T h e
June 2013 Volume 3 Issue 6
spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world Editor
Maryam Morrison
Front Cover ~ Bobbie Stuart Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at; edenmagazine@hotmail.com or www.theedenmagazine.com 2 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
The light within By Bobbie Stuart
4 Expedite Spiritual growth
By Sherri Cortland ND
10 LANGUAGE OF lOVE By Jan Diana
16 Telos Underground City By Colleen Costello
20 My Neighbore Richard By Debra J. White
24 Mandarin Duck
Everything is Energy By Laurie J, Brenner
28 Angel of Stillness
By Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song
30 OUT OF lIMB By Ellen Heller
34 Your Connection to Horses By Elliott Eli Jackson
36 Beauty Tips........ By Debrah Dragon
The Light Within...
Winged Goddess
Soul Support 4 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
. by Bobbie Stuart bobbiestuart.com
“Art is a state of grace before whose light we uncoil our secret selves and within which we receive promise of a greater whole.” author unknown From the grubby, garbage-strewn alleys and grey sewer-tainted gangways of Chicago’s inner city, I found my way to the Divine through a prismatic corridor of light. As a child I communed with God, was visited by visions at four, then at twelve underwent a near-death drowning experience that filled my inner space with the infinite love of the omnipresent Source. This has been the over-riding trajectory of my life.
qualities and when I began to experiment with tempera paints, my world exploded with possibilities. Imagination fueled my creations, especially my pictures of people of all colors and ethnic groups, some dressed in exotic outfits, all holding hands together around the world. This was my signature image that I portrayed constantly, in drawing and with paint. The “people of love” picture, as I thought of it, won prizes each year I submitted it on a poster for “Brotherhood Week” at school. My crayons were my childhood treasures. Even as a young child, Oneness was my Art has always been my means of ex- chief creative message. pression. Color felt infused with magical 5 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June
I felt guided to experiment, with my imagination as my vehicle for creativity. I was good at drawing people, animals, and nature, but my intuition and urge to invent were far more exciting. I began to delve the depths of my panoramic awareness and come up with drawings of Middle-Eastern markets, Native American women crafting red clay pottery at a river, and rainforest shaman herbalists magically transforming into animals to heal people. As a poor blue-collar kid with an immigrant lineage, I had no books or evidence that those were real images. Somehow though, they were very alive within me. High school offered me recognition for my artwork, and I also became a vocalist with a trio. Performing was fun. I especially enjoyed creating on my solo easel on stage while the band played. I would illustrate and punctuate their music with form, motion and color onto a large previously blank surface. The crowd cheered and I felt amazed that they so enjoyed this visual musical display. I became known as “The Artiste” and was respected for my creativity. By my late teens I played with abstract expressionist forms that represented “energy” as I listened to jazz or beat poetry. I was right in step with the innovative times, so my transition into college at The Art Institute of Chicago as a painting major was easy. I became fascinated with Art History, took extra classes in African Art and the Supernatural and Pre-Columbian Art of the Americas. I was learning the inner threads of the tapestry of civilizations as revealed through art. Also I began reading about mystical, sacred and religious art 6 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
with concurrent practices and ceremonies for rites of passage. I became inspired to experience this confluence, the apex of art and the sacred. This was a natural alchemy that filled my heart and imagination with wondrous joy. My life path was underway. My intuitive nature spoke to me, guiding me in my quest. Serendipity was my companion. After travelling through Scandinavia and living in Holland and Paris for several years, I returned to the States, now with three children, a pending divorce from my jazz musician first husband and a rekindled passion for formal education. I returned to college at the Art Institute Of Chicago, now fueled with the experience and stimulus of viewing the great art in the museums of northern and central Europe. With my baby strapped to my chest, I began my studies again with determination to become a teacher and bring new perspectives to my students. I was also emboldened with an amazing expanded awareness and energy that allowed me to attend college classes fulltime with unwavering attention while mothering three young children on welfare with little other money. I enrolled also in Sivananda Vedanta Hatha Yoga classes and began an 11-year study of Raja Yoga meditation and the Upanishads with the Ramakrishna order of monks at the Vivekananda Vedanta Society. Several spirited friends stepped forth to babysit and provide generous human support as I constantly negotiated my active schedule.
Bird on my nose 7 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
A very powerful and poignant force was fueling and nourishing my spirit and physical being. I was filled with an unstoppable energy that never wavered. I was called to be in higher frequencies of energy and was becoming serially initiated into higher orders of consciousness by all my teachers, in all my studies. I was very aware that I was being guided by the Divine. I felt a bright light within me that intensified when I meditated. I was fed by this light; it was my soul support.
my art. As I always created directly from my imagination and intuition, I decided to “ask the work” directly in order to acquire access to my core subconscious material. “What are you, what are you telling me though these images? ?” I would ask and receive an abundance of information, with particulars to each piece and over-arching themes as well. So much information flowed so quickly that journaling became my obsession. My aesthetic sensitivities and creative impulses were expanding from this inquiry process. Because I was right-brain dominant, by querying my own creations, adding a left-brain analytic process, I expanded my grasp to a wholebrain union.
