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Do you have too much information? 

You may need to narrow the focus of your research.

Use the resources that best fit the criteria for good scholarship.

 Taking Notes: it is a very important step because you need to write and outline when you are developing an observational or research project, because you must write all related with the organization, content, form and ideas that come to your mind about the project you are working on. Then you must: 1. Develop a preliminary outline 2. Evaluate your source material; which is primary material and which is secondary material? 3. Begin note-taking on cards 4. Avoid plagiarism  Writing the Paper: The key to successfully writing your paper is organization (writing skills help, too!). Here are some tips that may be helpful: 

You should have a clear idea of your research hypothesis by now. Make sure that this is stated clearly at the beginning of your paper (or presentation).

Summarize the articles you have collected, identifying the main points. If you have made a photocopy of an article or book chapter, highlight the sentences or paragraphs that are most applicable to your topic.


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