January 2017 issue

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T h e


JOANNA RACHINS From self Loathing to Unconditional Love of Self


By Angela Dunning



January issue 2017 Volume 7 issue 1

MIRANDA BAILEY Actress, Writer, Producer & Animal Rescuer

GO Campaign 10 Years of Conscious Giving

RESOULUTIONS By Tara-Jenell Walsch


Table of Contents



Scott Fifer (Founder & CEO)

14 RESOULUTION by Tara-Jenelle Walsch


28 COSMOS & THE HUMAN... By Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.



38 THE PURPOSE OF.... By Blake Baue

42 THE EXPERIENCE....... By Michael White Ryan


By Holly Holmes Meredith


56 HOW IMPORTANT IS...... By Roxana Jones

60 YOUR SOUL'S CHOICE By Rhys Thomas

62 BODY-SOUL WORK...... By Angela Dunning

66 THUNDER BAY... By Dina Morrone




Photo by Artin Mardirosian



Spreading compassion to all Sentient Beings and Lliving in healing and peaceful world

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Maryam Morrison

Maryam Morrison

Contributing Editor DINA MORRONE PUBLIC RELATIONS Maria Elena Infantino CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jan Diana Tara-jenelle Walsch Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi Michael White Ryan Donald L. Hicks Roxana Jones & Arnaud Saint-Paul GRAPHICS Artiphics PHOTOGRAPY Brenda Saint Hilaire Photograph EVENT PHOTOGRAPY KRESTIN ALM SHERI DETERMAN CONTRIBUTING STYLISTS + MAKEUP ARTIST Edward Hakopian WEBSITE theedenmagazine.com FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/TheEdenMagazine To have a copy visit us in www.magcloud.com/publish

Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at; maryammorrison@theedenmagazine.com


Scott Fifer Founder & CEO


GO Campaign After 10 years of quietly finding local grassroots heroes around the world and helping them change the lives of orphans and vulnerable children in their communities, GO Campaign is finally coming into its own. What began as one man’s mission to help 25 orphans has now caught the attention of Hollywood, counting amongst its supporters Jodie Foster, Katie Perry, Vin Diesel, and Kate Hudson. GO Campaign’s model is to identify, listen to, and partner with local heroes at the grassroots level who understand the problems facing children in their community and know best how to solve them. GO then connects these projects to the public, giving donors the choice of how they want their dollars spent. “It’s amazing,” says actor Robert Pattinson, who officially became GO Campaign’s Ambassador in 2015 along with actor Ewan McGregor. “It’s still completely unreal to me. I did this fund-raising thing, and ended up [helping] build a school in Cambodia. I remember thinking, ‘Wow!’ because I had never seen such a direct correlation between doing a charitable act and the actual brick and mortar reality of it.” Though the giving is worldwide, the organization began started small and grew organically. In December 2005, Hollywood screenwriter Scott Fifer was feeling guilty that he hadn’t done much volunteer work lately. As a New York Wall Street attorney, Fifer used to do pro-bono work for nonprofits, plus he used to volunteer his time at nursing homes in his Greenwich Village neighborhood, but he’d lived a full 10 years in Los Angeles without doing any volunteer work and it started to gnaw on him. Then he saw the movie ‘Hotel Rwanda’ and felt even guiltier for not knowing anything about the war in Rwanda when it was happening. He decided to make up for his years of social neglect and he spent a month on a volunteer vacation in Tanzania that would forever transform his life.


"It was the best month of my life”, says Fifer, somewhat wistfully. I fell in love with those kids and I knew that I could do something to help them. So when he returned home to Los Angeles in 2016 he formed the nonprofit just to help those 25 kids in Tanzania. Now 10 years later, along with others who helped him grow the organization, GO Campaign has helped over 104,000 across 33 countries, including several projects benefitting children in the USA. GO Campaign was created to help kids, but Fifer did not think that was enough of a reason to grow the organization. “GO was created to help children. But that alone is not enough of a reason for us to exist. If we just wanted to help children, we could give our money to any number of great organizations that help kids. The reason we exist is because we think differently. We’re not bogged down in red tape or politics. We ensure impact by listening to the people on the ground. Remarkable Local Heroes. We let them tell us what they need. Whether it’s a project in a big city like Chicago or a small village in Kenya, we always go in with an open mind and big ears. I started with those 25 kids, but today, together with our passionate Board, and our ridiculously hard working staff, and because of our donors, we’ve been able to change the lives of so many more children.” GO Campaign believes that the world’s problems are not going to be solved by poverty geeks in boardrooms at the UN. They’re best addressed by grassroots leaders. Exactly the people GO identifies, GO vets, and GO works with to change the lives of children in their community. GO’s impressive roster of local heroes ranges from an unsung schoolteacher at a remote mountain school above the Sacred Valley of Peru to celebrated Nobel Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi of India. Because GO listens, the projects vary greatly. And that’s by design. GO Campaign has been compared to a really good investment fund– they take your dollars and invest them in children and they do it wisely, in a diverse portfolio, for maximum results. But the common thread is those heroes, their proven track record, their commitment to serving children, where the money is accountable, and results are quantifiable. To be a conscious giver one needs to invest the time and energy to understand how organizations use the money you give them. These days it is not enough to feel good about giving money if you don’t take the time to

know how your funds are being used. As GO Campaign’s Director of Programs, Michelle Costa, points out, “Whether you are buying a box of Girl Scout cookies or writing a check to support an annual fundraising campaign, you should know and understand how those funds are being spent. There are resources available that can help individuals be a responsible giver. GO Campaign ensures that funds get to the people that are working directly with the children and know exactly what they need. At GO Campaign, we encourage our donors to visit the projects or speak with our Local Heroes so they truly understand the impact of their donation.” Each year at GO Campaign’s annual Hollywood Gala, the highlight of the evening are the Fund-a-Need auctions, where guests have the opportunity to pledge funds right on the spot for specific needs at projects around the world. At the most recent Gala, Local Hero Brenda Shuma came from Kilimanjaro to talk about her work with autistic and special needs children, and the crowd responded by funding the construction of a new kitchen and dining hall facility for the children. Celebrities such as Liam Hemsworth and Julia Ormond, in addition to Ambassadors Pattinson and McGregor, all raised their paddles to contribute, as did a majority of the 320 guests who sat under the stars in a museum courtyard in downtown L.A. But it’s not just celebrities that support GO. According to Fifer, the $10 and $50 donations made through the website add up during the year, and those donors are equally crucial to making sure no child is denied the opportunities they deserve. Last year ’60 Minutes’ aired a piece about GO’s Local Hero in Paraguay who founded the Recycled Orchestra – a youth orchestra that uses musical instruments made out of trash. The viewing public responded with a lot of $10 and $20 donations that made it possible for the orchestra to expand its music education program and reach a lot more impoverished children who were eager to join the successful orchestra that has completely transformed their community. Whether it’s Harlem or Haiti, Compton or Cambodia, for 10 years GO Campaign has worked to make conscious giving both easy and impactful for people everywhere. It’s not only a working example of how one person can make a difference, but also proof that thoughtful and strategic philanthropy is not just a trend – it’s a way for us all to come together, connect, and change the course of future generations of children. www.gocampaign.org


Some Celebrities with GO Campaign Gala

A night with glamours and celebrities took place on Novemebr 5, 2016 in Manuela at Hauser Wirth & Shimmel for a great cause hosted by Ewan McGrefor and Musician Jackson Brown. To be part of this incrediable organaztion please visit www.gocampaign.org













Photo by Katerina Plotnikova Photography 15 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

If January could talk, what would it say to you? a. Ok kid, fun’s over—gotta get back on track now! b. Alright now, what can you do better this year? c. That’s right, another year under your belt!

Suddenly, all of the elephants we’ve been able to keep tucked away without addressing through the year, come out of hiding. Correction, stomp out of hiding. And it unexpectedly begins to feel like a three-ring circus to our heart.

If it’s any one of these answers, you’re not alone. For most of us, our perception of January was crafted when we were young. The month of June was always long-awaited for summer vacation, and December— for Christmas break, but when January rolled around, the fun was all over and we were sent back to school. In a sense, we’ve gotten used to starting off our year with a bit of disheartened energy.

The thing with resolutions is that they invoke anxiety. Over and over, we reshape and drag them with us through the onset of each year like an emotional hangover. The anticipation of knowing that beginnings with promises behind them require us to suit up, shift in gear and take action, all of which involve stepping out of our comfort zone, well—this pretty much throws our nerves on a hot grill.

Not much changes when we hit our twenties. Substitute school out for work-slash-general responsibility and we’re in somewhat of the same emotional boat; just kicking rocks around for the first few weeks.

BUT WHAT IF we moved some of those pieces around and shifted our view of January entirely? Imagine if just altering our outlook of the perceived pressures that January carries activated a shift in the ultimate view that we carry of ourselves.

BUT THEN SOMETHING ASTONISHING HAPPENS as we get older and start to evolve. We realize that we are the creators of our own life. That no one is ‘putting us through’ January, but that we are lucky to have arrived, full circle, back at January once again. We rev ourselves up for the new year and get genuinely excited for a fresh start. We meet with friends and devise ways to make ourselves “better.” Then, inevitably, the question, “So, what are your New Year’s Resolutions?” comes up towards the end of the year. Resolution contemplation used to be a somewhat sacred process that we each reflected on privately, but has since made its way to the causality of Christmas parties and phone conversations. The very act of pondering the question, of course, brings us more clarity to who we are currently representing ourselves to be and if our path needs some adjusting. But the response, of which, when given offhandedly, tends to clothe itself in shame and fear. “Oh gosh, I’ve got to lose this extra weight. Geez, I’m getting so fat!” AND IT DOESN’T STOP THERE, the energy then ignites right back to the inquirer, “I know what you mean—I’m so disgusted with myself! I need to start making some money, too. Sometimes I don’t know how I’ll make it through the month!”


Instead of starting the new year with resolutions (even those spoken silently to ourselves) that are born from feelings of gotta do, gotta be, gotta have, we could keep the momentum, just turn it inside-out. Now they would be “resoulutions" that are born from our clarity within around who we are, why we are here and how we can love. A resoulution would carry the same objective as a resolution, but not be based around that objective. It would be based around ways in which we could nurture our soul that would bring about that objective. By going within and feeling the familiar essence of who we really are, we gain instant clarity of how we can love ourselves more to achieve personal goals. If our resolution was to lose weight (for example), our resoulution would be to create the intention to love our body as if it were our child or beloved pet. We would wrap that intention in nurturing activities that resonate with our soul, like eating nourishing food, taking walks in nature, soaking in hot baths. All the while, feeling love for ourselves and gratitude for our physical body during these activities, instead of feeling shame and disappointment for being overweight and focusing on counting and burning calories.