I had always been privy to visions and seeing in other dimensions, but now colored auras were presenting to me like flowers blossoming around people, and wondrous and strange forms appeared as I pushed my packed up double-seat stroller around Using this approach, I developed teaching my neighborhood. Visions and guidance projects that embraced these principles. were abundant. My students rapidly became motivated and creatively aware. Arts organizations In the little time I had to paint and draw, and school systems hired me to teach. I began to create mandalas. The circle, My career as an arts educator was off the central point and layered symmetry of to a dynamic start, and the spiritual teachform appealed to me as the fitting expres- ing – yoga and meditation – was growing sion for my steadfast trajectory toward too. spiritual awakening. Enlightenment was my purpose and goal. Slowly I began to I met a fellow yoga teacher who became develop a body of work in between dia- my second husband and soon-to-be father pers, laundry, cooking and studying. My of my fourth child. This was a great blesslife was rich. ing. Through a strange set of occurrences I was connected with a graduate studies After a few years I realized completion of program, given a fellowship, earned my my BFA with educational credentials, and masters degree, became the director of I continued teaching yoga and meditation a new performing arts center and gallery classes at a variety of medical, human de- at the college, and began teaching as a velopment, and spiritual centers. I was de- faculty member – all in a few short years! veloping a series of puppets, masks and paintings for exhibitions. The story emerg- Divine intervention continued as I coming from this varied work seemed myste- bined art and spirit into Sacred Art Jourrious to me, so I began to dialogue with ney workshops that became very popular. 8 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Through surprising circumstances, I found myself travelling to the Greek islands to teach yoga, meditation, sacred art and to convene community celebrations. “The Skyros human development center at Atsitsa Bay was a lively getaway for European seekers, and I flew to England and on to Greece for seven consecutive amazing years. I also taught at many centers and spas around the U.S. such as Naropa, Oasis, and Infinity, until suddenly I couldn’t do any of that anymore. Everything shifted. An event of transformative proportions shattered my life into a dark night - a decade in this case - of the soul. After agonizing years* of deep internal and external reconstruction and healing I’ve come to a place of clarity and can at last accept my deeper gifts of expanded consciousness, multisensory intuition, and healing. I now understand and accept who I am and what this journey has been about for
me. Each experience, whether wondrous or challenging, has provided deeper insight into my true essence of Divine Love. Through visions, mentoring, and ongoing spiritual guidance, I have come to realize my mission to teach, spread love, inspire and assist others in the absorption of the high-frequency energy now accelerating our evolutionary ascension to higher awareness. I am blessed to be an artist at this time, to intuitively capture, interpret, and share the colors, forms, and movements of subtle energies reflecting the spiritual consciousness that beckons us. This gift of creating, teaching, and healing from an expanded state of Oneness is truly Divine Grace. I am very grateful. *The challenges of that period are detailed in my upcoming memoirs. Contact Bobbie at Bobbie@bobbiestuart.com
Dawn-Noon-Dusk 9 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Expedite Spiritual
Artwork by Maryam Morrison 10 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013
Growth by Recognizing
dows of Opportunity by Sherri Cortland, ND www.sherricortland.com
If you could learn how to take control of your spiritual growth, and expedite it with less drama and pain, would you take the time to develop this skill? According to my Guide Group, each of us has created windows of opportunity for learning and growth and weaved them into our present incarnation. We’ve also made arrangements with some of our closest universal friends to help us reach our karmic and experiential goals for this lifetime. Sometimes our friends take on the role of relationship villains, consequently acting as catalysts to help us complete our spiritual to do lists. Learning to recognize windows of opportunity and relationship villains is a skill that we can all learn, it just requires awareness and practice—and the reward is well worth the effort: accelerated spiritual growth and less drama and struggle in our everyday lives.
design and create for ourselves while we’re on the other side of the veil planning our present incarnation. Think of each lesson as a chapter in the book of you. Into each “chapter” we insert situations and experiences that we construct to help us learn a particular lesson or have a growth experience. Each time we learn a lesson or complete an experience on our to-do list for this lifetime, we move forward and have more time to work on other items on our list. The more we accomplish, the more rapidly we accelerate our growth and raise our vibrations.
What happens if we miss a window? While we all believe that we’ll see the first window that opens for a particular learning experience, we hedge our bets, so to speak, and build multiple windows of opportunity for each lesson. That way, if we miss a window, we’ll have multiple chancWINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY es to acquire the learning or pay that kar“Windows” are opportunities for mic debt. Have you ever heard the term growth and learning that we personally life script?
A life script is a series of windows of opportunity where we haven’t learned what we set out to learn, and as we miss one window and go on to another, the windows become increasingly more difficult and dramatic. We plan them that way to make sure that we eventually wake up and learn the lesson. Learning to spot our windows closer to the ground floor instead of in the penthouse will help us learn our lessons in less complicated ways, with less drama, struggle, and pain; plus we’ll accelerate our growth and raise our vibratory level as we more quickly move on to other lessons and experiences.
awareness comes in: linking the past to the present and connecting the dots will help you identify windows. If you have trouble identifying your life scripts, ask your family and friends; another set of eyes can help identify a pattern faster.
