The eden magazine november 2017

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T h e Magazine

A Dashing Bolivian American Artist JUAN


leading portrait painter of his generation THE BLIND SIDE THE GREAT CHANCE IN BUSINESS By Gerhard Matthes

Easing Fear in Children By Brent Feinberg November 2017

Bruno Serato A CNN HERO Making a Difference

Table of Contents 8





















By Brent Feinberg








Cover Photo by Thierry Brouard | Prémium Paris



Photo by Artin Mardirosian



Spreading compassion to all Sentient Beings and Lliving in healing and peaceful world


Maryam Morrison


Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at;



"Do not just sit there, do something with your life," the father warned his son. That son, Gerhard Matthes, took his father by his word. The result: Matthes went on to study business management in Darmstadt. After completing his studies, he created several companies on his own, established them successfully in the industry, captured large market shares from the competitors and became the market leader and main challenger in his industry. One of his companies, which he started in 1994, went from a start-up to the top of the market in its field, and where it continues to remain today, 23 years later. At the same time, he became an international company consultant, mentor, and manager of instruction and is heavily involved in European German-speaking countries both in training and consulting organizations. Matthes received several awards and honors for his exceptional achievements as one of the youngest German entrepreneurs, among them one by the Minister of Interior Affairs of the state of Hessia. Everything that Matthes touches seems to turn into gold. With the “Blind Side Strategy,� he revolutionizes the thinking of national and international business enterprises. He is an exceptional, self-made entrepreneur and a person with a special perspective. And this is true not only in the world of business but also on a humanitarian level. His love for other people is exemplified in all of the various charities and philanthropic ventures he is associated with. 8 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

In 2012, he took over a stagnant NPO (Non-Profit Organization), of 20 employees, that was taking care of several dozen children. At the time, the employees had not received a paycheck for three months. They continued to work because the children would have otherwise ended up on the street. When Matthes learned about this situation and was asked to take over the management, he didn’t have to give it a second thought. "The cordial commitment of the employees to the children and the children themselves were reason enough for my saying yes immediately," Matthes said. It was such an honor for NPO because although he really didn’t have the time for such an endeavor and didn’t know how to lead an NPO, he said yes anyway. Through his courageous engagement in the years that followed, he could prevent sponsors from demanding their money back or freezing their funds. Through his tough negotiations with German financial authorities and administrations, it was possible to maintain the status of a non-profit-making NPO. Again, it was the consistent focus on the blind side of the NPO, which made these successes possible. Today, the NPO is financially healthy again and can take care of its real tasks - the welfare and care of the current number of children, which are a total of 86. And because of his generosity, Matthes has been nominated for the Achievement Award, which will be presented in Los Angeles in December 2017. Matthes is confronted every day with questions on the subject of economic growth, expansion, turnaround and revenue generation. Sales growth in the double-digit percentage can increase within a few hours and that’s really not a problem for Matthes. His answer to why he has such a high success rate is, "Integrate the Blind Side Strategy into your firm. It is the greatest chance for any business." Internationally active global players such as Komatsu, SMC, Alfa Laval, ESRI and New Holland, continue to benefit from his expertise. But what is the “Blind Side Strategy?” The “Blind Side Strategy” is a unique concept for internationally active markets. Matthes's European success streak continues. From 2018 onwards, the concept will be introduced into the American market. The name: the “Blind Side” comes from football and denotes the opposite side of the quarterback's throwing hand, where the quarterback is most vulnerable. That is why the guards, halfbacks, and runners are positioned on the blind side of the quarterback - only to protect the blind side of the quarterback. In his lectures, workshops, and consultations Matthes always refers to the blind side in companies. “Every company, “says Matthes, “has this blind side.” It is the aspect of the company, which is usually not recognized at first

sight, but which is the guarantor of the success of the company. If, for example, one takes a glass and wonders what the usefulness of this drinking vessel is, one might say that it is the material or the form. In truth, however, it is the blind side, meaning the hole on one side of the glass, which really makes the glass usable. If this hole is closed, for example, the usability of the glass is no longer present and the glass loses its complete value. With constant changing markets and technologies, the blind side of many companies is in acute danger. Industry 4.0, green footprint and digitization are only mentioned here as a substitute for the themes in which changes are currently being announced. However, many companies are not aware of these changes. Other companies, however, recognize this and act upon it. For example, a renowned mechanical engineer came to Matthes at the leading trade fair in his industry and formulated the following objective: The management of the company calls on the trade fair team to sell an increase of 10% of larger machines at the upcoming trade fair than at the last trade fair. Two years earlier, 1,100 large-scale machines with a unit value of up to 500,000 euros in value, had been sold during the leading trade fair. Matthes worked with the 85 employees who were about to make a presentation of up to seven hours to the Global Players. The result was that the increase of 10%, unfortunately, was not achieved! No, it was 14.55% more! In sales, this meant a growth of 15.2 million euros for the Group. The profit was 2.78 million! Matthes’s claim is clear! He does not care about just knowing - no - it's about being able to apply it. The practice of his clients is at the center of his work. His charming, dynamic, and easy-to-handle nature can easily explain even the most complex content and principles and then derive direct action for it. His fascinating rhetoric and practical, very impressive examples, underline the visual tools with which Matthes works in his lectures, workshops, and consultations. In the network of complex content and themes, he does not remain in the "valley of knowledge,” but climbs the summit of doing it every time. The positive learning culture, which surrounds Matthes like an aura, leads to many AHA effects and leaves you with 100% focus. Undoubtedly this is to thank the collaboration with countless market leaders (and those who want to become them), hidden champions and renowned international companies, which have given Matthes the reputation of a consistently practice-oriented business expert.

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Sitz nicht so herum und mache was aus Deinem Leben<< mahnte der Vater seinen Sohn. Und er nahm seinen Vater beim Wort! Das Ergebnis: Gerhard Matthes studierte zuerst Betriebswirtschaft in Darmstadt. Nach dem Studium baute er mehrere eigene Unternehmen auf, etablierte diese in der Branche, eroberte große Marktanteile von den Wettbewerbern und wurde vom Herausforderer der Branchengrößen zum Marktführer. Eines seiner Unternehmen platzierte Matthes bereits 1994 aus dem Nichts an die Marktspitze, wo es bis heute, 23 Jahre danach, immer noch zu finden ist. Parallel dazu wurde er internationaler Unternehmensberater, Mentor und Manager of Instruction und wird im deutschsprachigen Raum Europas von den größten Trainings- und Beratungsorganisationen engagiert. Gerhard Matthes erhielt für seine außergewöhnlichen Leistungen als einer der jüngsten deutschen Unternehmer diverse Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen, u.a. vom Innenminister des Bundeslandes Hessen.

10 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

Alles, was dieser Mann anfasst, scheint zu Gold zu werden. Mit der >> BLIND SIDE - Strategie << revolutioniert er das Denken nationaler und internationaler Wirtschaftsunternehmen. Gerhard Matthes ist ein Ausnahme-, ein Selfmade-Unternehmer und ein Mensch mit besonderem Weitblick. Und das gilt nicht nur für die Wirtschaft. Denn mindestens genauso wichtig ist ihm als Philanthrop die Liebe zu anderen Menschen – und auch hier leistet er Außergewöhnliches. Im Jahr 2012 hat er eine marode NPO (Non Profit Organisation) übernommen, die mit fast 20 Mitarbeitern mehrere Dutzend Kinder betreute. Die Mitarbeiter hatten zum damaligen Zeitpunkt seit drei Monaten bereits keinen Lohn mehr erhalten. Sie arbeiteten weiter, weil die Kinder sonst auf der Straße gelandet wären. Als Gerhard Matthes davon erfuhr und angesprochen wurde, die Geschäftsführung zu übernehmen, dachte er nicht lange nach. „

Das herzliche Engagement der Mitarbeiter für die Kinder und die Kinder selbst waren der Grund warum er damals „JA“ gesagt habe, so Matthes. Obwohl er eigentlich dafür keine Zeit hatte und sich mit der Führung einer NPO nicht auskannte. Durch sein beherztes Einschreiten konnte in den folgenden Jahren verhindert werden, dass Sponsoren ihre Gelder zurückforderten oder einfroren. Durch seine zähen Verhandlungen mit den deutschen Finanzbehörden und Verwaltungen war es möglich, den Status der Gemeinnützigkeit der NPO zu erhalten. Auch hier war es wieder die konsequente Fokussierung auf die blind side der NPO, die diese Erfolge ermöglichte. Heute steht die NPO finanziell wieder gesund da und kann sich um ihre eigentliche Aufgaben – nämlich dem Wohl und der Betreuung von derzeit 86 Kindern kümmern. Jetzt ist Matthes für den Achievement Award nominiert, der im Dezember 2017 in Los Angeles verliehen wird. Gerhard Matthes wird täglich mit Fragen zu den Themen Wirtschaftswachstum, Expansion, turn around und Umsatzgenerierung konfrontiert. Umsatzsteigerungen im zweistelligen Prozentbereich innerhalb weniger Stunden – für Gerhard Matthes kein Problem. Seine Antwort auf die Fragen „Integrieren Sie die BLIND SIDE in ihre Unternehmen, Sie ist die größte Chance für jedes Business“. International agierende Globalplayer wie Komatsu, SMC, alfa laval, ESRI und New Holland profitieren bis heute von seiner Expertise. Doch was ist die BLIND SIDE Strategie<< überhaupt? Die BLIND SIDE STRATEGIE<< ist ein einzigartiges Konzept für international agierende Märkte. Matthes Erfolg führt bis heute zu europaweit anhaltenden Veranstaltungsreihen und ab 2018 führt er das Konzept in die amerikanischen Märkte ein. Die Bezeichnung der BLIND SIDE stammt aus dem Football und bezeichnet die gegenüberliegende Seite der Wurfhand des Quarterbacks. Dort ist der Quarterback am verwundbarsten. Deshalb sind an der blind side des Quarterbacks die Guards, Halfbacks und Runners positioniert – einzig um die blind side des Quarterbacks zu schützen. In seinen Vorträgen, Workshops und Beratungen bezieht sich Gerhard Matthes immer wieder auf diese blind side in Unternehmen. Jedes Unternehmen, sagt Matthes, hat seine ureigenste blind side. Es ist der Aspekt im Unternehmen, der meist nicht auf den ersten Blick erkennbar ist, aber den Garant für den Erfolg des Unternehmens darstellt. Nimmt man beispielweise ein Glas und fragt sich, was die Gebrauchsfähigkeit dieses Trinkgefäßes ausmacht, dann könnte man sagen, es sei das Material oder die Form. In Wahrheit ist es aber die blind side, nämlich das Loch an der einen Seite des Glases, das

