The Eden Magazine June 2020

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June 2020

EDEN T h e



Steps to Create your Fittest Future Self By Kathleen Trotter



NOURISHMENT By Anna Desimone

DON Miguel

RUIZ The Toltec Guru



Table of Contents Embracing Your Fate







By Angela Dunning


GRANDDADDY'S LAKE By Kristine S. Kaufman



28 Granddaddy's lake

18 38









By Anna Desimone




Cover Photo by Aaron Landman

10th Anniversary 62





By Augusto Valverde


AYURVEDIC BALANCE By Jayita Bhattacharjee









The Couples involving their furry friends into their proposals & weddings days



80 90

By Dr. John Chuback



Top 10 Tips on Therapies

70 84






Since 2010

The Eden Magazine is a free online publication that focuses on spreading compassion to all Sentient Beings living in a healing and peaceful world FOUNDER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARYAM MORRISON EXECUTIVE EDITOR/ CONTRIBUTING WRITER DINA MORRONE COMMUNICATION DIRECTOR/ CONTRIBUTING WRITER ALEXIA MELOCCHI BRAND AMBASSADOR MARIA ELENA INFANTINO CONTRIBUTING WRITERS SASHA GARY PHYLLIS KING JOE SANTOS, JR. ANGELA DUNNING NANCY E. YEAROUT MICHAEL WHITE RYAN MARCO NUNZIO ALATI JAYITA BHATTACHARJEE TARA-JENELLE WALSCH MARGARET TOMASZEWIC CONTRIBUTING STYLISTS + MAKEUP ARTIST EDWARD HAKOPIAN GRAPHICS & PHOTOGRAPHY GREG DOHERTY ISABELLE RUEN SHERI DETERMAN ARTIN MARDIROSIAN WEBSITE 325 N. Maple Dr. Po Box 5132 Beverly Hills, CA 90209 To purchase a copy visit us in Eden Magazine is a non-profit monthly online magazine. We aim to create a better environment where we live among other living beings in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work matches our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your photography for our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at; 4 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Please leave wool out of your wardrobe.

Photo: Michael Muller • Grooming: Saisha Beecham, with Cloutier Remix

Joaquin Phoenix





Maryam Morrison




















Discover the path to a peaceful life among other living beings. We are all made of vibration and light in the universe to manifest our energy around all livingness.





Toltec Guru

Photography by ©Aaron Landman

Don Miguel Ruiz An Interview by Tara-jenelle Walsch



had the pleasure of interviewing Don Miguel Ruiz before the world was so dramatically touched by the Coronavirus outbreak. This explains how it occurred that the interview took place in person, and why the pandemic was never discussed in our exchange. That being said, it doesn’t long to feel at home with Don Miguel. He has a way of making you feel like you’re the only person in the room. His presence is immediate and lasting. His genuine interest and tender wisdom put you at ease. For this reason, and many more, it’s no surprise that don Miguel has become one of the world’s most favorite spiritual leaders and bestselling authors. His unique combination of Toltec wisdom with modern physics has captivated hearts worldwide and shifted their perspective of life for the better. He’s widely known for the best-selling book, The Four Agreements, that suggests four “golden rules” to live by for strengthening personal freedom. His other books include, The Mastery of Love, The Voice of Knowledge, Prayers, The Fifth Agreement and The Three Questions. In this interview, we discuss his book, The Three Questions, as well as some universal curiosities about life. Some responses have been edited for brevity.

Who is behind don Miguel Ruiz—What's inside? This is a very good question because it's really hard to know. I can say it's Life Itself because what I'm projecting is Miguel Ruiz, but Miguel Ruiz is just an image. It’s not real. I discovered this through much awareness. Being aware of what I used to think I was and finding out that’s not really who I am. This concept rolls right into what you share in your book, The Three Questions. The three questions being: Who am I? What is love? and What is real? Exactly. Then if we ask, who is behind Miguel Ruiz? The answer is Life Itself. You talk about “The Human Dream” in the book—can you elaborate? This life is just a dream. It is happening and we're perceiving, but something else very interesting is

happening. We have in our head what I call narrators. A narrator is telling you with words what we are perceiving about what is happening, and we use logic in order to make it fit. Life is not an illusion, it is real. The illusion is what we perceive as a reflection of what is really happening. Which brings the last question, “What is real?” into play. We usually ask this third question, “What is real?”, when there's something happening in our life that doesn't feel right. This happens because our world is always changing. How we perceive the world when we’re ten years old is completely different than how we perceive it at 14 years old. And completely different again, when we’re in our 20s, 30s, or 40s. When something happens in our life, then the world, “our” world, changes and always “looks” real, but we need to check in with ourselves all the time because the answer is constantly changing. You mention in the book that a helpful way to answer these three questions is by asking ourselves the opposite of them and looking at that answer. For example: Who am I — who am I not? What is love — what isn’t love? Yes. In order for you to know what you are, first, you have to find out what ... you are not. This is something that took me a long time to discover, but I find it of great value. Looking at what is not offers insight into what is. Imagine that you lose a hand—you're still you. If you lose an arm, you're still you. When you die, are you still you? That's the most beautiful question. Yes, what dies is our physical body. When the physical body goes away, you're still you because you are not the body. You are the force that moves your body. The force which moves every molecule of your body; every quantum, which means the "real you" is alive. When we have that awareness, our perspective changes. Now we know what we are, but there are no words to explain it. The closest is to say, "I'm life." Then we see our physical body in a completely different way. We see our body as home, where we live. I see my physical body as a temple that I love and honor. When I find out what I am not, what I find out is that my physical body is the love of my life.


What would you say to someone who believes everything you’ve shared—in fact, they're consciously on the path, but every now and then they catch themselves slipping into an “unreal” illusion? What could one do to remind themselves, other than continue to ask these questions? To continue to ask and answer these questions again and again. Ask the second question right away. "Is that real? Is this really happening? Or am I making it all up?" And that is usually the answer. You're making it all up. It's only real in your mind, in your story, not in anybody else's experience. If you're facing this illusion, it's because you have fallen prey to believing in your own story. It feels real, and you believe it's real, so it becomes real. In the book, I compare your mind with a country that is your creation, and because you create that story (that country), you are the "President." Then the question becomes, what kind of president are you? How do you rule your story, your world? Are you a victim of your own beliefs? You follow the rules that run your story, and there is a “Congress” who approves or rejects each rule. The only way to heal your story is to change the Congress within, which changes your beliefs around what is right or wrong. You are basically unlearning, which is the whole purpose of the Toltec. In what way is the Toltec faith different from just being a spiritual person? Well, the word Toltec means artist, which makes every single human an artist. We’re all working on our own masterpiece, which is the story of our life. It doesn't matter what language you speak; it doesn't matter what religion you follow. You are the artist of your own life. The challenge becomes changing the limiting belief system in our minds; to change the "constitution." We do that by using the Power of Doubt and doubting everything that we know. We doubt by asking, Is that true? Is that real? If we doubt things all of the time by asking, "Is this real?” how will we know when we’ve actually landed on what really is real? Suppose we surrender to something as being real, but it’s just another illusion—How will we know which answer to trust? This is where The Fifth Agreement comes in. The Fifth Agreement says to be skeptical but learn to listen. Don't believe yourself and don't believe anybody else, because


there is no one truth. Everyone is coming from what they believe is true. They will tell you what they believe is real; listen, but doubt it. If we always doubt everything, how do we find peace of mind? By not believing anything, outright. Listen to what you tell yourself and then make a choice. Hear what other people say and take from it what resonates with you. What doesn’t, just put in the trash, it's not personal. When you do that, you're challenging your beliefs and changing the laws that rule your life, and you become better president of your country. Then you've reprogrammed yourself in your own way. Only you can change your world—nobody else. You seem so full of love and peace every time I see you, and I wonder—do you ever have feelings of despair or hopelessness? Oh, definitely, yes. What do you do when you have those feelings? Because so many of us are wondering how to cope with all that’s going on in the world today and even in our personal lives. What do you do? Well, what we need to do is to use awareness to see what is real. I remember being in my 20's and getting my heartbroken when things didn't happen the way I wanted. I see now that I broke my own heart, I just used other people and circumstances to do so. I was focused on things being a certain way, and if they didn't work out, I’d get upset thinking life wasn’t fair. But it was not true. I'm curious, what makes you sad? I’m sure you eventually ask the three questions, but what makes Don Miguel sad? That's a beautiful question. And yes, I feel sad sometimes. Not as sad as forty or fifty years ago, but it's a sadness that I understand. For example, I see my physical body declining, and there's nothing I can about it. I try to keep my body healthy so it can heal itself, but that little sadness is frustrating. Yes. But what makes you so sad that you cry? What makes me cry? Yes. We all cry. We're human. Well, yes. I suppose what makes me cry could be my own stories that I believe when I forget that I shouldn't believe. But as soon as I'm aware, then I stop right away.

Photography by ©Aaron Landman


Photography by ©Noel Cianci

What makes you laugh? Joy makes me laugh. Love makes me laugh. Little situations make me laugh. Something that I adore makes me laugh. What is your definition of happiness? My definition of happiness is to enjoy what I do. Happiness is not something that makes me lose any kind of control. Being happy is just to be, to accept myself the way I am, and to be comfortable in my skin. Are you saying that peace is happiness for you? Peace is part of the happiness, yes. I would say that my happiness is an accumulation of all the things that make me feel grateful to live in this physical body.

Photography by ©Aaron Landman

I'm hopeless. And I can tell you that God is hopeless. He doesn't play with hope. So how do we move forward if we're hopeless? Don't we need a certain amount of hope to keep us going? No. When you hope that something will happen, you feel bad if it doesn't. But if you take action, it will happen. I can say, I'm hopeless, or I'm hope-less. Well, I'm hope-less. Why should I hope for something that I don't know will happen or not happen? If I want it to happen, I go in that direction and make it happen. And if it happens, good. It doesn't happen, good anyway. At least I have taken the action. I don't play with the hope. Can you imagine if God “hoped” that His creation would be great? Wow, I really like that! Ok, I have a fun question, “Who is your favorite author?” My favorite author? There's so many. Maybe a newborn baby. They have all the potential to be whatever they choose. A newborn baby because it is pre-domesticated. It's just pure love, an incarnation of love. What a poetic answer. I love the thought that we're the author of our lives, and a newborn baby is starting on a blank page, "hope-Lesly," creating beautiful stories. Thank you, Don Miguel, for being so generous with your time and sharing your exquisite insight with the Eden Magazine readers. For more information about don Miguel Ruiz or his book, The Three Questions, please visit Special Thanks To: Don Miguel Ruiz Tara-jenelle Walsch, Interviewer Nicholas Walsch, Film Director Dina Morrone, Editing

With everything that's going on in the world, what makes you hopeful? 12 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Editor’s Note: This interview was conducted before the world was so dramatically touched by the Coronavirus outbreak. This explains how it occurred that the interview took place in person, and why the pandemic was never discussed in our exchange.

Photography by ©Aaron Landman



Your Fate


tually are.

e spend much time and energy resisting the circumstances of our lives. We want things to have been; to be now and in the future, different from what they ac-

Photo by Mike Palmowski

This resistance can include wishing we’d been born into a different, easier family and environment; wishing things hadn’t been as they were when we were a child and a teenager; wishing we had more money, status, and power; wishing we were in a relationship; denying the needs and messages of our physical body and wishing the pain or illness would go away; we wish we could get that promotion or change our career altogether; we dislike how we look and we see our so-called flaws and inabilities as things to be ashamed of and therefore kept hidden. So much time wasted in denial of the reality of the life we’ve been born into and the path we’re traveling.


In his book, The Soul’s Code, Jungian author James Hillman reveals his ‘Acorn Theory’. Where each person comes into this world with a unique template or blueprint and it is the task of a lifetime to discover and follow this unique trajectory. The acorn reveals itself in many ways and interestingly, often within our very resistances to certain things and directions. Realizing this can be very healing as we can now review our past decisions and choices through a new lens and see that which we resisted and turned from was in fact, the right medicine for us after all. Often this appears on the surface as a failure, for example flunking school or college, dropping out of university, taking an undesirable subject or career path in our society, and to our family and friends. Yet, all of these turns and about turns reveal the blueprint of our soul when we look back. Many de-tours take place as we grapple with the pressures of our parents, siblings, friends, teachers, and societal values versus the calling of our soul and the trajectory it wishes us to take. Much conflict and heartache can ensue and relationships often break down in the process. We might find ourselves on an academic path yet yearn deep down to be an artist or writer. We might enter the business world and get locked into an uphill struggle for more money and prestige, while all the time our soul is trying desperately to turn us away from this corporate coldness, and back to the warmth of its fires, where our heart swells and we begin to feel alive again. Yet, what happens when we stop resisting? What happens when we learn to accept and embrace our life just as it is? Healing is what happens. Especially with regard to our family of origin. Hillman says that our Acorn chooses our parents and the exact circumstances of our birth and childhood, including our entire family and the situation we find ourselves in. To embrace this understanding is immensely healing. All the struggles and deprivations of childhood suddenly fall into much clearer light, particularly if we have a very difficult relationship with our parents and siblings. We begin to realize that in the struggle and pain, and yes, even in the trauma, our soul was seeking something for us. Some deeper healing which couldn’t happen without these circumstances, hence its original choosing. At some deep, unknown, and unremembered level, our soul laid out the life we find ourselves in. The moment we’re born we forget all about this pre-planning and coordination. But what healing can come when we finally see that this was the case! That we choose the very mother and father we had!

As I’ve spoken about in previous articles, it is in our suffering that we discover meaning and we shift into a higher level of consciousness. Through our suffering, we wake up to our soul’s true purpose and we gradually shed all the unnecessary layers – roles, jobs, identities, and beliefs that keep us unconscious and out of intimate contact with our soul. Had we not had the experiences we did as children, we would lack the necessary nutrients and compost to grow into who we really are meant to be. This isn’t to excuse bad treatment in any way, or to make light of it or to bypass it without hard work and painful healing. However, immense healing can come from knowing that our own soul chose this particular route for us, no matter how painful it has been. And, this realization can bring with it deep inner calmness. A big “aha” feeling, as it brings us to a place of acceptance of our fate: This is what my life was meant to look like. I can finally stop struggling against the past and my circumstances and wishing they had been different, for that is to continue to live in a false reality; an illusion and endure unconscious suffering. Stepping into the truth through accepting our fate leads us immediately to greater authenticity and inner peace, where healing can rush in more easily as we let our defenses down. Finally, we can stop struggling against what was, and turn our attention, focus, and energy onto where our soul is calling us to go now; towards our true becoming.

Angela Dunning is a regular contributor to The Eden Magazine. She is the author of The Horse Leads the Way: Honoring the True Role of the Horse in Equine Facilitated Practice, Angela writes regularly on Facebook: thehorsestruth/and Patreon: You can learn more about Angela and her work helping people and horses at:




Granddaddy’s Lake By Kristin S. Kaufman

Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.

Photo by Milada Vigerova

~Corrie Ten Boom, The Hiding Place



reathing in the lake breeze, scented with the sweet aroma from my grandmother’s heavily populated gardenia bush, my thoughts traverse back to my childhood. Our lake house has served as a calming respite and writing refuge throughout my adult life and has given birth to some of my most precious memories as a child. I can feel the stress lessen with each exhale. Daddy, in his architectural and engineering brilliance,designed the house back in the 1950s, which has a Frank Lloyd Wright feel to it. Perched high on the hill, it was built as a natural, earthy friend to the land on which it sits. Faint flurries of wind cool the large deck overlooking the lake on most days, and the sights and sounds of the

geese, bald eagles, and prehistoric-looking cranes are more relaxing than the most potent tranquilizer. If the 18-foot knotty pine tongueand-groove walls that line each room throughout the house could talk, I am certain the words they would speak could curl even the straightest of hair. You see, this was my daddy and his identical twin brother’s bachelor pad, and we had heard for years about the parties they hosted during their single days. Over the decades, this mid-century cottage became the center of summer fun on what we lovingly called Granddaddy’s Lake. Our grandparents had moved to this house on Kaufman Road and made this their homestead for several decades. It became a mecca for the Kaufman clan.

Granddaddy had built a train track and caboose to carry food and other supplies down the hill to the wooden dock, which housed a party barge that we kept especially busy during the summer months. Many a Sunday was spent with Momma, Daddy, and my sister learning how to bait our hooks, to cast and jig for crappie. As was the rule in our house, whatever we caught we had to clean, so at the outdoor sink near the lake’s shoreline we perfected our ability to scale, skin, and filet bass, crappie, and brim under Daddy’s tutelage. There was an old pump organ in the main room in the house across from the large brick fireplace that we took turns playing. We were even serenaded by Frankie Laine, of Rawhide fame, on that organ, because he and Granddaddy were old friends. Thanksgiving dinners, barbeque cookouts, and water skiing afternoons are a few of the staples of our childhood adventures at the lake. When the phone rang late one afternoon, never would I have suspected something so tragic. “Kristin, there was a very bad storm, they think it was a tornado, and the roof has been torn off the lake house,” my sister Gretchen said with concern. We immediately made panicked phone calls to our housekeeper and our indispensable handyman in Hot Springs to head to the lake, try to discern the damage, and attempt to remove any personal items before they became so rain soaked as to be deemed unsalvageable. Then my sister and I threw a few things in a suitcase and began the white-knuckled five-hour drive to Hot Springs. The scene was surreal. Water was pouring down the coveted tongue-and-groove walls and onto the floors and furniture. What was once a historical haven of happier times had become an indoor wet sauna with humid temperatures hovering in the high 90s, complete with soaked furniture and soggy carpet. As my sister and I began the difficult task of working with the water remediation teams, insurance adjusters, and innumerable subcontractors, we couldn’t help but wonder what the lesson was we were to learn by finding ourselves in this seat. 19 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

This was another weighty brick on an already heavy load, and the crowning culmination of the most difficult 18 months of our lives. Our daddy had unexpectedly and tragically passed away just over a year before, followed by the devastating Alzheimer’s diagnosis for our mother just a few short months after. In addition to the unspeakable grief, we were faced with the inevitable decision of selling our childhood home, which was the only home we had ever known, and moving our beloved mother into assisted living. The lake house had become our refuge during this difficult time, and it was the sanctuary where Momma, her caregivers, and my sister and I would celebrate our first holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays without the loving presence of the man in our lives—our daddy and the one and only true love of Mom’s life.

A person’s legacy is formed by their character, their compassion, and whatever humble contributions they might make during their time on earth. A person’s legacy is not defined by material possessions, but by the impact they had on others and the hearts and lives they touched.


This structure had become more than a physical dwelling. It became a nest of resurrections and rebirths. Mom experienced a distant familiarity in that place that provided her solace and an unexplainable ease. My sister and I held fast to the lifetime of memories that served as salve for our sadness and heartache. We held fast to the belief that every time we saw a cardinalalight on the branch of the dogwood tree or the lip of the bird bath, that it was indeed Daddy giving us assurance that everything was going to be all right. We prayed one ardent prayer to cement our faith: “Thy will be done.” Then as our momma had always taught us, we thrust our shoulders back, lifted our chins, and set forth to restore this historical home, and through the process, restore our souls. From Where I Sit My sister and I were reared to believe that a person’s legacy is formed by their character, their compassion, and whatever humble contributions they might make during their time on earth. A person’s legacy is not defined by material possessions, but by the impact they had on others and the hearts and lives they touched. The focus of this story is not about the material loss of our beloved lake cottage; it is about the intangible legacy of memories created there. There is a sacredness in history. Looking at what remainedof our lake house, regardless of intellectually knowing the “stuff” was not merely “stuff,” the situation was still hard. There was a damp, vacuous cavity where the warm family room used to be, and not much left anywhere else. We were compelled to let go of what was gone and dig deep to uncover the eternal gifts which can never be taken away: the laughter, the love, the special occasions, the family embrace. Those are the treasures.