3. When you identify a similar situation in your past and present (life script)… examine how you dealt with it in the past, and then change your behavior and/or attitude. Altering how you deal with the present situation should enable you to go through the window and stop the pattern from repeating in the future. Even if you don’t accomplish the goal during the curHow Can I Spot MY Windows of Op- rent window, you’ll be in a much stronger portunity? Learning to spot windows is position to learn the lesson when the next like learning any other skill—it just takes window opens. practice. Windows are everywhere—at home, at work, even at the grocery store. How will you know if you’ve gone through The best way to find windows is to exam- a window? The pattern will stop repeating. ine your life and look for patterns and life scripts. To put an end to a life script: Relationship Villains Relationship villains are souls who are our 1. Examine your past . . . If you draw closest universal friends when we are on similar situations to yourself, the universe the other side of the veil, but for this incaris trying to get your attention; If you con- nation, they have volunteered to play the tinue to draw the same type of person to part of “the bad guy” to help us cross someyou, the universe is sending you a mes- thing important off of our spiritual “must sage; If you have similar disagreements learn” list. They might be people who simwith people over and over again and you ply annoy us, or people who cause us pain think, “what’s wrong with all these people?” and suffering. They create (or co-create) they are most likely acting as a catalyst to unpleasant situations that open windows provide you with window of opportunity for of opportunity for us to learn and grow, or growth. they may take action that forces us to stay on our pre-planned path so we can accom2. Become more aware of what’s hap- plish our learning/growth in what will ultipening in your life today . . . Is there a mately be a less dramatic or painful way. similarity between a situation you find yourself in now and comparable or parallel Relationship Villains can be anyone and you experienced in the past? This is where everywhere. 12 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Look for them especially in romantic relationships, family relationships, and work relationships, but they will also turn up at school, at the grocery store, at the airport, the DMV--anywhere we happen to be. They can be someone we have an ongoing relationship with, or someone we interact with just once or twice. When we learn the lesson, our relationship with our relationship villain will become much more palatable (this is usually the case when the “villain” is a family member) or the relationship may simply end because our mission together is over (as often happens with friends). How Can I Spot MY Relationship Villains? Since Relationship Villains are catalysts for opening windows of opportunity throughout our lives, we look for them the same we look for our windows—by searching for patterns and life scripts. To spot relationship villains in your life at the present time, consider the following:
the future. 3. If someone bullies you—they are definitely a relationship villain and will learn as much from you as you will learn from them. The best way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him/her, learn the lesson, and be free to move on to other learning experiences. 4. To spot relationship villains from your past (AND keep them from turning up in the future): Do a mini-life review and look at situations surrounding people you feel have “done you wrong” and those in your life that you find particularly annoying or who may have caused you discomfort or harm. Carefully review the circumstances around your interaction(s) with them and ask yourself these questions: Did I learn anything from my experience with this person? What might have happened if this person didn’t interfere in my plans? Would things have been different for me if I had handled the situation differently? In my experience, when it comes to relationship villains, forgiveness goes a long way in helping us get past the negativity surrounding such interactions, and allows us to free ourselves to move forward.
1. Are you involved in on-going arguments or unpleasant situations that are continually caused by the same person? If “Yes,” that person is probably a relationship villain working very hard to help you learn a lesson. Consider the circumstances and The bottom line is this: Learning to spot look for patterns to help you figure out your our windows and villains is a very useful lesson. skill that we can develop with practice. It’s all about being aware of what’s going on 2. If you are involved in a car accident, in our lives, and taking the time to analyze or someone “does you wrong” at work, it life scripts and annoying and unfortunate is most likely a relationship villain provid- situations. It’s definitely work, but the end ing you with a window of opportunity for result is worth the time and effort—expegrowth. How you react to the situation will diting our spiritual growth and increasing dictate whether you go through the window our vibrations. now or co-create a similar circumstance in 13 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Originally from New York State, Sherri Cortland lives in Orlando, Florida with her husband, Ted Dylewsk and their many cats. In addition to writing books for Ozark Mountain Publishing, Sherri is also the Orlando Metaphysical Columnist for Examiner.com, where publishes new columns twice weekly, and she also shares messages from her Guides on her Facebook Author Page. In Sherri’s word; With the release of my first book, Windows of Opportunity, in 2009, I took my first steps out of the Spiritual Closet and announced to the world that not only do I believe in such things as reincarnation, Karma, and life after death, but that (gasp!) I channel information about these subjects and more from my guides on the other side of the veil. It was scary, very scary, to lose my day job in the business world, and I was worried about what people would say about me. But many people contacted me to say that they have the same beliefs, but didn’t know who they could discuss them with, without sounding crazy: The people I thought would have a negative reaction, were stuck in their own closet and started coming out. By the time my second book, Raising Our Vibrations for the New Age came out in 2011, I was threequarters of the way out of that closet, and by the time I finished writing Spiritual Toolbox, which is due out in July 2013, I was all the way out! Coming out of the Spiritual closet was the best thing I’ve ever done, because it allows me to truly be me (at least the me I am for this incarnation!), and it’s clear to see that the study of metaphysics is becoming more and more mainstream as we work together to raise our vibrations and the vibrations of our planet. Two important things I’ve learned over the last few years are (1) It is our energy connecting and working together that have brought us this far; and recognizing our connection to each other will take us to the next level of our evolution; and (2) In the words of my Guides: ‘Meditate and listen to your Higher Self—you have worked hard and you deserve direct communication with Spirit. Meditate and allow Spirit to speak to you.’ “ To listen to Sherri’s interview on Soul Adnebture TV; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2TJniVNq6w. www.examiner.com/metaphysical-in-orlando/sherri-cortland Photo by: Heidi Winkler www.HeidiWinkler.com 14 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
PLEASE Don’t Buy Products that were tested on
For the list of all companies with PETA www.peta.org/living/beauty-and-personal-care/companies/default.aspx 15 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June
Language of Love
Ancient Keys of Promise to unlock Your Potential By Jan Diana 16 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Once upon a time there was young girl named Mary. She loved to play in the garden. She would dance, and sing to the flowers, the birds and the trees. It was her very own special place where she felt a freedom to just be as she desired. One day while she was playing, she felt a special presence and turned to see a beautiful woman standing beside her. Her excitement grew as she felt a special connection. “Hello” the beautiful woman said, “how are you this lovely day Mary?” She was a little surprised that the beautiful woman knew her name and yet she felt no fear. “I am wonderful” she said, “I am having so much fun playing here in this beautiful garden, it always brings me such joy.” “Yes, the beautiful woman said,” It is one of my favorite places to be as well”. They spent the afternoon together having a lovely visit. When it was time for Mary to go into her home, they agreed to meet again the next day. It soon became an everyday event where they talked about life experiences and had a delightful time.
happy here and I love our visits, I will miss this the most. How will I be able to know what the ideal life choices are for me while I am away from this beautiful garden and our daily visits?” The Beautiful Woman, smiled at her and said, “Dear Mary, You have the answers with you always, for within you is a beautiful golden treasure.” Mary felt such peace and joy as she realized that her friend, the Beautiful Woman would be with her wherever she went in life. Just like Mary, we each have within us is a golden treasure waiting to be discovered. This treasure can assist us in feeling peace, joy and in knowing ideal life choices. In quiet moments when we are in the sweetness of the silence, it is easier to hear more clearly the sweet song of that golden treasure.