erst wirklich die Gebrauchsfähigkeit des Glases ausmacht. Wird dieses Loch beispielsweise verschlossen, dann ist die Gebrauchsfähigkeit des Glases nicht mehr gegeben und das Glas verliert seinen kompletten Gebrauchswert. Durch sich ständig verändernde Märkte und Technologien ist die blind side vieler Unternehmen akut in Gefahr. Industrie 4.0, green footprint und Digitalisierung seien hier nur stellvertretend für die Themen genannt, in denen sich derzeit Veränderungen ankündigen. Viele Unternehmen nehmen diese Veränderungen aber nicht wahr. Andere Unternehmen hingegen aber erkennen das und handeln. So kam ein namhafter Maschinenbauer vor der Leitmesse seiner Branche auf Gerhard Matthes zu und formulierte folgendes Ziel: Die Konzernleitung fordert vom Messeteam, dass an der kommenden Messe 10 Prozent mehr Großmaschinen verkauft werden sollten als bei der letzten Messe. Zwei Jahre zuvor waren während der Leitmesse bereits 1.100 Großmaschinen mit Stückwert von bis zu 500.000 Euro verkauft worden. Gerhard Matthes arbeitete mit den 85 Mitarbeitern, die am Messestand des Globalplayers präsent sein sollten für 7 Stunden. Das Ergebnis war, dass die Steigerung von 10% leider nicht erreicht wurde! Nein, es waren 14,55% mehr! In Umsatz bedeutete das für den Konzern dann 15,2 Millionen Euro. Im branchenüblichen Gewinn umgerechnet waren das 2,78 Millionen! Der Anspruch von Gerhard Matthes ist klar! Es geht ihm nicht darum, etwas zu kennen – nein – es geht ihm darum, es zu können. Die Praxisfälle seiner Mandanten stehen im Mittelpunkt seiner Arbeit. Seine charmantdynamische und lockere Art kann selbst komplexe Inhalte und Prinzipien einfach darstellen und daraus dann direkte Handlungsanweisungen ableiten. Seine mitreißende Rhetorik und seine praxisnahen, eindrucksvollen Beispiele unterstreichen die visuellen Werkzeuge, mit denen Matthes in seinen Vorträgen, Workshops und Beratungen arbeitet. Bei der Vernetzung von komplexen Inhalten und Themen bleibt er nicht im „Tal der Erkenntnis“ stehen, sondern erklimmt jedes Mal den Gipfel des Tuns. Die positive Lernkultur, die Matthes wie eine Aura umgibt, führt zu vielen AHA-Effekten und lässt nur 100%ige Aufmerksamkeit zu. Mit Sicherheit ist es der Zusammenarbeit mit unzähligen Marktführern (und solchen die es werden wollen), Hidden Champions und namhaften internationalen Unternehmen zu verdanken, die Gerhard Matthes den Ruf des konsequent praxisorientierten Businessexperten eingebracht haben.

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Bruno Serato THE CNN HERO

By Dina Morrone “The Power of Pasta is an uplifting tribute to the most inspirational use of Italy’s most famous culinary export. Bravo, Bruno!” ~Sophia Loren

The preceding quote is how Academy Award-winning actress and cinema legend Sophia Loren, described Bruno Serato’s book, The Power Of Pasta, A celebrity chef ’s mission to feeding America’s Hungry Children. Bruno’s newly released book is both an inspirational story about his amazing journey from humble beginnings in the tiny town of San Bonifacio, Italy, to his very successful career as a celebrity chef in the United States, and also includes 43 scrumptious Italian recipes from Bruno’s award-winning Anaheim White House Restaurant. To say that Bruno has a “big heart” is an understatement. The world has certainly taken note of this and of his many contributions over the years and bestowed upon him some very prestigious accolades and awards. People Magazine named him a Hero Among Us; CNN recognized him as a CNN Hero, he was awarded the Pope John XXIII Award for Outstanding Achievement Towards Humanity, and knighted by the Italian Consulate and given the title, “Sir” Bruno Serato. These are just a select few of his countless awards and achievements.

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Bruno’s Anaheim White House Restaurant, in Anaheim, California, which featured dining rooms like, The Abraham Lincoln Room and The George Washington Room, welcomed many prominent names over the last thirty years. Guests from the world of entertainment, politics, and the business sector graced the elegant space. There were past presidents, Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush, celebrities like Danny DeVito, Doris Roberts, and Janet Leigh, sports stars, Dan Marino, Derek Jeter and Martina Navratilova, singers like Gwen Stefani and Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli, and even astronaut Alan Shepard, and so many more names, too many to list here. The restaurant ran successfully thanks to Bruno’s talents in the kitchen but also because he’s a really likable caring person and it comes across to his guests from the moment they walk through the doors. When you eat food that Bruno prepares for you, you’re not just a guest, you are family and Bruno loves his family. In fact, he has taken to heart his beloved mother’s words that “food is love.”

the employees, and the memorabilia. His tears consumed him but Bruno didn’t let it break him. He immediately turned his focus to the hungry children. How was he going to feed them and where was he going to cook the pasta? Fortunately, he received five calls from people offering up their kitchen. Then a call came from Italian pasta maker Barilla who donated Barilla pasta and tomato sauce. Bruno never stopped feeding the children and made it his priority to search for a permanent place he could set up shop to cook for them. His prayers were answered when he received a call from the Christ Cathedral. They offered him their own kitchen and rooms indefinitely. The church is a new spiritual center for the more than 1.3 million Roman Catholics in Orange County. It is made entirely of glass and surrounded by a beautiful arboretum. Bruno feels that this new space is truly a gift from God. But he also knows that his dear mamma Caterina, who has since passed away, was most certainly looking down on him and the children.

His restaurant, however, is just a fraction where and how Bruno spends his time. Twelve years ago he founded Caterina’s Club, a Foundation that got its name from his beloved mother, Caterina. While she was in town visiting, he took her down to the Boys and Girls Club in Anaheim, to play with the children. His mother looked around at all the children eating poor snacks so close to dinnertime and she was heartbroken. She knew that this was probably the only meal they were going to have for dinner. She knew it was not right. She turned to her son and demanded that he have his restaurant cook up dinner for all of the children right away. Bruno obediently obeyed his mother and Caterina’s Club was born. Since that day Bruno has dedicated himself to this mission. He prepares 4,000 meals a day, five days a week for hungry children. He’s not only satisfying their need for food but is also filling and nourishing their hearts with hope and love.

With the restaurant in the rebuilding phase, (it is scheduled to reopen December 2017 or January 2018), Bruno took the time to sit down with Lori Hetherington and write his book. He not only shares his stories and life experiences but he also shares 43 delicious recipes from his award-winning restaurant. Dishes like Prawns and Scallops, Poached Salmon au Chocolat, Penne alla Vodka, Pappardelle Bolognese, and his scrumptious Italian desserts like Tiramisu and Dolce Zabaglione, to name just a few. Am I making your mouth water?

On February 4th, 2017 Bruno’s cherished restaurant, caught fire in the middle of the night due to an electrical fire and destroyed the entire structure. There was nothing the firefighters could do to save it. Bruno was shocked and heartbroken as he watched in horror. The building had been there since 1909. He reflected on all the memories, the years of love and devotion he had poured into it,

We asked Bruno to share one message with our readers that he felt was very important to him. He thought about it and then said, “Stop talking about it and do something about it.” A wonderful message to leave you with because in this case, it can also apply to his cookbook … let’s stop talking about it and get cooking some of his delicious, mouth-watering, delectable, recipes! Mangia! Mangia!

Bruno has shared these recipes with his heart and welcomes you to try them at home. They have taken years to perfect and it’s the biggest gift Bruno can give back to you, his readers, and to this country that has been so wonderful to him… to leave a little bit of himself with you and to share his love through food.

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Where can one buy a copy of your book, The Power of Pasta? My book can be purchased on AMAZON.COM or at Barnes and Noble. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to Caterina’s Club. Who is your role model and why? My role model is and has always been my mother and for so many reasons - too many to list here. But I will say that the most important reason would have to be for all the love she showed me and taught me my whole life. Mother Teresa is another role model because she helps the poor. You’ve been invited to be a guest-speaker in Brazil where you will be speaking about your new book, tell us how this came about? I have been inspiring people all around the globe for many years with my Charity, Caterina’s Club. Over the years I have been invited to speak for the Global Peace Foundation, Humanity Rights at the United Nations, and so many others. And now on October 25th, in Brazil, I will be named Barilla Ambassador of Pasta at the World Pasta Day. is is an im- mense privilege and I would like to thank Barilla Pasta for the honor. Besides your restaurant and feeding the children, what else are you involved in? Well, I’m very busy. Besides my restaurant and feeding the children, I also have extended my mission to a new venture called Welcome Home which helps hundreds of motel families find permanent housing. It has already helped hundreds of families escape motel living by finding them apartments of their own. I also started Chef Bruno’s Hospitality Academy, which teaches local underprivileged youth how to prepare for a job in the hospitality industry. It’s a result of a collaboration between my non-profit Caterina’s Club and a program established by the Anaheim High School district called AIME, (Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience) How can people help give to Caterina’s Club? People can help Caterina’s Club by donating and supporting our Annual Gala by donating directly on our website WWW.CATERINASCLUB.ORG or by starting a Caterina’s Club of your own. Can anyone be involved with Caterina’s Club? Caterina’s Club is a Not-For-Profit Organization and everyone can be involved because being involved means you will be helping to change the world to end hunger. No donation is too small, and no amount of time you give is too short. Everything little bit helps.

