fJ~wHAA S~ ~. ~ opener, thien, later defeated Carlisle to win the Tournament and the Trophy. Waynesville players were Steve Conner, John Sockett, Iress Hanlin, Ed Andres, WaIt Muselin, Dave Cessna, Gary Valli Nuys, Ed Gingerich, Dalve Hartsock, and Jim Cook. On Tuesday night. September 17, Lions and Ladies met at the 1776 Inn in Waynesville for dinner and a program. Following a delicious meal, Past President Tressler Hardin presen ted a check to Barton Heath, a member of the Waynesville High School Graduating class of 1974 and this year's winner of the $300.00 annual scholarship award. Barton will attend Ohiio State University . After the presentation of the award ., the forty nin (49) members and guests in attendance enjoyed a very interesting and informative program presented by an engineer from the Inland Division of Genral Motors. Ken Levering. who spoke on the new proposed air bag safety system for automobiles.

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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13th 12:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M. 1:00 P.M.

Opening Ceremonies. Craft Show and Flea Market begins. Art Show. "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater . 1: 30 P.M. Wienerschenitzel Band. 2:30 P.M. "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 3:00 P.M. Czech Dancers Polka Club of Meta· mora. Ohio . . 4 :00 P.M.. . "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 4:30 P.M. Judging for the Best Homemade Sauerkraut and Largest Head of Cabbage.

There are many delicacies to savor Sauerkraut Cookies and Cake, Cabbage . Rolls and Candied Apples, Brautwurst and Candies of all kinds. Craftsmen -from all over Ohio come to show their Early American Trades. There is a large Flea Market with items of every description. A checker tournament played with corn cob checkers and music, music, music. Come and join in . the fun October 12th and 13th in the Sauerkraut Capitol of the world, Waynesville, Ohio.

dt hf~


~ II ~ -,;,-,t.. 1,I......,.'u.

On Wednesday night. September 18, the Board of Directors held its monthly meeting at the home of Gary Van Nuys. The meeting was conducted by President Ed. Gingerich with seven (7) members in attendance. Some of the important items of business included the following : Donation of $200.00 to' the Susie Ritchie Fund. Susie, 13 year old daughter of Herb andottie Ritchie of Ohio 122 is in New York receiving treatment to fight cancer which resulted from being hit in the mouth with a ball bat while playing softball on the last day of school in the spring when Susie returns home, she will be in the eighth grade at Waynesville Junior High. A donation of $50.00 was made to the Chamber of Commerce to help with the expenses of the Summer Recreation Program. The Directors also voted to sell Halloween Candy and

Fruit Cakes as we have each fall for several years. Halloween candy is now on sale at $1.00 per bag and may be purchased from any member of the Lions Club. Fruit cakes ordered before October 31.1974 will be sold for $3.50 for a 21b. box. after October 31. the cost will be $4.00. Place your order with any Lions member. The club is having a team contest and has been divided into three teams to compete in various categories and receive points for many phases of particiaption. This should faster keen competition and build club spirit. The winners get the break and the losers buy the steak. Team captains are Gary Van Nuys. Herb McMillen, and Dave Cessna. There will be a Zone meeting headed by Zone Chairman Dave Hartock on September 24, at 7:00 p.m. at the Dunlevey School in Lebanon. BILL 8< BARBARA

BRANNOCK ~:::~:'.:i""" "" """"'"'""""" "" "" " "'''''''" :':':':'::1:


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10:00 A.M. Opening Ceremonies. Opening of Craft Show & Flea Market. 11 :00 A.M . Sauerkraut Dinner & Fish Fry begin. Antique Car Show and judging for Peoples Choice begins. 11 : 30 A.M. Welcoming Ceremonies & Royalty Presentation. 12 Noon Springfield Polka Ba nd. 1:00 P.M. Contests and Games. 1 : 30 P.M. "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 2 : 30 P.M. Miami Valley Folk Dancers. 3:15 P.M. "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 3:30 P.M. Bicycle Parade & Judging. 4 :00 P.M. Parade of Antique Car Show win· ners . . 4 :45 P.M... "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 5:00 P.M. Finals of Checker Tournament. 7:00 P.M. Fiddlers Contest and Country Music.

WAYNESVILLE LIONS CLUB On Sunday afternoon , September 15, the Lions Softball Team traveled to Springboro to participate in the Springboro Lions Invitational Softball Tournament. The participating teams were Springboro, Franklin, Carlisle, and

~ 1 U F F Th~~~;~~dE;hed ~I S·rORESl ;~~~ WA::;~~1;9;~~:'O ~:~:t

!B & !B Antiques 86 S.





107 S. Main Waynesville. Ohio

§> 862·5181 Hours 1 p .m. \0 7 p .m .

Fri.. Sat.. Sun.


Line -

Deal ....


~ MON. BY CHANCE .::: :;;: TUES. THRU SAT. 10-5:00 :;:: ~i~~ OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. . :~i~


Villt Waynesvilil', Other

TUE •• ~S UN . 12 TO S MON . . . By C .... ANC.


(Sip) 932·5739


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FlII'IIihae & MisceUaeollS lullS CO ... IN. OHIO

HOlJRS : Mon •• Wed •• & Fri. 1-6 6r B1 Appol'ii"iiiieiif

Sol. 8-12


AM1TV PR~ESS -Phone: 897.3563' JUANEITAiiAV 76 First Sireet· Reor Owners Corwin, Oh io 45068

Telephone : 513 1197-6552 Shop . 513 298-2077 Ros>dena


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l~8Atam' r-

AIl ye citizens by this bill informed are tendered a most coridal invitation to join in the conviviality and wholesome frolic of the Fifth Ohio Sauerkraut Festival in our fair viUage of Waynesville on the 12th & 13th day of October in the year of our Lord 1974. The festival will open at 10 a.m. Saturday, and 12:30 Sunday. There will be a mstinctive showing and judging of antique cars. This event will take place on the village's Main Street. Hearty appetites are expected to make huge inroads into our store of sauerkraut, to be served at the town's Firehouse along with the Wayne Township Firemen's Fish Fry. The Arts and Crafts of many will be on msplay . Artists and craftsmen may be seen at their work. Our local antique shops have put forth much effort to give you one of the largest antique neamarkets in this area, to be held on village Main Street.


SatritJt Wl'dnesday. October 2, 1974

SQ."." class posta,c paid II WayMn1lh. Olrio


\ ',,1






Waynesville Prepares For Sauerkraut Festival


UP& L Cuts Conr-;lruclion Plans $92 For 't>xl Five Years

There are many delicacies to savor - Sauerkraut Cookes and Cake, Cabbage Rolls and Candies Apples, Brautwurst and Candies of all kinds. Craftsmen from all over Ohio come to show their Early American Trades. There is a large Flea Market with items of every description. A checker tour 路 nament played with corn cob checkers and music, music, music. Come and join in the fun October 12th and 13th in the Sauerkraut Capitol of the world, Waynesville, Ohio.

Th(' Dayton Power and Light which cost hundreds of millions of Company has rt"duct"d Its con 路 dollars The Installed electric generation st ructlon plans for thl' nex t five yea rs by $92 million from $728 r PS('rves will be lowered from 16 million to $636 million Gene ration percent to 15 percent. The electric and transmIssIon fa c il,ties to be reserve is the installed capacity constructt"d and held In common above the projected peak electric ownership WIth the Cincinnati Gas usagE' In August. DP&L announced that & ElectriC Com pany and Columbus and Southern Oh,o Electr ic the 1974 construction budget was Compan y are now being scheduled rt"duced from $109 million It, approximately $94 million and the for later complet ion Th e constr uction IS being 1975 budget was cut from $133 million to $121 million , Completion delayed because ' a EstImates of the rate of in路 of the second 1.1 million kilowatt c rl'~se (If future consumer demand unit al the Zimmer Nuclear Station for e lf.'i:t ri c lt y hav e been revised was postponed from 1982 to 1984, Completion Dates of Generating downward b Many customers are con路 L' nits : Miami Fort 7. 1975 to 1975; ,ervIng E' lectncl t y . primanly Miami Fort 8. 1m to 1978 ; Zimmer I. t978 to 1979 : East Bend 1. 1979 to becaus(' of hIgher rates c Hecord hIgh IntE'rest rates and t98O . Wrightsville I. 1979 to 1981. escala ting cost of 'n ew construCtion Wrightsville 2, 1980 to 1983; East have raust"d serious difficulty 10 Bend 2, 1981 to 1982. and Zimmer 2, flnannn" thl"f.' projects , many nf 1972 to 1984 .


. ).; i "- i. i Page 2

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The Miami Gazette Wednesday . October 2, 1974

Gennlown Uliled Charch ~f _a.a..-




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United Methodist Church

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Dear Editor : Right you are! It 's Wine Festival Time again. We want to thank you for helping to make the three previous years the success that they were. Without the publicity you gave us we could not have made it. I hope that you see fit to help us again this year, so that the 4th Annual OHIO WINE FESTIVAL will be a hugh success. This year we have added a Little Miss Crapette contest, all ·flrst grade girls in Warren County are eligible to enter. A tea will begiven . by The Ladies Auxiliary to VFW Post 8202 for the contestants and their mothers, Sunday September 29th at the Post Home. Thursday October 3rd aDd Miss Grapette Parade will be at 6:00 P .M. and the Little Queen will be crowned at the Railroad Depot at 7:00 P.M. The American Wine Society is in charge of the Amatuer Wine Contest. Judging will begin at 4:00 P.M. Saturday, October 5th. A program is enclosed with approximate times penciled in all

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events are not listed ; ie, Wine Tasting at the Station from 5;00 to (9:00) ? each day . FESTIVAL. OHIO WINE Thursday. Friday. Saturday, October 3rd. 4th, and 5th 1974. Thanks, Warren G. Reed Festival Chairman Ohio Wine Festival, Morrow, Ohio, October 3, 4 and 5. Thursday: 'October 3, Wine Tasting, bigh school band, grape stomp, rides & concessions, en· tertainment, Iitlle grapelte con· test, flea market. Friday: October 4, wine tasting, authentic german music, grape stomp, baby picture contest, rides & concessions. entertainment, flea market. . Saturday : October 5, wine tasting . amature wine contest. grape stomp, rides &·concessions. entertainment. benny gabbard music. flea market. Visit : Tarula Winery. Clarksville, Ohio. Vineyards. Visit : Valley Morrow, Ohio.



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Published Weekly at 55 South Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Second class postage paId at Waynesville. Oh,o

THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.O. BOl325. Waynesville· Phone 897.5921


Lila McClure . Editor & Publisher Contributing Editor Sandee Blazer Donna Huffman Staff Artist Karen Gasaway . . . . . AdvertiSing Sales Subscription - $3.00 Per Year

LETIER TO THE EDITOR : I left my cane. (agri urban. orange paint) on my car. I heard it slide off on St. Rt. 73. and staffing at the next driveway. I saw the occupants of an older dark red car slop to pick it up. I stood Oul in the road waiting for them to bring it to me. instead they hurriedly backed up and sped into carwin .

I am surprised there are such few down creatures in the wonderful community of Way· nesville . Wm . A. Lukens

Pu1ecostaI HoIIDess CftIrCi

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United Methodist Church


UIHu G.rell of Grist



Inspected During the week of September 16 through September 22, 1974, the following food service operations were reported satisfactory on routine inspections: Burger Chef (Lebanon); Lee and Paul's Pizza (Morrow); Franklin Child Development Center (Franklin) ; G. C. Murphy Company Restaurant (Lebanon); Perkin's Pancake andsteak (Mason) ; Morrow Restaurant (Morrow); County Kitchen (Franklin); Bennett Drugs (Springboro); Highway Office for the Blind (Turtl~ creek Township) ; Silver Bar (Franklin). No food service operatiions were reported unsatisfactory on reinspection last week.


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Wednesday, October 2, 1974

Page 3

The Miami Gazette



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SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Wayne Local School is opening it's doors for night classes for the third year. The Waynesville Community Education is a self-supporting project of the Wayne Local School District. Registration is open to anyone regardless of age , residence, previous schooling or experience. ART·No experience necessary. Beginners welcome! Draw, paint by a variety of art techniques and materials. Bring sketch pad and pencils. Tues. 7·9 10 weeks-SIO fee Jeanette Maloy. ART & CRAFTS-Learn how to create gifts and decorations"from a little bit of nothing"-such as : cornhusk flowers , dried flower arrangements, straw wreath , pictures from yard good scraps, family trees out of ball fringe, ways to take cuttings from your house plants for bottle terrariums . Save Money on Holiday Gifts , etc. Thurs. 7-9 10 weeks $10 fee Janice McFarland CAKE DECORATING -Basic fundamental techniques of cake decorating with emphasis on flowers, holidays , and birthday cakes. 10 weeks $10 fee Thurs. 7-9 Pat Hadley. CHAIR CANING-Here is a opportunity to learn the art of reweaving or caning a chair that you have put aside for repair. Bring your chair and join the class. Tues. 7-9 10 weeks SIO fee plus supples Marshall Filer. DRAPERIES & INTERIOR DECORATING-Learn custom drapery making, cutting materials, taking measurements, making pleats, hemming and sewing in weights. Make your set of drapes. Also get decorating hints about new materials, colors, and products. Thurs. 7-9 10 weeks S10 fee Sue Roark . DRIVER EDUCATION -This course is designed to give the adult student the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain a driver's license. There are eight hours classroom instruction and six hours of individual driving experience. Tues. 7:30 - 8:308 weeks $45 fee Andrew S. Churko. FIRST AID-Red Cross in-

struction. Certificate will be issued at the end of the course. Thurs. HI 10 weeks $5 fee Jack Gross . KNITTING-BEG INNING-Lea rn primary skills of cast on, knit , purl. bind off, increase, decrease , tension control, secondary skills of using markers, counters, stitch holders , either Continental or German method. Thurs. 79 10 weeks $10 fee Adah Andres. MEN 'S TAILORING-A Course for the busy housewife or career girl' Make a man 's or boy's sport coat. Class demonstrations of all needed techniques . Tues. 7·9 5 weeks $8 fee JoAnn Brayshaw. TYPING-Introductory . An introduction to touch typing, em · phasizing correct techniques and keyboard mastery . 10 weeks $)0 fee Tues 7-9 Linda Wheeler. TYPING -Intermediate. For those without experience or wishing to brush up . 10 weeks $10 fee Tues . 7-9 Linda Wheeler . flexibility. YOGA -Physical relaxation, and disciplined mental peace by means of controlled muscle stretching and breath control Thurs . 7-8 :30 10 weeks $10 fee Judy Finke BATON TWIRLING · (For Grades 2~) Basic finger and wrist twirls , also timing and marching practice. After school 3:304 :30 10 weeks $7 .50 fee Wednesday Melody Diamond . ART-(For Grades 2~) Draw, paint, try a variety of art techniques and materials. After school 3:3lK :3O 10 weeks $7.50 fee Tues. Jeanette Maloy . This is for persons who have not completed their formal high school training . the Statement of High School Equivalence shows that the holder has the equivalent of a high school education . The Statement is NOT a high school diploma , nor can it be exchanged for a diploma . The Statement is awarded to eligible applicants on the basis of their performance on the General Education Development (CED) Tests . These tests check skill in understanding and explaining materials considered to be a part of the common background of most high school graduates. Most colleges accept this Statement as meeting their entrance


requirements and many employers require the Statemenl for em· ployement or promotion . Persons who are interested must be tat le~,st 16 years of age at the time they apply and be a res idenl ofthe Sta te of Ohio. Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7-9. Class starts Oct. 1st. Mrs . Lacy . The program,s continous Persons may enler al any. There is NO CHARGE . GE!liERAL



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FEES Enrollmenl fees are payabl e al the time of registration or pre· registration by mail. Full remit · tance by check or money order for course or kit t if needed l must accomp na y registration blank . You are not registered unless FULL PAYMENT is received . No receipts mailed-your cancelled check or money order stub is your receipt. Early registration will help assure sufficient cla ss membership to offer the course. Courses will be filled on a first come first served basis . 1n the event the class is filled or canceled , your remittance will be promptly returned , No Refunds will be made after the first class meeting . MINI MUM CLASS SIZE : 8 Students CLASSES BEGIN : All classes begin the week of Oct. 8th ending Dec. 12th. Note the day of the week and time for each class on he course description sheet. Unless otherwise' indic;!ted classes are 7.1) p.m . MAIL TO : Waynesville Community Education Office, Andrew S. Churko , Coordinator , Waynes v ille High School , Waynesvi.Ile , Ohio 45068. Phone : 897·7011, Residence phone : 897·





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US Army Recruiting



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Town Square Restaurant and Coffee Shop


Invites you to attend the 5th Annual Ohio Sauerkraut Festival, Ocl 12 & 13. Besides our usual varied menu of sandwiches, platters & dinners we will feature the followi,.:

Sat., OCt. 12 Sauerk rau l & Bratwurst Wi t h

Ge rman Pol a lo Salad


______ I

4091. EnclosE~ is rem ittance in full by money order or check payable to : Waynesville Communit y Education . Class Fee Meeting Nighl Time Name Address City Zip Code Phone

Sun., Oct. 13 Pork & Sau~rkr.ut w,th German P-<>Iato Salad · Sun. Spec,al-Cabbage Roll · Salad Bar ,,,II lealure Sauer1traut Salad

lor dessert we w til feature Chocolate Sauerkraut Cake & Pumpkin Bavaria Cream Pie.



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Come to the







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The Miami Gazelle Wednesday, October 2, 1974


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WARREN COUNTY FARM BUREAU FEDERATION INC. ACTIVITY REPORT The Warren ounty Farm Bureau Federation Inc. program for 1974 was highlighted by John Elam and his membership committee or Shirley Mohrfield, Myron Baker and Earl gorsuch. Warren County presently has 419 paid-up members. Noel Easton served as chairman of the Warren County Save-Open Space Committee which raised $2814.00 for an educational campaign to assure a favorable vole on Issue No . I. This campaign was a smashing success as Issue No . 1 passed by more than 76 percent of Ohio's voting public . Continuing on the legislative scene - Counlty Farm Bureau members met with State Representative Corwin Nixo'n, to discuss rural related ''''grl~iI~ik~~!liI1~r~iJ~. items of interest and the legislative implemlentation of Issue No. I. We £j found Representative Nixon to be very interested and receptive to rural affairs. We sponsored a Young Couplesand New Members Meeting to J acquaint new members with Farm Bureau, Landmark and Nationwide Insurance. Thirty-four persons attended this function as we heard Jack f Hill of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation speak on council activities and answer questions from aprticipants . All New Merchandise Warren County Farm Bureau also sponsored Mr. and Mrs. John 2-Piece Living Room , 588 Swarlzel to the Western Ohio Young Coupl,es Conference at Hueston Stereo-Consote 579 Woods, where they experienced an in-depth look at Farm Bureau and Mattresses , , , S18 Landrmark. 548 Recliners, Highlights of the Advisory Council program this year included the Bunk Beds . , , 548 9'd2' Rugs , , .' , 55 organization of a new Farm Bureau adviSOry council in the Waynesville Cocktail and 2 Step TAbles area . Bill Swarlzel serves as chairman of th,is new council. At present (seto!8) " .. , , ',' $18 there are tne advisory councils in Warren County. They are : East Wayne Council, 48'ers council, Five Point Farm Council, Friends and Neighbors Council, Happy Harvestors Council, Massie Washington Council, Present Peasants Council, Scattered Twenty Council, View Point Council and the new Waynesville Council. The County Farm Bureau sponsored two young people to the Farm Bureau Stale Youth School held at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio. The two youth were Ka thy Knueven and Chris Hisey. The purpose of this school is to develop leadership skills and acquaint youth with the 48 E. Mulberry Sl lebanon 932-2246 organization. Monday-Friday 10-9 pm. Also on the youth scene, we do have an active youth council in Warren Saturday 10-6 p.m. County which is chaired by Fred Vonderha,a r. The youth council and 12 noon-5 pm. Sunday Farm' Bureau representative in the Falir Queen contest, Jean Vonderhaar, was selected as this year's Warren County Junior Fair Queen. The County Farm Bureau board set a booth at the County Fair which was to provide information and to promote Warren County Farm Bureau, Landmark and Nationwide Insurance. The board evaluated this as being an effective way to promote Farm Bureall and establish contact with urban people, • On the educlational scene and in cooperation with the Warren County Extension Service. a Workmen 's Compensation Information Meeting was conducted explaining the new law which went in to effect July I. 1974, .. ~ . . '.' On the educational scene and in cooperation with the Warren County Extension Service, a Workemn's Compensation Information Meeting was conducted explaining the new law which went in to effect July I. going. 1974. Warren County has experienced a good year and I am sure next year will even be greater. This organization is made strong by member pa~ticipation and I encourage everyone to become involved and partiCipate in one of the Farm Bureau activities, whether it is advisory council. public affairs , women's committee. youth activities. membership or others, WE NEED YOl' , John H. Wells Organization Director








No speed limit.


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Phooe. Instead of

Unico Wea1heramic White Paint is the "whitest" - with unusual hiding power. It is easy to apply with brush or spray and gives long-lasting appearance for a longer time between painting,

BIG 20% OFF AGRI -URBAN,INC. Corwin Rd. Waynesville

1 C".;, A,d I




55 E.-I,.. Ii




C,In '

Th c' :\llaml Gazl'l lp

Wednesday , October 2, 1974

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BE IT HESIIl.n: 1I TH .-\T

"'arren County

Farm Bureau

Meets At 1776


\\ ~rren ("nunl) f-'arm Burpau pn",.uragp the Public t;tilitil'S COlmm",lon 10 lak., afflrm~llvl' ~ellOn to dl'vl'lop a belll'r syslem of ~er\"H.'(· fn r


Warre n Cou nt y reSidents

2 Warren ('ounly Farm Burl'au c.onllnue 10 support stnct l'nforcemenl of arrl'sl procl'durps and I'ncoura~e the process of speedy Ina I and jusl pUnIshmenl under eXlsllng laws rather Ihan suspendl'd or probationary


Warren Coulny Farm Bureau encourage public reporting of roadside litter offenses and encourage the courts 10 penalIze offenders by public humility


4 Warren Counl~' Farm Bureau recommend that all township roads be seall'd wllhin a fivl' year period

5 Warren County encourage the Warren County Fair Board to take affirmauve action to research and develop program for the purpose of improving the quality of the Warren County Fair.

STATE I . It be a sl4t.e offense 10 aUow Canadian thistle to grow uncontrolled in farm areas Furthermore. that the Highway Department be charged I ..... th the responsibility of an I'radlcation program on public properties and hIghways 2 The Sl4le of OhiO reVise Emlnenl DomaIn laws to come more in line

wtth othl'r sl4tes Warren Count y Farm Bureau conllnul'S opposition to E .P .A. and I) S H A making regulations concernIng agriculture without conSider a llon of nl't'ds of agnculiurl' 3

4 Warrl'n Counly ~' a rm Burl'au fl'l'l Ihal a major cause of high

Werknll'n ', Comj>('n,allOn rail'S for farmers rl'sulls from a large num twr nf fraurlult'nl claims Hpcomml'nd thai a cOrnmlllel' from Farm Bureau "ork ",th Ihl' Bureau of Workmen 's rompt'nsal lon 10 inItiall' !IIort' "(["'wn l ,, · rt't'n;n~ 01 all claim, and rl'duce Ih,' number of frauduh'n l d;lIm~

:\ .-\ Til I:\.-\\. I Inlernal Hn,'nup St'r, ieI' Slmplif) form, and regul a lions so that most pt'ople can und,'rst .. nd Ihl'm 2 Wa rren Counl , Farm Bure'au f.,,"or, HIl'rl'asl'd consumer educalion

b, agn cullural produc('rs 10 promot., kno""ledgeab ll' s hopping k('t'p m('al pr,,'.'s morl' In IIn(, wlh livestock pnc.'s



3 Warren COUnl ) Farm Burl'au opposes a ll efforts to I'Sl4blish embargos on e'porl of farm products

---- -- ...



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"Meeting the Challenges of Home Economics" is the title of a conference planned for Home Economists on the campus of the Ohio State University , The conference will be held Saturday, October 26, 1974 and is sponsored by the School of Home Economics and the Home Economics Alumni Association of the Ohio State University , All area Home Economists are invi ted to a ttend this interesting and educational program , Reservations should be made no later than Friday. October 18, 1974 by phoning the Cooperative Extension Service at 932-1891.

SMOKING WITHDRAWAL A Smoking Withdrawal Clinic will be open to the public without charge beginning on Monday , October 7 and running for 5 evening sessions (from 7 :30-9 :00 p.m .) through Friday, October 11 at the Main Branch Auditorium of the Public Library, 8th and Vine Streets, Downtown, Cincinnati. The program is based on the nationally recognized 7th Day Adventists ' 5 Day Plan to stop smoking and is jointly sponsored the American Heart by Association , the Cancer Society and the Lung Association . Five experienced lecturers, one each session, will discuss the serious affects of smoking, show you how to stop smoking and prepare you to cope with any with· drawal affects . The program has claimed 70 to 80 percent success for Ihose who adhere to Ihe requirements . For further information. call the Heart Association at 281-4O-l8 .


Swank Recommends

SCHOOL MEMO Elem : Need children to jOin baton classe. Begin Oct. 7th 3:30 p.m. Grades 2 thru 6. If need mor,e information call the elem'entary school of· fice . Jr. High : Last Friday of each month there will be a sock hop except in December. Oct. 1st Tues . Football game at Kings High School football field 8th Football game at Blanchester. Jr. High has had 2 football games . Plep assembly and orange and black day cheerleader. have beautiful new uniform . High School :

The' Am.'n can middle dass IS Ih.. onl) force In Ihl' nation largl' I'nough In hali sprl a ling Inflation aCl' urrlln~ to C William Swa nk . eX!'eutive vice pn'"rlenl of Ihe .lhlO Farm Bun'au Federa tion S"'a nk made the sta lempnt toda) In Wash lnglon 0 C In remarks al a n econom ic prp·summll m('('llng (',amlnIn~ the' Inflallonary Impacl on h.'allh . I'dut'allon a nd .,oclal SPC' Ie'" In Ihe L' S The meel lng , altl'nded h, 1:;11 lOp ,'conomISL'" .. ducalOr> . and soelal SCll'niISIS" IS one of several ca ll ed h) Pr l's ld,'nl (;erald Ford 10 examIne va nous seclors of the ""'lOomy pri or In Ihe While IInuse summil m('('llng on Ihe !'eonom, S<-pl('mbt-r To a nd 28 " Th .. middl e' das, "aJ(e ea rnpr IS gOing 10 ha\'1' to shouldl'r lhl' burdl'n In co'nha lln)! Infl allon Ilk., hI' ha s s houldered thl' hurd.'n so many Ilml's In Ih,' na llon ' , hb IOr'"." S" a nk , aid " Th .. la sk ha , fallen 10 him tWCL.tu:-.t'tll' I " : h,' Iml! on(' wll h (' nough cloul 10 ha\(' a n e(fect " \\ nrkp r ... :nu"l til ' mo n' prrxiuct t \ ( . t hf' ! mU ~1 b<> prud e ntly cool 10 t ht'lf

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Page 6 ~


The Miami Gazette

Wednesday, October 2, 1974



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. . 5th ANNUAL •

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October 12·13 I

WA ylNESVlllE National Bank from the Law Enforcement News Letter from the Office of Morris J, Turkelson.


PROSECUTOR'S REMARKS · INTERROGATIONS (MIRANDA) We have observed a reluctance by some law enforcement officers to question suspects and witnesses . This quite naturally results from the MIRANDA decision requiring the now famous five questions to be asked when questioning suspects. However. a critical point to he emphasized is that the MIRANDA warnings are required ONLY IN A CUSTODIAL INTERROGATION . CUSTODIA· This means that a person must be in custody before an officer is required to give the MIRANDA warnings . Il can occur in jail or on the scene . Custody can be considered to have occurred when an officer beings torestrain a subject. and of course, arrest means that he is in custody. You need NOT give MIRANDA warnings to witnesses that you do not intend to take into custody, even though their statements cause youy to take them into eustody . INTERROGATION· This involves asking questions which require someone who is in custody to give answers . Mere conversations are NOT interrogations, so if you have ali opportunity to talk to a SUbject . even though he is custody, and that talk is informal (and it is NOT an interrogation) by all means , talk to him . Such conversations are admissible in Court. A FINAL POINT · Occasionally you will hear an officer indicate that after giving the five Miranda warnings, he told a suspect to be quiet or not to talk. Never do this! No matter how good the case, a statement by the defendant admitting his crime can be of great help in his prosecution. When in doubt, give us a call. We will be happy to answer any questions about specific situations. SGT. BURNS WELL RECEIVED BY GRAND JURY Sgl Kenneth Burns of the Lebanon Police Department favorably impressed the September Grand Jury with his account of a recent Breaking and Entering case involving two defendants. Sgt. Burns had investigated the case thoroughly . and he was familiar enough with the details to anticipate any questions that the jurors and-or the prosecutor might have had concerning the incident. His description of the events. the suspects, and their subsequent apprehensiion by the police left no doubt about what had happened. and his photographs of the crime scene contributed the final professional touch to a comprehensive police report. Our compliments to Sgt. Burns! WRISE AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE If you hear Jim Beaton talking about LORISE.he's not referring to a girlfriend or to the latest hurricane. He's talking about a federally sponsored project conducted iwth the cooperaiton ot Clark Technical Institute at Springfield, Ohio. Project Lorise offers two-day seminars to all law enforcement officers in the area . Meals and overnight accomocations at the Holiday Inn, as well asclassroom instruction on various topics are provided FREE OF CHANGE to all who attend . The most recent Project Lorise seminar involved "Crime Scene Search ;lnd Investigation." Securing the crime scene to prevent loss. alteration, or contimation of evidence, and the danger of leaking information to the press prior to trial, were explored in depth.

According to Jim Beaton, the workshop was a very worthwhile experience, and it is hoped that more Warren County law enforcement officers wiD take advantage of these opportunities in the future . Any officer desiring further information concerning these seminars should contact this Office. STANDARD FORMS TO BE DEVELOPED FOR POLICE REPORTS Some time ago, at a-dinner meeting for police officers, the Chiefs of the various departments suggested that a uniform procedure be developed for submitting investigative reports from arresting officers. The Prosecutor's staff is ready to begin actio!! on that project. As the first step, we ask that each law enforcement agency submit to this Office, for study, several copies of the forms presently being used, together with any suggestion for improvement. Our staff will combine ideas and circulate the composite results throughout all the agencies for advice and further suggestions for the rinal standard Corm Cor use throughollt the County. IONFORMATION , IDEAS SHARED AT LAW ENFORCEMENT PICNIC On Saturday, July 27th, Bob ZMoody made his swimming pool and picnic facilities available for a Law Enforcement Picnic. Steaks, corn , baked pota~, French bread, and beverages were enjoyed by

~........~ ..t'" ~~ ~ tI.rti;~0-4t1approximately Corty area law enforcement officers. Sheriff Roy WallaCE' provided those present with inside information concerning matters, he is asked to discuss and act upon in his capacity as a member of the Governor's Criminal Justice Supervisory Commission. This relaxed way of sharing ideas. information, and experiences made the occasion pleasant and rewarding Cor everyone who attended. Allhough attendance wasn ot quite what it could have been , we feel that as the word gets around, the picnic next year will be an even greater success . RECENT SEARCH DECISION CLARIFIED Earlier this year. this Office issued a memo to all police agencies regarding the December, 1973, Supreme Court Search and Seizure Decisioln. However, the newspaper accounts and the publicity through the media which followl!d that decision resulted in confusion, so we thought this would be a good opportunity to remind area officers of what police can legally do, based on that decision . When an oCficer makes a routine traffic stop, he must place the subject under full custodial arrest in order to search his person or his vehiele without his permission. A policeman who intends to take a suspect into hte station house has the right ot pat him down to search him, and the area within his immediate control, for weapons. Although this sea rch is primarily for the protection of the policeman, since it is a search. incident to a lawful arrest, any evidence found on the defendant may be used against him . Clearly. a search may not be conducted on mere suspicion, where a routine traffic stop has been made. and the officer has no intention of placing the defendant under arrest. If the arrest can be justified, (for whatever charge : driving while under the influence, improper registration. invalid license, etc .• ) then and only then, the officer may search the subject 's person and-or his vehicle. However, the officer must pllace the person under arrest BEFORE he begins the search. The arresting officer must also remember that the Supreme Court decision limits the area that may be searched to the person himself. and the area to which he has easy access . Obviously this does not include the trunk of a car. To search the trunk, even after the defendant has been arrested. the officer mllst have a search warrant, or the permission of the defendant.


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The Miami Gazelle

Wednesday. Oclober 2, 1974 .

LET THE ~'iami Gazette SAVE YOU

Page 7


$1.00 on adult tickets $1.00 on children's tickets-12 and under MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FIllED O RDER EARL Y FOR CHOICE SEATS NO LIMIT O N TICK ns

DISCOUNT DATES Thurs .. Oct. 24. 8,00 pm Sa l vel :6. 8 00 p m Sun .. Oct. 27. 630 p m


1001 Shiloh Springs Rd. Daylon, Ohio 45415



Waynesville Furniture & Gift Shop

onpilr .. !~ Hara Arena

Th urs .. Ocl. 24. 8 :00 p .m . . S a l. . Oct. 26 . 8 :00 p.m. " . Sun .. Ocl. 27.6 :30 p .m .

Shop for Your Antiques of The Future STORE HOURS : Mon, Tues., Wed , Sal, 9 :30am .·6 :00 p.m . Thurs.·Fri, 9 : 30 am .·9 :00 pm.


N ..... E _ _ _ __ ADDlfSS _

Funny Plates


Fund Parks

Ohio mOlorists who have -reo served new 'Personalized' licenses plates ior 1975 have only until Tuesday, Oct. I, 1974 10 return compleled applicalions and fees 10 the Bureau of MotorooVehicles in Columbus".-· " _... .

applies only to new four . rive and six·letter plates- not to the two and three·letter 'Reserved ' plates which the bureau has issued for years. Regular reserved plate holders will receive their renewal applications by mail in December. Garry said these applications Garry said . He said S30 of the extra $3S fee must be laken to a deputy registrar orrice for validation, then returned for each set of 'Personalized ' to the Bureau along with proper plates will go into a special fund for fees no later than Oct. I. He improving Ohio·s roadside park ~ emphasized thaI this deadline system .

ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DALELLIOTT All leading brands-free estimates, Bank financing available. Waynesville 897785l. CAR DEALERS

WARREN COUNTY CHRYSLER, "Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W . Main St., Lebanon, 932-5951. Always a good deaL

CARPETS BI-RITE CARPET It TILE, 140 S. Main St., Carpet,

floors, ceramic, ceilings, 897-5511 Waynesville 2225608, Dayton. CEMENT WORK" ROOF REPAIRS

_ _

_ _

._ ""


_ _




I " CO ot


$5.50 RESEe v E: Adult


S4 .50

5E. ·



Child (n $-I 50

Adult ,,' S3 50 Chtl d ,,' SJ.50



M n ke che ck p ayab l e 10 DISN E V O N PAR A D E ., nd sen d 10 Hara " " • .,,, '/jG T 5"01 0'" So r,nO I ~ d Oay l on 0"'0 " 5 " ' ,5 En clo se se ll addressed s!a m ptc''1 o n ... e!o ~e A II O" o ne w e e - 10' rr.1,, 1 G '~~' T r ( ·el~ are o n a~ iI " a D "I I )' ba si • • ' Itl n o refund s VO Id alter Oc l , -;



WASHINGTON SQUARE Pnll~ooa.I PrescriptiOD LAUNDROMAT AND DRY 8eI'V1ce 33 S. Main stnet. CLEANERS,88 S. Main ~l Waynesville arT-11m. Waynesville, 897-5961, PLUMBING. BEA'ftNG

w. w. COVEY

FLORIST CEDAI:l CITY FLORIST, Finest Flowers &: Gifts, 123 E. Muliberry St, Lebanon, Obio ~1:Z-2916. GROCERIES

HUBERT SMITH &: SON U you have cistern problems have it cleaned and repaired DOW. We also do cement work all kinds. ' SHERWOODS MARKET, Block laying and roof "featuring meats cut to MUENNICH MOTORS, repair. Pboile 93H665. order," delivery service. 7~ CiDdDDati Ave. Leba" Better Idea Cars From Ford," " Quality Car Care." DOll, Ohio, m-1M4. COLLISION REPAIR 749 Columbus Ave., INSURANCE Lebanon, 932-1010. KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE THE NATIONAL LIFE &: COLLISION REPAIR: ACCIDENT INSURANCE " Expert Body and Paint CO. (Orand ole Opry Subscribe To The Work": Experienced work . People) Fred Napier agent MIAMI GAZETTE All work guaranteed 897-31H Only $3.00 A Year 862-4487. Located on US 42 1 . mile south of Spring Valley and 5 miles north of Waynesville.


and HeatiDg tTl Fifth st., Waynesville arT-6431.

LYNN FIELDS,7i5ti C8bIPI. Waynesvillr, 1-8815-&41" or 897-6055; Camfield Con pany Inc. 433-9012 897-6055. . . SUPER MARKETS ·

ELLIS SUPER VALU qu; Iity and low prices opeD ti

nine, 7 days ... week. pbaI 897-5001. '


69 S. Main St. 897-5M1 Me LOAN &: SAVINGS CO. PEOPLES BUILDING Sped a1iatB. LOAN &: SAVINGS CO., "Start saving tomorrow." Come to 11 S. Broadway, TV SALES 61P!!RVIC£8 Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 932- BEATl'Y'S TV SAL'BS' 3876, SERVICES, 7Aalth. 27 J firoeclway, I_non, II REAL ESTATE K.S.A. REALTY,88 S. M.aiI1 3O'1S. St. , Waynesville, 897-3501. WATER SERVICE REMODEL- " YOUR OLD Holt 's Hauling and wat jewelry-remounting gcll'if'i'service. ciStern aJ sizing, l:ef'upshing jewelry. cleaned, B~893 42 ) repair. Stone setting. Genntown. 932-ft66. Davidsons Jewelers, Leba. non 932-3936.

Page 8

Wednesday , October 2. 1974

The Miami Gazette

Miami Valley Holds RN Refresher


A free refresher course for registered nurses who are in· terested in resuming their career will be offered at Miami Valley Hospital, starting October 14. The educational program is designed to bring nurses who are not currently employed up to date on recent trends in nursing and new techniques in patient care. Participants also will be intro· duced ot modern equipment now in use in health care institutions. Emphasis wiD be placed on skills in medical-surgical nursing, obs· tetric nursing and pedia tric nursing. Classes will be held four days a . week from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. from Oct. 14 through November '1:1 . The . refresher classes will be conducted at Miami Valley Hospital with instruction provided by members of the hospital staff. Both classroom and clinical experience will be included in the course. Any registered nurse who has an active Ohio license is eligible to participa te in the program . No fee nor any obligation will be involved in the course. Margaret Hicks. Recruitmenl Coordinator, and Lenora Rickerl , Personnel Assistant, will coor· dinate the program . Nurses interested ' in the course or those who wish to obtain more infor· mation can contact Mrs. Hicks in the Personnel Office at Miami Valley Hospital. Registration deadline is October 4.


Hear yet ! Hear yet ! The fifth annual Ohio Sauerkraut Festival will be held Saturday and Sunday, October 12th and 13th in Waynesville, Ohio. Waynesville, already famqus throughout Ohio for its many antique stores, honors the Noble Kraut at it's yearly festival. The people of Waynesville invite you to come and help them celebrate. The agenda of events for the two days will give you a hint as to the fun to be had and the things to be ·seen.


10:00 A.M . Opening Ceremonies. Opening of Craft Show & Flea Market. 11: 00 A.M . Sauerkraut Dinner & Fish Fry begin. Antique Car Show and judging for Peoples Choice begins. 11 :30 A.M. Welcoming Ceremonies & Royalty Presentation. 12 Noon Springfield Polka Band. 1:00 P.M. Contests and Games. 1 : 30 P.M. "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 2 : 30 P.M. Miami Valley Folk Dancers. 3: 15 P.M. "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 3: 30 P.M. Bicycle Parade & Judging. 4:00 P.M---. Parade of Antique Car Show win· ners. . 4 : 45 P.M... "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 5:00 P.M. Finals of Checker Tournament. 7:00 P.M. Fiddlers Contest and Country Music.



BOX 375

"~_~mii WAYHE~E. OHtO -

c·. : ,

Opening Ceremonies. Craft Show and Flea Market begins. Art Show. "Riding Hood" • Waynesville Puppet Theater 1: 30 P.M. Wienerschenitzel Band. 2: 30 P.M. "Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 3:00 P.M. Czech Dancers Polka Club of Metamora, Ohio. .4:00 P.M ... "Riding Hood" - Waynesville Puppet Theater. 4 : 30 P.M. Judging for the Best Homemade Sauerkraut and Largest Head of Cabbage.

513897-6652 Shop Telephone: 513298-2077 Residence

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.


Y3 & Y3 as s .




. HISLE'S BUGGYI'HEEL ANTIQUES Fllnliblrc &- MisccUaaeollS lulU

TUE • • -SUN. 12 TO S

MON. -



1513) 932·5739

p .::......................................................:;:.:.::t:



There are many delicacies to savor Sauerkraut Cookies and Cake, Cabbage Rolls and Candied Apples, Br~utwurst and Candies of all kinds. Craftsmen from all over Ohio come to show their Early American Trades. There is a large Flea Market with items of every description. A checker tournament played with corn cob checkers and music, music, music. Come and join in the fun October 12th and 13th in the Sauerkraut Capitol of the world, Waynesville, Ohio.

Srnrrdly~ ;2.5:30

au- TImes by Appointment 01 C\anoI

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13th 12:30 12:30 12:30 1 :00


107 S. Main St Waynesville, Ohio


(513) 862-5181




~;~i ~:~ ~


:~ ~ 1


:::: ::::


<rtn.ral Line - Deal... Wdcom~~ ::;. MON. BY CHANCE ;~: :::: TUES. THRU SAT. 10-5:00 ::::

. ~:::::::::::::::.:::;.~~:~:~::.:.~~~~~::::::::::::::J~

OP~IS=~: I~lh~~ :!~!

~--==:;~~~~~~~ HOURS: Mon •• Wed., & Fri. 1-6 Sot. 8-12 Or

By ADP,ointment




The Lttle Red Shed



OHIO . 45068


Phone: 897.3563

76 First Street . Rear

Co,win. Ohio 45068





I _L-Z.. .) j

CO-t '.- )'C (...i;1

~ ~;;t::3

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" _'



Welcome To The Sauerkraut Festival

Wednesday . October 9. 1974

ScwDd class postap paid II WayMnlUe. Olriu VIOl. 6

No . 40



fi~ ~t1 Oar ~A(,fER ba+oT fl~\'~~!}S~~ S~11JeD~ ~W

"Farm e rs are expected to get bushel for soybeans at harvest time" , says Edward C, Evers, Count y F.xpcutive DIrector , A s umm ar! of EconomI c Re· search ServIce I F.RS I fat a nd oils SItuation , rel eased Sep tember 26 in Washington , clips two reasons for record ·h,gh a,'prage sO"bean pncl's dunng thl' IY74 ·,5 mar · keting yea r The soyh"<ln s upply looks dow n 10 percent from last yea .r and soyh{'an suppl! looks down III percent from I"s t yl'iIr, $8·$9 a