There are many pathways to this treasure. Some are swift and some with many twists and turns, yet all pathways lead to its eventual discovery. Perhaps you are wondering, what is this treasure I speak of? The golden treasure is your authentic self, the truth of you, The years passed by as Mary grew up that sweet essence of love which is into a beautiful young woman. She perfect, capable of infinite possibilities had some important news to share and potentials, knows divine truth and with her friend today. She was preexists in timelessness. paring to go away to school. She asked the Beautiful Woman, “I am so
Many of you have discovered methods to connect with that sweet treasure, perhaps within stillness, in mediation, through prayer, in your garden, walking in nature or by other means. You may have experienced glimpses and yet know, feel, or have a sense that there is more to discover. Life is a quest for truth, a journey to discover the pathways back to the true self. How can we reach that treasure, to not only know our truth but to easily recognize and embrace it? Questions come to mind and we seek answers through many different means. Today, I am going to share with you a wonderful way that will assist in opening up gateways of understanding, and to gracefully embrace pathways of acceptance of your truth.
I discovered that the Language of Love is the Language of our Origin. It is sacred geometry, tones, vibrations, frequencies, and colors. It bypasses the parts of mind that hold mind chatter, speaking to our conscious mind and heart. It is recognized on so many levels as it is love, divine love. Love is the great healer and illuminator. All of Creation recognizes this language on so many levels. The Language of love is known by the cells of your body. Imagine the potential it has to bless and uplift your physical body and your life! A short while ago I was guided to begin to teach the Language of Love by introducing a mantra, Chanulanaha. Many of you may have seen me write it or speak it and perhaps wondered what it meant and why I used it so frequently. Chanulanaha is a sacred love mantra in the Language of Love. It is a gift, a sacred message from the Goddess Mother, “My Beloved Children, from my heart to your heart, remember who you are for you are love, you are my children of light.” Spoken as Chan u lana ha, the message continues. Chanulanaha, remembering the divine, we are love, we are one. In blessing you, I bless myself for we are one family in heart.
Several years ago, I began to speak another language. I was quite amazed at the time. I had heard some people speaking the Language of Light before and thought this must be what it was. It seemed to come very naturally to me. I became aware that I was channeling the Heavenly Mother, Goddess Creator and that this was the Mother’s language, her Language of Using this sacred mantra assists in shiftLove, the language of Origin. ing energy into greater harmony and balance, and alignment with your authentic I noticed how wonderful I felt when speak- self. You can use this love mantra to eling it. I also noticed that when I began to evate your vibration and experience the translate into English, the messages would blessings. It will bless you and your life in be in concepts, like packages; there really amazing ways. wasn’t a direct literal translation. I also became aware that people loved to hear the language, it brought them joy. It was as if it spoke to their hearts. 18 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Here are some ways to use Chanula- Many Radiant blessings, Chanulanaha! naha: To register for this gifted Class, “Language 1. It can be used as a chant, either silent of love, Ancient Keys to Unlock Your Poor with voice, with mala beads -108 times, tential” or for 3 min. 11 minutes is magical. go to my website: 2. You can think or say Chanulanaha www.sunshineinyourheart.com when you are in gratitude and joy. 3. You can think or say Chanulanaha when you are in discomfort. 4. You can bless yourself, everything in your life that you are happy with or not happy with. It is love, and blesses all, it blesses the cells of your body, blesses your home, blesses all in your life. 5. If you have someone you would like to assist, it is a love prayer, well wishes. You can bless family, friends, pets, anyone or anything. 6. You can share it with others and magic happens. Chan u lana ha! To assist you with using this amazing gift, I am offering a Free Class, “Language of love, Ancient Keys to Unlock Your Potential”. This is an opportunity to further develop using the sacred mantra Chanulanaha to bless you, your life, and the world. Experience a journey to meet your authentic self, make a conscious heart connection, and open gateways to further expand awareness of your unlimited potential. (Details follow)
About Jan Diana Jan Diana is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and master practitioner. Her mission is to assist clients and students in creating harmony, balance, heightened levels of clarity, develop innate gifts and abilities, empowering them on their personal evolution to create the dreams of their heart. She utilizes several modalities including SVH L3M, Animal healing, GHM, Language of love, Reiki Master, and more. If you have questions or would like to set up a session, you can reach her at website www.sunshineinyourheart.com
or by email Begin each day singing Chanulanaha, a sunsinyourheart@aol.com love song to you and all in your life and watch the many miracles unfold. I look for- Free meditation journeys ward to our next time together. May you http://www.sunshineinyourheart.com/ discover your golden treasure and experi- free_telecasts.html ence the joy of remembering your truth. 19 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
TELOS Telos is a magnificent underground city of a higher dimension beneath Mt Shasta in California. The Telosians wait for us to know about them and their way of life, also to unite with us. This can happen when we awaken and live together once again in harmony and peace as the world changes into more love and light; the time is approaching with the millennium shift and shifting of our frequencies to a higher level. What we see, feel and think will be different. The highly evolved beings of Telos are survivors who came from Lemuria which was situated in the Pacific Ocean before she was destroyed. Lemuria was the third Golden Age and at her height all was perfect, in harmony and very beautiful with wise souls from other universes. Sadly towards ‘end times’ of Lemuria many people had lost their innocence, had become greedy, controlling, dishonest and their vibrations very low. Those with loving vibrations in touch with Father God knew ahead but were not able to save their beautiful land. Some went to other dimensions or other lands before Lemuria was destroyed. Others still close to their Creator went to Telos, via underground tunnels and locks to the caverns. 20 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
City of Light Colleen Costello
ADAMA was an initiate in the temples at the height of ancient Lemuria. He is now the spiritual leader in Telos, the Sacred Lemurian Crystal City of Light. He is an ascended Master of Universal level, on the blue ray, and is a master of love and compassion. He works directly under Archangel Michael.