Where resolutions may feel like a chore or mild punishment, resoulutions would feel like a gift or gentle reward, all with the bonus of giving us another opportunity to align with our soul. Where resolutions separate us from our true selves through an illusionary story about who we ‘should’ be, resoulutions connect us with our soul in nurturing ways that also support our highest vision. If we’re making this all up, let’s make it up good. Let’s listen and follow our inner guidance—moving forward and staying right here in the moment at the same time. Feeling, expressing and connecting with ourselves at the purest level. Opening our hearts so wide that it closes our minds to quiet, giving us access to our soul.

feeling more and being more present. Your heart will soften into the freedom and joy of self-love. Staying in this zone without faltering back to the rules and make-wrongs of resolutions is what will keep you on track. And you will soon notice that you are taking the application of this concept past the average January resolution and expanding it into the grandest form of resoulutionary living. And yes, it will take courage…but you deserve it. Happy New Year and Happy Rest of Your Life. PS - If your soul could talk, what would it say to you? Yes, yes, that’s what it’s saying. …Listen to your soul. xo

WE CAN BEGIN by increasing our self-loyalty. Being true to ourselves in the highest sense. Being supportive and available for ourselves And keeping an awareness around if our mind is urging us to “do” something or trying to talk us out of listening to our soul. So often we just jump into making plans based on what we think “needs” to be done in order for life to be “better” with no sense of regard for ourselves. By asking within how we will be affected by the choices we make, before we make them, we are placing ourselves on our own team, which paves the way for love, which paves the way for victory. This is one of the key differences between creating a resolution and a resoulution. Once you have become more available to yourself, you will begin to hear soul more clearly. You will begin to sort out resolutions from resoulutions and feel what is best for you, as it comes to you. Others may challenge you when you demonstrate such self-loyalty and dedication, but only because it is difficult for them to do so. This is where it will take commitment to stay with soul and not shift back to please them or fix the moment. In doing this you are not only gifting yourself, but ultimately gifting them with the unspoken permission and encouragement to do the same for themselves. Living your resoulutions, you will notice yourself

j Tara-jenelle Walsch is the author of the book, Soul Courage and the founder and spirit behind the Soulebrate greeting card company, the cards of which are being sold in hundreds of stores worldwide, carrying messages of encouragement & empowerment. She also speaks publicly about a personal development program she created called Soulcialize that increases emotional awareness and inspires others to live soul first, which she believes creates Soul Connection and has the ability to enrich the world at large. Tara-jenelle was raised in Annapolis, Maryland and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications from Towson University in Baltimore, Maryland. She currently lives in the beautiful hills of Ashland, Oregon with her pug, Sascha. www.soulcourage.com



Miranda Bailey Actress, Writer, Director, Producer and Animal Rescuer


Miranda Bailey grew up in Vail, Colorado. She went to New York to pursue a degree in acting at Skidmore College. She moved to Los Angeles after graduating and began professionally acting, writing, directing, and producing for film. Miranda lives in LA and runs her production company Cold Iron Pictures. She stared in The Diary of a Teenage Girl, and to name few movies that she produced are; Swiss Army Man , 20 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

Don't Think Twice, Wonderful World , Time Out of Mind the award-winning documentary Spinning Plates and many more. In 2013 Miranda co-founded the theatrical distribution company The Film Arcade. She received Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature Award.

Mirand welcomed us to her lovely house for our interview and photoshoot, Beautiful place that you could immediately feel the warmth and humbleness of her own nature. I saw her dogs and cats freely walking through the house, I asked her your pets are so friendly, and her response was I love my pets they are all rescures I never purchase a pet always believing in adopting from the shelters or rescue groups. I just loved to be there among a person with such a big heart. Here is The Eden Magazine exclusive interview with Miranda Bailey Tell us little bit about yourself. When I was 8 years old, my father took me to the set of a movie being made with his friend Brian Dennehy called “Little Miss Marker”. When we arrived at the studio and walked into the stage I was in awe. There was a room with in a room. A giant dollhouse. And these people playing parts, just like dolls in a story someone made up. I sat there and watched Walter Matthau do take after take, perfectly, differently, and skillfully and I knew right then and there that THAT was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Make movies. How did you choose to be an actress and Producer? From then on I created my own material to act in because I lived in Vail Colorado, which wasn’t exactly a thriving artistic town at the time. So for my class project I wrote, directed and stared in a play, which explored what I was going through during my parents divorce. It was extremely cathartic for me and I think very embarrassing for my parents to have their whole lives shown to the entire town of Vail. I then went to Skidmore College to study acting. While I was at Skidmore I was also writing and directing. I remember being called into a conference by the teachers of the theater department. They were very concerned that I was doing all three. They asked me, which one would you choose to concentrate on? Acting, Directing or Writing. “Why can’t I do them all”? They suggested it would be hard and time consuming and that’s normally not how it is done. Normally you pick one. That night I thought about it as I was writing a play I was going to direct and I decided that this is MY life. And if want to do all three, and then I can and will do all three. The faculty weren’t thrilled that I didn’t choose one. But I’m happy that I stuck to my love of all story telling and continued the path to do just that. Can you feel a difference when you Acting vs, Producing? Acting and Producing offer me two completely different views on a project and fulfills me in different ways. When I am producing I get to use the part of me that is hyper organized, and a leader…or as my parents used to call me “bossy”. It also allows me to create creative relationships with all department heads and I really like seeing what costumes is thinking and Production Design is thinking and guiding a director or sometimes standing back and watching a director make their decisions on all of these areas that are so critical to creating a vision. Acting is an entirely different animal. When I’m acting, I go inside. I explore parts of myself that I need to express or I find parts of myself that have been hidden or the best is when I create a part of myself that was never there. A part of each character I have ever played has taught me something about myself. Acting, to me is more meditation. Producing is organization. When I can do both, I am fulfilled creatively and intellectually. Of all the movies you have played, which one is closest to your own personality? The role I played in the film ANSWERS TO NOTHING with Dane Cook and Barbara Hershey gave me the most in terms of cathartically exploring a trauma that occurred in my own life. The character of Drew is a woman who is dealing with an alcohol abuse problem as her paralyzed brother lives with her and her parents are suing her for custody of the brother. Her brother was a runner before a drunk driving accident that Drew caused. He always wanted to run the Los Angeles marathon. So Drew cleans up, and begins training for the marathon for which she will push her brother in the wheel chair the whole way. Quite a tearjerker. Preparing for this role was easy and hard. It was easy because I had dealt with loosing my own brother to choking on a grape during dinner one night when I was very young and watching him die. I dealt with a lot of guilt even though I was only 5 years old and there is not much another child can do when there are accidents. Yet I still lived with that guilt and that sadness for years. The hard part was allowing it all to come up for the role of Drew. As humans, so many of us push down feelings that are unsettling, sad, angry, and uncomfortable. But when you are acting, you need these feelings and once they come up…they are easier to let go of. 21 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

22 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e November 2016



Are there any new Movies you are currently working on at this point? I’m in Post Production on Lake Bells next directorial feature called What’s The Point. It is a hilarious touching movie about marriage and family. I also just finished my second directorial documentary feature titled “The Pathological Optimist” which is a character study type of documentary about the controversial figure Andrew Wakefield. This film does not take a stand on his ideas or take sides on the issue he is at the center of. My goal of the film was to look inside the man in the controversy, not make more controversy. That’s not always so easy. Is there any charity that is close to your heart? Yes, I am a very active supporter of The Rett Syndrome Research Trust. I learned about Rett Syndrome when my good friends daughter was suddenly diagnosed with it when she was 18 months old. I was devastated. This child was so special, so smart and beautiful, I had to help somehow. Rett Syndrome is a serious lifelong neurological disorder that is caused by random mutations in a gene called MECP2. Diagnosed almost exclusively in girls, symptoms typically appear in toddlerhood. Many children with Rett are unable to speak, walk or use their hands. Rett Syndrome stands apart from other neurological disorders due to the dramatic reversibility of symptoms in animal models. RSRT was launched in 2008 to drive research toward a cure for Rett Syndrome and related MECP2 disorders. 15,000 girls and women in the United States and 350,000 globally live with the agonizing symptoms of Rett Syndrome. I will support them until there is a cure. How you spend your time when you are away from work? I spend as much time as possible with my children, husband and parents. Family is the most important thing in the world and is what keeps me happy and grounded. And with a 5 year old and 8 year old, I am constantly laughing and playing dress up and Legos, so that’s a hell of a lot of fun to do as an adult. Not that I don’t also take time to hand with my lady friends and have martini’s every once in a while…I need that too. What kind of roles do you prefer? I wish I could tell you I’m picky, but I’m not. If I like the director and the project Ill probably say yes no matter how big or small it is. It’s all about the story as a whole, not just my role. What character was the toughest for you to change into? Super small roles that are only a few lines are the hardest. 1.) Because no one cares or gives you guidance and 2.) If you don’t create a real life for this person even for their few lines, you will suck it. So it’s a lot of work for very little play time. Did you had a really a bad day but had to perform that day. How did you get through it? I’ve had lots of bad days, just like everyone else. You just suck it up and do your job. Keep it to yourself. I don’t like to complain too much, it brings everyone else down around you. Stay positive. When you are down there is nowhere else to go but up. As a female director what message you can send to your fans? Make an effort to watch movies directed by women. Who would you like to be in a movie with? I’d like to be in a movie with Seth Rogan. Hell, Id like to be in the same room with him. He is hilarious and seemingly down to earth.

Photography by Brenda Saint Hilaire Photography, www.brendasthilairephotography.com Makeup by Zee Graham for Kevyn Aucoin The Criterion Group www.zeegraham.com


Instant Inner Peace By Donald L. Hicks

Kesler Tran, Photographer 26 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

Have you ever paused to contemplate inner peace? What exactly is inner peace? How does inner peace differ from simply feeling calm or peaceful? Where do I find it? When will I find it? How do I achieve it? Most of us have longed for the tranquility and the state of just “being” that accompanies inner peace. We’ve dreamed of the day when we can feel inner peace flowing throughout our lives continuously. And without knowing such, through the exact action of dreaming about it and wanting it, we are preventing it. “Wait? What?” one might ask. Let me share with you a secret. Life is nothing more than a mirror, reflecting your state of mind, echoing the words you use, expressing the ideas you hold, manifesting the actions you place in the world. Everything you send out returns to you. Do good, and goodness returns to you. Be kind, and kindness returns. Nothing escapes life's reflection. The moment we tell Life and the Universe: “I do not have this, and I want it in the future”, we prevent ourselves from having it. If we tell God or the Universe: “I want to find inner peace”, our reflection in this present moment is a reflection of us not having inner peace, but seeking it. Life is simply a mirror. Life returns to us whatever we give it… or in this case, what we tell it we want or don’t have. So how do we achieve inner peace and have it reflected in us? The answer is astoundingly simple: by deciding we have it right now. Clear as mud, right? Let me share this in different terms. All that any of us have is the present moment, and this present moment is unfolding continuously. The “past” is simply a memory of a present moment that once was. The “future” is simply a thought in our mind of something that may occur in a future “present moment”. The future is not yet determined, and is simply a mental projection of “what could be”. All we have is the present moment. When we begin imagining or dreaming of future events, we become at odds with the present moment. Suddenly the present moment is something we are enduring while we await the arrival of some future event that we dream of. The present moment is simply a vehicle, and we are riding along watching the mile markers pass by while awaiting to arrive at the future destination. We feel that life is passing us by and nothing is happening.

We are not living life, but simply enduring it. We are not present in the present moment, we are living in our thoughts and mind. Thinking of the future can cause us to feel excitement and anticipation. It can be fun -- or dreadful -- depending on our thoughts about the future. But so long as we are focused on the future, we realize we are not where we want to be in life, and this realization may cause anticipation to morph into anxiety, impatience (“are we there yet?”) and even stress, discontent, and frustration. In essence, we have turned the present moment into a hurdle we have to clear rather than enjoying it. We clear this hurdle only to find more hurdles preventing us from reaching that coveted future destination. If we continue this path of always waiting for “what might be”, Life stops being our companion and becomes our adversary. We feel like we hate what we are doing and are discontented with our lives. We are miserable and can become depressed because whatever future we have dreamed for ourselves always seems just beyond our grasp. In the present moment we are unhappy. Our life… all of our continuous “moments of now”… are passing us by without anything of value happening, because we are waiting on that future. That dream. That thought. We are living in our mind. We are not here. Not present. And to feel inner peace, we must be present and at peace with the moment of Now. So stop for a moment and simply “be”. Have no worry of the past or what the future may hold. The instant that we can be aware of ourselves in the present moment and be grateful for this moment and be at peace with life and existence is the moment we experience inner peace. Inner peace is yours to experience instantly. All you need to do is decide you already have it, be thankful for the present moment, and watch as life reflects your instant inner peace. Namaste,

Donald L. Hicks is the author of several books, including The Divinity Factor and Look into the stillness. For more information, visit his Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ DonaldLHicksAuthor/?fref=ts


art by Maryam Morrison 28 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017



Cosmos and the Human Energetic System Part II: The Human Bio-Plasmic (Etheric) Field

By Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.