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Photography by Thierry Brouard | Prémium Paris Location: Huntington Beach to purchase Power of Pasta:


Juan Bastos By Caroline Cushing

Bolivian-American Artist | Exhibits California Portraits at Denenberg Fine Arts in Los Angeles, November 5 - 18

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La Cumbre�, 15,260 feet high. Juan Bastos in the Andes. Bolivia

Juan Bastos is a dashing Bolivian American artist, a leading portrait painter of his generation. Bastos’ work documents the society who still commission portraits painted at home, where the sitter is surrounded by treasured possessions, favorite children, lap dogs and even rabbits. John Singer Sargent was the leading American portrait painter for the nineteenth century Edwardian era and Bastos has continued the tradition. He is painting society leaders in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Paris and throughout South America. For twenty years Bastos, who grew up in Bolivia and went to art school in the USA, has lived and worked as a portrait painter in Los Angeles. He has created a portfolio of beautiful women in full length silks and gowns as well as corporate titans and European aristocrats. The first retrospective of his work in Los Angeles will be “California Portraits 1996-2017” the Selfportrait done in 1996. Numerous Bastos portraits hang in private collections in embassies, churches, universities and private houses. Private collectors who have commissioned paintings include Philip Niarchos, Eugenio Lopez and Pamela Joyner. 22 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

Institutional owners include USC, Good Samaritan Hospital, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Baltimore Museum of Art, George Washington University and Harvard University. Over the years Bastos has exhibited in one-man shows in Washington DC, Baltimore, Lima and La Paz and included in group shows in New York, Paris, Madrid and England. At the Denenberg Fine Arts gallery in November Bastos will exhibit 35 oil and pastel paintings, portraits and landscapes, and a few drawings. The distinguished group of "California Portraits” will be on loan from the sitters and institutions hanging together for the first time. On opening night many of the sitters will unite at the gallery where their portraits are on loan. The exhibited portraits include: Don Bachardy, the Iovine children, Ian McKellen, Rudolph Nureyev, Susan Sontag, Charlize Theron, Gore Vidal, Erna and Andrew Viterbi, Hutton and Ruth Wilkinson and Selim Zilkha. This exhibit is a part of Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA a far reaching exploration of Latin American and Latino art, an initiative of The Getty.

Eugenio Lopez Alonso Oil 2012

Quinn Singer Pastel 2015

Carol Shapiro Pastel 2012 (detail)

Hutton Wilkinson Pastel 2009

Jack Elias Pastel 2014

Patricia Morison Pastel 2014

James, Jessica, Jade & Jeremy Iovine Oil 2000

Charlize Theron Pastel 2004

Lilli Elias & Hazel Pastel 2014

Gore Vidal Pastel 2006

Synne Miller & Baloo Oil 2003

Mr. Bumble Oil 2011(detail)



Our philosophy of life, or in other words our fundamental attitudes and beliefs form the foundation of our lives. Every aspect of our life is built upon this base, the quality of our relationships, the work we find meaningful, even our day to day decisions. Although our underlying philosophy is tremendously significant, many give little thought to how our attitudes effect our practical daily life circumstances. Reincarnation is the belief that we all experience a birth, death, and rebirth cycle. That one life is a short span in the existence of all of life. I didn’t believe in reincarnation when I was a child, having been brought up in a household with a father who was a physicist, but I often had private usual episodes, such as out of body experiences and clairvoyant visions. It was not until I was nineteen and my deceased mother came to me to give me insight and comfort that I stopped fighting my natural sensitivity and began to search for life’s meaning beyond the conditioning of my culture.

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I’m grateful that I was raised by a scientist, because a scrutinizing approach to gathering knowledge and understanding has informed my life, but rather than focusing on the nature of physical reality, I have turned my attention to understanding the nature of spiritual reality. When I started to have my own past life memories and detailed visions of the previous lives of others it was a tremendous relief and comfort. Life in the material world without the understanding of reincarnation is cruel and unjust and if there is only one life for each of us then it is easy to understand why greed has become such a prevalent and an often admired characteristic. On the other hand if reincarnation exists then life keeps an accurate score card. There are always consequences to our actions, cause and effect. No one really gets away with anything.

this theory and I offer the suggestion of using the tools of past life regression and deep meditation to facilitate the uncovering of your soul’s story. At this current time our material world existence is tentative and fragile to say the least. There is no better time than now to explore the foundation of our beliefs. Understanding reincarnation can provide us a deeper window into our purpose and lessons as we navigate the world and our individual lives.


When I was personally able to embrace the concept of reincarnation, everything changed for me. I took on a deep and committed responsibly to think and act in a principled manner. When someone at the bank gave me too much money when I cashed a check. I returned the extra funds. When I was in a meeting and was asked to express my opinion, I did so with honesty even though I knew what I had to say would be unpopular. My life’s motivation became one of living with integrity rather than being focused on getting what I want at the expense of others. I grew to see the interconnection of everything, just like in nature. In fact, people are part of nature and are governed by the same laws whether we know it or not. Imagine a world where we all make it a priority to actualize our best rather than being driven by winning and a materialistic perspective. I define materialism as putting the value of money and things above fundament principles, such as love, balance, or wisdom. I have been so fortunate to have had vivid clairvoyant experiences that eliminated my doubt about life after death and rebirth after death. I was able to watch my son incarnate, meeting him first as a man in etheric form before he took on the role of becoming a baby again. And I’ve conversed with many relatives, teachers, and an array of individuals existing in the spiritual realm about the rebirth process. So I have confidence that reincarnation exists to the same degree that I can state that I am typing on my computer. However, I never ask anyone to believe me. After all I didn’t accept reincarnation as a guiding principle until I had my own experiences. But what I am proposing is that you explore how your life might change if you embraced

Ellen Tadd is an internationally known clairvoyant counselor who has been teaching and counseling for more than forty years. She is widely respected for the integrity of her work, the accuracy of her perceptions and guidance, and the clarity and usefulness of her teaching. Her work has been supported by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, the Marion Institute, Deepak Chopra, Child Spirit Institute, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the Boston Center for Adult Education, among others. Her work has been covered in Newsweek, and Tadd has lectured across the country at colleges, universities, hospitals, and community groups. Tadd’s first book, Death and Letting Go, appeared on the Boston Globe bestseller list. Her latest book The Infinite View: A Guidebook for Life on Earth was published in March by Tarcher Perigee. 27 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

Reclaming Your True Self

Finding Our Wild Edges – Releasing the Soul into its True State of Freedom By Angela Dunning

photo by Katerina Plotnikova Photography

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with Angela Dunning

We don’t realize it but we are caged beasts. Every one of us has been moulded into who we are. From day one our parents showed us how to behave, what to think, and even, tragically, what and how to feel… Influenced by mother and father, siblings, other relatives, and then our experiences at school, we grow up from the tender beings that we are born as into replica of everyone else. And, before we know it, it’s time to leave school and begin life as an adult. Again, we fit into the ready-made moulds just waiting for us with their lures of security, safety, economic certainty, and usually also into the arms of another who we believe will love and protect us forever. And so this continues for a number of years and even decades for some. Until, something deep inside of us can no longer be ignored. Something deep in the core of our belly, or a flickering flame in the center of our heart, begins to grow and become more bothersome. Perhaps causing illness, or a serious accident, a relationship breakdown, or an identity crisis so large that who and what you have been no longer makes any sense. In fact, it starts to feel down-right wrong. The mould no longer feels comfortable. Instead it is pressing in against our skin and bones, making it difficult to breath. Making it treacherous to take steps forward. Making us stop and look at ourselves and our lives and ask: Who am I? What am I? Am I happy? And where oh where has my vital life force energy gone? Our domesticated lives no longer feel good. They no longer give us a sense of security. In fact now, they make us feel deeply insecure and anxious. For the tension within between what we’ve become and who we truly are is now becoming unbearable. The cages we’ve erected around us and the limiting beliefs and roles we’ve consumed daily, often fed to ourselves more so than anyone else, have now become so burdensome that our Wild Soul is crying: LET ME OUT!!! The animal-within, the instinctual part of us, is dying and in desperate need of relief and freedom; he can cope no longer with these bars.

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Like a caged Tiger at the zoo, our animal-self, at some point, needs also to be set free. For beneath all the layers of compliance, fitting-in, behaving correctly and playing the roles we all play, lies another set of edges entirely. These edges are where our Wild-Self meets and often clashes with our domesticated-self. The two are not happy bedfellows, in fact, they can be hostile, antagonistic and in conflict most of our lives if we fail to recognise and honor our Wild-Soul. If we continue to neglect and tame our Tiger, he will get angrier and angrier. Or, more depressed. His life force energy will either threaten to implode from within, or be so utterly drained of vitality that we can barely get through each day. It is these lesser known edges, these thresholds, gateways and entrances at each of these layers which now need our attention. Like the Goddess Inanna, we must venture forth to each door, knock and wait, patiently listening for guidance as to what needs to happen next. Which identity do we need to lay down? Which role, persona, complex needs to die in us? Which self-destructive attitude needs to be burnt to cinders in order to allow us to move forward? Which crown; which self-protective cloak, or long, heavy bag do we need to put down on the earth and accept we no longer need to carry this? At each of our Wild Soul’s edges we are challenged to drop some façade and reclaim a hitherto unknown part of ourselves in return. This might simply be the permission to allow ourselves to feel at last. Or it might be a long-buried talent that we need to dust off and polish, giving it daily attention and practice. It might also be our Tiger – our vitality, waiting to be fed, loved and yes, set free at last. Maybe at our final gateway, we meet our Tiger and we say to him: “Yes. Yes now you may run free” You may drink in the fresh air. You may feel the raging wind rustling your soft, silky coat. You can now let your instincts out with a roar, or a roll, or simply lie in the sunshine, basking in your new found freedom. Whatever you want to do; you may now do. I will no longer curtail you, or hold you back in anyway. I have set you free so that you and I can be me; at last”. To release our Wild-Soul we need to be brave enough to 30 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

venture to our wild edges. Visiting wild places undoubtedly accelerates this process, however we also need to find ways of doing this in our daily lives. In whatever way we can find that works for us, we need to locate each edge and ask: Do I want to continue fitting-in, which inherently involves supressing some feeling or action? Or do I want to let it out? Do I want to let myself bask here in the sunshine rather than complete another task today? Will I continue try to unconsciously please mother or father, or will I do what is right for me? Do I want to treat myself with love and tenderness, or will I constrain and force myself to perform, whip in hand ready to admonish at the slightest failure? Will I feed my Soul today, or will I neglect her again, focusing on work and busyness rather than beauty, wildness, freedom and truth? Each day is an opportunity to visit one of these thresholds and make these choices. The older we get I think the less willing we are to simply perform. Instead, the wildness within increases her calls to us to live a more authentic way of being, asking us to tap our instincts in each moment, and follow where our heart wants to take us today. Can you locate your Wild Edges? Have you found them yet? How do you decide whether to enter them or flee back to safety? How does it feel to decide to live with more freedom regardless of the potential consequences? Can you visualise your Tiger within – is she sad, mad or raging? Can you dare to set her free…?