Adama works with the Galactics and along with his crew works with the crystalline grid around Gaia. Also with other Ascended Masters, Archangels and many more, work for ascension on Gaia. Terra Ra is the High Priestess.
During the years since the destruction of Lemuria, the Telosians have quickly evolved in consciousness as, unlike us, they are isolated from the aggressive races on Gaia. Though now we are going through great leaps in consciousness and the Telosians will be able to communicate with us. They are involved in earth’s ascension into greater light. They can astral travel and telecommunicate any distance; they have lived underground for thousands of years in peace and abundance with no sickness or much ageing - because their focused thoughts are of perfect health and positivity only. They have advanced technologies which simplify their lives and they have spacecraft. They are a perfect example of everything that LOVE can bring.
There are new very strong energies flooding to Gaia making transformations and changes in and around us.
Colleen Costello has spent the last 30 years writing and studying metaphysics. Her recollections from great teachers and personal experiences served as the inspiration for her two books; The Little Bright Lights – Mariah and Jo in Lemuria and Who We Are: A Long and Magical Journey. Costello currently lives near London, England, where she practices reflexology and other therapies.
The Telosians are spiritual warriors who Colleen’s new book “Who We Are” acknowledge the light within and can is avaliable now to purchase at; see each other’s light. Their resolve is to bring more light to earth – we also can bring in the light by focusing on it always. http://colleencostello.authorsxpress. com They understand LOVE is the key – to love http://www.amazon.com/Who-We-Aremagical... God, ourselves and our family of Gaia. http://bookstore.balboapress.com/ProdThey are assisting us to create for our- ucts/SKU-000485657/Who-We-Are.aspx selves a similar Paradise to that which Availability: they have in Telos. That we should try EBook: $3.99 to stay harmonious with all creation and Softcover: $12.99 nature, even if sometimes we have to Hardcover: $30.95 distance ourselves from conflicting situations. We will know when we are in harmony as nothing will trouble us - we have waited ages for all this to happen! 22 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Eden Magazine Pledge to donate 10% of proceeds to Various Organizations
Together we can make a Difference Find us in facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150642099915197&id=703825196#!/TheEdenmagazine 23 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
My neighb
By De www.de
I first met Richard when I moved into the trailer park in May 2010 after leaving an almost 22 year bruising relationship. Anxious about starting a new life, one I dreamt about for years, I fretted watching friends unpacked my meager belongings into my trailer. I hoped I’d be happy. Then Richard introduced himself and offered to help. “Thanks so much but we’re good for now,” I said. “Call me anytime,” he said. “My wife Carol and I are right across the way.” “I’m sure I’ll see you again.” That began a mutually enjoyable and neighborly relationship that ended today when the couple moved to Colorado to be with their children and grandchildren. I can’t stop the tears yet they’ve only been gone for a few hours. Without real24 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
izing it, Richard became my rock. I saw him nearly every day, starting in the wee hours of the morning. He was on his way to work when I took out my dog Midnight. She whined and waggled every time she saw him, always making Richard smile. Sometimes he’d share his dog’s snacks with her. That became an almost daily ritual for me and other dogs in the trailer park. Richard loved and spoiled them all. Richard and Carol had two small dogs, Jack Russell terriers named Buddy and Sarah who they doted on and treated like family. Sarah often barked at me as I passed their porch but when I was inside their home she rolled over for a belly rub. Richard always supported animal rescue events when I asked. Animal rescue is a big part of my life.
bor Richard
ebra J. White ebrajwhite.com
A few times Midnight scooted out the front door as I took out the trash or retrieved my mail. I always found her in Richard’s driveway, even if he wasn’t there. I never worried that she’d get lost. She always knew her second home. Because there is so little space between trailers, I always heard Richard arrive home around 4 p.m. If I was in my kitchen I peeked through the curtains to see him carry his lunch container out of his truck to the mail box, check the contents, then go inside to greet his own dogs. Carol his wife usually arrived an hour later. Sometimes Richard grilled steaks for dinner outside. The tantalizing smell of barbeque aroused my taste buds even though I’m a vegetarian.
Almost every Saturday morning Richard tinkered around in his man hut as he called the shed outside. Extremely handy he could fix almost anything that was broken. He constructed cabinets, repaired cars, and built birdhouses. Several times he fixed leaky wheels on my motorized scooter. I was in awe of his talent. At Christmas time he set up my tree and at the end of the holiday season, he dropped it at the disposal site about a mile away. We gossiped like old women. I trusted him like family. Naturally when I locked myself out and waited over an hour for maintenance to let me in I gave Richard a spare key for future emergencies. I felt safe knowing Richard was close by.
Richard’s son whose name I forget was in the military and had already served multiple tours in Iraq. I was always moved when Richard referred to him as “my boy.” No doubt he worried about his impending tour in Afghanistan that evidently was cancelled. Good, his son served enough already. It’s time to for his boy to stay home.
be closer to their children and grandchildren. If I had a loving family, I’d want to be near them too. For most of my life, I’ve never had a family connection. I have no idea what it even feels like. Reality edged closer when the ‘for sale’ sign went up. Then potential buyers browsed through the place. Finally there was a buyer and a deal was sealed.