I Saved This Seat for You

What is one of your most special childhood memories? What is the most significant place you have lost? What is one piece of the legacy you are creating?

Legacy is not leaving something for people. It’s leaving something in people. ~ Peter Strople

Kristin S. Kaufman is a successful portfolio entrepreneur. In 2007, she founded Alignment, Inc., to serve individuals and corporations as they seek alignment within themselves and their organizations. Alignment, Inc. is a unique services company through which Kaufman has brought her expertise to tens of thousands of people, working \ with organizations to create sustainable success individually and collectively. Through her partnership with Rodan & Fields, she extends her reach by providing coaching and assistance to entrepreneurs \ and independent business owners as they build their own financial independence. With over 25 years of corporate experience, Kaufman has held leadership positions at three publicly traded companies. She was awarded the distinction of Professional Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation, and achieved the designation of Certified Leadership Coach through Georgetown University's esteemed program. A popular keynote speaker to audiences ranging from 500 to 50,000, she brings her passion, wisdom, wit and Southern charm to each event. Kaufman is a prolific writer. Her first book, Is This Seat Taken? Random Encounters That Change Your Life, was released in 2011 to national acclaim, and was followed by a sequel, Is This Seat Taken? It’s Never Too Late to Find the Right Seat released in 2015. She is an active civic and community volunteer, and currently serves in numerous non-profit board positions. Kaufman lives in Dallas, Texas, with her beloved rescued white Schnauzer, Lulu.

MOTHER /DAUGHTER OFFER INSIGHT AS SURVIVORS OF DOMESTIC ABUSE: Susan E Foster delivers hope, inspiration and enlightenment to social, community & cultural issues in her new book Charming Impossible: How Ordinary Angels Help the Hopelessly Stuck filled with advice, tips, and strategies based on real-life experiences which can be very helpful during these challenging times. She is happy to donate copies of her book to various shelters and organizations for distribution. • Having helped four children navigate life living with a narcissistic father, this is what I recommend to teens and young people in their twenties: Do your best to avoid being in their space. Either by ear plugs or by staying in a separate room, keep a distance. Emotionally disengage. When they are bored or hungry to feed on manipulating you (which is their pleasure,) rather than responding to being provoked, respond in as an agreeable fashion as possible to keep peace. Rather than meeting rage with rage or insult with insult, calmly ignore or simply say, “Ok.” • It’s best to avoid confrontation and important to understand that they will do everything they can to create arguments and drama. • Don’t play into their game. While being forced into isolation with a narcissist is not the time to defend yourself emotionally. It’s a time to respond craftily and creatively. • Use this time to educate yourself on the habits and tactics of a narcissist. Study ways to free yourself from this sort of relationship. Learn about yourself and how to improve on you and how to move yourself forward toward healthy relationships and opportunities. • There are facebook pages that provide a safe place for abused to talk to each other. Google search Facebook sites for narcissistic and emotional abuse to find the right one for you. Two of such sites are as follows: Unseen Trauma of narcissistic Abuse Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Support Network Most of these sites have quick escape buttons should the abuser walk by your device. • If you are in physical danger, get out! Call the Domestic Violence hotline, google search local shelters and organizations in your community. There is help available. Tune out abusive language, sing to yourself and don’t allow their words to penetrate. What abusive things they say about you is actually how they feel about themselves.


Photo by Guillaume de Germain

Adoptee and Trauma Survivor

On the Healing Road

There are approximately 30,000 children legally eligible for adoption in Canada, but many “age out” of the system before they are ever placed with a family. Those that are lucky enough to be matched with a family face their own set of problems. In "On the Healing Road: Through the Eyes of an Adoptee,” author Pam Pal, who writes under the pen name “The Poet Dena” shares a collection of poetry about living with and healing from depression and emotional trauma stemming from living life as an adoptee. “Watching my daughter grow up raised gnawing questions about my own origin,” Pal said. “This led me to searching for and finding my birth mom and meeting my birth siblings.” 22 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Author Pam Pal shares her story of adoption and healing through therapeutic poetry

Pal began life as “Geraldine,” but chose the name of her youngest inner child for her own voice as a poet. Her collection of poems shares her pain, joy and lessons learned, with the intention of lightening the burden and struggles of others who are suffering. “The emotional trauma that accompanies adoption is something only someone who has been through it can understand,” Pal said. “I’m sharing my own struggles and the lessons I have learned in finding joy and healing to help alleviate the burden of others. I want them to understand they are not alone.”

Being an Adult Child I often appear so immature I act in childish ways For even though my body aged My mind stuck in younger days

Just focus on your feelings Let experience help you grow With lots of love and patience Soon your true path you will know

When I was just a little girl About the age of eight I felt I had to be mature My childhood had to wait

It’s not like in the movies Blink your eyes and you are whole It’s a long and tedious journey Repairing the injuries to my soul

So much responsibility So strong I had to be No opportunity was there To be playful or carefree The years passed by eventually I did what was required And then one day I realized That all I felt was very tired I look like I’m an Adult Who has managed to survive But inside I’m just a child Who needs to feel alive So many things left unresolved The questions and the fears, The hidden feelings that I dread Even after 50 years The world I knew has ended A new mission’s drawing near If I can heal the little “Me” Sounds of happiness I will hear Though no one really understands “You’ve got it made,” they say “To pick and choose what ever you want. You can have it your own way!” How I wish it were so easy I’m not used to being Boss! I need to have a purpose Without guidance I am lost For the first time someone’s asked “What do you want to do?” I answer, “How should I know? For me this is so new!” You must investigate your passions Allow all past hurts to heal Create a bond with Spirit It’s time that you felt real

Pam Pal, aka The Poet Dena, shares her own pain, joy, and lessons learned in On The Healing Road. She was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, and was adopted at age two by loving parents. She went to work in the family business, as a bookkeeper, after high school. As you go along The Healing Road with her, you will like find at least a few words to help lighten your own inner or outer struggles. To learn more about the author and her book please visit, 23 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Photo by Ospan


How Ordinary Angels Help Free the Hopelessly Stuck 24 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2020

How do you escape the abusers in your life? Why is leaving them behind while moving forward so difficult? "I call them 'Charming Impossibles'––charm in their deceptive invisible mask and convincing lure. Impossible to satisfy is their secret weapon or intentional method of manipulation and control." ~Susan E Foster

By Susan E. Foster

Have you ever met someone so captivating and alluring that they were the center of attention in every room? I have. But at home, behind closed doors, out of the eye of others, he was entirely different. He was charming on the outside, but at home with his own family, he was a different kind of charming: he was a tormentor. Reflecting on my own journey navigating, sieving, and dealing with this type of confusing personality, I wondered how many others are out there. How many people were suffering in confusion and silence under the confusing, chaotic domination of another such individual? I suspect there are more that we know. I wrote this book for them. If you are one of them, I hope you can hear my story and see that not only is it not normal to suffer the way I did, but most importantly, I hope you can learn from the mistakes I made while living in fear. I hope to encourage those who need to leave, to do so. You deserve more. You're worth more. You do not need to stay with someone who is charming, yet impossible. I also wrote this for the fortunate outside who has never suffered like this. I hope you grow in understanding the potential role you play in all of this without even knowing it.


Abusive people are great pretenders, masters in not revealing their true insincerity, hiding behind a big smile, or manifesting self-superiority. They are masters at appearing caring and kind as they manipulate anyone in the path toward their objective: control and domination. The spectrum ranges from mean girls and bullies on the playground to the Hannibal Lector and Ted Bundy types, with most falling some- where in between. Charm is their convincing lure and invisible mask. Impossible to satisfy is their secret weapon or intentional method of control. Their approval strategically remains just beyond reach. This empowers their manipulative strategizing as they move “goalposts” when need be. By never allowing their Target to achieve their elusive approval, they insidiously maintain power and control. The other portion of humanity is people I call “Kinfolk,” as we are truly all related. Among these kinfolks are jerks: mean-spirited, challenging people and lovely, wonderful, beautiful people. What separates Kinfolk from Charming Impossible is that they want to feel loved and valued. They desire peace. Among Kinfolk are a shared desire for joy and well-being for others and themselves. Abusers know this and are good at playing to the basic human needs of Kinfolk by brilliantly appearing caring, magnetically luring trust and support from key people in their sphere of influence and, more importantly, from the sphere of influence surrounding their Target, their victim of choice. In politics, those who fall prey to such tyrannical charm are referred to as "Useful Idiots." For those who fall prey to such charm in the domestic and business world, I call them "Enablers Unaware," as these folks keep the Charming Impossible empowered to continue abusing the Target, causing their Target to remain "Hopelessly Stuck." According to the NCADV (the National Coalition against Domestic Violence), one in four women and one in seven men in the United States have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g., beating, burning, or


Photo by Velizar Ivanov

"I call them “Charming Impossible." They could be in your family; in your neighborhood; at your office, schools, and place of worship; or even leading your political and social movements. They might include your mother, your father, or your spouse or in-laws. They are acquaintances, strangers, and friends. They are managers and agents of superstars.

strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime. One in three girls will be sexually or emotionally violated by an abusive person they know and/or trust before the age of 18. Those numbers are derived from instances of abuse reported to the police and mental health authorities; however, many experts believe that numerous of abuse go unreported. It is believed that if all cases of innocents being abused were reported, perhaps as many as half our population has personally been the victim of some form of mental, physical, or emotional abuse. What complicates the situation is the chasm of misunderstanding that exists between those who have suffered childhood trauma, an abusive spouse, boss, or spiritual leader from those who have not. Unless you've endured it personally, it's nearly impossible to understand or truly comprehend. Responses, fears, reactions, and defensive decision-making resulting from physical, sexual, mental, emotional, or spiritual abuse are unique to responses of unwarranted meanness or harsh treatment from someone else in the other 95 percent of our communities. What sets Charming Impossibles apart is their insidious skill of intended targeting and diabolical planning. They intentionally strike where they know their Target is most vulnerable while controlling who sees only their charm. They simultaneously chip away at their Target's support system while systematically winning over the devotion of that same system to themselves, eventually isolating their Target completely. Charming Impossibles choose their victims for positive and nurturing energy in which to feast. Abusers maliciously attack the Target, triggering an intentional and completely different kind of self-doubt, confusion, and loss of sense of self that only abusers are capable of causing.

Charming Impossibles target and strategically choose those who believe everyone has "good" in them. They choose good, healthy people. They are phony yet brilliant pretenders who attack to dominate certain Targets and pull invisible strings through deceitful charm, orchestrating multiple other people's lives. Beware when someone is going after your empathy or your devotion. By the simple act of listening to their whisper in your ear, pulling you away from one, or turning you against another, you may have judged another precisely as planned by being manipulated by such an invisible string without even knowing it. Hopefully, I can show how anyone, and I mean anyone, can fall prey to the manipulation of Charming Impossibles. Hopefully, more of our community will begin to understand how they trigger an intentional and completely different kind of self-doubt and confusion in their victims, making them feel as though they are the crazy ones in a way that those who have been targeted don't understand. These emotional leeches suck the very life out of their victims, emotionally and sometimes physically, as well. Childhood trauma (emotional or physical) changes the physiology of the brain. A team from the McGill Group for Suicide Studies at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and the Mcgill University in Montreal, Canada, aims to decipher how a history of abuse can impact key brain mechanisms, affecting mental health. With no personal reference points, those who have never suffered abuse don't truly understand what an abused sufferer has undergone. More importantly, they are also prime targets to play yet another role for the Charming Impossible. To keep victims stuck, these sociopathic abusers spin a separate web of confusion around the victim's support network. This causes the victim to feel Hopelessly Stuck while Enablers Unaware around them misunderstand, isolate, and don't believe them. Enablers Unaware, too, are victims of the same invisible strings controlling the Hopelessly Stuck. Before you proudly declare you would never fall prey as a victim, you might want to think again. Victims remain Hopelessly Stuck because they feel they have no one to whom to turn. These narcissists cleverly orchestrate how others respond to their Target by spinning stories or webs of confusion into ears of people surrounding the Target, creating a team of Enablers Unaware. Having spoken about my experience has opened doors for me to meet many women and men who have en-

dured living under tyrannically chaotic, abusive manipulation. For many Hopelessly Stuck, leaving is the most traumatic, abusive, terrifying option of all. Leaving a Charming Impossible is very risky. Experts say the most dangerous time in such a victim's life is right after they leave. When a victim leaves, some outsiders are sure to judge, condemn, and side with the abuser. Society has a code of silence for victims of abuse. We are to quietly put it behind us and move forward. Brene Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston and an expert on courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy says, "If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive." So why did I stay for 21 years? There was a hope that good would eventually come off out of the bad and right all the wrong. As you will see in my book, there are many good people placed on our paths in this life. We are not quitters. We don't give up. We are fighters. Susan E Foster is a mother, author, speaker, coach and advocate hoping to equip men and women to recognize the abusive Charming Impossibles in their lives. By sharing her personal story of survival and faith, Susan reveals how the web of confusion is spun around abuse, inspiring healthy changes for men, women, and children to overcome and heal. With the help of Ordinary Angels, Susan successfully led her four teen-aged children out of abuse towards a new future. They faced yet another daunting challenge when her youngest son, Marshall, began to emotionally spiral downward, and ultimately took his own life. Readers will learn how Ordinary Angels became a beacon of hope for Susan, her three surviving children, and many others. She hopes you will discover the Ordinary Angels in your life just as she has in hers. Susan E Foster resides in Fort Worth, Texas. NOTE: Susan is pleased to announce the launch of THE MARSHALL RACING PROJECT (MRP33) benefiting Mental Health Awareness––a movement born from her 21-year old son named Marshall Foster and his passion for motorcycle racing. -



is Not a Viable Health Strategy

5 Steps to Create Your Fittest Future Self


athleen Trotter is a fitness expert, media personality, personal trainer, writer, life coach, and overall health enthusiast. She is the author of Finding Your Fit. A Compassionate Trainer’s Guide to Making Fitness a Lifelong Habit. Kathleen’s passion is motivating others to “find their fit.” Kathleen does this through writing, regular TV and media appearances, working with clients (ranging from athletes of all ages to individuals living with Parkinson’s and osteoporosis), and speaking engagements. Kathleen started her work as a fitness writer at Chatelaine in 2010. Shortly after, she started blogging for The Huffington Post and filming and writing for The Globe and Mail. Her work at the Globe includes over 50 online fitness how-to videos, inclusion in the Globe’s online book on running, over 30 “Stealth” exercises, an “Ask the Trainer” column, a “Sweat Test” column, and a “Health Advisory” column. Kathleen has also published articles in magazines such as Canadian Running, Glow, Alive, Today's Parent, Healthy Directions, Impact Magazine, and Sharp, and for ParticipAction. Since 2016, Kathleen has made monthly appearances on Breakfast Television Montreal and Rogers Ottawa, and she is regularly asked to make TV and media appearances for outlets including CTV News, CHCH Morning Live Hamilton, the CBC, Global Montreal, ABC News 7, and Rogers London.


Notice the word create. Your “fittest future you” doesn’t just happen — you have to take clear and intentional action today to create the future you that you desire. Health success is “made not found.”

Five steps to create the future you that you desire! Step 1. State clear, realistic goals Establish one or two long- and short-term goals. Make sure these goals respect how much time, money, and emotional resources you actually have versus the resources you wish you had. Thrive in your own lane — analyze your past injuries, your age, your stage of life, and what you realistically can achieve versus what you wish you could achieve. Be patient. Don’t go after all of your goals at once. Rome was not built in a day; you can’t change a lifetime of habits overnight. Break down goals into manageable parts so that the change feels attainable. Get a few little wins under your belt — these will spiral into further wins. Little wins keep you motivated. Step 2. Create an action plan Script the critical moves needed to ensure you reach your goals — what I call the WWWH (when, where, what, how) of your goal. When will you work out? At lunch? Before work? After work? Where will you work out? Will you get a gym membership, set up a home gym, train at the office gym? What will you do? Will you run, do

Zumba, take a dance class? How will you make it happen? What accommodations do you have to put into place? Do you need to arrange childcare? Shift your work hours slightly so you can train in the morning? Create systems that allow you to follow through — get a fitness buddy, arrange childcare, book off your lunch breaks, etc. Step 3. Get buy-in from BOTH your elephant and your rider The elephant and rider — a metaphor originally from the poet Rumi, made popular by books such as The Happiness Hypothesis and Switch — represent the constant tug-of-war inside all of us between our emotional brain (our elephant) and our rational brain (our rider). To actually create change — versus think about creating change — you need both your elephant and rider on board. Too many of us commit to a goal with only our rider on board — we don’t get “buy-in” from our elephant. Without the elephant you understand the goal, but lack the motivation required to follow through. With no rider you have passion, but no direction. The rider’s position is precarious. Think how small a rider is relative to an elephant. The elephant often overcomes the rider. Reaching a health goal requires consistency, but too often the rider can’t keep the elephant on track long enough to reach the destination — one never completely consistently makes healthy choices.


Stop putting of ‘til tomorrow what you can do today. This moment is the only moment you have direct control over. Stop thinking. Start doing. The fitter future you is created through action.

An example. Your rider states a goal: “Starting tomorrow I will cut out sugar because it is healthier for me” — “healthier” being the rational reason to make the choice. When we inevitably feel (ie., our elephant gets involved) that we “deserve” a sugar-filled treat, we are sad and crave comfort in the form of food, or the sugar is just there and easy to eat, our elephant “wins” and we indulge. Step 4. Create “systems” Our rider can overpower the elephant … until it can’t. You need to create systems that save yourself from your future exhausted, sad, frustrated elephant self. Embrace that just because you are motivated when you make your goal doesn’t mean you will always feel motivated. Create environments where your rational side can outsmart your emotional side. For example, don’t keep crap in the house that your emotional elephant can indulge in at 11pm, meal prep so healthy food is as convenient as unhealthy food, and read restaurant menus online and decide what you will eat before you arrive. Step 5. Embrace a “progress not perfection” mindset Perfectionism is the enemy of getting


things done — since perfect doesn’t exist it allows for self-sabotaging self-talk. Become okay working through the “grade levels” of fitness, of becoming comfortable being new at something. Ditch perfectionist goals. Embrace the goal of progress. Of course you feel awkward lifting weights and are sore post workout — you just started lifting. Of course your taste buds don’t love healthy food — your body is used to existing on sugar. Of course hill walking kicks your butt — you don’t regularly do hills. Too many of us expect to reach our goals overnight, to magically have healthier eating habits or to jump on the treadmill and just start effortlessly jogging. Unrealistic expectations are — at best — the seeds of discontent and are – typically – a recipe for failure. You don’t need to be “perfect” to start. Just start. You will get better with progress. You will feel more comfortable as you progress. Final thought Stop putting of ‘til tomorrow what you can do today. This moment is the only moment you have direct control over. Stop thinking. Start doing. The fitter future you is created through action.

Have you seen Gretchen?! Missing since 11/11/2016 Please contact us



By Michael White Ryan

The Freeing of a Mind

Photo by Adrien Olichon



To this day, the search for the self, one’s personal individuality, has eluded a select group of humans, within all world-communities, long before thinking became king and master over the I AM. Nature in its divine roll displays natural order, patterns, and sequences, thus providing humans a never-ending bounty of wonder, and provides multiple opportunities every single day, appearing as different. Be not fooled, as in a patterned world, throw the switch on a pencil making machine and wallah, out pops a roll of toilet paper, appearing as different, I think not?

Nature in its divine roll displays natural order, patterns and sequences, thus providing humans a never ending bounty of wonder, and provides multiple opportunities every single day, appearing as different.