and soyh('an


might n"t

expand durlOg IY,'i , beca u,,' clOrn and otht'r f{'ed grail" rna! attract (arm l' r~ morf' th,Hl ~oybpa n s nt' xt spring " Suppl! d,' rnand IOlOk s Ilkl' Ihl; for th,' prt·st·1l1 ,('ar " . l'ontlnuf'll Evers T h(' IY74 ·7'i ,"ybt'an supp l! (ow l s it

~~~, , . , . ~ wit(

~~ /....,.,;r-~~~,,' FOOD SERVICE OPERATION During the weelt of September 23 through September 29, 1974, the following food service operations were reported satisfactory on routine inspections : Guys and Oolls (Franklin Township); Herb's Carry Out (Franklin); American Legion Post No . 149 (Franklin); Sonnys Drive in (Waynesville); Middletown Christian School


(Franklin Township) ; King Kwik Minit Market (Franklin Town · ship) ; Orange Bowl (Clearcreek Township) ; Kings Inn (Franklin); Ridgeville Christian School (Clearcreek Township>' One food service operation was found satisfactory at the time of reinspection : OK Corral Steak House (Monroe ) ,


I -lY


bushe ls . th ~ s um flf a I.JIf;·mllhon bu, he l crop plus a 172 ·rnlllwn ·lJtI s hpi ('arryo\'pr Thl' economis t...; ap praise use at 14 hllllOn hush el> Th is Imphcs a m In imal carrYc)\"'r on Sep tembe r I ,Y,'i These estImates are based on the September 1974 crop repori refl l'c ting condi tIons on SeptembPr 1. Si nce then, two demagl ng frosts struck soybea n areas DomestIc crus hings and exports create most of the demand Th e domesti c soybea n Industry may crush aournd 800 million bushels , compared to 820 million bushels during 1973·74 . Fats and oils situation sees exports down possibly substantial · Iy, from the 545·million·bushel record olf last marketing year, Tight supplies and high prices will likE,ly reduce exports , Also , foriegn suplies of fats and oils, such CIS brazilian soybeans . peruv ian fish , and philippine caconul oil. are greater than last year . reducing the need for l.: ,5 , soybeans ,

( ' ,,"~rt's,man

William H Harsha pconolllY In government merit the Ihe "Wall'hdug IIf apprl'('lal llln I,f eac h of your ! I\(' Tn'asur:- ' :\v"a r d rl'('('nll~ tJ! l' Hn~lltu('n l s" : h" :-."I)(lIIal ..\ " ol' ia ll'd .\ l ad .. up pr imari ly of small HUSIII('' fI lJ tI ""I '~' firms , thl' r-;AB is 1\ Ttll :i I!'- 1111' fIfth :,uch ~ \Aa rd (fir III. npiJftls all orga ml.ation with its ' hi' ()hrH i " v.fJlakf'r ...... hl. v,(j .... h' ·i.rjqtlilril'rs III Washlllglon , Its h" q l, r .·d fo r hl~ YO 9 pf' f C('nl ~ "al , ".dude fisca l responsibility t·t ·lIn .. rn ~ \ ollll).! [ ('cor d HI thf' '" gO"' rllmenl an d the eli mination ,\ " " 'I ! Ttll r d ('''"g rl'ss Thl'lSs ues ' ,f Ihl' h ·dcral Government from Ifl\ 01\ t-d ~ n tht, rating ('11\'(' r pd compI'lltloll WIth private business. Th,' min iatur e gold bulldog 1""1", 'p"nd ln~ IIem: from defl'II'" 10 llIa ss Iran ,; 11 whIch the whIch symbolizes the "Watchdog :-' ..\B 'l('wI'd as Slgnlf iean lly of the Treasury" Award was scparallng the bIg spenders from pr,'Senied to a total of 24 Senators Ihe (',:unom), mInded ~Iembers of ilnd 161 Representatives who qualif,ed for this Congress , Congress In congratulallng rongress man Harsha , :'>AB PreSIdent H Vernon SeOti sa id : " Yo ur outstandlflg eco nomy ,'oting record indi cates to your constit u('nts and to our mem o bersh,p thai yo u have a keen r. -' awareness of the need for fiscal responsibility , I know it takes \ much more courage 10 resist the pressures for unnecessary Federal spend ing "As you know so well , un · necessary Federal spending ~ contnbutl's 10 a higher cost of liVI ng which to uches all of us ," he co nl lnued " Your votes for WitS

~r"St·nl .. d

WHS Plays


~ : :' 1 tRsr ,



Game Friday Night

Page 2

Wednesday. Oc tober 9. 1974

The Miam i Gazette




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Waynp s v' ll e Ohl (1 4 50 68


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THE MIAMI GA ZETTE PO Bo. 325 . Way nes ville · Phon e 897 ·592 1

Lila McClure Editor & Publisher Sandee Blazer Contributing Editor Donna Huffman Staff Art ist Karen Ga~away Advertising Sales Subscription - $3.00 Per Year






::=: ::~

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''; ',.' .


Welcome To The Sauerkraut Festival


10:00 A.M.

Opening Ceremonies. Opening of Craft Sho~ _& Flea Market. 11 : 00 A.M. Sauerkraut Dinner & Fish Fry begin. Antique Car Show and judging for Peoples Choice begins. 11:30 A.M. Welcoming Ceremonies & Royalty Presentation. 12 Noon Springfield Polka Band. 1 : 00 P.M. Contests and Games. 1 : 30 P.M. "Riding Hood" - Waynesville Puppet Theater. 2:30 P.M . Miami Valley Folk Dancers. 3:15 P.M. "Riding Hood" - Waynesville Puppet Theater. 3:30 P.M. Bicycle Parade & Judging. 4:00 P.M . Parade of Antique Car Show w inners . 4 : 45 P.M ... "Riding Hood " . Waynesville Puppet Theater. 5 :00 P.M. Finals of Checker Tournament. 7 : 00 P.M. Fiddlers Contest and Country Music.


LEBANON AUTO PARTS ., ...... _ : -- ~ _"""' .. ft#: -, t"Yf~ . I K/Jt~,tt9Y~A~




: '~,

' :,


695 Main Waynesville. Ohio Special Sunday Hours This Week Only 12 p .m . to 4 p.m .

r~ •


:::: .... WEL COME

'. '





::: '.'






" Riding Hood" . Waynesville Puppet Theater 1: 30 P.M . Wienerschenitzel Band . 2 : 30 P.M. " Riding Hood " . Waynesville Puppet Theater 3 : 00 P.M. Czech Dancers Polka Club of Me t2 ' mora . Ohlc, .! 00 D ttl 'D ld' r:~ ~o o\- ' \\' a '. P "::::: I. " ::Theater the Best Homemao e 4 : 30 PM and Largest Head of

: ,.


October 12th a nd 13th in the Sauerkraut Capitol of the world, Waynesville, Ohio .

1 :00 P.M.



Kraut at it' s yearly festival.

12 : 30 P.M . Opening Ceremonies. 12 : 30 P.M . Craft Show and Flea Market begins. 12 : 30 P.M. Art Show.

I. , ..



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-',; - . r,";,

~. .

The law requires a census of conducted by mail beginning in agriculture every five years and January , 1975. the law also requires people to reply to census questionnaires "The Bureau of the Census has completely and accurately, reports assured us tha t all questionnaires . Edward C. Evers, County Execu- are strictly confidential. The tive Director. information is tabulated statistically without reference to inMost fanners are quite co- dividual operations, and no one operative, be said, since they outside of the Census Bureau is recognize the improtance of having allowed access to information accurate, up-to-date statistical which could lead to identification data on American agriculture. The of an y person or farm ." E vers 1974 Census of Agriculture will be sa id.

Agencies of the u.S. Department of Agriculture are cooperating Wllh the Census Bureau in informing farmers and ranchers of the upcoming 1974 Census of Agriculture. and the Warren County ASCS office will be able to answer farmers' questions when the census forms start arriving. Local producers may expect the questionnair es in the mail in late December or early January, and they arE> as kE>d to return them by mail as soon as possi ble .

Shop lor Your.An t iques of The Future STORE HOURS : Mon ., Tues .. Wed " Sal, 9 : 30a.m.·6 :00 p.m. Thurs.·Fri .. 9 :30a.m.·9 :00 p.m.

Wednesday . October 9. 1974

Town Square Restaurant ~


Welcome To The

Not all high school students returning to school this fall are in their teens. Free evening classes are being offered to interested local residents and those of surrounding counties; by the Warren County Board of Education. Enrollment in the evening classes is open to anyone from non-readers to high school level who have not completed high school and are 16 years of age or older. The basic subjects are designed to prepare the student to take the general DP&L Intends To Sell educational development test given by the Ohio State 87U in Preferred Stock and Bonds Deparbnent of Education. The Dayton Power and Light $40 million was in November. 1973, The student will be given a Company proposes to sell to the In May of 1973 DP&L sold 250.000 bigh school equivalency public 250,000 shares of cumulative shares of preferred stock tSiOO par certificate upon successful preferred stock ($HIO par value), a value), eompletion of the G.E.D. total value of $25 million. and $45 On August 29 . 1974. 1.7 million exam. million in first mortgage bonds . shares of DP&L common stock This certificate is re- Registration statements were filed were sold to the public at SI2 .125 cognized by employers as a today with the Securities per share. high school diploma and Exchange Commission. most colleges, universities, The net proceeds from the sale of Mr~ IrtJAei £.Pft!THfR and technical schools will these issues will be used to re-pay Miss Mary E Prether age 82 of accept it as a high school lhe Company 's short · term in · 175 E . Lytle Five POint Hd Passed debledness. The balance will be away Sunda y at Kellertn~ Hos · diploma. primarily used to help finance pital. She wa s a member of thl' Since classes are in- construction of facilities to meet David u nited Church of Chrtst Sh,' dividualized, students may consumer demands for more is s urvi ved by 2 hrothers John . dunng ' enroII at any time electricity , Prether of Dayton and Hohert the year. Those who cannot The offerings of preferred stock Prether of Keltering . F"'e sl~ l e rs . come certain nights, or and bonds are expected to be made Mrs . Lit,lie Mockabee of Kelt ertn~ those who must leave early, on October 22. 1974 and are being Mrs , Hazel Storms of Ketlering . may arrange a schedule underwritten by a group headed by Mrs . Gertrude Laub of Kettering . with the instructor. Morgan S~nley &. Company. Inc . Mrs . Erma Lamb of Daylon , Mrs . The centers offering The last Issue of DP&L bonds for Helen Trame of Centerville, and Adult Educatio~ are ; Leba- ~"AIIDIIA/IIJ) several nieces and neph"ws non, WaynesVille, So~th Richard L. St Amand, Funeral services were held Leb d Otte be Wednesday OcL 9, al the anon, an r m. General Plant Manager for Stubbs.Conner Funeral Hom E' III Classes are held Tue~day United Telephone Company Waynesv ille with Rev , Ca rl Mohr and Thursday everungs of Ohio, has been named officiating . Buria l foll owed al from 7 :00 to 9:00 PM For Staff Director-Plant 0- David Cemelery in Ketlenng further information, con- perations for United Tele/(tPt!!, MADJr 'F1£fJlOI» tact Sue Hall or robert communications, Inc. Young at the Wan: en St Amand will join the "~"I ~ Mrs . Marte Fleenor age 64 of 392.1 County Board of EducatIOn United Telecom staff in -932-4930. Kansas City, Mo. in octo- Davton Wilmington Pike Sprtng ber, according to Robert D. \'ailey pa ssed away :\Ionday Oct 7 her re'sidence Shl' IS sun' lv!'d h~ Strock, Vice President-En- at J :ames Fl!'enor and Thoma s Nancy J. McFadden has gineering and Operations, 4Lsons Fleenor a t home. Freden ck W enrolled in the three-year there . fleenor of Xe nia , Ca rson Flpenor program of the School of St Amand joined United Jr offlorida , her mother ~I" Nursing at Miami Valley of Ohio, a subsidiary of Chl oe Hubbe ll of Way nesv ill e . I Hospital, Dayton, Ohio. She United Telecom, in 1970 as brother Ea rl J I!ubbell of is among 108 students in the Director of System Studies. Wavnesv llle . a nd :1 Sisie rs ~Ir ' freshman class. He became General Plant ~la ~Jort e Drake of Wa~ nl·,, "ilil' ~Ir s Wl,hneta Black of X('nla , ~nd The daughter of Mr. and Manager in January 1971. Mrs. Joseph McFadden, Previously, he had been a ~Ir s. Ruth Bartram of Xeni a ,I 9228 Ferry Road, Waynes~ District Plant Superinten- grandchildren and s(','eral 01 ('(' 1" ville, Miss McFadden is a dent for New York Tele- and nephews Funeral !-o( l n I('('S w('n' he ld Thursda \ I ),,1 II) al Ihl' graduate of Waynesville phone Company in New Slu hbs ·Conn('r Funl'ra l honll' III High School. York City after 14 years W;,,·neHI II(' wllh He\' Ed" itrrt The nurses' education service with that company. Ha~tr,trll offH'latlng BUrl~1 illl program will include He is a graduate of Salem 100...·d a l ~ll a lJll (" ' mE'IN, studies of anatomy, ' physio- State College in Salem . logy, psychology and nur- Mass . The public meeting sing fundamentals and will MASON GRAD scheduled by the Ohio involve laboratory work The University of Cincinnati Environmental Protection and in-hospital training. the announced to Wm . Mason High Agency (OhiO EPA I on the student nurses also will be School principal Paul Remke that Hamilton Allied Corpora · introduced to specialty a former Mason student has tion. Hamilton Foundrv areas such as mental health achieved the honor of making the Division. 1551 Lincoln A\'E~' nursing. coronary care and Dean 's List at Cc. nue . Hamilton. Ohio. at Susan ~I. ' Knoop earned a grade 11 : 00 a .m .. Thursda y. (>c- . community health care. point average of 3.4 or above as a Miami Valley Hospital is tober 10. 1~74 in the an 85Q-bed non-profit hospi- full ·time undergraduate student. Hamilton Ci ty Hall. Coun cil L' ,c. Registrar John B. Goering tal which annually serves extended his congratulations to Chambers , i High Street more than 130.000 inpatients Susan fo r her "Commendable Ham ilton . has been ca nand outpatients. celled. Academic Achievements."

~ 5th ANNUAL

. . and Coffee Shop •


Invites you to attend 'the 5th Annual Ohio Sauerkraut Festival, Oct 12 & 13. Besides our usual varied menu of sandwiches, platters & dinners we will feature the following :


Sun., Oct. 13

Sat., Oct. 12

October 12-13

Sauerkraut & Bratwurst w,th Ge rman Potato Salad


National Bank

lor dessert we will feature Chocolate Sauedlraut Cake & Pumpkin Bavaria Cream Pie.


John Evers



Pork & Sau.. rkraut with German P-4tato Salad . Sun. Spec,al-Cabba/l8 Roll · Salad Bar WIll feature Sauerkraut Salad.


.9k~!£~ (fJuUic g]i~


* •••••••••••• 1f~



Welcome Neighbors

* BELLFAIR COUNTRY STORE -tc-ic * ·FEATURING • ** -tc ****************-tc GIFT SHOP & tCE CREAM PARLOR


:1 1 .' .. ',',




, W'



US Army Recruiting ~ W-rt..c.a.p~·

F........... CaI . ..,.. 20 lit' ~ 8c u.-. ....

IIJIII I. .---------------------~-.


I ~-. I 1 ....... ...... . 'P' tiaD U IEW.U RBJEWAl I 1 ~ 1 TIll: KLUIJ Q.uETI'E I 1

P980XmWItI_· ...... e..



I ..: ., !rJ'ATE PHONE




1 ______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. .

The Miami Gazette

Page 4

Wednesday , October 9. 1974



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Uaiteel _ Church_ of Christ _a

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Ferry Church of Cbrist - . . . , . . . . & _ _ ...

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'11aD ......

1015 __ . - . . . WcnhIp _ _ 10115 __ . ....., WcnhIp

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United Methodist Chureb

first Chureb of Christ




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Pentecostal Holiness Churd!

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7dD . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .

7_&11 . . .


1 - &. -'""" " -

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United Methodist Chureb

St. Mary's Episcopal Chard

110IIII_ . . . . . . . . . . _


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Friendship Baptist Chureb

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The Full Gospel Tabernacle


w-Np 71 . . . . . . . . .

Sunday I . . . .

71311 _






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lonahs Run Baptist Church

101311 7ICII ........Sunday • _ _ _


71311 71311_ ... 1 _ _1_ _ -.

First Church 01 God • .....,ti _ _ .,..

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Ullited _ Ckar~ _a _01 Christ

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Dodds .

FreI P.tecostal Chlrd! ... ID · ...... CIIoIo

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Sf, .Aaaustine Cburch

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_L..........,._ Corwin

Friellds Meetiaa

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OhIo n las' ICIOD ......... Surd.ry School 10100 & 1 h OD a..m. . Sundoy Wonhip . Sunday l.-Ing

7,311 p.... Wonhlp

United Methodist Church BILL HAINES



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Full. Gospel Church

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of God.

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. 1fII;::.r~'~


Wednesday , October 9. 1974


Page 5



W~uOO ~rn~m~ Being Thankful In Psalms read . " Entf'r In lo his gal£"' wilh thanksgl\·lng . and Int n his " "urts '" Ith prai se be thankful u n:" him . and bl£"s his nam e ," \\ lIh all our he arls w e s hould be ('I l'rnall y grateful to God for all of h is bounllful hlessmgs and mosl l's p" c l a ll~ th e greatest gift of all. Ih .. flgt of hi s only txogottpn s, m JI'SU' ChriS! W .. as IOdl \l duals may n(,v('r know or r('ailz(' Just hO\4 mucn s u(f (,~ lnc .J('s u s unC' rl llo k f'lr Ihe >a ke o f man kind I do. r ea lil(' that flO matter ho,," !:illl'h I do and a cco mpli sh In liliS 100 4 we

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trll:! him fur hi!" grf~a t 10\


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d lspi aYf'd for U~ Y."p I n t hl~ gr£"a ! ~ f.unl r ~_ !If Aml'rlca whlC'h I fo r line

dearl :- ha\t' lak(':l

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{(.r granh·d Tht·n · IS an ,,Jd ..; a~ I n~ v. hI! t1 1 h~ \ , ' hpard all r:l : ~ :ff "~ h wh ''l oqli: ... ay~ " Y!lU rH'\ 1':' :, [~ ... :" ,u f ·... ,alt·r lIn:i! ~lIur '.1.1,1 1 r ll n:- dr :. A I t hl . . . par :H' ul ~lr ;hl r!H ' I' ; ! hl'" •... rI!HH:. I '.I.l}u l d Ilk!' :" 'h ln~ ~

" "part jllr


:-.h .. rl :if n, · :,. qfftor " ur

thc'y are on salary, BUI I for one an und .. r the Imprl'SSlOn that there ha, ! '1 be more than the monetary ~. In 10 ('ause these pl'ople to go so many tlnll'S beyond the call of duty 10 hl' lp those In need I am going to nH'nt Ion some <if these groups and ;, s k (lIq~I\' m('ss 1.\ those I know that I "" 111 f"q~ c'l til mention and of 1 ' lIur~p rn~


spac £>

dnd Ihelr A..~ c hris t ians ' : .,1:. ·.~I ' · .f ft·r u •. ;' r d~t'rs 'In th(>Jr t,"/ I,d f a nd ,j ... k (; · od ) 0 hlf·S r-. and i! Uld , ' ' 11t' :: . t ilt' lr fut ur(> f'fl -

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... it's working

.Joa Rockhold, cCKhalrman lor this year's United Appeal campaign

for Warren County , displays a new award plaque to be given employers who participate in the United Appeal campaign. Each year, for five years, the employer will receive a seal to place in its proper position according to the amount of participation. A gold seal represents ellcellance with a 35 percent fair share and 90 percent participation; a silver seal represents merit, with a 2S percent fair share and 15 percent participation ; and a red seal represents achievement, with a 15 per cent fair share arid 50 percent participation. United Appeal sponsors willalso receive framed certificattions noting either a minimum company gift of $5 for each employee. for companies with four or more employees, or a minimum contribllt.ion of $15 for three or lewe emplyees. SOlicitations are made through various divisions, but never Anyone who wishes to make a donation but who is not contacted may do so by sending it, with their name and address, to the United Appeal office at 24 N. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio 45032. UNITED APPEAL CAMPAIGN IS IN FULL SWING






Wednesday. October 9. 1974

The Miami Gazette

Two division chairmen an· nounced that they had reached one third of their goal for Warren County United Appeal during the report meeting held Wedn'e sday at Benjamin 's Restaurant in Franklin Square Shopping Center. Mrs. William (Mary) Kaufman, solicitor's chairmen for the special gifts division, revealed. that 41 per cent of the goal for this year's campaign had been met. The other chairman reaching the one third mark is Ben Jackson who heads the financial institution division . The general co-<:hairmen forthis year's campaign, Jon Rockhold and Eli LaDuke, announced during the campaign kick-<lff dinner last month that Warren County's total goal for this year is $120,000, an amount determined by goals set by individual chairmen. There are eight separa~e divisions with commercial and industrial divisions further divided according to locality and the government division divided into three sections by type of employment. United Appeal funds are derived solely through solicitation of businesses, industry and the .special category solicitations . There is no door··to·door solicitation . Warren County Agencies funded through. United Appeal incl\lde: the Adult Activity Center ; the American Red Cross ; the Bessie Davis Community Center ; Boy Scouts; Camp Fire Girls ; Doty House for Han · dicapped Ghildren ; the Franklin Welfare Co,nmittee ; Girl Scouts ; the U.S.O,'/ Hollywood Community , Center-;---the Lebanon Co~unity

Service and the Mason Community Service ; the Salvation Army ; Warren County Senior Citizens ; and the Council on Aging of Warren County , Gerald R. Russell of Springboro is president of the Board of Directors comprised of Dr. Frank Batsche Jr., Dr. Orville Layman, Michael Rosencrans, Larry Booher, Robert W. Cantoni, Walter E . Chesney , the Rev , Harold R . Deeth , Donald Ellis , Ronald Goulet , Tracy Ingram, Franklin . Moore, Hewett P . Mulford Jr ., Eli LaDuke, David Witham , Michael Norris, Jack Reynolds, Jon E . Rockhold, Louis Romohr , Ethel Sims , Robert Strasberger, Carter Terry, Carolyn Turkelson, Howard Wilson . Marvin E. Young, Warren C. Young and Roy Wallace.

~S#kIP r-~S(J The annual membership lun· choen for the Women 's Club of the Home Builders Ass·n . of Metropolitan Dayton will be held October 10 at Suttm illers restaurant in Dayton . Prospective memberw will be guests of the club. Social hour begins at 11 00 followed by luncheon at 11 :45. The program will be a style show featur ing 5 shops fromt he Franklin Square Shopping Center. The shops participating are : The Casual Man . W Woman's World . Sue Ann 's Fashion Spor~wear . Whiff 'N Puff and Young ·Finery. The whow will include clothing for the entire family . Members of the Women 's Club will ser ve as models .

Pa ltrick Collins, Chair- Stanley E . Kolb , Democratic man, Butler-Warren-Clin- nom inee for State Representative for the 73rd District, asked that ton Counties AFL-CIO Committee on Political people take more interest in the '74 Education (COPE(, and election. Kolb stated, "Going house·toCharles Walden, Butler- house I have received a strong , Warren Counties U.A.W. definite indication that many Community Action ~or­ people , \hough only a minority , are gram Countil (CAP), have discouraged with the elective issued a joint statement process. There is a feeling that announcing endorsements regardless who they elect, it will by their two labor organiza- not be of any benefit to the people." tions for the following Kolb , the former prosecuting candidates in this year's attorney of Warren County, that, "the week after the November 5th General indicated Pardon, the criticism was very Election in Butler and intense. Part of my response was Wamen Counties: tha t there will be people eJec ted on Wan'en County Commis- Election Day, whether they vote, sioner - Autrey C. Vaughn; or fail to vote. You must exercise Butler County Commissio- your best judgment on Election ner - Arthur F. Reiff; Day," Kolb , a veteran, said, "This year Butler County Auditor is very important for every citizen James A. Tilton. On the State level the to vote . When our nation asked us Legislative candidates en- to defend it, most of us entered dorsed are ; 57th District : military service and carried out our obligation. Now, when our David Armbruster, Middle- elective system has been dama· town; 58th Dis- ged, it is our responsibility to carry trict: Richard G. Love out our obligation to vote . America Hamilton; 73rd District; will never recover its faith in the Stanley Kolb, Franklin. system completely until the In their statement, the ci tizens exercise their voting power." two labor leaders said: " Corruption and problems in "Our respective bodies adopted these recommen- government have never been dations after careful ex- termina ted by a pa thy of the amina tion of the credentials people. Corruption and problems in only increase during and, where possible, the government the period of apathy .; ' records of the candidates Kolb commented, "A public we ar4e pleased to recom~ official who never explains or mend 1:0 our union members discusses his voting record or candidates who are so well activity to his constituents enjoys qualified for the offices tey the apathy of voters . Citizens must seek. All the candidates demand the opportunity to be have shown real dedication informed. It is not enough to have a to the people of the area, sense of security merely because and we are pleased to be your representative .has years of able to recommend this fine senority. and is on an important committee. " group."

Bmgamon Appointed Brown Co-ordinator RODl:lld W. Bingamon, 282 Twelfth Avenue, Miamisburg, has been appointed Warren County Coordinator to Re-elect John W. Brown Lieutenant Governor by Frank Perry, Warren County Republican Executive Chairman. Lieutenant Governor John W. Brown expressed his a.ppreciation of his selection when he said, "Mr. Bingamon's appointment affords my committee and me the opportunity to work closely with a respected community in Warren County." Lieutenant Governor Brown noted that his Coordiinaotr's selection is an extremely important asset to the campaign, especially in light of his numerous social and civic activities . Bingamon, Principal of Carlisle high School , is President of the Warren

"Citizens, to be intelligent voters , must determine why their representative introduced only two extremely minor legislative proposals during the last session of legislature , with one of the two proposals pertaining to the rep· resentative's occupation." Kolb concluded, "People in 1974 do not care what a public official 's high opinion of himself is; what they do care about is how important they are to the public official."

County Principal's Association. He has previously worked for Republican Membership Drives. He lists his interests as golf and most sports activities. As his first official duty Co-ordinator Bingamon urged any volunteers wishing to assist in the campaign to contact him as ~oon as possible. I· '


fa Senice

"Meeting the Challenges of Home Economics" is the title of a conference planned for Home Economicsts on the campus of the Ohio State University. The conference will be held Satur· day, October 26, 1974 and is sponsored by the School of Home Economics and the Home Economics Alumni Association of the Ohio State University. All area Home Economists are invited to attend this interesting and educational program. Reservations should be made no later than Friday, October 18, 1974 by phoning the Cooperative Extension Service at 932-1891.


w~Yrl fiE: LO S 6/ca~ti Curtis G. Fields has been elected Vice President-Administration and Secretary of United Telephone Company of Ohio, The election came during a special meeting of the firm's Board of Directors here. Fields joined United of Ohio as General Commercial Manager in 1972, coming from the firm's sister company, Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company in Tarboro, N.C. He was named Vice Presid~nt-Administration in Ap'ril, 1974. IN being elected Secrtary, Fields succeeds J. M. Lothschuetz, who is now in Washington, D. C., serving as Vice President and Washington Counsel for United Telecommunications, Ie.

UNCLAIMED 'FREIGHT All New Merchandise 2· Piece Living Room

Stereo·Console Mattresses Recliners Bunk Beds


579 518 S48 S48

9 '.12' Rugs S5 Cocktail and 2 Step TAbles (setoI8) S18


lebanon 932 · 2246 Monday·Friday 10.9 p.m. Saturday 10·6 p.m. Su nday 12 noon · 5 p.m.

Wednesda y. October 9. 1974

~ l.l · 'II\'l':'\J ~ rDI .'· G



111 I ' \lIh



'fea turing meats cut to order ." delivery service . HUBERT SMITH & SOr-.; Ii DAL ELLIOTT All leading brands-free you have cistern problems 747 Cincinna ti Ave. Lebaestimates. Bank financing have it cleaned and re- non, Ohio, 9S2-194-i. available . Waynesville 897- paired now. We also do INSURANCE cement work all kinds. THE NATIONAL LIFE &: 7851. Block laying and roof ACCIDENT INSURANCE CAR DEALERS repair. Phone 932-4665. CO . (Grand ole Opry WARREN COUNTY People) Fred Napier agent COLLISI01\; REPAIR "Chrysler. CHRYSLER. 897-3111 Dodge. Plymouth." 518 W. KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE Main St. , Lebanon . 932-5951.. COLLISION REPAIR : PHARMACIES Always a good deal. " Expert Body and Paint LOVELESS PHARMACY Work ": Experienced work . Pralessiooal PrescriptiOli All work guaranteed MUENNICH MOTORS , service 33 S. Main street, " Better Idea Cars From 8624487. Located on US 42 1 Waynesville asrt-7076. mile south of Spring Valley Ford," "Quality Car Care. " 749 Columbus Ave .. and 5 miles north of Waynesville. PLUMBING a: BEAnNG Lebanon. 932-1010. ROOFI.\' l;

BI-RITE CARPET &: TILE, 140 S. Main St., Q;rpet, floors, ceramic, ceilings, 897-5511 Waynesville 2225608, Dayton. WATER SERVICE Holt's Hauling and water service. cistern and cleaned, Box 1893 42 N. Genntown. 932-1166.


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.':l·1"';· R " 1ARKET'" :, \ PER VALL' ; \laity and low price:; ope....; till .line, 7 days a week, pbooe 897-5001. ~LLl';

j~welry-rer.n?~ting gold. WAYNESVILLE MARKET Sl~, refllllShing jewelry QI S. Main st. 897-5SKl Meat


setting. Speciali.ats


DavidsoDS Jewelers, Lebanon 932-3936.




~ BEATl'Y'S TV fW.l!$".

PI. WaynesvUI~· 1-88S-5453 SERVICES, Zeitb., rI N. or 897-6055; eanrlield Com- Aroadway-, l*naa, lIDpany Inc. 433-9912 or 3I1l5. 897~"

10 The Sauerkraut Festival


W. W. COVEY Pfmnbing and- HeatlJlll 1Tl FIftb St.,



Page 7


(; ROC' E R! £~

CE,,'E "T \\'(j!{!-. S,


~ll a m l

PHONE 897·4036

SQUARE Waynesville, asrt~.

LAUNDROMAT AND DRY CLEANERS,88 S. Main ~l Waynesville, 897-5961.

8w6 w-I..ot W~Oluwt.3.*s


LOAN &: SAVINGS CO. ,"F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::=;;;;;;;;;;:;=======;;;;;;;;~


CEDAR CITY FLORIST, "Start saving tomorrow." Finest Flowers &: Gifts, 123 Come to 11 S. Broadway, E. Mulberry St, LebanoI1, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 9323876. Ohio 932-2916.


MOM'S KOUNTRY KITCHEN 5 M, North 01 Wayne .. ,II. on U S 42


OPEN 6 a.m . ' 7 p.m . Sat. and 9 a.m . - 7 p.m. Sunday.


se r Iilng


Miami Gazette


SAVE YOU $1.00 on adult tickets $1.00 on children's tickets-12 and under MAil QIlOERS PROMPTlY FillE D ORDER EA IH 'f' FOR CHOI C E SEATS NO liMIT O N TI ': l(fTS





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Page 8

The Miami Gazette

'Esther C. Marting, M.D., a Cincinnati, Ohio, physician, has been elected President .of the American Cancer Society's Ohie Divisien, Inc. Dr. Marting is the first weman te held the positiDn as leader .of the $5 millien cancer contrel erganizatien. She succeeds Victer A. Simiele, M.D., Lancaster, and it responsible for ceordinating the Society's programs of REsearch, Education, and Service and Rehabilitation throughout the sta;te. Dr. Marting was elected at today's Ohio Divison Board of Trustees meeting here. Dr. Marting has been an active leader in the American cancer Society at the state and local levels for over 35 years. She is a past president of the Hamilton County Unit .of th ACS. A former chairman of the Ohie Division's Service and Rehabilitatien Cemmittee , Dr . Maring held the positiens .of Secretary and Vice Presidnet of the Ohie Divisien Beard .of Trustees priDr to her electiDn as President. Dr. Marring received her Doctor 01 Medicine Degree frem the University .of Cincinnati, College of Medicine. A practicing radielDgist, she has also studied at the Marie


Kitchen Korner


- ,'







Curie Hospital , London , England, and Curie Institute, Paris, France. Other top leaders elected today by the Society's Board of Trustees are :Murray Stern, D.D.S., M. Sc., Eleveland, Vice Presidnet; Jack L. Harris, M.D., Middletown. Secretary ; Frank B. Fisher , Pepper Pike, Treasurer ; Robert E. Mathews, Columbus, Chairman of the Board.

JuItV ~,.r

Aggravated Burglary Case No. 10248 5) Secret 6) Secret. The September sessiDn of the Warren Ceunty Grande Jury visited and examined the Warren County Jail in Lebanon, Ohie, .oil September 4 , 1974, pursuant te the requirements of SectiDn 2939.20 fD the Ohio REivsed Code: consequently it was net necessary that the Grand Jurors revisit the jail at this time. DEmma Collins 8758 Day ten Oxford Apartment E , River Arms Apartments Carlisle. Ohio : 2) EArl Baker 220 Mary Ellen Drive South Lebanon, Ohio; 3) Chester Mitchell , aka, Randy Noble Dick Warren County Jail Lebanen, Ohie ; 4) Jack Bullins, Jr. Warren County Jail Lebanen , OhiD ; 5) Secret ; 5) Secret.

During . this sessiDn , we deligently i examined all matteN; presented ,to us and brought to .our attentiDn. We have cDnsidered for indictments sever (7) .offenses invDlving' seven (7) different defendantS. During our sessiDn, we examined iapprDximately foW'teen witnessesJ and as a result of .our examination .of said witnesses, we hereby present six indictments. The six PersDn indicted represent six different .offenses. One case presented to this session has been ignored. As a result .of .our investigation, we found nD in dictment in the fDllowing case : Pat Quillen Corruption of a _________________

N~f!~due returned six


. }.









Sarah Doering, Counselor •• Sa.dee at Waynesville was one of over 1,500 participants in Whatever the trip--=-~~~~--~~--~ yeu take. yeu modern, super-bright lights. the 22nd All Ohio Guidance ~~ Apparently accustemed to visi· Conference here September learn and make observatiens. Se it was with the trip te Mayo Clinic. ters (hubby tells me he read that in 'n and 28. My first CDmment is te those who one year , 400,000 transits visited in "Getting . It Together" carry scissors on their trip. Be sure Rochester ) the peeple .of Rochester was the theme of the that they are packed in luggage are especially friendly . It·s a very conference, which opened that's checked, and nol in yeur clean city , with very .old and very Friday morning with an carry-on luggage .or bag. If they're new buildings side-by-side. address from Mr. Kenneth above· a certain size, they will be Because the clinic is located Richalrds, Director, Divi- confiscated. And don't buy your there , .one naturally sees an sion of Guidance and little fellDws tey guns, and plan to unusual number of disabled Testing, State Department carry them on the plane. They, too, peeple ; but an element of hope .of EdlUcation. Mr. Richards will be taken from yeu at the pervades the atmDsphere. Hope is spoke on the 'Dimensions of security entrance. Apparently, the synenymeus with Maye. airlines ships them te yeu, but whe I met a lDvely weman whe must Guidance.' _, wants a youngster crying because ceme to the Clinic fDur times a Guest speaker for the he can't understand why his toy is year for check-ups fer cancer and First General Session was taken from him? · en many such occasions, a new Dr, C. Gilbert Wrenn, I am happy to see so many cancer has been found . She has had Professor Emeritus at Ari- cenveniences for the disabled, such surgery II times and numereus zona State University. Dr. as stalls in restrooms designed fer treatments. To while away the Wreru'l has most recently wheelchairs. But thumbs d9Wn to hours while she waits (yeu dD a let autholred The World of the se many manager who still have ofwaitingattheclinic),shemakes Contemporary Counselor. yeu pay a dime when nature IDvely jewelry that sparkies only The Second General Ses- calls-which is always when yeure less than her smile and, petsenali· sion featured guest speaker jn a hurry and without change. ty, despite her bad luck . She Dr. KI~nneth Hoyt. Dr. Hoyt (EspeCially when it's time te beard originally came to Mayo as a last a plane. ) resort . She had been told that her is thE! Associa te CommisThumbs down, too, te whoever leg should be amputated because sioner, office of Career blocked imprevements at O' Hare .of the cancer .on it. She said that Education, U.S. Office of' Airport in Chicago. ON a busy rather than go ahead and IDse the Education. He has co- night (which, .of ceurse, was when leg she decided te try Maye. The authored four recent books we were there) yeu plane is likely cancer was remDved and the leg to circle 30 minutes or mDre before seems as geod as befere. in career education. Mrs. Doering also at- landing and yeur next plane is Apparently , the success .of that tended group sessions on likely to spend 30 or more minutes first surgery has led her to keep a stiff upper lip each time a new Career Guidancei in JVS, waitingin line for take-off. Groupi Guidance Junior Rochester. Minneseta, where malignancy was fDund. As she says Mayo Clinic is located, is quile a .of MaYD, "they dD wonderful things High Testing, and Career town .of contrast between the .old here." Awarlmess from among the and the new and medern. The 'rI group and special session undergrDund walking facilities presentations scheduled the walking person 's subway-is during the two-day con- fantastic ! It's almDsta tDwn !Inder ference . a town , with sheps and clinics. and Counselors attending the nD werry abDut rain or cold conference were able to weather . The food in Rochester select guidance materials restaurants is great and the view and information about col- frem the tall buildings is beautiful i leges .and technical schools There 's SD much vacant land near land when viewing the more than town--unspeiled Maye Clinic has an excellent 120 exhibits. system fer getting one through a 70 N. MAIN ST. The All Ohio, held each series .of tests as quickly as BOB & SUE WAYNESVILLE , year to assist counselors possible. While all the building are GILBERT OHIO, 45068 improve and keep aware of modern. oen .of them , the .one new techniques and issues, where yeu have blood tests, leeks is co-sponsored by the Ohio like something frem 19M-with 1j!j:::::~:'-" "" " """ " " "" " 'IO;"""':o.';O;"":;:~:;::~ School Counselors Associa- bold , brightly colered dODrs ~~~~ The Lllie Red Shed :~~i tioin and the Ohio Educa- leading to clinic rooms and ANTIOU ES B1L..L a BARBARA . .. Associa tion.


WP(l(f.£AJ COINTV Qt~ The Grande Jurors for the Court of Common Pleas, in and for Warren County, Ohio, the October session ,of the September, 1974, term, do hereby report to eh Court that it has been. in sessiOli for .one (ll day . Morris J . TurkelsDn, Warren County Prosecuting Attorney, having been in at· tendance. does, herewith, by the Foreman, RDbert C. Steinbuch, present to the Court the indictments ' fDund by the Grand


.'1-.- ..._.. .



consideration, we ", .... It' (6) indictments in the fDllDwing cases: 1) Emma CDllins .a-~ ~uttqltfll~ Murder case No. 10231; 2)Earl £ ... 1& ..... SI. , Baker Aggravated Burglary case ND. 10245 3)Chester Mitchell. ,.,.,...."" O¥f.-.4D8 Aggravated Burglary case ND. ' - " -_ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 'I




""'S,I.I:.,..:.;:",. ...







HOURS: Mon. , Wed., & Fd . 1-6

Sat• .8-12

.AlCCE5S('~ tES



~12 . 5 : 30

~T. . . br· 5 'itl'."01~


AMITY PROCESS -'Phon.: 897-3563' MAX & jUANEtTA HAY 76 F ir.t Street· Reor Conwin, Ohio 45068 Owners

8S S .


WA ..... N E SV I L.LE . OI-i I O

TUES . - SUN . MON .

12 TO



By C M A""ce


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~ 1 U FF


1075. Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio

HISLE'S BUGGYnEEL NiTIQUES flll'llihire " Wis, ellaaeollS (Ids

(513) 862-5181 Hours

1 p.m . to 7 pm.

5T3I197-«i52 Shop

T~: 5'3 'l!iJ!f':71ST7 Res;denc:e


Y3 & Y3 Antiques

n!,. BJ A~oi~


. 0..... . .. . . ..

Wednesday , October 9, 1974


Fri, Sal, Sun.





PHONE 897-6326


Gen ... t Lfne - .Dralers Welcomt :~" MON. BY CHANCE ::: :::; TUES. THRU SAT. 10.5:00 :;:: ~~~~ OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 P.M.



Visit WlYnesville', Other


l::: : : : : : .:~~~;.:.:~~;~:~::.:.~~~~~::: : : : : : j~ . . • f;



WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16th . 1974 5e;nad class poS1ase paid al WI)'nen1Ue. Olriu

\'"r. 6

No . 41


/0 /:.


~OU~~ 1fTT£M)iWO~SJf,ATr (pffoTO' 'PR~~ 3. '1.;'~ )

The retired teachers and their guests met for a dinner meeting at the Otterbeio Home near Lebanon on Monday, October 7. A large number were present to enjoy the good dinner and were delightfully entertained by a quartet made up of men connected with Otterbein Home. The speaker for the occasion was Dianna Babbert, Administrative Assistant in the office of the Sta te Teachers association. She gave an excellent account of recent legislation which benefits retirL and retiring teachers. She also answered questions from the audience. The nominating com-

mittee presented the following slate of officers which was unanimously approved : President-Elizabeth Clark ; Second Vice President-French Smith; Secretary - Eleanor Franzer ; Treasurer-Mabel Corwin. The retiring president presneted appropriate little gifts to officers and members who had been such good workers during the year. It was announced tha t 17 members from Warrent County attended the Regional Meeting held at Wilmington, Ohio on September 17. The State Association will hold district, Regional and State Meet.:::::::;:::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::: ings at certain specified WHS Plays times and places. A State Meeting will be held in Columbus on October 17 Warren County is urged to have a good representation. Warren County is in the Fourth District. Special thanks was extended to Otterbein Home for their hostpitaJity. Seve~ Game ral members and their Friday Night friends toured . the facility :::.:.:.:.:.:.j.j.j.j.j.j•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·.w.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. after the meeting.


~'NG~ FAve

WEDNESDAY,16th /'I7 '117:~; (!

We Wish To Thank All Those



-_- ............ U.ited Cburd!_ of _ a_

Sauerkraut Festival ~~~ __ '~~':i)

A Success



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.......-& .. __ . . Ferry Gllrd! of Christ

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A Word About Security From the book of James 4: 13, 14, IS we read, "Go ye now , ye that say, today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell , and get gain : 14-wheras ye know not what shall be on the morrow . For what is your Life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a litte time , and then vanisheth away . IS-for ye ought to say, if the Lord will . we shall live. and do this or that. Surely we should all realize that we only live from day to day through the grace of God. How vain it is for man to make his plans for the futur£' without first seeking God 's Blessings and his will . My wife and I have once again experienced the sudden loss of a young brother in Christ. He was called from this life at the age of twenty seven years . Through the years I witnessed his spiritual growth as he becam£' a dedicated member of the Body of Christ. Brother John Jones was a weat witness . a great friend and most of all a true brother in the Body of Christ. There are many things that happen in this life that we may never really understand yet as Christians we must accept

as being God's will and not question . God works in mysterions ways his wonders 10 perform. As the song goes, you must , "keep your eyes upon Jesus ." for when we lose sighl of our goal we losl hope . Jesus Christ is the only hope we have of of life eternal. In John 10:7 B we read. "Verily . verily . I say unto you. I am the door of the ~h~p . 9·1 am the door : By me if any man enler in . he shall be saved . and shall go in and out. and find pasture . In verse 11 He con· linues with Ihese words ." I am the Good Sh e pherd : The good shepherd giveth his life for Ihe shel'p. Praise God for making Ihis way possible for us . H,' 10\'1' is so greal Icoward us Ihal he gave hi s " nly hel(ollen son 10 b{' Ihe way of our sall'ation . In Acls 4 : I~ we read . "Neil her is Ihere sah'atinn in any



Mr. and Mrs. Dan Koch Oct. 13, 1974 - son - Jacob DanieI - weight 6Ib. I11h oz 19 1h in long. Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Estez Pringle and Mr . and Mrs. Ray Koch both of Waynesville and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Harvis of Franklin.

IMeITH ~OP5 ~"LlF=tI~ scholarship semifinalist from Waynesville High School. Terry [rons to qualify for semifinalist a student must score in the top '-h of 1 percent of contesta,nts or the National Merit Scholarship qualifying team. Terry will now competE! for a finalist merit. Finalists are announced in May.

Two seniors at William Mason High School have been named "Ieril Program Co mmended students by the National Merit Scholarship Co rporation . Prin · cipal. Mr. Paul Remke . announced that the following students have ulh('r' for t he r e' I!-' nOrl(' other nanH' recein'd Lette rs of Com · und{'r 11{'a n'n I( I\' £,II amollg nl{'n. l11£'ndaI IIIn . ~lichael P . Boland . son whl'rl' ·by WI' musl bl' sal'ed ." r)f i\lr . and Mrs . Leroy Boland of Obediently His : 6461 Sherman Terrace Blvd" and Ohio Ernie Smith Frank W. Hendrickson. son of Mr . and Mrs . Frank Hendrickson of 201 Question fur Ihe week . E . Circle Drive. What caused sleep 10 deparl Michael and Frank are among from Nebuchadnezzar~ the 38.000 Commended students Answer for last week. named on the basis of their high Dan iel 1: 1 performance on the 1973 Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test-National Merit Scholarship Qualifying. Test <PSAT-NMSQT. Commended students .are in the upper 2 poercenl of those who are expected tp graduate from high school in 1975. Michael . who is working part· time at Kentucky Fried Chicken on Published Weekly at Tylersville Rd. , has in his future ~8 Sutll "'aitl St. NOfttLJ plans to attend the University of Waynesville. Ohio 45068 S r,rr Cincinnati and to major in ComSecond class postage paid at WayneSVille. OhIO • puter Technology . Frank, who works pal·t-time at Barr's Meat THE MIAMI GAZETTE Market in Mason, Ohio, plans to P.O. 801 325, Waynesville - Phone 897.5921 enter college in the fall of 1975. Lila McClure Editor & Publisher Both Mike and Frank enjoy Contributing Editor working Oln cars for a pastime. Sandee Blazer






. ~-.

Donna Huffman . Staff Artist Karen Gasaway AdvertiSing Sales Subscription - $3.00 Per Year

For A Change-Try A Scientist



Pd for by WOOd for Congre-ss Comm . (harle-s Crawiord . Treas . RR ' . Frankfort , Oh io



1IooW& _ _

Baptist ....... c:w..-._ __ I

~ayneSVille Chamber of Commerce


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Who Made The 1974

United Metltodisl Charch

First ChOTeIs of Christ 111 .....

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FrieIds MeetiIG ........ -u-.. P, ..... _ _ a


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The Full Gospel Tabernacle



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Jonahs Run Baptist Church OhIo 711_,


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First Church of ___ God a..-..... ....,. ...




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United Methodist Church




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. August 6, ~rass FIre; Aug. 7 Ca~ FIre; Au~. 10 Nervo~ ~sorder, ClInton Memonal, Aug. 11 Nervous Sept. 3 Maternity Grandview; Sept. 5 Drug overdose Kettering memorial; Sept. 5 Bicycle accident Kettering Memorial; Sept. 5 Chest pains Kettering Memorial; Sept. 6 Broken leg Kettering memorial ; Sept. 8 breathing difficulties Kettering Memorial; Sept. 8 motorcycle accident , Clinton Memorial; Sept. 10 Back problems Kettering Memorial ; Sept. 13 Football injury Springboro Clinic: Sept. 14 Auto accident .Kettering Memorial ; Sept. 14. Fire Dept. standby auto accident. Sept. 20 Sick person Kettering Memorial ; Sept. 22 Diabetic no transport: Sept. 22 Hyper Ventilating Kettering l\1emorial : Sept. 25 Structurer Fire. Sept. 26 Stroke Clinton :\1emorial : Sept. 26 Stroke Clinton Memorial Sept. 2ti Epileptic seizure no transpport : Sept. 28 As thma .-\ttack Middletown,


Don 't RaIse Ta,es - Get RId 01 Loopholes



Po for tl'l' Nooc for (" Mlt'~ ~r dn"jo,.t

Crd ~liord .

Oh ,O

:onqr l!s.~

T" r(,d!l

COlTl rr QR


disorder No tra~port ; Aug. 14 Fall back mJury, Kettering Memorial; Aug. 17 Abodominal pains Miami Valley ; Aug. 17 Fall-Head laceration Kettering Memo-

nal; Aug. 18 Auto accident Refused treatment; Aug , 21 Nervous breakdown Kettering Me.morial; Aug , 21 Hemmorgmg G~ Sam , ; Aug. 23 Stroke Middletown;

Heart At tack Mia mi Valley; Aug , 24 Auto accident Clinton Memorial ' breathing difficulties Kettering Memorial ; Aug , 29 Auto accident Kettering Memorial.

r I' ~d 01 P"ces GOing Up , Up, Uu




CONGRESS P o 'or 0". WOOd for Conorr-u (omm .• C"' drl t"\ C rawford . Tr~a\ . RR I. f 'anidorl Oh.O


RE·ELECT .... {',' ,'. ",' ,', ,', ',' ,',





, , - . . '1l388S!181):S!I8I):i!8!I8Ii!8!I8I;!:!l:::sow:m-!ll!<l1~8:i~88!I~~S;3BeS;"'~'7m!IW~


Ope~ L.,.e.11£.1Z- -Tl) -tht:..

aTlZ£~ r:%"-Hte SI~~.J)jST.

,,*,*m:n,l=~:&tk~..0-:;W':;:;:"'~::::::::::::::::::::: : :;: : : : : iI;:;:;:;:; Dear Friends, in Washington to begin an urgE'nt

$ince the first of March I have program to do it. driven my Mustang about 9000 In world War " the Germans miles through the twelve counties made two·thirds 'If all their of the District. and in the gasolinE' synthE'tically. with an remaining four mOnths expect to O(·tane rating of 90. which is what drive more than that in talking you and I huy at the gas stations with the people of the District. right now . If they could do this hy While I have gotten used to paying the tens of millions of barrels , why about 55 or 60 cents a gallon for can W{' not do it now ? Well. we gas, I have not gotten to the point could if we had people in that I like it, and I suppose no one Washington who would stop thE'ir else has either. politicsas usual and hegin giving We are all in the same boat. and Ihe ncE'ds of Ih(' people some ,. it seems to me that very little attention . , except talk is being done about the II may come as a surprisE' 10 problem, either by the Administra· many people 10 know thai Ihe tion or by Congress. I think tha t energy conlent of the Appalachian their trouble is tha t they do not coal seam i~ as greal or possible have any idea of what to do. As a greater than all the known oil in Ihe candidate for Congress asking for world . Then' are equally large your vote, I think it essential to tell deposits in other parts of the you what I think should be done , United States . and indeed with and WOUld . try to do, if elected. respect to coal. the United states is The problem is that there is not like the middle Eastslands with enough oil in the world . This is a respect to oil. There is many liems thought that it is hard to adjust to more' energy in the coal of the '.i in a land like ours where we are so world . and of the U.S in accustomed to plenty. but it is true. particular. than in the oil of the We are still the largest oil world . producing nation in the world, and To make synthetic gasoline from only a few years ago we used to coal economically whal is needed export oil and petroleum products are three things: nearness to the to other nations. Howeller our coal mines, a plentiful wllter consumption has increased so that supply. and economical power to now we have to import about a run thE' chemical plants . We might third of the oil we use. Other add cheap tr~nsportation to countries have also increased their markets. as anolher desirable consumption ,of oil very rapidly in factor . the same period. Fortunately very The Ohio River valley has all large discoveries were made in the these in almost unique com · .Middle East which has been able to bination in the United States . The keep up with the demand, and two two greatest coal hauling railroads countries there, Iran and Saudi in the country go right through the Arabia, have about half of all the Sixth Congressional District area known oil in the world within their of Ohio. with the Ira ins rolling boundaries. Saudi Arabia alone, a down almost by gravity form the desert land of 7 million Arabs , mines of Appalachia . The Ohio produces nearly as much oil as the River and its tributaries are a 1. United States, and in a few years plentiful water supply and also will have to produce more if the have many power plants for the growing demand throughout the necessary power . All that is world is to be met. The astonishing necessary is to apply the modern fact is that at present and planned chemical engineering technology rates of production to meet world to the design of the' chemical demand the oil of both these plants. and begin constructing countries will be all gone in about them . 30 to 40 years . Thus even if these In the long run this v.Qll of countries will be so kind to the rest necessity be a gigantic industry . of the world to let us and other with hundreds of billions of dollars countries use up all their oil, we worth of chern ical plants to will face a serious crisis eventually produce the necessary liquid and - with even now hardly enough gaseous fuel from coal and water . time to prepare for it. Not only will..we have to be able to The Middle Eastern and other supplement gasoline from oil. but big oil exporting coup tries are not also natural gas. which is also going to be this kind to us, beginning to run short . by the however, and they have already synthetic fuels from our nearly discovered how they can send the limitless coal supplies. price of oil up .like a sky rocket just Now it is true that synthetic fuels by closing the valves a little. This will cost more than those which is now bringing them in so much flow out of the ground under their more money than they can use, own pressure. so therefore the new tlIat they are sure to continue industry will have to be a protected > " keeping oil in short supply and only industyr . to make sure that the oil recently agreed to raise the price producing countries will nto drop another 2 percent. There is no their prices long enough to doubt in my mind that we will be at bankrupt a company which has t .'- .' the mercy of the oil exporting invested a billion or two in a large countries until we develop an synthetic plant. However it is my i t ..alternative. . _ belief that synthetic gasoli.:g could i, . , What can we do? Or perhaps a be produced and sold for about the better question : Is there' anything price we are· now paying with tax . we can .do? If we do not do this we will Answer: There certainly is remain at the mercy of foreign " .- something we can do and it should countries on our liquid fuel !,rices. be started immediately. In fact I We must do this, and I ask you to ". ,'" cannot for the life of me give me a chance to try to get some understand why there is no action action in Washington. "

ART SHOW WINNERS Best of the show-Linda Dye; Sauerkraut ThemeLinda Dye. Adults: Watercolor; 1st babs Crisenberg; 2nd-Nina Knapp; 3rd-Nancy Pennington Dower. Oil : lst-inda Dye ; 2nd Jane McCullough ; 3rd-Jane McCullough ; 4th-Brent Biehle. Honorable Mentions-Linda Dye; Honorable Mentions-Connie Gates . Acrylic:: 1st-Johnny Peolly; 2nd-Shirley ; 3rd,Nancy Pennington Dower. Charcoal : 1st-Nancy Pennington Dower; 2nd-Mary Current. Pen & Ink : 1st-Nina Knapp; 2nd-Dale Lander; 3rd-Nancy Pennington DOwer. Pastel : 1st-Nancy Penning Dower; 2nd-Kay Jones ; 3rd-Nancy Pennington Dower. Want Gasoline From Elect A Sc>entist.




Pd for hy Wood lor c.ongress Comm . Charles C:rawtord . Treas .. RR 1, Frankfo",r. Ohio



[eM. B.d I Wkeep•• 55llllt"


Vote Out the Old-Vote In the ' New


Send Pd. tor Charles

Wood for Congress Comm .• Crawford. TrNs .. RR 1.

Frankfort , Ohio

JR. HI STUDENT Watercolor: 1st-Pat Lander; 2nd-Maria Vint; 3rdDebbie Hall. Pen and Ink: 1st: Mark Creekmoor; 2nd-Donnie Ramby; 3rdMike Morley; Honorable Mention-William Cortir. Pencil: 1st-Mark Creekmore ; 2nd-Becky eters; 3rd-Pat Landers. Pastel: Honorable Mention : Jeff Vanderpool. ELEMENTARY: 1st-Kurt Purkey; 2ndChuck; 3rd-Todd Jones; Honorable Mention-Chuck Jones CERAMICS ADULTS: Stain: 1st Caroline Purkey; 2nd Peggy Bradley; 3rd-Caroline Purkey; 4th-Caroline Purkey.

Glazes : 1st-Caroline Purkey; 2nd-Inez Hartsock; 34d-Janet Maloy; 4th-Inez Hartcok. Children: Stain: Ist-Kij and Rhonda Purkey; 2nd Jenny Neely ; 3rd-Pat Landers; 4th,Rhonda Purkey. Glaze: 1st-Kim Purkey ; 2nd-Kurt Purkey ; 3rd-Pat Landers. Potters Wheel: 1st Bev Ralph ; 2nd Bev' Ralph; 3rd Bev Ralph. Sculpture: 1st Larry Knapp; 2nd Mark Seidel; Honorable Mention-Kim Purkey . More Sc.ence - Less PolitiCS In Washmgton



Pd for by WOOd fOr Congress Comm • Charles CraW10rd . Frankforr , OhiO

Treas .



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and adds more money to another progr:.m Inst('ad The nl'! result of alllh.s puts us right back whl're we 'tart"d and that kmd of chaos is t ' o~llflg u.s plpnty • hlt" kmd .. f expend. ture we are h .. anng mort' and more of is to bail lIut pn\'ah~ and s('mi-private in· dust rI(,S "\"pry lim e they are beset h~ major losses ell her through

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Iowa and

Ihp fitting numl)(,r of that btll IS II H t+l . th.· count pqUlva!"nt t .. " otH' g ross -- I m('nllOn thiS play on and \.\ ords (or a n' r~


Important " 'asnn If that btll had ht'{·" ,.na,·t,.d wh('" It was first 11lIroducl'd WI' w.. uldn', be "' th.· dirt, ('<:onOnlH' stralls Wl' a re loda~ Th~ prcnlls,' of Ih,s and Similar ll'glslilllOIl IS \, l'r~ slmp l,' It "'qulrl's Ih;lt ft-deral ('xpend.lun·s shall nI>l exc('l'd federal rl'\"cnues .

Ihp l r

I'x('epl Ul 11m.' II f war or gra\'E"

nat .onal .. mN~(·ncy dl'darl'd bv Ih('

l 'nl1~n'ss





Importantly , II ,)

I~' OI"HII~ ,

Th(' .dl'a behind thiS htll I!'- \4h~1 m~ny pconomlsts hav(, 1.·.·11 l alk.n~ at.,ul for years In 1~ ll' l the J"lnl Econnnllc Com lI \1t1~ ' I' ,I



( 'ongrr-ss ft'cent ly Is:-,ut'd f'ndors1I1g I tw rw{'d 'lJ

,. llInln al .. npf,,·.t 11\ 1hiS

1.1JayneslI;1/e Auto's




73 CHEV . C·20 67 CHEV C· 10


THESE " Buy What waynesville Sells"'

Parts For

~NAPA. ~


897·6075 HOURS-8-8 M-F

8-4 SAT


Open Sunday 10-4

S88 S79 SI8 S48 S48 SS

48 E. Mulberry SL Lebanon 932 -2 246 Monday -Friday 10-9 p.m Saturday 10-6 p.m Sunday 12 noon ·5 p.m ,

CIi.a n





Pel tor Dy Wood lor C,.'W'foro . Fran~ torl . OhIO

IlInalllJll In Ihf'


rrra'i .

Comm RR I .

futur C'

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iC iC iC ;C


UPEN E '; ER v DAY 12 ·5



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C"a rl~

That IS why I SupP',rt measures ,uch as th" Orl(' I mentioned earlier tl\ II H (;rllss It IS not an easy " ,Iut lon . hut II .s the only one we ha \"(' left That .s why I ha ve also s.gned t he dIScharge petit ion to rf'll'as(' It from Ihl' House Ways and :\\t'ans Cllm,,"ttee where this type of proposal has \"el'n pigeonholed for the last Iwenly years , While thai hlll ha~ bt'l' n silti ng . our t'("o n CJm~: tws tWlcn stea dily smking , C'ongr "," s can nil Illnger ignore this Imp',rt"nt and controve rSial issue v.,'hou' ass ummg Ih(' full and lotal !.Iallll" f"r h:lrdl'r I.mes and higher

Welcome Neighbors




twt lt'r f,,\'lmomy

,..~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,..

,.. ,.. ANON - ,..

Bunk Beds 9 ' ,12 ' Rugs Cock Llil a nlj 2 Step TAbles



a l ~o

fon"l!n a.d Hul Ihps.· s lash .. s art· nlll """Slsll'nl a nri han· Iltllp ('ffpet wtH'n f 'qrlJ!rf's:-- furn!-o nghl around

All New Merchandise

I set 018)


n-dut'llllr\S ha\' f.' ~)('r-n ilehl('\,ed In l'f'rlaltl arf'as such as dl'fpns(' a nd



{ ' u lllmrrtPl'

p•.'lld,IUrl·S 10 3("h,c\"(' thIS goal WIlI'rl" and what t" cut IS Ihl' mos . d.ff. c ult and mOSl con · I ron'rSla I asped "f our whol(' ('('Onllmll' d,lC'rnmcl ('ongress apP"ars a 1,1I1t· 1,,1 "1IIr(' awan' of 'hi'" s lluatlllrl , for spending


2 'Plece liVing Room Stereo·Consote Mattresses



dldn " ,,((('r \'('r y many suggestl(lns till JU:-. I wlWI woulrl havl' to lw CuI IIu l "f I h(' i.!II\'prnm(' nt ex

Cust. Pickup

Waynesville . at Washington Sq.

thll~( '

n '( ' IHl1l11t ' rlot,d fhlll In do !llIS W(' "1t1>1 I" >It! II". ('urn·"t bud~el 10 u"cI"r $:110' 1"11,,," , how(·vl"r . thl'Y

Phone 897 ·4036

Lebanon Auto Parts

not Just

yeur 's or next year 's hudgpt


1' /HIlI'




TIt(' t roubI<' IS . l'vl'rybody has I)('('n runnmg In l ' nell' Sam for I ' \' l' rytllln~ ,·"eryt. m e anything !('I('S wfong By that I m ea n we ha \"1' he.. n on such a spending binge for so many yea rs that we've h"u~ht many of our very problems '"da~ I)('('" use of it And . while I'''l"ryone agrl'es that the spending mu.,1 stllP . "obody IS willing to take thp first cut That .s the most dallg"rous part of our whole f,nalll·.al prohlem . and the biggest challenge' for longress is to make Ihat n('<:l"ssary bl'lt lightening as pqu.tabh· a~ pOSSlhll' for all . Wage alld price contro ls have not .... "rk'·d . I.~hl money policies have ""t ht'cn su('t-essful ei ther , Only c ullm~ ht,th f"r e 'gn and domestic 'p'· IS ~lI lll~ I" help get us out of deb. a"d hack on thl' road to a


hl' prUTll' culprits In our


gOt'S wrong


,,-duct ' '11 "f t h .. puhllc deht Thl' firS! ~ "ar th .. bill would ~o mto .. (( pc' . f"r ,' xamplc . two perrent nf Ih .. ft'd"ral deht would bl' pa.d 0(( . Ihl' .It'xt y .. ar , thn'(' perccnt. the y.. ar aftpr Ihat . four !X'rcpnt and so "II unl ll w.· arl' oul nf the r!'d B"th .' xt .. nded deflc.t spendln~ '"In th" ~rowlng publ.c dl'bt '"'" lIl'ars half a tnlhon dollars arl' I


.. ther It·ss ronlrollable factors . To hl' surl" . many of the ir producls from transportation lines to puultry farms arl' cl'rtainly of ~n'al lIat","al .mportance. but if we' an' to OlJ.lltalll our system of prJ"atl' ,·nl('rprJse . thesl' Industries should not han ' til run to Uncle Sam for 1t('lp ne ry tlml' .something


I l I I I I I


I ClI'Y STAn: • :. II ______________________ .~J

I DAn:




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Governor John J. Gillgian and William H. Davis, acting director of the Ohio Deparbnent of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, announced today that the state's reimbursement to 'county mental health and mental retardation board (648) boards) totaled more than $20,5 million for fiscal yar 1974. This was an increase of 39.3 per cent over last year's reimbursement to the 53 boards of $14.7 million, and of approximately 3~ per cent since 1970 and reimbursement of $5 million. "This increase is part of 'Ohio's continued committment to provision .of quality mental health care where it's needed," Davis said. "With strong

and comprehensive mental health services in their own communities, many citizens can get help with mental health problems and never face entering a state hospital. According to Davis, the funds allowed for more than 90,000 citizens to receive direct services from community mental health centers and drug programs, including aftercare, emergency, inpatient and outpatient services, rehabilitation, and information referral. In addition, the staffs of the centers have devoted an estimated 360,000 staff hours throughout the fiscal year to indidrect services for members of the community in such areas as



.:~ :


Help Save Our Family Farms




Pd . lor b y WOOd lor

ConQ r c ~~

Cha rle s. Crawforo , Frank.torl . OhIO

Trt' o1:'>


Co"'''' , RP







Pc l or ny Wooa lor ConQr(>ss C o ...,~ ("'I.) r l(,' :,> (r flo\loro Trt;>d!> ;:JQ 1

"ra''''''orl , 0" '0


Help Stop Food G,veawaysGet a Fair Return




.US Army Recruiting "I'ne Way to. CoDep F..twad." far Wormatioa Ca1193Z-7698 ZO W MlIIberry St LeIIu., ow.


ietib··tJ.,.uw, :::;::"'h ., :::;:; ;:,. .:,:,:,!,!:!,!,:,: 0


"'11r ~ o:sl

.9k eklf '!£ rt'~ fYuUio 2J:6~

consultati,on and education, prevention, and training. Staff members met with individuals and with small and large groups to provide thesE! services. County mental health and mental retardation boards were established by House Bill 1548 in 1967 to provide mental health services to each county or combination of counties having a population IOf at least 50,000, The-county by-county breakdown of reimbursement is as follows : Butler : Mental Health 275,009, Drug Abuse 13,273; Total 288,282 ; Greene , Clinton : $22,752,56,853, 279,605; Montgomery : 896,704, 288,500, 1.185,204; Warren : 63,669, 63,669. Ohio total disbursement $16,876,237, $3,669,111 , $20,545,348. ,"tr~ ~~7HII

e . H~S~

Mrs. Bertha E . Hess age 86 of the White Nursing Home passed away Saturday Oct. 12 at the home. She was a member of the Middle Run Baptist Church and the Miami Chapter no. 107 O. E . S. in Waynesville. Survived by 3 daughters Mrs. Grace Ellis of Wavnesville, Mrs. Jean Berry of Brandon, Florida, and Mrs . Cleta Ellis of JYIelborne. Florida, 3 grandsons and 2 great grandsons . Funeral services were held Monday Oct. 14th at the Stubbs-Conner funeral home in Waynesville with Robert Shock· ley pastor of Middle Run Baptist Church officating, interment followed at Middle Run Cemetery. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::,




ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLIOTT All leading brands-free es~ates. Bank finanCing available. Waynesville 8977851. CAR DEALERS




"featuring meats cut to' order," delivery service. 747 CiDclnoau Ave. LebaDOll, Obio, ID-leM. INSURANCE


ACCIDENT INSURANCE WARREN COUNTY CO. (Grand ole Opry CHRYSLER, "Chrysler, People) Fred Napier agent Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W. 897-3111 Main St., Lebanon, 932-595l. Always a good deal. PHARMACIES

LOVELESS MUENNICH MOTORS , "Better Idea Cars From Ford," " Quality Car Care." 749 Columbus Ave., Lebanon. 932-1010. CARPETS BI-RITE CARPET & TILE, 140 S. Main St., Carpet, floors, ceramic, ceilings, 897-5511 Waynesville ~ 5608, Dayton. CEMENT WORK & ROOF REPAIRS HUBERT SMITH & SON U you ha ve cistern problems have it cleaned and re-


Professional Prescriptiou service 33 S. Main Street, Waynesville SW-7O'16. PJ,.UMBING 6: HEATING W. W. COVEY PlumtMug and Hea~ ITl Filth Sl Waynesville 897~. WAN & SAVINGS CO. PEOPLES BUILDING LOAN & SAVINGS CO.,1lteCH1.~Il'"Start saving tomorrow." or~~1'~""~ Come to 11 .S. Broadway, FJ(! 'PAiJ)rEP Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 932- =.l~'LIA £I.;IA ~ REAL ESTATE ~~Ol~"~; m1&.~ ~, K.S.A. REALTY,sa S. Main ~t\S AtCr :st&Jl>UI1l


paired DOW. do ' St., Waynesville, 897-3501. cement work Weall also kinds. Block laying and roof LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cahall repair. Phone 932-t665. PI. WaYDesville; 1-885-5453 COLLISION REPAIR or 897-6055; Camfield ComKEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE pany Inc. 433-9912 or COLLISION REPAIR : 897-6055. REMODEL YOUR OLD " E xpert Body and Paint jewelry-remounting gold Work " : E xperienced work . All work guara nteed sizing, refinishing jewelry 862-4487 . Located on US 42 I repair . Stone setting. Davidsons Jewelers, Lebamile south of Spring Valley a nd 5 miles north of non 932-3936. Waynesvi lle . SUPER MARKETS ELLIS SUPER VALU quaDRY CLEANERS lity and low prices open till WASHINGTON SQUARE nine, 7 days a week, pbone LAUNDROMAT AND DRY 897-5001 . . CLEANERS,sa S. Main ~l WAYNESVILLE MARKET Waynesville, 897-5961. 69 S. Main St. 897-5941 Meat FLORIST CEDAR CITY FLORIST, Specialists. Finest Flowers" Gifts, 123 BUY YOUR HUNTING . E. Mulberry Sl, Lebanon, needs at Moore's StoreOhio 932-2916. Downtown Lebanon- New Winchester rifles and shotUnhappy W i th Congress? Get guns . Phone 932-ti966. A New Congressman . TV 8AI..E8 6: SERVICES Send WOOD To

CONGRESS Pd for by Wood tor Congr ess Comm , Cha r lM Cra~ord . Tl"~a50 _ . RR 1. Frankfort , OhiO


SALEs' ""

.SERVICES, lA!b8 Zeaith, 'Z1 N.

Sroacfw1iy- ,IXIJ, ~_

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L ei ., G r owth

Wanl US Energy In,lead 01' Arab 0,1' Elec l A So en ! "!

H a ve Economic N ol Unemployment

G r owth





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nniami Gazette -..

SAVE YOU $1.00 on adult tickets $1.00 on children's tickets-12 and under MAlt FOR

OROf:1S ( HOI C ~

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;--' c :,


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1»1 on




Hara Arena 1001 Shiloh Springs Rd . Dayton. Ohio 45415


MIAMI GAZETTE Thu rs .. Oct. 24 . 8 00 p .m .


Sat.. O ct. 26 . 8 00 p .rn Sun .. Oc t. 27 . 630 P rn .


: ;S; -··.... ·s=:>>>.m:~~~

WARREN COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTION MONTHLY REPORT September -1974 PERMITS No. PROPERTY VALUATION New (1, 2, 3-Family) 13 $458,367 Addition 12 94,699 Remodel 4 63.680 Garages and Carports 3 15,126 Place of Assembly 97.800 Busines Buildings 1 50,000 Industrial Buildings 1 4n.628 Storage 3 27,064 Special 2 464.080




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Congressman William . H. Harsha . kicking oCC his re-election 'campaign this evening . asked Manchester area Republicans to lake a hard look at the record of the Dem~crat.dominated 93rd Congress. one he criticized as "Cull

Korner fly Salldee

'. '

.:;:;:;:;~:;:?::;:::;:::;::::::,::w::~:;:;:;:?;:;:.:.:•••,.,~.:::~~:;:;;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;::::~;:;:::::;~:::::~:::::~::;:::;::::::::;~;:;:;:;;::~;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;. Most of us have had 10 tighten nur budget belts during this time of economic cr isis in this country. But \\'e must take care that we do not "cut back " in services thaI provide strength to our communities and assure a br ight future . Nnw , mOire than ever, is the time 10 pledge your fair share to United Appeal-to. assure that the Red Cross and Salvation Army will be able to meet the needs should another tornado or flood create the havoc that was created earlier this year . wiping oul homes and hopes of the peoJ1le of your community : now . mOI' e than ever. is the time for United Appeal-to assure that girts and boys will have an op· portunity to grow in character by being members of Girl Scouts. Boy Scouts (Ir Ca mpfire Girls : nflW . mor t' than ever. is the time for United Appeal-to be .sure that therapy can be offered the children at Duty Hnuse; now . mor e than ever . is the time fur United Appeal-to be sure that the community can serve its onw. through Ihe Hilllywnod Community Center in Franklin . the Lebanon Community Service . the Mason




~~~~~~~-=-r:!!!c!!~~::. C~If,.VofuNtee-=S Atts,." ~l tJls





,. " .




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State Trustee, Elizabeth . Kimberlin, of Lebanon, was the Chairwoman for a Special Fund Ra~ing Auction at the 29th Amiual Meeting of the Ohio Division, American Cander Society, on Saturday October 5, 1974 at the Neil House in Columbus. Over 400 volunteers from Ohio received congradulations for completing another $4 million plus fund-raising Crusade enabling the Ohio Division to again extend its cancer control programs. Warren County's contribution to the record total was $26.029.29. Volunteers from Warren County who attended the meeting were: Mr.s Eliza F.r eeman, of Lebanon. Mrs. Kathleen Brewer, of Waynt:sville;

Mrs. Betty Mitchel, of Franklin ', Mrs. Jeannette Carpenter of Carlisle ', Mrs. Priscilla Bendel, of Lebanon. Guest speaker was Myron Moskowitz, M.D., Director of the Breast Cancer Detection Center, University of Cincinnati, reporting on the activites of the

~:~ f~~te~~;~ Dr. Moskowitz reported that to date 5,406 women have been examined. War·

WARREN CO DEMOCRATS ..."".•.·...·.·.·.·.·•·.·•·•..·.· ...··.· ....... ·.............." •.•............:. The Warr.en County Dem~;;·;:~·····m;~···~ii·:·~~~~~~:·~t"m~<·'W~=;:;:·~~··· . . ' County Democratic Central and Committees are sponsormg a . . k '\ . f G Joh J Execullve CommIttees. Further CDC . tal pal ty or overnor n . information is available Crom the Gllhgan bE~gmnJng at 5:00 p.~ . , Central Committee Chairman. O. Wednesday , October 16. at fhe D. Cook of Franklin. at 422-2391 , or V. F . W. Ha ocat ed in Le ba non on Wesl Main Street. the Executive Chairman. Cecil Linkous of Lebanon, 932-4738. Warren County Festival Queens Lebanon attorney John "Jack" will be guests in addition to Quinn will be host for a gathering Governor Gilligan . A press con· of attorneys who will honor the ference is planned at 6:00 p.m . Governor at a cocktail party at 301 The public is invited to the party. . Donations are $15 per person or $25 W. Silver St .. Lebanon. preceding per couple . Tickets are available the Governor 's appearance at the V,F .W. Hall.




The Lttle Red Shed





:::. MON. BY CHANCE ) :::: TUES. THRU SAT. 10.5:00 ::: ;:;: OPEN SUNDAY 1.5 P.M. '::: ::.: ':.:

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Loci.-ted at '~.


St• . 11"-,42,


10!30' a.m.





Y3 & Y3




the Demucrats Cor failing to enact major bills in the 93rd Congress covering many crucial issues. and then promising to solve all the problems in a lame duck session after the elections . "If they couldn 't get rolling on critlcally needed legislation over the pas I nine months . how do they expect (0 pass sound. sensible. workable bills···tfl meet a host of problems -· between November 12th .and (,hristmas' " he asked . Emphasizing inaction on tax reform . Harsha poinled out thaLlor the tpast 20 years the Democrats controlled Ihe Congress and the tax·writing committees in it. "The loopholes lararge and small _. Ihe inequities ... the complex . con . fusing language .,. and most of the increases." batted around Congress ... unpassed ." Aftt'r listing a host of other Important issues including health insurance and 17 energy related bill s which still await ('ongressional action . the Ohio lawmaker s tressed thaI what the DemocralS have enacled has cost Ihe taxpayer plenty : "Over the past WII Congresses. House Replubllcans have differed with the Democrats on s~nding votes 10 the tune of 556 bllhon . Had the Congress as a whole displayed the . same sense of fiscal responsibiJity shown by REpublicans . the $101 billion in federal deficits accounted since Fiscal Year 1968 would have


been far lower. the the resulting inflationary mementum in the Id economy loday wou have been ed ed su tatia y r uc ." I h d Harsha a so criticized t I' For Administration for wanting to combat inflation with a percent surcharge on single incomes of over $7,500 and family incomes of over $15,000. "To add this ridiculous burden to the overloaded middle income ta~· payer and then give industry

""::,:,.:.,::,:"::~.. ;':~~E::::~::;i;~~m,~: : : TVE S .· SVN .


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Allacking Big Labor 's proposal for a velo-proof Congress. Harsha warned: "You haven't even begun

TO !.>

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examination if they are 35 years of age or older. For appointments call Mrs. Angela Berninger, volun. . W teer Cha1rwomanm arren oun ty932-6899 , 932-1758 or th e IocaI C office

'rr.....·V'OCHINA - GLASs



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Community Service. the Bessie Davis Community Service in Lebannn . the Franklin WeHare Committee and the Adult Activity ' Centers for retarded adults : now , more than ever . is the time fur United Appeal-to show our ~upport for the men and women serving all over the world in the armed forces by providing U.S.O. Cacilies : now . more than ever . is the time for United Appeal-to provide Cor lIur senior citizens through the Warren County Senior Citizens and Ihe New Council on Aging of Warren County . United Appeal makes sense in this time of tight money because it is Ihe cheapest way 10 raise money for community services. with more Ihan 90 per ('ent going directly into services : because government "peration of the same programs would COSI far more : and because ('ach person delermines how much hl' isa blelogi\'e. makeshispledge and is assured that if he or she has no earnings for a period of time . nothing will be deducted for United Appeal Cor that time. We are rich when we are givers.


... ~ ~


-!Iou;' -

~tOURS : Mon .. Wed ..

& Fr;. 1-6 9r By Appoint,ment



. Phone< 897·3563 Fir ... Sheet.Reor Corw_ in, Oh io _ 45068_ _ _ _ _Own... _______ _ MAX & JUANEtTA- HAY







._a....d.a __

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4SDQJ ~ .. AU hoi .... I ."....--. ...... ..... .. SeW •• a '---It~ ~_~~.-.~~_~ ~~.-J


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Other Times. by Appointment. or Chance

513897·6552 Shop Telophone: 513 298-20n R...denc<





HISLE'S BUGGYtHEEL ANTIQUES FlU'llihae (, Mis,eUGJleous hellS

and this administration or any administration is powerless to exercise some fiscal restraint. The results of the congressional elections will determine how you live. how you are taxed . how you ed f are regulated and how you.. are govern or years to come . Youcan'taffordaGeorgeMeany controlled. veto·proof Congress." he concluded .


107 S. Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio

(513) 862·5181 Hours



1 p.m, 10 7 p.m . Fri .. Sat,. Sun.


October %3 , 1974 ,

s.:oDd class postaae paid ..

W~. Ohio


Vol. 6


No, 42


"(1:\ SEI{\' ATIO:\ OF GAS


\1 III: IIll' r"ductlnn of naturall(as

lilh. l ll lt'nls . thl' Dayton I'ow('r and I.q.!h! " /ll1l pa ny IS Om'c (' ~gam a~kHU'! l!<J ~ l ' LJ :-. lomt'r:-: !o C(HlSf'rVl' dlln n~

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IJP&L 's

, uppl,,'r . hilS lold !h" I·.,mpany Ihat ('rt lwOJI ~hHr t agps or natural gas ... II I ,'''ntifluP throu!!h I97R Thl'se sh"rlage, ar" du(' pnrnanly tn the Fed (' ral gll\'e rnnH'n l 's n'guJallOn II( !I", prlC l' (or natur a l I(as at thl' "' 1,11 hl'ad ...·h,ch allowl.,j no Ill '


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MA ~??t'W ~ ?77s ~ ~/~~50~

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c..:t. ~ S~

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' Uppl!I'S [)f'&L Will amke up on ly part of thIS loss With synthetIc gas, the co mpan y a nti cipates difficulty In ml'etlll!! a ll customers demands Ihl s wIIlter for natural gas On Septf'mbe r 13 , lJP&L was notified Ihat Its gas a llotm e nts for the coming winter months would be reduced hy 14 percent ThiS compa re s tn a two percent reduction last yea r

Th.. compan~ off ers t he foll OWing sug!!estlons tn consen'€' natural gas and In turn reduc I' (U (,j hill s ' I I ' Lflwl'r thermostat seltlll l('

SH th£' IIld,,or temperature at 70

,It'gr t..,s or lo ..... er in the winter , For ""ery degn'e above that. you use thn'l' pt'rn'fl i ml)re gas . , ~ ) I\,."p furnacp filter cleanr Til "S!' , hold he removetl I~ ' r ll>dll'a ll y and held up to a light. If \'IIU can 't sc(' through them, it is !Im l' 10 han' thl' m cleaned . 1,1 ' Keep damper closed when \ "lIr firepla ce III not in use , 'A slIrprlslllg ~ml)unt of heat from :' ""r forced a ir furn ace will go up your chimney, If you forget to close Ih" da m pt'r ' 4' ill' surl' your ceiling have IIlSUlatlon a t least four inches thick . or preferably six inches IhlCk ,:; , See that register and cold air ret urn ducts are not covered by rugs I)r furniture Some people do not understand the importance of cold air ducts , If they are ocvered YI)U furnace ca nnot circulate warm air porperly . DP&L also suggests that customers fix loose or broken willdows, close off unused rooms, and be ve r y careful about opening a nd closing doors during cold days , A large fam ily will usually use ml)re gas Simply because more pt'opll' are g',ing in and out of the house


Genntown Ulited Charch of Christ,

- ---

trouble and- turmoil in our world "PRAYER" There would be little doubt in my today we - need this prayer very mind tha t the most discussed badly . ) 5. Prayer for our enemies (in subject in the Book of Acts would be prayer. We C4ln find at least Mallhew 5:44 B we are told . " Pray thirty three references to prayer in for them which despitefully use this book . There are many you and persecute you.") different types of prayer, and I 6. Prayer for the hal'vest <in don't believe we use the power of Mallhew 9:38-B . "That He will prayer as we really shOuld. In our send forth labourers into the prayer group at church, I can harvest") remember so many times that we 7. Prayer for strength (Matthew prayed together for certain people 26 :41 "WalCh and pray, that ye and certain events to happen and enter not into temptation : the 'so many, many times God richly spirit is indeed willing but the flesh blessed our prayers by answering is weak") them . Shall we examine ·a few 8. Prayer for mercy (or types of prayer and the need for forgiveness) . them. 9. Prayer of vigilance or 1 . Prayer of redemption • (or alertness <in I Peter 4:7 we are told God's saving grace manifested in "But the end of all things is at the work of Christ.) hand : be ye therefore sober and 2. Prayer of thanks . giving . watch unto prayer.) (Surely we could never thank -God Prayer is commanded Mallhew enough for our bountiful .bles· 7:7 " Ask and it shall be given unto sings.) you: Seek, and ye shall find; 3..Prayer for the sick (in the book knock. and it shall be opened unto of James we are t<;lld, "is any sick you ." Isaiah 55 :6 "Seek ye the am<;lng you? Let him call for the Lord while He may be found , call elders of the Church; and let them ye upon Him while He is near." pray over him, anointing him oil in Prayerfully His the name of the Lord. And the Ohio Ernie Smith. prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; Question for the week : and if he have commited sins. The In the struggles with temptations, shall be forgiven him! ! James I'if one trusts on Jesus , How will he 5:14,15.) Show il1 4_ Prayer for peace (with all the I Answer for last week : Daniel 2: 1



Ohio Vietnam veterans are not taking advantage of educational assistance available, according to John W. Bush, Director of the Ohio Vietnam Veterans Bonus Commission. . "Based on estimates submitted to us," Bush said, "it was anticipated at least 30 percent of the veterans eligible for compensation would elect to receive educational assistance. However, we find that of the more 'than 200,000 applications processed, less than 5 percent have made that option." Bush said that the educational bonus can be used for educational or training assistance at any institution on the world, if the institution has been approved by the Veterans Administration or by a state approval agency. "Any living veteran who qualifies for a cash bonus, " Bush emphasized, "may elect to receive an Educational Assistance Bonus in lieu of any cash bonus. An Educlational Bonus shall be equal to twice the amount of cash bonus for which such person qualifies." Bush said the Commissiion can authorize either reimbursement to the veteran, or direct payment to an institution for education or training received after January 1, 1974:... ~

The ~IAMI . GAZETTE Published Weekly at 172 North Street Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Second class postage paid at Waynesville, OhiO

THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.O. BOI 325, Waynesville

. lila McClure! .'. . . .. . . Editor & Publisher Sandee Blazer . . Contributing Editor Donna Huffman Staff Artist Karen Gasaway Advertising Sales Subscription - $3.00 Per Year .~ -

During October, as part of its .public awareness emphasis for Immunization Action Month. the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia , is urging parents to malte sure tha t all their children are fully protected against childhood diseases . CDC officials list seven diseases for which children definitely should be vaccinated: Polio, measles, mumps . rubella, (German Measles) diphtheria. tetanus and pertussis. The recommendation for oral polio 'Vaccine calls for two doses during: the first year of life, beginning at about tw() months of age . Some physicians prefer to give three doses during this period . Another dose is recommended at about one·and·a·half years of age, with the final dose given before entry to school. The D-T·P combination vaccine for diphtheria , tetanus and pertUSSIS should be given in a series of four doses beginning a t about two months of age.. The first three doses ,a re given at intervals of four to elglht weeks and the fourth is given one year later. Immunization for measles. mumps and rubella can be given at one year of age - either as single injections or by using combination vaccines, In commenting on the importance of the schedule, Dr. John J . Witte, Director of the CDC Immunization Division, explained that tllie number of young children who are fully immunized has dropp!!d drastically in recent years. Many parents, he continued, wail until their children approach school age before ha ving them immunized, leaving them vul· nerable to serious diseases during the first four or five years of life. As a result, outbreaks of such serious but preventable diseases as polio and measles have been increasing and the possibility of widespread epidemics is once again becOMing a significant threat.. "We hope that many parents will take tine initiative and make sure their children are protected," Dr. Witte said. "These diseases are dangerous. At one time they were leading killers and cripplers of young children. To remain unimmwlized is a risk no child should face." Immunization clinics are hied in Warren County from 9:00 a.m. until 1.1:30 a .m . at the following locatio,ns : 1st Tuesday· MyrUe Village Firehouse 20 mile Stand, 2nd and 4th Tuesday - Warren County Health Department Room 109, ·416 South East Street, Lebanon, Ohio, 3rd Tuesday - City Building, Franklin, Ohio. All residents of Warren County are eligible to attend. Each child should be in good health and a fee of $1.00 per family per visit will be charged.

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Obituaries James S. Farley III James S. Farley III age 16 of 5312 Chenoweth Rd .

Waynesville passed away \Ionday at the Clarksville \lill from injuries sustained III an accident. He is 'lI l'\' j\,t'cI by his parents Mr . ,Illil \Irs . James S, Farley .11 \\ith whom he resided, '1\ ,. , i>'tes \Irs . Brenda Kay , 01 '", ,1' III' h:('ltering., Vickie '" \1;".\ \Iargaret. Tina ,\1.11 . , ' , I1Ii1 TI1mi L('(' a ll at honlt ' III- p:dt'rn;t! grand· p<lr('nl:-. ,\11' :1I1d '\Irs J<J m('s S !-': lrll'Y Sr. of Har\"l'~· s burg . maternal grandpa n'nh \11' an d !\irs. .lam('s \1t'1)ona ld 1\1 \\';1\" t1{'sdlll' , <Jnd patl'rll:ti gr";I! .grandmoth(·r :\Irs I.aucli Farl('~' of \\'('s t \ ' irgtnl:1 ;111<1 sf'\'rr:11 ;lunts Ul1Cl!', ;tile! r ('liIfi\'l' ~ !'\('r\· J<:("~ lln' " 1



Congressman Harsha 6th District ()ur r~turnilll! \ ('Il'rall!" 1h l ~ : 111'" a sp('cia l day is s('t aside to honor our did 1101 r('('P1\ l' r lit· h(' nH'~ jJ~J rild .... I'('terans. Many limes I have ex· of pasl wars .."'1 I IH'Y f"lI~hl 1.. 1' It ... pressrd by deepfelt appreciation :-;ame prllll'lpl('~ and jllr I bt' .... 11111 · and admiration for Ihese ex· country as pa:-;.I \'('I~ralls ;\11\\ ' h,' \ <:('ptional Americans . This year. ('an hardly make" rI .." .. "I I" I "I.! II howel'er. il is quite apparenl that thl' "l'ry ('nu nlry Ih .. , .. 1(,I1Ik" I .. our \'eterans need mOre tnan presen'e ils frN'dom lI and"l~ IOul praise. As the economy is affecting scarcc' public J"bs I" Ih('osl' "'h" e\'ery segmenl of society, it has refused 10 spn 'p their country I~ laken its toll in eroding VA benefits certainly no way 10 rp('ngniz(' Ih(' for education and disability and service of our \'elerans . Another probl em lacing v('l('ran, putt ing more and more of the younger Vietnam era veterans on is the impact mllat ion has had <In Ihe · unemployment rolls , For thei'r educational h,'llefits , For · people who have so much of lunately, then' ,- h"lt,'r hope Inr a Ihemselves in time, in courage and more rational ,lltd '&IIII' ~lpprl1ach in suffering to their country, it is a to assisting IIlt'fI' ' IJ ~ III lh.· 11111'- I',,· plltlll"'tlpil ~ .Ju!'-' sad commentary on our times that deserfer . . they must come 10 their govern- recent Iy. ItI .U~P ~ lIlcI S(,Jlill (. cun ment to say that the VA programs ferel's agr~('d I .. a I,,"~ · awaltl'd compromlsl' hdl Illcrl'asing are not enough , educatioll benefils ror "l'rl~rans by What adds insult ot injury is the 23 percenl and l'Tealmg a loan proposed amnesty program for program 110 suppl('menl thes!' Vietnam draft dodgers and benefits . This 23 percelll boost wou.ld deserters . Why a handful of people who broke the law and refused to mean an increas~ ITrlm I he current serve should be welcomed back $220 monthly asslslanc(' check a with open arms, absolved of wrong single veteran ~('Is In $270 . doing and then offered a federal Married veterans would rrc('ive job is beyond my comprehension. I $321 monthly . Those with one child am totally opposed to amnesty for would get $366 per month and $22 Vietnam draftdodgers, I have after that for each additional child . would be benefits maintained this position for years These and especially do not intent to retroactive to September 1 of this change this stance now . I am year and would apply to GI particularly against any type of students already enrolled in program which is now being im- colleges. For the veteran unable to obtain plemented to give those seeking amnesty federal jobs when there additional financial assistance are almost 300,000 veterans, many from other federal education of them from the Vietnam era , who programs , a new loan system cannot find employment. While the would be instituted. Through it the overall umemployment rate for veteran could receive a loan of up veterans is comparable to the to $600 per year. Training time for national average, the unem· all veterans would also be exployment rate for Vietnam tended from 36 to 45 months, but veterans is a disgraceful 9.8 per- the added time could be used only cent. The most recent Department to obtain an undergraduate degree . Passage or this measure, which of Labor statistics also show that the proportion of unemployed is almost certain in this Congress , veterans looking for work for 15 would be good news for an weeks or more has risen to 30 estimated 4 miIIion post-Korean percent and the proportion of wac veterans and another 7 million veterans losing their jobs through who served since the beginning or work shutdowns or layoffs has also the Vietnam conflict in August . 1964 . climbed substantially.

In this montn of


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<tway Oc tober I;) .II ~I Elilal>l'th Hospital in 1);1\ 1,)(1 Sh(' is survived bv h(' (: 1I1l., hand Robert E .. -I daughter .\Irs . Ada Marie Jent of Springboro , 4 sons E. Wilson of George Miamisburg Robert L. Wilson, Kenneth C. Wilson , Wayne A. Wilson all of Kettering, her mother Mrs . Ll'na Bogan of Waynesville , ;) sisters Mrs . Kathleen Bogan of Clarksville, Mrs . Donna Bauer of Calrksville, Mrs . Grace Lynch of Waynesville, Mrs . Elsie Wilson of Sligo, Mrs . Mary Woolary of Hamilton 4 brothers Everett Bogan of Waynesville, Chester Bogan of St. Paris , Denver Bogan of Clarksville, Eugene Bogan of Waynesville. 7 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews funeral services were held Friday Oct. 18 at the Stubbs-Conner funera l home in Waynesville with Rev . Gerald Dickey officiating interment followed at Miami Cemetery in Corwin.

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G" IfrG~,A.) A'~es

Govej.nor John J. Gilligan said in Lebanon October 16 the voters of Ohio must demand that former Governor James A. Rhodes clear up the suspicions that surround his candidacy. The Governor spoke at a cocktail party sponsored by Warren County Democrats. "The people have legitimate questions about Rhodes' actions as Governor, about his personal finances and about the con· tributors to his present campaign. But the people get no answers ," Gilligan said. "If I had those questions hanging over w.y head, J'd be ashamed to show njy ,face in public," Gilligan said, a~ding "perhaps that's why Jim Rljodes is hiding. The Governor noted that Rhodes has refused to appear before the state's !>olitical reporters and "has refused to appear on a platform with ~e to debate the issues, despite, seven offers of public forums'" GilIiJan said the first matter Rhodes! must address is his per· sonal rmances. • "Hefas never explained his trouble with the Internal Revenue Servic and he has never ex· plained, the allegations that he converted ·campaign funds to personal use," Gilligan said. "The people have a legitimate right to know how Rhodes earns his money , but he refuses to disclose his in· come tax returns ." Speaking at a Democratic rally here, Gilligan said the second item Rhodesrust produce is the full list of his campaign contributors. "He reported $158,000 in con· tributions to his primary campaign and nobody knows where it came from," Gilligan said. "Who gave the money?" Gilligan asked . Let's Have Economic Growth-Not Unemployment Growth. _


Pd: for by Wood tor COngress Comm.,

Fran_fort. Ohio




detriment? What did he do as Govt~rnor that brought about the conllrontation at Kent State and the death of four students'" GiUigan said once Rhodes clears up all those questions, he "might tell the people how he got that infamous real estate license." Gilligan referred to reports that Rhodes was awarded a state real estate license. days before leaving office in 1971. without taking the legally required examination .

. ~\

Kolb Stanley E. Kolb. Democratic candidate (or State Representative for the 73rd. District, released a statement seeking the State Senate to take prompt action in enacting Attorney General William Brown's proposal. House Bill 1090. Kolb pointed out that the Bill, if enacted. will make changes in the tfrug abuse laws. It will provide for non·probational mandatory sen· tences for selected. exceptionally harmful or dangerous offenses . The penalty provisions in three criminal offense sections require the person be imprisoned for the specified time. and may not be released earlier under shock probation or suspended sentences. "Under mandatory sentencing. the penalties are made swift and certain to provide a more effective criminal deterrent, and to protect Want US Energy Instead of Arab Oil? Elect A Scientist




OIarl" Crawford, Trees..

"Mter all we have learned about sleazy political fund·raising practices in the past two years, the people have a right to know where a candidate gets his money ," Gilligan contended. "This is especially true with Jim Rhodes. The operation of slush funds is part of his political history." The third matter Gilligan questioned is Rhodes' testimony in the trial stemming from the Kent State shootings. Noting that Rhodes has asked the court to hide his testimony until after the election. Gilligan asked: "What terrible things did Jim Rhodes tellihe lawyers? Why does Rhodes claim his testimony will influence the election to his




Unhappy With Congress? Get A New Congressman.


Pd . for by Wood for Conoress Comm .• Charl6 Crawford. Frankfort. Ohio

society from those who would engage in extremely harmful behavior ... Kolb said that he supports the provision of a mandatory mini· mUlTI sentence for five years for conviction of pushing heavy drugs. "The bill provides that the individt;als who are charged with first time drug abuse. (using drugs I . and who have not committed violenl acts. can be treated and hopefully rehabilitated rather than incarcerated. This provision is very vital in fight ing the drug problem." Kolb commented. Kolb concluded that . "Even though my opponent did not vote on the Bill or Its amendments during House action. I feel that the Bill is one of the most important pieces of legislation before the General Assembly."


Pd . for by Wood tor COl'l9ress Comm .• Char ln Crawford. Treas.. RR 1. Frell'lkfort . Ohio •


~ '?Ift,,~


Donald D. Gilligan. son of the Governor. will be the featured speaker at the annual chicken barbecue sponsored by the Warren County Democratic Committees to be held at the American Legion in Lebanon Friday. October 25. Young Gilligan graduated from Harvard in 1969 with a major in history and literature. He traveled rxtensively through Europe and Asia in 1973 and earlier this year. Numerous other state and local candidates will be speaking at the barbecue during the program that For A Change-Try A Scientist



Help Clean Washington





Pd . for by WOOd tor Congress Comm Chart" Crawford. Treas .. RR

Franttforr. Ohio

follows the serving. from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m . Some tickets will be available at the door . but tickets may be obtained now from any member of the Warren Count~ Democratic Central or Executiv~ Committees or the Committee chairmen . Cecil Linkous of Lebanon or O. D. Cook of Franklin . co-chairmen for the barbecue. Other chairmen are : Dave Fisher . Carol Massey. Boli Riley. Charlie Ross. Henry Huddleson . Geneva Vaughn and Sandee Blazer.


Pd . tor by WOOd Congreu Camm .• Char In Crawford. Treas .. RR , .

Frankfort. Ohio

.aTte€'~m ' ~t ti<n'6~ ;B"""'~tt:JN ,(;/,;-t/es.

WED~;ESDAY , (\CTI>I : ~~H

"t..c <3A"Vb-<./

2.1 1974











MENU 1,2 pint of choc. or white milk with

each meal. Monday, Nov. 4, 1974: Hambur· ger sandwich, pickles, mashed polatoes and gravy, 1 cup of orange juice, cookie. ' Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1974: toasted cheese sandwich, bowl of tomato soup, peanut butter cookie, apple. Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1974: Barbecue sandwich, cabbage sa· lad, butter cake with strawberry topping. Thursday, Nov. 7, 1974 : pizza with meat, apple sauce, carrot stick, butter cookie. Friday, Nov. 5, 1974: fish sandwich, larter sauce, choice of buttered veg. or cup of .Ilrange juice, graham wafer. Monday, Nov. 11, 1974: wiener sandwich, bake beans, butter fruit cookie. Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1974: half and half sandwich, french fries, tossed salad or apple sauce.

Wednesday: Nov: 13, 1974 : hamburger sandwich, pickles, buttered peas and carrots, fruit ·jello. Thursday, Nov. 14. 1974: pizza, polato chips, celery and carrot sticks, butter fruit cookie. Friday, Nov. 15, 1974: bowl of chili, crackers, rice krispie square, apple. Monday, Nov. 18, 1974: toasted cheese sandwich, vegelable soup, cracker, apple. Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1974 : wiener sandwich, buttered green beans, fruit cup; Wednesday : Nov. 20, 1974 : meat loaf manhatlan sand· wich, mashed polatoes and gravy, choice of cup of orange juice, grapefruit juice or apple sauce. Thursday: Nov. 21, 1974: barbecue sandwich, tossed salad • .warm apple crips. Friday, Nov. 22,. 1974: fish sandwich, larlar sauce, polato chips. finger salad. homemade pineapple cookie.

Monday, Nov . 25, 1974'; coney island sandwich, buttered com, apple. Tuesday. Nov. 26, 1974: turkey with dressing, gravy. choice of buttered peas or sweet polatoes. cranbeny sauce. buttered roll, peaches for dessert. Wedn,esday. Nov . 'n. 1974: ham sandwic:h. polato chips, 1 cup of orange juice, assorted larts. Thursday, Nov. 28, 1974 : No School. Friday, Nov. 29, 1974 : No School.


COlumbus Pace Setters

PLACE-Waynesville High School TIME-Saturday. October 26. 1974 7: 30P.M. ADMISSION ADVANCE TICKET SALE (Tom Florence) Adult-52.00 Student-51.50 AT GATE Adult-S2.S0 . Student-S2.00 Spon sored by Waynesville L,ons Club - Waynesville Athletic Boosters Club

... _..... ..... I,,.. I ,,--

_----------- . I. . I

I -- .~ I'~ r,... U IIEW:U REIINAt I II

Ed. Note : Menus from Wayne Local School District are carried only occasio· nally because every child in school has access to the menus, either as posted on bulletin boards or is given copy of the menu to be carried home.

.... 1ILWI8AIB'I'I'B





I I.









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\\' ED~;~: S[)Ay , (lCTI)I~EH

2.1 1974 :'.IIA'\II GAZEITE PAGE 7




The board of directors of the There will be course be no Lebanon Chamber of Commerce, admission charged for the Inc , has approved holding an open meeting , meeting for all interested Warren Invited candidates are : for state County voters to hear from candidates running for state representative from the 73rd district. for commissioner of Warren County and for judge of the Warren County Court. Also speakers have been invited to present data on the 5 local issues: the main street improvement. the Lebanon city school bond issue. levys for the Warren County retarded children. the Warren County combined health district. and the fire protection for the city of Lebanon. The meeting , which is open to the public as well as the members of the chamber of commerce will be held in the Lebanon High School cafeteria, Route 48 North, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 29th, 19th, Each candida te and those speaking for or against any issue will be given 5 minutes for their presenta tion and, following the complete program , a question and answer period will be held when limited querys can be directed to an individual speaker.

representat ive, Incumbe nl lOrWIn M, Nixon and S(anley Kolb , for Warr!'n cou nty commISSion"" incumbent Arch F Hildehrant .

(. \'"ughn and HI-\'I' (;U\ for Judgp of Ihl' Warn -n ("ou nl ~ ('ourl. Inl'umtwnl Paul .' Iiprdman and Frt·d C Iiubtwll .-\u l n-~

.-\m bur~y

Th,- 1TH'l'llng .... ill n'place the r('l(ular monlhl~ mpeting of the mt·mlle-rs lIr (hI' l,,'ba non Chamber of ( 'omm("r c(.'




Want Gasoline From Elect A Scientist.


... ,...- -.

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Pd . for by Wood for Congress Comm .. CraWford. TrNS .. R R 1. FrankfOrt. Ohio


fa SInIcI


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55 Llyllii

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-ianli 5PO RTS Slumt Skins wait, then rout BG downs to run his team-leading total to seven, but the scoring was highlighted by senior John McVay's 66-yard punt return. With the Skins leading 2(}-10, McVay fielded a Taylor punt on his own 34 yard-line, ducked three would-be Falcon tacklers and cut toward the right sideline. Alter picking up a key block from Bill Wiggins, McVay was ofr to the races .

MIAMI .4 0 0 20-34 BG o j l 0-.0 MU - Smith,l run (Oraudt Idck) MU - Rome, 35 pass interception return (Oraudt kick. BG - Preston, J run (Taylor kick. . BG - Taylor, 27 field goal MU - Carpenter, 7 run (Oraudt kick. MU - McVay, 66 punt ,return (Oraodt kick) MU - Carpenter, • run (Oraudt kick) ATT. - 18,150 (new I\IU record)

THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH .,.... right here In Oxford last IiIIlurday, aod everything about the action here, from Ihe trapeze act Pete Rome (28) Is potting on to the big-top like tent in the background resemble the clrcus_ Miami ended up reducing Bowling Green's MAC title chances 10 peanuts, with the help of a

By BOB ZALTSBERG AND OAVEUOELF When Miami defensive back Pete Rome returned Mark Miller's errant pass for MU's second score in the fU'St quarter of Saturday's Homecoming game with Bowling Green, it looked like the Skins would be home in a walk. But it wasn't that simple. Though the 34-10 Redskbl .victory margin ., comfortable, the record-setting 18,150 person crowd did not see

the romp that the fJrSt period seemed to indicate. Redskin coach Dick Crum said he anticipated trouble after his charges took a 1~ lead with just over 11 minutes gone in the contest, Crum's feelings turned to reality when BG came back with 10 poiDts iii the middle two quarters to &barten M!am.I'. lead to 14-10. But the Skins couaIered with three fourth· perfbd toudidowna to shOot dIni1J the Falcon hopes. "When you score that easily .that early, you slack oH," Crum said. I bad the feeling that was goiDg to happen. The "easy and early" consisted of a S6-yard touchdown drive on MU's fU'St possession, followed by Rome's score four minutes later .. Quarterback Sherman Smith

key block on an Intl'rceptlon rpturn by John Wiggins (55 I and tough play from thp dpfpnsivp pnd slols by ('arl Winlzpr (middlp) . Rt'dskin dplensi.-e back Ron Zook ()i). dplpnsl\'t' end Ja)' tor)' (liS) and KG guard Mark ('onklin add 10 thl' sho .... Randy Noruls pholo.

led the Redskin initial drive, picking uP . 35 yards on the ground and completing three straight passes. He capped the surge with an eight-yard TO run. But alter Rome's heroics came the "slack. .. Bowling Green dominated the second period of play, driving 80 yards in 10 plays early in the quarter for a score, and putting together another long drive just before the half that was stopped short of paydirt by an MU goal-line ,,,,-nd. , .The Falcons had a rU'St and goal from the Redskin six, and netted four yards on the next three p1a7S' But on fourth and two, ~ore defensive end Carl . W"mber met BG tailback Dave Preston with a bearing on the five, preserving the 14-7 Miami lead. • Tbe secoud ball was MU-

dominated, even though BG pulled to within four points on Don Taylor'. Z'7-yard field goal with 2: 34 remaining in the third quarter. Only 44 of the Falcons 193 total yards were racked up after intermission. Just as in the initial rU'St-balf burst, the Skins second stanza points were bunched together . All 20 Redskin counters came within an eight-minute span in the final period. Sophomore rullback Rob Carpenter picked up two touch·

... I



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. JI .

YUl' DO:-; 'T HAVE TO turn your paper upside 'hm n 10 see Ihis pic lure rig hi side up. Dt't' Del'

S,'lIps ,

a dh'er lor the Miami women·s








swimming leam. is preparing to straighten up 10 break the waves b.. low her. Tex Clevinger phOlo

: .-


II'EW;F:SDAY .O(lO BER 2.1 ,

Dr. Lloyd A. Wood Democratic Calldidnte For U. S. Rcpn'.<<'lIt.1Ii •. /! Ohio 6tb COlIgr<'ss;OIIt1I /Jistr;cl The American farmer is probably in the worst financial bind sInce the great depression righ now, and the future looks dismal. He is caught between the falling market prices for his products and the rapidly rising prices for his supplies and equipment needs . It is entirely possible that the net far income, Ihe part of his income the farmer has to live on, wiII be less than for many years , and many farmers may find themselves borrowing money to get through the year . Because the efficiency of the farm industry has increased so remakably in the last fifty years during which the farm population has decreased dramatically from about 30 per cent to 6 per cent of the nations total population - there has been a tendency to focus less and less political attention on the problems of the afrmer. However, we should all remember that the other 94 per cent of the population eat the abundant products of the American farms, and the various shortages of the past year ha ve shown all of us how we can be affected byt he far situation . Perhaps as important as the food we consume is the fact that the product of the American farm is additionally our most importanl export industry, and the value of Ihe dollar in foreign trade wQuld be far lower than it is if it were nllt for our food exports. I Ihink it is not generally realized how rich the United States is in its agricultural wealth or in the ef· ficiency of its farm poduction. No vther country in the world has an area comparable to the great central valley of the United States from the Appalachians to the Rockies with such a favorable combination of fertile soil. rainfall and temperature and so enormous in extent. No other country in the world has so small a fraction of its population producing the food to feed itself, and in addition a large surplus to export in foreign trade . It is certainly true that our reputation as the "land of plenty" is in large part owed to our farm abundance. and it is certainly laking a rare high type of mismanagement of our economy to lurn us into a land of increasing scarcity and shortages. Government policies have long treated our farm abundance as an annoying problem, and have restricted production by such devices as quotas, soil banks, and price support incentives. We have deliberately held down productIOn in our most efficient export in · dustry . in effect. when we needed the foreign exhange to by oil. ores and other commodities which we must import, and wh have done Ihis in a world where many people were hungry in countries which could supply us with such com· modities . Occasiionally we would give away large portions of our production or · accumulated sur· pluses without getting things we needed in return . We should turn around our policies and start treating our food surplus as our most valuable foreign trade resoruce, and stop treating it as an embarrassment to be dumped or given away just to get rid of it. We should take a lesson from the Arabs in the recent management of

Iheir oil as a foreign trade resource if necessary . (They are said to have learned Iheir business pract ices a I the Harvard Business .School - perhaps we should send some of our Departmenl of Agriculture people to the same sh· cool - or perhaps there is now a Saudi Arabia Business School.) The way that the Russians were allowed in 1973 to come in and operate secretly in our commodity markets is one way in which this foreign trade should not be han· died . In effect they were allowed by our government to make an old· fashioned "corner" of the market. which an American citizen would likely be jailed for dOing . since this is outlawed by our securities and exchange control. laws . In dealing with foreign govern · ments it seems to me essential to do this through a means like the

Canadian Wheat Board. which markels Canadian Wheal abroad . Indeed it seems to me likely that (he best way to handle the whole problem of commodity prices and export . would be to extablish boards or authorities suitably empowelred to extabtish com · modity prices at cost plus reasonable return. based on an average family farm operation . and simply place an open order on the ' commodity markets at this price . Such a board or authority would be charged with Iwo missions - one to build up and suitably m aintain reserves against a bad ,'ear or other emergency for our o~'n protection , and second to undertake the marketing abroad of Ihe remalinder at the best bargain which could be ne.gotiated, using a barter basis if necessary with impoverished. hungry countries . I would bE! willing 10 subsidize this operation as would be necessary at envision such an authority as beIDg a semi ·independent agency . such as various authorities now are, in order to insulate it from politics .


The governmenl should gl't complelely our of the business of Idhng pach farmer what and how much h(' could grow . and let hime grow as much as he could . subject In a fair price noor under the markel prlee There are Iwo prmclpl", '''''olved here ' one is Ihal Ih(' gO\'ernment owes the farmers a slabll' price level "'hlch allows 111m a liVing relurn , and Ihe. second Ihal Ihe fO\'prnment owes ' Ihe puhhc al large Ihe ma'n · lenance of adequale resen'l'S and Ihl' max,mum expolitalion <1.' our food surplus 10 obtain needed forl'ign pxchangl' , .. The COSI of farm supljllies and I'quipmcnl hy shcu a prct>dure as outhnpd would be alle<'ialed In largl' pari as a burtkn on Ihe farrnl'r . because Ihal cost becomes " faclor In dl'lermlnlng Ihe com · modlly price. Jusl as many wage (''' nlracl s have cosl nf 1"' lng ('sealalors buill inlo Ihe contracts I do nnl mean by Ihis thaI Innation ,s 10 be accepted as Inevitablp. and Inde€'<! II IS the most serious nalional problem The control of


Inflation is not achieved by sending Ihe farml'rs to the bankruptcy courts I or anYone else. for that mailer I, but c~n be achieved by III her acllOns discussed in my paper on "Innation : ils CauSe and I'ures" I beli('\'e that this suggested program accomplishes three Ihlngs ' II would rescue the farmer finanCially wilh minimum in' lerference In his operation , it would pro"ide the country with rl'S{'rv('5 and maintaing them, and perhaps most importantly it would make best use of our most efficient Industry in l'arning foreign ex· changl" 10 buy the things we in· (,feaslngly must import. PLEASE HELP ME TO CARRY THESE IDEAS TO CONGRESS Lloyd A Wood Help Save Our Family Farms



Pa 10' 0., WOOd tor ~r~u Comm • ("' .. tin C,awtorO . Tr~.' . AR 1. f ~c!lnIlIO"


Ho,,,, much coal do you use? (in the form of electricity)

Would you believe more than 3 tons a year? DP&L ', cie,l n .: r;lt e,. li ke

Mine product ion i, not kceping

That's how much coal DP&L uses to produce the electric power needed by just one ayer:l ge residcntial customer. In dIce\. a small :lmount is del ivered tn your home each time y,)U turn o n a light or plug in an appli:lnce . Coal used by DP&L 's gener· ating stations is a big item in the cost of supplying electricity. Right now, the price of th :lt c031 . is going up . Unjnrlllnarelv rhar means increased electric bills. Demand for coal has increased sharply in recent months, due to shortages of other fuels and the conversion of power plants and industries from fuel oil to coal.

Ih n,l'

pace with this dcm3n d . HI ~ hl'r -3nd srlll h n~hcr- " I,d rrk( ' ;]r.: th.: incvit~hk r~ 'ldl

In Ih L' :> n. '· " f IUI· J I" hL' r :I,,~J o n (lI~L'c tl' , I" .:u , I,'m~r' ;" :1 " fud



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f(l slI{'ply Ileed at rhe

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qlwlir\' sen iet'o We hnpe yo/( \\':lI l1llderHalld \\ hv eleclric bills are hif!Rl'f ar rhis time.