Not only was Richard a devoted husband, father and friend, but he was fun and festive. He decorated two ceramic ducks in front of his trailer for every holiday. For the July 4th holiday they wore red white and blue outfits. At Easter they wore frilly pastel colors. Naturally for Christmas they were decked out in green and red. Richard’s outside area was festooned with lights, plants and throw rugs. Although it was a trailer like mine (but wider and newer), Richard made it a castle.
Richard and Carol bought a house in Colorado. They started to pack. Boxes were filled almost daily. Moving arrangements made. A date was set and I started to cry.
He walked Midnight a few times when my plans kept me away from home longer than expected. I always appreciated his kindness. Midnight did too. Richard confided in me about his family problems. I always listened. I told him about some of mine. I enjoyed his company. He was like both a friend and a brother. We exchanged favors for each other. I took in their mail when they took vacation. He watered my plants if I was away. That’s what good neighbors are for. News about their retirement hit me hard. Of course I understood they wanted to 26 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Part of me took a jolt today. For almost twenty two years my life went in circles. I moved again and again. I never put down roots because they were always uplifted. Animal rescue was the only comfort in my lopsided life. Without realizing it, my attachment just happened. Richard stepped in when I needed him because so many other friends are always too busy. They don’t have time. He was always around and I was glad for the companionship. I had lunch with my friend Neil. We’re both lifelong liberal Democrats. I said for crying out loud Neil he’s a Republican and look at me, I’m upset. I’ll really miss him and Carol. Thank you Richard for being a friend, neighbor and brother to a lonely old lady. I’m sorry you’re gone. So is my dog. I’m happy you’re with family. I wish I had loved ones like you to be near. Good luck buddy. I’ll always remember you.
Boldly colored and with unusual feather shapes, the drake mandarin duck is widely considered to be the most beautiful duck in the world. In Chinese culture, a pair of these birds symbolizes love, martial fidelity and relationship respect, all admirable qualities that these ducks demonstrate during the mating season as they work together to raise their ducklings.
brushy cover for adequate shelter. Mandarin ducks are native to eastern Asia and can be found year-round in Japan and Taiwan, with their summer range extending to include eastern Russia and Mongolia. In winter, migratory populations of mandarin ducks can be found in eastern China.
These are fairly quiet ducks but do have a short, high-pitched, breathy These perching ducks prefer wood- whistle call and a variety of clucks or ed habitat near inland lakes and riv- clicks that can be used as warnings or ers, typically with deciduous trees and calls.
Mandarin Duck
Everything is
Energy Healing With
Energy Laurie J. Brenner
Of course, you already know that everything is energy. You’d have to have your head in the sand if you didn’t. Quantum physics has proven that everything is connected, and we’re (each and every one of us) connected by this energy matrix. Some scientists call this the Field, some folks call in the Divine Matrix, others call it Source or Universe or even God. Whatever name you use, everything is energy and healing with energy, your emotions, your finances, your thoughts and focus, your body, mind, and spirit, just got a whole lot easier. 28 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
What Blocks Your Well Being? Wealth in old English means well being. Well being of body, emotions, mind, and spirit. We are complex creatures we human beings and we can create a many a convoluted life story in trying to get where we want to go. And along this journey, we pick up baggage that doesn’t belong to us, yet we carry it with us for the majority of our lives. We end up identifying with the luggage, thinking somehow that we are what we carry, what we experience, and what happens to us. When we do this, we are identifying ourselves with the wrong things. We Are Not What Has Happened To Us We aren’t - we are much bigger than that, but in order to make sure that we don’t shine too brightly, that we don’t bask in the brilliance that we are, we dim down our lights, we make ourselves less than how we are really seen by the the Universe. We play small to other people, places, and things, in hopes of getting through this life intact.
to move beyond what limits you? Are you ready to find what you want in life? You can do this and it’s very simple. There aren’t a lot of hoops to jump through and you do this by going back to the Source -- you do this by working with energy and healing with energy. We Are All Divine Children of the Universe Living a small life isn’t really the way to go about things. When you live small, you send a message out to the universe that somehow, you’re not worthy. It’s also the same message that you unconsciously send out to the energy matrix, the field -and it is what you will continue to experience in your life.