I walk mum every day, discuss the mind, soon, a letter will come from the Queen. The mind, journeys along its own paralleled path, the mind experiences sameness each-day via patterns, sequence, and order, all appearing proclaiming their difference. We’ve been educated, even taught ourselves much to do knowledge, complied with many components, which make up one’s individual universe. Still to this day, with untold baggies of knowledge, combined with constant daily hand-me-down gossip, we are knowing very little about ourselves. The constructs remain invisible. Crows screech from tree tops above high, walking unnoticed, we move predefined. Today it’s green, tomorrow a splash of color. Cycles upon recycled, singular accumulated-experiences, collected like onion rings, piled high, layered upon layers. Only the surface remains being visible, to self, for all to observe. One’s surface dictates an observable 2D construct, one’s programs, knowingly function, in this world's 3D construct. Do they integrate? Belief is, explained, at its best when a connection is engaged. Take notice, trying is the accomplishment. With wide-open eyes, we are blind to one’s visions, placed North before us, without wisdom we follow. Singularity individuality a long dirt road, the path divides in numerous directions. Searching seeking, a life envisioned, arise the redgreen temple, you are, my next in line. In this 3D construct, the individual chooses as per accumulated circumstance. As pre-educated


hierarchical knowledge informs, distinguishes, all paths appearing as different. Alas, under the surface, they remain, contain the same outcome. Among friends we are prompted, in larger groups we social-follow, in community, we remain invisible in the oneness. We are all in this together, vision mission, maybe next life. Sacrifice now earned, has become, is part of everyday life. Encouraged by reason and logic, results now stand in pride of place. Consumed by needs, explanation has become one’s guidance, consistently searches for proof, along a narrow predetermined path. Interesting is it not, I become, has become, we become, I. Is there no escape! Nature functions in sequential order. We and I, being of mammal species, are part of nature’s existence, do also function in sequential order. Nature via predetermined evolutionary process, mankind via a predetermined mindset. Logic stands firm in reason, step one step two, and on we go. Within the human realm, first and foremost, individual self-mastery matters to the personal consciousness of that said individual? Is this your fact, you are first and foremost important to you? Your judgments, your battles, your understandings, your personal wisdom, it’s you and only you. We walk, trapped in one’s own singular world of, supposed to be, should be, subjective, objective, polarities, like, dislike, logic, reason, explanations, truth, belief, until integration, it’s the never-ending story, that is never-ending. Treading water, distracted at the bus stop by external events, while all else continues to move forward. The entrepreneurial world born out of containment, delivered you me we us, into self-imposed freedom. It was “the all creative-seeing-eye” focused ahead, never knowing of its own sacrificial role in the big picture, scheme of things. Right and Wrong is not of this world NEVER Only in thought ABSOLUTELY

The irony of the 21st century is, we are trapped within a language we emulate to express freedom? It’s all alive and well, in a thinking head-set. Every time we give an explanation (reason or excuse) to an issue, we over-ride any actual awareness, interrupt with a thinking process previously patterned. Freely, we give over to past conditioning and call this a resolvevolve. What will/does this equate to? Notice how easier it is to accept/reweave well-lived consequences than it is to instigate risking change, an unknown foreboding outcome.

More innocent than a newborn babe, mankind has given over. In a whirlwind of glory, saying “I do”, married fear as one’s new compass. Collectively directs one’s future orientation, “you may now kiss the bride”. Acceptance is, I now exist in space. Will self-consumption ease the pain? Blessed are we by “our lady of the flowers”, we have now come home, almost. Mirror mirror on the wall, how many questions may this one ask. When playing both roles as two separate beings, both remain to become the objective observer/witness. One’s world moves into a state of emergence, it’s a Wayne’s world type of existence. Individuality functions, yes it does exist. The question to ask, which side of the fence, am I stands today. Violet pajamas, special coffee, the sun caressing my skin, the band around a finger, touch, music, together, baby smell, Friday nite, a raise, dreaming, mindfulness, promotion, or am I? What if, in every moment, every action, every thought, is to affirm one’s existence? Remember, when riding the circus carousel? Whatever it is that matters to you, take notice, when we decide, remove judgment, all experiences are equal. Engage in timeout, discover, for now, is the moment to ask, in the freeing of one’s mind, why am I, am I aware, who is this I, sharing myself with this experience? Nowhere to go, only the horizon, stay or go.

Photo by Victor Duenas

A positive attitude moving into one’s future helps one to be grounded, allows one to form together decisive strategies, which has overcome any and all obstacles/situations. Now that experience, does inspire future beneficial outcomes? What exactly is a positive attitude? It requires a silence within one’s mindset, a silent allowing to hear, feel, know, release one’s deeper self-language.

Blessings and gifts abound during this dual cycle, this one called Michael.

Michael White Ryan is a co-founder with his wife Pamela Edwards of Language of Space. They are leaders in sustainable business growth via Performance Design and Performance Code. Sustainable design encompasses both Western and Easternphilosophies including advanced Feng Shui principles, \ Environmental Design, Buildings, Alternative Health, Business Advisory Consultants and 20 plus years as entrepreneurs. Recognized in the top 100 globally and are Americas Leading Feng Shui BusinessConsultants.They are on faculty at CEO Space International one of the oldest business organizations in America today, currently operate in 7 countries and reside in Australia.


Sam Nguyen

Founder of S.A.M Foundation Donates 15,000 FDA Approved Surgical Masks, and 300 Face Shields and Couture Fashionable Face Mask to local Orange County Hospitals Photography by Sheri Determan


Stable Anchor Manor Foundation’s donation is intended to help protect frontline workers – doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers amid the coronavirus pandemic. Stable Anchor Manor Foundation (S.A.M Foundation) donated 15,000 FDA-approved surgical masks and 300 face shields to help frontline workers at three Southern California hospitals - St. Joseph Hospital, Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC Children’s), and University of California, Irvine (UCI) Medical Center. In addition to the masks and shields, Sam Nguyen, PhD, founder of S.A.M. Foundation, partnered with Danny Nguyen Couture to design fashionable face masks that were protective as well as comfortable. They were created in hopes of providing style and smiles for healthcare workers and their patients. The masks feature seven-layer fil­tration, water-resistant material, and provide a snug fit that helps prevent patho­gens from entering the mask. At St. Joseph Hospital, attending were Mayor Mark A. Murphy, City of Orange, Coun­ cilmember Kim Nichols, City of Orange, and members of St. Joseph Hospital - Jeremy Zoch, PhD, MHA, FACHE, Chief Executive (CEO), Scott Rusk, Chief Medical Of­fi cer, Dr.

Joseph Preston, Gemma Seidl, Executive Director of Nursing, Julie Vaupel-Phillips, RN, Amy Daugh­erty, Chief Philanthropy Officer, and Sam Nguyen, PhD, founder of S.A.M Foundation. In attendance at CHOC Children’s were Mayor Mark A. Murphy, City of Orange, Coun­cilmember Kim Nichols, City of Orange and members of CHOC Children’s - Dr. Kathy Andreeff, President of Medical Staff, Jena Jensen, Chief Government Relations Officer, Rachel Rolnicki, Deputy Chief Govern­ment Affairs Office, Calvin Fakkema, CHSP, CHEP, Director of Safe­ty, Security & Emergency Management, Taylor Key, RN, Natalie Pring, RN, and Sam Nguyen, PhD, founder of S.A.M Foundation. At UCI Medical Center, attending were Mayor Mark A. Murphy, City of Orange, Chad T. Lefteris, CEO, UCI Health, William C. Wilson, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Pat Patton, Chief Nursing Officer, Susanna Rustad, Executive Director of Operations &Procurement, John Murray, Communications Manager, and Sam Nguyen, PhD, founder of S.A.M Foundation.

connectedness and dependence on one another has now been exposed. This pandemic is both a trage­dy and an opportunity to strengthen our bonds. Shared fate is an assumed reality and we are all reminded of how fragile we all are,” Nguyen added. Video footage of the event can be seen on YouTube: The Stable Anchor Manor 501(c)3 (S.A.M Foundation) was founded in 2009 by Sam Nguyen, PhD in Texas with the purpose of providing support and guidance to homeless, runaway and at-risk youth and orphans. The foun­ dation recently received their 501(c)3 certification and expanded into Southern CaliforniaFor more information on Dr. Nguyen and Stable Anchor Manor Foundation, visit

“The day was filled with much gratitude to the frontline workers, doctors and nurses for what they do for our com­ munity”, said Dr. Nguyen, “our inter­ 37 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Reaching Out to Depressed TEENAGERS

Photo by Fernando Cferdo

By Elliott Robertson




’m concerned about teenagers in today’s world.

In November of 2018, just over a year ago, The Washington Post reported on the skyrocketing rates of depression in American youth:

· A new report on the state of mental health in the United States says that in recent years, there have been “alarming” increases in major depression in youth . . . .

I’m always interested in people’s life stories. I’m wondering what gold can be gleaned from those who came before us. What can we learn about people from the autobiographies of others? I consider St. Theresa’s life. She lost her mother when she was four years old; a few years later her older sister,

Photo by Haidar Rais

· According to Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, “the rise was most rapid among those ages 12 to 17, increasing from 8.7 percent in 2005 to 12.7 percent in 2015.”

That brief communication turned my spirits around. Just a little, but enough to start the journey upwards. It was the caring underneath my mother’s words that spoke to me, of course. I never gave much thought to seeing a psychologist. Still, I’ll be forever grateful for being seen and cared for. For a moment, my heart was receiving oxygen.

I was a depressed teen once. I disliked high school. I didn’t fit in. I was never diagnosed or on medications. It wasn’t a major. I’ll never forget the day my mother said she had something she wanted to talk about with me. We sat down in the living room and she told me she was concerned about me. She told me depression was nothing to be ashamed about, that it was very common. She offered to arrange for me to see a psychologist. “Just let me know if you’d like to,” she said. “It could be helpful. Many people see psychologists—there’s no need to be ashamed about seeing one.”


who had acted as her second mother, entered a Carmelite convent in Lisieux where she would be cloistered and forbidden to return. I wonder how she came to lead a life of deep contentment and great fulfillment. I consider the short life of Anne Frank. She lived out her days with a bright, positive focus, even when she and her family were hiding from the Nazis. This saint and this child were able to journey through times of great personal challenge without succumbing to depression. I wonder if they were able to navigate the difficulties because they were living in their hearts -- rather than being led by the chatter of the judgmental mind?

Anne Frank’s journal entries testify to her abiding in her heart. Her belief in the goodness of humans—a belief rooted in the heart and not in “the monkey mind”—that constant negative mind chatter that plagues most of us—did not wither when she was being chased by the Nazis.

into the heart. Would Sally benefit from imagining herself as a magnificent lightfilled being with a heart that has been designed to love the world? Would she get a moment of respite from the quicksand of her “monkey mind” and the harsh judgments it stirs up by tapping into her imagination as a pathway to her heart?

St. Theresa wrote in her autobiography of being devastated by her mother’s passing and devastated once again when her older sister left her when she was nine. She shed tears; she didn’t fall into self-pity, bitterness, or depression. She knew from a young age that life was larger than the circumstances that came her way.

What if she were to start each day for a few weeks playing with these images and sensing her nobility? Would her nobility and grandeur become less hidden? Would she begin to befriend her true self? Would these moments of oxygenating the heart help her pivot from the direction of misery to something closer to the direction of heaven?

As a spiritual coach, I have come to believe that more than anything else, “the monkey mind” accounts for the increasing number of people who are depressed. When we spend our days swimming in the soup of judgments coming from the chattering mind, we are more likely to see the world as a place to be feared. We are also more likely to see ourselves as powerless to make things better. We get stuck in the misery of seeing the world through this lens not only due to habituation but also because the mind doesn’t like to be confused or to admit that it might be wrong. If someone suggests that other possibilities might be available—say, the possibility of seeing oneself through the eyes of love, or the possibility of choosing different responses to the world—the mind is apt to snuff out the idea like a candle snuffer puts an end to the candle’s flame. “No, that is simply not true,” the mind will say. “I already know the world is unsupportive and difficult and I have evidence.” (Or, if someone suggests that you’re not socially inept, to use another example, the mind will say, “You made a blunder at the party a few months ago—you are a dork.”) I wonder if the depressed teenagers of today are trapped in their “monkey mind” and need to find a pathway from the mind

Years ago, my mother said, “I’m concerned about you and I know things can get better.” She offered to find a psychologist for me in time before visualizations became popular. Perhaps you’ll want to share your caring spirit with a depressed teenager in your life, be it your child, grandchild, or someone else. Offer the help of a psychologist, if you choose to. Or suggest the following practice to your dear one: Morning practice: Take two or three minutes upon waking up to imagine yourself standing by the shoreline (or anywhere in nature) radiating sunlight and inner beauty and standing tall in your true essence. Try this for three or four weeks to see if the effects are cumulative or deepening over time. Let your dear one know everyone’s different. What works for some people might not work as well for someone else. Still, new approaches might be worth a try. Do let me know if the spell “the monkey mind” casts on your dear one (and on all of us) loses its power—the spell of “You’re not good enough” or “There’s no hope for things to get better.” I’d love to get your news.

Elliott Robertson is the author of Say Yes to Life: Seven Keys to Living Life Full Out from Within. A love and joy coach, he holds an MA in psychology and is a workshop leader. For a complimentary guided visualization, please visit



Thérèse Plummer An Actor, Storyteller and Narrators of over 400 audiobooks


hérèse Plummer is an actor, storyteller, and one of publishing’s top audiobook narrators who has recorded over 400 audiobooks for all the major NYC publishing houses. She is the voice of Maya Hansen in the Marvel graphic motion comic “Ironman Extremis,” Dr. Fennel in “Pokémon,” and for various “Yu-Gi-Oh!” characters. She’s also had television guest roles on “The Good Wife,” “Law and Order SVU,” and “Virgin River” for Netflix.

Therese, please tell us how your acting began? I am the fifth of eight kids and grew up in a big crazy Irish- Catholic family. Storytelling is in my blood. My father was a professional actor in his youth and I got his genes. My first show was The King and I when I was in 7th grade and the local high school needed kids for the show. Once I was on that stage the rest was history. You also a storyteller, who has won multiple Earphone awards, what is the best experience you had as a storyteller? This is going to sound hokey but I feel like the stories find me. I started professional storytelling 15 years ago and to say that it has been an education emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally is the understatement of the year. I will never forget recording FAITH by Jennifer Haigh and I became so immersed in my characters lives and journeys that there was a palpable ache when it ended. Every time a show or play or project ends there is a small depression until the next set of characters enter and set up shop in my body and mind. There has been a tremendous amount of healing through storytelling as well. THE SNOW CHILD by Eowyn Ivey comes to mind. She wrote an adult fairy tale about an older couple 42 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

wanting a child and creating one out of snow that comes to life and enters their lives and inevitabley alters everything. It taught me to never stop dreaming but also to want what you have. Life lessons are in almost every book I perform. Among the over 400 books you have narrated, which one is your favorite? I have two answers; My favorite book I discovered through storytelling is THE SNOW CHILD by Eowyn Ivey but my favorite book to perform was RUST & STARDUST by T. Greenwood. This is the true story of 11-yearold Sally Horner who was abducted in 1948 outside a Woolworths in Camden, NJ, by 52-year-old Frank LaSalle and is held captive for two years enduring mental and physical assaults. Having the opportunity to voice and inhabit each character in this story was an absolute emotional workout every moment in the studio. It was also a pivotal turning point in my career as a storyteller and brought home how valuable using my voice to tell these kinds of stories is. I received a lot of feedback from listeners that went through a catharsis listening to this story and again I was reminded that storytelling is healing and I have no idea how far it will reach. I will never know. What I do know is that these stories must be told.

When did you realize voice-over work was for you? When a Producer hired me to record a book LOL. To be honest I feel as if I fumbled my way through the stories in the beginning, but I am an actor and a book is a script and even though the formatting was different it is exactly the same, so each book became a play to me and I was a one-woman show playing all the parts. The Godfather of Audiobooks, George Guidall, told me early in my career, that he learns from one book to the next and I loved that. It reminded me to be a student, always a student, and teachable and flexible to this craft. Is there any difference between acting and doing voice-over? I Like to think storytelling is performing vocally everything you would use your body and face for physically on stage or camera. So in essence it is the most intimate form of acting I have experienced. Who you want to work with in the future I would love to collaborate with Cheryl Strayed or Elizabeth Gilbert or Brene Brown. Any of these queens would be exhilarating to collaborate and tell stories with. What is your favorite book and why? My favorite book (it’s really hard to pick one) is Wild by Cheryl Strayed. I identify so strongly with her story. When I hit my bottom with drugs and alcohol at age twenty and went from lost to found through my own internal Pacific Crest Trail it was so many moments filled with terror, grace, humor, uncertainty, surrender and finally trust that every word of Cheryl’s journey and watching Reese Witherspoon in the movie was like someone had been watching my struggle and journey and was able to put it into words and then film. Storytelling, I am telling you, it is the balm that is healing humanity.

Would you like to share any thoughts with our readers. I would love to say that your story matters. Who you are matters. Whatever you are going through today, this moment, you will be ok and you are not alone. Write it down, let it out, let it be heard. The entire world is in a holding pattern right now and wouldn’t it be fantastic if we took a collective breath and just stood still and let the sunshine beat on our faces and bodies. Let the breezes wash us clean and restore our hope for a better, cleaner, healthier tomorrow? Just a thought. Happy listening.

