September issue 2015

Page 41

Our society gives power to external events and people and not to the natural source of power within each of us. There is a higher intelligence, a pure positive energy from the universe, a creative and loving force that is the source and substance of all reality. You must direct your life with your inside power and inter- nal knowledge not the external information you have been fed about how little is possible. You don’t even know how powerful you are, which is your deepest soul lesson to learn. It is your job right now to remember that you are not like the unenlightened masses on this earth (or you wouldn’t be reading this book). You are a member of the family of light. Your real life purpose is to awaken your spiritual consciousness so that you can direct your life from your internal knowledge versus external program- ming. Ralph Waldo Emerson stated: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

influenced you, but they don’t understand real spiritual power. Instead, they operate from past beliefs and logical left-brain thinking. Most people simply do not want to listen to their intuition and own common sense because they don’t want to be responsi- ble. They want someone else to tell them what to do and how to do it. They don’t want to be the king or queen of their own lives and actually think, use discernment, and be 100 percent respon- sible for their life and results. It is easier to be a sheep and follow the herd. Sadly, they end up living a very unfulfilling life. We often let our logical minds rule us to the point of not hearing the wise inner voice that speaks and knows more about our future and long-term well-being than our logical, programmed mind.

To accept being the king or queen of your own life you have to have a sense of knowing and discernment that you are slightly different from average people. You do not follow the path of unconscious people. Your vibrational As the king or queen of your life you have frequency is higher, you are more intuitive, your own king- dom. Your task is to remem- more aware, and more sensitive. You have ber the importance of nurturing and treating love for the world. yourself well, instead of putting others above you. You rule your life with benevolence and Right now it is time for you to step into a new grace. You are confident that you have within role in life and let go of the old paradigms and you the connection to Infinite Intelligence, so reality, and remember who you really are. you know what actions to take and when to take them. You are tapped into your source Let go of old fears and your programmed and access intuition as your true power. perception of your- self. Those limiting perceptions hold you back from becoming your To transform yourself you have to become authentic self and gaining your spiritual peryour own author- ity. You must stop giving sonal power. Too many people are afraid to away your power and letting others control pick up the pen to write their own story, so your decision-making process. Let’s face it, they let someone else take hold of it . . . then most of the world doesn’t get it. Most of the they lose control of their own destiny! world lives in a much lower con- sciousness level. That means you have to take back You can have complete control over your your power from what society says. Well- life; you have the power of love which gives meaning but often clueless people like teach- you the power of manifesting. As Jesus said, ers, parents and professionals such as doc- “You can do all that I do and more.” When tors, lawyers,and government officials have you love and accept yourself as part of the all

41 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2015

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