On the other hand, tuning into your brilliance and learning to live large (from a spiritual sense) will allow you to follow your passions, live a dream life, plug-in to the Energy Matrix that is freely and continually available to you 24/7 and have experiences you’ve never dreamed of. When If we don’t bring too much attention to our- you learn to live your life by being the real selves, maybe, just maybe, we’ll be able you you are sending a message to the to get what we want in life. Energy Matrix, to the Universe that you are worth it - and this message gets sent Unfortunately, playing small serves no- along the connecting fibers that connects one, not you, and not those around you. you to every one and every thing else. It raises the vibration for the whole. Let Your Light Shine You may be thinking how can I do this? Tuning into and raising the volume on The economy has tanked, my job sucks, I your brilliance eventually allows you to really don’t like the people I hang out with, be a position to help others do the same and I’m not even really sure of what I want thing. And that can be a wonderful feeling in life? How can I let my light shine when I -- helping those around you step into the don’t even know what it is that I like to do? fullness of their being. Does this sound like you? Are you ready 29 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
ANGEL OFPARTSTILLNESS 1 By Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song Artwork by Maryam Morrison 30 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Angel of Stillness Spread your wings of refuge around me Cover me with quiet… Flood me with contentment Only Spirit knows What each day will bring Therefore, help me to dwell in Equanimity Make my abode the Land of Peace… With Serenity in my heart May I ever live in Sacred Balance Calmly observing the waves of Divine Creation With each rising and outgoing breath May I accept the Law of Change that brings all moments Into birth, existence and continuous metamorphosis… Understanding this, may I surrender Each experience to perpetual re-birth Detached…Relinquishing expectations May I forever dwell trustingly In the Kingdom of Stillness Forever aware of Life’s nature To create change through cycles Angel of Stillness, saturate me with your Blessings… Even in the midst of tumultuous activity May I provide Equilibrium for all Life Fully established in the Wisdom Mind May I illuminate the path for all souls Until Endless Time… JAI JAI MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! 31 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
By Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song Artwork by Maryam Morrison
Dearest Angel of Stillness You live within me as the Sacred Breath… Oh Holy Breath of Life, flow through me freely, Unimpeded by the mind’s self-centered worries Blessed Angel of Stillness…just as you do May I compassionately exude Grace unto all Life Eternally nurturing the Universe with Tranquility Beyond words, beyond the surface of this world Beyond the illusion of endless waves of realities There is only stillness…a quiet that words cannot describe There…in that space…in that moment Time is stopped indefinitely The mind is silenced, as wandering thoughts vanish The past and future disappear… Oh Angel of Stillness, Your Flame of Peace Your torch of illumination, consumes all activity… Angel of Stillness Spread your wings of refuge around me… Forever, cover me with quiet Flood me with infinite, boundless Contentment… JAI JAI MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Do you remember the saying, ‘...to get to the fruit of the tree, sometimes you have to go ‘out on a limb...?’ How many times have we been told this in relation to our being afraid to undertake something that is considered a gamble? So many of us withdraw out of fear of being damaged, hurt or because we just don’t wish to take the chance of losing something or someone. In truth, there is ‘no losing.’ We are always safe.HOWEVER, it sure doesn’t always feel that way. We scheme, plan, and often stress at possible outcomes that never come to pass... all because we ‘worry’ that we may ‘lose.’ Worrying, however, is actually ‘praying for what we DON’T want!’ Creating the outcome we may dread or stress
over, only because when we worry, we are focusing on what we DO NOT want, rather than what we wish for. According to Universal Law, what we feel and focus on (and think about) manifests. Therefore, to be afraid is to bring that outcome directly into our experience. The term ‘Out on a Limb,’ now shows up with a greater meaning, for searching deeper, we find that going out on that limb means more than being brave. (Remember, bravery doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid...it just means you do it anyway!). What it really implies when viewing this term metaphysically is that to get what we truly wish for, one must place attention on what they WANT/wish for, rather than what they DO NOT WANT/not wish to experience.
By Elle Artwork by M
en Heller Maryam Morrison
It means coming up with ‘Whether you think the same answer again you can or can’t... and again and again, either way you are right.’ which is: ~Buddha “ENERGY FLOWS WHERE ONE’S ATTENTION GOES.” For the truth is this: going out on a limb (focusing on what we wish to experience, is what produces the ‘FRUIT’ on that ‘tree’.....to go out on a limb to get to the fruit of the tree is to focus our attention on what we want, which produces our dreams becoming our reality. Remember, going ‘out on a limb,’ means putting your attention ONLY ON AN OUTCOME YOU WISH TO EXPERIENCE.
Blessing To Contact Ellen please visit; www.spirit-minded.com Or visit her Blog at spiritmindedblog@ gmail.com
Remember, we ALWAYS get what we focus on... both bad and GOOD! Which brings us to another saying, for another ‘Realization,’ at another time, which is this:
WE, All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be, always desire to give you information that will aid you in the coming years of your spiritual global awakening. Fore, as stated in OUR recent offering to you, WE do have a certain vested interest in what occurs on Earth and to each of you as individuals. Therefore, as all of you walk into the NEW AGE of realization of your wonderful self and your wonderful others, WE must inform you of certain truths about your relationships. Some of these have been viewed as a master/slave/beast of burden relationship or coexistence for hundreds of years. Your connection to many, as you call them, animals, is in fact tied spiritually. Now, there are many of you that have remembered that there was something more to certain relationships than meets the eye. This is the reason that many began to use essential oils and other treatment modalities in treating horses, dogs, and other animals. As they started the use of the aforementioned, they found more connections to humans with these animals than thought before; particularly, horses. These truths are pivotal to the conservation of life on your planet. Fore, it is in these relationships that secrets long forgotten will be revisited and answers will be revealed to what many of you consider problems. These truths will assist you in reversing some of the harmonic damage done to mother/father Earth. A Contractual Scared Connection So WE speak to you now truths concerning 36 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013
Your Connecti
Elliott Eli J
ion to Horses
mankind’s relationship (love affair), WE will call it that, with horses (Equus ferus caballus). Of all the animals that you have and have had interactions with, it is these ones that have chosen through (spiritual contracts) to be explorational guides and companions to man and womankind; you are physical and spiritual heightened magnets for each other. And they have been by mankind’s side, come what may. Now, to be sure, other animals have also chosen to be and are companions that have assisted mankind through the years. However, horses have figuratively and literally carried the load and the man on its back. Horses do have a universal understanding of man, and vice versa. This often unspoken understanding requires no words fore, touch is the vital component of this relationship; it enhances the telepathic connection that you have with them. Now there is a deeper understanding of why so many today and in recent years have concentrated on healing horses. As more connections are seen into the therapeutic use of horses, the demand for them in the calming of the human spirit is much greater. WE tell you, horses can and do help with healing of humans on ALL LEVELS. Through your interaction with them, the release of stress and tension is possible. Because of the cosmic connection between horses and humans, many autistic children are helped. Through what you would understand as mental angelic implantation, certain healers 37 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013
have been given information about horses and how to assist them in healing themselves. All over your globe more understand the links between humans and horses. In searching, you have been able to discern that horses can heal themselves internally, in a natural fashion, with the help of conscious healers. Unspoken Connection There is also an unspoken connection designed by the universe. When WE placed within the mind of man to domesticate horses, they (horses) had been waiting for such. They had been anticipating your future together, in the sands of Africa and the Old West in the Americas; to be sure, WE fully understood that you would form a bond that is like no other of your sacred relationships on planet Earth. However, WE further inform you that dogs, as you understand the term, also have a universal contract with horses to assist them, ofttimes, in assisting you. That relationship will be explained to you at another time.