I would love to say that your story matters. Who you are matters. Whatever you are going through today, this moment, you will be ok and you are not alone. 43 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

An Excerpt from Storm on the Horizon

An excerpt from the preface in “I AM : Your Guide to Mind and Body Union for Total Awareness”

I AM: Your Guide to Mind and Body Union for Total Awareness is a contemporary perspective that opens up a new understanding of the connection between your body and your brain. I present this text as a self-help guidebook for people of all ages who may be healing and rejuvenating from physical and mental anxiety, and trauma—and those who simply want to expand their overall awareness through mindand-body union. I present this text to anyone who wants to advance their mind and lift their subtle vibration toward a state of enlightenment. 44 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

The State of

Enlightenment By Maggie Moor

I have constructed this eleven-chapter system to help clarify the process by which you can begin to incorporate this kind of awareness into your everyday perspective. Each chapter engages a psychological and spiritual discussion of specific topics that will help you learn to understand your mind and body connection and enhance a peaceful awareness in your being. For example, we will discuss topics like energetic awareness, honoring your body, acceptance, love, healthy pleasure, emotion, and so forth. At the close of each chapter, I present guided journaling exercises and meditation practices, which I have designed and found useful for helping people heal from the specific psychological and emotional issues presented in each discussion. This book will teach you to lead a happier, more joyful life with a greater sense of awareness regarding the need for a harmonious coexistence between your mind and your body. The journaling and meditation exercises at the end of each chapter will assist you in realizing a heightened sense of enlightenment in how you approach the day-to-day pressures of life. I AM: Your Guide to Mind and Body Union for Total Awareness is different from other books on similar topics because I base my talks and techniques on Buddhist mindfulness philosophy and traditional Eastern practices, including journaling and meditation, to prescribe awareness to the body-mind connection, and a new understanding of the word sensuality. This contemporary perspective opens up an understanding of the connection between the body and the brain as a path toward total awareness, attunement to the sensuality or life force vibration in your body, and a cultivated state of enlightenment. Through these mindful practices in awareness, you will learn to clear psychic and physical blocks that stop you from being fully present and embracing the natural Life Force that moves through your organic cells, and thus lead you to experiencing heightened joys of Life. By spending fifteen or twenty minutes per day on these practices, you will begin to experience a progression toward connecting your body with your mind. You will experience a whole new level of your inner consciousness, your natural energy, your senses, and your living pleasures. Ultimately, through following the steps and practices in this book, you will increase your awareness and capacity for self-love, by finding ways to calm your nervous system and open your sense. As you begin to incorporate these perceptions and practices into your life as an overall ‘way of being,’ you will find a natural experience of the sensuality, well spring of life force, that multiplies and radiates from you as an infinite, unconditional, and higher vibration manifest as pure love. 45 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

A voice inside guided me, saying You must find a way to honor and listen to this part of you that wants to live, You must honor the life force in your mind and body. You must honor your heartbeat

I would like to share with you how I came to write this book. We have learned in the media this year, and especially from the #MeToo movement, that almost 80 percent of our population has experienced some kind of life-altering trauma, ranging from sexual abuse and assault to anxiety, depression and addiction. This is not a personal memoir, but I want to share something about myself. If you take the 80 percent figure as truth, it is probably safe to say that you have experienced some sort of trauma in your life. Perhaps you’ve never dealt with it completely—or at all—but this book is meant to help you start the journey to wellness, to a sense of self you didn’t have before, and assist you in building a positive outlook toward your mind and body connection. Through the system presented in this book, I hope that you can find a willingness to let go of identifying your Self as your “Story” and become inspired to develop a beautiful empowered way of experiencing your inner self, and your life. My trauma took place when I was just a kid. As a child of ten years old, I experienced sexual abuse that in many ways dictated the direction of my life. As an early teen, I battled drug and alcohol addiction, resulting in repeated homelessness and dangerous situations. More than twelve years ago, I was in deep spiritual, emotional, and physical pain, ranging from heart palpitations to pancreatic distress. I felt so hopeless that I prayed day and night for the life force to simply be lifted from my body, and that my own heart would stop beating—and I came pretty near close. When my body was pretty limited and I had not consumed food for days, all I could do was listen to my heart beating, the slow steady ticking of time passing. Some deeper part of me began praying for some answers to this spiritual dilemma, this wish to die, and I found myself holding on with each breath. In those moments, I slowly awakened to the realization that something bigger than my mind was keeping me alive—that beyond my wish to dematerialize, inside of me, and despite my own thoughts, was a truly deep desire, a wish to live. In those moments, a voice inside guided me, saying You must find a way to honor and listen to this part of you that wants to live, You must honor the life force in your mind and body. You must honor your heartbeat. My healing path included recovery groups and a journey to Varanasi, India, to study yoga and meditation, Gestalt talk therapy and an official degree in psychoanalysis led to work with many healers, therapists, and my own healing and rejuvenation. I focused daily on the part of me that wanted to live and thrive, listening in to that voice, the voice of my heart.


I slowly became immersed in filling my days with activities that brought me closer to my heart, fueled the life force within me, and brought me to understand the many techniques and practices that bring mental and physical focus and fulfillment. I have since become a national fitness athlete, recorded albums and music videos, written manuscripts, developed warm and loving relationships in my personal life, and found a passion for helping others. My passion for helping others find a reverence for listening to their own hearts became a training and devotion to studying and developing ways of helping people heal themselves from personal trauma and connect to their internal emotional lives and natural sources of energy and power. This life experience and professional training has enabled me to work therapeutically with a wide spectrum of people who have suffered emotional and physical anxiety, addiction, trauma, and spiritual crisis. I have also learned to specialize in helping those who experience difficulties in emotional and physical intimacy and relationships, and those who seek mind and body. If making a life centered around honoring and cultivating a life centered in a union of mind and body, greater awareness, deeper inner peace and joy is what you seek, this book is your guide.

Maggie Moor is a visionary, healer, psychotherapist, JazzRock singer and songwriter, actress, three-time National Figure Competitor, author and founder of the Institute for the Advancement of the Mind. For the past 10 years, she studied ways to help people heal their trauma and connect to their inner power. She also studied Buddhist meditation, which included a concentrated study at a Varanasi Temple in Northwestern India. Moor’s psychoanalytic paper, “Coloring Outside the Lines: Sadomasochistic Defense and the Search for Identity,” was nominated for the NAAP Gradiva Award. Moor worked at The Treatment Service with patients recovering from anxiety and at Rikers Island facilitating groups for women recovering from trauma and addiction. Moor currently resides in New York City. To find out more about Moor and her book, please visit her website:

THE WAY I SEE IT By Joe Santos, Jr.

Photo by Aditya Saxena

g r e m E ence


Are we ready? What does “ready” even mean after 100,000 plus deaths in America thus far and an epidemic showing no signs of slowing down? Is it possible? Is it safe? I guess the answer lies in who you ask, trust, believe? I’m steering clear of any political referencing here. That's too easy to get caught up in. The time we are in requires much more than that. It requires fact, knowledge, truth, search, power and conviction, God, and Spirit. It requires finding our core values and bringing them forward. It's that time to be that friend, that spouse, that parent. For some of us, finding it is easy. Others? Not so much. Maybe because some of us have "what it takes," and some don't. The funny thing about "survival," it comes in so many forms. The challenge, I mean. Being stranded on a deserted island, for example, or keeping a roof over our head, food on the table, keeping our kids safe. What about "surviving” a bad marriage, an accident, a job, or lack thereof? Or what about coming out of ICU after three weeks of being hooked up to a ventilator? None of these are choices any of us would choose to make for our lives. Interestingly enough, when they are presented to us, most of us tend to grab that bull by the horns and ride it through, determined to conquer. Then why is it that now when we are faced with the decision of finding our own survival, we struggle or are nonchalant? We have been given warnings, information, tools, and suggestions on how to "emerge" safely. We have been told how to prepare. And for some, even given financial aid, food, shelter, and relief until they are able to recoup. No “hoax”, this struggle is real, and we are all facing it at the same time. For a while, in the beginning, anyway, it looked like we found some camaraderie through this. You know, phrases like, "We Are All In This," or "Alone Together," "We'll Get Past It," "6Ft Apart Or 6 Ft Under? Your Choice”. Encouragement through slogans. Did it really bring us together or just help sell lots of T-shirts and Hats? All of that aside, I know one thing. I'm doing my part. I quarantined a week before it was suggested. I got tested as soon as it was available. I followed the rules and guidelines, and found peace and energy from within by embracing prayer, meditation, and quiet. Prepared my home, read, wrote, painted, took drives, walks, hikes, cooked, baked, listened to music, watched movies, some bad TV, lots of good TV, laughed, checked in on my family, neighbors, and friends and made sure I'm ready to "EMERGE" from this, a better man in many ways. A man, who is more conscientious, patient, kinder, more aware of his surroundings, thoughtful and grateful to have learned a few important

lessons along the way and in no way am I in a hurry to be a part of the "mainstream" until I am confident we are all doing our part. I said once, when faced with a tragedy, there are three ways one can emerge. The "Victim" (the one who never saw it coming), The "Survivor" (That’s the one who keeps reminding others how he/she was almost the victim) or The "Champion." (No definition required). Our choice. I pray we all do get through this and, in doing so, by remembering and honoring the costs of all our "choices," respecting and applauding all of those unselfish, unsung heroes who continually put themselves at risk, so we don't have to. Let's not forget to thank and appreciate them. And remember that whatever the outcome is, our kindness is key.

Joey Santos Jr. was raised in NYC, Malibu, and West Hollywood Hills. He is son to Film & Television Actor Joe Santos. His Mother, Mary, was a former Showgirl who became a "stay at home Mom," and a wonderful cook who loved hosting lavish parties in their homes. Joey's Grandfather is World-Renowned Latin Singer Daniel Santos, and his Grandmother Rose was a Business Woman who owned Nightclubs in NYC, Havana, Miami, and LA. She also started a Record Label and a Film Studio. Early on, Joey worked as an actor. He had a recurring role in NYPD Blue's, as Officer Aiello, and also performed on stage doing live theater. He then embarked on a singing career, recorded a couple of CDs, and performed in various venues throughout the US. His ultimate passion, however, was the result of following in both his Grandmother's and Mother's footsteps. He became a Restauranteur - (Co-owned the El Mocambo in LA, Owner and Chef of JoJo's Americana Supper-club in Saugatuck, and JoJo's Juke Joint in West Hollywood). This experience would lead Joey to embark on his own very successful private business of catering/hosting events for the Hollywood elite. For the past four years, he as been Private Chef to Brad Pitt. Since 2016, Joey writes a monthly column, "The Way I See It " for The Eden Magazine. He is teaming up with life-long friend ( Literary Agent ) Alan Nevins, to develop a PodCast called, "Two Guys From Hollywood" where they will talk about everything you always "didn't want to know!"



Photo by Michael Paz

Many new innovations in urban agriculture are utilizing techniques that use less land, less water, and less energy. Closed-loop watering systems, such as hydroponics and aeroponics are soil-free, enable year-round production, and have nearly eliminated the need for pesticides. Growing crops in smaller, controlled environments makes efficient use of our land, increases food security, and reduces our agricultural carbon footprint.

Planned around a farm, agrihoods provide access to beautiful landscapes, locally grown food, and homes built to environmentally friendly standards. ... Agrihoods often incorporate methods of sustainability, solar power, composting, and greywater systems all leading to a zero waste goal.

Lisette Templin, faculty member in the Department of Health & Kinesiology at Texas A&M University, leads a farming initiative based on an aeroponic system that uses 90% less land and 90% less water. From seedling to harvest, up to 150 varieties of vegetables are grown in vertical towers, supplying fresh food to 120 families twice monthly under the university’s “grow to serve” mission. Ms. Templin also teaches at Texas A&M’s Wellness Works Program and is founder and teacher of the Sheng Zhen Meditation School in Bryan College Station. “In 1975, my family came to the U.S. from Viet Nam, and at 10 years old, I needed to learn how to hold onto happiness. The Sheng Zhen philosophy inspires me to savor the process of growing food from a tiny seed, finding its root—first downward, then upward. Food activates all of the senses, which has a powerful effect on the human heart.” The metaphor illustrates how both spiritual and nutritional abundance can be achieved with minimal energy. Field farming, however, is hard work. Wouldn’t it be nice to live close to a farm, where we can connect with the people who plant, manage, and harvest our food?


Enter the agrihood—a healthy lifestyle community centered around a professionally managed farm. The term agrihood, which combines the words agriculture and neighborhood, was coined by the nation’s earliest developers of these farm-centric communities. Agrihoods are designed with a purpose—to connect people with the land— not just for agricultural activities, but to also protect and support conservation of farmlands, forests, watersheds, and wildlife habitat. An agrihood community can be comprised of up to 70% open space, including land dedicated to agricultural activities and animal pastures. Residents not only benefit from access to fresh food, they enjoy the close connection to the farm and participating in planting and harvesting. Neighbors connect with nature, and each other as they walk, hike, or bike alongside pastures, orchards and woodlands. Many agrihoods are built on heritage farmland, and where possible, developers hire original farm family members to help plan and manage agricultural operations. Instead of displacing a farmland for housing development, agrihood developers help a community farm thrive by providing capital and infrastructure, and by supporting the local economy. It’s no surprise that agrihoods across the nation are winning “best places to live” awards. In addition to resort-style clubhouses with swimming pools, many agrihoods offer boating, golf, yoga studios and fitness centers. Agrihoods are family-friendly communities with many amenities for children, as well as K-12 charter schools. The heart of every agrihood, however, is its working farm.

Gathering the Good

Aberlin Springs, located in Morrow, Ohio is a historic family farm set among acres of preserved forests, meadows, and a stocked fishing pond. The organic farm includes a greenhouse, medicinal herb garden, over 100 chickens, a small herd of sheep, rabbits, goats and a donkey named Jack. “We’re a neighborhood of free-range chickens and free-range kids,” says Leslie Aberlin, who built the community on the 141 acres of woods and tillable farmland where her Swiss parents put down roots to begin their American dream.

Located north of Austin, Texas, Orchard Ridge is a master-planned, porch friendly community with homes inspired by historic farmhouse architecture. Residents can enjoy fresh food from the working farm with no exchange of money, and also grow their own produce in private raised bed spaces in the “Founders Garden.” Tools and equipment can be borrowed from the nearby farm shed, and the community’s staff agriculturalists provide assistance. Orchard Ridge is surrounded by creeks, ponds, an extensive trail system, and includes numerous indoor and outdoor amenities for a healthy lifestyle.

Each week, residents visit the “Gather the Good” farm market to buy fresh bounty and eggs from Aberlin’s farm, along with products from local purveyors and artisans. The market is one of several gathering spaces where residents can have a cup of coffee, exchange recipes, and just enjoy sharing the day. One of Aberlin Farm’s unique amenities is its wellness spa, called Haven, where residents and guests can receive a full array of wellness and spiritual treatments, attend educational classes, or just enjoy the peaceful tranquility of Haven’s meditation garden.

Founders Garden at Orchard Ridge, Liberty Hill, Texas

Agrihoods can be considered “lifestyle communities,” since they offer a diverse range of amenities. Arden, a healthy-living community in Palm Beach County, Florida, was named winner of the 2020 Gold Award for “Best Amenity” by the National Association of Home Builders. Arden was recognized for its extraordinary community amenities, including the resort-style Lakehouse, and The Barn, where residents gather for seasonal themed events and workshops.

Haven Wellness Spa at Aberlin Springs, Morrow, Ohio

Create Your Own Garden

Help is just around the corner for those who want to grow their own produce. In addition to operating a working farm, a great number of agrihoods set aside land for community gardens where residents can grow their own produce. General maintenance and irrigation are provided by the developer or homeowner’s association, and often staff agriculturalists provide assistance to residents to help establish a successful garden.

Arden’s professionally managed farm produces more than 50 varieties of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers that are shared with residents through a farm share program. The farm is managed organically, where special care is taken to recycle nutrients, increase biodiversity and preserve air, water and soil quality. The farm serves as a living classroom where residents can connect with where food comes from and be a part of the production through regular volunteer days. The Barn is where residents pick up their farm share, attend workshops on a range of topics, from organic gardening to flower arranging. The Barn also features the Arden General Store, providing residents with freshly harvested fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other necessities for healthy living.


Porches are the New Backyard

Occasionally people are described as “serious gardeners” due to their extensive level of gardening activities. It doesn’t matter whether your garden is an acre, or you’re just growing tomatoes on your porch—if you are growing food organically then you are a serious gardener. Many vegetables grow nicely in containers of all shapes and sizes. To make planting and caring for your garden easier, can create an “elevated” garden, which is a large container or box that is about 3 feet tall. You can find organic seeds, plants, potting soil and compost at your local garden center. For just a few minutes of your time each day, you can grow a complete salad garden on your porch, patio, or balcony. You may be inspired to use an aeroponic or hydroponic indoor garden system which are ideal for growing microgreens. Considered “superfoods,” microgreens continue to remind us that less energy equals more nourishment.

The Barn at Arden, Palm Beach County, Florida

Anna DeSimone is an award-winning author and consultant in housing finance. She has written more than 40 professional guidebooks and published over 600 articles on the topic of fair lending, consumer compliance and mortgage best practices. She is founder of Bankers Advisory, a mortgage compliance audit services company, acquired by Clifton Larson Allen LLP. Anna DeSimone is author of Welcome to the Agrihood: housing, shopping, and gardening for a farm-to-table lifestyle. She received the Axiom Silver Award in the category of Personal Finance, Retirement Planning, and Investing for her book, Housing Finance 2020.


53 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2020, the UK’s most-loved pet food brand*, are a pet-food subscription company passionate about dog nutrition. Back in 2013, a small group of people came together to bring one vet’s idea to life. They set out to solve a problem at the heart of pet food: despite the overwhelming choice of one-size-fits-all food in the shops, there was never anything that could tick all the boxes. Long lists of mysterious ingredients on the label only made things more complicated – there had to be a better way to feed dogs right.

Study Proves Your Dog is Probably Getting More Treats than You Are...


And so began, assembling a crack team of experts including vets, nutritionists and engineers (and their dogs) to develop a super-smart way to create a unique recipe for every single dog – yes, even yours. From your dog’s weird preference for whiffy fish smells, to that itchy skin condition, your dog’s tails. com recipe is based on information only you could know. Treat for you, treat for the dog! New research from dog food subscription company reveals how dog owners in the UK portion up the treats in their household. · Women three times as likely to treat their dog than treat their partner · Men 12% more likely to buy treats for their dogs than their kids · Third of British men (35%) cook, bake and sew for their dogs · Wales is home to the UK’s most pampered pooches · 4 in 5 UK dog owners have celebrated their dog’s birthday with a cake The UK is a nation of dog lovers and this study proves that when it comes to dishing out the treats, dogs really do come out on top.

The study found that women were three times as likely to treat their dog than their partner, who would only get treated 13% of the time. Even the kids get a raw deal when it comes to sniffing out the treats - men were found to be 12% more likely to buy treats for their dog (44%), than treats for their kids (39%). Men were even less likely to buy treats for their partner, doing so just 18% of the time when compared to the dog who gets edible treats 44% of the time. Woofers living in Wales are likely to be the UK’s most pampered pooches. They get fed their favorite foods at over half of mealtimes: Wales (56%) North East (51%) East Anglia (50%) Midlands (48%) North West (48%) Overall, dogs living in the South were less likely to be spoiled with their favourite foods than their northern counterparts, who were fed their favourite dish at 47% of meal times every day. What do you do for YOUR dog? British men are going above and beyond for their dogs, with almost half admitting to cooking homemade meals for them:

The study also found that 4 in 5 UK dog owners had celebrated their dog’s birthday. It found that 80% of UK dog owners have bought or made a dog-friendly birthday cake to mark the occasion. Head Vet Sean McCormack comments on the results of the study and offers some advice on treating dogs in a safe and healthy way: A study published in the journal Society and Animals suggests that people are more empathetic towards dogs than fellow humans, which could explain why we’re seeing an increasing number of dog owners going the extra mile when it comes to their dogs happiness and well-being. “Just like humans, treats should be a healthy part of a balanced diet (especially as part of your dog's training routine). It’s worth remembering that treats still count towards your dog’s daily calorie intake, which can put them on the path to weight gain, so I've put together some key advice when it comes to deciding when, how and what to treat your dog with.” Use kibbles from your dog’s daily allowance as treats – so you’re not doubling up on calories. Give healthier options – look for low-calorie dog treats, most packets include the nutritional information. Know your snacks – some human favourites have too many calories or can even be harmful for dogs. Know your dog’s weight goals – not sure if your dog’s overweight? Here’s how to measure their body condition score. 55 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020


Nicolas De Santis

icolas De Santis is an internet entrepreneur, and CEO of Corporate Vision, a strategy consulting firm and technology incubator. He was the marketing director and co-founder of the European online travel portal Opodo. He is the son of leading Spanish film, television, and theater actress Maria Cuadra and Italian film producer, writer and philanthropist best known as the founder and Chairman of Gold Mercury International Award, Eduardo De Santis.

In 2004 Nicolas De Santis became the President and secretary-general of Gold Mercury International Award, a think tank and global governance award organization founded in 1961. The award is named after Mercury, the god of commerce. The Gold Mercury International Annual Award is awarded to individuals, including heads of state, for their contributions to world peace, and to companies or organizations for contributing to the development of international relations and product development. Leaders who have received the award include U.S. Presidents Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan, and King Juan Carlos I of Spain. Kerry Kennedy, founder of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, received the award for 56 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Humanitarian Action in 2006.

In the 1990s, De Santis worked for the European Union under President Enrique Baron Crespo, where he advised on issues relating to European identity and the launch of the Euro currency. As part of the launch of the Euro currency, he developed and launched the controversial Captain Euro, Europe’s superhero, designed to analyze the perceptions and emotions of Europeans regarding European identity. In 2013, De Santis launched the Brand E.U. Centre, an independent, pro-EU initiative to improve the management of the European Union brand. As a strategy advisor, Nicolas has created strategies and visions for governments, academic institutions, global brands, and technology start-ups, such as British Airways and the European Union, to name a few. The same year, he joined the board of the Global Virus Network (GVN), where he was a senior advisor. De Santis believes that: "As our planet's population grows exponentially, GVN's role in tackling old and new viruses will become central in preventing, protecting and curing present and future generations.