The Service People




[s · 216






Kenneth Bausch Drug. Administrator On Thursday, October 10, the Warren County Drug Council hired 'I full time administrator, Kenneth C. Bausch, The Drug Council is the central agency in the county for coordinating drug prevention and treatment programs. It will work ,closely with s'chools, governmental agencies, and other groups pr6viding cosultatiion service and stan!lard referral procedures in ilrug\cases. It will help these agenct~ implement programs and -assist ill ,{raining personnel when requested .' Many pj.~jects ha.v e been pfoposed for Ihe CouncIl. Among them are: » a drug edUcation resource center :'\. . '2) a speakers bu~u 3) a county wich!.. telephone service 4) various activities to provide alternatives to drug use 5) issuing pl.\blicity on available resources in drug matters 6)drop-in cneters in Lebanon, Franklin, and other areas 7) supporting recovery efforts of former abusers . The Drug Council has now taken thre~ important steps. In January it was incorporated . In July it receiveda $16,947 grant from the Ohio Bureau of Drug Abuse .

Green Soybean Harvest There have been more green soybeans harvested this year than usual, but so far the problem has nol been as great as earlier an· licipted . according to Ralph Jackson, American Soybean Association CASAl executive vice president. "However, this is still anearly assessment because many soybeans are yet to be harvested," Jackson noted . "Also, nol many "people are anxious to move soybeans at the present time." Major concern over green soybeans emerged when early frosts hit areas of Minnesota, Iwoa, minois, Indiana and Ohio. J 'a ckson warned soybean farmers not to take discounts on their soybeans if the soybeans have "a tinge of yellow inside." Federal regulations define green soybeans as any soybeans with green seed coa ts and a green cross section, If soybeans have a trace of yellow, they are classified as yellow soybeans. So far this harvest season reports of green soybeans have been spotty, Jackson reported. In many places it's still too ea,rly to

Bausch comes to this position wiih previous experience as Social SErvice Supervisor at Cincinnati's Alcohol Detoxification Center and as Director of the Cincinnati Free Clinic. He lives with his wife and two children in West Chester. People and organizations wanting information can call on Bausch at the Drug Council's temporary office, located in the Warren County Health Building, 416 South East ST. in Lebanon , 9231119. Anyone willing to help plan and organize effort is asked to call Bausch or the Council President, Eugene Miller , at his office in Franklin, 746-3381 know that extent of the frost damage . University of Illinois agronomist Robert Howell says soy oil and protein percentages reach thei'f final levels about two weeks before combine maturity _Soybeans hit by frosl during this stage of maturity probably won't show damage . "If soybeans in an area hit by eraly frosls have dried down tn be round and have smooth surfaces. and are normal i'n all other respects . they will probably turn yellow," Howell said , "Soybeans that are kidney shaped or wrinkled, or show other forms of a lack of maturity, will probably have trouble reaching a desirable maturity level." Rubert Wisnpr. Iowa State extensionpconomist , Universtiy suggested farmers with green soybeans might want to market Iheir soybeans in another area where there are fpwer green soybeans , He also suggested that some farmers might want to blend this year's green soybeans with some uld crop soybeans ,

Ohio Society For Blind The Ohio Society for the Prevention of Blindness has tlnnounced formation of a Junior Wise Owl Club of America to encourage boys and girls to wear proper eye protection whenever 'they engage in potentially dangerous work or hobby activities. The new club is an expansion of T "ed of Proces Up1

GOltlg Up. Up ,



Ihe internationally known senior Wise Owl Club in business . industry and schools founded years ago by Prevention of Blindness . :llembers of the Wise Owl Clubs are those who have saved one or bolh eyes hy wearing eye safety gear during a potentially blinding accident. Mrs _ Virginia Benton . executive directOl- of OSPB . said that one half of all blindness is preventable _ Accidents rank fourth in causes of blindness. To date . she said, Ohio's 500 senior Wise Owl clubs ha\'e 4~00 members who have saved 5tOO eyes and the taxpayer and employer approximately 21 .000,000 that would have been spent if they had been blinded The Ohio Society for the Prevention of Blindness ser\'es every county in Ohio with its free sight-s,lving programs. It is currently in its annual fund'raising drive to raise $165.000 to support the prOrgra ms . Mrs . Benton said that applica tions for Junior Wise Owl membership will be received by aSPB . Box 2020, Columbus 43216. when recommended by physicians who fitte!l prescription safety glasses on the individual youth involved in the near-miss accident , or frorn school officials or other responsible persons . NATIONWIDE PAGEAN'T


Your Children Fully Against Chlldhood

Protected~ Disease~

The Warren County Health Department asks parents to check their records to make sure their children have received vac cinations aod to take unvaccinated cbildren to their phYSician or local health epartment without delay In Ohio , October has been designated as the kickoff month for the " Nat ional Immunization Action Mllnth (:ampaign ," "We want t(l make immunization a year around program in Ohio. instead of a once-a-year campaign ," says Benton Wahl , Warren County Health Commissioner. "We want Locontinually remind parents the results from her achievement tests . She is also a member of ITA, Dramatics, Gymnastics , School Yearbook staff, and is a varsity basketball cheerleader . Applications to compete in the 1975 pageant may be obtained by sending a large self-addressed envelope to the Official Cer tification and Public Relations Office, P .O. Box 406, Rockton , Illinois 61072.


On July 11-12, 1975, at the Neil House Motor Hotel , in Columbus , Ohio, the 4th annual Ohio Teen Ager Pageant will be held . Girls who are between the ages of 13 and 17 and a resident of the state are eligible to compete in this pageant. They will be judged in scholastic achievement , poise, personality, and appearance . There will be no talent or swim suit competition . State contestants will also write an essay on the pageant theme, "Why I Am Proud To Be An American ." Former state winners from Ohio include,: 1972 Sandra Lee De Frain from Toledo; 1973 Jean McGowan from West Carrollon; and the current state winner, Chari Lynn McFadden. daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Roger McFadden from Sabin,a . Chari attends East Clinton High School where she is a member of the National Honor Society , Who's Who Among American High School Students, and wa!; ranked first in her class by Votl! Out Ihe Otd-Vote tn the Ne ..,



Pd . lor by Wood for Congress Camm ., Charles Crawford. Tr~as.. R R 1. Frank.forf. Ohio

Imm unization Program

~~::.~~ ~:'~~;~~o~ ,.

.JOti . I~ ST f"'D OF T".~t.u'A Ctf2 ,,",,L.. po.;.r"IOJJ IiZIC,MT AnE.~ j.('Gtt~ . M.UJY ...-oJ; "'!"4E.M ~ECOlllE £w (.I WH ~, "CCOvNTAUT$ , AtJO OTH EIC: "'I G~l" tA IO PRor:(S.SIOUAL~ .

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P<tOFL 5510".L


It.1TERf..~TI"'G ,A"'P Sucu.!IoSJ:UL c"e£EIi~$ '" THE

"rzltAv .

WOMe'" 8E.twEEU i"HE A&:C , OF 20 A"" 31. , WHO HAVe. A

f'..c~~I.C'2'; Oli! "'A$~<'" rfU4>LE

,.up "1 LEA';T 19 M(I..r"4S ~I¥G EXf"UZIE"CE, (;Au QUAllf 'i TO FfCOAlE OFFICE~" I"" Hi! AC.,., UUPf£

More SCience - Less PolitiCS In Washington



Pd . tor by Wood for CDn9res.s Comm " Charle-s Crawtard, Treas .. RR 1. Frankfort. Ohio

.:0.••••••• '


proaches sehool age . leaving him vulnerable to disease during Ihl' first four or five years o! lifl' II ;,; Ihis a,ge group ,t hat will hi' 1111 . hardest if epidemics occur ACl'lIrding fo recent studlt·" Ii~ the Ohin Department of Health and Ihe Warren Cnunly Health Department, not enough l'hildren are being immunized againsl sueh diseases as polio . measl('s . rUbella, tetanus, dlptheria and whooping cough. The percentage of l'hildren immunized has declined annually to the poinl where Widespread epidemics are once aga'llI a serious t hrea t. "People seem to assume that these diseases have been conquered and there is nothing to worry about," warns Mr . Wahl. "This kind of thinking is dangerous . " Accordlng to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta , Georgia. there still are children dying from these diseases each year . The real horror . is to remain unimmunized .. a tragic risk no child should face , . Children can receive immunizations from their private physician or through their local health department. Parents of unimmunized children and those who are not sure if all vaccinations havE' been received. should check with their physician or local health depart · ment. "Immunization is essenti~1 to protect the individual child against disease and to protect SOCiety ,against epidemics," concludes Mr , Wahl. Warren County Immunization Clinics are held according to the following schedule : 9 a .m . until 11:30 a .m. at the following locations: 1st Tuesday - Myrtle ViUage Firehouse, 20 Mile Stand: 2nd &. 4th Tuesday - Warren County Health Department, Room 109.416 South East Street, Lebanon, Ohio; 3rd Tuesday - City Building, Franklin. Ohio. All residents of Warren County are eligible to attend . Each child should be in good health and a fee of $1.00 per family per visit will be charged.

UNCLAIMED FREIGHT All New Merchandise 2-Pieee living Room S88 Slereo-Consote 579 Mattresses $18 Recliners 548 Bunk B"ds S48 9'112' Rugs 55 Cocktait and 2 Step TAbtes (seloI8) $18

~:fk ~ !£~ooI: (JJuUw ~J1fU/1l/jf





30 Years in Business CateroOg To The Needs Of tnlants-Girls Size 12, Boys Size 4



~)ICl\IuG WO"'~'" ~R'E

Pet. lor bV Wood for Congr!'S5 (omm " Char In Crawfon!. Franktort. Ohio


to have their children immunized. not just at the start of school. but dur i n~ the first few years IIf their child's tifl' " "Some of Ihl' vaccines . includill~ polio. should be started whl'" 111<' infanl is finly two months .. 'd ," hI' f'xplain, " Others, are giv,en ", .. ,II' year III a~I' , People tend til dl'la' vaccinations until the child ap




48 E. Mutberry Sl lebanon 932-2246 Monday·Friday 10-9 p.m. Saturday 10.6 p.m. Sunday 12 noon·5 p.m.

ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLiOTI' All leading brands-free estimates. Bank financing available. Waynesville 897785l. CARDEAI$Rs WARREN CHRY "COUNTY sle r Dodge S~Y~OUth Shry518 W, . ' . . MaID St., Lebanon, 932-5951. Always a good deal.


SHERWOODS MARKET "featuring meab cut tIJ' order," delivery service. 747 CiDcbmatl Ave. Lebanon, Obio, m-lMl.

INSURANCE THE NATIONAL LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. (Grand ole Opry People) Fred Napier agent 897-3111 - . PHARMACIES LOVELEss PHARMACY MUENNICH MOTORS, Profesaiooal Prescriptioo "Better Idea Cars From service S3 S. Main Street, Ford," "Quality Car Care." Waynesville SW-7f116. 749 Columbus Ave Lebanon. 932-1010. ., PI,.UMBING II BEAnNG CARPETS W. W. COVEY PIqmbing BI-RITE CARPET" TILE aDd HeatiDg 177 Fifth St. 140 S. Main St., Carpet: Waynesville SW~. ' floors, ceramic, ceilings, -LOAN-ci SAVINGS-CO~ 897-5511 Waynesville 222PEOPLES BUILDING 5608, Dayton. LOAN & SAVINGS CO., CEMENT WORK" "Start saving tomorrow." ROOF REP AIRS Come to 11 S. Broadway, HUBERT SMITH " SON U Lebanon, Ohio, Phone you have cistern problems 3876. ESTATE have it. cleaned and reK .S .A . REALTY . ,88 S . Main paired DOW. We also do Sl, .Waynesville,897-3501.



cement work all kiDds. ' aDd roof ~:.!boile 932-4665.



COLLISION REPAIR KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REPAIR: " Expert Body and Paint Work" : Experienced work. All work guaranteed 862-4487. Located on US 421 mile south of Spring Valley and 5 miles north of Waynesville. DRY CLEANERS WASHINGTON


LAUNDROMAT AND DRY CLEANERS,as S. Main ~l Waynesville, 897-5961._ _

LYNN FIELDs,7956 Cahall PI. Waynesville; 1-885-Q453 or 897-6055; Camfield Company Inc. 433-9912 or 897-6055. REMODEL YOUR OLD jewelry-remounting gold sizing, refmisbing jewelry repair. Stone setting. Davidsons Jewelers, Lebanon 932-3936. MARKETS ' ELLIS SUPER VALU quality and low prices open tiD nine 7 da eek ..h.wua 897-5001 .. ys. ~ w , ~



69 S. Main Sl 897-5941 Meat FLORIST CEDAR CITY FLORIST, Specialists. Finest Flowers" Gifts, 123 BUY YOUR HUNTING E. Mulberry Sl, Lebanon, needs at Moore's StoreDowntown Lebanon- New Ohio m.2916. During the week of October 7 Winchester rifles and shotthrough October 13. 1974. the guns . Phone 932-6966. ~.::..:.:..-Collowing Cood service operations TV SALES. SERVICES .were reported satisfactory on routine inspections : South End Restaurant (Franklin) ; Zartman Nursing Home (Franklin) ; Burger Chef CFranklin); Laynecrest Lanes <Franklin) ; Bill Knapps CFranklin Township>' In addition. all food service operations at the annual Sauer· kraut Festival were found to be in satisfactory compliance with the requirements for temporary and rnnhilo rl'\lVl

CPrvlt"O f'U'\Pr!:l

BEA.TrY'S TV SALES". SERVICES, Zeaitb, 'Z1 N. f'L.._~-:Lebanon , ... DnIIUIWBy, 3015.

Trucks in (orr~round art'" pouring concirlt' for th~ foundation of lhr l ' nit :'>0 . X slack 01 thc :\Iiami Fort Elcclric C;cncrating Slation n~ar ('Incs . Ohio . Th :;00 .000 kilo"att unit. "hich "ill I... "\\n.d commonl,· by thc [layton I'o"cr ant! Light ('ompan~ and Thc Cincinnali ( ;3S a nd Eh'ctrk ( 'ompan) . is scht·dulNi ror ('ompl~lion in t 9'H . Thf' C'oncrf"tt" for thc loundation lor thc nc" unit's "ack "ill b .. III Icrt d":'-p and 1301.... 1 in diamcl .. r . .. nough 10 co,,"r a l""lbali li .. ld "ilh mor .. than 30 inch .. s 01 conerct ... Whn complctrd . Ih. stack will bc xoo Ic .. t high . Thc unit "ill br similar to Coil :\0 . 7 . 00\1, in thf" las t s la~ps of C'omplt"ljon. t 'nit ~o . j is scht"duh'd to go in opf'rat ion f'a rl~ in ISiS _ Roth units will cost morf' Ihan SZ:;O million "'hn complclPd . IJP&I.·, sharc 01 Ihp g .. ncr.lion "ill tJ .. :\6 p .. rc .. nt.

Miami Gazette SAVE YOU



Pd for by WOOIJ tor Congres!. ComYTi Charles Crawford . Trras .. RR 1. Frankfor, . Oh io

- t o_

$1.00 on adult tickets $1.00 on children's tickets-12 and under ...All OROHS PROMPTlY fillED ORDE R EA'I! H)R CHOICE SEATS NO LIMIT O N TI ( l(ft 5



onpilr@~~~ Hara Arena

Thurs . Oc t 24 . 800 pm Sat :;, ' ' " , 0': :-. Sun . Oc t 27 . " 30 ~ , .


1001 Shiloh Springs Rd. Dayton. Ohio 45415

MIAMI GAZETTE Thur s .. Oct. 24 . 800 p .m.


Sat.. Oct. 26 . 8 :00 p.m .


Sun .. Oct. 27. 6 .30 p.m.




NAME _ _ _ __

AOOI£55 _ CITY _



_ _ _ _ ___ _ _








Help Stop Food GiveawaysGet a Fair Return



Don 't Raise Taxes-Get Rid Of Loopholes


Treas .


54 .50



Make check paya b le !o DISN Ey O ~4 p;.CI ,:. : E 'I ~-; \('--; ' -:' - ;; ' ", ~ ·"· iI «5«15 Enc l ose se lf ac! ,!r es\e a \Iampe'l ef"." : :'" :. . ... '. -,-, .... 0:0: . " " 'eluna~



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PCI tor Oy Wood tor Charles Crawford , ~rilnk'ort . OthO



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Kitchen Korner


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Sa.~ee _ ~;2-5:30 Ott.- r ... br ~ar 0I0nct

WARREN CO. U.A. Employees in financial institutions have pledged $5656 to date for61e Warren County United Appeal, which is two thirds of the goal set by fmancial division chairman Ben Jackson. Other divisions that have pledges totaling enough to represent more than one Ithird of the goals set are Lebanon Industrial, the Educational Division, the Special Gifts Division and the Reciprocal· Regional Division. Warren County residents who are employed in Montgomery County ca n be assured that their contributions to the United Appeal of the Dayton Area will provide services for Warren County residents . Local officials met with the Dayton Area officials last week , to make arrangements for use of such contributions in this area. The United Appeal fund·raising campaign continues through this month . Funds are raised solely through voluntary contributions, both from individuals and cor· porations . Individuals are en· couraged to give at their place of


"' ".



513 1B7.ei62 Shop

employment through payroll deduction . Funds are then allocated by the U.A. to the fifteen agencies. The United Appeal is a county wide organization of concerned citizens whose purpose is to support and fmanciaUy assist com· munity need meetC:g services. It is the primary goal of United Appeal to serve all people. Hundreds of Warren County families were helped through United Appeal agencies during recent disasters. The Red Cross and the Salvation Army were involved in helping families immediately after the tornado and flood this year. Funds received now will help insure help for victims of any future disasters. The goal for this year's United Appeal drive is $120,000. Those persons who want to give but who are not contacted through their place of employment may send their contributions, with their name and address, to the United Appeal Office at 24 N. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio 45036.

T~: 5~~R_

,,1 U F F STORE 107 S. Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio

(513) 862-5181 Hours 7 p.m . Fri, Sal. Sun.

1 p.m. to

iIfl'~:.i:i-:':-:':" -"--'-"'-':i:---:-'-'-" '--"'-:':::;::::;;:::;~

~~~~ The little ReJ SheJ :~! ~~~~ ANTIOUES .~~~


WAY:::S:::~E~~;HIO\j[ PHONE 897-6328 :::

~1 Lin. - Dralen Welcom~: ~~. MON. BY CHANCE '.:: ~:;: TUES. THRU SAT. 10-5:00 :~:~

[3:~~~::;i::"] BILL 8< BARBARA


Antiqtle Furniture Topic For Workshop Oct. 25, 26 The Preble County Historical is sponsoring a Work\bop on Antique Furniture on Friday and Saturday. Oct. 25 and 26. Experts from southwes· iern Ohio and Indiana will be


... ..,.

present to discuss a number of interesting aspects of furniture work. Several illustrated talks will be given on the styles of furniture as well as repair and restoration techniques. This

will include actual demonstrations of these methods of reworking furniture. The Friday sessions, beginning at 10 a .m. and continuing until 3 p.m ., will \Ie

held at the Preble County Office Building on South Barron Street across from the courthouse. The Saturday sessions will be held at the Courthouse Annex on Gettysburg Road, beginning at 11 a .m. and ending at 3 p.m . In order to help defray the expenses the Society has asked for a registration fee of $1 for members and $2 for non-members, to be paid a t the door . Scheduled for Friday will be lectures on decorating with antiques, chair caning, and restoration and cleaning of furniture. Saturday lectures will include 18th and early 19th century furniture styles and stripping methods.

B &B


a6 S .



WA YN£SVH.. L.E . OHIO 45068

T UIU. ... SUN. 12 TO MON .





1513 } 932- .5739


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Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZETIE Only $3.00 A Year

' .

- HOURS : Mon _, Wed_, & Fr;. 1-6

Sol. 8-12

Or By App.cilntment



' Phone , 897 -3563

76 F irsl Streel - Rear Carwin, Ohio 45068


- .'



_ ~ISLE'S BUGGft1fEEL ANTIQUES Fllnlihlre & MiscelianeollS fkllS M •• COND.~ • • T

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1-Iea-JLr !-ldiqll8l1lt


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W('dnl'Sday , October 30, 1974

Sel;uDCI class pollap paid I' WlYftaWtIIt. Ohio \ ',,1 6






G'rGOuJe! ~ TV -SAl..t.aT II..] NO Ve.M f!>6 TC:Ballots will be mailed to all known wool and lamb producers in Warren County to enallie them tt vote in a national referendum on a proposed new agreement for the advertising and promotion of wool, according to Edward C. Evers, lounty Executive Director. The mail referendum being held :-\ovember 4 through 15 will enable producers to vote their approval or disapproval of a new agreement between USDA and the American Sheep Producers Council (ASPC) whIch provides for the USDA to WIthhold a ' part of any wool payments that might be made to producers to finance advertising and sales promotion programs by ASPC for wool and lamb . The withheld funds would also be used by ASPC to develop and disseminate information on product quality. production management and marketing Improvement for wool and sheep. Wool and lamb producers will be mailed an explanatory statement about the proposed new agreement along with the ballot. The new agreement is similar to one c1pproved by producers in 1971. If ~-;.... ~'rt..~~~ approval is voted, payment ... deductions of up to 1''''' cents a 5"'..d!~ ~,l.IU ~ . ~~ pound on shorn wool and 7. 112 cents a hundredweight on unshorn lambs ~s..~} S'~I ~Sl!-4 ~,:-k would be made . the same as the maximum deduction rates for the ----f 196&-72 period. Since no wool ....-Af payments were made for 1973 ~~.~ (,.J1.6 _ _ ~cL .,OlQ "H'--~~. marketin!ls. there were no The Humane Association of deductIOns for that year. Warren County would like to Evers emphasized the neutrality receive nominations for the most of the U .S . Department of humane act of the year 10 Warren Agriculture on the proposal being o,untv The first annual award . a submitted to wool and lamb trophy donated by a member of the prodUfers . "Our sole interesl is in board of dIrectors . will be conducting a fair and impartial presented at the annual meeting io referendum ." he said. Januarv to the person who is Anyone may vote who has owned judged io have performed the most sheep 6 months old or older for at outstanding act of kindness to least 30 consecutive days during animals 10 t974 . The WIOner must 1973. Votes may be cast by in· either be a reisdent of Warren dividuals , corporations. or part· County. or must have performed nerships. Any producer who is not the act of kindness to animals in already known to the county ASCS Warren County . office is urged by Evers to come by Letters of commendation will be or call in order to receive a ballot sent to other nominees selected by and explanatory material. The the committee . Warren County ASCS Office is :--;om i natlOns must be post· located at Tn Columbus Avenue. markl'd tn ~ovember 30 to be Lebanon . Ohio . conslderE'd Please address them Any E'hgible producer may vote to "Humane Art Award" , Humane '" the referendum. without regard ASSOCIation of Warren rounty for race . color. sex . religion. or P 0 . Box 3t:l . Lebanon . Ohio 45036 . natIonal origin .


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I truly believe that what we need today more than any other lime in our churches histroy is the ef· fective program of transfering our historic heritage of Christianity from father to son and from mother to daughter . Could this possibly be one of the great short· comings of our great country of America? There are too many people today who send their . children to Bible study and wership and fail to take them . How CQuld they .possibly be able to over see .heir childrens Christian education if they are not present? Abraham Lincoln. once wrote and I quote, " When America falls , she will fall from within ... " This attitude of not supervising the Christain growth and .maturity of our young poeple could definately play a great part in our own self destruction . We should be continually, praising God for the unlimited opportunities we have avaUa/lle to us in this country. We are permitted the choice of worshiping ..GC1d . in our own individual way. We are not pursued or. pefsecUted in any way as so many : ~ther countries are. for ·openly worshiping God and wit· nessing for Him. We are so prone to take such things for granted. We should stop long enough to thank God every day of our lives for this privelege. I would also like to remind you that we owe a great deal of grati.tude ·to our military men and women who have safe

.()PA_f I.f~.act. Aquarterlydividendof<l l'k cents per share of common stock was votedOctober25, 1974, by the BOIlEd of Directors of The Dayton Power and Light Company. . This is DP&L's 114th common ·stock dividend payment. It will be paid on November 30, 1974, on 13,765,911 shares of common stock to stockholders of record as of November 8, 1974. Quarterly dividends on preferred stocks were also declared as follows : $.9375 per share on the 3.75 percent Series A, Cumulative ; $.9375 per share on the 3.75 percent

·guarded our freedoms from the birth of this grea t country to the present time. Why we have the tendency to abandon our thoughts concerning those who freely gave up themselves for so many times . Especially to those who gave their all . yes even their lives so we may enjoy these freedoms we so often take for granted. Freedom is just like. most other blessings. they do not just happen . somewhere along the way a sacrafice was given or paid. Thank God. with me for these people who stand ready even now to safe guard these freedoms . !truly believe that now is the ap· pointed time for us to come to the rescue of our Christian heritage and not be afraid to stand up and be counted, yes even at the risk of our own lives. Praise God for the challenge. May we rise and meet it head on, which is the only effective method to witness for Christ. Shall we step out on faith and fully ex· pect God to support us as we boldly cHam Him as our personal saViOllS, our King of Kings and our Lord of Lords. Sincerely yours for a bolder Christian life Ohio Ernie Smith

Belly Schiess and Merrill Bittner are not ~ 'joyously wallowing in martyrdom," yet sometimes feel as though they are curiosity items and playing a " dancing bear ryle ." Speaking before an {l.qdien~ o! 70 ~pJe ~t night •.~~ aIId .BiUner shared their fl!eJings on being ordained as EpiscOPlil priests and tben ~ing declared '·' invalid" in a CDntroveJ"SY that made national news lhi!. sUQlmer.


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"I had a lot of feat and trembllnu to answer 'yes' to my. calling," Bittner IIIlid. "It isreally painful to be a woman called in the ministry becauae she feels she has gifts to give, bul is told 'not yet' becaU$e she is a woman. Recently in Mexico, a convention 01 DWIOps passed the resolution that women in the priestPood was a sound principl!l. "Elut, while we have the principle" there is still the person olr the opposite sex to overcome~," Bittner said. "Our basic problem is the fear of the unknown," Bittner remarked .





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Question for the week : What will God allow to come to those who reject the truth? Answer for last week : John 16:33. lot


Series B, CumUlative ; $.975 per share on the 3.90 percent Series C, Cumulative ; $1 .87 per share on the 7.48 percent Series D , Cumulative; $1.925 per share on the 7.70 Series E . Cumulative and $1.84375 per share on the 7.375 percent Series F , Cumulative. A dividend of S1.111 per shae was also declared on the new 12.50 percent Series G, Preferred Stock cumulative from Oc tober 30, 1974, the date of issue. The preferred dividends are also payable on November 30, 1974, to holders of record on November 8. 1974.

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MIAMI. GAZETTE Published Weekly at 172 North Street Waynesville. Ohio 45068

Second class postage paid at Waynesville. OhIO


.P.o. BOI 325, Waynesville .

Lila McClure! . . Editor &Publisher Contributing Editor SandeeBlazer Donna Huffman . . . . . ... . . Staff Artist ~~;~!n Gjisaway . . .. . . .. AdvertiSing Sales ;.,. Subscripti"on°'- 53.00 Per Year



The Bellbrook Garden Club is baving a Hally Tree Bazaar on Friday, Nov. 8, from 9 BL.m. to 7 p.m. and on SaturdalY, Nov. 9 from 9 a .m. tl[) 4 p.m . at the Sugarcreek Township House 26 E . Franklin, Bellbrook. The Bazaar theme is that of are old fashioned Christmas in a small town atmosphere. The booths will feature hand made items, plants, dried materials, candles and previously owned gift ideas as well as homebaked breads, cookies. cnadies, jams and jellies. On display will be a doll house decorated for Christmas. This house is owned by Mrs . George Sherman of 2501 South Linda drive. Her collection of miniatures is truly ou.tstanding.


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CoreiJlle O. Brattain age 87 of Quaker Heights Nursing Home Waynesville and formally of Liberty, Indiana passed away Wed. Oct. 23 at the Nursing Home. She is survived by ' several nieces and nephews. Graveside services were held Saturday Oct. 26 at the Earlham Cemetel!"y in Richmond, Stubbs-Conner Indiana.. Funeral Home in Waynesville wa:s in charge of the arrangements.



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Mr. and Mrs. Wavne Livingston. of Waynesville. announce the engagement of their daughter Joy Lynn. to Richard Dale Cooper. son of Mrs . Dorthy Lang. of Georgetown and Mr . Charles Cooper of Moorehead Ky . Miss Livingston is a student at Waynesville . Mr. Cooper is a 1969 graduate from Mt. Orab and is now employed at AllisChalmers. An open wedding for November 22 is planned, on 122, Dodds Pentocastal Church. Photo by - Evers Studio

7ffEN'1Rt. kEllfl..;tT (;,~~ welt~ ~ Ht 7l!:FfCHt:"65 The Warren County Mental Health Department presented the morning program for the Inservice Workshop for teachers in the Franklin School system Friday. Following the welcome and introduction by Shelby Middleton, Superintendent of Franklin Schools, Jim Ellis, executive director of the Warren County Mental Health and Retardation Board, presented an overall view of mental health. Mental Health staff members Richard Irvin, Mildred Nixon, Daphne Morrison and Dr . . Charles Enzer, psychiatrist, then served as a panel to hear the presentation of a case by Mrs. Charlotte Miller, educational specialist who works with the Franklin school system and makes referrals to the Mental Health Department. Teachers learned how a typical case is handled. Teachers then divided into groups for the following group sessions : The Young Child with Daphne Morrison presiding; Techniques to Use with Groups, with Mildred Nixon; The Adolescent, with Richard Irvin; Ken Bausch, director of the Warren County Drug Council, who spoke on services available to the schools; Preventing Delinquency and the Court's Role, led by Diana Wade, administrator of the "Volunteers in Preventing Delinquency" program; a rap session with Dr. Charles Enzer; instruction in group activities for the intennediate children, led by Mrs. Miller; and a section entitled .. Attitudes - Can We Really Change Them Through Classroom Teaching? ," led by Santo Zimmaro, psychologist with the Franklin School system. During the afternoon, the teachers had departmental meetings and an Qrientation meeting led by Orin Souther and James Hough who explained the Joint Vocational School System.


The award is given by the Di~trict Governor to those Presidents who net certain standards during their term as President and whose club performed certain activites during that year. Hardin was club president from July 1973 through July 1974. The meeting included a program titled SWORL (Southwestern Ohio Rural Libraries) and was presented by George Current. On October 23, 1974, the Board of Directors held its monthly meeting at the home of Dave Hartsock . There were six (6) members in attendance . Lions Dave Hartsock and Ed . Gingerich wiII attend the Fall Confel ence at Columbus on Sunday October 29, 1974. The Directors decided to have the neJet Ladies night on December 17, 1974.

On October 14. 1974. Lions Ed Andres. :\larshall Filer. Harry styers. and Herb :\!dlillan visited the Clinton-l\lassie Lions Club. On October 17. 1974 . Lions Ed Andres and Herb :\lcl\lillan helped the Clinton-Massie Lions Club in one of its activities bv painting at the :"\ike Base near Wilmington . 0:"\ October 17. 1974. Lion President Ed Gingerich attended a meeting with other Lions at the LClnear Lebanon. 0:"\ October 21. 1974. at a regular meeting of the Lion Club a t the town Square Restaurant . three new members were inducted into the Lions Club. The new members were : Eric Florence sposnored by Lion Gary Van Nuys, Brian Florence sponsored by Lion Dave Cessna, and Don Smith sponsored by Lion President Ed . Gingerich. The induction ceremony was performed by lion Tres Hardin. Also during the meeting, Zone Chairman Lion Dave Hortsock presented Tress Hardin with the 10090 Presidents award .


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Paid for by the Hildebrant for CommisSioner Committee Berman Ross . Chairman . RR 1 Oregonia . OhiO 45054 :b#.Q~:y>.:W"~z:.-&-::::m::~~«::::",<.(-:=:=:=:o;:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':':':':::':.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:::.:::::=:.::::::;;:':':':':':':':".:.:.::::::::::: :.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.:.:.:':':':::':~-==::'::::>;::::~:::::~::::"'('X:;;'P~/':









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The Miami Gazette New Magazine Section Wednesday, October 30, 1974


rI It was Indian Summer last week with a touch of winter left on the trees and grass in the morning and a cold rain now and then. There was enough sun and warmth for Dove Howard to transplant her cosmos to the front yard of her house in Pekin There were warm days to sun or to hike down little streams to hnnt wlalnuts, bittersweet or fossils. Top pboto Dove Howard u.right near 123 1.1. :\ kitten named "MorseU" Jr. Stream along Wiedener Road




Page 6, Miami Gazette, Wednesday. October 30, 1974

.IZ_¥I!,"~i~ 5 . ' ~ !'" Ed Strinko speaks to Democrats len to ngbt. Stan 1\01n, candlaale lor State Representative. Dean Dye who spoke for Dick Celeste. candidate for Lt. Gov,-rnor Autrey Vaughn. candidate for County Commissioner. At Right is Ellen Gilligan who spoke for her Dad Governor Gilligan .


Warren County Democrats bad a economic problems is to "reduce "full house" at the American and balance the budget". He Legion in Lebanon Friday for their rapped the oil industry for "taking annual chicken barbecue. . advantage of shortages to fill their The evening's program was led coffers". He said he feels that the off by Stan Kolb, candidate for GOP thinks the way to solve inState Representative from the'l3rd nation problems is to "throw a lot District who commented, ''Things of people out of jobs" and that that look good for _all Democrats." He _ is DO way to solve our problems. said that people are ~'fed up" with Strinko closed hiS talk by saying, attempts to buy elections and saiel "We have to move to openness in that voters would be receiving free government." cards from rpm this week, but that Talks were also given by two they would ~tiUe.: fhem to "good other candidates, Judge Paul government" not to entrance to- Herdman, who is running for reany event. election as County Court Judge, Autrey Vaugbn, candidate for and Judge John Keefe, who is warren County Commissioner, running for r~ection as Judge of spOke '!D problems of the county the Court of Appeals. water department and promised to Speaking for other candidates Increase the minimum gallonage were Phyllis Shepherd, for State to 4,000 gallons. Vaughn also said, Treasurer Gertrude Donahey; "My opponent IIIlYS he has tIeen Lauralee Sawyer, for Tony Hall, progressive while he' ll been candidate for Secretary of State; Commissioner, yet, the ' em- MoDica Knowland, for John Glenn, plaYment ·rate in tbls county Is .1,0 candidate for U.S. Senator from per cent as compared to only 5.8 Ohio; and Dean Dye, for Dick per cent in the state. We need good celeste, candidate for Lieutenant Industry to supply tax money aDd Governor of Ohio. jobs." Ellen Gilligan represented her Wallace Cook represented the father, Governor John J . Gilligan, Warren County Health Depart- stating that she felt the main issue ment, soliciting votes for the levy was "honesty in government." She to appear on-the November ballot, said that her father's opponent Will not ultimately refuses to make public either his which he create any new taxes, once the T. .internal revenue records or a list of B. Levy is converted. contributors to his campaign. She Ed Strinko, candidate for Eighth noted that since her father has District Congressman, said he been in office, a $159 per pupil feels that the only way to solve the increase has been provided for


Warren County students. prize winners of the eveniing were Edith Lindon of Franklin. Rick Kennard of Lebanon; Carol'Turner of Mason; Doro·thy Johnson of Franklin; Joan Klontz - of Lebanon; Wendell Peril:ins of Franklin; Charles Williams of Lebanon ; Mary Lou

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Ca rolyn Wilson of Waynesville at the

was one of the prlu ",lanen DeDllocralli BarIlecDe.

Jones of Franldin; Sandee Blaze!of Franldin; Sharlene Carlton of Mason ; ZiJpha Daws of Cincinnati; Albert Jones of Waynesville; Carol Mas:sey of Lebanon ; Martha Howard of Morrow; Walter HudcDeson of South Lebanon ; R. L . Turner of Franklin ; Opal Cable; Gloria Baker, John Guest ; Lil Gor don of Middletown Route Three, and Chuck Blazer of Franklin.

for state

represent~tive Issued by Ciliuns for Koib Commillee eo.cminnen, Dud Bryanl. r"mkiin, Ralph Wade, Springboro

Stanley E . Kolb, Democratic nominee for State Representative for the 73rd. District this week he is ~ainst any tax increase and that he will amend the state income tax so to be more fair. Kolb stated, "There has been six major tax packages passed in the past ten years by the state legislature and my opponent is one of the very few legislators that bas voted for all six enactments. "I will attempt to fmd tax relief. not more taxes. The people of the 'l3rd. District are entitled to know why the present representative has continously supported the tax proposals of the governor . regardless who is in office." Kolb sommented, " Perhaps my opponent has considered racing dates for his racing syndicate more important than the desires of the people of the 73rd. District. The administration. through the State Racing Commission. grants the dates and our State Representative should not support the administration merely to protect racing dates and licenses. "My opponent states that he never votes on racing issues. even though he introduced one proposal on racing in the last session, and is still subject to the implied pressure to support the administration tax proposals, since the tax proposal of any administration is the most important legisIative item of the administration. " Kolb concluded, "We should not have a State Representative who voted to increase the sales tax 33 13 per cent, authorization of the county piggy-back sales tax of 1-2 per cent, authorization of piggyback license plate fee of $5.00, and creation of personal state income tax, while the state legislature, which he claims that he is one of the important leaders, has not, during the past 12 years, increased pari-mutuel taxes at all. "Why have many other taxes been increased with the support of my opponent, while his industry is protected? "

Miami Gazette , Wednesday, October 30, 1974, Page 7

Following the disclosure today of high oil industry profits again for the last fIScal quarter, Ohio Congressman William H.' Harsha sent the following telegram to President Ford: Dear Mr. President: When Shell Oil Company has a 158 percent higher profi t margin this last quarter than in the same period in 1973; Standard Oil of Indiana , 101 percent more : Gulf Oil. a substantial 31 percent increase : and the cost of living for all Americans is breaking all records for the past Tl years. serious inequities exist in our economy which must be rectified immediat~. I)' if this country is ever going to win

Nixon's opponent, a lawyer, has publicly attacked Nixon's support of certain tax bills. Nixon says there are already enough lawyers in the legislature. Explaining his vote on such taxes, Nixon pointed out that be supports earmarking, that ls legally requiring, that all state income tax money go to local schools, local government, or property taxrelief. Nixon also pointed out that the only tax bills he has supported are those which directly benefit education. He says !be public was led to believe that the state income tax would substantially solve the money problems facing our local schools. The public is now disillusioned because they are paying a state income tax while there are over 260 operating tax leveis for schools facing voters November 5, with 235 of those for additioanl millage, not renewals . Because of education's pressing need, the need for tax relief, and the disillusionment about how the state income tax has been used, Corwin Nixon pledges to support earmarking all the sta te income tax. Such earmarking will provide hte money base assuring better school funding and local tax relief. Mr Nixon supports new legislation which would require that the uneannarked half of the state income tax go to local schools. During fiscal 1974 the state income tax generated $417 million. Accordingly, if the legislation Nixon pledges to support is passed, an additional $208.5 million would have gone to our schools, tax relief, or local government Nixon bas been a State Representative since 1962 and presently represents the 73rd District wbich includes all of Warren County and parts of Clinton and Butler Couilties. In his ini tial term he was voted outstanding freshman legislator. Corwin Nixon is the only House Member serving on both the Reference and Rules Committees. Nixon is a life long resident of

against inflation. One of the major causes of our cost of living increases today is the phenomenal and excessive rise in the cost of energy . The Amrican consumer is being unjustly bilked of his shrinking purchasing power by these high energy costs. There is absolutely no justification for double and tripple oil prices being blamed on the Arabs when oil company profits far outstrip the excessive charges exacted for oil by Mideast countries . It is unconscionable that in our difficult economic situation this type of profit mongering should continue. The oil companies must be made to shoulder their own responsibility in our battle against inflation instead of passing it on to the consumer . Consequcently , I urge you first of all to use your influence in jawboning the oil companies into lowering the cost of their products to a reasonable and responsible level. Secondly , but nonetheless importantly , I believe the latest profit statistics prove that a marl' stringent approach must be taken toward oil industry taxes . The big 'oil companies have more than enough tax breaks and it is obvious they aren't investing the money they've earned in needed production and expansion. If they were taxes adequately-particularly for their excessive profits--there wouldn't be any need for the proposed five percent surtax on the beleaguered middle income tax payers. The oil companies don't pay enough taxes and the average taxpayer has to pay too much. I also urge you to use your considerable influence on the Congress to act on needed tax reforms to correct the inequities I have mentioned and others "'ithin our tax system . At the moment they are still floundering in the House Ways and means Committee and still nothing more than Democratic lip service to the vital issue of the economic survival of this country

If united Telephone Company of Ohio's ,e fforts are successful , the firm's more than 3.700 employees will be taking an extra interest in thl' 1974 Fall campaigns and elections. Brad Knapp, local District Manager for United of Ohio, said the company has used a number of innovaUve approaches to spotlight the democratic process (or employees . The final company effort came this week with the publication of five special editions of the company newspaper, "The United of Ohio news" . The five editions ..... I'rl' necessary . Knapp explained _ so that employees in each of United 's

five operating areas would receive information pertaining onl y to candidates in their arl'a . Thl' loeal manager said the company 's eflort to get employees involved gre ...¡ from criticism of government heard o,'er the past two years . " We feel that once people become involved In the political process they will better understand and appreciate It ," Knapp said . The company has maintained a strict non-partisan stance while conducting the involvement cam ¡ paign and have worked closely with Board of Election officials toget out the vote

United Telephone officials 0pened their doors to board o( el ...('tion officials in Mansfield, UntIed 's state headquarters, in a uniqu ... pilot program Registration campaigns were conducted in the lobbies of both the Mansfield DIstrict and the state headquarters offices and the result was over 160 new registrations. . -. Knapp added that l.WJSideration was' being given to expanding the program althe time of the next election

WARREN COUNTY & THE 73rd DISTRICT VOTERS Needs an EXPERIENCED Grass Roots Man (Not a beginner)

Representing Them in Columbus Obtain a good RETURN on your vote by


Corwin Nixon to tire Legislature

A Grass Roots Man G;y;ng Top Fig"t Sert;ce

Warren County, and has been active in civic affairs. He presently serves as a trustee of Grandview hospital, Bethesda Hospital, and is a director of Cincinnati Automobile Club, Salvation Army , .and Lebanon Citizens National Bank.

Issued by BERMAN ROSS. Chairman RR 1 Oregon,a Oh,o 45054




:,..:: 7 7 Bun ne ll Hd! Poas ' j

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S: a re

Le banl)r. 0111 0 450)6 . . e C'J fT" fTiltt ee

P,?~re')e r" a: '




**************************************** Govemor

Page 8, Miami Gazette, Wednesay , October 30, 1974











Democrat Incumbent


Socialist Worl".rs Party

Socialist Lobar Party



Attomey General

Lieutenant Govemor






Republican Incumbent

Socialist Workers Party

Democrat Incumbent


Auditor of State

Seclretary of State

Treasurer of State









Democrat Incumbent



Republican °lncumbent

Democrat Incumbent



U. S. Senator










Socialist Labor Party

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (Full Term Commencing January 1, 1975)



Justice of the Supreme Court (Full Term Commencing January 1, 1975)



Justice of the Supreme Court (Full Term Commencing January 2, 1975)




~lIami (; aZt'II,' . \\' .. dlll"sda~· . October 30. 1974 . Page 9

.o/k~!£CC~ [JJuUic ff:i~ US Army Recruiting

-rw- W., ... c.-...llr .'_ _

•• .......,.,.8t Fir....

CABIN RESTORED - The Halding Cabin. now part of th .. i.OO6-acre Deer Creek Slate Park in Fayette and Pickaway counties. has been carefully restored to relain the rustic Oavor of its past . Howe,·er . the cabin now boasts a complf't.ely modern kit"h .. n and bath as " 'ell as a new healing and air conditioning system to aSSllre "ear-round comfort for guests . Natural Resources Dirt'ctor Wilham H. ~)' r <Iefll discusses delails of the renovation project with Park :\lanagrr Rogel' O'Dell. IOhio Department of Satural Resourc"s photo 1 Ohioans now have an opportunity to spend up to two weeks in a former President's hideaway. Natural Resources Director William B. Nye today announced that reservations are being accl'pted at Deer Creek Slate Park in Fayette and Pickaway counties for rental of the recently-restored "Harding Cabin ." The I' , -story cabin was constructed at the close of World War I by Harry M . Daugherty. a Washington Court House native and U.S. Attorney General under Waren G. Harding. The cabin, built on the banks of Deer Creek about 15 miles northeast of Washington C.H., was said to be a secluded gathering place for friends and supporters of Harding. It popped into the

national limelight after scandals were uncovered during and after Harding 's term . The Department of Natural Resources IDNR) began n>· novating the structure in the fall of 1972 to save it from being razed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and preserve a unique legacy of Ohio and national history . The Corps built a dam and created a lake on Deer Creek between 1965 and 1968 as a "ood control project. aod later co· operated with DNR in developing recreational facilities for the 7,OO6-acre Deer Creek State Park. The Harding Cabin will rent for $210 a week. $40 for one day or $30 a day for two or more days . It can be rented by the week or day during the off season, but only by the

week ·with a maximum of Iwo weeks --belween Ml'monal Day and Labor Day . The cabin m equIpped 10 sleep seven people. hut can sleep a s many as 10 if folding coL' are used . Reservations may be made up to a year in advance by writIng to Dee r Creek Stale Park. Route I. !'olt. Sterling . Ohio 43243. or calling the park at 11'14 1 869·2124 A reseTV a tion deposi I of $2C is required . The rer,ta l week will exlend from 4 p .m . S"lurd~v r" II) a .m the neXI Saturday :-;~'e said Ihe $42 .120 rpnovallon did nol ('hang" the basl(, structure of the 35x 50·foot cabm C'r rhe layout of the rooms . Npw furn iture . furnishings and eqUipmen' have been installed at an additional C G~t of 01 .611

The dining room has a , ;ilhl'<lral ceiling . aiiowlDg a stnkmg \' w~· of the room fron: a halron~ adJ''''pnl


'_Cd ..., . . ~

;\~ l' said the rcnovallon included new ct'<lar siding on tbe.,oOllSide w;,lIs . ('l'Ijar shmgles lor 'the rool anel 111., ul,illon 10 mak,' the cabili

(0 th p upsl d lr~ hE'dr oom:-. . ht· s aid The ru s tH: IlvlOg ron!11. ("nmplplt·

n 'dn:. for w lOtt.>r 3tt'ommodatlUn5 .

with stonC" flff'plaC(I , ~ .; n(':,1 in th, ' dmmg room a nel JU ' ! u~d('f rwn 01 the thrt" , b.. elrooms Behmd Ih(' 1, \, lr.g '''')(71 IS a kil chpn a nd hathroom . T~~ ('al>lo also has a bas ement and a .;O·foot ba ck porc h With a Hew of tr...' i~k.' .

:-;"", Inlerlor oak "oors anel red oak paneling were !,1stalled . he expJ.'Jlncd The onginal stone fireplace was repaired, and the massive wooden !Jeams were refmished

INVEST In good government

Enioy Big DIVIDENDS By 30 Year ,> I n Bu s lnes~ Catering To The Needs Of Infanls- Glrls

5' 11' 12 Boy, 5'11" 4

CAPIT AUZING on Corwin Nixon's experience and GIFTS OUR SPECIALTY

excellent record in the Ohio House of Representatives.

.1""'...."'••L'f . •• ••••••


r"..... ~ :• • • •• • .... .. ....... .... ... . ................


• • •• • , .

• •

.• -. ........






"You lenow you can BANK on a grass ,roots man"


Return Him to the Legislature November 5

J~(t~~ Issued by : BERMAN ROSS. Chairman RR 1. Oregonoa . OhIO 45054

GEORGE RHUDE . Treasurer 5477 Brunnell HIli Road . Lebanon . OhIO 45036 Nllon lor State Representallve Comm Iltee

In the High School Auditorium State Route 48 , North The program will be presented by the junior leaders and will honor 4 ·H achievements 10 1974. Fair premlu-m checks and awards Will be presented . SlOcerely .


Ann Miller Co Ext. Agent . Home Ec.


Page 10. Miami GaZl'llc .

\\· l'clnc~cla\· .

ocl uill'f :111.

I !J7~

Woo4 ................ 1f ·t Cdr 'e FrV

Fo,e Co~c..~ liSS


"t'" C 1\ r

Ed Nolc ; Becauseof the length of Dr Woodsarllde w(' had lo edit [lOrl lOrb 'indicated with ... We ha\'e triNlto prcsen'c thl' (', s('ns,' of il s mi'anrn~ but not the 'c omplexity of its understanding . Inflation is engulfing rich and pool alike . although the poor. th,' fix l'd income senior citizens, and the farmers are suffering the most . lnd('('d the farmers are leading the procession to the bankruptt'Y court s. with Ihl' soaring costs of farm equipment and supplies and the dcdining pri t'(, levels of farm products. The rate of price increase in all consumN i[{'m~ is now running more than \0 percent year. and may be as high' as I;; percent fo.r t974 when all returns are in . Atlhis rate some timl' in Ihe m'xl five years prices will have doubled O\'er Ihe pres cnt 1('\'('1. Administration Econom ic Policies a Century Out of Da lt' . We lire in it mainly because the prespnt go\'crnmf'nt policy of "tight money " , which Is supposed to al/ark inCiation, ha s in fuct thc oppostc eHect-just as pouring gasoline on a fire docs not put out Ihe fire . Tight money supposed 01 put people ouL of work and bring down wages and eventually pric('s . Actually the tight money policy , which really m('ans high inlerel rates on borrowed money . has some logic to it. but it applies about a cenLury ago. 'J'heidea is that (\) high interest rates discourage borrowing money. (2) this in tum discourages housIng construction and industrial plant expansion, (3) this puts people out of work, especially in the building traaes, (4) people whoareout of work. and their families, get hungry and they will work for anything they' can get, and (5 J a large unemploeyd brings wages, and eventually prices, down all around . . . Federal Reserve Bank Exceeding its Legal Role. The tight money policy is entirely the responsibility of the Federal Reserve Bank, which was established in the Woodrow Wilson Administrationfor the prupose of preventin bank "panics" by regulating money reserves' of banks and by loaning more reserves to a bank subjected to emergency withdrawal demands . Instead of sticking Lo its legal role of 'm aintaining a sound banking system , the bankers running the "Fed" have' decided to expand into a role of controlling the economy of the country by using their power to run interest rates up to the highest level in the history of the Nation ... High Interest Rates a "Tax'" on Us All. From reading the daily papers a person would gather that interest .rates rise and fall with some mysterious law of supply and demand. "Nothing could be further from the truth . Interest rates are determined by thegoveniment, by the discount ate set by the Federal Reserve , which is the rate banks have to pay to borrow money from the F.ed .. . The amount of nioney which the Fed pumps into hte banking system has an effect on the spread.of interest rates and right an effect on the spread of interest rates and right now the Fed is putting plenty of money in but at these very high rates . . . . High Interest Rates Slow Construction While much new construction is going on at present, it is less than is needed ot keep up with the growth of the U.S. population and the economy . This is a dIrect result of tight money . . . . Tight Money Converts the Land of Plenty to the umd of SCarcity. In general the tight money policy does slow construction of industrial facilities , because business executives are reluctant to borrow more than they absolutely must have. preferring to delay or put off expansion to wait for more favorable rates, Those who do go ahead with expansion such as electric companies do so because they are in a position to pass the increased costs on to the consumer. . . In a critical item, nothing so accelerates prices as a spot s.hortage as industrial plant expansion fails to keep up with need . Price Rises Stimulatewagencreases in the Game of "Catch-Up" . With the fuel for inflation being supplied by this suicidal high i nterest rate policy, we now come to the consequences in our wage structure whereby wages begin chasing prices in a frustrating and futile game of "Catch-Up". Indeed since this is the most visible part of the whole inflationary process, the general tendencyis to put the blame on labor for the price increases. , . When a round of pay increases and price increases has gone by , labor and management are than in the same fix as before, with labor feeling that a new catch-up increase is needed and the management charging enougb to cover costs and a profit, perhaps larger than before, owing to the shortages stimulated by the tight money policy . The Danger of this Situation - the Risk of Runaway Innation The grave danger in thsi situation is that the whole process will speed up and get out of control, with prices rising faster and faster, as wages chase them, but fall farther behind pwing to the fact thai prices can be ·raised so much easier than wages. Savings are effectively wiped out, because their purchasing power becomes less and less as prices rise .... Two Essential Steps : Bring Down Interest Rates and Break the Wage-Price "Catch-Up" Spiral . I have set forth in as simple a statement as I know how the extraordinarily complex machinery of Ollr present inflation ... The big question remains : what must be done to correct this and to stabilIze the American economy? First of all. it is necessary to stop the high interest rate policy, to stop the financial bleeding, by removing the power of the bankers of the Federal ~rve Board to control interest. .. Interst rates must be reduced to a level which does not saddle the homeowner with burdensome mortgage interest. which does not load on the consumer the buriien of the high interest rates now paid by utilities companies. and which does not pass on to the cosumer the increased costs of the capital requirements of all industry for buildIng new facilities or modernizing


l)' ,o ,ooQ ;4WAiD TO ()JAtttt~f\ C~fr.; GO\' . John J . Gilligan today ·announced an award of $SO,OOO Lo the Warren County Commissioners for in-school youth progra ms in Warren County. The grant is one of 26 awards totaling approximately $3,5 million distributed under the Com · prehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (CETA L The funds will provide youth work experience programs to approximately 4.000 students in 64 "balance of state" counties in Ohio. Da\'id C. Sweet. director of the Department of Economic and Community Development , said, "The paid work experience is aimed at encouraging dropouts to return to school and at keeping potential dropouts from leaving school. " Guidelines for the programs were written by the deve l opment department's Manpower Development Division . The programs provide funds for part -time jobs for economically dIsadvantaged young people who need money to meet school expenses_ Participants work eight to 10 hours per week in private nonprfit agencies in the com munity and receive the minimum wage.

The Warren County United Appeal campaign had r.eached 79 percent of Lhe goal of $120,000 by Friday. Three division chairmen announced a t the report luncheon held at the Golden Lamb Inn that they had reached more than 90 percent of the goals set for those divisions . Brad Knapp, chairman for t.he Lebanon Industrial Division led the way with more than 96 percent of the goal realized . Ben Jackson , chairman for the financial division . announced thaL he had reached more than 95 percent of his goal and Jack Shreffler noted tha t the Mason Industrial Division was at the 93 percent mark. The campaign continues through this month . Persons not contacted through their place of employment may send donations, with their name and address to the United Appeal Office ai 24N. Broadway , Lebanon, Ohio, 45036. More than 90 eprcent of each donation provides for dIrect services through one of the 17 agencies in Warren County funded by United Appeal.

UNCLAIMED FREIGHT All New Merchandise 2·Piece Living Room $88 Stereo·Console S'7 9 Mattresses S18 Recliners 548 Bunk Beds $48 9'112' Rugs 55 Cocktail and 2 Step fAbles (setot8) S18

Under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act. urutes of government may become "prime sponsors" and request manpower revenue sharing funds . Units of government choosing not to be1:ome "prime sponsors" are part of the "balance of state" area with the state as the "prime sponsor." The state then contracts with the areas to deliver manpower services.


existing facilities required to produce all the goods and services required by our modern society. Second, it is necessary to gear pay increases to the productivity of our na lional industrial establishment. The ingenuity of our research scientists and engineers, of our workers and of our management executives results in a normal increase in the amount o( goods and servilces ,produced by each person on the average each year . This increase should be shared by all Americans by some proper combination of lower prices and increased pay , and also by increased profit to the industries achieving it , so that incentive is maintained (or further achievement by all concerned . . .. increases in wages or profits without incre,a se in productivity, or wiUi insufficient increase in productivity , must result in price increases. '. .. Wage increases cannot be made to hold the line . when other portions of the economy are having a field day . It is not yet clear whether proper leadership in government can accomplish these two fundamentalsteps to halt inflation without imposing price and wage controls , as well as assignment of priorities for critical supplies and materials, as in war time , until our productive capacity is rebuilt up to the level to meet the needs of the economy. I hope it has not gone so far, but it certainly will do so under the present leade,rship.

For A Change -

.FREIGHT ---48-E, Mulberry Sl

Lebanon 932-2246 Monday-Friday 10-9 pm . Saturday 10-6 p.m. Sunday ~2 noon-5 p.m .


f_ SInice C.... J.d




55 Ll,. ...

Elect A Scientist

DR. LLOYD ALLAN WOOD Democratic Candidate for Congress Experience : University Chemistry Teacher Aerospace Scientist and Administrator with U.S. Air Force and Space Agency. Political Offices Held : NONE Let him apply his elperlence and ability to the great problems 01 the Nation :


PaId lor by Wood lor Congress Committee. Charles Crawford. Treas .. R.R. I. Frankfort. OhiO

ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLioTI' All leading brands-free estiinates. Bank financing available. Waynesville 897-

COLLISION- REPAIR . - .. KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REP AIR: "Expert Body and Paint Work" : Experienced work. All work guaranteed 7851. 862-4487. Located on US 42 1 CAR DE.\I$RS mile south of Spring Valley WARREN COUNTY and 5 miles north of CHRYSLER, "Chrysler, Waynesville. Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W. DRY CLEANERS Main St., Lebanon, 932-5951. Always a good deal. WASHINGTON SQUARE . LAUNDROMAT AND DRY MUENNICH MOTORS CLEANERS.88 S. Main!il "Better Idea Cars From Waynesville, 897~_.__ _ Ford," "Quality Car Care.'" 'FLORIsT 749 Columbus Ave., CEDAR CITY FLORIST, Lebanon. 932-1010. FiDest Flowers&: GIfts. 123 CARPETS E. Mulberry Sl, LebanoD, BI-RITE CARPET &: TILE, Oblo m-a16. 140 S. Main Sl, Carpet, floon, ceramic, ceilings. GROCERIES 897-5511 Waynesville 222- SHERWOODS MARKET, 5608, Dayton. "featuring meats cut to CEMENT WORK & order," delivery service. ROOF REPAIRS 7~ CiDclImati Ave. LebaI


HUBERT SMITH &: SON n you have cistern problems baye it cleaned and repaired now. We ~ do cement w~ all kinds.




repeli'. Phone 932-4665.

Obio, 1SI-1M4.

INSURANCE THE NATIONAL LIFE &: ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. <Grand ole opry People) Fred Napier agent roof 897-3111


Morgan Stanley and Co. Incorporated. as manager of an underwriting group is offering to . SUPER MARKETS' the public today , 250 ,000 shares of PHARMACIES . ELLIS SUPER VALU qua_ The Dayton Power and Light LOVELESS PHARMACY lity and I OW tiD Company preferred stock , 12.5 Professioaal Preaerip&a . da ~~ ~ percent series G, cumulative, at a service SS S. MaiD Street, nme, 7 ys. ...~ ~ price of $100 per share. Wayuesville 897-5001. . The new preferred 'stock is not --redeemable prior to November 1, WAYNESVILLE HARDT 1948 through refunding at an ef· Pl,.UMlBING A BEA'ftNG 69 S. YamSl 897..aMl Meat fective cost to the Company of less W. W. COVEY SpedaJiata, than 12 .5 percent annually. ml'lre.ltiag 17'1 FIftb St., Otherwise. the New Preferred Wayuell1ri11e .,~. BUY YOUR HUNTING Stock is redeemable at the option of the Company at $112 per share LOA~6sAVlNG8CO. needs at Moore's Store- on or before oCtober 31, 1984, at PEOPlES BUILDING D?wntown ~banon- New $106 per share thereafter an one or LOAN &: SAVINGS CO Wtnchester rifles and shot· before October 31, 1987, at $103 per "Start saving tomorrow.';' guns. Phone 932-6966. share thereafter and on or before October 31, 1990. and thereafter at Come to 11' S. Broa~'y, n'8A.LE8A8ERVlcB8 SiOI per share plus accrued dividends . Commencing Ohio, Pbone 1m- B&\TrY'S REALESTATE . SERVICES, ZeaHb, ft N. November 1. 1979 shares will be K.S.A . REALTY,88 S. Main lID- callable at $100 plus accrued di vidends through the operation of St, Waynesville, 897-3S01.3Irl5. a sinking fund designed to retire 100 percent of the issue not later LYNN 'FIELDS,7956 CabaIl than November I, 1998. PI. Wllynesville; 1-885-5453 Morgan Stanley and Co . or 897-6055; Camfield ComIncorporated as Managing Underwriter is also orrering to the pany Inc. 433-9912 or 897~ . . public $45 million principal amount of 10 '" percent DP&.L First REMODEL YOUR OLD Mortgage Bonds due in 1981. gold jewelry-remounting The bonds will be orrered at 100 sizing, refinishing jewelry percent to yield 10. t25 percent to im'estors . repair. Slone setting. Net proceeds from the orrerings DavicisoDS Jewelers, lebawill be used to repay ·the Com· non 932-3936. pany's short -te rm indebtedness incurred in connection with its construct ion program .






,.y ~'''. '.non,

* ****************************************.


House of Representatives

r------6th - - - - - - ,

, . - - - - - - -- - 8th - -




R.publican Incumbent

(Clermont . Warren (P) , Clinton , Highland , Adams , Scioto, Pike . Ross , Pickaway , Fay· ette. Brown, Vinton (P)







(M e rcer (P). Darke . Preble . Bull er Wa rren IP I , M o nl go m ery I P I

Ohio House of Representatives






Republican Incumbent


(Warren , parts of Butler and Clinton)



,,. ,




(Madison . parts of Clinton . Fayette , Greene . Highland)


Kitchen Korner

107 S_ Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio

(513) 862-5181

by San~ee Daughter and I have something in common-which is strange, since for about three years, when she was IS, we have seemed to be at opposile ends of a very long pole-a j(eneration pole, you might say. WE DO NOT HAVE IN COMMON political view, tastes in clothing, goals, priorities, neatlIess, tastes in music, or much of anything, e):cept--college. We 'both 1(0 ; she in the daytime and me in the evening_ When I undertook my first evening college courses in 1955, I had 110 idea I would still be going in 1975, but it seems I will . Since I stopped attending for many years, while I bot tied and changed three little fines in rapid succession, I missed out on gradual changes and fell headlong into the "modern education" , which, like modern math. is both exciting and frustrating . And, if not actually shocking. slllrprising. Daughter commented , after her first week of college, about the alliount of profanity used by the leachers and I admit that il sumetimes stuns me, too. This year , I have one instructor that looks about the age of my daughter and as meE~k and mild as they cUllle. There was a little profanity Ihe first eVE!ning, but that really tabou four I,eller word inched out and hung in t he air the second week. She started to excuse herself, then countered, "well, that's whal I really mean, so I'll say it! " I do nut sit in judgment on use of profanily . but the whole thing started me to thinking about college, as I knew it , just 20 short years ago, and my daughter as she knows it, in 1974-75. Not all changes are shocking-many were long overdue. And it also started me to thinking about what college means to someone like me, in "55, and the average l8-year-old in 1974-75. To me, much more, I think. Til daughl,ers everywhere (and uther readers) 1 say-I walked on campus and thought, how different now ; husband and I came together the first year, then the baby coming took precedence; and then the lack of finances allowed for finly one to come, ss naturally, it was the man of the house, for that was the priolrity in those days-the husband, the provider; and no birth conlrol pills to assure "babies at the right time"; yet. today, so different ; I walked on campus with a black friend and thought-not ss very long ago, in my home town , a black person wasn 't even allowed to sit in a restaurant with "white folks" and although I realize Ihere is far III go, I ' am happy that sOme progress has been made and delighted Ihat my daughter and her friends feel free 10 bring black friends homle to visit; I walked fin campus and I thought -- dear. daughter, even Ihough it is time of the recession, VIlU and vour friends cannot know ; he st ruggle of us who earned less thall forty dollars a week and had 10 budget it to live and slrelch it 10


havc the "luxury of college," even at night ; I walked on campus and I thought-huw out of place I seem when I wear a dress or skirt and blouse amidst blue jeans and sweat shirts; yet, just a few short years ago, wc had to dress the part of a "lady" ; Ah, yes, Ihere is much different , and much of the change is for the better, I suppose, but I wunder, when the day finally comes for her and they hand her that diploma, will it mean as much to her as it will to me, when I am handed that piece of gleaming white that represents just a little short of a miracle~ I think nol.


1 p.m. 10 7 p .m. Fri. Sal, Sun.

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Houn - Soundor-~ 12·5:30


T_ by Al>P>in_' 01 a..-

513 1197-ll5S2 Shop Telephone , 513:z.2077 R - . u


~~~~ The


Little Red Shed ~~i



ALPHAS AND OMEGAS By Sondra Gordon Blazer "The Marriage Took Is it nol true married state, that something thai cannot be defined MON. BY CHANCE ;:: I)y a ceremony, when you realize :;:, :;:: TUES. THRU SAT. 10-5:00 :::; the tWIl of you are really one-as :::: OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. ::;: when you ~iI in agony, waiting for Illcdicai tesl results on Ihe other, or when you share a child's accomplishment, or when you grope lor ways to mend a broken heart . or seek til start-a dream come .. I rue? There was no blood exchange . " the day you look your vows, but ~> ~' ou know somehow, in special :~f mllments , that you share blood. j} blldy and soul. Then, you know-Ihe marriage " took " ,


I::: :; :; ; : : ~ ~:.~ :.~: _:~:~ ; :~: ;: ; : :;J!

Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZeTIE Only 53.00 A Year


7 DAyS '"


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HAY'S FURNITURE STRIPPING AMtTY PROCESS 'Phone: 897-3563 MAX & JUANEtTAHAY 76 FIrst Street- Rea, Ownors CorwIn. Ohio 45068 -



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Welcome Neighbors





,.. Ne ela' Sod a J umbo Dill P,cktes . HOI Popcorn . Snacks. L andle ~


To v; an d Good ies Galore GiftS trom roof to floor .




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Sa;uDd .lass pollage paid II WlyftelY1Ue, Ohio F'I~EN




The drama and advanced drama classes of \\'a\·nes · ville High School wiil be pr('senting 2 on(' a c l pl a\ ~ on Thursda\' (, \·p nin!! . \'1\\ \' m' bC' r I~ J'I 7 ::\11 p.rn I II 'il{' Hi g h School . \uti ;lfln :l; . TIll' Ilr ~ 1 pl ;l\ I.- ."'I IIT ~· \\'r()llg \'ul1llw r d 'lJ~I"' II~l' thrill"r (·p nl l' rl· rj ., 1' ", 1:,<1 ;t s lmpl\ ' le l!'phllll l' \·.ili I); ;'" IIwalle! w()mall pl;l \ \'<1 !l,'

:'-Io\\, lin : Princess-June Cook : Wizard-Jeff Livingston . Sir Harry,.]effWalkins; Frpd ,Hhoda Pginey. with .\'ar;Jto r Pat Spitmogle. Th,"" pl;l\'s mark tlte !"·l! I II'II Il .~ of thl' dra ma tic " '; I'- fl lI ;1 1 \\. 11 .:-\ . ..\dmission .' :,lI l'I'll t~ PC I' p!'rson ;lnd all .llrl'( ·: ,·d I , ~: H L . (;ra del.

.)a l'Clui lJiI\' iciso/l I )(11\'1' \' d~1

n1rmlJprs Include ; Bel inda Rosell . Diane Thnmp~ o n . Sharon Wallace. LJura Bromagen . Mark Engel. Dave Mercer . Cathy Pottenger . Barb Vincent , Jennifer Hawkins. Doug Vinson . Ted Borgerding, Joni Morgan. Claudia Miller and Mark Cornett. The second play is a pantomime drama of the Princess and the ~a entirely staged and cos· tumed bv the members of the adva-nced drama class. The cast includes : Queen· Cheryl Snyder : King· Alan Hannah ; Prince Jim

WHS Plays y e1lo\\


2 p.m. There

Sat. Afternoon F.A.V.S. Game i'

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SEA.RCHI W01rOO ~ rn [XJ 0~ Using or Abusing our Talents From the Book of Matthew 2S : 14 we read, "For the Kingdom of Heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. According to Matthews' writing in the following few verses, a man received five talents and traded with them until he had gained five more, the man who received two talents also gained two, but he that relieved one talent went and digged in the earth, and hid his Lord's money. Mter a long time the Lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. The first two who had used their talents well, their Lord said unto them . Well done, thou Good and faithful servant : thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make three ruler over many things : enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord. The third man said Lord I knew thee tha t thou art an hard man . .. and I was afraid, and went and hid thy talents in the earth. His Lord answered and said unto him, thou wicked and slothful servant. , . 28 Take therefore the talent from Him, and give it unto Him which hath ten talents 29- For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance : but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath . 30And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing o[ teeth. I could not help but be reminded of this passage of scripture as we once l!gain turned our footsteps toward Ona, West Virginia to attend the Revival for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

people. Talents may be given to us in many forms and it is up to the individual to place himself or herself in a position so that God may properly use you and your particular talents . Praise God, for the many dedicated people who place others needs in proper order of importance. I am speaking primarily of those who have studied so long and faithful so that those who live in the silent world may come to know Jesus Christ as their personal saviour, what a blessing it was to be with such men as Duane King from the Deaf Mission in Council Bluffs, Iowa , Brother Cecil Bennett from Cin· cinnati, Ohio, Keith and Mary Hamilton from the Boylevard Church of Christ in Charleston, West Virginia, Marshall and Page Thomas from the same church and Brother Harry Gill, their minister, I would also like to say that brother Ray Kelley does a very fine job as Camp Manager at Howell's Mill Christian Assembly , We really enjoy being with such groups and have the privilege of growing in knowledge and grace as we en· deavor to do His will. May God richly bless each and everyone who gives of their time and talents as they help their less fortunate brothers and sisters in Christ. I sincerely pray that this ministry may grow and spread every where that we find people who live in the Silent world, those who sometimes are strangers in their own homes, because in many cases no one is prepared to work with them . We thank you Lord for awakening us to this great ministry. Thankfully His Ohio Ernie Smith

In the S9uth Pacific, some islanders believe in

spirits' wh~se

favoriti! sport is to count the toes and fingers of sleepmg people and gossip about them!



Published Weekly at 172 North Street Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Second class postage pa id at Waynesville. OhIO

THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.O. BOI 325, Waynesville

Editor & Publisher Lila McClure' , , ' Contributing Editor Sandee Blazer . . . , ' Staff Artist Donna Huffman . , Advertising Sales Karen Gasaway Subscription- $3.00 Per Year /"f"':~~:":-:.::-r: . _. .~

..:, .

Page 2, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, November 6, 1974

Letter to the Editor: Declr Sir: Transportation for Senior Citizens has finally arrived in our county. The Council on Aging and Community Actiolll Committee have completed an agreement for use of a 7 passenger van by the Council on Aging. Transportation for the Waynesville-Harveysburg area. will begin on November 12th and every Tuesday thereclfter. David Smith Council on Aging of Warren County, Inc . 122 EastSilver St. Lebanon, Ohio, 45036 932-6301


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The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAE) will be given <It Waynesville High School on November '1:1, 1974. The ASV AE is the result of more than 30 years of reseiarch in occupational testing and classification by the military services and consists of nine different sub·tests : Coding speed. work knowledge , arithmetic reasoning . tool knowledge . space perception . mechanical com prehension shop information , automotive information and electronics information. Results of the sublests are translated into five aptitude clusters : General Technieal, Clerical, Electronics, General Mechanics, and Motor Mechanics. The I:omposite scores reported from ASV AB identify clusters of abilities_ which are relevant to success in particular job areas. The student's higher scores identify occupational areas he or she should consider for probable job success. As Armed Services occupations are closely related to most civilian jobs, the student's score will provide the Guidance Counselor a useful tool, in gi ving the student as idea of the vocational field in which he or she is most likely to succeed. ASVAE is administered by trained department of defense personnel and is available 10 all high school students at no charge or obligation to the school or student.


Ualted Methodist Charcb _ _ t ' i ...... -~

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ASVAE November 27 At High School


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First Chuell of Grist

During the weeks of October 14 through October '1:1, 1974, the following food service operations were reported satisfactory on routine inspections: Waynesville High Schoiol )Waynesville); Waynesville Junior High School (Waynesville) ; Carlisle High School <Franklin Township). One food service was found sa tisfactory a t the time of the first reinspeetion. Betty's Drive-In (Franklin).





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McCLURE'S New Magazine Section The Miami Gazette Wednesday , No,'ember 6, 1974





~PSDT Th(' Ea rly & Periodic Screen. lJlu gnosis and TreatnH'nt IEp · SDT, program is underway . but will rl'quire increased cooperatIon fr om th(' vaious elements involved to ach ieve its fullest goals. State Welfare District Director Dante Bernar'dini said Tuesday , October 29 .

.....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

Bernardidnin said physicians. hospita ls. certified health care clinics and county welfare departments "must make a more concerted effort or this program just won't work ." He made the statement at a 17county EPSDT workshop here, aimed at coordinating county efforts and creating the highestquality program possible. The agenda included specifics on state requirements and policies, overall progress in Ohio and signigicant findings in the statewide program, The purpose of the new EPSDT program, Bernardidni said, is to detect and treat illness in children before it becomes serious, cosUy to treat and possibley permanenUy disabling . Bern,a rdini said physicians, hospitails and clinics must take the responsibility to examine, diagnose and treat eligible children in the Aid to DEpendent Children (ADC) program. County welfarE~ departments are responsible for actively publicizing the program, doing outreach activities to notify recipients of the program and promoting participation by the health care

AT . informing the public about Ihe program I hrough radiu and n('wpappr messages ··establishing interagency task furc(' including such agencies as Ihe Slate Health Department. State :\Iental Health ·Mental Retardation Departm e nt , provider organizations , community development groups, Headstart. etc. --extrablishing intr-ileparlmental task force within the State Welfare Department , composed of members of each division, to lend input and make the EPSDT program as effiecient and practical as possible --instructed county welfare departments to submit monthly

implementation plans dexcribing Ihei r effor ts in outreach. follow-up , and informal ion to recipients and providers . "We wdl co ni in ue 10 do ('\'crything we ca n at the stale level ," Bernardini said , "bul w(' will need the fullest cooperation from everyone involved to provide Ihe benefits to Ohio that EPSDT The 17 counties can offer." involved in the workshop were Adams. Brown, Butler, ' Champaign, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Darke , • FAyette, Greene, Hamilton, Highland, Madison. Miami, Montgomery , Preble and Warren Counties . They comprise Ule Cincinnati District of the state welfare department.

providel~ .

He acknowledged the "Good cooperaltion" he has received from many providers and agendies, but stressed the need for much stronger support statewide. The district director said the state welfare department has conducted various and extensive outreach activities, including: -mailing two separate notices about EPSDT to all Ohio ADC families -mailing two separate EPSDT information packets to Medicaid health c:are providers --publishing a pamphlet in English and Spanish describing EPSDT . which has been distributed through county welfare departments and elsewhere in the state. -<onducting training and information meetings all over Ohio for county staff and health care providers



Harsha Reports On Farm Production "If the federal government wants American fanners to expand production," claimed Ohio Congressman William H. Harsha, "then it better stop shipping the fertilizer they need to meet this challenge to other countries." The Ohio lawmaker charged that exporting fertilizer materials is causing a dual problem for the farmer . "Not only does th is aggravate the growing shortage of these important commodities but it also drives up the price of what is available to exorbitant rates," he said. According to Department of Commerce findings , fertilizer material inventories are much lower than last year and the price for all fertilizers has gone up drastically , in some cases rising up to 146 percenl in just one year's time.

" Unfortunately, the fanner isn 't th'e only one who suffers in this situation, " Harsha charged . "Increased production costs for the farmer wind up in increased food prices on the supermarket shelves. And as every consumer knows, those continually rising food prices are a major factor in the ever growing cost of living. "If all fertilizer exports were stopped, as I believe they should be, then fertilizer pr ices would undoubtedly drop to a more realistic level and that would be good for both the farmer and consumer. It makes no sense at all," Harsha conclUded, "to con¡ tinue exporting valuable materials which are in short supply in America . particularly when they maintain a vi tal link to our agricultural production and our struggle against inflation."

Today's Army

I joined today's Army on June 7, I got my own choice of job training and location. And I've earned two promntions in four months. Now I've finished advanced Infantry training and Airborne training . I am on my way to Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Before I go I'm back in Lebanon on vacation. And if you're looking

for a good job and a chance to go anywhere you want. 111 be happy to talk to you about opportunities in today's Army . I'll be at the Lebanon Army Office, 20 West Mulberry Street, on Saturday, Nov . 9, from 9 a .m . to 1 p.m. Drop in to see me. Or call 932-7690 collect or talk to Army representative Jackie Smith anytime.



October -1974 PERMITS

New (1, 2, 3-Family) Addition Remodel Garages and Carports Outdoor Assembly Business Buildings Industrial Buildings Storage Special total Tornado Damage

NO. 17


14 3

76,053 15,390


21 ,262

1 3


8,215 186,500 118,900 10,606 . 16,000

54 1 53

$1,110,845 6.,800 $1 ,117.645

3 3



Page 6, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, November 6, 1974



All New Merchandise 2· Piece Living Room 588 Stereo-Console 579 Mattresses $18 548 Recliners , Bunk Beds 548 9'112' Rugs 55 Cocktail and 2 Step TAbles (set 018) 518

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48 E. Mulberry Sl Lebanon 932-2246 Monday-Friday 10-9 p.m . Saturday 10-6 p.m. Sunday 12 noon -5 p.m.



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30 Years In BUSiness Catering To The Need s Of Inlant s - Girls Size 12, Boys Size 4

GIFTS OUR SPECIALTY ..•H.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.;.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.;.·..•..

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MORGAN'S TIRE SERVICE 6344 Corwin Road Goodyear & Dayton Tires

897·3496 . ~;":':J ~

"NOTICE" Tennessee Ernie Smith will be in Revival at the Church of Christ 116 North Cherry Street. Lebanon, Ohio. Date~ are November 18th-24th, 7 : 30 p.m. nightly. We will be featuring Sound Bible Preaching, Good 'Gospel Music, Nursery Provided. Plan now to be with us for a time of soul searching, a time of thanks giving and spirit led services each night. Everyone cordially J , R, GARWOOD, Minister invited.