Abstract Mankind is comprised of a soul that is the etheric body, and a physical shell, which is composed of matter. The dominant state of constitution in the multiverse is plasmic, which exists in matter, invisible or “dark” matter, as well as antimatter. The greater part of each of us is ethereal, which interfaces with antimatter. We are, indeed, hybrids of matter-antimatter. Our core consciousness exists vitally within antimatter, but it is not of antimatter. Indeed, we live in both matter and antimatter. There is a constant shift between matter and antimatter that flashes consciousness units into both realms, which is achieved via micro white and macro black holes in our chakras. We vibrate in and out of the universe with a wavelength on the order of 10-43 earthly seconds with a natural frequency that defines our state of consciousness. The amount of consciousness between successive flash of the stroboscopic light that gives us ‘life” is quantified by the ‘consciousness units,’ which is characterized by either our ‘light quotient’ or ‘natural frequency of vibration.’ Our nervous system is electrical. Our carbon-based physical body acts as a capacitor. Our natural electric fields in the body are connected to our auric electromagnetic field through our chakras, which are, in essence, particle accelerators. Each chakra contains within its structure bio-plasmic crystals that operate in a fluid state, opening on each end, spanning from matter into

antimatter and vica versa. They open and close and spin according to energy source and their functional purpose. Our bio-plasmic body evolves into a star tetrahedron that is, in fact, a hybrid (matter-antimatter/physical-ethereal) bio-plasmic form. This star tetrahedron is linked to the physical carbon-based body through the double-cones of the chakric system. As such, the energy flows in and out and vica-versa with the bio-plasmic body generating the human electromagnetic field. The unique energy that composes our auric system has the properties of an electromagnetic current, yet it is not electromagnetic as in duality terms. Our chakra vortices both receive and transmit energy. Crystalline electric energy flows through the conical vortex of the chakras and is fed into meridians within our bodies but takes on the properties of coherent particles, similar to the laser light. Our carbon bodies interface with our etheric body of bio-plasma through our ‘auras.’ There is a part of us in higher forms of our multidimensionality that lives in the invisible liquid crystalline light in the cosmos, in what we term ‘dark matter’ that has a ‘body’ not of carbon-based chemical as on duality earth, but as crystalline silicate-based in the crystalline-electric realm of complex bio-plasma. This is a part that has been filtered away in duality, and is the level where we connect to our ‘angelic’ part.


Introduction Human physiognomy is, indeed, very complex. Furthermore, much of it is filtered from our 5 sensory perception in duality. This portion, which comprises of the majority of our bulk of existence, is stealth, and is, indeed, hidden from us in 3-D physicality. Beside the seemingly complex physical body shell that manifests itself in matter, we possess an ethereal body composed of a bio-plasmic energetic field that interfaces in stealth (“dark”) matter. This is the ‘angelic part’ of us that is constituted as liquid crystalline and is, indeed, plasmic, which is mostly responsible for receiving, storing, and augmenting bio-plasmic energy that animates us and gives us ‘life.’ An ‘Angelic Field,’ indeed, exists within the bio-plasmic life. The interface of the Angelic Realm to the human material realm is through the antimatter field. It is better to say that within antimatter, there is the concept of all life, consciousness, before it materializes into matter. Indeed, life forms exist within antimatter and stealth matter, including all of us. It is the battery with a reserved power that is utilized to propel us in physicality. So, in this respect, it is fundamentally the most important part of us. It certainly exists, and is capable of vibrating in much higher frequencies that is not detectable by our senses. This impeccable, flawless, crystalline part of us is the very gift of our Prime Creator to us that represents our divine nature. It interfaces with the divine neural network brain of God that we refer to as the crystalline-electric cosmos. As a constituent part of this omnipotent SOURCE, our etheric body interfaces and communicates with its parent SOURCE via encoded consciousness particulate units called the ‘adamantine’ or ‘akash’ particles. The adamantine (or akash) particles are, in essence, the God particles that give us our consciousness. These energetic encoded consciousness particulates come to us in liquid or plasmic crystalline light form that are first received and stored in our etheric crystalline body we refer to as our ‘aura.’ Matter, Invisible (“Dark”) Matter, and Antimatter Visible matter only constitutes at most 3.37% of the multiverse. Approximately 20% of our universe is composed of what has been called “dark” or invisible matter. The remaining 76% plus is antimatter. Our scientists often refer to antimatter as “dark energy.” “Dark” matter is invisible matter. It is only “dark” in the sense that it cannot be identified by our current instrumentation. It is a stealth form of matter that remains undetectable over the entire electromagnetic spectrum detectable by our scientists, from the long radio wavelength to the far shorter length oscillation of the gamma ray. “Dark” or invisible matter is actually nothing like “dark.” It is far lighter (in terms of mass or weight), carries great-


er light, and holds exponentially greater frequency than physically dense matter. And, in terms of consciousness, it is anything but dark. Within its spectrum, antimatter has varying intensities. Both “dark” matter and antimatter are invisible, and cannot be detected within our current laboratories settings due to our limited level of technology. Also, contrary to the common belief, antimatter is not just some reverse charged ions as the ones being engineered in particle accelerators. Rather, it refers to a full spectrum of assorted inverse phase of matter. Together with invisible matter (or visible in physicality), it constitutes the dualistic nature of the creation of our cosmos as, indeed, spacetime does. And, each phase has countless components and layers. Analogous to light, matter occurs in spectrum. Physical or invisible matter is on one end of the spectrum, and antimatter lies on the other side of the spectrum. The collective form of matter, antimatter, and “dark” matter is what the author often refers to as the ‘constitution.’ The two forms of matter and antimatter are not in opposition, rather vibrating at different frequencial resonances. Plasma It is often classified that matter may only exists in 3 distinct forms: solid, fluid, and gas. In fact, matter exists beyond the three phases of solid, liquid and gas. It also exists as plasma. Plasma exists within matter as invisible charged matter particulates. Plasma is commonly considered as the fourth state of matter. And, since it is stealth and cannot be detected or measured, it is commonly referred to as “dark” matter. However, it is not truly ‘dark’. Plasma is invisible charged matter particulate that also exists within “dark” matter as well as antimatter. The dominant state of matter in the cosmos is, actually, plasmic. But, it does not produce a radiation that one can see, or measure. It is also not truly the ‘fourth state.’ It may actually be considered as the ‘primary state’ in the cosmos. Plasma exists in varying layers within its own concentric dimensionality. Matter resides at one end of the spectrum, and antimatter at the other. Only specific electromagnetic fields that are of crystalline origin are constituted with antimatter plasma. Parallel Universes Matter and antimatter form different types of parallel universes. Some are separate dimensional planes governed by different sets of physical laws. Others are the duplicates of our own universe. Some parallel universes are completely different quantum realities. Some universes are, indeed, of quantum scale as may be deciphered by the Planck’s Number (10-43 seconds). Physical universes such as ours are, in essence, unique, but not ALL THAT THERE IS. Indeed, there are distant components of our own SELF,

who are quite distant of our physical SELF, highly evolved Beings in the cosmos (Avatars or Rishis) who are quite distant of our physical SELF, as if the realms of physical universes do not even exist for them. We journey within the invisible (“dark”) matter and antimatter every night in the lucid dream state in our etheric bio-plasmic energetic bodies. However, most of us have little recollection of what occurs during the dream state. Matter-Antimatter and Consciousness Mankind is comprised of a soul that is the etheric body, and a physical shell, which is composed of matter. Plasma exists within invisible (“dark”) matter, antimatter, as well as physical matter. The dominant state of constitution in the multiverse is plasmic. Plasma may be considered as the only state in the cosmos. Everything else constitutes as either congealed form of plasma on one end of the spectrum (matter), or pure antimatter on the other. The greater part of each of us is ‘angelic’ in the ethereal, watching our 12 physical human aspects in our biochemical bodies. Life forms, indeed, also exist within antimatter and stealth matter. We may be considered as a life form that also lives or interfaces with the antimatter. Because our etheric body interfaces with antimatter, it can be said that human kind are, in fact, hybrids of matter-antimatter, evolved from within antimatter. Our core consciousness operates within antimatter. Our brain and the rest of the human physiognomy are part of the visible matter. Our etheric body interfaces into antimatter. And, indeed, we live in both matter and antimatter. In fact, our etheric body is a ‘stealth’ biological plasma (may be termed as ‘bio-plasma’). There is a constant shift between matter and antimatter that flashes consciousness units into both realms. This flashing of the consciousness is achieved via micro white and macro black holes within our fundamental energetic constituents that we refer to as our ‘chakras.’ There is a cooperative fluctuation between the matter and antimatter, which defines our realities. Our consciousness, or ‘life’ occurs as a result of stroboscopic flash of divine light projected to our souls in an ‘on’ and ‘off’ fashion, which gives rise to our vibratory nature in our universe. In essence, we vibrate in and out of our universe with a wavelength on the order of 10-43 earthly seconds, with a natural frequency that defines our state of consciousness. Our consciousness can be characterized in terms of a consciousness unit, which may be described as the amount of consciousness between successive flashes of the stroboscopic light that gives us ‘life.’ This represents the NOW reality that converges into all-time holograms. It is clear that the degree of clarity and resolution capability that we can perceive our surroundings and ourselves (the ‘pixels’ of life) defines the

very aspect of our consciousness or awareness as quantified by the ‘consciousness units.’ Hence, we can define our state of consciousness by defining a parameter, which we may be referred to as the ‘light quotient’ that defines our ‘brightness’ or ‘awareness’ at any given time. In essence, light quotient compares our state of light of consciousness with that of the omnipotent Prime Creator, the original SOURCE of our consciousness. Alternatively, we may consider the natural frequency of our vibrations (or the ‘vibration rate’ of appearing within and disappearing from our particular continuum of time and space) as a measure for our consciousness. Thirdly, we may simply refer to the extent of ‘energy’ associated with the light we receive as our extent of consciousness. It is of interest to indicate that it is the black holes that are instrumental in converting the unusable energy within our universe. The energies collected within the black holes are, subsequently, refined and rejuvenated and pumped into the universe via the infinitesimal while holes. It is this pumping, the ‘in’ and ‘out’ function of the universe that occurs in a ‘flash’ of time, which creates our vibratory nature of consciousness. It is clear that as the consciousness is increased, the light quotient and the vibration rate are correspondingly elevated. In the limit, when the vibration frequency increases to an infinitely vast amount, the wavelength of our vibratory rate reduces to an infinitesimally small amount, and therefore, the ambiguity of concept of ‘time’ disappears in our perception, and hence time no longer exists for us. The velocity of light is actually not constant as believed by the mainstream media. There is a condition when the velocity of the light increases infinitely approaching the coherent light status such as a laser beam. It is obvious that as our consciousness increases, we perceive the velocity of light to become faster and faster, giving rise to speeding of the time. This is what has happened over the past 3 decades on earth. It is believed that the time has accelerated at least by 25% recently, which is why we perceive days to pass much faster. Our Physical Body: the Bio-plasmic Capacitor Our physical body, our nervous system is electrical. Our carbon body, in essence, acts as a capacitor. These natural electric fields in the body are connected to the human auric electromagnetic field (EMF) through our chakras. The bio-plasmic body evolves into a star tetrahedron that is, in fact, a hybrid (matter-antimatter or physicalethereal) bio-plasmic form. The star tetrahedron is linked to the physical carbon-based body through the double-cones of the chakras, which are, in essence, particle accelerators. As such, the energy flows in and out with the bio-plasmic body generating the human electromagnetic field. Each chakra contains within its structure bio-plasmic