How was it growing up in a showbiz family? I grew up on movie sets and the backstage of theaters. I was lucky. For a kid, growing up in a showbiz environment can be like living in a constant wonderland while at home (surrounded by famous people from Europe and Hollywood) and on-set (surrounded by amazing sets, crews, and directors shouting Lights! Camera! Action!). My mother, actress Maria Cuadra, did a lot of great live plays, and I learned theater from amazing authors, including Pirandello (The Mountain Giants), Ibsen (Dolls House), and many more. Same thing with my father, who started as an actor (doing over twenty films in Italy, Europe, and the USA) and then moved to produce films. So, for a kid to grow up in that environment is fantastic. Instead of playing with Legos, I was learning first-hand how movies and theater are made and got to play with a lot of funny props. My fun days were when my mother or father took me to movie sets or theater rehearsals. For example on those days, I had to wake up at 5 am, get in the studio limousine (how cool for a kid), get to my mom's private trailer to have breakfast (loved the fried eggs and bacon) and then sit (very silently) next to the director and crew as a member of the gang!

It was intense, and you felt the pressures of the entire production. I have talked a lot about growing up in such an environment with my dear friend Jeffrey Moore (son of 007 Bond star Roger Moore), who had a similar situation growing up. It showed us both how hard you need to work to stay at the top of your game in show business or any business.

You might have naturally wanted to become an actor, your mother being a renowned actress, and your father a successful producer. What made you decide to go a different route? Yes, I did want to follow my parent's path. I started acting in my hometown of Madrid, Spain, when I was a teenager. In the 1980s, I was cast to do a short movie drama called 'Elisita,' a love story during the post-civil war in Spain between an old celibate woman (Elisita) and Antonio (played by me). Elisita is asked to help Antonio with his Latin and math lessons, and as we spend several afternoons together, we develop a close bond. As a kid having to act in romantic scenes with an older woman was difficult, but I got through it, and we delivered a great product and winning a few awards. It was a fantastic first movie experience, and I was the lead! My co-star in the movie, the actress playing Elisita (Encarna Paso), was the main actress in Spain's first Oscar foreign film (Begin the Beguine), which won two years later. I then moved to London in the mid-eighties to work for my father's company, a leading brand consultancy advising many global brands like Disney, Bank of America, and Levi's. While there, I looked for acting schools to do part-time and saw that the Lee Strasberg actor's studio had opened there. I attended it for a few months to learn 'the method' with some great teachers. I found the 'method' very hard to learn at first, but it gave me amazing insights into my feelings and emotions. That was another great experience, and although in the end, I took a different career route, I kept studying film making over the years doing various production courses at the London Film Institute. These show biz training courses were great life experiences that I used throughout my career. Tell us about Corporate Vision’s mission about improving organizational vision and global sustainability. Many large organizations think foresight is just an uninspiring ‘vision statement’ phrase on their websites. It is not. A Vision is a clear strategy that imagines a better future and creates the cultural and organizational drive to build that future. Corporate Vision® was founded to provide long term strategic vision and foresight to corporations so they could become active in creating a better world. To help companies, we need to be good at navigating global complexity to separate the important from the unimportant and tell them what products and services people will want and need. Products and services that make lives and the world better. We know that companies without clarity of vision do not last, and they rarely change the world for the best. Corporations also need to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) of the United Nations to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. Many of our clients now contribute directly to these goals and are building sustainable products and services. 57 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

How did you come to create GLOGO, and how can it help create a sustainable global future? The making of long-range vision and strategy starts with a clear understanding of reality. But our world is a complex system exponentially changing, making it very difficult for organizations to have a clear perspective. Most companies develop a strategy with a fuzzy view of how the future will change. Their existing paradigm rules the day and provides them with a false sense of security. Until reality hits. I realized that to advise on a strategic vision for corporations, I needed to be able to help my clients manage global and strategic complexity. To do this, I created GLOGO®, the Global Governance Monitoring System, for Planet Earth. GLOGO organizes our planet's complexity into eight macro-areas that monitor governance, change, and disruption to provide clarity of the present and future state of the world. We monitor areas including GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT, GLOBAL RESOURCES, and GLOBAL HEALTH, where we identified viral pandemics as humanity's greatest threat long ago. The world has failed to make viral threats a key priority, and now we are paying the ultimate price. To add some good news, with GLOGO, we recently identified a salamander (the Axolotl) whose DNA could regenerate human body parts. This salamander's genetic code is ten times longer than a human's, and it can reproduce its limbs, its tail, spinal cord, and even its eyes. It is currently being studied in detail at the University of Kentucky. Tell us about your book that you’re completing during this quarantine period. What is the book about, and when will it come out? The book will be titled ‘Corporate Vision: The definitive guide to mastering organizational and global complexity.' In the book, we explain the Corporate Vision System, a practical tool for creating and managing corporate vision and culture. Corporate culture is constantly blamed for many business failures, but culture is still an unclear and undefined concept in the world of business. In this book, I define it clearly so the business world can holistically manage culture and make the most of it. The book will be out in the summer. How do you envision our world to change after the quarantine is over? I believe the world will be very different after this. How we interact with people will change, and how we perceive threats will change, how we decide where to invest will change. I was on the board of the Global Virus Network or GVN (the largest network of virology centers in the world) for two years. There I learned a lot about viruses and pandemics. Viruses are the most significant threat to human life. How COVID 19 ends will depend on how long this pandemic lasts and whether it is recurring (every year). For example, the Spanish Flu of 1918 lasted three years before things got better and killed 50 million. By 58 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

the end of 2020, we will know how hard the planet earth got hit by the virus and whether we managed to stop it or control it. We will learn who did what and what role they played to help humanity restore itself. We are in the middle of writing history. If nations cooperate in good faith, we will win, if not we will lose big. How do you think it’s going to change for you and world businesses? It is time for reinvention and reflection for all of us. Was the life we had before this situation so great? Or could it be much better once we solve it? What do we prioritize from now on? What changes are we making? All great questions to answer with a new perspective. In my company, we are pivoting to virtual consulting with new products and online experiences. Many businesses will start by cutting costs first but eventually will have to decide to reinvent and pivot to new areas or die. Many industries, like travel, will suffer greatly. We will all prepare for future pandemics as a priority as we have realized that an epidemic can do much more damage than a competitor ever could. The world needs to put real priorities first. People need to focus on what matters most like family and health. Health has now become the top priority before anything else. Our priorities were obviously wrong as health took a secondary place until we got sick. Could you give any advice to our readers who have businesses on how to strategize with the changes that will come? No one is certain what changes will happen, but I believe they will be vast. Use this time to make the changes you wanted to do but hesitated to do in the past. It is a time for reinvention. Reinvent yourself, innovate your business model, and rethink your purpose. Create products and services that people need. Find a purpose that motivates you and the people around you to be at your best. A true purpose will keep you inspired, and nothing is better than making your hobby or your passion become your business. At a conference, you mentioned we have to think as global citizens, especially in a pandemic like we are living at present. Could you please expand further? We do not choose where we are born or to whom, but one thing is sure, we are all global citizens. We are all born on the same planet, regardless of nationality or country. We must think at a global level, not just at the national level. This pandemic proves that big problems are global, not domestic. So as citizens of this earth, we must think with a global mindset and perspective. Global governance' is a cooperative movement among global actors, including global citizens, aimed at negotiating and preparing responses to problems that affect more than one state or region. We, as global citizens, must get more involved in global affairs to be part of the solution.

What should we learn and take from this period? We should learn that in a globalized planet like earth, problems no longer stop at borders. The U.N. is not enough to manage global affairs anymore. We need new and innovative institutions that make countries and other global actors more accountable faster. We need more grassroots, bottom-up movements to speak truth to power and prevent the destruction of our planet. It is time. We will need to learn significant lessons from this pandemic. From where it originated and how to why we could not stop it in time. We must be more involved as a citizen in global affairs. When does a man as busy as you find the time for spirituality. What keeps you grounded and fuels your energy and inspiration on new ideas? Mindfulness and meditation help me to stay grounded and calm. Both help me prioritize what is truly important in my life, like family and friends. I like the slogan that Ellen DeGeneres uses: "Be Kind to One another." In days like these, it is vital. I would add to that slogan that 'when someone is kind to you,' pass it on. Imagine the possibilities. We have to be mindful of the things that we take for granted, and we can't get back when they are gone. My father taught me to be a passionate person. He was an erupting volcano full of passion all the time. I lost my father Eduardo last year, and although I worked with him, I know we could have spent more time together doing things beyond work. We always talked about doing a 'round the world trip,' but we never did. It is a big regret of mine. We kept postponing it. My father got leukemia, and at age 90, he was gone in three months. I spent those three months by his side. That was a big life lesson, so now I do not postpone anything.

International in the 1960s as a think tank to debate and improve global peace and cooperation. I grew up discussing global affairs, which gave me an incredible perspective on the future of the world. The organization also presents the Gold Mercury Awards for visionary governance in various areas. Historic recipients of our peace award include U.S. President Ronald Reagan for negotiations to reduce nuclear weapons with the Soviets and President Sadat of Egypt for the Camp David peace accords. What is your message to our readers? At Corporate Vision, we use the motto 'The best way to predict the future is to create it!'. We believe that if you can envision the future like Walt Disney envisioned Disneyland, Steve Jobs, the iPhone, or Elon Musk conquering space than you can do it! So go dream and don't let anyone tell you that it can't be done! Special Thank you to: Nicolas De Santis Maria Elena Infantino Dina Morrone

You have been presenting Global Awards for Governance since the 1960s. Can you elaborate? My father, Eduardo De Santis, founded Gold Mercury


ear Window 1954 starring James Stewart, who is one of my all time favorite actors. Stewart portray’s a news reporter who was injured and confined to a w eautiful plays his finance’ and while at home with nothing else to do but spy on the neighbors, meanwhile Jeff should be paying more attention to his beau uestion is, was there a murder or not? That is for you to figure out. Watching this classic film during our current situation in quarantine is quite ironic bec


wheel chair, in his Greenwich Village apartment. Jeff, played by Stewart spies on his neighbors and thinks he witnesses a murder. Grace Kelly, stunningly utiful fiancé but he wrangles her into the drama. The tension of watching and not being able to do anything or help leaves you feeling the same way! The cause all I see are my neighbors


Golden Age Escape By Sasha Gary

Although Hollywood is closed down now, my love for old Hollywood movies is perfect for this isolation period. It takes me to a time when things were simpler. Film is the great escape. I grew up watching these old film classics and I re-watch them all the time. The glitz, the glamour in the Golden Age of Hollywood, and these are some my favorite recommendations for you to enjoy.

My all time favorite film Sunset Boulevard, 1950. Set right here in Los Angeles about an aging actress in Hollywood, Norma Desmond portrayed by Gloria Swanson. William Holden and Nancy Olson, who I had the pleasure of meeting at a Sunset Boulevard screening a couple of years back in Santa Monica. Norma Desmond refuses to believe that her stardom has come to an end in Hollywood. She hires a screenwriter to help her with a movie comeback. Joe Willis played by Holden tries to take advantage of her but realizes he can’t. This film was nominated for 11 Academy Awards. It won 3 of the 4 acting nominations. It’s the quintessential Hollywood story with a star-studded cast also portraying themselves Cecil B. DeMille, Hedda Hopper and cameos by Buster Keaton, H.B. Warner and Anna Q. Nilsson. If you have never seen this film it is my top pick for a great escape into Nor-

ma’s fantasy world of drama, violence and death. The first time I saw this film, I was in bed one rainy Hollywood Sunday drinking mimosa's and I thought I was Norma Desmond. Pour yourself a glass of your finest champagne and enjoy! Rear Window 1954 starring James Stewart, who is one of my all time favorite actors. Stewart portray’s a news reporter who was injured and confined to a wheel chair, in his Greenwich Village apartment. Jeff, played by Stewart spies on his neighbors and thinks he witnesses a murder. Grace Kelly, stunningly beautiful plays his finance’ and while at home with nothing else to do but spy on the neighbors, meanwhile Jeff should be paying more attention to his beautiful fiancé but he wrangles her into the drama. The tension of watching and not being able to do anything or help leaves you feeling the same way! The question is, was there a murder or not? That is for you to figure out. Watching this classic film during our current situation in quarantine is quite ironic because all I see are my neighbors hooking up, and fighting with one another. It leaves a lot up to the imagination just like this classic thriller Rear Window directed by Alfred Hitchcock, who takes you on a journey of suspense. Seen through Jeff’s eyes as the voyeur, the audience becomes the voyeur too.

Being able to laugh and let go during times of stress and tension are reason enough to watch Some Like It Hot, 1959. Starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon. Two musician’s who dress as women to escape from mafia gangsters whom they witness committing a crime. A fun adventure of musicians in hiding, in drag, they meet Sugar Kane the band’s vocalist played by Marilyn Monroe. She swears off musician’s, so she is not interested in the guys, as she heads to Miami to find a millionaire. Boy, haven’t we all been there! Once in Florida more hilarity ensues among this funny cast. A classic comedy that will keep you laughing and laughter raises your vibration and helps you to forget about what’s going on in the world even if it’s just for 2 hours and 12 minutes. Going on a journey through a character in film can touch your heart, your soul, and connect you on a path of self discovery. To be able to see and understand someone else’s story can help you understand them better and yourself. Hollywood has changed so much since the Golden Age and this will be an amazing time of stories being written during this isolation period and I can’t wait to see what stories will come from it.

Sasha Gary is an actress, writer, and Transformation Life Coach at is a 16 week online health program for women that shows you how to implement small sustainable changes one by one to help you with whole food nutrition, self-love and a conscious movement. Sasha is a yogi of 25 years, a crystal healer, and an avid sound bowl meditation participant and lives in Venice California! 61 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Excerpt from Embracing the Magic Within

MAGIC is the Power to Create

Photo by Lucas Newton

By Shelly Wilson


According to numerology, which is the study of numbers, 2019 was a universal number 3 year encompassing creativity, self-expression and soul alignment. Within the practice of numerology, every calendar year is associated with a single-digit number known as the Universal Year number. This number is calculated by adding all the digits of the year together to create a single digit. Each number, from one to nine, gives insight into the vibrations that are felt globally throughout the year. This involves a set of feelings, opportunities and challenges that everyone in the collective consciousness may encounter in the next 12 months. To expand a bit further, 2020 is a universal 4 year, which is a year inviting us to return home to the self. It entails building a future for ourselves that aligns us with a more stable and secure life, self-growth and creating our own reality. Concept of the 9-year Cycle and Corresponding Years: • (1) universal 1 year (2017): beginnings • (2) universal 2 year (2018): connecting • (3) universal 3 year (2019): creating • (4) universal 4 year (2020): building • (5) universal 5 year (2021): changing • (6) universal 6 year (2022): nurturing • (7) universal 7 year (2023): re-evaluating • (8) universal 8 year (2024): expanding • (9) universal 9 year (2025): completing Through my own life experiences, I’ve consciously chosen to live life rather than simply exist. I’ve always been sensitive to energies and known things that I wasn’t sure how I knew. When I embarked on this path and began providing guidance to others in 2010, I stated from the beginning that I am not a fortune teller and will not predict your future. In every moment with every choice we are making, our life is continuously changing. Simply put, I choose to empower you as an individual rather than dis-empower you. I am passionate about helping people wake up to their greatness and desire to support others as they navigate their own journey into consciousness to experience aliveness. True intuitive work is to empower and to be of service. ~ Sonia Choquette

Each one of us is creating our reality, and believe it or not, we have the ability to consciously create the reality we desire for the most part. I state “for the most part” because there are situations beyond our control. Also, there is that fine print in our soul

agreement that could inhibit us from winning the lottery. Since everything is energy, we need to become aware of the energetic emission and vibrational frequencies that we are sending out. This includes becoming aware of our thoughts, words and actions. Furthermore, we must do our best to be present in the moment and practice good energetic hygiene by being grounded and centered. In addition, we can easily shift our energy by simply breathing consciously and intentionally, while attaining the peace within, so we can respond rather than react to external circumstances. Making conscious and empowered choices is fundamental for our overall wellness, including our physical health and mental/emotional well-being. I often say that being human can be tough sometimes! As much as we would love the perfect utopia filled with fluffy clouds, sparkly rainbows, unicorns, optimum weather and everything our little heart desires, that just isn’t the case. Life is real and can be difficult at times. Viewing the multitude of reality shows, watching the nightly news on TV or simply scrolling our feed on social media reminds us of just that. Not to mention what each one of us experiences on a daily basis, which can seem momentous and, at times, news worthy itself. We can view life as one of gloom and doom, all bright and sunshiny or somewhere in the middle. I think of myself as an optimistic realist. My feet are firmly planted on the ground, yet I choose to also see the positive within all situations, especially the challenging ones. Discussing more about energy and vibration later, being consumed with fear, worry and negativity will undoubtedly take a physical and mental/emotional toll on an individual and can even create illness or disease within the physical body. Understandably, some people may disagree with this viewpoint and even perceive it to be total nonsense. I wholeheartedly believe that the attitude we wish to embody and our outlook determines our reality. Please do your best to not feel dismayed or be discouraged when others see and experience life differently than you do. Essentially our perception, and ultimately how we choose to respond, is what really matters. We can choose to react when presented with challenges or we can pause, breathe and choose to respond. Verbalizing the two words aloud even feels different — react is harsher and quicker; respond is softer and more peaceful. 63 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Consider this analogy — life is a journey and pit stops on that journey are necessary. Road construction and detours may inhibit our path when we least expect it. We have to make regular stops to fill our tank to keep going or we’ll be left stranded or at least feel that way. Ultimately, regardless of the time it takes, we will arrive at our intended destination, so we must make the most of the trip. Life is a journey, not a destination. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Please know that I do not deem myself an expert on life or living, nor do I have all or even most of the answers to the meaning of life. I do recognize that from the moment we breathe the breath of life, we also begin to die. Physical death isn’t meant to be feared, but it is a significant reminder that we have to make the most of the dash — the time between birth and death.

pose?” To which I emphatically state, “Our purpose is to have a human life experience and to embody all of that experience fully.” In order to do so, we must connect with ourselves and begin listening to our heart and spirit as we explore more of what brings us joy. To connect, we may need to disconnect — from social media, technology and even people at times. Conscious parenting and encouraging children to cultivate the magic within now, so they don't have to find or rediscover it later as some adults have to do, is a necessity. My mission in sharing this compilation with you is to remind you of the truth of who you are. You are a beautiful, unique and miraculous creation. There is no one else like you. You are also a creator and can choose to begin creating consciously. It’s time to recognize and embrace the magic within!