e Angela Dunning is the author of The Horse Leads the Way: Honoring the True Role of the Horse in Equine Facilitated Practice. You can learn more about Angela; her work helping people and horses reclaim their wildness, and read more of her articles at: www. You can also connect with Angela on Facebook: |

Jill-Michele Meleรกn By Lisa Chesser

Photography by Josh Carmichael


Actress, comedienne, writer and producer, Cycle instructor, Group fitness coach and Personal Trainer, Vegan, activist for animals and grounded in spirituality

Some of us search for healing in herbal medicines, massages, faith, religion, doctors, and even hospitals. It always depends on our situation and the type of healing we seek. But, all of us know one thing for sure: Laughter is the best medicine. That’s why so many people adore Actress, Comedienne, Writer, and Producer Jill-Michele Meleán. Whether she’s standing on the stage, shining on the big screen, streaming on web, or instructing a cycling class, she’s lifting the spirits of those seeking a kind of refuge found in her world of deep love and laughter. Her latest

film “This is Meg” has put her in the spotlight once again. It’s a new feature film directed by Alex Ferrari (like her, a Miami native) written by and starring Jill-Michele Meleán. With one breath, Jill-Michele draws you into her world of hope and love still quaking with unrequited desire. So strong is her performance that the lighter, funnier moments bring comfort to those seeking the arms of laughter that hold you in a place of happiness and warmth.In this interview, she reveals her journey to becoming a beacon of hope and well-being while unveiling the joy of being Jill. 33 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e September 2017

Why do you want to be a comedienne? Why not just an actress? I found out early on in my childhood that if I make people laugh they leave me alone. Meaning my Grandma was always picking on me and I decided one day to dry hump her leg. She laughed and I had, as Oprah likes to call it, my “ah-ha” moment. It became an ongoing joke between us. The power of laughter is beyond a conventional Therapist. That stage is my therapy room and the audiences are my clients. The bizarre things that come out of my mouth are grounded in reality so we can all relate and heal with laughter.What made you go into writing and producing? I heard “This is Meg” will be streaming on HULU starting October 15, 2017. How did that happen? I wrote “This is Meg” after a tough pilot season out in Los Angeles. For those of you who don’t know what pilot season’s a bunch of hype and shattered dreams. I’m just kidding, but I’m also serious. It’s when all the networks are casting the new television shows in development. I was up for many and so close to signing a deal that would get me my mansion inBel Air. Well, that didn’t happen. So instead of going into a deep depression, the universe gave me a wonderful phone call from a director friend, Alex Ferrari. He was in a very similar vibration because some deals he had in the works fell through so the timing was perfect. He pretty much said, “I have the post production and cameras covered. You have actor friends and know how to write. Let’s make a movie.” So we got to work and “This is Meg” was born! What do you think makes your work different from other comediennes and actress' work? I wasn’t born into it. I was a little girl from Miami, and none of my family was in the entertainment business. I just had a burning desire in my gut since a kid to be in Hollywood. I would sneak out of my room at night and watch “Saturday Night Live,” “Benny Hill,” and “Mommy dearest.” I was a strange kid with lots of energy and a free spirit. I was told to get married and have kids because that’s what my family knew. But, television and theater was my true family and home. I didn’t know how I was going to get there but I knew I had to get there. I would lose myself during the day in episodes of “Golden Girls,” “I love Lucy,” and “The Carol Burnett Show” and that’s where I started developing my characters and impressions.

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Why are you pursuing cycling fitness training? What does that have to do with your comedy and your career? I grew up pretty fast and I’ve been the same size since I was a teenager. So the fear that I would be overweight as I got older was instilled in me. It was my mission for that to never be the truth. Plus, as a hyper active person...the gym is my outlet. Exerting all that energy helps me focus naturally. As I studied fitness and applied the knowledge, my body was/is a walking billboard for people that have injuries. I have no meniscus in my right knee from Martial Arts and I have multiple injuries from gymnastics and just being a goofball. I love working with clients that are injured because improv is my jam. Improvising new workouts for them specifically makes my heart smile. I love seeing people feel better and become confident. My trademark is “Intention workout.” I also believe that when you turn off the television and tune out the noise while working on self...the workouts are harder but more effective. It’s a self-love meditation that is appreciated beyond the gym. Why do you think being Vegan and working with animals makes a difference in your career and more importantly in your life? Animals are here for one thing. Love. No agenda. That’s why I adore them so much. Ranch Hand Rescue in Dallas, holds a special place in my soul. They take in animals that are limbless, disease and abused, giving them a new life. And if you don’t like animals...they help kids. Kids that can’t make progress in the conventional formats of therapy are sent there. The kids are informed about the abuse on the animals and feel safe opening up to the them, allowing healing to occur. It’s a beautiful charity and I encourage everyone do a little research on it Now Vegan, this is bit of a fun challenge. I was a Vegetarian for years and after all the working out, discipline and spiritual studies...I was still battling depression. My body craved a change from the inside out. YouTube, Netflix, HULU and all the sources of video streaming are your library 24/7. I became obsessed with the research on food and health. Every disease, every mood swing, every blemish stems from food. I cleaned out the trauma and happy to say that being Vegan is a better decision than Xanax. See more about “Jilly” at

35 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017


with Michael White Ryan


Model: Seth Nayes Photography by Jessie Buckley Fashion Design by Silversark Headdress by Black Iris Creations

By Michael White Ryan The linear world is shifting faster and faster. Speak to your inner being, am I ready, how will I ever experience, take notice, feel and become one with this on-coming alive time zone??? Thankfully the Divine Universe is gifting us opening portals of revelations, where the aware mind slips in unnoticed behind the walls of the subconscious mind to inform the ego “we are safely changing lanes�. As it is in nature, Feng Shui also has the ability to help mend the natural-human-world within, which has suffered mostly devoid of recognition, from the status quo, friendships, rejections and the million other experiences now acting out as residues at the helm!


The realizations are slowly coming home, confronting us, each and all, one by one, to the many layered facts… we are living in a world of unconscious consequences, self-conflicted internally and externally. That old wise saying “change your environment, change your universe” may have some valid truth to it! At the root of all the 2017 challenges are the forever questionings, what’s my purpose, which path do I follow, who will I listen to, which tradition, is it Zen, just be spiritual it will save you, think your way to enlightenment and the new band-wagon logic of become a start-up go out and save the world. These days we all know what’s best and the debates continually rage on, listen, you can hear the music of the snake charmers pungi in the background…. After decades of educating others, you reading this are the other. Understandings with time, sink deeper and new insights unfold into the depths of what Feng Shui holds within its complex simpleness. Feng Shui covers all manners of social, environmental and economic constructs that bind us to unforgiving patterns of self-evaluated truths. That is, it covers what we may know as the quantum possible/probable removal of said beliefs, by influencing the surrounding environment thus altering one’s conscious state of being. Yes, I know, ho hum, you know Feng Shui is about the placement of furniture and yes you are correct from an understanding of the little tiny mindfulless self. Here we stand, deeply rooted in the knowing of “who I am” or do I/we??? The question begs invitation! We are the stories of a mind possessed. Is it possible we are forever attached to this reality because we love the rawness of its density, it’s physicality, that touch, or is it the dream… we are in control. For me, the reveal, I have no idea either. We are playing in that which appears as a bottomless infinite field of quantum possible/probabilities. And yet deep, way deep down inside for some of us, we are aware there exists an unfamiliar uncertain knowing, there has to be another truth, as the song blares out “show me the way to San Jose and I’ll be there behind you”. When I think back on all the fable songs and stories we learnt at “don’t get me started” school, I think back to the story of The Pied Piper and I often reminis to myself, were we the mice!!! All I can say is, thank the big G for coffee and life moves, continually roles on, da da de dum. Thinking…it’s not such a great pastime, wouldn’t you agree? We live and search in a time which is at odds with

how to live responsibly and yet somehow manage to keep the comforts we have grown so accustomed with loving. I love that catch phrase, we married so as not to be separated from the all-encompassing social status, then we divorced to be happy!!! I overheard someone say just the other day, we must know suffering if we are ever to find enlightenment, I was thinking to myself, he can have my share. We have been so indoctrinated into this love for story…we have lost sight of any direction which can outside of tradition, beyond belief, validate the essence of the singular force of I-am. Sitting in meditation this morning, the person playing the crystal bowls mentioned she is often playing a role of “the critic”, it was pleasing to the ear. For us millennials who began to truly question everything back in the sixties, now know, you can have an open heart, love is all around, fall to our knees and ask to be……and yet, still you remain as this material soul. The ancient ones know, the door has been camouflaged. Blessings to one and all.

t Michael White Ryan is a co-founder with his wife Pamela Edwards of Language of Space. They are leaders in sustainable business growth via Performance Design and Performance Code. Sustainable design encompasses both Western and Eastern philosophies including advanced Feng Shui principles, Environmental Design, Buildings, Alternative Health, Business Advisory Consultants and 20 plus years as entrepreneurs. Recognized in the top 100 globally and are Americas Leading Feng Shui Business Consultants. They are on faculty at CEO Space International one of the oldest business organizations in America today, currently operate in 7 countries and reside in Henderson NV.