crystals that operate in a fluid state, opening on each end, spanning from matter into antimatter and vice versa. They open and close and spin according to the energy source and the functional purpose. The conical shape of the human chakric-auric system extends, generating ‘Level 2’ and ‘Level 3’ ‘light bodies.’ The unique energy that composes our energetic system has the properties of an electromagnetic current, yet it is not electromagnetic as in terms of duality. These energies are ‘liquid’ crystalline in nature, but the current field flows as a result of local development of a ‘potential,’ similar to the case of polarity settlement we observe in an electromagnetic system. Crystalline electric energy flows through the conical vortex of the chakras and is fed into meridians within our bodies but takes on the properties of crystalline coherent particles similar to laser light. It is the same energy that flows through Phi Crystals, in that it is coherent. Our chakra vortices both receive and transmit energy. This, indeed, represents a link among our group soul-consciousness and the systems of parallel or Omni-Earths, and indeed, the entire multiverse or the cosmos. Our Etheric Body: ’Stealth’ Biological Plasma On the Earth-Plane, all of us are composed of a carbon body that is interfaced, through our aura, with an etheric body of bio-plasma. When we transit to higher realms, we will be fully conscious of our etheric energy in a body of crystalline bio-plasmic light, called the ‘Light Body.’ Our etheric Light Body is composed of stealth plasma. Indeed, the greater part of us lives now in the liquid crystalline cosmos of what we term “dark” matter, invisible light matter in crystalline electric bio- plasma. Soon, we will be expanding into our Crystalline Auric Light Bodies. There is an ‘angelic’ part of us that has been filtered away in duality. There is a part of us in higher forms of our multidimensionality that has a ‘body’ not of carbon-based chemical as on duality earth, but as a crystalline bio-plasma. And, these bio-plasmic versions of ‘us’ exist in the realms our scientist ironically term “dark.” Within it, it interfaces with the ‘Angelic’ or the ‘Divine’ Realm. And, our HIGHERSELF, the higher part of us, already knows this TRUTH. The Angelics An ‘Angelic Field’ exists within the bio-plasmic life. The interface of the Angelic Realm to the human material realm is through the antimatter field. It is better to say that within antimatter there is the concept of all life, consciousness, before it materializes into matter. Indeed, life forms, indeed, exist within antimatter and stealth matter, including all of us.


Dr. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi is a retired professor of “Micromechanics of Materials,” an area in science that was introduced by him and soon made popularized by other scientists in 19980s. The field quickly took off by many other scholars, soon culminating in numerous publications, complete symposiums, and even new University Departments dedicated to the subject area of ‘Micromechanics.’ The author has engaged in research and teaching at University of Maryland, Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory, Atlantic Research Corporation, Institute of Paper Science and Technology of the Georgia Institute of Technology, etc. Dr. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi is the president of the Institute of Spiritual Science, a lightworker, and the author of many articles on variety of topics reflecting the true connection between the Science of Spirituality and the mainstream science (see links to blogs listed below). The author is highly ‘attuned’ with the realm of divine and higher consciousness, a messenger, and in SERVICE to God and humanity, with the underlying mission to raise consciousness in this era of pre-ascension for humanity. Dr. Sarfarazi’s efforts are done in respect and appreciation for the Almighty’s directives, the ‘Divine Plan’ for humanity, and in SERVICE to God and the mankind. With Unconditional Love https://multidimensionalconsciousness.wordpress. com/ https://quantummicromechanics.wordpress.com/ https://humanphysiologyandenergetic.wordpress. com/ https://spiritualscience101.wordpress.com/ https://www.facebook.com/instituteofspiritualscienceinc/



Message from the Goddess Mother

with Jan Diana


My Beloved Children of Light, “Greetings from My Heart to yours. Today. I will share with you an important message of truth. As you look upon our world, perhaps you feel as if there is much in distress. You may even sense and feel the struggle of your beloved brothers and sisters during this time of great transformation. Be at peace, My Beloveds, for each one will find their way to their hearts in their own timing. It is the destiny for each one to remember their sacred truth, the peace, the joy, the sweetness of their divine essence, the truth of self, that they are love. The journey you are on is an adventure filled with many experiences. Some have been perhaps happier than others. You are now preparing to move into new realms of greater clarity. Within these golden realms, it will be easier for you to see and know the lighter pathways of choice. Among these pathways is a destiny which will lead you to experience the greater joy and contentment that you long for. It has been a dream held deeply within your heart since before you entered this life time. Ponder on this for a moment and feel the sweetness of this truth. Yes My Beloveds, your forever sweet self calls to you now through your heart, opening up the conduits of divine communication even more. This allows you to feel the truth of these words.

The voice of your true self speaks to you in the language of the heart, the language of love. Yes it feels familiar to you as you are already recognizing it easily on so many levels. Empower yourself to receive these messages, trusting that you understand. Acceptance will open up gateways to the paths that you desire to follow. These times are glorious ones. It is time to discover in greater ways your truth, your purpose, and your hearts desires. As we move forward in the days ahead, you will begin to notice through this language of your heart, a greater calmness, a greater peace. You will begin to feel a greater sense of knowing that all is well. Oh what joy this brings to my heart, knowing that you are hearing the messages from your heart of truth. We celebrate together as we planned for this reality long before you were born. My promise of heart was to allow you to experience, and when you were ready, to open the gateways to receive the messages of heart. Now is the time they will begin to flow within the frequencies of divine recognition. This is occurring even now in your readiness and personal choice. As you desire, so shall it be. Be of peace in knowing all sentient beings will find their way to the place of heart. Within our heart is held the divine truth and all answers you seek. You have access to this always. Now it is even more readily available. 35 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

Knowing yourself is the key to accessing the treasury within your heart. It is time for you to know your truth, for you are my Children of Heart, perfect in every way. Acceptance is the next key to opening the heart to receive all that you desire. Accepting the truth of yourself will propel you into the golden realms of light. These realms hold the ways and means to reach the fulfillment of your divine destiny. Yes, My Beloveds, celebrate yourselves, for you truly are of great stature. You are in the process of remembering your sweet truth, that you are love. Some experiences you have had perhaps led you to believe that you are of lesser value than your truth. These were just a part of the journey. As you remember more of your truth, these will fade away into the past. The present holds all the potential to reach your heightened states of consciousness which you desire. Focus within the present moment and be open to receive. Accept the loving messages of your heart. Allow yourself to blossom in the streams of lightness. Life is a dance. Flow within the dance, moving in the direction of your forward projections of lighter realities. These new realities dance easily and joyfully within the flow of life. Joy will be your reward as you reach the greater truth. Dancing in joyfulness, in gratitude for your life, your gifts and your journey will bring you great happiness, even into states of bliss. You are a unique blossoming flower. Though you are part of our one family of heart, there is none like you. Hold the truth in your heart and mind. Take notice of your magnificence. Focus on loving yourself, for truly you are a precious jewel among many. Each jewel adds to the flavor of the grand masterpiece we create together. Each one contributes in their own way to the beauty and expansion of us all. We each paint on the canvas of life together. We celebrate in the experiences we share as we move closer to the completion of the grand journey of us all. How blessed we are to share in the wonderment of this journey of lives. 36 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COMe January 2017

What lies ahead is glorious. What you experience now is priceless. You live, you become, you experience, and express. Life is the greatest gift offered to each of you, for personal development and expansion. I sing to you of your greatness now and always. You are the love of my heart. Know your sacred self. Feel the freedom of truth flowing within the joy of your heart. It is time to be living within the realms of the heart. Listen to the messages of our heart of truth, as it will bring you the awareness of the divine, guiding you to the sweetness of your destiny.” With great love, Your Beloved Mother

j Jan Diana is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and master practitioner. Her mission is to assist clients & students in creating harmony, balance, heightened levels of clarity, develop innate gifts & abilities, empowering them on their personal evolution to create the dreams of their heart. She utilizes several modalities including SVH L3M, Animal healing, GHM, Language of love, Reiki Master, and more. Sessions and Classes by phone. You can reach her at website www.sunshineinyourheart.com or by email sunsinyourheart@aol.com . Free meditation journeys, articles, & classes. www.sunshineinyourheart.com/free_telecasts.html FREE CLASS- “The Gift of the Golden Rose”. Experience the Golden Rose Ray on a journey to the Sacred Gardens of Light, learning how this gift can bless your life. Class information & Registration at: www.sunshineinyourheart.com

The Purpose of Depression and Disease

By Blake Baue


Everything happens for a reason, including health challenges of the mind and body. Although this may be difficult to accept, my view is that we make ourselves sick and miserable looking for love and attention outside ourselves. We learn from a young age to seek mom and dad’s conditional love in order to survive but it is often at the expense of being true to ourselves and causes us harm. If we never wake up to this unhealthy internal dynamic, it eventually leads to depression and disease. The suffering in our body and mind are cries from our soul, from God and the Universe, calling us back home to ourselves and to the source of peace and strength within. As adults we’ve become accustomed to living with fears of losing love, attention, approval, and security. We learned to feel guilty early in life about expressing what we need to be healthy and happy, because this is somehow too selfish or criticized as wrong, when in reality everyone is actually selfish whether they're aware of it or not. Now, after years of pleasing others and not taking care of ourselves, we often find ourselves unhappy, unwell, and full of resentment, anger and regret. Confused, we ask ourselves how did I get here? No one is a bad person for wanting to live a deeply fulfilling and authentic life. Yet we feel shame for having this desire. Entrapped in a web of our own weaving, we have yet to realize that we are waiting for a wholehearted commitment to our own wellbeing and that our suffering is simply asking us to speak and act based on what we truly feel in each situation and relationship. I cannot help but point out the fact here that modern medicine has not discovered cures for aliments like cancer, auto-immune disease and clinical depression. Is it because we have been viewing these extreme symptoms from a limited perspective and completely missing the purpose of these challenges? I believe so. Although it can be hard to swallow, I have found that our mental and emotional relationship to ourselves is both the cause of and the solution to most forms of personal suffering. Our ability to express what we feel effectively and act in alignment with this inner truth directly determines the quality of our mental and physical

wellbeing. In most cases deep unhappiness and chronic illness are simply the result of the self-destructive, critical, judgmental and fear-based relationship many of us developed toward ourselves in childhood. Because we tend to be so lost in this harmful way of thinking and acting, it’s very easy to overlook the simple fact that transforming this mental and emotional dis-ease can bring the long-term relief and peace we’re seeking. I have heard it said that life will take away anything or anyone we take for granted. Our life itself and our health fall into this category also. In my work with thousands of people I have witnessed time and again how individuals ignore and disregard their mental and emotional life, because they do not know how to navigate it, talk about it or respect it. The natural progression of this sentiment is a deep feeling of worthlessness; where one perceives their feelings, needs and desires do not matter. They feel their inner self or soul has no value or is not appreciated by those around them, and the byproduct is a body that does not matter or feel worthy of attention. In other words, a heart not cared for or honored by ourselves becomes a body that does not feel good to inhabit. What’s the point of being alive if our soul feels trapped, misunderstood, and valueless? What sentient being would ever want to continue to live a mentally tortured, emotionally anxious, and overwhelmingly stressful life? Yet we as human beings feel so unworthy of creating a lifestyle, career and relationships that make us feel good, alive and well on a daily basis. Although objectively it seems natural to desire a healthy and happy life, the guilt, fear and underlying hurt inside us persistently hold us back. They leave us feeling disconnected and trickle down inside like acid slowly eating us alive from within. Addiction and suicide can be understood in this light. No one wants to live believing they must always be more, do more, or have more to find happiness, health, peace or love. But this is a psychological symptom of past internalized hurt caused by others and ourselves, which when left unresolved, leads us to live in our head in an attempt to protect our heart from further pain and also leaves us feeling alone and insecure.