As an intuitive medium, I believe that when we die, our physical body ceases to exist, but our energetic body lives on, which is why we can feel our loved ones in Spirit and even communicate with them. The communication is much different than when they were in physical form and now comes through thoughts, feelings, impressions and memories. I believe in being present and presence is a gift — something we give to our self and to others. I also believe that every experience we have and individual we encounter provides us with an opportunity to learn and grow. Once we “wake up” and are more aware and conscious of this, our life is no longer the same as when we were “asleep.” Even though I do my best to live in the present moment, from time to time, I do reflect on my own mortality and question if I am living a life well-lived and not just simply one of existence. Life is a continual learning process, and we are each a workin-progress. Perhaps, it’s time for each one of us to pause and reflect, especially as we are beginning a new year and decade. Optically speaking, 20/20 indicates clear vision. Therefore, 2020 is a time to gain clarity and to see clearly. 2020 is a time to become more aware and in tune with who we are and why we are here having this human life experience, so we can decide how we want to feel. This existence isn't about learning to accept reality; but rather remembering your power to create it. ~ Michael Cummings Many times, clients will ask me, “What is my pur64 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Shelly Wilson is an author, intuitive medium and conscious creator who is passionate about helping people wake up to their greatness. She supports others as they navigate their own journey into consciousness to experience aliveness. Shelly’s books, 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within and Journey into Consciousness, are available in paperback and eBook. She is also the creator of Journey into Consciousness: Cards of Empowerment. Shelly’s newest book, Embracing the Magic Within, and accompanying Clarity Cards are now available.


ove, motherhood, pop, drop of Persian, Latin, and of course dance rhythms is the sound of Persian American crossover artist SHAB, as she announces her new project via the disco ode to female wildness with lead-off single "Spell on Me." Through rhapsodic lyrics, this Iranian refugee has captured the attention of girls across Iran and its diaspora. Now she sets her sights on America. Shab mother of two has spent the last few years gaining a loyal Persian fanbase around the world, establishing herself as a pop goddess with purpose. Her new "Spell on Me" music video alternates between playful and surreal. An eclectic mix of sounds rings throughout her new album as she opts for a mix of urban tilting songs, pop ballads, and dance-inducing knockouts. She combines and energizes familiar dance-pop sounds to make music worth getting lost in. With effortlessly huge choruses and distinct yet unpredictable vocals that are eccentric in the purest of pop sense. SHAB delivers a kaleidoscope of sound that goes hand-in-hand with the lyrics.

Shab Love, motherhood, pop, DROP OF PERSIAN, LATIN


The mesmerizing pop-leaning "Spell on Me" single was helmed by Grammy-winning producer Damon Sharpe, who is known for his work producing Ariana Grande, Jennifer Lopez, and more. Featuring a steady stream of feel-good hooks, SHAB draws on her romantic torment, crafting raw lyrics to her lover and heartfelt reflections on surrendering herself to intimacy. Through power ballads and dance floor anthems with the upcoming album, SHAB harnesses anguish and devotion, as she traces journeys of femme self-discovery.

Shab you are an Iranian, who left your hometown when you were only nine, please tell us the challenge that you faced as an immigrant? I did, in fact, leave war-torn Iran, suffering under the revolutionary regime, when I was about nine years old. And the challenges I faced both in coming to Germany and, five years later, to America as an immigrant were formidable.

It’s greatness to be able to send out Good Vibes through music & dance. And my music is mostly comprised of stories that I love – with my sound tending towards a Melodic Uplifting Vibe.

There was the need to learn new languages as well as the whole Fitting Into A Culture Thang towards being accepted in a new society. Thank God that I adapt to new surroundings fairly easily and was extremely eager and motivated to acclimate to my new environments. Moreover and despite all of these challenges, I was incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be in the United States and to be reunited with my family in a land of liberty and freedom. While I am thoroughly American, as a refugee and immigrant I fell that it is important to keep in touch with culture, language, and traditions. So while I used to be a bit shy, today I actively share my culture with my audience – as it’s a part of me and my unique story. But I truly am a Persian-American: a mix where the Old World meets the New World. How did you discover your passion for music? I really never discovered having a passion for music as I have not had such. Growing up with music – we listened to a lot of Eastern music but also Pop, Disco, R&B & Jazz -- as one of my biggest advantages. Music has always been in my blood and my escape to the unknown. When I started bringing my songs to life with my hyper-talented team, that’s when I realized that anything might be possible.

If there is anything you would like to change in your life, would it be why? There is a quote that I once read – I forget to whom the quote was attributed -- but it went something like "My past is my past. It made me who I am. I have no regrets and wouldn't change a thing. I just don't live there anymore." And that thought resonated deeply in me. With hope, love, prayers, and a strong belief system, anything is possible. And I live for The Possible: not The Past. Your new single is out now, “Spell on Me” tell us what inspirited you to sing this song? Inspirited – that is one great word! What motivated my spirit to sing Spell On Me came from the sense of empowering oneself. When you look at a person in the eye there are times that you can see the light of their soul in the shine through their eyes. Given that the eyes are said to be the window to the soul -- and we are trying to capture that essence – the eyes reveal the power of love, as to how we can be so powerful and powerless at the same time. You are a mother of two, how you keep the balance being a mother and keep up with your career? Balancing work-life is particularly important – and achieving that balance depends upon our common wisdom. There needs to be deliberate mindfulness and remaining purposefully present with a consciousness of our individual choices, strengths, and potential. 67 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

It’s been a blessing having my Dallas family while being able to juggle an acceptable balance between my career and motherhood. I truly tend to get the best of both worlds. My kids are these beautiful little magical little humans who keep inspiring me. As a mother, I have become more patient and grounded with a calm heart. The balancing act just comes naturally to me. I was meant to be a Mom and I love it. Who inspired your life the most? My most tangible inspiration has been my mother, who has shown me how to be a strong & independent woman while giving love to those who deserve it. As my Dad died prematurely when I was quite young, she was both a Mather and Father to me. My mother taught me about treating people with love and respect and the Golden Rules Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds of our familial belief in Zoroastrianism, one of the world’s oldest religions. Being raised by a wholehearted, loving, and powerful woman makes all the difference. What charity work is close to your heart and why? We are very intentional in our charitable endeavors. One of the first things that we study when considering supporting an organization is to analyze its annual statements to determine what percentage of financial contribution directly serves the organization’s cause. Too many not-for-profit entities far too much money on payrolls & marketing for our comfort. We want the financial support that we provide to be impactful. But like everyone else, I have a soft spot for kids in need -- and further feel that it is essential to support those who have done the critical work of defending our freedoms and well-being. In such regards, my partner & I primarily support two charities. The first is Hope Supply Co. www.hopesupplyco. org, which provides for the essential needs of children of homeless families with hygiene and other essential items to tens of thousands of kids in need. But we also heavily support The Kynect Foundation www.kynectfoundation. org, which addresses the causes of kids in need as well as military veterans and our civil First Responders.


Anything would you like to share with our readers? Hmmm -- I guess that I’ll use this opportunity to talk about the power of prayer. I have always loved this verse from the Book of Proverbs: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding". In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. This verse has kept me from despair so many times in my life when I feared that I couldn’t go on anymore. I learned to trust in God: the one who heals and restores all those who call out his name. Life has its Ups & Downs. Despite the obstacles that we encounter, keep praying, and believing that there is something better is coming. Also, focus on your blessings -- instead of your problems – and trust that God is sending better and brighter days ahead.


Tanzania: H


We Conquer Challenge

By Augusto Valverde

When I set off to film this episode I’d never set foot in Africa, let alone attempt to climb one of the most challenging mountains in the world and the tallest in Africa. Just to give you glimpse to how unprepared I was… three days before I left I realized that I was going to need a snow jacket and professional hiking boots. I owned neither. I shared on Facebook that I was attempting the Kilimanjaro hike and if anyone had advice: “snow boots and proper gear”. Snow boots? I thought I was climbing it in a tang top! In my mind everything Africa must be done in cargo shorts and would require some type of jungle trek (which we did have to do at the very beginning by the way) but I was about to realize how ignorant I was about African geography. I guess what I’m trying to say is that challenges by their very definition tend to be surprising because of how little we know about the world, life and ourselves.. Sure, we can expect an uphill climb (no pun intended), but it turns out that how we prepare before we face them is of almost of equal importance as to what we’ll face during the challenge. I hadn’t planned with the right equipment, but I had been training in the gym on that beautifully torturous stair master for roughly an hour a day for the previous nine months. I didn’t train with the intention to hike Kili… heck, all this trip came together in two weeks because I met an amazing company during a trade show called Zara Tours and the sister of the owner believed in the vision for Global Child and they really wanted to bring exposure to their Masai school! Turns out that thanks to that cardio work that I’d been hammering into my daily routine for almost a year I was equipping myself for a future challenge that I’d face. 70 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

How much of life is like that? It’s not really survival of the fittest… it’s survival of the wisest. Grammatically incorrect? You know what I mean. The most wise understand that the cliche is true: when the student is ready the teacher appears. So, what I’m trying to say is that whatever challenges you’re in the middle of, perhaps they’re preparing you for great challenges in the future. If the sea of your life is calm, then conversely realize that storms hit us all and that while others rest on their laurel’s perhaps it’s a respite you’ve been given by God to develop muscles, habits or skills that you might need in the future. When in doubt always choose to make yourself better.

set out for another 6:30 hours almost straight up to Uhuru Peak at 19,366ft which most reach at sunrise. Take your conquering pics so you can prove it to your unborn grandchildren and then you head back down for another 4 hours quad killing rubble sliding trekking. Not only does your heart have to pump almost twice as hard to keep you alive, but there is also less oxygen to breath.

We all have unique paths, lives, strengths and destinies but rest assured we’ll all have challenges to face. Some challenges we willingly take on, like I did during that insane 16 hour final ascent. Oh, did I mention that in order to get that climb on camera for Global Child I had to combine what most people would typically do in two days into one? The climb from 12,000 ft to basecamp at 15,000 ft is typically done in day 4 of the hike, it takes 4 hours and then you arrive to camp at 11am and rest till midnight. At midnight you

The other problem is that after 15,000 ft helicopters can’t go rescue you because there’s not enough atmospheric pressure… so you really are a bit at risk if something goes wrong. All in all it’s tough and it can easily cause altitude sickness which just is no fun. In my case, my guide Freddy told me that the only way to be able to film it during the day was combining both days into one! Roughly 16 hours in a single day. Insane. So before I took on this crazy challenge I took a moment to myself and in true Simba fashion I walked beneath the stars and prayed. I told God I really wanted to film it during the day but that I didn’t want to die so if he could let me know if I’d be able to make it. I felt these goosebumps all over and a still voice inside (sounds like me by the way, but it’s not) said: “I will be with you”. Long story short… it was the toughest experience of my life but I somehow (grace) made it there and back. I had the right gear because my friend wrote on my facebook wall and I had the right heart and lung capacity because I’d been training all my life for this without even knowing. So how do we conquer challenge? Sure… first we must believe that we can, but the second part of it is wisdom. Learning to improve ourselves in every possible area of our lives so we can be prepared to face anything that might come our way with a confident smile and a heart full of faith. Augusto Valverde is the creator and host of the Amazon Prime show,Global Child. He mixes travel destinations and Influencer stories to inspire people and give back through life lessons, charity, and positivity. The series plays inflight on American Airlines, Delta and British Airways, showcasing destinations 5 star accommodations across the world. It's just you and him and the camera. Each episode is an uplifting life lesson unwrapped through laughter and adventure as we bring back the human element to a genuine travel experience. to watch each episode; gp/video/detail/B07K81YXQM?ie=UTF8&language=de_DE 71 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Ayurvedic balance

Photo by Dane Wetto

By Jayita Bhattacharjee



In Ayurvedic healing, balance is achieved by bringing harmony between the three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. When these three are in unison, they are reconciled, and the inner coherence is there. Ayurveda emphasizes on harmonizing all the elements by successfully integrating vata, pitta, and kapha. Ayurveda intends to bring a balance between our doshas so we can experience fully the highest physical and mental growth, which in turn reinforces our spiritual growth. Then we see an overall integration between physical, emotional, and spiritual development, all coming into perfect alignment with one another. As the goal is to bring doshas into balance, every single aspect of our lifestyle can be a vehicle for achieving that. It starts with our diet, sleeping habits, and practically every single element, the pattern of our living, our entire lifestyle regime can be regulated through the Ayurvedic principles. The basic understanding of Ayurveda is centered on: If a person is symptomatic of any illness or disease, then there is an elevation in dosha or it is out of balance. From an Ayurvedic perspective, healing can be achieved if we tend to counter the elevation. We can reverse this by bringing dosha into balance. We attempt to resolve the imbalance by an antithetical approach. E.g. in the summertime, as we sweat in the parched heat, we skip doing outdoors or roaming around in the scorching heat. Rather, we tend to stay indoors and turn the air conditioner on to cool ourselves or have a cold drink to attain a cooling effect on the body. On the other side, when it is snowing outside and the temperature is at a freezing point, we begin to feel some symptomatic reactions. Our hands get numb and so we tend to wear gloves and heavy winter coats, we turn the heater on, trying to comfort ourselves in the sheltering refuge of a warm environment, created inside. We tend to have hot herbal tea that brings a warm sensation inside and creates tranquility, by lessening the shivering. This antithetical approach balances our sensitiveness induced by extreme weather changes. Now to correct the imbalance with our dosha, there is

Photo by Louise Burton

yurvedic medicine extends way beyond the realm of medicine. Talking about its roots and history, Ayurveda boasts of its 5000year- old practice, setting its footage first in India. Since then, as time rolled on, it began spreading across the different corners of this world, bringing holistic healing in the lives of many, revealing to them how to balance body, mind, and consciousness. To begin with, Ayurveda focuses primarily on prevention. The concept is founded upon the theory that health and wellness are dependent upon the fine balancing of body, mind, and spirit. It introduces the concept of holistic healing, bringing a revolutionary perspective in the area of how to heal yourself as a complete whole, in an entirety.

a yoga and with its assistance, we achieve the needed balance for dosha. The focus is placed on the key parts of yoga in the sheltering embrace of Ayurveda. It is inclusive of Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Mantra, and working with five Pranas or Energies. The question is, which one is the predominant dosha. Below, we will illustrate the strategy of bringing a balance in dosha. How do we conceive of doshas? Let’s say, doshas are the different types of personality. Pitta types are the go-getter types of personalities. They are the enterprising people, chasing their visions. Now, the elements of Pitta are fire and water. Those who are Pitta types are the doers and leaders, determined to succeed in their mission. They are highly ambitious and diligent people and tend to be very competitive as success is their primary focus. The key strategy for this Pitta type would be to calm down and take things as they come. Knowing how to achieve coolness in temperament, to attain serenity with whatever they have, reaching their tranquil point at any point needs to be their strategy. When there is a balance between these Pitta types, they exhibit outstanding leadership, intelligence, driven, a good memory and they tend to be organized. At the same time, the balance between Pitta types does not tend to make them workaholic or irritable temperament. They can maintain a healthy demeanor, while silently proceeding towards their set goals. When there is an elevation in the Pitta, the person becomes symptomatic of rage, fuming fury, irritability, heat and inflammation, and skin problems like psoriasis. The yoga for Pittas would be to focus, challenging, and heating. This very alteration occurs in the presence of fire. To bring a balance in the excess pita, we can introduce opposing Gunas like coolness, dullness, softness, and darkness. As they are heated inside due to excess Pitta, it can be reduced by welcoming coolness and softness, so they learn how to hold their composure. As for yoga, they can rely on Yoga hatha 3 classes, so they learn relaxation instead of pushing themselves to the maximum. When it comes to tackling this with Asanas, it will be effective if they open the areas of the small intestine, liver and navel area, and solar plexus. So, these areas will release heat and tension and will reduce excess Pitta. From this perspective, backbends, the ones on the belly can work effectively for Pitta as well as side bends and twists. The teachings of the 73 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Ayurvedic principles are that standing poses lead to excessive heat generation but standing poses that resemble a triangle like trikonasana that has a side bend, parivratta trokonasana which resembles a rotated triangle and exhibits a twist will be successful in releasing the excess heat from the torso. Some of the other effective poses are Ardha matsyendrasana, resembling a half seated spinal twist, Setu bandhasana, resembling a bridge, and Supta virasana, resembling a reclining hero. These Ayurvedic poses can be integrated especially during the months of summer, as it is seen as the Pitta season. Next, we discuss Vata, whose elements are air and ether. Now we come to the Vata types. They are more inclined to change and tend to be creative people, shimmering with enthusiasm. The key strategy for the Vata type would be to pause, to think, to slow down, and get anchored. The balanced Vata types are creative, focused, and relaxed people. They also exhibit intelligence and vigor. When there is an elevation in Vata, they suffer from anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, fear, ten thousand thoughts racing through the mind, limited attention span, and forgetfulness. The yoga for the Vata types would be grounding, calming practices. Warming practices too will benefit them as they tend to be cold. Now we come to Kapha, which includes earth and water as its comprising elements. Kapha type of people normally are very anchored and grounded. They are not drifting types or unstable. They demonstrate a stable mindedness. They have an aversion to changes and are comfortable with the consistency. E.g. They would prefer living in the same residence, the same area for a prolonged period. They incline to continue their same old jobs. Any alteration makes them uncomfortable. The significant strategy for the Kapha type would be to be dynamic and face some challenges which will induce a revolutionary growth. Those who are a balanced Kapha type exhibit loyalty, devotion, and dependability. When there is an elevation in Kapha, they experience lethargy and depression, lack of motivation, and a weight gain. They need challenging, stimulating and vigorous practices to reduce the excess Kapha. As Kapha is a mix of earth and water as its elements, Kapha dosha, therefore, exhibits strength and stamina. But an excess of it leads to excess weight. Kaha is closely related to the fluids of the body and as the fluids become static in one position, they impede the flow, causing a blockage in the channels. An energizing yoga with a dynamism would be ideal in this situation. Once can practice standing pose sequence, like Surya Namaskar, to encourage the increased energy flow in the body. So, vitality is triggered. Another way would be to introduce a Pranayama tech74 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

nique e.g. Kapalabhati to stimulate metabolism and energy flow and the practice of Bhastrika breath that cleanses the body and vitalizes the digestive system. Other techniques would be to practice Tadasana, Utkatasana, Uttanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Virabhadrasana, Viparita Virabhadrasana, Plank Pose, Chaturanga Dandasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Navasana. With the help of these techniques, one can empower the self and attain the energy again. Tadasana: ( mountain pose) The name is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Tada’ meaning mountain. It is a standing posture that acts as the foundation for all the standing asanas. In this sense, it is a simple foundational yoga pose and improves body awareness, straightens the posture. It builds a good alignment. Awareness is built of each part of the body and the role it plays in piling the bones and lengthening the spine. The instructions are as follows: One can stand straight and raise the toes to spread them out, then put them down to make an extended, solid base. If the ankles are touching together uncomfortably, slightly distance the heels. Let the feet and calves anchor deep into the floor. Draw the quadriceps upward which in turn causes the kneecaps to rise. Then we can rotate both the thighs inward to create a broadening of the sit bones. Throughout the process, the curves of the spine need to be maintained. The belly needs to be toned, drawing it in minimally. The collarbones need to be stretched. The chest and shoulders need to be opened slightly, maintaining parallelism between the chin and floor. The hands than can come together forming an Anjali Mudra. Utkatasana: (Chair pose) One needs to move backward and downward as if one is about to sit on a chair. The one needs to be grounded strongly into the heels, the arms need to be raised to the ear level with the palms facing one another, shoulder blades moving to the back and wide chest. The abdominal muscles need to be drawn in to support the back while breathing deeply throughout the process. The initiation of Kapalabhati breath while maintaining the chair pose: The focus needs to be directed to the lower abdomen, with a deep inhalation through both the nostrils. Next follows a contraction of the lower belly, compelling the breath out in a rapid burst. Power and strength are immediately felt. As soon as the contraction is released, there will be an automatic and passive inhalation. Next, attention needs to be brought to exhalation. Beginning with 20 seconds, building up to 40 seconds. It's better to go at one’s own pace, instead of pushing oneself. Uttanasana: (Standing with a frontward bend) Starting from the pelvis, begin to curl forward with rotation over the legs and a furthering of the hip creases. The knees

