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A life script is a series of windows of opportunity where we haven’t learned what we set out to learn, and as we miss one window and go on to another, the windows become increasingly more difficult and dramatic. We plan them that way to make sure that we eventually wake up and learn the lesson. Learning to spot our windows closer to the ground floor instead of in the penthouse will help us learn our lessons in less complicated ways, with less drama, struggle, and pain; plus we’ll accelerate our growth and raise our vibratory level as we more quickly move on to other lessons and experiences.

awareness comes in: linking the past to the present and connecting the dots will help you identify windows. If you have trouble identifying your life scripts, ask your family and friends; another set of eyes can help identify a pattern faster.

3. When you identify a similar situation in your past and present (life script)… examine how you dealt with it in the past, and then change your behavior and/or attitude. Altering how you deal with the present situation should enable you to go through the window and stop the pattern from repeating in the future. Even if you don’t accomplish the goal during the curHow Can I Spot MY Windows of Op- rent window, you’ll be in a much stronger portunity? Learning to spot windows is position to learn the lesson when the next like learning any other skill—it just takes window opens. practice. Windows are everywhere—at home, at work, even at the grocery store. How will you know if you’ve gone through The best way to find windows is to exam- a window? The pattern will stop repeating. ine your life and look for patterns and life scripts. To put an end to a life script: Relationship Villains Relationship villains are souls who are our 1. Examine your past . . . If you draw closest universal friends when we are on similar situations to yourself, the universe the other side of the veil, but for this incaris trying to get your attention; If you con- nation, they have volunteered to play the tinue to draw the same type of person to part of “the bad guy” to help us cross someyou, the universe is sending you a mes- thing important off of our spiritual “must sage; If you have similar disagreements learn” list. They might be people who simwith people over and over again and you ply annoy us, or people who cause us pain think, “what’s wrong with all these people?” and suffering. They create (or co-create) they are most likely acting as a catalyst to unpleasant situations that open windows provide you with window of opportunity for of opportunity for us to learn and grow, or growth. they may take action that forces us to stay on our pre-planned path so we can accom2. Become more aware of what’s hap- plish our learning/growth in what will ultipening in your life today . . . Is there a mately be a less dramatic or painful way. similarity between a situation you find yourself in now and comparable or parallel Relationship Villains can be anyone and you experienced in the past? This is where everywhere. 12 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013

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