As children we learned to make our feelings, needs and desires wrong, and now for years we’ve endured a limited life of poor self-care and toxic self-talk. We need to swing the pendulum of attention toward transforming our dysfunctional mental and emotional life if we want our body to reflect a healthy internal environment moving forward. Traditional Chinese Medicine offers one the most practical and logical insights into how our thoughts and emotions can lead either to health and happiness or to depression and disease. From this worldview the causes of physical disease directly correlate to the flow of energy and blood in the body. In simple terms, when energy and blood are free flowing daily we experience health and happiness. But when they stagnate we will eventually encounter pain, tiredness, depression, and the toxic buildups that cause illness. The belief is that blood in the body follows the flow of life force energy. The best example of this is the energetic beat or pulse of the heart that causes blood to flow within our veins and carries our immune cells, hormones, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to all corners of the body. What is often overlooked in western medicine is the link between internalized thoughts and emotions that, coupled with fear and the resulting inaction, lead to a decrease in the healthy flow first of energy and then of blood. A 40 year old person, who has on average been awake for 16 hours every day, has lived 840,960,000 moments or seconds. That’s 14,016,000 minutes of life experience, where this person is feeling and thinking something directly connected to their deeper wounds, needs and desires. Objectively much of this inner process is made up of unresolved emotional pain and negative thoughts, which constantly circle the mind and body and are rarely expressed or addressed in a way we’re at peace with. Both thought and emotion are subtle forms of atomic energy, which when repressed constantly over time cause internal stress, limited oxygen intake, and imbalances in molecular and cellular processes. It also causes the flow of life force energy and blood to slow down and become severely blocked. Due primarily to the various manifestations of survival fear, most people don’t act based on instinct, intuition and what the heart truly communicates either, which creates further disruptions to the healthy flow of energy and blood


in the organs and circulatory system. Symptoms like anxiety, shallow breathing, chronic fatigue, lethargy, digestive disorders, depression, bi-polar and sleeplessness set in, and we, and often our doctors, are not quite sure what the underlying cause is. Eventually, over days, weeks, months and years of this process guiding our lives and behavior, the blood and fluid in our bodies begin to coagulate to such a large degree that nodules, masses, growths and tumors begin to form. This then leads to toxins building up in the blood stream and organs, resulting in chronic pain and disease. In simple terms our body becomes at war with itself on a cellular level (like in auto-immune conditions) because we are at war with ourselves mentally and emotionally, living with a constant tear between what we really feel, want and need, and the fears that stop us from speaking and acting completely honestly. From this viewpoint it’s easy to see how living a stressful life compounded by work that is unfulfilling, or staying in relationships where one is not true to their deeper emotions, needs and desires, can create significant inner pressure on our major organs and central nervous system. If we are constantly fighting ourselves in this way, the inevitable result is our self-destruction. This does not even account for excessive consumption of alcohol, food, recreational drugs, and pharmaceutical drugs, which are merely unhealthy habits motivated by an unconscious desire to numb our deeper mental and emotional pain in a misguided quest for short-term superficial relief that only makes health concerns worse in the long run. Most people understand that eating natural whole foods and adopting a healthy lifestyle will support health and prevent illness. What most don’t know though is that complete honesty and vulnerability in every situation is just as vital to our long term mental and physical health. We are so used to hiding our true feelings in order to survive and keep the peace, protecting ourselves from judgment, criticism, rejection, abandonment and aggression, that we remain unaware we’re relating to ourselves in such a harmful way - until of course we are forced to figure out why we’ve become so depressed or ill. Deep down we all know we were not born to suffer. But no one can save, heal or free us beside ourselves. This is precisely why the purpose of mental, emotional and physical symptoms is to show us where and how we are not caring for ourselves well enough to thrive and the

simple but profound truth that all suffering is the the result of a constant rejection of the true self - a self that we never learned how to love, accept or value fully-we can begin transforming whatever struggles we’re faced with and find deeper peace and health immediately. There will never be a better time than today to begin practicing this. Depression and disease is our body’s practical and logical way of alerting us to the life or death importance of giving ourselves permission to be fully who we are now, because it’s the only path to lasting happiness and vitality. I have found we are given a choice in life between feeling sorry for ourselves and respecting ourselves, but we cannot have both. I have witnessed countless people stop being victims to their fearful and insecure thoughts and move beyond suffering into enjoying life daily. Once they wholeheartedly committed to speaking and acting in a way that values their thoughts and feelings in every situation as the priority, even when scared, they were able to heal and forgive their past, and finally stop hurting and betraying themselves in the present.

our own loving attention and acceptance to all the parts of us we’ve rejected over the years. I have found that it’s only through taking 100% percent responsibility for the depression and disease we’re experiencing now, regardless of how hard life has been to date, that we can finally see the purpose this suffering has served in bringing us home to our true selves and to the ocean of strength and peace that's always existed beneath our mental and emotional struggles. Blaming anyone or anything external only wastes the time and energy we need to heal and free ourselves now. And choosing pride over honest vulnerability will only keep us trapped.

The key then to letting go of depression and disease is to stop running from yourself and to start breathing in life and oxygen as deeply as possible right now. By staying open in each moment to yourself you will finally welcome your inner truth and feel deeply again, even if it’s scary or painful at first, which is the only way to truly heal. Then you can get clear about what you actually want in life, what feels good to you, and what makes you feel alive and well. I have found that when we focus primarily on these things daily, even when criticized for doing so, while speaking and acting with complete honesty and respect for ourselves, we support the healthy flow of energy, blood and emotion in the body and we naturally move away from any person, situation, or habit that is no longer healthy for us. Anything else that we need to address will naturally surface to be felt and liberated as we move forward. It is my view that each person is one with what we term God, or the Loving Universal Intelligence, and until we open to this power within, which means until we believe in our inherent capacity to heal ourselves and find lasting happiness, there will always remain aspects of our body and mind that are closed and thus will not heal. It doesn’t matter how many doctors we visit or how great a practitioner might be. The walls of the ego and the small separate self must come down through bringing

Blake D. Bauer is an internationally sought after teacher and speaker with an extensive background in psychology, alternative medicine, traditional healing, qi gong, and mindfulness meditation. Based on both his personal experience overcoming deep suffering, addiction, and adversity, as well as his professional success with thousands of people worldwide, his pioneering work integrates what he’s found to be the most effective approaches to optimal mental, emotional, and physical health.




with Michael White Ryan


Tomorrow’s path has already been chosen according to our levels of awareness during our 2016 experiences. The challenges faced, the decisions made, the relationships we shaped, the food we allowed, the colors chosen to encircle the scalar-human all contribute to the type of future we have installed for ourselves. The repeated number of accepted results, the energies we have surrounded ourselves with, vibrations selected via our judgement between good and negative from the whole of 2016, the endless foods chosen will light our chosen path in 2017. Here is a pocketful selection of sweets to help improve/ overcome the comfort of our arsewhollyness. 1…C0L0R, you’ve read the books, you believe, now let us test it out!!! Are you in for any experimenting, would you like to discover how that knowledge has if any, real value personally? Did you ever stop to consider why those persons/monks, who follow in the various traditions to find peace/love/enlightenment, wear predominately one color???

THE EXPERIMENT: For one week wear only one external predominate color of your choosing. Become aware of what happens within your emotions, your thoughts, how others respond to you and what type of luck and challenges comes your way. Start with your favorite color. For the second week choose another singular color and do the same for each of the 8 week experiment, eight different colors. Why follow this through? Each week you will have a variety of significant experiences that will impact you at a personal level. Instead of the of one color fits all generalization the books tell us, allow your individual experiences to give you an inkling into which color to wear when attracting/manifesting opportunity, money, relationship. Now you will know via personal interaction the beneficial color to wear when facing life’s challenges, when to turn a negative to a positive, thus elevating the probability for increased personal transformation. Bless you!


2…LANGUAGE, the power of language has such an impact on the listener. It forges our relationships/alliances. It can bring tears to our eyes. It will stir the heart and mind into actions otherwise never considered. We have created businesses where one can learn how to sell to another in the name of “for their own good” or someone’s good? Sales and selling is the transfer of trust, really??? When you place your fist on your heart while speaking with another, you are speaking of “your love towards” another. When we raise our middle finger to another we are not communicating to them where to go “we are emphasizing we are standing our ground, showing our strength”. The misunderstanding within language between to people or cultures has created/allowed wars since the beginning of time. The mind boggles at this wonder, of how is it ever possible to evolve with a standing-still mindset? 3…POSITIVITY, what happened? The recession came and we seemed to have taken our eye off the ball. Positive has gained a new definition!!! One has an idea for the greater good of mankind, now you have to invest in me to get rid of my credit card debt first, so “give me money”. It’s time to be self-responsible, unfortunately the recession set in motion a void where need became the outcome of purpose. 2016 is a yang fire year, it was the time to burn off that which no longer serves us, relationships, job, location, negative health patterns, old mindsets and more. It was a time to remove confusion and discover which steps are next in creating value in our life, know this, and now is the time to prepare those actions for a 2017 evolution. 4…PRESENCE, how to show up, who is showing up! Profiling has finally become main-stream once again. But why have we stayed stuck to and followed in a 4-type system created by Myers and Briggs ninety years ago. Are we not supposed to move with the changing times? I just love the titles of Briggs first works in 1926 "Meet Yourself Using the Personality Paint Box" and in 1928 "Up From Barbarism". Have we learned nothing in such a large space of time? No wonder we need help fast! It seems Barbarism has remained in our focused efforts in understanding the self. Profiling has nothing to do with who you are!!! It only points to one’s abilities, weakness and strengths, our skillsets. Unfortunately we have become victim to the characterization of our


skillset in how society measures our identity for social acceptance. We are not our abilities, we are not our labels, they only show what we can do. Identity is solely based on how we judge and value ourselves, this gives rise to who we are, our foundation, our ability to show up to whatever. If you are in business and have employees, think profiling before hiring it’s the better solution for future growth/success. Which profiling system to follow? Ask for real, do you think a 4-type system or a 12type archetypical system is the answer? All I can say is good luck, it’s at best a start in the right direction!

Michael White Ryan is a co-founder with his wife Pamela Edwards of Language of Space. They are leaders in sustainable business growth via Performance Design and Performance Code. Sustainable design encompasses both Western and Eastern philosophies including advanced Feng Shui principles, Environmental Design, Buildings, Alternative Health, Business Advisory Consultants and 20 plus years as entrepreneurs. Recognized in the top 100 globally and are Americas Leading Feng Shui Business Consultants. They are on faculty at CEO Space International one of the oldest business organizations in America today, currently operate in 7 countries and reside in Henderson NV. www.languageofspace.com