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38 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

An Actress, Writer, Director and Spiritual Prayer Dancer Jane Moore Sibbett is an American actress, writer, director, photographer, producer, advocate, and prayer dancer. While her most notable roles include Heddy on the Fox TV series Herman’s Head and Carol on the hit NBC sitcom Friends, Ross’ first and lesbian ex-wife, and though she has made two movies this year, and continues to write and direct, produce, and direct, Sibbett’s new gift -- Jane’s Dancing Hands -- is what is causing a bigger stir these days. In the last 7 years Sibbett traveled the world producing live events and documentaries – primarily empowering spiritually connected groups and individuals. After a surprising activation in May 2015 from Abdy, another gifted conduit of Source energy, Jane suddenly found her hands “dancing” in ways that have also begun helping others find peace, alignment, joy, unconditional love, even opening up abilities of self-healing in groups and individuals, and situations in what Sibbett calls a tide of purest Source energy.

Jane doesn’t call herself a healer for that suggests training and certification, but merely a vessel, a conduit, or a prayer dancer where harmonizing and healing in mind, body, emotions, and spirit can and often does occur during and after Dancing Hands sessions or events. Because that which happens when Jane’s hands automatically begin dancing defies tradition or definition – it is not reiki or tapping or anything like anything she or others know — her friends coined “Jane’s Dancing Hands” simply describing their motion, not what they do. How they connect with each person is as different every time as it is with every circle, ever rotation, every session, yet always bringing peace to all. To find out more about this gift which continues to delight and surprise Jane even after meeting and dancing with thousands all over the world, please explore: 40 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e October 2017


Live in the present moment…

Yes you can!

By Roxana Jones

Up until very recently, the meaning of living in the now was confusing to me. If you are reading this article you are probably familiarized with the concept of mindfulness and the importance of focusing on the present moment. Many of the spiritual and conscious leaders that are helping to bring positive change to the world consider that living in the now moment is the key to happiness. While I myself was learning to live in the present moment, often times I wondered how someone who could be experiencing an unbearable or painful situation in their lives, would want to stay in that now moment and be happy with it. I also questioned how could I recommend to any of my clients and readers who could be suffering deeply, to stay focused in the now moment when that moment was so… disappointing. The key to living in the now is within Lately, I have been able to understand that the now moment is not necessarily the external reality nor the circumstances or situations other people or myself live on a daily basis. Besides what our eyes can or cannot see, there is a now moment happening WITHIN ourselves. In other words, it is within you that everything is truly happening. From that “inner now moment” is from where you are able to keep or change your “external now moment.” This may sound simple but it is not easy to shift one’s attention from the exterior world and all its distractions into the inner world. If you are someone that is truly committed to changing your current external circumstances, you must learn how to go within and stay there on a daily basis for as long as you can.

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If you begin focusing on what is going on within, you will soon realize there is no such thing as a future because in that “inner now moment” you can live ANY reality you may wish. This inner reality I am writing about is what we wrongly understand as future. In other words, the so-called future is something that is always emanating from within your own Self, even when you are not conscious of this process. Can you imagine the power you have to transform your life once you understand this fully and completely? If you are able to ignore and disconnect yourself from that which you do not like in your external reality, you can truly have the most beautiful, loving and abundant “inner now moment.” As a consequence of this inner now experience you can begin practicing right away, your external reality will begin shifting and will begin manifesting whatever you are envisioning on the inside. This is the law, in fact, a very ancient one practiced by the leaders of the most successful civilizations that have existed on Earth and known as the principle of correspondence.

'Oh, what a ride this life has been, but look at me now, it’s been so worth it! I can’t believe I am able to feel so happy!' Close your eyes and walk along that enchanting beach for as long as you can." Open your eyes whenever you are ready. This is what the inner now moment is all about. If you did the exercise correctly, you will realize you can disconnect from your outer reality while you are creating another reality completely independent from what your eyes can see. This is how many of the greatest men and women have used, or are using the now moment to create their successful lives. They simply dedicate a great part of their time to staying in that inner now moment that is constantly bringing them the external results they intend.

Are you ready to see how this now moment that is not necessarily happening outside of yourself looks and feels like?

This is the great news. If you discipline the negative talk coming from the ego mind and you are able to stay in your inner now moment being the protagonist of your dream on a daily basis for as long as you can, your dream will definitely manifest in the outer. Do not ever forget that “as within, so without.”

A guided meditation to help you live in the now Find a place and time where you won’t be distracted for at least five minutes.

Are you ready to experience your best inner now moment and keep practicing it until your eyes can see it and your hands touch it?

“Imagine yourself walking along a peaceful and pristine beach while you listen to the sound of the waves caressing your feet, as they are embraced by moist and smooth sand. It is early in the morning and there is no one else but you. The sun begins to show its splendid red and orange hues while you smile seductively at the same time that you arrange your hair trying to control the playful wind. You feel so amazing! You feel like a new person! You really don’t know how did you get to that state of happiness but you simply feel successful and triumphant beyond words and you don’t want to let go of that wonderful feeling. You can even feel your watery eyes as your body continues inundated by gratitude and joy. You have made it! You have been able to have all that you have wished for. There is nothing else to desire because right now, you are everything and you have everything! You congratulate yourself over, and over again and you think to yourself:

Until next time!

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, Roxana Jones and Arnaud Saint-Paul are successful copreneurs and philanthropists who have been working together since 2009. Through their different online ventures, Roxana and Arnaud empower individuals and businesses through the common goal of promoting the growth and expansion of positivity around the world. Up to now, Roxana and Arnaud have inspired 40M people on social media and their HealThruWords® online community counts with 200,000+ members. Please visit

Be Mindful, Be Heartful, Be Empowered

Roxana Jones Arnaud Saint-Paul

45 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

The Eden Magazine November 2016 issue re-look of Kate Younger Designs with Dina Morrone feature. Kate Younger provided all the accessories for this issue feature

Kate Younger’s early love of fashion, art and contemporary lifestyle inspired her to start her own accessory company. Her unique pieces were featured in “The Canadian Festival of Fashion” and appeared in magazines like ”Vanity Fair”, “The Hong Kong Tattler” and “The Toronto Star” where she was discovered by the now media mogul Bonnie Fuller. With a keen sense for fashion and the talents of a stylist, makeup artist and photographer, Kate has worked with an array of prestigious clients. These range from International Airlines and Beer Companies to the innovative Vidal Sassoon where she collaborated with his artistic directors to open their first salon and academy in Hong Kong, China. Located amongst the Hollywood buzz, explores a new relationship between jewelry and accessories for both men and women. All of her hip collections like “So Cal Beauties” “City Nights” and the “Hipsters” are handmade and employ fine Italian and Equestrian craftsmanship. The new-patented technique allows for designer fabrics and skins to be crafted into lightweight sculptural jewelry, styled with gems, precious metals, studs and cording. Katescuffs coordinate with your boots, belts and handbags in the same trending colors of each season and features edgy pieces from Sportswear to Red Carpet Couturier.

48 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e Octoberr 2017


with Margaret Tomaszewicz



When the temperature drops, do the skin care swaps. As I am writing this article the signs of approaching fall and winter months are all around me. I experience colder morning and evening temperatures that require me to put on a warm robe and slippers. The leaves on the trees outside my window are changing colors. My favorite stores now have cozy coats, sweaters and Halloween decorations for sale. So as we are going to change the wardrobe in our closets, there is a real need to “ winterize“ your skin. As soon as we turn on the heaters in our houses, our skin begins to dry out. The skin is losing moisture and begins to flake and crack. Some people develop dry and irritating eczema spots on their skin.

Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acids that actually pull hydration from the environment. Good moisturizers will also contain jojoba, safflower oil, avocado oil, vitamin E and PCA to lock in moisture. Avoid creams and any products with artificial fragrance or colors and parabens as those chemicals irritate and dry our skin even more. Stick with natural and certified organic products that are cruelty free and environmentally friendly. A couple of other tips for keeping your skin looking good during colder months is to hydrate your body by drinking water and installing humidifiers throughout your home to keep the air moist.

So what is the solution? Lets start with cleansing, exfoliating and toning.

Choosing a correct skin care routine can be a challenge. Salespeople in stores are not necessarily skilled to properly choose corrects products for you. That is why the best person that can analyze your skin type and best advise a proper skin care regimen is your esthetician.

Once your skin becomes dry, it is time to change your foaming cleansers to mild creamy ones that will not strip the skin from hydrating layers.

I hope my advice will help you look forward to the fall a nd winter seasons with soft, glowing and supple looking skin!

Although we still occasionally need to exfoliate, it is important to avoid harsh peels and masks that contain clay or alpha hydroxyl. It is better to use a non-chemical, natural, gentle enzyme mask that still remove dead skin cells but do not cause irritation. Ditch any alcohol toners and switch to the ones that replenish moisture. Look for spritz toners that contain Aloe Vera, Rose water and E vitamins.

To your health! Margaret

It is crucial to start using more serums and creams. During summer we were able to get away with using just light moisturizers and sunscreens. That is no longer enough. The first step after cleansing and toning is to use proper serums. Serums that contain hyaluronic acids and peptides can penetrate into deeper layers of our skin, both hydrating and plumping the skin from inside. Second is to seal the skin with a moisturizer. Moisture and oils are two different ingredients. Your moisturizer does not have to be oily and extremely heavy. It does need to contain natural ingredients that bring hydration and protection from harsher environments.

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f Margaret Tomaszewicz is a licensed esthetician with over 25 years of experience. She is the owner of European Skin and Massage Studio in Santa Monica, California and has developed the Organic WODA European Natural Skin Care Line. Her products are available on and on For every product sold WODA Skin Care plants a tree. Margaret can be reached at 424-279-9771 or


Cat & Kitten for adoption

Cats At The Studios, Inc is a non profit rescue organization comprised entirely of volunteers. We are dedicated to nurturing, neutering/spaying, and finding a good homes for abononed cats and Kitten. We are looking for volunteers and help please contact us at

Photo by Tolly P.