Miami Gazelle , Wednesday , November 6, 1974, Page 7 .

.US Anny Recruiting 'TNIe W.Y Co. c.Dap~. F.......... c.JIlSI-'1IM !II W M.a-r, 8t lAIIa.. ow.


1974 4-H ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1974 AT 7:00 P.M. In the High School Auditorium State Route 48 . North ~ r ,-· u'o,:r d '~ ,', Il, De LIi · ~ £:nTed bJ' the j unior ~ er! ( ~~r ~ cJP(1 ... ,11 nc r ry .! ~, . !r_ r. l e ·JCrlle nt~ In 1974 ; J q :,.i' ~:~ I




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Ann Miller Co E rl Agent. Home Ec.

I wish to thank all who worked so faithfully for me in this election and all who took the time and effort to vote in this election.





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ina foil, to fonD handle for baaket. Cover; let n... iD warm place, free from draft, until doubled iD bulk, about 30

Comea tbe season for giv· ing thanks and food decora· tiona appropriately replace IlUmmer flowers. A golden brown basket wi th twisted handle made from a yeast dough looks lovely filled with bread, or witb fruit and nuts. Once it baa served Its decorative purpose the bread can be used for crumbs or poultry stufimg. The following recipe will make 1 basket.


Combine egg and milk; bruah mixture gently on bubt and bandle. Place in bot oven witb wire raeb direct· lyon oven rack. (Do not IlBt! baiting sheet.) Balte at

4000F. about 20 minute&, or until eolden brown. For higher glue, bruah buItet and haudJe oDCt! dmiDa bait· ing. Cover with foil. if nee- . y to prevent IIIH!ftn browning. Remove from bowls and cOolon wire raeka. To aene, faden bandle onto bullet, uaing tooth· pieb. Fill with diDo... rolla.

I would like to thank all of the people who voted in the 6th '

BREAD BASKET Makes 1 basket 2 1/2 cups warm water (1050 F,' 1150 Y.;






k·: .

2 packages Fleischmann's Active Dry Yeast 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons Fleischmann's Margarine, softened 61/2 to 7 1/2 cups unsifted flour 1 egg, beaten 1 tablespoon milk Measure warm water into large warm bowl. Sprinkle in yeast; stir until dissolved . Add sugar, salt, margarine and 3 cups flour; beat until smootb. Add enough addi· tional flour to make a stiff dough. Turn out onto light· Iy floured board; knesd until smootb and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover; let rise in warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. Bread Basket : Generousgrease 4 strips of beavy duty foil 10 incbes long and 2·1/2 incbes wide. Place around edges of a lo-incb wire cake rack. Generously grease out· side of a large mixer bowl (about 8-3/4 inches in diameter and 4-1/2 inches deep) . . 'Invert onto foil . Punch dough down. Divide into 24 equal pieces; set 2 aside. RoD 22 pieces into 3O-inch ropes. Twist

The Warren County Mental Health Association , Inc. with the help of The Council on Aging of Warren County, Inc . is currently in the process of reviSing The Social Services Directory for Warren County. The ftrst comprehensive directory was originally done by The Community Action Committee several years ago, but since then many organizations have changed addresses, areas covered, and services provided. The Directory will list all Social Service agencies in Warren County . as weJl as those national organizations, which have the county included in their service area. When applicable, lees lor some organizations' services will also be listed in the directory. While it is almost impossible to 'contact these organizations, leUers requesting an update on services have been mailed to these existing organizations based on the previOUS directory. Rebecca Carman, Chairman of the Mental Health Association, has requested that any organization not contacted so far which offers .any social service, please contact her in Lebanon at 932-4511, or by writing to her at 416 South East Street in Lebanon, Ohio 45036. Once the Social Service Directory has been printed, copies will be made available to all con· tributing organizations.

Congressional District. I wish to express my appreciation to all those who worked and campaigned for me. Place 2 more greased strips of foil on wire rack . Grease another bowl with the '!IIme diameter. Invert onto rack. Roll reserved pieces of dougb to 24·inch ropes.; twist together. Place over !bowl, with eDda touch·

two together; repeat with remaining ropes. Wrap twists of dough around bowl , beginning at bottom, touching foil. Pinch ends oC twists to seal. Cover entire surface of bowl.

Dr. Lloyd Allan Wood

Colony Square Shopping Center 726 E. Main·

. 932·5933

~l. ;;

Un.der New Management .- ,~. ~.+< SE~ftl-ANNUAL FISH SALE ~~.~. ~~" ,..BLACK MOLLIES .. .. ... . . ..... .. . .. ........ . . _.......... MARBLE MOLLIES ... .... .. .. . . . . . . . .. NEON TETRAS ...... GREEN SWORDTAILS VELVET RED SWORDTAILS ... _..... . . CATFiSH . ... .... ... . _. . . ....... . GOLD PLATIES GUPPIES ......... . ... . . ... ....... . ... .. ~~ ANGELS .. ... RED PLATIES ZEBRAs


::: : ::::::::: :::: : : :::~ :: : ::: ::::: ::: :

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Sel~ction~; ~i~~ ~;antsdl · . .

11c .ea. llc.ea~

16c.ea. 16c .ea. 19c.ea. 29c.ea. 12c. ea. Bc.ea . 19c.ea.4 12c.ea, 12c.ea.

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~$495 -.~-~-. ~~"""'.~-B-ir-dS-$-1-9-9-5





Large Selection Of Bird Cages

.Playful Gerbils







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M;ddlot.wn C'"',,'

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Grade Competition . Unhealthy Influence . I '''''r:wiJ O!l Ct ' ' <:I!d .llld


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Une of the most horrihlt' aspeclsof grad(" 'omp,'llllOn IS lIs "ffN'1 'Ill lil" rcl"honshlps belwcl'n high and low'gr,ul,' a\'l'r"g'· sludl'nls BOlh to group and forgl'1 ~ sludl'nl IS a human b"ln~ , rt'gardll's>' of hIS ~rad,' ::erage, High al'l'rage sludenls can. somt'limes, h" ralhl'r smug , un til ey do poorly on a lest. But. while Ihey are dOing well. Ihe\' m,l\ I"ok down theIr nosesat a less fortunatl' classmatl' and t'all him derog'llon' names, Some prime examples are " dummy ," " sl up id," and with ItI;. lowest connotation, "relardo ," Howbl'it. beforl' passing judg('ml'nl nn these students,.slop and look on the olher side of Ihl' fpnse Low a\" 'ra.~ .. students do thler share of name calling , Thosl' In slandard US(' al'p "know-It-all." "brain." and again the worst for last. "hrowni .. ," Iligh or low average, one is as bad as the other , But what grade competitions can cause betwl'en Ihe slud!'nls themselves cannot comparl' to the malignanl effecI it can ha\'!' upon ~em individually , The self·image can be shallered inlo a Ihou sand ~,ec~s : for the high aveage studenl as well as Ihe low average slud!'nl Ha , A high average student lose self-confidence and poiso ~ " Look closer. might not he be afraid that the low average studl'nts have a reason to laugh .at him' Naturally , self-confidence affects social poise , And if a student IS afraid of being laughed aI , he won't have much poiso of anI' type, II is not difficull to see how the low aVl'rage student can 105l' hi's self-confidence , After nunking so many tests or barly getting by is il an" womder? He thinks he is a failure. a nobody, He believe he is of no use t~ anyone, even himself. He feels he is a burden to society . And, bv the wav , that doesn't improve social poise one bit. , Yet. another very important aspect is the quality of education.grade competitIOn hold a pandora's box of evil : chealing . hinderann' of knowledge. and a murderous killer of ambition , II is regretable . but true , in the search for beller grades a studl'nt's journey might well end when it lands on his neighbor 's paper , ll's bad enough that he is left with a feeling of guill, a feeling which nOI onlv lingers for a long Umell hurts while it lasts but he also loses the battle fc;r knowledge,S The desire for an AOR B average hampers true learning ~lanv studf'nts memorize facts long enough to place them in their prop€:r places, Ihen Will promptly forget them , because Ihpy no longl'r n,'('d Ih!' facts for a grade , Grade competition can also destroy real interest. Examplf" SUSI!' Smith has threl' lests lomorrow , Th~ subjects are English composition , Algebra 11, and american History , This year Susie has d ..cid"d 10 makf. good in all of her suhjects , She opens her com posi lion hook and slars Sh,. becomes in terest. The clock happens tocatch her eye and she rl'alm's sh(. must goon toalfebra , which she doesn 'l care for , bUI she wanlS 10g"1 an.-\ on the test. so Susie doesn 'l develop her inll'rest. and her enthUSiasm dies, One \'irlue remains The t'n II rf' learning process depends on II Wilhoul it the thirst for knowledge would not l'ven pxist. And, yt'l. gradlt' competition would jsul as soon spil in ilS eye as look al it illS amh,llOn As ridiculous as it may Sl'f'm, failing even one lest can dpstro\ ambllion Example : Bohbie Brown is delermined 10 make alleast a 3,7 a'\'t'ragp Ih,,' year, And since the beginning of school , Ihrl'l' or four wl'eks ago , hl' h" " rome homl' and studied thrl'e 10 four hours nightly Finally ht' has hiS f,r SI lesl in chemistry , Hl' makes a 64 , H.. be('omes so dis('ourag"d hI' compll'lely slops his en'ning sludy , End of ('xampll' and Bohh,,' " :1 .; a\'l'rage, A low average sludenl afll'r nunkmg out lim(' and Ilm(' a,,"In can easily become discouraged and give up , Failing can o(("n kill amhition , Ambilion todowell isaided by success. not faliurl' SOIII, dl'ar tOSl'e grade compelition has no role in " a pial'!' of light. of Ii~H·rl~ . and of Il'arning , "


DAMMING DIETY in our world in a world of strangling apathy of suffring silence where friends stab where lovers hate and kisses kill indifference remains supanxiety grows unfrustrareme ted nothing is real won't be consoled noone can feel while meloncolly in happiness eternally uncreases knon only worrieors survive life means nothing it's your creation it's your show your murderous blob your empty dream you evil image your burst bubble Master it control it Mold it Manipulate it Deliver it Save it Use your time There's still time By ShareD Bursy



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f1l' ·!!lht.· ,., tIlP ,llld rIl II ' n's!. Ihl' h'lIlei IS ~tlll an nq!.al1l1.:JtlOll 01 i!.().,d qualll ,\ alld 1I1l" l ol u' proud o f E\ t'll ~n , tht· W ' I ~ nt'~ \ lilt, High Srhool )O\\I ,!"t ' d

h~ lnd

, ... a ll

()r~ ; ln ll ,I II Hn Hl 1( h ' rt' ~l lm.tI"d




h()d~ ,

th{' school

.Hinlllll:--Ira l lttn , ,~fld Ih .. f1h'!llhl'r~ IIwmst'l\t's Th.· "'Iudt'nl hqd ~. ul1dt·n · :-- t IJl1<tlt ' ~ Ihe hano ht"l"aU~l'lht"'~ rio not rcalr z(' thl ' hand ' ~ ahdl1~ Sl(ldt ' nl~ ~l't ' lll to cilf'ntlfy mu~1C a:-:. hl'lOg !oilmplf' ~tnd unromp l ll';,t .. t-'nah llfll.! thl' rnsol unt'oordmalt'd pprsnn 10 gilln ~uch a ta l{'nl Th(>~ 1It-11t.·\ I' that ont' could Ju~t pick up an 111~lrUnll'nt Takl" ma~ h. · two It's!''f1n~ . and h,'( 'otlll' a qUilt· ~\JtT('ssrul mu . . l('\an Bul mUSIl'1 S


,I skill


I1Hleh 11m,', .. fiori , and palll'n( '(' on Ih(' parI nf Ih('

rwrformt·r I ~\:I ' ~' t'ar of It'ssons I ~ onl~ pnough tnnt ' I n Iparn Iht' haslc

pnnnplc:-. of •.tIl InslrurTll'nl. such a s (tn).!t'nng . rp,uitng mUSll' . and thms ~ful'h mOf('lnn.- 1ll1J~1 hi '·nt 10 ht"{'OOlP flupnl pla~"r Ea,'h (,an<l m .. m(,,·r ha, had al Ii'asl IhrN' In fll'(' .\~ars of t'xpf'rlt'nn' ~' llh f'r III h.,mn or 10 pn\,;.It" Il·~son:-. . \\ hll'h I ~ a suhslunllal amount 01 fUllt · lit pronlH' t-' ftrlf' , ' qualll~ must(.' enmpn'hf'n(hn~ r~

Th~' hand h.l :-- ilt'qulr('(1 II'n·ot~ J>~ ' h ~ (ht' :--Iurl"nl~ :11 W;1ynps\'dh' SUU'(, rnu:-.It ' IS ~I qUlf'tl'r and mon' ff'slr,llnt"ci prol?,ram . lhl' studl'nt~ pH' luff' Ihp band a~ too " rf'mmlOl' .. Tht· IOt'a IS dlrp(' h ' r1 malOl~ to".ud~ tht, hC)~ ~ Itl ttl!' h ~ H\d \lan'hlrlj.! and \\ .Inng ;, lHllform \I" Ith it tall , fluffy , whll4' hod (tlld;lI~hf It'c):!l'd pallt .... d(w~ nol t' x a('tI ~ pro\'(' ont··s md:-'('uIJflIl~

Toda} , a ho~ rnu~t l'''I;lhll:-.h

tu'h,n lor 10 h" rt' 'cIPO h! rhf' mtflrt'sl s lu(h·nt ....

ill Wa!nl':-< \'IIIf'

i lO

~11J<1t>nl~ 1:-' .

ouli.!OJni.! ;lnd o\'(' rpnw('rful Tht' IInl! ".1! hand could

rhi.Jl II "ould h., itS rough and

compl'!lllI'" '" f(wllball and baskPlllalt Annlhpr a sp('('11S Ihal slud"nls do nnl r .. al'7.,' lhp goalnf hand Slud~nl5 ndlcul(' ban<llwl'iluSi' Ih,·\ do nol umlprsl'lI1d Ih(' pnnnpl," or molll'f's a~:-' ()('Ialt'ft

with II B,jlnd .


an organll.atlOn Enol'a\·or:-. to rll'\-elOP an

Inclll IriUdi', mUSll'al ,,'" arf'n,'S" <llsnplinp , and physlf'al ,In'nghl Band ab., pro\'ld.·, a " h.. lplng ha nrl " I" IhoS!' slud"nl s who ..... "h In furlf'r their mU~It.' ...d

t'du(.'atlon (.Inci Ihosp who (lOci


109 an tn :.. trUOlent a relaxm~

and l-r'·alll',· hohh~ Th,' Wa~ n"slll,,1' High School band IS also und{'r .. sllfnalNi hy hIe school arimlnlslr.:JtlOn Th(' administratIOn SN'm~ to Ignor(' th(' hand's prespnc('

and thp dfnrl reqUlr"d of "<leh nwmlwr h~ nol n'w<lrdlng Ih('m With !'nough ('n·<I,b .lnl.1 ont· ·half ,-rpdll IS gil" ' " 10 .. ,,('h hand memhf'r , 100 small a rpcogllllioin for th~ quanllll' of work n("'<I"<I and show" In hand Band m('mht'rs musl always I", alprl <lqd pr,,('liI'" ('onslanll~ ,nol nnly for musIc hut for roullnC's also J{om('\4 ork 1:0- .:J ,":-'Ignf'd In hand as IS any oth£>r

clas> P .. rf,·('lIng roull .. ns , mUSil ', parlll'l[lating In c'on(,f'rts and paradl's t'\ ~'n through vaeallon Of ... umnH'r :\'1) IIlh,'r das~ n'qUlf('s such f·f(ort . ~ (' t

btlnd IS f('wardpd thf' It 'aSI h~ a(,~lfft'f1l1<' erl'dll Th(' :-'Chf}ol admlnlslralwn (if .. ':-' nol rf'(,IJ~nllf ' Iht· hand 's Impron~d

nmdu<' !' llUl pn'sf'fn's an Imnn·... ~)lm OIno rt ' rn ('mbrancr rrom past ~('ar . . Th.· admllll s lrallOn ~ f·t'm'" III rt ·nH'mh.'r rumors ahout thf> n'PlJl~ lIon:-- f.f (II r nlf'r rnf ' m twr .. .:J lld hold ... t hf'm aU01tn:-:1 thf' pn'sf'nt ones Hut th(' m j lJonl ~ of nwrntH ' r'" rhh ~ t '~H h;I\" Iql.JlI ~ n·~pf'1 · tahll· r ecurds OJI :-o eh(HII , 1.1. hH'h ilf(' t)f'IO~ 0\ f'rlr~Jk,·d h'. t tlt'· < illion Two ),f-ars

agl) Ih,' hand 1IH'IUfit'<I ;, f, '''' , Iun,'n l- -.-hl, ""T" dlsrt's f>(,('tful


tht· hanrl

1·,h I1 " rnt!


ap~lh"tlt' and and dlsorrj('rly

t'f.'ha\'IOf Thf' ;ulmrnl ... trafilln tll.IT :., d rh· · -nllr" hanr1. h('IIl'\' Inj:! thdl had a rt·pul :-' I\ j·I ' lJncillt" \ ..... h"1l 11 ',A, .1 '" .ml .\ ;1 ff'~ mt'mhf:~rs E\,pn though Iht· IrIJuhl,·:-.Ofllf · rn('mhf'r'" h;1\ t · IN'I'n I"nl! ... rncI· t·llnlJn:tfpd and lIl ;tnagf'rTlI'lI l fI -pl ;wl'rf I hl ' flrLUH lI/il ll o n I " ... ,,11 rj ' LUlrckd a~ rlls(Jnh' rl y

f '\'t'r~(mt'

and unr1t· . . . ·[\ IrlL! Th .. I,flnd .... und.· f( · ... l l fl lalt·d h.\ I tl!' I ,.di d Iw'OIhf·r ....

Ihf · tlbl'h· f · ~

\ '('ry PnOt· '·'pn ·;o. :--.·. . HH' kin d dddl1lg L!n ·.J II ~ flllh,' ,. \ .. r.dl ;lpP" ;Hann ' \lNnh,·r:-. /f'i·!l..'flII :--tl l ·,j .I l1d 1111',\, ,1, 1)!lI t ' 111 Ih"lf fI \ \ n It · fnft.r : Th, · l...Iun,'nl t)l)d~ I"; (,I"iI: . . l L! n ltr llH! :!l..,: l Ih , · put /Ill' OI ' \I'r ,,""(1(b l· fHwprl.", on sho\lo~ pro\ 1f14·d II :. tht· l/tl fl rI fl III'I.d'• •", +'1'11 \ '" 1111'·f'· ... I ' ·<1 In "hat th ,.., orgJnlll'd .. {udl ' Il! '" hoi '" I II Hlt" r Th,' !''' '~ 11 1) Ilf Il Ji ,! \,11 :. ' hI ' r ).d1d ,' ,r" d"prJ',NI of 1'\I'III'IllI ' ll r .IfHi '·lIJII ·. ~L"f1' j{' · ... Uj !lrl L' : 11 01 IfJ..,1.. /11 q l lall'~ . pnd, ' , ~nd j t·\~ fIll ·nliwr ... r " :III / I ' Th, ' "ff l'4't

n ·:-- p1In .. iI , dlt :.

H,· "' pfl n , !~)11If :.

\\ ,· ;d.; 111 ... : ntr n l·n l ... ! ! , II "I! I l f'l ll:-


h ~ I '" " ' Ih t . . orL!ilOl7.iIlIOO

•I!1 I'J n "-! It·,,· IIl1'lIltW f' prli\f ·. . It, h,· \ ' ('r~

l l ntl' lrr!." .If)d .tli '. "f ~ /' \I)I'n :-- 1\ ,. illld rir·IU ·itl,'

:'-11111 :111 :. i IH '~ r ' ·' ·" I\ I · :.lhlJ:-- f· f rrll1 1 rhl'lr O\A,r,t·r..: Som(' "n' n*' ',, ' ' r "j. ·;J fI·d ..,Olllf' ;,fl' CJl' I' J(1"n' ; a1J ~ chopP('rilllnl' c.nd


1Il:--: rtlfnt'nl :-Il lTlI'

pr Hk


pll·l · t · ...




fnllj,'d mill p;IPf'r CJ l rplan ('s and

('\ ('n tllalll 1,,,1, on" hundn'd "nd flfly dollar unflorrn , "ct' drugged 'IO Ihe fl.'Jor


n ~1 'T lb ~ Ih, · room ~1 , 'mlo .. r,


found wad rif-d up


a hal hox . but thiS

, hr)ulrl n,spl" '1 Ih('s(' Ilbjl'('ls as Ih('~ would a rr~stal ('hond~li c 'r h,,"rll,' rt ..... r'·nlt~ anri expc rll ~ ~1l'm'bl'rs should lx' hont'sl and rf" pl'('III'" In order for Ih{' hand 10 "chll' \'(' Iheir goals Band requlrt's dr"''''nl slud~nL' , Ihos .. who pracllt'(· and perform hard "\'l'ry da~ , gl\'lng Ih" lr one hundrl'd pert'!'nl But. as always , teenagers ar<' never malur(' pnou!!h 10 a('('('pl Ihls \1embers try many ways to ('IudI' band praellc"s , <I('\'ISlng fals(' excuses so they Will not have to work . The majority alv.a~ s fl'('b Ihal band IS fun . and only a limited amount of pfforl is required , Also members fel'llhat mistakes will pass unnoticed : the correct noles wilt overcome the wrong ones , This idea is a bad misjudgment. Each member must work in harmony and exert just as much effort as the nexI in pride, responsibility. skill , and efficiency to make the Waynes"ilIe High School Band a recognized and responsible organization. ,hould nlll h!' ")

-;.. ~ ' -

":. 'i '



Page 10, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, November 6, 1974


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:'; '


~\\G~\"S \~\. \\ . ~''1S

72 73 74 71 72 71 71 73 70 70

PONT. GranVille, .. .... .... .. ...... . 2595 CHEVELLE .......... . .. ... ..... .. . 1795 CHEV. Nova ......... .......... ..... 2795 FORD LTD2 dr ..................... 1895 AMC Gremlin ....... ............... . 1695 OLDS Toronado ..................... 2095 CHEV. Imp.,2 dr. HT ... .. .. ......... 1895 CHEV. C·20 PU truck .. .............. 3050 PONT. LeMans2 dr .................. 1495 FORD Mustang Cpe ................. 1495


52195 51595 52595 51595 51495 $1850 51650 $2895 tIs .r,b& $1350 tI..,> "e (/41 $1350 tI:e C'~4()~/}v. b4~C4

~<. y ~II-~ <.4(.··. . ~.r \.€.tt ·· · ssqS ~O <.<.~ '. '. s<, &'1 ttp..~~€.\.p..\.\....... ssqS u,,- .. '. s <0$ ~1tt~OSA~' . ~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ' . . ~ Sf\C



Starting November 10, 1974

. ~~

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ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLiO'IT All. leading brands-free esti!D ates . Bank finanCing avadable. Waynesville 897~ 7851. CAR DEALERS


SUPER MARKETS · ELLIS SUPER VALU quality and low prices open tiD nine, 7 days. a week, pbone 897-5001 . .

CEDAR CITY FLORIST Finest Flowers 6: Gifbl 123' E. Mulberry St Lebai.on,

Ohio 932-2916.'


GROCERIES WAYNESVILLE MARKET SHERWOODS MARKET "featuring meats cut to' 69 s. YJlin Sl 897-5Ml Meat order," delivery service. Specialiiats. WARREN COUNTY 7~ CiDclmJati Ave. LebaCHRYSLER, "Chrysler DOll, Obio, __1M&. BUY YOUR HUNTING Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W' needs at Moore's StoreINSURANCE Main St. , Lebanon, 932-5951 : Downtown Lebanon- New THE NATIONAL LIFE & Winchester rifles and shotAlways a good deal. ACCIDENT INSURANCE guns. Phone 932-6966. MUENNICH MOTORS CO. <Grand ole Opry TV SALESIr SERVICES "Better Idea Cars From ' People) Fred Napier agent 897-3111 BEA,'ITY'S TV SALES 6: Ford," "Quality Car Care." SERVICES, Zeaith. 'Z1 N. 749 Columbus Ave Lebanon. 932-1010. ., Sroac!waj", LebaDon, m. PHARMACIES 30'15. CARPETS LOVELESS PHARMACY BI~RITE CARPET & TILE Prof~onal Prescription DRY CLEANERS 140 S. Main St., Carpet,' &erV1ce 33 S. Main Street, WASHnIlGTON SQUARE floors, ceramic ceilings Waynesville 897-7O'l6. LAUNDROMAT AND DRY 897-5511 Wayn~ville 222: 5608, Dayton. CLEANERS,88 S. Main ~t PLUMBING Ir BEATING CEMENT WORK & W. W. COVEY Plllmbing Waynesville, 897-5961. ROOF REPAIRS and Heating ITl Fifth Sl Waynesville 897~1. ' REMODEL YOUR OLD HUBERT SMITH & SON If jewelry-remounting gold you have cistern problems sizing, refinishing jewelry have it cleaned and r~ repair. Stone setting. paired now. We also do DavidsoDS Jewelers, LebaWAN & SAVINGS CO. cement work all kinds. non 932-3936. BUILDING Block laying and roof PEOPLES LOAN & SAVINGS CO., LOSE WEIGHT WITH New repair. ~bone 932-4665. "Start saving tomorrow." Shape Tablets and Hydrex Come to 11 S. Broadway, Water Pills Loveless PharCOLLISION REPAIR Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 932- macy . KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE !mG. REAL ESTATE REPAIR: COLLISION K.S.A. REALTY,88 S. Main "Expert Body and Paint St, Waynesville, 897-3501. Work ": Experienced work. .:::~:~:::.:.:; :~::;~:::.:;:~:~=::::.::.:~~:;:;:;:: All work guaranteed Subscribe To The LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cahall 8624487. Located on US 42 1 MbllMI GAZETTE PI. Waynesvillej 1-885-5453 mile south of Spring Valley OnlyS3.00A Year or 897~j Camfield Comand 5 miles north of pany Inc. 433-9912 or Waynesville. 897~ .

- -. :..

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.. eat -- Id·

.. old;;pS out co

Tesls pmY<lhal you can cut winler fuel bills up to 4.0% by C1Jvering your windows and




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doors Wllh Warp's Flex·O·Glass. Windows lose more heal Ihan anywhere else In the house. A 1/,,· cr.d< .round a loose ·lilting window lets in as much cold as a 5" hole in the glass. Slop Ihis cosIly heal loss! Tad< genuine Warp's flex ·O-Glass over your screens and lum Ihem inlo winler·lighl slorm windows .nd doors. Winterproof your porch and breezeway, too.


ONLY PlastiC. Windo_ Mlte",1 GUARANTEED 2 fULL IS

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Waynesville Lumber and Supply Co. Corwin, Ohio 897-6020 At Your Hardware. Lumber and Building Supply Store


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JAA~·:d. Also 28- & 4r' Widths


Page 12, Miami Gazetle, Wednesday, November 6, 1974

Hu.JT'1JN(fff) N)E1HOJ1sr~fifIJS


New officers of the Warren County Cancer l 'nit are left to rlght: Mrs. Nell Deger, treasurer ; Mrs. Sally Shorten , president ; and Mrs . Phyllis Wyatt, vice pn·sident. 'Irs . Lixa Freeman, secretary, was not presf'nt when the picture was taken. Mrs. Shorten is from Mason, the other officers are from Lebanon.

t... ...





. . .'

A mother and son costumed duo prompted judges for the Halloween Party Oct. 30 sponsored by the Hunter P .T.C, to create a new category of "Funniest parent and child." Pat Meyer as the "old man" and Sue Meyer, his mother, as the "old lady" took the honors. Dwight Carter, who won the most original costume category as a complex computer-robot, was joined in the final line-up of winners by his mother, Mrs. arol Blair, who was among those judged best in another newly created category, "funniest broad." The man of the family who was overheard to say that while firiishing the robot costume, he ran out of tubing and had to cut some off the dryer, probably had another major task waiting for him the next time the family wash is done! Danny Moreland, who looked for all the world like a pint-sized vampire, won the scariest category. A grown-


up, Jerry Noble, was judged best dressed man. Runners-up in the funniest child category were : Jeanie Lawson, Jodi Gillis, Tracy Huffman, Greg Robertson, David Burke and Penny Mayner. Finalists in the most original category included Susan and Jennifer Scarborough, Thomas Edgar and Jodi Gillis. Judges were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henry , Mr. and Mrs. Larry Booher, and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Blazer. The judging followed games and special events which started at 6:30 p.m. Committee chairmen were: Mary Ann Byrne, general chairman; Betty Carpenter, admissiOns; Linda Wright, judges; Cathy Oberschlake, games; Betty Noble, refreshments ; Sue Creager, cat walk ; Sue Gillis, secretary; Carol Swearengen, haunted house; Joyce Porter, fortune teller ; Pat Byrne, popcorn; Carol blair, prizes; and Donald White, movies.


The Ohio Department of Natural Resources' division of wildlife today repolied it has beilled the Pennwalt Corp., Delaware, for $47,211 .22 for fish and other wild animals killed last June . Dan C. Arm bruster, chief of the division of wildlife, said 79 ,740 fish and other wildlife were killed June 20. 1974. when toxic chemicals entered the Olentaligy River following an explosion and fire at the Pennwalt Cor. plant in Delaware. Armbruster also reported the division of wildlife collected a total of $3.641.8~ in October for more than 24 .000 fish and other wild animal s killed by pollution . The October payments include : --$ 1. 500 [rom David Steritz, Lynchburg, for 12,335 fish and other wild animals killed when silo liquors and spoiled grain drainage from his farm entered Dodson Fork Creek in HIghland County on June 14 . 1970. --$I ,413 .'i14 from the Sohigro Service Co., Waynesville , for 5,831 fish and other wild animals .killed when a t:ank containing liquid fertilizer overturned allowing its contents to enter Turtle Creek in Warren County near Lebanon on June 19, 19'73_ The tank was being pulled behind a truck. --$728.41 from the Delaware - II. Farmers Exchange Association, Delaware, for 6, 374 fish and other wild anima ls killed when effluent -. containing molasses entered Kabler Run Creek in Delaware I County from the Radnor Branch of • the Farmers Exchange. oc~ured July 23, 1973. ti. TheTheincident diviision of wildlife has .• collected n'~arly $32,000 so far this year as payment for fish and other .' . wild animals killed by pollution entering Ohio's waterways.

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• .........Iiw . U 'IEW.U RElEWAl':' . . . • - ' . 'IIlEIlWllGAIImB .




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Thirty Otterbein Home residents were guests at Hunter Community United Methodist Church Saturday evening for a dinner sponsored by the United Methodist Women. Mabel Sheneman won the corn counting contest and Fanny Davis won the door prize. Other attending were: John Dilgard, Bessie Ward, Lena Rabuck, Lola Cox, Frances Skinner, Porter Miller, Charlie Welty, Margare!t Kollar, Mrs . Ross, Leah Rankin, Rella Fittro, u~la Brehm, Bertha McKee, Olive Conner, Rea Kenney, Florence Mount, Anna Lefferson, Gordon Hughes , Hazel Shidaker, Ruby Hughes, Ruby Scholey. Iva Cook, Alpha Myers, Miriam Harter, Marie Leibold, Robert Roy, Nettie Harmon and Erma Stevens. Entert.ainment was provided by Jim Retherford and Mark Hill, who presented four songs on the flute and guitar, and by Mrs. Peggy Cox who showed a film she made showing country scenes. Mrs. Virginia Hunt was general chairman. for the



dinner. Mrs. Pat Butt and Mrs. Connie Roosa were in charge of decQI'a tions and Mrs. Cox was in charge of the program. The Rev. Wendell Butt gave the Invocation. 70 N. MAIN ST. Hunter Church people BOB & SUE WAYNESVILLE . assisting in addition to those GILBERT mentioned above: Were : OHIO, 45068 Mr. and Mrs. Jhn Alspaugh, !j!j:::::~::::::::::::~:::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::.~ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roosa, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hunt, Mr. ~~~~ The Lttle Red Shed and Mrs: Paul McQueeney, ~ ~ ANTIOUES -~![ Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Abney, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Powell, . Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Blazer, PHONE 897-63Z6 Mrs. Willa Scott, Mrs. Gnlrrnl Line - Orale,. Welcom~~ ::: Pauline Abrams, Mrs, Katie ~::. MON. BY CHANCE TUES. THRU SAT. 10.5:00 ::: Sheppard, Mrs. Marge Hill :::: ::;: OPEN SUNDAY \ · S P.M. :::: and Marion Banks, Janet Abrams, Patty Brandenburg, and Sandy Cox.$


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107 S. Ma in St. Waynesville . Ohio


BO X ))!!.




(513) 862 -5181


- Hours - s.turdrf-Sundav 12-5:30 Other Tunes by Appointment or Chance

Hours 1 p.m. 10 7 p.m.

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Fri .. Sat .. Sun.


HISLE'S BUGGYt'HEEL ANTIQUES Furniture &- MisceUGlleoll$ (tellS . . . .COND I~ • • T

CORWIN. 01110

HOURS: Mon ., Wed., & Fri, 1-6

Or By


8 - 12




Phone: 897 · 3563

76 First Street - Rear

Corwin, Ohio 45068

*'*' ....-....................... iC *' BELLFAIR COUNTRY STORE. *' iC -FEATURING ~ *'*' if iC *' Owners


Welcome Neighbors


Ne cla, Soda. Jumbo 0111 Pickles. Hot popcorn . Snacks_ Candles . Toys and Goodies Galore. GiftS from roof to floor. OPEN EVERY DAY 12·5


*************** Town Square RestaurantWashington Square Family Dining at Reasonable Prices NIGHT SPECIALS Mon. - Chicken Wed.-Fish all you can eat lor

$1 89

Plan Your Christmas Parties Now


NEW HOURS- Mon.·Thurs. 7:00a.m.· 8 : 00 pm.

Fri. &Sat . 7:00a.m.· 9 :oop.m . Sunday. 11 :00 a.m. · 8 : 00 p.m .

Wednesday, November 13, 1974

5eco1Id class posUp pa1d at W."......OIdo ft,I",*" No. 45 CICNI'I

V,,1. 6

Back Winners GOVERNOR'

James A. Rhodes eR, John J , Gilligan, D I !'Iancy Brown Lazar :\Uornf"~:


CS~O S'-H!l)UL(] ~mtar~orSUltr ~~ Ve,NI4 Tpd W Brown'HI ~

Tickets are now available for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Area AI-tist Series , to bp held in Xenia at the OS SO Homt' Auditorium , Performanc('5 at 8 p .m will Jxo . Jan . 22-McLain Fam ily Band , a country -bluegrass group who has toured in Europe and with tht' sympj}0ny throughout the Mid · west ; Fpb. 19-University Singers from the University of Cincinnati· Collegp Conservalory of Music , who halle been compared 10 the Johnny Mann Singers . and April 16, the Ci ncinnati Symphony Orchestra. under the baton of Erich Kunze!. Cost for all three performances is $10 for adults ; 55 for students through college age . Patron tickets are $20 . TickeL~ are available at Famous Auto Supply , E , Main St. ; Xenia Daily Galzette , 37 S. Detroit St., or Kinder 's Music Store , S. Detroit St., Xenia ,

The Waynesville Lions Club met Monday evening November 4, 1974 at the Town Square Restuarant. The program consisted of a talk by Mrs . Sumner on the Warren County Mental Retardation i mil operating levy . Also Ben Wall talked on the Warren County Department of Health Levy . Oral McKinney was a guest of Lion Tom Hatton . Lion Gary Van Nup chairman of the Halloween Candy Sales reported that the sales had gone well but final figures were not available as not all of the members had turned their money in to him. Lion gary and all of us would like to thank the community for sup· porting us in the sale of this candy. Lion Bill Stubbs is chairman of the sale of Fruit Cak~~ . Each

member has cakes to selJ and the price is $3.50 for a 2lb box. It was nice of Sharon Bursey, President of the Student Council at Waynesville High School to take the time to come to our meeting and invite us to a fund raising activity for Susie Ritchie at the Waynesville High School on November 15, 1974 . Two bands wilJ play for the dance. Zone chairman Lion Dave Hartsock reported on the Fall Conference at Columbus and the district meeting at the Eaton Manor in Hamilton, Lion Dave reported that donations are being made to purchase an ambulance for LCI and Otterbein Home . He said that all 48 clubs in our district are being asked to make a donation . OUr Wayn~s\' iIIe Lions Club donated 550.00.

Tony P Hall i D '



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Page 2, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, November 13, 1974

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"Nathan The Prophet" Nathan is more easily remembered as being connected with David's desire to build a • temple for the Lord. He encouraged David in the beginning but later because of a vision which he received from The Lord, He told David the Lord would establish a house for David In his descentants and that his sone and successor would build a house for the Lord. Mter David's sin with Bath-SlJeba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, Nathan explained by the use of a parable about the rich mand who stole a poor mans only ewe lamb, whom he love very dearly . Through David's own answer because he was very riled at the injustice implicated himself because Nathan 's answer was . "Thou art the man ," David was rebuked very serverely by Nathan and told him that the chId born of the adulterous union would die . In I·Kings we learn that Nathan was also instrumental in seeing that David keep his promise that Solomon succeed him as king . Because of his support of Solomon he escaped the terrible fight bet·

ween Solomon and Adonijah which followed because of their struggle for the throne. This brought about the end for Adonijah. And his supporters. from the days of my childhOod I have hard the name of Nathan. I truly love to hear of people who have bible names. My late and liighly respected father was given the name of Nathan, so you may see that this particular name has become a name of en· dearment to me. The name was also handed on to one of my brothers several years ago . We as Christians today can be very grateful for Biblical Giants Such as Nathan the prophet. How God can use such devoted and humble men once they submit thensel yes to his will . We may be very proud of those who dared even in the face of death at time to stand up and be counted for God's kingdom . How about you dearly beloved, are you ready to defend his Holy word . stand up and be counted when you are needed' My prayer is that we continue to grow in grace as we crow in number . God Bless You Ohio Ernie Smith



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J . W " Stuenoten. to speak at COD-

\'enti,Dn of Jehovah's witnesses :'I.'o\·ember 16. Pi at London , Ohio Members of the Lebanon Congr egation of Jehovah 's Wit· nesses will be attending a semi· annual two·day convention featuring the theme "What Sort of Persons Ought You to Be7 " . The opening session will begin at 9 :20 a .m .. Saturday. November 16. 1974 at Jehovah 's Witnesses Assembly Hall . London . Ohio and will feature a model school session where the witness teaching technique is demonstrated. The feature lecture on Sunday at 2 :00 p.m . will be "Wha.t the Near Future Holds" by J . W. Stuefloten. newly appointed district oversser for Jehovah's witnesses . The purpose of the convention according to Stuefloten is. "to providie a Bible training seminar that furthers Bible knowledge and understanding regardling Bible prophecy and the application of Bible principles in everyday living ; to acquaint the public with the work of Jehovah 's witnesses ; to afford opportunity for newly converted oons to be publicly baptized ; to allow for mutual Christian fellowship ." The program will also consist of group discussions , interviews, and staged dramatizations. A peak attendance of 1200 is expected. The public is invited. All of the sessions ': are fr'ee, as there is never a collection taken at meetings of Jehovah's witnesses.



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. The MIAMI . GAZETTE' Published Weekly at 172 North Street Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Second ctass postage pa id at Waynesville, Oh,o


Lila McClure' . Editor &Publisher Sandee-Blazer Contributing Editor Donna Huffman Staff Artist Karen Gasaway Advertising Sales Subscription - $3.00 Per Year

iJortt4/VO (1,.VfS ~1f~T TIle November meeting of the Women 's Club of the Home Builders Association of Metropolitan Dayton will be held November 14, 1974 at Suttmillers Restaw'ant in Dayton. Social hour will begin at 11 :00 a.m. fonowed by luncheon and the busiDess meetin~:.

A slate of officers for 1975 will be presenb:!rl at the meeting. The program will feature Mary Bower. who will speak to the members on Astrology.

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During the week of October 28 through November 3, 1974, the following food service operations were reported satisfactory on routine inspection : Carlisle Primary School (Frakklin Twp. l Carlisle Junior High School (Franklin TwpJ Johnson's Donuts (Franklin) No food service was reported unsatisfactory on reinspection last week.






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The Miami Gazette ,New Magazine Section Miami Gazelle, Wednesday, November 13, 1974, Page 3




Page 4, Miami Gazette , Wednesday , November 13, 1974


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-----------------------------------------------------------------------Miami Gazelle , Wednesday , November 13. 1974. Page 5



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AFRICAN · AUTUMN--A Grant Zebra keeps a protective watch on her three-week --91d ;foal at":K.ings Island's Lion Country Safari. The baby zebra is one of the fall births at the 100 acre wildlife preserve.

PAGE 6 Miami Gazette, Wednesday, November 13, lW14

;. Save Fuel· Save Mone .


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Reduce your heating bills up to 40% this winter.

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cost winter protection. , At Your Hardware, Lumber and Building Supply Store

Waynesville lumber and Supply Co. Corwin, Ohio 897-6020

WARP BROS. Chicago, III. 60651 P;:;'~r'5l~~':.cs

Tennessee Ernie Smith will be in Revival at the Church of Christ, 116 North Cherry Street, Lebanon , Ohio. Dates are November 18th·24th , 7 :30 p.m. night ly. We will be featuring Sound Bible Preaching, Good Gospel Music, Nursery PrOVided. Plan now to be with us for a time of soul searching, a time of thanks giving and spirit led services each night. Everyone cordially invited. J. R. GAR~OOD, Minister



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48 E. Mulberry Sl lebanon 932·2246 Monday-Friday 10·9 pm. Saturday 10-6 pm. Sunday 12 noon-5 pm.

Miami Gazette. Wednesday. November 13. 1914. Page 7


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S,ze 12. Boys S,ze 4

GIFTS OUR SPECIALTY •••• '." ................-" •• ~.~................ ....... .......~ •••• ',' ................. . .. ........................~-:..:::Il.

1in 5 Americans has a disease of breathing g~~ISTMAS



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, ARCH F. HILDEBRANT Men who volunteer for four-year terms as armor crewmen are eligible for bonuses of $2.500.






,M1A-M (


Page 8, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, November 13, 1974

Inquisitive Youngsters Joy Of Teaching In Rhodesia Grovers Fine 'Open Gate' Invitation For Cookies By Raymah R. Grover Albert, an African lad of abC;ut five years of age, is our newest friend here at Dewure Mission, near Gutu, Rhodesia . One of his mothers (aunts) and.his own mother had come to our back door, each of them with a baby on her back, seeking medicines for the babies one morning this week . Ura made a weakened an· tiseptic solution for the baby with infected eyes and gave half an aspirin to the baby with stomach disorder and the mothers left, returning to the village about two blocks distance from us . Later that morning, Ura decided the baby with stomach disorder probably should bp taken to the ·Gutu Mission Hospital and taking Susan, our helper, with him to interpret . went to the village and told the mother if the baby wasn't improved by evening, he musl be taken to the mission doctor . In gratit~de, she invited Ura to have lunch with them, but as he still had classes to teach , he declined. Then she invited him for the following day at noon ume and he accepted. Going to the village, he' was invitited inside one of the huts and given a place of honor at a bench by a table. The women and children already had eaten, but Ura was given a dish with sama and meat and another with a vegetable, much like spinach, a bowl and a spoon . They talked with him as he ate. When he left to return home, Albert walked with him "seeing him safely home." Ura gave Albert some cookies and he departed--only long enough to return with a threeyear-old "brother" Star. The

two played around our yard, watching Mr. Grover work, pouring cement for a walk and tw,o other young bQys came to join them . Albert ran to show them how to unfasten the gate to walk inside the yard. They played until they discovered blocks of new wood ahd unable to resist, pi~ked them up to take home. Ura said, "No, I will need those." Soon the African mixing the daga said something in Shona to the boys and they left. Yesterday , at church , Albert shook hands with us and could hardly wait for us to get home from church so he could come to visit us again . He wave(l to me through my kitchen window , then opened the door , walked in and , ex· tbding his hand , said, "Good Morning." I asked him if he knew any other English , so he said. "Good Morning" again . He watched as I washed communion glasses and trays and then went with Ura to feed and water our chickens, tagging along joyfully. He helped to carry tins of water and brought two eggs to the house to me. Ura gave him an empty bandaid tin and a ccokie and he left. If Albert gets to attend school , instead of following the herds all day , he will be taught some English beginning with the second grade. This is Monday morning - I look for Albert back this af· ternoon . Lillian is .another one of our friends . She is a girl of eight or nine years and she comes saying, "Please may [ have a tin can''', though the ,words

come out "teen" can. She usu,ally brings a Criend who also wants an empty can. We often see children fore.aging in our garbage pit whi(~h makes me shudder, for I think of the broken glass that may be there~o we wash and save at the house all elJlpty fruit and vegetable tins for them . Empty bottles we also wash and save' and these we take to the Greek store owner in Gutu to hold paraffin (kerosene) and alcOhol (medicinal spirits) to sell to Africans. I wish for scrap paper of all kinds from the States for use in artwork with the ccildren at Chesvingo Grade School where r teach Bible. They are pleased when r have paper to hand out to them and the following Wednesday when I arrive they have pictures to show me .' iUustlrating the story of the previous Wednesday. I have taken to them cclor pencils, crayons and small sharpeners, gifts from church women of the Oxford and Bath, Ind., area . There is paper shortage in Rhodesia and people are urged to bring their own containers to grocery stores . The green grocers ask us to bring boxes to pack our vegetables and fruits for the long trip home over the bush roads . ThE! Church of Christ Mission at Sinoia sent its bioscope unit and two African men to operate it to our area for a week. Each evening, they would go to one of the preaching points out from the Mission. It had been announced for three Slindays that they would be coming and all were ' invited to attend. In the afternoon , the men would take the Landrover and sound unit and play Christian music . As they drove along they would invi te people to attend tlie showing that night.. hundreds , even Many thousands of men, women and children thus saw films of 0111 and New Testament times and of people toda y. Some told of African musical instruments and games and others of the Shona people in situations where decisions must be made either for or agains t the Christian life and the consequences or rewards of these decisions . At Chesvingo School, following the Saturday night film shOwing there , the headmaster asked me to plead with the Mission to send the film unit again :5OOn. "Our people liked this very much," he said. The Mission flIms are the only films the AfrIcans of this area have ever seen,' The night the Unit showed at ~!, nearly 400 villagers

joined with our-ISO school boys for the viewing., aU of them seated on the ground. There was a disturbance at one side of the crowd and Douglas Johnson, on investigating, learned the boys had killed a small snake. They !I1Jietly sat down again for they didn't want the showing to stop. We feel quite safe in this land and yet there are incidents that remind iJs we must be cautious. We consistenlly take anti" malaria medicine ; the area of Wankie Park we visited in August is now closed due to three deaths from bubonic plague there in September ; and Ura killed a young cobra at the end of our house last week . The Shona people are eager for word of the Gospel and appreciate all that is done for them in Christ 's name. In the nine months we have been here, Ura has baptized 48 persons and many others have been baptized in services conducted by Mr. Johnson, the Headmaster of Dewure Secondary School and the builder and leader of Dewure Mission . Ura now preaches every Sunday· at one or two of the village preaching points and sometimes returns to conduct the service here at Dewure. The school boys ' Science Club memb;)rs have planted many

Whether you go by the coat on the woolly worms , the Farmer's Almanac or the amount of moss on the tree trunks , personnel at Kings Island's Lion Dountry S-.lari have decided to prepare· ,or a hard winter . Milton Tennant , zoological .director for Lion Country said all of the African animals adusted well to the Ohio summer, but the harsh winter , especially the freezing rain . will be the real test . "So far we have been pleasantly pleased a t how well the animals have adjusted to the variable Ohio climate," Tennant said . "Our major project right now is the preparation for the harsh December. January and February weather. We are stockpiling grain, timothy and alfalfa hay for feed and the temperature and humidity controlled barns are being checked ." Tennant noted that most of the animals should adapt easily to the cold weather, especially since their adjustment has been gradual through the fall months. "Hiwever,the ice storms will present a unique problem for our animals," he said. "The cold and dampness WIll tend to lower their resistance and some of the animals, like the giraffe, will have

cannas, geraniums, petunias. all now blooming, and some aloes in the garden back of the Sc.ience BuiJdiqg . The fi ve goldfish, which Ura purchased for the pond in the garden, are thriving-these were the first goldfish the boys had seen . Sunday morn ing during worship service, two boys went to chase eight goats out of the garden since someone had left the gate open . Ura prefers to leave the gate to the fenced·in gar!!en unlocked so the boys are free to go in at any time and enjoy it. Ura reparts he has seen the boys going in belore classtimes early morn ings and also evenings before and after their dinner hour. The boys come from a culture in which most of the manual la bor is done by the girls and women and they consider digging , planting and walk laying below their status . Seeing the school garden become a place of beauty through their work , the boys more and more accept "work done with our hands is honorable. " It is still morning' - but as r look out my window I see Albert is back today already, and has a different friend with hime. I must quit writing and bake ccokies for our little friends .

a very difficult time walking on the i ce~overed ground." " The adjustment of the animals to the Ohio environment is most evidnet in the number of animal births we have had already and the amount of animal mating we observed during the summer ," Tennant said . According to the zoologist. the lions are the most prolific animaJs in Lion Country Safari and have presented the staff with twent vfour cubs. Births by zebra . black buck antelope. mouflon sheep and zebu ox have also been recorded . "Don 'tletthe size of our animals fool you when it comes to births ," Tennant warned . "Some of the larger a nimals are just not old enough to propagate. The oldest rhino . for example, is at least ayear away from mating and with a gestation period of about eighteen months, we probably won 't see baby rhino until 1m. "The same is true with the African elephants in the preserve," he commented. "It would have been extremely difficult to ship adult elephants to us, so the young herd we have probably will not breed for another 10 years ." Lion Country Safari will be open weekends in November and will close for new construction during the winter.


(;",,,11 .. . Wt'dlll'sday . "ovl'mhl'r 13, 1974, Page 9

THf~ 1~IPtlHTA:'\CE


In high school both required and elective courses exist. As I~ng as these two types of courses exist. argumens about them will occur also . Most often the argument is that the required subject should be made elective. or these required subjects . American history presents the most controversy . Although many students do not wish to Lake American history , it should be a required subject .

Many studE'nts feel that taking American history is impractical. a waste or time . And they do have a point. Par example . no knowledge of ' American history is needed to hold a secreLarial position . The student might feel his time was spent more wisely if he took only secreLarial courses. Anotherexample is that of a student wishing to gain a position in the scientific field No knowledge of American history is needed here . But thl'se are just jobs . More can be found to life than the particular vocation whleh IS chosen . Still yet another argument students may present is that the textbooks used off('r a distortE'd \'Il'W of American history The fact that the textbooks are wirtten for Amerrcan nigh school students sets forth the reasonrng that Ihe writ!'rs of the book will only publish material which would make the United States look good . Also . the textbooks are sometimes wrrtten from the point of view of the auther. both points expressed above are reason enough for thinking that the textbooks are biased toward the United Slates. However . the serrous student ean profit from a textbook. even if it is slanted . Investigating for answers IS much better than putting facts hefore the studenl and haVing the' student Lake the facts for granted . A hiased texthook pr!'senL' thl' opportunrty of s{'eking out tJie answers. Also . suhjP('ls other than American history Will profit from such Im" 'stlgatlons If the student speks ansW('rs In Ame'rtcan history , he will ;o.l'ar('h [or answt.'rs In otht'r suhJt'(·t~ Furtht\rrnore . Imporlant decisions ,'an Iw m;t,Jr, .. aSl,·r If th,' stud,'nl I, a'Tuslom .. d 10 looking for all the

Being the daughter of one auctioneer. and thp !!r~al nil"", of anollw r . \ It'wpmn!;.. of it pclrtll'ular SIIU :lllIHl naturally I am very much im'olved in t he publ,l' au,.tlon "'rnm Ih,'''' .-\ ,ulInd ,, 'n,,' "r Judpll"nl wlil al", Iw' d", .. Iop,'d If th" student IS made experiences I ha\'e discovered that working hehlnd Ih,' Sl'~Il" or il puhll!' I" fulfill hr- I" ... d In knfl" Ih .. IrUlh T" do Ih" . a ~ Iud,'nt must ('onsult auction provides endless insights into human ,"'I un' ",h .. lh"r II tIl; 01 Ih,· ('nl'~t'l0pt'(!Ja !"- huok:"o , rtl :lg a/. IIH· ~ dnd otht'r norlon·nCt· matt.·rials These seller or of the buyers . Sellers selliheir properties for many d,fft·r .. nl rl'a ~o n" . iln d usu;oIl\ II " "'()I'rll 'tW I ':- ~dl hdp (h,> .. I uci I'Tl I In otht'r sUhJ(·ClS. but more l t1lpO rl~Hltl~ . \\ III ht'lp 1hl ' :-.t uril ' n l d,'\ (·lop a ~fJund St·n~t· of judgmenL By clearly visable why they are seiling b~ Jusl wall'hlOl( Ihl'lll ""ell"I;' ''IO)! to them . Por example. if it is heca use of Ih(> death of iI spou"' . Ih, · ".II"r I h ;l t l'flllL! ,hi' "\ Idf'ntT and \\"H!hHll.! !hl' pro:-. dnd cons . Ih(' stud!"nl ("an may tend to shy away from certain obJ(>d~ . prnb .. hl\ h",.au,,· Ih,,\ ~I" r .Ill Idt '. 1 It! \\hal I.... rlchl .111.1 ',\rom.! associate certain objecL, with Iherr 'POLlS(' If. for """"pl,· . Ih,. " .,,,,,,, \nWfl l ' lfl tll ." l o",\ t .... pr.H·rll',tI .Itld hf ·t!I·!JI ·, d ITt thar II hL"lps th(' student for the auction is to settle the ('~tatl' of a dl'{'('il,,,d ,, '1,,11\" . Ih,'''' '., dl' \ ,·IOp :1 :- 4·f] . . '· pi pnrit · lo ·.~ .trr! hlfll'.. ,·jf .:tnd hl~ country The- united than one person will be s"lIlng In Ihl> C:ISP you ,." n "I".·" ,. Ih,' ,.' II, ·r' ' 1,1',·. . h ...... l ·IHn '· (I !Orl~ " :1:-- I 'nl ~ rhr"I' hundn'cJ ~t'a r s ilgoour country ws ., h' II·' · \\ dd,·rrll ·:-. ... \~ Ilh IJf1I ~. IlId, .lll . . for lnhahllants Today the United telling prospective buyers about ceria In ObJ"CI, il ild h"" Ih,·\ rl'i .. I, ·<I I', the deceased relath·e . Anolher reason for ,,"'1 101( . IIIW Ihal ,.ilO h, · "a,,1\ ;-.. 1.1 :.· .. J..... Ih, ' lour t h larue' ! l"fH1nlr~ In thl' v.nrlrt . In both area and detected . is that of selling all of one 's properl\ In ord,'r 10 Illll\ ,. III ;on "lh.:r 1"'1",1.':11111 Tt". ( ' nll,'(\ St :<I,', I' Ih" worlN 's I"adlng manufacturing state . In this case you call sl'e Ihal a imosl all of Ih .. rr IW'lonl(lng, a r p ""11l1! n~l llIm Ttl,·",· i _f(' i.!.fI ·;tr .IITornpll ... hmpnt s for d country nol QUItE' two hundn'd "';'r, old Th., l ' nll"n Slid", has also turm·d out many world sold. moslly their larger furnllure Stili anoth .. r n'ason for St'llln~ Ihill " easily noticed is Ihat of a husIness For ('xampl(, . som(","" hu" .. f :Hllfll1S ml'n al1rl V.'f1T1l1'fl :\II'('rl EIf} !'!t c'ln and ~ladaml' ('Urle- contributed business . stoc'k and all Perhaps they wan t to USt· th!' hUlldtng fnr <lnulh,'r ~"'atl, 10 Ih,' "orlci of " ·It'n ... · I) ... ,~ht f) Eisenhower commanded the purpose . so obviously they have to dispose of the s tod h,· som,· nWiln, So ~n'al" ' 1 arm; In h"lnr~ a' prr" ""'nt hl' ci"dll'atl'd himself to fighting an auction serves two purposl's there . Firs t It d, s po,,' s ,;f Ihe stol'k . <lnd al f' II P" ill'" Th, ' Wrr~hl Brolher, rl,,\,.. lopl'd Ihl' First " nymg machine." Itll,,· Hllih I' "orin knnwn for hIS haSt'ball a{,l'ompirshemtns . ;rhese are the same time brings tn moeny to start their new husln('ss A perslln '" hll does not attend \'!'ry many aucllons probahly wlluld nol h,' ab'" I" )",1 a rl''' of IIH' ppopl .. known "orld Wid" from Ihe Lnrt('d States. recognize these \'arious rt'asons for selllOg. but to son\('oO{' \\h" 1(0\" I" .,\rllf'II"an hlSl"r; IS "Iso pral'll " al In Ihal II offers knowledge which many auctions these things becom,' very obVIOUS .'nabl", the ,Iurl"nl 10 t..."onH' a I"·tt,,r ('ItlZl'n The fact of better ntuf·n:-- htp I ~ (tn. · flf lht- mUsl Important reasons (or taking American ON the other hand. the buyers arp a little bit hard!'r 10 r(,co~nl l<' Fur instance . dealers . people who bu~ Ihrngs to r(' ·sell . wfluld ralh"r no l hi", ' h" llIn .-\It I",upl .. " ani 10 f"lllht·, .. r!'conlrrhutlng som!'thlng to society . people know they ar(' dealers Thc·refore . the y drt,,, s lopptl~ . and Ju,1 B, ,lUI" 109 ..\ rn .. rr .... n hl Slor, Ih,· s ludl'nl Witt ht' able to contribute .... ornt· rhll1l! I " .... (Wlf · r ~ Bf' (nfr voting In ,.If·c[JOns . rh£' Amrrican history look hke an ordinary person who pun' hasl's an ('xu"sI\'" numh"r "I , 'ud"111 "r11 :nak,·.1 " ;""ful arlal~'ls flf Ih,' .. anelldatl' and hiS office . Th!' objects Then there are Ihe prn'ale {,lllll'ns. soml' of who han' an lIi('a (If ~'u d" n! tni l .\ nlll [1 ,:.1117." v.hal h"~ I.... fiOing . hut after studying American what th,'y wanl to buy. and othe rs who JU SI !'nJo~ gOln~ to an au('llOn III !:I-'Ior:- ,: I' " nl \ nalur;" Ihal h,'''' III ~ h"w Wisdom rn noting Stitt another general. everyone who goes 10 an aucllOn Jr'an's wllh ~on)(' lhlng Ihal '''' I needed. and sometimes things Ih al a r en ' t l'Vl'n wanll'd BUI Ih .. ,m l ~'r:""1 I",n<'fll .- \mprlt'an h"torv "fr.'rs for the s tudent IS hI' will learn ho" rh,· ~II\ ,' rnrlH'nl "nrk,.. for th,· p('''ph' ThiS factor IS very imporLant excitement of an auction ('an propl'i un,· Into blddrn!( on thin>!'; ~ ou ilon 1 really want or need . Ilir .li l Pf '"pli ' In :1 d(' mu('rac~ .. ueh iI~ our~ For that IS what a democracy 1. ' I!",, 'r nm " nl fnr Ih .. p.. opl(, And If Ih,' peoph' do not know how the Examples of my personal ('x pf'"encps art· almost pn dl!'s, Sinn ' I d" Lur. ,'rnflWf11 1:- run . (j dem()('ra c~ {' an not 1;lst book·work I meet most of the dealers Som(' w(·II ·known. bUI rno,I" people who run some of those 'out of the wav ' s lorl's Ihal <If(' nol c"all~ II '-- " \ "Io-nl I ha I . \m,·rtea n hlslf)r~ shoudl hi' a required ('ourse . Bul the -pII"U' h"rd '"orklng ,Iud,'nls" III always want to Iparn about one of thf.' very well ·known . I guess the most Import.,ni perso n I han' m"1 IhrloU1!h ~rt·.:.J!I: ... 1 hl:-torlt':" In thf' world . :\m.·rlcan history auctions IS Mr . Smedley. owner 0/ Smedley ' s Chl'nol('1 In \ 'andalla I have also met Earl Schn!'ider . owner of the Sohlo s(' n 'le,' ;;taIJl," In Centen·ille . and the Centerville Radiator Repair ser\'l ce There are many. many types of people who attend auctions Som(' who just come to observe the prices of cerLain ohjects . and others who come to find bargains. And, of course . there is alwarys the person who just comes to create problems . One experience that I will probably never forgel IS that of a person who called the police on my father and my great·uncle because he didn't get an object he was bidding on . He was the one in the wrong of course. because an article goes to the highest bidder . and he just simply did not bid enough. Then there are the people who cooperate . and make auctions more enjoyable . They make jokes, and give the auction more of a carnival-type atmosphere . Auctions and auctioneers seem to run in my family . My father once made the remark that he was going to give me my apprentice Iiscense for my eighteenth birthday . He may very well have that chance, because I am seriously thinking oC becoming one of the first woman auctioneers in



our area.

Page lO, Miami Gazette, Wednesday , November 13, 1974




I07MtlL8£RAY .. __:


J.£8ANOtl,Of/IO -



B. KJESBU 1797

Imported to the ltlHed States in the Spring of 1973 by SoutherTI Cattle Corporation, at Ridglea Fann, Burns. Tennessee. SeRn now avatlable through Southem tattle Corporation. 302 Imperhl House , Bosley Sorings. Road~ NaShville. Tennesset 37205

B. Kjesbu 1797, a three year old purebred Norwegian red bull, will be exhibited by' Southern Cattle Corporation of Nashville, Tennessee, at the 1974 North American Livestock Exposition at Louisville, Kentucky, November 18-23, 1974, As we all know, the housewife dictates the ' typ,e and qual!ty of catlle bred by the world's catlle producers and the Norwegian red breed produces the type market animal desired by.the housewife - a tasty portion of meat with a minimum of trimable fat at an economical price. The Norwegian Red Breed was developed in Norway out of economic necessity and the extensive testing program conducted by the Norwegians centers around practical standards. Norwegian Red Bulls are tested by the Norwegian Association for growth rate, feed utilization, fertility, conformation and merits of their . off-spring including carcass quality. Norwegian red cows are tested in Norway for milk production, percent butterfat, pounds of butter, fertility, calving interval, ease of milking and body and udder conformation. When the Norwegians were

asked why they developed the Norwegian Red Breed with their extreme lengths of rump and body, officials of the Norwegian Association indicated that first, it is much easier for a cow to give birth to a long , slender calf than to a short, thick one. Secondly, from their meat-type swine program begun in 1926, the Norwegians found that the longer an animal can be stretched out. the more edible portions of meat received from the carcass, thus the more valuable the carcass. And third, in ~.>''::9.s.;

... . .:.s.e.:.e.•.e. •..J:':'J.U;q

Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZETIE Only $3.00 A Year

was 3.09' pounds per day, with an average actual 365 day weight of 1051 pounds (adjusted 365 day weight 1127 pounds) and a feed conversion rate of 6.97 pounds of feed consumed for each pound of weight gained . Recent soneray results conclude that the first 15 bull calves born averaged only 2 millimeters of fat when measured between their 12th and 13th ribs . With 2.54 millimeters equalling 1loth of one inch, these fine young calves have virtually no waste fat at approximately one year of age, and the' Norwegian Red Bull carcasses in Norway will grade from the upper end of U.S. good to the lower end of U.S. choice and marble well. The Cattleman must produce beef which is acceptable to the housewife and it is a known fact tha t it takes less feed to produce a pound of lean than it takes to produce a pound of fa l. For this reason the Norwegian Reds can be labeled as the "Housewife's Breed" because of all the test results of this new exotic breed point to what the housewife demands. The address of the New North American Norwegian Red association is at Ridglea Farms, Route 1 Box 346, Bums, Tennessee, 37029 , and membership information is now available. The First National Norwegian Red sale will be held on Friday. February 21. 1975. 9:30-11 :30 a.m., in the Super Sale Salon at the Houston Livestock Show, Houston, Texas.

stretching out the Norwegian Reds their capacity to hold roughages also increased. All test figures in Norway are obtained on high roughage rations . Of significance to the North American Cattleman is the small birth weight of the Norwegian Red Calf. The first pure bred calves born on U.S. Soil in 1973 were weighed at birth and the results were an average of 74 pounds for bull calves and an average of 65 pounds for heifer calves. These same calves at 205 days weighed an actual average of 592 pounds for bulls (668 pounds adjusted weight) and 525 Pounds for heifers (627 pounds adjusted weight) . All were born to first calf females, except one bull calf who was born to a second calf female. The exceptional young mothers of the 22 bull calves produced as actual average of 61 percent (68 percent ",.. adjusted) of their total body weight in calf at weaning, while the heifer dams produced an actual average of 56 percent (67 percent adjusted) of their totat body weight in calI at weaning. All 22 of the bull calves were tested on low energy rations, seventeen calves were tested 00 a ration containing 20 percent cotton seed buDs and-~lher.five were tested on a ration CCIIIlaIniDg 42 perceIIt cotton seed bulls. On 140 days of feed testing the average actual daily gain for an Z2 bun.


ri 'J)

~. S:.

Can you qualify to buy cattle, hogs and sheep? Do you have a farm background and enjoy working with livestock? Livestock Buyers make a good living . . . have a secure future . .. and enjoy what they're doing! If you have a sincere interest in becoming a Livestock Buyer, write today with your personal background. Include: name, age, address & phone number. A personal interview will be arranged in your area. AMERICAN CATTLE CO. 175 W. Jackson Blvd. - 614 Chicago, IllinOis 60604

_us Army Recruiting -.r.. Way e.. CeIIp EftmdIa" r ........... CaI . .. , .


....... ow.


.9k~2CC~ 9uUic ~"J1fO/Jjf 1974·75 SEASON


Xenia Ohio 1974-75 SEASONl

CINCINNATI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Featuring' 8: 00 P.M. concerts in OSSO Home AuditOriilm


April 16 TlClleb IIIaJ be purdlued at filmou. AulD SuppIJ·5portI1II Goods. Xenil Oau, Gautte

ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLioTT All leading brands-free es~tes. Bank fmancing available. Waynesville 897-


CARDEAIJmS WARREN COUNTY CHRYSLER, " Chrysler Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W' Main St. , Lebanon, 932-5951 : Always a good deal. MUENNICH MOTORS " Better Idea Cars From ' Ford ," " Quality Car Care." 749 Columbus Ave ., Lebanon. 932-1010. CARPETS BI·RITE CARPET & TILE, 140 S. Main St., Carpet, floors, ceramic, ceilings, 897-5511 Waynesville 2225608, Dayton. CEMEJ'\jT WORK & ROOF REPAIRS HUBERT SMITH & SON If you have cistern problems have it cleaned and re-

FLORIST CEDAR CITY FLOIUSl', Fioest Flowers • Gifts, 123

E. Mulberry Sl, rGnon, Obio i32-Z918.


ELLIS SUPER VALU quality and low prices opeo tiD DiDe, 7 days. ~ week. gbooe .

897-5001 . .


SHERWOODS MARKET, "featuring meats cut to order'," delivery aervice. 747 CiDcbmatl Ave. Lebanon, Obio, __liM..



BUY YOUR TOYS .GAMES and Christmas gifts at Moor e' s Store -Dow ntown Lebanon Phone 932-6966 .

INSURANCE THE NATIONAL LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. <Grand ole Opry People) Fred Napier agent 897·3111








69 S. Main Sl 897~ Meat




ZeDitb. rr N.

LebaDoo, 9S2-


Professional Prescriptioo J[)RY CLEANERS service 33 S. Main Street, Waynesville SW-7f118. WASHINGTON SQUARE PLUMBING A BEA'I1NG

LAUNDROMAT AND DRY CLEANERS,88 S. Main ~l Waynesville, 897-5961.

W. W. COVEY PbrmN. and Heatiog ITl Fifth st. WayDeSVille 897~ . '. REMODEL Y~UR OLD

C"ornp ; tn .\ \ \ III {'o mp:lfI : and

.J ; :

gold - jewelry-remounting sizing, refmishing jewelry repair. Stone setting. paired DOW. We also do Davi.dsollS Jewelers, LebaLOAN " SAVINGS CO. cement work all tiDds. ; BUILDING non !932-3936. Block laying and root PEOPLES LOAN & SAVINGS CO., LOSE WEIGHT WITH New repair. PboDe 932-4665. "Start saving tomorrow." Shape Tablets and Hydrex Come to 11 S. Broadw~'y, Water Pills Loveless PharCOLLISION REPAIR Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 932- macy. KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE 1B71l REAL ESTATE REPAIR: COLLISION K.S.A. REALTY,88 S. Main " Expert Body and Paint St, Waynesville, 8S7-3501. Work" : Experienced work. guaranteed All work 862-4487. Loca ted on US 42 1 LYNN FIELDS,7956 Caball PI. Waynesville; 1-885-5453 mile south of Spring Valley and 5 miles north of or 897~ ; Camfield Company Inc. 433-9912 or Waynesville.


t W \ ' II :!l "

l ' r t·""d "Il ' !If qll'

. 1 !l lI ' m l n ' r




I ) ~I ~ I fill ~ 1I1 d LIght BOilrd of I hn'1..' l ors on

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EX , ... ul" ,. ( lIf 'e,'r T h,' [ lP& 1. Board of [lln'clors I' Kl k Ihl s arl lnn 10 pro"lde g r l'a ter TOL' add('rl s ln 'nglh IS n('("(>ssa r v bf '(" ~tl b £l of rhl' i.!n'a lt ' r {' hall t·nl:!f"!'o nov. (' on rro ntlllJ! thf' urd ;ry mdu st,.;~ .Jnd tlt·c ',i tll ., . ' " ' \ ,'r a l n '('( ' n! \ iH ' il n {'lt'~ on Ih .. t'Xt"t' U I I Vf,' s taff W e n ) not f" I,·., ,"x, ... ",,,·,· " ,;,[f d" p lh a od n"X IO"" !

F r a tt 'r "hI)" 1~ ! .. t,r, of ag.,. g r ad ua led from Cenlra l Mich iga n {·n"·'·",I ! ,n IY')I I. ann J01n('d ('o ns u m~r s Powt:r Co mpa n v in t951 a s an iJl'('oUnl a nl [ n 1 9:,~ . h., '"' ' .. mplo y.. d hy Arthur A~d(' r sen & Co . progn" Sl nl! 10 Ih.· p'lS ll lol r of Aud l! ~1 a n agl'r H(> )OlOM !J uke P ower ("om pan! ,n Cha rl oll,' . ;';or lh Ca r oh n" . 1%1 as ASSIsla nl Trea s urer.


h(·(.' LJm (' T r('a ~ un' r In t%7 . a nd was p romol pd to \ ' IC' r Prf's id ent · F inance In IY7 1 1/(' " " S "h'('I"n lo [J uk (' I' r,\.\ ,·r C'ompa ny 's Boa rd of Dlreclors in 1~;:.!

F ra 7f' r ,0.. ,H ' tl \' f' In a n um}~f'r or pro ff' s:-O lon iJI f') r ga nl l a t l o n ~ and serv es II,,· I "',,, r r! of T h, · HU S JJ1('~ s 0(', 1"iopm ,'nl r '" r portl I1011 of :\orrh Carol ina a nd Ih,' ( '" rol' ll'" f[ " , p' la l & I/ I'al lh [ n ..




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F:LE (,T10:O-; REs n .T S ( l'."OFFICl ALJ Questions and Issues. . FOR A(; .-\I:"ST Issue 1 Homestead Tax Reduction 16,1~ JSf.i Issue 2 Public Works Superintendent 10,284 1915 Issue 3 Jndustrial Reven ue Bonds 11 ,591 6596 County 0.5 - mill Health Levy 7347 14.087 County 1-mill Mental Health Levy 10,483 11.174 Salem Township Zoning 37I 258 Washington Township Zoning 137 199 a~eek Twp: 2-mill Police Levy 590 871 Union Twp . 1-mill Fire Levy . 751 336 Deerfield Twp. l-mill Police Levy 681 PttIrrow J.mill Operating Levy 159 137 Carlli;le liquor Question 217 4li5 Harveysburg 2..J.mill Operating Levy 7S 45 Harveysbueg Package liquor 44 66 Harveysburg On·Premise and Package 4' Harveysburg liquor By [kink 3!/ 71 Harveysburg State liquor Store 42 fj[ &uth Lebanoo 3.mi!l Operating Levy 3Q3 251 Maineville 3-mill Operating Levy 5O:iS


I :.


:' : :.





:. ~


~ ~

: :

:: Lebanon l-mi11 Fire Levy Lebanon Main Street hnprovement lJ!banon J.4.mill &::hool Bond Issue Wayne 7-mill School Levy :: aearc:nek:knill School Levy . ii~ Deerfield-Union 2.2-mil1 &::hool Bond Issue



1378 1279

1089 1181



576 1564 935

972 558 1168


fJa nd!l I\ mg . \ ' ,C(' preSldenl · I,o n, fo r I h.. C n II e d Tl'Il'ph1)nl' Compa ny of Ohno . I"da y an n,)un c('d Iw,) m a n agP rl a l ('ha ng!'s wllhl n Ihe firm


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:;: ::; :~;~ :~; ~





;;;: ~ §1



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r:f. :;~

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State Sc hool Board Eighth Di s lrict Joe Lewis E vere tt L . Jung

~ 926


Kl' nn (>lh f: S<: hullz . formerl y fl, vls lo n (; e neral Wa rr e n ~I a n ag .. t. ha s bee n appoin t ed (;e ne r a l Planl Ma nager for the fnm . a nd Geor ge Knaplc will leave hiS posl a s P ersonnel Director for Unllro of Oh iO to return to hiS nalive Warren . r e placing Schultz Sc hultz . a nat ive of Wausaw . Wisconsi n . s tartro his ca reer In le le ph o n y foll ow ing graduat ion fr om Chicago Techn ical College In 1952. He jOin ro t.: nltro of OHio in 1!I71 as a n I'ngineer after having held a successIOn of pos itions ....'th the Gene r a l Te lephone Company of WisconSin a nd Ih e :O-;orth·Wesl Telephone Cri mpan y in Tomah . WisconSin In f(> IJr uar y . 19i1 . h e was ele "alro from Ihe positi on of Warre n O,,'ls lon Pla nt Manager 10

Ih" posl of Genera l ~!anage t of the Warr(>n D"' ls ion In ass umin g th .. Warren position . "na plc r e i urns 10 the scene of m u ~ h o[ hi S ca r e .. r in the telephone bUSiness He jOlOro th e Warren Te lephone Com pa ny as a n a ccountanf shorUy a ft .. r g radua ling from Youngstown Sia le Cnrvers il y . In 1951 he was namro Assis tan l Auditor ' of the firm . being appointro Auditor in 1955 In 1968 . w hen Ihe Warren compan y beame a part of the C n ll e d S ys t e m . Knapic was ASS istan t Area Manager and Assi stanl T r e asurer for t he compan y . F ollowing the merger of Ihe Wa rren Telephone Co . and Un ltro . Knapic becam e Warren D,VIs ,on ~Ianager . He was named P e r sonn!'1 Dlrec lor In l!l70 St·huli l. a nd hiS famil y plan to r e loca l!' In Ih(' Ma ns field area in Ihe near f ul ur e Knapic h as malnlam ro a Wa rre n r esidence wh" (' wo rk ing In ~I a nsfi eld .


,,:J' '.',



Page 12, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, November 13, 1974





P/.R'I IN 071£R6£rN '13A,up

;. ;

The 150-member Otterbein College Cardinal Marching Band has accepted two invitations to ·perform at halftime for professional football games in November. First appearance will be at Buffalo, N.Y. when the Buffalo Bills meet the Houston Oilers on Nov. 10. The Otterbein marching uwiit will then be in Detroit, Nov. 24, for the Lions and Chicago Bears game.

J":: '

'The following loc:al students are members of the Cardinal Marching band.

OLD SPORTS Getting a sports car has brought more day-to-day humor in my life than just about anything else I've done. For instance, shortly after I got my orange wonder, I was working on the newspaper with the Lebanon Correctional Institution sWf when I happened to mention that I'd just bought a 'vette to the editor, who replied, "Gee. I think that's nice. U's really great to see old people in sports cars!" And then, there was the new neighbor boy who was in our front yard discussing motors with my 15yl!ll1"oOld son. He asked my son, "Whose 'vette is that?" My son replied, "My Mom's ." The boy looked at it again and asked, "Is it your step-Mom?" When my son replied that no, it was his real Mom , the neighbor boy commented, "It's usually stepMoms who have sports cars ," implying of course , that stepmothers are usually yOUnger than

Alan Wayne Bernard, son. of Mr. real mothers of teenagers and and Mrs. Robert Bernard 474 N. therefore, entitJed to the sports car image. Sixth SI. Waynesville, Ohio; . Susanna M . Sub\Ch, daughter of More recentJy, I had just finished Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Subich, 866 giving a speech to a Girl Scout Dickson Pkwy. Mansfield, Ohio, 'l'roon when one of the girls came Roxane Huber, daughter of Mr. up to me and said, "You're the one and Mrs. Huber Buell, 4270 who came in that orange Corvette, Hamilton-Eaton Rd., Hamilton; aren't you?" Ohio; David Eric Burch, son of Mr . When I replied affirmatively, she and Mrs, Emery Burch, 235 Car- commented, "I've never known men Ave ., Hamilton , Ohio; ~::~~e over 20 who had a sports Patricia Ann Buchanan, daughter hi ' of Mrs Marilyn Buchanan 345 S e, at east, was kind . She could have said "anyone over 30," which C .D M Ohi G onroe , 0; ay l b ' I onova r., Ann Leach, daughter of Mra. Billie 0 VIOUS yam . Lee Leach, 6501 Germantown Rd., I was happy to note a f~w months Lot 115, Middletown, Ohio, and Mr . ago that Warren County s Judge of James Wm. Leach 4530 Elliot Ave., Apt. B, Dayton, Ohio; Betsy Lou Augspurger, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harold F . Augspurger 5515 . Brandt Pike, Dayton, Ohio ; Dale

Y ',



f'\. Ro;!:S, C;:.Ug~:~~~n~· ~~~ :1V' .-. Willowdale Ave., Kettering, Ohio. The 102 players, 2G-member drill teain, 18-member flag corps, 8member eclor guard, 1 twirler and drum major of the Cardinal Marching Band perform a balance of "traditional band sounds, including' such numbers as "Malaguena'" and "Big Spender", and big show sounds including ' ''Get Ready" , "Evil Ways", and "Bridge Over Troubled Waters".