From self Loathing to Unconditional Love of Self


New York in the early forties felt to me like I had been dropped on an alien planet without a book of directions. It was lonely and scary and I felt I didn’t belong. Everyone looked distorted by sadness, fear and anger. I was embarrassed to show the inexplicable happiness, the joy at nothing particular, the love that bubbled inside of me. The energetic effects of The Great Depression coupled with the oppressive energy of WW2 permeated the atmosphere. Many were living with disbelief and grief. Fear was the big black cloud I felt everywhere. Since no one in my world was able to mirror my happiness, I very quickly learned to keep it locked up. Food became a wonderful sedative that helped push down the overflow of feelings that I wasn’t equipped to handle. In the mornings, still not fully awake, my first thoughts would be about the people being killed by Hitler. What kind of a hellish, dangerous place had I been born into? What kind of a place was it where no one would help you if you needed it? What kind of a place was this where there was no love? Although I didn’t know it at the time, I was an Empath and I felt the collectiveenergies of the times acutely, not able to tell the difference between what I personally felt and what I felt that belonged to someone else. My father was a classical violinist who never spoke to me and spent many hours every day practicing in the living room. The sound of endless scales, Bach sonata’s, Chopin, Mendelson and Bartok that he practiced over and over interminably became engraved in my mind as the background for daily life. My mother was unpredictable and screamed insults at me all through the day and night. I could feel that beneath her fury, which was magnified by her drinking, she was terribly sad and unhappy. It seemed no matter how hard I tried to be the daughter she wanted me to be, or what I did for her, I was unable to reach her heart, unable to make her smile, unable to make her love me; perhaps it was me who was the cause of her suffering. Feeling the full bundle of everyones feelings

deeply in my own body as though they were my own was an overbearing burden. Wherever I went I was a sponge soaking in people’s sadness, hurt, anger, depression, frustration and fear. The only laughter I ever heard was that of the inebriated guests at my parents’ parties. That laughter seemed artificial and disconnected. Every night when I got into bed, I would cross my fingers and silently pray: “God bless Mommy and Daddy, Steven, Auntie Francie, and Bubi……..” and then I would add an entire list of extended family members and friends’ of my mother’s. I prayed for their protection. I prayed for their wellbeing. I prayed that they should feel love. It seemed to me the only way to change the unhappiness I felt in everyone was to personally make everything good, most especially to make everything good for my mother. There was no room for anything else in my head, in my life. And so began my seeking, my search for something that I could do, something I could be that would make a difference in the world, that would change the darkness into light. As a child I was able to duplicate whatever classical music I heard onto the keyboard. I learned how to play the first movement of Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” and a few Mozart pieces by ear. When I asked my father for piano lessons, he told me no, he wanted to spare me the disappointments of the music business. That was that. Years later, I auditioned and was accepted at what was then the High School of Performing Arts and Music & Art. Even though I had my heart set on Performing Arts, my parents decided on sending me to Music & Art; another alien planet. One night when I went to bed, I was praying as usual, and some “feeling” came over me that immediately made me open my eyes and look at the window. The white sheer curtains were moving as though a gentle breeze were coming in from the outside. It was the middle of a New York winter and the window was tightly shut. There was an invisible presence that I could feel in my room and it frightened me. An inner knowing washed over me that this presence was a divine presence in answer to my prayers. Then I relaxed and for a moment felt immense gratitude for this visitation.



Instead of the usual isolated loneliness I felt, now for the first time, I felt heard. Encouraged by this experience, my dialogue with God intensified. By the time I entered my teenage years, I had lost all sense of my true self and I believed all the terrible things my mother had spent my whole childhood screaming at me: I was fat, I was ugly, I was a good for nothing, no one would marry me, I was sleeping my life away, why wasn’t I like everyone else, I was a selfish bitch who wouldn’t amount to anything, I was a complete failure as a human being. One night I was on the phone with my best friend. We were singing “Blue Suede Shoes” along with her record of Elvis and my mother burst into my room screaming. “God damn it, what do you want to do with your life?” her voice boomed out. Quickly I told Carol I had to hang up the phone and I said the first thing that came into my mind, “I want to be an actress.” A friend of my mother’s arranged for me to join an acting class and after I graduated high school I was accepted into a school of the theatre in New York called The Neighborhood Playhouse. After a year, I joined an old boyfriend in Paris. When I returned to New York, I began studying with Lee Strasberg, the great acting guru who brought Stanislavsky’s method acting to the forefront of western theatre. For many years I sat next to Lee absorbing his knowledge and wisdom about acting; but more than that, about life and how humans behave, what makes them tick, and how emotions could be stimulated and re-enacted through sensory memory. At the Actors Studio I performed in projects while continuing to attend Lee’s private classes. Among the many famous actors who attended Lee’s classes at Carnegie Studio’s, Marilyn Monroe was in my class. I was so impressed with how glamorous she looked wearing just jeans, a black turtle neck sweater, a babushka, no makeup and a black full-length coat, which she let fall to the floor when she sat down right next to me. Lee recommended me for a role in an autobiographical film that Elia Kazan, the great director of, “On the Waterfront with Marlon Brando”, “Splendor In The Grass” with Warren Beatty, and a host of other major motion pictures, had written and was directing. So it was that my first job as an actress was “America America”, filmed in Greece. That led me to Hollywood and guest starring appearances in many of the hit TV episodic dramas of the 60’s and a few more films. Dates with famous and near famous actors, influential executives, press agents and the like were disasters and I couldn’t wait to get home to my roommate and give her the oggie bag of steak I had

brought home. That’s how we lived then. The problem was I had no idea who I was and wanted acceptance so badly, I kept trying to turn myself into what I thought people wanted. But it left me feeling empty and inauthentic. In the late 60’s, with Timothy Leary preaching LSD, Woodstock all about freedom and love and the great music that spoke directly to my heart, it was the the reminder that, yes, there was indeed more than what was apparent. This was the beginning of my awakening. My boyfriend at the time introduced me to Transcendental Meditation. If it attracted the Beatles and Donovan, it must be worth trying, I thought. We practiced it every day, twice a day for the 10 years we were together. It enlarged that pathway inside me. Something stirred. I began to change, to unwind, to go deeper into myself. I had experiences of myself as pure being, as me before all the impressions, before the traumas of my life’s experiences created an aberrated version of me that I identified with. I started to have experiences of a more expanded awareness of reality. Some of my “experiences” could be called religious or spiritual but I thought of them the way I thought of that divine visitation I had when I was child lying in bed: off planet friends who were visiting me. I have since come to understand that they are always there. It is I, who am not always vibrating at a high enough frequency to be able to experience them. It wasn’t until 1970 when I went to Estes Park in the Rockie Mountains of Colorado and was trained to teach TM, that I became reacquainted with my off planet guides. All sorts of divine beings visited and I looked forward to these holy relationships. For the next ten years or so I taught meditation courses and taught hundreds of people how to meditate, giving them their secret mantra. Until I married and my husband’s interest in an Indian Swami cemented me to a path that felt like going from a choo choo train to a jumbo jet, this was my life. Two years later, the head Swami of this ancient lineage came to Los Angeles and gave me Shaktipat, the awakening of the Kundalini energy that lies dormant within every human being until it is ignited. This was the key I had been searching for. This was the opening of my heart. This was the bridge to the joy and happiness I knew as a child. One evening as I was chanting, a wave began to rise inside of me. It was a tsunami of pure love. I was home. Nothing was the same after that. I was sure my DNA had been altered. My personal transformation was in full swing. 49 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

With the birth of my son, I was determined to lick the food addiction I had grappled with since childhood. I had been macrobiotic, then I got into fasting, then I juiced. There was the grape fast, there was the green onion and raisin fast, there was the watermelon diet. There was Optifast, a liquid protein diet to loose the weight after I had my child and prepare my body for Henry Jaglom’s film “Always.” After that I ate fish and chicken and a little lettuce on the side. Then we went to a doctor who prescribed nothing but turkey sandwiches. About that time, I got into supplements. First herbal supplements. Then I branched out to every conceivable alternative anti aging, health promoting, leading edge supplement on the market. What an education this has been! After the turkey sandwiches I went back to being vegetarian. Then I cut out starch and sugar, eventually going back to the baked potato diet. Nothing permanently worked. The underlying food addiction was always there. No matter how much I studied and learned about nutrition and experimented on my body, nothing seemed to stick. Eventually I just let it all go and allowed my body to be where it was most comfortable. This was easy but I was not happy with the results. Finally, finally, I discovered plant based eating. In addition I discovered a supplemental program that satiated my need for food, filled me up and made my body happy. I stopped counting calories. My body started adjusting to a new balance. My mind started letting go of the need for emotional eating. Very slowly the extra weight began to disappear. It’s a work in progress. Currently I am completing a book about this transformation. It is the whole story, the detailed journey of how I got from self-loathing to unconditional love of Self. Bringing love and light to all people, all places, all things is the best way I have found to contribute to the upliftment of Planet Earth and all her inhabitants. Self love, self acceptance, self forgiveness is the foundation. All the seers of the ages have long predicted the great shift that is now in process. It is a time of unprecedented change and can be scary and confusing. My book is my story from A to Z. It includes the story of how I discovered I could download information from The Akashic Records and consult for clients, giving you the full picture of who you really are from your souls point of view; of why you have incarnated now, of what the practical steps are for the fulfillment of your highest hopes and dreams and more. This invaluable information allows you to see who you are in the con 50 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

text of not only all your lives, but within the context of what is happening right now on this planet. It gives you strength and courage and knowledge and direction. The book depicts not just the journey back to Self, but how to integrate that expanded self into what we call reality; how to live fluidly in the physical world while in a heightened state of reality, whether that state is what we call 3-D. 4-D or 5-D. There is an expression: “Be in the world but not of it.” My book is about how I accomplished that; how I made the mystical practical, how I healed and found the love that released me from the old small, disempowered, victimized little girl of my childhood. For more info on the Akashic Records or to contact me, go to: Akashicwithjoanna.com

Photography by Sheri Determan Makeup & Hair by Mirta Tellez Location Venice Beach, CA



Dream Work and Hypnotherapy By Holly Holmes-Meredith

You will spend one third of your life asleep and much of your time asleep will be spent dreaming. Do you yearn to have more access to remembering and understanding your dreams? Do you want tools to enhance your ability to work with your dreams to understand their meanings and messages? Working with your dreams can be fascinating, healing and enlightening and having the tool of self-hypnosis or hypnotherapy can open the door for remembering and working with your dreams. Once you are remembering your dreams you will discover that there are a variety of types of dreams and each dream has several levels of meaning.

Types of Dreams Some are related to your daily life. A dream can relate to events or situations that are a part of your normal activities. These dreams often have familiar people, environments and memories from your past or present life circumstances. These dreams may support dealing with the anxieties of your life or help with problem solving about things you are consciously or unconsciously worrying about in your waking life. Dreaming about past events will likely be connected to things that are needing attention and healing from that period of your life. In these daily life types of dreams, we are trying to process or organize what happened or will happen and they often give us creative approaches or solutions to problems. Recurring dreams are the psyche's way to really get our attention. In my experience, a recurring dream will usually stop once the dreamer has taken the time to work with the dream and get the messages the dream offers. Also, in this category is what is called a serial dream. These are dreams that have the same theme, characters or feelings that have continuity and seem to evolve from dream to dream. These are like sequential chapters in a book. Serial dreams will often be bookmarks for the dreamer to understand her own growth and evolutionary process. Nightmares are potent dreams that also have the effect of getting the dreamer's attention. Most dreamers who have nightmares usually awaken from the dream so they are sure to remember it. When the dreamer works with the nightmare and understands the important messages the dream offers, the fear generated from the nightmare can be transformed into wisdom and healing. What appears to be the "boogeyman" in the dream can be an inner helper who "wakes up" the dreamer to something that is important and needs attention. Some dreams are spiritual or other dimensional. Dreamers have these when they have a premonition, share a visitation with a person who has just died that the dreamer didn't consciously know is dead, or have dreams that bring guides or spiritual messages to consciousness. Also, in this category of dreams are dreams that may be past life memories. These dreams often leave the dreamer with a feeling of really having "been there"; a feeling that the dream is more real than life. Another type is a lucid dream. In these is aware that she is dreaming and is able to direct the dream consciously for a positive outcome and dream experience. Lucid dreams are empowering and teach people how to bring


the sense of empowerment into their daily lives. Basic Dream Work Guidelines: · All dreams are for teaching you something that you don't already know. · All dreams may have many levels of meaning for the dreamer. · All aspects of the dream are parts of the dreamer as well as representing aspects of daily life in the past, present or future, Aspect of dreams can also be in the form of metaphors and archetypes. · The dreamer is the only person who can know for sure what the message and healing of the dream is. When someone offers an interpretation of a dream for someone else's dream, she needs to own that she is interpreting the dream as if it were her own. · Using dream dictionaries or symbol books for un derstanding dreams may be helpful, but the dreamer's symbols are related more to her own psyche's tem plate than just to archetypal interpretations. Symbols in the dream may have common meanings but those meanings may not fit the dreamer's experience of t he symbols in the dream. And because symbols have different meanings in different cultures, the standard cultural meaning may not fit for every dream. · Dreams speak in the language of metaphors, symbols and archetypes. · Dream work engages the dreamer in coming to her own "felt sense" or understanding of the dream through an "Ahaha" experience of "getting it" for herself. The dreamer knows when she has the teaching and healing of her dream because she feels it and knows it through her body. Using Hypnosis to Remember your Dreams The first challenge for working with your dreams is remembering them. Commonly, my students and clients tell me that they would love to work with their dreams but that they rarely remember them. Here is a simple proven exercise you can do before bed to activate your dreamer and to bring your dreams to consciousness when you awaken. Place a voice recorder or a pen and pad of paper by your bedside. While in bed and before going to sleep, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