52 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November r 2017

Easing Fear in Children By Brent Feinberg

Children early on in life are extremely perceptive and receptive, possibly more than most adults realize. We have all heard the term-children are like sponges. This statement is very accurate. Children observe their parents or primary caregivers with hawk like precision to learn the behaviors they will adopt into their own lives. After growing up I told my mother – “I never listened to a word you said but I observed everything you did and from your actions and who you are as a person, I derived much of my character.” Who you are speaks so loudly no one hears what you are saying, is an expression I find fitting. Many of the fears that parents have and try to hide from their children are not quite hidden. Emotional fears, financial, or any fear at all is picked up upon by children. The good news is that fear is normal. We all have fears and knowing that they are normal and are not shameful is the first step in letting them go. Growing up most of us think our parents are superhuman not having the burden of fear or worry, until later on in life we find out this is usually the opposite in case and matter. So many children go to school in fear and put on a brave face trying to hide their fear from their peers. This is

a learnt behavior from adults around them. After we know and understand the normality of fear, we can openly discuss this with the children in our lives to empower them to demystify fear. Showing our children our vulnerability and speaking about personal fears as apposed to pretending to be strong and hiding them can greatly enhance their emotional intelligence and improve their own ability to deal with fears. Pinpointing the exact fear that we have is the next step in easing our fears and those of children. We cannot triumph over an enemy we do not know. So we must be specific when it comes to our fears. Common fears are the fear of being left out, fear of being alone, fear of failure, fear of losing ones possessions and many more. It is through introspection that we must come to know our true Self as well as the fears that we hold within that stand in the way of the expression of our true Self. Our best Selves are free from worry and anxiety that are fear driven. Once we know what our fears are, we then can make more conscious choices to implement actions and tools that can free us.

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Moving through fear is not always an easy process. It is most rewarding. In life to rise to challenges we all often need motivation or inspiration. When it comes to freeing our minds from the limitation of fear, we certainly will need a reason to confront this darkness. The greatest cause a child or person can have to overcome fears or challenges in life, is the profound light that is their inner dream. Dreams that come from within and not prescribed by society or our parents are linked with a person’s passion and purpose in life. These dreams are extremely important and create the fire that churns the engine of the individual person throughout their life, inspiring them to live and create a life worth loving. Fear is the opposite of love and therefore living the life of your dreams has no room for fear in it. When we are put strongly in touch with our dreams and life purpose all challenges and fears are surmountable to achieve our goals. There are many ways to confront our fears if we choose to and other ways of reducing fear by bringing a peaceful and un-stressing influence to the mindbody complex. Creating a home environment that is peaceful and nurturing, helps immensely in the development of children and in their perception of self. I did not grow up in a peaceful home. There was a great deal of fighting, shouting and anger. This created a lot of fear, uncertainty and stress in me as a child that later turned into anxiety and anger. Having overcome this, I now know how important it is to have a home setting where children can feel safe and calm. It is worthwhile giving children a good foundation and building upon it instead of having them dig deep and work through negative emotions later on in life as I did. Embracing kindness and compassion into the home for children to see in the way we speak and relate to others will influence them in a positive way and creates a peaceful home. A child’s interaction while at home with parents is pivotal. Quality time. So much can be said about the value of quality time spent with a child. This is face to face interaction without the distraction of multi-media i.e. Televisions, iPad etc. It is reassuring for children to know that their parents are there and present in their lives. Spending time with your child will connect you in a way that gives you insight into their lives. You can communicate better with each other and understand what they might be experiencing on a day to day basis. In this time you can encourage them to develop imagination and to

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go within and dream. If you want a life worth loving you need to be able to imagine it before you can create it. The more quality time you spend together the more secure children feel and if they are experiencing fear you can be aware and be there to ease it and comfort them. Children might not always be able to express emotions verbally so knowing your child and their behavior is essential for true understanding. A healthy sense of danger is important and this is not what I am referring to when I speak of fear in any sense. Life is precious, treat yourself with care, nurture and take of your mind body and soul, teach this to your children. Be aware that what we put out into our environment and into our bodies is what we experience. If you and your child create joy around you by being kind, compassionate and friendly, the world will respond to you in this way. Inciting fear in others will create fear in your own life. Take the school bully for example it is out of the absence of love and fear in their own lives that results in frustration and the mistreating of peers. Remember love and joy are the polar opposite of fear so try to incorporate these qualities into everything around you.

n BRENT FEINBERG is a best-selling children's book author from South Africa and is an integrative healer and practitioner in consciousness-based health care. Beginning his training at the young age of 13, he is now a triple Reiki Master, a Body Talk Practitioner, yoga teacher and well-known speaker. Passionate about empowering children and youth in order for them to live healthy fulfilled lives, Brent is a gentle soul driven to make a positive change in the world. He is a Author and Creative Force of With Love From Freddie

STORYBOOK THEATRE Award Winning Children’s Theater

Storybook Theatre is a treasure of Children’s Theatre, and is now in its 35th year of entertaining children and adults in the Los Angeles area. Lloyd and Barbara Schwartz are the brains, heart, and soul, of this project. After the birth of their first son, Andrew, Lloyd and Barbara noticed a shortage of quality children’s theatre in the Los Angeles area and decided to do something about it. Lloyd wrote the book, music, and lyrics, and directed their first children’s musical, “Little Red Riding Hood.” They rented the park auditorium near their house, and the play sold out immediately. It was such a success that legendary Theatre West ( asked them to bring their play to the company. They are the only resident Actors Equity theatre in the city of Los Angeles. Storybook Theatre’s unique participatory interactive musicals have delighted over a half million children in the Los Angeles area playing on Saturdays and with special field trips to schools and various charities including Concern 2, which supports children with Cancer and Autism Speaks. The reviews over the years have been outstanding. “The Los Angeles Times,” said: “Storybook Theatres” appeal over all these years is its “Unscary, playful theatrical setting and a good-natured invitation for young children to become part of a familiar story. Nobody does it better!” “L.A. Parent Magazine” declared Storybook Theatre “The Best Children’s Theatre in the city,” “Los Angeles Magazine,” said, “Storybook Theatre is one of the 200 reasons not to leave Los Angeles.” Barbara and Lloyd pride themselves on the fact that their plays are nonviolent and contain messages that make parents happy to accompany their children to the theater. Each of their eighteen original musical productions is a retelling of a famous story or a theme that provides immediate familiarity for their young audiences. Storybook Theatre’s catalog of plays includes Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Aladdin, Jack and The Beanstalk, The Pied Piper, just to name a few. One of the aspects of Storybook Theatre plays is their appeal to the audience’s imagination. They are presented with colorful costumes, but the sets are minimal. The songs are sung to professional tracks, and each play has only four or five performers and travels easily. Each show takes into account the attention span of the audience and runs fifty minutes to an hour with an intermission. Storybook Theatres current production is The Ugly Duckling. You can catch the show on Saturday’s at 1pm and runs until March 3, 2018 Theatre West, 3333 Cahuenga Blvd. Los Angles, 90068 *For tickets, bookings for Schools or Charities call: (818) 761 2203 55 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

Message from the Goddess Mother



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My Beloved Children of Heart, “It is with great pleasure that I greet you this day. I have an important message of hope that will lift your hearts. The Wonderful World you dwell upon is undergoing great changes. You are a part of these changes. Change can bring experiences that may be unpleasant and yet you will be able to move through them.

Your nature is of evermore love and joyfulness. As you focus on the dreams of your heart, the vision becomes more real to you. This then leads you to knowing that you can indeed have and live the blessings of your dreams. You are a great master of love in the process of remembering your divine authentic truth and nature. It is time for you now and always to remember more. You are ready.

Let the old energy, thoughts and patterns that are based on fear and lack release. Allow yourselves to open up to a grand view of lighter possibilities.

Allow yourself to entertain thoughts of happy possibilities. What if I can really life my dreams? What if my world can really be Heaven on Earth?

You are at an important time in your life. Your choices and how they affect your experience are being shown to you ever more so than before.

I share with you today My Beloveds, that it is your destiny to remember who you are. It is your destiny to remember you are a great master of love.

This allows you an opportunity to remember your sacred truth. Within that truth is the knowledge of your innate nature and abilities to create lighter realities.

Let me share with you a story of remembering. Many years ago there was a little girl. She was born to a loving family and grew up as did many other children, raised by loving parents.

You have always been an active participant in creating your personal and collective realities. Now, more than ever before you will see, sense and feel the power of your choice of thoughts and actions. You can create easier in the new lighter Earth energies that are now available. Focus your desires from your heart, which flavors these choices with a greater vision of wisdom and a knowing of the divine plan you have devised with the Creator for your life.

One day she was out playing in her backyard garden. She loved to be out in the sunshine, in nature. On this day she had a visit from an angel. The angel appeared as a beautiful young girl. They became playmates. Each day as the young girl went to her favorite place to play in the garden, the angel would appear. They played and had such fun.

It is time to reconnect with yourself in greater awareness. Can you feel the joy this brings to your heart as you hear these words!

The joy she experienced was reflected in her smile, as she loved to smile. She loved life and would love to smile at all the people she would meet during her daily life.

Imagine now a new focus. Picture the new realities you would love to experience. Let go of what appears as a reality filled with issues and for the moment focus on the dream world you would love to live within.

One day she decided to share her story about her friend to her Mother. This news was not accepted very well. Her mother had some fear-based thoughts and concerns about her being judged and not accepted by others if she shared this. Fear based beliefs and perceptions that her mother held as well as were held by humanity influenced her response. So she counseled her daughter to not speak about this anymore.

As you shift your focus to the greater vision, you will feel a lessoning of your fears and concerns. The power of choice of focus is within your hands. It is your divine right. Perceptions will change as your focus is shifted toward a brighter vision. What seem like a hopeless situation restores to a vision of hope and possibilities.

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Well the little girl was upset and felt bad that she had upset her mother. So she kept this all to herself for a while.

