Deep Imagery Training Brochure

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Trainer Information: Mary Diggin, Ph.D Mary Diggin, MA is an IIVR certified trainer and Deep Imagery Guide who currently lives in New Mexico, USA. Born in Ireland, she moved to New Mexico in 1998, where she lives with her husband, E.S. Gallegos on the Rio Grande, in the Embudo area where they run Imagery workshops and also work with people on an individual basis through Imagery. Mary received her Ph.D in Mythological Studies from Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Her research focuses on how myth functions in cultural settings. She is particularly interested in the intersection between myth, ritual, nature and the deep imagination. She has presented on mythological topics such as The Irish Influence on Vodou (AAR Conference), Celtic marriage (Berea College, KY) and Jicarilla Apache healing traditions. Her article titled Nasty Women: Can the Goddess and the Hero find a way forward was published in the Spring 2017 issue of Immanence! the journal of applied mythology, legend and folktale. Mary is a Deep Imagery trainer with the International Institute for Visualization Research and president of Imagery International. She completed an apprenticeship with Jicarilla Apache medicine man, Felipe Ortega from whom she learnt to lead sweat lodges and about Jicarilla healing traditions. She works with individuals and groups offering a combination of imagery, myth and ritual. Mary has worked with Deep Imagery and the Personal Totem Pole process for over 20 years. She has lead trainings in Denmark & USA with Dr. Gallegos as well as leading numerous workshops in USA, Ireland and Germany. She has also worked with individuals and groups by phone and in person. Mary has served as executive director of the IIVR for many years, organizing and advising on Deep Imagery workshops, trainings and festivals internationally.

Image Credits Omega Nebula: By ESO [CC BY 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons Wolf image: By Gary Kramer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Butterfly Image: By Simon Koopmann (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons Personal Totem Pole Process Image: Š Moon Bear Press, 2012 Sunrise, Thailand Ko Samui By Lisa Tancsics, uploaded by Pro2 [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons White Tiger: By HenryStradford CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

The Personal Totempole Process: Animal Imagery, the Chakras and Psychotherapy by E.S. Gallegos Ph.D. Animals of The Four Windows: Integrating Thinking, Sensing, Feeling and Imagery by E.S. Gallegos Ph.D. Into Wholeness: The Path of Deep Imagery by E.S. Gallegos Ph.D. Little Ed and Golden Bear by E.S. Gallegos Ph.D. Nothing is Nothing by E.S. Gallegos Ph.D. Something is Something by E. S. Gallegos, Ph.D.

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