Photo by rishikesh yogpeeth

need to be inclined slightly. The fingertips need to be brought in alignment with the toes. The palms need to press flat to the mat. The quadriceps muscles of the thighs need to be engaged while pulling them up. The weight needs to be shifted slightly forward into the balls of the feet, positioning the hips over the ankles. Adho Mukha Svanasana: (Downward facing dog pose) This is a slight inversion that has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps in stress alleviation. One needs to concentrate on the inhalation and exhalation to sharpen the attention. Be observant of the breath before entering the downward dog pose, and after exiting the pose. Originating from Sanskrit, the name derives its meaning as follows: Adho= downward, Mukha= face, Svana= dog, Asana= pose. One needs to begin with hands and knees with them shoulder-width apart. The hands should be placed in front of the shoulders. The fingers need to be stretched wide as the middle fingers face frontward. The palms need to be pressed firmly flat on the mat. Next follows the curling of toes under. Immediately follows a gradual exhalation as the knees are lifted off of the floor and the hips are sent skyward. The chest needs to be pressed back towards the thighs. Next comes the straightening of legs and lowering of the heels. Then gradually the sitting bones need to be tilted up high and the inner thighs should be rotated in and up. In the process, the lower ribs might tend to jut out. But

they can be pulled gently back by toning in the belly. Next, the pads of the fingers and the palm needs to be pressed into the floor and straightened at the same time. the upper arm muscles should be engaged in pulling the elbows slightly in and drawing the shoulders out of the ears. Throughout the process, the neck should be held in a neutral position, ears in alignment with biceps with the gaze slightly towards the feet. Virabhadrasana: (Warrior I) The right foot needs to be stepped frontward to the inside of the right hand. One needs to be centered on the ball of the left foot as it is the fulcrum. The left heel has to be gently dropped on the floor, and the toes need to be stretched out approximately 45 degrees from the heel. Next, the right knee needs to be bent over the right ankle, maintaining parallelism between the right thigh and the floor. Gently raise yourself to a standing posture, stretching your arms out sideways, and gradually up to the ceiling. The chest has to stay open as the body gradually shifts to a slight backbend. Next, the palms need to touch overhead and should be kept apart at a shoulder’s distance. The gaze needs to be raised in the direction of the thumbs as the shoulder blades slide down to the back. The hips need to square frontward, pointing to the front of the mat, anchoring down through the external edge of the left foot. The right thigh should be maintained in a parallel position to the floor. 75 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Viparita Virabhadrasana: (Reverse Warrior) One needs to extend back into the reverse warrior position. Bring the left hand down to the left leg with the palm facing down. During an inhalation, stretch the right arm upward towards the sky with the palm facing the anterior of the room. The hips should be maintained in an open position, while the heart should reach upwards. The back of the neck should be maintained as long as possible with the eyes gazing in the same direction as the heart does. The bending needs to be continued further into the front knee, so it angles at 90 degrees with the ankle and positioned over it. Plank Pose: One’s hands need to be cartwheeled down while placing the feet to the back of the mat. The hips need to be brought frontward until the shoulders are positioned over the wrist and the entire body is placed in a straight line from head to heels. The hips should not sag downwards or raise upwards. Next, the fingers need to be stretched and the palms pressed firmly on the mat. The torso is drawn forward and is parallel to the floor while the arms are at a 90 degree to the floor. The shoulder blades need to be firmed against the back, stretching them away from the spine and the collarbones need to be stretched away from the sternum. The front thighs need to be pressed towards the ceiling while the tailbone needs to be resisted towards the floor while lengthening it towards the heels. The neck should be in line with the spine and the gaze should be directed towards the floor. The base of the head needs to be released from the back of the neck while looking downwards. Chaturanga Dandasana: (four-limbed staff pose) From the Plank Pose one needs to start by bending your body forward while keeping the torso parallel to the floor and widening across the collarbones, so the hands are in alignment with the lower ribs. Then elbows need to be bent and positioned them close towards the ribs, as the torso is lowered halfway from the Plank Pose to the floor. The core and upper back muscles are actively engaged in the lowering of the torso. Urdhva Mukha Savnasana: (Upward facing Dog Pose) From a position of Chaturanga Dandasana, breathe in to straighten your arms and roll over your toes. Alter your foot placement from the toes placed under to resting on top of your feet. during this transitioning, the thighs should not be in any contact with the floor. The chest should be upheld towards the ceiling. The gaze needs to be lifted slightly, holding the legs in that position and the hips should be placed downwards towards the floor. In this yoga pose, the two things that will be making contact with the floor will be the palm of the hands and the top of the feet. The pressure on them needs to be strong. The shoulders need to be placed on the wrists.


From this place, one needs to go back to the beginning of the sequence and make a repetition on the other side. Navasana: (Boat pose) One needs to be placed on a seated position on a mat, with the bent knees and feet placed flat on the floor. Hands should rest beside the hips. Then awareness and breath should be focused upon, allowing in the breathing in and breathing out to be calm, smooth, and even. Next, maintaining the spine straight, one needs to lean back slightly and lift the feet, maintaining parallelism between the shins and the floor. Next, the low back needs to be drawn in, lifting the chest and lengthening the front of the torso. Then the arms should be extended forward, aligned with the shoulders, as the palms face each other. The balancing should be done on the sit bones, straightening the spine. The torso should be lengthened from the public bone to the top of the sternum. Firmness should be maintained in the lower belly. With a breathing out, the legs should be straightened out to a 45- degree angle from the ground bringing the body into a V shape. The breath should be maintained smooth, steady, and easy. Inner awareness needs to focus on. Gaze should be directed at your toes. The shoulder blades need to be spread wide and reached out through the fingers which in turn actively engage the hands. One can remain in this pose for five breaths, gradually building up to one minute. To exit the pose, breathe out lowering your legs and hands to the floor.

Jayita Bhattacharjee was born in Calcutta, India and later on pursued education from University of Houston in Economics, she had chosen her career as a trustee and teacher. Her Indian residence is in the vicinity of the famous Belurmath. Currently, she is settled in Tampa, Florida. Her love for writing on a journey of heart and soul was hidden all within. Looking at the moments captured in love and pain, joy and grief, the hidden tragedies of was a calling of her soul to write. Her books "The Ecstatic Dance of Life', " Sacred Sanctuary", " Light of Consciousness", "Dewdrops of Compassion" are meant to shed light on what guides a person to respond to the mystical voice hidden inside, to soar in a boundless expansion with the limitless freedom of spirit."It is in the deepest joy that I write with every breath of mine."

Photo by Kirill Palii

Ayurveda emphasizes on harmonizing all the elements by successfully integrating vata, pitta, and kapha. Ayurveda intends to bring a balance between our doshas so we can experience fully the highest physical and mental growth, which in turn reinforces our spiritual growth.

Understanding that

Photo by Sammie Vasquez

Abundance is Plenty of Everything By Angela Mia White 78 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

New Earth and the Golden Age are about abundance. “Abundance” is the best kind of word. It means “plentyof anything and everything.” There is plenty of everything, andthat gives you a sense of being taken care of. It gives you a sense of freedom. This is what we need to retrain our minds for. Our minds have been trained for lack and limitedness. If you can start to retrain your mind in thinking that there is an abundance of everything, guess what is going to happen? Yes, you will be seeing abundance in your life. You will also be a happier person in general. The programs need to be broken through first.

A poverty state of mind brings you more poverty and brings more poverty to the planet. If you don’t admit these things to yourself, you will stay sick physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially. It stops everything. It is up to you to break through your programs and accept the gold that you are. Lack has to do with fear. You were programmed for lack, which brings on fear. When you are in fear, you are stuck until you realize that you are up against a program. The triggers will show you when you are up against a program—a program that has been instilled in you since before you were born. You, your parents, your grandparents, etc. went through lack in old Earth. This is what has been passed down to you. You are to break through these lack and fear programs and come out on the other side in the Golden Age. As you break through the programs, you are healing all of that trauma at the same time, and wisdom comes in where pain once was and the trauma is no longer passed down to the next generation. Also, as you are breaking through, you are changing our world. You are helping people to accept their own abundance. The more you step into your I Am Presence, the more abundance is here and the more the poverty—poverty of the mind—is stopped. Lack is poverty of the mind. Poverty of the mind prevents you from everything. The only cure for poverty of the mind is getting real, raw, and honest with

yourself. This is the name of the first Facebook group I taught. This is what I have been known for. I have had to do the work as I taught it. It is not an easy place to be. Vulnerability is worth its weight in gold. It is not easy to admit things to yourself that you don’t want to, but this is what sets you free to live in the power of your own truth for the Golden Age. I have come to the planet to teach these things so we can all accept our abundance. This will help the flow of the planet, as the frequency will be higher in all of us. Until you admit what you need to, and until you get real, raw, and honest, with yourself, you are a slave to yourself. Imagine that. A poverty state of mind brings you more poverty and brings more poverty to the planet. If you don’t admit these things to yourself, you will stay sick physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially. It stops everything. It is up to you to break through your programs and accept the gold that you are. Gary, my husband—I can’t say enough about him. He is one of these gold souls. He is a bright, beautiful light that is shining, doing amazing work for the planet. I will tell you about the Mayan fire cleansing and protection ceremony he was part of yesterday in Guatemala that is changing this planet for good regarding abundance. Yes, I said “for good.” You can take that any way you like.

Angela Mia White is a master teacher, an inspirational speaker, a shaman and an author for this new conscious world. White was called on to be a vessel to spread the truths of the world that have been buried. She shares her knowledge in her new guidebook by teaching readers how to embrace the Golden Age of Aquarius. Her introduction into writing was her debut book, “From Sick to Bliss to Conversations with God,” she wrote both books after she heard from her guides that she needed to share the positive energy and mind of New Earth. Her books are oracles and can be read at any point at any time. White also has daily Facebook Live videos discussing how to become your best self to accompany her new book, “The Power of Your Truth in the Golden Age.” To learn more, please visit https://www.


Abundance Corner By Phyllis King


Elements that Create Financial Pandemic Immunity

In 2008 during the great recession, I unintentionally morphed into an abundance expert. I say unintentionally because it was not my primary line of work at that point in time. I have always understood how energy works in a practical sense and spoke about it often in my work. During the recession people became more worried and fearful about their money than I had ever seen before. Literally people began to flock to me to gain both an understanding and a method they could use to attract income. In the heart of the recession my business income tripled. I could not get away from talking about abundance. During that time, I recognized the gaping absence of an understanding of energy and how it moves in a creative process. coined the phrase “spiritual bankruptcy.” That phrase incapsulated the breakdown people were experiencing, and the area that needed the most development. I bring up this reference to the 2008 recession because the energy right now feels eerily similar. Nearly every session I have right now people are worried about their income, and their future. They want to know “if they are going to be all right” When the external reality is thriving, and that is how we identify our success, it is easy to feel relaxed and content. Our beliefs are not being challenged. We think we have life mastered, and that we know all we need to know. When something unexpected occurs, and the external reality collapses this is when we discover what we truly know about how abundance is created. What follows are two the key elements we must master for abundance to flow in our life, with ease and peace of mind: 1. Magnetism To attract abundance in any form you must have magnetism. Think of magnetism like a fire that attracts things to it. If your magnetism/ fire is weak you will have enormous difficulty drawing anything to you no matter how many vision boards you create. Everything you draw to you will require enormous effort. We are all born with magnetism. We either stoke our fire, or we put our fire out.


Magnetism increases when our vibratory frequency increases. That is most readily accomplished through personal insight and growth, contribution to life, and generosity of spirit to yourself and others. It also includes cultivating a mindset that rejects worry as a meaningful response to life. Rather it assumes trust in the process of life. It says “I can’t be given a learning experience I do not need.” We mine the gold from our moments. The mindset chooses kindness over rightness. The more we develop our inner muscle and build a strong inner world, the more magnetic we become to high vibration frequencies. All forms of benevolence reside in the spectrum of high vibration frequencies. Such as money, love, opportunities, and insight. When our magnetism is high abundance finds us. Our job then becomes simply to state our intention and then release it. Abundant energy goes about the business of generating our outcome. 2. Detach from the Outcome This issue causes people to thwart their abundance more than any other. We set our sights on “getting” something, whether it is a job, a relationship, or something else. We get excited and want it to be what we want it to be. The problem arises in the attachment and the emotional investment we make to the outcome we desire. We must maintain an energy of “this or something better suited to me.” That energy must be real. You cannot pretend it. You must embody it. It must be your state of being. We must grow ourselves to that level of awareness. There is not a problem in having a preference for “thing A” or “thing B.” The problem occurs when we emotionally invest in thing A or thing B. Attachment excludes the expansive influence of abundance energy. Abundant energy does not reduce itself to my option is “either-or”, or “this or that” abundant energy says “anything is possible.” Further, when we emotionally invest in something it is never one emotion. We invest in a series of emotions. Emotions are the most potent creative energies that exist in the law of attraction. Example: A person applies for a job. They hope for money to meet their needs, and to feel accomplished. Underlying these obvious points lives the internal dialogue. Am I good enough? If they do not hire me what does that mean about me? I am scared. I won’t be able to pay my bills if I don’t get the job. What will my family and friends think of me? Am I a fail-

ure?” The job is literally attached to their self-worth. When they apply for the job, all the negative attachments also influence their creative process. We must remember that all of our being goes with us everywhere we go. Whether it is spoken, or unspoken, seen or unseen energy does not lie. Those we encounter react to it consciously or unconsciously. When we allow abundant life force energy to drive us, and our decisions we do not have to be concerned about a specific event, person, job, or outcome. We know and trust all our needs will be met beyond our wildest expectations. We expect that what we need will find us. When we learn to be in relationship to abundant consciousness through magnetism, and detachment, we cease to be at the mercy of anything external. It does not matter if the unemployment rate is 50% or 5%. It does not matter if the government shuts down the economy. When we maintain an inner balance, we remain clear channels for divine abundance to flow through us. Divine abundance never shuts down. It is a state of being we cultivate and nurture. Once it is cultivated your life will always work out for you. Your partner in an abundant life is infinite and unlimited. This does not mean you do not have to participate in your life. It means that the way in which you participate is grounded in integrity, personal accountability, generosity, and love.

Known as the Common Sense Psychic (tm), Phyllis King has worked with tens of thousands of people in 25 countries. She is known for her practical and down to earth approach. She has been featured on, ABC, CBS and NBC TV, radio programs across the country, and has been published in over 70 print and online publications. She has four books, including Bouncing Back, Thriving in Changing Times, with Dr. Wayne Dyer. Her latest book The Energy of Abundance is available in bookstores now. Phyllis holds a B.A. in Sociology.


By Lavandaia & Marco Nunzio Alati




Feeling the earth, connecting with Mother Nature, Lavandaia dug her hands into the soil early that morning. The cool swirl of air tickled the back of her neck, bringing a smile to her face. With garden tools in hand, she made her way through the vegetable path, towards the wildflowers. The dirt beneath her feet, damp yet warm, sent electricity straight to her heart, warming her soul. There was such life, such as beauty, and the garden spoke to her in a burst of brilliant colors. Straight ahead, to her surprise, the lush and dense vine was peppered in the most vivid purple of Butterfly Pea Flowers and monarch butterflies. As Lavandaia was standing in complete awe of this moment from Mother Nature, the Butterfly Pea Flower spoke:

We will heighten our perception as we begin to recognize the perfection of fractal geometry all around us in nature, as well as inside of us. We will be able to access the intelligence of the crystalline grid of earth and our bodie “Be in service! The holy act of service allows us to develop spiritual qualities that produce tangible results on a physical level. It invites awakening within us and brings us a sense of responsibility on a much higher level and elevated rhythm. It allows us to find the cause of our deep-rooted beliefs, and our mind begins to calm down and stabilize. By being in service, our personality begins to realign and fully express, in every moment, the three main forces within us: Righteous thinking, righteous feeling, and righteous acting. This leads us to discern the truth from our story. The more we practice service, the more we invite unconditional love into our reality, until we reach that vibrational state, where selfishness cannot resonate with our daily existence any longer. As we experience our daily life through service, our hearts and mind begin operating together with coherence. Our etheric body starts to electrify, and our physical body responds with stronger will power. Our willingness to be in service expands, and expands, and expands with more consciousness and integrity. Service will fully open our hearts without any expectation or attachment. There will be no pride nor frustration from failure, and the only “goal” will be to do good to ourselves and others. Through service, we will finally discover the beauty and the preciousness of esthetics around us.

We will heighten our perception as we begin to recognize the perfection of fractal geometry all around us in nature, as well as inside of us. We will be able to access the intelligence of the crystalline grid of earth and our bodies. We will comprehend the matrix and its divine algorithms. Numbers are sentient beings. They are present in every leaf of every tree, in every wing of every bird and, in every cell of every organ. They connect all the realms and kingdoms in nature. Numbers and algorithms are, at their core, creators of pure esthetics. Geometry and numbers are the foundation of our holy architecture, which manifests itself through nature. Ultimately, as we practice service, we will re-program, re-tune, and re-educate ourselves toward divine beauty.” What a gift nature and numbers are, Lavandaia thought, wrapped in gratitude smiling in that precious moment; one with nature, one with the cosmos and ultimately one with beauty all her own.

After graduation in Industrial Biotechnology, Marco played a key role in international research projects in Canada, Austria and Spain. He stumbled upon the Reconnection by mere chance and it enlightened him in ways he hadn't realized he needed. Three months after that unique experience, he left his job in biotechnology and embarked on his journey to become a full time Reconnective Healing Practitioner, and one of the two Italian Mentors and Teaching Assistants of Eric Pearl’s direct Team. He is currently living in Los Angeles and collaborating with a number of independent scientific studies that are exploring Reconnective Healing and its extraordinary benefits. For info contact: 323-617-2289 “Description” is all in the eyes of that who is experiencing, thus “description” of “who” becomes irrelevant. And the truth is, that describing Lavandaia using “words” is like trying to catch a fragrance. Scent cannot be caught, it can only be enjoyed and discovered through the experience itself. Who Lavandaia “is” is her mission, Giving clarity and divine knowledge to those who are willing to move forward in life and explore how to express their highest self. For more information visit, or contact us at

Fur Better or Fur Worse

The Couples Involving their Furry Friends into their Proposals and Wedding Days

Whether you own a dog, cat, horse, rabbit, reptile, or even a Roxanne said: “It was so lovely we could have them with us farm yard animal, there are plenty of ways to have them play a on the day. I got custom made harnesses made using the same special role in your big day. liberty fabric the groomsmen had on their bow ties, and our florist made them their own flower arrangements so they looked Pet charity Blue Cross has revealed that 10% of Brits now give the part.” pets a central role on their wedding day with 20% stating they included their pets because they are such an important part of Dog Walk Proposal the family. Rosie and her other half Tim from Manchester were on a dog walk when he popped the question. Her pooch Riley leapt up So, whether you're popping the question or walking down the as soon as she said yes. aisle, Purely Diamonds have found the ultimate heart-warming stories of couples who have included their furry BFFs into their Rosie said: “Riley leapt up as soon as I said yes and then was a special moments. bit confused by the whole thing. He's going to be there with us on the big day and his grinning face is on our invites and will be signed by all our guests.”

Roxanne and her now husband Eddie from Kent involved their two rescue lurchers Noodle and Nellie in their wedding day celebrations. The couple rescued the pooches 9 months before their wedding day and knew they had to be with them when they tied the knot. They hired a dog chaperone to look after them on the day, meaning the loveable twosome was with the happy couple for the ceremony, photos and the speeches and then were taken home.


Hati the Flower Girl Emma and her husband Adam, from London, involved their rescue dog Hati as their flower girl on their big day. Hati was first rescued three years ago from Romania and the couple both say she is the centre of their world.

Fur Ever and Ever Sam’s pooch Phoebe was involved in the engagement and the big day. One day Sam, from Manchester, came home to find a new puppy in the house wearing a collar that said “Sam will you marry me” - a new pooch and a proposal all in one day! On Sam and Jon’s big day Phoebe was there again to offer her support but unfortunately she couldn’t join in on the ceremony as she wasn't allowed in the venue.