Then one day at a Sunday school class she shared about her angel friend with her teacher, thinking she would understand as the lesson that day was about angels. Again she was met with fear and a rebuking and told not to speak about such nonsense for how could a young child have an angel visit her? The young girl was saddened by this. So she began to comply and to forget about her angel friend. Through the years, she buried this sweet experience deeply and went into forgetting it completely. Years later a wonderful thing happened. She began to wake up to a greater understanding of herself. She learned how to release and let go of old beliefs and perceptions that were not aligned with her truth. As she did so, she remembered more and more. Layers of old stories and formatting were shifted out. Her vision of herself became more clear and brighter. The memory of her angel friend came back to her, along with many other precious experiences. The veils of forgetting fell off. She reconnected to her truth and her soul purpose. Oh the joy that filled her heart as the lights came on. There was no judgment about her mother or the teacher, for she knew that they acted out of their own beliefs and perceptions at the time. For you see we have all been living lives based on beliefs and perceptions that have kept our truth hidden from us. It is time for the truth to shine ever so brightly in your life and the lives of the We of us of Earth. We can let the past go and embrace our present moment in an open way, and be ready to have the truth revealed to us in grace. Celebrate My Beloveds for much has been and is being offered to assist you to release the veils of forgetting. Let the light shine into your heart and feel the sweetness. You are great Masters of love. Remember who you are and savor the journey. There is greatness in you. Each of us are part of our family of love. Together we create the grand masterpiece of Our Heaven on Earth. Shamon”

With great love, Your Beloved Mother

x FREE CLASS: As a Gift I am offering you a Free Tele- Class, “Remember Who you are”. -Restore pathways to remembering the truth of yourself using the tools of SVH, a prayer modality that can shift the old stories, old beliefs and perceptions that are not relevant to your truth. -Receive tools that you can utilize in your life to further free yourself from the veils of forgetting -Take a journey to meet your true self and receive a priceless gift You will leave this class filled a greater vision of yourself and what is now possible for you. This class is a great joy bringer! Note: Register by subscribing by email at: (if the time is not convenient, register to receive the recording when available)

Jan Diana is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and master practitioner. Her mission is to assist clients & students in creating harmony, balance, heightened levels of clarity, develop innate gifts & abilities, empowering them on their personal evolution to create the dreams of their heart. She utilizes several modalities including SVH L3M, Animal healing, GHM, Language of love, Reiki Master, and more. Free meditation journeys, articles, & classes. Sessions and Classes by phone. You can reach her at website or by email

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Actress, Producer, Creator of Ni-Brand Fine Jewelry Jewelry from an Unlikely Source By Lisa M. Berman

What do jewelry and politics have in common? Usually not much, if it weren't for the incredibly fortuitous launch timing of the NOT INTERESTED brand. It’s as if the jewelry collection was created overnight in response to one of the most contentious topics in the media today. Neva Cole, the first time jewelry designer admits, ”my jewelry was forged in bitterness, yet full of resilient spirit”. The idea was incubated during the last two-years based on not one, but several reoccurring incidents that Cole, like so many other women, has endured throughout her career. The jewelry represents their collective story. Beyond her obvious beauty, Neva Cole possess a quiet magnetic quality and swiftly infuses you with her insightful charm and wit sourced from intelligence. Cole has cultivated an impressive career in the entertainment industry as an actress, producer, founder of Reciprocity Films in Los Angeles and is on the production team of represented by William Morris Endeavor. During her tenure in an industry, that is notorious for unscrupulous behavior, Cole tells us, “I have endured very uncomfortable advances, involving delusional behavior and sudden inappropriate actions. It exists everywhere”. While in transition as a single Mother, support60 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

ing her then 3 year old daughter, she was shocked when, “A job that presented itself as an opportunity for financial stability, turned into a nightmare. It crushed me and left me floundering in many ways. This was not the first time I had been objectified. However, it was personally, the most devastating”. And so the unlikely jewelry designer was born. In the aftermath of the demise, she found herself with friends sharing "war stories" about their past and this kind of treatment. They could all relate to some capacity and knew men that were not immune to this harassment. At home, the idea was still omnipotent, as their collective stories swirled in her head. After some reflection, Neva began to settle into a calm realization of self - keeping track of the wounds, and more importantly the resilience and stories of hope. “Resilience is a choice." Pulling from positive role models from her childhood growing up in the Mid-West, she says, “I’ve been fortunate to be able to choose resilience. I want to influence people to multiply their own resilience and be an example to those around them”. Through her jewelry’s message, her goal is to literally “turn wounds into wisdom”.

Sterling Silver Earrings with matching Bracelet Photography by Allen Kamai 61 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e September 2017

Faced with the question of, “How can I contribute to stand up against this bad behavior?” Still raw and quietly raging, Cole quickly got to work on the solution. Keying into the natural human instinct of fight or flight response, she threw out the idea that “brass knuckles would do the trick. It would be a great deterrent for those that dared to approach with ulterior motives!". Cole began to draw swirling lines on the page as furiously as the words of the stories ran through her mind. The swirling began to take shape as she configured the NOT INTERESTED symbol, “wanting to create a subtle, yet distinctly strong logo that truly speaks a visual message”. The symbol, sometimes mistaken for being Celtic in origin, was fused solely from the heart and soul of the designer, and adds, “I wanted it to spark a conversation that reminds us of the power of our actions”. There's a unique dichotomy that occurs especially between the metal of the "knuckle" ring and the delicate scroll of the logo. The boldly elegant packaging adds to the overall striking presentation, with each luxurious black lacquer box encapsulating a King’s wax seal folded scroll, inscribed with the brand’s symbol and message which reads, “it represents one's value of character, integrity and a reminder of one's standard of living”. Being a mother is a flowing source for inspiration for Neva who is exceedingly “mindful of that role”. I want my jewelry to be a source of inspiration. Never give up. Always get better and remain NOT INTERESTED in anything less”. Just as the objectification of women (and men) is a massive global issue with the nucleus of the epidemic seemingly rooted in Hollywood, the solution will most likely be found in the soul source of the individual. Neva is emotional about her journey, “The amount of support I received from people to make this endeavor possible is amazing. From inception to production (which is made in Los Angeles), the support from those who immediately connected with my story, brand, purpose, and message is astounding! It's through building healthy relationships that we truly achieve collectively”. Lisa M. Berman, a jewelry expert and Visionary Proprietor of the Sculpture to Wear Gallery adds, “What better way to convey an important message daily than by wearing exquisitely designed jewelry? It doesn't shrink in the dryer and one size really does fit all”.

That's what people see and what stays with them. It's not our job to straighten each other out , but to lift each other up. It starts within. Be the finest example for yourself first, shine and be an example for others”. “Love, heal, learn, grow, share, repeat”. This will certainly be the new anthem to Eat, Pray, Love. The writer requests that you, “wear jewelry that matters”.

Pleasantly surprised by the adventure her jewelry has lead her on, Neva says, “I let go of the anger and shifted to a higher and more purposeful place in my mind after a crisis. That 'shift' made all the difference and started a process of healing, creativity and of growth. What you do, your example - is always the loudest and strongest in your life.

The men and women’s collection is available in sterling silver from $450-$650, and in 18k yellow, rose and black gold from $1,600 to $4,500. Platinum and custom pieces with gemstones are also available. A portion of sales will be donated to charities in alignment with The EDEN Magazine.

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Sterling Silver Vertical Pendant & Men's Brushed Sterling Silver Cufflinks Photo: Gil Benzeevi Photography

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What are emotions and what purpose do they serve? By Dr. Nauman Naeem

In his fascinating book, Healing From The Inside Out: Overcome Chronic Disease And Radically Change Your Life, Dr. Nauman Naeem explains the truth and meaning behind our emotions and what role they play in our lives Emotions are one of the most complex entities to explain in words. They are how the mind communicates with your Higher Self and are felt directly in the body. For example, if you are walking down the street and a stranger approaches you and asks for your wallet, you will feel fear. Immediately, signals are sent to your brain, and your hypothalamus is alerted to signal your autonomic nervous system, which activates your sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system prepares your body to deal with the danger by increasing your heart rate, and hence your cardiac output to increase oxygen delivery to your skeletal muscles. It also constricts the blood vessels to your internal organs, such as those of your digestive system, which are not needed to deal with the immediate threat. Your pupils also dilate to enhance your vision during the threat. The sympathetic nervous system also stimulates the adrenal glands to release cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine into the circulation. This results in the “fightor-flight" response, which is manifested by an increase in heart rate, dilatation of the bronchial airways, and an increase in the metabolic rate, which helps you to respond effectively to whatever is threatening you. This example shows how emotions, fear in this case, are experienced in the body.

But what are emotions? What role do they play in our lives? Emotions are the language of the soul. They are experienced in the physical body, because the body is the vehicle through which our souls experience life on Earth. Because we have such a wide range of experiences in our earthly lives, we have a wide range of emotions we can feel. Often these emotions are not distinct but form a spectrum, much like how pure light can be refracted into different wavelengths of colors after passing through droplets of rain. Our emotions can range from utter despair and desolation to unbridled ecstasy, and everything in between. Emotions are what give our life experiences meaning, but they are very subjective and are not an absolute. For example, you may perceive the loss of your job as devastating because it was the only source of your income. However, if you take a step back and put this into perspective, you will start to realize that your job was not fulfilling, you did not get along with your boss, and were anxious the entire time you were at work. So although you lost the only source of your income, it was probably the best thing that could have happened to you because it was not what you were born to do and was sucking the life out of you. This loss freed up your time to pursue your true passion and discover your life’s mission.

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You can see how our emotions are subjective. So even though emotions are what give our life experiences meaning, it is important to note that it is the meaning we ascribe to these experiences that is subjective. The problem arises when we take these emotions as an absolute truth and fail to look for the deeper significance of the experiences that generated them. What follows from this is that there is no such thing as a negative emotion. What, you say? Did I hear that right? Yes you did. Let me repeat that profound truth. There never has been and never will be such a thing as a negative emotion. So how can such emotions such as sadness, grief, despair, depression, shame, regret, anger, hatred, jealousy, rage, and fear be perceived as anything but negative? I will try to shed some light on this issue.

and our highest levels of intention. On the flipside, when we feel joy, peace, compassion, or ecstasy, it is a confirmation and a celebration of who we truly are. The problem arises when we interpret our emotions as an absolute truth and not a reminder of where we lack understanding or an affirmation of our true nature. This usually happens when we have an emotionally intense experience that makes us feel uncomfortable. In these situations, we often suppress those emotions because of how they make us feel.