As you exhale, let go of the busyness of your day and allow yourself to become still and relaxed. Mentally invoke the part of you that creates and remembers your dreams to be present. Tell this part that you want to speak with it, to connect with it and honor it. Ask it for dreams to teach you and heal you and your life. Tell it that you will make an effort, pay attention, and record or write down whatever you experience upon awakening, whether it is in the middle of your sleep cycle or when you awaken in the morning. Engage in this exercise each night and when you awaken, lie in bed for a few minutes and notice what you sense in your body, feel any emotions and notice any images or thoughts or words that come to you. Record them or write them down. The initial impressions upon awakening are most likely echoes of dreams and by focusing on them and staying with them, often a dream image or a snippet of a dream will come through. Thank your dreamer for whatever comes. By engaging in this practice you will strengthen your "dream muscles" and open the door to remembering your dreams. To engage in dream work you do not need to remember a full dream. You can work with one image or even a thought or feeling that you have upon awakening. To enhance accessing and working with the dream image you can use self-hypnosis or have a hypnotherapist facilitate your dream work process. Dream Work Techniques with Hypnosis There are many hypnosis techniques that enhance dream work. For instance, the dreamer can re-enter the dream in a hypnotic state to explore or revisit the dream. Through re-connecting with the dream through hypnotic consciousness, the content or the details of the dream can be revivified or clarified for the dream work. To re-enter the dream the dreamer either uses self-hypnosis or the support of a hypnotherapist to focus on whatever initial dream elements you have to work with and then step into the dream and embody the consciousness or character who experiences the dream. Through hypnotic dream re-entry you can explore the setting, "talk" with the characters, feel the feelings and sensations, move forwards or backwards in the dream, or "commune" with the symbols to discover their meanings. In dream re-entry it is important to allow what comes in the process, even if you feel that you are making it up; because, in hypnosis, you are working with the same part of the psyche that made up the dream in the first place. Also, in hypnosis the dreamer can experience symbol

amplification by choosing one or more symbols in the dream to understand. The dream worker can, in hypnosis, become the symbol or talk with it or "try on" the traditional meaning or cross cultural meanings of the symbol to discover which meaning fits for the dream. In hypnosis the dreamer can ask the symbol, "What message do you have for me?", or "Why are you in my dream?". If the dreamer wants to know the ending of a dream that was interrupted because the dreamer was awakened before the dream came to a conclusion, the dreamer can re-enter the dream to hypnotically "dream" the ending. Another wonderful use of hypnosis in dream work is to incubate a dream. By using self-hypnosis before sleep, the dreamer sets an intention to have a dream that will teach about or heal a specific issue in the dreamer's life. The dreamer can choose a focus on what ever she feels she needs to be more self-aware or empowered in her life. Your dreams are truly a doorway to more self-awareness, to problem solving, to accessing the archetypal and spiritual realms and to healing and learning. Since the state of hypnosis is a link between the waking and sleeping states of consciousness, using hypnosis for dream work can greatly enhance remembering dreams and engaging in the process of uncovering their wisdom. Dream work will inform, inspire and enhance your connection to Self.

Holly Holmes-Meredith is a Doctor of Ministry and a licensed Marriage family Therapist who trains hypnotherapists at HCH Institute in Lafayette CA. Learn more about hypnosis and its many therapeutic uses by reading her other blogs on Past life Therapy, Spirit Releasement Therapy, Manifesting your dreams and more. Visit www.HypnotherapyTraining.com to learn about HCH Institute and its California state approved and registered certification trainings and classes for personal growth in hypnotherapy, energy therapy and parapsychological studies. And listen to her pod cast and samples of Holly's Hypnosis CDs which are available on-line. 55 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

How Important is your Past in the Creation of your Future Life? By Roxana Jones www.roxanajones.com



with Roxana Jones and Arnaud Saint-Paul

I recently had the opportunity to take some time to make a beautiful long-distance energy healing with a cousin of mine, which I had adored and used as my role model during my teenage days. With time, and due to a few sad situations, she and I grew apart. We all need once in a while to reflect on people, events, and circumstances that are no longer a part of our presents but which can still be stuck somewhere deep inside, blocking us in one way or another. You see, we are the only ones that can consciously create the conditions to activate this liberation. Without even knowing it, these blocks are shaping who we are, because we are still identifying with them on a subconscious level. What is even worse, they can be obstructing the new version of us that is so eager to come to life. In this case, I had not realized I was still carrying a lot of resentment and painful memories that kept taking me to those years which, no longer existed! In other words, going back to that unpleasant past was only an exercise my brain kept doing once I remembered my cousin, simply because I had not given to it the order to stop doing that. I had not taken the time to take control of my mind. I had not thought these impressions were so important. Until the day I decided to create a sacred space, a sacred moment to release all that irrelevant trash, just because I deserved to get rid of what no longer served me in any way.


After the letting go of all those past memories and thanking non-physically my cousin for all the lessons she taught me while being a part of my life, I was imbued with an indescribable feeling. Every time I do healing work on myself I say the same. It feels as if a big old armoire has been taken off of my back. Goodness, sometimes I don’t understand how I have been able to carry so many of those armoires throughout time! What I do know is that every time one of those big “objects” is taken away from me it feels as if I am literally born again. My personal experiences always offer me the opportunity to reflect not only in my life but in the lives of the many that are awakening every day and want to become their best versions. Why do we allow the past, instead of the future that we so much wish to have, to keep shaping who we are? Why do we give so much importance to our past memories and not so much to the imagination of who we truly want to be? We all hear that we must live in the now moment because it is the only moment that truly exists. I agree. But let’s face it. While we are able to spend some of our present living in the now, we also LOVE to spend that present jumping between what our lives have been and what perhaps they could become. If we go to the past looking for beautiful memories that may still contribute to our well-being that is fine. But why waste this irreplaceable present going back to experiences that keep reproducing an old version of us that is causing a lot of pain and belittlement? Why not spend more time imagining NEW thoughts about the happy life we can have right now? Why not ask our brain to replace the habit of thought repetition for the habit of thought creation? While we are enjoying our present, why not live it as if the only thing we have is this moment where, we can feel and be that “future” self we can start living right away? Perhaps your ego could be answering: “Yeah, that’s easy for you to say,” or, “that is difficult to achieve when you have been through the past experiences I’ve been through,” or, “easier said than done,” just to mention a few examples of the most common responses I hear, when my readers and clients are trying to convince me “it is too difficult” for them to put my words into practice. The truth is, this homework is not as time-consuming or impossible as it looks like. Leaving the past behind 58 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

simply requires saying yes to becoming aware that right now you won’t be allowing your past to happen in your present. One last thing to have in mind, is that even when we might believe that no one else has been through our own past experiences, we are ALL learning similar life lessons. Yes, our realities and circumstances may be different but if we are a part of the human race – and there’s no doubt we all are – we are definitely experiencing life lessons that in the end, have the same common purpose of taking us back to our Source, to our Love. We are truly not as different as we seem… My conclusion after feeling so good, light and liberated thanks to this powerful long-distance energy healing with my cousin, is that we are all ready to change our painful past memories for the new version of us that already LIVES in our imagination, waiting to become real as our present, as our gift. In order to bring that new version into reality, we must FORGET (not only forgive but also forget) the past and welcome the future into the now. I can assure you the new energy that is now available in our beloved planet is ready for you to make this shift effortlessly. So, are you ready for it? Until next time and don’t forget to be love,

3 Roxana Jones and Arnaud Saint-Paul devote themselves to their life purpose: To open as many hearts as possible and to help shifting the consciousness of the planet. As spiritual healers and teachers, life and business partners, their intent is to “ help millions around the world to embrace change and start living the type of love, happiness and abundance both of them now know exists for everyone once they are healed.” Together, they work enthusiastically in bringing to their audience the best of themselves so that everyone can connect to their own Truth and unveil who they truly are: divine beings enlightening the world in their own unique ways, even when darkness makes it hard to believe it is so. www.healthruwords.com

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Your Soul’s Choice By Rhys Thomas


What does your life purpose have to do with your soul? The term soul is defined by Webster’s dictionary as “a person’s inner spiritual self,” not necessarily anything that is religious. Instead, soul points to an ineffable quality that is within us all and forms a core part of our being. Your soul has always been a part of you, even before your birth, and carries the qualities that make you unique as a human being. You can connect to your soul through your deepest feelings and emotions, often coming to you as a sense of energy that is not entirely physical. This “soul energy” is your life energy, the force that animates everything you do. It reaches through you in every moment, connecting you to the world and letting you contribute your unique flavor to all of life. It transcends the physical world, it is eternal, and it is your truest essence. Barbara Brennan, the spiritual healer and former NASA physicist whose classic Hands of Light put energy medicine on the map, writes of the soul in her recent book, Light Emerging: “It has been there within us since before the beginning of time . . . it is beyond time, space and belief. It is the individual aspects of the divine . . . We recognize it easily as that which we have always known ourselves to be since birth. In this place, we are wise, loving, and full of courage.” Your life purpose is not chosen by you but by your soul. Because it is your soul’s choice, it is nonnegotiable. It never changes. It is yours and yours alone for life, and only when you tap into the energy of your soul does your life become directed, purposeful, and even magical. To truly know your soul is to free yourself of all illusions that limit your creative force. This freedom comes as you realize that your power to create—your life purpose—is a gift you have been given. You accept that gift when you stop chasing after someone else’s ideal life and rediscover the source of your own life— your unique core soul self.

soul-derived birthright, living it should not be difficult. You were born doing it. You can’t help but know it and live from it. But because life inevitably inflicts wounds on us and we form beliefs in response to these wounds, the job becomes more complicated. You must first identify your life purpose, then align with it and allow it to become your source of motivation and energy to courageously act according to it. That is the life you were destined to live—and can live when you have the right tools. In Rhys Thomas’ Discover Your Purpose, you learn to unlock your hidden potential and live the life your soul chooses to live. The key that opens the door is the Rhys Method Life Purpose Profile System, a tool that helps you to determine your unique soul profile, the design of your original mission, and how best to work with it to bring forth what you are here to do. Once you know who you are, you can live to the fullest the life you were meant to live.