Sam said: “In terms of the wedding itself, she didn’t have a role in the ceremony as she wasn’t allowed in the venue for that part but they let her come to the drinks reception and she was there for all of the photos.”

Photo courtesy; <a href="">Background photo created by freepik -</a>

Emma said: “Hati barked her way through the ceremony and then introduced herself to all our guests at the reception, she is definitely the centre of our world.”


Top tips for involving your pet on your wedding day

Couples involving their beloved pets into special occasions such as engagements and wedding day celebrations is becoming an increasingly popular trend. However, as we all know our animal friends can be unpredictable - which is something you do not want on the most important day of your life! So follow these tips if you’re thinking about involving your pet at your wedding. Confirm with your venue This should be the very first step you take if you are planning on bringing your pet along to your special day. The last thing you want is to bring your pet along on the day and find out the venue does not allow animals on the property. If you find out your venue does accommodate pets make sure to bring along a water bowl, treats and a few toys to keep your pet happy and occupied. Book a pet sitter or a dog chaperone Whilst it’s nice to have your furry BFF around on your wedding day, it’s important for the happy couple to relax and not have to watch over them. So why not hire a pet sitter or dog chaperone to be responsible for bringing your pet to the ceremony and watch them during the ceremony and reception. The sitter can also take your furry friends home before it gets too rowdy as the night and alcohol consumption goes on. What role will your beloved take? They say a man's best friend is his dog, so why not make your pooch your bestman? Or ring bearers, flower girls and ‘mutts of honour’ are also popular roles for your beloved pets. Involving your pet in your wedding day is a super cute thing to do, and many couples can’t imagine their wedding day without their pets included. Always take into consideration the type of personality your pet has before giving them a specific role – are they excitable, aggressive or obedient? You may want to make your pet a ring bearer, but think 86 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

about whether your pet will enjoy this or not. Your pet may also feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed by your 100 plus guests. Let your guests know if you plan to bring your pet along It is always worth informing your guests early on that you’re going to include your pet at your wedding. You could provide this information on the save-the-date cards and add another reminder on the invitation, as this will warn any guests with allergies so they can plan in advance. Safety First There is nothing cuter than a pooch in a tux or a cat with a bow tie, but make sure it fits properly and is comfortable so your pet can enjoy your day. It’s best to keep the accessories simple to avoid any pitfalls. Try attaching a flower or little bow to their collar for a fun way to dress up your pet. Always double-check that none of their accessories are a choking hazard to your pet and that none of the flowers you used are poisonous.

Top ways to involve your pet into marriage proposals

If your future spouse is an animal lover and you know it would make it extra special to include your furry friend into your proposal then check out these adorable and simple ways to create the proposal of their dreams.

when you have it all planned out and are ready to propose, throw a puppy into their arms! They’ll be so distracted with the cuteness of a puppy that they won’t even notice that you’re down on one knee. Order A Customized Sweater Order a customized sweater for your furry friend with the writing "will you marry me" on it. This one takes a little more planning and a little more time but is totally worth the effort. When the day comes, dress your pet up in its outfit and have it run into the room. This is SURE to make them smile. Create A Customized Tag Another extremely creative idea: customizing a pet tag with the words "will you marry me" on it. This is a great way to totally shock your other half with your proposal. This proposal idea is casual and extremely nonchalant that they will have no idea what's coming. Once they realise what the pets tag says, you can be down on one knee and asking for their Loosely Hang a Sign From Your Pets Neck This one is pretty simple. Create a sign that says "will you marry me?" and hang it around your pets neck. You can print out the text, write it by hand, or even buy a sign at a store. Whatever you decide, this is sure to make them smile. All you have to do is call them into the room, have the pet sitting, and then get down on one knee. Once they see the sign, you can give a romantic speech and the rest is history.

Attach The Engagement Ring To The Collar Now this proposal idea can be done in many different ways. For example, have the dog/cat wake her with the ring around his collar in the morning, or have her come "check something out" on the beloved pet. To make the proposal extra special buy some ribbon and loop the ring on this, then loosely tie it in a bow around the pets neck. This will make it more special and will look super cute in all the ‘I said yes pictures’. Puppy Surprise Have you been talking about getting a dog for a while? Well this is the ultimate opportunity to stun your other half. So

All Credit to Purely Diamonds: https://

One Minute Meditation Take this moment to close your eyes and consider the following possibility...



Photo by Omid Armin 90 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e June 2020

Photo by loly galina

How Hard Times Help Us to Become More Positive By: Dr. John Chuback

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” These are the famous words that Charles Dickens

Photo by Taya Dianna

wrote in A Tale of Two Cities, which was first published in 1859 to chronical circumstances in France and England at the end of the 18th century. It seems those now famous and widely recognized words could have been written today to describe the era of Covid-19. They reflect perfectly how so many of us are feeling inside right now.

That said, as we look back through the countless pages of history, there have been innumerable times when such words would have been apropos. It is for this reason they have resonated so deeply with people over the years. These sentiments speak to the core of the human condition – the essence of the human experience.


Who has not experienced thrilling romances and demoralizing heart breaks? Who hasn’t had glorious days we’d wished would never end, and terrible one’s we were certain we could not endure? Who hasn’t witnessed joyous births yet lost a friend or loved one at too young an age?

Our nature is to survive. Our nature is to succeed. Our nature is to endure. Our nature is to adapt to and overcome difficulty of unimaginable proportions.

The answer is we have all lived through such occurrences – contradictory events at opposite ends of the spectrum of human affairs. All of us old enough to have experienced life in any depth have gone through these kinds of trials, and countless more. To be frank, none of us asked to be born a human being, or to be born at all for that matter. But the fact remains we were. And, in my personal opinion, we have been blessed to have been so. Life is invariably an epic adventure, filled with triumphs and failures, celebrations and disappointments. It is neither predictable nor certain. The road of life has ups and downs and twists and turns. There are beautiful views from the road at times, times when we can coast joyfully and easily downhill without any effort whatsoever. Regrettably, there are potholes, traffic jams, car crashes, and washedout bridges along the road as well. There are long stretches of seemingly endless and exhausting inclines. That’s the way that it is. It isn’t always easy. And it isn’t always hard. We take the good with the bad. It’s called life. It doesn’t come with an instruction manual and it doesn’t come with a guarantee. It just comes. And here we are – in it together. Accepting this as true, what then can we do to cope with and make the most of this period of illness, uncertainty, anxiety, and hardship? This is a reasonable question under the circumstances. As a physician and surgeon, it’s my professional objective to bring relief to those who are hurting. So, what is my prescription for all of us then? What is my advice as a personal-development and self-help educator? It’s actually straight forward, as many of the best remedies are. It is particularly important in difficult times such as these that we work hard at remaining positive and optimistic. These are the moments when positive thinking and a good attitude are hardest to

summon but add the most value in healing. Anyone can be upbeat and optimistic when things are going their way, the sun is shining, and the birds are singing in the trees. Anyone can run a 5K, do 30 pushups and 100 crunches when they’re slim and fit. But what about when you’re not at your best? How do you get yourself going then? How do you begin when you’re 50 pounds overweight and you can’t walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath? Do you lie down and die? Do you just give up and quit? Of course not. That’s not our nature. Our nature is to survive. Our nature is to succeed. Our nature is to endure. Our nature is to adapt to and overcome difficulty of unimaginable proportions. Millions of years of evolution, and the powerful life force that resides within every one of us, has made it so. Make no mistake about it – you were designed and built to win. You were engineered to overcome all the problems and obstacles that life throws at you. And in the end, the answers reside in your magnificent mind.

John A. Chuback, M.D., is Board Certified in General Surgery and Cardiovascular Surgery. He received his MD from Rutgers University and has been in private practice in Paramus, New Jersey, for 16 years. Dr. Chuback is also a successful entrepreneur: he is the founder and Chief Medical Officer at Chuback Medical Group, founder and managing member of Elant Hill, LLC, and the nutraceutical company BiosupportMD. He is the recipient of the Patient’s Choice Award and Compassionate Doctor Recognition amongst many other honors. Dr. Chuback founded Chuback Education, LLC, which offers audio programs on subjects like weight management, smoking cessation, personal development, and academic achievement, and he is the author of Make Your Own Damn Cheese: Understanding, Navigating, and Mastering the 3 Mazes of Success and Kaboing! 50 Ideas That Will Springboard You To Academic Greatness.


on Clownfish Survival

Photo by David Clode

Shining a Light

The Lead South Australia

Exposure to artificial light in coral reefs is stifling the clownfish’s ability to reproduce, further impacting the species made famous by the movie Finding Nemo. Researchers from Flinders University in South Australia have found that increasing the amount of artificial light at night (ALAN) masked natural cues, which prompt clownfish eggs to hatch. The problem is being further exacerbated by increasing urbanisation in coastal areas where artificial light spills out into reefs close to shore. The Saving Nemo foundation was established by Flinders University and the University of Queensland in 2005 to breed clownfish and raise awareness of their declining numbers in the wild.


I The small distinctive orange and white fish became popular aquarium additions following the global success of the 2003 Disney animated film. Despite the movie’s conservation message, the sudden increase in demand severely impacted wild clownfish populations. n the latest project, Saving Nemo research director Dr Emily Fobert monitored 10 pairs of breeding clownfish of varying sizes.

“Whereas the controlled fish, or the controlled eggs, had an 80 per cent hatch rate,” she said. The research team turned off the artificial nightlights and continued to monitor the fish for a further 60 days after the initial trial. Without the artificial light, hatch rates soon returned to 80 per cent. Dr Fobert said the results indicated increasing amounts of ALAN had the potential to significantly reduce the reproductive fitness of reef fish that settled in habitats near the shore. She is now examining other species of reef fish that share similar reproductive behaviour to see if they are affected by ALAN. The results from the new study by Flinders University and the University of Melbourne are published today in Biology Letters. While Dr Fobert said there was no clear solution to tackling ALAN near coral reefs, researchers were looking at a number of ways to reduce the impact of light on marine biology.

All of the clownfish studied were part of the same species, amphirprion ocellaris – the most common of clownfish species – also known as the false clownfish.

“As humans we rely really heavily on light at night because we’re diurnal species, we can’t see at night without the light. So, I don’t think it’s going to go away any time soon. But I think we can start thinking about different ways that we can reduce and mitigate the impacts,” she said.

There are 30 species of clownfish, most of which live in anemones in the shallow waters of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and the western Pacific. Half the fish Dr Fobert observed in the study were exposed to low levels of overhead LED light at night. The LEDs imitated commercially available and widely used lights near coral reefs. The other half were exposed normal daylight and darkness. “I monitored the clownfish for two months and I looked at frequency of spawning – so how often they are laying eggs – the fertilisation success and then the last thing I looked at was their hatch rate,” Dr Fobert said. Clownfish are attuned to lunar cycles and often lay their eggs around the full moon. They’ll lay between 100 and 1500 eggs in a single clutch, with the number of eggs depending on the clownfish’s age, health, diet and species. After about eight days, and within a few hours of sunset, the little Nemos hatch. Dr Fobert said although the number of eggs laid didn’t change due to the artificial light, none of the eggs exposed to LED lights hatched.

“For example, there’s hotels on tropical islands built over the top of coral reefs and a lot of them actually have glass floors with lights shining directly down onto the reef so that tourists can see the fish. “That might not be entirely necessary, especially if the resorts want to attract the fish and have the fish living there. Dr Fobert said other options to reduce the impact of light included motion censored streetlights.


High Road to Humanity By Nancy Yearout

Photo by Adrien King

NOw is the time

to Imagine and Dream 96 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e May 2020

As we are all social distancing and remember to wear our masks out in public there is a realization that this new way of life is beginning to take its toll on humanity. What I have come to realize is that, even though this is a difficult and tragic time for people it is also allowing us the time to be still, to quiet our minds, and to dream new dreams for our future. This is the perfect time to dream new dreams and to include your brothers and sisters in them. When we dream of boldness, fearlessness, compassion, and love we create reality. We, humans, are more powerful than we realize and hold the ability to use our imaginations to dream and to manifest a better life for ourselves and for those around us! There is great power in our imaginations. When we use our imaginations and focus on an intention, our dreams do come true. The key to manifestation is that we intend our dreams to evolve. You must believe and have faith in the energy of your thoughts to manifest them into reality. 2020 is bringing forth a shift in consciousness for all of humanity. This is the time when we begin to realize what is important in our lives. We see how precious life is and gain an appreciation for our family, friends, and the work that we do. Every skill we use in our life’s work contributes to making a difference in the world. All of our jobs are important and meaningful to society. This pandemic has shown us that we are all important in the big picture. We are pieces of a puzzle that fits together perfectly as we are all a piece of the whole. This time is opening up our spiritual sight. Spiritual sight is an important part of this new consciousness that is evolving. It is more important than ever to use our inner knowing our intuition, our sick sense. As quoted by Archangel Michael and channeled by Rev. Ana Jones in 2020, “Your Intuition is the guidance of Divine Grace”. Your spiritual senses are all gifts of divine grace and prayer. Prayers are very powerful and significant because they are focused on intention and will. Meaningful prayer work is needed now! These are prayers of the heart that I am referring to. It is important that we all begin

to open up our hearts and use kindness, compassion, and love in our daily lives. We are here on earth for a short time but what we do here really does matter. The energy that you can create with your love and compassion now will help change the course of humanity forever. My hope and dreams are for all of us to look inside to our spiritual self and use more of that part of ourselves in our daily lives to create peace, joy, and harmony for us all.

Nancy Yearout is an Psychic Reader, Intuitive Life Coach, Author and Inspirational Speaker. Her religious and spiritual work has enabled her to help many people to live the life they desire! Nancy feels inspired to share the wisdom and the messages she receives with others. Her real-life experiences are shared each week on her Radio Show/Podcast, High Road to Humanity where insightful, spiritual guests share their story. This is Nancy’s way of each sharing new insight about raising the vibration and consciousness for all of us to create a healthy, Loving and kinder people as well as a safe harmonious place to live. My Credentials: Sales Coordinator for General Motors Corporation, Sales Manager for multiple, Owner and Qualifying Broker of The Harville Estates Real Estate & Development LLC, Owner of Energy Girl Publishing LLC., Author of, Wake Up! The Universe Is Speaking to You, Author of Monthly Contributor to Eden Magazine, Motivational/Inspirational Speaker, Intuitive Personal Coach Intuitive card reader, Energy Healer, Radio Host/Podcast High Road to Humanity. Today she is happily married to the love of her life. Nancy Yearout Hosts a Radio Show/ Podcast every week on Toginet radio and iTunes called High Road to Humanity. Visit her website or her Podcast


Photo by Cristina Gottardi


Love Letter to Italy and Tiramisu By Alexia Melocchi

Tiramisu is one of the most popular Italian desserts and a favorite of mine. Its name, translated in English, stands for CHEER ME UP and possibly represents a zest for life that Italy is known for, even in the darkest of times, such as this one. For those of you that do not know my heritage and culture, I am Italian. Food, music, art, and hugging are part of my DNA. The past couple of months have been a dark time in Italian history, as it suffered the loss of so many lives because of COVID-19. Having family and friends still there, I was constantly worried about their well-being. And yet, to my surprise, the messages I was receiving on WhatsApp, or the videos shared on Facebook, were all about laughter, joy, solidarity, and music. I am sure many of you got those videos as well-the ones with people on their balconies singing to one another, playing instruments, watching films projected on the walls of buildings, eating outside on their balconies toasting to their neighbors, and clapping on a schedule to acknowledge first responders. I have grown up in the States, but during those times, my love and bond for Italy and its people, has grown even stronger. During these safer at home days, I began to watch those movies that celebrated the small-town values and life, such as CINEMA PARADISO.


One year ago, I was approached by an Italian Composer, Claudio Merloni, who asked me if I wanted to produce his musical, appropriately called TIRAMISU. I felt destiny was knocking at my door. I was immediately drawn to its music and lyrics, and the message about self-acceptance and celebration of the very same values which I had so loved in CINEMA PARADISO. By my admission, I got sidetracked, and the project was put on hold. Yet, during this pandemic, I found myself playing the songs on my phone over and over again, because I too, needed some TIRAMISU. I sent a message to Claudio and found out he was in Italy, in a small village in the South, with his mother and family, in full quarantine. Yet, his joy for life and hope for the future never wavered. He stood out as the symbol of those very videos I was being sent from the homeland. I decided to ask him a few questions about this small town he is from Ronciglione. I thought to myself that quarantine in a small Medieval village must be less depressing. There is something to be said about those towns where time has stopped on its tracks, and the mainstream news is only a voice heard, by choice, instead of the incessant pounding of doom and gloom that surrounds us here, because of our addiction to technology. Claudio told his village was the backdrop of an important scene in LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, the one in the train station. It was also used for some other famous Italian movies with actor Alberto Sordi and from master director Franco Zeffirelli. Before the pandemic, there would always be a FESTA (which in English ironically means celebration). Wine, olive oil, chestnuts, gnocchi, are on display in the main square where people still gather to dance with one another. And then there is the music. Some of the most romantic songs are indeed written by Italians. Their lyrics are pure poetry. Italians express their feelings with music. That’s how they fight any crisis. It is in our DNA. I feel that notes are the vibration of the Universe and the closest

to the frequency of love. Hundreds of millions were moved by Andrea Boccelli when he sang classic Italian areas in an empty Duomo church. It was broadcast around the world. The grand finale, a stirring rendition of AMAZING GRACE, in an empty square In Milan, the city I was born in, moved not just me, an Italian, but the entire Planet. There is a shift that is happening - a return to the appreciation of entertainMy bags for Italy will always be ready, though ment that uplifts and inspires. And I I can only dream of its magic through music, believe the United States felt so connectsong, pictures, and a lot of Tiramisu. ed to Italy during the pandemic because America is the place where the arts and artists have a place to thrive. And as I witnessed the courage and resilience and the human values that my country of birth showed to the world, setting an example for all of us to follow, I may make this whimsical musical TIRAMISU a reality after all, once things get back to normal. With Claudio Merloni, its eternal optimist composer, I hope to take you all on a journey as you follow the life of Don Ciccio, an “ugly duckling” from a small town in Sicily who escapes to the Continental City of Rome in search of fame and fortune only to return to his village with an inflated ego but the same sense of “not enough” in his heart. This is the pandemic we all suffer to this day, the human illusion that we will never be accepted for what we are. The cure for this, just like our armor against the virus of fear that we are living with daily, is self - love and authentic connection to one another.

Alexia Melocchi is an accomplished film producer and world wide distribution executive and the partner of Beverly Hills based LITTLE STUDIO FILMS. Alexia Melocchi has an experience of more than twenty years in Hollywood and has produced 11 award wining movies and 3 documentaries that were shot by merging film makers that she has personally discovered and mentored. She also acquires on behalf of her international distributor clients films and television shows from all over the world for release in the Middle East, Italy, Greece, Spain, Canada, South America and Germany. She attends all major film festivals in the USA and abroad and has been often invited as an expert panelist on the Film Business for high profile film and television conventions.Alexia is fluent in five languages and is the proud mama to 3 rescue cats. She supports environmental and animal causes , meditates daily, and is an avid reader of spiritual and self helps books.

So while I wait to make this movie, my love letter to Italy together with Claudio is the preparation through our Company, LITTLE STUDIO FILMS, of an online concert with the timely messages of TIRAMISU, performed by various Italian artists, to raise funds for #ItalyStayStrong, a campaign run by the Embassy of Italy in Washington. Some of the songs performed will be the title song of TIRAMISU (Cheer Me Up) as a message of hope and THE WORLD IN A BASKET, to celebrate a return to the IG @lexybella @LttleStudioFlms simple things like family and friendship.


A Cat Cafe Experience

Adopted: 800 | Saved from euthanasia: 1,710 | Amount donated to charity: $24.5K


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