They key here is that our emotions are our soul’s experience of life situations felt in the body. If what we experience is perceived as negative, then it simply means that we have a false sense of being incomplete or lacking something. This happens as a result of how we interpret events in our lives. But our souls can never be incomplete or lacking, because they are whole and complete by nature. For example, if an intimate relationship suddenly comes to an end, we may feel sad because we feel a loss of love. But this is a false perception because love is our souls’ true nature, so it is something we can never lose. We simply perceive a loss of love because our soul experiences union with another soul in the physical plane through the medium of a relationship. This is a relative experience, with the absolute truth being that your true nature is that of unconditional love. I will delve more deeply into this in an upcoming chapter. So if this is true, why do we feel sad when a relationship ends? It is because we have not yet realized our true essence as love, so the feeling is necessary to alert us that there is something greater that we have yet to understand or realize about ourselves. In fact, this is the purpose of all of our emotions. Another example is the emotion of anger, which is usually experienced when something unexpected happens to us or something we are expecting to happen does not happen. The truth of the matter is that there is nothing that can happen to us that we did not intend at a higher level of being. We only experience unexpected events as such due to a lack of insight into our multidimensional nature 66 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

m Dr. Nauman Naeem specializes in critical care, pulmonary medicine, and palliative care. His unique insights into healing stem from caring for tens of thousands of chronically and critically ill patients for nearly two decades. He lives with his wife and three children in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Healing From the Inside Out ISBN 9781844097364, Findhorn Press, Distributed by Legato Publishers Group (a division of Ingram Content Group)


Style Fashion Week Immerses Los Angeles in Fashion, Art and Music By Carley Schumann Photography by Sheri Determan

Style Fashion Week Los Angeles immersed guests in a mesmerizing week of must-see runway shows, exclusive art installations and unforgettable live performances. The week began at Avenue LA, with an elite opening reception hosted by Notorious Pink Rose. Guests attending the opening reception could find bottles of Notorious Pink atop VIP tables, stocked behind bars and flowing through the glasses of designers, models, celebrities and socialites. The premiere party set the tone for an exciting week of events to follow. Style Fashion Week began on October 12th, with the Pacific Design Center, new home to WeWork, as the backdrop for the events. Night one of Style Fashion Week opened with the eccentric designs of Adriana Sahar’s collection, “Super Nova.” Her collection was followed by the cutting-edge designs of Merlin Castel, whose collection was inspired by The Last Jedi, painted the runway in liquid rose pinks and shimmering blacks. Ending the first set of shows was a never-before-seen collection by Andre Emery, who opened the collection with a performance by Julian Brooks and Syd B. Emery excited the starstudded audience, sending prominent social influencers such as including Kate Compton, and Hanna (Barbie) Both down the runway. A special appearance from the Mayor of West Hollywood, John Heilman, kicked off the second set of shows as he celebrated the fashion, art, entertainment and culture that Style Fashion Week brings to the WeHo each year. He announced Style Fashion Week as the Official Fashion Week of West Hollywood. Following the announcement were the debut looks of Salas Activewear and the Rock n’ Roll Fantasy collection of Nikki Lund. Friday night at Style Fashion Week drew a crowd, as the looks of international designers swarmed the runway. Kicking off the night were the glamour-queen inspired designs of KK Swimwear. Following KK Swimwear was Michelle Ann, who fearlessly made her way to Los Angeles to showcase her designs after facing the devastation of hurricane Maria in her home of Puerto Rico. Her collection was inspired by the elegance and beauty of Castle Santa Catalina in Puerto Rico—but what was truly inspiring was her perseverance and grace in the times of hardship. Closing the first segment of shows were the couture 68 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

childrens’ designs of Ydamys Simo. Moods of Norway opened the second set of runway shows, the show appropriately drawing inspiration from the film Friday the 13th. Moods of Norway’s polished collection was followed by the incredible works of Project Runway All Star’s Sonjia Williams. Closing the night was Mario De La Torre, whose models gracefully floated down the runway in all white donning is collection, City of Angels.” Saturday night at Style Fashion Week began with a moving tribute to the veterans and homeless communities of the United States of America. The Brenner Foundation, who is the official charity partner of Style Fashion Week commenced the night with a rendition of the National Anthem, sang by Melody Federer. Christine Brenner moved the audience, discussing the mission of the Brenner Foundation, which is “to motivate, inspire and transform individuals, corporations and organizations by creating awareness to

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mobilize support to a national community of patriotic corporations and organizations by creating awareness to mobilize support to a national community of patriotic individuals for the benefit of our Veterans and homeless.” Christine’s speech led into a presentation by Angela Luna of ADIFF. ADIFF develops “outerwear that is multifunctional and transformable, we can be sure to meet the needs of the wearer - whether it is for a casual hike in the woods, strolling through the city, or helping someone survive.” Luna celebrated the strategic partnership with Style Fashion Week and the Brenner Foundation by announcing a donation of ten tent jackets for homeless veterans. The night pushed forward—Chicago Playground opening the 7:00PM shows, as the collegiateinspired designs of Rodnell ‘KID’ Harris flooded the runway. The collection drew inspiration from cultural avenues such as sports, music and African culture. Chicago Playground was followed by the dazzling collection of Links by Gwen, whose metallic designs lit up the night. Closing out the first set of shows were the oriental designs of Honee. The 9PM shows opened with an extravagant collection by David Tupaz. The designs drew inspiration from ancient Imperial dynasties of the Ming and the Qing dynasty, periods of history that exuded lavish ostentation, where women became powerful and were viewed as living works of art. Following David Tupaz was a collection by Richard Hallmarq. Closing the third night of Style Fashion Week was Draya Michele’s Mint Swim SS18 collection. Models paraded down the runway in the hottest looks for SS’18. The final night of Style Fashion Week began with a performance by Synai, leading in to a collection by Rulli Torres. Rulli Torres was followed by the collections of Savee Couture, I.C. Isabella Designs and Ellae Lisque. Guests, designers, models, and artists stayed hydrated throughout the event with Essentia water. Attendees were treated to live art installations, as TNT Agency brought the works of the Popovy Sisters to life, turning models into living fashion dolls. The works of John Paul Fauves were additionally found being brought to life, as models donning the eccentric masks mixed amongst the crowd. The second run of shows opened with an elegant collection by Valerie Kovalska, followed by the designs of Grace Moon. Romeo & Juliet Couture—a contemporary collection, offering over 200 new styles on a monthly basis, closed the 7PM shows. Their collection drew inspiration from glam rock and Victorian influences, elevating monthly basis, closed the 7PM shows. Their collection drew inspiration from glam rock and Victorian influences, elevating the ordinary to extraordinary and empowering women with youthful eccentricity. Guests mixed and mingled in anticipation for the Marco Marco finale collection. Marco custom designs down the runway on stunning gender fluid models. Notable models including James Charles, 70 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2017

Brandon Pereyda, Laith Ashley, Ongina and more strutted down the runway, engaging the audience in the shocking designs of Collection Six ½. Throughout the four-day event, Style Fashion Week and Vezt Inc’s exciting new partnership brought fashion and music industry professionals together throughout the series of shows. Vezt’s app allows artists choose percentages of the rights to their songs to offer for sale to fans, friends, rights-buyers and brands through an app-based platform that employs blockchain technology to track and collect royalty income. Vezt presented a performance by Riot Child on the first night of shows. This performance was followed by performances by Amanda Holley, Zander Bleck, Julian Brooks & Syd. B, STASH, China Dolls, Arielle, Bangz, and more throughout the week. Celebrities including Stephen Rivkin with his wife Dina Morrone, Victoria Justice, AzMarie Livingston, Celeste Thorson, Marco Antonio Solice, James Maslow, Johannes Bartl, Charisse Mills, Lucas Yancey, Harvey Guillen, Kim Glass, Jasmine Goode Colin Egglesfield, Adam Lambert, and Gretchen Rossi could be found on the red carpet, mixing onexclusive VIP decks and sitting front row throughout the shows.

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The final night of Style Fashion Week brought enticing fashions to the runway, exclusive interactive art installations and sensational live performances. The night began with a performance by Synai, leading in to a collection by Rulli Torres. Rulli Torres was followed by the collections of Savee Couture, I.C. Isabella Designs and Ellae Lisque. Guests, designers, models, and artists stayed hydrated throughout the event with Essentia water. Attendees were treated to live art installations, as TNT Agency brought the works of the Popovy Sisters to life, turning models into living fashion dolls. The works of John Paul Fauves were additionally found being brought to life, as models donning the eccentric masks mixed amongst the crowd. Style Fashion Week and Vezt Inc’s exciting new partnership brought fashion and music industry professionals together throughout the series of shows. Vezt’s app allows artists choose percentages of the rights to their songs to offer for sale to fans, friends, rights-buyers and brands through an app-based platform that employs blockchain technology to track and collect royalty income. Guests enjoyed performances by Zander Bleck and STASH throughout the night.

The second run of shows opened with an elegant collection by Valerie Kovalska, followed by the designs of Grace Moon. Front row seats were lined with LA Confidential magazines. Romeo & Juliet Couture—a contemporary collection, offering over 200 new styles on a monthly basis, closed the 7PM shows. Their collection drew inspiration from glam rock and Victorian influences, elevating the ordinary to extraordinary and empowering women with youthful eccentricity. Guests mixed and mingled in anticipation for the Marco Marco finale collection, sipping Notorious Pink Rose and smoking hookah provided by Heavenly Kloud Catering. The anticipation was high, as guests sat for Marco Marco’s first showing in West Hollywood. Seated in the front row were Adam Lambert, Johnny Wujek, August Getty Atelier, Marcus Molnari and Cassandra Cass. Marco Marco released Collection Six ½, sending jaw dropping custom designs down the runway on stunning gender fluid models. Notable models including James Charles, Brandon Pereyda, Laith Ashley, Ongina and more strutted down the runway, engaging the audience in the shocking designs of Collection Six ½.

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