3 Rhys Thomas is a visionary author, speaker and trainer in the energy medicine field. He is celebrated worldwide as a pioneer in energy medicine due to his synthesis and re-interpretation of energy medicine techniques for personal and professional transformation. He is the creator of the Rhys Method® Transformational System taught exclusively at the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine in Attleboro MA, and as part of Rhys Thomas Coaching Programs. His most recent book, “Discover Your Purpose: How to Use the 5 Life Purpose Profiles to Unlock Your Hidden Potential and Live the Life you Were Meant to Live,” is available through Amazon and also on his website, www.rhysmethod.com

It would seem that since your life purpose is your



Body-Soul Work Through Horses By Angela Dunning

How is it, we ask, that simply being around horses transforms and enables us to access hitherto unknown feelings, emotions, memories and insights? After a decade practicing in the field of Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) it is a question that still eludes a definitive answer. Yet on re-reading one of my favorite author's books, Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness by Marion Woodman and Elinor Dickson, I glimpsed another layer of possible explanation to the healing that takes place around horses. In this fantastic book the authors suggest that metaphor is crucial to real transformation taking place, and that metaphor resides in the ‘subtle body’; the energy that holds spirit and matter together. It is through the process of transforming the metaphor's energy that real change occurs in us. Dreamwork is one way of doing this. Yet it seems that being around and engaging with horses can also transport us into the realm of the subtle body energy field where we then access images, memories and feelings that we are blind to in our normal daily lives. "Soul is a different reality to body. It is eternal. It hears with eternal ears, sees with eternal eyes, smells with eternal nose its Presence resonates with that other dimension. Therefore, it speaks in imagery, the only way it can communicate eternal truths."1 Many people I've facilitated in the work with horses, and myself included, seem to start to access ancient memories, wisdom and knowledge that simply didn't fly out of their mouths previously. Tears fall and we can't put a name to them, sometimes described as spiritual, they feel ancestral; so ancestral they even feel prehistoric on occasions. I have no doubt personally that I have at times tapped into my cave ancestors' memories of their relationship with the land, elements and yes, the horses. Visiting the prehistoric caves in France I was transported back to a time I just

knew and felt; I could feel it in my body and soul. And tears I couldn't name fall and surge within me just on sight of the cave paintings of horses. Often people who've experienced trauma can't speak about their experience, yet when face to face with a horse, their tears finally fall and their concrete wall built of their PTSD symptoms starts to crumble as they meet with an animal who needs no words and reason, just being-ness and feeling to exist and feel okay. For the first time for many wounded souls, they feel safe enough to evaporate their walls and reach in to a deeper state of connection to themselves and another being. The soul is at play in these moments, helping the body and mind reconnect to its eternal memories, rather than just the traumatic one that replays and stops them being able to feel and move freely. One of the most important and helpful tools to come out of the wonderful Eponaquest model of EFL is The Body Scan. When we start to use this ourselves and with our clients, we find that the body speaks in imagery and metaphor too, which is why it's important to be prepared for this as a facilitator and be well practiced in using the Body Scan yourself so you can help your client through providing a container to catch these metaphors as they start to emerge and float up into consciousness. The body it seems doesn't speak in logic and reason like the mind, but rather images, feelings, sensations, memories, music, song lyrics, color and smell. Just like an artist or poet, what emerges can seem illogical, confusing and intangible at first glance. Many clients struggle with this new form of unfamiliar language and are tempted to dismiss it as nonsense, irrational and even crazy. Sometimes I pre-empt this before we start especially with very nervous people, sensing that their False Self, or inner-critic, plays a large role in their relationship with themselves. I help them to calm this part of them by suggesting that no matter how crazy they may feel their body's information is, this is a safe space for it to emerge and I won't be judging them in any way. The reason I do this is that if the rigid, fearful false-self is in full control, the body won't feel safe enough to relax and release its valuable information. I also advise clients when first doing a Body Scan to make a deal with their body: to only release one piece of information at a time so as not to overwhelm them, and also because we can only deal with one thing at a time fully. If we let our body flood us with masses of images, feelings and colors, we risk losing the richness that is contained in just one metaphor. 63 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

It is through holding each metaphor safely and tending to it like a new shoot that the person can begin to make sense of it and make some connection to their inner patterns, or outer life. I have found that learning to harness the Body Scan can lead to greater wisdom arising and that we walk through life from a more centered, grounded place; one that is actively seeking consciousness. Even if we simply focus on breathing into our belly first before we open our mouths something very different tends to come out. Instead of the automatic, unconscious repeated clichĂŠs and clipped phrases, instead we hear a more grounded, soulful and thoughtful wisdom. And we know that we can intuitively trust this person more as they are more present with themselves and therefore with us also. This is also why the horses tend to switch off or disengage when around people who talk automatically without this somatic (body) connection. Again simply breathing into one's body can increase your presence and then the horses can relate to you better; it is like you are more fully there instead of partially and that to them feels much safe. As a temporary member of their herd, if you aren't really paying to attention to everything and you can't when talking non-stop in an automatic - unconscious way, then you are a hazard to their safety and they prefer to move away from you. This is why equine facilitated practice works so well: the horses instinctively move to where they feel safest and most comfortable at all times, and when a large loose animal walks away from you; you can't deny or ignore that reaction. "A body that has never been listened to, has never been acknowledged for the courageous pack horse it has been, never been treated as the temple of the Holy Spirit, that body is essentially unconscious. Its messages are not part of the whole person. It carries the unconscious conflicts, because the ego is not strong enough to deal consciously with them." 2 In Dancing in the Flames, Woodman and Dickson discuss the subtle body. In our work with the horses we can learn to access this invisible part of ourselves and start to work consciously with it in our relationships, first with the horses and then with other people and the world. Learning to feel energy fields of people and horses is a fantastic way to attune yourself to your subtle body and bring more self-awareness to your own personal bound-


aries and habits in your relationships. Horses seem to inhabit this place naturally, so being around them can enable us to become more familiar and comfortable with it too. This benefits our interactions with our horses, ourselves and each other. We can also learn to harness better self-care through working with our subtle body, taking better care of ourselves energetically and physically. The more we do this, the more information will filter up into our conscious mind and the better we get to know ourselves.

References: 1, Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness; Marion Woodman and Elinor Dickson, p.186, Shambhala Publications, Inc., 1996. 2, Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness; Marion Woodman and Elinor Dickson, p.193, Shambhala Publications, Inc., 1996.

s Angela Dunning has been a certified Eponaquest Instructor since 2007. Based in Herefordshire, England, she also practices elsewhere in the UK and abroad on invitation. She delivers gentle yet powerful personal development and training programs in Equine Facilitated Learning to individuals, groups and organizations. She specializes in helping people reconnect to their body, emotions and personal power. She particularly works with women with depression, low levels of confidence and relationship issues, using ground-breaking techniques that make a real difference to your life, your inner healing work and your relationships. In addition, she offers consultancy, supervision and training in equine facilitated practice. Angela is also a passionate writer of books, articles and poetry on related topics. Learn more about Angela and her EFL work and read her Blog here: www.equinereflections.co.uk You can also connect with Angela on Facebook also: www.facebook.com/equinereflections


Thunder Bay

my hometown

It’s not just a winter wonderland… BY DINA MORRONE From the icy cold northern shores of Lake Superior… northwest of Duluth, Minnesota, up past Grand Marais and Pigeon River, near the US border, is my hometown, Thunder Bay, in Ontario, Canada. A city with a population of around 110,000, with jaw dropping views of natural landscapes, and where temperatures during the winter months can drop down to minus forty. It’s difficult to describe the feeling of that kind of cold to my Los Angeles friends or Italian family in southern Italy, but let’s just say, it’s meat locker cold, igloo cold, Frozen, the Disney musical, cold. One would think that with those temperatures the locals stay home, closed the curtains, crank up the heat, lock the doors, and hibernate until spring arrives. They don’t. A little cold and snow won’t stop them from doing anything and everything the city has to offer during the winter months like enjoying the great outdoors; skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, skating, hockey, ice skating, tubing, jogging, dog 66 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM e January 2017

walking, tobogganing, hunting, and ice fishing, among so many other things. They work hard and live life with a great sense of humor. You have to… when the temperatures are way below minus. Today it was minus 24 but with the wind chill it was really minus 37. Wind chill is the temperature when you add the speed of the wind, which of course drops the temperature way down. We talk a lot about the weather up here; how low the temps are going to drop, how bad the wind-chill is, how many centimeters it’s going to snow, how bad the driving conditions will be, knowing when to plug in your car so the power can keep the motor and oil from freezing, and how long to let your car run so it will be warmed up by the time you get in. Part of the reason the wind chill is so intense up here is because the wind comes in right off Lake Superior, which happens to be the largest freshwater lake in the world.

When you look out from the shores of this great lake, you will notice a very long and unique shaped rock formation. This is called The Sleeping Giant. The reason for this name is that it looks just like a giant sleeping. Indian myth and legend, tells us that the giant is known as Nanabijou, the spirit of the deep sea water, that was turned to stone when the secret location of a rich silver mine, now known as Silver Islet, was disclosed to the white men. It’s a breathtaking site to see it lying majestically out in the middle of the lake, especially when the sun hits it or the moon sits over it. There are a lot of Indian myths, tales, legends, folklore, and sacred land around these parts. The city and surrounding areas have a large indigenous population. Thanks to the indigenous people I get to see one of my favorite things that everyone must see, a Pow Wow Celebration. Attending these was a part of growing up here. They showcase traditional dances, drumming and singing, while wearing their customary colorful and very elaborate beaded and feathered costumes. You can almost feel the centuries and centuries of history and spirituality present in the air. I love it! My brother Robert works at Richardson International Grain Elevator, which sits on the waterfront facing The Sleeping Giant. A grain elevator is a large silo or terminal that stores all kinds of grain such as wheat, lentils, barley, oats, flax, durum, peas, canola, mustard seed, etc. The grain arrives here from western Canada by train and is stored in the massive bins until large shipping vessels dock and load up with the various grains. The ships then head back through the Great Lakes, up the St. Lawrence River, and across the Atlantic Ocean to final destinations like Japan, Eastern Europe, and other far away places. Seventy years ago, Thunder Bay housed

the world’s largest grain port with countless Grain Elevator Terminals lining the shores. It no longer holds that title but is still a very vibrant and well-respected grain port in the world. For a small northern Canadian city, there are some very notable names that were born here and have made quite a name for themselves; Paul Shaffer, from the David Letterman show, Mike Rapino, president/CEO of Live Nation, The three Staal Brothers who play in the NHL and are Stanley Cup Hockey Champions, actor Kevin Durand(X-Men, Real Steel), rock n roll singer and teen heartthrob, Bobby Curtola, writer Penny Petrone, numerous Olympic Gold Medalists in various sports, Sports Hall of Famers, Juno winners, Grammy nominees, Academy Award nominees, Magnus Theatre, singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot’s song The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald was written about a ship by that name which capsized in Lake Superior, Electronic music originated here, the original Hollywood North was here (first movie was made in 1926), and Citronella, the bug spray repellent was invented right here in Thunder Bay. This is the city where I was born, and even though I currently reside in Los Angeles, which is home, I still continue to call Thunder Bay home. For me, coming here to visit is like the city girl going up to the cottage, the lake, the mountains, or the countryside. It’s so beautiful, so peaceful, with fresh crisp air, stark white snow, massive areas of fresh water lakes, wildlife, magical sunsets, Northern Lights, the simplicity of life, people who are so warm and friendly, and the Indian heritage and traditions, all help to make me feel blessed and to keep me grounded for when I return back to my LA world.


Anaheim White house recipes

Anaheim White House Restaurant Bruno Serato

Bruno Serato owner of the “Anaheim White House Restaurant" graciously for the first time will be sharing some of his recipes with The Eden Magazine readers around the world. We are proud to feature every month one of his most delicious dishes. The beautiful historical Anaheim White House Restaurant is certainly the most prestige restaurant in your neighborhood, that serves in an elegant atmosphere for you to enjoy a delicious meal. One time visit to the Anaheim White House Restaurant is a grantee to take you back there again. Have your first experience today by visiting www.anaheimwhitehouse.com/ to have your delighted moment to remember. Bon AppĂŠtit


Tortelloni Caterina Serves 4 ppl

Ingredients: - 2 oz. Espresso - ½ cup coffee - ½ cup Marsala wine - 3 Tbsp. granulated sugar - 4 oz. butter - dash of cream - 24 large cheese tortelloni - 4 edible orchid flowers - fresh Italian parsley Preparation: Boil 2 quarts water with 1 tablespoon salt and 1 teaspoon olive oil. Cook tortelloni until tender. Drain well, In a saucepan, heat wine, espresso, and coffee. Reduce by onethird. Add a dash of cream, butter, and sugar. Stir until sugar has completely dissolved. Spoon a few tablespoons of sauce on each plate then place 6 tortelloni on the sauce. Garnish with orchid and parsley and serve.


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