!: ":

,', .

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Classics are not neglected with Tscbaikowskeys "1812 Overture" featured this fall, with cannon, rifles and church bells included in (the orchestration. Band show numbers are ..' correlated with pattern drills moving from one formation to the with great visual interest. A "show band", color and pageanUy are featured .



Whether drilling or featuring a soloist or section, the twirler and drum major are. continually , performing. The cclorful "0" Squad of college coeds and the Flag Corps provide interreiatinv -"... special effects ranging from ~ ,.. '" display banners representing the t· 14 Ohio Conference Colleges, and ~..: half-a-iJozen sets of other cclorful '2" .. ·flags to add visual excitement to \~ .' the show. . The Cardnnal Marching .Band is highly flexible, and is able to in~;' clude in its band program special : effects , features and other production additions.



. . .. ..









.,)(,371 ......... IESVILU.OttiO

•• S • •dee

Itoun - ~ 12-5:30

Appeal, (not the cOurt of Appeals) Bill YoUDg, also joined the ranks of us "older" sports car owners. Since he is B, bit like Dr. Ganin of TV, that is a fitting image for him, even if he is as old as I am! Actually, be's older than me because he still bas birthdays every year and I merely celebrate the annivers:1ITY of my 23rd year. That way, yOl~ still get gifts and get taken out to dinner, but you don't add years to your total age. There are lot of advantages to owning a Corvette. You automatically acquire friends . Corvette drivers all wave at one another when passing each other on the road. It really gives one a good feeling to be acknowledged, even if you MOW, down deep, that the waver I'eally doesn't know anything aoolut you . Then again, maybe they do - for those With like interests: do make for ,good friends . Ther,e is also supposed to be a mutual aide pack. When one Corvette driver encounters another stalled on the roadway. supposedly . they stop to help . When I recently was stalled on the interstate. I found that wasn't true. II was a full 35 minutes before anyone stopp4~d to offer help, and then, it happened to be, of all


LOV~r; ·

Par S~:-~i4The School for Youth in Mission held at Otterbein College held many different meanings for different people. To some it was a renewing of friendships created the year before. To the staff it was a challenge, setting up the best possible progra m, planning methods of instruction, and their own psychological preparation. To some parents it meant a week without their teenager . To the adventurous newcomer it meant anxiety , a "new world." and a constant marveling of coming events , To meime it was a great learning experience. It showed the differnece between how we can live and how we do live. As on,e of my friends put it, "It was like a song. I knew the tune before r got thene. but now I also know the words ." As I knew (he tune and was searching for the wOI'ds, I also knew there was more to life th& .. waht I had found. The first difference I found was the general attitude. There was an air of friendliness throughout the whole campus. One could not walk down a street Ilr through a corridor without receiving a friendly smile or greeting fr()m everyone passing that way . Walking down a hall in school or down main street, people seem to beafraid to even look atone another . They would r ather look doWn or in another direction. Wha t are they afraid of7 To solve this "fear" at camp, we were asked to go to one big room and getas many Signatures as possible. This meant you had to talk to people. In one day we met more people than many had met Sit home in six months . By talking to each other, being friendly , there wa a sense of unity within the vast group . This unity grew and grew to fDlm one famiiy-God's family . As the week continued this family developed a lasting love. Many times, the longer people live together in one clommunity the more competition there is. which can very well lead to I:onflict. At Otterbein everyone lived in harmony, loving and caring fol' one another- all the while. All were living for the same main purpose : to h!arn more about and worshop God. Why are we really living? What is our purpose? The theme was "Reaching In·Reaching OUt" meaning to be able to "reachout" to help others, one must first "reachin", really deep within your being, to find your own personal feelings and meanings . What kind of theme could we ~ver have in our community today? Mter finding your feelmgs you could express these without fear of being criticized or laughed at. Each person was accepted as true individual,S. People iT! our community are constantly comparing others concerning looks. abilities. accomplish · ments, and social standings. The kids at camp were there with open minds willing to learn . There were no other responsilbilites or worries. All in all , the week was very loving. carefree , and worthwhile. I had now learned the words. If everyone would c:ooOperated we could live together in love and understanding. It is a comfort to know this kind of world can exist , at least on a small scale. I'll just keep praying that someday my dreams will all come true and we will live in a "World of Love."

OIIII!' T'"-br ~0Ia..-

things, a parolee, who is now in the business of helping people. When !be day comes to trade cars, I will find myself in a dilemoa. For there are disadvantages to owning a sports car, as when you want to have a couple friends join you for lunch and there's only one other seat to offer. But I'll probably think of all the fun I've had as ''the old lady in the sports car" and have another "go" .at it. It must get even more fun as you approach 50 and SO! _ _ _


r .........; 51321B-Z177 R _

~ 1 U FF


107 S. Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio <,513) 862-5181

Hours 1 pm. to 7 pm. I TOOK THE TIME TODAY Fri. Sat, Sun. I took !be time today to look at Fall's great display. I drank in !be ~unshine's warm rays, misplaced ·m : T~e .~ In November's bosom and [ ~:: . listened to the "crackle" of leaves with each step I took . For a little ~. ~ while, I shuddered in the stillness, ::" MAtN STIllEtT ~.,.J~ WAVNESVILLE, OHIO and then I thought of one warm • PHONE "7-'328 smile, waiting for me somewhere. "fl'a! Line _ Deaten Wdcomt The moments to come held great:: MON. BY CHANCE ~l promise, I knew, but I could not :.: TUES. TIiRU SAT. 10-5:00 :::: help but take the time to shut out :::: OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 PM . *~ all that would be, to enjoy the ~j Villt Waynes.iU,·, Other i~: " now" ; for I kn~w , somehow, that .1j:] Fine AntiQUO ·ShO" :~ ti.'e Master tamed there. I:::::::::::::::.:.:.~~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::::::::::::::::*


Little Red Shed ANTIQUES :: t

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,£ ......... Sr. • .,.......,., . . dU



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CII'\'S·A ~. .

. HISLE'S BUGGYl'HEEL ANTICQES Fllrlliblre " MuceUaeoas IkIls . . . .COttO

CO _ _ .OHIO

.itt•• T

HOURS: Mon •• Wed •• & Fri. 1-6 Or !!>: AppOintment



Sot. 8-12


-Phone: 897-3563' 76 F i,st St,e"t - Rear' Corwin. Ohio 4_5068'


Town Square Restaurant -

Washington Square

Family Dining at Reasonable Prices NIGHT SPECIALS Mon. - Chicken Wed.- Fish all you can eat 'or

Plan Your Christinas Parties Now -



NEW HOURS- Mon.-Thurs. 7 :00a.m. ·8:00 p.m . Fri. & Sat. 7: 00a.m. -9 :00 pm . Sunday,l1 :00a.m.-8:00 p.m .

"a.------------------------. '

II ...... '~U""" .


I. . I



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I (:II'YftATE '

•• .-__ DATE .... ________ PBORE ..·__. I ~


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W('dllesday , :-';ovember 20 . t97-1

5a;oad class poS111C paid II W."rtenru. Olrio F"IFT,EEN CENTS

C of C To Hold Elections Nov. 21 Ernie Smith was Ordained as an Elder In the Church of Christ, 116 North Cherry, Lebanon, on unday morning, At the right, Rev , J . R. Garwood, minister of the church, leads the church elders and congregation In prayer. The minister and elders lay their hands on the candidate during the ceremony.

} ~. .

meeting we will elect our officers for the coming year. A nominating rommittee was formed and ~ place in nomination one person lor each office. These nominees will have been contacted to assure they wiil accept the position if elecled. (I) our physician committee After the nominations are ancomposed an excellent brochure nounced at the meeting, further and we have It on record a1 all nominations wili be accepted from medical schools and placement the noor After nominations are services Ihroughout the UOIted dosed , voting will take place by hallot. " he t'ontined, States " II IS of the utmost importance ( 21 A s umm('r playground progral1' was op<'ratl\'e for ten t hal WI' eleel capable officers if our w('('ks a nd was put 10 use by 4(H;() ('hambe r IS to continue iis effl'c tl\'(' n('ss In our community . We childrt'll I'\'('ry da y 13. A I'r('~.dent " ("Iuh was '"1151 ha\'!' a maximum turnout for organl71'd al 'a ".". k 'lI u t thi S Ih,s m{'i' ling The Chamber will suml111"r Th., pn'sldenlS IOf all I1It'l'l fnr cil nnt'r and elections at the org.:t1l17.CI ! Iflns III \\"aynp!"\'IIIt· will tTifi H,'st a urant tin Thursday, Nov . nu'('t 1Wll' (' il ~ (Oar " \' l'r dinner ~hl iI! 0' 30 p ,m . Please call my ,,(f,,'t· and confirm your resersponsorl'd hy tht, Chamh('r 141 TI\t" Sauerkraut rf'sllval was \~ ""'" h~' Noon Tuesday. Nov . ('xpand( 'd t., IWII da~ ... and was a I~III " hUgl' ... ,11'/ ' /' '' ''' Ttu' f('~II\lIl ('om " Allh""gh It has been an en·

The first year of our newlv formed is dra;"'ing to a close , AAit has been a very successful first year , In addition to the organizing of the Chamber itself :

11 11111'1'

ha:-- a ll'l ' Cld~

lor TwXI

I!lyahll ' f':qwrl('fH'C' serving as your

Ior,1 Prt'SIOt' nt , .t has taken a lot of on lIu ! sJdt· Ill '

\\ !Irk alld worry Vour attendance ;11 Ihl~ IIl p~ ling would be a

Il' fI "It'd parti es " :,\,," w .. art' lan'u ""h •h.. l1IoSI .'f llll 'al Ilnll' of th., y('ar , sa.d (Ir

" Plt-IO II It , "onfirmation of your II.I!'r('sl "' Ihe Waynesv ille Area (" h"mh, ' r IOf Co mmerce ," he

\'L1~n t* snllt·

Not An Attack By Giant Spider; Just More Tornado Rt'pair

!Wt'll flrgilrllz('c!

~ 1 '~ lr



~a.e.....,t........~ , ...:...~td~~'I~aw.

Basketball Season Opens

DP & L Benied Oil The Dayton Power and Light lumpany has been notified by the Federal Energy AdministratIOn I hat its request for the oil allot menl for four s maller boiler units at th., Tait Generating Station in Dayt on has been denied . The company , at the direction of stale and local en\'ironmental "fficials , has already modified these units to burn fuel oil as well as coal. The modification to burn fuel oil was necessary to comply With both state and local air pollution emission regulations IJP&L has informed the ~on · tgomery Co unty Combined General Health District and Ihe Ohio E n vironmental Protection Agency of t hi s order , If the com · pany were to Ignore this order . it wlluld face both civil and criminal penalties DP&L is presently constructing preciptiators for the two largest units at Tait Station which use the two eastern stacks , CompletiOl' of •his S7 million project has been postpone'd because of equipment delivery delays , They are expected I" be completed by late 1975 or !'arly 19"16, DP&L has filed an Application for a Slay of Ihe rEA order

Two Dozen ANTIQUE Shops Now In ·Waynesville

Page 2, Miami Gazette,· Wednesday, 20 , 1974

Aurealius Thomas Appointed

UDlvorce" This week I would like to explore away his wife for every cause? And

.~ ... it<

this word very carefully and with he answered and said unto the ,

God's help, 1 will attempt to have you nto road, that he which enlighten you about what God has made them at the beginning made

., 't


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to say and wha:t man has to say concerning this much talked aoout work. First of all Mr. Webster defines the word like this, "1·legal dissolution of a marriage 2.Complete separation;disunion, to separate from (one's husband or wife) by divorce, to disunite." In the Old Testamnet Times, a divorce · was usually permitted if the husband wanted it. The most ,common grounds were barrenness and "indecency," a term which has been widely disputed. When she was sent away she was given a , "Bil of Divorcement." There were two reasons given under lsrealite law which may be found in Deutetonomy 22:13-19 and Deuteronomy 22 :28-29. Jesus Christ saw the weakness of the Israelites and the condition of the law and there fore gave sexual infidelity as the only permissable reason for divorce. Matthew 5:3219:3-12-Mark 10:2-13-Luke 16:18. The Mosaic divorce is explained in Deuteronomy 24 :1-4.cbrist's Isw if fo~d first -in Matthew 5:31-which says " It has been said. whoseoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:32·But I say unto you , that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery:and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced com. mittethadultery." In Matthew 19:3 The Pharisees came unto him, . tempting him , and saying unto him is it not lawful for a men to put

them male and female, 5-and said, for this cause ·shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave unlo his wife : and they twain shall be one flesh: 6wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh . What therefore God hath joined together, let not man pui asunder .9-aDlJ I say unto you, whosoever shall..put away his wife, except it be for fornicATION, AND SHALL MARRY ANOTHER , COMMITTETH ADULTRY : and whoso marreith her which is put away doth commit adultery. The Bible speaks very plain on this subject. I believe what we need more than anything before marriage is "much" prayer asking God through his holy spirit to guide us in this mest important decision. So many limes homes become broken because of trivial or unimportant matters. Often times the ones who are hurt the most are the defenceless children, who in some cases are sent from here to there and back again , all because we are not mature enouch to shoulder our responsibilites and stand firm in the faith and be led by the word of God. I remember a song which is titled "Married by the Bible Divorced by the Law ," As we look to the future, my humble prayer is that we take enough time to realize the importance of marriage and to us who are married, may we seek to our marriages safe and sound because. here in lies the .hope of America " The Christain Home." Yours for a Christain Home Ohio, Ernie Smith.


Frank D. Ray , Director of the ColumbutS District Office of the U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA) today announced the appointment of Aurealius Thomas, of Aurealius Thomas & Associates at 50 West Broad Street in Columbus, to SBA's Columbus District Advisory Council. Ray sa id that Advisory Council members are selected for their knowledge of and interest in the problems of small business. " Council r ecommendations for im· provemelnt of SBA programs, and First Baptist Gud feedback on local economic ..... P.a...-._ conditions are considered at ..... '0 ...... semi·annual sessions. The Council ~ will meet November 22 in Columbus at the Imperial House · Arlington. Thomas received All American ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . c-...;,. honors in OSU football in 1957 and coached at Ohio State University First Om Grist and Central and East High Schools. ~ ITUDDlT """ITIIIS He has been a member of the Model ~ .Cities Trades and Labor Council, -.-~-­ Alpha P hi Alpha Fraternity, and coordinator of the Columbus frieIds·MeeIiIg Leadership Council . He is currenUy a trustee of the OSU Student Loan Foundation, a member of the OSU ',~",,,,,, I Alumni Association, and Vice QII'CII President of the Columbus Recre· ation and Parks Commission . 7_&n ........_ .






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Food Inspections




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During the week of October 28 Ihrough November 10, 1974. the following food service operations were reported satisfactory on routine inspection : Primary School Carlisll! (Fra~k li l1 Township> , Carlisle Junior Hi gh School (Franklin T u wnship> . Benjamin ' s Restaurant (Franklin Township), Johnson's Donu\S (Franklin >. No food service was reported unsatisfactory on reinspection lasl week .




JoAbs Raa Baptist Cburch

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U.ited Melbodist Churcb BIL.L HAIND _



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-..The MIAMI GAZETTE Published Weekly at 172 North Street Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Second class postage pa Id at Way nesvIll e. OhIO THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.O. BOI 325. Waynesville Editor & Publisher Lila McClure' Contributing Editor Sandee Blazer Staff Artist Donna Huffman Advertis ing Sales Karen Gasaway Subscription - 53 .00 Per Year



8P01M8(: :~.m - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


J . Ell is

~'lc Clure. 73. :lO8

l\lound SI. Lebanon. O. di ed Friday morni ng Nove mber 15 of a massive hea rt allack. He is sun'i \'ed by Suella . his wi fe and Iheir children Mrs . Da le I Harrielle I Springer . Centerdlle. O. Mrs . A. C. I Elm agene I Thomas. Sea l Beach . Ca li f. :'Il yroll :'I IcClure. Day ton . 11 g ra n d('hild rt~ n . and three sislers. :'Ilr, Pau l I Elm a ) Sult zback . Frank lin . Oll io : :'Ilrs J . R . olrenel .\III I!'r Fr~nk] i n. Ohio . a nd :'Il r:, . lI';trd Shu ll, . Alm a. :'Il ieh SI"" '"'I''' W(' f(' :'I]onda" :11 O"\\'illd I-' ll:~·.'r. d

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Ellis McClure

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Uliled Cbarda of Christ

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N IIafD St, W.,.mIle


Eo c.1IILU!:II& SON 8OBIO SERVICE 8118SI1aba St, W.,.mDe



McCLURE'S .New Magazine Section MAGAZINE . The Miami Gazette Wednesday. 20. 1974


()nce upon Qtlme., Qsho,..t time ago (last Thu ...s,do.j -t.o be

exact,), t.he



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Page 4, Miami Gazetle, Wednesday, 20, 1974

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KIck hIm, p II"lc.h him do ""''1t:V1lng to ~T"hin-, to "tUrJ'l Qyound

UNCLAIMED I FREIGHT All New Merchandise 2· Piece living Room 588 Stereo-Console 579 Mattresses $18 548 Recliners . Bunk Beds 548 9 '112' Rugs 55 Cocktail and 2 Step TAbles (set 018) . 518

LEBANON 1in 5 Americans . UNCLAIMED' has a disease FREIGHT of breathing 48 E. Mulberry Sl Leban!!n 932·2246 Monday·Friday 10·9 p.m. 10·6 p.m. Saturday 12 noon·5 p.m. Sunday




1 ___ _, _______________ _ LUNG DISEASE

fiy~t he. took Cl (ittie i.lme to he.1~ a.. .pe.(I~w Yl-\e'fV\ be~ 0-\ t~e C' - "tr,e. btt-d - ad jU5t her ~ea~he~s.






Miami Gazelle , Wednesday , 20, 1974, Page 5

WILMER MOTORS, INC. Bill Wilmer- Manager Whl'll Aml'rlt'an ~lolor' display Ihl' words lit'd , Wh,le_ and Blul' , you ('an ht.· sur£> that th£-y ean mean dollar sa "lngs to ~ au when you ('hoost, anyone of the many models Ihey offer for 197,


MILLTOWN CHRYSlER-PlYMOUTH-DODGEDODGE TRUCKS Lou Bove~wner Jim Borchers· Sales Manager These new 1975 Chryslers , Ply mouths, Dodges and Dodge trucks are now on display at Milltown Chrysler -Plymouth Dodge-Dodge Trucks in Milltown at 6239 Germantown Rd , (next to the Airport), phone ~24-3556, . , and at Lou Bove 's Cross County Chrysler in Cincinnati. across from K-Mart. 8536 Colerain Ave " phone 385-1i17, These fine cars are universally recognized as among the ,'ery greatest motor values of this age ,

This is not only the opinion of the casual buyer, but of the experts as well , For service and reasonable proce , these, 1975 Chryslers , Plymouths, Dodges and Dodge trucks will continue to reign supreme , These dealers maintain excellent garages to give complete service on all makes of cars, They have skilled and experienced men in charge who will do e\'{'rything to guarant"" satisfaction

The management is courteous a nd accomodating and will be pleased to show you th(' advantages of ha"ing one of th(' new models , or a nyone of their fint, s('lt'ction of Quality used cars , The editors of this t974 1t,,"I"W are pleased to compliment thl';;" fine ('ompani('s for thC'lr l'OnSCI('n ' tious ('fforts to sen'(' our people 01 this area wilh top quaio ly proeiU('I, and s('r\'it'(,.

TRI-STATE DRIVER TRAINING INC. Robert L, Wise & Robert J. Kuhn - Owners Gordon R. Shockley - Manager

First ('omes the '75 t;remiln , Ameroca 's most practical and ('('onomical compact. and the only t.: ,5 , Sub·Compaci with a standard six-<"ylindl'r engone , the Matador , Amerocan ~Iotors answer to the s('nsible family car . the ~avl'lin a nd the Hornet Hal(' hback for the person who wants to " Turn On " in dri\'lng , it handles like a sporty car , hut sa"C's on gas b('caus(' It'S an <'Conon~' ca r , and finnlly Ihe luxurious '75 Amhassa dor With air

conditlonong . \'·8 power and mu!'h morC' , and It'S pr,eed "a~ hplow luxur ~


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MIAMI VALLEY BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Richard \ 'oelt>songog - :\lanager ThO' ~I,aml \ ',,111 '\ I!llolrlln~ I. Loan :\ssot"lilllOn , ... loc ;lfj·d al 'no South '1 01 In 10 Fr.tnkl1n phorw 7-Ui -1t5h4 Thi s" m:-.IIIIJililTl I'" mit ' of



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Th", ;01 , 0 off.'r a way fnr n'liable Itl !,,('l' Url' loans in a 1011'"11''' ·Iok,· manner" Ithout being ~ trUl"tun ' of thl :-- {,ol1lmIJn II ~ rr you ha \ '" mOil" : :ou 'd 1lkt· In Ifnp", ..d up',n III ~nyway You will h~ mnn' thar, pll'as('d with this .... ,,\·t· ur tn\ (·!'<I I . ~ (HI . . . hould In\'t·s tlgatt· th(' ;Hh iJnlagf· . . . t h l" .. fflt'll'ni "nd modc'rn establish· Savsngs and Loan :\ ~~ ot..· lallOn (';In nH'nt Th,' authors of this 1974 Review offl'r you It IS w,,11 known In Ihl s I,'rrIlOr) for r!'ilahollt y "lin mall,' ;on' plf'ils.·d 10 !'ndorse the policies han' found Ih.'lr d""CI'd m,·thoei of ()( IhlS rl'putahlc' sa\'ings and loan Itw {"or n(·r f.tfJ nt· ~

Learn to drive traclor-trailers instructors give you scientifically 'his area , Graduatl's of this school and automobiles at the Tri-State planned instructions , which saves ha\'C' no trouble securing their Driver Training , Inc , located in you time and money , drivers licenses , and all arC' Middletown at 2507 North Verity An investment in these driving eligible for lower insuranc(' rates . Pkwy .. phone 424-1237, lessons is an investment in yourself Tri-State Driver Training, Inc , 'hat will pay real dividends in Th('y are fully onsun'ei , and w,' operales Sout hwestern Ohio's future years! You will do well to know thai under their '"strU('lIon t ractor-t railer driving facility , phone Ihem and let the directors of you'll be drh'ing In nil I lin!' a l all , They are approved for veterans , this school assist you in planning and licensed in the State of Ohio , your schedule , We , thC' authors , lak,' pl easure III This fine driving school offers Tri-State Driver Training , Inc , recommending Tro -SlnlC' Drov('r driver education built on modern has been a leader in advancing I he Training , Int' I" all our many ideas , where thoroughly trained driving school education level of rraders in our t9;4 Rev II'''''

:llotors, Inc , at t901 Manchester in ~loddll'to'\'n, phon(' ~2.1-6555, a dt'aler known on Ihis area as one who l'onsieiers e,'ery customer his ht'st advertisemenl through con· sl' l!'ntlous , l'ourleOUS treatment hl'(orl' and after thC' sale Wllm!'r Motors Used Cars are located at 132 S, Clinton in ~',eidl('Iown . phone ~23 -3421. Ask them about "the American Motors ' Buyer Prot<'Ction Plan ". If anylhlng goes wrong with one of their '7S's and it's thC'ir fault, they'll fix II free . "W(' hack them beller , b(,('JUSI' WI' huild them beller." Th,' organlZ('rs of this 1974 HI" ',ew recommend this dealership (or Ih!'Ir quaiolY products, fair In"ll m!"n!. ,'xcl'llent service and n'palr d,'parlmC'nt. and (or a good so'I"cllon of r('cond,tloOl'd used !'ar, 5<',' WoIml'r ~Iotors, Inc !lnd

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FRISCH'S BIG BOY Jerry Brown .owner


(;ooci food anei fa,;t s('rnt' " aro' tho' hy"nrds Ilf Frosch 's , lot';,I!'ei on ~lldrlh'I own al tRIKI (;,' rmar.':lwn

Joe Little 111- Owner If you want top Quality tires for less , go to King Tire Company located at the corner of RL ~ and Trenton-Franklin Rd , in Post Town , phone 422-3340, Ifit rolls and has a size, King Tire Company has it! They offer a complete line of tires at wholesale prices for passenger cars , trucks, tractors, ' boats , industrial. and snow tires . They featur(' th(' famous Remington and B,F , Goodrich tires,

with some Astrostars . King Tire Company has a finl' reputation for their fine service and fair prices , Regardless of your tire needs , you 'll find that they can serve you with tires that offer longer mileage , more safety , and more strength , Don't kid yourself when it comO's to tires, thNe is a diffC'rence , Ll't these experts at King TirC' Company s holl' .\OU the many advantages of these tires . You 'll he surprised at how

Hoao, phnm' 4:!:l -fi~% .

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was founded for the purposC' of preparing its students for an efficient business Iif(' and the fact that it has met with unusual success is seen in the large number of their graduates who are filling important business positions , Enroll now for a successful career , We, the editors o( this 1974 Review, highly rl!(:ommend Lee's Da ta Processing as being an asset to the comm unity, The policies and progressive operation of this school are to be cc,mmended ,

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Noah Lee and Ida Lee .owners mutes who are now filling important positions! The training for both men and women for success in the field of business has been the pri vilege and pride at this fine school. Mrs, Ida Lee, an owner, has over 20 years experience in this type of work , Important positions, increasing opportunities, <\wait trained men and women. Prospective enrl)lIers should have a high school diploma. Contact Lee's Data Processing and get the details regarding the courses offered , as well as the length of time required. This school

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Th,' !'eiltor, nl Ihl> jY74 K,·\,I!'\\ ~I\' (' our whol"heartl'd I'ndor,," nlt'nt to th£> fint· hU!"lnl's:o: poll("lp~ of Ih" d,':ol .. r W(' r('<'omflll'nd K l n~ Tlrt' ('ompiln: lor rh(' hl' ~l I lrt' huy!'o

LEEIS DATA PROCESSING Learn to be a high paid key punch operator using the newest modern machines, air conditioned classrooms, small classes thaI mean individual attention, with on-thejob experience with pay. at Lee's Data Processing in Middletown at 6275 Germantown phone 423-9236, They have morning, afternoon, and evening classes and are approved for Veterans training and State Government Agencies. They ofCer bank financing or Master Charge, have definite placement assistance, RecenUy, they taught 3 deaf


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pro'pareei i n thl' mos t san itary wllh modern ('quipment. From hr .."kfast to dinner or a s n<o .. k , you ('an't Ix'al ~' rosch's , The rn;,na"wrnl'nt of th('sl' Frosch 's have mad,' II il pmnt to hon' ('mployees who a n 'l'ourtpuus iJnd who will give !' .. neiltlOns

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BARNARD DRY WALL CO. Glen Barnard .owner "Serving The Area For Over20 Years" Located at 6~9 Middletown Pike the job properly , and you can In Franklin , phone 746·J930 is the depend on him togive accurate bids Barnard Dry Wall Co .. a contractor and finish the job in the specified well Iik"d In this area for hIS fair time limit. dealings and first rate work , The wro ters of this 1974 Review To handle dry wall installation are pleased to take this opportunity properly , 3 contractor must have to commend this contractor for his behind him experience and training ethical business practices and tocomplete the job in a professional suggest to our readers who have manner , Barnard Dry Wall Co. has dry wall work to be done that they contact the Barnard Dry Wall Co_ tha t experience , This contractor makes it a for a first rate job carried out with practice to hire onl y competent high Quality materials, by comassistants who he knows can handle petent workmen ,


Page ff, Miami



Ga~elte ,

Wednesday , 20, 1974

Charles "Chuck" Posey - Owner

McCOY MOTORS Mac McCoy - Owner



', '

As dependable experts in the used with their policy of giving Iheir car business, McCoy Motors cu~tomers a SQUARE DEAL on located at 6247 Germantown in each car purchased here . _Middletown, phone 422-6415, offers If you need assistance in Ihe the people of our locale an excellent financing of your car, it should be line of quality, dependable cars and pointed out thal this fine firm. as trucks at reasonable prices, with one of their services, will assist in the best terms available anywhere. securing the necessary financing on any unit you choose. So remember , i( you .are in need The cars sold at McCoy Motors offer their future owners top value of a top-notch used car or truck . and honest service. This firm takes with dependability. economy, perpride in each car that they sell and · formance , style at reasonable every effort is made to thoroughly price, see McCoy Motors in check each unit so that their new Middletown. We , the editors of this owners will have trouble-free 1974 Review, know that you'll be performance. This is in keeping glad you did .

IRENE'S _SALON OF BEAUTY Connie Kirby ~wner "Six Trained Stylists To Serve You" " Serving The Area For Over 35 Years"

Today , more than ever before,-awoman's total image depends a great deal on her hair . Beautiful , hair can make even the average woman ,look and feel exquisite. In this area , women on the go, find the surroundings of Irene's . Salon of Beauty, ioc'lted at 617 South Breiel in the Middletown Shopping Center in Middletown, phone 423-8252 or 423-0883, the " in" place for hair styling to the " nth " degree. You too, are sure to find this place the most progressive hair styling salon to be found anywhere. Here

you can relax, and unwind in their pleasant atmosphere while profes· sional hair stylists show you the latest, up-to-date , scientific approach to beautifying your hair. The hair stylists here are specialists in styling, cutting, tinting and waving as well as wig styling and total wig care. The personnel here have a passion for perfection and a flair fOr glamour. We, the editing staff of this 1974 Review emphatically suggest that you enter a more exciting and beautiful world with a visit to Irene 's Salon of Beauty . We know you'll be glad you did .

INTERSTATE BRANDS CORP. Butternut Bread Div. Joe Parenti -Manager For a better bread ask your grocer for Butternut Bread dis· tributed by the Interstate Brands Corp., Butternut Bread Div. at SOl North Verity Pkwy. in Middletown, phone 424-2143. Success and happiness depend upon health and our health depends toa large extent upon the quality of the food we eat. Recognizing this resp.1nsibility these bakers of Butkrnut Bread have continued their efforts to bake an even better proi,uet. Nothing is used in this

process of baking bul the finest ingredients ; mixed an baked by means of scientific and sanitary methods by master bakers . See that your next grocery order includes Butternut Bread. It contains a high percentage of nutritive elements and' is one of the best foods for the kiddies at luncheon or meals , The editors of this 1974 Review would like to commend Interstate Brands, Corp" Butternut Bread Divisiqn on their valuable positioin in this section.

MECCO, INC. Mecca, Inc., located at 2504 South Main in Middletown, phone 422-3651 or 422-3652 offers you prompt and dependable service in ready-mixed concrete, They also specialize in top soil, sand and gravel, washed gravel and crushed gravel. Their trucks are radio dispatched to better serve you. Mecco, Inc. has complete crane service and does exca va ling as well as supplying top soil and fill


~.' . 5." - ..

This up-to-date concern furnishes a complete Service of high .quality ready-mixed concrete for building construction. 'They have modern rrucks for transporting and mixing Concrete In any quantity desired. This is a real convenience in building as It eliminates delay and

assures a high quality , hard setting concrete. They likewise have the equipment and experience to clean and drag lakes, an essential service to farmers and other property owners. The best of service is provided the public of this area . No matter whether you have a large or small amount of concrete work to be done, you will find it more convenient and far more economical to use Mecco, Inc. The compilers of this 1974 Review wish to recommend Uris firm ; as its service in this field has proven to be an essential necessity. to this community. Call Mecco, Inc. for assurance of quality and fast , profession'll service.

McDonald's Hamburgers are conven ienlly located in Middlelown al 2351 N, Verity Pkwy., phone 423·1582 ; and al 1301 S, Breiel Blvd., phone 423-5801. Whc'never you are in the area; be sure 10 go 10 Ihe Golden Arches and enjoy i3 fine sandwich or an ice cold drink . They provide excellenl service . so no matter whether you 're in a hurry or wish 10 lake a

special allenlion is laken in regard In sanilation , Their prices are very reasonable and Iheir food is delicious . Remember McDonald's Slogan Q. S. C. : Qualily, Service and Cleanliness. We. Ihe editors of !his 1974 Review , recommend McDonald's highly and suggesllhat you drop in for a sandwich or a cold drink the IIexl lime you 're 'in Mjddletown.

few exIra moments 10 relax, you are sure to be salisfied here. They provide lables on their unique palios if you do not wish 10 eal in your car. Stop in soon and enjoy one of Iheir delicious Big Mac triple deckers . One outstanding feature about Ihese drive-ins is the 'facl that you may resl assured Ihat Ihe food serv~ you is always fresh and

MIDDLETOWN FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION A gl'eat many of us have had a yearning to invest in a home of our own, but money problems seemed to make it impossible. This commlUnity is fortunate 10 have in its midst a firm which can make just such a thing possible. Com e in or c'lll and talk your problems over with the Middletown Federal Savings &r Loan As sociation located at Central and Main , Roosevelt Boulevard in

Middletown and at 9 North Miami st. in Trenton, phone 424-i891. The management has always had al hearl the best interests of the community and has done its best at all times to serve the ' people. They offer an excellent savings service. We have all promised ourselves again lind again to start savi!lg, but somebow we never quite get started. Don 't wait any. longer ! Tomorrow morning go to

the Middletown Federal Savings and Loan Association and open your savings account with even the smallest amount. Then add to it regularly and watch it grow. The planners of this 1974 Review take great pride in pointing out this foremost concern and heartily recommend our readers discove;for themselves the real satisfaction in their services.

DOEBLER BROTHERS, INC. "International Trucks - Cummins & Detroit Diesel Engines" Bill & Dick Doebler - Owners International Trucks to meet every need are available in this area a t Doebler Brothers, Inc., at 2981 Cincinnati-Dayton Road in Middletown, phone 422-3633. These International Trucks handled here are engineered to your needs. They also featured International Scout, America 's sports and fun car. Travelall, and a lull )jne of pickups and camper special pickups. They also carry Interna -

tional mowers, and Cub Cadet lawn and garden tractors, as well as ClUmmins and Detroit Diesel engines, with service on all makes and models. Gas or diesel powered trucks with tilt-type or conventional cabs are sold here. Different kinds of trucks are needed to perform special tasks. Whether it be for the farm or industry, you 'll find the type of heavy-{!uty truck you need here.

Terms are reasonable and prices are competitive at Doebler Brothers. Inc ., which has built a fine reputation in this area for square dealing and quality products. The best in parts and service are available here , too . No stranger to the truck business in this area is Doebler Brothers, Inc . The editors of this 1974 Review suggest that you contact this fine nrm for your next equipment.

L & S PAINT & FLOOR COVERING Your One-Stop Decorating Center Lois ShackeUord - Owner

L & S Paint & Floor Covering is located at 2030 Central Avenue in Middletown , phone 423-9259. A small amount invested in paint will beautify your property and, at lhesame lime. help to preserve it . A well ' painted house lasts years longer than one which has been neglected . L & S Paint & Floor Covering not only sells the best in paint, Benjamin Moore Paints; and other

kindred items, but they stand any information in paint, wall· behind all the products sold in their paper, or decorating , call them and store and if it 's wallpaper you need. lhey will be happy to assist you. they have it. Their large stock of Roll out a room full of beauty in wallpaper and paint will make it your home with fine carpeting and possible for you to find jusl what vinyl floor covering from their you wanl ata price you can afford 10 Armstrong Floor Fashion Center. 'pay. Possibly you will want to do the The editing staff of this 1974 work yourself. If you cannot spare Review are pleased to present L ~ the time, they can suggest S Painl & Floor Covering our decorators who are sure to' please complele recommendation , and the most particular customers. For urge you to stop in soon ,

TED BROWN'S PHILLIPS 66 SERVICE Locally Owned & Operated By.Ted Brown To s,ervice your car for " top performance, " see Ted Brown's Phillips 66 Service, where they featurl' complete auto and truck repairing, located at 509 S. Sulphin in Middletown, phone 423-9191 .

Phillips 66 Service, because they know that these friendly attendants are complete.1 y familiar with all models and makes of automobiles and can handle anything from a tune-up to complete major repairs. They also feature famous Phillips If yOIU are p.a rticular 'Ibout your 66 prodUCts. car, th'~ n you should be particular about your car's servicing. People So the next time you're in the throughout this area, go out of their area, stop in at Ted Brown's way to stop in at Ted Brown's Phillips 66 Service, the service

station thaI " Cares" for you and your car. Call them for fast, friendly emergency road service_They are open 6:30 a .m . to 8 p.m., 6 days a week , We, the editors of this 1974 Review , would like to call the attention of the driving public to this fine service center. And we suggest you stop in soon for a taste of the best in automotive service.

McCOY OIL COMPANY Ken Smith - Manager The name, MeCoy Oil Company, phone 423-5703, at 1224 Girard in Middletowp, has become a legend of good service among the people of this seetion for their deliveries and serviCE' with the poplilar Texaco heating oils. ThrolUgh their desire to serve better, they offer such advantages as : Radio Dispatched Trucks ; Fast, Dependable Deliveries ;

Automatic Fill Service ; Complete Oil Burner and Furnac.e Service; Meter Printed Invoices; 'Ind top it off with Easy Budget Terms. You will find thaI the men who make delivery are very careful not to tread on delicate flowers or shrubs and never spill oil that kills whatever it touches. They use only the latest modern equipment and can be completely

depended on to make their deliveries on time and to keep your account straight. In this 1974 Review, we, the editors, are pleased to make our' wholehearted recommendation of McCoy Oil Company and suggest (0 out readers that they enjoying the competent services of this distributor as so many other people have.


.__________________~_______________• ____________________________~____. .__________________. .~~.~ r7~n~ -t~~·

WHOLESALE FURNITURE DEPOT . "Quality Namebrand Furniture At Wholesale Prices" The Wholesale Furniture Depot is locate<;l at 2833 Cincinnati-Dayton Road , South of Blue Ball , next door to the Star Glow Drive·ln, in Middletown. Phone ~22-4556 for information about anything in the furniture line .

while purchasing It at budget terms . Volume buying is one of the reasons for such reasonably priced markings . It is the purpose of thi~ store 10 place before the buying public a wide variety of rint' furnHure that is propt'rly st.yled. Throughout this store you will properly built. and properly pricl'd. find a wide variety of fine furniture The Wholesall' Furniture Depot for every room in the house and all features quality nam!' brand so moderately priced that any furniture at wholesale prices. You family of moderate means can from such fine furniture afford to refurnish every room in names as Riverside, Bassell , the home and save inoney doing it, Flexsteel , Lane, La-Z-Boy, Broy·

hill. Unitled, Rowe and many other famous names . The management is la rgely r!'sponsible for the high reputation of th!' Wllol!'sale Furniture D!'pot They haw had Wide ('x peflenl'l' in 1.his lin.' and have llSl'd that !'xperience in maktng thiS store on .. of tht' rno~1 .outstanding In this sectIOn With I:his knowledge we . the editors, recommend the Wholesale Furniture Depot in our 197'; Review .

BRANDENBURG CONSTRUCTION CO. "Where Remodeling Is A Business ... Not A Sidelille" Robert Brandenburg, Sr. & Robert Brandenburg, Jr. - Owners If you want your kitchen remodeled or modernized, it is to your best advantage to call upon a reliable film with enough experience to do the work correctly and reasonably. Brandenburg Construction Co. is widely known as kitchen and bathroom remode.1ers of high repute. The many jobs they have completed for miles around are a testimony of their ability . Only quality lines of merchandise are featured. Lines Quaker Maid kitchens. These fine cabinets are considered the finest on the

market. They are available in a wide variety of finishes and styles with a vast selection of hardware to highlight most any decor. Let the professional designers at Brandenburg Construction Co. plan every detail for you from layout , cabinet and appliance s.election to proper lighting effects. They feature the fine line of Tappan appliances . We, the editors of this 1974 Review. suggest you vislt their showroom soon. They have a wide selection of accessories that will bring "New Lifi~" to your present

kitchen . They are located at 1759 Central in Middletown or phone 523-0759 for more information " You'll be glad you did . The Brandenburg Construction Co., "Where Remodeling ts A Business . . .Not A Sideline". can handle all kinds of remodeting work, They do room additions , basement and atlic remodeling , aluminum siding, ga.rages and many other jobs. They have the experience and know how to handle your r1emodeling work profes· sionaUy .

RIVERSIDE CONCRETE COMPANY AI Totten - Owner Dan Newton -Vice Pres. In Charge of Sales Riverside Concrete Company. located at Germantown Road CRt. 4) at Miami River Bridge in Middletown, Phone 423-5786 or in the Hamilton area, call 893~73, is. the leading concrete company in this area offering cement, mortar. face bricks, cement paint, steel doors and frames , and steel and aluminum window sashes. For' quick deliveries and the best quality in materials, you can do no better than calling Riverside Concrete products. • Concrete blocks continue to be the leading building material

where durability and strength is desired . The advantages you gain by using concrete blocks in construction are numerous . Simplicity in construction and low cost are the most outstanding. Riverside has the largest selection of clay face in Southwest Ohio. and they also carry a full line of fireplace materials. Be sure to see the Mission Adobe blocks on display . These adobe blocks . frequently used in the Southwest. are gaining popularity in this area . The Mission Adobe blocks come in

seven popular colors including beige •. brown , burr, natural . while and green. For your convenience. Riverside also offers cement pailit, steel doors and · frames , as well as aluminum sash . You can be assured that each and every product you buy from them will be strong and of the proper quality . In this 197~ Review . we. the editors. take pleasure in referring Riverside Concrete products to our readers .

BUTLER COUNTY AWNING CO., INC. Barney Oldfield and Larry Wysong - Co-Owners The Butler County Awning Co., Inc. is a leading awning company for this entire area, and their showroom and plant are located at 9256 Pleasant Valley Road in Middletown, phone 423-0761. You can call anytime, 24 hours a day. Their awnings are manufactured in their own plant, and they have been serving this area well since 1960. Here they feature awnings. blinds,patiocovers.siding, railings and storm windows and doors. Financing is also available. II is not necessary to go througl!

another season suffering from cold or heat in your home or business. This firm offers awnings that will not only make your home several degrees cooler. in the summer and warmer in the winter, but will make the exterior more beautiful as well . Perhaps you are one of those persons Who believes awnings are too expensive for the budget. If so. you are cordially invited to go by and they will be glad to give you an estimate on your needs . Find out the cost of awnings and you will

wonder why you haven't had them before! This concern will furnish you awnings to fit your needs regardless of the type of job. Why have another uncomfortable sea · son in your home or business when you can remedy it? Employ the services of the Butler County Awning Co" Inc . at a price you can afford . [n wF'iting this 1974 Review . we , the editors. take this time to commend and recommend this firm to all our readers.

R. C. BECKETT DETECTIVE BUREAU RobertC. Beckett-Director 21 Years Experience Confidential evidence for civil and criminal proceedings is available through the licensed private investigators at R. C. .Beckett Detective Bureau in Middletown, phone 423-5411 and in Dayton they are located at Suite 406 and 7, Mall Motor Inn, 21 South Jefferson St. Phone 222-9869 for further information on the reasonable rates for this service. Investigations involving domestic matters /Ire handled by this firm as are commercial and industrial

cases. The R. C. Beckett as one of firm frequently work to prevent its services, also attempts to locate thefl in businesses. such as banks . missing persons. hotels, and theaters . This fll'Tll specializes in private investigation, crime detection. This firm employs professional crime prevention services for the investigators of integrity and g"'ld general public as well as business character. They are at your service and home patrol. ·24 hoW'S a day . Feel free to discuss They offer a fine 24 hour security your particular problems with this guard service for industrial plants, detective agency . ·construction sites, warehouses, For dependable and professional etc., and are licensed by the State of work in this field, the compilers of Ohio. this 19:74 Review recommends the Private investigators from this R.C. Beckett Detective Bureau.