However, because of the horses and your ability to understand each other on an intuitive level, they have been used during warfare as well as just about every and any other human endeavor that has brought humankind to where you are today on planet Earth. Therefore, your communications and interactions with each other have evolved to a high vibrational level. Some would say, to the point of appearing that men seem to display an extension of power through their relationship with horses and women show an extension of their femininity through theirs. It is of course much deeper than that. Your relationship with horses is so deep that the future of your planet and its evolution depends on a more recognized communicative connection with them and others of your spiritually tied animal others.
WE, the universe, knew that horses speed and agility would assist you in escaping predators as you evolved as a species, and that their balance and strength would assist you in the transportation/moving of great loads from one place to another. Yes, WE, add that in other geographical locations on your planet, your Earth, other animals have an associated contract with horses to assist you with the aforemen- WE Love You! tioned, i.e. camels, mules, elephants, and the ostrich to name a few. 38 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind. Buddha Art by Maryam Morrison 39 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Beauty Tips A
Scents AndTheir 40 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
r Uses
By Debrah Dragon 41 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
If you have discovered the power of aromatherapy, you may already understand that certain scents can have a powerful affect on our life in many ways. If you have not discovered the power of aromatherapy, the delights await you. Aroma therapy is a certain branch of alternate medicine that aims to heal with the help of scents. Studies have shown that certain smells can stimulate certain parts of the brain than can trigger the healing effect of your body. Aroma therapy is a thousand year old science that has eventually developed into what is used today. It is effective at relieving your bodies stresses and tensions.
enhance and raise vibrations on a spiritual level, as well stimulate your clairvoyant side, concentration, focus, and protect your personal self. Clove - Clove drives away negatives and provides strength in memory. Frankincense - Frankincense will free your mind and body from habits and obsessions that are destructive, as well as instill blessings on a spiritual level, purify, exorcise, and protects.
Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus is used for healing of illness, depression, and hurt, it works particularly well for the flu or In this article, we will look at the many colds. benefits of the various scents included in aromatherapy. This will help you choose Heliotrope - Heliotrope is used for prowhich scents can make the biggest im- tection from harm, meditation, and inpact on your life and needs. creasing clairvoyance. Apple - Apple evokes wisdom, love, re- Jasmine - Jasmine attracts love on laxation, and peace of mind. a spiritual level, stimulates originality, creativity, cleanses your aura, and proBergamont - Bergamont brings protec- tects your psychic levels. tion to the user from any harm. Honeysuckle - Honeysuckle evokes Bayberry - Bayberry is for wealth and prosperity, intuition, and understanding. luck within life. Lavender - Lavender works to free your Cedar - Cedar is meant to give you both life from stress emotionally, instill peace protection from misfortune and misery, and calm in your life, increase your as well as confidence. awareness, heal headaches, and bring stability. Citronella - Citronella is to drive away insects and attract customers, as well as friends. Cinnamon - Cinnamon is used to 42 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Lilac - If you are looking to delve into Patchouli, Orange, Peppermint, Apple, past lives lilac can help, it brings the Musk, Cinnamon, Lavender, Clove, Jasgood spirits to you, helps your memory, mine, Gardenia, and Copal. and aids in making the right decisions. If you are looking for scents in regards Lemon - Lemon brings forth the spirits to success and money, you should try of protection. Sage, Allspice, Red Ginger, Almond, Pine, Bergamont, Lemon, Basil, HoneyMusk - Musk gives you passion, strength, suckle, Cinnamon, Dill, and Clover. confidence, and self assurance. For well-being and protection, try scents Orange - Orange is thought to raise such as Violet, Angelica, Sandalwood, power and instill harmony in life. Basil, Narcissi, Bay, Myrrh, Bayberry, Lilac, Carnation, Juniper, Cinnamon, Myrrh - Myrrh is a protector of evil. It in- Heather, Clove, Geranium, Coconut, stills peace and gives you the power to Gardenia, Dill, Frankincense, Eucalypunderstand your sadness. tus, and Dragon’s Blood. Pine - Pine is a cleansing sent.
For intuition and psychic awareness, you should try scents such as Valerian, Sage - Sage is also a cleanses sent that Anise, Sandalwood, Cedar, Rosemary, works to remove negatives and hone in Chamomile, Pine, Cinnamon, Pepperon positives. mint, Eucalyptus, Myrrh, Green Tea, Musk, Lavender, Lotus, Lime, and LemRose - Rose provides tranquility, har- ongrass. mony, peace, and endless love. Sandalwood - Sandalwood is calm- There are many places that offer aroma ing for the mind, protecting of the body, therapy, and most often these places works to clear, heal, and stimulate the are cost effective and effectively cure inner being. many forms of illnesses. Aroma therapy is a great way to relive muscle pains and Vanilla - Vanilla is an energizing scent, it muscle tensions, along with head aches is great for fortune, luck, and happiness. and flues. In order for aroma therapy to be successful you will require multiple Sweetgrass - Sweetgrass helps in sessions which will gradually relieve you transformations and spiritual blessings. of your illness. Aroma therapy is probably the most fun Overall, if you are looking for scents to way to get cured of your illness. help your relationship and love life, you should focus on scents like Ylang Ylang, White Jasmine, Vanilla, Rose, Rain, 43 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2013
Vafa Shelter
Needs your help, many beautiful animals waiting for a loving home.
For adoption please contact: http://www.cal.ir/ ~ http://cal.ir/main/fa/contact ~ http://cal.ir/main/en/contact