Miami Gazelle. Wednesday. 20. 1974, Page 7

~~~ Alan Wayn!' Bernard son of Mr. and ~Irs . Robert Bernard ~74 :-.; ,Sixth SI . \\'aynes\'ill will be I"urln~ III ;";l'W York . Ohio and IIllawa . (JlltarlO wllh the Otterbein ('oll"~l' ('"ncerl ChOir In pa rly IlPl'I'ntl "'r ,\nn Mane ~ty('r~. oo:.!ghtt'r of :\\s . Marjortc C !\I)·ers . 3224

12A : Steve Ames. David Blair, SharoD Bursey, Dick Carter, Mona Combs. Vicki Dakin. '12B' Jacqui Davidson. Melody Diamond . Tom Dunkin. Loretl~ E~rnharl. Connie Ellis '. ~enneth Hough. Terry Irons. I~C' Rosemary Keethler. Ray Lewis. Jeff Livingston . Dan PowelL 12D : Tom Ricke,y. Brenda Rosell , Russell Ruse. Pam Simpson, Cheryl Snyder. Pal Spltznog\e, SlE'\·eStanley. Lisa Whitmer. Cindy Wical. IIA : Cynthia Alexander. Kuri Andres. Tad Barney. Gary Bellman . Andrea Bernard, Becki Boal. Karen Brown, Melinda Conley. liB : None IIC: Kim Linebaugh. Juanita 0'01'11 . Carole Pottenger. 110 : Nancy Richards, Dvela Robinson , Karen Shafer. David Sharp. Sandy ' Sheehan, Missy Skaggs, Gregg Smallwood, David Stubbs. Barbara ·Vincent. lOA : Sharon Bailey, Lorie Bixby Laura Bromagen. lOB : Bill Cochrane, Matt Engel. 10C : Jenny Hillman. Jefrey Jones. Cindy Kier , kevin Lamb, Andy Maloy . Vanessa Lambert. Pamlea Jones . laD : Jayne Proudfoot 10E ' Louann Self. Chris Shelton, Mary Etta Speaks. Cheryl Spencer. Brenda Spitznogle. Doug Vinson . 9A : Mike Anderson. Claudia Andres . Diana Begley. Amy Boal, Charlolle Campbell. Valeri'e Campbell . 9B : Ken Colvin. Terri Francisco, Dottie Hannah. Carla Hansard, Susan Hough . 9C : Charles Irons, Cathy McKinney . . 90 : Karen O'Dell. Kim Ramsey. 9£ ' Mike Rush . Alan Scott. Kenneth Seidl.

Wonderview Dr . Dayton . Uhio : Beth Anne Bichsel. daughler of Mr . and Mrs . Dale E Biehs!'1. 62.16 Cheri Lynne Dr . Dayton , Ohio . Dale Ross Robhins , son of Mr. and Mrs . Ross R. Robbins . 796 Willowdale Ave .. Keuering . Ohio ; Lvnn Ann Corbin Demojzes. wife of D'avid Demojzes. 44-E West Main St" Westerville. Ohio and daughter of Mr . and Mrs . Robert Corbin t35 Shady brook Dr., Dayton. Ohio. The Otterbein College Concert Choir IS a major touring ensemble performing both sacred and s!'Cular works drawn from the music of the las! four centruies . Composed of SO men and women students al the Westerville. Ohio liberal arts c.allege . the Concert Choir performs both al home and lin annual tours . In December. 1972. the Choir completed a cultural I'xchange tour of Austria and won critical acclaim in such cultural centers as Vienna. Innsbruck and Salzburg . Last year. in addition to an ex· tensive tour of the Eastern United States, Ihe Choir performed Verdi 's ReqUiem with no.ted Quest soloists . Jon Crain and Frances Yeend . The Concert Choir is but one of Ihl' several active vocal ensemble groups at Ihis United Methodisl school. where Dr . Wilham A. Wyman is director or choral ac· tivities A native of West Chester, Pa., Beginning with its production of Floyd 's "Susannah" in 1972. the Dr . Wyman has worked with Otterbein Opera Theater annua'lly Bethany College in West Virginia, presents one major production and Ihe Lake George Opera Festivel in New York . and North Hills School ~maUer scenes yearly. Menotti 's "Consul" and Mozart 's "The District in Pittsburgh as well as Marriage of Figaro" are past West Virginia University. productions. A double offering. TOUR ITINERARY " Amahl and the Night Visitors" Sunday, December I : First and "The Impresario" are set for United Methodist Church (8 p.m . ) performance in January , 1975 . 236 E. Mill Street. Akron. Ohio. Monday . December 2; Loudonvil· As Director of Choral Activities at Otlerbein College. assistant Ie High School Loudonville. Ohio; "I professor of music. Dr . William Good Shepherd United Methodist Wyman IS responsible Jor the 18 p.m . l : 5930 Stale Rd. Parma direction of the Concert Choir. the Ohio. Tuesday. December 3: Wickliff{ IlIIXed chorus . and Opus Zero. High School, Wickliffe. Ohio. small pop ensemble . Rocky River United Methodist In the Spring of 1972. Dr. Wyman dir!'Cted Otterbein's first' Opera Church (8 p.m. ); I!I·1I5 Detroit Theatre production , Floyd 's Road Rocky River, Cleveland, "Susannah "- This beginning in Ohio. Wednesday. ~ember 4: Unitec, llpera was followed by MOUlrt'S , "The Marriage of Figaro" in 1973 Presbyterian Church (8 p.m. ); 191 and menotli 's "Consul" in 1974. Main Street. Randolph. New York Thursday, December 5: This year a duel production of "The Impres.ario " and " Amah! dolph Central School. Randolph and the Night Visitors " is New York ; Grace United Methodis Church (8 p.m.); 121 Driving Par. scheduled . Dr . Wyman received his M.M. Ave .. Rochester. New York . Friday , December 6: S't. Paul': and D.M.A. from West Virginia University in Morgantown. W.Va . United Methodist Church (8 p.m . At West Virginia . .he was director 2200 Valley Drive, Syracuse, Nev of the Children's Opera Theatre York . Sunday, December 8: KnO] which was featured in a film documentary , "Hans and the Presbyterian Church (na .m .l; 121 Golden Flute" . produced by Liegar Street. Ottawa, Canada_ SI. Andrew 's Presbyterial National Educational Television INET I in 1970. and in a second film Chruch (4 p.m . ); 82 Kent St by NET . "Never An Angel", in Ottawa . Canada. Monday . ~ember 9: ~~ 1971. Both of these featured Dr . Wyman as director of the United Methodist Church (7:l! children 's theatre . which he p.m. ); 711 Niagara Falls Blvd Buffalo. New York . founded

Page 8, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, 20, 1974

?J1.1,4. ~ ~ ~ w=a:k, tf.c ~~;K&e;.,..-e..·... q,r.

Miami Gazelle. Wednesday . 20. 1974 •. Page 9

.. j



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Christmas Shop Cards - Wrapping Ornaments

Candles - Rings Arrangements

Everything for your Holiday Decorating

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Gift Shop overflowing with gifts Christmas Giving .Shop for Your AntIQuE!S

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of The Future STORE HOURS : Mon .. Tue • .. Wed .. Sat..9 : 30a.m .·6 : 00 p .m . Thurs.·FrI. . 9 : 30 a.m .·9 : 00 p .m .

! 127 North St. Waynesville, Ohio 897-3890

NEW HOURS: Mon., Wed. & Fri.-ll:OO Till 9:00 Tues., Thurs. & Sat.-ll: 00 Til 5: 00


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Page 10, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, 20, 1974

Basketball Season Opens Nov. 22

. / ~

Christmas Shop Cards - Wrapping Ornaments

Candles - Rings Arrangements

Everything for your Holiday Decorating

Waynesville Furniture & Gift Shop


Washington Square

............ ~


Gift Shop overflowing with gifts Christmas Giving .Shop for Your Antiques





of The Future STORE HOURS : Mon .. Tues .. Wed _ Sal . 9 : 30a.m .·6 : 00p .m . Thurs .·FrI.. 9 · 30 am.·9 :00 p .m .

! 127 North St. Waynesville, Ohio 897-3890

NEW HOURS: Mon., Wed. & Fri.-ll:OO Till 9:00 Tues., Thurs. & Sat.-ll: 00 Til 5: 00


Classes on Cake Decorating

Cake Decorating Supplies Novelties, Wedding & Baby Shower


& Much 'lore:

Miami Gazetl('. Wl'dnesday. 20. 1974, Page 11


Redskins Wreck UC, End Up Unheaten BY STEVE DOERSCHUK

II had been a great week for Cincinnati football. Ticket sales for the UC·Miami battle were going well, students had perked up long dormant enthusiasm, and Ihe 8earcat learn had won three straight. II was greatuntil the day Ihat counted of . course. That was last Saturday, the day Miami's Redskins spoiled I he fun. pasting the Bearcats 2:7. 7. al Nippert Stadium and handing first year head coach Dick Crum an undefeated !HI-l campaign. II was the perfect ending to a season in which Miami clinched the MAC title and a Tangerine Bowl berth one


Page 10, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, 20, 1974

Basketball Season Opens Nov. 22

Waynesville's Basketball team left 10 right back row Coach Dave Liffick, David Blair, JerrWatkins, Ed Burke, Doug Livingston, Kieth Rice, Steve Stanley and Barry Hartsock. Front row : Mike Jones, Cris Simpson, Ted Borgerding and Greg Seoll. They play Lebanon, there, November 22,1974 and Clinton Massie at Home November 23 (Saturday> game lime 6:45 p.m . Reserves, 8:00 p.m. varsity.



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AGRI-URBAN. INC, Corwin Rd. 897-4015

Power Show Scheduled Show. There will be movies on For Feburary various technical and safety


subjects, art and craft sessions for Inspecting five acres of new women, special presentations on power equipment and visiting the energy conservation. Continuous recently completed midnineteenth- cafeteria service will be available century Ohio Village, nearby, will each day . At the Ohio Village, for be top adventures for the estimated which there is a small admission 60,000 persons from Ohio and charge, a dining room depicting the adjoining states who will attend the year 1850 will provide a menu from fifth annual POWER SHOW OHIO that era at (approximately) 1850 February 1 and 2 (Saturday and prices. Sunday) at the state fairgrounds in Completion of a parking garage Columbus, Ohio. adjacent to the Power Show The latest in power equipment for building will provide muchexpanindustrial, farm. home. lawn and ded parking facilities for the Show, garden, commercial and rec- and there will be frequent prize rea tional uses win fill the more than drawings for lucky Show visitors. POWER SHOW OHIO is spon164,000 square feet of the fairgrounds Multi.purpose sored by the Ohio Association of Building. According to show Power Equipment Retailers, which manager Dave Kahler. exhibitor will hold i'ts annual convention registration is already near 100 and immediately before ' the Show, includes fourteen newcomers; January 3031, at Scot's Inn, space has been eplotted for the Columbus. Admission to POWER SHOW 'fourth year in a row to handle the increasing participation. expected OHIO' is by ticket <fuly. but thousands of Show tickets will be to exceed '130 exhibitors. The Dew Ohio Village and the available on a complimentary basis adjacent Ohio Historical Museum from many equipment dealers and wfiI be part of an exciting program distributers throughout Ohio and of educational events at the Power neighboring states.


O 'Connor

''I' ve never had cancer But I'd be crazy to ignore it. I know many cancers can be cured if they're dete!cted early , But you've got to know the warning signals : Change in bowel or bladder habits , A sore that does not ' heal. Unusual bleeding ' or discharge , Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere, Indig estion or di flicul ty in swallowing , Obvious change in wart or mole , Nagging cough or hoarseness. "If one of them appears, s ,e e your doctor rig ht away , The odds ar-e you don ' t have cancer. But only your doctor can tell you that for sure," ~


Cancer Society . TIMIS

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Miami Gazelle. Wednesday. 20.


Page 11

Redskins Wreck DC, End Up Unheaten BY STEVE DOERSCHUK (I ·had been a great week for Cincinnati football . Ticket sales for the UC·Mlami battIe were going well, students had perked up long dormant enthusiasm , and Ihe Bearcat team had won three straight. It was greatuntil Ihe day Ihat counted of course. That was last Saturday, the day Miami's Redskins spoiled Ihe fun, pasting the Bearcats '1:77, al Nippert Stadium and handing first year head coach Dick Crum an undefeated !HH "ampaign. II was the perfect ending to a season in which Miami clinched the MAC tiUe and a Tangerine Bowl berth one week ago. Miami didn't come across a a devastating football machine, bUI was good enough to "apitalize on breaks and play virtually unbeatable defense. The big Skin 'D', perhaps hoping to regain its prestige after Kent State moved the ball well against il last week. stopped the Bearcats cold, allowing jusl three first downs Ihe entire contest. "Yes, 'our defense played as well as it has all season," lauded Crum, showing on his face Ihe strain which had gone inlo the season starting way back in early September. "We weren't real smool,h on offense. hitt we were effective." Crum was right. The Red· skins didn't exactly move the ball ruthlessly down the field al will . But the attack was potent enough to feave the Bearcats sitting sillOned in lhe locker roum al half time. with MU up 21-ll,

Starting Redskin quarterback Sieve Sanna got Miami moving un ils first possession, and on the seventh play of an eventual 76-yard drive . he fed the pigskin 10 fullback Rub Carpenter, After scampering 33 yards, Carpenter was hit just shari of Ihe goal line , but he coughed the ball up in what looked like a cross bel ween a fum ble and a lateral, and Chuck Benjamin pounced on it in the end zone to start Ihings rolling. Mfer that, the game almost seemed like a one year delayed replay of a 6-ll Miami win over UC here last autumn: In that one, Larry Harper ran back the opening kickoff, then both of· fenses went to sleep. Mter Benjamin's early score last Saturday, both offenses started looking pretty drowsy, just like a year ago, until Brad Cousino headed off a pass from Cincy signal caller Henry Miller, setting up Mu's second score midway through the second quarter. 'Cousino' fell to the aslro-turf at the Cincinnati 10 yard line; but Miami's first play after that was a five-:yard loss. Sanna wasn't about to spoil a good opportunity though, and he wiggled out of the pocket after an apparent loss, spotting and hitting flanker Jack Schulte 12 yards away for six.


TICKLISH OR NOT ,Miami tight end Ricky Taylor stili managl"d 10 complaining Iht' ~Il' re~ri\' .. r ~amt' down out of the end zone. haul in \his IS-yard Steve Sanna touchdown toss in tht' ,,'cond 'tiami 's ~lIh rhOOrs 146' and l '("s W .. ntrord C;ainrs 122', along quarter 01 Miami 's 27-7 win over Cincinnati Saturday. It app ..ars .... ith su mp rnd lonr fans . ",,: ait (or the- oulC'omt" of this Sanna Toss . defensive back John viltro 121' Is putting ·the gitchy·goo on Taylor. Tom I/unl photo, but as it turned out, VC wasn't too tkklt'd about the rI'sUlls , Another Miller toss went awry later that quarter, and Ron Zook picked it off for Miami al Uc's 34. Sanna. doing what he was in the game for ,·to ,pass-did jusl that with his second scoring strike, a J6-yarder 10 tight end Ricky Taylor near the back of Ihe end zone , Cincinnati argued the call even before the referee could extend his hands into the air lor the TO signal , but the beefs were futile . "I've never seen Ihree touch · downs like that in my life ," lamented Cincy grid boss Tony Mason, referring to scores set up by a fumble and two in· lerceptions, Bul UC field general Miller put most of the blame on his own shoulders. "j feel it's mostly my fauIt ," he said , dejectedly , "I should have eaten the ball more . 1 shouldn't have thrown some of Ihe times 1 did , It was stupid ," Miller we .. t a step further . "I made so many mistakes. 1 think it's worst day I've had ali year-I think it's the worst day I've had Ibis year," he said, typify'ing the feelings of a bunch of guys whose season probably would have been made with a win over the 12th ranked (AP and UPIl Redskins , Miller did redeem himself somewhat in the third quarter though, when he ftred a perfect strike to Jeff Miller . who streaked 69 yards untouched between Miami's secondary defenders , That was about aU the largest

Reprinted from The Miami Student Sports Page

Cincinnati crowd since 1955 (23,342) had to scream about though , as Dave Draudt's toe put Ihe game ridiculously out of reach midway through the, (ourth quarter with a pair of field goals , As for Crum's react ion to finishing up his firSI year u'n, defealed, Tangerine Bowl bound and MAC champion , he wasn't o\'erly jubilant . bU I seemed rather tired from the

affairs o( the week and the season "The undeleated season'" lrum pondf'red '')'ve gOI no reaclion a nd I guess ( won't have unt 01 nt" I week, I'm kind o( numh (rom Ihe whole thing II's lIme 10 get away (rom fool ball (or awh ol e a nd c atch my hrl'alh " ('rum and hIS hand of Rl'd , skinS have until December 21 . Ihe date or Ihe Tangenne Bnwl. to take il easy

FLY ME-Actually, Cincinnati tailback Santo AtkinSOn (6) would have been just as happy il John Roudebush t5-\, wouldn'l have sent him sailing through the airways , but Roudebush had simply waited too long Dot to take ad,'anlage 01

:\Il' IT

H 0 6-27 n U 7 0-7

'It' , /I.-njamin , fumbl .. reco,', ,'r,' in .. nd zon .. Illraudt ki~k' "t ' ·St' hull" , I~pa ss lrom Sanna I llraudl ki~k) "t ··Taylor, 16 pass I~om Sanna I Ilraudl ki~k' LT· lI't'sl, 6~ pass from )Iill .. r I Sh"pht'rd kkk' 'Il ·· Ilraudl. 31 fif'ld ~oal '1l', (jraudl. 35 fi .. ld goal ..\ TT" ~:I,:I~~

tht' opportunity. After silting out the major part ot the season with an injury. tht' senior linebacker slarted againsltht' BearcalS and was the object of :\1l' coach Dick Crum's accolades after a 27-7 ROOskin win . Tom Grab~r photo.

Page '12, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, 20, 1974


: : -, :

Middletown High School Presents


~~ .

The Pajama Game

Nov. 22, 23 at 8 pm Nov. 24 at 3 pm ~-t ~~



7.!r,¢ ~ .f.'!

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Straight From the Quaker- Art Festival and the Ohio Sauerkraut Festival

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Let us Entertain You with the Old Grimms favorite

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Starring Jacqui Davidson as Little Red David Hisey as The Wolf with Holly Hisey. Greg Polly and Lila McClure

Puppets Designed by DONNA HUFFMAN For Holiday Arrangements


. ~.'


1974·75 SEASON

Area Artist Series SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA '".nt,~.ntl'."TI



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I " ,'

Xenia, Ohio 1974-75 SEASON CINCINNATI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Featuring 8:00 P.M. concerts in OSSO Home Auditorium


April 16 Tickets rna, be purchased at Famous Auto Supply-Sporting Goods. Xenia Daily Gazette

Miam i Gazette, Wednesday, 20, 1974, Page 13

A-l.;, ~ -.... o--cI

~ ~~S~~

nte ChLlD--



Town Square Restaurant Washington Square Fam il y Din ing at Rea sonable Prices NIGHT SPECIALS Mon. - Chicken Wed . - Fish .11 you ca n


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NEWHOURS Mon ·Thu" . 7 DD' .m · BOOp .m . F" & Sa t 7 00 am · 9 00 p .m SundayllOOam 800pm

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LEBANON, OHIO 3' ' 0:." :' ';, r BI,... J' f'1i: ·~ 1;, C), / (. I? Br.. . '. :; l r· .:

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0' In fants

GIr ls

GIFTS OUR SPECIALTY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••;: ••.•.•••••••.•.•;•.•;................... :.:.: •••••••••••••:••••• ;•.• :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••.•.•.•.•.~••••, ••"'-:L:...

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Uu~ : 21.A.~ v/4~ ~ ~ 't.,,-~


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'I1IE ItILUII GAIE'ITE ~BOX1:z5W.,.....,~45ea

:. I I I I I

I .. I CITY STATE • II _______________________ ~f .• I DATE PHONE I

Pal!e 14, Miami Gazette, Wednesday , 20, 1974

l' he cast iQlked g(J,d~ before cu~i~\n time.

The pla.J went well. And We'd "ke-tosa.~


7He KllvG "KICf'\t:D SOM€ll'mJe:, Ano THE FIRE'

(13E:.SlO(.S .flE. W1lAIlD)


TH£RE l\S .soON AS He; EJ)T HIS PANTS oN .ANO 'W"tAr, vI~P.tT? W/L.. L Wc CO R>R

R KlrJE> lP7HE T~S ~Je6f3(lOKEN? -THE. SHOW IS ~I~ , 0


N~T weeK.


vJHo DO \AlS K»~ '.- 7JiAT ClUJ L.EARN 'PARTS FI\~T? HEy WHe~€ "DIC f'lE:' Go ? fHe WlZA~O tll\D TU~Neo GOI('K(''i I'-lTO

- ."'8Rc.1< Hex T WeEK -

A ....5;100E.'..n

~,.ao 71'1E' StV06'NT ftIIO EYITtO.

The ('",d





ver1f6<'Od SVI/





SUPER MARKETS REAL ESTATE TV SALES& SERVICES CEDAR CITY FLORIST. ELLIS SUPER V ALU Quali- BEATTY'S TV SALES & K.S.A. REALTY.88 S. Main Finest Flowers & Gifts, 123 and low prices open till Services, Zenith, 'Z7 N.. E. Mulberry St., Lebanon, St. , Waynesville, 897-3501. ty DAL ELLIOTT nine. 7 days a week. phone Broadway , Lebanon, 932Ohio 932-2916 . . All leading brands-free LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cahall 897-5001. 3075 . estima tes. Bank fmacing PI. Waynesville; 1-885-5453 GROCERIES available. Waynesville 897SHERWOODS MARKET, or 897-6055; Camfield Com- WAYNESVILLE MARKET LOSE WEIGHT WITH New 7851. "featuring meats cut to pany Inc. 433-9912 or 69 S. Main St. 897-5941 Meat Shape Tablets and Hydrex CAR DEALERS Specialists. Water Pills Loveless Pharorder," delivery service. 747 897-6055. macy. WARREN COUNTY Cincinnati Ave. Lebanon, CHRYSLER, "Chrysler, Ohio, 932-1944. Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W. Main St., Lebanon, 932-5951. INSURANCE Always a good deal. THE NATIONAL LIFE & WAYNE..SvrLL£ HIGH SCHOOL IS HOPI(\JG TO GET N~W Accident Insurance Co. SOUND S ,(STeN) ~ SAVING f~ KINOS OF COLGRTEMUENNICH MOTOP.s, (Grand ~le Opry People) "Better Idea Cars From Fred NapIer agent 897-3111. PALfY\OLiVe LABLES/ CANS, WRAPS , ~TC, Pl..£RSf" GtV£ Ford," "Quality Car Care." eM TO STUOeNTS TEACH~S AND BAND 'PAP&.fVT#O To 749 Columbus Ave., ' ACE IN COI..LEC.TION ao)(ES "'illS MIlS JOha) R. SISI-F C""'~"'''''' _.1 P ... Wi'll· KfG'R "lSS1SfJWf QMIfl/llfIt~ · Lebanon. 932-1010. REMODEL YOUR OLD jewelry-remounting gold CARPETS sizing, refinishing jewelry CURAD PLASTIC BANDAGES - Cardboard Box Only BI-RITE CARPET & TILE, repair. Stone setting. David(Tear Off Top Flap of Cardboard Package) 140 S. Main St., Carpet, sons Jewelers, Lebanon All 3/4" Bandages (lO/Box) 3¢ floors, ceramic, ceilings, 932-3936. All 3/4" Bandages (20/Box ) - 5¢ 897-55U Waynesville 222Bonus Box-Asst'd Sizes (BO/Box)- B¢ 5608, Dayton. Bonus Box-Asst'd Sizes (lOO/ Box)-lO¢ ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING



you have it cleaned and re- 11 S. Broadway. Lebanon, paired now. We also do Ohio, Phone 932-3876. cement work all kinds. Block laying and roof repair. Phone 932-4665.

BUY YOUR TOYS,GAMES and Christmas gifts at KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE Moore's Store-Downtown COLLISION REPAIR: Lebanon 932-6966. Phone "Expert Body and Paint Work" : Experienced work. All work guaranteed PHARMACIES 862-4487. Located on US 42 1 LOVELESS PHARMACY mile south of Spring Valley Professional Prescription and 5 miles north of service 33 S. Main Street. Waynesville. Waynesville 897-7076. COLLISION REPAIR



WASHINGTON SQUARE LAUNDROMAT and Dry Cleaners, 88 S. Main st. Waynesville. 897-5961.


W. W. COVEY Plumbing and Heating 177 Fifth St.. Waynesville 897-6431.


(Top Panel With Whit~ Pricing Circle) Any Size



PRITT GLUE STICK (Send in Container when einpty) Regular (0.22 oz . ) 5¢ Super (0 . 60 oz.) 10C Jumbo (1.30 oz.) 20¢ BAGGIES (End Flap.. With White Star) Food Storage Bags - 5¢ '" Sandwich, Garbage & Trash Bags -lO¢ Waste Basket and Lawn . , n Leaf Bags -15¢ AJAX FOR DISHES (Soak Off Front Label DYNAMO LAUND RY DETERGENT Regular Size - 5¢ (Soak Off Front Label) Giant Si ze -10¢ Gia nt Si ze 10C r King Size -15 ¢ King Size 20 <:: Fam ily Slze 40C (Soak Off Front Label) Regular Size - 5¢ Giant Size - 10¢ King Size 20¢

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~es~lar G~ a nt


Frank D. Ray . Director of the Columbus Distr ict Office of the U.S. Small Business Adm inistration ISBA l today announced that SBA is assisting the Northrop Corpora tion in locating potential small business suppliers for its F17 light fighter . A three hour supplier symposium will be held in Chicago on December) L Sm a ll bus iness firm s wis hing invitations to the bri efing session should send the bus iness na me. and address. o\\ ner ·s name and SI C specialt y to Edwa rd Zunl'ic . PrOl'Un·ml'nl Di,·ision. SRA. 219 South Dt'arhorn . ChIcago . II li noi, r.0fi"4 -:H~;;.-.:H5U3. 1m · :l1 l·rhil lt.'l :

Subscribe To The


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.:.~. JilgD ~ .



Connie Beck AJAX LAUNDRY :::£':':::<''3::::::-

Bookkeeping SS E. Lytle Rd.


:-:J.':ICI -WIPES .-: ~.:

Re g·ollar S i z Si z~ 4: Ki::q ~iz~ I



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'': - .3 ~ ' : Z

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· ;..... , .. . . CHINA - GLASS

Page 16, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, 20, 1974


BOll( 17!a

W~aJ.~~~ ""'YNl~{


_ Sotu,doy·Sunday 12-5:30 Other Times by Appointment Of O1ence

513897-6552 Shop Telephone: 513 298-20n R...dencr •




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107 S, Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio

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County Uni ppeal campaign has to the 1974 goal of $120,000 in pledges. Jon Rockhold and Eli LaDuke, co-chairmen of the cam~lign, announced this week Ithat $123,351 has been pledged by Warren County residents to date. His hoped that the total will be even greatE!r when all pledges are in, since budget allocations for the 17 agencies funded by United Appeal is determined by the amount pledged. .

Kitchen Organizer Featured




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CHRISTMAS CANDLELIGHTING HIGHLIGHTS ACTIVITIES Memories of an oldrashioned Christmas will come alive once again during the Christmas Candlelighting and Holiday Stroll Saturay. December 7. in historic Roscoe Villagl'. near Coshocton. Ohio. The r-estored canal town will bring hack the true spirit of Christmas with candlelight tours. bobsled rides . and Christmas Carolers _ You 'lI be able to walk through the streets of an oldtime Christmas Card as you stroll through the village decora ted wi th holly , pine, red bows and bright candles. The lighting of the village tree, to be loca t'ed on the hillside green on Whitewoman Street, will highlight the holiday observance in Roscoe Village . The tree will be lighted during a brief outdoor Candle· lighting Ceremony beginning at 7 :30 p .rn .. Saturday. December 7. Carolers from a local school chQir, along with the Canal Lassies, a group .of Ii ttle girls wellknown for performances in Roscoe viliage, will provide vocal music for the ceremony . Following the Candlelighting Ceremony. lighted candles will be given to all who wish to parul=ipate in the Holiday Stroll through the village singing carols by caodlelight as [hey go_The stroll will end at the Visitor Center. where a traditional 1800's open house will be held with hot mulled cider and ginger cookies for aIL Candlelight tours of the Johnson· Williams House, bobsled rides. the Candlelighling Ceremony, HOliday Stroll and open house are all free and open to the public on December 7. Roscoe Village is located in Coshocton, Ohio, on S_R. 83 and U.S. 36, easily accessible by 1-7. For more information write : Christ· mas, 381 Hill 51., Coshocton, Oh _, 43812. ,

(513) 862-5181

Four division chairmen Hours announced that they had 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. met or exceeded -their Fri. Sat, Sun, particular goals. The reciprocal-regional division if/JftIi$JIC.·········...""··s·····v........""••....•·•..•"".·.~.:='-· topped the goal at 103 percent, with $25,700 pledged. Other divisions ANTIQUES meeting the goal are: Mason industrial, 100 per1111 cent at $50,000; Educational Division, 101 percent, at (;en...1 Line - Dealers Welcome-; :~. MON. BY CHANCE ';:: $3,017; and Special Gifts :::: ruES. THRU SAT. 10-5:00 ;::: Division, 100 percent, at :::: OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M, . ;::: $5,008. :~:; Visit Waynesville', Other • ;~:~ Divisions exceeding 90 percent of goal are: Lebanon Industrial, Mason Commercial, and Financial. . Last year, $110,636 was pledged during the campaign, exceeding the goal set that year by 11.5 per cent.

tThe LttleRej*Sh"ei'*i


I~ WA~:~~~~~;~;:IO


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"Searching WIth Ernie"

Located at e Centuries st. Rt•. 42, ,

Miami Gazelle,

WaynesyiUe, Ohio: lGi30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

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C:ountrp &quin a:ntiqUt5

Early Americana



Type &

Coun try Period 1517 Newton Avenue Day ton . OhIO 45406

Freda and John Gorkl5 274· 1021



84 SECOND STREET HOURS : Mon., Wed•• & Fri. 1-6 Or By A~_~I.!!!!!!ill

So •• 8-12


'Phone: 897. 3563' 76 Firs. S',ee'- Reo, Corwin. Ohio 45068




SQ;lIad .:lass po51lge plid II WaynenlUw, Ohio \ Id

Ms. Mary Current. Director or the Mary L. Cook Library in Wa,路nesvillt'. is shown giving one 01 the 19H Christmas Seal bookmarks 1.0 ht'r neighbor. Christine Sheehan. 12. Christint' li\'es at 469 :"orth 51. in Waynes"iIIe and is the granddaughterol Mrs . Walt .. r Sheehan. Presid .. nt ollhe Board 01 Trustees ollb.. ;\Iary L. Cook Librar,'. a member 01 SWOR L )Southwestern Ohio Rural Libraries .) Each year . tbe library is supplied Iree or charge with Christmas St>al bookmarks during the Christmas Seal Campaign lor distribution to library patrons. as are all the Warren County libraries .

F1~EN I,

Senator Robert Taft. Jr . today called for a complete investiga tion into the cause for skyrocketing sugar prices. Taft joined Senate colleagues in calling on the Federal Trade Commission to explain to the public and Congress the cause of the increase. and to ask the companies involved to justify i t ~ Specifically. Taft wants to look into the possibilities of specula tion irregulari ties and any anticompetitive practices. The Ohio Senator questions the 1500 percent profits of sugar companies at a time when consumers are unable to afford the 50 cent per pound price , He called on the Chairman of the FTC ,to analyze these profi ts to determine if they are justified or "windfall" profits . "I not only question the price increases in food stuffs using sugar. but I wonder about the many products such as diet soft drinks. which use no sugar and have increased their prices. "Retail sugar prices have tripled in the last year. Wholesale prices continue to

f) p;,). cb-u ~


All business offices of the Dayton Power and Light Company will be closed Thursday. November 28, Thanksgiving Day and also Fridav . November 29, the day after Thanksgiving. Robert Kyvik , Xenia District ;\1anager for DP&L pointed out that persons needing emergency service can u ~ (' tht路 DP&L number list ed il~ Ihf'ir local telephon/;' , ..., .L: _


increase daily . With price of food already taking its toll on the family budget. this unaccountable rise in sugar prices needs a better explanation than the double talk we have heard so far," he said, Taft also called on the Administrator of the Commodity Exchange Authority to use his new authority to investigate the amount of speculation of futures markets in sugar and the identity of large speculators . "I was pleased that Attorney General Saxbe recently announced that the Antitrust Division of Justice was investigating tIte pricing of sugar over an extended period of time. I want to know if their investigation covers the price increases of this past year . 1 have written to the ssistant Attorney General in the Antitrust Division to request that he being this study immediately. We need some answers now."

The Warren County Unit of the American Cancer Society is lookmg lor a "Miss Hope." The program is open to all women who are R,N.'s. L,P ,N路s. or students in schools 01 nursing who are registered nurse candidates, The purpose of the 'program Is to select a nurse to be the official representative of the society for a period 01 one year and to involve this nurse in every conceivable way to draw attention to the cancer problem . your American Cancer Society and to Ihe progress being achIeved Anyone Interested caU the Warren Cnunty Unit of the Anwr,can ('ancer Society at 127 :"orth Broa dway . Lebanon 932路 fJl9Y

Th" WtnnN


represent the

II ~ rrt'n ( " ,unly L'lIIt 10 the Miss IIl lp" IIf I .hl') Pro~r am

Page 2, Miami Gazette, Wednesday , November 'n , 1974

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Sunday. Dec. 1 IN ALICANTE : This morning we will attend church services with the Meffords and observe our Baptist work in Alicante. Monda y, Dec.. 2 TO GRANADA : Shortly after leaving Alicante. we reach Elche. the only place in Eruope where palm trees grow . We continue to Granada with the high mountains of Sierra Nevada always in sight. A stop will be made enroute (or lunch . HOTEL VICTORIA Our missionaries in Granada are Rev . and Mrs. Bob Crider and Rev . and Mrs. Bob Worley . a former pastor in Cleveland. Tuesday , Dec. 3 TO TORREMOLIN OS : This morning you will enjoy sightseeing in the last capital of the Moorish Kingdom in Spain, the unforgettable Alhambra and beautiful GeneraJife Gardens . After lunch, we depart for Malaga and Torremolinos. HOTEL ALOHA TO TORREMOLINOS: Our missionaries in Malaga are Rev . and Mrs . Henry Schweinsburg. Perhaps we will ha ve the opportuni ty to visil with them aUer our arrival. Wednesday , Dec. 4 TO SEVILLE : We will drive along the coastal road to Marbella, Algeciras , Jerez and on to Seville. . HOTEL COLON As a special treat, Senor Jose Luis Castejon, a blind musician in IN BARCELONA : While in our Southern Baptist Church, will Barcelona we will go down to the give a concert especially for the Old Folks Home, Villa Franca del group. Thursday, Dec. 5 IN SEVILLE : Parades_ The balance of the day will be free. Tonight, a special This morning you will enjoy a lour Thanksgiving Dinner will be of SEVILLE : Si tua ted on the banks of the Guadalquivir River in the prepared at your hotel. Friday, Nov . 29 TO ALICANTE : heart of Andalucia, Seville's best This mOrning we board our private loved monuments date back to the motorcoach and drive along the Moorish occupation . One of coast to Tarragona, the capi tal of particular interest is the " GiralRoman Spain for shorl sightseeing. da ", one of three towers built 800 After a stop for lunch, we proceed years ago by Usuf Yakub the thrOUgh a rich orange growing zone Victorious. the counterparts of which are the Hassan Tower in to Valencia and on to AJicante. HOTEL RESIDENCIA BERNIA Rabatand the Koutoubiya Tower of Saturday, Nov. 30 IN ALI- Marrakech , both in Morocco. Visit the Giralda. Cathedral. and the CANTE: We will drive to denia for a Gateway of Pardon. the Orange day of sightseeing. Denia is a beautiful city on the Mediterranean Court, then rpoceed to the Alcazar. Sea. There will also be an to see the Moorish Palace; Royal Residence . and the Alcazar opportunity to visit with Rev . and Mrs. Joe Mefford and their Gardens . Continue to the Santa daughter, Susie.

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FINAL ITINERARY FOR THE OHro BAPTIST YOUTH GROUP Monday, Nov. 25 : TO NEW YORK : Meet at the Baptist Building on 1680 East Broad Street. 'Leave Columbus via chartered bus for New York -Kennedy Airport a t 12 :00 midnight. Tuesday , Nov . 26, TO BARCELONA : Leave New York via PAN AM 002 at 8:30 p.m . Wednesday , Nov. 'l:I Arri ve London<Heathrow AirportJ at 8: 10 p,m . Change planes. Leave London lhathrow Airport; via British European Airways 'n at 10 :50 a .m . Arrive Barcelona at 1:45 p.m . Transfer to your hotel HOTEL CONDADO : Ow missionaries in Barcelona are Rev. and Mrs. Jesse D. Bryan. During our stay, we will have the opportunity to observe some of the Southern Baptist work_ Thursday, Nov . 28 IN BARCELONA: This morning you will enjoy a tour of the city of BARCELONA : You will drive via Catalonia Square to Layetana. You will visit the Cathedral and its cloister, the Gothic Quarter and the Town Hall Chamber of Deputies_ Continue to the Spanish Village to see replicas of the most typical villages "throughout Spain." Visit the Monjuich Mountain and the "Miramar" drive to the Monument of CHristopher Coll,Rllbus. R~turn_ through the Plaza de Espana and Jose Antonio Avenue to starting point.

Published Weekly at 172 North Street Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Second class postage paid at Waynesville, Ohio

THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.O. BOI 325, Waynesville · -'

Editor & Publisher Lila McClure' . .. Sandee Blazer Contributing Editor Donna Huffman . . Staff Artist Karen Gasaway Advertising Sales Subscription - $3.00 Per Year

Uaited Cburch of Christ

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HOTEL MELIA CORDOBA This afternoon we w'ill havea tour of CORDOBA : We will proceed to the Mezquita . a great example of Moorish a rchitecture originally built as a mosque and used today as a cathedral. Then we will see the Musuem of Julio Romero. the Arch of Triumph at the entrance of the Roman Bridge. the Calahorra Tower and the immediate surroundings, including the Arab and Jewish Q·uarters . Return to your hotel. Saturday , Dec . 7 TO MADRID : Leaving Cordoba, we drive across Sierra Morena, through Despenaperros Pass and on to Madrid . HOTEL AVENIDA PALACE The Baptist Seminary for Spain is located in Madrid . Also, the Spanish Baptist Convention ehadquarters are loca ted in Madrid. Tonight there will be a reception in your honor and you will meet with Jose Boros, Executive Secretary, and our missionaries, Rev . and Mrs . Charles Whitten , and some of the local pastors. Sunday, Dec. SIN MADRIb : This morning a ttend services a t the English-speaking Emmanuel Baptist Church. Your afternoon will be at leisure. Monday. Dec. 9 IN MADRID : This morning you will have a touro f MADRID : Drive through the main streets of the city to the Royal Palace built in the 18th century by Charles III as a residence for Spain 's Kings , the. Puerta del Sol (gatewilY of the sun ), terminal point for 10 important streets and a center of activity since the 16th century , and the famous Prado museum ,with its unique collection of paintings started from the royal collections, of Charles V. Phillip" and subsequent Kings of Spain. Return to starting point. Note : There is a possibili ty we will be able to combine the city tour with a vis it with REv . and Mrs . Charles Whitten . This afternoon we wiu take a tour to EI Eiscorial and the Valley of the Fallen : We will dlrive to EI Escorial, visit the Monastery, Pantheon of the Kings, Phiillip II's private apartemtns and the Picture Gallery. Proceed to the "Valley of the Fallen" (Valle de los Caidos) at Cuelgamuros, national memorial to those who died for Spain in the War of Liberation. The monument is comprised of an underground church or crypt cut out of rock and an immense cross. There is alsQ a Way of the Cross. a MOnastery, Hostel and a seminary, where courses of social studies are given. Return to starting point. Tuesday. Dec. 10 TO COLUMBUS : Transfer to the airport. Leave Madrid via TWA 903 at 12 :30 p.m .; Arrive New York (Kennedy) . at 2: 15 p.m . Leave via chartered bus for Columbus .



Cruz Quarter. the Murillo Gardens and retum to hotel. Your afternoQn will be at leisure . Tonight. we lake a carriage ride through the ancient gypsy quarter of Santa Cruz. Fridav. Dec. 6 TO CORDOBA: In the mor-ning we drive to Cordoba . an ancient Roman and Mooris h

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McCLURE'S New Magazine Section The Miami Gazette

Wednesday . November 27 . 1974




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Page 4, Miami Gazette, Wednesdav . November '1:7. 1974

Waynesville Eiementary School Honor Roll (1st Nine weeks) . Grade 2 Mrs. 'Hodson, Curtis Booher, Gerald Freeman, Julie Henderson, Tanya Roeder, Melissa Wieland. Mrs. VanNusy, Carl Boggs, Tim Brooks, Donna Brown, Dean Cook, Martin Fowler, Chris . Freeman, Kelly Miltenberger, Shari Mullins. Mrs. Davis, Jerry Abner, Rodney Bailey, Trisha Bolanger, Steve Carter, Ri.c hard Dunham, Julie Flinn, Gail Haltom, Dawn Lander, Debra Messenger, Julie Taylor. Mrs. Cook, Angela Arthur, Kelli Burnett, Mike Cassidy, Kevin Lawless, Edward McGinnis, Deanne Rasnake, Kenny Smith, Lisa Stoneburner. Grade 3 Mrs. Courtney, Kevin Elcook, Melissa McKeever, Holly Ratliff, Blake Smallwood, Darla Taylor, Victoria Vair. Mrs. Slone, Laura Blythe, Rhonda Burnell, Jimmy Deters, Patty Fritts, Charotte Green, Chris Henderson, Mike Hess, Phillip Hubbell, Lisa Kendall,

**************** David Lewis, Stephen Morgan, Robyn Parson, Melvin Patterson, Danny Peters, Angela Ramsey, Lynn Scott, Leslie Sh~ton .. Mrs. Skaggs, Dean Benton, Lee Cornett, Greg Flannery, Colleen Hatton, Amanda Johnson, John Kidd, Rodney Rice, Alan Warldow, Matthew wolfe. Mrs. Click, Tommy Burnett, Karen Pettit, Lynda Ramsey, Deanna Rice, Angela Scott, Staci Shaffer, David Sheehan, Debra Shuler. Grade 4 Mrs. Pack, Andrew Engel, Julian Farley, Scott Graham, Lisa Hazen, Pam Koehler, Kelli Stroop. Mrs. Palko, Ella Brooks, Edgar Brown, Amy Fowler, James Grice, Melissa Marconet, Jerry Parish, Donna Ruse, Wendy -Schmidt. Mrs. Sawyer, Cherie Bayes, Jodi Buckland, Sharon Hovacker, Melinda Kronenbeger, Doug Perdue, Jackie Simpson. Mrs. Wardlow, Lori Foust, Janna' Jones, Tom Karman, Dale Kirby, Scot.t

Kleski, Rose Mary Kruer, Erik Kuras, Cindy Mece, Troy Patton, Kristina Rathweg, 8ric Wilson, Clyde Winsted. Grade 5 Mrs. Francisco, Cindy Allen, Kathy Booher, Lisa Campbell, Pat Frye, Steve Roark. Mrs. vanderpool, Patrick Cassidy, Rebecca Cook, Melissal England, Sheila Freeze, Kevin Fultz, Jill Lacy. Mrs. Perry, Craig Campbell, Lisa Elder, Mike Gadd, DeAnn Lamb, Kelley Lamb, Jennifer Powell, Janet Rush, Darrell Sharp, Darryl Woods. Mrs. Gadd, Erin Brodie, Chris Chenoweth, Glenda Cherry holmes, Chris Colvin, Kim Eakins, Scot Gorsuch, Eric Hass, Diana Head, lBobbi Leyes, Mryan McKinney, Patty Moore, Tracy Shelton. ~::~~~~-::::g:-c

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Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZETTE Only 53.00 A Year



Petitions signed by 1,500 persons requesting hearing on a soybean check ·off referendum were presented last week to the Ohio director of agriculture by Ohio Soybean Association (OSA) President William Dodds. The petitions asked Director of Agriculture Gene Abercrombie to set up the hearings to determine if a half -cent per bushel soybean ehecko()ff referendum should be conducted. Abercrombie announced that the hearingS will be held sometime in January . If the referendum is conducted and passed. said Dodds, a halC-cent per bushel will be collected from soybean producers at the first point of sale. Collected fWlds will be allocated by the Ohio Soybean Operating Committee , a com· mittee of soybean growers, to foregin market development ac· Iivities and production research. and market " Research development programs are designed to boost soybean profits with increased demand and a better product," said Dodds. "The half-cent per bushel invested in these areas will bring ample

returns for the Ohio soybean grower ." He noted that soybean farmers in 13 other states have passed similar half-cent checko()ffs. "As the seventh largest soybean producing state. Ohio needs to be a pari of this effort." he said. Dodds also pointed out that is a checko()ff is passed. each grower will have the right to ask . for a refund of his money if he does not feel it is being spent to his benefit. "With more than half of the U.S. soybean crop going to foreign markel s . market development becomes a major concern for Ohio growers." said Dodds . "Even Ihough demand for soybeans is high now . market development efforts by the American Soybean Association «ASA) must continue if I he soybean is to hold off stiff sompetilion from peanuts. rapeseed and fishmeal. "Production research will concentrate on yields. breeding and crop management problems. New varieites with better yielding power are currently the major concern of all soybean growers . More profit per acre is the goal of soybean reserach supported by the half-cent checko()ff."




FOx ,$ SO DEPOSITS OR MORE All new accounts

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6.75~ 6.50% 5.75 '%

REGULAR PASSBOOK Any Amoun t-No Minimum 5.25 Per Cent Yields 5.39 Per Cent Per Year

a Christmas Poinsettia a,.d for the Spining Wheel Drawing Poinlsettias available on December 17th

All Rates Subject To Change Without Notice By Government Regulation Transfer Or Early Withdrawal From Present Certificates Will Require A Penalty



10-4 Weekdays except 10-6 Friday and 10-1 Saturday

Closed Wed_





w~ ~--u~~ W~f...v S~

Ga zette . Wednesday . November 'l:l . 1974. Page 5

r------------------------ ---~ Town Square Restaurant Washington Square Family Dining at Reasonable Prices NIGHT SPECIALS Mon. - Chicken Wed. - Fish all you can eat 'or

Plan Your Christmas Parties Now

$1 89


NEW HOURS:'" Mon .·Thurs .. 7 :00a.m.· 8 :00 pm . Fri. & SaL 7 :00 a.m. ' 9 :00 p.m. Sunday.ll:OOa.m. · 8 :00p .m.

30 Years.n Bu" Ca le"n g To The Needs Ot Intants- Gorls S'le 12 Boys S' le ~ ,

GIFTS OUR SPECIALTY ••.•...........•...•.•.....•..... .......•.•......;..•.•.•".................................................................................................. ;




All New Merchandise 2' Plece living Room S88 Stereo·C on sole S79 MaUresses Sl8 Recl iners $48 Bunk Beds 548 9 '112' Rugs S5 Cocktail and 2 Step TAbles (set~8) S18

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Lebanon 932·2246 Monday.Friday 10-9 pm. Saturday 10-6 pm. Sunday 12 noon-5 p.m.



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(!:: LECTROL UX) Sales. Service & Supplies

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Page 6, Miami Gazette, Wednesday , November 'n, 1974

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Sports Sponsor



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Lebanon Auto Parts Of

~haml Gall'lIe . Wednesday . :-Iovember 27. 1974. Page 7




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WA Y:\ESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 1974-75 Basketball Schedule

ore f Waynesville

DATE Nov . 22 Nov . 23 Nov . 29 Dec . 6 Dec. 13 Dec . 20 Dec. 21 Jan . 4 Jan. 10 Jan . 17 Jan . 18 Jan . 24 Jan . 25 Jan . 31 Feb . 4 Feb . 7 Feb . 11 Feb. 14


B()?GE'RDNu' '3

TEAM Lebanon CLINTON MASSIE Blanchester LITTLE MIAMI Kings Mason Bellbrook SPRINGBORO East Clinton Clinton Massie BLANCHESTER Little Miami CEDARVILLE KINGS CARLISLE MASON (Parents Nightl EAST CLINTON Springboro

IHI - Home: IA) . Away



IH) (A)

IA) (H )


(H) (H) IAJ

Page 8, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, November 27. t974


Conservationist effort preserves the Little Miami River The Little Miami River is a canoeist's paradise. Located along the heavy urban corridor between Dayton and Cincinnatti, Ohio, the picturesque IOS-mile-long river flows through deep canyons. rolling forests, small towns and farmlands from its beginning in Clark Count)' to its confluence with the Ohio River in Hamilton County . The Little Miami was designated as Ohio's first scenic river by the state legislature in April. 1969. A 64-mile portion of the river was later designated by Congress as a first National Scenic River. Though it is still relatively unspoiled , the river is vulnerable to the demands for more po"'Cer, more living space and more dramatic industrial growth. Its major threats include industrial. municipal and agricultural water pollution, water resource development projects including reservoir construction and stream channelization , residential and second home development along its flood plain and visual corridor and over-utilization by various types of outdoor recreation. Though it is a national scenic river, its federal protection is limited . The Federal Power Commission

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Despite concern about the energy crisis, Kings Island at· tracted a record number of visitors during its third season of operation. General Manager Edward J . . McHale said nearly 2.6 million persons visited the entertainment park during the 125-day operating season. The figure shows an increase of 200,000 over the 1973 season . "We did note a substantial increase in the number of Ohioans to visit us", McHale said. "Some 70 percent of our guests were from Ohio, compared to 58 percent last year." As the patk closed for the season , work began on Kings Island's 3.5 million dollar expansion program. Most of the construction is in the Coney Island theme area. Fea tured in the new addition is agiant double ferris wheel. Imported from Switzerland, this ride rises to a height of 135 feet, making it the tallest structure on the Coney Mall. The ride is the second of its kind in the United States and differs from the conventional ferris wheel in that the two large wheels opera te alternately. It is capable of handling 2,000 persons an hour. Another new ride being added to the Coney M.i11 is called the Troika. This ride combines a twisting and . spinning action as the entire 's tructure rotates. Also included in the mall construction are a games building, an outdoor theater ' and a restaurant ~apable of serving 2,000 persons an hour by utilizing a large revolving Serving area. When completed the Coney Mall will be nearly twice its persent size and will retain the classic appearanc;e, including the famous gingko trees. Additions to Lion Country Safari include a 2,lMJO.5eat amphitheater, featuring the new Kings Island exotic bird show. , Here colorful birds perform a variety of tricks. Kings Island opens for the 1975 season with preview weekends beginning April 26, and will open for daily operation May 26.

There's a shortage of natural gas. Available supplies must be conserved. This winler, Ihere won'l be enough gas 10 meel all needs. DP8cL's supplier has again reduced lhe amounl of gas for Ihis area. Commercial and induslrial users have been nOlified 10 reduce consumplion. Some will find il necessary 10 reduce operalions and layoff employees. Residenlial CUSlomers are urgenlly requesled 10 conserve gas in lhe horne. You 'll save on your gas bills-and your cooperalion will help 10 lessen Ihe effeclS of Ihe gas shorlage-for everyone. Use Ihe lowest thermostat seiling at which you are comlortable (Ev'ery degree higher adds to your healing bill ) Set ther r.1ostallower at night 3~~


Open drapes and blinds to le I the sun help warm your home If there ':;

Ir:sula te your attic and sidewoll~ You can save a s r.1uch as 30" c, on your heati ng bill with adequ ate ins:Jiotio:1

no sun, clos e the drapes agains t the

cold. Close drapes a t n ight lor the

The Service People

enter ing or leaVing . close outside doors promptly.

Weathe r stri p around looscIIl lIog doo;"s and w w s

Cau lk outSide cracks Storm doors and windows help keep cold oul Clear plastic shechng sta pled 10 window Iram es con be used lor the same purpose.

Close all unused rooms Keep doors closed to attached garage and other unheated oreas.

Use kitchen and bath exhaust fans only when necessary.

temperature selling. A pan 01 water neor a heat regiSler can be used 10 add hum idi ty to the air ,


Don" waste hot waler , Insulate hot waler lines Fix leaky hot water faucets.

Many of the projects suggested ~ere are do·, it~ yourself types. For the rest. conlact a reliable [ workman or company.


Check furnace filters every 6 weeks. Clean Or replace fillers if they are dirty , Be sure your furnace is in good repair. Check bel t. Oil bearings. Burners should be cleaned and adjusted. from time 10 time by a reliable healing service man.

Close your fireplace damper when Ihe fire is au I. or you lo s ~ warm alf up the ch imney

......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M i a m l Gazette . Wednpsdav. November '1:7 . 1!174. Page 9 cannot license projects affecting any component of the Despite the DNR 's efforts to clean up the river . much river's environment . Federal water reservoirs may not of the burden of preserving the Little Miami falls on the be built along the flood plain of the Little Miami without shoulders of private citizens concerned about the the approval of the Departments of Agriculture and rivcr's future . Ross and Genie Terrel of Milford. Ohio. have for years been seeking a legal means of stopping a interior. and Congress . No tederalland along the river private industrialist from digging up the gravel along a may be sold. and federal agencies are prohibited from section of the river near Terrace Park . The gravel giving grants without assurances that the river' 50 special values won't be harmed. operation has interrupted the natural flow of the river . Many governmental and citizen groups in Ohio. . . A recent court ruling ordered him to change his however. are dedicated to keeping the Little Miam i digging methods but he appealed the case and his River in as original and natural state as possible despite company is still in operation." Mrs . Terrell said . the encroachment of civilization'. 'The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR ) has contracted with fWO Columbus firms to undertake an extensive land use plan along the river's corridor to recommend how the river can best be protected on a long¡ term basis . "This plan involves the development and promises the establishment of land use proposals

Though the Little Miami is located in a heavilypopulated area in western Ohio. conservation groups have been successful in preserving many sections of the river as natural wilderness areas free from pollution and litter ; it is one of the best canoeing rivers in the country. for each portion of the river corridor." Stephen Goodwin. a conservationist with the ODNR's Scenic Rivers Division. said. A computer will be used to evaluate the capability and suitability of each tract of land in the river corridor. "This will enable us to evaluate areas of land in order to determine their potential for a variety of uses." Goodwin said . The computer will test the relative ability of the land to accomodate- a given land use without creating significant problems for either the inhabitants of the area or the environment . Development will require good soil condition, adequate groundwater, and fairly level terrain . Otlierfeatures studied in the analysis will be general geology, slope , soil, groundwater availability. vegetation, forest growth density , flood plain surface water type and. sand and gravel deposits, Goodwin added. As far as recreational use is concerned, the plan will allow the ODNR to decide: (I) if there should be additional recreational facilities, (2) the desirable degree of recreational use, (3) what kinds of recreation are compatible with the river and (4) what areas be acquired for recreational purposes, Goodwin said. In addition to preparing a river land-use. plan, the ODNR has authority to approve or disapprove any governmental project proposal, such as highways, bridge structures or channel modification within a. scenic river area outside a city's corporated limits. However, the ODNR has no power to controll privately-owned projects within a city's limits. "We .are: doing our best to encourage local governments to enact: zoning and subdivision regulations that will protest hazardous areas such as flood plains and steep slope areas," ODNR conservationist Larry Sweda said . Local governments could adopt flood plain regulations and other land use controls, locate city water facilities away from the river, participate in the preparation of the river corridor plan and police and maintain the river banks in the city's area , Goodwin and Sweda said. The DNR has a budget of 5824.000 for 1974 and 1975 to purchase privately-owned land along the river . A matching budget is being supplied by the Federal Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Goodwin said . If private landowners are unwilling to sell, the DNR may offer "scenic easement. " In this situation the ODNR will pay a private landowner who owns river property from 50 to 7S per cent of the property value for agreeing to certain terms, such as refusing to burn trash , cutting timber or putting up billboard displays.

Large-scale gravel operations that extract tons of gravel from the river are one of the chief dangers facing the Little Miami because its free-flowing current could eventually be interrupted or changed . Unfortunately, environmental groups have little legal authority to stop operations that are in the jurisdiction of local townships .

Mr~ . Terrell and her hu .. band run a canoe livery in Milford . and have been actively involved in the efforts to get the whole rive r dt'\ignat('d a\ a National Scenic River. " We have to eliminate the gra"el operations first. though ." Mrs . Terrell added . The most unaesthetic feature of the ri"er is the proliferation of dilapidated cottages along certain portions of the shore . according to Mrs. Robert Black of the Scenic River Citizens' Advisory Council. "One private dwner near Marimont rented substandard cottages every year to Appalachians. and the living conditions are just terrible . We have no real legal grounds. although we have asked the Ohio Health Department to investigate the matter. " she said . A leading citizen group dedicated 10 preserving the Little Miami River is little Miami , [nc ., based in Cincinnani . Little Miami. Inc . pins down problem areas and then contacts the DNR and the Ohio EPA for further action, according 10 executive director Dan Doughert)¡. Little Miami. Inc . was recently able to ~et the Ohio Department of Transportation to restudy their plan to reroute a major highway along part of the river's flood plan . "We were able to convince them the plan was unsound for both technical and environmental reasons," Dougherty said . Little Miami. Inc. has recently been granted an adjudication hearing by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for a newly-proposed sewage plant along the nood plain . "We have no assurance we can win this hearing , but we have 10 try because we 'd like to set a precedent against any sort of construClion on the flood plain that could damage the channel flow," Dougherty said . Dougherty said he hopes the prestige of getting all seClions of the little Miami River designated as a National Scenic River will discourage local townships 10 from issuing permits along the flood plain . All the conservation and citizen groups that are working toward the ultimate preservation of the Little Miami agree that it is at the local level where the bartle 10 preserve the river will be ultimatelv be won or lost .•

Page 10, Miami Gazette, Wednesday, November 'D, 1974

Straight From the Quaker· Art Festival and the Ohio Sauerkraut Festival


with the Old Grimms favorite

LITTLE RED RIDINGHOOD Starring Jacqui Davidson as Lit t le Red David Hisey as The Wolf wIth Holly HIsey. Greg Polly and Lola McClure

Puppets Designed by DONNA HUFFMAN For Holiday Arrangements


1974-75 SEASON

Area Artist Series

Xenia, Ohio 1974-75 SEASON CINCINNATI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Featuring 8 : 00 P.M . concerts in OSSO Home Auditorium


April 16 Tickets may be purchased at Famous Auto Supply·Sporting Goods, Xenia Daily Gazette

US Army Recruiting "Free Way to a College Education " For In.ormation Call 932·7690 20 W. Mulberry SI. Lebanon, Ohio • _ _ _ _ &:1_ '_ _ _ _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..

II~ ,. I ~-. : . . . . I~II . . . . . IEW·U II ' 'llll1IWII QAII:I"J'B


I. . I








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1_-_._-----_. __...._--____ I I DATE



. ,• .


ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLIOTT All leading brands-free esti~ates. Bank finacing avaIlable. Waynesville 8977851. CAR DEALERS WARREN COUNTY CHRYSLER, "Chrysler D~ge, Plymouth." 518 W: Mam St., Lebanon, 932-5951. Always a go.od deal. MUENNICH MOTORS, "Better Idea Cars ' From Ford," "Quality Car Care." 749 Columbus Ave., Lebanon, 932-1010. CARPETS BI-RITE CARPET & TILE, 140 S. Main St., Carpet, floors, ceramic, ceilings, 897-5511 Waynesville 2225608, Dayton. LOSE WEIGHT WITH New Shape Tablets and Hydrex Water Pills Loveless Pharmacy.



~) ()9J-'jA.

Dear Santa, I'm a girl in fourth, I have been thinking ofgetting a Dusty doll that plays tennies and golf. And a ken and a pew outfits to it and I wont a baby alive doll. But one thing I realy wont is a bike; 3 speed and I wont a doll house. and I wont a gigantic ragedie ann My address : 7592 Carten Dr. Waynesville 0 . 45068. From Debbie Cook. Plus money to please. ;-- ~

SUPER MARKETS ELLIS SUPER VALU quality and low prices open till nine, 7 days a week, phone 897-5001. WAYNESVILLE MARKET 69 S. Main St. 897-5941 Meat Specialists . TV SALES& SERVICES BEATTY'S TV SALES & Services, Zenith, 27 N. Broadway, Lebanon, 9323075. DRY CLEANERS WASHINGTON SQUARE LAUNDROMAT and Dry Cleaners, 88 S. Main St. Waynesville, 897-5961.

5 Speed Trans. Extra Sharp


The follOwing people have been chosen to be the cast for this year's musical, Hello Dolly to be given at Waynesville High School May 1, 2, 3 1975. Dolly Levi-Andrea Bernard; ·Irene Molloy - Pat Spitznogle; Minnie Fay-Loretta Earnhart; Ermengarde-Jane Proudfoot; Ernestina-Jacqui Davidson; Mrs. Rose- Patsie Colvin; Horace Vandegelder-Greg Smallwood; Cornelius Hackl-Terry Irons; Barnaby Tucker-David Hisey; Ambrose KemperBrent Crane; Judge-Doug Vinson; Rudolph-Allan Hannah; Court Clerk-Aaron Crane; Student DirectorCheryl Snyder. Chorus and dancers to be listed later.

' .'

FLORIST CEME~T WORK & REAL ESTATE CEDAR CITY FLORIST, K.S.A. REALTY,88 S, Main ROOF REPAIRS Finest Flowers & Gifts, 123 St., Waynesville, 897-3501. HUBERTSMITH & SON If E. Mulberry St., Lebanon, yo~ have It cleaned and reo Ohio 932-2916. LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cahall paired now . We also do PI. Waynesville ; 1-885-5453 cement work all kinds, GROCERIES or 897-6055 ; Camfield Com- Block laying and roof SHERWOODS MARKET, pany Inc. 433-9912 or repair . Phone 932-4665. "featuring meats cut to 897-6055. oroer;" delivery service. 747 COLLISION REPAIR Cincinnati Ave. Lebanon, KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE Ohio, 932-1944. REPAIR : REMODEL YOUR -OLD COLLISION jewelry-remounting gold " Expert Body and Paint INSURANCE sizing, refinishing jewelry Work" : Experienced work. THE NATIONAL LIFE & ',\Iork guaranteed repair. Stone setting. David- All Accident Insurance Co. 862-4487. Located on US 42 1 sons Jewelers, Lebanon (Grand Ole Opry People) mile south of Spring Valley 932-3936. Fred Napier agent 897-3111. and 5 miles north of Waynesville. PHARMACIES LOAN & SA VINGS CO. LOVELESS PHARMACY PEOPLES BUILDING BUY YOUR TOYS,GAMES Professional Prescription LOAN & Savings Co., "Start and Christmas gifts at service 33 S. Main Street, saving tomorrow ." Come to Moore's Store·Downtown Waynesville 897-7076. Lebanon Phone 932-6966. 11 S. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio, Pholile 932-3876. PLUMBING & HEA T1NG W. W. COVEY Plumbing and Hea ling 177 Fifth St., Waynesville 897-6431. e60 with Grain Body

Voss Chev. Today the Warren CounlY Drug Council. Inc . has a new office al 42 North Broadway in Lebanon . Last week it was almost an orphan . It was losing its borrowed space in the Old County !iome. The CO\1nty had no other space to house the Council. The Council had no funds to rent space and earlier promisE.'s of rent·free space were inoperative . For several weeks the story seemed to be : No room in the Home and no room in Lebanon . At the end of a frantic search by the Council's administrator. Ken Bausch. and secretary . Ophelia McLean . contact was made with Ben Sawyer , Mr . Sawyer agreed to donate space above his office if the councit would pay all the utilities . The Council moved in Monday. 11·25-74. The telephone number is 932-6060. The Drug Councit is funded on a 75 percent basis by the Ohio Bureau of Drug Abuse . The donation of space will supply about one-sixth of the local share (25 percent) .· The otherfive-sixLhs (about$4700) must be raised in local cash con· tributions. Other Drug Council News The Frankin Schools combine a Drug , Alcohol and Tobacco (OAt) curriculum with a mental health program . In interviews with the superintendent, Shelby Middleton. Teachers and students !l!e com· bination is getting much praise . State assistance is available toward setting up both the OAT and Mental Health Programs in local school districts . Students are expressing a fear of talking to adults about thelr

100 Loop Rood

problems . They feel ihat adulL' Will not keep their self·revelations confidential. ThE.'Y desir.. con" fidentiality . Pee r counseling or a hotline . they feel. are likely ways or obtaining it. Lawyers . police and courts 'III seem interested in providing treatment instead of jail. for atle3 S1 some drug off('ndl'rs The Drug Council is a t work opl'ning aen'ss to drug treatm .. nt programs In ~Iontgomcry . Butler ilnd Hamillon



PHONE 433 -9640

countl C's

,\ tits r£·gular mnnthry nH'l'llng on :-Oonmbl'r 18. 19.4. thp Drug Council ack nowledgl'd IWO S25.00 donations from thl' Wayol's , "it II' Rotary and the Franklin Eagles . Also the Drug Council eleded Sandel' George and Doug Cormany into the Council. Sandel' Ii VI'S in Wayn,esville and is actlVI' on The Child Conversation League . Doug is a vocational teacher at Little Miami High School. The council officers are : Presi· dent. Gene Miller. counselor at Franklin Junior High : Treasurer . Fred Hubbell . lawyer ; Recording Secretary . Jim Beck. assistant director Hollywood Community Center: Corresponding Secretary. Julia Ayers, teacher a t Franklin Junior High . ~; The other active members of the council are : Bob Turner . county commissioner : Roy Wallace . Sheriff ; Carolyn Lambert. Leba · non School nursE.' : Pat Edwards. Sprinboro businessman . Doris Spring. of Ihl' LO"eland School Health a nd Safety Committee . and Charles Foo.1. Spnnghoro phar o ma cis!. ~Ionday .

IIISTHff'T .\I.·\ .• ,\(;I-:H IS IlEHE Til'" ,; rligan . ~la' nager of 11Is tm:. IIIlI' "f I hI' OhIO Deparl · Illenl "f :'.lenl31 lIE.'alth and ~ll'ntal Hl'tardalllm . ('mphaslzed the need fllr a well defined linkage between ,nst,lul,olial and ccmmunlty mental health S<'rvlces during the Warren ('flunly &48 Boa rd meeting held Thursday In Lebanon Grogan traced the history of the Distncl concept and E.'xplalned thai In addition 10 having a direct relationship with institutions in the District . the District has the responsibility to " monitor . evalutl' and approvl' community prol!-ram s .. Cla ssification and salary dplE.'rmination for In· d,v,dual s I' IInsldl'rcd for em · ploym l'nt In mental health prugrams" aslll th!' responsibiloty i,f the IJlsirle l . (;rogan added Jim EIII~ I'XPI' UII\'P' d,reelor Ilf I hI.' Wa rn -e , '"u nl! 648 HIlard . report ed Iha l Ihl' ('asl'load ror Ihe ,'ounl'lIfH! ~('r \ 1(' (' dUring Ihe mllnth


OClntx- r wa:-. 11.). wlfh 477 hours

""pt'nJ 111 l '('UlhPltrlg

t\ :-Iovember t9·20 vote by Un"'erSity or Toledo faculty members 10 dl'termine whether or not they would be represented by an agent on collective negotiations has resulted in non I.' of the three "pi Ions receiving a majority of .. otl'S, al'cllrding 10 UT President (; len H Driscoll . Thl' results are to hl' offically verified for President [lnsl'oll loday 'No\' . 211 by Louis .\1 Thomson . dirl'ctor of Toledo's l.ahllr . M.anagement ·C itizens "Ollllllllll·I·. w.hlch sUpl'n-ised the .. ll'elll1n . ('0111 ment ong on the election f(·s ult, . PreS iden t Dnscoll said , " III k""ping ,,:ilh th(· ground rules for , Ill S .. 11'1·' ,on as drawn up by a f('prl'Sl'ntatlve commlttN' and as a gn'l'd 10 by thp L'T Buard of Trusll·('S . WI' now will proceed to a rUIIIlff {' Iec t",n bt'tween the AIllProcan Fl.'deration of Tea<:hers and fhe 'n" agent ' option to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday , Dec . 3 and 4 .. Of the three options on the ballut. the " no agent" option rE.'cejved 237 votes. and AFT received 229 votes and the American Association of University Professors received 90 votes . Since the "no agent" option and the AFT received the two largest pluraliLies , they will aJr pear on the runoff ballot. The UT faculty voted last spring in favor of holding an election this fall to determinl' if thl'Y would be represented by a bargaining agent. Soem 58U faculty members were dl'lermined eligible to vote in the fall election by the rules comIllltI N·. composed of six members. Thp TIlledo League of Women \ ''''''rs prrl\'lded poll judges for the :\1,\ emlX'r "Ieet jon Preparations fnr 'hI' Il('(' me/x' r runoff election ,, 011 tJf: gln Imm(·d,atl'ly .

~,~ .-'


Page 12, Miami Gazette, Wednesday , November '1:7, 1974

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Jehovah 's Wilnesses from Ihe Lebanon area were present 10 hear !\I r . John W. SI ueflolen . district supervisor for jehovah's WiI· lIesses. address a crowd of 1,308 persons. filling the assembly hall lr1 London. Ohio. Sunday afternoon . This lalk . "Whal Ihe Near FUlure Holds !" Climaxed the group 's Iwoday assembly . !\Ir . Sluefiolen noled Ihat many week answers from news or financial analysts . informed policial leaders. even turning to astrology or forms of ESP in an allempl 10 determine whal the future holds . He slated. "The Bible has much 10 say aboul Ihe One who has shown he knows what will occur. Likely you have read the> Bible some and know that God long a/:o foretold the wars. food shorlages and increased crime of our lime . Bul whal will yel come? How will il affecl you? Will your fulure be happy? " "For Irue Chrislians Ihe near ~~ WJ~t:"()4-40 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ fulure includes survival into the r.X~~.~ cvu. ~·~'Torio~~. WuJL,~~7 lIew order with Ihe prospect of elernal life in paradise. The near OHIO J:)e'£:t'e Sl:;~SOtJ OP6}JS nec., 2. future after Har·Magedon will Ohio's 1974 deer gun season valid Ohio hunling license. The each Ohio deer zone and Ihe opeing merge inlo paradise we can enjoy permil costs $10. open~ Dec. 2, and from all inand closing dates for the deer forever." Observed Mr . Stuefloten . dications Ihe state's deer Deer may be hunted with a season in Ihat area : He Ihen concluded. "There is no sholgun which uses a Single ball or population is the highest ever. Zone I - Dec. 2 through Dec. 6 queslion of whal Ihe future holds. Biologists from the Department rifled slug. or a single shot muzzle- for buck only . The counties in Zone fur God says whal he will do." of Natural ' Resources ' (DNR I loading rifle of a leasl .38-{;aliber. \ are Williams , Fulton. Defiance, Sunday morning's session of the division of y;i1dlife estimate this Hunting hours are from 7:30 a.m. Henry , Paulding and Lucas, west assembly wilnessed a water year's dee~ population at more to 6 p.m. daily except Sunday. of Ihe Maumee River . baplism in which 38 persons Ohio is divided into five deer Zone 2 - Dec . 2 through Dec _ 4 presented themselves in outward Ihan 75,000.\ The 1973 Ohio deer population was estimated at 65,000. hunting zones and hunting rules for buck only. The counties in Zone symbol of an inward didication of Dan C. Armbruster, chief of the vary' in each. Hunters should 2 are Ollawa. Wood, Sandusky. Iheir lives 10 God 's service. division of ; wildlife, said field consult the " 1974 Ohio Hunting and Erie , Huron. Seneca. Putnam , reports from county game Trapping Regulations " for specific Hancock , Wyandot, Crawford, protectors ~how excellent deer information on the area they plan Allen . Har·din .. Marion, Marrow , Logan, Union. Delaware, Medina , 10 hunt herds stateWide. The hunting regulations, Wayne and Lucas. east of the Holmes. Tuscarawas, Carroll. This year's deer harvest should Jefferson . Harrison, Coshocton, exceed the ~!594 taken in Ohio last publication 85, and a pamphlet Maumee River. listing deer hunting laws and Zone 3 - Dec . 2 for buck and dOe. Licking, Muskingum. Guernsey , year . ' Armbrustei- said the number of checking stations locations, Dec. 3 through Dec. 6for buck only. Belmont, Monroe, Noble, Morgan , deer killed highways this year is publication 86, can be obtained by The counties ,in Zone 3 are Lke. Perry, Hocking. Fairfield, Athens. up from last year, although speed contacting the Publications Ashtabula, Geauga, Trumbull , Washington, Ross , Vinton, Meigs, limits are reduced_ "This is Center. Ohio Department of Summit, Portage, Mahoning, Stark Gallia , Pike, Jackson , Brown, Adams, Scioto and Lawrence. , another indication that deer are Natural Resources, Fountain and Columbiana . There is no deer gun season in Square, Columbus 43224, or one of Zone 4 - Dec. 2 through Dec. 7 plentiful," he said. for buck only. The counties in Zone Zone 5 which includes the other 23 Deer hunters are required to Ihe five district wildlife offices. Following is a list of counties in 4 are Richland, Ashland, Knox, counties in the state. have a deer permit in addition to a



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Lllie Red Shed :!!! ANTIOUES :::




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(513) 862·5181 Hours

1 p .m . to 7 p.m. Fri ..


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Sign-Up Today! For Beginn_er Cake Decorating

Tax Service Connie Beck

Bookkeeping 55 E. Lytfe Rd.


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4 Classes- December 2, 9, U6 & 23 7-8:30


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Monday evenings

'511 Newton A\lenue Daylon . Oh,o 45406

Freda and John Gorkfs


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"Ye Olde Cake Supply Shoppe" 127 North St. Waynesville, Ohio 897-3890

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£1PfI GlClHlrs Morc E"


POLLUT10AJ c007ROt...


(lhlll Tilt' F.nvironm£'nlal ( 'olumbus , Ohio 43216 The Ohio I'ro"'cl lon Agency I Ohl" F.PA I [I'A Pl'rmll number and the public "nlloun .. 1'd loda y Ihat II proposes 10 11011(' " numbt-r should be included ISSU" ""alN pollutIon co ntr ol 'on Ih£' ('m'elope and on each page I'('rllllls 10 18 appilcants, or suhmitl('d commetns . s peCl (Y"'/.! and I",,,"ng Ihelr A publIC me('t ing may be held if cil ,,'harg,' o( pollut a nt s ",10 s lat£' s U(("' I('nl Int('resl about the permit watl'rway~ IS shown . Interested parties may Till ' (lhiO F.PA 's proposallolssul' also request an appeals hearing on :-';I'[IES permils IS based upon a IhI' proposl'd permit · within 30 I'r('llnllnary s laff r£'\' il'w and days appllt'al",n o( slal(' watl'r pollution " puhlic ml'l'ting is an informal "anclards and regulat",ns Thl' hpa rlng wherl' all interested dt'(,,,,,,,, 10 Issue Ih., P<'rmlts will p('rSllOS ma y present their comI ...,,"n,.. [Ina[ Ft'b 10 , 1975 unll's.~ na' nlS Thps!' comments will later ,III appt'al s hearing IS r l'qu£'sl''<l by I,,' n'\'I{'w,'d by the Ohio EPA ' hI' a ppilcanl or Inlprt'sl"d ('lllzens Ix'(o" , a dl'CISIOII is reached on Th., d,rt,.. lor o( th t' ag£'ncv may Issuan,'p o( thl' P<'rmits. An ap,ils!) ,,"ltdra w and n ' \' IS(' Ihe p.'a ls h ('a ring is a formal pr. ,pos£'cI PNnlllS after con I'r",'('{'dlng where all parties are s id£'ral",n o( Ih., r('cord o( a public r('presented by attorneys who m('{>IIrI)!. . wrll1('n c omm£'nts . or presenl evidence supporting or disapproval by the t · S EPA obje,-ting to issuance of permits, Wrilt£'" comml'nts on thl' ThIS testimony is reviewed by the proposl'd P<'rmils may be sub· fJlrl'<"lllr o( Ihe Ohio EPA, who m,II ,'d unl" Dec('mbt-r 12. 1974 fr nders t he decision in th" case. ('oml1'o ,'nl 5 m ay b(' sl'nl 10 Ihl' Ohio All requesls for appeals must be EPA . MPDF.S Pl'rmlt s Section . In writIng and submitted to I' () Box 10-19 . 361 E Broad Siret't. ~ r~ ..3 .


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Low income fam ilies to Butler and Warren counties can now have theIr pets neutered at a reduced ,'ost under a new program of the Ohi " Veterinary Medical Associa t IOn . The program IS part of a statewide effort to control pet overpopulat ion , About 16 area veterinarians, all m('m/)('rs of thl' state association as ",· ('11 a s Ihe Warren -Butler ('o untle s Veterinary Medical Assol'lallOn , WIll donate their time and skIlls 10 a surgical sterilizatfon program for male and female dogs and ca ts The $20 fee for each "perat",n WIll go directly to the OhIO Ammal Health Foundation for research mto anti -fertility drugs . Th e Humane Association of Miami Valley whIch operates tl)e Trent on AnImal Shelter is acting as the leoal planntng and screening agency According to Dr . Leland Lynch . MIddletown veterinarian and pre Sldl'nl o( Humane A~soclal'on O( M iamI Valley . \'f'If' nnarlans to the program will rwuH'r iJnJmal~


th eir clinics on a

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l'urrent identification card , health services card , employment book or stubs of the last three monthly social security checks. The Humane Association of Miami Valley will then issue a voucher to the pet owner, set an appointment for him and collect the fee which is forwarded to the foundaton in the name of the participating veterinarian . In addition , the pet owner receive an instruction sheet explaining the surgery and what steps should be taken to prepare the pet. The veterinarian will examine the animal before admission to the hospital, perform Ihe surgery under the most modem means available and be responSible for all arter-eare related to the surgery . • " Veterinaria ns I've talked to feel this program is really a step loward solving the problem of pet overpopulation and we want to do our part .. · Dr . Lynch said. A SImilar program recently began operating 10 Hamilton county . Th(' OhIO Veterinary Medical Asso(' la lion task (orce of overpopul al l"" o( pets has determined tr,ur lIwJ"r a r eas in which the \'1' I. ' r" "'f: profession could attack ' h.· pr"I,I"m public education in r' ·, p""'lbl .. pI-! I)wnprship : animal I"" , anll '(Nliilty drugs d: ,d '1 Jn..' IC' ;tI ""'n ll zatlon for all -f · :1 " ',\ progra m will ;,' , . :' ·/·r !, ...' !li('om(' families .


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Page 2. Miami Gazette. Wednesday. December 4. 1974

·SEA.RCHI G W~1JOO ~ill~D~

"Searching With Ernie" "Your Greatest Decision" As we ·a11 know. God richly blessed us with the knowledge 10 decide what is right and what is wrong. As humans we are going 10 make mistakes and quite a number of wrong decisions. but the one decision that each of use must make sooner or later is the greatest decision of our entire lives, thaI of accepting or rejecting Jesus Christ as our own personal savious. We must remember that judgement is coming and it behooves each of use to be ready to stand before God on that final day, ready to answe~ for the life we have lived. In John 3: 18 we read, "He thaI believeth on him is nol condemmed; But he Ihat believeth nol is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God ." For the punishment of those who do no accept Jesus Christ would you read for yourselves Ihe accounl fiven by John in the bood of Revelation 20:11·15. "And who soever was not found in the \;x>ok of life was casl into the lake of fire . This is verse fifteen of chapter twenty . What aabout you dear ones. will your name be found in the book of life spoken of in Revelation 20 : 12, .. ...... .. And another book was opened. which is the book of Life." According to this verse if you are in an unsaved condition you will be confronted with this book of lire, and if your name is not recorded there il will confirm the fact that you never accepted the salvation God so mercifully oCCered. The rejecters of Christ will have their names missing. and therefore receive the punishment as recorded in Revelation 20 : 15 which

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U.i1ed Charch of 0risI

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"Tomorrow's Church - A Study Conference" is theme of a special January )(H2 conference at the cneler of Tomorrow in Columbus. Designo~ to direct the thinking of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese (If Southern Ohio inlD the decade ahead , the conference will feature six notable speakers. including the Rt. Rev . John M. Krumm . bishop of Southern Ohio. Joining the bishop will be Dr . Warren Bennis. president of the University of Cincinnati: Dr. John H. Snow. professor of theology at the Episcopal Divinity School. Cambridge. Massachusetts; Sena· lOr Eugene McCarthy; and Provost Harold C. N. Williams of Coventry Cathedral , Coventry, England.

says , "Who soever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the Lake of Fire. In 2 Corin· thians 6 :2 we are told, ......... · Behold. now is the accepted thime ; behold . now is the day of salvation ." The plan of salvation is simple and so many people try to make it difficult they cause it to become a stumbling block. We recieve salvation by failh . We first of all admit that we are sinners. " Folr all have sinned , and come shorl of the Glory of God ." (Romans 3:23) we must believe · remember what Paul told Ihe Philippian jailer when he cried Oul. " What must I do to be saved'" Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of the living God with all you heart . Acts 16:31 says , "Believe on Ihe Lord Jesus Christ , and thou shall be saved, and thy house." We must also be baptized , In Acts 16:33 we read . "And he took them the same hour of the night . and washed their stripes: and was baptized. he and all his. straightway. In Matthew 10 :32 we are lold . "Who ·soever. therefore. shall confess me before men . him will I confess also before my father . who is in heaven. So you can see by Ihis verse we must confess him before olhers. The plan is simple :. A. Admit you are a sinner (Repent) B. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. C. Confess him before olhers. First address of the conference D. Be buried with him in will lake place on the opening Christian baptisim . evening , others are planned for Queslion . Where will you spend Saturday. eternity7 The choice is yours . My The conference is the first of humble prayer is that we live each several events planned as part oJf day as if it is our last. because it the Centennial celebration of the could be. diocese. Yours for a safe eternity Participants will be invited 10 Ohio· Ernie Smith attend a special Centennial Eucha. rist at Trinity Episcopal Church on Sunday morning January 12. There, the sixth speaker, the Rt. Rev . John E. Hines, former presiding bishop of the national Episcopal Church, will deliver the sermon. Trinity was selected for the special se/'Vice and Columbus for the January event because the Diocese of Southern Ohio was founded at the Columbus parish in give more to Christmas Seals % January of 1875.. 68th Annual Chrl.tma. S8al Campalg" The Rev . Walter Taylor, rector of Trinity and chairman for the Columbus conference, says that individuals from various parishes who can go home and communicate the confere'nce's results are being urged to attend . Because of limited facilities at the Center for Tomorrow, partici· pation is expected to be limited 10 Published Weekly at about 400. 172 North Street Small discussion groups are Waynesville. Ohio 45068 planned throughout the conference Second class postage pal~ at WayneSVIlle. Oh IO schedule to allow participants 10 discuss issues raised by the THE MIAMI GAZETTE speakers. P.O. BOI 325, WaJnesville A special "happening" is in Lila McClure' . Editor & Publisher preliminary planning stages and Sandee Blazer Contributing Editor will take place preceding the ... . . Staff Artist Donna Huffman Saturday evening banquet. Karen Gasaway Advertising Sales Dr. Bennis will speak on the theme "Changing Values and Subscription - $3.00 Per Year Priorities." Dr. Snow. "Shape of Theology in the Next Decade," Senator McCarthy. "Role of the Laity in the Church of the Future"



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~ll a ml Gazl'ltl' . W!'dnl'sda y. Dece mber 4. 1974. Page 3


Town Square Restaurant Washington Square

Con 'of

Family Dining at Rea sona b le Prices <;:, ( o pAL


J.J ur'{C I-t

NIGHT SPECIALS Mon. - Chicken Wed. - Fish

Plan Your Christmas Parties Now


.11 TOU can 89 ~a l l or ~----------~ NEW HOUR S ·- Mon . Thu" .. 7 : 00 ' .m . · 8 : 00 p.m .


Fn. & Sa t.. 7 OOa .m · 9 : 00p .m . Su nday . 11. 00 • .m · 8 00 p .m .

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is majoring in chemistry in the univers ity 's Colleg~ of Arts and Science and is one of eight new students to be accepted in the program unr ' er the four-year scholarship plan. In this program Hensley will receive financial assistance from the Air Force during his college years. graduating with a commission of Second Lieutenant. Hensley is a graduate of Springboro High School and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hager Hensley.

'fJl\vtJ£ LoU) L



MENU Ih Pint of Choc. or white milk with each meal; Thurs. Dec. 5 half and half sandwich, ham salad or peanut butter sandwich, french fries, fruit cup; Fri., Dec. 6 pizza, toss salad, apple, peanut butter; Mon. Dec. 9 spaghetti with meat sauce, applesauce, french bread, celery and carrot sticks; Tues. Dec. 10 toasted cheese sandwich, tomato soup, crackers, apple; Wed. Dec. 11 meat loaf manhattan sandwich, mashed potatoes and gravy, orange juice, cookie; Thurs., Dec. 12; submarine sandwich macroni and cheese, carrot sticks, jello with fruit ; Fri., Dec. 13 fish 'sandiwch, buttered corn, slaw, cho. cake.

/itllfIM' G'tfz.~l1C

N&'tJ$ OeftOitHf

MO)lD/¥( A-T qoo


Hear ing Clerk . Ohio EPA . 361 E . Broad 51 reet . Columbus . Ohio 43216. These requests must contain specific questions Ihat will be reaised al the proposed hearing . The requests should also list the exacl findings. orders or acitons of Ihe Agency that a party is objecting to and should also state the reasons I hese objections are being raised . If a party wnats an appeals hearing 10 be held at a specific lime or place. this information should also be included in the hearing request. Failure to follow Ihese proceedings will be considered a default and the hearing request will not be processed . All industries. municipalities . and lither sources of waler pollution must apply for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits under Public Law 92-500. The permits contain compliance schedules requiring Ihe source to reduce pollutants over a specified time period and enables any concerned citizen to find out what is being discharged and what is required of the facility . Oh io received authorization to issue the water pollulion control permits from the federal governmenL on March 11 . 1974. The permit application . fact shee t. proposed permit. special condi tions. and other documents

ftadl8 Ihaell

org tl lllzalmn a l 1,1,11 ;1\ 111 1'

Danny Henslev (left) 185 Evergreen Dri;e. Springboro. is congratulated by Colonel Joseph R. Henry. professor and chairman of aerospace studies and Commanding Officer of the Miami University Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps ( AFROTC). following his swearing-in as a member of the four-year scholarship program of the AFROTC. An entering freshman this fall. Hensley

St' rw l or ~l("(".t r lh~. Sl:l l ('~



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Boslo n ("hapl!'r 01 Ihl' I-:P"' ·"II.II Soc ... ly fo r Cull ura l and Unity.

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P rovos t W i ll la m ~ IS a na il','" fl f

South Arn ea a nd has hee n Pre " fI~t of COH'n Ir y ('a Ihed ra I SIO C,' I~'iH

(\. ' ~'~~ ..

US Army Recruiting




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WJ Y 10 a College Education "

for Inlor ma l,on Ca ll 932 · 7690 Lebanon . Oh,o 70 W Mulberry SI

~LECTROLUX) Sales . Service & Supplies

are a vailable for inspection a t the Ohio EPA in Columbus . The NPDES applicants are : Americ:an Smeling and Refining Co .. Columbus. Ohio (NOtice NO .OPEII 74· 1Hl21. Permit No E4000AD I Holiday Inn . Mason . Ohio I Notice NO.OEPA 74-IHJl6, Permi t No . R625ADI Englewood Sewage Treatment Pla nt . E ng lewood . Ohio (NOtice NO.OEA 74· 10· 190 . Permit No . D60IADI Generctl Motors Corporation . Defiance . Ohio (Notice NO.OEPA 74· 1HI05,. Perm it No .N204AD I Gene"ll PorLiand Cement. Paul · ding . Ol1io (Notice No. OEPA 74· 1HllO. Permit No. J215AD I CenLra l Silica Company. Glass Rock . Ohio (NOtice NO .OEPA 74- 11~ , Perm it No.JOOOAD I Byesvi lle Sewage Treatment Plant. Guernsey County. Ohio (NOlice NO .OEPA 74· 1HlO1. P er · mit No . B504AD ) Frontie r Park Sewage Trea t· ment Plant. Ham ilton County. Ohio (NOtice NO .OEPA 74-1HJl5 . per · mit No. G613AD I Con vo y Se wage Treatment Pla nt. Va n Wert County . Ohi o (NOtice NO.OEPA 74· 11-012. Per · mit NO.B705AD I Commonwealth P a rk Sewage Treatm e nt Plan t. Cincinnati . OhiO

DENNIS DOSS Box 41 New Vienna, O. 45159 Phone 897-2731

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ®




Page 4, Miam i Gazette, Wednesday , December 4. 1974

Miami University's Office rial scholarship ; Roger of Student Financial Aid has Dean Palmer, 3691 McLean published a list of 328 road, accountancy major, students who are holders of Milton Rue Memorial schoUniversity and Alumni larship ; Joyce Regan , 447 Merit Scholarships or Ken- Sunny brook drive , home neth Kinnaird Foundation economics major, Milton Grants for the current Rue Memorial scholarship ; academic year, totaling Lebanon : Alfred Lautens$206,280. lager, 3615 Bunnel road, The list does not include RR 4, paper technology recipients of grants-in-aid major , Pulp and Paper or other forms of student' Foundation scholarship ; assistance other than merit Roger D. Stratton, M.R. 48 awards, it was pointed out. North, geography major, H. Area names in the list Van Der Veer Hilker inclUde the following: Memorial scholarship ; Franklin: Kimberly Anne Mason : Joseph Lloyd Bailey, 3479 Village Drive, Ranson, 122 Elmlinger Apt. C, chemistry major, drive, paper technology Generallumni Scholarship ; major, Pulp and Paper Donald Lynn Banks, 52 Foundation scholarship ; Stadia drive, paper technoMiddletown : Mark Allen logy major, Milton Rue adams, 15 Bellmont, politiMemorial scholarship; Jer- cal science major, David ry Hodge, 7450 Mentz road, Caputo scholarship ; Jeffrey chemistry major, Milton G. Brown, 2185 Renee drive, Rue Memorial scholarship ; paper technology major, Ronnie Leroy Jackson, 4176 Pulp and Paper Foundation Marvel drive, journalism scholarship ; Roger D. major, Milton Rue Mem- Crow, 4235 Vannest avenue, orial scholarship; David paper technology major, Anthony Julian, 73 Stadia Pulp and Paper Foundation drive, minerology major, scholarship ; Teresa Lynn Milton Rue Memorial Goode , 2101 Fernwood scholarship; Deborah Kay street, French major, John Long, RR. 1, mathematics P. Spooner Memorial schomajor, Milton Rue Memo- larship ; Stephen Dee Mun-

cie, 709 Park drive, speech major, J . Brack Little Political Science scholarship ; Dee A. Hoskins Sturgill, 8287 Meyers road, library tech.nology major, General Alumni scholarship ; Monroe : Mari C. Armstrong , 264 Raymond drive, philosophy major, Alumni Endowment scholarship ; Thomas Roger Oswald, 320 Macready, paper technoloty major, Pulp and Paper Foundation scholarship ; Okeana : Christine R. Kiefer, 1504 Chapel road, nursing major, Carl and Katharine Densford Dreves scholarship; Oxford : Thomas J. Barlion 6891 Springfield road, paper technology major, Pulp and Paper FOl~ndation scholarship ; James S. Dayton, 215 Foxfire apt. 207, paper technology major, Pulp and Paper Foundation scholarship ; Sherman L. Griffith , Jr ., 714 South Locust Apt. 20, social studies education major, Bernard Murstein Memorial Scholarship ; Tommie Dale Hall. 215 South Foxfire drive, nO .201 , radio-TV-film major, Alumni Forensics scholarslhip ; Frank Edwin Harbach, 507 wells Mill,

a, '

r e.

systems analysis major, A, sociology major, WilhelMilton Rue Memorial scho- mina B. Alderman scholarlarShip ; William B. Hurlbut, ship; Laura Lee Wilson, ll'l:l 305 D. S. Locust Apt. 'l:l , Tollgate drive, educational theatre major, Homer N. psychology major, Edward Abegglen Theatre scholar- W. and Mary Rue Shepherd ship ; John Lewis Jahofa , 107 scholarship ; Trenton: Vicki Ann East Spring street, Apt. No. 14, industrial education Hinkle, 119 North First amjor, William D. Stoner street, paper technology Memorial scholarship ; Gre- major, Pulp and Paper ta Denise Pope, 1008 Foundation scholarship ; Blanchester: Carl G. Arrowhead, Apt. 18, music major, Kinniard Foun- Berwanger, R. R 1, Box 305. dation Grant scholarship ; paper technology major, Susan Lee Urig, 210 West Pulp and Paper Foundation High , American studies scholarship Karen Jane major, Class of 1914 scho- Garner, 306 South Wright larship; Marcia J . Wex- street, zoology major, in berg, 319 South Poplar. Apt. Memoriam scholarship.




For 550 DEPOSITS OR MORE All lJIew accounts

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a Christmas PoinseHia and for ¡the Spining Wheel Drawing PoinseHias available on December 17th

All Rates Sublect To Change Without Notic e

By Government Regulation Transfer Or Early Withdrawal From Present Certificates Will Require A Penalty .


--HOURS 10-4 Weekdays except 10-6 Friday and 10-1 Saturday

Closed Wed.



Mami Gazette. Wednesday . December


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Page 5

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Page 6. Miami Gazette, Wednesday. December 4. 1974

Cut your heating bill* this winter with new Re Insul:

JO#Ne,OrJl klPr/'tle>D DtRec..fef\

()~ HflV"lll..TON 'R~D ~5



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Goodyear & Dayton Tires





107 MdL&EftAy






Luans by Ohio banks to state farmers increased by 15 percenl -during 1973. according to Stephen Lemkc . chairman of the Ohi(' Rankers Association's (OBA ) Agricultural Committee. Ci ling Ihe Newly released 33rd a nnua I Farm Credit Survey con· ducted by the American Bankers Association (ABA 1 in cooperation with OBA. Mr. Lemke said Ohio banks madc $564 million in farm loans in 1973, including $265 million in product ion loan s and $299 million in farm mortgage loans , By comparison , he said life in · surance companies in the state held $82 million in farm loans . Federal Land Banks $287 million . Production Credit Assoc iat ion s $355 million and Ihe Farmers IIllml' Adminis lration $36 million rn rea k .tate loans and $13 million III nlln·real estate loans . 1\11' Ll'mke , who is also assistant "kl' presidenl of thl' l\Iar io ll ('lIunly Bank . Ma r ion. said \fhal Oh,,, Imnkl'rs arl' slrongly awar~ of lIle rl'aS lilg 1I('l'ds by agrihusinrss f",. '" r~ l' c apllal In\'rsll1l!'nls H,,"ks arc maki ng a eonce rl E>d effllrl Ihrou gh improl'{'d I<'fld ing "rr)gra ms Iii meet Ihese eha nging ('rl'dil d{,llIand s ~Ir L('mke sa id nea rly 9 "ul of to banks Ihroughoul the country hav(' a~ril' ullural loans oulslanding. making cllllln1ercial ba nks th(' lIa lio n 's le ading agribusin es~ Il'ndcrs . Nearly 95 percenl uf thl' hanks in Ohio extend nedil In fa rm "pe ra lors . according to the s urv(')' . Th!' OBA Agricultural Com · milll'l' is composed of bankers frum Ihroughout Ihe stale who specialiZE> in the agribUSiness field . Resides Chairman Lemke. they are : Viet' Chairman Lee Kuhlman, vice presidenl and cashier . Peuples Savings Bank, New Knoxville : "Richard L. Bump, vice preSident , Central National Bank IIf Cleveland: H , R . Brown. execul ive vice president and cashier. First National Bank in Camden : Elden Houts, president , The Cilizens Commerical Bank, Celina ; William H . Milchell, vice presidenl. Bank of Wood County Company. Bowling Green; Earl Palm . president. Second National Bank, Circleville ; R . E . Whiteside, president, The Huntington Bank of Washington Court House ; and Paul E . Wilson, president, The Farmers Bank, West Union. OBA is the statewide trade association that represents aU of Ohio's 499 commercial banks and Iheir 2&19 banking offices.





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Nov. 26, 1974 Lebanon Home Dec. 3, 1.974 Clarksville Away Dec. 5, 1.974 Franklin Home GOOD/'iEAII Dec. 10, 1974 Kings Mills Home Dec. 17, 1974 Carlisle Away Jan. 9, 1975 South Lebanon Away ~ Jan. 14, 1975 Mason Home ~-. Jan. 16, 1975 Clarksville Home :: ___ 1~· ll....... BaNAl'.: Jan. 20, 1975 Springboro Away Jan. 21, 1975 Lebanon Away ., . ~IIIAMIQAIIm'B • Jan. 28, 1975 South Lebanon Home I ~"lIII·~-""'''' Feb. I, 1975 Cedarville Tournament Away (8th Little Miami Away 'l lWIB • Feb. 4, 1975 Feb. 5, 1975 Cedarville Tournament Away (8th Ir--~ • Feb. 8, 1975 Cedarville Tournament Away (8th Kingman Home Feb. 10, 1975 B'l'A'IIl '.'J an . . I• Feb. 15- 24, 1975 Lebanon Tournament Away (7th il .,A,.. ' . PIDiB . . ' ___.. .i .. ,' ALL GAMES START AT 4:00 p.m.





Persons In Warren County who suffered damage to property and IIIher losses from the flash floods of June 22-25 should register at the Individual & F<!mily Grants Centers opening Tuesday . Dec . 10lh, in Lebanon and Franklin. The Centers will be open for Ihree days- Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday <Dec . 10, 11 and 12) from II a .m . 107 p.m . each day . The Lebanon center will be at the Ohio National Guard Armory , East Taylor St., and the Franklin center will be at Ihe Franklin City Building, 35 Easl Fourth Street. Loca l disaster victims are urged 10 register at one of the two Centers ('ven Ihough they registered at the Richard Arlen Johnson was "one-stop " centers which were named e"ecuti"e director of the open in July in the two cities. Hamilton . Ohio Chapter of the Major General Dana L. Stewart. American National Red Cross . The Ihe Adjutant General and Director announcement of his appointment of the Ohio Disaster Services ' tothepostwas made today by Mr . A~('ncy , ' slated that Ihe IFG Jam es F . Leonhardt Jr .. volunteer Program is specifically designed cha irman of the Hamilton Chapter. 10 aid people to meet disaster· Mr . Johnson succeeds Miss Kav relaled necessary expenses or Sharp who has se rved in thi's se rious nee ds . Th e progr am ('I'('cutiv(' posilionsinl'(' Man'h t962 prm'idl's assistance up In $5.000 .. " ':We hil,'\' heen s('arching for jus t I'ash granl . not a loan -·lf' viclims of Ihl' right pe r$on to head up our a ma jor disastl'r who are unable til ehaplcr." sa id Leonhardt. " We feci "vereOlne problems resulting from Ihal Mr . Johnson will be a hk' 10 Ill(' disaster through olher Slatl'huild a strong and vilal chapter on F,'deral programs . Thl' availability of addiliona l th p stron!~ foundalion laid bv Kav Sharp," . • sla tc ·federal a id Ihrough the IFG Johnson brings a wealth of Red Program is made possible because Cross experience to his new posl 1.11(' la w is retroactive to April I. dati ng ba ck to 1966 when he was 1974. Basically this means thai if an apPOinted Ass istant Field Director , individual or a family suffered a for Western Area Red Cross . In 1967 serious need as a result of a major he was Irans ferred oversea s as disaste r and met that need using Assistant F ield Director. I Viet - Iheir own money or took out a loan na m I. after six months service he from private sources. they may be was named Field Director. eligible for a grant under the IFG Back in the States in ' 69 he was Program . Persons applying for a promoted to Red Cross Field granl under these circumstances Representative, Western Area , mUSI supply proof of such ex· serving io New Mexico and Navajo penditures with their grant apIndian Reservation . Arizona . plication. Other Red Cross experience Residents are urged to register includes !Serving as Field Rep. in at the Centers in person . However. Albuquerque. New Mexico , reo if they are unable to be at either sponsible for Division Youth center any of the three days, they programs and Community Deve- can request an application from lopment programs . He has also ~he Office of & Planning, servedasafundraiser,caseworker care of OhiO Disaster Services during disasters, an InstructoIV ::~ency, P .. O . Box 660 , Wor trained in BaSic First Aid, and the thlngton, OhiO 43085. Red Cross Blood Program. !Johnson attended University ot North Dalkota. majoring in Sociaf\ '~ience . He and his wife, Agnes, are I in the process of moving here from if Metairie, La. where he was associated with the Blood Services of New Orleans.





Phone _ _ _ __



Tax Service Gr. only . gr. only Gr. only

Connie Beck


S F }



55 E. Lytfe Rd.




Gr. only

C4 ~

Miami Gazelle. Wednesday . December 4. 1974. Page 7

LOAN & SAVINGS CO. PEOPLES BUILDING LOAN & Savings Co., "Start saving tomonrow ," Come to 11 S. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone l~32-3876.

SUPER MARKETS ELLIS SUPER VALU Quali~ and low prices open till mne, 7 days a week, phone 897-5001.

PLUMBING & HEATING REAL ESTATE LOSE WEIGHT WITH New W. W. COVEY Plumbing Shape Tablets and Hydrex and Heating 177 Fifth St., K .S "A REAl_TY ,88 S . Main St., Waynesville, 897-3501 . Water Pills Loveless Phar- Waynesville 897-6431. macy. LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cahall FLORIST CEDAR CITY FLORIST PI. Waynesville; 1-885-5453 CARPETS BI-RITE CARPET & TILE, Finest Flowers & Gifts, 123' or 897-6055; Camfield Com140 S. Main St., Carpet, E. Mulberry St., Lebanon pany Inc . 433-9912 or ' 897-6055. floors, ceramic, ceilings, Ohio 932-2916. 897-5511 Waynesville 222GROCERIES 5608, Dayton. SHERWOODS MARKET COLLISION REPAIR "featuring meats cut to' KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE CAR DEALERS order," delivery service. 747 COLLISION REPAIR : MUENNICH MOTORS, Cincinnati Ave. Lebanon "Expert Body and Paint ' Work" : EXpE!rienced work. "Better Idea · Cars From Ohio, 932-1944. All work guaranteed Ford," "Quality Car Care." 862-4487. Located on US 42 1 INSURANCE 749 Columbus Ave., THE NATIONAL LIFE & mile south of Spring Valley Lebanon. 932-1010. Accident Insurance Co. and 5 miles north of WARREN COUNTY (Grand Ole Opry People) Waynesville. CHRYSLER, " Chrysler, Fred Napier agent 897-3111. SAVINGS AND LOAN Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W. Middletown Federal. Main St., Lebanon, 932-5951 . REMODEL YOUR OLD Savings and Loan AssociaAlways a good deal. jewelry-remounting gold tion. sizing, refinishing jewelry TV SALES & SERVICES Investing in a home of BEATTY'S TV SALES & repair. Stone setting. David- your own? Come in and talk Services, Zenith, 'n N. sons Jewelers, Lebanon your problems over. Central Broadway, Lebanon, 932- 932-3936. and Main Rosevelt Boule3075. vard in Middletown, 9 North DECORATING CENTER Miami St., Trenton. TIRES Phone 424-1991. L AND S Paint and Floor Morgan's Tire Service 6344 Covering "Your one-stop . Corwin Rd. Goodyear and decorating center," Lois DOEBLER BROTHERS, Dayton Tires. Phone Shackelford, Owner 2030 INC . "International Trucks897-3696. Central Ave. Middletown. Cummins and Detroit Diesel Engines" Bill and Dick BEAUTY SALONS Phone 423-9259. Doebler, Owners 2981 CinJANIES BEATUTY cinnati Road, Middletown. Salon. "Style Cuts for Guys LEE ' S DATA PRO- Phone 422-3633. and Gals" 10036 Bellbrook Waynesville Rd. Waynes- CESSING. Noah Lee and Ida Lee, owners. Learn to be READY MIX CONCRETE ville, .Phone 848-8188. a high paid key punch operators. . .Veteran and MECCO, INC. 2504 South IRENE'S SALON of Beauty State government agency Main in Middletown , Phone Connie Kirby-Owner "Six app" Jved. 6'n5 German- 422-3651 or 4.22-3652 offers trained stylists to serve tOW.I, Middletown, phone your prompt and dependable service in ready-mix you" "serving the area for 423-9236. concrete. over 35 years" 617 South RESTRAUNTS Breiel in the Middletown FRISCH'S BIG BOY. Jerry Shopping Center. Phone Brown, Owner good food 423-8252 or 423~. and fast service atFrich's in MCDONALDS HAMBURMiddletown at 1800 German- GER system Charles Chuck CAR AND TRUCK town, phone 423~96 and at Posey-owner. 2351 North SERVICE" 3207 S. Main in Middletown, Verity Pkwy. 423-1582 and 1301 S. Briel Blvd. Phone TED BROWN'S PHILLIPS phone 423-5715. 423-5801 . 66 Service complete auto BREAD and truck repairing, and MIAMI vALLEy Buil- INTERSTATE BRANDS ding and Loan Association, fast, friendly emergency CORP. Butternut Bread road service, 6:30 a.m. to 8 Richard Voelesongog Div. Joe Parenti Manager Manager 310 South Miami in p.m. 6 days a week. 509 S. "For a better bread ask for Sutphin in Middletown. Franklin Phone 746-0504. Butternut Bread" 601 North "One of the Cornerstone of Phone 423-9191. the financial structure of Verity Pkwy. Middletown 424-2143. this community." HEATING OIL

WA YNESVILLE MARKET 69 S. Main St. 897·5941 Meat Specialists.

AFX ROAD RACE SETS $18.95 to $36.95. Tyco Ho trains sets $19.95 to $29.95. Moore's Store, 25 E . Mulberry, Downtown Lebanon.

MCCOY OIL COMPANY, Ken Smith, Manager, Texaco Heating, Oils, Radio dispatched trucks. Phone 423-5703 located at 1224 Girard Middletown.

PHARMACIES LOVELESS PHARMACY Professional Prescription service 33 S. Main Street, Waynesville 897-7076.

BARNARD DRY WALL co l~n Banard, Owner "Servmg the area for over 20 years. " 6949 Mtddletown pike in Franklin phone 746-3930.

MCCOY MOTORS, Mac McCoy, Owner, "Dependable experts in the used car business" 6247 Germantown, Middletown Phone 422-6415.

DRY CLEANERS WASHINGTON SQUARE LAUNDROMAT and Dry Cleaners, 88 S. Main St. Waynesville, 897-5961.

WANTED WIFE for next 25 years . Must be passionate apply Hillbilly George old stage Road Waynesville Ohio.

e60 with Grain Body 5 Speed Trans. Extra Sharp

Voss Chev.

CEMENT WORK & ROOF REPAIRS HUBERT SMITH & SON If 100 Loop Road you have it cleaned and reCenle,,,,lIe . Ohio paired now . We also do cement work all kinds. PHONE 433-9640 Block laying and roof '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. repair. Phone 932-4665. ~EW CARS MILLTOWN CHRYSLER PL YMOUTH Dodg Dodge ~ILMER MOTORS, INC . Trucks Lou Bove owner Jim Bill Wilmer, manager "75 Borchers Sales Manager. "New 1975 Chryslers, PlyGremlin, Matador, Javelin and Hornet Hatchback and mouths, Dodges and : Doge the lUxurious 75 ambassa- Trucks now on display" 6239 Germantown Road (next to dor" 1901 Manchester Middletown 423-6555 Wilme; the airport) phone 424-3556. Used Cars 132 S. Clinton SCHOOLS Middletown, phone 423-3421 . TRI STATE DRIVER Training Inc . Robert L Wise and ALUMINUM SIDING AND Robert J. Kuhn, owners, Gordon R. Shockley Mgr. ROOFING Learn to drive tractor DALELLlOTT All leading brands-free trailers and autuomobile. estimates. Bank finacing Veteran approved and liavailable. WaynesVille 897- censed by the State of Ohio, 2507 North varity pkwy, 7851. Middletown phone 424-1237. KING TlRE COMPANY .Ioe Little III owner "Quality CONCERT PRODUCTS tires for less" Remington RIVERSIDE CONCRETE B.F . Goodrich and Some COMPANY Al Totten, OwAstrostars . Located Corner ner , Dan Newton, vice pres. of Rt 4 and Trenton Franklin incharge of sales. Cement, Rd in Posttown phone mortar, face bricks cement paint. steel doors and 422-3340. frames, and steel and DETECTIVE BL'REAt: aluminium window sashes, R. C. BECKETT Detective Bureau Robert C. Beckett Mission adobe bricks. Germantown Road CRt. 4) at Director, 21 years exMiami River Bridge phone perience - confidential inHamilton in vestigations in commercial 423-5786 industrial and domestic 893-6673. m.atter phone 423-5411 in AWNINGS Dayton phone 222-9869. BUTLER COUNTY WHOLESALE FURNITURE AWNING CO. Inc. Barney WHOLESALE FUR- Oldfield and Larry Wysong ' NITURE DEPOT "quality Co-owners. Awnings manunamebrand furniture at factured at the show. room Wholesale prices" 2833 and plant, 9256 Pleasant Cincinnati Dayton road , Valley Road, Middletown south of Blue Ball phone phone 423-0761. 422-4556 . BRANDENBURG CONSTRUCTION "where re modeling is a business not a sideline" Robert Brandenburg, Sr. and Robert Brandenburg, Jr. Owners phone 423-0759 1759 Central Ave Middletown.


c,... 1:.;...... ~

Page 8, Miami Gazette, W~~~~~.~~~~~


p~ ,3

I Notice NO . OEPA 74·1HlIl. Permit No . G608ADI Fort Loramie Sewage Treatment Plant , Fort Loramie. Ohio (Notice NO.OEPA 74·11-014, Permit No . A604AD) Dry Run Sewage Treatment Plant. Hamilton County. Ohio I Notice NO .OEPA 74-11-013, Permit No . HGOOAo) Lakota ills Sewage Treatment Plant. Butler County, Ohio (NOtice NO .OEPA 74·11·019 , Permit NO .G616AD) Jefferson County Sewer District No.1 , Ridgeland Subdivision, Jef· ferson County, Ohio (Notice NO .OEPA 74· 1l·0i8, Permit No. J500AD) Mayflower Estates Sewage Treatment Plant, Hamilton Coun· ty, Ohio (Notice No. OEPA 74-11-020, Permit No.G618AD) Jefferson County Sewer District


;: ;--

No . 1. Subdistrict "M", Jefferson Counly. Ohio (Notice NO.OEPA 74·1 H117 , Permit No. HSOOAD) Stokely Van Camp, Inc .. Nor· walk. Ohio (NOtice No. OEPA 74·11-022, Permit No. H224AD) Union Carbide Corporation. Columbus, Ohio (NOtice NO.OEPA 74·11-024. Permit NO.F406AD) Phillipsburg Sewage Treatment Plant, Phillipsburg, Ohio (notice No. OEPA 74-11-031, Permit NO.A606AD ) Brunswick Sewage Treatment Plant, Hamilton County, Ohio (NOtice NO.OEPA 74-11-033. Per· tmit No.G604ADl Springboro Sewage Treatment Plant , Warren County, Ohio (Ntice NO.OEPA74 - 11 · 032, Permit No . C607AD) Carboline Company, Xenia. Ohio (NOtice NO .OEPA 74-lI-029. Per· mit No . FI06AD)

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$i. , .J2, , Wayne,vlle, OhIO:






, ..10 a.m.


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to 9:30 T-...-: 5131187-8552 Shop 513 298-2077 RtSidonce


1IIfft::)5:····. .•. .•·•••·•·•••••...·"'····························"';t'••~.9.:.

,ou are invited to


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Jh J •


Twenty Four Antique Shops

.. '.

~ '~.



during their Annual Christmas Open House


~,. ,

tiThe Little ReJ Sh~J· ~i j ~; A.NTIOUES :~~


December 11





PHONE U7-6326

Viii' Wayntnill,',

~, €oUntrp








Many Shops Will Be Serving Refre~hments The Waynesville area dealers exlend a cordial Invitation to local Citizens and to all present and past cuslame" to lOin Ihem ,, '


Country Type & Country Peflod 1517 Newton Avenue

DavlOn , Oh.o 45406



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l:::::: :::::/:~~:.::;.;~:~:::.:.~~~~~:::::::::::::::::i I .Iea-~ ~lIt·iqu8

'J '1 UF, t STORE

.1. . . . . . . . 51.

.. AIs.w ........ ......




Furniture & Miscellaneous Items

Hours 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Fri .. Sal. Sun.

: I

---___------_:1. • ~ GJI8

• . , . ,. . . . ftW..

107 S. Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio


t-10URS; Mon •• Wed. , & Fri. 1-6


Sol. 8-12

Or By Appolntri",n!

.. Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZETTE Only $3.00 A Year

;;~~w.::?·:o.;.:.:.~ ;.?·~~~




(513) 862·5181

12:00 - 9:00 pm

.qui" §ntiqUtS

Early Americana Primitives Freda and John GorklS 274·'021


Grnoral Line - Dealen :~) MON. BY CHANCE ~:~ :::; TUES. TIiRU SAT. 10.5:00 ::;: ;:;; OPEN SUNDAY l·S PM. . ::;: ::::



' Phone: 897.3563 76 F;rsl SIreel · Rear CorWin , Ohio 45068

. . --_..- . . . -- •. +.

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, _ . - '. ';

• • !. ......,:



: ..

Santa will be at Ye OIde Cake Supply Shoope t27 North Street. Wayneswith. Wednesday Dec . 11 . Friday. Dec . 13 from 5 -7 p .m . and Saturday Dec. 14 from 1-3 p.m .


Lost male beagle black & white with green co. lags and red collar. Spring Valley Game Reserve . REWARD - call 372-0071 Leamon Slaven . 370 Queen St.. Xenia. Ohio.

December 11 . 1974

~:~ Readers Thank You I wish to thank you for the large response to m'y advertizing for a wife last week - Still accepting applications· must be poor. HillBilly George 897-4281

Sa:oad class posule paid at Waynen1Ua. Ohio FI~EN

\'111. 6

No . 48

Welcome To


Antique Shops


Annual Christmas Open House

"Scratch and Sniff"•..


Since natural gas is odorless, a strong odorant, mercaptan, is added to natural gas so that even the faintest leak can be detected . To help customers identify the smell, the Dayton Power and Light Company is mailing a "scratch and sniff" insert with each customer's bill in December. Robert Kyvik, Xenia District manager said that one should not necessarily panic if gas is smelled. However, DP&L should be immediately informed whenever the smell is noticed especially if it comes from a~ unknown source. Gas mixed with mercaptan has a distinctive smell said Kyvik. DP&L crews test ga~ periodically at various points in their lines to make certain the gas has the proper content of the odorant. Most people can suspect a leak if they smell it. In this case, they should call the Xenia office at 897-2916.

Thill Trills SusanE. Thill, 7599 Carter Dr., Waynesville, is a member of the marching band at Butler University. The band has received wide acclaim for its original half-time shows at football and basketball games.

Oscar Jacobs, an admissions counselor at Ohio Northern University in Ada , will interview prospective students at Waynesville High School in Waynesville . Ohio. on Monday. Dec. 9. at 9:00 a .m. Persons may contCltct the school to make an appointment. Ohio Northern is a church-rela ted university with 2.500 students enrolled in colleges of liberal arts. engineering; pharmacy and law . The 104-year-old, co-educational university has a 12G-acre campus where most students li ve in residence halls or fraternity houses. More than $10 million in new buildings have been constructed in recent years . ONU offers a bachelor of arts degree in 16 departments in the college of liberal arts . Engineers may select a four- or five-year course in their search of a bachelor'S degree in civil. electrical or mechanical engineering. The bacheIor of science in pharmacy is offered after successful completion of a fi ve-year course. The bachelor's degree is required for admission to the law school, which has a three-year course leading to the Juris Doctor degree.

Som£' :1:10 students will receive degrees from Bow ling Green State, l 'ni\'ersify during the school's fall qu a rt c r co mmencemen t ceremon ies to be held at 10 a .m. Saturda y (Dec, 14) in the Grand Ballroom of the University Union. Eightdoctoral degree candidates are slated to receive degrees . Four specialist degrees and approximately 152 masters degrees will be awarded . Some 390 undergraduate degrees will also be presented. Diane Ream . green tree Rd., Lebanon will receive the assoicate degree in applied business. Speaker for the exercises is Dr. Lionel Newsom . president of Central State University in Wilberforce. He will receive an honorary doctor of laws degree . Bowling Green State University President Hollis A. Moore will preside over the ceremonies.

lIou ~ f'

Holida y

Homem ade breads a nd Christ· mas goodies will be featured at the CHRISTMAS HOLIDA Y HOUSEon December 14 to be held at the LEBANO N STATION from 10 :00 am .m until 4 : 0 p.m. The public is invited. Christmas gifts and flower arrangements made by the memb ers of the Lebanon Council of Garden Clubs, Inc . will be available also. The STATION located on South Broadway is open daily from 11:00 a .m. for visitors, The Council has announced it will not hold its traditional Christmas outdoor lighting contest because of the energy conservation being requested of citizens , The Lebanon Council of Garden Clubs. Inc , extends Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

Ht'por l or lIlt' iJpce m bt>r Term or Ih(' 19';4 .. ra nd J ury - Warre n (',)U nl Y, OhIO Th" (;ra l1d J uror s ror Ihe Court " r ('" mm on plpas . In a nd ro r ('o untv , Oh IO. th e Wa rr t'" Dece m hN , t974, I"r m , do hereby re porl I" tht· ('"uri thai It has been In SE'SSlII" fll r '1\ E clay ~I II rn s J Turkplsorl h a\'lnJ,l t )(>C" r1 In at · tl' nda nn ' . dlles. 11l'rt'wlth , hy Ihe f(J r ~m,j(\ , Holx: rt ( ' Stt' mbuc h , present ,,, , hl' ('II urt the ,n· d, ct mt'nt ,; fou nd b\ the .. r and Ju r, Dunne ou r ""!'-!" Ifln , \4"(' rll la ~('n il y ,'xamllH'rl a ll nW'll'r~ rn·... ,..nlfld 10

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re turned In the follow ing cases : I. Jam es Daze y. Theft . 10266; 2. SINling Ga bbard , Theft . 10267 ; 3. Hic ha rd L. Brunk . Breaking & E nle n ng , 10268 ; 4 . Anthony Tw n hn son , Breaking & Entering, 111 269 , 5 . Thom as I. Pieratt Aggr ava led Burglary, 10271 ; 6: HI('ky ,'';('''' lclO Complicity (Theft) a nd Ht'('('I\'ing & Concealing Stolen P rop e r ty . 10272. 7 . Timothy PE'ler s. (,l)m pli l' ll y (Theft I, 10273; H Ua nn \, Hende r son , Aggravated Ho bhe r v . t0274 , 9 William West Fd'JlIIIIu, Assa ull , 10275: 10. Jo~ (. I lllwn/'y, ('ar rYlng Concealed Wf'ap" l1 11I:?7~ . II (; Il'n L. Molley. \ a ndait - rn . 111277 . 12 David Wc,odwa rd , Hc'" Stf)len Proper ty & AII(,r1 ng rfl r fllS . 1027R, 13 JOhn L . Wll hlt,·. c'''mphl'l ly (Brea king and r:l1t .. n ll~ ' ' 2 ('I)un ls 1 10279; 14. I. arr, Hc ,gt' r s , Br e aking & ,f-:ntl 'n ni1 2 r · { , u n t ~ I 1U2RO : 15--, Gary I Ul'k"I' I\rl'il kln g & Enlering (2 ""ur" , 1"2111 . If; Secre t : 17. .... "fTI· ·

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Page 2. Miami December II . 1974.



In Psalm i33: we read, "Behold, How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard, that went down to the skirts of his garments; as the dew of Hermon, have no place in one's service to na d as the dew that descended God. As a matter of fact the upon the mountains of Zion ' For complete opposite is necessary in the Lord commanded the order to obtain God's blessings in blessings, even life for evermore. I his service. I believe one of the would like to pOse a question at this greatest qualities for the christian time. What has happened to the would be humbleness or being unity and brotherly love espically aware of our own shortcomings. among God's people? It seems that When we allow our pride to keep us whereever we turn, we fmd con- from humbling ourselves in God's fusion and bitterness and insome service, we can no longer be an instances even the members of the effective worker, witness, or the body of Christ are becoming type of christiam, he would have us seperated from one another all to be. We need more than ever because we no longer are abel to sit before to seek God's will and not down and reason with one another. our own or other men's approval. It seems so important for some It's high time to stop playing people to be right regardless if it is church and get down to the for the good of God's Kingdom or business of soul winning and the not. You see, stubborness, cenemtation of the members of arrogance, haughtinesS, pnde or Christ 's body. I truly believe with an exaggerated opinion of oneself all my h~art that God is grieved


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over some of the situations which we are conIronted With in the Church today . This inevitably happens when men lean unto their own understanding instead of God 's , Its high time we started using the Bible as our guide line instead of 50 much man made doctrine . We can find the answer to any problem that may arise simply by using ' God 's Holy Word ;os our source. My hope and prayer is that we not make our religion so complec;ated that we drive pel.ille away , instead of simplifing and returning to the early church teachings, that still does work miraculously in our lives. Yours for a better! understanding and a closer walk with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ , Ohio-Ernie Smith


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The Full Gospel Tabernacle

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Jonahs Run Baptist Church

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Junior Class Officers At Waynesville High

J4f to ~, Oa-w S~

Builders Meet

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The December meeting of the Women' s Club of the Home Association of ~V~. t)~ "Irt~.sec;. ~O'6IW. Builders 0--4 ~ 5.-c( • '&. . ."..,. _~Jl-r--:r-"'- ~/.ft. Metropolitan Dayton will be held 'J"-~\.,y.,..u....~ __ 'Pa.4.~~ Dec 12. 1974 at Suttmillers Restaurant , Social hour will begin #1(•• to..-- ~ 0 cwt- ~ : at 11 :00 a.m .. followed by lun· cheon. The program will include a floral demonstration by Bobby Nichols of Centerville Florists, and instaIIaticln of the officers for 1975. The new officers will be: President - Mrs . Adam Zen gel ; VicePresident - Mrs. Donal Thompson; Recording Secretary - Mrs. William Lehman; Corresponding Published Weekly at Sec'y - Mrs. Ned Haverstick; 172 North Street Treasurer - Mrs. Robert Rowland; Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Parliamentarian Mrs . Jean 'Second class postage paid at Waynesville, Ohio Yoakum .





,'. '







THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.O. Bo~ 325, Wa,l\esville '

Editor & Publisher Contributing Editor , .. _. Staff Artist Advertising Sales

Lila McClure' . , ' Sandee Blazer Donna Huffman Karen Gasaway :£,:'

":~ ~;

Tax Service

I Grmnie Beck BI~okkeeping


SS E. Lytle Rd.


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First Church of God


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MU Graduation Dec. 31 Miami 路Uni,路ersity lists 327 condidates for degrees at its in路 formal winter commencement Friday COec . 311 al 1:30 p .m . in ~1illelt Assemhly Hall on Miami's Oxford Campus . Commencement speaker will be Dr . Joseph C. Seibert . senior professor in the university's School of Business Administration . A 1932 Miami graduate who has been a member of the faculty since t945, Seibert is professor and depart ment chairman in marketing management. 'e became acting department chairman in 1946 and department head in 1947 ; scheduled 10 relinquish the chairmanship neXI June. heplans nevertheless til continue teaching next year. The December commencement follows the pattern of informal co mm encements he ld al Miami in December. l\larch and August sil1l:e 1971 : allcndancc' optional. no dcadenlic pro\ 't'S S III Il . IlO caps and !!ow n s . [)egrp p c Jndldates sit where Illey pl ea se . lIlay invile as llIany guests a s Ih py plea se . and arc urged 10 d<'S1gn~le a favorit e fat ullY n1 Ptllh('r <1:-- a :-, pcl'i al m I ll ed guest T hll se wh o a r e grad ual ed 111 an ,nformal co m 路 llI encement


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Cazell !' . December 11. 1974 . Page 3.

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take pari ill til!' full-dress formal l'ommencem t' nl 111 ,Junf.'. If they wish . The list of 327 degree ca ndidates is s lightl y large~ than last year . Continupd on pa l' " 4

=:.::....::..---... -

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All new accounts

People's New Certificate Rates Rate Per Yr.


48 30 12 6

Months Months Months Months

opened by December 14th will be eligible for

CD M,n,mum S 1.000 or More Yield Per Yr .


7.50 ,H> 6.75% 6.50% 5.75

7.79 698 6.71 5.92


REGULAR PASS BOOK An y Amount-No Minimum 525 Per Cent YIelds 5 39 Per Cent Per Year

a Christmas PoinseHia arid for the Spining Wheel Drawing PoinseHias available on December 17th

All Rates Sub/eet To Change Without Notice By Government Regulation Transfer Or Early Withdrawal From Present Certificates Will Require A Penalty


-HOURS ....

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10-4 Weekdays except 10-6 friday and 10-1 Saturday

Closed Wed.






Gazelle , l)(>cember II , 1974 .






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Continued from page 3 when a candidate list of 313 boiled down to 275 actual degree awards. This year 's list includes 21 candidates for the two-year associate degree : 221 for bachelor's degrees , 81 for master's degrees and seven for doctor's degrees . Largest groups are 80 candidates for Bachelor of Arts, 55 for Bachelor of Science in Education , 38 for Bachelor of Science in Business and 24 for Master of Science. The list of degree candidates includes the following area names : Warren County: Larry William Logsdon , Carlisle, 1040 Poinciana drive , Bachelor of Science in Business ; Robert Charles Frazee, Franklin, 6780 Hamilton Middletown road , Associate in Applied· Science ; William Russel Shafer, Franklin, 3441 Lynn Drive, Bachelor of Science in Applied Science ; Craig Alan Weatherby, Franklin, 4190 South Dixie highway , Master of Science ; Martha Estelle Walker Barnes, Lebanon , 5501 Old Hamilton road , Associate in Applied Science. ; William Homer Penn, Lebanon , 613 Franklin road, Bachelor of Science in Applied Science . ; ' D. Susan Wallace , Mason , 962 Butler Warren , Bachelor of Science in Education,; Butler County : Middletown : Janet Lou Curtis, 400 South Main Street , Associate in Applied Science ; Ronald Lee Davidson, 2108 Arlington avenue, Bachelor of Science in Business : Robert C.

McCabe , 3219 Tytus avenue . Bachelor of Science in Education .: Phyll is Voctoria Baker Modlin , 1651 J a ckson lane , Bachelor of Science in Education ; David Edward Mulligan, 3624 Fiesta Way . Bachelor of Science in Business. ; Robert Edgar Noes, 4709 Primrose lane, Associate in Arts . ; William G. Pelfrey, 6718 Evelyn drive, Bachelor of Science in Business . ; Deborah Ann Roehill, 200 Alamo road, Bachelor of Science in Educalion.: Robin Ann Ewen Scheffel, Park lane Apt. I028A, Bachelor of Science in Education.; Don Lee Turner, 2824 Shartle, Bachelor of Science in Business. Monroe : Daniel Dwyer Thomas , 337 Timrick place, Bachelor ·of Science in Business. Clinton County : New Vienna : Sylvia Jean Henry, 1508 Henry road, Master of Education. Montgomery County : Kettering : Douglas Lee Conrads, 4158 Ackerman boulevard, Bachelor of Arts . ; Clifton D. Mack, 300 West David road, Bachelor of Arts ; Patricia Diana Mugge, 2409 EAst Rahn road, Bachelor of Science in Applied SCience.; Suzanne M. Schaefer , 525 Claridge drive , North . Bachelor of Science in Business.: Robert Wesley Servis, 3174 Lenox dri ve, Bachelor of Science in Education. Centerville : Christopher Eugene Allison . 135 Zengel drive, Master of Business Administration .


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Christmas Shop Cards-Wrapping Candles-Rings Ornaments Arrangements Everything for your Holiday Decorating


Waynesville Furniture & Gift Shop Washington Square

Gift Shop overflowing with gifts for Christma.s Giving Shop for Your Antiques of The Future


=-~:;;::::i;'~~i~:~'~\.:~::~. ~ tf:~~:J;?:!!: I

Pagl' 6. Miami IIN.-ember 11, 1974.


MORGAN'S TIRE SERVICE 6344 Corwin Road Goodyear & Dayton Tires

897-3496 . r;W;J







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·~fj~2~~ WL~"" ~~. "F'~ ~ ~~ -ei.c~ ... Co..

US Army Recruiting "Free Way to a College Education" For Inlormation Call 932·7690 20 W. Mulberry 51. Lebanon. Ohio


1;:.. ;::~ .0.., 1'1 ~. ! r) ,,-. r\ , ,i 0 LJ Ii r0 L :-~ W, Christmas Gifts ... ~

Musical' Toys s6.00 up fandy Striped Sleeper ' s6.00 up

·.·------------------------. ,,. .. . .... . Everything Baby Needs

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ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLIOTT All leading brands-free estimates. Bank finacing available. Waynesville 897-


BUTLE-n COUNTY AWNING CO. Inc. Barney Oldfield and Larry Wysong Co-owners. Awnings manufactured at the show room and plant, 9256 Pleasant Valley Road, Middletown phone 423:9761. BEAUTY SALONS JANIES BEATUTY Salon. "Style Cuts for Guys and Gals" 10036 Bellbrook Waynesville Rd. Waynesville, Phone 848-8188.


Connie Kirby-owner SIX trained stylists to serve you" "serving the area for over 35 years" 617 South Breiel in the Middletown Shopping Center. Phone 423-8252 Or 423-6883. BREAD BRANDS INTERSTATE CORP. Buttern.ut Brea d Div. Joe ParentI Manager "For a better bread Cor Butternut Bread" .601 North Verity Pkwy. Middletown 424-2143. CAR DEALERS RS MUENNICH MOTO . , "Better Idea Cars From Ford,""QualityCarCare." 749 Columbus Ave., Lebanon. 932-1010. WARREN COUNTY Chry I CHRYSLER, " . s er, Dodge, Plymouth."932 5185951 W. Main St., Lebanon, . od d I Always a go . ea. MILLTOWN CHRYSL ER PLYMOUTH Dodg Dodge Trucks Lou Boveowner Jim Borchers . Sales Manager. "New 1975 Chryslers, Plymouths Dodges and Doge Trucks ~ow on display" 6239 Germantown Road (next to the airport) phone 424-3556. Wll..MER MOTORS, INC. Bill Wilmer, manager "75 Gremlin, Matador, Javelin, and Hornet Hatchback and the luxurious 75 ambassador" 1901 Manchester, Middletown 423-6555 Wilmer Used Cars 132 S. Clinton Middletown, phone 423-3421. CARPETS BI-RITE CARPET & TILE, 1~ S. Main ~t., ~t, floors, ceramiC, .ceilings, 897-5511 Waynesville 2225608, Dayton. CAR AND TRUCK SERVICE TED BROWN'S PHILLIPS 66 Service compl~te auto and truck repaIrIng, and fast, friendly emergency road service. 6:30 a .n:. to 8 p.m . 6 days a w~ek . <>09 S. Sutphin in Middletown. Phone 423-9191.

CEMENT WORK & ROOF REP AIRS HUB ERT SMITH & SON If d you have it cleaned ~n ~epaired now. We a so 0 cement work all . kinds. Block laying and roof reoair. Phone 932-4665. COLLISION REPAIR KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REPAI~: "Expert Body and Pamt Work" ; Experienced work. All work guaranteed 862-4487. Located on US 42 1 mile south of Spring Valley and 5 miles north of Waynesville. CONCRETE PRODUCTS RIVERSIDE CONCRETE COMPANY AI Owner, Dan Newton, vice pres_ incharge of sal~. Cement, mortar, face brICks cement p;lint, steel doors and frames, an~ steel and aluminium wmdow sashes. Mission adobe bricks. Germantown Road .CRt. 4) at Miami River BrIdge p~lOne 423-5786 in HamIlton 893-6673 CONST·RUCTIO .!'I


BRANDENBURG CONSTRUCTION " where re modeling is a business not a sideline" Robert Brandenburg, Sr. and Robert Brandenburg, Jr. Owners phone 423-0759 1759 Central Ave Middletown. DECORATING CENTER LAND S Paint and Floor "Your decoratmg center, LOIS Shackelford, Owner 2030 Central Ave. Middletown . Phone 423-92.'i9. DETECTIVE BUREAU R. C. BECKETT Detective Bureau Robert C. Beckett Director, 21 !,ear~ ~xperience _ confidentIal ~nvestigations in commercl~1 industrial and domestic matter phone 423-5411 in Dayton phone 222-9869. DRY CLEANERS WASHINGTON SQUARE LAUNDROMAT and Dry Cleaners, 88 S. Main St. Waynesville, 897-5961. DRY WALL BARNARD DRY WALL co len Banard, Owner "Serving the area for over 20 years." 6949 Middletown pike in Franklin phone 746-3930. FLORIST CEDAR CITY FLORIST, Finest Flowers & Gifts, 123 E. Mulberry St., Lebanon, Ohio 932-2916. FURNITURE



WHOLESALE FURNITURE DEPOT "quality namebrand furniture at Wholesale prices" 2833 Cincinnati Dayton road . smith of Blue Ball phone 422-4556.

GROCERIES SHERWOODS MARKET, "Ceatun'ng meats cut to order," delivery service. 747 Cincinnati Ave. Lebanon, Ohio 932-1944 HEATING oiL MCCOY Oll.. COMPANY, Ken Smith, Manager, Texaco Heating, Oils, Radio dispatched trucks . Phone 423-5703 located at 1224 Girard Midldletown. INSURANCE THE NATIONAL LIFE & Accident Insurance co.). (Grand Opry People Fred Napier agent 897-3111. JEWELRY REMODEL YOUR OLD jewelry-remountin.g gold sizing, Jewel.ry repair. Stone settmg. DavIdsons Jewelers . Lebanon 932-3936. LOAN & SAVINGS CO . PEOPLES BUILDING LOAN & Savings Co .. " Start saving tomorrow ." Come to 11 S. Broadway. Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 932-3876. Middletown Federa l Savl'ngs and. Loan Associa-

PHARMACIES LOVELESS ' PHARMACY P rescnp . tl' on Professiona I M ' St t service 33 S. am ree . Waynesville 897-7076. READY MIX CONCRETE MECCO, INC. 2504 South Main in Middletown, Phone 422-3651 or 422-3652 offers your prompt and able service in ready-miX REAL ESTATE K.S.A . REALTY,88 S. Main St., WaynesVille, 897-350l. LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cahall PI. WaynesVille; 1-885-5453 or 897-6055; Camfield ComIn 433-9912 or ~%:"'i c . RESTl1:AVNTS FRISCH'S BIG BOY. Jerry Brown. Owner good food and Cast service at Frich 's in Middletown at 1800 Germantown . phone 423-6596 and at 3207 S. Main in Middletown . phone 423-5715 , MCDONALDS HAMBURGER system Charles Chuck Posey-owner. 2351 1';orth Verity Pkwy -t23-J582 and 1301- S. Bri el Bl vd . Phone 42:1-:'>801 .

r in a home of your own ? Come in and talk your problems over. Central and Main 1R0seveIt Bouleyard in Middletown. 9 North Miami St. , Trenton . Phone 424-1991. . MIAMI VALLEY BUlIding and Loan Association. Richard Voelesongog Manager3JOSouth Miami in Franklin Phone 746-0504. " One of the Cornerstone of the financial structure of thl'S commu,nl· t ." v p' LUMBING &J HEATI:\.G W. W. COVEY PlumbIng and Heating 177 Fifth St. . Waynesville 897-6431.

SCHOOLS TRI STATE DRIVER Training Inc . Robert L Wise and Robert J . Kuhn. owners . Gordon R. Shockley Mgr. Learn to drive tractor trailers and autuomoblle. Veteran appro\'ed ,j nd IJcensed by the State of Ohio. 2507 North vanty pkwy . Middletown phone 42.H237. LEE'S DATA PROCESSING. Noah Lee and b aIda high paid ,key Learnpunch to e Lee ; owners V d operators . . . eteran an State governmentG agency approved . 6275 ermantown. Middletown, phone







SUPER MARKETS ELLIS SUPER VALU quality and low prices open till nine. 7 days a week, phone 897-5001 . _ WA YNESVILLE MARKET 69 S. Main St. 897-5941 Meat Specialists. TV SALES & SERVICES BEATTY'S TV SALES & Services, zenith, Zl N_ Broadway, Lebanon, 9323075.

TIRES . Morgan's Tire Service 6344 Corwin Rd. Goodyear and Dayton Tires . Phone 897-3696. KING TlRE COMPANY ,Joe Little III owner "Quality tires for less" Remington B.F . Goodrich and Some As tros tars. Located Corner of Rt 4 and Trenton Franklin Rd in Posttown phone 422-3340. TOYS AFX ROAD RACE SETS $18.95 to $36.95. Tyco Ho trains sets $19.95 to $29.95 . Moore 's Store , 25 E. Mulberry , Downtown Lebanon. TRUCKS >'" ii~ DOEBLER BROTHERS , INC . " International T~cks­ Cummins and DetroitDI~el Engines" Bill and Doebler. Owners 2981 Cmcinnati Road, Middletown. Phone 422-3633. L'SED CARS MCCOY MOTORS, Mac McCoy . Owner, "Dependable experts in the used car business" 6247 Germantown. Middletown Phone 422-6415 . LOSE WEIGHT WITH New Shape Tablets ,. and Hydrex Water Pills Loveless Phar1'Tl'!lf"'V


d ..,'





Gazelle . December 11. 1974.


107 S. Main Sl Waynesville. Ohio (513) 862-5181 Hours 1 pm. to 7 p.m . Fri. Sal, Sun.


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Line - Deal.,.. Welcom~: ~) MON. BY CHANCE '!:: :::: TUES. THRU SAT. 10-5:00 :::: ;!;: OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 P.M. . ::::


" illl W.ynes¥.lIe', Other


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Ohio un September 4. 1974. pur · suant to the requirements of Section 2939 .20 of the Ohio Revised Cnde , it was not necessary that the Grand Jurors revisit the jail at the December 1974 session . I. James Dazey 1018 Elwood Street Middletown . Ohio . 2. Sterling Gabbard 301 North Cherry Lebanon . Ohio 3. Richard Lee Brunk 217 Miami Street Morrow . Ohio 4. Anthony Tomlinson 217 Pike Street Morrow. Ohio 5. Thomas Ira Pieratt 323 Clark Street Middletown, Ohio 6. Rkky Newton 222 East Warren Lebanon. Ohio 7, Timothy Peters 905 Hartz Drive Lebanon. Ohio 8 Danny Henderson 353 East Main Street Lebanon. Ohio 9 William West Route No. 3 Turtlec reek Road Lebanon, Ohio 10. J ohn Clifton Downey Warren County Jail Lebanon, Ohio II. Glen Lockwood Motley 3558 Erie Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 12. David Woodward 205 Elaine Franklin , Ohio 13. )Iohn Lewis Wilhite 603 Oak Street Lebanon, Ohio 14. Larry Rogers 624 Milburn Avenue Dayton , Ohio IS. Gary Tucker 624 Milburn Avenue Dayton, Ohio.





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12·5:30 Tun. by AppointrMnt or Oww» 513 8!J7.Q;52 Shop

T~: 51.3.~20n Residence .H

RS: Mon., Wed., & Fri. 1-6 Or By ~ppOiiiliiieiif

'... __ .

Sot. 8-12 .



AMITy PR.Qf.ESS. l'hone: 897-3563' .MAX & JUANEITA HAY 76 First Street· Rear Owners Corwin, Ohio 4_5068



Box 41 New Vienna, O. 45159 Phone 897·2731

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_~_~t_ ~OUntrp ~quirt antiqUt~ Early Americana P:'l mltlves Freda a-~dJo~ GorklS 274· 1021

Country Type & Country Per lod 1517 N ewton Avenue oOVlOn .

Oh,o 45406


HISLE'S BUGGYWHEfL ANTIQUES Furniture & - Miscellaneous Items 84 SECOND STREET








Wednesday, December 18. 1974 ~Dd

Vul. 6


I ~ I I I·f I ~ I

clus postqc paid . . . . ._ ...... Ohio ~N

NO. 50



The Waynesville Histori- the reading of the Christmas cal Society will sponsor the Story from St. Matthew's second annual Pioneer Gospel followed by a Christmas at the Log Cabin Community Carol Sing . Outside the cabin there on Miami Street in Waynesville beginning at eight will be live sheep, and o'clock on Christmas Eve. luminaries will be placed on The program will feature both sides of Miami Street a "Living Christmas Card" from Main to Third Streets. Following the program at showing a pioneer family preparing for the celebra- the cabin, members of the tion of Christmas on the historical society will slerve frontier. The furnishings of refreshments in st. Mary's the cabin, the costumes of Parish Hall. The committee on arthe characters, and the Christmas decorations will rangements is Leaded by reflect the styles of the Marshall Filer assisted by pioneer period. The high- Bill Stubbs, Glynn Marsh. light of the program will be and Ted Smith.

All business offices of the Dayton Power and Light Comppany will be closed Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25, Christmas Day. The offices will also be closed Tuesday , December 31. and Wed-

In Next Weeks

nesday, January I , New Year's Day. Robert Kyvik , Xenia District Manager for DP&L pointed out that persons needing emergency service can use the DP&L number listed in ther local telephone books.

Miami Gazette And McClures Magazine


Don Workman of Wa vnes· ville will join the 'rVarren County Board of Mental Retardation next month on appointment by ,Judge H. William Bowers of the Probate Court. He and William E . Harper of Pleasant Plain will replace Eugene Siorp of Lebanon and Warren Hauser of near

Twentymile Stand who declined reappointment after two three year terms . :'I!rs Thelma S. Sumner , a Waynes\'i lle area native , was re-elected chairman 01 the board at its December 11 rr.eeting for her sixth term in tha t pos t. She has been a board member since 1968 and long active in the county's retardation programs. Other officers are Mrs. Grace Barker of Carlisle vice chairman and Marion Syder of Lebanon . secretary The boa rd opera les schools a t Lebanon (Green Knolls) and Franklin (Hopewell) as well as an Adult Activity Center at Mason.

Trip To Spain By Jaqui Davidson"*- Car100ns By Sten' Perucca





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Wanted Wife for 2.'; years. must Ilk(' Onions. 'taters and soup beans . Ifillblily G(>()rge per cent Miller's Soh", Station . Waynesville , Ohio





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If you nN'd help there are dozens of mung men and w"men home from l'ollege who are ";illing to help . Inquire at Mia mi Gazette , the Wayncsl'\lJe auto office . 127 North St Waynesville

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THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS OIFT .n '.Ilension lelephone few IOn, ~ter. Of grancSp. ..... ' • . QIt1 ~ 01 oth cM ifiale Call ,.our UnUed T~ Compeny crl 0""0 BUI',.... Office.


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From Paul's Epistle to the Romans in Chapter 12 Verse 3 we read, "For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of Himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. From Chapter 16 Verses 17 through 20 we read, "Now I beseech you, brethern, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary. to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them 18. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple 19. .For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf; but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. 20. In part - .,And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly." Praise God for the faithful ones who are holding fast to the true doctrine from the word of God and supporting those who may be weak in the faith. Acts 20. 35. You can rest assured that where you find confusion it was caused by certain people because if you turn to l-Corinthians 14: 33 you may read the following, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all Churches of the Saints." I truly believe that we can stand no higher for God than when we are on our knees and -humble submission, asking His guidance in all things, especially things pertaining to the Church and it's functions. How can we lead unless we are being led by Him? How can we expect people to follow if we are not in the position to lead? The key to successful leadership is total submission on the part of the leader to Jesus Christ. Only Christ can direct our paths. Without Him we are wandering in the dark. God forbid! That we should ever reach the point where we think we can make important decisions without Him. As a body in Chrisfwe must work ·together in unity, in love, with real concern for one another seeking always to please God in all things. Where there is strife you will soon have division. May we earnestly pray together for a closer unity among the Brethern. Yours For a United Church. Ohio-ErnieSmith Waynesville First Church of God is presenting a Christmas program featuring the Son Shine Youth Choir of the Yankee Road First Church of God in song and story under the direction of John Creasong. Time 7 p.m. Date Sat., Dec. 21st, Place Lytle Road at Ferry and Waynesville Road intersection. Come and enjoy this group with us. Rev. James Duff welcomes you.

• ~


The MIAMI. GAZETTE Published Weekly at 172 North Street Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Second class postage paid at Wayne.s ville. Ohio

THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.O. BDI 325, Wa,nesviUe .

Lila McClure' .... __ . . •. Editor & Publisher Sandee Blazer . ..... ~ Contributing Editor Donna Huffman .. . __ , .. . _. . .. Staff Artist Karen Gasaway . . __ _. .. AdvertiSing Sales' Subscription - $3.00 Per Year

Miami University 's Board of Trustees Saturday (Dec. 13) ap· proved "in principle" Miami's partldpation with Central State and Wright Sate in a non-profit corporation for operating public TV sUltions now broadcasting over Channels 14 and 16. Final approval of a consortial arrangement to be called UniveJrsity Regional Broadcasting, Inc_, was withheld pending settlement of some remaining details. Board action also included : I. Creation of a new endowed lecture series, the Finch Lectures in the Study and Art of Government, to be supported from income of $35,000 proceeds from sale of a house willed to the university by the ISlte Miss Marian Finch of Euclidl. 2. Establishment of a new Department of Business Technology in the School of BusinE!SS Administration to ad· minister two-year associate degree programs already offered in ac· counting technology on the Hamilton Campus and in banJtingrmance technology on the Middletown Campus. 3. Approving the designation ''Trustee Emeritus" to be conferred on all former members of the board. 4. Approving new fee schedules for valrious off-campus programs, incJudiing the European Center in Luxembourg, effective next June DC latec (fees foc Oxfokd, Mid· d1etow:n and Hamilton Campuses remain unchanged>' 5. Receiving a report that giving to the Miami University Fund from alumni and friends omrough 11 monthe of 1974 is running slightly highejs:zyan last year-more givers, though smaller gifts. The University Regional Broadl~astin, Inc ., agreement, which has been under discussion for more tban four years, would provide a non-profit corporation for operating and maintaining both the present WOET-TV (Channel 16, Kettering) and WMUB·TV <Channel 14, Oxford) as non· commercial television stations. Although the three universities already have a consortium for the purpose, virtually all progTam. ming and broadcasting for the two stations now originates from Miami's studios in Oxford, with the ChannE~1 14 signal being - re-

trTh~~~~~ ~~C~:8tn:lrul~ look at the articles of incorporation and the code of regulations after gaining assurance that all buildings, grounds and studio equipment used by WMUB-TV on the Oxford Campus remain the property of Miami University, plus approval from the Attorney General's Office for Miami participatio1n _ Miss Marian Finch, whose gilt made the new lecture series possible, was a Miami graduate whose ~l8rents both were Miami graduates and Miami Caculty members. She taught in the Cleveland area Cor many years. For the last 14 years before ber death at Euclid in 1962, she was principal oC Fernway Elementary School in Shaker Heights. The house which she inherited from her' mother at IS East Collins street, Odord, was willed by het to the univl~ity with provision that its eventual. sale would establish capital endowment toward a "course or proCessorship in the study and artnoc government." The trustees agreed a lecture series would carry out her intent effectively.

Page Two Wednesday, December 18, 1974 ____--THE MIAMIGAZE'ITE - - - -



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Opportunities are greater than ever, Miami Univeristy's new senior professor told graduates at informal commencement for 327 faU-quarter Miami degree dandidates Friday afternoon in MiUett Hall here. Dr. Joseph C. Seibert, a 1932 Miami graduate who has been on Miami's faculty since 1945, is professor and department chairman in marketing management in Miami's School of Business Administration . Dr. Phillip R . Shriver, Miami president·, in introducing Seibert as commencement speaker pointed out that with retirement of Dr. Harry M. Williams this month Seibert becomes the senior professor on the entire Jaculty . IdentiCying himself as a Depression graduate, Seibert urged this year's graduates to regard setbacks as diversions to new directions and new opportunities. He predicted a new period of "post-industrial economy .. anchored in services" which he said become "a would knowledgesociety, concentrating on a quality of life, rather than on a quantity for life." Acknowledging that "projected trends of population growth and resource utilitzation are on a collision course" Seibert insisted that "sometimes straight line projections do not extend to future conclusions. " "Fortunately something interferes to change the course of things," he suggested. "Society modifies its course from time to time. .. As you know, themodifcapms are coming more frequently . We

WALT£l\ T. GREEN WalterT. Green, age 85 of 127 Farview Ave_', Lebanon passed away Friday, December 13, 1974 at Middletown Hospital. He was a member of the Lebanon Church of The Nazarene_ Survived by 1 daughter Mrs. Bessie Jordan of Waynesville, 1 son, Thomas L_ Green of Lebanon. 4 sisters Mrs. Annie Elsea of Georgia, Mrs_ May Cox of Tenn_, Mrs_ Ethel Renthro of Tenn., and Mrs. Pearl Dean of Georgia. 1 brother Robert Green of Day ton_ 7 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews_ Funeral services were held Monday at the Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home in Waynesville_ Rev. H. B- Wilson officiated, burial followed at Miami Cemetery_

Tax Service Connie Beck

seem to be responding in rapid succession to one crisis after another . In each case, there is a residue of improvement. Highways kd automobiles ARE saJrer, the air in our cities IS cleaner, the water in our lakes and streams Is less polluted, the birth rate HAS fallen to the no-population-growth level. "In the shifting directions which our society has traveled, we have passed from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy and are presently entjing a post industrial economy .





material needs are to transcend to environmental , educational and leisure lime pursuits with em phasis toward self-actualization . There will be greater opportunity for the utilization of knowledge ." Seibert reminded this year 's graduated that his own class, graduated into a Depression with bleak employment outlook, has witnessed the development of air transportation, fantastically-equipped automobiles . television . nuclear energy . electronics . computers . wonder drugs, polio vaccine. organ transplants . and frozen foods ; has placed a man on . the moon and "made sex discrimination a thing of the past. " Commenting that "we have had energy criss before, "Seibert argued that shortage and price increase of whale oil as a light source in the early 1800's had spurred the switch to petroleum even though "there was no good substitute. just as is the case with petrol,~um today."


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~[~~~~~ LEBANON, OHIO ,


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Christmas Gifts .•• Musical Toys ·s6.00 up Candy Striped Sleeper s6.00 up

Everything Baby Needs •••••••••••••:.:•••: •••••••••••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••;.~•••;.;.;.;.;•••;.:.;.:.;.:.:-:.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.:-:.;.:........




"In the agricultural economy, expanding acreage under cultivation and larger yields could be projected with confidence intmhe future . In the industrial economy, we were able to set our sights on the expanding trends in farm machinery, steel, automobiles and textiles. "There ismge uncertainy in the projection of the post industrial economy. Service will dominate in place of physical production , but we are not sureus yetifwe can anticipate continued growing benefits from taking in each . other's washing . Are there implications for continued growth , or are we limited to a feard stagnation for the automobile, steel, textile and building industries? "I believe continued growth is in the offing. I think the opportunities are greater than ever. I think so because a post -industrial society anchored in services is to be a learning society . There will be opportunities fro imagination, creativeness and innovation. Farm machinery, automobiles, electrical . contrivances were produced by talented tinkerers . "In the farm and industrial economies, a youth of 16 had all the schooling and knowledge needed . Not so on the road ahead, with progress kyed to complicated scientifically oriented innovations inherent in advances anticipated for electronics, computers, communications and chemicals . "These advances will rest on theory, not empiricism . The postindustrial knowledge society concentrated on survival and on advancing material needs. "The knowledge society will concentrate on a quality of life rather than on a quantity for life. The lower order of survival and

••• and moms, dads, grandm~s, grandpas, brothers, sisters, · and friends - if you can't : be there, call to wish them ~erry e ·hristmas.

... ~~

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.~::*: Typical rates for a 3-minute long distance call placed by direct distance dialing from 5 pm . to 11 p .m . Monday through Friday . Rates are even lower between 11 p .m . and 8 a.m . and on weekends . Warren, Ohio to New York - .60 Mansfield, Ohio to Miami - .70 Lima, Ohio to Chicago - .55 Sidney, Ohio to Phoenix - .75 Mt. Vernon, Ohio to Los Angeles -

Bookkeeping 55 E. Lytle Rd.


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The "Perfect,r Christmas Shopping Place! Our ':Cht1Ihna. Corner" ,. tlllM Wittl card:&, ordmentl. caneS I ••• _d arrangements. OUr "Olft SItop" "'fUirlS~l.mpl. pietv...., . . . ., wooden•• ,., 1"""Ifo"I, pewter, clocks . . . of ......... yOu11 flncr 11M finest In Early Am ..'"," Furftllvre ., I."





FRE,E'OIFl' WRAPPING O.PEHSUHDAl's 'TIL CHRISTMAS I'TIU ·:tIOURS' Man •• Tu.... Wed .• 5.'. ' ,Jo..,oo 897.1971\


TbUn•• Fr' . .' , JG-' ,OO


Sun.s.y 1:00 " :00

Each year 750,000 children in the United States are injured needlessly by toys and other playthings. In 'Ohio alone, the child injury figure from toys climbs to almost 35,000 annually in spite of government agency, toy manufacturer and citizen concern. Benton Wahl of the Warren County Health Department



believes that many toy injuries in Warren County Health Department believes that many toy in-' juries in Warren County could be prevented by choosing toys' carefully and selectively. "The wise economy-minded shopper looks not only ay price. but also for safety and durability in children's toys. " "Toy safety is primarily a . parental responsibility ," says Mr.

Bishop Thornberry, who forWhat is important to society, . what it does care about and the merly served as a clergyman in the criteria it judges the (Christian) Diocese • of Southern Ohio for church upon is the church's con- almost 30 years, was one of 13 cern for the development of during the special rally, held at the Christ.ians and 'its attack upon the LauschI' Building on the Ohio State issues. of human nature and society Fair~ounds in Columbus. , as the,y really are at any given time The campaign takes place from in history. February 2 through February 16, Th~ie were the words of the Rt. althollgh special gift solicitations Rev. David R. Thornberry . bishop and recruitment of parish ·team of the Episcopal Diocese of members are already under way in Wyoming . as he addressed a some parishes . special rally in Columbus on The Second Century Fund is a Saturday. December 7; launching siz·part program dedicated to the Second Century Centennial helping the Episcopal Church in Fund drive of the Episcopal the Diocese ' of Southern Ohio Churc,h in the Diocese of Southern maintain and extend its ministry al Ohio. the local parish and regionai level He eonlinued, "None of us are and also to share the ministry of responsible for the day which we the diocese's companion Diocese of were born . but we are born and this Hong Kong and Macao and to is our da y and this is the one we assist its national church body and have to live in and function in as other national ;lnd international God's followers ." groups in alleviating the problem Bishop Thornberry said that one of world hunger. according to the of the r eal strengths of the Second Rt, Rev. John M. Krumm , bishop Centu r y fund program, as of Southern Ohio. proposed. was that there was Each phase of the six-part flexib ility as well as defined goals program honors a bishop who has and projects. If there had not been, or is serving the diocese . he suggested, the diocese would A five-year $220,000 program of have immediately limited itself in Evangelism , honoring the Rt. Rev , meeting the evolving needs and Thomas Augustus Jagger , first situations of an ever-<:hanging bishop of Southern Ohio, is conworld. cerned with the urgent need of the He referred specifically to the church to fmd new ways to win recent change in the fund's people to Christ and to renew proposed program of Christian present Episcopalians' faith in His Reconciliation Abroad. way of life. During the planning stages of the Service to Children is the area of campaign , a suggested $150,000 of the $2 milliom total goal was set concern honoring the Rt. Rev , aside to alleviate suffering in the Boyd Vincent, second bishop of the areas of greatest need in Southeast diocese. Campaign leaders hope to raise $200,000 ta assist with a Asia . of In laP.e November the emphasis comprehensive program was sh.ifted in the reconciliation Christian Education for 82,644 categor~ to one of meeting the children in 90 schools sponsored by immediate needs of the world's the Diocese of Hong Kong and Macao and to finance a five-year hungry . persons speaking on behalf of the pilot project at Children's Hospital, Second Century Centennial Fund an Episcopal institution in Cincinnati. to provide a patient representative who would be available to assist families who do


Wan!. "Parents shopping for toys often forget toy safety in selecting toys . They must first consider the maturity of the child and then buy the right toy for the right age." While federal standards are strict and are being constantly upgraded, over 5,000 new toys are being marketed over 1, 200 manufacturers each year. This

I~:===~~~~~=== an makes enforcement of regulations unending and difficult task. According to Mr . Wahl. "regulations can only supplement careful buying, proper use and wise supervision." Stressing the neect for parents to buy the right toy for the right -aged child. Mr. Wahl, in cooperation with the Accident Prevention & Product Safety Unit· of the Ohio Department of Health, has developed some guidelines for Ohioans to take along when buying safely and economically for Christmas ; Choose aU toys safely: -choose carefUlly and selectively -Heed warning ' labels on toys "not intended for children under three years of age." -select chemistry sets, electrically operated toys for older children only. -check labels on fabric products for "non-flammable," "flame resistant," or "flame retardant."

not know how to avail themselves of health services. The Christian Reconciliation Abroad program, now proposed to help meet the needs of the hungry of the world, is in honor of the Rt. Rev . Theodore Irving Reese, third bishop of the diocese. The RI. Rev . Henry Wise Hobson, bishnp emeritus of the diocese and its fourth leader, is honored with a Faith in Life Endowment Fund, the nnly endowment phase within the six-part program . Income from the proposed $500,000 fund would be used to stimulate conferences , produce printed materials , provide expert and informed leadership and subsidize meetings of church people of all denominations to consider ehtical questions facing mankind today . A fifth phase, a proposed $400,000 Criminal Justice Program, honors the RI. Rev . Roger W. Blanchard. bishop emeritus and fifth leader of the diocese. This five-year program is aimed at responding to the problem of crime by bringing together con· cerned Episcopalians and others from throughout Ohio in a coordina.ted, ongoing program of criminal justice reform . The last phase of the Centenni'al program is a Diocesan Venture Fund honoring the diocese 's present spiritual leader, Bishop Krumm . This fund would provide venture capital to enable the diocese to respond quickly to urgent needs and opportunities for service , especially those which might determine the unique direction and role of the church in the years ahead . Organized in January of 1875, the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio includes 80 parishes scattered throughout Southern Ohio from Greenville. northwest of Dayton, to Bellaire-Martins Ferry, opposite the Ohio River from Wheeling, West Virginia.

-Avoid toys tbat produce ex· cessive noise . -Select toys labeled "non-toxic" and "lead free." When choosing a toy for toddlers and infants make sure the toy : -Is too large to be swallowed -Is labeled "Washable." -Does not have sharp, cutting edges or easily shattered parts. -Does not have easily exposed straight pins, sharp wires , nails , etc. -Does not have parts which pinch fingers, toes or hair . Teach proper use of toys : -{;heck label for instructions, warnings, -Keep toys in good repair -check toys-abused toys are dangerous . Broken, misused toys are more of a common cause of accidents than is design-safe toys such as bats and balls, dolls, games , etc., when used carelessly can innict serious injury. !'CarefuI selection of gifts for the entire family is equally important," reminds Mr . Wahl . "Be careful, cautious and concerned about your family's safety when buying toys and other Christmas gifts this season." ~.• 'I1®'J,R:l!5.i,.3li9i91;;

Subscribe To The

MIAMI GAZETTE Only $3,00 A Year ~:~d:~~:*,:CC



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THE MIAMI GAZETI'E Straight From the Quaker· Art Festival and the Ohio Sauerkraut Festival


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with the .Old Grimms favorite

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LITTLE RED RIDINGHOOD Starring Jacqui Davidson as Little Red \ David Hisey as The Wolf with Holly Hisey, Greg Polly and Lila McClu re

Puppets Des igned by DONNA HUFFMAN For Holiday Arrangements





6144 Corwin Road Goodyear & Dayton Tires

897-3496 . ~;":i:J ~


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·· WAYNESVILlE. .~Uinb'er ,and~ :supply····.~ , .897~2966


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US Army Recruiting " Free Way to a College Education" For Information Call 932·7690 20 W. Mulberry Sl Lebanon . Ohio

Miller's D~partment Store Will Be Open Till 9:00 Until Christmas

ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DAL ELLIOTT All leading brands-free estimates. Bank finacing available. Waynesville 8977851. AWNINGS BUTLER COUNTY AWNING CO. Inc. Barney Oldfield and Larry Wysong C(}-owners. Awnings manufactured at the show room and. plant, 9256 Pleasant Valley Road. Middletown 6 phone 423iYl 1. . 'BEAUTY SALONS JANIES BEATUTY Saltn. "Style Cuts for Guys and Gals" 10036 Bellbrook Waynesville Rd. Waynesville, Phone 848-3188. IRENE'S SALON of Beauty Connie Kirby-Owner "Six trained stylists to serve you " "serving the area for over 35 years" 617 South Breiel in the Middletown Shopping Center. Phone 423-3252 or 423-6883. BREAD INTERSTATE BRANDS CoRP . Bu tte rnu t Bread Div. Joe Parenti Manager "For a better bread ask for Butternut Bread" 601 North Verity Pkwy. Middletown 424-2143. CAR DEALERS. MUENNICH MOTORS. "Better Idea Cars From Ford," "Quality Car Care." 749 Columbus Ave., Lebanon. 932-1010. WARREN COUNTY CHRYSLER, "Chrysler. Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W_ Main St., Lebanon. 932-5951. Always a good deal.

CEMENT WORK & ROOF REPAIRS HUBERT SMITH & SON If you have it cleaned and repaired now. We also do cement work all kinds. Block laying and roof repair. Phone 932-4665. COLLISION REPAIR KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REPAIR: "Expert Body and Paint Work" : Experienced work. teed All •• ""work 862 Loc tedguaran 0 US 42 1 -no, . a n mile south of Spring Valley and 5 miles north of Waynesville. TS

PRODUC ·CONCRETE RIVERSIDE CONCRETE COMPANY AI Tot~n, Ow!ler. Dan Newton, VIce pres. mcharge of sal~. Cement. mortar, face brICks cement paint. steel doors and frames. and steeI an d aluminium window sashes. Mission adobe bricks. Germantown Road CRt. 4) at Miami River Bridge phone 423-5786 in Hamilton

GIWCERIES SHERWOODS MARKET, "featuring meats cut to order," delivery service. 747 Cincinnati Ave. Lebanon, Ohio, 932-1944. HEATIN(' OIL MCCOY OIL COMPANY, Ken Smith, Manager, Texaco Heating, Oils, Radio dispatched trucks . Phone 423-5703 located at 1224 Girard Middletown. INSURANCE THE NA1'IONAL LIFE & Accident Insurance Co. (Grand Ole Opry People) Fred Napier agent 897-3111. JEWELRY REMODEL YOUR OLD jewelry-remounting gold sizing, refinishing jewelry repair. Stone setting. DavidJ sons Jewelers, Lebanon 932-3936 ._ ~IJ ~ ~

~~. .



LOAN & SAVINGS CO. PEOPLES BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BRANDENBURG CONST- LOAN & Savings Co., "Start RUCTION "where re saving tomorrow ." Corne to 11 S. Broadway, Lebanon , modeling is a business not a Ohio, Phone 932-3876. sideline" Robert Brandenburg, Sr. and Robert Middletown Federal d b J 0 Bran en urg. r . wners Savings and Loan Associaphone 423-0759 1759 Central tion. Investing in a horne of Ave Middletown. your own? Corne in and talk DECORATING CENTER LANDS Paint and Floor your problems over. Central Covering "Your one-stop and Main Rosevelt Bouledecorating center," Lois vard inM~ddletown , 9 North St. . Trenton. Shackelford, Owner 2030 Miami Central Ave. Middletown. Phone 424-1991. Phone 423-9259. MIAMI VALLEY BuilDETECTIVE BUREAU ding and Loan Association, R. C. BECKETT Detective Richard Voelesongog Bureau Robert C. Beckett Manager ,no South Miami in Director. 21 years ex- Franklin Phone 746-0504. perience _ confidential in- "One of the Cornerstone of vestigations in commercial the financial structure of industrial and domestic this communi ty . " matter phone 423-5411 in PLUMBING & HEATING Dayton phone 222-9869. W. W. COVEY Plumbing DRY CLEANERS WASHINGTON SQUARE and Heating 177 Fifth St., LAUNDROMAT and Dry Waynesville 897-6431. Cleaners. 88 S. Main St. PHARMACIES Waynesville. 897-5961. LOVELESS PHARMACY DRY WALL BARNARD DRY WALL co Professional Prescription len Banard. Owner "Ser- service 3:3: S. Main Street, ving the area for over 20 Waynesvillle 897-7076. years." 6949 Middletown pike in Franklin phone READY MIX CONCRETE MECCO, INC. 2504 South 1f-~.&~ Main in Middletown. Phone !¥~~ 422-3651 or 422-3652 offers . 'FLORIST your prompt and dependCEDAR CITY FLORIST, able service in ready-mix Finest Flowers & Gifts. 123 E Mulberry St. Lebanon REAL ESTATE . • • K.S.A. REALTY,88 S. Main _ Ohio 9~·2916. St., Waynesville, 897-3501. FURN~E WHO L E SAL " F U ~­ NITURE DEPOT. ty LYNN FJ[ELDS,7956 Cahall namebrand f~~e at PI. Waynesville; 1-885-5453 ~o!esal~ pnces 2833 or 897-605S; Camfield Com· CinClOOati Dayton road, pany Inc. 433-9912 or south of Blue Ball phone


MILLTOWN CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Dodge Trucks Lou Bove owner Jim Borchers Sales Manager. "New 1975 Chryslers. Plymouths, Dodges and Dodge Trucks now on display" 6239 Germantown Road (next to the airport) phone 424-3556. WILMER .MOTORS. ING. Bill Wilmer. manager "75 Gremlin. Matador, Javelin, and Hornet Hatchback and the luxurious 75 ambassador" 1901 Manchester. Middletown ~ Wilmer Used Cars 132 S. Clinton Middletown. phone 423-3421. CARPETS BI-RITE CARPET & TILE. 140 S. Main St., Carpet. floors, ceramic, .ceilings. 897-5511 Waynesville 2225608. Dayton. CAR AND TRUCK SERVICE TED BROWN'S PHILLIPS 66 Service complete auto and truck repairing, and fast, friendly emergency road service. 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. 6 days a week. 509 S. Sutphin in Middletown. Phone 423-9191. 422-4556.


897~ ,

RESTRAUNTS FRISCH'S BIG BOY. Jerry Brown, Owner good food and fast service at Frich's in Middletown at 1800 German· town, phone 423-6596 and. at 3207 S. Main in Middletown, phone 423-5715.

TV SALES & SERVI.CES BEATTY'S TV SALES & Services, .Zenith, 27 N. Broadway, Lebanon. 9323075. TIRES Morgan's Tire Service 6344 Corwin Rd. Goodyear and MCDONALDS HAMBUR· Dayton Tires. Phone GER system Charles Chuck 897-3696. Posey·owner. 2351 North KINGTIRECOMPANY)oe Verity Pkwy. 423-1582 and Little III owner "Quality 1301 S. Briel Blvd. Phone "tires for less" Remington 423-5801. B.F. Goodrich and Some ~~,~ffi~)~~Astrostars. Located Corner '~ 'W ' ~9: "g"';' ofRt4and Trenton Franklin SCHOOLS Rd in Posttown. phone TRI STATE DRIVEk Trai· 422·3340. TOY~ ning Inc. Robert L Wise and Bicycles. Tricycles. wagons Robert J. Kuhn, owners, sleds, little wheels, Big Gordon R. Shockley Mgr. wheels, new, ready to riJe. Learn to drive tractor MOORE'S STORE. 25 E. trailers and autuomobile. Mulberry, Downtown LebaVeteran approved and Ii- non. f Oh' TRUCKS 10, DOEBLER BROTHERS, censed by the State 0 2507 North varity pkwy, Middlet(lUfn phone 424-1237. INC. "International TrucksCummins and Detroit Diesel LEE'S DATA PRO· Engines" Bill and Dick CESSING . Noah Lee and Doebler. Owners 2981 CinIda Lee, owners. Learn to be cinnati Road Middletown. a high paid key punch Phone 422-36i3. operators . . . Veteran and • ,,*~. ~~dIJ,r,~~ State government agency ~]'~ '€:-~"W ~~ approved: 6275 German· ' USED CARS . town, Middletown, phone MCCOY MOTORS Mac 423-9236. . ,,' SUPER MARKETS McCoy, Ow~er, DepenELLIS SUPER VALU quali- dable ex~:rts lfl the used car ty and low prices open till business. 6247 German. . 7 days a week , p.hone 422-6415 town. Middletown Phone mne. 897·5001. . LOSE WEIGHT WITH New WA YNESVILLE MARKET Shape Tablets and Hydre!C 69 S. Main St. 897-5941 Meat Water Pills Loveless PharSpecialists. macy.

DECK THE TREE You can adorn the bou~hs cool place . of your ChristmaJ> tree with For clay wreath tre<! or· beautiful ornnm~ents you naments, flatlen small lump have made y\>urself. "ere.· of clay in the palm of your ti". Clay " wreaths add the hand . Make a hole in the special t.ouch of "originality that can make your lre<! something unique . To make the clay. you'lI need 1 cup Argo corn starch, 2 cups baking soda (I pound packa!!e) and 1 ~ cups cold waler. Stir together com starch and baking soda in sauce· pan. mixing thoroughly. Add waler. Mix until smoolh . Cook over Itledium -_ stirTing consLantly. until cenler . Smooth and round mixture reaches a slightly out edg... and let dry com· moist mash,.d poLato can · plele!y al room lemperalure. sislency.. (Mixture will come Paint on gre<!n holly t.o a boil, then start t.o th.ic~k · leaves and red berries. or en ' first in lumps and then use felt tipped pens. Spray in a thick rruw; ; it "'ould with clear plastic or brush hold its shape when piled . ) on clear nail polish for a Turn oul on plale ; cover protective finish . Then. 'hane with a damp cloth and let the ornament from a tn.e stand . When cool enough to bough with a narTOw red rib· handle knead .a s you would . bon tied around the Wl'eath . dough' until smooth . Shape ' Your tree will 'be decked as desired . If not to be used out with originality and immediately . st.orc tightly beauty and reflect the' pe!" covered ; the clay slays pli·sonal t.ouch of hand-erafled able for many we<!lr.s in a ornaments .


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107 S. Main Sl

Waynesville, Ohio

Deal .... Wdcomt

\ MON. BY CHANCE :{ :.;. TUES. THRU SAT. 10.5:00 .:.;. :::: OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 PM. .::::

(513) 862-5181

"flit Waynesville', Other

1 p.m. to 7 p.m.



Line -



Fri. Sal. Sun.

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HISLE'S BUGGYWHEEL ANTIQUES Furniture & /ttiscellaneous Items 84 SECOND STREET


r.:~~~:---! t t £0 . . . . -..51.





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Mrs. Sally Shorten, Mason, president of the Warren County Cancer Unit, is shown receiving one of the three awards presented the Unit for its 1974 Crusade accomplishments, at an Area Training Conference recently which was held at Kings Island. Also pictured

are Robert Gallenback, Ohio Cancer division trustee and Richard McCue, southwest Ohio crusade chairman. The awards were a "Bettering Our Best" for exceeding its previous high crusade total ; a "Gold Key

award" for exceedings its crusad€~ goal by fifteen percent minimum; also a "Crusalde Per Capita Award" for a per capita mark high in an intercounty contest with Lawrence County (Ironton) with Warren County doubling the La wrence reported figure.

HOURS : Mon., Wed •• & Fr i. 1 6 Or By AppOiiiliileiif


PROCESS ' Phone: 897-3563 ' 76 First Street- Reor Corwin, Ohio 4~S068



Ear ly Amer icana

f •. '

February 15. 1975. is the deadline for applications for the six-year program in medical education leading to the B.S. and M.D. degrees. beginning next July . Application procedure was announced jointly today by officials of The University o[ Akron. KentState University . and Youngstown State University in concert with the new Northeasterf Ohio Universities College of Medicine. Application forms and informational brochures will be available December 16 in Admissions Offices of The University of Akron, Kent State University, and Youngstown Slate University. Completed application forms must be returned to one of the University Admissions Offices by February 15, 1975, in order to be


All students accepted for admission into the program will be notified on or before April 15, 1975. A student will be eligible to enroll in the first two years of the six-year combined B.S.-M.D. curriculum . after being formally admitted to one of the three universities through the university 's regular

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (


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considered by the Admissions Committees. High school seniors and recent high school graduates who have shown academic competence and are interested in a career in medicine will be considered [or admission into the firsl year of the program . A total of 40 students. approxi mately t3ateachuniversity. will be a~mitted for the academic year,



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admissions policy . Thestudent will.

Sot. 8-12

Countr y Type & Coumrv Period 15 1 7 N ewton Avt:nuc

F reda and John Gor klS

274 . 1021

Dav lon . Oh,o 45406

a t that time. identify himself or 'i:=~===::::=================: herself as a candidate for the I combined B.S.-M.D. program . Curriculum. as planned . will re'luirl' Iha l s tudents be enrolled for II months in each of six academil' years . The first two years . Phase I. beginning in July . 1975. will be spent on the campus of The University of Akron . Kent State Un iversity. or Youngstown State University. Course work during this period will focus chiefly on studies in the humanities and bask premedical sciences but will also include orientation to clinical medicinl~ .

The third year of study beginning Phase II will be devoted primarily to ' the basic medical sciences (anatomy. physiology. microbiology. etc .) and will be conducted at the Basic Medical Sciences campus presently being planned in Rootstown . In years 4. 5. and 6. the student will develop compt'tence in the clinical aspects of medicine through instruction provided principally ,at one or mllre of the associated community hospitals . The student will return to the university campus for one quarter in each of these last three years to complete the requirements for the B.S. degr ee at that university by enrolling in courses in the humanities and social sciences. The University of Akron , Kent State University, and Youngstown State University will charge their normal undergraduate fees for the first two years. Fees for years 3-6 will be set by the College of Medicine Board of Trustees and will not !be significanUy different from the ~n .200 (for three quarters) which Ohio residents now pay to attend publicly supported medical schools elsewhere in this sta teo Students will be chosen for

.f======::========::~:iiiiiiiii:=i fi


DENNIS DOSS Box 41 New Vienna, O. 45159 Phone 897·2731 admission to the College of Medicine program by a special jOint admissions committee composed of universi ty faculty. College of Me<licine faculty and physicians which will review credentials of eligible students a t each of the three universities. Students selected by the joint committees will be assigned to designated faculty members who will serve as advisors and who will counsel as well as evalua te students on a personal basis through their first two years.





~~~ ..... ·--"ib.n 12·5:30 Other runes by AilPoinlmOnt or


Tel..,.,.,.,.' 513 891-6552 Shop 513298-21177 Resod""""

Tuesday , December 24, 1974 Sa;uad dass postage paid at WayMilYlUe:..Ohio F'I~EN \ , oj



DP&L Urges Customers To Cut Use After Natural Gas Supplies Cut Thp Dayton Power arid Light Company today was informed by Its prinlCipal supplier that natural gas deliveries will be furthpr cut back beginning December 20, 1974, thus making it necessary for some 16,000 commercial and industrial customers to reduce their usage 29 percent below their 1972 usage ThesE' customers have previously been asked 10 reduce their usage 16 percenl In November and 20 percent below Iheir 19'72 usage These customers have previously been asked to reducE' Iheir usage 16 percenl In Novem be r and 20 perCE'nl III DE'cpmbcr OffiCials ()f Cnlumbl3 Ga s Trallsmlsslon Corporalll)n , OP&L ', pnllclpal suppll'lr . wl'r!' III Day tOil Iqday I .. Inform I>P&L '~ PrpSldel11 Hoherl KI1I"II "I 1111' had T)I(>~


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ppnaltll's arl' Similar to the penailil's Imposed upon DP&L by Its suppher if DP&L's customer usag \' I'xceeds the supplies allocated to DP&L. DP&L residential consumers are onc{' again asked to conserve . They can do this by : I \",wering thermostats in their homes tn 68 degrees or. lower dunng the day and lower at night or when unoccupied . 2 r losing off unused ,rooms _ 3 Adding Insulation, storm doors and w,ndows , and weather stnppmg 4 Adding heaters using other fupls In hard to heat areas . Such act Ion will assist the areas' huStIl''SS and mdustries in main'allllllg Ihl'lI' operations and em - , pIUYTII(>fll

Sf'J!H ~ IMNItGF: ~kollt.DtfM"O

Arthur Genshaft. announced the appointment of Glen Smith ,1:-; :\lanager of the ThoroIJrl'd. Co mpany , effective Irnrnrdt<l tply _ lIarn St\'ers will continue :1;. Plarit Su-perintendent and wil l asstst Glen as Assistant, \t a nager. :\Ir.

f'r ('~idr nt.

Page 2, Tuesday,December24,1974

The Miami Gaiette

70ftle ~ ,~,


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ThE' staff of Warren County Prosecutor, Morris J . TurkeIson, has been bolstered by the addition of two attorneys who will serve as full-time prosecutors. The new fulltime assistantS will enable the Prosecutor's Office to expand its crime-fighting potential since they FATALISM will Ill! able to concentrate entirely You know, the more I study and listen to knowledgeable on the affairs brought to the at· people the more I learn and even at times, I must admit, tention .of the Prosecutor. In the .have changed my pattern of thinking along some avenues past, assistant prosecutors have of thought. For example may I offer the following also carried on a private law explanation. Have you ever heard the expression of "Kay, practice, but TurkeIson feels the Sa1a Sala," taken from a popular Italian song. The area '(If criminal prosecution must meaning is "What is to be will be." Well along some be made more attractive as a legal thought patterns, I used to believe this to be true. You see, specialty, and one way of ac· fatalism means to believe that fate determines events, or complishing that goal is to make to believe events that will happen are inevitable, or cannot the office of the assistant a full-time position. be altered or changed. This particular word should start prosecutor The new Chief Assistant all people, especially Christians to serious thought. May I Prosec!ut.or, James L. Flannery, of . ask, is this the attitude Christ would have in mond for us? Middl ~!town, Ohio, since assucing No Christians, we need to search for solutions, we need his responsibilities on November to be thinking of Dew ideas, we need to be searching God's 12, 1974, has conducted two Holy Word, daily to be fed spiritually in order to have the criminal jury trials, and won wisdom and direction by, "His Holy Spirit" to help change conv ictions in b.oth of them . peoples attitudes and eventually win them to Christ. The However. the affairs of the Office attitude and respect we show to tl)ose around us means so were not foreign to him, as he has much in our witnessing to them. ~meone once said that, worked for Prosecutor TurkeIson "Every Professing Christian are either portraying Christ as a law clerk and legal intern March, 1973 . .or betraying Him." This is something to really think since In addition to representing the . about. As Christians we are living under two kinds of law prosecution in jury trials , Jim given by·God.I. Moral Law, Dealing with things which are attendl!d the Ohio School Board right or wrong, such as stealing, killing and etc. 2. Association's Legal Workshop jn Spiritual or religious Law which we should obey because Columbus. Ohio ; he assisted God demands it. An example of religious law would be Turkel!;on with the December, baptisim. We are tested through spiritual law to show how 1974, session of the Warren County genuine our faith is toward God, and His only begotten Son Grand Jury , in which nineteen Jesus Christ. Someone said this also and I would like to indictments were returned . and he report it here. "The devil is willing for a person to confess will a tt end the Turtle Creek Christianity as long as he doesn't practice it. " Christian Township meeting on Civil and Criminal Affairs , December 30, friend where do you stand in service to Jesus? If for some 1974 . reason you haven't become involved in winning souls and Jim. a 1974 law graduate of the being that living sacrifice Paul spoke about in Romans University of Cincinnati, is 12: 1-it is my humble prayer tha t you become tha t kind of married to the former Sue Ann witness for Him. Remember the Gospel is good news and Slinger of Oxford, Ohio. Mrs. we are supposed to be sharing it with others. Remember Flannery is an art teacher at also, you' cannot out give God whose this be our time, our Verity Middle School in Mid· money, our talents or any other service to Him. Yours For d1etown, Ohio. Another Assistant Prosecutor, a More dedicated Christian Life. Ohio - Ernie Smith Tim Oliver. officially became a part of Turkelson's staff on December 2, 1974. He is a 1974 graduate of Ohio State Law School in Columbus, Ohio, where he participated in the Legal Clinic and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program . He also received his undergraduate degree from Ohio State where he was a Freshman Honor Scholar , an Honors Student , and a member of Phi Eta Sigma and Beta Gamma Sigma . Originally from versa.illes, Ohio, Tim now resides at 201 Miller Road in Lebanon, Ohio, with his wife, the former ILois Anne Jacquemin, of Hamilton, Ohio. Mrs. Oliver plans to attend the University of Cin· cinnati Law School in January , 1974. According to Turkelson, the first weeks with full-time assistant Published Weekly at prosecutllrs in the Office have been 172 North Street auspicious ones, and they point to WayneSVille. Ohio 45068 an excellent year for the' Second class postage paId at Waynesyille. Oh io Prosecutor's Office in 1975. THE MIAMI GAZETTE P.o. BOI 325, Waynesville ·


.,.J: .


Lila McClure' . . . Editor & Publisher Contributing Editor Sandee Blazer Donna Huffman Staff Artist Karen Gasaway . . Advertising Sales Subscription - S3.00 Per Year


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Page 3

Tuesday, December24,1974, The Miami Gazette


-~M:~~~~ LEBANON, OHIO Christmas Gifts .•. Musical Toys s6.00 up Candy Striped Sleeper s6.00 up

Everything Baby Needs ••••••••••••,:.:•••:.:••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••;••••<•••;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.,:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;;;.;.:.:.;.;.:.;.:••••••, •••••••••••••.;.:.:,:••




~~t;:ci,L.~ a~ {'\-

(301~.kJ(~a;rD~-~~~·~ ~,~.

Goodyear & DClyton Tires



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W~ G,ouTy~ CroSLS ~II£


Warren County is going to have a crisis-intervention telephone hoUine. The Warren County Drug Council, Inc. with assistance from the Community Action Commission (C.A.C. ) has taken the first steps. Friday, December 13th, was the propitious day . About 1:00 a .m., Ken Bausch, the Drug Council Administrator, committed himself to starting a hoUine. About 9:30 a.m . while talking with the staff of C.A.C., he discovered that C.A.C. might be able to fund the hotline. That afternoon details were worked oul. On the following Monday morning a formal proposal for $7,457.88 to establish and maintain the Warren County Hbtline was sulr milled . In the afternoon it was approved by the C.A.C. Executive Commillee. In the evening it was approved by the Drug Council Board. When it goes into full operation sometime in March. the hotline will have a minimum of 50 volunteers working four (4) hour shifts on a rotating basis. They will answer the phones from s:oo a.m. till midnight on weekdays and till 3:00 a.m . on weekends . During the hours when the telephones are not staffed, calls will be handled

As a homemaker, are you a good business woman? We're talking about your family's household business. An efficiently run home is often an indication that the homemaker has her family's business affairs in good working order and a well managed system of organizing her records . Warren County homemakers are sponsoring a program on how you can improve and sim,..iify your family's system of organizing its household business papers. It will be held Thursday. January 2, at 1:00 p.m . in the meeting room of the Cooperative Extension Office, 777 N. Columbus Avenue. Lebanon. Guest speaker for the program will be Mrs . Jacqueline Wirth. Area Home Economist with the Cooperative Extension Service . The public is invited to attend this interesting meeting at no charge.

through a mechanical answering service. The telephone hotline will provide the following services : suicide and crisis intervention ; central information and referral terminal for the whole county in the areas of drugs. welfare , social services. health. education. cont raception. venereal disease, etc; one-time and occasional telephone counseling. The new Warren County Hotline has an ancestor. In the fall of 1971. a hotline was started using mainly high school volunteers. There was much enthusiasm and energy. but t here were difficulties . That hotline ceased operation in the spring of 1972. Unlike its ancestor the new Warren County Hotline will use primarily adult (over tS) volunleers. Also it will have some paid staff. a full-time coordinator and a part -time secretary . The training program in January and February will be thorough and extensive. Volunteers will be expected to undergo the training and to per· form like professionals. The recruiting of volunteers is starting now . Anyone wishing to help should call the Drug Council office at 932~ and leave their name, address and telephone number.

Music Conservatory

Boat Safety Course Set Sinclair College in Dayton learns up with the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary to offer a special course to pleasure boaters on boating safety and seamanship. The course will begin on January S. 1975 at 7 :30 p.m . to 9:30 p.m . The students who successfully completl!.' this one night a week for 12 wl!eks course will receive a Certificate of Recognition signed by the Governor of Ohio and a se~ond certificate_signed by a com m issioned officer of Ihe U.S . Coast Guard . These certificates are recognized hy some ins,urance companies for a

US Army Recruiting " Free Way to a College Education " For InlormatlOn CaU932-7690 20 W Mulberry 5l lebanon. Ohio

reduction in marine Insurance

premiums. Somer of the 14 major fields covered in Ihe 12 week courst' are Boal Handling . Legal Requirements . Rules of thl' Road . Aids to ;o.;a\'lgatl on . Weather . marine Engines . el c. For f!Jrther information on I his speical course and how to register send your full name and complete address to : U.s.C.G. Aux .. P .O. Box 291. Centerville. Ohio 45459 . The 12 lesson course is open to individuals and families on a first come first serve basis as seating is limited. so write loday .

Straight From the Quaker - Art Festival and the Ohio Sauerkraut Festival


with the Old Grimms favorite

Plans Auditions


The University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music announces admission auditions will be held for high school seniors in this area on Jan . 11 and Feb. S. Strings only will be auditioned on Feb. 1. and all . except string students. on Mar .

Starring Jacqu I Davidson as Little Red DaVid Hisey as The Wolf Wllh Holly Hisey. Greg Polly a nd Lila McClure Puppet~ DeSigned by DONNA HUFFMAN


For information and appointment write or telephone Thomas G. Owen . Assistant Dean. College Conservatory of Music . UniverSity of Cincinnati. Cin· cinnati . Ohio 452. Phone 15(3 ) 475-3883.

For Holiday Arrangements

PHONE 897-4063 The Welsh sa y

that If th e marigold does nol open iUt petals before seven It will rain or thunder that da y

__----------------~O ~"lJfF M M'


Page 4, Tuesday, December 21, 1974





The Miami Gazette


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The Miami Gazette

Tuesday, December24,1974, Pages

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N6""1J.,,,,,,lITe PS"VCHO&.o(7'~A'c:. The new psychological associate for the Warren County Mental Health Counseling Service, Marie Linn , was introduced to members of the Warren County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Board during their meeting Thursday in Lebanon. Ms. Linn has a B.A. from St. Bonaventure University in New York and a M.A. from Xavier University. She began her duties at the Warren County Clinic Monday. Board members also approved their 1975 propos-

.$ Hltof13


ed budget and discussed the revised budget for the Warren County Drug Council Inc. Jim Ellis, executive director for the Board, reported that a special unit for the deaf mentally ill is now in operation at Columbus State Hospital. He also reported on the plan to convert state psychiatric hospitals to community facilities, a recommendation of the 1971 Citizen's Task Force on Mental Health and Mental Retardation.

Dependable high school boy for maintenance work approx. 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 6 days a week. Moms Kountry Kitchen 862-9140.

• .ec.c..a~CIO'C..





Dancers for Waynesville High Musical " hello Dolly " are Belinda Rossell , Terri Francisco. Connie Ellis . Brenda Spitznogle. Vanessa Lambert, Jenni Hillman. Terri Lainhart. Charlotte Campbell. Liz Huffman . BethJonl~s. Claudia Andres . Carolyn McFadden, Cathy McKinney , Diane Garrett. Sharon Wallace, Diane Thompson, Felice Cochrane Chris Shelton, Chorus : Ka thy Pottenger. Terri Francisco, Chris Shelton. Brenda Spitznogle. Vanessa Lambert. Jenni Hillman, Liz Huffman, Charlotte Campbell, Beth Jones, David Hendrickson, Louann Sleif, Carolyn Goode Caroline McFadden, Diane Garrett. Larry Frantz, Carole Pottenger. Kim Brunton.


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p~ge6, Tuesday, December 24, 1974


The Miami Gazette

V A Urges Borrowers To SeekLoan Releases


since the inception of the program. More than half, or 4.5 million loans, have been repaid. VA grants releases provided the veteran's loan is current; Ihe prospective purchaser agrees to assume the veteran's liabilities and the purchaser is a good credit risk with sufficient income to meet assumed mortgage payments. Officials pointed out, however,that a release does not automaticcally restore GI loan eligibility the veteran used to purchase th.e home being sold. Under the law, veterans may qualify for restoration if VA has been relieved of liability and if 1he property was disposed of for whal is described as "compelling reasons ." As soon as a purchaser !lgrees to assume the loan on a home, the veteran should apply for a release from the VA office which guaranteed the loan, officials advised .

More than lJ,700 veterans l!IId servicelll1en were released from liability for their GI loans last fiscal year, and the Veterans Administration is urging others 10 request releases when purchasers assum loans on homes bought with GI loans. The agency issued 9,270 releases in fiscal year 1973, and has given 57,300 over the years. The GT loan program was established shortly after World War II .

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It was noted that as last fiscal year ended (June), some 8.5 million veterans and servicemen had received home loans valued at $105.2 billion

Your Ohio Laws

~/ : .. '. ' .-;. ... ~~. :




Attorney General William J. Brown If you are injured while helping the victim of a crime, you may receive compensation from the State of Ohio after January I . 1975, under a new state law. The Ohio Court of Claims will have jurisdiction to determine and award compensation for personal injury or death of private citizens incurred in preventing or attempting to prevent a crime against an individual or the property of another person. The law also covers compen- . sat ion for injuries or deaths resulting in apprehending a suspected criminal or in assisting a police officer in preventing a crime 01' apprehending a suspected criminal. Victims themselves or a victim who aids a co-victim is not covered by the new law . The Attorney General is advocating remedial legislation in 1975 that will compensate victims and co-victims as well as those who come to their aid . When a private citizen is injured or killed in an incident . the Court of Claims may order payment of money as compensation in one of the following manners: e to or for the benefit of the injured individual: eto any other person responsible for his maintenance who has suffered financial loss or incurred

"Thelre's a good reason for obtaining a release," VA officials explained, "since wlthout it, the seller could be held financially liable should 1he purchaser default on mortgage payments ."

expenses as a result of the injury (in the case of personal injury to the individual) ; eto or for the benefit of any one or more of the depende.nts of a deceased person (in the cas,e of dea!h of the individual). Before ordering compensation, the Court of Claims must determine the actual and reasonable expenses incurred by or on behalf of the private citizen injured or killed in an incident and the amount of earnings actually lost by the individual. The maximum amount of compensation for a single claim is $10.000. Application for payment must be made within two years after the date of the personal injury or death . The personal injury or death must have been reported to the police within five days of its occurrenc~ or, if it cannot be reported reasonably within that time , within five days of the time when a report could reasonably have been made in order for a claimant to recover. Applications regan;ling injury or death while assisting victims of a crime should be submitted to the Ohio Court of Claims, State Office Tower, 30 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 .

Subscribe To The

MIAMI GAZETTE Only $3,00 A Year

Tax Service Connie B.eck

Don't Let Alcohol B1l"ing Holiday Tragedy Don'llet the misuse of alcohol turn your holiday into a highway tragedy .. If you plan to drink, drink wisely and plan to stay at home . Alcohol is a drug and when used in excess, it can be dangerous to yourself and to others . Each year the bottled "spirii.s" account for approxi.matel!! 50 per cent of all fatal traffic accidents , including pedestrian fatalities. And 50 per cent of these accidenis involve someone who has been drinking . " Aleoholism ranks among the national major health threats, along with cancer, mental illness and heart disease," says State Health Director Dr. John W. Cashman. "Yet, it is one of this country's most neglected diseases . " He urges holiday travelers and pElrty entertainers to pUt the safety of themselves and their guests first this year and not allow a highway tragedy to bring unhappiness to their family. According to a survey conducted at the 1974 Ohio Teenage Institute on Alcohol and Other Drugs, !J>er cent of teenagers 16 years and older drink once a month or more often. The combnnation of alcohol use and iheXp4~rience of driving creates a higher probability for this age group to be involved in an automobile accident. When travelling, drive defensively. Don't become the innocent victim of another driver's misuse of alcohol. Know your own limitation and when 'you reach it, • . stop. If you plan to drink, stay off

Bookkeeping 55 E. Lytle Rd.



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L!8ANOf{ Of/IO ,

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In the interest of reducing alcohol-related tragedy, the Alcoholism Division of the Ohio Department of Health has prepared a list of safety tips on the use of alcohol :

"The plight of the consumer is heading for another nosedive in this year's version of the energy crisis," predicled Ohio Congressman William H. Harsha today, "as the wellhead producers of natural gas set the scene for price deregulation ." "I am as sceptical and as aggravated as ever abollt the so-called shortage of this vital resource, and the strategy appears to be to let the wells dry up until the profit coffers fill up When and if price restrictions are lifted, " he sa i.:l .

" If there is a real shortage of natural gas, why are these companies selling the product hand over fist in their own states where the price is not restricted and cutting back interstate customers who must pay the lower regulated price?" Harsha asked. "If thatisn't monopolizing the market, I don 't know what is. And it's the kind of maneuvering, which besides causing an 'unnatural' shortage, is going to have some very disasterous effects on the agriculture and manufacturing industries which rely on natural gas for a variety of uses." The Ohio lawmaker further charged that natural gas producers have underestimated reserves by one trillion cubic feet and are curtailing production of reserves "under the specious argument it would not be profitable as long as interstate price regulations are in effect. " "I shudder to think what would happen to the economy of the country if natural gas is deregulated under such circumstances. Decontrolledprices.could triple the consumer cost, addmg as much as

Food and toys for 178 families and 423 children in 15 southwestern Ohio communities are being distributed today by workers of the Defense Electronics Supply Center through the Center's annual Adopt-AFamily program . The program has become a yearly gesture of goodwill by DESC personnel and had its beginnings back in the early 1950's when workers decided to foregll the traditional exchange of Christm"s cards I1nd gifts and instead use the money to help those less fortunate . Over the years, the program has served upwards of 5,000 families and more than 12,000 children. The Adopt-A-Family project is totally supported and administered by DESC workers who this year contributed $5,300 to fund the errori. Employees in turn nominate needy families for adoption by the program and applil!ations are screened by an employee-staffed selection committee. In addition to the financial contributions, workers this year also contributed new and useable toys to the program. Further assistance was provided by members of the Center Fire Department who formed a special workshop to repair toy items. Overall, some ll,500 food items were purchased this year for distribution to needy families. The assortment included canned vegetables , dried foods , fruits , canned hams, flour, oatmeal, cookies, coffee and tea, boxed dinner, detergent and candy. Communities served by this year's DESC Adopt-A-Family program include : Bowersville, Clarksville, Dayton, Fairborn, Germantown, Kettering, MiddletoWn" New Carlisle, Springfield, SI. Paris, Trotwood, Troy, Waynesville, Wil mington and Xen·ia. Serving as chairman of the program has been Samuel Kidd of Wilberforce. Miss Emma ickey. a Dayton resident , was vice chairman of the project.

During the weeks of December 16 through December 22,1974, the following food service operations were reported satisfactory on routine inspection: Hampton Bennett School (Franklin) ; Franklin Junior High School (Franklin) ; Franklin Senior High School (Franklin)~ Lowell's Fine Foods (Springboro); King Kwik 14 (Franklin); 1776 Inn (Wayne Township); Cincinnati Milacron (Union Township), One food service was found . satisfactory at the time of fll'St reinspection: Jerry's Restaurant (Frank-


f100 extra on each user's yearly bill. That could run as high as $35

billion in just five years," Harsha calculated. , "Considering this and the fact there has been no new natural gas exploration for three to four years, l want the Feder,,1 Power Commission to conduct a full investigation of natural gas producers and their marketing poliCies before the American consumer is bilked once more by the profit laden energy industry." Harsha concluded.


ALUMINUM SIDING AND CAR AND TRUCK . RESTRAUNTS TV SALES & SERVICES ROOFING SERVICE ~DAR CITY F~ORIST, FRISCH'S BIG BOY. Jerry BEATTY'S TV SALES & DALELLIOTT TED BROWN'S PHILLIPS FInest Flowers & Gifts, 123 Brown, Owner good food All leading brands-free 66 Service complete auto E . Mulberry St., Lebanon. and fastserviceat Frich's in Services, Zenith, 'n N. Broadway, Lebanon, 932estimates. Bank fmacing and truck repairing, and Ohio 932-2916. Middletown at 1800 German- 3075. available. Waynesville 897- fast, friendly emergency FURNITURE town. phone 423-6596 and at TIRES 7851. FU R- ~207 S. Main in Middletown road service, 6:30 a.m. to 8 WHOLESALE AWNINGS ' Morgan's Tire Service 6344 p.m. 6 days a week. 509 S. NITURE DEPOT . "quality phone 423-5715. BUTLER CODNTY Sutphin in Middletown. namebralnd furruture at MCDONALDS HAMBUR- Corwin Rd. Goodyear and Dayton Tires . Phone Wholesal4~ prices" 2833 AWNING CO. Inc. Barney Phone 423-9191. Cincinnati Dayton road, GER system Charles Chuck 897·3696. Oldfield and Larry Wysong CEMENT WORK & south of Blue Ball phone Pos~y-owner . 2351 North KING TIRE COMPANY Joe C(H)Wners. Awnings manuROOF REPAIRS 422-4556 VerIty Pkwy. 423-1582 and LitUe III owner "Quality factured at the show room HUBERT SMITH & SON If H'EATING OIL 1301 S. Briel Blvd. Phone tires for less" Remington and plant, 9256 Pleasant you have it cleaned and reB.F. Goodrich and Some Valley Road, Middletown paired now. We also do MCCOY OIL COMPANY 423-5801. SCHOOLS As trosta rs . Located Corner Ken Smith, Manager, TexaTRI STATE DRIVEk Traiphone 423-0761. cement work all kinds. of Rt 4 and Trenton Franklin BEAUTY SAWNS Block laying and roof co Heating, Oils. Radio rung Inc. Robert L Wise and Rd in Posttown phone dispatched trucks . Phone Robert J . KUhn, owners. JANIES BEATUTY repair. Phone 932-4665. 423-5703 located at 1224 Gordon R. Shockley Mgr . 422-3340. TOYS Salon. "Style Cuts for Guys Girard Middletown. Learn to drive tractor Bicycles. Tricycles, wagons COLLISION REPAffi and Gals" 10036 Bellbrook INSURANCE trailers and autuomobile . sleds. little wheels, Big Waynesville Rd. Waynes- KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR: THE NATIONAL LIFE & Veteran approved and Ii. wheels . new, ready to ride. COLLISION ville, Phone 848-8188. Accident Insurance Co. censed by the State of Ohio, MOORE 'S STORE, 25 E. IRENE'S SALON of Beauty "Expert Body and Paint (Grand Ole Opry People) 2507 North varity pkwy. Mulberry , Downtown LebaWork": Experienced work. Connie IGrby-Owner "Six work guaranteed Fred Napier agent 897-3111. Middletown phone 424-1237 . non . trained stylists to serve All TRUCKS 862-4487. Loca ted on US 42 1 LEE'S DATA PROJEWELRY you" "serving the area for mile south of Spring Valley REMODEL YOUR OLD CESSING . Noah Lee and DOEBLER BROTHERS,' over 35 years" 617 South INC "International TrucksBreiel in the Middletown and 5 miles north of jewelry -remounting gold Ida Lee. owners. Learn to be Cummins and Detroit Diesel Waynesville. sizing, refinishing jewelry a high paid key punch Shopping Center. Phone Engines" Bill and Dick 423-8252 or 423-6883. CONCRETE PRODUCTS repair. Stone setting. David- operators . . . Veteran and Doebler. Owners 2981 Cin" sons Jewelers . Lebanon State government agency BREAD RIVERSIDE CONCRETE 932-3936. approved . 6275 German· cinnati Road. Middletown. INTERSTATE BRANDS COMPANY Al Totten, Owtown . Middletown. phone Phone 422·3633. LOAN & SAVINGS CO, CORP. Butternut Bread ner, Dan Newton, vice pres. l 'SED CARS 423-92.16. PEOPLES BUILDING Div. Joe Parenti Manager incharge of sales. Cement, MCCOY MOTORS, Mac Sl'PER :vIARKETS LOAN &SavingsCo., "Start "For a better bread ask for mortar, face bricks cement ELLIS SUPER VALu quali · McCoy. Owner, "DepenButternut Bread" 60i North paint, steel doors and saving tomorrow ." Come to ty and low prices open till dable experts in the used car 11 S. Broadway. Lebanon. Verity Pkwy. Middletown frames, and steel and nine . 7 days a week . phone business" 6247 German424-2143. alumiruum window sashes. Ohio. Phone 932-3876. town . Middletown Phone 897-5001. CAR DEALERS Mission adobe bricks. Ger- Middletown Federal 422-6415. MUENNICH MOTORS, mantown Road (Ht. 4) at Savings a nd Loan Associa- WA YNESVILLE MARKET LOSE WEIGHT WITH New 69 S. Main St. 897·594 1 Meat "Better Idea Cars 1- rom Miami River Bridge phone tion . Shape Tablets and Hydrex Specialists . in Hamilton Ford," "Quality Car Care." 423-5786 Water Pills Loveless PharInvesting in a home of 749 Columbus Ave., 893-6673. your own? Come in and talk Lebanon. 932-1010. your problems over. Central CONSTRUCTION WARREN COUNTY BRANDENBURG CONST- and Main Rosevelt Boule· CHRYSLER, "Chrysler, RUCTION " where re vard in Middletown. 9 North St .. Trenton . Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W. modeling is a business not a Miami Main St., Lebanon, 932-5951. sideline" Robert Bran- Phone 424-1991. denburg, Sr. and Robert MIAMI VALLEY BuilAlways a good deal. Brandenburg, Jr. Owners MILLTOWN CHRYSLER phone 423~759 1759 Central ding and Loan Association. Richard Voelesongog PLYMOUTH Dodge Trucks Ave Middletown. Manager31OSouth Miami in Lou . Bove owner Jim Franklin Phone 746-{)504 . Borchers Sales Manager. DECORATING CENTER TIl>' I...t,anon 4'h;J111I"' r of ('omoll'n'" In .. ~ n l" ,un, · t-d thl' annu,a l "New 1975 Chryslers, Ply- L AND S Paint and Floor "One of the Cornerstone of Il kl'ltrH! l It !h l ' L.·f,d nnn ( 'h:.t mt 'flr o r f 'omnlf'f n' ~londa y, January mouths, Dodges and Dodge Covering "Your one-stop the financial structure of I:ll h 1 ~74 . II) I,,· h" lrl (I I I\rng;. "' Iann Inn ~ I r. ] 1, I ',,~h cock taIl har Trucks now on display" 6239 decorating center," Lois this community '" ,/rlln"r " nd m~"lln~ ;01 A ; 11/ p m Germantown Road (next to Shackelford, Owner 2030 PLUMBING & HEATING Thf' ('om nlll[t'p fI'i)1I7( ' ~ I h;)1 lasl y f 'a r ~ a nnu al nl P(.' tlng honoring the airport) phone 424-3556. Central Ave. Middletown. W. W. COVEY Plumbing our r< ' I,roll~ OIa.\f,r Lou Ho mo hr nllghtl,.. a ha rd "a,·t 1.0 follow " hut and Heating 177 Fifth St.. WILMER MOTORS, INC. Phone 423-9259. 1111'\ ~I ' : I)us\ and han· obtarnl'd a n ouL'la ndlng Inl e rn alio nally WaynesvDJ,e 897-6431 . ktll:v. n " IWdk;'f (Of qUr lY';:-, annual m f'f' tlng It will t,,~ , Ira lI ayes . Bill Wilmer, manager "75 DETECTIVE BUREAU :b :-- I Pn ':-, ~ (' H . Spf'uk t'f S' Hur('a u Gremlin, Matador, Javelin, R. C. BECKETT Detectiv~ PHARMACIES If J\ ! · .... I)".' r lhl' 'd',Jr S ha s (' nf erla lnf'd a nn mOllV il lf'rt many and Hornet Ha tchback and Bureau Robert C. Beckett LOVELESS PHARMACY Ihltu;an lb of fo lk" h~lh ht'n ' a nd ab road Some of our m f'm t)l'rs have the luxurious 75 ambassa- Director, 21 years ex- Professional Prescription h"ard h" prr '''' n''" ,,)n and an' glarl tha t Ihey WIll t)(' ablt'l o h('ar hIm dor" 1901 Manchester, perience - confidential in- service 33 S. Main Street. a~a ln for a n "\','nrng of fun and ,n sp, ral, on Middletown 42:H)555 Wilmer vestigations in commercial Waynesville 897-7076. Th ,' nomlnalrng Cllmmllll'C WIll offer the na m l'S of f,\'(, ml'n for industrial and domestic Used Cars 132 S. Clinton READY MIX CONCRETE ,'I"I'I,on and nom rnatoo ns will also h" acceptl'd from lhl' noor matter phone 423-5411 in Middletown, phone 423-3421. MECCO, INC, 2504 South P ropo'l'd h; Iht· nomrnalrng r ommIlU'" arlo W"" a m Dun ing, Dayton phone 222-9869. CARPETS L, ·I ,a no" "11\ ..\lIorn"" . Ilona lll /)u"l. ~' I (,(, Prl'Sl dl' nL lSi :\3tlonal Main in Middletown. Phone DRY CLEANERS B;.nk 0 1 W;;rrp n ( '0' . 11110 1\,' ('lon . \'1<' 1' Pn·srdl'n t. Enterprise BI-RITE CARPET & TILE , 422-3651 or 422-3652 offers F,·d .. r al Sin Inf(~ <I< Loa n . F r ankli n .\ \oorl'. Pn's lrlenl. ProgressIve 140 S. Main St. , Carpet, WASHINGTON SQUARE your prompt and dependLAUNDROMAT and Dry T,·chnolog\' . In " Dr Jon Hoc khold . SUp"nnlendent . Leb.a non City floors, ceramic, ceilings, able servic:e in ready-mix :o; .. hools 897-5511 Waynesville 222- Cleaners, 88 S. Main St. REAL ESTATE Waynesville, 897-5961. Thp a nn ua l awa rds program of th e cham ber was dropped some 5608, Dayton. K.S.A. REALTY.88 S. Main \ {'an· ~lg/) w,hpn l' ltI 7~'n!'l 01 our c it y w e r~ rec.ognized (or DRY WALL St., WayneSVille, 897-3501. GROCERIES ;" ',·ornpl rs hm r· nt., In \ arrow, a n ';" and for dlff l'r ~ nl perrods of tim p BARNARD DRY WALL co SHERWOODS MARKET, Th l~ \"'ar our Boa rn of /),r .. " I"r~ ha,e \'0 1('n 10 aw~ rd CN ufl('a(('s of len Banard, Owner "SerLYNN FIELDS,7956 Cahall "featuring meats cut to HI'l'~gnl t l(J n 10 Ihrf'(' or~anI7.a l lOnS , g roups or umLs (or their ving the area for over 20 PI. Waynesville; 1-885-5453 "on Irrhullo", IljI,ur ( , ,,~. f) f I. ('h a non Th.· l'hOi et'S of Ihe dirt'('tor~ will order," delivery service. 747 years." 6949 Middletown or 897-6055; Camfield Comro'maln "" ' n'l unt" Ihl' pn's('nlatlon a t our annual mel't ing Cincinnati Ave. Lebanon, pike in Franklin phone pany Inc . 433-9912 or H.... '·r\allOns fo r the d rnn t'r mu, t t)(' mad" before Wednesda y . Ohio, 932-1944. 897-6055. 746-3930. Januar~ Rlh a nd no Ilc ke ts WIll be sold a l the door \ ' 1(' 1 '

The Miami Gazette

Page 6, Tuesday,December24,1974

i:" t.~

V A Urges Borrowers To Seek Loan Releases

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More than 11,700 veterans and servicemen were released from liability for their GI loans last fiscal year, and the Veterans Administr,ation is urging others 10 request releases when purchasers assum loans on homes bought with GI loans . The agency issued 9,270 releases in fiscal year 1973, and has given 57,300 over the years. The GI loan program was established shortly after World War II ,

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"There's a good reason for obtaining a release," VA officials explained , "since without it , the seller could be held fina,ncially liable should 1he purc:haser defaUlt on mortgage payments"


It was noted that as last fiscal year endc!d (June), some 8.5 milJion veterans and servicemen had received home loans valued at $105.2 billion

Your Ohio Laws


-' ,-,',.


Attorney General William J. Brown



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If you are injured while helping the victim of a crime, you may receive ,compensation from the State of Ohio after January I, 1975, under a new state law. The Ohio Court of Claims will have jurisdiction to determine and "ward compensation for personal injury or death of private citizens incurred in preventing or attempting to prevent a crime against an individual or the property of another person . The law also covers compensation for injuries Of' deaths resulting in apprehending a suspected criminal or in assisting a police officer in prev",nting a crime or apprehending a suspected criminal. Victims themselves or a victim who aids a co-victim is not covered by t~e new law . The Attorney General is advocating remedial legislation in 1975 that will compensate victims and co-victims as well as those who come to their aid . When a private citizen is injured or killed in an incident, the Court of Claims may order payment of money as compensation in one of the following manners: eto or for the benefit of the injured individual; , • to any other person responsible for his maintenance who has suffered financial loss or incurred

expenses as a result of the injury (in the case of personal injury to the individual) ; e to or for the benefit of any one or more of the dependents of a deceased person (in the case of death of the individual) . Before ordering compensation, the Court of Claims must determine the actual and reasonable expenses incurred by or on behalf of the private citizen injured or killed in an incident and the amount of earnings actually lost by the individual. The maximum amount of compensation for a single claim is $10,000. Application for payment must be made within two years after the date of the personal injury or death . The personal injury or death must have heen reported to the police within five day s of its occurrence or. if it cannot be reported reasonably within that time , within five days of the time when a report could reasonably have been made in order for a claimant to recover. Applications regarding injury or death while assisting victims of a crime should be submitted to the Ohio Court of Claims, State Office Tower, 30 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.

Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZETTE

Only n,oo A Year

Tax Service Connie Beck

Bookkeeping 55 E. Lytle Rd.


since the inception of the program . More than haH, or 4.5 mimon loans, have been repaid. VA grants releases provided the veteran's loan is current, 1he prospective purchaser agrees to assume the veteran's liabilities and the purchaser is a good credit risk with sufficient income to meet assumed mortgage payments. Officials pOInted out, however ,that a release does not automaticcally restore GI loan eligibility the veteran used to purchase the home being sold. Under the law, veterans may qualify for restoration if VA has been relieved of liability and if 1he property was disposed of for what is described as "compelling reasons ." As soon as a purchaser agrees 10 assume the loan on a home, the veteran should apply for a release from tl]e VA office which guaranteed the loan, officials advised ,

Don "t Let Alcohol Bring Holiday Tragedy Don' t let the mi.suse of alcohol turn your holiday into a highway tragedy , If you plan to drink , drink wisely and plan to stay at home . Alcohol is a drug and when used in excess, it can be dangerous 10 yourself and to others , Each year the bottled "spirits" account for approximately SO per cent of all fatal traffic accidents, including pedestrian fatalities . And 50 per cent of these accidents involve someone who has been drinking. "Alcoholism ranks among the national major health threats, along with cancer, mental illness and heart disease," says State Health Director Dr. John W. Cashman. "Yet. it is one of this country's most neglected diseases ," He urges holiday travelers and party entertainers to put the safety of themselves and their guests first this year and not allow al highway tragedy to bring unhappiness to their family . According to a survey con ducted at the 1974 Ohio Teenage Institute on Alcohol and Other Drugs , !4Jer cent of teenagers 16 years and older drink once a month or more often. The combin;ation of alcohol use and inexperience of driving creates a higher- probability for this age group to be involved in an automobile accident. When travelling, drive defensively. Don't become the if\l\ocent victim of another driver's misuse of alcohol. Know your own limitation and when you reach it. , . stop. H you plan to drink , stay off

~!I' _





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107 A'(dL&RA't' ~ _ J..£8ANO/l 011'0 - ' ,

In the interest of reducing alcohol-rela ted tragedy, the Alcoholism Division, of the Ohio Department of Health has prepared a list of safety tips on the use of alcohol :

"The plight of the consumer is heading for another nosedive in this year's version of the energy crisis," predicted Ohio Congressman William H. Harsha today, "as the wellhead producers of natural gas set the scene for price deregulation ," .. , am as sceptical and as aggravated as ever about the so-called shortage of this vital resource , and the strategy appears to be to let the wells dry up until the profit coffers fill up when and if price restrictions are lifted ," he said. " If there is a real shortage of natural gas, why are these companies selling the product hand over fist in their own states where the price is not restricted and cutting back interstate customers who must pay the lower regulated price?" Harsha asked . "If that isn't monopolizing the market, I don't know what is. And it's the kind of maneuvering, which besides causing an 'unnatural' shortage, is going to have some very disasterous effects on the agriculture and manufacturing industries which rely on natural gas for a variety of uses." The Ohio lawmaker further charged that natural gas producers have' underestimated reserves by one trillion cubic feet and are curtailing production of reserves "under the specious argument it would not be profitable as long as interstate price regulations are in effect." "I shudder to think what would happen to the economy of the country if natural gas is deregulated under such circumstances. Decontrolled prices.could triple the consumer cost , addmg as much as

Food and toys for 178 families and 423 children in 15 southwestern Ohio communities are being distributed today by workers of the Defense Electronics Supply Center through the Center's annual Adopt-A , Family program . The program has become a yearly gesture of goodwill by DESC personnel and had its beginnings back in the early 1950's when workers decided to forego th~ traditional exchange of Christmas cards and gifts and instead use the money to help those less fortunate , -Over the years, the program has served upwards of 5,000 families and more than 12,000 children. The Adopt·A-Family project is totally supported and administered by DESC workers who this year contributed $5,300 to fund the effort , Employees in turn nominate needy families for adoption by the program and applications are screened by an employee-staffed selection committee. In addition to the financial contributions, work· ers this year also contributed new and useable toys to the program , Further assistance was provided by members of the Center Fire Department who formed a special workshop to repair toy items. Overall, some 11,500 food items were purchased this year for distribution to needy families . The assortment included canned vegetables, dried foods, fruits, canned hams, flour, oatmeal, cookies , coffee and tea, boxed dinner, detergent and candy. Communities served by Ihis year's DESC Adopt-A-Family program include; Bowersville, Clarksville, Dayton, Fairborn, Germantown, Kettering, Middletown, New Carlisle, Springfield, SI. Paris, Trotwood , Troy, Waynesville, Wil mington and Xenia . Serving as chairman of the program has been Samuel Kidd of Wilberfon'e , Miss Emma ickey , a Dayton resident , was vice chairman of the project.

During the weeks of December 16 through December 22, 1974. the following food service operations were reported satisfactory on routine inspection: Hampton Bennett School (Franklin); Franklin Junior High School (Franklin); Franklin Senior High School (Franklin); Lowell's Fine Foods (Springboro); King Kwik 14 (Franklin); 1776

Inn (Wayne Township); Cincinnati Milacron (Union Township), One food service was found satisfactory at the time of first reinspection: Jerry's Restaurant (Frank-


$700 extra on each. user's yearly bill. That could run as high as $35 billion in just five years," Harsha calculated. "Considering, this and the fact there has been no new na tural gas exploration for three to four years, , want. the Federal Power Commis· sion to conduct a full investigation of natural gas producers and their marketing policies before the American consumer is bilkejl once more by the profit laden energy industry ." Harsha concluded ,

ALUMINUM SIDING AND ROOFING DALELLIOTT All leading brands-free esti!'lates. Bank fmacing available. Waynesville 8977851. AWNINGS BUTLER COuNTY AWNING CO. Inc, Barney Oldfield and Larry Wysong Co-owners. Awnings manufactured at the show room and plant, 9256 Pleasant Valley Road, Middletown phone 423-0761. BEAUTY SALONS JANIES BEATUTY Salon. "Style Cuts for Guys and Gals" 10036 Bellbrook Waynesville Rd. Waynesville, Phone 848-8188. IRENE'S SALON of Beauty Connie Kirby-Owner "Six trained stylists to serve you" "serving the area for over 35 years" 617 South Breiel in the Middletown Shopping Center. Phone 423-8252 or 423-6883. BREAD INTERSTATE BRANDS CORP. Butternut Bread Div. Joe Parenti Manager "For a better bread ask for Butternut Bread" 601 North Verity Pkwy. Middletown

CAR AND TRUCK SERVICE TED BROWN'S PHILLIPS 66 Service complete auto and truck repairing and fast, fri~ndly emergency road service, 6 : 30 a.m . to 8 p.m. 6 days a week. 509 S. Sutphin in Middletown Phone 423-9191. ' . CEMENT WORK & ROOF REPAIRS HUBERT SMITH & SON If you have it cleaned and repaired now. We also do cement work all kinds. Block laying and roof repair. Phone 932-4665. COLLISION REP AIR KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR : COLLISION "Expert Body and Paint Work" : Experienced work. All work guaranteed 862-4487. Located on US 421 mile south of Spring Valley and 5 miles north of Waynesville.

CEDAR CITY FLORIST Finest Flowers & Gifts, 123' E . Mulberry St. , Lebanon, Ohio 932-2916. FURNITURE WHOLESALE FURNITURE DEPOT "quality namebrand furniture at Wholesale prices" 2833 Cincinnati Dayton road south of Blue Ball phon~ 422-4556. HEATING OIL MCCOY OIL COMP ANY Ken Smith, Manager, Texa·' C? Heating, Oils , Radio dispatched trucks . Phone 423-5703 located at 1224 Girard Middletown. INSURANCE THE NATIONAL LIFE & Accident Insurance Co. (Grand Ole Opry People) Fred Napielr agent 897-3111. JEWELRY REMODEL YOUR OLD j~~elry - remounting gold sIZIng. refinishing jewelry repair . Stone setting. Davidsons Jewelers . Lebanon

CONCRETE PRODUCTS RIVERSIDE CONCRETE 932-3936 . COMPANY AI Totten, OwLOAN &SAVINGSCO. ner, Dan Newton, vice pres. PEOPLES BUILDING incharge of sales. Cement, LOAN & Savings Co., "Start mortar, face bricks cement saving tomorrow ." Come to paint, steel doors and 11 S. Broadway , Lebanon , frames , and steel and Ohio, Phone 932-3876 . 424-2143. aluminium window sashes. Mission adobe bricks. Ger- Middletown Federal CAR DEALERS MUENNICH MOTORS mantown Road CRt. 4) at Savings and Loan Associa "Better Idea Cars From' Miami River Bridge phone tion . Investing in a home of in Hamilton Ford," "Quality Car Care." 423-5786 your own? Come in and talk 749 Columbus Ave., 893-6673. your problems over. Central CONSTRUCTION Lebanon. 932-1010. WARREN COUNTY BRANDENBURG CONST- and Main Rosevelt Boule"Chrysler, RUCTION "where re vard in Middletown , 9 North CHRYSLER, St.. Trenton Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W. modeling is a business not a Miami Phone 424-1991. · sideline" Robert BranMain St., Lebanon, 932-5951. denburg, Sr. and Robert MIAMI VALLEY Buil~w~ys a good deal. Brandenburg, Jr. Owners ding and Loan Association . MILLTOWN CHRYSLER phone 423-<l759 1759 Central Richard Voelesongog PLYMOUTH Dodge Trucks Ave Middletown. Manager 310 South Miami in Lou Bove owner Jim Franklin Phone 746-0504. DECORATING CENTER Borchers Sales Manager. " One of the. Cornerstone of "New 1975 Chryslers , Ply- L AND S Paint and Floor the financial structure of Covering "Your one-stop mouths, Dodges and Dodge this community ." Trucks now on display" 6239 decorating center," Lois Germantown Road (next to Shackelford, Owner 2030 PLUMBING & HEATING the airport) phone 424-3556. Central Ave. Middletown. W. W. COVEY Plumbing and Heating In Fifth St. . Phone 423-9259. WILMER MOTORS, INC. Waynesville 897-6431. DETECTIVE BUREAU Bill Wilmer, manager "75 R. C. BECKETT Detectivi! PHARMACIES Gremlin, Matador, Javelin, and Hornet Hatchback and Bureau Robert C. Beckett LOVELESS PHARMACY the luxurious 75 ambassa- Director, 21 years ex- Professional Prescription dor" 1901 Manchester, perience - confidential in- service 33 S. Main Street . Middletown 423-6555 Wilmer vestigations in commercial Waynesville 897-7076. Used Cars 132 S. Clinton industrial and domestic READY MIX CONCRETE Middletown, phone 423-3421. rna tter phone 423-5411 in MECCO, INC . 2504 South Dayton phone 222-9869. Main in Middletown. Phone CARPETS DRY CLEANERS BI-RITE CARPET & TILE WASHINGTON SQUARE 422-3651 or 422-3652 offers 140 S. Main St., Carpet,' LAUNDROMAT and Dry your prompt and dependfloors, ceramic, ceilings, Cleaners, 88 S. Main St. able service in ready-mix 897-5511 Waynesville 222- Waynesville, 897-5961. HEAL ESTATE 5608, Dayton. K.S .A. REALTY,88 S. Main DRY WALL St., Waynes;ville, 897-3501. GROCERIES BARNARD DRY WALL co SHERWOODS MARKET, len Banard, Owner "SerLYNN FIELDS ,7956 Cahall "featuring meats cut to ving the area for over 20 PI. Waynesville ; 1-885-5453 order," delivery service. 747 years. " 6949 Middletown or 897-6055 ; Camfield ComCincinnati Ave. Lebanon, pike in Franklin phone pany Inc . 433-9912 or Ohio, 932-1944. 897-6055. 746-3930.

RESTRAUNTS FRISCH'S BIG BOY. Jerry Brown, Owner good food and fast service at Frich's in · Middletown a t 1800 Germantown, pi-one 423~96 and at 3207 S. Main in Middletown phone 423-5715. ' MCDONALDS HAMBURGER system Charles Chuck Posey-owner. 23511 North Verity Pkwy . 423-1582 and 1301 S. Briel Blvd. Phone 423-5801.

SCHOOLS TRI STATE DRIVEk Training Inc. Robert L Wise and Robert J . Kuhn. owners. Gordon R. Shockley Mgr. Learn to drive tractor trailers and autuomobile. Veteran approved and licensed by the State of Ohio, 2507 North varity pkwy. Middletown phone 424-1237 . LEE'S DATA PROCESSING. Noah Lee and Ida Lee. owners . Learn to be a high paid key punch operators. .Veteran and State government agency approved . 6275 Germantown . Middletown. phone 423-9236 .


ELLIS SUPER VALe quali ty and low prices open till nine. 7 days a week . phone 897-5001

TV SALES & SERVICES BEATTY'S TV SALES & Services, Zenith, '1:l N. Broadway. Lebanon, 9323075 .

TIRES Morgan's Tire Service 6344 Corwin Rd. Goodyear and Dayton Tires . Phone 897-3696. KING TIRE COMPANY joe l:ittle III owner "Quality tires for less" Remington B.F. Goodrich and Some As tros tars . Located Corner of P.14 and Tren ton Franklin Rd in Posttown phone 422-3340. TOYS Bicycles. Tricycles, wagons sleds, little wheels, Big wheels. new. ready to ride. MOORE'S STORE, 25 E. Mulberry. Downtown Lebanon . . TRUCKS DOEBLER BROTHERS · INC . "International Trucks"· Cummins and Detroit Diesel Engines" Bill and Dick Doebler. Owners 2981 Cincinnati Road. Middletown. Phone -122-3633. UiED CARS MCCOY MOTORS, Mac McCoy . Owner. "Dependable experts in the used car business " 6217 Germantown . Middletown Phone 422 -64 15 .

WA YNESVILLE MARKET LOSE WEIGHT WITH New 69 S, Main SL B97 · 5~1 Meat Shape Tablets and Hydrex Specia lis ts . Water Pills Loveless Pharmacy .

Ttli' I.. · t ,~nl)n ('hiJrn h(' r of C'omrnprt'4' l ot' iHHIIIUfU"t'd lh (' dnnual 1.,'I,.ln"n ( 'h;IOltri·r flf ('ornrnt'rn" \1onda\ , Januarv

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Th .. n"nllnallng <"o mmlll t'(' will off'" Ihe naml'S of !lv(' m l'n for . \"I1'(" I",n a nd nomInatIOns will a lso hI· acce pt('d from th,· n oor i'ropc''''d 10, lil" nommat m!! ~ ummlllp,' a r(" Wil li a m [luning . Lt·I ,a nun ' ·"Y .-\lI o rn "~ . J)'/na lrll)ur' l . \ · Il·!' Pr('s ldl'nt . 1st :"attrmal Bank I)f W iHr t>n Co IHIO r\t·,-Io n , \ ·It'(· P rt"S ld c nl . Enterprise F('rl"ral S,n IIlg' & LOan Franklin "'oon.'. Pn·sldl'nt. Progr(-'ss,,·e T'·l" hno logy . In.. Dr J on HOl" kho ld , Superintendent. Lehanon City Sc hoo" Th,· annual a ..... ards program or th e chambe r was dropped somp : ('(H ~



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were recognize"d


,,,,, ·oll'r it shml'nt, In ' ·"rlOU .' an':I'; and for different periods of tim e Thl ~ '·(·d r our Roa rd ur D,n'c lurs have ,·oted to award CertifI ca tes of fkl"n~nliloll 1" thrl'(' organt7.atlons. g roups or uni ", ror their r-on l rlhullOn ~ tl) ou r ("II, or I.l,ha nn n The chOices of the direc tors will rpm,lIn ,, ·, ·rl' t until the prpsf'nlallOn a t our annual m eeting .. /{ ( '~"f\al\l) n , fo r th ... dillner must be made before Wednesdav J an ua r ) Hth a nd no tIckets ..... 111 be sold at the door -.

PageS, Tuesday, December 24, 1974

The Miami GazettAe

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U.S. Rep. William H. Harsha (R· Ohio) today sharply criticized House and Senate Democrats for announcing an "unconscionable" full congressional vacation schedule for the year 1975 when the Congress has failed to act on "much-needed legislation to cure the nation's economic ills and reform the nation 's inequitable tax ·s tructure. "While the Democrats have been scheduling vacations for the 94th Congress, t!le all-important problems of the nation are being ignor~," Harsha charged. "One 'would think that they would wait until the Congress adjourns, or better yet, until the Congress takes

care of its important legislative business before it announced an unconscionable full congressional vacation schedule (or the next Congress. But , apparently. it 's business as usual for the Democrats." Harsha said the House-Senate leadership announced December 5 that the Congress will reconvene January 14 and promptly recess to celebrate Lincoln's birthday for ten days. Easter will be celebrated during a 16;1ay recess, Memorial Day for nine days and independence Day for nine more. These vacations will be followed by a 32-day August recess and a nine-day October break, with one

day off fOlr Veterans Day and a ten· day Thanksgiving holiday. "'t's deplorable thai they have no similar schedule to take up legislation that will effectively combat inflation and recession, deter double-digit unemployment or reform the tax structure that drains low and moderate income taxpayers and serves to subsidize the rich," Harsha said. "While the Congress leaves important legislation such as tax reform to a lameduck Congress, whose Democrats are busy scheduling next year's vacations, it's no wonder at aU that the American people have little faith in Congress ."

st udents should file for admission as soon as possible to be sure of completing all requirements prior to registration . The admissions oCfice in Hunter Hall will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m . daily with admissions counselors available to assist prospective students. For further information concerning admission to Central State for the Winter Quarter, contact : Edgar Powell, Director of The Sixth District Congressman Admissions, Hunter Hall, Central said that as far as he was con- State University . Wilberforce, cerned, Congress should refrain Ohio 45384, phone 371Hi832. from scheduling vacations until it deals "effectively and decisively with problems facing the nation."

Registration for Winter Quarter classes at Central State University will be from 8:30 a .m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday. January 2, in Beacom Gymnasium. Classes will begin Monday, January 3. New and transfer students for the Winter Quarter will be accepted through the registra tion period. Edgar Powell, director of admissions at Central State, said new full-time, transfer, and special

tlIOUR5 : Mon., Wed., & Fri. 1-6

Sot. 8-12

Or By Apppontment

.., 1 U F F STORE

I~AY'S FURNITURE STRIPPING ' AMI TY PROCESS "Phone: 897.3563' MAX & JUAN EITA HAY 76 First Street· Rear Owners Corwin, Ohio 4.5068

107 S. Main Sl Waynesville, Ohio



(513) 862-5181 Hours

«be Coulltrp i!lquirt antiqut.5

.~~2~~ (jJuUw ;z:,J~

1 p .m . to 7 p.m. Fri .. Sal. Sun.

Country Type &

Ear ly Americana

Caumr" PerIod 1517 Newton Avenue

Fr eda and John Gorkls

OaylOn , OhiO 45406

274 · 1021


tThe little Red Shed :~i

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:?_. MON. BY CHANCE ';=: :::: TUES. THRU SAT. 10·5:00 :::: :::: OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 PM. . ::::

1:: : : : : : : ~:~;~; ~; : :;~;~;:::: : : : :Ji



BUGGYWHEEL ANTIQUES Furniture & Miscellaneous Items 84 SECOND STREET

......:.:.?w.... . &c.,••••.•• , .~



Subscribe To The MIAMI GAZETTE Only $3.00 A Year ~~





DENNIS DOSS Box 41 New Vienna, O. 4S 1S9 re'"""",," , 513897-6552 Shop 513298-20n R""denc<

Phone 897-2731

Tuesday . Op(' 31. 19H

5a:uDd class postare pOd II W~ Oldo

-;f{e~~(;.p..w ~ Miami Gazette 1974 Press Awards Best Cooperation By an organiza tion-News Waynesville Lions Club-Tresslar Hardin Waynesville Historical Society -:\Irs Eddie Haa~

Best cooppralion by an organization-ART l. Wav nes vill(' High School a rt Dept. for comic seri('s just for fun comics 2. \\"ayn('sville Public Library continuing di s play~ of art and originaltng SWUHL Exhibit :1 Le ba non High School ..\rt l>epa rtnH'nt :\los t cooperation hy In · di\'lduals l'rl\'ol\'('d in n('w~ ston' or s tories ·th(, tornado slorrl1 :\Ir and :\lrs , Denni:-; Laute rbac k :\Ir. and :\lrs , Ellis :\l cCiure the tornado s torm . :\los 1 cooperation hy in dh'idual sp()rL~ story Coach !)a\'id Liffick Spartan 10 1121 Ted Borgerding . ~HIO t 11 1111


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Keever 's Mens Store, Lebanon most unusual (creative ) ad shows track team running to Keever's for spring clothes drawn by Donna Huffman . Advprtlsing s eries-Hill Billy George (you can do a whol(' lot with a little want addl B('st Advertising seriesP('oples Building and Loan association Company Thn'f' centuries swim club-cllmpl('x Sweet Cals Confec tions and 1776 Hesta urant Sp('cial award-fastest reacti on 10 ad , Waynesville auto wrecker service I their new wrecker drove into a tree while the ad was being printed) thus, pro\'iding its first (and last call) rather quickey after the ad was published. ~OC>D

" In .. onlrasl. " hp said , "a ," nu nl l",r o( 1111' s lales which hav(' I ilpprovf'd a \ ' ,Plnam bonus , pay Ih('lr ,·.'Iprans only (r,r service in Ih(' \ ' Il'lnam area ." " Ohm IS Ihe only Slate," Bush ('OnllnuM , " which offers v('terans douhlt' Ih('Ir bonus i( thpy eleel 10 lakp Ihp Educational Assistance Plan In li eu o( cash:" Ik advlsPd Ihat Ihose veterans who originally opted (or the cash tlonus bUI nnw Wish to change to II", F:ducatlonal Assistance Ptan , Of \'1 ('(' versa , should, contact ~he nonus Commission Bush said the Commission staff ('a n now proc('ss daims as they are fPl'('I\'pd "A ll p lig ibl(' velerans, " he .. oneiudl-d , "whether they are still III S('r\'lcr or ha\'(' been separated lor r('llrl-d, should send in Iheir l'ialms If th('y have not already donp so ..

IIc"PS .4a/JrT/7if!>,vs

Opryl,JIld , I 'SA , Ihe $46 million fl1USlcat thl'o\(' park In Nashvillp , T,'nnt'ss,'(' wtll 1)(' In Clnl'lnnall on Janua r y IH holdlll\! audlll"" sof lis 19";";' .... (·as'ln


Best advertising single ad . Good Vibes Record Shop I closed for the recession)

was \-10


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T i ll ' ;hlrh d •.• ·. . ,I !cd.:.d I'f Illn f' d l f l"f" 1 I .. tJ ... /,;,1 . . h.,v. . . da II \

need of 250 Slng!'rs, dancers, IIIUSIClans and Il'chnlcians bet'''1.'('" Ihp ages of 18 and 25 Audllmns Will br- hpld al Howard Johnso n ·S harnn\'r1le from . J :00 JI III I" 4 ' 00 P rn , and al Ihe " 111' prSlly ,,( (' IO Clnnall from 6 JI '" If, \(1 r m A I;,pp ,,'('order, n'(,flrrl pl a~·f·r mItT' tphon p " ,[I In ,ddwf ilnd pl~lnlj ~j/'I''' r r, panJ s t will III "fll \·I'''·!! 111 ,r~ldll d

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Tuesday. Dec. 31. 1974


Page Two

The Warren County Historical Society presents BED & BOARD a uilt and pewter seminar q to be held at the Warren County Museum . 105 S. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio Wednesday, February 5, 1975 and an identical program a~~n on Thursday, February 6, 1 9:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Come for coffee at 9:00 A.M. Cost - $15.00 - luncheon included at the Golden Lamb Inn Speakers: .

Quilts Mary Kay Davis

Teacher and lecturer at the Henry Ford Museum Dearborn, Michigan Pewter Sven Dan Berg Jr.

James Geddy Foundry Colonial Williamsburg Virginia

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of ~ U ' ~_ " . ,o


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TuP'day . [)Pt' 31. 1974


Page Three

Colony Square ShOPpinl elater

726 E. lIaln· . 932·5933

Under New Management


FISH SALE BLACK MOLLIES .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. RED WAG PLATIES ... . . . .... PAINTED RED SWORDTAIL GREEN SWORDTAILS .. . . ... . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . VELVET RED SWORDTAILS FANCY RED DELTA GUPPIES ~ ~

22e ea. 2ge ea. 2ge ea. 32e ea. 3ge ea. 98e pro 24e ea. 8e.ea. 22e ea.

GOLD PLATIES ... . . ... . . . GUPPIES PAINTED PLATIES .. . . . . . .



Selection Of Live

Plants,~~:j_(,,_ _ __

$9 95


-~-,-p-REE-NPk-ARA-~t-~S-7-9-5--.J~-ca-n-ary-B-ird-S- - -



10'" ea.




29 !.

l.arge Selection Of Bird Cages

Playful Gerbils; • !!!! _




Dog Grooming by Appointment


Peruvian Guinea Pigs

1.79 ea.

995 .. .

Short Hair Guinea Pigs


(Bath . Clip. Ears, Angl Glands and Toe Nails Cut)

Page Four


Tuesday , Dec. 31, 1974

Tu('sda y .


:11 . 197 4

~II'\ 1\1 I G AZEITE

Page Fi \"('

1 -.,



Page Six


Tuesday . Dec . 31. 1974


:' -+







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Mrs . Louderback and Mindy were sent to the hospital with cuts and bruises. When they SlIM' the condition of others at the hospita I they left and went to a relative. Dennis Lauderback left his supermarket in Waynesville and drove to Xenia . He ran the last few blocks and found his house in ruins. After hearing a message on a local radio station he was reunited with his wife at J J o'clock Wednesday night.

Tu('Sday . O('{' 31. 1974


' ~t


Page Se"en

US Army Recruiting 'Free Way to a Co lle~e Educatton " For I n fo rmati on Ca ll 932 · 7690 20W M Ulbt>r ryS t

Lebanon . Ohio

Dependable high school boy for maintenance work approx . " p.m. to /1 :30 p. m . 6 days a week. 'toms Kountry Kitchen /162-9140.

Tax Service Connie Beck

Bookkeeping 55 E. Lytle




;': I·


Straight From the Quaker · Art Festival and the Ohio Sauerkraut Festival

WA YNESVILLE PUPPET THEATER Let us Entertain You with the Old Grimms favorite

LITTLE RED RIDINGHOOD Starrrng Jacqui Davidson as Little Red David Hisey as The Wolf with Holly Hisey Greg Poll y and Lila McCl ure

Puppets DeSigned by DONNA HUFFMAN For Holiday Arrangements


" . ,-~

Page Eight


Tuesday, Dec . 31, 1974

Two doz,'n Brazilian universitv ,: ud('nlswill . . arrlve .January 12 for a llil't'('o\\'{'('k visil on MiamI I 1I1\· .. rsll:;'s oxford Campus. "OIlllfluillj.! all annual exchang(· - 1111'" t96; h('tw"l'n the sister slates "I Ohio and Parana Th .. 1;; IIlall' students and nin£' WIlIl\('11 students are from lhp h'd"ral lln"'ersity of Parana. lo"al!'!1 in Curitiba. capital city of hI' Brazilian state of Parana . Ol"o 's sist£'r state in Partners of



'hp Al1u'rkas .

Jusl as Mial1li students hav£' It!'('n L!U£'sts of Brazilian students' falllllil's "' annual \' isits to Curitiba ;lIId Ihe University of Parana £'ach Augusl silll·'· 1967. these guests will "" I,ous('d wllh Miami students in "'"11pU' ~ .. sid('n"l' halls. fraternity 1,,,us,'S and "ff·campus apart· III('nl, . 1'111'1' progralll indudes daily It·l'Iur .. s "' t\1I11'rican t'ulture "lid puhlic' lif" and daily dass('s in FIIL!lish Tltt'y will 1;(' I'n('ourag('d Ic, s har" "' call1pus lif£' and will b,' uesls flf lIumerous campus and {'ollllllumly groups

A""lIl11panying 1111' slud('nts will h.· Ola"" Sd,('rn' r. " Curitiba .1I1Ialt'ur radio t'nlhusiast who h,IS Iliad,' short -wan' hookups between ",fllrd and Curit iba for .. ach ,'isit "I ",1111'1' pia ..... and his wif .. and a

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Dr HaYl1lond L \l"IOIH'Y. I\Iwmi professor who s larll'd th,' annual studenl ex · c'hange se,'en years ago. has an· noun"l'd a "crash program" to b,' c,rfl'red in Ih(' sprin~ quarl('r. 8 In 10" . 111. fin' day' a we('k . offerin~ 11,.. "qui"alenl of Ill!' ('ntir(' first yl'ar of 1'0rtu~ueSl·. for students ,ntt'j'('st"d '1I1 ~oin~ 10 Curitiba n('xl Su,"n,,'!' , lit- saiel six fauclty " "' l1Ih"rs ha\,(' signed up for it. Th,' Brazilians will spend fi\'(' clays in ('incinnati after thejr Ihree w('eks al Mialili University . They 'hen will "isit Washington and New York City be for£' r~turning to Brazil. TIl!' eXl'han~(>' of sludents bet w('('n Miami Universily and the F ..deral University of Parana is one nf a number of facets of the programs carried oul by the OhioParana Committee of Partners of th .. Allianc£' . Dr . Phillip R . Shriver. Miami preSident, is ('hail'man of the committee, and Moloney formerly held the ,·hairmanship. Shriver and Dr . Algacyr Munhoz Mead!'r , chancellor of the Federal Iiniversity of Parana, have ex"hanged visits and signed a '''l'morandum flf increased cooperation between the two universities . In th£' past few weeks, the rlirector of development for the Bank fo Parana and the manager of an industrial park in Curitiba hav.. spenl a week with Dr. Moloney conferring with Ohio business aod industry represen'atives in Cleveland and Columbus. Ilr. Roberl H. Myers and Dr. Ralph Jones (Of Miami's School of Business Administration conducted seminars for businessmen 111 Brazil last SUlllmer, and Jones "Ians 10 present a similar seminar f,u' a group of visiting Brazilian lousinessnH'n here next May .

..'+: .~~ff~. Subscribe To The


MIAMI GAZEITE Only $3.00 A Year :>::::::::::::;;::~~::~~,:~::::~::::;;:;::::~

American Cancer Society




Monday , J a n 13, 1975

SG:uod class postaSC paid at Waynenlh.OIriu F]~EN

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A hllh' mnr ~ of ohIO 's na tural

The Davton Power land List Company will appeal fo ur rH ' \\" s tal l' naul ft , pn'Sl' r\' I'S h~ the Montgomery County· li tHO .\ ol ur;1 1 Ht ' :-.nt1rn·~ { )I r t'c lor Boa rd of Health decision' Wli ll a l1l H :'\ ~ l ' which would require instal. Itl /l lltll l\ 11l~ ' h t· \' \1' I' la tion of sulfur removal "' ; l ld l lit · IH ' \' dt' :-' II.!O ; lll ll ' ' f ,d ;l\ p rt '''', ' r \ \.... . 11 IT' ..' iIi " {'tnI'll" II I pq uipment cos ting S45 mill.lH ·; I ~ I j.un t" h, "" 1..l k·, li on a t the F , M . Tait \\ ,·l l. l nll'- II j · } ' .tr Tl l fl .l i.!r, I + !l un! ~ (;p ne r a t Station in ( ·jll· ..... 1 I ·r ,·, ~ ! ; " r ~I ' til \ \ .. rrj ·n Da yton, ( +', IH I !\ .dl d Tln ~' ·r .. ( '!.·,'K IT: DP&L Chairman Robert Sur ! I : . ,' "Iii! 1'1,' '.1 ":, ,ql H l ~I I '" B. Kill en said . "The equip' T In' , \I · ... , ~ll d rjl, ' 1 "I ' l it .... , ,.our mr nt IS not needed and p r'· ... ' ·"' . . . i, r ll ll...!'" Hit' !!l u ll I lLHllht · ' would cause ra tes to go up "I "' : .1 ' , . ,d ur" I lr l ·.... · r \ '·~ lY \II Ht unl1 r l'rssa rilv, between five I h t ' I,.r; . i . 11 r" ~ I l! I ' ! ~~ ~ :... ~ 1 1I 1 and eight per'cent . for all the ' \ 1' electric cusT tli' 1 " ' p . l rT l ! l t ' !" It( \a fu r ~l : company's H,·..... u( ,·,·... ' II ~H ' n:,l urfJ l an'a s tomers ." Killen continued. " The air pff,c r :II: . pfl t t('\ ' I ~ .. systt' f1l or UlH 4U1 ' 1l;J l u n' p r (, ~ t ' r \'{'s f o r I tw quality in the Dayton area t' '' JI'Y I1 H ' II ! and t ' OUt ' il llO fl o r already meets the U. S. IU\lfluns Environmental Protection Ttli' prl~e rv l' ~ a rt · d a sslfl NI Agency standards. Federal "( ' I('n llr 1(: II1 Il' rpr ('t I\'(' and s (, p nll', air requirements for sulfur \1.1 111 S( ' u'l\rlf ll' ~, n>a ~ t)('lng lh l' dioxide can be met while 11 ...... 1 l' f',.... lnn·cj f f l f puhhd U~ f' a nd !'o1'l'r1I1 ' a r t'a :... bl' lll j;! th.f' Ip a sl burning coal with a sulfur content that is higher than r psl rwt " d ( 'iIl'S ,H 'rpf'k ( ;(lrJ:~(> preser \'p . tha t required by the excesdl'~ll! n a tt'd "'(,I' nlt · IS t wo mil es sively stringent local emisno rth fl f CIfI: g"1l1U along ('apsar s ion regula tions ," He added that, "The C r(" ' ~ , it Inhul ... r ~ of Ihl' Llltl e I\Ila nll K i\' ~ r , twl WPf' n ('orv,l n " nd company , in a time of great O' Nea ll roa ns Th,' ;!fpa cons ists of inflation , which is causing ~63 a ( r. ' ~ higher rates, is doing its best " T h t' aW(l'sttrll(' t(·r ram ·a lt t' rtng to hold down costs. It dOesn' t pow(' r !lr a '·lI n l Jrl f' nl .d c alclf'r IS make sense to place a we ll nt' l1l11n s l ra( , 'd il l ( · ~f'S'H ('n·c k grea ter burden on the' ( ;(In! (' ," ... .:.J ld :\~f' " Ttl(' i,!o r gf' wa~ consumer when it is not c r l' tllPd h ~ I!rt'Ul \· " I\H 1\ " ~ o f c laCl al me l t \~ ,if ('r I' u l r I Il l! d" ',,,:, I hr ft ugh necessarY , DP&L is already spending lil t· llfldf 'r l,\ In ~ t)('drcw k . million to virtually In 1f : ,1 n :- pl ;tt ·t·:' ttl " I!f) r ~ {' \4.Clll!- $9 n .... ' I j, lKIJ fC"' 1 at,I.'.. · Itw \' alll'~ elimina te dust emissions at f l l/I.r .!lI d j' XP""' " (I n i ll\ I c.: J ~Hl the Ta it Station. . III: ..... 111111 · ,Hi d ",ha lt· r lC' h lit fllss lI !'i The appeal will be filed in ., til' l! /, rl:! i' n ' I ;I Hl" ::I\J(' h l i t I t s the Montgomery County 'Ad d .. ha r ;ll·tl· r v.l l h Ittt' nflrth a nd Common Pleas Court. tw nl a J;! f. 1 h as l'o rn p

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( 'fl un Ly Tr e a s ure r Russell Dumfo rd announc e s that r e al f'S ta le ta x bills for the first half of 1 9i ~ have been mailed to all tax · pa yers e xcepl those m Carlisle and Miam isburg school districls , These d,slr ict s are In over -lapp ing cnu nll!'S and the rates have nol bee n a cc e pted The Carbsl!' voca t IOnal and Miamisburg l il y ,ehfKl l ra les are set by Mon · II!' HllP ry C'ounl y , but these dislri c ls IIan' nnl ye l a ccepted the rates . Th" fm al da te fnr pa y ment " ,Ih"ut pena ll y on those ta x bills


already matled and so marked is February 10, 1975, The final dale for payment wlthoul pena lly on those tax bills a lready mailed and so marked is February 10. 1975" When the rates on the other school d istricls are received we will immediatel y mail these bills, a nd , if necessary . give a final date Without penally 00 ·them . The fmal dal e Will be stamped on each biD. We urge that all bills be paid as ,oon a s possible " so as to avoid a penall y

Mon.<fay, ~an. 13. 1975


Page Two

Dear Advertising Manager: With the soaring cost of living, more and more of Ohio's dependent adults are finding it increasingly dif· ficult to remain in their own hornes and retain a si,\fe and heallthy standard of living. 11n the past, there have bee!n only two choices for these individuals: l)go into a nursing home or another fellowship we had with these fine Brotherly Love institution, or 2)remain in I would like to share with you an Christian people. To mention some their homes and forfeit of the other distinguished guests experience my wife and I were priveledged to enjoy on Sunday who were present . The Hon . proper, often necessary, Nixon our state care and thus endangering afte!'lloon December 8th. Along Corwin with some friends we visited the. represenative. Hon . Myles Pence. their lives and possibly the Bethel A.M .E . Church, to par· Mayor, city of Lebanon , Rev . lives of others. ticipate in the wonderful program Charles Messmer. Asst. Today, there is an alterwhich was planned to honor one of Administrator, Otterbein Home, native. The Ohio departtheir members by the name of who was the speaker for the day . melnt of Public Welfare has Chris Thomas. To meet and talk Also present were Rev . Lawrence . begun a new program, with him you immediately un· Woodson. Rev. Perry. Rev . Darl AltA~rnatives to Institutionaderstand that God is placed first in Swisher. Church of the Nazarene liza tion, to aid elderly and many other guests and along with his life. You can also believe. that handicapped adults remain he has the needed dedication, friends too numerous to mention . I knowledge, Love and friendship to would like to quote from the front safely in their homes and continue to spread the good news page of their program pamphlet communities. The program will provide and draw brothers and sisters becuase it has such a beautiful closer together in Christ. My message. "God make the door of services to protect adults hum be congratulations to you this house we have raised to thee, from conditions of abuse, brother Thomas and if it be God's wide enough to recieve all who neglect and exploitation, will may you be blessed with many need human love and real Fatherly proper living arrangements more years of service to him . We care; and narrow enough to shut within the community to were also priveledged to hear Solos out all envy and vain pride; make prevent unnecessary insBy Mrs. Helen Scott, and Mr . the threshold smooth enough to be William Sanders. The Bethel no stumbling block to childhood or . titutional care, and pracsrvices, such as A.M.E. Choir also provided speical older wayward feet. " Heres tical music. This church is certainly wishing them all of the continued home-delivered hot meals, management and blessed with a great deal of talent. Success possible in the days to home and God's Richest chore services, to enable The fabulous Mills Family also come. treated us to their speical music. It Blessings. these individuals to stay in Another Brother in Christ their homes. seems that words are inadequate Ohio· Ernie Smith to describe the wonderful time and To make this program a success, we need your help to: -inform the elderly and handicapped about "Alterna tives," Ohio selective service director, Mr. Paul A. Corey - iinvolve individuals and announced that 18 year old men have three options for grolllps in providing "Alterfulfilling their "draft" registration requirement. They can native" services, ~egister at a local board office, with a volunteer registrar ~ncourage public supm schools and county buildings, or by mail. port will ensure county The mail-in card system allows a young man to welfare departments can comp~ete his registration in the convenience of his home provide "Alt.erna tives." You can help by using the and is steadily growing in popularity. In addition to the many J?Sot offices where mail·in cards are available, the enclosed public service state highway patrol, offices are now cooperating in this advertisement that informs program by displaying poster boxes in the drivers' citizens where to write for more information about examining division, located in blue ash Batavia Lebanon, Washington C.H., White Oak, Wilm'ington and "Alternatives." If you do plaee the ad, please send a . Butler County. Mr. Corey again cautioned tha t the law requires all male "tear·sheet" to: Ohio Depersons in the United States (except certain partment of Public Welfare, non-immigrant aliens) to register with selective service 32nd Floor, State Office within the 6O-day period commencing 30 days prior to their Tower, Columbus, Ohio 43215. 18th birthday. Sincerely, CharlesW. Bates Director

Oh;io State Fair fans only have a short lime to enter their winning slogan in the 1975 Ohio State Fair Slogain Contest which has been undel~way since jljovember IS. "The winning slogan will be used in all promotional and advertising programs for the 1975 State Fair ," according to General Manager Vic Lucas . " Last year's winning theme was a FAMILY·A·FAIR." To ent er tile 1975 Ohio Slale Fair Slogan Contest. send the slogan . with your name . address . and telephone number on a postcard to : SLOGAN CONTEST. Ohio State fair , 632 East IlIh A\'enue . Cols "

The MIAMI GAZETTE Published Weekly at 172 North Street Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Second class postage paId at Waynesv,lIe. OhIO

r:-iE MIAMI GAZETTE P.o. BOI 325. Waynesville

Lila McClure' Editor & Publisher Sandee Blazer Contributing Editor D'onna Huffman Staff Artist Karen Gasaway Advertising Sales Subscription - $3 .00 Per Year


.1;f!:"":1"~:}'~!::~,~~~ flt~~M '

Ohio. 4:1211. Ent r ies must be postmarked no lat N lhan Jan . 15. 19i5. In case of a lie . ltl!' slngan with lhe earlies l poSlmark will 11'10



Ulited Cburch of Christ

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Page Three

ALUMINUMSIDINGAND ROOFING DAL ELLIOTI' All leading brands-free estimates. Bank finacing available. Waynesville 8977851. AWNINGS BUTLER CODNTY AWNING CO. Inc. Barney Oldfield and Larry Wysong Co-owners. Awnings manufactured at the show room and plant, 9256 Pleasant Valley Road, Middletown phone 4~61. BEAUTY SALONS JAN I E S BE A T U T Y Salon. "Style Cuts for Guys and Gals" 10036 Bellbrook Waynesville Rd. Waynesville, Phone 848-8188. , IRE~ S ~ALON of B~u~ Co~e Kirby-Owner SIX tral~~ s~lists to serve you servmg"the area for ove: 35. years 6~7 South Brelel 10 the Middletown Shopping Center. Phone 423-8252 or 423-6883. BREAD INTERSTATE BRANDS CORP. Butternut Bread Div. Joe Parenti Manager "For a better bread ask for Butternut Bread" 601 North Verity Pkwy. Middletown 424-2143.

CAR AND TRUCK SERVICE TED BROWN'S PHILLIPS 66 Service complete auto and !ruck repairing, and fast, friendly emergency road service, 6:30 a.m . to 8 p.m. 6 days a week. 509 S. Sutphin in Middletown. Phone 423-9191. CEMENT WORK & ROOF REPAIRS HUBERT SMITH & SON If you have it cleaned and repaired now. We also do cement work all kinds. Block laying and roof repair. Phone 932-4665. COLLISION REPAIR

KEVIN'S AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REPAIR: "Expert Body and Paint. Work" : Experienced work. All work guaranteed 862-4487. Located on US 42 1 mile south of Spring Valley and ' 5 miles north of Waynesville . CONCRETE PRODUCTS RIVERSIDE CONCRETE COMPANY Al Totten, Owner, Dan .Newton, vice pres. incharge of sales. Cement, mortar, face bricks cement paint, steel doors and frames, and steel and aluminium window sashes. Mission adobe bricks. GerMUENNICH MOTORS, mantown Road (Rt. 4) at "Better Idea Cars From Miami River Bridge phone in Hamilton Ford," "Quality Car Care." 423-5786 749 Columbus Ave. , 893~73 . CONSTRUCTION Lebanon. 932-1010. BRANDENBURG CONSTWARREN COUNTY "where re CHRYSLER, "Chrysler, RUCTION Dodge, Plymouth." 518 W. inodeling is a business not a Main St.. Lebanon, 932-5951. sideline" Robert Brandenburg, Sr. and Robert Always a good deal. Brandenburg, Jr. Owners MILLTOWN CHRYSLER phone 423-0759 1759 Central PLYMOUTH Dodge Trucks Ave Middletown. Lou Bove owner Jim DECORATING CENTER Borchers Sales Manager. "New 1975 Chryslers , Ply- LAND S Paint and Floor mouths, Dodges and Dodge Covering "Your one-stop Trucks now on display" 6239 decorating center, " Lois Germantown Road (next to Shackelford, Owner 2030 the airport) phone 424-3556. Central Ave . Middletown . Phone 423-9259. WILMER MOTORS, INC. Bill Wilmer, manager "75 DETECTIVE BUREAU Gremlin, Matador, Javelin, R. C. BECKETT Detective and Hornet Hatchback and Bureau Robert C. Beckett the luxurious 75 amb ~1 3sa­ Director, 21 years experience - confidential indor" 1901 Manchester , Middletown 423-6555 Wilmer vestigations in commercial Used Cars 132 S. Clinton industrial and domestic MiddletO\-m, phone 423-3421. matter phone 423-5411 in Dayton phone 222-9869. CARPETS DRY CLEANERS BI-RITE CARPET & TILE. WASHINGTON SQUARE 140 S. Main St., Carpet, LAUNDROMAT and Dry floors , ceramic, ceilings. Cleaners, 88 S. Main st. 897-5511 Waynesville 222Waynesville, 897-5961 . 5608, Dayton. DRY WALL GROCERIES BARNARD DRY WALL co SHERWOODS MARKET . len Banard. Owner "Ser"featuring meats cut to ving the area for over 20 order. " delivery service. 747 vears ." 6949 Middletown Cincinnati Ave. Lebanon. pike in Franklin phone Ohio. 932-1944. 746-3930.

FURNITURE WHOLESALE FURNITURE DEPOT "quality namebrand furniture at Wholesale prices" 2833 Cincinnati Dayton road, south of Blue Ball phone 422-4556. HEATING OIL MCCOY OIL COMPANY, Ken Smith, Manager, Texaco He:ating, Oils, Radio dispatc:hed trucks. Phone 423-570:3 located at 1224 Girard Middletown. INSURANCE THE NATIONAL LIFE & Accident Insurance Co. (Grand Ole Opry People) Fred Napier agent 897-3111. JEWELRY REMODEL YOUR OLD jewelry-remounting gold sizing, refinishing jewelry repair. Stone setting. Davidsons Jewelers, Lebanon 932-3936. LOAN & SAVINGS CO. PEOPLES BUILDING LOAN & Savings Co .. "Start saving tomorrow." Come to 11 S. ]Broadway, Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 932-3876. M iddlletown Federa I Savings and Loan Associa tion . . Investing in a home of your own? Come in and talk your problems over. Central and Main Rosevelt Boulevard in Middletown, 9 North Miami St. . Trenton . Phone 424-1991. MIAMI VALLEY Building and Loan Association, RichBlrd Voelesongog Manager 310 South Miami in Franklin Phone 746-0504. "One OIf the Cornerstone of the financial structure of this community." PLUMBING & HEATING W. W. COVEY Plumbing and Heating 177 Fifth St. . Waynesville 897-6431. PHARMACIES LOVELESS PHARMACY Professional Prescription service 33 S. Main Street. Waynesville 897-7076. READY MIX CONCRETE MECCO, INC . 2504 South Main in Middletown . Phone 422-3651 or 422--3652 offers your prompt and dependable service in ready-mix HEAL ESTATE KS.A. REALTY .88 S. Main St.. Waynesville. 897-3501. LYNN FIELDS,7956 Cahall PI. Waynesville : 1-885-5453 or 897-6055 : Camfield Company Inc . 433-99 12 or 897-6055.


Monday , Jan. 13. 1975

RESTRAUNTS TVSALES&SERVICES FRISCH'S BIG BOY . Jerry BEA'ITY'S TV SALES & Brown, Owner good food Se7ices, Zenith, 27 N. and fast service at Frich's in Broadway. Lebanon, 932Middletow!l at 1800 German- 3075. town, phone 423-6596 and at TIRES 3207 S. Main in Middletown, Morgan's Tire Service 6344 phone 423-5715. • Corwin Rd. Goodyear and MCDONALDS HAMBUR- Dayton Tires . Phone GER system Charles Chuck 897-3696. Posey-owner. 2351 North KING TIRE COMPANY Joe Verity Pkwy. 423-1582 and Little III owner "Quality 1301 S. Briel Blvd. Phone tires for less" Remington 423-5801. BY Goodrich and Some SCHOOLS Astrostars. Located Corner TRI STATE DRIVER Trai- of Rt 4 and Trenton Franklin ning Inc . Robert L Wise and Rd in Posttown phone Robert J . Kuhn, owners, . Gordon R. Shockley Mgr. 422-3340. TOYS Learn to drive tractor Bicycles. Tricycles, wagons trailers and autuomobile. sleds. little wheels, Big Veteran approved and li- wheels . new. ready to ride. censed by the State of Ohio, MOORE'S STORE. 25 E. 2507 North varity pkwy, Mulberry. Downtown LebaMiddletown phone 424-1237. non . TRUCKS LEE'S DATA PRO- DOEBLER BROTHERS, CESSING . Noah Lee and INC . "International TrucksIda Lee, owners. Learn to be Cummins and Detroit Diesel a high paid key punch Engines " Bill and Dick operators . . Veteran and Doebler. Owners 2981 CinState government agency cinnali Road, Middletown_ approved : 6275 German- Phone 422-3633. town. Mlddletown, phone L'SED CARS 423-9236. MCCOY MOTORS, Mac SUPER MARKETS McCoy, Owner. "DepenELLIS SUPER VALU quali- dableexperts in the used car ty and low prices open till business" 6247 Germannine. 7 days a week. phone town, Middletown Phone 897-5001. 422:-6415 . WAYNESVILLE MARKET ~OSE WEIGHT WITH New 69 S. Main St. 897-5941 Meat Shape T~blets and Hydrex Water Pills Loveless PharSpecialists . macy .


. . d . nd Disah\ed For Ohio s Age a _ .


Institutions Only

~ AlternatiHs



Page Four

Monda y. Jan , 13. 1975





•• S .... December is always a hectic month for us, but this one was all the more so, with returning from a Florida vacation at the end of November; husband's hospitalization for the first two weeks of December, college exams, and the usual preparations for Christmas. Hence, the absence of this column for several weeks. There were a few humorous sidelights . Like the day the package 'arrived marked "shrimp-must be kept at 0 degrees " . Since I Was a t the hospital when it arrived . the children put it into the freezing compartment immediately . For two more days, I noticed it there . a s I hurr;edly opened th(' refrigerator compar·t ment. but beca us(' of extreme fatigue and the few hours I had at home. I didn 't open the box immediately . Next day . I asked hubby if he had ordered shrimp and he . replied negatively. When I finally got around to opening up the box . I found that it contained shirts that I had ordered for hubby and son-! Why the had shipped them in a shrimp box, I'll never know. unless they, like everyone else. find boxes a scarce item. Shirts were thawed in lime for Christmas giving, however. The remainder of the holiday season went about the same. Now. I am involved in trying to find places to store all those boxes thaL we accumulated as we unwrapped gifts. A lot of people have though me strange because I save boxes (and just about everything else) but they have been laughing a lot less these past few years when they have had to pay 25 cents or more for an .empty box to wrap their gift in . Speaking of saving things. Lenora Hollon. Deputy Director for the Board of Elections who retired the end of the year has got/en a lot of razzing about saving string for these many years. We are told that she has a number of balls of the stuff and that anyone who wanted to borrow some had to tell her specifically how much they needed so none went to waste. The girls aL the office are letting her take some' of the string home for whatever it is one does with string . They also tell US that each lime a new emIlloyee joined the staff. it was known that they "were in" when they were allowed to handle the string _

Lenora ends a 30 year career of service to the voting public and no one could deserve a happy retirement more. I am only sorry that her career ends the same year as my association with the Board of Elections beings. However , even before joining the Board, I was well aware of the many. many trouble free elections made possible in large part because of this woman 's efforts. As a few people know . she almost didn't make it to her own party Friday . Preceding the open house in her honor at the administration building in Lebanon was a lun cheon. at the Sycamore Country Club . hosted by Fred Jones . Director for the Board of Ell'clions. who e\,idently doesn 't have a "die hard" battery in his t'amper . Happily. the orange 'vetle was able 10 transport the lovely lady to her party . even if a few minutes late. It was our opportunity to learn a littll' more about her and to further appreciate the air of optimism that always sl'ems to surround her , In her honor and in view of the season of making resolutions . we would like to add a apoem. author unknqwn-

A little less impatient with those we deem too slow ; A lillIe less of arrogance because of all we know ; A liltle more humility . seeing our worlh is slight ; ,We are such trivial candles. compared to stars at night' A lillie more forgiving and swifter to be kind; A little "IIIre desirous the word of . praise to find. ; The word of praise to uller and make a heart rejoice ; A 'i ttle more careful to speak with gentle voice; A lillie more true eagerness to understand each other; A little more real striving to help a shipwrecked brother ; A little more high courage to eadl task that must be done ; These be our resolutions-and God help us. everyone ~

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' ..-c; PJ11111U€:1) F~Ow. pAge o.J€' have not been constructed. Until "The prairie is the habital of the rare spotted bog turtle as well as they are de·veloped. access is only by wrilten permission of the several varieites of bird life." said Moseley . natural areas planning section . DNR received a 50 per cent No trails have been established 107 S_ Main St federal grant from the U.S. Bureau at the present time, and access to WayneSVille, Ohio of Outdoor Recreation to purchase the preserve reqUires the written the land for the preserve . permission of DNR's natural areas (513) 862-5181 The Tinkers Creek preserve. also planning section . Hours deSignated scenic, is within NyI' commended the Waite1 p.m. to 7 p_m. Tinkers Creek State Park. It en- Brand Foundation, the Northwest Fri. Sal. Sun. Open Space Trust and the Ohio compasses 786 acres . y • 'The area's prime feature is its Chapter of the Nature Con- GLASS extensive marshland, which DC- servancy and its members for PRIMITIVES ' . . . . . ..... cupies nearly 75 per cent of the financial assistance in obtaining • FURNITURE : preserve's acreage." Nye said. land for the nature preserve. DNR ACCESSORIES "Seve'ral spring-fed lakes are obtained a 50 per cent federal grant within the preserve." for the land purchase from the U.S. The nora ranges from cattail and Bureau of Outdoor Recreation. willow in the marsh areas to Kiser Lake Wetlands preserve. Ameri,can beech and sugar maple also designated interpretive. lOX >7> WAYNESViLlE. OHtO in the drier areas. Moseley said. l'onsists of two separate areas on The diversity of habitats offer the south side of the lake within S;;;~;Y:S;'nd~Y 12·5,30 the visitor an exceIlent opportunity Kiser Lake State Park _ The to see a variety of wildlife . in- presen'e totals nearly 51 acres . eluding many species common to "Both areas are remnant of a T e ' _, 513897-6552 Shop marshlands. 3OQ-acre bog . once caIled Mosquito 51.3~20n R",,'ence The preserve . managed by Lake Bog." said NyI'. "The bog IIII~::~"'--" -"""-" "-""'-'-"'-'-"-----'--'-""~;;~;;::;::::~ DNR 's division of parks and was an indirect result of the galcial ;;;~ recreation . offers a system of invasion intn Oh,o ." " -.' hik ing, trails available for \·isitors . Moseley said th .. two areas haw Nn on<' is allowed off the species of plants found in bogs. like -.... '.' ('s tabli shed trails without the fring ed gentain and shrubby wrilt cl1 permission of the natural (' ,nquefoi\. as WI'II as var ieties of 1 PHONE 897-6326 areas planning section or the plants found in wet prairies . like G.n... 1 Line _ Dtatus Wclcoml dh' ision of parks and recreation , queen-of-thc-prairie . ~" MON. BY CHANCE '.;; Thl' preser\,(' has no trails as yet. ::;: TUES. THRU SAT. 10-5;00 .;:; Th e Irwin Prairie prl'serve . · 1111 :!jr deSignated interpretive. is 13 miles Wl'st of Toledo near the in - sect ion is needed before entry into .:.: F;ne A.,;.... Sho,. :.:_ tersection of IrWin Road and Dorr the preserve is permitted. iii::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::~; Street and adjacent to Secor Metropolitan Park . The area enOPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK compilsses 142 acres . "Irwin Prairie is considered to be the finest wet prairie in the state: ' Nye said . "!t's one of tlie last v,esliges of the Black Swamp, which covered most of norCORWIN, OHIO 84 SECOND STREET thwestern Ohio and part of southeastern Michigan in post glacial times." Dick Moseley . DNR's natural area s administrator, said the northern part of the preserve is a mature and little dislrubed forest of swamp white oak and pin oak. Southward. the lowest and wettest part of the preserve contains a prolific growth of grasses and many species of rare plants. NOW LOCATED ON MIAMI SQUARE AT

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HISLE'S BUGGYWHEEL ANTIQUES Furniture & Miscellaneous Items



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The Waynesville Lions Club held their regular dinner meeting at the Town Square Restaurant at 6:30 p.m. on January 6_ Lion Dave Hartsock reported that the club will host the "Big 8" Meeting on March 4 at the 1776 Inn. The "Big 8" consists of the Lions Clubs in ZOM 6 (Warren County Area). An excellent program was presented by Glynn Marsh. He ga ve a talk on the Caesar Creek Pioneer Village. INcluded in the presenta tion werl~ slides showing the dismantling, moving, and reassembly, of Village buildings and the fund raising Spring and Fall Festivals_

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F'r ed a and Jon" Gor ~IS

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Coun\! v Typ,-, &

Co unt ry PenOd , 5 17 N e~ ' r) n A vc ('t v(' DaVlan . Oh iO 45406

HOURS , Mon. , Wed •• & Fd. 1-6 Or By AppOIntment

So,. 8-12'

HAY'S FURNITURE STRIPPING ' AMITY PROCESS ·Phone , 897-3563 MAX & JUAN Ell A HA T 76 First Street - Reor Co,w;n, Oh;o 45068 Owners

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